1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Doom 3 GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
9 Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
29 #include "sys/platform.h"
30 #include "idlib/containers/VectorSet.h"
31 #include "framework/DemoFile.h"
32 #include "renderer/tr_local.h"
33 #include "renderer/Model_local.h"
34 #include "renderer/Model_ase.h"
35 #include "renderer/Model_lwo.h"
36 #include "renderer/Model_ma.h"
37 #include "renderer/VertexCache.h"
39 #include "renderer/Model.h"
41 idCVar idRenderModelStatic::r_mergeModelSurfaces( "r_mergeModelSurfaces", "1", CVAR_BOOL|CVAR_RENDERER, "combine model surfaces with the same material" );
42 idCVar idRenderModelStatic::r_slopVertex( "r_slopVertex", "0.01", CVAR_RENDERER, "merge xyz coordinates this far apart" );
43 idCVar idRenderModelStatic::r_slopTexCoord( "r_slopTexCoord", "0.001", CVAR_RENDERER, "merge texture coordinates this far apart" );
44 idCVar idRenderModelStatic::r_slopNormal( "r_slopNormal", "0.02", CVAR_RENDERER, "merge normals that dot less than this" );
46 /*
47 ================
48 idRenderModelStatic::idRenderModelStatic
49 ================
50 */
idRenderModelStatic()51 idRenderModelStatic::idRenderModelStatic() {
52 	name = "<undefined>";
53 	bounds.Clear();
54 	lastModifiedFrame = 0;
55 	lastArchivedFrame = 0;
56 	overlaysAdded = 0;
57 	shadowHull = NULL;
58 	isStaticWorldModel = false;
59 	defaulted = false;
60 	purged = false;
61 	fastLoad = false;
62 	reloadable = true;
63 	levelLoadReferenced = false;
64 	timeStamp = 0;
65 }
67 /*
68 ================
69 idRenderModelStatic::~idRenderModelStatic
70 ================
71 */
~idRenderModelStatic()72 idRenderModelStatic::~idRenderModelStatic() {
73 	PurgeModel();
74 }
76 /*
77 ==============
78 idRenderModelStatic::Print
79 ==============
80 */
Print() const81 void idRenderModelStatic::Print() const {
82 	common->Printf( "%s\n", name.c_str() );
83 	common->Printf( "Static model.\n" );
84 	common->Printf( "bounds: (%f %f %f) to (%f %f %f)\n",
85 		bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], bounds[0][2],
86 		bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1], bounds[1][2] );
88 	common->Printf( "    verts  tris material\n" );
89 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < NumSurfaces() ; i++ ) {
90 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = Surface( i );
92 		srfTriangles_t *tri = surf->geometry;
93 		const idMaterial *material = surf->shader;
95 		if ( !tri ) {
96 			common->Printf( "%2i: %s, NULL surface geometry\n", i, material->GetName() );
97 			continue;
98 		}
100 		common->Printf( "%2i: %5i %5i %s", i, tri->numVerts, tri->numIndexes / 3, material->GetName() );
101 		if ( tri->generateNormals ) {
102 			common->Printf( " (smoothed)\n" );
103 		} else {
104 			common->Printf( "\n" );
105 		}
106 	}
107 }
109 /*
110 ==============
111 idRenderModelStatic::Memory
112 ==============
113 */
Memory() const114 int idRenderModelStatic::Memory() const {
115 	int	totalBytes = 0;
117 	totalBytes += sizeof( *this );
118 	totalBytes += name.DynamicMemoryUsed();
119 	totalBytes += surfaces.MemoryUsed();
121 	if ( shadowHull ) {
122 		totalBytes += R_TriSurfMemory( shadowHull );
123 	}
125 	for ( int j = 0 ; j < NumSurfaces() ; j++ ) {
126 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = Surface( j );
127 		if ( !surf->geometry ) {
128 			continue;
129 		}
130 		totalBytes += R_TriSurfMemory( surf->geometry );
131 	}
133 	return totalBytes;
134 }
136 /*
137 ==============
138 idRenderModelStatic::List
139 ==============
140 */
List() const141 void idRenderModelStatic::List() const {
142 	int	totalTris = 0;
143 	int	totalVerts = 0;
144 	int	totalBytes = 0;
146 	totalBytes = Memory();
148 	char	closed = 'C';
149 	for ( int j = 0 ; j < NumSurfaces() ; j++ ) {
150 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = Surface( j );
151 		if ( !surf->geometry ) {
152 			continue;
153 		}
154 		if ( !surf->geometry->perfectHull ) {
155 			closed = ' ';
156 		}
157 		totalTris += surf->geometry->numIndexes / 3;
158 		totalVerts += surf->geometry->numVerts;
159 	}
160 	common->Printf( "%c%4ik %3i %4i %4i %s", closed, totalBytes/1024, NumSurfaces(), totalVerts, totalTris, Name() );
162 	if ( IsDynamicModel() == DM_CACHED ) {
163 		common->Printf( " (DM_CACHED)" );
164 	}
165 	if ( IsDynamicModel() == DM_CONTINUOUS ) {
166 		common->Printf( " (DM_CONTINUOUS)" );
167 	}
168 	if ( defaulted ) {
169 		common->Printf( " (DEFAULTED)" );
170 	}
171 	if ( bounds[0][0] >= bounds[1][0] ) {
172 		common->Printf( " (EMPTY BOUNDS)" );
173 	}
174 	if ( bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0] > 100000 ) {
175 		common->Printf( " (HUGE BOUNDS)" );
176 	}
178 	common->Printf( "\n" );
179 }
181 /*
182 ================
183 idRenderModelStatic::IsDefaultModel
184 ================
185 */
IsDefaultModel() const186 bool idRenderModelStatic::IsDefaultModel() const {
187 	return defaulted;
188 }
190 /*
191 ================
192 AddCubeFace
193 ================
194 */
AddCubeFace(srfTriangles_t * tri,idVec3 v1,idVec3 v2,idVec3 v3,idVec3 v4)195 static void AddCubeFace( srfTriangles_t *tri, idVec3 v1, idVec3 v2, idVec3 v3, idVec3 v4 ) {
196 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+0].Clear();
197 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+0].xyz = v1 * 8;
198 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+0].st[0] = 0;
199 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+0].st[1] = 0;
201 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+1].Clear();
202 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+1].xyz = v2 * 8;
203 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+1].st[0] = 1;
204 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+1].st[1] = 0;
206 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+2].Clear();
207 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+2].xyz = v3 * 8;
208 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+2].st[0] = 1;
209 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+2].st[1] = 1;
211 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+3].Clear();
212 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+3].xyz = v4 * 8;
213 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+3].st[0] = 0;
214 	tri->verts[tri->numVerts+3].st[1] = 1;
216 	tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes+0] = tri->numVerts + 0;
217 	tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes+1] = tri->numVerts + 1;
218 	tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes+2] = tri->numVerts + 2;
219 	tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes+3] = tri->numVerts + 0;
220 	tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes+4] = tri->numVerts + 2;
221 	tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes+5] = tri->numVerts + 3;
223 	tri->numVerts += 4;
224 	tri->numIndexes += 6;
225 }
227 /*
228 ================
229 idRenderModelStatic::MakeDefaultModel
230 ================
231 */
MakeDefaultModel()232 void idRenderModelStatic::MakeDefaultModel() {
234 	defaulted = true;
236 	// throw out any surfaces we already have
237 	PurgeModel();
239 	// create one new surface
240 	modelSurface_t	surf;
242 	srfTriangles_t *tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
244 	surf.shader = tr.defaultMaterial;
245 	surf.geometry = tri;
247 	R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, 24 );
248 	R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, 36 );
250 	AddCubeFace( tri, idVec3(-1, 1, 1), idVec3(1, 1, 1), idVec3(1, -1, 1), idVec3(-1, -1, 1) );
251 	AddCubeFace( tri, idVec3(-1, 1, -1), idVec3(-1, -1, -1), idVec3(1, -1, -1), idVec3(1, 1, -1) );
253 	AddCubeFace( tri, idVec3(1, -1, 1), idVec3(1, 1, 1), idVec3(1, 1, -1), idVec3(1, -1, -1) );
254 	AddCubeFace( tri, idVec3(-1, -1, 1), idVec3(-1, -1, -1), idVec3(-1, 1, -1), idVec3(-1, 1, 1) );
256 	AddCubeFace( tri, idVec3(-1, -1, 1), idVec3(1, -1, 1), idVec3(1, -1, -1), idVec3(-1, -1, -1) );
257 	AddCubeFace( tri, idVec3(-1, 1, 1), idVec3(-1, 1, -1), idVec3(1, 1, -1), idVec3(1, 1, 1) );
259 	tri->generateNormals = true;
261 	AddSurface( surf );
262 	FinishSurfaces();
263 }
265 /*
266 ================
267 idRenderModelStatic::PartialInitFromFile
268 ================
269 */
PartialInitFromFile(const char * fileName)270 void idRenderModelStatic::PartialInitFromFile( const char *fileName ) {
271 	fastLoad = true;
272 	InitFromFile( fileName );
273 }
275 /*
276 ================
277 idRenderModelStatic::InitFromFile
278 ================
279 */
InitFromFile(const char * fileName)280 void idRenderModelStatic::InitFromFile( const char *fileName ) {
281 	bool loaded;
282 	idStr extension;
284 	InitEmpty( fileName );
286 	// FIXME: load new .proc map format
288 	name.ExtractFileExtension( extension );
290 	if ( extension.Icmp( "ase" ) == 0 ) {
291 		loaded		= LoadASE( name );
292 		reloadable	= true;
293 	} else if ( extension.Icmp( "lwo" ) == 0 ) {
294 		loaded		= LoadLWO( name );
295 		reloadable	= true;
296 	} else if ( extension.Icmp( "flt" ) == 0 ) {
297 		loaded		= LoadFLT( name );
298 		reloadable	= true;
299 	} else if ( extension.Icmp( "ma" ) == 0 ) {
300 		loaded		= LoadMA( name );
301 		reloadable	= true;
302 	} else {
303 		common->Warning( "idRenderModelStatic::InitFromFile: unknown type for model: \'%s\'", name.c_str() );
304 		loaded		= false;
305 	}
307 	if ( !loaded ) {
308 		common->Warning( "Couldn't load model: '%s'", name.c_str() );
309 		MakeDefaultModel();
310 		return;
311 	}
313 	// it is now available for use
314 	purged = false;
316 	// create the bounds for culling and dynamic surface creation
317 	FinishSurfaces();
318 }
320 /*
321 ================
322 idRenderModelStatic::LoadModel
323 ================
324 */
LoadModel()325 void idRenderModelStatic::LoadModel() {
326 	PurgeModel();
327 	InitFromFile( name );
328 }
330 /*
331 ================
332 idRenderModelStatic::InitEmpty
333 ================
334 */
InitEmpty(const char * fileName)335 void idRenderModelStatic::InitEmpty( const char *fileName ) {
336 	// model names of the form _area* are static parts of the
337 	// world, and have already been considered for optimized shadows
338 	// other model names are inline entity models, and need to be
339 	// shadowed normally
340 	if ( !idStr::Cmpn( fileName, "_area", 5 ) ) {
341 		isStaticWorldModel = true;
342 	} else {
343 		isStaticWorldModel = false;
344 	}
346 	name = fileName;
347 	reloadable = false;	// if it didn't come from a file, we can't reload it
348 	PurgeModel();
349 	purged = false;
350 	bounds.Zero();
351 }
353 /*
354 ================
355 idRenderModelStatic::AddSurface
356 ================
357 */
AddSurface(modelSurface_t surface)358 void idRenderModelStatic::AddSurface( modelSurface_t surface ) {
359 	surfaces.Append( surface );
360 	if ( surface.geometry ) {
361 		bounds += surface.geometry->bounds;
362 	}
363 }
365 /*
366 ================
367 idRenderModelStatic::Name
368 ================
369 */
Name() const370 const char *idRenderModelStatic::Name() const {
371 	return name;
372 }
374 /*
375 ================
376 idRenderModelStatic::Timestamp
377 ================
378 */
Timestamp() const379 ID_TIME_T idRenderModelStatic::Timestamp() const {
380 	return timeStamp;
381 }
383 /*
384 ================
385 idRenderModelStatic::NumSurfaces
386 ================
387 */
NumSurfaces() const388 int idRenderModelStatic::NumSurfaces() const {
389 	return surfaces.Num();
390 }
392 /*
393 ================
394 idRenderModelStatic::NumBaseSurfaces
395 ================
396 */
NumBaseSurfaces() const397 int idRenderModelStatic::NumBaseSurfaces() const {
398 	return surfaces.Num() - overlaysAdded;
399 }
401 /*
402 ================
403 idRenderModelStatic::Surface
404 ================
405 */
Surface(int surfaceNum) const406 const modelSurface_t *idRenderModelStatic::Surface( int surfaceNum ) const {
407 	return &surfaces[surfaceNum];
408 }
410 /*
411 ================
412 idRenderModelStatic::AllocSurfaceTriangles
413 ================
414 */
AllocSurfaceTriangles(int numVerts,int numIndexes) const415 srfTriangles_t *idRenderModelStatic::AllocSurfaceTriangles( int numVerts, int numIndexes ) const {
416 	srfTriangles_t *tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
417 	R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, numVerts );
418 	R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, numIndexes );
419 	return tri;
420 }
422 /*
423 ================
424 idRenderModelStatic::FreeSurfaceTriangles
425 ================
426 */
FreeSurfaceTriangles(srfTriangles_t * tris) const427 void idRenderModelStatic::FreeSurfaceTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tris ) const {
428 	R_FreeStaticTriSurf( tris );
429 }
431 /*
432 ================
433 idRenderModelStatic::ShadowHull
434 ================
435 */
ShadowHull() const436 srfTriangles_t *idRenderModelStatic::ShadowHull() const {
437 	return shadowHull;
438 }
440 /*
441 ================
442 idRenderModelStatic::IsStaticWorldModel
443 ================
444 */
IsStaticWorldModel() const445 bool idRenderModelStatic::IsStaticWorldModel() const {
446 	return isStaticWorldModel;
447 }
449 /*
450 ================
451 idRenderModelStatic::IsDynamicModel
452 ================
453 */
IsDynamicModel() const454 dynamicModel_t idRenderModelStatic::IsDynamicModel() const {
455 	// dynamic subclasses will override this
456 	return DM_STATIC;
457 }
459 /*
460 ================
461 idRenderModelStatic::IsReloadable
462 ================
463 */
IsReloadable() const464 bool idRenderModelStatic::IsReloadable() const {
465 	return reloadable;
466 }
468 /*
469 ================
470 idRenderModelStatic::Bounds
471 ================
472 */
Bounds(const struct renderEntity_s * mdef) const473 idBounds idRenderModelStatic::Bounds( const struct renderEntity_s *mdef ) const {
474 	return bounds;
475 }
477 /*
478 ================
479 idRenderModelStatic::DepthHack
480 ================
481 */
DepthHack() const482 float idRenderModelStatic::DepthHack() const {
483 	return 0.0f;
484 }
486 /*
487 ================
488 idRenderModelStatic::InstantiateDynamicModel
489 ================
490 */
InstantiateDynamicModel(const struct renderEntity_s * ent,const struct viewDef_s * view,idRenderModel * cachedModel)491 idRenderModel *idRenderModelStatic::InstantiateDynamicModel( const struct renderEntity_s *ent, const struct viewDef_s *view, idRenderModel *cachedModel ) {
492 	if ( cachedModel ) {
493 		delete cachedModel;
494 		cachedModel = NULL;
495 	}
496 	common->Error( "InstantiateDynamicModel called on static model '%s'", name.c_str() );
497 	return NULL;
498 }
500 /*
501 ================
502 idRenderModelStatic::NumJoints
503 ================
504 */
NumJoints(void) const505 int idRenderModelStatic::NumJoints( void ) const {
506 	return 0;
507 }
509 /*
510 ================
511 idRenderModelStatic::GetJoints
512 ================
513 */
GetJoints(void) const514 const idMD5Joint *idRenderModelStatic::GetJoints( void ) const {
515 	return NULL;
516 }
518 /*
519 ================
520 idRenderModelStatic::GetJointHandle
521 ================
522 */
GetJointHandle(const char * name) const523 jointHandle_t idRenderModelStatic::GetJointHandle( const char *name ) const {
524 	return INVALID_JOINT;
525 }
527 /*
528 ================
529 idRenderModelStatic::GetJointName
530 ================
531 */
GetJointName(jointHandle_t handle) const532 const char * idRenderModelStatic::GetJointName( jointHandle_t handle ) const {
533 	return "";
534 }
536 /*
537 ================
538 idRenderModelStatic::GetDefaultPose
539 ================
540 */
GetDefaultPose(void) const541 const idJointQuat *idRenderModelStatic::GetDefaultPose( void ) const {
542 	return NULL;
543 }
545 /*
546 ================
547 idRenderModelStatic::NearestJoint
548 ================
549 */
NearestJoint(int surfaceNum,int a,int b,int c) const550 int idRenderModelStatic::NearestJoint( int surfaceNum, int a, int b, int c ) const {
551 	return INVALID_JOINT;
552 }
555 //=====================================================================
558 /*
559 ================
560 idRenderModelStatic::FinishSurfaces
562 The mergeShadows option allows surfaces with different textures to share
563 silhouette edges for shadow calculation, instead of leaving shared edges
564 hanging.
566 If any of the original shaders have the noSelfShadow flag set, the surfaces
567 can't be merged, because they will need to be drawn in different order.
569 If there is only one surface, a separate merged surface won't be generated.
571 A model with multiple surfaces can't later have a skinned shader change the
572 state of the noSelfShadow flag.
574 -----------------
576 Creates mirrored copies of two sided surfaces with normal maps, which would
577 otherwise light funny.
579 Extends the bounds of deformed surfaces so they don't cull incorrectly at screen edges.
581 ================
582 */
FinishSurfaces()583 void idRenderModelStatic::FinishSurfaces() {
584 	int			i;
585 	int			totalVerts, totalIndexes;
587 	purged = false;
589 	// make sure we don't have a huge bounds even if we don't finish everything
590 	bounds.Zero();
592 	if ( surfaces.Num() == 0 ) {
593 		return;
594 	}
596 	// renderBump doesn't care about most of this
597 	if ( fastLoad ) {
598 		bounds.Zero();
599 		for ( i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
600 			const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
602 			R_BoundTriSurf( surf->geometry );
603 			bounds.AddBounds( surf->geometry->bounds );
604 		}
606 		return;
607 	}
609 	// cleanup all the final surfaces, but don't create sil edges
610 	totalVerts = 0;
611 	totalIndexes = 0;
613 	// decide if we are going to merge all the surfaces into one shadower
614 	int	numOriginalSurfaces = surfaces.Num();
616 	// make sure there aren't any NULL shaders or geometry
617 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalSurfaces ; i++ ) {
618 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
620 		if ( surf->geometry == NULL || surf->shader == NULL ) {
621 			MakeDefaultModel();
622 			common->Error( "Model %s, surface %i had NULL geometry", name.c_str(), i );
623 		}
624 		if ( surf->shader == NULL ) {
625 			MakeDefaultModel();
626 			common->Error( "Model %s, surface %i had NULL shader", name.c_str(), i );
627 		}
628 	}
630 	// duplicate and reverse triangles for two sided bump mapped surfaces
631 	// note that this won't catch surfaces that have their shaders dynamically
632 	// changed, and won't work with animated models.
633 	// It is better to create completely separate surfaces, rather than
634 	// add vertexes and indexes to the existing surface, because the
635 	// tangent generation wouldn't like the acute shared edges
636 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalSurfaces ; i++ ) {
637 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
639 		if ( surf->shader->ShouldCreateBackSides() ) {
640 			srfTriangles_t *newTri;
642 			newTri = R_CopyStaticTriSurf( surf->geometry );
643 			R_ReverseTriangles( newTri );
645 			modelSurface_t	newSurf;
647 			newSurf.shader = surf->shader;
648 			newSurf.geometry = newTri;
650 			AddSurface( newSurf );
651 		}
652 	}
654 	// clean the surfaces
655 	for ( i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
656 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
658 		R_CleanupTriangles( surf->geometry, surf->geometry->generateNormals, true, surf->shader->UseUnsmoothedTangents() );
659 		if ( surf->shader->SurfaceCastsShadow() ) {
660 			totalVerts += surf->geometry->numVerts;
661 			totalIndexes += surf->geometry->numIndexes;
662 		}
663 	}
665 	// add up the total surface area for development information
666 	for ( i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
667 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
668 		srfTriangles_t	*tri = surf->geometry;
670 		for ( int j = 0 ; j < tri->numIndexes ; j += 3 ) {
671 			float	area = idWinding::TriangleArea( tri->verts[tri->indexes[j]].xyz,
672 				 tri->verts[tri->indexes[j+1]].xyz,  tri->verts[tri->indexes[j+2]].xyz );
673 			const_cast<idMaterial *>(surf->shader)->AddToSurfaceArea( area );
674 		}
675 	}
677 	// calculate the bounds
678 	if ( surfaces.Num() == 0 ) {
679 		bounds.Zero();
680 	} else {
681 		bounds.Clear();
682 		for ( i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
683 			modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
685 			// if the surface has a deformation, increase the bounds
686 			// the amount here is somewhat arbitrary, designed to handle
687 			// autosprites and flares, but could be done better with exact
688 			// deformation information.
689 			// Note that this doesn't handle deformations that are skinned in
690 			// at run time...
691 			if ( surf->shader->Deform() != DFRM_NONE ) {
692 				srfTriangles_t	*tri = surf->geometry;
693 				idVec3	mid = ( tri->bounds[1] + tri->bounds[0] ) * 0.5f;
694 				float	radius = ( tri->bounds[0] - mid ).Length();
695 				radius += 20.0f;
697 				tri->bounds[0][0] = mid[0] - radius;
698 				tri->bounds[0][1] = mid[1] - radius;
699 				tri->bounds[0][2] = mid[2] - radius;
701 				tri->bounds[1][0] = mid[0] + radius;
702 				tri->bounds[1][1] = mid[1] + radius;
703 				tri->bounds[1][2] = mid[2] + radius;
704 			}
706 			// add to the model bounds
707 			bounds.AddBounds( surf->geometry->bounds );
709 		}
710 	}
711 }
713 /*
714 =================
715 idRenderModelStatic::ConvertASEToModelSurfaces
716 =================
717 */
718 typedef struct matchVert_s {
719 	struct matchVert_s	*next;
720 	int		v, tv;
721 	byte	color[4];
722 	idVec3	normal;
723 } matchVert_t;
ConvertASEToModelSurfaces(const struct aseModel_s * ase)725 bool idRenderModelStatic::ConvertASEToModelSurfaces( const struct aseModel_s *ase ) {
726 	aseObject_t *	object;
727 	aseMesh_t *		mesh;
728 	aseMaterial_t *	material;
729 	const idMaterial *im1, *im2;
730 	srfTriangles_t *tri;
731 	int				objectNum;
732 	int				i, j, k;
733 	int				v, tv;
734 	int *			vRemap;
735 	int *			tvRemap;
736 	matchVert_t *	mvTable;	// all of the match verts
737 	matchVert_t **	mvHash;		// points inside mvTable for each xyz index
738 	matchVert_t *	lastmv;
739 	matchVert_t *	mv;
740 	idVec3			normal;
741 	float			uOffset, vOffset, textureSin, textureCos;
742 	float			uTiling, vTiling;
743 	int *			mergeTo;
744 	byte *			color;
745 	static byte	identityColor[4] = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
746 	modelSurface_t	surf, *modelSurf;
748 	if ( !ase ) {
749 		return false;
750 	}
751 	if ( ase->objects.Num() < 1 ) {
752 		return false;
753 	}
755 	timeStamp = ase->timeStamp;
757 	// the modeling programs can save out multiple surfaces with a common
758 	// material, but we would like to mege them together where possible
759 	// meaning that this->NumSurfaces() <= ase->objects.currentElements
760 	mergeTo = (int *)_alloca( ase->objects.Num() * sizeof( *mergeTo ) );
761 	surf.geometry = NULL;
762 	if ( ase->materials.Num() == 0 ) {
763 		// if we don't have any materials, dump everything into a single surface
764 		surf.shader = tr.defaultMaterial;
765 		surf.id = 0;
766 		this->AddSurface( surf );
767 		for ( i = 0 ; i < ase->objects.Num() ; i++ ) {
768 			mergeTo[i] = 0;
769 		}
770 	} else if ( !r_mergeModelSurfaces.GetBool() ) {
771 		// don't merge any
772 		for ( i = 0 ; i < ase->objects.Num() ; i++ ) {
773 			mergeTo[i] = i;
774 			object = ase->objects[i];
775 			material = ase->materials[object->materialRef];
776 			surf.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( material->name );
777 			surf.id = this->NumSurfaces();
778 			this->AddSurface( surf );
779 		}
780 	} else {
781 		// search for material matches
782 		for ( i = 0 ; i < ase->objects.Num() ; i++ ) {
783 			object = ase->objects[i];
784 			material = ase->materials[object->materialRef];
785 			im1 = declManager->FindMaterial( material->name );
786 			if ( im1->IsDiscrete() ) {
787 				// flares, autosprites, etc
788 				j = this->NumSurfaces();
789 			} else {
790 				for ( j = 0 ; j < this->NumSurfaces() ; j++ ) {
791 					modelSurf = &this->surfaces[j];
792 					im2 = modelSurf->shader;
793 					if ( im1 == im2 ) {
794 						// merge this
795 						mergeTo[i] = j;
796 						break;
797 					}
798 				}
799 			}
800 			if ( j == this->NumSurfaces() ) {
801 				// didn't merge
802 				mergeTo[i] = j;
803 				surf.shader = im1;
804 				surf.id = this->NumSurfaces();
805 				this->AddSurface( surf );
806 			}
807 		}
808 	}
810 	idVectorSubset<idVec3, 3> vertexSubset;
811 	idVectorSubset<idVec2, 2> texCoordSubset;
813 	// build the surfaces
814 	for ( objectNum = 0 ; objectNum < ase->objects.Num() ; objectNum++ ) {
815 		object = ase->objects[objectNum];
816 		mesh = &object->mesh;
817 		material = ase->materials[object->materialRef];
818 		im1 = declManager->FindMaterial( material->name );
820 		bool normalsParsed = mesh->normalsParsed;
822 		// completely ignore any explict normals on surfaces with a renderbump command
823 		// which will guarantee the best contours and least vertexes.
824 		const char *rb = im1->GetRenderBump();
825 		if ( rb && rb[0] ) {
826 			normalsParsed = false;
827 		}
829 		// It seems like the tools our artists are using often generate
830 		// verts and texcoords slightly separated that should be merged
831 		// note that we really should combine the surfaces with common materials
832 		// before doing this operation, because we can miss a slop combination
833 		// if they are in different surfaces
835 		vRemap = (int *)R_StaticAlloc( mesh->numVertexes * sizeof( vRemap[0] ) );
837 		if ( fastLoad ) {
838 			// renderbump doesn't care about vertex count
839 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numVertexes; j++ ) {
840 				vRemap[j] = j;
841 			}
842 		} else {
843 			float vertexEpsilon = r_slopVertex.GetFloat();
844 			float expand = 2 * 32 * vertexEpsilon;
845 			idVec3 mins, maxs;
847 			SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, mesh->vertexes, mesh->numVertexes );
848 			mins -= idVec3( expand, expand, expand );
849 			maxs += idVec3( expand, expand, expand );
850 			vertexSubset.Init( mins, maxs, 32, 1024 );
851 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numVertexes; j++ ) {
852 				vRemap[j] = vertexSubset.FindVector( mesh->vertexes, j, vertexEpsilon );
853 			}
854 		}
856 		tvRemap = (int *)R_StaticAlloc( mesh->numTVertexes * sizeof( tvRemap[0] ) );
858 		if ( fastLoad ) {
859 			// renderbump doesn't care about vertex count
860 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numTVertexes; j++ ) {
861 				tvRemap[j] = j;
862 			}
863 		} else {
864 			float texCoordEpsilon = r_slopTexCoord.GetFloat();
865 			float expand = 2 * 32 * texCoordEpsilon;
866 			idVec2 mins, maxs;
868 			SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, mesh->tvertexes, mesh->numTVertexes );
869 			mins -= idVec2( expand, expand );
870 			maxs += idVec2( expand, expand );
871 			texCoordSubset.Init( mins, maxs, 32, 1024 );
872 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numTVertexes; j++ ) {
873 				tvRemap[j] = texCoordSubset.FindVector( mesh->tvertexes, j, texCoordEpsilon );
874 			}
875 		}
877 		// we need to find out how many unique vertex / texcoord combinations
878 		// there are, because ASE tracks them separately but we need them unified
880 		// the maximum possible number of combined vertexes is the number of indexes
881 		mvTable = (matchVert_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( mesh->numFaces * 3 * sizeof( mvTable[0] ) );
883 		// we will have a hash chain based on the xyz values
884 		mvHash = (matchVert_t **)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( mesh->numVertexes * sizeof( mvHash[0] ) );
886 		// allocate triangle surface
887 		tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
888 		tri->numVerts = 0;
889 		tri->numIndexes = 0;
890 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, mesh->numFaces * 3 );
891 		tri->generateNormals = !normalsParsed;
893 		// init default normal, color and tex coord index
894 		normal.Zero();
895 		color = identityColor;
896 		tv = 0;
898 		// find all the unique combinations
899 		float normalEpsilon = 1.0f - r_slopNormal.GetFloat();
900 		for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numFaces; j++ ) {
901 			for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
902 				v = mesh->faces[j].vertexNum[k];
904 				if ( v < 0 || v >= mesh->numVertexes ) {
905 					common->Error( "ConvertASEToModelSurfaces: bad vertex index in ASE file %s", name.c_str() );
906 				}
908 				// collapse the position if it was slightly offset
909 				v = vRemap[v];
911 				// we may or may not have texcoords to compare
912 				if ( mesh->numTVFaces == mesh->numFaces && mesh->numTVertexes != 0 ) {
913 					tv = mesh->faces[j].tVertexNum[k];
914 					if ( tv < 0 || tv >= mesh->numTVertexes ) {
915 						common->Error( "ConvertASEToModelSurfaces: bad tex coord index in ASE file %s", name.c_str() );
916 					}
917 					// collapse the tex coord if it was slightly offset
918 					tv = tvRemap[tv];
919 				}
921 				// we may or may not have normals to compare
922 				if ( normalsParsed ) {
923 					normal = mesh->faces[j].vertexNormals[k];
924 				}
926 				// we may or may not have colors to compare
927 				if ( mesh->colorsParsed ) {
928 					color = mesh->faces[j].vertexColors[k];
929 				}
931 				// find a matching vert
932 				for ( lastmv = NULL, mv = mvHash[v]; mv != NULL; lastmv = mv, mv = mv->next ) {
933 					if ( mv->tv != tv ) {
934 						continue;
935 					}
936 					if ( *(unsigned *)mv->color != *(unsigned *)color ) {
937 						continue;
938 					}
939 					if ( !normalsParsed ) {
940 						// if we are going to create the normals, just
941 						// matching texcoords is enough
942 						break;
943 					}
944 					if ( mv->normal * normal > normalEpsilon ) {
945 						break;		// we already have this one
946 					}
947 				}
948 				if ( !mv ) {
949 					// allocate a new match vert and link to hash chain
950 					mv = &mvTable[ tri->numVerts ];
951 					mv->v = v;
952 					mv->tv = tv;
953 					mv->normal = normal;
954 					*(unsigned *)mv->color = *(unsigned *)color;
955 					mv->next = NULL;
956 					if ( lastmv ) {
957 						lastmv->next = mv;
958 					} else {
959 						mvHash[v] = mv;
960 					}
961 					tri->numVerts++;
962 				}
964 				tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes] = mv - mvTable;
965 				tri->numIndexes++;
966 			}
967 		}
969 		// allocate space for the indexes and copy them
970 		if ( tri->numIndexes > mesh->numFaces * 3 ) {
971 			common->FatalError( "ConvertASEToModelSurfaces: index miscount in ASE file %s", name.c_str() );
972 		}
973 		if ( tri->numVerts > mesh->numFaces * 3 ) {
974 			common->FatalError( "ConvertASEToModelSurfaces: vertex miscount in ASE file %s", name.c_str() );
975 		}
977 		// an ASE allows the texture coordinates to be scaled, translated, and rotated
978 		if ( ase->materials.Num() == 0 ) {
979 			uOffset = vOffset = 0.0f;
980 			uTiling = vTiling = 1.0f;
981 			textureSin = 0.0f;
982 			textureCos = 1.0f;
983 		} else {
984 			material = ase->materials[object->materialRef];
985 			uOffset = -material->uOffset;
986 			vOffset = material->vOffset;
987 			uTiling = material->uTiling;
988 			vTiling = material->vTiling;
989 			textureSin = idMath::Sin( material->angle );
990 			textureCos = idMath::Cos( material->angle );
991 		}
993 		// now allocate and generate the combined vertexes
994 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts );
995 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; j++ ) {
996 			mv = &mvTable[j];
997 			tri->verts[ j ].Clear();
998 			tri->verts[ j ].xyz = mesh->vertexes[ mv->v ];
999 			tri->verts[ j ].normal = mv->normal;
1000 			*(unsigned *)tri->verts[j].color = *(unsigned *)mv->color;
1001 			if ( mesh->numTVFaces == mesh->numFaces && mesh->numTVertexes != 0 ) {
1002 				const idVec2 &tv = mesh->tvertexes[ mv->tv ];
1003 				float u = tv.x * uTiling + uOffset;
1004 				float v = tv.y * vTiling + vOffset;
1005 				tri->verts[ j ].st[0] = u * textureCos + v * textureSin;
1006 				tri->verts[ j ].st[1] = u * -textureSin + v * textureCos;
1007 			}
1008 		}
1010 		R_StaticFree( mvTable );
1011 		R_StaticFree( mvHash );
1012 		R_StaticFree( tvRemap );
1013 		R_StaticFree( vRemap );
1015 		// see if we need to merge with a previous surface of the same material
1016 		modelSurf = &this->surfaces[mergeTo[ objectNum ]];
1017 		srfTriangles_t	*mergeTri = modelSurf->geometry;
1018 		if ( !mergeTri ) {
1019 			modelSurf->geometry = tri;
1020 		} else {
1021 			modelSurf->geometry = R_MergeTriangles( mergeTri, tri );
1022 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( tri );
1023 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( mergeTri );
1024 		}
1025 	}
1027 	return true;
1028 }
1030 /*
1031 =================
1032 idRenderModelStatic::ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces
1033 =================
1034 */
ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces(const struct st_lwObject * lwo)1035 bool idRenderModelStatic::ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces( const struct st_lwObject *lwo ) {
1036 	const idMaterial *im1, *im2;
1037 	srfTriangles_t	*tri;
1038 	lwSurface *		lwoSurf;
1039 	int				numTVertexes;
1040 	int				i, j, k;
1041 	int				v, tv;
1042 	idVec3 *		vList;
1043 	int *			vRemap;
1044 	idVec2 *		tvList;
1045 	int *			tvRemap;
1046 	matchVert_t *	mvTable;	// all of the match verts
1047 	matchVert_t **	mvHash;		// points inside mvTable for each xyz index
1048 	matchVert_t *	lastmv;
1049 	matchVert_t *	mv;
1050 	idVec3			normal;
1051 	int *			mergeTo;
1052 	byte			color[4];
1053 	modelSurface_t	surf, *modelSurf;
1055 	if ( !lwo ) {
1056 		return false;
1057 	}
1058 	if ( lwo->surf == NULL ) {
1059 		return false;
1060 	}
1062 	timeStamp = lwo->timeStamp;
1064 	// count the number of surfaces
1065 	i = 0;
1066 	for ( lwoSurf = lwo->surf; lwoSurf; lwoSurf = lwoSurf->next ) {
1067 		i++;
1068 	}
1070 	// the modeling programs can save out multiple surfaces with a common
1071 	// material, but we would like to merge them together where possible
1072 	mergeTo = (int *)_alloca( i * sizeof( mergeTo[0] ) );
1073 	memset( &surf, 0, sizeof( surf ) );
1075 	if ( !r_mergeModelSurfaces.GetBool() ) {
1076 		// don't merge any
1077 		for ( lwoSurf = lwo->surf, i = 0; lwoSurf; lwoSurf = lwoSurf->next, i++ ) {
1078 			mergeTo[i] = i;
1079 			surf.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( lwoSurf->name );
1080 			surf.id = this->NumSurfaces();
1081 			this->AddSurface( surf );
1082 		}
1083 	} else {
1084 		// search for material matches
1085 		for ( lwoSurf = lwo->surf, i = 0; lwoSurf; lwoSurf = lwoSurf->next, i++ ) {
1086 			im1 = declManager->FindMaterial( lwoSurf->name );
1087 			if ( im1->IsDiscrete() ) {
1088 				// flares, autosprites, etc
1089 				j = this->NumSurfaces();
1090 			} else {
1091 				for ( j = 0 ; j < this->NumSurfaces() ; j++ ) {
1092 					modelSurf = &this->surfaces[j];
1093 					im2 = modelSurf->shader;
1094 					if ( im1 == im2 ) {
1095 						// merge this
1096 						mergeTo[i] = j;
1097 						break;
1098 					}
1099 				}
1100 			}
1101 			if ( j == this->NumSurfaces() ) {
1102 				// didn't merge
1103 				mergeTo[i] = j;
1104 				surf.shader = im1;
1105 				surf.id = this->NumSurfaces();
1106 				this->AddSurface( surf );
1107 			}
1108 		}
1109 	}
1111 	idVectorSubset<idVec3, 3> vertexSubset;
1112 	idVectorSubset<idVec2, 2> texCoordSubset;
1114 	// we only ever use the first layer
1115 	lwLayer *layer = lwo->layer;
1117 	// vertex positions
1118 	if ( layer->point.count <= 0 ) {
1119 		common->Warning( "ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: model \'%s\' has bad or missing vertex data", name.c_str() );
1120 		return false;
1121 	}
1123 	vList = (idVec3 *)R_StaticAlloc( layer->point.count * sizeof( vList[0] ) );
1124 	for ( j = 0; j < layer->point.count; j++ ) {
1125 		vList[j].x = layer->point.pt[j].pos[0];
1126 		vList[j].y = layer->point.pt[j].pos[2];
1127 		vList[j].z = layer->point.pt[j].pos[1];
1128 	}
1130 	// vertex texture coords
1131 	numTVertexes = 0;
1133 	if ( layer->nvmaps ) {
1134 		for( lwVMap *vm = layer->vmap; vm; vm = vm->next ) {
1135 			if ( vm->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1136 				numTVertexes += vm->nverts;
1137 			}
1138 		}
1139 	}
1141 	if ( numTVertexes ) {
1142 		tvList = (idVec2 *)Mem_Alloc( numTVertexes * sizeof( tvList[0] ) );
1143 		int offset = 0;
1144 		for( lwVMap *vm = layer->vmap; vm; vm = vm->next ) {
1145 			if ( vm->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1146 				vm->offset = offset;
1147 				for ( k = 0; k < vm->nverts; k++ ) {
1148 					tvList[k + offset].x = vm->val[k][0];
1149 					tvList[k + offset].y = 1.0f - vm->val[k][1];	// invert the t
1150 				}
1151 				offset += vm->nverts;
1152 			}
1153 		}
1154 	} else {
1155 		common->Warning( "ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: model \'%s\' has bad or missing uv data", name.c_str() );
1156 		numTVertexes = 1;
1157 		tvList = (idVec2 *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( numTVertexes * sizeof( tvList[0] ) );
1158 	}
1160 	// It seems like the tools our artists are using often generate
1161 	// verts and texcoords slightly separated that should be merged
1162 	// note that we really should combine the surfaces with common materials
1163 	// before doing this operation, because we can miss a slop combination
1164 	// if they are in different surfaces
1166 	vRemap = (int *)R_StaticAlloc( layer->point.count * sizeof( vRemap[0] ) );
1168 	if ( fastLoad ) {
1169 		// renderbump doesn't care about vertex count
1170 		for ( j = 0; j < layer->point.count; j++ ) {
1171 			vRemap[j] = j;
1172 		}
1173 	} else {
1174 		float vertexEpsilon = r_slopVertex.GetFloat();
1175 		float expand = 2 * 32 * vertexEpsilon;
1176 		idVec3 mins, maxs;
1178 		SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, vList, layer->point.count );
1179 		mins -= idVec3( expand, expand, expand );
1180 		maxs += idVec3( expand, expand, expand );
1181 		vertexSubset.Init( mins, maxs, 32, 1024 );
1182 		for ( j = 0; j < layer->point.count; j++ ) {
1183 			vRemap[j] = vertexSubset.FindVector( vList, j, vertexEpsilon );
1184 		}
1185 	}
1187 	tvRemap = (int *)R_StaticAlloc( numTVertexes * sizeof( tvRemap[0] ) );
1189 	if ( fastLoad ) {
1190 		// renderbump doesn't care about vertex count
1191 		for ( j = 0; j < numTVertexes; j++ ) {
1192 			tvRemap[j] = j;
1193 		}
1194 	} else {
1195 		float texCoordEpsilon = r_slopTexCoord.GetFloat();
1196 		float expand = 2 * 32 * texCoordEpsilon;
1197 		idVec2 mins, maxs;
1199 		SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, tvList, numTVertexes );
1200 		mins -= idVec2( expand, expand );
1201 		maxs += idVec2( expand, expand );
1202 		texCoordSubset.Init( mins, maxs, 32, 1024 );
1203 		for ( j = 0; j < numTVertexes; j++ ) {
1204 			tvRemap[j] = texCoordSubset.FindVector( tvList, j, texCoordEpsilon );
1205 		}
1206 	}
1208 	// build the surfaces
1209 	for ( lwoSurf = lwo->surf, i = 0; lwoSurf; lwoSurf = lwoSurf->next, i++ ) {
1210 		im1 = declManager->FindMaterial( lwoSurf->name );
1212 		bool normalsParsed = true;
1214 		// completely ignore any explict normals on surfaces with a renderbump command
1215 		// which will guarantee the best contours and least vertexes.
1216 		const char *rb = im1->GetRenderBump();
1217 		if ( rb && rb[0] ) {
1218 			normalsParsed = false;
1219 		}
1221 		// we need to find out how many unique vertex / texcoord combinations there are
1223 		// the maximum possible number of combined vertexes is the number of indexes
1224 		mvTable = (matchVert_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( layer->polygon.count * 3 * sizeof( mvTable[0] ) );
1226 		// we will have a hash chain based on the xyz values
1227 		mvHash = (matchVert_t **)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( layer->point.count * sizeof( mvHash[0] ) );
1229 		// allocate triangle surface
1230 		tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
1231 		tri->numVerts = 0;
1232 		tri->numIndexes = 0;
1233 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, layer->polygon.count * 3 );
1234 		tri->generateNormals = !normalsParsed;
1236 		// find all the unique combinations
1237 		float	normalEpsilon;
1238 		if ( fastLoad ) {
1239 			normalEpsilon = 1.0f;	// don't merge unless completely exact
1240 		} else {
1241 			normalEpsilon = 1.0f - r_slopNormal.GetFloat();
1242 		}
1243 		for ( j = 0; j < layer->polygon.count; j++ ) {
1244 			lwPolygon *poly = &layer->polygon.pol[j];
1246 			if ( poly->surf != lwoSurf ) {
1247 				continue;
1248 			}
1250 			if ( poly->nverts != 3 ) {
1251 				common->Warning( "ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: model %s has too many verts for a poly! Make sure you triplet it down", name.c_str() );
1252 				continue;
1253 			}
1255 			for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
1257 				v = vRemap[poly->v[k].index];
1259 				normal.x = poly->v[k].norm[0];
1260 				normal.y = poly->v[k].norm[2];
1261 				normal.z = poly->v[k].norm[1];
1263 				// LWO models aren't all that pretty when it comes down to the floating point values they store
1264 				normal.FixDegenerateNormal();
1266 				tv = 0;
1268 				color[0] = lwoSurf->color.rgb[0] * 255;
1269 				color[1] = lwoSurf->color.rgb[1] * 255;
1270 				color[2] = lwoSurf->color.rgb[2] * 255;
1271 				color[3] = 255;
1273 				// first set attributes from the vertex
1274 				lwPoint	*pt = &layer->point.pt[poly->v[k].index];
1275 				int nvm;
1276 				for ( nvm = 0; nvm < pt->nvmaps; nvm++ ) {
1277 					lwVMapPt *vm = &pt->vm[nvm];
1279 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1280 						tv = tvRemap[vm->index + vm->vmap->offset];
1281 					}
1282 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('R','G','B','A') ) {
1283 						for ( int chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++ ) {
1284 							color[chan] = 255 * vm->vmap->val[vm->index][chan];
1285 						}
1286 					}
1287 				}
1289 				// then override with polygon attributes
1290 				for ( nvm = 0; nvm < poly->v[k].nvmaps; nvm++ ) {
1291 					lwVMapPt *vm = &poly->v[k].vm[nvm];
1293 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1294 						tv = tvRemap[vm->index + vm->vmap->offset];
1295 					}
1296 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('R','G','B','A') ) {
1297 						for ( int chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++ ) {
1298 							color[chan] = 255 * vm->vmap->val[vm->index][chan];
1299 						}
1300 					}
1301 				}
1303 				// find a matching vert
1304 				for ( lastmv = NULL, mv = mvHash[v]; mv != NULL; lastmv = mv, mv = mv->next ) {
1305 					if ( mv->tv != tv ) {
1306 						continue;
1307 					}
1308 					if ( *(unsigned *)mv->color != *(unsigned *)color ) {
1309 						continue;
1310 					}
1311 					if ( !normalsParsed ) {
1312 						// if we are going to create the normals, just
1313 						// matching texcoords is enough
1314 						break;
1315 					}
1316 					if ( mv->normal * normal > normalEpsilon ) {
1317 						break;		// we already have this one
1318 					}
1319 				}
1320 				if ( !mv ) {
1321 					// allocate a new match vert and link to hash chain
1322 					mv = &mvTable[ tri->numVerts ];
1323 					mv->v = v;
1324 					mv->tv = tv;
1325 					mv->normal = normal;
1326 					*(unsigned *)mv->color = *(unsigned *)color;
1327 					mv->next = NULL;
1328 					if ( lastmv ) {
1329 						lastmv->next = mv;
1330 					} else {
1331 						mvHash[v] = mv;
1332 					}
1333 					tri->numVerts++;
1334 				}
1336 				tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes] = mv - mvTable;
1337 				tri->numIndexes++;
1338 			}
1339 		}
1341 		// allocate space for the indexes and copy them
1342 		if ( tri->numIndexes > layer->polygon.count * 3 ) {
1343 			common->FatalError( "ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: index miscount in LWO file %s", name.c_str() );
1344 		}
1345 		if ( tri->numVerts > layer->polygon.count * 3 ) {
1346 			common->FatalError( "ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces: vertex miscount in LWO file %s", name.c_str() );
1347 		}
1349 		// now allocate and generate the combined vertexes
1350 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts );
1351 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; j++ ) {
1352 			mv = &mvTable[j];
1353 			tri->verts[ j ].Clear();
1354 			tri->verts[ j ].xyz = vList[ mv->v ];
1355 			tri->verts[ j ].st = tvList[ mv->tv ];
1356 			tri->verts[ j ].normal = mv->normal;
1357 			*(unsigned *)tri->verts[j].color = *(unsigned *)mv->color;
1358 		}
1360 		R_StaticFree( mvTable );
1361 		R_StaticFree( mvHash );
1363 		// see if we need to merge with a previous surface of the same material
1364 		modelSurf = &this->surfaces[mergeTo[ i ]];
1365 		srfTriangles_t	*mergeTri = modelSurf->geometry;
1366 		if ( !mergeTri ) {
1367 			modelSurf->geometry = tri;
1368 		} else {
1369 			modelSurf->geometry = R_MergeTriangles( mergeTri, tri );
1370 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( tri );
1371 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( mergeTri );
1372 		}
1373 	}
1375 	R_StaticFree( tvRemap );
1376 	R_StaticFree( vRemap );
1377 	R_StaticFree( tvList );
1378 	R_StaticFree( vList );
1380 	return true;
1381 }
1383 /*
1384 =================
1385 idRenderModelStatic::ConvertLWOToASE
1386 =================
1387 */
ConvertLWOToASE(const struct st_lwObject * obj,const char * fileName)1388 struct aseModel_s *idRenderModelStatic::ConvertLWOToASE( const struct st_lwObject *obj, const char *fileName ) {
1389 	int j, k;
1390 	aseModel_t *ase;
1392 	if ( !obj ) {
1393 		return NULL;
1394 	}
1396 	// NOTE: using new operator because aseModel_t contains idList class objects
1397 	ase = new aseModel_t;
1398 	ase->timeStamp = obj->timeStamp;
1399 	ase->objects.Resize( obj->nlayers, obj->nlayers );
1401 	int materialRef = 0;
1403 	for ( lwSurface *surf = obj->surf; surf; surf = surf->next ) {
1405 		aseMaterial_t *mat = (aseMaterial_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *mat ) );
1406 		strcpy( mat->name, surf->name );
1407 		mat->uTiling = mat->vTiling = 1;
1408 		mat->angle = mat->uOffset = mat->vOffset = 0;
1409 		ase->materials.Append( mat );
1411 		lwLayer *layer = obj->layer;
1413 		aseObject_t *object = (aseObject_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *object ) );
1414 		object->materialRef = materialRef++;
1416 		aseMesh_t *mesh = &object->mesh;
1417 		ase->objects.Append( object );
1419 		mesh->numFaces = layer->polygon.count;
1420 		mesh->numTVFaces = mesh->numFaces;
1421 		mesh->faces = (aseFace_t *)Mem_Alloc( mesh->numFaces  * sizeof( mesh->faces[0] ) );
1423 		mesh->numVertexes = layer->point.count;
1424 		mesh->vertexes = (idVec3 *)Mem_Alloc( mesh->numVertexes * sizeof( mesh->vertexes[0] ) );
1426 		// vertex positions
1427 		if ( layer->point.count <= 0 ) {
1428 			common->Warning( "ConvertLWOToASE: model \'%s\' has bad or missing vertex data", name.c_str() );
1429 		}
1431 		for ( j = 0; j < layer->point.count; j++ ) {
1432 			mesh->vertexes[j].x = layer->point.pt[j].pos[0];
1433 			mesh->vertexes[j].y = layer->point.pt[j].pos[2];
1434 			mesh->vertexes[j].z = layer->point.pt[j].pos[1];
1435 		}
1437 		// vertex texture coords
1438 		mesh->numTVertexes = 0;
1440 		if ( layer->nvmaps ) {
1441 			for( lwVMap *vm = layer->vmap; vm; vm = vm->next ) {
1442 				if ( vm->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1443 					mesh->numTVertexes += vm->nverts;
1444 				}
1445 			}
1446 		}
1448 		if ( mesh->numTVertexes ) {
1449 			mesh->tvertexes = (idVec2 *)Mem_Alloc( mesh->numTVertexes * sizeof( mesh->tvertexes[0] ) );
1450 			int offset = 0;
1451 			for( lwVMap *vm = layer->vmap; vm; vm = vm->next ) {
1452 				if ( vm->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1453 					vm->offset = offset;
1454 					for ( k = 0; k < vm->nverts; k++ ) {
1455 						mesh->tvertexes[k + offset].x = vm->val[k][0];
1456 						mesh->tvertexes[k + offset].y = 1.0f - vm->val[k][1];	// invert the t
1457 					}
1458 					offset += vm->nverts;
1459 				}
1460 			}
1461 		} else {
1462 			common->Warning( "ConvertLWOToASE: model \'%s\' has bad or missing uv data", fileName );
1463 			mesh->numTVertexes = 1;
1464 			mesh->tvertexes = (idVec2 *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( mesh->numTVertexes * sizeof( mesh->tvertexes[0] ) );
1465 		}
1467 		mesh->normalsParsed = true;
1468 		mesh->colorsParsed = true;	// because we are falling back to the surface color
1470 		// triangles
1471 		int faceIndex = 0;
1472 		for ( j = 0; j < layer->polygon.count; j++ ) {
1473 			lwPolygon *poly = &layer->polygon.pol[j];
1475 			if ( poly->surf != surf ) {
1476 				continue;
1477 			}
1479 			if ( poly->nverts != 3 ) {
1480 				common->Warning( "ConvertLWOToASE: model %s has too many verts for a poly! Make sure you triplet it down", fileName );
1481 				continue;
1482 			}
1484 			mesh->faces[faceIndex].faceNormal.x = poly->norm[0];
1485 			mesh->faces[faceIndex].faceNormal.y = poly->norm[2];
1486 			mesh->faces[faceIndex].faceNormal.z = poly->norm[1];
1488 			for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
1490 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexNum[k] = poly->v[k].index;
1492 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexNormals[k].x = poly->v[k].norm[0];
1493 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexNormals[k].y = poly->v[k].norm[2];
1494 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexNormals[k].z = poly->v[k].norm[1];
1496 				// complete fallbacks
1497 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].tVertexNum[k] = 0;
1499 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexColors[k][0] = surf->color.rgb[0] * 255;
1500 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexColors[k][1] = surf->color.rgb[1] * 255;
1501 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexColors[k][2] = surf->color.rgb[2] * 255;
1502 				mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexColors[k][3] = 255;
1504 				// first set attributes from the vertex
1505 				lwPoint	*pt = &layer->point.pt[poly->v[k].index];
1506 				int nvm;
1507 				for ( nvm = 0; nvm < pt->nvmaps; nvm++ ) {
1508 					lwVMapPt *vm = &pt->vm[nvm];
1510 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1511 						mesh->faces[faceIndex].tVertexNum[k] = vm->index + vm->vmap->offset;
1512 					}
1513 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('R','G','B','A') ) {
1514 						for ( int chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++ ) {
1515 							mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexColors[k][chan] = 255 * vm->vmap->val[vm->index][chan];
1516 						}
1517 					}
1518 				}
1520 				// then override with polygon attributes
1521 				for ( nvm = 0; nvm < poly->v[k].nvmaps; nvm++ ) {
1522 					lwVMapPt *vm = &poly->v[k].vm[nvm];
1524 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('T','X','U','V') ) {
1525 						mesh->faces[faceIndex].tVertexNum[k] = vm->index + vm->vmap->offset;
1526 					}
1527 					if ( vm->vmap->type == LWID_('R','G','B','A') ) {
1528 						for ( int chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++ ) {
1529 							mesh->faces[faceIndex].vertexColors[k][chan] = 255 * vm->vmap->val[vm->index][chan];
1530 						}
1531 					}
1532 				}
1533 			}
1535 			faceIndex++;
1536 		}
1538 		mesh->numFaces = faceIndex;
1539 		mesh->numTVFaces = faceIndex;
1541 		aseFace_t *newFaces = ( aseFace_t* )Mem_Alloc( mesh->numFaces * sizeof ( mesh->faces[0] ) );
1542 		memcpy( newFaces, mesh->faces, sizeof( mesh->faces[0] ) * mesh->numFaces );
1543 		Mem_Free( mesh->faces );
1544 		mesh->faces = newFaces;
1545 	}
1547 	return ase;
1548 }
1550 /*
1551 =================
1552 idRenderModelStatic::ConvertMAToModelSurfaces
1553 =================
1554 */
ConvertMAToModelSurfaces(const struct maModel_s * ma)1555 bool idRenderModelStatic::ConvertMAToModelSurfaces (const struct maModel_s *ma ) {
1557 	maObject_t *	object;
1558 	maMesh_t *		mesh;
1559 	maMaterial_t *	material;
1561 	const idMaterial *im1, *im2;
1562 	srfTriangles_t *tri;
1563 	int				objectNum;
1564 	int				i, j, k;
1565 	int				v, tv;
1566 	int *			vRemap;
1567 	int *			tvRemap;
1568 	matchVert_t *	mvTable;	// all of the match verts
1569 	matchVert_t **	mvHash;		// points inside mvTable for each xyz index
1570 	matchVert_t *	lastmv;
1571 	matchVert_t *	mv;
1572 	idVec3			normal;
1573 	float			uOffset, vOffset, textureSin, textureCos;
1574 	float			uTiling, vTiling;
1575 	int *			mergeTo;
1576 	byte *			color;
1577 	static byte	identityColor[4] = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
1578 	modelSurface_t	surf, *modelSurf;
1580 	if ( !ma ) {
1581 		return false;
1582 	}
1583 	if ( ma->objects.Num() < 1 ) {
1584 		return false;
1585 	}
1587 	timeStamp = ma->timeStamp;
1589 	// the modeling programs can save out multiple surfaces with a common
1590 	// material, but we would like to mege them together where possible
1591 	// meaning that this->NumSurfaces() <= ma->objects.currentElements
1592 	mergeTo = (int *)_alloca( ma->objects.Num() * sizeof( *mergeTo ) );
1594 	surf.geometry = NULL;
1595 	if ( ma->materials.Num() == 0 ) {
1596 		// if we don't have any materials, dump everything into a single surface
1597 		surf.shader = tr.defaultMaterial;
1598 		surf.id = 0;
1599 		this->AddSurface( surf );
1600 		for ( i = 0 ; i < ma->objects.Num() ; i++ ) {
1601 			mergeTo[i] = 0;
1602 		}
1603 	} else if ( !r_mergeModelSurfaces.GetBool() ) {
1604 		// don't merge any
1605 		for ( i = 0 ; i < ma->objects.Num() ; i++ ) {
1606 			mergeTo[i] = i;
1607 			object = ma->objects[i];
1608 			if(object->materialRef >= 0) {
1609 				material = ma->materials[object->materialRef];
1610 				surf.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( material->name );
1611 			} else {
1612 				surf.shader = tr.defaultMaterial;
1613 			}
1614 			surf.id = this->NumSurfaces();
1615 			this->AddSurface( surf );
1616 		}
1617 	} else {
1618 		// search for material matches
1619 		for ( i = 0 ; i < ma->objects.Num() ; i++ ) {
1620 			object = ma->objects[i];
1621 			if(object->materialRef >= 0) {
1622 				material = ma->materials[object->materialRef];
1623 				im1 = declManager->FindMaterial( material->name );
1624 			} else {
1625 				im1 = tr.defaultMaterial;
1626 			}
1627 			if ( im1->IsDiscrete() ) {
1628 				// flares, autosprites, etc
1629 				j = this->NumSurfaces();
1630 			} else {
1631 				for ( j = 0 ; j < this->NumSurfaces() ; j++ ) {
1632 					modelSurf = &this->surfaces[j];
1633 					im2 = modelSurf->shader;
1634 					if ( im1 == im2 ) {
1635 						// merge this
1636 						mergeTo[i] = j;
1637 						break;
1638 					}
1639 				}
1640 			}
1641 			if ( j == this->NumSurfaces() ) {
1642 				// didn't merge
1643 				mergeTo[i] = j;
1644 				surf.shader = im1;
1645 				surf.id = this->NumSurfaces();
1646 				this->AddSurface( surf );
1647 			}
1648 		}
1649 	}
1651 	idVectorSubset<idVec3, 3> vertexSubset;
1652 	idVectorSubset<idVec2, 2> texCoordSubset;
1654 	// build the surfaces
1655 	for ( objectNum = 0 ; objectNum < ma->objects.Num() ; objectNum++ ) {
1656 		object = ma->objects[objectNum];
1657 		mesh = &object->mesh;
1658 		if(object->materialRef >= 0) {
1659 			material = ma->materials[object->materialRef];
1660 			im1 = declManager->FindMaterial( material->name );
1661 		} else {
1662 			im1 = tr.defaultMaterial;
1663 		}
1665 		bool normalsParsed = mesh->normalsParsed;
1667 		// completely ignore any explict normals on surfaces with a renderbump command
1668 		// which will guarantee the best contours and least vertexes.
1669 		const char *rb = im1->GetRenderBump();
1670 		if ( rb && rb[0] ) {
1671 			normalsParsed = false;
1672 		}
1674 		// It seems like the tools our artists are using often generate
1675 		// verts and texcoords slightly separated that should be merged
1676 		// note that we really should combine the surfaces with common materials
1677 		// before doing this operation, because we can miss a slop combination
1678 		// if they are in different surfaces
1680 		vRemap = (int *)R_StaticAlloc( mesh->numVertexes * sizeof( vRemap[0] ) );
1682 		if ( fastLoad ) {
1683 			// renderbump doesn't care about vertex count
1684 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numVertexes; j++ ) {
1685 				vRemap[j] = j;
1686 			}
1687 		} else {
1688 			float vertexEpsilon = r_slopVertex.GetFloat();
1689 			float expand = 2 * 32 * vertexEpsilon;
1690 			idVec3 mins, maxs;
1692 			SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, mesh->vertexes, mesh->numVertexes );
1693 			mins -= idVec3( expand, expand, expand );
1694 			maxs += idVec3( expand, expand, expand );
1695 			vertexSubset.Init( mins, maxs, 32, 1024 );
1696 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numVertexes; j++ ) {
1697 				vRemap[j] = vertexSubset.FindVector( mesh->vertexes, j, vertexEpsilon );
1698 			}
1699 		}
1701 		tvRemap = (int *)R_StaticAlloc( mesh->numTVertexes * sizeof( tvRemap[0] ) );
1703 		if ( fastLoad ) {
1704 			// renderbump doesn't care about vertex count
1705 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numTVertexes; j++ ) {
1706 				tvRemap[j] = j;
1707 			}
1708 		} else {
1709 			float texCoordEpsilon = r_slopTexCoord.GetFloat();
1710 			float expand = 2 * 32 * texCoordEpsilon;
1711 			idVec2 mins, maxs;
1713 			SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, mesh->tvertexes, mesh->numTVertexes );
1714 			mins -= idVec2( expand, expand );
1715 			maxs += idVec2( expand, expand );
1716 			texCoordSubset.Init( mins, maxs, 32, 1024 );
1717 			for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numTVertexes; j++ ) {
1718 				tvRemap[j] = texCoordSubset.FindVector( mesh->tvertexes, j, texCoordEpsilon );
1719 			}
1720 		}
1722 		// we need to find out how many unique vertex / texcoord / color combinations
1723 		// there are, because MA tracks them separately but we need them unified
1725 		// the maximum possible number of combined vertexes is the number of indexes
1726 		mvTable = (matchVert_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( mesh->numFaces * 3 * sizeof( mvTable[0] ) );
1728 		// we will have a hash chain based on the xyz values
1729 		mvHash = (matchVert_t **)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( mesh->numVertexes * sizeof( mvHash[0] ) );
1731 		// allocate triangle surface
1732 		tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
1733 		tri->numVerts = 0;
1734 		tri->numIndexes = 0;
1735 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, mesh->numFaces * 3 );
1736 		tri->generateNormals = !normalsParsed;
1738 		// init default normal, color and tex coord index
1739 		normal.Zero();
1740 		color = identityColor;
1741 		tv = 0;
1743 		// find all the unique combinations
1744 		float normalEpsilon = 1.0f - r_slopNormal.GetFloat();
1745 		for ( j = 0; j < mesh->numFaces; j++ ) {
1746 			for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
1747 				v = mesh->faces[j].vertexNum[k];
1749 				if ( v < 0 || v >= mesh->numVertexes ) {
1750 					common->Error( "ConvertMAToModelSurfaces: bad vertex index in MA file %s", name.c_str() );
1751 				}
1753 				// collapse the position if it was slightly offset
1754 				v = vRemap[v];
1756 				// we may or may not have texcoords to compare
1757 				if ( mesh->numTVertexes != 0 ) {
1758 					tv = mesh->faces[j].tVertexNum[k];
1759 					if ( tv < 0 || tv >= mesh->numTVertexes ) {
1760 						common->Error( "ConvertMAToModelSurfaces: bad tex coord index in MA file %s", name.c_str() );
1761 					}
1762 					// collapse the tex coord if it was slightly offset
1763 					tv = tvRemap[tv];
1764 				}
1766 				// we may or may not have normals to compare
1767 				if ( normalsParsed ) {
1768 					normal = mesh->faces[j].vertexNormals[k];
1769 				}
1771 				//BSM: Todo: Fix the vertex colors
1772 				// we may or may not have colors to compare
1773 				if ( mesh->faces[j].vertexColors[k] != -1 && mesh->faces[j].vertexColors[k] != -999 ) {
1775 					color = &mesh->colors[mesh->faces[j].vertexColors[k]*4];
1776 				}
1778 				// find a matching vert
1779 				for ( lastmv = NULL, mv = mvHash[v]; mv != NULL; lastmv = mv, mv = mv->next ) {
1780 					if ( mv->tv != tv ) {
1781 						continue;
1782 					}
1783 					if ( *(unsigned *)mv->color != *(unsigned *)color ) {
1784 						continue;
1785 					}
1786 					if ( !normalsParsed ) {
1787 						// if we are going to create the normals, just
1788 						// matching texcoords is enough
1789 						break;
1790 					}
1791 					if ( mv->normal * normal > normalEpsilon ) {
1792 						break;		// we already have this one
1793 					}
1794 				}
1795 				if ( !mv ) {
1796 					// allocate a new match vert and link to hash chain
1797 					mv = &mvTable[ tri->numVerts ];
1798 					mv->v = v;
1799 					mv->tv = tv;
1800 					mv->normal = normal;
1801 					*(unsigned *)mv->color = *(unsigned *)color;
1802 					mv->next = NULL;
1803 					if ( lastmv ) {
1804 						lastmv->next = mv;
1805 					} else {
1806 						mvHash[v] = mv;
1807 					}
1808 					tri->numVerts++;
1809 				}
1811 				tri->indexes[tri->numIndexes] = mv - mvTable;
1812 				tri->numIndexes++;
1813 			}
1814 		}
1816 		// allocate space for the indexes and copy them
1817 		if ( tri->numIndexes > mesh->numFaces * 3 ) {
1818 			common->FatalError( "ConvertMAToModelSurfaces: index miscount in MA file %s", name.c_str() );
1819 		}
1820 		if ( tri->numVerts > mesh->numFaces * 3 ) {
1821 			common->FatalError( "ConvertMAToModelSurfaces: vertex miscount in MA file %s", name.c_str() );
1822 		}
1824 		// an MA allows the texture coordinates to be scaled, translated, and rotated
1825 		//BSM: Todo: Does Maya support this and if so how
1826 		//if ( ase->materials.Num() == 0 ) {
1827 			uOffset = vOffset = 0.0f;
1828 			uTiling = vTiling = 1.0f;
1829 			textureSin = 0.0f;
1830 			textureCos = 1.0f;
1831 		//} else {
1832 		//	material = ase->materials[object->materialRef];
1833 		//	uOffset = -material->uOffset;
1834 		//	vOffset = material->vOffset;
1835 		//	uTiling = material->uTiling;
1836 		//	vTiling = material->vTiling;
1837 		//	textureSin = idMath::Sin( material->angle );
1838 		//	textureCos = idMath::Cos( material->angle );
1839 		//}
1841 		// now allocate and generate the combined vertexes
1842 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts );
1843 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; j++ ) {
1844 			mv = &mvTable[j];
1845 			tri->verts[ j ].Clear();
1846 			tri->verts[ j ].xyz = mesh->vertexes[ mv->v ];
1847 			tri->verts[ j ].normal = mv->normal;
1848 			*(unsigned *)tri->verts[j].color = *(unsigned *)mv->color;
1849 			if ( mesh->numTVertexes != 0 ) {
1850 				const idVec2 &tv = mesh->tvertexes[ mv->tv ];
1851 				float u = tv.x * uTiling + uOffset;
1852 				float v = tv.y * vTiling + vOffset;
1853 				tri->verts[ j ].st[0] = u * textureCos + v * textureSin;
1854 				tri->verts[ j ].st[1] = u * -textureSin + v * textureCos;
1855 			}
1856 		}
1858 		R_StaticFree( mvTable );
1859 		R_StaticFree( mvHash );
1860 		R_StaticFree( tvRemap );
1861 		R_StaticFree( vRemap );
1863 		// see if we need to merge with a previous surface of the same material
1864 		modelSurf = &this->surfaces[mergeTo[ objectNum ]];
1865 		srfTriangles_t	*mergeTri = modelSurf->geometry;
1866 		if ( !mergeTri ) {
1867 			modelSurf->geometry = tri;
1868 		} else {
1869 			modelSurf->geometry = R_MergeTriangles( mergeTri, tri );
1870 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( tri );
1871 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( mergeTri );
1872 		}
1873 	}
1875 	return true;
1876 }
1878 /*
1879 =================
1880 idRenderModelStatic::LoadASE
1881 =================
1882 */
LoadASE(const char * fileName)1883 bool idRenderModelStatic::LoadASE( const char *fileName ) {
1884 	aseModel_t *ase;
1886 	ase = ASE_Load( fileName );
1887 	if ( ase == NULL ) {
1888 		return false;
1889 	}
1891 	ConvertASEToModelSurfaces( ase );
1893 	ASE_Free( ase );
1895 	return true;
1896 }
1898 /*
1899 =================
1900 idRenderModelStatic::LoadLWO
1901 =================
1902 */
LoadLWO(const char * fileName)1903 bool idRenderModelStatic::LoadLWO( const char *fileName ) {
1904 	unsigned int failID;
1905 	int failPos;
1906 	lwObject *lwo;
1908 	lwo = lwGetObject( fileName, &failID, &failPos );
1909 	if ( lwo == NULL ) {
1910 		return false;
1911 	}
1913 	ConvertLWOToModelSurfaces( lwo );
1915 	lwFreeObject( lwo );
1917 	return true;
1918 }
1920 /*
1921 =================
1922 idRenderModelStatic::LoadMA
1923 =================
1924 */
LoadMA(const char * fileName)1925 bool idRenderModelStatic::LoadMA( const char *fileName ) {
1926 	maModel_t *ma;
1928 	ma = MA_Load( fileName );
1929 	if ( ma == NULL ) {
1930 		return false;
1931 	}
1933 	ConvertMAToModelSurfaces( ma );
1935 	MA_Free( ma );
1937 	return true;
1938 }
1940 /*
1941 =================
1942 idRenderModelStatic::LoadFLT
1944 USGS height map data for megaTexture experiments
1945 =================
1946 */
LoadFLT(const char * fileName)1947 bool idRenderModelStatic::LoadFLT( const char *fileName ) {
1948 	float	*data;
1949 	int		len;
1951 	len = fileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, (void **)&data );
1952 	if ( len <= 0 ) {
1953 		return false;
1954 	}
1955 	int	size = sqrt( len / 4.0f );
1957 	// bound the altitudes
1958 	float min = 9999999;
1959 	float max = -9999999;
1960 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < len/4 ; i++ ) {
1961 	data[i] = BigFloat( data[i] );
1962 	if ( data[i] == -9999 ) {
1963 		data[i] = 0;		// unscanned areas
1964 	}
1966 		if ( data[i] < min ) {
1967 			min = data[i];
1968 		}
1969 		if ( data[i] > max ) {
1970 			max = data[i];
1971 		}
1972 	}
1973 #if 1
1974 	// write out a gray scale height map
1975 	byte	*image = (byte *)R_StaticAlloc( len );
1976 	byte	*image_p = image;
1977 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < len/4 ; i++ ) {
1978 		float v = ( data[i] - min ) / ( max - min );
1979 		image_p[0] =
1980 		image_p[1] =
1981 		image_p[2] = v * 255;
1982 		image_p[3] = 255;
1983 		image_p += 4;
1984 	}
1985 	idStr	tgaName = fileName;
1986 	tgaName.StripFileExtension();
1987 	tgaName += ".tga";
1988 	R_WriteTGA( tgaName.c_str(), image, size, size, false );
1989 	R_StaticFree( image );
1990 //return false;
1991 #endif
1993 	// find the island above sea level
1994 	int	minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
1995 	{
1996 		int	i;
1997 		for ( minX = 0 ; minX < size ; minX++ ) {
1998 			for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
1999 				if ( data[i*size + minX] > 1.0 ) {
2000 					break;
2001 				}
2002 			}
2003 			if ( i != size ) {
2004 				break;
2005 			}
2006 		}
2008 		for ( maxX = size-1 ; maxX > 0 ; maxX-- ) {
2009 			for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
2010 				if ( data[i*size + maxX] > 1.0 ) {
2011 					break;
2012 				}
2013 			}
2014 			if ( i != size ) {
2015 				break;
2016 			}
2017 		}
2019 		for ( minY = 0 ; minY < size ; minY++ ) {
2020 			for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
2021 				if ( data[minY*size + i] > 1.0 ) {
2022 					break;
2023 				}
2024 			}
2025 			if ( i != size ) {
2026 				break;
2027 			}
2028 		}
2030 		for ( maxY = size-1 ; maxY < size ; maxY-- ) {
2031 			for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
2032 				if ( data[maxY*size + i] > 1.0 ) {
2033 					break;
2034 				}
2035 			}
2036 			if ( i != size ) {
2037 				break;
2038 			}
2039 		}
2040 	}
2042 	int	width = maxX - minX + 1;
2043 	int height = maxY - minY + 1;
2045 //width /= 2;
2046 	// allocate triangle surface
2047 	srfTriangles_t *tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
2048 	tri->numVerts = width * height;
2049 	tri->numIndexes = (width-1) * (height-1) * 6;
2051 	fastLoad = true;		// don't do all the sil processing
2053 	R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, tri->numIndexes );
2054 	R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts );
2056 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < height ; i++ ) {
2057 		for ( int j = 0; j < width ; j++ ) {
2058 			int		v = i * width + j;
2059 			tri->verts[ v ].Clear();
2060 			tri->verts[ v ].xyz[0] = j * 10;	// each sample is 10 meters
2061 			tri->verts[ v ].xyz[1] = -i * 10;
2062 			tri->verts[ v ].xyz[2] = data[(minY+i)*size+minX+j];	// height is in meters
2063 			tri->verts[ v ].st[0] = (float) j / (width-1);
2064 			tri->verts[ v ].st[1] = 1.0 - ( (float) i / (height-1) );
2065 		}
2066 	}
2068 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < height-1 ; i++ ) {
2069 		for ( int j = 0; j < width-1 ; j++ ) {
2070 			int	v = ( i * (width-1) + j ) * 6;
2071 #if 0
2072 			tri->indexes[ v + 0 ] = i * width + j;
2073 			tri->indexes[ v + 1 ] = (i+1) * width + j;
2074 			tri->indexes[ v + 2 ] = (i+1) * width + j + 1;
2075 			tri->indexes[ v + 3 ] = i * width + j;
2076 			tri->indexes[ v + 4 ] = (i+1) * width + j + 1;
2077 			tri->indexes[ v + 5 ] = i * width + j + 1;
2078 #else
2079 			tri->indexes[ v + 0 ] = i * width + j;
2080 			tri->indexes[ v + 1 ] = i * width + j + 1;
2081 			tri->indexes[ v + 2 ] = (i+1) * width + j + 1;
2082 			tri->indexes[ v + 3 ] = i * width + j;
2083 			tri->indexes[ v + 4 ] = (i+1) * width + j + 1;
2084 			tri->indexes[ v + 5 ] = (i+1) * width + j;
2085 #endif
2086 		}
2087 	}
2089 	fileSystem->FreeFile( data );
2091 	modelSurface_t	surface;
2093 	surface.geometry = tri;
2094 	surface.id = 0;
2095 	surface.shader = tr.defaultMaterial; // declManager->FindMaterial( "shaderDemos/megaTexture" );
2097 	this->AddSurface( surface );
2099 	return true;
2100 }
2103 //=============================================================================
2105 /*
2106 ================
2107 idRenderModelStatic::PurgeModel
2108 ================
2109 */
PurgeModel()2110 void idRenderModelStatic::PurgeModel() {
2111 	int		i;
2112 	modelSurface_t	*surf;
2114 	for ( i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
2115 		surf = &surfaces[i];
2117 		if ( surf->geometry ) {
2118 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( surf->geometry );
2119 		}
2120 	}
2121 	surfaces.Clear();
2123 	purged = true;
2124 }
2126 /*
2127 ==============
2128 idRenderModelStatic::FreeVertexCache
2130 We are about to restart the vertex cache, so dump everything
2131 ==============
2132 */
FreeVertexCache(void)2133 void idRenderModelStatic::FreeVertexCache( void ) {
2134 	for ( int j = 0 ; j < surfaces.Num() ; j++ ) {
2135 		srfTriangles_t *tri = surfaces[j].geometry;
2136 		if ( !tri ) {
2137 			continue;
2138 		}
2139 		if ( tri->ambientCache ) {
2140 			vertexCache.Free( tri->ambientCache );
2141 			tri->ambientCache = NULL;
2142 		}
2143 		// static shadows may be present
2144 		if ( tri->shadowCache ) {
2145 			vertexCache.Free( tri->shadowCache );
2146 			tri->shadowCache = NULL;
2147 		}
2148 	}
2149 }
2151 /*
2152 ================
2153 idRenderModelStatic::ReadFromDemoFile
2154 ================
2155 */
ReadFromDemoFile(class idDemoFile * f)2156 void idRenderModelStatic::ReadFromDemoFile( class idDemoFile *f ) {
2157 	PurgeModel();
2159 	InitEmpty( f->ReadHashString() );
2161 	int i, j, numSurfaces;
2162 	f->ReadInt( numSurfaces );
2164 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numSurfaces ; i++ ) {
2165 		modelSurface_t	surf;
2167 		surf.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( f->ReadHashString() );
2169 		srfTriangles_t	*tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
2171 		f->ReadInt( tri->numIndexes );
2172 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, tri->numIndexes );
2173 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numIndexes; ++j )
2174 			f->ReadInt( (int&)tri->indexes[j] );
2176 		f->ReadInt( tri->numVerts );
2177 		R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts );
2178 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; ++j ) {
2179 			f->ReadVec3( tri->verts[j].xyz );
2180 			f->ReadVec2( tri->verts[j].st );
2181 			f->ReadVec3( tri->verts[j].normal );
2182 			f->ReadVec3( tri->verts[j].tangents[0] );
2183 			f->ReadVec3( tri->verts[j].tangents[1] );
2184 			f->ReadUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[0] );
2185 			f->ReadUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[1] );
2186 			f->ReadUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[2] );
2187 			f->ReadUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[3] );
2188 		}
2190 		surf.geometry = tri;
2192 		this->AddSurface( surf );
2193 	}
2194 	this->FinishSurfaces();
2195 }
2197 /*
2198 ================
2199 idRenderModelStatic::WriteToDemoFile
2200 ================
2201 */
WriteToDemoFile(class idDemoFile * f)2202 void idRenderModelStatic::WriteToDemoFile( class idDemoFile *f ) {
2203 	int	data[1];
2205 	// note that it has been updated
2206 	lastArchivedFrame = tr.frameCount;
2208 	data[0] = DC_DEFINE_MODEL;
2209 	f->WriteInt( data[0] );
2210 	f->WriteHashString( this->Name() );
2212 	int i, j, iData = surfaces.Num();
2213 	f->WriteInt( iData );
2215 	for ( i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
2216 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
2218 		f->WriteHashString( surf->shader->GetName() );
2220 		srfTriangles_t *tri = surf->geometry;
2221 		f->WriteInt( tri->numIndexes );
2222 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numIndexes; ++j )
2223 			f->WriteInt( (int&)tri->indexes[j] );
2224 		f->WriteInt( tri->numVerts );
2225 		for ( j = 0; j < tri->numVerts; ++j ) {
2226 			f->WriteVec3( tri->verts[j].xyz );
2227 			f->WriteVec2( tri->verts[j].st );
2228 			f->WriteVec3( tri->verts[j].normal );
2229 			f->WriteVec3( tri->verts[j].tangents[0] );
2230 			f->WriteVec3( tri->verts[j].tangents[1] );
2231 			f->WriteUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[0] );
2232 			f->WriteUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[1] );
2233 			f->WriteUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[2] );
2234 			f->WriteUnsignedChar( tri->verts[j].color[3] );
2235 		}
2236 	}
2237 }
2239 /*
2240 ================
2241 idRenderModelStatic::IsLoaded
2242 ================
2243 */
IsLoaded(void) const2244 bool idRenderModelStatic::IsLoaded( void ) const {
2245 	return !purged;
2246 }
2248 /*
2249 ================
2250 idRenderModelStatic::SetLevelLoadReferenced
2251 ================
2252 */
SetLevelLoadReferenced(bool referenced)2253 void idRenderModelStatic::SetLevelLoadReferenced( bool referenced ) {
2254 	levelLoadReferenced = referenced;
2255 }
2257 /*
2258 ================
2259 idRenderModelStatic::IsLevelLoadReferenced
2260 ================
2261 */
IsLevelLoadReferenced(void)2262 bool idRenderModelStatic::IsLevelLoadReferenced( void ) {
2263 	return levelLoadReferenced;
2264 }
2266 /*
2267 =================
2268 idRenderModelStatic::TouchData
2269 =================
2270 */
TouchData(void)2271 void idRenderModelStatic::TouchData( void ) {
2272 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < surfaces.Num() ; i++ ) {
2273 		const modelSurface_t	*surf = &surfaces[i];
2275 		// re-find the material to make sure it gets added to the
2276 		// level keep list
2277 		declManager->FindMaterial( surf->shader->GetName() );
2278 	}
2279 }
2281 /*
2282 =================
2283 idRenderModelStatic::DeleteSurfaceWithId
2284 =================
2285 */
DeleteSurfaceWithId(int id)2286 bool idRenderModelStatic::DeleteSurfaceWithId( int id ) {
2287 	int i;
2289 	for ( i = 0; i < surfaces.Num(); i++ ) {
2290 		if ( surfaces[i].id == id ) {
2291 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( surfaces[i].geometry );
2292 			surfaces.RemoveIndex( i );
2293 			return true;
2294 		}
2295 	}
2296 	return false;
2297 }
2299 /*
2300 =================
2301 idRenderModelStatic::DeleteSurfacesWithNegativeId
2302 =================
2303 */
DeleteSurfacesWithNegativeId(void)2304 void idRenderModelStatic::DeleteSurfacesWithNegativeId( void ) {
2305 	int i;
2307 	for ( i = 0; i < surfaces.Num(); i++ ) {
2308 		if ( surfaces[i].id < 0 ) {
2309 			R_FreeStaticTriSurf( surfaces[i].geometry );
2310 			surfaces.RemoveIndex( i );
2311 			i--;
2312 		}
2313 	}
2314 }
2316 /*
2317 =================
2318 idRenderModelStatic::FindSurfaceWithId
2319 =================
2320 */
FindSurfaceWithId(int id,int & surfaceNum)2321 bool idRenderModelStatic::FindSurfaceWithId( int id, int &surfaceNum ) {
2322 	int i;
2324 	for ( i = 0; i < surfaces.Num(); i++ ) {
2325 		if ( surfaces[i].id == id ) {
2326 			surfaceNum = i;
2327 			return true;
2328 		}
2329 	}
2330 	return false;
2331 }