1 #ifndef EMILE_IMAGE_H
2 #define EMILE_IMAGE_H
4 /**
5  * @defgroup Emile_Image_Group Top level functions
6  * @ingroup Emile
7  * Function that allow reading/saving image.
8  *
9  * @{
10  */
12 /**
13  * @typedef Emile_Colorspace
14  *
15  * Flags that describe all colorspace known by EFL. Some routine may not know all of them.
16  * All the value from below enum should be the same as in Evas_Loader.h
17  *
18  * @see Evas_Colorspace
19  * @see Eet_Colorspace
20  *
21  * @since 1.14
22  */
23 typedef enum _Emile_Colorspace
24 {
25   EMILE_COLORSPACE_ARGB8888,/**< ARGB 32 bits per pixel, high-byte is Alpha, accessed 1 32bit word at a time */
26   EMILE_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P601_PL, /**< YCbCr 4:2:2 Planar, ITU.BT-601 specifications. The data pointed to is just an array of row pointer, pointing to the Y rows, then the Cb, then Cr rows */
27   EMILE_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422P709_PL, /**< YCbCr 4:2:2 Planar, ITU.BT-709 specifications. The data pointed to is just an array of row pointer, pointing to the Y rows, then the Cb, then Cr rows */
28   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGB565_A5P, /**< 16bit rgb565 + Alpha plane at end - 5 bits of the 8 being used per alpha byte */
30   EMILE_COLORSPACE_YCBCR422601_PL, /**<  YCbCr 4:2:2, ITU.BT-601 specifications. The data pointed to is just an array of row pointer, pointing to line of Y,Cb,Y,Cr bytes */
31   EMILE_COLORSPACE_YCBCR420NV12601_PL, /**< YCbCr 4:2:0, ITU.BT-601 specification. The data pointed to is just an array of row pointer, pointing to the Y rows, then the Cb,Cr rows. */
32   EMILE_COLORSPACE_YCBCR420TM12601_PL, /**< YCbCr 4:2:0, ITU.BT-601 specification. The data pointed to is just an array of tiled row pointer, pointing to the Y rows, then the Cb,Cr rows. */
33   EMILE_COLORSPACE_AGRY88 = 8, /**< AY 8bits Alpha and 8bits Grey, accessed 1 16bits at a time */
34   EMILE_COLORSPACE_ETC1 = 9, /**< OpenGL ETC1 encoding of RGB texture (4 bit per pixel) @since 1.10 */
35   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGB8_ETC2 = 10, /**< OpenGL GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 texture compression format (4 bit per pixel) @since 1.10 */
36   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC = 11,	/**< OpenGL GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC texture compression format, supports alpha (8 bit per pixel) @since 1.10 */
37   EMILE_COLORSPACE_ETC1_ALPHA = 12, /**< ETC1 with alpha support using two planes: ETC1 RGB and ETC1 grey for alpha @since 1.11 */
38   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGB_S3TC_DXT1 = 13,	/**< OpenGL COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format with RGB only. @since 1.11 */
39   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1 = 14,	/**< OpenGL COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format with RGBA punchthrough. @since 1.11 */
40   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT2 = 15,	/**< DirectDraw DXT2 format with premultiplied RGBA. Not supported by OpenGL itself. @since 1.11 */
41   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3 = 16,	/**< OpenGL COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT format with RGBA. @since 1.11 */
42   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT4 = 17,	/**< DirectDraw DXT4 format with premultiplied RGBA. Not supported by OpenGL itself. @since 1.11 */
43   EMILE_COLORSPACE_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5 = 18	/**< OpenGL COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT format with RGBA. @since 1.11 */
44 } Emile_Colorspace;
46 /**
47  * @typedef Emile_Image_Encoding
48  *
49  * Flags that describe the supported encoding. Some routine may not know all of them.
50  * The value are the same as the one provided before in Eet.h
51  *
52  * @see Eet_Image_Encoding
53  *
54  * @since 1.14
55  */
56 typedef enum _Emile_Image_Encoding
57 {
60   EMILE_IMAGE_ETC1 = 2,
64 } Emile_Image_Encoding;
66 /**
67  * @typedef Emile_Image_Scale_Hint
68  *
69  * Flags that describe the scale hint used by the loader infrastructure.
70  *
71  * @see Evas_Image_Scale_Hint
72  *
73  * @since 1.14
74  */
75 typedef enum _Emile_Image_Scale_Hint
76 {
77   EMILE_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_NONE = 0, /**< No scale hint at all */
78   EMILE_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_DYNAMIC = 1, /**< Image is being re-scaled over time, thus turning scaling cache @b off for its data */
79   EMILE_IMAGE_SCALE_HINT_STATIC = 2 /**< Image is not being re-scaled over time, thus turning scaling cache @b on for its data */
80 } Emile_Image_Scale_Hint;
82 /**
83  * @typedef Emile_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint
84  *
85  * Flags describing the behavior of animation from a loaded image.
86  *
87  * @see Evas_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint
88  *
89  * @since 1.14
90  */
91 typedef enum _Emile_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint
92 {
96 } Emile_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint;
98 /**
99  * @typedef Emile_Image_Load_Error
100  *
101  * Flags describing error state as discovered by an image loader.
102  *
103  * @see Evas_Load_Error
104  *
105  * @since 1.14
106  */
107 typedef enum _Emile_Image_Load_Error
108 {
109   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_NONE = 0,  /**< No error on load */
110   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_GENERIC = 1,  /**< A non-specific error occurred */
111   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 2,  /**< File (or file path) does not exist */
112   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED = 3,	 /**< Permission denied to an existing file (or path) */
113   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED = 4,  /**< Allocation of resources failure prevented load */
114   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE = 5,  /**< File corrupt (but was detected as a known format) */
115   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 6,  /**< File is not a known format */
116   EMILE_IMAGE_LOAD_ERROR_CANCELLED = 7 /**< File loading has been cancelled */
117 } Emile_Image_Load_Error; /**< Emile image load error codes one can get - see emile_load_error_str() too. */
119 /**
120  * @typedef Emile_Image
121  *
122  * Internal type representing an opened image.
123  *
124  * @since 1.14
125  */
126 typedef struct _Emile_Image Emile_Image;
128 /**
129  * @typedef Emile_Image_Load_Opts
130  *
131  * Description of the possible load option.
132  *
133  * @since 1.14
134  */
135 typedef struct _Emile_Image_Load_Opts Emile_Image_Load_Opts;
137 /**
138  * @typedef Emile_Image_Animated
139  *
140  * Description animation.
141  *
142  * @since 1.14
143  */
144 typedef struct _Emile_Image_Animated Emile_Image_Animated;
146 /**
147  * @typedef Emile_Image_Property
148  *
149  * Description of a loaded image property.
150  *
151  * @since 1.14
152  */
153 typedef struct _Emile_Image_Property Emile_Image_Property;
155 /**
156  * @enum _Emile_Action
157  * @typedef Emile_Action
158  * What action emile is referring to.
159  * @since 1.19
160  */
161 typedef enum _Emile_Action
162 {
165 } Emile_Action;
167 /**
168  * @typedef Emile_Action_Cb
169  * A callback triggered by emile to learn what to do about a specific action.
170  * @since 1.19
171  */
172 typedef Eina_Bool (*Emile_Action_Cb)(void *data, Emile_Image *image, Emile_Action action);
174 struct _Emile_Image_Property
175 {
176   struct
177   {
178     unsigned char l, r, t, b;
179   } borders;
181   const Emile_Colorspace *cspaces;
182   Emile_Colorspace cspace;
184   Emile_Image_Encoding encoding;
186   unsigned int w;
187   unsigned int h;
188   unsigned int row_stride;
190   unsigned char scale;
192   Eina_Bool rotated;
193   Eina_Bool alpha;
194   Eina_Bool premul;
195   Eina_Bool alpha_sparse;
197   Eina_Bool flipped;
198   Eina_Bool comp;
199 };
201 struct _Emile_Image_Animated
202 {
203   Eina_List *frames;
205   Emile_Image_Animated_Loop_Hint loop_hint;
207   int frame_count;
208   int loop_count;
209   int cur_frame;
211   Eina_Bool animated;
212 };
214 struct _Emile_Image_Load_Opts
215 {
216   Eina_Rectangle region;
217   struct
218   {
219     int src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h;
220     int dst_w, dst_h;
221     int smooth;
223     /* This should have never been part of this structure, but we keep it
224        for ABI/API compatibility with Evas_Loader */
225     Emile_Image_Scale_Hint scale_hint;
226   } scale_load;
227   double dpi;
228   unsigned int w, h;
229   unsigned int degree;
230   int scale_down_by;
232   Eina_Bool orientation;
233 };
235 // FIXME: should we set region at load time, instead of head time
236 // FIXME: should we regive the animated structure for head and data ?
238 /**
239  * Open a TGV image from memory.
240  *
241  * @param source The Eina_Binbuf with TGV image in it.
242  * @param opts Load option for the image to open (it can be @c NULL).
243  * @param animated Description of the image animation property, set during head reading and updated for each frame read by data (can be @c NULL)
244  * @param error Contain a valid error code if the function return @c NULL.
245  * @return a handler of the image if successfully opened, otherwise @c NULL.
246  *
247  * @since 1.14
248  */
249 EAPI Emile_Image *emile_image_tgv_memory_open(Eina_Binbuf * source, Emile_Image_Load_Opts * opts, Emile_Image_Animated * animated, Emile_Image_Load_Error * error);
251 /**
252  * Open a TGV image from a file.
253  *
254  * @param source The Eina_File with TGV image in it.
255  * @param opts Load option for the image to open (it can be @c NULL).
256  * @param animated Description of the image animation property, set during head reading and updated for each frame read by data (can be @c NULL)
257  * @param error Contain a valid error code if the function return @c NULL.
258  * @return a handler of the image if successfully opened, otherwise @c NULL.
259  *
260  * @since 1.14
261  */
262 EAPI Emile_Image *emile_image_tgv_file_open(Eina_File * source, Emile_Image_Load_Opts * opts, Emile_Image_Animated * animated, Emile_Image_Load_Error * error);
265 /**
266  * Open a JPEG image from memory.
267  *
268  * @param source The Eina_Binbuf with JPEG image in it.
269  * @param opts Load option for the image to open (it can be @c NULL).
270  * @param animated Description of the image animation property, set during head reading and updated for each frame read by data (can be @c NULL)
271  * @param error Contain a valid error code if the function return @c NULL.
272  * @return a handler of the image if successfully opened, otherwise @c NULL.
273  *
274  * @since 1.14
275  */
276 EAPI Emile_Image *emile_image_jpeg_memory_open(Eina_Binbuf * source, Emile_Image_Load_Opts * opts, Emile_Image_Animated * animated, Emile_Image_Load_Error * error);
278 /**
279  * Open a JPEG image from file.
280  *
281  * @param source The Eina_File with JPEG image in it.
282  * @param opts Load option for the image to open (it can be @c NULL).
283  * @param animated Description of the image animation property, set during head reading and updated for each frame read by data (can be @c NULL)
284  * @param error Contain a valid error code if the function return @c NULL.
285  * @return a handler of the image if successfully opened, otherwise @c NULL.
286  *
287  * @since 1.14
288  */
289 EAPI Emile_Image *emile_image_jpeg_file_open(Eina_File * source, Emile_Image_Load_Opts * opts, Emile_Image_Animated * animated, Emile_Image_Load_Error * error);
291 /**
292  * Read the header of an image to fill Emile_Image_Property.
293  *
294  * @param image The Emile_Image handler.
295  * @param prop The Emile_Image_Property to be filled.
296  * @param property_size The size of the Emile_Image_Property as known during compilation.
297  * @param error Contain a valid error code if the function return @c NULL.
298  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if the header was successfully readed and prop properly filled.
299  *
300  * @since 1.14
301  */
302 EAPI Eina_Bool emile_image_head(Emile_Image * image, Emile_Image_Property * prop, unsigned int property_size, Emile_Image_Load_Error * error);
304 /**
305  * Read the pixels from an image file.
306  *
307  * @param image The Emile_Image handler.
308  * @param prop The property to respect while reading this pixels.
309  * @param property_size The size of the Emile_Image_Property as known during compilation.
310  * @param pixels The actual pointer to the already allocated pixels buffer to fill.
311  * @param error Contain a valid error code if the function return @c NULL.
312  * @return @c EINA_TRUE if the data was successfully read and the pixels correctly filled.
313  *
314  * @since 1.14
315  */
316 EAPI Eina_Bool emile_image_data(Emile_Image * image, Emile_Image_Property * prop, unsigned int property_size, void *pixels, Emile_Image_Load_Error * error);
318 /**
319  * Register a callback for emile to ask what to do during the processing of an image
320  *
321  * @param image The Emile_Image handler to register on.
322  * @param callback The callback to use
323  * @param action The action this callback is triggered on.
324  * @since 1.19
325  */
326 EAPI void emile_image_callback_set(Emile_Image *image, Emile_Action_Cb callback, Emile_Action action, const void *data);
328 /**
329  * Close an opened image handler.
330  *
331  * @param source The handler to close.
332  *
333  * @since 1.14
334  */
335 EAPI void emile_image_close(Emile_Image * source);
337 /**
338  * Convert an error code related to an image handler into a meaningful string.
339  *
340  * @param source The handler related to the error (can be @c NULL).
341  * @param error The error code to get a message from.
342  * @return a string that will be owned by Emile, either by the handler if it is not @c NULL or by the library directly if it is.
343  *
344  * @since 1.14
345  */
346 EAPI const char *emile_load_error_str(Emile_Image * source, Emile_Image_Load_Error error);
348 /**
349  * @}
350  */
352 #endif