1 /********************************************************************\
2  * gnc-prefs.h -- Api to load and store preferences to a            *
3  *                configurable backend                              *
4  *                                                                  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2013 Geert Janssens <geert@kobaltwit.be>           *
6  *                                                                  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
9  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
10  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
11  *                                                                  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
16  *                                                                  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
18  * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
19  *                                                                  *
20  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
21  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
22  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                   *
23  *                                                                  *
24  ********************************************************************/
26 /** @addtogroup Engine
27     @{ */
28 /** @addtogroup Preferences Preferences
30     The API in this file is used to read and store preferences used
31     by gnucash. This api is a generic one. To actually store and
32     load preferences, a preferences backend should be configured.
33     Currently only one backend is defined: the preferences backend.
35     Note that preferences are organized in groups. Most functions
36     will require both a group and a preference name to find the
37     exact preference to work with.
39     @{ */
40 /** @file gnc-prefs.h
41  *  @brief Generic api to store and retrieve preferences.
42  *  @author Copyright (C) 2013 Geert Janssens <geert@kobaltwit.be>
43  */
45 #ifndef GNC_PREFS_H
46 #define GNC_PREFS_H
48 #ifdef __cplusplus
49 extern "C++" {
50 #include <glib.h>
51 }
52 #endif
54 /* Preference groups used across multiple modules */
55 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL           "general"
56 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL_REGISTER  "general.register"
57 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL_REPORT    "general.report"
58 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_WARNINGS          "general.warnings"
59 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_WARNINGS_TEMP     "warnings.temporary"
60 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_WARNINGS_PERM     "warnings.permanent"
61 #define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_ACCT_SUMMARY      "window.pages.account-tree.summary"
63 /* Preference names used across multiple modules */
64 #define GNC_PREF_VERSION             "prefs-version"
65 #define GNC_PREF_SAVE_GEOMETRY       "save-window-geometry"
66 #define GNC_PREF_LAST_PATH           "last-path"
67 #define GNC_PREF_USE_NEW             "use-new-window"
68 #define GNC_PREF_ACCOUNTING_LABELS   "use-accounting-labels"
69 #define GNC_PREF_ACCOUNT_SEPARATOR   "account-separator"
70 #define GNC_PREF_NEGATIVE_IN_RED     "negative-in-red"
71 #define GNC_PREF_NUM_SOURCE          "num-source"
72 #define GNC_PREF_DATE_FORMAT         "date-format"
73 #define GNC_PREF_DATE_COMPL_THISYEAR "date-completion-thisyear"
74 #define GNC_PREF_DATE_COMPL_SLIDING  "date-completion-sliding"
75 #define GNC_PREF_DATE_BACKMONTHS     "date-backmonths"
76 #define GNC_PREF_SHOW_LEAF_ACCT_NAMES "show-leaf-account-names"
77 #define GNC_PREF_ENTER_MOVES_TO_END  "enter-moves-to-end"
78 /* Register preferences */
79 #define GNC_PREF_DRAW_HOR_LINES      "draw-horizontal-lines"
80 #define GNC_PREF_DRAW_VERT_LINES     "draw-vertical-lines"
81 #define GNC_PREF_ALT_COLOR_BY_TRANS  "alternate-color-by-transaction"
82 #define GNC_PREF_USE_THEME_COLORS    "use-theme-colors"  // Obsolete, to remove in a future major version (> 2.8)
83 #define GNC_PREF_USE_GNUCASH_COLOR_THEME "use-gnucash-color-theme"
84 #define GNC_PREF_TAB_TRANS_MEMORISED "tab-to-transfer-on-memorised"
85 #define GNC_PREF_FUTURE_AFTER_BLANK  "future-after-blank-transaction"
86 /* Date preferences */
87 #define GNC_PREF_START_CHOICE_ABS    "start-choice-absolute"
88 #define GNC_PREF_START_CHOICE_REL    "start-choice-relative"
89 #define GNC_PREF_START_DATE          "start-date"
90 #define GNC_PREF_START_PERIOD        "start-period"
91 #define GNC_PREF_END_CHOICE_ABS      "end-choice-absolute"
92 #define GNC_PREF_END_CHOICE_REL      "end-choice-relative"
93 #define GNC_PREF_END_DATE            "end-date"
94 #define GNC_PREF_END_PERIOD          "end-period"
95 /* Currency preferences */
96 #define GNC_PREF_CURRENCY_OTHER      "currency-other"
97 #define GNC_PREF_CURRENCY_CHOICE_LOCALE "currency-choice-locale"
98 #define GNC_PREF_CURRENCY_CHOICE_OTHER  "currency-choice-other"
100 /** @name Early bird functions, needed before any backend has been set up
101  @{
102 */
104 const gchar *gnc_prefs_get_namespace_regexp(void);
105 void gnc_prefs_set_namespace_regexp(const gchar *str);
107 gboolean gnc_prefs_is_debugging_enabled(void);
108 void gnc_prefs_set_debugging(gboolean d);
110 gboolean gnc_prefs_is_extra_enabled(void);
111 void gnc_prefs_set_extra(gboolean enabled);
113 gboolean gnc_prefs_get_file_save_compressed(void);
114 void gnc_prefs_set_file_save_compressed(gboolean compressed);
116 gint gnc_prefs_get_file_retention_policy(void);
117 void gnc_prefs_set_file_retention_policy(gint policy);
119 gint gnc_prefs_get_file_retention_days(void);
120 void gnc_prefs_set_file_retention_days(gint days);
122 guint gnc_prefs_get_long_version( void );
124 /** @} */
127 /** Test if preferences backend is set up
128 */
129 gboolean gnc_prefs_is_set_up (void);
131 /** Block all preference callbacks
132 */
133 void gnc_prefs_block_all (void);
135 /** Unblock all preferences callbacks
136 */
137 void gnc_prefs_unblock_all (void);
139 /** @name Listening for changes
140  @{
141 */
144 /** Register a callback that gets triggered when the given preference changes.
145  *  Any time the preference's value changes, the routine
146  *  will be invoked and will be passed both the changed preference
147  *  and the user data passed to this function.
148  *
149  *  @param group This string contains the group name of the preference
150  *  to watch.
151  *
152  *  @param preference This string contains the name of the preference to watch.
153  *
154  *  @param func This is a pointer to the function to call when the preference
155  *  changes.
156  *
157  *  @param user_data This pointer will be passed to the callback
158  *  function.
159  *
160  *  @return This function returns the handler id for the registered
161  *  callback.
162  */
163 gulong gnc_prefs_register_cb (const char *group,
164                               const gchar *pref_name,
165                               gpointer func,
166                               gpointer user_data);
169 /** Remove a function that was registered for a callback when the
170  *  given preference changed.  Both the func and user_data
171  *  arguments are used to match up the callback to remove.
172  *  If no matching func and user_data are found to be registered
173  *  for the given preference, nothing will happen.
174  *
175  *  @param group This string contains the group name of the preference
176  *  that is being watched.
177  *
178  *  @param preference This string contains the name of the preference being watched.
179  *
180  *  @param func This is a pointer to the function that was registered
181  *  earlier.
182  *
183  *  @param user_data This pointer was passed to the callback
184  *  function when it was registered.
185  */
186 void gnc_prefs_remove_cb_by_func (const gchar *group,
187                                   const gchar *pref_name,
188                                   gpointer func,
189                                   gpointer user_data);
192 /** Remove a function that was registered for a callback when a
193  *  specific preference in the settings group changed.  The handler id
194  *  that was generated when the callback was registered is
195  *  use to find the callback to remove.
196  *  If no handler id is found nothing will happen.
197  *
198  *  @param group This string contains the group name of the preference
199  *  that is being watched.
200  *
201  *  @param id The handler id of the callback to be removed.
202  */
203 void gnc_prefs_remove_cb_by_id (const gchar *group,
204                                 guint id);
207 /** Register a callback for when any preference in the settings group
208  *  is changed.  Any time the value of a preference in this group changes,
209  *  the routine will be invoked and will be passed the specified
210  *  user data.
211  *
212  *  @param group This string contains the name of the group
213  *  that is being watched.
214  *
215  *  @param func This is a pointer to the function to call when a preference
216  *  changes.
217  *
218  *  @param user_data This pointer will be passed to the callback
219  *  function.
220  */
221 guint gnc_prefs_register_group_cb (const gchar *group,
222                                    gpointer func,
223                                    gpointer user_data);
226 /** Remove a function that was registered for a callback when any preference
227  *  in the given settings group changed.  Both the func and user_data
228  *  arguments are used to match up the callback to remove.
229  *  If no matching func and user_data are found to be registered
230  *  for the given preference, nothing will happen.
231  *
232  *  @param group This string contains the name of the group
233  *  that is being watched.
234  *
235  *  @param func This is a pointer to the function that was registered
236  *  earlier.
237  *
238  *  @param user_data This pointer was passed to the callback
239  *  function when it was registered.
240  *
241  *  @note there is no gnc_settings_remove_any_cb_by_id. Use
242  *  gnc_settings_remove_cb_by_id instead if you want to
243  *  remove a callback set with gnc_settings_register_any_cb
244  *  by its handler id.
245  */
246 void gnc_prefs_remove_group_cb_by_func (const gchar *group,
247                                         gpointer func,
248                                         gpointer user_data);
251 /** Bind a setting to a g_object property. When this succeeds a change
252  *  of the setting will automatically update the bound object property
253  *  and vice versa.
254  *
255  *  @param group This string contains the group name of the preference to bind to.
256  *
257  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference to
258  *  bind to.
259  *
260  *  @param object The object to be bound.
261  *
262  *  @param property The property of the object to bind to.
263  */
264 void gnc_prefs_bind (const gchar *group,
265                      /*@ null @*/ const gchar *pref_name,
266                      gpointer object,
267                      const gchar *property);
269 /** @} */
271 /** @name Preference Getters
272  @{
273 */
275 /** Get a boolean value from the preferences backend.
276  *
277  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
278  *
279  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
280  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
281  *
282  *  @return This function returns the TRUE or FALSE value stored at
283  *  the requested preference in the preferences backend.  If the preference has never
284  *  been set, this function passes on the default value returned by
285  *  the preferences backend.
286  */
287 gboolean gnc_prefs_get_bool (const gchar *group,
288                              /*@ null @*/ const gchar *pref_name);
290 /** Get an integer value from the preferences backend.
291  *
292  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
293  *
294  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
295  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
296  *
297  *  @return This function returns the integer value stored at the
298  *  requested preference in the preferences backend.  If the preference has never been
299  *  set, this function passes on the default value returned by the preferences backend.
300  *  If there is an error in processing, zero will be returned.
301  */
302 gint gnc_prefs_get_int (const gchar *group,
303                         const gchar *pref_name);
305 /** Get an 64 bit integer value from the preferences backend.
306  *
307  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
308  *
309  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
310  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
311  *
312  *  @return This function returns the 64 bit integer value stored at the
313  *  requested preference in the preferences backend.  If the preference has never been
314  *  set, this function passes on the default value returned by the preferences backend.
315  *  If there is an error in processing, zero will be returned.
316  */
317 gint64 gnc_prefs_get_int64 (const gchar *group,
318                             const gchar *pref_name);
320 /** Get an float value from the preferences backend.
321  *
322  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
323  *
324  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
325  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
326  *
327  *  @return This function returns the float value stored at the
328  *  requested preference in the preferences backend.  If the preference has never been
329  *  set, this function passes on the default value returned by the preferences backend.
330  *  If there is an error in processing, zero will be returned.
331  */
332 gdouble gnc_prefs_get_float (const gchar *group,
333                              const gchar *pref_name);
335 /** Get a string value from the preferences backend.
336  *
337  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
338  *
339  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
340  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
341  *
342  *  @return This function returns the string value stored at the
343  *  requested preference in the preferences backend.  If the preference has never been
344  *  set, this function passes on the default value returned by the preferences backend
345  *  If there is an error in processing, NULL will be returned.
346  */
347 gchar *gnc_prefs_get_string (const gchar *group,
348                              const gchar *pref_name);
350 /** Get an enum value from the preferences backend.
351  *
352  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
353  *
354  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
355  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
356  *
357  *  @return This function returns the enum value stored at the
358  *  requested preference in the preferences backend.  If the preference has never been
359  *  set, this function passes on the default value returned by the preferences backend.
360  *  If there is an error in processing, zero will be returned.
361  */
362 gint gnc_prefs_get_enum (const gchar *group,
363                          const gchar *pref_name);
365 /** Get a pair of coordinates from the preferences backend.
366  *
367  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
368  *
369  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
370  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
371  *
372  *  @param x The x coordinate to retrieve.
373  *
374  *  @param y The y coordinate to retrieve.
375  *
376  *  If there is an error in processing, both coordinates will be set to zero.
377  */
378 void gnc_prefs_get_coords (const gchar *group,
379                            const gchar *pref_name,
380                            gdouble *x, gdouble *y);
382 /** Get an arbitrary combination of values from the preferences backend.  This
383  *  combination of values can be anything that can be encapsulated
384  *  in a GVariant structure.
385  *
386  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
387  *
388  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
389  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
390  *
391  *  @return This function returns the a GVariant encapsulating the combination
392  *  of values stored at the requested preference in the preferences backend.
393  *  If the preference has never been set, this function passes on the default
394  *  value returned by the preferences backend.
395  *  If there is an error in processing, NULL will be returned.
396  *  It is the callers responsibility to free any GVariant data returned
397  *  by this function.
398  */
399 GVariant *gnc_prefs_get_value (const gchar *group,
400                                const gchar *pref_name);
402 /** @} */
404 /** @name Preference Setters and Unset Functions
405  @{
406 */
409 /** Store a boolean value into the preferences backend.
410  *
411  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
412  *
413  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
414  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
415  *
416  *  @param value The boolean value to be stored.
417  *
418  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
419  *  on the preference or false if not.
420  */
421 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_bool (const gchar *group,
422                              const gchar *pref_name,
423                              gboolean value);
425 /** Store an integer value into the preferences backend.
426  *
427  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
428  *
429  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
430  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
431  *
432  *  @param value The integer number to be stored.
433  *
434  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
435  *  on the preference or false if not.
436  */
437 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_int (const gchar *group,
438                             const gchar *pref_name,
439                             gint value);
441 /** Store a 64 bit integer value into the preferences backend.
442  *
443  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
444  *
445  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
446  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
447  *
448  *  @param value The 64 bit integer number to be stored.
449  *
450  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
451  *  on the preference or false if not.
452  */
453 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_int64 (const gchar *group,
454                               const gchar *pref_name,
455                               gint64 value);
457 /** Store a float value into the preferences backend.
458  *
459  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
460  *
461  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
462  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
463  *
464  *  @param value The floating point number to be stored.
465  *
466  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
467  *  on the preference or false if not.
468  */
469 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_float (const gchar *group,
470                               const gchar *pref_name,
471                               gdouble value);
474 /** Store a string into the preferences backend.
475  *
476  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
477  *
478  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
479  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
480  *
481  *  @param value The string to be stored.  the preferences backend will make a copy of this
482  *  string, so it is the callers responsibility to free the space used
483  *  by this string (if necessary).
484  *
485  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
486  *  on the preference or false if not.
487  */
488 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_string (const gchar *group,
489                                const gchar *pref_name,
490                                const gchar *value);
492 /** Store an enum value into the preferences backend.
493  *
494  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
495  *
496  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
497  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
498  *
499  *  @param value The enum number to be stored.
500  *
501  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
502  *  on the preference or false if not.
503  */
504 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_enum (const gchar *group,
505                              const gchar *pref_name,
506                              gint value);
508 /** Store coordinates into the preferences backend. Coordinates consist of
509  *  a pair of floating point values (x and y).
510  *
511  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
512  *
513  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
514  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
515  *
516  *  @param x The x coordinate to be stored.
517  *
518  *  @param y The y coordinate to be stored.
519  *
520  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
521  *  on the preference or false if not.
522  */
523 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_coords (const gchar *group,
524                                const gchar *pref_name,
525                                gdouble x, gdouble y);
527 /** Store an arbitrary combination of values into the preferences backend.
528  *
529  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
530  *
531  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
532  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
533  *
534  *  @param value The combination of values encapsulated in a GVariant
535  *  to be stored.
536  *
537  *  @return This function returns true if the value was set successfully
538  *  on the preference or false if not.
539  */
540 gboolean gnc_prefs_set_value (const gchar *group,
541                               const gchar *pref_name,
542                               GVariant *value);
544 /** Reset a preference to its default value in the preferences backend.
545  *
546  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
547  *
548  *  @param preference This string is the name of the particular preference within
549  *  the named group of the preferences backend.
550  */
551 void gnc_prefs_reset (const gchar *group,
552                       const gchar *pref_name);
554 /** Reset all preferences in a group to their default values in the preferences backend.
555  *
556  *  @param group This string specifies the group to which the preference belongs
557  */
558 void gnc_prefs_reset_group (const gchar *group);
560 /** Get and Set registered preference id for register auto_raise_lists
561  */
562 gulong gnc_prefs_get_reg_auto_raise_lists_id (void);
563 void gnc_prefs_set_reg_auto_raise_lists_id (gulong id);
565 /** Get and Set registered preference id for register negative_color_pref
566  */
567 gulong gnc_prefs_get_reg_negative_color_pref_id (void);
568 void gnc_prefs_set_reg_negative_color_pref_id (gulong id);
570 /** @} */
573 #endif /* GNC_PREFS_H */
575 /** @} */
576 /** @} */