1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file sygus_unif_strat.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Andres Noetzli
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief sygus_unif_strat
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include "expr/node.h"
22 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
24 namespace CVC4 {
25 namespace theory {
26 namespace quantifiers {
28 /** roles for enumerators
29  *
30  * This indicates the role of an enumerator that is allocated by approaches
31  * for synthesis-by-unification (see details below).
32  *   io : the enumerator should enumerate values that are overall solutions
33  *        for the function-to-synthesize,
34  *   ite_condition : the enumerator should enumerate values that are useful
35  *                   in ite conditions in the ITE strategy,
36  *   concat_term : the enumerator should enumerate values that are used as
37  *                 components of string concatenation solutions.
38  */
39 enum EnumRole
40 {
41   enum_invalid,
42   enum_io,
43   enum_ite_condition,
44   enum_concat_term,
45 };
46 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, EnumRole r);
48 /** roles for strategy nodes
49  *
50  * This indicates the role of a strategy node, which is a subprocedure of
51  * SygusUnif::constructSolution (see details below).
52  *   equal : the node constructed must be equal to the overall solution for
53  *           the function-to-synthesize,
54  *   string_prefix/suffix : the node constructed must be a prefix/suffix
55  *                          of the function-to-synthesize,
56  *   ite_condition : the node constructed must be a condition that makes some
57  *                   active input examples true and some input examples false.
58  */
59 enum NodeRole
60 {
61   role_invalid,
62   role_equal,
63   role_string_prefix,
64   role_string_suffix,
65   role_ite_condition,
66 };
67 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, NodeRole r);
69 /** enumerator role for node role */
70 EnumRole getEnumeratorRoleForNodeRole(NodeRole r);
72 /** strategy types
73  *
74  * This indicates a strategy for synthesis-by-unification (see details below).
75  *   ITE : strategy for constructing if-then-else solutions via decision
76  *         tree learning techniques,
77  *   CONCAT_PREFIX/SUFFIX : strategy for constructing string concatenation
78  *         solutions via a divide and conquer approach,
79  *   ID : identity strategy used for calling strategies on child type through
80  *        an identity function.
81  */
82 enum StrategyType
83 {
84   strat_INVALID,
85   strat_ITE,
86   strat_CONCAT_PREFIX,
87   strat_CONCAT_SUFFIX,
88   strat_ID,
89 };
90 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, StrategyType st);
92 /** virtual base class for context in synthesis-by-unification approaches */
93 class UnifContext
94 {
95  public:
~UnifContext()96   virtual ~UnifContext() {}
98   /** Get the current role
99    *
100    * In a particular context when constructing solutions in synthesis by
101    * unification, we may be solving based on a modified role. For example,
102    * if we are currently synthesizing x in a solution ("a" ++ x), we are
103    * synthesizing the string suffix of the overall solution. In this case, this
104    * function returns role_string_suffix.
105    */
106   virtual NodeRole getCurrentRole() = 0;
107   /** is return value modified?
108    *
109    * This returns true if we are currently in a state where the return value
110    * of the solution has been modified, e.g. by a previous node that solved
111    * for a string prefix.
112    */
isReturnValueModified()113   bool isReturnValueModified() { return getCurrentRole() != role_equal; }
114 };
116 /**
117 * This class stores information regarding an enumerator, including
118 * information regarding the role of this enumerator (see EnumRole), its
119 * parent, whether it is templated, its slave enumerators, and so on.
120 *
121 * We say an enumerator is a master enumerator if it is the variable that
122 * we use to enumerate values for its sort. Master enumerators may have
123 * (possibly multiple) slave enumerators, stored in d_enum_slave. When
124 * constructing a sygus unifciation strategy, we make the first enumerator for
125 * each type a master enumerator, and any additional ones slaves of it.
126 */
127 class EnumInfo
128 {
129  public:
EnumInfo()130   EnumInfo() : d_role(enum_io), d_is_conditional(false) {}
131   /** initialize this class
132   *
133   * role is the "role" the enumerator plays in the high-level strategy,
134   *   which is one of enum_* above.
135   */
136   void initialize(EnumRole role);
137   /** is this enumerator associated with a template? */
isTemplated()138   bool isTemplated() { return !d_template.isNull(); }
139   /** set conditional
140     *
141     * This flag is set to true if this enumerator may not apply to all
142     * input/output examples. For example, if this enumerator is used
143     * as an output value beneath a conditional in an instance of strat_ITE,
144     * then this enumerator is conditional.
145     */
setConditional()146   void setConditional() { d_is_conditional = true; }
147   /** returns if this enumerator is conditional */
isConditional()148   bool isConditional() { return d_is_conditional; }
149   /** get the role of this enumerator */
getRole()150   EnumRole getRole() { return d_role; }
151   /** enumerator template
152   *
153   * If d_template non-null, enumerated values V are immediately transformed to
154   * d_template { d_template_arg -> V }.
155   */
156   Node d_template;
157   Node d_template_arg;
158   /**
159   * Slave enumerators of this enumerator. These are other enumerators that
160   * have the same type, but a different role in the strategy tree. We
161   * generally
162   * only use one enumerator per type, and hence these slaves are notified when
163   * values are enumerated for this enumerator.
164   */
165   std::vector<Node> d_enum_slave;
167  private:
168   /** the role of this enumerator (one of enum_* above). */
169   EnumRole d_role;
170   /** is this enumerator conditional */
171   bool d_is_conditional;
172 };
174 class EnumTypeInfoStrat;
176 /** represents a node in the strategy graph
177  *
178  * It contains a list of possible strategies which are tried during calls
179  * to constructSolution.
180  */
181 class StrategyNode
182 {
183  public:
StrategyNode()184   StrategyNode() {}
185   ~StrategyNode();
186   /** the set of strategies to try at this node in the strategy graph */
187   std::vector<EnumTypeInfoStrat*> d_strats;
188 };
190 /**
191  * Stores all enumerators and strategies for a SyGuS datatype type.
192  */
193 class EnumTypeInfo
194 {
195  public:
EnumTypeInfo()196   EnumTypeInfo() {}
197   /** the type that this information is for */
198   TypeNode d_this_type;
199   /** map from enum roles to enumerators for this type */
200   std::map<EnumRole, Node> d_enum;
201   /** map from node roles to strategy nodes */
202   std::map<NodeRole, StrategyNode> d_snodes;
203   /** get strategy node for node role */
204   StrategyNode& getStrategyNode(NodeRole nrole);
205 };
207 /** represents a strategy for a SyGuS datatype type
208   *
209   * This represents a possible strategy to apply when processing a strategy
210   * node in constructSolution. When applying the strategy represented by this
211   * class, we may make recursive calls to the children of the strategy,
212   * given in d_cenum. If all recursive calls to constructSolution for these
213   * children are successful, say:
214   *   constructSolution( d_cenum[1], ... ) = t1,
215   *    ...,
216   *   constructSolution( d_cenum[n], ... ) = tn,
217   * Then, the solution returned by this strategy is
218   *   d_sol_templ * { d_sol_templ_args -> (t1,...,tn) }
219   * where * is application of substitution.
220   */
221 class EnumTypeInfoStrat
222 {
223  public:
224   /** the type of strategy this represents */
225   StrategyType d_this;
226   /** the sygus datatype constructor that induced this strategy
227     *
228     * For example, this may be a sygus datatype whose sygus operator is ITE,
229     * if the strategy type above is strat_ITE.
230     */
231   Node d_cons;
232   /** children of this strategy */
233   std::vector<std::pair<Node, NodeRole> > d_cenum;
234   /** the arguments for the (templated) solution */
235   std::vector<Node> d_sol_templ_args;
236   /** the template for the solution */
237   Node d_sol_templ;
238   /** Returns true if argument is valid strategy in unification context x */
239   bool isValid(UnifContext& x);
240 };
242 /**
243  * flags for extra restrictions to be inferred during redundant operators
244  * learning
245  */
246 struct StrategyRestrictions
247 {
StrategyRestrictionsStrategyRestrictions248   StrategyRestrictions() : d_iteReturnBoolConst(false), d_iteCondOnlyAtoms(true)
249   {
250   }
251   /**
252    * if this flag is true then staticLearnRedundantOps will also try to make
253    * the return value of boolean ITEs to be restricted to constants
254    */
255   bool d_iteReturnBoolConst;
256   /**
257    * if this flag is true then staticLearnRedundantOps will also try to make
258    * the condition values of ITEs to be restricted to atoms
259    */
260   bool d_iteCondOnlyAtoms;
261   /**
262    * A list of unused strategies. This maps strategy points to the indices
263    * in StrategyNode::d_strats that are not used by the caller of
264    * staticLearnRedundantOps, and hence should not be taken into account
265    * when doing redundant operator learning.
266    */
267   std::map<Node, std::unordered_set<unsigned>> d_unused_strategies;
268 };
270 /**
271  * Stores strategy and enumeration information for a function-to-synthesize.
272  *
273  * When this class is initialized, we construct a "strategy tree" based on
274  * the grammar of the function to synthesize f. This tree is represented by
275  * the above classes.
276  */
277 class SygusUnifStrategy
278 {
279  public:
SygusUnifStrategy()280   SygusUnifStrategy() : d_qe(nullptr) {}
281   /** initialize
282    *
283    * This initializes this class with function-to-synthesize f. We also call
284    * f the candidate variable.
285    *
286    * This call constructs a set of enumerators for the relevant subfields of
287    * the grammar of f and adds them to enums.
288    */
289   void initialize(QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node f, std::vector<Node>& enums);
290   /** Get the root enumerator for this class */
291   Node getRootEnumerator() const;
292   /**
293    * Get the enumerator info for enumerator e, where e must be an enumerator
294    * initialized by this class (in enums after a call to initialize).
295    */
296   EnumInfo& getEnumInfo(Node e);
297   /**
298    * Get the enumerator type info for sygus type t, where t must be the type
299    * of some enumerator initialized by this class
300    */
301   EnumTypeInfo& getEnumTypeInfo(TypeNode tn);
303   /** static learn redundant operators
304    *
305    * This learns static lemmas for pruning enumerative space based on the
306    * strategy for the function-to-synthesize of this class, and stores these
307    * into strategy_lemmas.
308    *
309    * These may correspond to static symmetry breaking predicates (for example,
310    * those that exclude ITE from enumerators whose role is enum_io when the
311    * strategy is ITE_strat).
312    *
313    * then the module may also try to apply the given pruning restrictions (see
314    * StrategyRestrictions for more details)
315    */
316   void staticLearnRedundantOps(
317       std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& strategy_lemmas,
318       StrategyRestrictions& restrictions);
319   /**
320    * creates the default restrictions when they are not given and calls the
321    * above function
322    */
323   void staticLearnRedundantOps(
324       std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& strategy_lemmas);
326   /** debug print this strategy on Trace c */
327   void debugPrint(const char* c);
329  private:
330   /** reference to quantifier engine */
331   QuantifiersEngine* d_qe;
332   /** The candidate variable this strategy is for */
333   Node d_candidate;
334   /** maps enumerators to relevant information */
335   std::map<Node, EnumInfo> d_einfo;
336   /** list of all enumerators for the function-to-synthesize */
337   std::vector<Node> d_esym_list;
338   /** Info for sygus datatype type occurring in a field of d_root */
339   std::map<TypeNode, EnumTypeInfo> d_tinfo;
340   /**
341     * The root sygus datatype for the function-to-synthesize,
342     * which encodes the overall syntactic restrictions on the space
343     * of solutions.
344     */
345   TypeNode d_root;
346   /**
347     * Maps sygus datatypes to their master enumerator. This is the (single)
348     * enumerator of that type that we enumerate values for.
349     */
350   std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_master_enum;
351   /** Initialize necessary information for (sygus) type tn */
352   void initializeType(TypeNode tn);
354   //-----------------------debug printing
355   /** print ind indentations on trace c */
356   static void indent(const char* c, int ind);
357   //-----------------------end debug printing
359   //------------------------------ strategy registration
360   /** build strategy graph
361    *
362    * This builds the strategy for enumerated values of type tn for the given
363    * role of nrole, for solutions to function-to-synthesize of this class.
364    */
365   void buildStrategyGraph(TypeNode tn, NodeRole nrole);
366   /** register enumerator
367    *
368    * This registers that et is an enumerator of type tn, having enumerator
369    * role enum_role.
370    *
371    * inSearch is whether we will enumerate values based on this enumerator.
372    * A strategy node is represented by a (enumerator, node role) pair. Hence,
373    * we may use enumerators for which this flag is false to represent strategy
374    * nodes that have child strategies.
375    */
376   void registerStrategyPoint(Node et,
377                           TypeNode tn,
378                           EnumRole enum_role,
379                           bool inSearch);
380   /** infer template */
381   bool inferTemplate(unsigned k,
382                      Node n,
383                      std::map<Node, unsigned>& templ_var_index,
384                      std::map<unsigned, unsigned>& templ_injection);
385   /** helper for static learn redundant operators
386    *
387    * (e, nrole) specify the strategy node in the graph we are currently
388    * analyzing, visited stores the nodes we have already visited.
389    *
390    * This method builds the mapping needs_cons, which maps (master) enumerators
391    * to a map from the constructors that it needs.
392    */
393   void staticLearnRedundantOps(
394       Node e,
395       NodeRole nrole,
396       std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool>>& visited,
397       std::map<Node, std::map<unsigned, bool>>& needs_cons,
398       StrategyRestrictions& restrictions);
399   /** finish initialization of the strategy tree
400    *
401    * (e, nrole) specify the strategy node in the graph we are currently
402    * analyzing, visited stores the nodes we have already visited.
403    *
404    * isCond is whether the current enumerator is conditional (beneath a
405    * conditional of an strat_ITE strategy).
406    */
407   void finishInit(Node e,
408                   NodeRole nrole,
409                   std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool> >& visited,
410                   bool isCond);
411   /** helper for debug print
412    *
413    * Prints the node e with role nrole on Trace(c).
414    *
415    * (e, nrole) specify the strategy node in the graph we are currently
416    * analyzing, visited stores the nodes we have already visited.
417    *
418    * ind is the current level of indentation (for debugging)
419    */
420   void debugPrint(const char* c,
421                   Node e,
422                   NodeRole nrole,
423                   std::map<Node, std::map<NodeRole, bool> >& visited,
424                   int ind);
425   //------------------------------ end strategy registration
426 };
428 } /* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
429 } /* CVC4::theory namespace */
430 } /* CVC4 namespace */