1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 #ifndef PGERROR_H_
19 #define PGERROR_H_
21 /** \file
22  * \brief Error handling and reporting.
23  */
25 #include "universal.h"
27 #ifndef IN_FLANG2
29 #endif
31 /** \brief Severity of an error message.
32  */
33 typedef enum error_severity {
34   ERR_unused = 0,
35   ERR_Informational = 1,
36   ERR_Warning = 2,
37   ERR_Severe = 3,
38   ERR_Fatal = 4,
39   ERR_SEVERITY_SIZE  // must be last!
40 } error_severity;
42 #ifdef IN_FLANG2
43 #include "errmsgdf.h"
44 #endif
46 /** \brief Error code type
47  */
48 typedef enum error_code error_code_t;
50 #ifdef IN_FLANG2
51 #include "error.h"
52 #endif
54 #ifdef FE90
55 void errWithSrc(error_code_t ecode, enum error_severity sev, int eline,
56                 const char *op1, const char *op2, int col, int deduceCol,
57                 bool uniqDeduc, const char *deduceVal);
58 char * getDeduceStr(char * ptoken);
59 #endif
61 /** \brief Assert that cond is true, and emit an internal compiler error
62  * otherwise.
63  *
64  * Note that unlike the C standard <assert.h> assert() macro, this version is
65  * active in both debug and release builds, and expands to a statement,
66  * not an expression.
67  */
68 #define assert(cond, txt, val, sev) \
69   if (cond)                         \
70     ;                               \
71   else                              \
72   interr((txt), (val), (sev))
74 /** \brief If DEBUG!=0 and cond is false, emit an internal compiler error.
75  *
76  * Like the C standard <assert.h> assert macro, this version expands to an
77  * expression and is active only in debug builds.  Severity of an error
78  * is implicitly maximal.
79  *
80  * \param cond is the condition to be checked
81  * \param txt is an additional info string, which may be NULL.
82  */
83 #if DEBUG
84 #define DEBUG_ASSERT(cond, txt) \
85   ((cond) ? (void)0 : dassert_err(__FILE__, __LINE__, #cond, (txt)))
86 void dassert_err(const char *, int line, const char *exp, const char *txt);
87 #else
88 #define DEBUG_ASSERT(cond, txt) ((void)0)
89 #endif
91 #if DEBUG
92 void asrt_failed(const char* file, int line);
93 #endif
95 #ifndef IN_FLANG2
97 #endif
99 #endif /* PGERROR_H_ */