1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
3 /*
4  * Author :
5  *  Damon Chaplin <damon@ximian.com>
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)
8  *
9  * Based on the GnomeDateEdit, part of the Gnome Library.
10  * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
11  *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
13  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either the
15  *
16  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
17  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
18  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19  * for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23  */
25 /*
26  * EDateEdit - a widget based on GnomeDateEdit to provide a date & optional
27  * time field with popups for entering a date.
28  *
29  * It emits a "changed" signal when the date and/or time has changed.
30  * You can check if the last date or time entered was invalid by
31  * calling e_date_edit_date_is_valid() and e_date_edit_time_is_valid().
32  *
33  * Note that when the user types in a date or time, it will only emit the
34  * signals when the user presses the return key or switches the keyboard
35  * focus to another widget, or you call one of the _get_time/date functions.
36  */
38 #if !defined (__E_UTIL_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (LIBEUTIL_COMPILATION)
39 #error "Only <e-util/e-util.h> should be included directly."
40 #endif
42 #ifndef E_DATE_EDIT_H
43 #define E_DATE_EDIT_H
45 #include <time.h>
46 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
48 /* Standard GObject macros */
49 #define E_TYPE_DATE_EDIT \
50 	(e_date_edit_get_type ())
51 #define E_DATE_EDIT(obj) \
53 	((obj), E_TYPE_DATE_EDIT, EDateEdit))
54 #define E_DATE_EDIT_CLASS(cls) \
56 	((cls), E_TYPE_DATE_EDIT, EDateEditClass))
57 #define E_IS_DATE_EDIT(obj) \
59 	((obj), E_TYPE_DATE_EDIT))
60 #define E_IS_DATE_EDIT_CLASS(cls) \
62 	((cls), E_TYPE_DATE_EDIT))
63 #define E_DATE_EDIT_GET_CLASS(obj) \
65 	((obj), E_TYPE_DATE_EDIT, EDateEditClass))
69 typedef struct _EDateEdit EDateEdit;
70 typedef struct _EDateEditClass EDateEditClass;
71 typedef struct _EDateEditPrivate EDateEditPrivate;
73 /* The type of the callback function optionally used to get the current time.
74  */
75 typedef struct tm	(*EDateEditGetTimeCallback)
76 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
77 						 gpointer data);
79 struct _EDateEdit {
80 	GtkBox hbox;
81 	EDateEditPrivate *priv;
82 };
84 struct _EDateEditClass {
85 	GtkBoxClass parent_class;
87 	/* Signals */
88 	void		(*changed)		(EDateEdit *dedit);
89 };
91 GType		e_date_edit_get_type		(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
92 GtkWidget *	e_date_edit_new			(void);
94 /* Analogous to gtk_editable_set_editable.  disable editing, while still
95  * allowing selection. */
96 void		e_date_edit_set_editable	(EDateEdit *dedit,
97 						 gboolean editable);
99 /* Returns TRUE if the last date and time set were valid. The date and time
100  * are only set when the user hits Return or switches keyboard focus, or
101  * selects a date or time from the popup. */
102 gboolean	e_date_edit_date_is_valid	(EDateEdit *dedit);
103 gboolean	e_date_edit_time_is_valid	(EDateEdit *dedit);
105 /* Returns the last valid date & time set, or -1 if the date & time was set to
106  * 'None' and this is permitted via e_date_edit_set_allow_no_date_set. */
107 time_t		e_date_edit_get_time		(EDateEdit *dedit);
108 void		e_date_edit_set_time		(EDateEdit *dedit,
109 						 time_t the_time);
111 /* This returns the last valid date set, without the time. It returns TRUE
112  * if a date is set, or FALSE if the date is set to 'None' and this is
113  * permitted via e_date_edit_set_allow_no_date_set. (Month is 1 - 12). */
114 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_date		(EDateEdit *dedit,
115 						 gint *year,
116 						 gint *month,
117 						 gint *day);
118 void		e_date_edit_set_date		(EDateEdit *dedit,
119 						 gint year,
120 						 gint month,
121 						 gint day);
123 /* This returns the last valid time set, without the date. It returns TRUE
124  * if a time is set, or FALSE if the time is set to 'None' and this is
125  * permitted via e_date_edit_set_allow_no_date_set. */
126 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_time_of_day	(EDateEdit *dedit,
127 						 gint *hour,
128 						 gint *minute);
129 /* Set the time. Pass -1 as hour to set to empty. */
130 void		e_date_edit_set_time_of_day	(EDateEdit *dedit,
131 						 gint		 hour,
132 						 gint		 minute);
134 void		e_date_edit_set_date_and_time_of_day
135 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
136 						 gint year,
137 						 gint month,
138 						 gint day,
139 						 gint hour,
140 						 gint minute);
142 /* Whether we show the date field. */
143 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_show_date	(EDateEdit *dedit);
144 void		e_date_edit_set_show_date	(EDateEdit *dedit,
145 						 gboolean show_date);
147 /* Whether we show the time field. */
148 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_show_time	(EDateEdit *dedit);
149 void		e_date_edit_set_show_time	(EDateEdit *dedit,
150 						 gboolean show_time);
152 /* The week start day, used in the date popup. */
153 GDateWeekday	e_date_edit_get_week_start_day	(EDateEdit *dedit);
154 void		e_date_edit_set_week_start_day	(EDateEdit *dedit,
155 						 GDateWeekday week_start_day);
157 /* Whether we show week numbers in the date popup. */
158 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_show_week_numbers
159 						(EDateEdit *dedit);
160 void		e_date_edit_set_show_week_numbers
161 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
162 						 gboolean show_week_numbers);
164 /* Whether we use 24 hour format in the time field & popup. */
165 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_use_24_hour_format
166 						(EDateEdit *dedit);
167 void		e_date_edit_set_use_24_hour_format
168 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
169 						 gboolean use_24_hour_format);
171 /* Whether we allow the date to be set to 'None'. e_date_edit_get_time() will
172  * return (time_t) -1 in this case. */
173 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_allow_no_date_set
174 						(EDateEdit *dedit);
175 void		e_date_edit_set_allow_no_date_set
176 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
177 						 gboolean allow_no_date_set);
179 /* The range of time to show in the time combo popup. */
180 void		e_date_edit_get_time_popup_range
181 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
182 						 gint *lower_hour,
183 						 gint *upper_hour);
184 void		e_date_edit_set_time_popup_range
185 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
186 						 gint lower_hour,
187 						 gint upper_hour);
189 /* Whether the time field is made insensitive rather than hiding it. */
190 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_make_time_insensitive
191 						(EDateEdit *dedit);
192 void		e_date_edit_set_make_time_insensitive
193 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
194 						 gboolean make_insensitive);
196 /* Whether two-digit years in date could be modified as in future; default is TRUE */
197 gboolean	e_date_edit_get_twodigit_year_can_future
198 						(EDateEdit *dedit);
199 void		e_date_edit_set_twodigit_year_can_future
200 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
201 						 gboolean value);
203 /* Sets a callback to use to get the current time. This is useful if the
204  * application needs to use its own timezone data rather than rely on the
205  * Unix timezone. */
206 void		e_date_edit_set_get_time_callback
207 						(EDateEdit *dedit,
208 						 EDateEditGetTimeCallback cb,
209 						 gpointer data,
210 						 GDestroyNotify destroy);
212 GtkWidget *	e_date_edit_get_entry		(EDateEdit *dedit);
214 gboolean	e_date_edit_has_focus		(EDateEdit *dedit);
218 #endif /* E_DATE_EDIT_H */