1 /* EINA - EFL data type library
2  * Copyright (C) 2008 Cedric Bail
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15  * License along with this library;
16  * if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 #ifndef EINA_ARRAY_H_
20 #define EINA_ARRAY_H_
22 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include "eina_config.h"
26 #include "eina_types.h"
27 #include "eina_error.h"
28 #include "eina_iterator.h"
29 #include "eina_accessor.h"
30 #include "eina_magic.h"
33 /**
34  * @page eina_array_01_example_page Basic array usage
35  * @dontinclude eina_array_01.c
36  *
37  * For this example we add stdlib.h, stdio.h and string.h for some
38  * convenience functions. The first thing to do to be able to use an
39  * @ref Eina_Array is to include Eina.h:
40  * @skip #include
41  * @until Eina.h
42  *
43  * Here we have a callback that prints the element given to it:
44  * @until }
45  *
46  * Now we create our entry point and declare some variables, nothing special:
47  * @until unsigned
48  *
49  * Before we can start using any array function we need to initialize eina:
50  * @until eina_init
51  *
52  * So now to actually create our array. The interesting thing here is the
53  * argument given to the eina_array_new() function. This argument sets how fast
54  * the array grows.
55  * @until array_new
56  *
57  * If you know before hand how big the array will need to be you should set the
58  * step to that. In our case we can set it to the number of strings we have and
59  * since we didn't do that in the eina_array_new() we can do it now:
60  * @until array_step_set
61  *
62  * Now let us populate our array with some strings:
63  * @until push
64  * @note Notice we use strdup, so we will have to free that memory later on.
65  *
66  * Now lets check the size of the array:
67  * @until printf
68  *
69  * And now we call a function on every member of our array to print it:
70  * @until foreach
71  *
72  * One of the strengths of @ref Eina_Array over @ref Eina_List is that it has
73  * very fast random access to elements, so this is very efficient:
74  * @until printf
75  *
76  * And now we free up the memory allocated with the strdup()s:
77  * @until free
78  *
79  * And the array memory itself:
80  * @until array_free
81  *
82  * And finally shutdown eina and exit:
83  * @until }
84  *
85  * The full source code can be found in the examples folder
86  * in the @ref eina_array_01_c "eina_array_01.c" file.
87  */
89 /**
90  * @page eina_array_01_c Basic array usage example
91  *
92  * @include eina_array_01.c
93  * @example eina_array_01.c
94  */
96 /**
97  * @page eina_array_02_example_page Removing array elements
98  * @dontinclude eina_array_02.c
99  *
100  * Just the usual includes:
101  * @skip #include
102  * @until Eina.h
103  *
104  * This is the callback we are going to use to decide which strings stay on the
105  * array and which will be removed.  We use something simple, but this can be as
106  * complex as you like:
107  * @until }
108  *
109  * This is the same code we used before to populate the list with the slight
110  * difference of not using strdup:
111  * @until array_push
112  *
113  * So we have added all our elements to the array, but it turns out that is not
114  * the elements we wanted, so let's empty the array and add the correct strings:
115  * @until array_push
116  *
117  * It seems we made a little mistake in one of our strings so we need to replace
118  * it, here is how:
119  * @until data_set
120  *
121  * Now that there is a populated array we can remove elements from it easily:
122  * @until array_remove
123  *
124  * And check that the elements were actually removed:
125  * @until printf
126  *
127  * Since this time we didn't use strdup we don't need to free each string:
128  * @until }
129  *
130  * The full source code can be found in the examples folder
131  * in the @ref eina_array_02_c "eina_array_02.c" file.
132  */
134 /**
135  * @page eina_array_02_c Basic array usage example
136  *
137  * @include eina_array_02.c
138  * @example eina_array_02.c
139  */
141 /**
142  * @addtogroup Eina_Array_Group Array
143  *
144  * @brief These functions provide array management.
145  *
146  * The Array data type in Eina is designed to have very fast access to
147  * its data (compared to the Eina @ref Eina_List_Group). On the other
148  * hand, data can be added or removed only at the end of the array. To
149  * insert data at arbitrary positions, the Eina @ref Eina_List_Group is
150  * the correct container to use.
151  *
152  * To use the array data type, eina_init() must be called before any
153  * other array functions. When no more eina array functions are used,
154  * eina_shutdown() must be called to free all the resources.
155  *
156  * An array must be created with eina_array_new(). It allocates all
157  * the necessary data for an array. When not needed anymore, an array
158  * is freed with eina_array_free(). This frees the memory used by the Eina_Array
159  * itself, but does not free any memory used to store the data of each element.
160  * To free that memory you must iterate over the array and free each data element
161  * individually. A convenient way to do that is by using #EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT.
162  * An example of that pattern is given in the description of @ref EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT.
163  *
164  * @warning Functions do not check if the used array is valid or not. It's up to
165  * the user to be sure of that. It is designed like that for performance
166  * reasons.
167  *
168  * The usual features of an array are classic ones: to append an
169  * element, use eina_array_push() and to remove the last element, use
170  * eina_array_pop(). To retrieve the element at a given position, use
171  * eina_array_data_get(). The number of elements can be retrieved with
172  * eina_array_count().
173  *
174  * An Eina_Array differs most notably from a conventional C array in that it can
175  * grow and shrink dynamically as elements are added and removed.
176  * Since allocating memory is expensive, when the array needs to grow it adds
177  * enough memory to hold @p step additional elements, not just the element
178  * currently being added. Similarly when elements are removed, it won't deallocate
179  * until @p step elements are removed.
180  *
181  * The following image illustrates how an Eina_Array grows:
182  *
183  * @image html eina_array-growth.png
184  * @image latex eina_array-growth.eps "" width=\textwidth
185  *
186  * Eina_Array only stores pointers but it can store data of any type in the form
187  * of void pointers.
188  *
189  * See here some examples:
190  * @li @ref eina_array_01_example_page
191  * @li @ref eina_array_02_example_page
192  */
194 /**
195  * @addtogroup Eina_Data_Types_Group Data Types
196  *
197  * @{
198  */
200 /**
201  * @addtogroup Eina_Containers_Group Containers
202  *
203  * @{
204  */
206 /**
207  * @defgroup Eina_Array_Group Array
208  *
209  * @{
210  */
212 /**
213  * @typedef Eina_Array
214  * Type for a generic one-dimensional linear data structure.
215  */
216 typedef struct _Eina_Array Eina_Array;
218 /**
219  * @typedef Eina_Array_Iterator
220  * Type for an iterator on arrays, used with #EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT.
221  */
222 typedef void **Eina_Array_Iterator;
224 /**
225  * @struct _Eina_Array
226  * Type for an array of data.
227  */
228 struct _Eina_Array
229 {
230 #define EINA_ARRAY_VERSION 1
231    int          version; /**< Should match EINA_ARRAY_VERSION used when compiled your apps, provided for ABI compatibility */
233    void       **data;  /**< Pointer to a C array of pointers to payloads */
234    unsigned int total; /**< Number of allocated slots in @p data */
235    unsigned int count; /**< Number of used slots in @p data that point to valid payloads */
236    unsigned int step;  /**< Number of slots to grow or shrink @p data */
238 };
241 /**
242  * @brief Creates a new array.
243  *
244  * @param[in] step The count of pointers to add when increasing the array size.
245  * @return @c NULL on failure, non @c NULL otherwise.
246  *
247  * This function creates a new array. When adding an element, the array
248  * allocates @p step elements. When that buffer is full, adding
249  * another element will increase the buffer by @p step elements again.
250  *
251  * This function return a valid array on success, or @c NULL if memory
252  * allocation fails.
253  */
254 EAPI Eina_Array *eina_array_new(unsigned int step) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT EINA_MALLOC EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
256 /**
257  * @brief Frees an array.
258  *
259  * @param[in] array The array to free.
260  *
261  * This function finalizes @p array by flushing (see
262  * eina_array_flush()), and then freeing the memory of the pointer. It
263  * does not free the memory allocated for the elements of @p array. To
264  * free them, walk the array with #EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT.
265  */
266 EAPI void eina_array_free(Eina_Array *array);
268 /**
269  * @brief Sets the step of an array.
270  *
271  * @param[in,out] array The array.
272  * @param[in] sizeof_eina_array Should be the value returned by sizeof(Eina_Array).
273  * @param[in] step The count of pointers to add when increasing the array size.
274  *
275  * This function sets the step of @p array to @p step. For performance
276  * reasons, there is no check of @p array. If it is @c NULL or
277  * invalid, the program may crash.
278  *
279  * @warning This function can @b only be called on uninitialized arrays.
280  */
281 EAPI void        eina_array_step_set(Eina_Array  *array,
282                                      unsigned int sizeof_eina_array,
283                                      unsigned int step) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
284 /**
285  * @brief Clears an array of its elements, without deallocating memory.
286  *
287  * @param[in,out] array The array to clean.
288  *
289  * This function sets the @p array's member count to 0 without freeing
290  * memory.  This facilitates emptying an array and quickly refilling it
291  * with new elements.  For performance reasons, there is no check of @p
292  * array. If it is @c NULL or invalid, the program may crash.
293  */
294 static inline void eina_array_clean(Eina_Array *array) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
296 /**
297  * @brief Clears an array's elements and deallocates the memory.
298  *
299  * @param[in,out] array The array to flush.
300  *
301  * This function sets the count and total members of @p array to 0, and
302  * frees its data member and sets it to NULL. For performance reasons,
303  * there is no check of @p array. If it is @c NULL or invalid, the
304  * program may crash.
305  */
306 EAPI void eina_array_flush(Eina_Array *array) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
308 /**
309  * @brief Rebuilds an array by specifying the data to keep.
310  *
311  * @param[in,out] array The array.
312  * @param[in] keep The functions which selects the data to keep.
313  * @param[in] gdata The data to pass to the function keep.
314  * @return #EINA_TRUE on success, #EINA_FALSE otherwise.
315  *
316  * This function rebuilds @p array by specifying the elements to keep with the
317  * function @p keep. No empty/invalid fields are left in the array. @p gdata is
318  * an additional data to pass to @p keep. For performance reasons, there is no
319  * check of @p array. If it is @c NULL or invalid, the program may crash.
320  *
321  * If it wasn't able to remove items due to an allocation failure, it will
322  * return #EINA_FALSE.
323  */
324 EAPI Eina_Bool eina_array_remove(Eina_Array * array,
325                                  Eina_Bool (*keep)(void *data, void *gdata),
326                                  void *gdata) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
328 /**
329  * @brief Appends a data item to an array.
330  *
331  * @param[in,out] array The array.
332  * @param[in] data The data to add.
333  * @return #EINA_TRUE on success, #EINA_FALSE if allocation is necessary
334  * and fails or if @p data is @c NULL.
335  *
336  * This function appends @p data to @p array. For performance
337  * reasons, there is no check of @p array. If it is @c NULL or
338  * invalid, the program may crash.
339  */
340 static inline Eina_Bool eina_array_push(Eina_Array *array,
341                                         const void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
343 /**
344  * @brief Removes the last data item in an array.
345  *
346  * @param[in,out] array The array.
347  * @return The retrieved data, or @c NULL if there are no remaining items.
348  *
349  * This function removes the last data item from @p array, decreases the
350  * length of @p array and returns the data item. For performance reasons,
351  * there is no check of @p array, so if it is @c NULL or invalid, the
352  * program may crash.
353  */
354 static inline void     *eina_array_pop(Eina_Array *array) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
356 /**
357  * @brief Returns the data at a given position in an array.
358  *
359  * @param[in] array The array.
360  * @param[in] idx The position of the data to retrieve.
361  * @return The retrieved data.
362  *
363  * This function returns the data at the position @p idx in @p
364  * array. For performance reasons, there is no check of @p array or @p
365  * idx. If @p array is @c NULL or invalid, or if @p idx is larger than
366  * the array's size, the program may crash.
367  */
368 static inline void     *eina_array_data_get(const Eina_Array *array,
369                                             unsigned int      idx) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
370 /**
371  * @brief Sets the data at a given position in an array.
372  *
373  * @param[in] array The array.
374  * @param[in] idx The position of the data to set.
375  * @param[in] data The data to set.
376  *
377  * This function sets the data at the position @p idx in @p array to @p
378  * data, this effectively replaces the previously held data, you must
379  * therefore get a pointer to it first if you need to free it. For
380  * performance reasons, there is no check of @p array or @p idx. If @p
381  * array is @c NULL or invalid, or if @p idx is larger than the array's
382  * size, the program may crash.
383 */
384 static inline void      eina_array_data_set(const Eina_Array *array,
385                                             unsigned int      idx,
386                                             const void       *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
388 /**
389  * @deprecated use eina_array_count()
390  * @brief Returns the number of elements in an array.
391  *
392  * @param[in] array The array.
393  * @return The number of elements.
394  *
395  * This function returns the number of elements in @p array (array->count). For
396  * performance reasons, there is no check of @p array, so if it is
397  * @c NULL or invalid, the program may crash.
398  *
399  */
400 static inline unsigned int eina_array_count_get(const Eina_Array *array) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
402 /**
403  * @brief Returns the number of elements in an array.
404  *
405  * @param[in] array The array.
406  * @return The number of elements.
407  *
408  * This function returns the number of elements in @p array (array->count). For
409  * performance reasons, there is no check of @p array, so if it is
410  * @c NULL or invalid, the program may crash.
411  */
412 static inline unsigned int eina_array_count(const Eina_Array *array) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
414 /**
415  * @brief Search for the given data in an array.
416  *
417  * @param[in] array The array.
418  * @param[in] data need to be found.
419  * @param[out] out_idx The position of the data in the array if found.
420  * @return EINA_TRUE if found otherwise returns EINA_FALSE.
421  *
422  * This function searches for the data pointer @p data inside @p array, returning @c EINA_TRUE if found.
423  * The exact position where the pointer is found can be retrieved through @p out_idx.
424  * Please note that only the pointer is compared, not the actual data pointed by it.
425  *
426  * @since 1.23
427  */
428 static inline Eina_Bool  eina_array_find(const Eina_Array *array,
429                                          const void       *data,
430                                          unsigned int     *out_idx) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
431 /**
432  * @brief Gets a new iterator associated with an array.
433  *
434  * @param[in] array The array.
435  * @return A new iterator, or @c NULL if @p array is @c NULL or has no
436  * items, or if memory could not be allocated.
437  *
438  * This function allocates a new iterator associated with @p array.
439  * Use EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT() to iterate through the array's data items
440  * in order of entry.
441  *
442  * @see Eina_Iterator_Group
443  */
444 EAPI Eina_Iterator        *eina_array_iterator_new(const Eina_Array *array) EINA_MALLOC EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
446 /**
447  * @brief Gets a new accessor associated with an array.
448  *
449  * @param[in] array The array.
450  * @return A new accessor, or @c NULL if @p array is @c NULL or has no
451  * items, or if memory could not be allocated.
452  *
453  * This function returns a newly allocated accessor associated with
454  * @p array.  Accessors differ from iterators in that they permit
455  * random access.
456  *
457  * @see Eina_Accessor_Group
458  */
459 EAPI Eina_Accessor        *eina_array_accessor_new(const Eina_Array *array) EINA_MALLOC EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
461 /**
462  * @brief Iterates over an array using a callback function.
463  *
464  * @param[in] array The array to iterate over.
465  * @param[in] cb The callback to invoke for each item.
466  * @param[in] fdata The user data to pass to the callback.
467  * @return #EINA_TRUE if it successfully iterated all items of the array.
468  *
469  * This function iterates over an array in order, calling @p cb for each
470  * item.  @p cb should return #EINA_TRUE if the loop should continue, or
471  * #EINA_FALSE to exit the loop, in which case eina_array_foreach() will
472  * return #EINA_FALSE.
473  */
474 static inline Eina_Bool    eina_array_foreach(Eina_Array  *array,
475                                               Eina_Each_Cb cb,
476                                               void        *fdata);
477 /**
479  * @brief Iterates through an array's elements.
480  *
481  * @param[in] array The array to iterate over.
482  * @param[out] index The integer number that is increased while iterating.
483  * @param[out] item The data
484  * @param[in,out] iterator The #Eina_Array_Iterator.
485  *
486  * This macro iterates over @p array in order, increasing @p index from
487  * the first to last element and setting @p item to each element's data
488  * item in turn.
489  *
490  * This macro can be used for freeing the data of an array, such as
491  * the following example:
492  *
493  * @code
494  * Eina_Array         *array;
495  * char               *item;
496  * Eina_Array_Iterator iterator;
497  * unsigned int        i;
498  *
499  * // array is already filled,
500  * // its elements are just duplicated strings,
501  * // EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT will be used to free those strings
502  *
503  * EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT(array, i, item, iterator)
504  *   free(item);
505  * @endcode
506  */
507 #define EINA_ARRAY_ITER_NEXT(array, index, item, iterator)                  \
508   for (index = 0, iterator = (array)->data;                                 \
509        (index < eina_array_count(array)) && ((item = *((iterator)++)));     \
510                                                   ++(index))
512 #include "eina_inline_array.x"
514 /**
515  * @}
516  */
518 /**
519  * @}
520  */
522 /**
523  * @}
524  */
526 #endif