1 /* EINA - EFL data type library
2  * Copyright (C) 2012 Cedric Bail
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15  * License along with this library;
16  * if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 #ifndef EINA_THREAD_H_
20 #define EINA_THREAD_H_
22 #include "eina_config.h"
23 #include "eina_types.h"
24 #include "eina_error.h"
26 #include <stdint.h>
28 /**
29  * @defgroup Eina_Thread_Group Thread
30  * @ingroup Eina_Tools_Group
31  *
32  * Abstracts platform threads, providing a uniform API. It's modeled
33  * after POSIX THREADS (pthreads), on Linux they are almost 1:1
34  * mapping.
35  *
36  * @see @ref Eina_Lock_Group for mutex/locking abstraction.
37  *
38  * @since 1.8
39  * @{
40  */
42 /**
43  * @typedef Eina_Thread
44  * Type for a generic thread.
45  */
46 typedef uintptr_t Eina_Thread;
48 /**
49  * @typedef Eina_Thread_Cb
50  * Type for the definition of a thread callback function
51  */
52 typedef void *(*Eina_Thread_Cb)(void *data, Eina_Thread t);
54 /**
55  * @typedef Eina_Thread_Priority
56  * Type to enumerate different thread priorities
57  */
58 typedef enum _Eina_Thread_Priority
59 {
60   EINA_THREAD_URGENT,     /**< Higher than average process priority */
61   EINA_THREAD_NORMAL,     /**< Standard process priority */
62   EINA_THREAD_BACKGROUND, /**< Lower than average process priority */
63   EINA_THREAD_IDLE        /**< Thread to be executed only when the processor is idle */
64 } Eina_Thread_Priority;
66 /**
67  * @brief Returns identifier of the current thread.
68  * @return identifier of current thread.
69  * @since 1.8
70  */
71 EAPI Eina_Thread eina_thread_self(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
73 /**
74  * @brief Checks if two thread identifiers are the same.
75  * @param[in] t1 first thread identifier to compare.
76  * @param[in] t2 second thread identifier to compare.
77  * @return #EINA_TRUE if they are equal, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
78  * @since 1.8
79  */
80 EAPI Eina_Bool eina_thread_equal(Eina_Thread t1, Eina_Thread t2) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
82 /**
83  * @brief Creates a new thread, setting its priority and affinity.
84  *
85  * @param[out] t where to return the thread identifier. Must @b not be @c NULL.
86  * @param[in] prio thread priority to use, usually EINA_THREAD_BACKGROUND
87  * @param[in] affinity thread affinity to use. To not set affinity use @c -1.
88  * @param[in] func function to run in the thread. Must @b not be @c NULL.
89  * @param[in] data context data to provide to @a func as first argument.
90  * @return #EINA_TRUE if thread was created, #EINA_FALSE on errors.
91  * @since 1.8
92  */
93 EAPI Eina_Bool eina_thread_create(Eina_Thread *t,
94                                   Eina_Thread_Priority prio, int affinity,
95                                   Eina_Thread_Cb func, const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 4) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
97 /**
98  * @brief The return value of eina_thread_join() if it was canceled with
99  * eina_thread_cancel().
100  *
101  * A thread must be explicitly flagged as cancellable with
102  * eina_thread_cancellable_set(), by default it's not and this value
103  * shouldn't be returned.
104  *
105  * @see eina_thread_join()
106  *
107  * @since 1.19
108  */
109 EAPI extern const void *EINA_THREAD_JOIN_CANCELED;
111 /**
112  * @brief Joins a currently running thread, waiting until it finishes.
113  *
114  * This function will block the current thread until @a t
115  * finishes. The returned value is the one returned by @a t @c func()
116  * and may be @c NULL on errors. See @ref Eina_Error_Group to identify
117  * problems.
118  *
119  * @param[in] t thread identifier to wait.
120  * @return value returned by @a t creation function @c func() or
121  *         @c NULL on errors. Check error with @ref Eina_Error_Group.
122  *         If the thread was canceled, it will return
124  * @since 1.8
125  */
126 EAPI void *eina_thread_join(Eina_Thread t);
128 /**
129  * @brief Sets the name of a given thread for debugging purposes.
130  *
131  * This maps to the pthread_setname_np() GNU extension or similar
132  * if available. The name may be limited in size (possibly 16
133  * characters including the null byte terminator). This is useful
134  * for debugging to name a thread so external tools can display a
135  * meaningful name attached to the thread.
136  *
137  * @param[in] t thread to set the name of
138  * @param[in] name a string to name the thread - this cannot be NULL
139  * @return EINA_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the name or EINA_FALSE
140  *         otherwise.
141  * @since 1.16
142  */
143 EAPI Eina_Bool eina_thread_name_set(Eina_Thread t, const char *name);
145 /**
146  * @brief Attempts to cancel a running thread.
147  *
148  * This function sends a cancellation request to the thread, however
149  * that request is only fulfilled if the thread is cancellable
150  * (eina_thread_cancellable_set() with EINA_TRUE as first parameter)
151  * and it will wait for a cancellation point, be
152  * eina_thread_cancel_checkpoint() or some syscall as defined in
153  * man:pthreads(7).
154  *
155  * A thread that was canceled will return EINA_THREAD_JOIN_CANCELED
156  * when eina_thread_join() is called.
157  *
158  * @param[in] t Thread to cancel.
159  *
160  * @return EINA_FALSE if thread was not running, EINA_TRUE
161  *         otherwise. Note that if a thread is not cancellable and it
162  *         is running, this function will return EINA_TRUE!
163  *
164  * @since 1.19
165  */
166 EAPI Eina_Bool eina_thread_cancel(Eina_Thread t);
168 /**
169  * @brief Enables or disables if the current thread can be canceled.
170  *
171  * By default eina_thread_create() will return a thread with
172  * cancellation disabled. One can enable the cancellation by using
173  * EINA_TRUE in @a cancellable.
174  *
175  * Eina threads follow pthread_setcanceltype()
176  * PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, that is, the actual termination will wait
177  * for a cancellation point, usually a syscall defined in
178  * man:pthreads(7) or an explicit cancellation point defined with
179  * eina_thread_cancel_checkpoint().
180  *
181  * In order to provide cleanup around critical blocks use
183  * (which maps to pthread_cleanup_push() and pthread_cleanup_pop()),
184  * or the helper function eina_thread_cancellable_run() which does the
185  * pair for you.
186  *
187  * @param[in] cancellable If EINA_TRUE, this thread will be accept
188  *        cancellation requests. If EINA_FALSE -- the default, it will
189  *        ignore cancellation requests.
190  * @param[in] was_cancellable If non-NULL, will return the previous state,
191  *        shall you want to restore.
192  *
193  * @return EINA_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the cancellable state
194  *        or EINA_FALSE otherwise.
195  *
196  * @see eina_thread_cancel_checkpoint()
199  * @see eina_thread_cancellable_run()
200  * @see eina_thread_cancel()
201  *
202  * @since 1.19
203  */
204 EAPI Eina_Bool eina_thread_cancellable_set(Eina_Bool cancellable, Eina_Bool *was_cancellable);
206 /**
207  * If the current thread is cancellable, this introduces a
208  * cancellation check point. Otherwise it's a no-operation.
209  *
210  * Eina threads follow pthread_setcanceltype()
211  * PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, that is, the actual termination will wait
212  * for a cancellation point, usually a syscall defined in
213  * man:pthreads(7) or an explicit cancellation point defined with this
214  * function.
215  *
216  * @see eina_thread_cancel_checkpoint()
217  *
218  * @since 1.19
219  */
220 EAPI void eina_thread_cancel_checkpoint(void);
222 /**
223  * @def EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH(cleanup, data)
224  *
225  * @brief Pushes a cleanup function to be executed when the thread is
226  * canceled.
227  *
228  * This macro will schedule a function cleanup(data) to be executed if
229  * the thread is canceled with eina_thread_cancel() and the thread
230  * was previously marked as cancellable with
231  * eina_thread_cancellable_set().
232  *
233  * It @b must be paired with EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_POP() in the same
234  * code block as they will expand to do {} while ()!
235  *
236  * The cleanup function may also be executed if
238  *
239  * @note If the block within EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH() and
240  *       EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_POP() returns, the cleanup callback will
241  *       @b not be executed! To avoid problems prefer to use
242  *       eina_thread_cancellable_run()!
243  *
244  * @param[in] cleanup The function to execute on cancellation.
245  * @param[in] data The context to give to cleanup function.
246  *
247  * @see eina_thread_cancellable_run()
248  *
249  * @since 1.19
250  */
251 #define EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH(cleanup, data) \
252   pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup, data)
254 /**
255  * @def EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_POP(exec_cleanup)
256  *
257  * @brief Pops a cleanup function to be executed when the thread is
258  * canceled.
259  *
260  * This macro will remove a previously pushed cleanup function, thus
261  * if the thread is canceled with eina_thread_cancel() and the thread
262  * was previously marked as cancellable with
263  * eina_thread_cancellable_set(), that cleanup won't be executed
264  * anymore.
265  *
266  * It @b must be paired with EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH() in the same
267  * code block as they will expand to do {} while ()!
268  *
269  * @note If the block within EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH() and
270  *       EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_POP() returns, the cleanup callback will
271  *       @b not be executed even if exec_cleanup is EINA_TRUE! To
272  *       avoid problems prefer to use eina_thread_cancellable_run()!
273  *
274  * @param[in] exec_cleanup if EINA_TRUE, the function registered with
275  *        EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH() will be executed.
276  *
277  * @see eina_thread_cancellable_run()
278  *
279  * @since 1.19
280  */
281 #define EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_POP(exec_cleanup) \
282   pthread_cleanup_pop(exec_cleanup)
284 /**
285  * @typedef Eina_Thread_Cancellable_Run_Cb
286  * Type for the definition of a cancellable callback to run.
287  *
288  * @since 1.19
289  */
290 typedef void *(*Eina_Thread_Cancellable_Run_Cb)(void *data);
292 /**
293  * This function will setup cleanup callback, turn the thread
294  * cancellable, execute the given callback, reset the cancellable
295  * state to its old value, run the cleanup callback and then return
296  * the callback return value.
297  *
298  * @note cleanup_cb is configured @b before the thread is made
299  *       cancellable, thus it @b will be executed while @a cb may not
300  *       in the case the thread was already canceled and that was
301  *       pending.
302  *
303  * This helper does exactly the following code. Should you need a
304  * slightly different behavior, use the base calls yourself.
305  *
306  * @code
307  *    Eina_Bool old = EINA_FALSE;
308  *    void *ret;
309  *
310  *    EINA_THREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH(cleanup_cb, data);
311  *    eina_thread_cancellable_set(EINA_TRUE, &old); // is a cancellation point
312  *    ret = cb(data); // may not run if was previously canceled
314  *    eina_thread_cancellable_set(old, NULL);
315  *    return ret;
316  * @endcode
317  *
318  * @param[in] cb a cancellable callback to possibly run. The callback @b
319  *        may not be executed if the thread had a pending cancellation
320  *        request. During its execution the callback may be canceled
321  *        at explicit cancellation points using
322  *        eina_thread_cancel_checkpoint(), as well as some syscalls
323  *        defined in man:pthreads(7).
324  * @param[in] cleanup_cb a cleanup callback to be executed regardless of
325  *        the thread being canceled or not. This function will be
326  *        executed even if @a cb wasn't.
327  * @param[in] data context to give to both @a cb and @a cleanup_cb.
328  *
329  * @return the return value of @a cb. If the thread was canceled,
330  *         this function will not return.
331  *
332  * @since 1.19
333  */
334 EAPI void *eina_thread_cancellable_run(Eina_Thread_Cancellable_Run_Cb cb, Eina_Free_Cb cleanup_cb, void *data);
336 /**
337  * @}
338  */
340 #endif