1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013 by Timotei Dolean <timotei21@gmail.com>
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
5  * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
8  *******************************************************************************/
9 package org.wesnoth.utils;
11 import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS;
12 import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore;
13 import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
14 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
15 import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
16 import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
17 import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection;
18 import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
19 import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
20 import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
21 import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
22 import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor;
23 import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider;
24 import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
26 import org.wesnoth.Logger;
29 /**
30  * An utils class that handles Eclipse's editor
31  */
32 public class EditorUtils
33 {
34     /**
35      * Writes the specified content in current opened editor
36      *
37      * @param content
38      *        the string content to write
39      */
writeInEditor( String content )40     public static void writeInEditor( String content )
41     {
42         writeInEditor( getEditedFile( ), content );
43     }
45     /**
46      * Writes the specified content in the specified editor
47      *
48      * @param targetEditor
49      *        The editor part to write the content in.
50      *
51      * @param content
52      *        the string content to write
53      */
writeInEditor( IEditorPart targetEditor, String content )54     public static void writeInEditor( IEditorPart targetEditor, String content )
55     {
56         int offset = ( ( ITextSelection ) getTextEditor( targetEditor )
57             .getSelectionProvider( ).getSelection( ) ).getOffset( );
58         try {
59             getEditorDocument( targetEditor ).replace( offset, 0, content );
60         } catch( BadLocationException e ) {
61         }
62     }
64     /**
65      * Replaces the text in current opened editor with the specified one
66      *
67      * @param content
68      *        the string to replace the current content
69      */
replaceEditorText( String content )70     public static void replaceEditorText( String content )
71     {
72         replaceEditorText( getEditedFile( ), content );
73     }
75     /**
76      * Replaces the text in the specified editor with the specified one
77      *
78      * @param targetEditor
79      *        The editor part to replace the text for.
80      *
81      * @param content
82      *        the string to replace the current content
83      */
replaceEditorText( IEditorPart targetEditor, String content )84     public static void replaceEditorText( IEditorPart targetEditor,
85         String content )
86     {
87         if( targetEditor == null ) {
88             return;
89         }
90         try {
91             getEditorDocument( targetEditor ).replace( 0,
92                 getEditorDocument( targetEditor ).getLength( ), content );
93         } catch( BadLocationException e ) {
94         }
95     }
97     /**
98      * Gets the current opened editor's document
99      *
100      * @return An {@link IDocument} instance.
101      */
getEditorDocument( )102     public static IDocument getEditorDocument( )
103     {
104         return getEditorDocument( getEditedFile( ) );
105     }
107     /**
108      * Gets the specified editor's document
109      *
110      * @param targetEditor
111      *        The editor part to get the document for.
112      *
113      * @return An {@link IDocument} instance.
114      */
getEditorDocument( IEditorPart targetEditor )115     public static IDocument getEditorDocument( IEditorPart targetEditor )
116     {
117         if( targetEditor == null ) {
118             return null;
119         }
121         IDocumentProvider dp = getTextEditor( targetEditor )
122             .getDocumentProvider( );
123         return dp.getDocument( targetEditor.getEditorInput( ) );
124     }
126     /**
127      * Gets the text editor of the current opened editor
128      *
129      * @return An {@link ITextEditor} instance.
130      */
getTextEditor( )131     public static ITextEditor getTextEditor( )
132     {
133         return getTextEditor( getEditedFile( ) );
134     }
136     /**
137      * Gets the text editor of the specified editor
138      *
139      * @param targetEditor
140      *        The editor part to get the text editor for.
141      *
142      * @return An {@link ITextEditor} instance
143      */
getTextEditor( IEditorPart targetEditor )144     public static ITextEditor getTextEditor( IEditorPart targetEditor )
145     {
146         if( targetEditor == null ) {
147             return null;
148         }
150         IEditorPart part = targetEditor;
151         if( ! ( part instanceof AbstractTextEditor ) ) {
152             return null;
153         }
154         return ( ITextEditor ) part;
155     }
157     /**
158      * Gets the editor part of the current edited file
159      *
160      * @return An {@link IEditorPart} instance.
161      */
getEditedFile( )162     public static IEditorPart getEditedFile( )
163     {
164         return WorkspaceUtils.getWorkbenchWindow( ).getPages( )[0]
165             .getActiveEditor( );
166     }
168     /**
169      * Opens the editor on the specified file
170      *
171      * @param file
172      *        The file to open
173      * @param activatePage
174      *        True to activate the opened file
175      * @return An {@link IEditorPart} instance
176      */
openEditor( IFile file, boolean activatePage )177     public static IEditorPart openEditor( IFile file, boolean activatePage )
178     {
179         IWorkbenchPage page = WorkspaceUtils.getWorkbenchWindow( )
180             .getActivePage( );
181         try {
182             return IDE.openEditor( page, file, activatePage );
183         } catch( PartInitException e ) {
184             Logger.getInstance( ).logException( e );
185             return null;
186         }
187     }
189     /**
190      * Opens the editor on the specified file (will use IFileStore)
191      *
192      * @param file
193      *        The file to open
194      * @return An {@link IEditorPart} instance.
195      */
openEditor( String file )196     public static IEditorPart openEditor( String file )
197     {
198         return openEditor( EFS.getLocalFileSystem( )
199             .getStore( new Path( file ) ) );
200     }
202     /**
203      * Opens the editor on the specified file (will use IFileStore)
204      *
205      * @param file
206      *        The file to open
207      * @return An {@link IEditorPart} instance.
208      */
openEditor( IFileStore file )209     public static IEditorPart openEditor( IFileStore file )
210     {
211         try {
212             return IDE.openEditorOnFileStore( WorkspaceUtils
213                 .getWorkbenchWindow( ).getActivePage( ), file );
214         } catch( Exception e ) {
215             Logger.getInstance( ).logException( e );
216             return null;
217         }
218     }
220 }