1 /*
2 ** Copyright (c) 2010 D. Richard Hipp
3 **
4 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
6 ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
8 ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
10 ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
11 **
12 ** Author contact information:
13 **   drh@hwaci.com
14 **   http://www.hwaci.com/drh/
15 **
16 *******************************************************************************
17 **
18 ** This file contains code to compute a revision history graph.
19 */
20 #include "config.h"
21 #include "graph.h"
22 #include <assert.h>
24 /* Notes:
25 **
26 ** The graph is laid out in 1 or more "rails".  A "rail" is a vertical
27 ** band in the graph in which one can place nodes or arrows connecting
28 ** nodes.  There can be between 1 and GR_MAX_RAIL rails.  If the graph
29 ** is to complex to be displayed in GR_MAX_RAIL rails, it is omitted.
30 **
31 ** A "riser" is the thick line that comes out of the top of a node and
32 ** goes up to the next node on the branch, or to the top of the screen.
33 ** A "descender" is a thick line that comes out of the bottom of a node
34 ** and proceeds down to the bottom of the page.
35 **
36 ** Invoke graph_init() to create a new GraphContext object.  Then
37 ** call graph_add_row() to add nodes, one by one, to the graph.
38 ** Nodes must be added in display order, from top to bottom.
39 ** Then invoke graph_render() to run the layout algorithm.  The
40 ** layout algorithm computes which rails all of the nodes sit on, and
41 ** the rails used for merge arrows.
42 */
46 /*
47 ** The type of integer identifiers for rows of the graph.
48 **
49 ** For a normal /timeline graph, the identifiers are never that big
50 ** an an ordinary 32-bit int will work fine.  But for the /finfo page,
51 ** the identifier is a combination of the BLOB.RID and the FILENAME.FNID
52 ** values, and so it can become quite large for repos that have both many
53 ** check-ins and many files.  For this reason, we make the identifier
54 ** a 64-bit integer, to dramatically reduce the risk of an overflow.
55 */
56 typedef sqlite3_int64 GraphRowId;
58 #define GR_MAX_RAIL   40      /* Max number of "rails" to display */
60 /* The graph appears vertically beside a timeline.  Each row in the
61 ** timeline corresponds to a row in the graph.  GraphRow.idx is 0 for
62 ** the top-most row and increases moving down.  Hence (in the absence of
63 ** time skew) parents have a larger index than their children.
64 **
65 ** The nParent field is -1 for entires that do not participate in the graph
66 ** but which are included just so that we can capture their background color.
67 */
68 struct GraphRow {
69   GraphRowId rid;             /* The rid for the check-in */
70   i8 nParent;                 /* Number of parents. */
71   i8 nCherrypick;             /* Subset of aParent that are cherrypicks */
72   i8 nNonCherrypick;          /* Number of non-cherrypick parents */
73   u8 nMergeChild;             /* Number of merge children */
74   GraphRowId *aParent;        /* Array of parents.  0 element is primary .*/
75   char *zBranch;              /* Branch name */
76   char *zBgClr;               /* Background Color */
77   char zUuid[HNAME_MAX+1];    /* Check-in for file ID */
79   GraphRow *pNext;            /* Next row down in the list of all rows */
80   GraphRow *pPrev;            /* Previous row */
82   int idx;                    /* Row index.  Top row is smallest. */
83   int idxTop;                 /* Direct descendent highest up on the graph */
84   GraphRow *pChild;           /* Child immediately above this node */
85   u8 isDup;                   /* True if this is duplicate of a prior entry */
86   u8 isLeaf;                  /* True if this is a leaf node */
87   u8 isStepParent;            /* pChild is actually a step-child */
88   u8 hasNormalOutMerge;       /* Is parent of at laest 1 non-cherrypick merge */
89   u8 timeWarp;                /* Child is earlier in time */
90   u8 bDescender;              /* True if riser from bottom of graph to here. */
91   u8 selfUp;                  /* Space above this node but belonging */
92   i8 iRail;                   /* Which rail this check-in appears on. 0-based.*/
93   i8 mergeOut;                /* Merge out to this rail.  -1 if no merge-out */
94   u8 mergeIn[GR_MAX_RAIL];    /* Merge in from non-zero rails */
95   int aiRiser[GR_MAX_RAIL];   /* Risers from this node to a higher row. */
96   int mergeUpto;              /* Draw the mergeOut rail up to this level */
97   int cherrypickUpto;         /* Continue the mergeOut rail up to here */
98   u64 mergeDown;              /* Draw merge lines up from bottom of graph */
99   u64 cherrypickDown;         /* Draw cherrypick lines up from bottom */
100   u64 railInUse;              /* Mask of occupied rails at this row */
101 };
103 /* Context while building a graph
104 */
105 struct GraphContext {
106   int nErr;                  /* Number of errors encountered */
107   int mxRail;                /* Number of rails required to render the graph */
108   GraphRow *pFirst;          /* First row in the list.  Top row of graph. */
109   GraphRow *pLast;           /* Last row in the list. Bottom row of graph. */
110   int nBranch;               /* Number of distinct branches */
111   char **azBranch;           /* Names of the branches */
112   int nRow;                  /* Number of rows */
113   int nHash;                 /* Number of slots in apHash[] */
114   GraphRow **apHash;         /* Hash table of GraphRow objects.  Key: rid */
115   u8 aiRailMap[GR_MAX_RAIL]; /* Mapping of rails to actually columns */
116 };
118 #endif
120 /* The N-th bit */
121 #define BIT(N)  (((u64)1)<<(N))
123 /*
124 ** Number of rows before and answer a node with a riser or descender
125 ** that goes off-screen before we can reuse that rail.
126 */
127 #define RISER_MARGIN 4
130 /*
131 ** Malloc for zeroed space.  Panic if unable to provide the
132 ** requested space.
133 */
safeMalloc(int nByte)134 void *safeMalloc(int nByte){
135   void *p = fossil_malloc(nByte);
136   memset(p, 0, nByte);
137   return p;
138 }
140 /*
141 ** Create and initialize a GraphContext
142 */
graph_init(void)143 GraphContext *graph_init(void){
144   return (GraphContext*)safeMalloc( sizeof(GraphContext) );
145 }
147 /*
148 ** Clear all content from a graph
149 */
graph_clear(GraphContext * p)150 static void graph_clear(GraphContext *p){
151   int i;
152   GraphRow *pRow;
153   while( p->pFirst ){
154     pRow = p->pFirst;
155     p->pFirst = pRow->pNext;
156     free(pRow);
157   }
158   for(i=0; i<p->nBranch; i++) free(p->azBranch[i]);
159   free(p->azBranch);
160   free(p->apHash);
161   memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
162   p->nErr = 1;
163 }
165 /*
166 ** Destroy a GraphContext;
167 */
graph_free(GraphContext * p)168 void graph_free(GraphContext *p){
169   graph_clear(p);
170   free(p);
171 }
173 /*
174 ** Insert a row into the hash table.  pRow->rid is the key.  Keys must
175 ** be unique.  If there is already another row with the same rid,
176 ** overwrite the prior entry if and only if the overwrite flag is set.
177 */
hashInsert(GraphContext * p,GraphRow * pRow,int overwrite)178 static void hashInsert(GraphContext *p, GraphRow *pRow, int overwrite){
179   int h;
180   h = pRow->rid % p->nHash;
181   while( p->apHash[h] && p->apHash[h]->rid!=pRow->rid ){
182     h++;
183     if( h>=p->nHash ) h = 0;
184   }
185   if( p->apHash[h]==0 || overwrite ){
186     p->apHash[h] = pRow;
187   }
188 }
190 /*
191 ** Look up the row with rid.
192 */
hashFind(GraphContext * p,GraphRowId rid)193 static GraphRow *hashFind(GraphContext *p, GraphRowId rid){
194   int h = rid % p->nHash;
195   while( p->apHash[h] && p->apHash[h]->rid!=rid ){
196     h++;
197     if( h>=p->nHash ) h = 0;
198   }
199   return p->apHash[h];
200 }
202 /*
203 ** Return the canonical pointer for a given branch name.
204 ** Multiple calls to this routine with equivalent strings
205 ** will return the same pointer.
206 **
207 ** The returned value is a pointer to a (readonly) string that
208 ** has the useful property that strings can be checked for
209 ** equality by comparing pointers.
210 **
211 ** Note: also used for background color names.
212 */
persistBranchName(GraphContext * p,const char * zBranch)213 static char *persistBranchName(GraphContext *p, const char *zBranch){
214   int i;
215   for(i=0; i<p->nBranch; i++){
216     if( fossil_strcmp(zBranch, p->azBranch[i])==0 ) return p->azBranch[i];
217   }
218   p->nBranch++;
219   p->azBranch = fossil_realloc(p->azBranch, sizeof(char*)*p->nBranch);
220   p->azBranch[p->nBranch-1] = mprintf("%s", zBranch);
221   return p->azBranch[p->nBranch-1];
222 }
224 /*
225 ** Add a new row to the graph context.  Rows are added from top to bottom.
226 */
graph_add_row(GraphContext * p,GraphRowId rid,int nParent,int nCherrypick,GraphRowId * aParent,const char * zBranch,const char * zBgClr,const char * zUuid,int isLeaf)227 int graph_add_row(
228   GraphContext *p,     /* The context to which the row is added */
229   GraphRowId rid,      /* RID for the check-in */
230   int nParent,         /* Number of parents */
231   int nCherrypick,     /* How many of aParent[] are actually cherrypicks */
232   GraphRowId *aParent, /* Array of parents */
233   const char *zBranch, /* Branch for this check-in */
234   const char *zBgClr,  /* Background color. NULL or "" for white. */
235   const char *zUuid,   /* hash name of the object being graphed */
236   int isLeaf           /* True if this row is a leaf */
237 ){
238   GraphRow *pRow;
239   int nByte;
240   static int nRow = 0;
242   if( p->nErr ) return 0;
243   nByte = sizeof(GraphRow);
244   if( nParent>0 ) nByte += sizeof(pRow->aParent[0])*nParent;
245   pRow = (GraphRow*)safeMalloc( nByte );
246   pRow->aParent = nParent>0 ? (GraphRowId*)&pRow[1] : 0;
247   pRow->rid = rid;
248   if( nCherrypick>=nParent ){
249     nCherrypick = nParent-1; /* Safety. Should never happen. */
250   }
251   pRow->nParent = nParent;
252   pRow->nCherrypick = nCherrypick;
253   pRow->nNonCherrypick = nParent - nCherrypick;
254   pRow->zBranch = persistBranchName(p, zBranch);
255   if( zUuid==0 ) zUuid = "";
256   sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(pRow->zUuid), pRow->zUuid, "%s", zUuid);
257   pRow->isLeaf = isLeaf;
258   memset(pRow->aiRiser, -1, sizeof(pRow->aiRiser));
259   if( zBgClr==0 ) zBgClr = "";
260   pRow->zBgClr = persistBranchName(p, zBgClr);
261   if( nParent>0 ) memcpy(pRow->aParent, aParent, sizeof(aParent[0])*nParent);
262   if( p->pFirst==0 ){
263     p->pFirst = pRow;
264   }else{
265     p->pLast->pNext = pRow;
266   }
267   p->pLast = pRow;
268   p->nRow++;
269   pRow->idx = pRow->idxTop = ++nRow;
270   return pRow->idx;
271 }
273 /*
274 ** Return the index of a rail currently not in use for any row between
275 ** top and bottom, inclusive.
276 */
findFreeRail(GraphContext * p,int top,int btm,int iNearto)277 static int findFreeRail(
278   GraphContext *p,         /* The graph context */
279   int top, int btm,        /* Span of rows for which the rail is needed */
280   int iNearto              /* Find rail nearest to this rail */
281 ){
282   GraphRow *pRow;
283   int i;
284   int iBest = 0;
285   int iBestDist = 9999;
286   u64 inUseMask = 0;
287   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow && pRow->idx<top; pRow=pRow->pNext){}
288   while( pRow && pRow->idx<=btm ){
289     inUseMask |= pRow->railInUse;
290     pRow = pRow->pNext;
291   }
292   for(i=0; i<GR_MAX_RAIL; i++){
293     if( (inUseMask & BIT(i))==0 ){
294       int dist;
295       if( iNearto<=0 ){
296         iBest = i;
297         break;
298       }
299       dist = i - iNearto;
300       if( dist<0 ) dist = -dist;
301       if( dist<iBestDist ){
302         iBestDist = dist;
303         iBest = i;
304       }
305     }
306   }
307   if( iBestDist>1000 ) p->nErr++;
308   if( iBest>p->mxRail ) p->mxRail = iBest;
309   return iBest;
310 }
312 /*
313 ** Assign all children of node pBottom to the same rail as pBottom.
314 */
assignChildrenToRail(GraphRow * pBottom,u32 tmFlags)315 static void assignChildrenToRail(GraphRow *pBottom, u32 tmFlags){
316   int iRail = pBottom->iRail;
317   GraphRow *pCurrent;
318   GraphRow *pPrior;
319   u64 mask = ((u64)1)<<iRail;
321   pBottom->railInUse |= mask;
322   pPrior = pBottom;
323   for(pCurrent=pBottom->pChild; pCurrent; pCurrent=pCurrent->pChild){
324     assert( pPrior->idx > pCurrent->idx );
325     assert( pCurrent->iRail<0 );
326     if( pPrior->timeWarp ) break;
327     pCurrent->iRail = iRail;
328     pCurrent->railInUse |= mask;
329     pPrior->aiRiser[iRail] = pCurrent->idx;
330     while( pPrior->idx > pCurrent->idx ){
331       pPrior->railInUse |= mask;
332       pPrior = pPrior->pPrev;
333       assert( pPrior!=0 );
334     }
335   }
336   /* Mask of additional rows for the riser to infinity */
337   if( !pPrior->isLeaf && (tmFlags & TIMELINE_DISJOINT)==0 ){
338     int n = RISER_MARGIN;
339     GraphRow *p;
340     pPrior->selfUp = 0;
341     for(p=pPrior; p && (n--)>0; p=p->pPrev){
342       pPrior->selfUp++;
343       p->railInUse |= mask;
344     }
345   }
346 }
348 /*
349 ** Create a merge-arrow riser going from pParent up to pChild.
350 */
createMergeRiser(GraphContext * p,GraphRow * pParent,GraphRow * pChild,int isCherrypick)351 static void createMergeRiser(
352   GraphContext *p,
353   GraphRow *pParent,
354   GraphRow *pChild,
355   int isCherrypick
356 ){
357   int u;
358   u64 mask;
359   GraphRow *pLoop;
361   if( pParent->mergeOut<0 ){
362     u = pParent->aiRiser[pParent->iRail];
363     if( u>0 && u<pChild->idx ){
364       /* The thick arrow up to the next primary child of pDesc goes
365       ** further up than the thin merge arrow riser, so draw them both
366       ** on the same rail. */
367       pParent->mergeOut = pParent->iRail;
368     }else if( pParent->idx - pChild->idx < pParent->selfUp ){
369       pParent->mergeOut = pParent->iRail;
370     }else{
371       /* The thin merge arrow riser is taller than the thick primary
372       ** child riser, so use separate rails. */
373       int iTarget = pParent->iRail;
374       pParent->mergeOut = findFreeRail(p, pChild->idx, pParent->idx-1, iTarget);
375       mask = BIT(pParent->mergeOut);
376       for(pLoop=pChild->pNext; pLoop && pLoop->rid!=pParent->rid;
377            pLoop=pLoop->pNext){
378         pLoop->railInUse |= mask;
379       }
380     }
381   }
382   if( isCherrypick ){
383     if( pParent->cherrypickUpto==0 || pParent->cherrypickUpto > pChild->idx ){
384       pParent->cherrypickUpto = pChild->idx;
385     }
386   }else{
387     pParent->hasNormalOutMerge = 1;
388     if( pParent->mergeUpto==0 || pParent->mergeUpto > pChild->idx ){
389       pParent->mergeUpto = pChild->idx;
390     }
391   }
392   pChild->mergeIn[pParent->mergeOut] = isCherrypick ? 2 : 1;
393 }
395 /*
396 ** Compute the maximum rail number.
397 */
find_max_rail(GraphContext * p)398 static void find_max_rail(GraphContext *p){
399   GraphRow *pRow;
400   p->mxRail = 0;
401   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
402     if( pRow->iRail>p->mxRail ) p->mxRail = pRow->iRail;
403     if( pRow->mergeOut>p->mxRail ) p->mxRail = pRow->mergeOut;
404     while( p->mxRail<GR_MAX_RAIL
405         && (pRow->mergeDown|pRow->cherrypickDown)>(BIT(p->mxRail+1)-1)
406     ){
407       p->mxRail++;
408     }
409   }
410 }
412 /*
413 ** Draw a riser from pRow upward to indicate that it is going
414 ** to a node that is off the graph to the top.
415 */
riser_to_top(GraphRow * pRow)416 static void riser_to_top(GraphRow *pRow){
417   u64 mask = BIT(pRow->iRail);
418   int n = RISER_MARGIN;
419   pRow->aiRiser[pRow->iRail] = 0;
420   while( pRow && (n--)>0 ){
421     pRow->railInUse |= mask;
422     pRow = pRow->pPrev;
423   }
424 }
427 /*
428 ** Compute the complete graph
429 **
430 ** When primary or merge parents are off-screen, normally a line is drawn
431 ** from the node down to the bottom of the graph.  This line is called a
432 ** "descender".  But if the omitDescenders flag is true, then lines down
433 ** to the bottom of the screen are omitted.
434 **
435 ** The tmFlags parameter is zero or more of the TIMELINE_* constants.
436 ** Only the following are honored:
437 **
438 **       TIMELINE_DISJOINT:    Omit descenders
439 **       TIMELINE_FILLGAPS:    Use step-children
440 **       TIMELINE_XMERGE:      Omit off-graph merge lines
441 */
graph_finish(GraphContext * p,const char * zLeftBranch,u32 tmFlags)442 void graph_finish(GraphContext *p, const char *zLeftBranch, u32 tmFlags){
443   GraphRow *pRow, *pDesc, *pDup, *pLoop, *pParent;
444   int i, j;
445   u64 mask;
446   int hasDup = 0;      /* True if one or more isDup entries */
447   const char *zTrunk;
448   u8 *aMap;            /* Copy of p->aiRailMap */
449   int omitDescenders = (tmFlags & TIMELINE_DISJOINT)!=0;
450   int nTimewarp = 0;
451   int riserMargin = (tmFlags & TIMELINE_DISJOINT) ? 0 : RISER_MARGIN;
453   /* If mergeRiserFrom[X]==Y that means rail X holds a merge riser
454   ** coming up from the bottom of the graph from off-screen check-in Y
455   ** where Y is the RID.  There is no riser on rail X if mergeRiserFrom[X]==0.
456   */
457   GraphRowId mergeRiserFrom[GR_MAX_RAIL];
459   if( p==0 || p->pFirst==0 || p->nErr ) return;
460   p->nErr = 1;   /* Assume an error until proven otherwise */
462   /* Initialize all rows */
463   p->nHash = p->nRow*2 + 1;
464   p->apHash = safeMalloc( sizeof(p->apHash[0])*p->nHash );
465   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
466     if( pRow->pNext ) pRow->pNext->pPrev = pRow;
467     pRow->iRail = -1;
468     pRow->mergeOut = -1;
469     if( (pDup = hashFind(p, pRow->rid))!=0 ){
470       hasDup = 1;
471       pDup->isDup = 1;
472     }
473     hashInsert(p, pRow, 1);
474   }
475   p->mxRail = -1;
476   memset(mergeRiserFrom, 0, sizeof(mergeRiserFrom));
478   /* Purge merge-parents that are out-of-graph if descenders are not
479   ** drawn.
480   **
481   ** Each node has one primary parent and zero or more "merge" parents.
482   ** A merge parent is a prior check-in from which changes were merged into
483   ** the current check-in.  If a merge parent is not in the visible section
484   ** of this graph, then no arrows will be drawn for it, so remove it from
485   ** the aParent[] array.
486   */
487   if( (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_DISJOINT|TIMELINE_XMERGE))!=0 ){
488     for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
489       for(i=1; i<pRow->nParent; i++){
490         GraphRow *pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[i]);
491         if( pParent==0 ){
492           memmove(pRow->aParent+i, pRow->aParent+i+1,
493                   sizeof(pRow->aParent[0])*(pRow->nParent-i-1));
494           pRow->nParent--;
495           if( i<pRow->nNonCherrypick ){
496             pRow->nNonCherrypick--;
497           }else{
498             pRow->nCherrypick--;
499           }
500           i--;
501         }
502       }
503     }
504   }
506   /* Put the deepest (earliest) merge parent first in the list.
507   ** An off-screen merge parent is considered deepest.
508   */
509   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext ){
510     if( pRow->nParent<=1 ) continue;
511     for(i=1; i<pRow->nParent; i++){
512       GraphRow *pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[i]);
513       if( pParent ) pParent->nMergeChild++;
514     }
515     if( pRow->nCherrypick>1 ){
516       int iBest = -1;
517       int iDeepest = -1;
518       for(i=pRow->nNonCherrypick; i<pRow->nParent; i++){
519         GraphRow *pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[i]);
520         if( pParent==0 ){
521           iBest = i;
522           break;
523         }
524         if( pParent->idx>iDeepest ){
525           iDeepest = pParent->idx;
526           iBest = i;
527         }
528       }
529       i = pRow->nNonCherrypick;
530       if( iBest>i ){
531         GraphRowId x = pRow->aParent[i];
532         pRow->aParent[i] = pRow->aParent[iBest];
533         pRow->aParent[iBest] = x;
534       }
535     }
536     if( pRow->nNonCherrypick>2 ){
537       int iBest = -1;
538       int iDeepest = -1;
539       for(i=1; i<pRow->nNonCherrypick; i++){
540         GraphRow *pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[i]);
541         if( pParent==0 ){
542           iBest = i;
543           break;
544         }
545         if( pParent->idx>iDeepest ){
546           iDeepest = pParent->idx;
547           iBest = i;
548         }
549       }
550       if( iBest>1 ){
551         GraphRowId x = pRow->aParent[1];
552         pRow->aParent[1] = pRow->aParent[iBest];
553         pRow->aParent[iBest] = x;
554       }
555     }
556   }
558   /* If the primary parent is in a different branch, but there are
559   ** other parents in the same branch, reorder the parents to make
560   ** the parent from the same branch the primary parent.
561   */
562   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
563     if( pRow->isDup ) continue;
564     if( pRow->nNonCherrypick<2 ) continue;      /* Not a fork */
565     pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[0]);
566     if( pParent==0 ) continue;                         /* Parent off-screen */
567     if( pParent->zBranch==pRow->zBranch ) continue;    /* Same branch */
568     for(i=1; i<pRow->nNonCherrypick; i++){
569       pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[i]);
570       if( pParent && pParent->zBranch==pRow->zBranch ){
571         GraphRowId t = pRow->aParent[0];
572         pRow->aParent[0] = pRow->aParent[i];
573         pRow->aParent[i] = t;
574         break;
575       }
576     }
577   }
580   /* Find the pChild pointer for each node.
581   **
582   ** The pChild points to the node directly above on the same rail.
583   ** The pChild must be in the same branch.  Leaf nodes have a NULL
584   ** pChild.
585   **
586   ** In the case of a fork, choose the pChild that results in the
587   ** longest rail.
588   */
589   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
590     if( pRow->isDup ) continue;
591     if( pRow->nParent<=0 ) continue;                   /* Root node */
592     pParent = hashFind(p, pRow->aParent[0]);
593     if( pParent==0 ) continue;                         /* Parent off-screen */
594     if( pParent->zBranch!=pRow->zBranch ) continue;    /* Different branch */
595     if( pParent->idx <= pRow->idx ){
596       pParent->timeWarp = 1;
597       nTimewarp++;
598     }else if( pRow->idxTop < pParent->idxTop ){
599       pParent->pChild = pRow;
600       pParent->idxTop = pRow->idxTop;
601     }
602   }
604   if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_FILLGAPS ){
605     /* If a node has no pChild in the graph
606     ** and there is a node higher up in the graph
607     ** that is in the same branch and has no in-graph parent, then
608     ** make the lower node a step-child of the upper node.  This will
609     ** be represented on the graph by a thick dotted line without an arrowhead.
610     */
611     for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
612       if( pRow->pChild ) continue;
613       if( pRow->isLeaf ) continue;
614       for(pLoop=pRow->pPrev; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pPrev){
615         if( pLoop->nParent>0
616          && pLoop->zBranch==pRow->zBranch
617          && hashFind(p,pLoop->aParent[0])==0
618         ){
619           pRow->pChild = pLoop;
620           pRow->isStepParent = 1;
621           pLoop->aParent[0] = pRow->rid;
622           break;
623         }
624       }
625     }
626   }
628   /* Set the idxTop values for all entries.  The idxTop value is the
629   ** "idx" value for the top entry in its stack of children.
630   */
631   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
632     GraphRow *pChild = pRow->pChild;
633     if( pChild && pRow->idxTop>pChild->idxTop ){
634       pRow->idxTop = pChild->idxTop;
635     }
636   }
638   /* Identify rows where the primary parent is off screen.  Assign
639   ** each to a rail and draw descenders downward.
640   **
641   ** Strive to put the "trunk" branch on far left.
642   */
643   zTrunk = persistBranchName(p, "trunk");
644   for(i=0; i<2; i++){
645     for(pRow=p->pLast; pRow; pRow=pRow->pPrev){
646       if( i==0 && pRow->zBranch!=zTrunk ) continue;
647       if( pRow->iRail>=0 ) continue;
648       if( pRow->isDup ) continue;
649       if( pRow->nParent<0 ) continue;
650       if( pRow->nParent==0 || hashFind(p,pRow->aParent[0])==0 ){
651         pRow->iRail = findFreeRail(p, pRow->idxTop, pRow->idx+riserMargin, 0);
652         if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
653         mask = BIT(pRow->iRail);
654         if( !omitDescenders ){
655           int n = RISER_MARGIN;
656           pRow->bDescender = pRow->nParent>0;
657           for(pLoop=pRow; pLoop && (n--)>0; pLoop=pLoop->pNext){
658             pLoop->railInUse |= mask;
659           }
660         }
661         assignChildrenToRail(pRow, tmFlags);
662       }
663     }
664   }
666   /* Assign rails to all rows that are still unassigned.
667   */
668   for(pRow=p->pLast; pRow; pRow=pRow->pPrev){
669     GraphRowId parentRid;
671     if( pRow->iRail>=0 ){
672       if( pRow->pChild==0 && !pRow->timeWarp ){
673         if( !omitDescenders && count_nonbranch_children(pRow->rid)!=0 ){
674           riser_to_top(pRow);
675         }
676       }
677       continue;
678     }
679     if( pRow->isDup || pRow->nParent<0 ){
680       continue;
681     }else{
682       assert( pRow->nParent>0 );
683       parentRid = pRow->aParent[0];
684       pParent = hashFind(p, parentRid);
685       if( pParent==0 ){
686         pRow->iRail = ++p->mxRail;
687         if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
688         pRow->railInUse = BIT(pRow->iRail);
689         continue;
690       }
691       if( pParent->idx>pRow->idx ){
692         /* Common case:  Child occurs after parent and is above the
693         ** parent in the timeline */
694         pRow->iRail = findFreeRail(p, pRow->idxTop, pParent->idx,
695                                    pParent->iRail);
696         if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
697         pParent->aiRiser[pRow->iRail] = pRow->idx;
698       }else{
699         /* Timewarp case:  Child occurs earlier in time than parent and
700         ** appears below the parent in the timeline. */
701         int iDownRail = ++p->mxRail;
702         if( iDownRail<1 ) iDownRail = ++p->mxRail;
703         pRow->iRail = ++p->mxRail;
704         if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
705         pRow->railInUse = BIT(pRow->iRail);
706         pParent->aiRiser[iDownRail] = pRow->idx;
707         mask = BIT(iDownRail);
708         for(pLoop=p->pFirst; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pNext){
709           pLoop->railInUse |= mask;
710         }
711       }
712     }
713     mask = BIT(pRow->iRail);
714     pRow->railInUse |= mask;
715     if( pRow->pChild ){
716       assignChildrenToRail(pRow, tmFlags);
717     }else if( !omitDescenders && count_nonbranch_children(pRow->rid)!=0 ){
718       if( !pRow->timeWarp ) riser_to_top(pRow);
719     }
720     if( pParent ){
721       if( pParent->idx>pRow->idx ){
722         /* Common case:  Parent is below current row in the graph */
723         for(pLoop=pParent->pPrev; pLoop && pLoop!=pRow; pLoop=pLoop->pPrev){
724           pLoop->railInUse |= mask;
725         }
726       }else{
727         /* Timewarp case: Parent is above current row in the graph */
728         for(pLoop=pParent->pNext; pLoop && pLoop!=pRow; pLoop=pLoop->pNext){
729           pLoop->railInUse |= mask;
730         }
731       }
732     }
733   }
735   /*
736   ** Insert merge rails and merge arrows
737   */
738   for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
739     int iReuseIdx = -1;
740     int iReuseRail = -1;
741     int isCherrypick = 0;
742     for(i=1; i<pRow->nParent; i++){
743       GraphRowId parentRid = pRow->aParent[i];
744       if( i==pRow->nNonCherrypick ){
745         /* Because full merges are laid out before cherrypicks,
746         ** it is ok to use a full-merge raise for a cherrypick.
747         ** See the graph on check-in 8ac66ef33b464d28 for example
748         **    iReuseIdx = -1;
749         **    iReuseRail = -1; */
750         isCherrypick = 1;
751       }
752       pDesc = hashFind(p, parentRid);
753       if( pDesc==0 ){
754         int iMrail = -1;
755         /* Merge from a node that is off-screen */
756         if( iReuseIdx>=p->nRow+1 ){
757           continue;  /* Suppress multiple off-screen merges */
758         }
759         for(j=0; j<GR_MAX_RAIL; j++){
760           if( mergeRiserFrom[j]==parentRid ){
761             iMrail = j;
762             break;
763           }
764         }
765         if( iMrail==-1 ){
766           iMrail = findFreeRail(p, pRow->idx, p->pLast->idx, 0);
767           if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
768           mergeRiserFrom[iMrail] = parentRid;
769         }
770         iReuseIdx = p->nRow+1;
771         iReuseRail = iMrail;
772         mask = BIT(iMrail);
773         if( i>=pRow->nNonCherrypick ){
774           pRow->mergeIn[iMrail] = 2;
775           pRow->cherrypickDown |= mask;
776         }else{
777           pRow->mergeIn[iMrail] = 1;
778           pRow->mergeDown |= mask;
779         }
780         for(pLoop=pRow->pNext; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pNext){
781           pLoop->railInUse |= mask;
782         }
783       }else{
784         /* The merge parent node does exist on this graph */
785         if( iReuseIdx>pDesc->idx
786          && pDesc->nMergeChild==1
787         ){
788           /* Reuse an existing merge riser */
789           pDesc->mergeOut = iReuseRail;
790           if( isCherrypick ){
791             pDesc->cherrypickUpto = pDesc->idx;
792           }else{
793             pDesc->hasNormalOutMerge = 1;
794             pDesc->mergeUpto = pDesc->idx;
795           }
796         }else{
797           /* Create a new merge for an on-screen node */
798           createMergeRiser(p, pDesc, pRow, isCherrypick);
799           if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
800           if( iReuseIdx<0
801            && pDesc->nMergeChild==1
802            && (pDesc->iRail!=pDesc->mergeOut || pDesc->isLeaf)
803           ){
804             iReuseIdx = pDesc->idx;
805             iReuseRail = pDesc->mergeOut;
806           }
807         }
808       }
809     }
810   }
812   /*
813   ** Insert merge rails from primaries to duplicates.
814   */
815   if( hasDup ){
816     int dupRail;
817     int mxRail;
818     find_max_rail(p);
819     mxRail = p->mxRail;
820     dupRail = mxRail+1;
821     if( p->mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
822     for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
823       if( !pRow->isDup ) continue;
824       pRow->iRail = dupRail;
825       pDesc = hashFind(p, pRow->rid);
826       assert( pDesc!=0 && pDesc!=pRow );
827       createMergeRiser(p, pDesc, pRow, 0);
828       if( pDesc->mergeOut>mxRail ) mxRail = pDesc->mergeOut;
829     }
830     if( dupRail<=mxRail ){
831       dupRail = mxRail+1;
832       for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
833         if( pRow->isDup ) pRow->iRail = dupRail;
834       }
835     }
836     if( mxRail>=GR_MAX_RAIL ) return;
837   }
839   /*
840   ** Find the maximum rail number.
841   */
842   find_max_rail(p);
844   /*
845   ** Compute the rail mapping.
846   */
847   aMap = p->aiRailMap;
848   for(i=0; i<=p->mxRail; i++) aMap[i] = i;
849   if( zLeftBranch && nTimewarp==0 ){
850     char *zLeft = persistBranchName(p, zLeftBranch);
851     j = 0;
852     for(pRow=p->pFirst; pRow; pRow=pRow->pNext){
853       if( pRow->zBranch==zLeft && aMap[pRow->iRail]>=j ){
854         for(i=0; i<=p->mxRail; i++){
855           if( aMap[i]>=j && aMap[i]<=pRow->iRail ) aMap[i]++;
856         }
857         aMap[pRow->iRail] = j++;
858       }
859     }
860     cgi_printf("<!-- aiRailMap =");
861     for(i=0; i<=p->mxRail; i++) cgi_printf(" %d", aMap[i]);
862     cgi_printf(" -->\n");
863   }
865   p->nErr = 0;
866 }