1 /* indx_err.h
2  *
3  * ===========================================================================
4  *
5  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
6  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
7  *
8  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
9  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
10  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
11  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
12  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
13  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
14  *
15  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
16  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
17  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
18  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
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21  *  purpose.
22  *
23  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
24  *
25  * ===========================================================================
26  *
27  * File Name:  indx_err.h
28  *
29  * Author: Karl Sirotkin, Hsiu-Chuan Chen
30  *
31  * File Description:
32  * -----------------
33  *      Defines errors.
34  *
35  */
37 #ifndef __MODULE_indx_err__
38 #define __MODULE_indx_err__
40 #define ERR_FORMAT                         1,0
41 #define ERR_FORMAT_NonAsciiChar            1,1
42 #define ERR_FORMAT_MissingEnd              1,2
43 #define ERR_FORMAT_MissingField            1,3
44 #define ERR_FORMAT_LocusLinePosition       1,4
45 #define ERR_FORMAT_DirSubMode              1,5
46 #define ERR_FORMAT_LineTypeOrder           1,6
47 #define ERR_FORMAT_Multiple_NI             1,8
48 #define ERR_FORMAT_ContigInSegset          1,9
49 #define ERR_FORMAT_Multiple_SV             1,10
50 #define ERR_FORMAT_MissingNIDLine          1,11
51 #define ERR_FORMAT_IncorrectNIDLine        1,12
52 #define ERR_FORMAT_UnexpectedEnd           1,13
53 #define ERR_FORMAT_XMLMissingStartTag      1,14
54 #define ERR_FORMAT_XMLMissingEndTag        1,15
55 #define ERR_FORMAT_XMLFormatError          1,16
56 #define ERR_FORMAT_XMLInvalidINSDInterval  1,17
57 #define ERR_FORMAT_IncorrectMGALine        1,18
58 #define ERR_FORMAT_IllegalCAGEMoltype      1,19
59 #define ERR_FORMAT_BadlyFormattedIDLine    1,20
60 #define ERR_FORMAT_InvalidIDlineMolType    1,21
62 #define ERR_ENTRY                          2,0
63 #define ERR_ENTRY_Skipped                  2,1
64 #define ERR_ENTRY_Begin                    2,3
65 #define ERR_ENTRY_InvalidLineType          2,6
67 #define ERR_ACCESSION                      3,0
68 #define ERR_ACCESSION_BadAccessNum         3,2
69 #define ERR_ACCESSION_NoAccessNum          3,3
70 #define ERR_ACCESSION_WGSProjectAccIsPri   3,7
71 #define ERR_ACCESSION_2ndAccPrefixMismatch 3,11
72 #define ERR_ACCESSION_Invalid2ndAccRange   3,12
74 #define ERR_LOCUS                          4,0
75 #define ERR_LOCUS_BadLocusName             4,7
76 #define ERR_LOCUS_NoLocusName              4,8
78 #define ERR_SEGMENT                        5,0
79 #define ERR_SEGMENT_BadLocusName           5,3
80 #define ERR_SEGMENT_IncompSeg              5,4
82 #define ERR_VERSION                        6,0
83 #define ERR_VERSION_MissingVerNum          6,1
84 #define ERR_VERSION_NonDigitVerNum         6,2
85 #define ERR_VERSION_AccessionsDontMatch    6,3
86 #define ERR_VERSION_BadVersionLine         6,4
87 #define ERR_VERSION_IncorrectGIInVersion   6,5
88 #define ERR_VERSION_NonDigitGI             6,6
89 #define ERR_VERSION_InvalidVersion         6,8
91 #define ERR_REFERENCE                      8,0
92 #define ERR_REFERENCE_IllegalDate          8,1
94 #define ERR_SEQID                          10,0
95 #define ERR_SEQID_NoSeqId                  10,1
97 #define ERR_ORGANISM                       11,0
98 #define ERR_ORGANISM_Multiple              11,1
100 #define ERR_INPUT                          12,0
101 #define ERR_INPUT_CannotReadEntry          12,1
103 #define ERR_TPA                            13,0
104 #define ERR_TPA_TpaSpansMissing            13,1
106 #define ERR_DATE                           14,0
107 #define ERR_DATE_IllegalDate               14,1
109 #define ERR_KEYWORD                        15,0
110 #define ERR_KEYWORD_InvalidTPATier         15,1
111 #define ERR_KEYWORD_UnexpectedTPA          15,2
112 #define ERR_KEYWORD_MissingTPAKeywords     15,3
113 #define ERR_KEYWORD_MissingTPATier         15,4
114 #define ERR_KEYWORD_ConflictingTPATiers    15,5
115 #define ERR_KEYWORD_MissingTSAKeywords     15,6
116 #define ERR_KEYWORD_MissingMGAKeywords     15,7
117 #define ERR_KEYWORD_ConflictingMGAKeywords 15,8
118 #define ERR_KEYWORD_MissingTLSKeywords     15,9
120 #define ERR_TSA                            16,0
121 #define ERR_TSA_TsaSpansMissing            16,1
123 #define ERR_QSCORE                         17,0
124 #define ERR_QSCORE_RedundantScores         17,1
125 #define ERR_QSCORE_NoSequenceRecord        17,2
126 #define ERR_QSCORE_NoScoreDataFound        17,3
128 #endif