1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE libraries
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
6     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
7 */
10 #define KMOUNTPOINT_H
12 #include "kiocore_export.h"
14 #include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
15 #include <QStringList>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <sys/types.h> // dev_t among other definitions
20 class KMountPointPrivate;
22 /**
23  * @class KMountPoint kmountpoint.h <KMountPoint>
24  *
25  * The KMountPoint class provides information about mounted and unmounted disks.
26  * It provides a system independent interface to fstab.
27  *
28  * @author Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
29  */
30 class KIOCORE_EXPORT KMountPoint : public QSharedData
31 {
32 public:
33     using Ptr = QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<KMountPoint>;
35     /**
36      * List of mount points.
37      */
38     class KIOCORE_EXPORT List : public QList<Ptr>
39     {
40     public:
41         List();
42         /**
43          * Find the mountpoint on which resides @p path
44          * For instance if /home is a separate partition, findByPath("/home/user/blah")
45          * will return /home
46          * @param path the path to check
47          * @return the mount point of the given file
48          */
49         Ptr findByPath(const QString &path) const;
51         /**
52          * Returns the mount point associated with @p device,
53          * i.e. the one where mountedFrom() == @p device
54          * (after symlink resolution).
55          * @return the mountpoint, or @c nullptr if this device doesn't exist or isn't mounted
56          */
57         Ptr findByDevice(const QString &device) const;
58     };
60 public:
61     /**
62      * Flags that specify which additional details should be fetched for each mountpoint.
63      * @see DetailsNeededFlags
64      */
65     enum DetailsNeededFlag {
66         /**
67          * Only the basic details: mountedFrom, mountPoint, mountType.
68          */
69         BasicInfoNeeded = 0,
70         /**
71          * Also fetch the options used when mounting, see KMountPoint::mountOptions().
72          */
73         NeedMountOptions = 1,
74         /**
75          * Also fetch the device name (with symlinks resolved), see KMountPoint::realDeviceName().
76          */
77         NeedRealDeviceName = 2,
78     };
79     /**
80      * Stores a combination of #DetailsNeededFlag values.
81      */
82     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DetailsNeededFlags, DetailsNeededFlag)
84     /**
85      * This function gives a list of all possible mountpoints. (fstab)
86      * @param infoNeeded Flags that specify which additional information
87      * should be fetched.
88      */
89     static List possibleMountPoints(DetailsNeededFlags infoNeeded = BasicInfoNeeded);
91     /**
92      * Returns a list of all current mountpoints.
93      *
94      * @param infoNeeded Flags that specify which additional information
95      * should be fetched.
96      *
97      * @note This method will return an empty list on @c Android
98      */
99     static List currentMountPoints(DetailsNeededFlags infoNeeded = BasicInfoNeeded);
101     /**
102      * Where this filesystem gets mounted from.
103      * This can refer to a device, a remote server or something else.
104      */
105     QString mountedFrom() const;
107     /**
108      * Returns @c true if this mount point represents a network filesystem (e.g. nfs,
109      * cifs ...etc), otherwise returns @c false.
110      *
111      * @since 5.86
112      */
113     bool isOnNetwork() const;
115     /**
116      * Returns the device ID (dev_t, major, minor) of this mount point. This
117      * ID is unique per device (including network mounts).
118      *
119      * @since 5.86
120      */
121     dev_t deviceId() const;
123     /**
124      * Canonical name of the device where the filesystem got mounted from.
125      * (Or empty, if not a device)
126      * Only available when the NeedRealDeviceName flag was set.
127      */
128     QString realDeviceName() const;
130     /**
131      * Path where the filesystem is mounted (if you used @ref currentMountPoints()),
132      * or can be mounted (if you used @ref possibleMountPoints()).
133      */
134     QString mountPoint() const;
136     /**
137      * Type of filesystem
138      */
139     QString mountType() const;
141     /**
142      * Options used to mount the filesystem.
143      * Only available if the @ref NeedMountOptions flag was set.
144      */
145     QStringList mountOptions() const;
147     /**
148      * Returns @c true if the filesystem is "probably" slow, e.g. a network mount,
149      * @c false otherwise.
150      */
151     bool probablySlow() const;
153     enum FileSystemFlag {
154         SupportsChmod,
155         SupportsChown,
156         SupportsUTime,
157         SupportsSymlinks,
158         CaseInsensitive,
159     };
161     /**
162      * Checks the capabilities of the filesystem.
163      * @param flag the flag to check
164      * @return true if the filesystem has that flag, false if not
165      *
166      * The available flags are:
167      * @li SupportsChmod: returns true if the filesystem supports chmod
168      * (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
169      * @li SupportsChown: returns true if the filesystem supports chown
170      * (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
171      * @li SupportsUtime: returns true if the filesystems supports utime
172      * (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
173      * @li SupportsSymlinks: returns true if the filesystems supports symlinks
174      * (e.g. msdos filesystems return false)
175      * @li CaseInsensitive: returns true if the filesystem treats
176      * "foo" and "FOO" as being the same file (true for msdos filesystems)
177      *
178      */
179     bool testFileSystemFlag(FileSystemFlag flag) const;
181     /**
182      * Destructor
183      */
184     ~KMountPoint();
186 private:
187     /**
188      * Constructor
189      */
190     KMountPoint();
192     friend KMountPointPrivate;
193     std::unique_ptr<KMountPointPrivate> d;
194 };
196 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KMountPoint::DetailsNeededFlags)
198 #endif // KMOUNTPOINT_H