2--  Rules.Unsafe_Paired_Calls.Signatures - Package body             --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This module is (c) Adalog 2004-2016.                            --
5--  The Ada Controller is  free software; you can  redistribute  it --
6--  and/or modify it under terms of the GNU General Public  License --
7--  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, --
8--  or (at your option) any later version. This unit is distributed --
9--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
10--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
11--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
12--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
13--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
14--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
15--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
16--                                                                  --
17--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
18--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
19--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
20--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
21--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
22--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
23--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
24--                                                                  --
25--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
26--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
27--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
28--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
31-- ASIS
33   Asis.Declarations,
34   Asis.Elements,
35   Asis.Expressions,
36   Asis.Statements;
38-- Adalog
40  Thick_Queries,
41  Utilities;
43package body Rules.Unsafe_Paired_Calls.Services is
45   Nil_Signature : constant Nesting_Signature := Nesting_Signature (Asis.Nil_Element_List);
47   ------------------------------------
48   -- Effective_Last_Statement_Index --
49   ------------------------------------
51   function Effective_Last_Statement_Index (Stats : Asis.Statement_List) return Asis.List_Index is
52      use Asis, Asis.Elements;
53      use Utilities;
54   begin
55      for S in reverse Stats'Range loop
56         case Statement_Kind (Stats (S)) is
57            when A_Return_Statement | An_Exit_Statement | A_Null_Statement =>
58               null;
59            when others =>
60               return S;
61         end case;
62      end loop;
64      -- Statement list contains only return, exit and null statements...
65      -- we shouldn't be here!
66      Failure ("No effective statement in statements list");
67   end Effective_Last_Statement_Index;
70   -------------------------
71   -- Is_Boolean_Constant --
72   -------------------------
74   function Is_Boolean_Constant (Expr : Asis.Expression) return Boolean is
75      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions;
76      use Thick_Queries, Utilities;
78      Decl : Asis.Declaration;
79   begin
80      if Expression_Kind (Expr) /= An_Identifier then
81         return False;
82      end if;
84      Decl := Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Ultimate_Name (Expr));
85      if Declaration_Kind (Decl) /= A_Constant_Declaration then
86         return False;
87      end if;
89      if To_Upper (Full_Name_Image (Subtype_Simple_Name (Object_Declaration_View (Decl)))) /= "STANDARD.BOOLEAN" then
90         return False;
91      end if;
93      return True;
94   end Is_Boolean_Constant;
97   ------------------------------------------------------------------
98   -- Exported subprograms
99   ------------------------------------------------------------------
101   ------------------------------
102   -- Effective_Last_Statement --
103   ------------------------------
105   function Effective_Last_Statement (Stats : Asis.Statement_List) return Asis.Statement is
106   begin
107      return Stats (Effective_Last_Statement_Index (Stats));
108   end Effective_Last_Statement;
111   ---------------
112   -- Signature --
113   ---------------
115   function Signature (Stmt : Asis.Statement) return Nesting_Signature is
116      use Asis.Elements;
118      function Enclosing_Signature (Elem : Asis.Element) return Nesting_Signature is
119         use Asis, Asis.Statements;
120      begin
121         case Element_Kind (Elem) is
122            when A_Statement =>
123               case Statement_Kind (Elem) is
124                  when An_If_Statement =>
125                     if Conditionals_Allowed.Value = Off then
126                        raise Invalid_Nesting with "nested calls not allowed";
127                     end if;
128                     declare
129                        Expr : constant Asis.Expression := Condition_Expression (Statement_Paths (Elem) (1));
130                     begin
131                        if not Is_Boolean_Constant (Expr) then
132                           raise Invalid_Nesting with "if condition is not a boolean constant";
133                        end if;
134                        return Enclosing_Signature (Enclosing_Element (Elem)) & Elem & Expr;
135                     end;
136                  when others =>
137                     return Nil_Signature;
138               end case;
140            when A_Path =>
141               case Path_Kind (Elem) is
142                  when An_If_Path | An_Else_Path =>
143                     -- Only one non effective statement allowed, must be the first statement
144                     declare
145                        Stats : constant Asis.Statement_List := Thick_Queries.Statements (Elem);
146                     begin
147                        if Effective_Last_Statement_Index (Stats) /= Stats'First then
148                           raise Invalid_Nesting with "path contains disallowed statements";
149                        end if;
150                     end;
151                     return Enclosing_Signature (Enclosing_Element (Elem)) & Elem;
152                  when others =>
153                     raise Invalid_Nesting with "call in disallowed structured statement";
154               end case;
156            when others =>
157               return Nil_Signature;
158         end case;
159      end Enclosing_Signature;
161   begin   -- Signature
162      return Enclosing_Signature (Enclosing_Element (Stmt)) & Stmt;
163   end Signature;
165   -------------------
166   -- Matching_Call --
167   -------------------
169   function Matching_Call (Stat : Asis.Statement; Signature : Nesting_Signature) return Asis.Statement is
170   -- A signature contains only statements (if statements, procedure call) or paths (if_path, else_path)
171      use Asis, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions, Asis.Statements;
172      use Thick_Queries, Utilities;
174      Current : Asis.Element := Stat;
175   begin
176      case Statement_Kind (Stat) is
177         when An_If_Statement | A_Procedure_Call_Statement | An_Entry_Call_Statement =>
178            null;
179         when others =>
180            return Nil_Element;
181      end case;
183      for E in Signature'Range loop
184         case Element_Kind (Signature (E)) is
185            when An_Expression =>
186               declare
187                  Expr : constant Asis.Expression := Condition_Expression (Statement_Paths (Current) (1));
188               begin
189                  if not Is_Boolean_Constant (Expr) then
190                     return Nil_Element;
191                  end if;
192                  if not Is_Equal (Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Ultimate_Name (Signature (E))),
193                                   Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Ultimate_Name (Expr)))
194                  then
195                     return Nil_Element;
196                  end if;
197               end;
199            when A_Statement =>
200               case Statement_Kind (Signature (E)) is
201                  when An_If_Statement =>
202                     if Statement_Kind (Current) /= An_If_Statement then
203                        return Nil_Element;
204                     end if;
205                  when A_Procedure_Call_Statement | An_Entry_Call_Statement =>
206                     if Statement_Kind (Current) /= Statement_Kind (Signature (E)) then
207                        return Nil_Element;
208                     end if;
209                  when others =>
210                     Failure ("Bad signature: not a call statement", Signature (E));
211               end case;
213            when A_Path =>
214               declare
215                  If_Paths : constant Asis.Path_List := Statement_Paths (Current);
216               begin
217                  case Path_Kind (Signature (E)) is
218                     when An_If_Path =>
219                        Current := If_Paths (1);
220                     when An_Else_Path =>
221                        if If_Paths'Length = 1 or else Path_Kind (If_Paths (2)) /= An_Else_Path then
222                           return Nil_Element;
223                        end if;
224                        Current := If_Paths (2);
225                     when others =>
226                        Failure ("Bad signature: bad path", Signature (E));
227                  end case;
228               end;
229               Current := Sequence_Of_Statements (Current) (1);
231            when others =>
232               Failure ("Bad signature: unexpected element", Signature (E));
233         end case;
234      end loop;
236      return Current;
237   end Matching_Call;
239end Rules.Unsafe_Paired_Calls.Services;