2Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package history
19import (
20	"bytes"
21	"context"
22	"encoding/json"
23	"fmt"
24	"hash/fnv"
25	"sort"
26	"strconv"
28	apps "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
29	appsinformers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/apps/v1"
30	clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
31	appslisters "k8s.io/client-go/listers/apps/v1"
32	hashutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/hash"
34	apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
35	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
36	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
37	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels"
38	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
39	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
41	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema"
42	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/rand"
43	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache"
44	"k8s.io/client-go/util/retry"
47// ControllerRevisionHashLabel is the label used to indicate the hash value of a ControllerRevision's Data.
48const ControllerRevisionHashLabel = "controller.kubernetes.io/hash"
50// ControllerRevisionName returns the Name for a ControllerRevision in the form prefix-hash. If the length
51// of prefix is greater than 223 bytes, it is truncated to allow for a name that is no larger than 253 bytes.
52func ControllerRevisionName(prefix string, hash string) string {
53	if len(prefix) > 223 {
54		prefix = prefix[:223]
55	}
57	return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", prefix, hash)
60// NewControllerRevision returns a ControllerRevision with a ControllerRef pointing to parent and indicating that
61// parent is of parentKind. The ControllerRevision has labels matching template labels, contains Data equal to data, and
62// has a Revision equal to revision. The collisionCount is used when creating the name of the ControllerRevision
63// so the name is likely unique. If the returned error is nil, the returned ControllerRevision is valid. If the
64// returned error is not nil, the returned ControllerRevision is invalid for use.
65func NewControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object,
66	parentKind schema.GroupVersionKind,
67	templateLabels map[string]string,
68	data runtime.RawExtension,
69	revision int64,
70	collisionCount *int32) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
71	labelMap := make(map[string]string)
72	for k, v := range templateLabels {
73		labelMap[k] = v
74	}
75	cr := &apps.ControllerRevision{
76		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
77			Labels:          labelMap,
78			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*metav1.NewControllerRef(parent, parentKind)},
79		},
80		Data:     data,
81		Revision: revision,
82	}
83	hash := HashControllerRevision(cr, collisionCount)
84	cr.Name = ControllerRevisionName(parent.GetName(), hash)
85	cr.Labels[ControllerRevisionHashLabel] = hash
86	return cr, nil
89// HashControllerRevision hashes the contents of revision's Data using FNV hashing. If probe is not nil, the byte value
90// of probe is added written to the hash as well. The returned hash will be a safe encoded string to avoid bad words.
91func HashControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision, probe *int32) string {
92	hf := fnv.New32()
93	if len(revision.Data.Raw) > 0 {
94		hf.Write(revision.Data.Raw)
95	}
96	if revision.Data.Object != nil {
97		hashutil.DeepHashObject(hf, revision.Data.Object)
98	}
99	if probe != nil {
100		hf.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(int64(*probe), 10)))
101	}
102	return rand.SafeEncodeString(fmt.Sprint(hf.Sum32()))
105// SortControllerRevisions sorts revisions by their Revision.
106func SortControllerRevisions(revisions []*apps.ControllerRevision) {
107	sort.Stable(byRevision(revisions))
110// EqualRevision returns true if lhs and rhs are either both nil, or both point to non-nil ControllerRevisions that
111// contain semantically equivalent data. Otherwise this method returns false.
112func EqualRevision(lhs *apps.ControllerRevision, rhs *apps.ControllerRevision) bool {
113	var lhsHash, rhsHash *uint32
114	if lhs == nil || rhs == nil {
115		return lhs == rhs
116	}
117	if hs, found := lhs.Labels[ControllerRevisionHashLabel]; found {
118		hash, err := strconv.ParseInt(hs, 10, 32)
119		if err == nil {
120			lhsHash = new(uint32)
121			*lhsHash = uint32(hash)
122		}
123	}
124	if hs, found := rhs.Labels[ControllerRevisionHashLabel]; found {
125		hash, err := strconv.ParseInt(hs, 10, 32)
126		if err == nil {
127			rhsHash = new(uint32)
128			*rhsHash = uint32(hash)
129		}
130	}
131	if lhsHash != nil && rhsHash != nil && *lhsHash != *rhsHash {
132		return false
133	}
134	return bytes.Equal(lhs.Data.Raw, rhs.Data.Raw) && apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(lhs.Data.Object, rhs.Data.Object)
137// FindEqualRevisions returns all ControllerRevisions in revisions that are equal to needle using EqualRevision as the
138// equality test. The returned slice preserves the order of revisions.
139func FindEqualRevisions(revisions []*apps.ControllerRevision, needle *apps.ControllerRevision) []*apps.ControllerRevision {
140	var eq []*apps.ControllerRevision
141	for i := range revisions {
142		if EqualRevision(revisions[i], needle) {
143			eq = append(eq, revisions[i])
144		}
145	}
146	return eq
149// byRevision implements sort.Interface to allow ControllerRevisions to be sorted by Revision.
150type byRevision []*apps.ControllerRevision
152func (br byRevision) Len() int {
153	return len(br)
156// Less breaks ties first by creation timestamp, then by name
157func (br byRevision) Less(i, j int) bool {
158	if br[i].Revision == br[j].Revision {
159		if br[j].CreationTimestamp.Equal(&br[i].CreationTimestamp) {
160			return br[i].Name < br[j].Name
161		}
162		return br[j].CreationTimestamp.After(br[i].CreationTimestamp.Time)
163	}
164	return br[i].Revision < br[j].Revision
167func (br byRevision) Swap(i, j int) {
168	br[i], br[j] = br[j], br[i]
171// Interface provides an interface allowing for management of a Controller's history as realized by recorded
172// ControllerRevisions. An instance of Interface can be retrieved from NewHistory. Implementations must treat all
173// pointer parameters as "in" parameter, and they must not be mutated.
174type Interface interface {
175	// ListControllerRevisions lists all ControllerRevisions matching selector and owned by parent or no other
176	// controller. If the returned error is nil the returned slice of ControllerRevisions is valid. If the
177	// returned error is not nil, the returned slice is not valid.
178	ListControllerRevisions(parent metav1.Object, selector labels.Selector) ([]*apps.ControllerRevision, error)
179	// CreateControllerRevision attempts to create the revision as owned by parent via a ControllerRef. If name
180	// collision occurs, collisionCount (incremented each time collision occurs except for the first time) is
181	// added to the hash of the revision and it is renamed using ControllerRevisionName. Implementations may
182	// cease to attempt to retry creation after some number of attempts and return an error. If the returned
183	// error is not nil, creation failed. If the returned error is nil, the returned ControllerRevision has been
184	// created.
185	// Callers must make sure that collisionCount is not nil. An error is returned if it is.
186	CreateControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, revision *apps.ControllerRevision, collisionCount *int32) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error)
187	// DeleteControllerRevision attempts to delete revision. If the returned error is not nil, deletion has failed.
188	DeleteControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision) error
189	// UpdateControllerRevision updates revision such that its Revision is equal to newRevision. Implementations
190	// may retry on conflict. If the returned error is nil, the update was successful and returned ControllerRevision
191	// is valid. If the returned error is not nil, the update failed and the returned ControllerRevision is invalid.
192	UpdateControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision, newRevision int64) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error)
193	// AdoptControllerRevision attempts to adopt revision by adding a ControllerRef indicating that the parent
194	// Object of parentKind is the owner of revision. If revision is already owned, an error is returned. If the
195	// resource patch fails, an error is returned. If no error is returned, the returned ControllerRevision is
196	// valid.
197	AdoptControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, parentKind schema.GroupVersionKind, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error)
198	// ReleaseControllerRevision attempts to release parent's ownership of revision by removing parent from the
199	// OwnerReferences of revision. If an error is returned, parent remains the owner of revision. If no error is
200	// returned, the returned ControllerRevision is valid.
201	ReleaseControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error)
204// NewHistory returns an instance of Interface that uses client to communicate with the API Server and lister to list
205// ControllerRevisions. This method should be used to create an Interface for all scenarios other than testing.
206func NewHistory(client clientset.Interface, lister appslisters.ControllerRevisionLister) Interface {
207	return &realHistory{client, lister}
210// NewFakeHistory returns an instance of Interface that uses informer to create, update, list, and delete
211// ControllerRevisions. This method should be used to create an Interface for testing purposes.
212func NewFakeHistory(informer appsinformers.ControllerRevisionInformer) Interface {
213	return &fakeHistory{informer.Informer().GetIndexer(), informer.Lister()}
216type realHistory struct {
217	client clientset.Interface
218	lister appslisters.ControllerRevisionLister
221func (rh *realHistory) ListControllerRevisions(parent metav1.Object, selector labels.Selector) ([]*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
222	// List all revisions in the namespace that match the selector
223	history, err := rh.lister.ControllerRevisions(parent.GetNamespace()).List(selector)
224	if err != nil {
225		return nil, err
226	}
227	var owned []*apps.ControllerRevision
228	for i := range history {
229		ref := metav1.GetControllerOfNoCopy(history[i])
230		if ref == nil || ref.UID == parent.GetUID() {
231			owned = append(owned, history[i])
232		}
234	}
235	return owned, err
238func (rh *realHistory) CreateControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, revision *apps.ControllerRevision, collisionCount *int32) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
239	if collisionCount == nil {
240		return nil, fmt.Errorf("collisionCount should not be nil")
241	}
243	// Clone the input
244	clone := revision.DeepCopy()
246	// Continue to attempt to create the revision updating the name with a new hash on each iteration
247	for {
248		hash := HashControllerRevision(revision, collisionCount)
249		// Update the revisions name
250		clone.Name = ControllerRevisionName(parent.GetName(), hash)
251		ns := parent.GetNamespace()
252		created, err := rh.client.AppsV1().ControllerRevisions(ns).Create(context.TODO(), clone, metav1.CreateOptions{})
253		if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
254			exists, err := rh.client.AppsV1().ControllerRevisions(ns).Get(context.TODO(), clone.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
255			if err != nil {
256				return nil, err
257			}
258			if bytes.Equal(exists.Data.Raw, clone.Data.Raw) {
259				return exists, nil
260			}
261			*collisionCount++
262			continue
263		}
264		return created, err
265	}
268func (rh *realHistory) UpdateControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision, newRevision int64) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
269	clone := revision.DeepCopy()
270	err := retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultBackoff, func() error {
271		if clone.Revision == newRevision {
272			return nil
273		}
274		clone.Revision = newRevision
275		updated, updateErr := rh.client.AppsV1().ControllerRevisions(clone.Namespace).Update(context.TODO(), clone, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
276		if updateErr == nil {
277			return nil
278		}
279		if updated != nil {
280			clone = updated
281		}
282		if updated, err := rh.lister.ControllerRevisions(clone.Namespace).Get(clone.Name); err == nil {
283			// make a copy so we don't mutate the shared cache
284			clone = updated.DeepCopy()
285		}
286		return updateErr
287	})
288	return clone, err
291func (rh *realHistory) DeleteControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision) error {
292	return rh.client.AppsV1().ControllerRevisions(revision.Namespace).Delete(context.TODO(), revision.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
295type objectForPatch struct {
296	Metadata objectMetaForPatch `json:"metadata"`
299// objectMetaForPatch define object meta struct for patch operation
300type objectMetaForPatch struct {
301	OwnerReferences []metav1.OwnerReference `json:"ownerReferences"`
302	UID             types.UID               `json:"uid"`
305func (rh *realHistory) AdoptControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, parentKind schema.GroupVersionKind, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
306	blockOwnerDeletion := true
307	isController := true
308	// Return an error if the revision is not orphan
309	if owner := metav1.GetControllerOfNoCopy(revision); owner != nil {
310		return nil, fmt.Errorf("attempt to adopt revision owned by %v", owner)
311	}
312	addControllerPatch := objectForPatch{
313		Metadata: objectMetaForPatch{
314			UID: revision.UID,
315			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{{
316				APIVersion:         parentKind.GroupVersion().String(),
317				Kind:               parentKind.Kind,
318				Name:               parent.GetName(),
319				UID:                parent.GetUID(),
320				Controller:         &isController,
321				BlockOwnerDeletion: &blockOwnerDeletion,
322			}},
323		},
324	}
325	patchBytes, err := json.Marshal(&addControllerPatch)
326	if err != nil {
327		return nil, err
328	}
329	// Use strategic merge patch to add an owner reference indicating a controller ref
330	return rh.client.AppsV1().ControllerRevisions(parent.GetNamespace()).Patch(context.TODO(), revision.GetName(),
331		types.StrategicMergePatchType, patchBytes, metav1.PatchOptions{})
334func (rh *realHistory) ReleaseControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
335	// Use strategic merge patch to add an owner reference indicating a controller ref
336	released, err := rh.client.AppsV1().ControllerRevisions(revision.GetNamespace()).Patch(context.TODO(), revision.GetName(),
337		types.StrategicMergePatchType,
338		[]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"metadata":{"ownerReferences":[{"$patch":"delete","uid":"%s"}],"uid":"%s"}}`, parent.GetUID(), revision.UID)), metav1.PatchOptions{})
340	if err != nil {
341		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
342			// We ignore deleted revisions
343			return nil, nil
344		}
345		if errors.IsInvalid(err) {
346			// We ignore cases where the parent no longer owns the revision or where the revision has no
347			// owner.
348			return nil, nil
349		}
350	}
351	return released, err
354type fakeHistory struct {
355	indexer cache.Indexer
356	lister  appslisters.ControllerRevisionLister
359func (fh *fakeHistory) ListControllerRevisions(parent metav1.Object, selector labels.Selector) ([]*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
360	history, err := fh.lister.ControllerRevisions(parent.GetNamespace()).List(selector)
361	if err != nil {
362		return nil, err
363	}
365	var owned []*apps.ControllerRevision
366	for i := range history {
367		ref := metav1.GetControllerOf(history[i])
368		if ref == nil || ref.UID == parent.GetUID() {
369			owned = append(owned, history[i])
370		}
372	}
373	return owned, err
376func (fh *fakeHistory) addRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
377	key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(revision)
378	if err != nil {
379		return nil, err
380	}
381	obj, found, err := fh.indexer.GetByKey(key)
382	if err != nil {
383		return nil, err
384	}
385	if found {
386		foundRevision := obj.(*apps.ControllerRevision)
387		return foundRevision, errors.NewAlreadyExists(apps.Resource("controllerrevision"), revision.Name)
388	}
389	return revision, fh.indexer.Update(revision)
392func (fh *fakeHistory) CreateControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, revision *apps.ControllerRevision, collisionCount *int32) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
393	if collisionCount == nil {
394		return nil, fmt.Errorf("collisionCount should not be nil")
395	}
397	// Clone the input
398	clone := revision.DeepCopy()
399	clone.Namespace = parent.GetNamespace()
401	// Continue to attempt to create the revision updating the name with a new hash on each iteration
402	for {
403		hash := HashControllerRevision(revision, collisionCount)
404		// Update the revisions name and labels
405		clone.Name = ControllerRevisionName(parent.GetName(), hash)
406		created, err := fh.addRevision(clone)
407		if errors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
408			*collisionCount++
409			continue
410		}
411		return created, err
412	}
415func (fh *fakeHistory) DeleteControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision) error {
416	key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(revision)
417	if err != nil {
418		return err
419	}
420	obj, found, err := fh.indexer.GetByKey(key)
421	if err != nil {
422		return err
423	}
424	if !found {
425		return errors.NewNotFound(apps.Resource("controllerrevisions"), revision.Name)
426	}
427	return fh.indexer.Delete(obj)
430func (fh *fakeHistory) UpdateControllerRevision(revision *apps.ControllerRevision, newRevision int64) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
431	clone := revision.DeepCopy()
432	clone.Revision = newRevision
433	return clone, fh.indexer.Update(clone)
436func (fh *fakeHistory) AdoptControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, parentKind schema.GroupVersionKind, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
437	if owner := metav1.GetControllerOf(revision); owner != nil {
438		return nil, fmt.Errorf("attempt to adopt revision owned by %v", owner)
439	}
440	key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(revision)
441	if err != nil {
442		return nil, err
443	}
444	_, found, err := fh.indexer.GetByKey(key)
445	if err != nil {
446		return nil, err
447	}
448	if !found {
449		return nil, errors.NewNotFound(apps.Resource("controllerrevisions"), revision.Name)
450	}
451	clone := revision.DeepCopy()
452	clone.OwnerReferences = append(clone.OwnerReferences, *metav1.NewControllerRef(parent, parentKind))
453	return clone, fh.indexer.Update(clone)
456func (fh *fakeHistory) ReleaseControllerRevision(parent metav1.Object, revision *apps.ControllerRevision) (*apps.ControllerRevision, error) {
457	key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(revision)
458	if err != nil {
459		return nil, err
460	}
461	_, found, err := fh.indexer.GetByKey(key)
462	if err != nil {
463		return nil, err
464	}
465	if !found {
466		return nil, nil
467	}
468	clone := revision.DeepCopy()
469	refs := clone.OwnerReferences
470	clone.OwnerReferences = nil
471	for i := range refs {
472		if refs[i].UID != parent.GetUID() {
473			clone.OwnerReferences = append(clone.OwnerReferences, refs[i])
474		}
475	}
476	return clone, fh.indexer.Update(clone)