1 //===----- EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager.cpp - EPC-bbasde MemMgr -----===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager.h"
10 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/EPCGenericMemoryAccess.h"
11 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/OrcRTBridge.h"
12 #include "llvm/Support/Alignment.h"
13 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
15 #define DEBUG_TYPE "orc"
17 using namespace llvm::orc::shared;
19 namespace llvm {
20 namespace orc {
22 Expected<std::unique_ptr<EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager>>
CreateWithDefaultBootstrapSymbols(ExecutorProcessControl & EPC)23 EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::CreateWithDefaultBootstrapSymbols(
24     ExecutorProcessControl &EPC) {
25   SymbolAddrs SAs;
26   if (auto Err = EPC.getBootstrapSymbols(
27           {{SAs.Instance, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerInstanceName},
28            {SAs.Reserve, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerReserveWrapperName},
29            {SAs.Finalize, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerFinalizeWrapperName},
30            {SAs.Deallocate,
31             rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerDeallocateWrapperName},
32            {SAs.RegisterEHFrame, rt::RegisterEHFrameSectionWrapperName},
33            {SAs.DeregisterEHFrame, rt::DeregisterEHFrameSectionWrapperName}}))
34     return std::move(Err);
35   return std::make_unique<EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager>(EPC, std::move(SAs));
36 }
EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager(ExecutorProcessControl & EPC,SymbolAddrs SAs)38 EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager(
39     ExecutorProcessControl &EPC, SymbolAddrs SAs)
40     : EPC(EPC), SAs(std::move(SAs)) {
41   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Created remote allocator " << (void *)this << "\n");
42 }
~EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager()44 EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::~EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager() {
45   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Destroyed remote allocator " << (void *)this << "\n");
46   if (!ErrMsg.empty())
47     errs() << "Destroying with existing errors:\n" << ErrMsg << "\n";
49   Error Err = Error::success();
50   if (auto Err2 = EPC.callSPSWrapper<
51                   rt::SPSSimpleExecutorMemoryManagerDeallocateSignature>(
52           SAs.Reserve, Err, SAs.Instance, FinalizedAllocs)) {
53     // FIXME: Report errors through EPC once that functionality is available.
54     logAllUnhandledErrors(std::move(Err2), errs(), "");
55     return;
56   }
58   if (Err)
59     logAllUnhandledErrors(std::move(Err), errs(), "");
60 }
allocateCodeSection(uintptr_t Size,unsigned Alignment,unsigned SectionID,StringRef SectionName)62 uint8_t *EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::allocateCodeSection(
63     uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment, unsigned SectionID,
64     StringRef SectionName) {
65   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
67     dbgs() << "Allocator " << (void *)this << " allocating code section "
68            << SectionName << ": size = " << formatv("{0:x}", Size)
69            << " bytes, alignment = " << Alignment << "\n";
70   });
71   auto &Seg = Unmapped.back().CodeAllocs;
72   Seg.emplace_back(Size, Alignment);
73   return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(
74       alignAddr(Seg.back().Contents.get(), Align(Alignment)));
75 }
allocateDataSection(uintptr_t Size,unsigned Alignment,unsigned SectionID,StringRef SectionName,bool IsReadOnly)77 uint8_t *EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::allocateDataSection(
78     uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment, unsigned SectionID,
79     StringRef SectionName, bool IsReadOnly) {
80   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
82     dbgs() << "Allocator " << (void *)this << " allocating "
83            << (IsReadOnly ? "ro" : "rw") << "-data section " << SectionName
84            << ": size = " << formatv("{0:x}", Size) << " bytes, alignment "
85            << Alignment << ")\n";
86   });
88   auto &Seg =
89       IsReadOnly ? Unmapped.back().RODataAllocs : Unmapped.back().RWDataAllocs;
91   Seg.emplace_back(Size, Alignment);
92   return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(
93       alignAddr(Seg.back().Contents.get(), Align(Alignment)));
94 }
reserveAllocationSpace(uintptr_t CodeSize,Align CodeAlign,uintptr_t RODataSize,Align RODataAlign,uintptr_t RWDataSize,Align RWDataAlign)96 void EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::reserveAllocationSpace(
97     uintptr_t CodeSize, Align CodeAlign, uintptr_t RODataSize,
98     Align RODataAlign, uintptr_t RWDataSize, Align RWDataAlign) {
100   {
101     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
102     // If there's already an error then bail out.
103     if (!ErrMsg.empty())
104       return;
106     if (CodeAlign > EPC.getPageSize()) {
107       ErrMsg = "Invalid code alignment in reserveAllocationSpace";
108       return;
109     }
110     if (RODataAlign > EPC.getPageSize()) {
111       ErrMsg = "Invalid ro-data alignment in reserveAllocationSpace";
112       return;
113     }
114     if (RWDataAlign > EPC.getPageSize()) {
115       ErrMsg = "Invalid rw-data alignment in reserveAllocationSpace";
116       return;
117     }
118   }
120   uint64_t TotalSize = 0;
121   TotalSize += alignTo(CodeSize, EPC.getPageSize());
122   TotalSize += alignTo(RODataSize, EPC.getPageSize());
123   TotalSize += alignTo(RWDataSize, EPC.getPageSize());
125   LLVM_DEBUG({
126     dbgs() << "Allocator " << (void *)this << " reserving "
127            << formatv("{0:x}", TotalSize) << " bytes.\n";
128   });
130   Expected<ExecutorAddr> TargetAllocAddr((ExecutorAddr()));
131   if (auto Err = EPC.callSPSWrapper<
132                  rt::SPSSimpleExecutorMemoryManagerReserveSignature>(
133           SAs.Reserve, TargetAllocAddr, SAs.Instance, TotalSize)) {
134     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
135     ErrMsg = toString(std::move(Err));
136     return;
137   }
138   if (!TargetAllocAddr) {
139     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
140     ErrMsg = toString(TargetAllocAddr.takeError());
141     return;
142   }
144   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
145   Unmapped.push_back(SectionAllocGroup());
146   Unmapped.back().RemoteCode = {
147       *TargetAllocAddr, ExecutorAddrDiff(alignTo(CodeSize, EPC.getPageSize()))};
148   Unmapped.back().RemoteROData = {
149       Unmapped.back().RemoteCode.End,
150       ExecutorAddrDiff(alignTo(RODataSize, EPC.getPageSize()))};
151   Unmapped.back().RemoteRWData = {
152       Unmapped.back().RemoteROData.End,
153       ExecutorAddrDiff(alignTo(RWDataSize, EPC.getPageSize()))};
154 }
needsToReserveAllocationSpace()156 bool EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::needsToReserveAllocationSpace() {
157   return true;
158 }
registerEHFrames(uint8_t * Addr,uint64_t LoadAddr,size_t Size)160 void EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::registerEHFrames(uint8_t *Addr,
161                                                      uint64_t LoadAddr,
162                                                      size_t Size) {
163   LLVM_DEBUG({
164     dbgs() << "Allocator " << (void *)this << " added unfinalized eh-frame "
165            << formatv("[ {0:x} {1:x} ]", LoadAddr, LoadAddr + Size) << "\n";
166   });
167   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
168   // Bail out early if there's already an error.
169   if (!ErrMsg.empty())
170     return;
172   ExecutorAddr LA(LoadAddr);
173   for (auto &SecAllocGroup : llvm::reverse(Unfinalized)) {
174     if (SecAllocGroup.RemoteCode.contains(LA) ||
175         SecAllocGroup.RemoteROData.contains(LA) ||
176         SecAllocGroup.RemoteRWData.contains(LA)) {
177       SecAllocGroup.UnfinalizedEHFrames.push_back({LA, Size});
178       return;
179     }
180   }
181   ErrMsg = "eh-frame does not lie inside unfinalized alloc";
182 }
deregisterEHFrames()184 void EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::deregisterEHFrames() {
185   // This is a no-op for us: We've registered a deallocation action for it.
186 }
notifyObjectLoaded(RuntimeDyld & Dyld,const object::ObjectFile & Obj)188 void EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::notifyObjectLoaded(
189     RuntimeDyld &Dyld, const object::ObjectFile &Obj) {
190   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
191   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Allocator " << (void *)this << " applied mappings:\n");
192   for (auto &ObjAllocs : Unmapped) {
193     mapAllocsToRemoteAddrs(Dyld, ObjAllocs.CodeAllocs,
194                            ObjAllocs.RemoteCode.Start);
195     mapAllocsToRemoteAddrs(Dyld, ObjAllocs.RODataAllocs,
196                            ObjAllocs.RemoteROData.Start);
197     mapAllocsToRemoteAddrs(Dyld, ObjAllocs.RWDataAllocs,
198                            ObjAllocs.RemoteRWData.Start);
199     Unfinalized.push_back(std::move(ObjAllocs));
200   }
201   Unmapped.clear();
202 }
finalizeMemory(std::string * ErrMsg)204 bool EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::finalizeMemory(std::string *ErrMsg) {
205   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Allocator " << (void *)this << " finalizing:\n");
207   // If there's an error then bail out here.
208   std::vector<SectionAllocGroup> SecAllocGroups;
209   {
210     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
211     if (ErrMsg && !this->ErrMsg.empty()) {
212       *ErrMsg = std::move(this->ErrMsg);
213       return true;
214     }
215     std::swap(SecAllocGroups, Unfinalized);
216   }
218   // Loop over unfinalized objects to make finalization requests.
219   for (auto &SecAllocGroup : SecAllocGroups) {
221     MemProt SegMemProts[3] = {MemProt::Read | MemProt::Exec, MemProt::Read,
222                               MemProt::Read | MemProt::Write};
224     ExecutorAddrRange *RemoteAddrs[3] = {&SecAllocGroup.RemoteCode,
225                                          &SecAllocGroup.RemoteROData,
226                                          &SecAllocGroup.RemoteRWData};
228     std::vector<SectionAlloc> *SegSections[3] = {&SecAllocGroup.CodeAllocs,
229                                                  &SecAllocGroup.RODataAllocs,
230                                                  &SecAllocGroup.RWDataAllocs};
232     tpctypes::FinalizeRequest FR;
233     std::unique_ptr<char[]> AggregateContents[3];
235     for (unsigned I = 0; I != 3; ++I) {
236       FR.Segments.push_back({});
237       auto &Seg = FR.Segments.back();
238       Seg.RAG = SegMemProts[I];
239       Seg.Addr = RemoteAddrs[I]->Start;
240       for (auto &SecAlloc : *SegSections[I]) {
241         Seg.Size = alignTo(Seg.Size, SecAlloc.Align);
242         Seg.Size += SecAlloc.Size;
243       }
244       AggregateContents[I] = std::make_unique<char[]>(Seg.Size);
245       size_t SecOffset = 0;
246       for (auto &SecAlloc : *SegSections[I]) {
247         SecOffset = alignTo(SecOffset, SecAlloc.Align);
248         memcpy(&AggregateContents[I][SecOffset],
249                reinterpret_cast<const char *>(
250                    alignAddr(SecAlloc.Contents.get(), Align(SecAlloc.Align))),
251                SecAlloc.Size);
252         SecOffset += SecAlloc.Size;
253         // FIXME: Can we reset SecAlloc.Content here, now that it's copied into
254         // the aggregated content?
255       }
256       Seg.Content = {AggregateContents[I].get(), SecOffset};
257     }
259     for (auto &Frame : SecAllocGroup.UnfinalizedEHFrames)
260       FR.Actions.push_back(
261           {cantFail(
262                WrapperFunctionCall::Create<SPSArgList<SPSExecutorAddrRange>>(
263                    SAs.RegisterEHFrame, Frame)),
264            cantFail(
265                WrapperFunctionCall::Create<SPSArgList<SPSExecutorAddrRange>>(
266                    SAs.DeregisterEHFrame, Frame))});
268     // We'll also need to make an extra allocation for the eh-frame wrapper call
269     // arguments.
270     Error FinalizeErr = Error::success();
271     if (auto Err = EPC.callSPSWrapper<
272                    rt::SPSSimpleExecutorMemoryManagerFinalizeSignature>(
273             SAs.Finalize, FinalizeErr, SAs.Instance, std::move(FR))) {
274       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
275       this->ErrMsg = toString(std::move(Err));
276       dbgs() << "Serialization error: " << this->ErrMsg << "\n";
277       if (ErrMsg)
278         *ErrMsg = this->ErrMsg;
279       return true;
280     }
281     if (FinalizeErr) {
282       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(M);
283       this->ErrMsg = toString(std::move(FinalizeErr));
284       dbgs() << "Finalization error: " << this->ErrMsg << "\n";
285       if (ErrMsg)
286         *ErrMsg = this->ErrMsg;
287       return true;
288     }
289   }
291   return false;
292 }
mapAllocsToRemoteAddrs(RuntimeDyld & Dyld,std::vector<SectionAlloc> & Allocs,ExecutorAddr NextAddr)294 void EPCGenericRTDyldMemoryManager::mapAllocsToRemoteAddrs(
295     RuntimeDyld &Dyld, std::vector<SectionAlloc> &Allocs,
296     ExecutorAddr NextAddr) {
297   for (auto &Alloc : Allocs) {
298     NextAddr.setValue(alignTo(NextAddr.getValue(), Alloc.Align));
299     LLVM_DEBUG({
300       dbgs() << "     " << static_cast<void *>(Alloc.Contents.get()) << " -> "
301              << format("0x%016" PRIx64, NextAddr.getValue()) << "\n";
302     });
303     Dyld.mapSectionAddress(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(alignAddr(
304                                Alloc.Contents.get(), Align(Alloc.Align))),
305                            NextAddr.getValue());
306     Alloc.RemoteAddr = NextAddr;
307     // Only advance NextAddr if it was non-null to begin with,
308     // otherwise leave it as null.
309     if (NextAddr)
310       NextAddr += ExecutorAddrDiff(Alloc.Size);
311   }
312 }
314 } // end namespace orc
315 } // end namespace llvm