1 /*
2   eXosip - This is the eXtended osip library.
3   Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Aymeric MOIZARD amoizard@antisip.com
5   eXosip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8   (at your option) any later version.
10   eXosip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   GNU General Public License for more details.
15   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19   In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
20   permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
21   OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
22   individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
23   including the two.
24   You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
25   for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
26   file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
27   version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
28   do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
29   version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
30   files in the program, then also delete it here.
31 */
34 #include <mpatrol.h>
35 #endif
37 #ifndef __EXOSIP_H__
38 #define __EXOSIP_H__
40 #include <eXosip2/eX_setup.h>
41 #include <eXosip2/eX_register.h>
42 #include <eXosip2/eX_call.h>
43 #include <eXosip2/eX_options.h>
44 #include <eXosip2/eX_subscribe.h>
45 #include <eXosip2/eX_message.h>
46 #include <eXosip2/eX_publish.h>
48 #include <osipparser2/osip_parser.h>
49 #include <osipparser2/sdp_message.h>
50 #include <time.h>
52 /**
53  * @file eXosip.h
54  * @brief eXosip API
55  *
56  * eXosip is a high layer library for rfc3261: the SIP protocol.
57  * It offers a simple API to make it easy to use. eXosip2 offers
58  * great flexibility for implementing SIP endpoint like:
59  * <ul>
60  * <li>SIP User-Agents</li>
61  * <li>SIP Voicemail or IVR</li>
62  * <li>any SIP server acting as an endpoint (music server...)</li>
63  * </ul>
64  *
65  * If you need to implement proxy or complex SIP applications,
66  * you should consider using osip instead.
67  *
68  * Here are the eXosip capabilities:
69  * <pre>
70  *    REGISTER                 to handle registration.
71  *    INVITE/BYE               to start/stop VoIP sessions.
72  *    INFO                     to send DTMF within a VoIP sessions.
73  *    OPTIONS                  to simulate VoIP sessions.
74  *    re-INVITE                to modify VoIP sessions.
75  *    REFER/NOTIFY             to transfer calls.
76  *    MESSAGE                  to send Instant Message.
77  *    SUBSCRIBE/REFER/NOTIFY   to handle presence capabilities.
78  *    any other request        to handle what you want (outside dialogs)!
79  * </pre>
80  * <P>
81  */
83 #ifdef __cplusplus
84 extern "C" {
85 #endif
87 /**
88  * Structure for event description.
89  * @var eXosip_event_t
90  */
91 typedef struct eXosip_event eXosip_event_t;
93 /**
94  * @defgroup eXosip2_authentication eXosip2 authentication API
95  * @ingroup eXosip2_msg
96  * @{
97  */
99 /**
100  * Add authentication credentials. These are used when an outgoing
101  * request comes back with an authorization required response.
102  *
103  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
104  * @param username     username
105  * @param userid       login (usually equals the username)
106  * @param passwd       password
107  * @param ha1          MD5 ha1
108  * @param realm        realm within which credentials apply, or NULL to apply credentials to unrecognized realms
109  */
110 int eXosip_add_authentication_info(struct eXosip_t *excontext, const char *username, const char *userid, const char *passwd, const char *ha1, const char *realm);
112 /**
113  * Remove authentication credentials.
114  *
115  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
116  * @param username     username
117  * @param realm        realm must be exact same arg as for eXosip_add_authentication_info
118  */
119 int eXosip_remove_authentication_info(struct eXosip_t *excontext, const char *username, const char *realm);
121 /**
122  * Clear all authentication credentials stored in eXosip
123  *
124  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
125  */
126 int eXosip_clear_authentication_info(struct eXosip_t *excontext);
128 /**
129  * Initiate some default actions:
130  *
131  *  Retry with credentials upon reception of 401/407.
132  *  Retry with Contact header upon reception of 3xx request.
133  *
134  *  Usefull & required when eXosip_automatic_action() can't do the automatic action:
135  *  1/ if you receive a 401 or 407 for BYE (event EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE).
136  *  2/ if you receive 401 or 407 for any sip request outside of dialog (EXOSIP_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE)
137  *
138  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
139  * @param je           event to work on.
140  */
141 int eXosip_default_action(struct eXosip_t *excontext, eXosip_event_t *je);
143 /**
144  * Initiate some automatic actions:
145  *
146  *  Retry with credentials upon reception of 401/407.
147  *  Retry with higher Session-Expires upon reception of 422.
148  *  Refresh REGISTER and SUBSCRIBE/REFER before the expiration delay.
149  *  Retry with Contact header upon reception of 3xx request.
150  *  Send automatic UPDATE for session-timer feature.
151  *
152  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
153  */
154 void eXosip_automatic_action(struct eXosip_t *excontext);
156 #ifndef MINISIZE
157 /**
158  * Automatic internal handling of dialog package.
159  *
160  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
161  * @param evt          Incoming SUBSCRIBE for dialog package.
162  */
163 int eXosip_insubscription_automatic(struct eXosip_t *excontext, eXosip_event_t *evt);
164 #endif
166 /**
167  * Generate random string: (only digit, and maximum unsigned int)
168  *
169  * @param buf         destination buffer for random string.
170  * @param buf_size    size of destination buffer
171  */
172 int eXosip_generate_random(char *buf, int buf_size);
174 /**
175  * Generate random string: (low entropy, only hexa)
176  *
177  * @param buf         destination buffer for random string.
178  * @param buf_size    size of destination buffer
179  * @param str1        random1 input string
180  * @param str2        random2 input string
181  * @param str3        random3 input string
182  */
183 int eXosip_hexa_generate_random(char *buf, int buf_size, char *str1, char *str2, char *str3);
185 /**
186  * Generate random string: (high entropy when compiled with openssl)
187  *
188  * @param buf         destination buffer for random string.
189  * @param buf_size    size of destination buffer
190  */
191 int eXosip_byte_generate_random(char *buf, int buf_size);
193 /** @} */
195 /**
196  * @defgroup eXosip2_sdp eXosip2 SDP helper API.
197  * @ingroup eXosip2_msg
198  * @{
199  */
201 /**
202  * Get remote SDP body for the latest INVITE of call.
203  *
204  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
205  * @param did          dialog id of call.
206  */
207 sdp_message_t *eXosip_get_remote_sdp(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int did);
209 /**
210  * Get local SDP body for the latest INVITE of call.
211  *
212  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
213  * @param did          dialog id of call.
214  */
215 sdp_message_t *eXosip_get_local_sdp(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int did);
217 /**
218  * Get local SDP body for the previous latest INVITE of call.
219  *
220  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
221  * @param did          dialog id of call.
222  */
223 sdp_message_t *eXosip_get_previous_local_sdp(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int did);
225 /**
226  * Get remote SDP body for the latest INVITE of call.
227  *
228  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
229  * @param tid          transction id of transaction.
230  */
231 sdp_message_t *eXosip_get_remote_sdp_from_tid(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int tid);
233 /**
234  * Get local SDP body for the latest INVITE of call.
235  *
236  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
237  * @param tid          transction id of transaction.
238  */
239 sdp_message_t *eXosip_get_local_sdp_from_tid(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int tid);
241 /**
242  * Get local SDP body for the given message.
243  *
244  * @param message      message containing the SDP.
245  */
246 sdp_message_t *eXosip_get_sdp_info(osip_message_t *message);
248 /**
249  * Get audio connection information for call.
250  *
251  * @param sdp     sdp information.
252  */
253 sdp_connection_t *eXosip_get_audio_connection(sdp_message_t *sdp);
255 /**
256  * Get audio media information for call.
257  *
258  * @param sdp     sdp information.
259  */
260 sdp_media_t *eXosip_get_audio_media(sdp_message_t *sdp);
262 /**
263  * Get video connection information for call.
264  *
265  * @param sdp     sdp information.
266  */
267 sdp_connection_t *eXosip_get_video_connection(sdp_message_t *sdp);
269 /**
270  * Get video media information for call.
271  *
272  * @param sdp     sdp information.
273  */
274 sdp_media_t *eXosip_get_video_media(sdp_message_t *sdp);
276 /**
277  * Get media connection information for call.
278  *
279  * @param sdp     sdp information.
280  * @param media   media to search.
281  */
282 sdp_connection_t *eXosip_get_connection(sdp_message_t *sdp, const char *media);
284 /**
285  * Get media information for call.
286  *
287  * @param sdp     sdp information.
288  * @param media   media to search.
289  */
290 sdp_media_t *eXosip_get_media(sdp_message_t *sdp, const char *media);
292 /** @} */
294 /**
295  * @defgroup eXosip2_event eXosip2 event API
296  * @ingroup eXosip2_setup
297  * @{
298  */
300 /**
301  * Structure for event type description
302  * @var eXosip_event_type
303  */
304 typedef enum eXosip_event_type {
305   /* REGISTER related events */
306   EXOSIP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, /**< user is successfully registred.  */
307   EXOSIP_REGISTRATION_FAILURE, /**< user is not registred.           */
309   /* INVITE related events within calls */
310   EXOSIP_CALL_INVITE,   /**< announce a new call                   */
311   EXOSIP_CALL_REINVITE, /**< announce a new INVITE within call     */
313   EXOSIP_CALL_NOANSWER,       /**< announce no answer within the timeout */
314   EXOSIP_CALL_PROCEEDING,     /**< announce processing by a remote app   */
315   EXOSIP_CALL_RINGING,        /**< announce ringback                     */
316   EXOSIP_CALL_ANSWERED,       /**< announce start of call                */
317   EXOSIP_CALL_REDIRECTED,     /**< announce a redirection                */
318   EXOSIP_CALL_REQUESTFAILURE, /**< announce a request failure            */
319   EXOSIP_CALL_SERVERFAILURE,  /**< announce a server failure             */
320   EXOSIP_CALL_GLOBALFAILURE,  /**< announce a global failure             */
321   EXOSIP_CALL_ACK,            /**< ACK received for 200ok to INVITE      */
323   EXOSIP_CALL_CANCELLED, /**< announce that call has been cancelled */
325   /* request related events within calls (except INVITE) */
326   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_NEW,            /**< announce new incoming request. */
327   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_PROCEEDING,     /**< announce a 1xx for request. */
328   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_ANSWERED,       /**< announce a 200ok  */
329   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_REDIRECTED,     /**< announce a failure. */
330   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE, /**< announce a failure. */
331   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_SERVERFAILURE,  /**< announce a failure. */
332   EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_GLOBALFAILURE,  /**< announce a failure. */
334   EXOSIP_CALL_CLOSED, /**< a BYE was received for this call      */
336   /* for both UAS & UAC events */
337   EXOSIP_CALL_RELEASED, /**< call context is cleared.            */
339   /* events received for request outside calls */
340   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_NEW,            /**< announce new incoming request. */
341   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_PROCEEDING,     /**< announce a 1xx for request. */
342   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_ANSWERED,       /**< announce a 200ok  */
343   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_REDIRECTED,     /**< announce a failure. */
344   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE, /**< announce a failure. */
345   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_SERVERFAILURE,  /**< announce a failure. */
346   EXOSIP_MESSAGE_GLOBALFAILURE,  /**< announce a failure. */
348   /* Presence and Instant Messaging */
349   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_NOANSWER,       /**< announce no answer              */
350   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_PROCEEDING,     /**< announce a 1xx                  */
351   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_ANSWERED,       /**< announce a 200ok                */
352   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_REDIRECTED,     /**< announce a redirection          */
353   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUESTFAILURE, /**< announce a request failure      */
354   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_SERVERFAILURE,  /**< announce a server failure       */
355   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_GLOBALFAILURE,  /**< announce a global failure       */
356   EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTIFY,         /**< announce new NOTIFY request     */
358   EXOSIP_IN_SUBSCRIPTION_NEW, /**< announce new incoming SUBSCRIBE/REFER.*/
360   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_NOANSWER,       /**< announce no answer              */
361   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_PROCEEDING,     /**< announce a 1xx                  */
362   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_ANSWERED,       /**< announce a 200ok                */
363   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_REDIRECTED,     /**< announce a redirection          */
364   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_REQUESTFAILURE, /**< announce a request failure      */
365   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_SERVERFAILURE,  /**< announce a server failure       */
366   EXOSIP_NOTIFICATION_GLOBALFAILURE,  /**< announce a global failure       */
368   EXOSIP_EVENT_COUNT /**< MAX number of events              */
369 } eXosip_event_type_t;
371 /**
372  * Structure for event description
373  * @struct eXosip_event
374  */
375 struct eXosip_event {
376   eXosip_event_type_t type; /**< type of the event */
377   char textinfo[256];       /**< text description of event */
378   void *external_reference; /**< external reference (for calls) */
380   osip_message_t *request;  /**< request within current transaction */
381   osip_message_t *response; /**< last response within current transaction */
382   osip_message_t *ack;      /**< ack within current transaction */
384   int tid; /**< unique id for transactions (to be used for answers) */
385   int did; /**< unique id for SIP dialogs */
387   int rid; /**< unique id for registration */
388   int cid; /**< unique id for SIP calls (but multiple dialogs!) */
389   int sid; /**< unique id for outgoing subscriptions */
390   int nid; /**< unique id for incoming subscriptions */
392   int ss_status; /**< current Subscription-State for subscription */
393   int ss_reason; /**< current Reason status for subscription */
394 };
396 /**
397  * Free ressource in an eXosip event.
398  *
399  * @param je    event to work on.
400  */
401 void eXosip_event_free(eXosip_event_t *je);
403 /**
404  * Wait for an eXosip event.
405  *
406  * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
407  * @param tv_s      timeout value (seconds).
408  * @param tv_ms     timeout value (mseconds).
409  */
410 eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_wait(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int tv_s, int tv_ms);
412 /**
413  * Wait for next eXosip event.
415  * This API will block - You should use eXosip_event_wait instead which is more convenient.
416  * limitation: This method will not process automatic 200ok retransmission for INVITE transaction.
417  *
418  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
419  */
420 eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_get(struct eXosip_t *excontext);
422 /**
423  * This socket receive some data yhen an event happens internally.
424  * NOTE: you must call eXosip_event_wait until there is no more events
425  * in the fifo.
426  *
427  * @param excontext    eXosip_t instance.
428  */
429 int eXosip_event_geteventsocket(struct eXosip_t *excontext);
431 /** @} */
433 #ifdef __cplusplus
434 }
435 #endif
436 #endif