1 /* Include for communications with GNUstep Distributed Objects name server.
2    Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4    Written by:  Richard Frith-Macdonald <richard@brainstorm.co.uk>
5    Created: October 1996
7    This file is part of the GNUstep Project.
9    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
15    License along with this program; see the file COPYING.
16    If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19    */
21 /*
22  *	About the GNU Distributed Objects name-server
23  *
24  *	The name server is intended to work with both the UDP and the TCP
25  *	protocols.  It is intended that the TCP interface be used by
26  *	GNUstep programs, while the UDP interface is intended primarily
27  *	for communication between name servers on different machines.
28  *
29  *	The communications protocol is identical for both TCP and UDP and
30  *	consists of a simple request-response sequence.
31  *
32  *	Each request is a single message consisting of -
33  *		a single byte request type,
34  *		a single byte giving name length,
35  *		a single byte specifying the type of port being registered
36  *		or looked up, or a nul byte for probe operations.
37  *		a single nul byte.
38  *		a four byte port number in network byte order must be
39  *		present for register operations, otherwise this is zero.
40  *		a service name of 0 to GDO_NAME_MAX_LEN bytes (or two IP
41  *		addresses in network byte order and an optional list of
42  *		additional addresseso for probe operations)
43  *		0 to GDO_NAME_MAX_LEN nul bytes padding the service name to its
44  *		full size.
45  *		a terminating nul byte.
46  *		The total is always sent in a packet with everything after the
47  *		service name (except the final byte) cleared to nul bytes.
48  *
49  *	Each response consists of at least 4 bytes and depends on the
50  *	corresponding request type and where it came from as follows -
51  *
52  *	Request type	Effect
53  *
54  *	GDO_LOOKUP	Looks up the server name and returns its port number.
55  *			Response is the port number in network byte order,
56  *			or zero if the named server was not registered.
57  *
58  *	GDO_REGISTER	Registers the given server name with a port number.
59  *			This service is only available to processes on the
60  *			same host as the name server.
61  *			Response is the port number in network byte order,
62  *			or zero if the named server was already registered.
63  *
64  *	GDO_UNREG	Un-register the server name and return old port number.
65  *			If the server name is of length zero, and the port is
66  *			non-zero then all names for the port are unregistered.
67  *			This service is only available to a process on the
68  *			same host as this name server.
69  *			Response is the old port number in network byte order,
70  *			or zero if the name could not be un-registered.
71  *			If multiple names were unregistered the response is
72  *			the port for those names.
73  *
74  *	GDO_SERVERS	Return a list of the known servers on the local net.
75  *			Response is an unsigned long (in network byte order)
76  *			saying how many servers the name server knows about,
77  *			followed by a list of their IP addresses in network
78  *			byte order.
79  *			NB. This response may not be possible over UDP as the
80  *			response length may exceed the maximum UDP packet size.
81  *
82  *	GDO_NAMES	Return a list of registered names known to the server.
83  *			Response is an unsigned long (in network byte order)
84  *			saying how many bytes of data are to follow,
85  *			followed by a list of the names each preceded by the
86  *			name length (a single byte) and port type (a byte).
87  *			NB. This response may not be possible over UDP as the
88  *			response length may exceed the maximum UDP packet size.
89  *
90  *	The following are used for communications between name servers -
91  *
92  *	GDO_PROBE	Requests a response
93  *			Passes two IP addresses in the name field - first the
94  *			address of the sender, next that of the recipient.
95  *			The packet may (optionally) include a variable number
96  *			of addresses (as specified by the name length minus the
97  *			size of the two addresses), each of which is an internet
98  *			address on which the sender is also listening.
99  *			For a request from a name server via UDP there is no
100  *			response, but a GDO_REPLY request is sent.
101  *			For a request from a non-name-server, or a TCP
102  *			connect, the response is the port number of this
103  *			server in network byte order.
104  *
105  *	GDO_PREPLY	Replies to a GDO_PROBE via UDP from a name server.
106  *			The format of the message is as for GDO_PROBE.
107  *			No response is sent.
108  *
109  *
110  *	HOW IT WORKS AND WHY (implementation notes)
111  *
112  *	1.  The fixed size of a request packet was chosen for maximum
113  *	    ease and speed of implementation of a non-blocking name server.
114  *	    The server knows how much it needs to read and can therefore
115  *	    usually do a read as a single operation since it doesn't have
116  *	    to read a little, figure out request length, allocate a buffer,
117  *	    and read the rest.
118  *
119  *	    The server name length (bytes) is specified - no assumptions
120  *	    should be made about whether the name contains nul characters
121  *	    or indeed about the name at all.  This is future-proofing.
122  *
123  *	2.  Why UDP as well as TCP?
124  *	    The OpenStep specification says that a connection may be
125  *	    established to any host on the local network which supplys a
126  *	    named service if the host name is specified as '*'
127  *
128  *	    This means that the application must poll to see if it can
129  *	    find a server with the name it wants.  The polling could take
130  *	    a huge amount of time!
131  *
132  *	    To make this all easier - the server is capable of supplying
133  *	    a list of those hosts on the local network which it knows to
134  *	    have (or have had) a name server running on them.
135  *
136  *	    The application then need only poll those name servers to find
137  *	    the service it wants.
138  *
139  *	    However - to give the application a list of hosts, the name
140  *	    server must have got the information from somewhere.
141  *	    To gather the information the server has to poll the machines
142  *	    on the net which would take ages using TCP since attempts to
143  *	    talk to machines which are down or do not exist will take a
144  *	    while to time out.
145  *
146  *	    To make things speedy, the server sends out GDO_PROBE requests
147  *	    on UDP to all the machines on the net when it starts up.
148  *	    Each machine which has a name server notes that the new name
149  *	    server has started up and sends back a GDOPREPLY packet so
150  *	    that the new name server will know about it.
151  *
152  *	    Things are never perfect though - if a name server dies, the
153  *	    other name servers won't know, and will continute to tell
154  *	    applications that it is there.
155  *
156  *	3.  Port type codes - these are used to say what the port is for so
157  *	    that clients can look up only the names that are relevant to them.
158  *	    This is to permit the name server to be used for multiple
159  *	    communications protocols (at the moment, tcp or udp) and for
160  *	    different systems (distributed objects or others).
161  *	    This guarantees that if one app is using DO over UDP, its services
162  *	    will not be found by an app which is using DO over TCP.
163  */
165 #define	GDOMAP_PORT	(538)	/* The well-known port for name server.	*/
167 /*
168  *	Request type codes
169  */
170 #define	GDO_REGISTER	'R'
171 #define	GDO_LOOKUP	'L'
172 #define	GDO_UNREG	'U'
173 #define	GDO_SERVERS	'S'
174 #define	GDO_PROBE	'P'
175 #define	GDO_PREPLY	'p'
176 #define	GDO_NAMES	'N'
178 /*
179  *	Port type codes
180  */
181 #define	GDO_NET_MASK	0x70	/* Network protocol of port.		*/
182 #define	GDO_NET_TCP	0x10
183 #define	GDO_NET_UDP	0x20
184 #define	GDO_SVC_MASK	0x0f	/* High level protocol of port.		*/
185 #define	GDO_SVC_GDO	0x01
186 #define	GDO_SVC_FOREIGN	0x02
188 /* tcp/ip distributed object server.	*/
191 /* udp/ip distributed object server.	*/
194 /* tcp/ip simple socket connection.	*/
197 /* udp/ip simple socket connection.	*/
201 #define	GDO_NAME_MAX_LEN	255	/* Max length registered name.	*/
203 /*
204  *	Structure to hold a request.
205  */
206 typedef	struct	{
207     unsigned char	rtype;		/* Type of request being made.	*/
208     unsigned char	nsize;		/* Length of the name to use.	*/
209     unsigned char	ptype;		/* Type of port registered.	*/
210     unsigned char	dummy;
211     unsigned int	port;
212     unsigned char	name[GDO_NAME_MAX_LEN+1];
213 } gdo_req;
215 #define	GDO_REQ_SIZE	sizeof(gdo_req)	/* Size of a request packet.	*/
217 /*
218  *	If you have a fascist sysadmin who will not let you run gdomap
219  *	as root and will not even let you modify /etc/services to point
220  *	gdomap to another port, you can uncomment the next #define to
221  *	run gdomap on port 6006 (or modify this to a port of your choice).
222  *	Whatever port you choose, you should make sure that no other
223  *	processes running on your network use that number!
224  *
225  *	When you have done this you must recompile gdomap.c and
226  *	NSPortNameServer.m and re-install the base library with
227  *	the new NSPortNameServer.o
228  *
229  *	NB. Doing this will render your system unable to communicate with
230  * 	other systems which have not performed the same remapping.  You
231  *	should not do it unless you have no choice.
232  */
233 /* #define	GDOMAP_PORT_OVERRIDE	6006 */