1-- |
2-- Module      :  Cryptol.Parser.AST
3-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
4-- License     :  BSD3
5-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
6-- Stability   :  provisional
7-- Portability :  portable
9{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
16{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
17{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
18{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
19module Cryptol.Parser.AST
20  ( -- * Names
21    Ident, mkIdent, mkInfix, isInfixIdent, nullIdent, identText
22  , ModName, modRange
23  , PName(..), getModName, getIdent, mkUnqual, mkQual
24  , Named(..)
25  , Pass(..)
26  , Assoc(..)
28    -- * Types
29  , Schema(..)
30  , TParam(..)
31  , Kind(..)
32  , Type(..)
33  , Prop(..)
34  , tsName
35  , psName
36  , tsFixity
37  , psFixity
39    -- * Declarations
40  , Module(..)
41  , Program(..)
42  , TopDecl(..)
43  , Decl(..)
44  , Fixity(..), defaultFixity
45  , FixityCmp(..), compareFixity
46  , TySyn(..)
47  , PropSyn(..)
48  , Bind(..)
49  , BindDef(..), LBindDef
50  , Pragma(..)
51  , ExportType(..)
52  , TopLevel(..)
53  , Import(..), ImportSpec(..)
54  , Newtype(..)
55  , PrimType(..)
56  , ParameterType(..)
57  , ParameterFun(..)
59    -- * Interactive
60  , ReplInput(..)
62    -- * Expressions
63  , Expr(..)
64  , Literal(..), NumInfo(..), FracInfo(..)
65  , Match(..)
66  , Pattern(..)
67  , Selector(..)
68  , TypeInst(..)
69  , UpdField(..)
70  , UpdHow(..)
71  , FunDesc(..)
72  , emptyFunDesc
74    -- * Positions
75  , Located(..)
76  , LPName, LString, LIdent
77  , NoPos(..)
79    -- * Pretty-printing
80  , cppKind, ppSelector
81  ) where
83import Cryptol.Parser.Name
84import Cryptol.Parser.Position
85import Cryptol.Parser.Selector
86import Cryptol.Utils.Fixity
87import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
88import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
89import Cryptol.Utils.PP
91import           Data.List(intersperse)
92import           Data.Bits(shiftR)
93import           Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
94import           Data.Ratio(numerator,denominator)
95import           Data.Text (Text)
96import           Numeric(showIntAtBase,showFloat,showHFloat)
98import GHC.Generics (Generic)
99import Control.DeepSeq
101import Prelude ()
102import Prelude.Compat
104-- AST -------------------------------------------------------------------------
106-- | A name with location information.
107type LPName    = Located PName
109-- | An identifier with location information.
110type LIdent    = Located Ident
112-- | A string with location information.
113type LString  = Located String
115-- | A record with located ident fields
116type Rec e = RecordMap Ident (Range, e)
118newtype Program name = Program [TopDecl name]
119                       deriving (Show)
121-- | A parsed module.
122data Module name = Module
123  { mName     :: Located ModName            -- ^ Name of the module
124  , mInstance :: !(Maybe (Located ModName)) -- ^ Functor to instantiate
125                                            -- (if this is a functor instnaces)
126  , mImports  :: [Located Import]           -- ^ Imports for the module
127  , mDecls    :: [TopDecl name]             -- ^ Declartions for the module
128  } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
131modRange :: Module name -> Range
132modRange m = rCombs $ catMaybes
133    [ getLoc (mName m)
134    , getLoc (mImports m)
135    , getLoc (mDecls m)
136    , Just (Range { from = start, to = start, source = "" })
137    ]
140data TopDecl name =
141    Decl (TopLevel (Decl name))
142  | DPrimType (TopLevel (PrimType name))
143  | TDNewtype (TopLevel (Newtype name)) -- ^ @newtype T as = t
144  | Include (Located FilePath)          -- ^ @include File@
145  | DParameterType (ParameterType name) -- ^ @parameter type T : #@
146  | DParameterConstraint [Located (Prop name)]
147                                        -- ^ @parameter type constraint (fin T)@
148  | DParameterFun  (ParameterFun name)  -- ^ @parameter someVal : [256]@
149                    deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
151data Decl name = DSignature [Located name] (Schema name)
152               | DFixity !Fixity [Located name]
153               | DPragma [Located name] Pragma
154               | DBind (Bind name)
155               | DPatBind (Pattern name) (Expr name)
156               | DType (TySyn name)
157               | DProp (PropSyn name)
158               | DLocated (Decl name) Range
159                 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
162-- | A type parameter
163data ParameterType name = ParameterType
164  { ptName    :: Located name     -- ^ name of type parameter
165  , ptKind    :: Kind             -- ^ kind of parameter
166  , ptDoc     :: Maybe Text       -- ^ optional documentation
167  , ptFixity  :: Maybe Fixity     -- ^ info for infix use
168  , ptNumber  :: !Int             -- ^ number of the parameter
169  } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
171-- | A value parameter
172data ParameterFun name = ParameterFun
173  { pfName   :: Located name      -- ^ name of value parameter
174  , pfSchema :: Schema name       -- ^ schema for parameter
175  , pfDoc    :: Maybe Text        -- ^ optional documentation
176  , pfFixity :: Maybe Fixity      -- ^ info for infix use
177  } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
180-- | An import declaration.
181data Import = Import { iModule    :: !ModName
182                     , iAs        :: Maybe ModName
183                     , iSpec      :: Maybe ImportSpec
184                     } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
186-- | The list of names following an import.
188-- INVARIANT: All of the 'Name' entries in the list are expected to be
189-- unqualified names; the 'QName' or 'NewName' constructors should not be
190-- present.
191data ImportSpec = Hiding [Ident]
192                | Only   [Ident]
193                  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
195-- The 'Maybe Fixity' field is filled in by the NoPat pass.
196data TySyn n = TySyn (Located n) (Maybe Fixity) [TParam n] (Type n)
197                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
199-- The 'Maybe Fixity' field is filled in by the NoPat pass.
200data PropSyn n = PropSyn (Located n) (Maybe Fixity) [TParam n] [Prop n]
201                 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
203tsName :: TySyn name -> Located name
204tsName (TySyn lqn _ _ _) = lqn
206psName :: PropSyn name -> Located name
207psName (PropSyn lqn _ _ _) = lqn
209tsFixity :: TySyn name -> Maybe Fixity
210tsFixity (TySyn _ f _ _) = f
212psFixity :: PropSyn name -> Maybe Fixity
213psFixity (PropSyn _ f _ _) = f
215{- | Bindings.  Notes:
217    * The parser does not associate type signatures and pragmas with
218      their bindings: this is done in a separate pass, after de-sugaring
219      pattern bindings.  In this way we can associate pragmas and type
220      signatures with the variables defined by pattern bindings as well.
222    * Currently, there is no surface syntax for defining monomorphic
223      bindings (i.e., bindings that will not be automatically generalized
224      by the type checker.  However, they are useful when de-sugaring
225      patterns.
227data Bind name = Bind
228  { bName      :: Located name            -- ^ Defined thing
229  , bParams    :: [Pattern name]          -- ^ Parameters
230  , bDef       :: Located (BindDef name)  -- ^ Definition
231  , bSignature :: Maybe (Schema name)     -- ^ Optional type sig
232  , bInfix     :: Bool                    -- ^ Infix operator?
233  , bFixity    :: Maybe Fixity            -- ^ Optional fixity info
234  , bPragmas   :: [Pragma]                -- ^ Optional pragmas
235  , bMono      :: Bool                    -- ^ Is this a monomorphic binding
236  , bDoc       :: Maybe Text              -- ^ Optional doc string
237  } deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, Functor, Show)
239type LBindDef = Located (BindDef PName)
241data BindDef name = DPrim
242                  | DExpr (Expr name)
243                    deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
245data Pragma   = PragmaNote String
246              | PragmaProperty
247                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
249data Newtype name = Newtype { nName   :: Located name        -- ^ Type name
250                            , nParams :: [TParam name]       -- ^ Type params
251                            , nBody   :: Rec (Type name)     -- ^ Body
252                            } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
254-- | A declaration for a type with no implementation.
255data PrimType name = PrimType { primTName :: Located name
256                              , primTKind :: Located Kind
257                              , primTCts  :: ([TParam name], [Prop name])
258                                -- ^ parameters are in the order used
259                                -- by the type constructor.
260                              , primTFixity :: Maybe Fixity
261                              } deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
263-- | Input at the REPL, which can be an expression, a @let@
264-- statement, or empty (possibly a comment).
265data ReplInput name = ExprInput (Expr name)
266                    | LetInput (Decl name)
267                    | EmptyInput
268                      deriving (Eq, Show)
270-- | Export information for a declaration.
271data ExportType = Public
272                | Private
273                  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic, NFData)
275-- | A top-level module declaration.
276data TopLevel a = TopLevel { tlExport :: ExportType
277                           , tlDoc    :: Maybe (Located Text)
278                           , tlValue  :: a
279                           }
280  deriving (Show, Generic, NFData, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
283-- | Infromation about the representation of a numeric constant.
284data NumInfo  = BinLit Text Int                 -- ^ n-digit binary literal
285              | OctLit Text Int                 -- ^ n-digit octal  literal
286              | DecLit Text                     -- ^ overloaded decimal literal
287              | HexLit Text Int                 -- ^ n-digit hex literal
288              | PolyLit Int                     -- ^ polynomial literal
289                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
291-- | Information about fractional literals.
292data FracInfo = BinFrac Text
293              | OctFrac Text
294              | DecFrac Text
295              | HexFrac Text
296                deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
298-- | Literals.
299data Literal  = ECNum Integer NumInfo           -- ^ @0x10@  (HexLit 2)
300              | ECChar Char                     -- ^ @'a'@
301              | ECFrac Rational FracInfo        -- ^ @1.2e3@
302              | ECString String                 -- ^ @\"hello\"@
303                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
305data Expr n   = EVar n                          -- ^ @ x @
306              | ELit Literal                    -- ^ @ 0x10 @
307              | ENeg (Expr n)                   -- ^ @ -1 @
308              | EComplement (Expr n)            -- ^ @ ~1 @
309              | EGenerate (Expr n)              -- ^ @ generate f @
310              | ETuple [Expr n]                 -- ^ @ (1,2,3) @
311              | ERecord (Rec (Expr n))          -- ^ @ { x = 1, y = 2 } @
312              | ESel (Expr n) Selector          -- ^ @ e.l @
313              | EUpd (Maybe (Expr n)) [ UpdField n ]  -- ^ @ { r | x = e } @
314              | EList [Expr n]                  -- ^ @ [1,2,3] @
315              | EFromTo (Type n) (Maybe (Type n)) (Type n) (Maybe (Type n))
316                                                -- ^ @ [1, 5 .. 117 : t] @
317              | EFromToLessThan (Type n) (Type n) (Maybe (Type n))
318                                                -- ^ @ [ 1 .. < 10 : t ] @
320              | EInfFrom (Expr n) (Maybe (Expr n))-- ^ @ [1, 3 ...] @
321              | EComp (Expr n) [[Match n]]      -- ^ @ [ 1 | x <- xs ] @
322              | EApp (Expr n) (Expr n)          -- ^ @ f x @
323              | EAppT (Expr n) [(TypeInst n)]   -- ^ @ f `{x = 8}, f`{8} @
324              | EIf (Expr n) (Expr n) (Expr n)  -- ^ @ if ok then e1 else e2 @
325              | EWhere (Expr n) [Decl n]        -- ^ @ 1 + x where { x = 2 } @
326              | ETyped (Expr n) (Type n)        -- ^ @ 1 : [8] @
327              | ETypeVal (Type n)               -- ^ @ `(x + 1)@, @x@ is a type
328              | EFun (FunDesc n) [Pattern n] (Expr n) -- ^ @ \\x y -> x @
329              | ELocated (Expr n) Range         -- ^ position annotation
331              | ESplit (Expr n)                 -- ^ @ splitAt x @ (Introduced by NoPat)
332              | EParens (Expr n)                -- ^ @ (e)   @ (Removed by Fixity)
333              | EInfix (Expr n) (Located n) Fixity (Expr n)-- ^ @ a + b @ (Removed by Fixity)
334                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
336-- | Description of functions.  Only trivial information is provided here
337--   by the parser.  The NoPat pass fills this in as required.
338data FunDesc n =
339  FunDesc
340  { funDescrName      :: Maybe n   -- ^ Name of this function, if it has one
341  , funDescrArgOffset :: Int -- ^ number of previous arguments to this function
342                             --   bound in surrounding lambdas (defaults to 0)
343  }
344 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
346emptyFunDesc :: FunDesc n
347emptyFunDesc = FunDesc Nothing 0
349data UpdField n = UpdField UpdHow [Located Selector] (Expr n)
350                                                -- ^ non-empty list @ x.y = e@
351                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
353data UpdHow     = UpdSet | UpdFun   -- ^ Are we setting or updating a field.
354                deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
356data TypeInst name = NamedInst (Named (Type name))
357                   | PosInst (Type name)
358                     deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
360data Match name = Match (Pattern name) (Expr name)              -- ^ p <- e
361                | MatchLet (Bind name)
362                  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
364data Pattern n = PVar (Located n)              -- ^ @ x @
365               | PWild                         -- ^ @ _ @
366               | PTuple [Pattern n]            -- ^ @ (x,y,z) @
367               | PRecord (Rec (Pattern n))     -- ^ @ { x = (a,b,c), y = z } @
368               | PList [ Pattern n ]           -- ^ @ [ x, y, z ] @
369               | PTyped (Pattern n) (Type n)   -- ^ @ x : [8] @
370               | PSplit (Pattern n) (Pattern n)-- ^ @ (x # y) @
371               | PLocated (Pattern n) Range    -- ^ Location information
372                 deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
374data Named a = Named { name :: Located Ident, value :: a }
375  deriving (Eq, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, NFData, Functor)
377data Schema n = Forall [TParam n] [Prop n] (Type n) (Maybe Range)
378  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
380data Kind = KProp | KNum | KType | KFun Kind Kind
381  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
383data TParam n = TParam { tpName  :: n
384                       , tpKind  :: Maybe Kind
385                       , tpRange :: Maybe Range
386                       }
387  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
389data Type n = TFun (Type n) (Type n)  -- ^ @[8] -> [8]@
390            | TSeq (Type n) (Type n)  -- ^ @[8] a@
391            | TBit                    -- ^ @Bit@
392            | TNum Integer            -- ^ @10@
393            | TChar Char              -- ^ @'a'@
394            | TUser n [Type n]        -- ^ A type variable or synonym
395            | TTyApp [Named (Type n)] -- ^ @`{ x = [8], y = Integer }@
396            | TRecord (Rec (Type n))  -- ^ @{ x : [8], y : [32] }@
397            | TTuple [Type n]         -- ^ @([8], [32])@
398            | TWild                   -- ^ @_@, just some type.
399            | TLocated (Type n) Range -- ^ Location information
400            | TParens (Type n)        -- ^ @ (ty) @
401            | TInfix (Type n) (Located n) Fixity (Type n) -- ^ @ ty + ty @
402              deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
404-- | A 'Prop' is a 'Type' that represents a type constraint.
405newtype Prop n = CType (Type n)
406  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)
410-- Note: When an explicit location is missing, we could use the sub-components
411-- to try to estimate a location...
414instance AddLoc (Expr n) where
415  addLoc x@ELocated{} _ = x
416  addLoc x            r = ELocated x r
418  dropLoc (ELocated e _) = dropLoc e
419  dropLoc e              = e
421instance HasLoc (Expr name) where
422  getLoc (ELocated _ r) = Just r
423  getLoc _              = Nothing
425instance HasLoc (TParam name) where
426  getLoc (TParam _ _ r) = r
428instance AddLoc (TParam name) where
429  addLoc (TParam a b _) l = TParam a b (Just l)
430  dropLoc (TParam a b _)  = TParam a b Nothing
432instance HasLoc (Type name) where
433  getLoc (TLocated _ r) = Just r
434  getLoc _              = Nothing
436instance AddLoc (Type name) where
437  addLoc = TLocated
439  dropLoc (TLocated e _) = dropLoc e
440  dropLoc e              = e
442instance AddLoc (Pattern name) where
443  addLoc = PLocated
445  dropLoc (PLocated e _) = dropLoc e
446  dropLoc e              = e
448instance HasLoc (Pattern name) where
449  getLoc (PLocated _ r) = Just r
450  getLoc (PTyped r _)   = getLoc r
451  getLoc (PVar x)       = getLoc x
452  getLoc _              = Nothing
454instance HasLoc (Bind name) where
455  getLoc b = getLoc (bName b, bDef b)
457instance HasLoc (Match name) where
458  getLoc (Match p e)    = getLoc (p,e)
459  getLoc (MatchLet b)   = getLoc b
461instance HasLoc a => HasLoc (Named a) where
462  getLoc l = getLoc (name l, value l)
464instance HasLoc (Schema name) where
465  getLoc (Forall _ _ _ r) = r
467instance AddLoc (Schema name) where
468  addLoc  (Forall xs ps t _) r = Forall xs ps t (Just r)
469  dropLoc (Forall xs ps t _)   = Forall xs ps t Nothing
471instance HasLoc (Decl name) where
472  getLoc (DLocated _ r) = Just r
473  getLoc _              = Nothing
475instance AddLoc (Decl name) where
476  addLoc d r             = DLocated d r
478  dropLoc (DLocated d _) = dropLoc d
479  dropLoc d              = d
481instance HasLoc a => HasLoc (TopLevel a) where
482  getLoc = getLoc . tlValue
484instance HasLoc (TopDecl name) where
485  getLoc td = case td of
486    Decl tld    -> getLoc tld
487    DPrimType pt -> getLoc pt
488    TDNewtype n -> getLoc n
489    Include lfp -> getLoc lfp
490    DParameterType d -> getLoc d
491    DParameterFun d  -> getLoc d
492    DParameterConstraint d -> getLoc d
494instance HasLoc (PrimType name) where
495  getLoc pt = Just (rComb (srcRange (primTName pt)) (srcRange (primTKind pt)))
497instance HasLoc (ParameterType name) where
498  getLoc a = getLoc (ptName a)
500instance HasLoc (ParameterFun name) where
501  getLoc a = getLoc (pfName a)
503instance HasLoc (Module name) where
504  getLoc m
505    | null locs = Nothing
506    | otherwise = Just (rCombs locs)
507    where
508    locs = catMaybes [ getLoc (mName m)
509                     , getLoc (mImports m)
510                     , getLoc (mDecls m)
511                     ]
513instance HasLoc (Newtype name) where
514  getLoc n
515    | null locs = Nothing
516    | otherwise = Just (rCombs locs)
517    where
518    locs = catMaybes ([ getLoc (nName n)] ++ map (Just . fst . snd) (displayFields (nBody n)))
528-- Pretty printing
531ppL :: PP a => Located a -> Doc
532ppL = pp . thing
534ppNamed :: PP a => String -> Named a -> Doc
535ppNamed s x = ppL (name x) <+> text s <+> pp (value x)
537ppNamed' :: PP a => String -> (Ident, (Range, a)) -> Doc
538ppNamed' s (i,(_,v)) = pp i <+> text s <+> pp v
540instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Module name) where
541  ppPrec _ m = text "module" <+> ppL (mName m) <+> text "where"
542            $$ vcat (map ppL (mImports m))
543            $$ vcat (map pp (mDecls m))
545instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Program name) where
546  ppPrec _ (Program ds) = vcat (map pp ds)
548instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (TopDecl name) where
549  ppPrec _ top_decl =
550    case top_decl of
551      Decl    d   -> pp d
552      DPrimType p -> pp p
553      TDNewtype n -> pp n
554      Include l   -> text "include" <+> text (show (thing l))
555      DParameterFun d -> pp d
556      DParameterType d -> pp d
557      DParameterConstraint d ->
558        "parameter" <+> "type" <+> "constraint" <+> prop
559        where prop = case map pp d of
560                       [x] -> x
561                       []  -> "()"
562                       xs  -> parens (hsep (punctuate comma xs))
564instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (PrimType name) where
565  ppPrec _ pt =
566    "primitive" <+> "type" <+> pp (primTName pt) <+> ":" <+> pp (primTKind pt)
568instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ParameterType name) where
569  ppPrec _ a = text "parameter" <+> text "type" <+>
570               ppPrefixName (ptName a) <+> text ":" <+> pp (ptKind a)
572instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ParameterFun name) where
573  ppPrec _ a = text "parameter" <+> ppPrefixName (pfName a) <+> text ":"
574                  <+> pp (pfSchema a)
577instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Decl name) where
578  ppPrec n decl =
579    case decl of
580      DSignature xs s -> commaSep (map ppL xs) <+> text ":" <+> pp s
581      DPatBind p e    -> pp p <+> text "=" <+> pp e
582      DBind b         -> ppPrec n b
583      DFixity f ns    -> ppFixity f ns
584      DPragma xs p    -> ppPragma xs p
585      DType ts        -> ppPrec n ts
586      DProp ps        -> ppPrec n ps
587      DLocated d _    -> ppPrec n d
589ppFixity :: PPName name => Fixity -> [Located name] -> Doc
590ppFixity (Fixity LeftAssoc  i) ns = text "infixl" <+> int i <+> commaSep (map pp ns)
591ppFixity (Fixity RightAssoc i) ns = text "infixr" <+> int i <+> commaSep (map pp ns)
592ppFixity (Fixity NonAssoc   i) ns = text "infix"  <+> int i <+> commaSep (map pp ns)
594instance PPName name => PP (Newtype name) where
595  ppPrec _ nt = hsep
596    [ text "newtype", ppL (nName nt), hsep (map pp (nParams nt)), char '='
597    , braces (commaSep (map (ppNamed' ":") (displayFields (nBody nt)))) ]
599instance PP Import where
600  ppPrec _ d = text "import" <+> sep [ pp (iModule d), mbAs, mbSpec ]
601    where
602    mbAs = maybe empty (\ name -> text "as" <+> pp name ) (iAs d)
604    mbSpec = maybe empty pp (iSpec d)
606instance PP ImportSpec where
607  ppPrec _ s = case s of
608    Hiding names -> text "hiding" <+> parens (commaSep (map pp names))
609    Only names   ->                   parens (commaSep (map pp names))
611-- TODO: come up with a good way of showing the export specification here
612instance PP a => PP (TopLevel a) where
613  ppPrec _ tl = pp (tlValue tl)
616instance PP Pragma where
617  ppPrec _ (PragmaNote x) = text x
618  ppPrec _ PragmaProperty = text "property"
620ppPragma :: PPName name => [Located name] -> Pragma -> Doc
621ppPragma xs p =
622  text "/*" <+> text "pragma" <+> commaSep (map ppL xs) <+> text ":" <+> pp p
623  <+> text "*/"
625instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Bind name) where
626  ppPrec _ b = sig $$ vcat [ ppPragma [f] p | p <- bPragmas b ] $$
627               hang (def <+> eq) 4 (pp (thing (bDef b)))
628    where def | bInfix b  = lhsOp
629              | otherwise = lhs
630          f = bName b
631          sig = case bSignature b of
632                  Nothing -> empty
633                  Just s  -> pp (DSignature [f] s)
634          eq  = if bMono b then text ":=" else text "="
635          lhs = ppL f <+> fsep (map (ppPrec 3) (bParams b))
637          lhsOp = case bParams b of
638                    [x,y] -> pp x <+> ppL f <+> pp y
639                    xs -> parens (parens (ppL f) <+> fsep (map (ppPrec 0) xs))
640                    -- _     -> panic "AST" [ "Malformed infix operator", show b ]
643instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (BindDef name) where
644  ppPrec _ DPrim     = text "<primitive>"
645  ppPrec p (DExpr e) = ppPrec p e
648instance PPName name => PP (TySyn name) where
649  ppPrec _ (TySyn x _ xs t) =
650    text "type" <+> ppL x <+> fsep (map (ppPrec 1) xs)
651                <+> text "=" <+> pp t
653instance PPName name => PP (PropSyn name) where
654  ppPrec _ (PropSyn x _ xs ps) =
655    text "constraint" <+> ppL x <+> fsep (map (ppPrec 1) xs)
656                      <+> text "=" <+> parens (commaSep (map pp ps))
658instance PP Literal where
659  ppPrec _ lit =
660    case lit of
661      ECNum n i     -> ppNumLit n i
662      ECChar c      -> text (show c)
663      ECFrac n i    -> ppFracLit n i
664      ECString s    -> text (show s)
666ppFracLit :: Rational -> FracInfo -> Doc
667ppFracLit x i
668  | toRational dbl == x =
669    case i of
670      BinFrac _ -> frac
671      OctFrac _ -> frac
672      DecFrac _ -> text (showFloat dbl "")
673      HexFrac _ -> text (showHFloat dbl "")
674  | otherwise = frac
675  where
676  dbl = fromRational x :: Double
677  frac = "fraction`" <.> braces
678                      (commaSep (map integer [ numerator x, denominator x ]))
681ppNumLit :: Integer -> NumInfo -> Doc
682ppNumLit n info =
683  case info of
684    DecLit _   -> integer n
685    BinLit _ w -> pad 2  "0b" w
686    OctLit _ w -> pad 8  "0o" w
687    HexLit _ w -> pad 16 "0x" w
688    PolyLit w  -> text "<|" <+> poly w <+> text "|>"
689  where
690  pad base pref w =
691    let txt = showIntAtBase base ("0123456789abcdef" !!) n ""
692    in text pref <.> text (replicate (w - length txt) '0') <.> text txt
694  poly w = let (res,deg) = bits Nothing [] 0 n
695               z | w == 0 = []
696                 | Just d <- deg, d + 1 == w = []
697                 | otherwise = [polyTerm0 (w-1)]
698           in fsep $ intersperse (text "+") $ z ++ map polyTerm res
700  polyTerm 0 = text "1"
701  polyTerm 1 = text "x"
702  polyTerm p = text "x" <.> text "^^" <.> int p
704  polyTerm0 0 = text "0"
705  polyTerm0 p = text "0" <.> text "*" <.> polyTerm p
707  bits d res p num
708    | num == 0  = (res,d)
709    | even num  = bits d             res  (p + 1) (num `shiftR` 1)
710    | otherwise = bits (Just p) (p : res) (p + 1) (num `shiftR` 1)
712wrap :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
713wrap contextPrec myPrec doc = if myPrec < contextPrec then parens doc else doc
715isEApp :: Expr n -> Maybe (Expr n, Expr n)
716isEApp (ELocated e _)     = isEApp e
717isEApp (EApp e1 e2)       = Just (e1,e2)
718isEApp _                  = Nothing
720asEApps :: Expr n -> (Expr n, [Expr n])
721asEApps expr = go expr []
722    where go e es = case isEApp e of
723                      Nothing       -> (e, es)
724                      Just (e1, e2) -> go e1 (e2 : es)
726instance PPName name => PP (TypeInst name) where
727  ppPrec _ (PosInst t)   = pp t
728  ppPrec _ (NamedInst x) = ppNamed "=" x
730{- Precedences:
7310: lambda, if, where, type annotation
7322: infix expression   (separate precedence table)
7333: application, prefix expressions
735instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Expr name) where
736  -- Wrap if top level operator in expression is less than `n`
737  ppPrec n expr =
738    case expr of
740      -- atoms
741      EVar x        -> ppPrefixName x
742      ELit x        -> pp x
744      ENeg x        -> wrap n 3 (text "-" <.> ppPrec 4 x)
745      EComplement x -> wrap n 3 (text "~" <.> ppPrec 4 x)
746      EGenerate x   -> wrap n 3 (text "generate" <+> ppPrec 4 x)
748      ETuple es     -> parens (commaSep (map pp es))
749      ERecord fs    -> braces (commaSep (map (ppNamed' "=") (displayFields fs)))
750      EList es      -> brackets (commaSep (map pp es))
751      EFromTo e1 e2 e3 t1 -> brackets (pp e1 <.> step <+> text ".." <+> end)
752        where step = maybe empty (\e -> comma <+> pp e) e2
753              end = maybe (pp e3) (\t -> pp e3 <+> colon <+> pp t) t1
754      EFromToLessThan e1 e2 t1 -> brackets (strt <+> text ".. <" <+> end)
755        where strt = maybe (pp e1) (\t -> pp e1 <+> colon <+> pp t) t1
756              end  = pp e2
757      EInfFrom e1 e2 -> brackets (pp e1 <.> step <+> text "...")
758        where step = maybe empty (\e -> comma <+> pp e) e2
759      EComp e mss   -> brackets (pp e <+> vcat (map arm mss))
760        where arm ms = text "|" <+> commaSep (map pp ms)
761      EUpd mb fs    -> braces (hd <+> "|" <+> commaSep (map pp fs))
762        where hd = maybe "_" pp mb
764      ETypeVal t    -> text "`" <.> ppPrec 5 t     -- XXX
765      EAppT e ts    -> ppPrec 4 e <.> text "`" <.> braces (commaSep (map pp ts))
766      ESel    e l   -> ppPrec 4 e <.> text "." <.> pp l
768      -- low prec
769      EFun _ xs e   -> wrap n 0 ((text "\\" <.> hsep (map (ppPrec 3) xs)) <+>
770                                 text "->" <+> pp e)
772      EIf e1 e2 e3  -> wrap n 0 $ sep [ text "if"   <+> pp e1
773                                      , text "then" <+> pp e2
774                                      , text "else" <+> pp e3 ]
776      ETyped e t    -> wrap n 0 (ppPrec 2 e <+> text ":" <+> pp t)
778      EWhere  e ds  -> wrap n 0 (pp e
779                                $$ text "where"
780                                $$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp ds))
781                                $$ text "")
783      -- infix applications
784      _ | Just ifix <- isInfix expr ->
785              optParens (n > 2)
786              $ ppInfix 2 isInfix ifix
788      EApp _ _      -> let (e, es) = asEApps expr in
789                       wrap n 3 (ppPrec 3 e <+> fsep (map (ppPrec 4) es))
791      ELocated e _  -> ppPrec n e
793      ESplit e      -> wrap n 3 (text "splitAt" <+> ppPrec 4 e)
795      EParens e -> parens (pp e)
797      EInfix e1 op _ e2 -> wrap n 0 (pp e1 <+> ppInfixName (thing op) <+> pp e2)
798   where
799   isInfix (EApp (EApp (EVar ieOp) ieLeft) ieRight) = do
800     ieFixity <- ppNameFixity ieOp
801     return Infix { .. }
802   isInfix _ = Nothing
804instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (UpdField name) where
805  ppPrec _ (UpdField h xs e) = ppNestedSels (map thing xs) <+> pp h <+> pp e
807instance PP UpdHow where
808  ppPrec _ h = case h of
809                 UpdSet -> "="
810                 UpdFun -> "->"
812instance PPName name => PP (Pattern name) where
813  ppPrec n pat =
814    case pat of
815      PVar x        -> pp (thing x)
816      PWild         -> char '_'
817      PTuple ps     -> parens   (commaSep (map pp ps))
818      PRecord fs    -> braces   (commaSep (map (ppNamed' "=") (displayFields fs)))
819      PList ps      -> brackets (commaSep (map pp ps))
820      PTyped p t    -> wrap n 0 (ppPrec 1 p  <+> text ":" <+> pp t)
821      PSplit p1 p2  -> wrap n 1 (ppPrec 1 p1 <+> text "#" <+> ppPrec 1 p2)
822      PLocated p _  -> ppPrec n p
824instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Match name) where
825  ppPrec _ (Match p e)  = pp p <+> text "<-" <+> pp e
826  ppPrec _ (MatchLet b) = pp b
829instance PPName name => PP (Schema name) where
830  ppPrec _ (Forall xs ps t _) = sep [vars <+> preds, pp t]
831    where vars = case xs of
832                   [] -> empty
833                   _  -> braces (commaSep (map pp xs))
834          preds = case ps of
835                    [] -> empty
836                    _  -> parens (commaSep (map pp ps)) <+> text "=>"
838instance PP Kind where
839  ppPrec _ KType  = text "*"
840  ppPrec _ KNum   = text "#"
841  ppPrec _ KProp  = text "@"
842  ppPrec n (KFun k1 k2) = wrap n 1 (ppPrec 1 k1 <+> "->" <+> ppPrec 0 k2)
844-- | "Conversational" printing of kinds (e.g., to use in error messages)
845cppKind :: Kind -> Doc
846cppKind KType     = text "a value type"
847cppKind KNum      = text "a numeric type"
848cppKind KProp     = text "a constraint type"
849cppKind (KFun {}) = text "a type-constructor type"
851instance PPName name => PP (TParam name) where
852  ppPrec n (TParam p Nothing _)   = ppPrec n p
853  ppPrec n (TParam p (Just k) _)  = wrap n 1 (pp p <+> text ":" <+> pp k)
855-- 4: atomic type expression
856-- 3: [_]t or application
857-- 2: infix type
858-- 1: function type
859instance PPName name => PP (Type name) where
860  ppPrec n ty =
861    case ty of
862      TWild          -> text "_"
863      TTuple ts      -> parens $ commaSep $ map pp ts
864      TTyApp fs      -> braces $ commaSep $ map (ppNamed " = ") fs
865      TRecord fs     -> braces $ commaSep $ map (ppNamed' ":") (displayFields fs)
866      TBit           -> text "Bit"
867      TNum x         -> integer x
868      TChar x        -> text (show x)
869      TSeq t1 TBit   -> brackets (pp t1)
870      TSeq t1 t2     -> optParens (n > 3)
871                      $ brackets (pp t1) <.> ppPrec 3 t2
873      TUser f []     -> ppPrefixName f
875      TUser f ts     -> optParens (n > 3)
876                      $ ppPrefixName f <+> fsep (map (ppPrec 4) ts)
878      TFun t1 t2     -> optParens (n > 1)
879                      $ sep [ppPrec 2 t1 <+> text "->", ppPrec 1 t2]
881      TLocated t _   -> ppPrec n t
883      TParens t      -> parens (pp t)
885      TInfix t1 o _ t2 -> optParens (n > 2)
886                        $ sep [ppPrec 2 t1 <+> ppInfixName o, ppPrec 3 t2]
889instance PPName name => PP (Prop name) where
890  ppPrec n (CType t) = ppPrec n t
894-- Drop all position information, so equality reflects program structure
896class NoPos t where
897  noPos :: t -> t
899-- WARNING: This does not call `noPos` on the `thing` inside
900instance NoPos (Located t) where
901  noPos x = x { srcRange = rng }
902    where rng = Range { from = Position 0 0, to = Position 0 0, source = "" }
904instance NoPos t => NoPos (Named t) where
905  noPos t = Named { name = noPos (name t), value = noPos (value t) }
907instance NoPos Range where
908  noPos _ = Range { from = Position 0 0, to = Position 0 0, source = "" }
910instance NoPos t => NoPos [t]       where noPos = fmap noPos
911instance NoPos t => NoPos (Maybe t) where noPos = fmap noPos
912instance (NoPos a, NoPos b) => NoPos (a,b) where
913  noPos (a,b) = (noPos a, noPos b)
915instance NoPos (Program name) where
916  noPos (Program x) = Program (noPos x)
918instance NoPos (Module name) where
919  noPos m = Module { mName      = mName m
920                   , mInstance  = mInstance m
921                   , mImports   = noPos (mImports m)
922                   , mDecls     = noPos (mDecls m)
923                   }
925instance NoPos (TopDecl name) where
926  noPos decl =
927    case decl of
928      Decl    x   -> Decl     (noPos x)
929      DPrimType t -> DPrimType (noPos t)
930      TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype(noPos n)
931      Include x   -> Include  (noPos x)
932      DParameterFun d  -> DParameterFun (noPos d)
933      DParameterType d -> DParameterType (noPos d)
934      DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint (noPos d)
936instance NoPos (PrimType name) where
937  noPos x = x
939instance NoPos (ParameterType name) where
940  noPos a = a
942instance NoPos (ParameterFun x) where
943  noPos x = x { pfSchema = noPos (pfSchema x) }
945instance NoPos a => NoPos (TopLevel a) where
946  noPos tl = tl { tlValue = noPos (tlValue tl) }
948instance NoPos (Decl name) where
949  noPos decl =
950    case decl of
951      DSignature x y   -> DSignature (noPos x) (noPos y)
952      DPragma    x y   -> DPragma    (noPos x) (noPos y)
953      DPatBind   x y   -> DPatBind   (noPos x) (noPos y)
954      DFixity f ns     -> DFixity f (noPos ns)
955      DBind      x     -> DBind      (noPos x)
956      DType      x     -> DType      (noPos x)
957      DProp      x     -> DProp      (noPos x)
958      DLocated   x _   -> noPos x
960instance NoPos (Newtype name) where
961  noPos n = Newtype { nName   = noPos (nName n)
962                    , nParams = nParams n
963                    , nBody   = fmap noPos (nBody n)
964                    }
966instance NoPos (Bind name) where
967  noPos x = Bind { bName      = noPos (bName      x)
968                 , bParams    = noPos (bParams    x)
969                 , bDef       = noPos (bDef       x)
970                 , bSignature = noPos (bSignature x)
971                 , bInfix     = bInfix x
972                 , bFixity    = bFixity x
973                 , bPragmas   = noPos (bPragmas   x)
974                 , bMono      = bMono x
975                 , bDoc       = bDoc x
976                 }
978instance NoPos Pragma where
979  noPos p@(PragmaNote {})   = p
980  noPos p@(PragmaProperty)  = p
984instance NoPos (TySyn name) where
985  noPos (TySyn x f y z) = TySyn (noPos x) f (noPos y) (noPos z)
987instance NoPos (PropSyn name) where
988  noPos (PropSyn x f y z) = PropSyn (noPos x) f (noPos y) (noPos z)
990instance NoPos (Expr name) where
991  noPos expr =
992    case expr of
993      EVar x          -> EVar     x
994      ELit x          -> ELit     x
995      ENeg x          -> ENeg     (noPos x)
996      EComplement x   -> EComplement (noPos x)
997      EGenerate x     -> EGenerate (noPos x)
998      ETuple x        -> ETuple   (noPos x)
999      ERecord x       -> ERecord  (fmap noPos x)
1000      ESel x y        -> ESel     (noPos x) y
1001      EUpd x y        -> EUpd     (noPos x) (noPos y)
1002      EList x         -> EList    (noPos x)
1003      EFromTo x y z t -> EFromTo  (noPos x) (noPos y) (noPos z) (noPos t)
1004      EFromToLessThan x y t -> EFromToLessThan (noPos x) (noPos y) (noPos t)
1005      EInfFrom x y    -> EInfFrom (noPos x) (noPos y)
1006      EComp x y       -> EComp    (noPos x) (noPos y)
1007      EApp  x y       -> EApp     (noPos x) (noPos y)
1008      EAppT x y       -> EAppT    (noPos x) (noPos y)
1009      EIf   x y z     -> EIf      (noPos x) (noPos y) (noPos z)
1010      EWhere x y      -> EWhere   (noPos x) (noPos y)
1011      ETyped x y      -> ETyped   (noPos x) (noPos y)
1012      ETypeVal x      -> ETypeVal (noPos x)
1013      EFun dsc x y    -> EFun dsc (noPos x) (noPos y)
1014      ELocated x _    -> noPos x
1016      ESplit x        -> ESplit (noPos x)
1017      EParens e       -> EParens (noPos e)
1018      EInfix x y f z  -> EInfix (noPos x) y f (noPos z)
1020instance NoPos (UpdField name) where
1021  noPos (UpdField h xs e) = UpdField h xs (noPos e)
1023instance NoPos (TypeInst name) where
1024  noPos (PosInst ts)   = PosInst (noPos ts)
1025  noPos (NamedInst fs) = NamedInst (noPos fs)
1027instance NoPos (Match name) where
1028  noPos (Match x y)  = Match (noPos x) (noPos y)
1029  noPos (MatchLet b) = MatchLet (noPos b)
1031instance NoPos (Pattern name) where
1032  noPos pat =
1033    case pat of
1034      PVar x       -> PVar    (noPos x)
1035      PWild        -> PWild
1036      PTuple x     -> PTuple  (noPos x)
1037      PRecord x    -> PRecord (fmap noPos x)
1038      PList x      -> PList   (noPos x)
1039      PTyped x y   -> PTyped  (noPos x) (noPos y)
1040      PSplit x y   -> PSplit  (noPos x) (noPos y)
1041      PLocated x _ -> noPos x
1043instance NoPos (Schema name) where
1044  noPos (Forall x y z _) = Forall (noPos x) (noPos y) (noPos z) Nothing
1046instance NoPos (TParam name) where
1047  noPos (TParam x y _)  = TParam x y Nothing
1049instance NoPos (Type name) where
1050  noPos ty =
1051    case ty of
1052      TWild         -> TWild
1053      TUser x y     -> TUser    x         (noPos y)
1054      TTyApp x      -> TTyApp   (noPos x)
1055      TRecord x     -> TRecord  (fmap noPos x)
1056      TTuple x      -> TTuple   (noPos x)
1057      TFun x y      -> TFun     (noPos x) (noPos y)
1058      TSeq x y      -> TSeq     (noPos x) (noPos y)
1059      TBit          -> TBit
1060      TNum n        -> TNum n
1061      TChar n       -> TChar n
1062      TLocated x _  -> noPos x
1063      TParens x     -> TParens (noPos x)
1064      TInfix x y f z-> TInfix (noPos x) y f (noPos z)
1066instance NoPos (Prop name) where
1067  noPos (CType t) = CType (noPos t)