1 /*  edutil.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  edutil.c
27 *
28 * Author:  James Ostell
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date: 2/4/94
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.70 $
33 *
34 * File Description:  Sequence editing utilities
35 *
36 * Modifications:
37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 * Date       Name        Description of modification
39 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
40 *
41 * $Log: edutil.c,v $
42 * Revision 6.70  2011/07/27 12:50:38  bollin
43 * Corrected bug in SeqLocDeleteEx - set correct flag based on strand of location.
44 *
45 *
46 * Committed on the Free edition of March Hare Software CVSNT Client.
47 * Upgrade to CVS Suite for more features and support:
48 * http://march-hare.com/cvsnt/
49 *
50 * Revision 6.69  2010/07/12 14:32:38  kans
51 * SeqEntryDelFeat calls SeqEntryDelFeatEx
52 *
53 * Revision 6.68  2010/07/12 12:21:49  bollin
54 * Introduced a version of BioseqDelete that uses idx.deleteme to remove features
55 * (instead of freeing them immediately), and fixed bugs in VecScreenTool when
56 * entire Bioseqs are deleted.
57 *
58 * Revision 6.67  2010/06/11 12:03:22  bollin
59 * Added iBOL compliance report, which marks items with low trace as failing.
60 * Also checking in first draft of functions to reverse Quality Scores, not using
61 * until we can verify that they work for float and int graphs.
62 *
63 * Revision 6.66  2009/10/02 19:46:00  kans
64 * address clang static analyzer warnings
65 *
66 * Revision 6.65  2009/03/04 16:34:15  bollin
67 * Added function for removing contigs from scaffolds.
68 *
69 * Revision 6.64  2008/08/26 20:21:01  bollin
70 * Fixed bug in function for converting raw sequences to delta, where the
71 * gap is specified by location and is a replacement rather than an insertion.
72 *
73 * Revision 6.63  2007/07/02 19:17:26  bollin
74 * Corrected functions for inserting and deleting from locations to handle
75 * locations on segmented sets, corrected functions for inserting and deleting
76 * from sequences to adjust the length of the master sequence when adjusting the
77 * length of a segment.
78 *
79 * Revision 6.62  2007/05/08 17:18:32  bollin
80 * Added functions for identifying AGP gap DeltaSeqs
81 *
82 * Revision 6.61  2007/05/07 17:43:03  bollin
83 * Made functions IsDeltaSeqGap and IsDeltaSeqUnknownGap extern.
84 *
85 * Revision 6.60  2007/05/07 17:35:02  kans
86 * can handle Seq-lit.seq-data.gap
87 *
88 * Revision 6.59  2007/05/07 13:28:35  kans
89 * added casts for Seq-data.gap (SeqDataPtr, SeqGapPtr, ByteStorePtr)
90 *
91 * Revision 6.58  2007/01/19 14:55:07  bollin
92 * Do not set partial when deleting location from feature.
93 *
94 * Revision 6.57  2006/07/13 17:06:38  bollin
95 * use Uint4 instead of Uint2 for itemID values
96 * removed unused variables
97 * resolved compiler warnings
98 *
99 * Revision 6.56  2006/04/04 18:00:47  kans
100 * SeqLocAddEx properly returns value to &last argument, makes SeqLocMix from DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs
101 *
102 * Revision 6.55  2006/03/30 19:50:15  kans
103 * DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs calls SeqLocAddEx for efficient list usage
104 *
105 * Revision 6.54  2006/02/07 13:41:29  bollin
106 * added function AdjustFeatureForGapChange, which changes a feature to accommodate
107 * a change in the length of a gap
108 *
109 * Revision 6.53  2005/12/12 14:12:54  bollin
110 * BioseqCopyEx was not correctly handling copying the data contents of a
111 * delta sequence
112 *
113 * Revision 6.52  2005/09/22 19:21:34  bollin
114 * In the sequence editor, if the user inserts Ns into a gap of known length,
115 * the gap length will be increased instead of creating two gaps on either side
116 * with N sequence characters in the middle.
117 *
118 * Revision 6.51  2005/09/13 15:21:57  bollin
119 * fixed bug when inserting characters inside a gap that was incorrectly setting
120 * the lengths of the split gap
121 *
122 * Revision 6.50  2005/09/13 14:14:31  bollin
123 * fixed bug that was preventing the removal of gaps of length 1
124 *
125 * Revision 6.49  2005/07/15 19:01:37  kans
126 * minor fixes for Xcode warnings
127 *
128 * Revision 6.48  2005/05/02 14:20:02  bollin
129 * when inserting gaps, adjust coding region locations to not include gaps.
130 * when removing gaps, if a feature location has intervals that stop and start
131 * again at the point where the gap was removed, connect the intervals.
132 *
133 * Revision 6.47  2005/04/28 20:10:31  bollin
134 * added new function AdjustFeaturesForInsertion which is called by BioseqInsert
135 * and also by a new function in sequin3.c for converting a raw bioseq to a delta
136 * and inserting gaps
137 *
138 * Revision 6.46  2005/04/06 19:33:15  bollin
139 * made it possible to insert and remove gaps from delta sequences
140 *
141 * Revision 6.45  2005/03/18 20:51:10  bollin
142 * only change frame when CDS location has been changed, change anticodon locations
143 * and code breaks when locations have just been shifted
144 *
145 * Revision 6.44  2005/03/08 21:14:44  bollin
146 * strand argument in SeqLocCopyRegion is Seq_strand_minus when features
147 * should be reverse-complemented, does not actually indicate the strand to
148 * which a feature should be copied
149 *
150 * Revision 6.43  2005/02/28 16:53:40  bollin
151 * corrected Unix compiler warnings
152 *
153 * Revision 6.42  2005/02/28 16:08:35  bollin
154 * added utilities for editing delta sequences
155 *
156 * Revision 6.41  2005/01/24 17:00:58  bollin
157 * only change frames, fix code break locations, and fix anticodon locations
158 * when feature location is changed in SeqFeatDelete
159 *
160 * Revision 6.40  2004/11/17 21:19:18  lavr
161 * AffectedFeatFree() to return NULL on afp == NULL
162 *
163 * Revision 6.39  2004/10/08 16:04:16  bollin
164 * added ability to check when an action will remove a feature
165 *
166 * Revision 6.38  2004/10/08 15:19:07  bollin
167 * do not set partial flag when deleting from bioseq location in feature
168 *
169 * Revision 6.37  2004/09/29 18:49:57  bollin
170 * fixed bugs in sequence editing, can now undo a nucleotide deletion that
171 * removes an entire feature location (feature will be restored)
172 *
173 * Revision 6.36  2004/09/23 14:59:51  bollin
174 * moved functions that depend on functions that depend on BLAST functions
175 * into seqpanel.c, made function scalled by those functions extern
176 *
177 * Revision 6.35  2004/09/22 20:12:27  bollin
178 * fixed error in deleting sequence location for point features
179 *
180 * Revision 6.34  2004/09/22 18:20:32  bollin
181 * added functions for playing and unplaying a sequence editor action to translate
182 * a CDS
183 *
184 * Revision 6.33  2004/09/07 14:52:29  bollin
185 * when deleting location from a feature, adjust frame if deleting from 5' end of 5' partial feature.
186 *
187 * Revision 6.32  2004/08/24 13:16:57  bollin
188 * do not free list of product features taken from ObjectMgrDataPtr
189 *
190 * Revision 6.31  2004/08/06 19:56:20  bollin
191 * allow deletion from the end of a sequence
192 *
193 * Revision 6.30  2004/08/05 18:15:02  bollin
194 * when maintaining partials during feature drag, use partial in orig_loc
195 * instead of current feature location
196 *
197 * Revision 6.29  2004/08/05 18:07:03  bollin
198 * maintain partials for features when dragging or sliding intervals
199 *
200 * Revision 6.28  2004/07/30 18:46:55  bollin
201 * added function for reordering intervals after they have been dragged by
202 * the sequence editor
203 *
204 * Revision 6.27  2004/07/30 13:34:50  bollin
205 * in SeqLocCopyRegion, when copying from the minus strand to a non-minus-strand,
206 * be sure to set the strand.
207 *
208 * Revision 6.26  2004/07/28 20:06:19  bollin
209 * added journaling for undo/redo of dragged sequence location changes
210 *
211 * Revision 6.25  2004/07/28 15:22:15  bollin
212 * moved functions for moving feature locations around to edutil.c from
213 * seqpanel.c
214 *
215 * Revision 6.24  2004/07/27 19:46:42  bollin
216 * fixed errors in feature location adjustment when deleting nucleotides
217 * with new sequence editor
218 *
219 * Revision 6.23  2004/07/22 16:08:20  bazhin
220 * Changes to parse gaps of unknown lengths (like "gap(unk100)")
221 * within location strings.
222 *
223 * Revision 6.22  2004/07/12 12:29:45  bollin
224 * moved new sequence editor editing functions here
225 *
226 * Revision 6.21  2003/11/03 19:37:42  bollin
227 * SegLocToPartsEx now handles SEQLOC_PNT as well as SEQLOC_INT
228 *
229 * Revision 6.20  2003/06/03 20:25:34  kans
230 * SeqLocReplaceID works on bonds if both ends bonded to the same Seq-id
231 *
232 * Revision 6.19  2003/02/10 22:57:45  kans
233 * added BioseqCopyEx, which takes a BioseqPtr instead of a SeqIdPtr for the source
234 *
235 * Revision 6.18  2002/07/26 20:15:55  kans
236 * BioseqInsert can do feature indexed collection of features to adjust
237 *
238 * Revision 6.17  2002/07/17 15:39:40  kans
239 * BioseqInsert calls Nlm_BSAdd, need to figure out when not to call
240 *
241 * Revision 6.16  2002/07/11 17:45:53  kans
242 * BioseqInsert does not call Nlm_BSAdd due to a bug in that code
243 *
244 * Revision 6.15  2002/07/02 13:23:42  kans
245 * added SeqLocDeleteEx
246 *
247 * Revision 6.14  2001/06/01 18:07:20  kans
248 * changes to SeqLocAdd to allow one plus and one unknown strand to be accepted
249 *
250 * Revision 6.13  2001/02/23 21:30:09  shkeda
251 * Fixed SeqLocAdd: Int-fuzz pointers should be set to NULL after IntFuzzFree
252 *
253 * Revision 6.12  2001/02/23 01:26:07  ostell
254 * Added support to BioseqDelete() for delta seqs
255 *
256 * Revision 6.11  2000/10/31 17:11:06  kans
257 * SeqLocReplaceID was handling SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT incorrectly
258 *
259 * Revision 6.10  1999/12/20 20:47:12  kans
260 * oldscope test was wrong everywhere
261 *
262 * Revision 6.9  1999/12/15 20:52:16  kans
263 * added IndexedSeqFeatsCopy if SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed
264 *
265 * Revision 6.8  1999/12/07 20:32:13  kans
266 * for most editing functions, if BioseqFind failed, temporarily clear scope/try again/reset scope
267 *
268 * Revision 6.7  1999/11/19 19:54:19  kans
269 * SeqLocAdd checks for NULL slp before dereferencing
270 *
271 * Revision 6.6  1998/09/03 20:43:52  kans
272 * added delta bioseq support to BioseqCopy
273 *
274 * Revision 6.5  1998/06/22 20:00:46  kans
275 * DelFeat was a bit too agressive when there were multiple feature tables
276 *
277 * Revision 6.4  1998/06/17 21:50:11  kans
278 * fixed unix compiler warnings, including 64-bit SGI
279 *
280 * Revision 6.3  1997/11/10 19:40:48  bazhin
281 * Fixed incorrect comment for ISAGappedSeqLoc() function.
282 *
283 * Revision 6.2  1997/10/24 19:16:17  bazhin
284 * Added three easy functions GapToSeqLoc(...), ISAGappedSeqLoc(...)
285 * and GappedSeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(...) for processing "gap(...)" tokens
286 * in CONTIG line.
287 *
288 * Revision 6.1  1997/10/10 20:18:02  ostell
289 * removed tab character from SeqLitTag for DeltaSeqsToSeqLoc
290 *
291 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:05:24  madden
292 * Revision changed to 6.0
293 *
294 * Revision 5.10  1997/07/25 20:34:51  kans
295 * added SegLocToPartsEx
296 *
297 * Revision 5.9  1997/06/19 18:37:30  vakatov
298 * [WIN32,MSVC++]  Adopted for the "NCBIOBJ.LIB" DLL'ization
299 *
300 * Revision 5.8  1996/12/20 17:59:34  kans
301 * SeqLocCopyRegion already reversed order for Seq_strand_minus, so no need
302 * to reverse it again (JO + JK)
303 *
304  * Revision 5.7  1996/10/21  18:56:19  ostell
305  * made SegLocToParts accept a complicated Seq-loc argument
306  *
307  * Revision 5.6  1996/10/09  17:27:34  chappey
308  * *** empty log message ***
309  *
310  * Revision 5.5  1996/10/09  16:34:59  chappey
311  * added SeqLocReplaceID() that replaces the Seq-Id of a Seq-Loc
312  *
313  * Revision 5.4  1996/07/15  14:43:51  epstein
314  * change SeqLocAdd() so that it merges identical SEQLOC_PNTs
315  *
316  * Revision 5.3  1996/06/12  18:29:41  epstein
317  * move SeqLocIntNew() and SeqLocPntNew() from edutil to sequtil
318  *
319  * Revision 5.1  1996/06/10  15:07:17  epstein
320  * replace make_seq_loc() with SeqLocIntNew() and make_pnt_loc with SeqLocPntNew()
321  *
322  * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28  13:23:23  ostell
323  * Set to revision 5.0
324  *
325  * Revision 4.10  1996/03/19  19:45:24  kans
326  * fix of SegLocToParts (JO)
327  *
328  * Revision 4.9  1996/03/12  22:14:22  ostell
329  * added SeqLocToParts()
330  *
331  * Revision 4.7  1996/02/19  19:58:05  ostell
332  * added support for Code-break and tRNA.anticodon
333  *
334  * Revision 4.6  1996/01/30  16:24:04  ostell
335  * changed name of SeqLocPack() to SeqLocPackage()
336  *
337  * Revision 4.5  1996/01/29  22:03:52  ostell
338  * revised SeqLocAdd
339  * added SeqLocPack
340  *
341  * Revision 4.4  1996/01/10  22:25:25  ostell
342  * added SeqLocIntNew()
343  *
344  * Revision 4.3  1995/12/29  21:31:44  ostell
345  * added mapping functions between delta seq and seq loc, for editing utilities
346  *
347  * Revision 4.2  1995/12/21  02:35:50  ostell
348  * changed call for BSAdd
349  *
350  * Revision 4.1  1995/11/15  20:40:20  ostell
351  * fixed SeqLocCopyPart so it correctly handles SEQLOC_NULL in segmented
352  * records
353  *
354  * Revision 4.0  1995/07/26  13:49:01  ostell
355  * force revision to 4.0
356  *
357  * Revision 1.22  1995/05/15  21:46:05  ostell
358  * added Log line
359  *
360 *
361 *
362 * ==========================================================================
363 */
365 #include <edutil.h>
366 #include <explore.h>
367 #include <sqnutils.h>
368 #include <objfdef.h>
369 #include <gather.h>
371 /*****************************************************************************
372 *
373 *   SeqLocPackage(head)
374 *     head is a chain of 1 or more SeqLocs connected by slp->next
375 *     Assumes was built by SeqLocAdd to remove redundancy
376 *     Frees the last element if it is a NULL.
377 *     If more than one element left, then packages the chain into a SEQLOC_MIX,
378 *       or SEQLOC_PACKED_INT as appropriate
379 *     returns pointer to the head of the resulting single SeqLoc
380 *
381 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocPackage(SeqLocPtr head)382 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocPackage (SeqLocPtr head)
383 {
384     SeqLocPtr newhead = NULL, tmp, prev;
385     Boolean packed_int = TRUE;
386     Int4 ctr = 0;
388     if (head == NULL) return head;
390     prev = NULL;    /* remove trailing NULL */
391     for (tmp = head; tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
392         prev = tmp;
394     if (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
395     {
396         SeqLocFree(tmp);
397         if (prev != NULL)
398             prev->next = NULL;
399         else
400             return NULL;   /* nothing left */
401     }
403     for (tmp = head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
404     {
405         ctr++;
406         if (tmp->choice != SEQLOC_INT)
407             packed_int = FALSE;
408     }
410     if (ctr == 1)
411         return head;
413     newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
414     if (packed_int)
415         newhead->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
416     else
417         newhead->choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
418     newhead->data.ptrvalue = head;
420     return newhead;
421 }
423 /*****************************************************************************
424 *
425 *   SeqLocAdd(headptr, slp, merge, do_copy)
426 *       creates a linked list of SeqLocs.
427 *       returns a pointer to the last SeqLoc in the chain
428 *       if (merge)
429 *         deletes double NULLs or Nulls at start (application must delete at stop)
430 *         merges adjacent intervals on the same strand
431 *       if (do_copy)
432 *         Makes copies of incoming SeqLocs
433 *         if incoming is merged, deletes the incoming SeqLoc
434 *
435 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocAddEx(SeqLocPtr PNTR head,SeqLocPtr PNTR lastp,SeqLocPtr slp,Boolean merge,Boolean do_copy)436 static SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocAddEx (SeqLocPtr PNTR head, SeqLocPtr PNTR lastp, SeqLocPtr slp, Boolean merge, Boolean do_copy)
437 {
438     SeqLocPtr tmp, last = NULL, retval = NULL;
439     Boolean merged = FALSE;   /* intervals were merged */
441     if (slp == NULL) return NULL;
443     if (lastp != NULL) {
444         last = *lastp;
445     } else if (head != NULL && *head != NULL)
446     {
447         for (tmp = *head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
448         {
449             last = tmp;
450         }
451     }
453     if ((slp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL) && (merge))  /* no null at start, or two in a row */
454     {
455         if (last == NULL)  /* first one */
456         {
457             merged = TRUE;
458             goto ret;
459         }
460         if (last->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)  /* double NULL */
461         {
462             merged = TRUE;
463             goto ret;
464         }
465     }
467     if ((last != NULL) && (merge))     /* check for merging intervals */
468     {
469         if ((last->choice == SEQLOC_INT) && (slp->choice == SEQLOC_INT))
470         {
471             SeqIntPtr sip1, sip2;
472             Boolean samestrand;
473             Uint1 strand = Seq_strand_unknown;
475             sip1 = (SeqIntPtr)(last->data.ptrvalue);
476             sip2 = (SeqIntPtr)(slp->data.ptrvalue);
477             samestrand = FALSE;
478             if ((sip1->strand == sip2->strand) ||
479                 (sip1->strand == Seq_strand_unknown && sip2->strand != Seq_strand_minus) ||
480                   (sip1->strand == Seq_strand_unknown && sip2->strand != Seq_strand_minus)) {
481                 samestrand = TRUE;
482                 if (sip1->strand == Seq_strand_minus || sip1->strand == Seq_strand_minus) {
483                     strand = Seq_strand_minus;
484                 } else if (sip1->strand == Seq_strand_plus || sip1->strand == Seq_strand_plus) {
485                     strand = Seq_strand_plus;
486                 } else {
487                     strand = Seq_strand_unknown;
488                 }
489               }
490             if (samestrand && (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sip1->id, sip2->id)))
491             {
492                 if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)
493                 {
494                     if (sip1->from == (sip2->to + 1))  /* they are adjacent */
495                     {
496                         sip1->from = sip2->from;
497                         sip1->if_from = IntFuzzFree(sip1->if_from);
498                         if (sip2->if_from != NULL)   /* copy the fuzz */
499                         {
500                             if (do_copy)
501                                 sip1->if_from = (IntFuzzPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)(sip2->if_from),
502                                     (AsnReadFunc)IntFuzzAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)IntFuzzAsnWrite);
503                             else
504                             {
505                                 sip1->if_from = sip2->if_from;
506                                 sip2->if_from = NULL;
507                             }
508                             sip1->strand = strand;
509                         }
510                         merged = TRUE;
511                     }
512                 }
513                 else
514                 {
515                     if (sip1->to == (sip2->from - 1))  /* they are adjacent */
516                     {
517                         sip1->to = sip2->to;
518                         sip1->if_to = IntFuzzFree(sip1->if_to);
519                         if (sip2->if_to != NULL)   /* copy the fuzz */
520                         {
521                             if (do_copy)
522                                 sip1->if_to = (IntFuzzPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)(sip2->if_to),
523                                     (AsnReadFunc)IntFuzzAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)IntFuzzAsnWrite);
524                             else
525                             {
526                                 sip1->if_to = sip2->if_to;
527                                 sip2->if_to = NULL;
528                             }
529                             sip1->strand = strand;
530                         }
531                         merged = TRUE;
532                     }
533                 }
534             }
535         } else if ((last->choice == SEQLOC_PNT) && (slp->choice == SEQLOC_PNT))
536         {
537             SeqPntPtr sip1, sip2;
539             sip1 = (SeqPntPtr)(last->data.ptrvalue);
540             sip2 = (SeqPntPtr)(slp->data.ptrvalue);
541             if ((sip1->strand == sip2->strand) && sip1->point == sip2->point && (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sip1->id, sip2->id)))
542             {
543                 sip1->fuzz = IntFuzzFree(sip1->fuzz);
544                 if (sip2->fuzz != NULL)   /* copy the fuzz */
545                 {
546                     if (do_copy)
547                         sip1->fuzz = (IntFuzzPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)(sip2->fuzz),
548                             (AsnReadFunc)IntFuzzAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)IntFuzzAsnWrite);
549                     else
550                     {
551                         sip1->fuzz = sip2->fuzz;
552                         sip2->fuzz = NULL;
553                     }
554                 }
555                 merged = TRUE;
556             }
557         }
558     }
560 ret:
561     if (! merged)  /* then have to add a new one */
562     {
563         if (do_copy)
564             tmp = (SeqLocPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)slp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqLocAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqLocAsnWrite);
565         else
566             tmp = slp;
568         if (tmp != NULL) {
569             tmp->next = NULL;
570         }
572         if (last != NULL) {
573             last->next = tmp;
574         } else if (head != NULL) {
575             *head = tmp;
576         }
577         last = tmp;
578         retval = tmp;
579     }
580     else
581     {
582         retval = last;
583         if (! do_copy)   /* got to free it here */
584             SeqLocFree(slp);
585     }
586     if (lastp != NULL) {
587         *lastp = last;
588     }
590     return retval;
591 }
SeqLocAdd(SeqLocPtr PNTR head,SeqLocPtr slp,Boolean merge,Boolean do_copy)593 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocAdd (SeqLocPtr PNTR head, SeqLocPtr slp, Boolean merge, Boolean do_copy)
594 {
595     SeqLocPtr tmp, last;
597     if (slp == NULL) return NULL;
599     last = NULL;
600     if (* head != NULL)
601     {
602         for (tmp = *head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
603         {
604             last = tmp;
605         }
606     }
607     return SeqLocAddEx (head, &last, slp, merge, do_copy);
608 }
610 /*****************************************************************************
611 *
612 *   SegLocToParts(BioseqPtr seg, SeqLocPtr slp)
613 *       seg must be a segmented Bioseq
614 *       slp must be a SeqLoc on it
615 *       function maps slp to the components of seg
616 *       returns a new SeqLocPtr
617 *       does not delete slp
618 *
619 *****************************************************************************/
SegLocToPartsEx(BioseqPtr seg,SeqLocPtr slp,Boolean nullsBetween)620 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SegLocToPartsEx (BioseqPtr seg, SeqLocPtr slp, Boolean nullsBetween)
621 {
622     SeqLocPtr newloc = NULL, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, next, curr;
623     ValNode thead;
624     SeqIdPtr sip, tsip;
625     Int4 left_end, right_end, tlen, tstart;
626     SeqIntPtr sintp;
627     Boolean split, notFirst = FALSE;
629     if ((seg == NULL) || (slp == NULL)) return newloc;
630     if (seg->repr != Seq_repr_seg) return newloc;
632     sip = SeqLocId(slp);
633     if (sip == NULL) return newloc;
634     if (! SeqIdIn(sip, seg->id)) return newloc;
636     MemSet(&thead, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
637     thead.choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
638     thead.data.ptrvalue = seg->seq_ext;
640     curr = NULL;
641     while ((curr = SeqLocFindNext(slp, curr)) != NULL)
642     {
643         left_end = 0;
644         tmp = NULL;
645         while ((tmp = SeqLocFindNext(&thead, tmp)) != NULL)
646         {
647             tlen = SeqLocLen(tmp);
648             if (tlen > 0)
649             {
650                 right_end = left_end + tlen - 1;
651                 tsip = SeqLocId(tmp);
652                 tstart = SeqLocStart(tmp);
653                 tmp2 = SeqLocCopyRegion(tsip, curr, seg, left_end, right_end, SeqLocStrand(tmp),
654                     &split);
655                 while (tmp2 != NULL)
656                 {
657                   next = tmp2->next;
658                   tmp2->next = NULL;
659                   if (tmp2->choice == SEQLOC_INT)
660                   {
661                     if (nullsBetween  && notFirst) {
662                       tmp3 = ValNodeNew (NULL);
663                       if (tmp3 != NULL) {
664                         tmp3->choice = SEQLOC_NULL;
665                         SeqLocAdd (&newloc, tmp3, TRUE, FALSE);
666                       }
667                     }
668                     notFirst = TRUE;
669                     sintp = (SeqIntPtr)(tmp2->data.ptrvalue);
670                     sintp->from += tstart;
671                     sintp->to += tstart;
672                     SeqLocAdd(&newloc, tmp2, TRUE, FALSE);
673                   }
674                                   else if (tmp2->choice == SEQLOC_PNT)
675                                   {
676                     if (nullsBetween  && notFirst) {
677                       tmp3 = ValNodeNew (NULL);
678                       if (tmp3 != NULL) {
679                         tmp3->choice = SEQLOC_NULL;
680                         SeqLocAdd (&newloc, tmp3, TRUE, FALSE);
681                       }
682                     }
683                     notFirst = TRUE;
684                                     SeqLocAdd (&newloc, tmp2, TRUE, FALSE);
685                                   }
686                   tmp2 = next;
687                 }
688                 left_end = right_end + 1;
689             }
690         }
691     }
693     if (newloc != NULL)
694         newloc = SeqLocPackage(newloc);
695     return newloc;
696 }
SegLocToParts(BioseqPtr seg,SeqLocPtr slp)698 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SegLocToParts (BioseqPtr seg, SeqLocPtr slp)
700 {
701     return SegLocToPartsEx (seg, slp, FALSE);
702 }
704 static CharPtr seqlitdbtag = "SeqLit";
705 static CharPtr unkseqlitdbtag = "UnkSeqLit";
706 /*****************************************************************************
707 *
708 *   ISADeltaSeqsToSeqLoc(slp)
709 *       returns Index (> 0) if this (one) SeqLoc was converted from a Delta Seq by
710 *         DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs() by looking for the special Dbtag name
711 *
712 *****************************************************************************/
ISADeltaSeqsToSeqLoc(SeqLocPtr slp)713 NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL ISADeltaSeqsToSeqLoc (SeqLocPtr slp)
714 {
715     SeqIdPtr sip;
716     Int4 retval = 0;
718     if (slp == NULL) return retval;
719     sip = SeqLocId(slp);
720     if (sip == NULL) return retval;
722     if (sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL) return retval;
724     if (! StringCmp(seqlitdbtag, ((DbtagPtr)(sip->data.ptrvalue))->db) ||
725         ! StringCmp(unkseqlitdbtag, ((DbtagPtr)(sip->data.ptrvalue))->db))
726         retval = (((DbtagPtr)(sip->data.ptrvalue))->tag->id);
728     return retval;
729 }
731 /*****************************************************************************
732 *
733 *   DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs(dsp)
734 *       converts a chain of delta seqs to seqlocs
735 *       each SeqLit is converted to SeqLoc of type Int with a SeqId of type
736 *          Dbtag where db="Seq\tLit" and objectId.id which is the index of the
737 *          element in the delta seq chain where 1 is the first one.
738 *       Returned SeqLoc is of type "mix" and must be freed by caller.
739 *
740 *****************************************************************************/
DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs(DeltaSeqPtr dsp)741 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs (DeltaSeqPtr dsp)
742 {
743     SeqLocPtr head = NULL, thead = NULL, last = NULL;
744     DeltaSeqPtr curr;
745     SeqInt si;
746     Dbtag db;
747     ObjectId oi;
748     ValNode vn, vn2;
750     MemSet(&vn, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
751     MemSet(&vn2, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
752     MemSet(&si, 0, sizeof(SeqInt));
753     MemSet(&db, 0, sizeof(Dbtag));
754     MemSet(&oi, 0, sizeof(ObjectId));
755     vn.choice = SEQLOC_INT;
756     vn.data.ptrvalue = &si;
757     si.id = &vn2;
758     vn2.choice = SEQID_GENERAL;
759     vn2.data.ptrvalue = &db;
760     db.db = seqlitdbtag;
761     db.tag = &oi;
762     oi.id = 1;
766     for (curr = dsp; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next)
767     {
768         if (curr->choice == 1)   /* a SeqLoc */
769             SeqLocAddEx (&thead, &last, (SeqLocPtr)(curr->data.ptrvalue), TRUE, TRUE);
770         else
771         {
772             si.to = ((SeqLitPtr) (curr->data.ptrvalue))->length - 1;
773             SeqLocAddEx (&thead, &last, &vn, TRUE, TRUE);
774         }
775         oi.id++;
776     }
778     head = SeqLocPackage(thead);
779     return head;
780 }
782 /*****************************************************************************
783 * GOHERE
784 *   SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(dsp, slp)
785 *       converts a chain of seqlocs    generated by DeltaSeqToSeqLocs() back into
786 *         delta seqs. dsp is the original chain of DeltaSeqs, which is required
787 *         to convert the delta seqs back.
788 *
789 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(DeltaSeqPtr dsp,SeqLocPtr slp)790 NLM_EXTERN DeltaSeqPtr LIBCALL SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs (DeltaSeqPtr dsp, SeqLocPtr slp)
791 {
792     DeltaSeqPtr dhead=NULL, dcurr=NULL, dtmp;
793     SeqLocPtr scurr;
794     Int4 ctr, index, strt, stp;
795     SeqIdPtr sip;
796     Uint1 strand, newcode;
797     SeqLitPtr slitp, slitp_new;
798     SeqPortPtr spps;
799     ByteStorePtr bsp;
800     Int2 residue;
801     ValNode vn;
803     if ((dsp == NULL) || (slp == NULL))
804         return dhead;
806     vn.choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
807     vn.next = NULL;
808     vn.data.ptrvalue = slp;
809     scurr = NULL;
810     while ((scurr = SeqLocFindNext(&vn, scurr)) != NULL)
811     {
812         dcurr = ValNodeNew(dhead);
813         if (dhead == NULL)
814             dhead = dcurr;
816         index = ISADeltaSeqsToSeqLoc(scurr);
818         if (index == 0)   /* just a SeqLoc */
819         {
820             dcurr->choice = 1;
821             dcurr->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
822             dcurr->data.ptrvalue = AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)scurr, (AsnReadFunc)SeqLocAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqLocAsnWrite);
824         }
825         else                                 /* convert to a delta seq */
826         {
827             dcurr->choice = 2;
828             sip = SeqLocId(scurr);
829             dtmp = dsp;
830             for (ctr = 1; ctr < index; ctr++)
831                 dtmp = dtmp->next;
833             if (dtmp->choice != 2)   /* wups */
834             {
835                 ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"Wrong type in SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs");
836                 dhead = DeltaSeqFree(dhead);
837                 return dhead;
838             }
839             slitp = (SeqLitPtr)(dtmp->data.ptrvalue);
841             strt = SeqLocStart(scurr);
842             stp = SeqLocStop(scurr);
843             strand = SeqLocStrand(scurr);
845             if ((strt == 0) && (stp == (slitp->length - 1)) && (strand != Seq_strand_minus))  /* no change */
846             {
847                 dcurr->data.ptrvalue = AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)slitp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqLitAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqLitAsnWrite);
848             }
849             else   /* got to copy part of it */
850             {
851                 switch (slitp->seq_data_type)
852                 {
853                     case Seq_code_iupacna:
854                     case Seq_code_iupacaa:
855                     case Seq_code_ncbi8na:
856                     case Seq_code_ncbi8aa:
857                     case Seq_code_ncbieaa:
858                     case Seq_code_ncbistdaa:
859                     case Seq_code_iupacaa3:
860                         newcode = slitp->seq_data_type;     /* one byte codes.. fine */
861                         break;
862                     case Seq_code_ncbipna:
863                         ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"Converting from P residue codes");
864                         newcode = Seq_code_ncbieaa;
865                         break;
866                     case Seq_code_ncbipaa:
867                         ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"Converting from P residue codes");
868                     case Seq_code_ncbi2na:
869                     case Seq_code_ncbi4na:
870                         newcode = Seq_code_iupacna;
871                         break;
872                     case Seq_code_gap:
873                         ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,0,0,"Seq_code_gap residue code in SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs");
874                         return DeltaSeqFree(dhead);
875                         break;
876                     default:
877                         ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL,0,0,"Unrecognized residue code [%d] in SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs",
878                             (int)(slitp->seq_data_type));
879                         return DeltaSeqFree(dhead);
880                 }
881                  spps = MemNew(sizeof(SeqPort));
882                 SeqPortSetUpFields (spps, strt, stp, strand, newcode);
883                 SeqPortSetUpAlphabet(spps, slitp->seq_data_type, newcode);
884                 spps->bp = (ByteStorePtr) slitp->seq_data;
885                 slitp_new = SeqLitNew();
886                 dcurr->data.ptrvalue = slitp_new;
887                 slitp_new->seq_data_type = newcode;
888                 slitp_new->length = (stp - strt + 1);
889                 bsp = BSNew(slitp_new->length);
890                 slitp_new->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) bsp;
891                 SeqPortSeek(spps, 0, SEEK_SET);
892                 BSSeek(bsp, 0, SEEK_SET);
893                 while (stp >= strt)
894                 {
895                     residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spps);
896                     BSPutByte(bsp, residue);
897                     strt++;
898                 }
899                 SeqPortFree(spps);
900             }
902         }
904     }
905     return dhead;
906 }
907 /*****************************************************************************
908 *
909 *   BioseqDelete (target, from, to, do_feat, do_split)
910 *      Deletes the region of sequence between from-to, inclusive, on the
911 *        Bioseq whose SeqId is target.
912 *      If do_feat, the feature table is updated to reflect the deletion
913 *        using SeqEntryDelFeat()
914 *      If do_split, the features across the deleted region are split into
915 *        two intervals on either side. If not, the feature is just shortened.
916 *****************************************************************************/
BioseqDeleteEx(SeqIdPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean do_feat,Boolean do_split,Boolean mark_deleted_feat)917 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BioseqDeleteEx (SeqIdPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean do_feat, Boolean do_split, Boolean mark_deleted_feat)
918 {
919     Boolean retval = FALSE;
920     BioseqPtr bsp;
921     SeqLocPtr tmp, head;
922     Int4 len, deleted;
923     Int4 totlen, templen, tfrom, tto, diff1, diff2;
924     SeqLocPtr slp, tloc, newhead, prev;
925     ValNode vn;
926     SeqInt si;
927     SeqLocPtr PNTR newheadptr;
928     SeqFeatPtr sfpcurr, sfpnext, sfpprev;
929     Int2 dropped;
930     SeqEntryPtr oldscope;
931     DeltaSeqPtr tdsp = NULL;
933     bsp = BioseqFind(target);
934     if (bsp == NULL) {
935         oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
936         if (oldscope != NULL) {
937             bsp = BioseqFind(target);
938             SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
939         }
940     }
941     if (bsp == NULL) return retval;
943     if ((from < 0) || (from >= bsp->length) || (to < 0) ||
944         (to >= bsp->length) || (from > to)) return retval;
946     if (do_feat)
947         SeqEntryDelFeatEx(NULL, target, from, to, do_split, mark_deleted_feat);
949     len = to - from + 1;
950                /* if actual sequence present */
952     if (((bsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw) || (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_const)) && bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
953     {
954         if (ISA_na(bsp->mol))
955         {
956             if (bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna)  /* need 1 byte/base */
957                 BioseqRawConvert(bsp, Seq_code_iupacna);
958         }
959         else
960         {
961             if (bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_ncbieaa)
962                 BioseqRawConvert(bsp, Seq_code_ncbieaa);
963         }
965         BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) bsp->seq_data, from, SEEK_SET);
966         deleted = BSDelete((ByteStorePtr) bsp->seq_data, len);
967         if (deleted != len)  /* error */
968             ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "Delete of %ld residues failed", len);
969         else
970             retval = TRUE;
971     }
973                /* update segmented sequence */
974     if ((bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg) || (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_delta))
975     {
976         head = ValNodeNew(NULL);  /* allocate to facilitate SeqLocFree */
977         head->choice = SEQLOC_MIX;   /* make a SeqLoc out of the extension */
978         if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
979             head->data.ptrvalue = bsp->seq_ext;
980         else
981         {
982             tdsp = (DeltaSeqPtr)(bsp->seq_ext);
983             head->data.ptrvalue = DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs(tdsp);
984         }
986         newhead = NULL;
987         newheadptr = &newhead;
989         tloc = &vn;
990         MemSet((Pointer)tloc, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
991         MemSet((Pointer)&si, 0, sizeof(SeqInt));
992         tloc->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
993         tloc->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(&si);
995         slp = NULL;
996         totlen = 0;
997         while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext(head, slp)) != NULL)
998         {
999             templen = SeqLocLen(slp);
1000             tfrom = SeqLocStart(slp);
1001             tto = SeqLocStop(slp);
1003             if (((totlen + templen - 1) < from) ||   /* before cut */
1004                 (totlen > to))                          /* after cut */
1005                 tmp = SeqLocAdd(newheadptr, slp, TRUE, TRUE); /* add whole SeqLoc */
1006             else
1007             {
1008                 retval = 1;    /* will modify or drop interval */
1009                  diff1 = from - totlen;        /* partial beginning? */
1010                 diff2 = (templen + totlen - 1) - to;  /* partial end? */
1011                 si.id = SeqLocId(slp);
1012                 si.strand = SeqLocStrand(slp);
1014                 if (diff1 > 0)      /* partial start */
1015                 {
1016                     if (si.strand != Seq_strand_minus)
1017                     {
1018                        si.from = tfrom;
1019                        si.to = tfrom + diff1 - 1;
1020                     }
1021                     else
1022                     {
1023                         si.from = tto - diff1 + 1;
1024                         si.to = tto;
1025                     }
1026                     tmp = SeqLocAdd(newheadptr, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
1027                 }
1029                 if (diff2 > 0)    /* partial end */
1030                 {
1031                     if (si.strand != Seq_strand_minus)
1032                     {
1033                        si.from = tto - diff2 + 1;
1034                        si.to = tto;
1035                     }
1036                     else
1037                     {
1038                         si.from = tfrom;
1039                         si.to = tfrom + diff2 - 1;
1040                     }
1041                     tmp = SeqLocAdd(newheadptr, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
1042                 }
1044             }
1045             totlen += templen;
1046         }
1048         prev = NULL;
1049         for (tmp = newhead; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
1050         {
1051             if (tmp->next == NULL)   /* last one */
1052             {
1053                 if (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
1054                 {
1055                     if (prev != NULL)
1056                         prev->next = NULL;
1057                     else                  /* only a NULL left */
1058                     {
1059                         newhead = NULL;
1060                     }
1061                     MemFree(tmp);
1062                     break;
1063                 }
1064             }
1065             prev = tmp;
1066         }
1068         if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
1069             bsp->seq_ext = newhead;
1070         else
1071         {
1072             bsp->seq_ext = SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(tdsp, newhead);
1073             DeltaSeqSetFree(tdsp);
1074             SeqLocSetFree(newhead);
1075         }
1076         SeqLocFree(head);
1077         retval = TRUE;
1078     }
1080     if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_map)      /* map bioseq */
1081     {
1082         sfpprev = NULL;
1083         sfpnext = NULL;
1084         sfpcurr = (SeqFeatPtr)(bsp->seq_ext);
1085         bsp->seq_ext = NULL;
1086         for (; sfpcurr != NULL; sfpcurr = sfpnext)
1087         {
1088             sfpnext = sfpcurr->next;
1089             dropped = SeqFeatDelete(sfpcurr, target, from, to, TRUE);
1090             if (dropped == 2)   /* completely gone */
1091             {
1092                 SeqFeatFree(sfpcurr);
1093             }
1094             else
1095             {
1096                 if (sfpprev == NULL)
1097                     bsp->seq_ext = (Pointer)sfpcurr;
1098                 else
1099                     sfpprev->next = sfpcurr;
1100                 sfpcurr->next = NULL;
1101                 sfpprev = sfpcurr;
1102             }
1103         }
1104         retval = TRUE;
1105     }
1107     if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_virtual)
1108         retval = TRUE;                 /* nothing to do */
1110     if (retval)
1111         bsp->length -= len;
1112     return retval;
1113 }
BioseqDelete(SeqIdPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean do_feat,Boolean do_split)1116 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BioseqDelete (SeqIdPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean do_feat, Boolean do_split)
1117 {
1118   return BioseqDeleteEx (target, from, to, do_feat, do_split, FALSE);
1119 }
1122 /*****************************************************************************
1123 *
1124 *   BioseqOverwrite (target, pos, residue, seqcode)
1125 *      Overwrites the residue at pos with residue in the
1126 *        Bioseq whose SeqId is target.
1127 *      residue is iupacna for DNA or ncbieaa for protein
1128 *      target MUST be a raw Bioseq right now
1129 *
1130 *****************************************************************************/
BioseqOverwrite(SeqIdPtr target,Int4 pos,Uint1 residue)1131 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BioseqOverwrite (SeqIdPtr target, Int4 pos, Uint1 residue)
1132 {
1133     BioseqPtr bsp;
1134     Boolean retval = FALSE;
1135     SeqEntryPtr oldscope;
1138     bsp = BioseqFind(target);
1139     if (bsp == NULL) {
1140         oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
1141         if (oldscope != NULL) {
1142             bsp = BioseqFind(target);
1143             SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
1144         }
1145     }
1146     if (bsp == NULL) return retval;
1148     if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= bsp->length)) return retval;
1149     if (bsp->repr != Seq_repr_raw) return retval;
1151     if (bsp->seq_data_type == Seq_code_gap) return FALSE;
1153     if (ISA_na(bsp->mol))
1154     {
1155         if (bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna)  /* need 1 byte/base */
1156             BioseqRawConvert(bsp, Seq_code_iupacna);
1157     }
1158     else
1159     {
1160         if (bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_ncbieaa)
1161             BioseqRawConvert(bsp, Seq_code_ncbieaa);
1162     }
1164     BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) bsp->seq_data, pos, SEEK_SET);
1165     BSPutByte((ByteStorePtr) bsp->seq_data, (Int2)(TO_UPPER(residue)));
1166     retval = TRUE;
1168     return retval;
1169 }
1172 /*****************************************************************************
1173 *
1174 *   SeqInsertByLoc (target, offset, fragment)
1175 *
1176 *****************************************************************************/
SeqInsertByLoc(SeqIdPtr target,Int4 offset,SeqLocPtr fragment)1177 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqInsertByLoc (SeqIdPtr target, Int4 offset, SeqLocPtr fragment)
1178 {
1179     return TRUE;
1180 }
1183 /*****************************************************************************
1184 *
1185 *   SeqDeleteByLoc (slp, do_feat, do_split)
1186 *
1187 *****************************************************************************/
SeqDeleteByLocEx(SeqLocPtr slp,Boolean do_feat,Boolean do_split,Boolean mark_deleted_feat)1188 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqDeleteByLocEx (SeqLocPtr slp, Boolean do_feat, Boolean do_split, Boolean mark_deleted_feat)
1189 {
1190     SeqLocPtr tmp;
1191     Boolean retval = FALSE;
1192     Int2 numloc, i = 0, ctr, pick, totloc;
1193     SeqLocPtr PNTR locs, PNTR tlocs, PNTR theorder;
1194     BioseqPtr bsp;
1195     Int4 tstart, tstop;
1197     if (slp == NULL) return retval;
1199     numloc = 0;
1200     totloc = 0;
1201     locs = NULL;
1202     tmp = NULL;
1204     while ((tmp = SeqLocFindNext(slp, tmp)) != NULL)
1205     {
1206         switch (tmp->choice)
1207         {
1208             case SEQLOC_INT:
1209             case SEQLOC_PNT:
1210                 if (BioseqFind(SeqLocId(tmp)) != NULL)
1211                 {
1212                     if (numloc == totloc)
1213                     {
1214                         tlocs = locs;
1215                         locs = (SeqLocPtr PNTR)(MemNew((totloc+20) * sizeof(SeqLocPtr)));
1216                         MemCopy(locs, tlocs, (size_t)(totloc * sizeof(SeqLocPtr)));
1217                         MemFree(tlocs);
1218                         totloc += 20;
1219                     }
1220                     locs[numloc] = tmp;
1221                     numloc++;
1222                 }
1223                 break;
1224             default:
1225                 Message(MSG_ERROR, "Unsupported Seqloc [%d] in SeqDeleteByLoc",
1226                     (int)(tmp->choice));
1227                 break;
1229         }
1230     }
1232     if (! numloc) return retval;
1235                 /***********************************************************
1236                 *
1237                 *   first gather all the seqlocs, grouped by Bioseq, and
1238                 *   ordered from end to beginning. They must be ordered
1239                 *   before the underlying Bioseq is changed.
1240                 *
1241                 ***********************************************************/
1243     retval = TRUE;
1245     bsp = NULL;
1246     theorder = (SeqLocPtr PNTR)MemNew((sizeof(SeqLocPtr) * numloc));
1247     for (ctr = 0; ctr < numloc; ctr++)
1248     {
1249         pick = -1;   /* flag none found */
1250         if (bsp != NULL)
1251         {
1252             for (i = 0; i < numloc; i++)
1253             {
1254                 if (locs[i] != NULL)
1255                 {
1256                       if (SeqIdIn(SeqLocId(locs[i]), bsp->id))
1257                     {
1258                         pick = i;
1259                         i++;
1260                         break;
1261                     }
1262                 }
1263             }
1264             if (pick < 0)
1265                 bsp = NULL;   /* no more locs on this bioseq */
1266         }
1268         if (bsp == NULL)  /* have to find a new bioseq */
1269         {
1270             for (i = 0; i < numloc; i++)
1271             {
1272                 if (locs[i] != NULL)
1273                 {
1274                     bsp = BioseqFind(SeqLocId(locs[i]));
1275                     pick = i;
1276                     i++;
1277                     break;
1278                 }
1279             }
1280         }
1282         while (i < numloc)
1283         {
1284             if (SeqLocOrder(locs[pick], locs[i], bsp) == (-1)) /* it's after */
1285                 pick = i;
1286             i++;
1287         }
1289         theorder[ctr] = locs[pick];
1290         locs[pick] = NULL;
1291     }
1293     MemFree(locs);   /* finished with original list */
1295                 /*************************************************************
1296                 *
1297                 *   Now do the actual deletions
1298                 *
1299                 *************************************************************/
1302     for (ctr = 0; ctr < numloc; ctr++)
1303     {
1304         tstart = SeqLocStart(theorder[ctr]);
1305         tstop = SeqLocStop(theorder[ctr]);
1306         BioseqDeleteEx(SeqLocId(theorder[ctr]), tstart, tstop, do_feat, do_split, mark_deleted_feat);
1307     }
1309     MemFree(theorder);
1311     return retval;
1312 }
SeqDeleteByLoc(SeqLocPtr slp,Boolean do_feat,Boolean do_split)1315 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqDeleteByLoc (SeqLocPtr slp, Boolean do_feat, Boolean do_split)
1316 {
1317   return SeqDeleteByLocEx (slp, do_feat, do_split, FALSE);
1318 }
1321 /*****************************************************************************
1322 *
1323 *   SeqFeatDelete()
1324 *     0 = no changes made to location or product
1325 *     1 = changes made but feature still has some location
1326 *     2 = all of sfp->location in deleted interval
1327 *
1328 *   if (merge)
1329 *      1) correct numbers > to by subtraction
1330 *      2) do not split intervals spanning the deletion
1331 *   else
1332 *      1) do not change numbers > to
1333 *      2) split intervals which span the deletions
1334 *
1335 *****************************************************************************/
SeqFeatDelete(SeqFeatPtr sfp,SeqIdPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge)1336 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL SeqFeatDelete (SeqFeatPtr sfp, SeqIdPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge)
1337 {
1338     ValNode      vn;
1339     SeqLocPtr    tloc;
1340     SeqInt       si;
1341     Boolean      changed = FALSE, tmpbool = FALSE;
1342     CdRegionPtr  crp;
1343     CodeBreakPtr cbp, prevcbp, nextcbp;
1344     RnaRefPtr    rrp;
1345     tRNAPtr      trp;
1346     Boolean      partial5, partial3;
1347     Uint1        strand;
1348     BioseqPtr    bsp;
1349     Int4         new_frame;
1351     tloc = &vn;
1352     MemSet((Pointer)tloc, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
1353     MemSet((Pointer)&si, 0, sizeof(SeqInt));
1354     tloc->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
1355     tloc->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(&si);
1356     si.id = target;
1357     si.from = from;
1358     si.to = to;
1360         CheckSeqLocForPartial (sfp->location, &partial5, &partial3);
1361         strand = SeqLocStrand (sfp->location);
1362         bsp = BioseqFindFromSeqLoc (sfp->location);
1363     sfp->location = SeqLocDelete(sfp->location, target, from, to, merge, &changed);
1365     sfp->product = SeqLocDelete(sfp->product, target, from, to, merge, &changed);
1367     if (sfp->location == NULL)
1368         return 2;
1370     switch (sfp->data.choice)
1371     {
1372         case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
1373             crp = (CdRegionPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
1374       if (changed)
1375       {
1376               /* adjust frame */
1377               if ((strand == Seq_strand_minus && bsp != NULL && to == bsp->length - 1 && partial5)
1378                 || (strand != Seq_strand_minus && from == 0 && partial5))
1379               {
1380             if (crp->frame == 0)
1381                 {
1382                   crp->frame = 1;
1383                 }
1384                 new_frame = crp->frame - ((to - from + 1) % 3);
1385                 if (new_frame < 1)
1386                 {
1387                     new_frame += 3;
1388                 }
1389           crp->frame = new_frame;
1390               }
1391       }
1392             /* fix code_break locations */
1393             prevcbp = NULL;
1394             for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
1395             {
1396                 nextcbp = cbp->next;
1397                 cbp->loc = SeqLocDelete(cbp->loc, target, from, to, merge, &tmpbool);
1398                 if (cbp->loc == NULL)
1399                 {
1400                     if (prevcbp != NULL)
1401                         prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
1402                     else
1403                         crp->code_break = nextcbp;
1404                     cbp->next = NULL;
1405                     CodeBreakFree(cbp);
1406                 }
1407                 else
1408                     prevcbp = cbp;
1409             }
1410             break;
1411         case SEQFEAT_RNA:
1412             rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
1413             if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
1414             {
1415                 trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
1416                 if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
1417                 {
1418                     trp->anticodon = SeqLocDelete(trp->anticodon, target, from, to, merge, &tmpbool);
1419                 }
1420             }
1421             break;
1422         default:
1423             break;
1424     }
1426     if (changed)
1427     {
1428         return 1;
1429     }
1430     else
1431         return 0;
1432 }
1434 /*****************************************************************************
1435 *
1436 *   SeqLocDelete()
1437 *       returns altered head or NULL if nothing left.
1438 *   sets changed=TRUE if all or part of loc is deleted
1439 *   does NOT set changed if location coordinates are only moved
1440 *   if (merge) then corrects coordinates upstream of to
1441 *   else
1442 *     splits intervals covering from-to, does not correct upstream of to
1443 *
1444 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocDeleteEx(SeqLocPtr head,SeqIdPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed,BoolPtr partial5,BoolPtr partial3)1445 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocDeleteEx (SeqLocPtr head, SeqIdPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed, BoolPtr partial5, BoolPtr partial3)
1446 {
1447     SeqIntPtr sip, sip2;
1448     SeqPntPtr spp;
1449     PackSeqPntPtr pspp, pspp2;
1450     SeqBondPtr sbp;
1451     SeqIdPtr sidp;
1452     SeqLocPtr slp, tmp, prev, next, thead;
1453     Int4 diff, numpnt, i, tpos;
1454     BioseqPtr bsp;
1455     Boolean part5, part3, first;
1457     if ((head == NULL) || (target == NULL))
1458         return head;
1460     head->next = NULL;   /* caller maintains chains */
1461     diff = to - from + 1;
1463     switch (head->choice)
1464     {
1465         case SEQLOC_BOND:   /* bond -- 2 seqs */
1466             sbp = (SeqBondPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
1467             spp = sbp->a;
1468             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(spp->id, target))
1469             {
1470                 if (spp->point >= from)
1471                 {
1472                     if (spp->point <= to)   /* delete it */
1473                     {
1474                         *changed = TRUE;
1475                         sbp->a = SeqPntFree(spp);
1476                     }
1477                     else if (merge)
1478                         spp->point -= diff;
1479                 }
1480             }
1481             spp = sbp->b;
1482             if (spp != NULL)
1483             {
1484                 if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(spp->id, target))
1485                 {
1486                     if (spp->point >= from)
1487                     {
1488                         if (spp->point <= to)   /* delete it */
1489                         {
1490                             *changed = TRUE;
1491                             sbp->b = SeqPntFree(spp);
1492                         }
1493                         else if (merge)
1494                             spp->point -= diff;
1495                     }
1496                 }
1497             }
1498             if (sbp->a == NULL)
1499             {
1500                 if (sbp->b != NULL)   /* only a required */
1501                 {
1502                     sbp->a = sbp->b;
1503                     sbp->b = NULL;
1504                 }
1505                 else
1506                 {
1507                     head = SeqLocFree(head);
1508                 }
1509             }
1510             break;
1511         case SEQLOC_FEAT:   /* feat -- can't track yet */
1512         case SEQLOC_NULL:    /* NULL */
1513         case SEQLOC_EMPTY:    /* empty */
1514             break;
1515         case SEQLOC_WHOLE:    /* whole */
1516             sidp = (SeqIdPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
1517             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sidp, target))
1518             {
1519                 bsp = BioseqFind(target);
1520                 if (bsp != NULL)           /* split it */
1521                 {
1522                     if ((from == 0) && (to >= (bsp->length - 1)))
1523                     {                       /* complete delete */
1524                         head = SeqLocFree(head);
1525                         *changed = TRUE;
1526                         break;
1527                     }
1529                     if (! merge)   /* split it up */
1530                     {
1531                         SeqIdFree(sidp);
1532                         head->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
1533                         head->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
1534                         slp = NULL;
1535                         if (from != 0)
1536                         {
1537                             sip = SeqIntNew();
1538                             sip->from = 0;
1539                             sip->to = from - 1;
1540                             sip->id = SeqIdDup(target);
1541                             slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
1542                             slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
1543                             slp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
1544                             head->data.ptrvalue = slp;
1545                             *changed = TRUE;
1546                         }
1547                         if (to < (bsp->length - 1))
1548                         {
1549                             sip = SeqIntNew();
1550                             sip->from = to + 1;
1551                             sip->to = bsp->length - 1;
1552                             sip->id = SeqIdDup(target);
1553                             tmp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
1554                             tmp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
1555                             tmp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
1556                             if (slp != NULL)
1557                                 slp->next = tmp;
1558                             else
1559                                 head->data.ptrvalue = tmp;
1560                             *changed = TRUE;
1561                         }
1563                     }
1564                 }
1565             }
1566             break;
1567         case SEQLOC_MIX:    /* mix -- more than one seq */
1568         case SEQLOC_EQUIV:    /* equiv -- ditto */
1569         case SEQLOC_PACKED_INT:    /* packed int */
1570             prev = NULL;
1571             thead = NULL;
1572             part5 = FALSE;
1573             part3 = FALSE;
1574             first = TRUE;
1575             for (slp = (SeqLocPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue); slp != NULL; slp = next)
1576             {
1577                 next = slp->next;
1578                 tmp = SeqLocDeleteEx (slp, target, from, to, merge, changed, &part5, &part3);
1579                 if (first) {
1580                     if (partial5 != NULL) {
1581                         *partial5 = part5;
1582                     }
1583                 }
1584                 first = FALSE;
1585                 if (tmp != NULL)
1586                 {
1587                     if (prev != NULL)
1588                     {
1589                         if ((merge) && (prev->choice == SEQLOC_INT) && (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_INT))
1590                         {
1591                             sip = (SeqIntPtr)(prev->data.ptrvalue);
1592                             sip2 = (SeqIntPtr)(tmp->data.ptrvalue);
1594                             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sip->id, sip2->id))
1595                             {
1596                                      /* merge intervals? */
1597                                 if ((sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus) &&
1598                                     (sip2->strand == Seq_strand_minus))
1599                                 {
1600                                     if (sip->from == (sip2->to + 1))
1601                                     {
1602                                         sip->from = sip2->from;
1603                                         sip->if_from = sip2->if_from;
1604                                         sip2->if_from = NULL;
1605                                         tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
1606                                     }
1607                                 }
1608                                 else if((sip->strand != Seq_strand_minus) &&
1609                                     (sip2->strand != Seq_strand_minus))
1610                                 {
1611                                     if (sip->to == (sip2->from - 1))
1612                                     {
1613                                         sip->to = sip2->to;
1614                                         sip->if_to = sip2->if_to;
1615                                         sip2->if_to = NULL;
1616                                         tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
1617                                     }
1618                                 }
1619                             }
1620                         }
1621                         else if ((prev->choice == SEQLOC_NULL) && (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL))
1622                         {
1623                             tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
1624                             *changed = TRUE;
1625                         }
1626                     }
1627                     else if (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
1628                     {
1629                         tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
1630                         *changed = TRUE;
1631                     }
1633                     if (tmp != NULL)   /* still have one? */
1634                     {
1635                         if (prev != NULL)
1636                             prev->next = tmp;
1637                         else
1638                             thead = tmp;
1639                         prev = tmp;
1640                     }
1641                 }
1642                 else
1643                     *changed = TRUE;
1644             }
1645             if (partial3 != NULL) {
1646                 *partial3 = part3;
1647             }
1648             if (prev != NULL)
1649             {
1650                 if (prev->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)  /* ends with NULL */
1651                 {
1652                     prev = NULL;
1653                     for (slp = thead; slp->next != NULL; slp = slp->next)
1654                         prev = slp;
1655                     if (prev != NULL)
1656                     {
1657                         prev->next = NULL;
1658                         SeqLocFree(slp);
1659                     }
1660                     else
1661                     {
1662                         thead = SeqLocFree(thead);
1663                     }
1664                     *changed = TRUE;
1665                 }
1666             }
1667             head->data.ptrvalue = thead;
1668             if (thead == NULL)
1669                 head = SeqLocFree(head);
1670             break;
1671         case SEQLOC_INT:    /* int */
1672             sip = (SeqIntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
1673             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sip->id, target))
1674             {
1675                 if (sip->to < from)  /* completely before cut */
1676                     break;
1678                                      /* completely contained in cut */
1679                 if ((sip->from >= from) && (sip->to <= to))
1680                 {
1681                     head = SeqLocFree(head);
1682                     *changed = TRUE;
1683                     break;
1684                 }
1686                 if (sip->from > to)  /* completely past cut */
1687                 {
1688                     if (merge)
1689                     {
1690                         sip->from -= diff;
1691                         sip->to -= diff;
1692                     }
1693                     break;
1694                 }
1695                                     /* overlap here */
1697                 if (sip->to > to)
1698                 {
1699                     if (merge)
1700                         sip->to -= diff;
1701                 }
1702                 else                /* to inside cut, so partial delete */
1703                 {
1704                     sip->to = from - 1;
1705                     *changed = TRUE;
1706                     if (sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus) {
1707                         if (partial5 != NULL) {
1708                             *partial5 = TRUE;
1709                         }
1710                     } else if (partial3 != NULL) {
1711                         *partial3 = TRUE;
1712                     }
1713                 }
1715                 if (sip->from >= from)   /* from inside cut, partial del */
1716                 {
1717                     *changed = TRUE;
1718                     sip->from = to + 1;
1719                     if (merge)
1720                         sip->from -= diff;
1721                     if (sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus) {
1722                        if (partial3 != NULL) {
1723                            *partial3 = TRUE;
1724                        }
1725                     } else if (partial5 != NULL) {
1726                         *partial5 = TRUE;
1727                     }
1728                 }
1730                 if (merge)
1731                     break;
1733                            /* interval spans cut.. only in non-merge */
1734                            /* have to split */
1736                 if ((sip->from < from) && (sip->to > to))
1737                 {
1738                     *changed = TRUE;
1739                     head->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
1740                     head->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
1741                     tmp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
1742                     tmp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
1743                     tmp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
1745                     sip2 = SeqIntNew();
1746                     sip2->from = to + 1;
1747                     sip2->to = sip->to;
1748                     sip2->strand = sip->strand;
1749                     sip2->if_to = sip->if_to;
1750                     sip2->id = SeqIdDup(target);
1751                     slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
1752                     slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
1753                     slp->data.ptrvalue = sip2;
1755                     sip->if_to = NULL;
1756                     sip->to = from - 1;
1758                     if (sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus)
1759                     {
1760                         head->data.ptrvalue = slp;
1761                         slp->next = tmp;
1762                     }
1763                     else
1764                     {
1765                         head->data.ptrvalue = tmp;
1766                         tmp->next = slp;
1767                     }
1769                 }
1771             }
1772             break;
1773         case SEQLOC_PNT:    /* pnt */
1774             spp = (SeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
1775             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(spp->id, target))
1776             {
1777                 if ((spp->point >= from) && (spp->point <= to))
1778                 {
1779                     head = SeqLocFree(head);
1780                     *changed = TRUE;
1781                 }
1782                 else if (spp->point > to)
1783                 {
1784                     if (merge)
1785                         spp->point -= diff;
1786                 }
1787             }
1788             break;
1789         case SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT:    /* packed pnt */
1790             pspp = (PackSeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
1791             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(pspp->id, target))
1792             {
1793                 numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp);
1794                 pspp2 = PackSeqPntNew();
1795                 head->data.ptrvalue = pspp2;
1796                 for (i = 0; i < numpnt; i++)
1797                 {
1798                     tpos = PackSeqPntGet(pspp, i);
1799                     if (tpos < from)
1800                         PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos);
1801                     else
1802                     {
1803                         if (tpos > to)
1804                         {
1805                             if (merge)
1806                                 tpos -= diff;
1807                             PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos);
1808                         }
1809                         else
1810                             *changed = TRUE;
1811                     }
1812                 }
1813                 pspp2->id = pspp->id;
1814                 pspp->id = NULL;
1815                 pspp2->fuzz = pspp->fuzz;
1816                 pspp->fuzz = NULL;
1817                 pspp2->strand = pspp->strand;
1818                 PackSeqPntFree(pspp);
1819                 numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp2);
1820                 if (! numpnt)
1821                     head = SeqLocFree(head);
1823             }
1824             break;
1825         default:
1826             break;
1827     }
1829     return head;
1830 }
SeqLocDelete(SeqLocPtr head,SeqIdPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed)1832 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocDelete (SeqLocPtr head, SeqIdPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed)
1834 {
1835   return SeqLocDeleteEx (head, target, from, to, merge, changed, NULL, NULL);
1836 }
1838 typedef struct delstruct {
1839     SeqIdPtr sip;
1840     Int4 from, to;
1841     Boolean merge;
1842 } DelStruct, PNTR DelStructPtr;
1844 NLM_EXTERN void DelFeat (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent);
DelFeat(SeqEntryPtr sep,Pointer data,Int4 index,Int2 indent)1846 NLM_EXTERN void DelFeat (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent)
1847 {
1848     DelStructPtr dsp;
1849     BioseqPtr bsp;
1850     BioseqSetPtr bssp;
1851     SeqAnnotPtr sap, nextsap;
1852     SeqFeatPtr sfp, nextsfp;
1853     Pointer PNTR prevsap, PNTR prevsfp;
1855     dsp = (DelStructPtr)data;
1856     if (IS_Bioseq(sep))
1857     {
1858         bsp = (BioseqPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
1859         sap = bsp->annot;
1860         prevsap = (Pointer PNTR) &(bsp->annot);
1861     }
1862     else
1863     {
1864         bssp = (BioseqSetPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
1865         sap = bssp->annot;
1866         prevsap = (Pointer PNTR) &(bssp->annot);
1867     }
1869     while (sap != NULL)
1870     {
1871         nextsap = sap->next;
1872         if (sap->type == 1)   /* feature table */
1873         {
1874             sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) sap->data;
1875             prevsfp = (Pointer PNTR) &(sap->data);
1876             while (sfp != NULL)
1877             {
1878                 nextsfp = sfp->next;
1879                 if (SeqFeatDelete(sfp, dsp->sip, dsp->from, dsp->to, dsp->merge) == 2)
1880                 {
1881                     /* location completely gone */
1882                     *(prevsfp) = sfp->next;
1883                     sfp->next = NULL;
1884                     SeqFeatFree(sfp);
1885                 } else {
1886                     prevsfp = (Pointer PNTR) &(sfp->next);
1887                 }
1888                 sfp = nextsfp;
1889             }
1890         }
1892         if (sap->data == NULL)  /* all features deleted */
1893         {
1894             *(prevsap) = sap->next;
1895             sap->next = NULL;
1896             SeqAnnotFree (sap);
1897         } else {
1898             prevsap = (Pointer PNTR) &(sap->next);
1899         }
1901         sap = nextsap;
1902     }
1904     return;
1905 }
MarkDelFeat(SeqEntryPtr sep,Pointer data,Int4 index,Int2 indent)1908 static void MarkDelFeat (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent)
1909 {
1910     DelStructPtr dsp;
1911     BioseqPtr bsp;
1912     BioseqSetPtr bssp;
1913     SeqAnnotPtr sap;
1914     SeqFeatPtr sfp;
1916     dsp = (DelStructPtr)data;
1917     if (IS_Bioseq(sep))
1918     {
1919         bsp = (BioseqPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
1920         sap = bsp->annot;
1921     }
1922     else
1923     {
1924         bssp = (BioseqSetPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
1925         sap = bssp->annot;
1926     }
1928     while (sap != NULL)
1929     {
1930         if (sap->type == 1)   /* feature table */
1931         {
1932             sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) sap->data;
1933             while (sfp != NULL)
1934             {
1935                 if (SeqFeatDelete(sfp, dsp->sip, dsp->from, dsp->to, dsp->merge) == 2)
1936                 {
1937                     /* location completely gone */
1938                     sfp->idx.deleteme = TRUE;
1939                 }
1940                 sfp = sfp->next;
1941             }
1942         }
1944         sap = sap->next;
1945     }
1946 }
1949 /*****************************************************************************
1950 *
1951 *   SeqEntryDelFeat(sep, id, from, to, do_split)
1952 *       Deletes or truncates features on Bioseq (id) in the range
1953 *       from-to, inclusive
1954 *
1955 *        Moves features > to left to account for decrease in length
1956 *       if do_split, breaks intervals across the deletion
1957 *       else just reduces their size
1958 *
1959 *       If sep == NULL, then calls SeqEntryFind(id) to set scope to look
1960 *       for features.
1961 *
1962 *****************************************************************************/
SeqEntryDelFeatEx(SeqEntryPtr sep,SeqIdPtr sip,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean do_split,Boolean mark_deleted_feat)1963 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqEntryDelFeatEx (SeqEntryPtr sep, SeqIdPtr sip, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean do_split, Boolean mark_deleted_feat)
1964 {
1966     DelStruct ds;
1968     if (sip == NULL)
1969         return FALSE;
1971     if (sep == NULL)
1972         sep    = SeqEntryFind(sip);
1974     if (sep == NULL) return FALSE;
1976     ds.sip = sip;
1977     ds.from = from;
1978     ds.to = to;
1979     if (do_split)
1980         ds.merge = FALSE;
1981     else
1982         ds.merge = TRUE;
1984     if (mark_deleted_feat) {
1985       SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer)(&ds), MarkDelFeat);
1986     } else {
1987       SeqEntryExplore(sep, (Pointer)(&ds), DelFeat);
1988     }
1990     return TRUE;
1991 }
SeqEntryDelFeat(SeqEntryPtr sep,SeqIdPtr sip,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean do_split)1994 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqEntryDelFeat (SeqEntryPtr sep, SeqIdPtr sip, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean do_split)
1995 {
1996   return SeqEntryDelFeatEx (sep, sip, from, to, do_split, FALSE);
1997 }
2000 /*****************************************************************************
2001 *
2002 *   DescrToFeatures(sep)
2003 *       Moves all Seqdescr to features in sep where possible
2004 *
2005 *****************************************************************************/
CopyDeltaSeqPtrChain(DeltaSeqPtr dsp)2007 static DeltaSeqPtr CopyDeltaSeqPtrChain (DeltaSeqPtr dsp)
2008 {
2009   DeltaSeqPtr new_chain = NULL;
2010   SeqLocPtr   slp_orig, slp_new;
2011   SeqLitPtr   slip_orig, slip_new;
2013   while (dsp != NULL) {
2014     if (dsp->choice == 1) {
2015       slp_orig = (SeqLocPtr) dsp->data.ptrvalue;
2016       slp_new = AsnIoMemCopy (slp_orig, (AsnReadFunc) SeqLocAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc) SeqLocAsnWrite);
2017       ValNodeAddPointer (&new_chain, 1, slp_new);
2018     }
2019     else if (dsp->choice ==2)
2020     {
2021       slip_orig = (SeqLitPtr) dsp->data.ptrvalue;
2022       slip_new = AsnIoMemCopy(slip_orig, (AsnReadFunc) SeqLitAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc) SeqLitAsnWrite);
2023       ValNodeAddPointer (&new_chain, 2, slip_new);
2024     }
2025     dsp = dsp->next;
2026   }
2028   return new_chain;
2029 }
2031 /*****************************************************************************
2032 *
2033 *   BioseqCopy(newid, sourceid, from, to, strand, do_feat)
2034 *      Creates a new Bioseq from sourceid in the range from-to inclusive.
2035 *      If strand==Seq_strand_minus, reverse complements the sequence in
2036 *        the copy and (if do_feat) corrects the feature table appropriately.
2037 *      Names new Bioseq as newid, if not NULL
2038 *        else Creates seqid.local = "Clipboard" if newid is NULL
2039 *      If do_feat == TRUE copies appropriate region of feature table from
2040 *        sourceid to new copy using SeqFeatsCopy().
2041 *
2042 *****************************************************************************/
BioseqCopyEx(SeqIdPtr newid,BioseqPtr oldbsp,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand,Boolean do_feat)2043 NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqCopyEx (SeqIdPtr newid, BioseqPtr oldbsp, Int4 from, Int4 to,
2044                                Uint1 strand, Boolean do_feat)
2045 {
2046     BioseqPtr newbsp=NULL, tmpbsp;
2047     SeqPortPtr spp=NULL;
2048     ByteStorePtr bsp;
2049     Uint1 seqtype;
2050     ValNodePtr tmp;
2051     ObjectIdPtr oid;
2052     Int4 len, i;
2053     Int2 residue;
2054     ValNode fake;
2055     SeqLocPtr the_segs, head, curr;
2056     Boolean handled = FALSE, split;
2057     SeqFeatPtr sfp, newsfp, lastsfp;
2058     DeltaSeqPtr dsp;
2059     SeqEntryPtr oldscope;
2062     if ((oldbsp == NULL) || (from < 0)) return FALSE;
2064     len = to - from + 1;
2065     if (len <= 0) return NULL;
2067     newbsp = BioseqNew();
2068     if (newid != NULL)
2069         newbsp->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
2070     else
2071     {
2072         tmp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2073         tmp->choice = SEQID_LOCAL;
2074         oid = ObjectIdNew();
2075         tmp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)oid;
2076         oid->str = StringSave("Clipboard");
2077         tmpbsp = BioseqFind(tmp);   /* old clipboard present? */
2078         if (tmpbsp == NULL) {
2079             oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
2080             if (oldscope != NULL) {
2081                 tmpbsp = BioseqFind(tmp);
2082                 SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
2083             }
2084         }
2085         if (tmpbsp != NULL)
2086             BioseqFree(tmpbsp);
2087         newbsp->id = tmp;
2088     }
2090     newbsp->repr = oldbsp->repr;
2091     newbsp->mol = oldbsp->mol;
2092     newbsp->length = len;
2093     newbsp->seq_ext_type = oldbsp->seq_ext_type;
2095     if (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_virtual)
2096         handled = TRUE;               /* no more to do */
2098     if (((newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw) ||
2099         (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_const)) && newbsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
2100     {
2101         if (ISA_aa(newbsp->mol))
2102         {
2103             seqtype = Seq_code_ncbieaa;
2104         }
2105         else
2106         {
2107             seqtype = Seq_code_iupacna;
2108         }
2109         newbsp->seq_data_type = seqtype;
2110         bsp = BSNew(len);
2111         if (bsp == NULL) goto erret;
2113         newbsp->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) bsp;
2114         spp = SeqPortNew(oldbsp, from, to, strand, seqtype);
2115         if (spp == NULL) goto erret;
2117         for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
2118         {
2119             residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp);
2120             if (! IS_residue(residue)) goto erret;
2121             BSPutByte(bsp, residue);
2122         }
2124         SeqPortFree(spp);
2125         handled = TRUE;
2126     }
2128     if ((newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg) ||
2129         (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_ref) ||
2130         (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_delta))
2131     {
2132         if (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)  /* segmented */
2133         {
2134             fake.choice = SEQLOC_MIX;   /* make SEQUENCE OF Seq-loc, into one */
2135             fake.data.ptrvalue = oldbsp->seq_ext;
2136             fake.next = NULL;
2137             the_segs = (SeqLocPtr)&fake;
2138             head = SeqLocCopyPart (the_segs, from, to, strand, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
2139         }
2140         else if (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_ref)  /* reference: is a Seq-loc */
2141         {
2142             head = SeqLocCopyPart ((SeqLocPtr)(oldbsp->seq_ext), from, to,
2143                                      strand, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
2144         }
2145         else if (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_delta)
2146         {
2147             dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr)(oldbsp->seq_ext);  /* real data is here */
2149             head = CopyDeltaSeqPtrChain (dsp);
2150         }
2152         newbsp->seq_ext = (Pointer)head;
2153         handled = TRUE;
2154     }
2156     if (newbsp->repr == Seq_repr_map)
2157     {
2158         lastsfp = NULL;
2159         for (sfp = (SeqFeatPtr)(oldbsp->seq_ext); sfp != NULL; sfp = sfp->next)
2160         {
2161             split = FALSE;
2162             curr = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, sfp->location, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2163             if (curr != NULL)   /* got one */
2164             {
2165                 newsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
2166                 SeqLocFree(newsfp->location);
2167                 newsfp->location = curr;
2168                 if (split)
2169                     newsfp->partial = TRUE;
2170                 if (lastsfp == NULL)  /* first one */
2171                     newbsp->seq_ext = (Pointer)newsfp;
2172                 else
2173                     lastsfp->next = newsfp;
2174                 lastsfp = newsfp;
2175             }
2176         }
2177         handled = TRUE;
2178     }
2181     if (! handled) goto erret;
2183                    /* get descriptors */
2184                    /* get features */
2186     if (do_feat)
2187         SeqFeatsCopy (newbsp, oldbsp, from, to, strand);
2189     return newbsp;
2191 erret:
2192     BioseqFree(newbsp);
2193     SeqPortFree(spp);
2194     return NULL;
2195 }
BioseqCopy(SeqIdPtr newid,SeqIdPtr sourceid,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand,Boolean do_feat)2197 NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqCopy (SeqIdPtr newid, SeqIdPtr sourceid, Int4 from, Int4 to,
2198                                Uint1 strand, Boolean do_feat)
2199 {
2200     BioseqPtr oldbsp;
2201     SeqEntryPtr oldscope;
2203     if ((sourceid == NULL) || (from < 0)) return FALSE;
2205     oldbsp = BioseqFind(sourceid);
2206     if (oldbsp == NULL) {
2207         oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
2208         if (oldscope != NULL) {
2209             oldbsp = BioseqFind(sourceid);
2210             SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
2211         }
2212     }
2213     if (oldbsp == NULL) return NULL;
2215     return BioseqCopyEx (newid, oldbsp, from, to, strand, do_feat);
2216 }
2218 /*****************************************************************************
2219 *
2220 *    SeqLocCopyPart (the_segs, from, to, strand, group, first_segp, last_segp)
2221 *      cuts out from the_segs the part from offset from to offset to
2222 *      reverse complements resulting seqloc if strand == Seq_strand_minus
2223 *      if (group) puts resulting intervals into a new Seq-loc (of type
2224 *        PACKED_INT if no SEQLOC_NULL, else SEQLOC_MIX).
2225 *      Currently this always makes intervals or nulls. Is really for segmented and
2226 *        reference sequence extensions
2227 *      If first_segp and last_segp are not NULL, then they are filled in with the
2228 *        ordinal number of the source segments that remain in the copy, based
2229 *        on SeqLocFindNext, where 1 is the first one. Thus if the third and
2230 *        fourth segments were copied, first is 3 and last is 4. If the
2231 *        location was reverse complemented, first is 4 and last is 3.
2232 *
2233 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocCopyPart(SeqLocPtr the_segs,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand,Boolean group,Int2Ptr first_segp,Int2Ptr last_segp)2234 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocCopyPart (SeqLocPtr the_segs, Int4 from, Int4 to, Uint1 strand,
2235                     Boolean group, Int2Ptr first_segp, Int2Ptr last_segp)
2236 {
2237     SeqLocPtr currseg, newhead, head, prev, curr, last;
2238     Int2 numloc, first_seg = 0, last_seg = 0, seg_ctr = 0;
2239     Int4 oldpos, tlen, tfrom, tto, tstart, tstop, xfrom, xto;
2240     Uint1 tstrand;
2241     SeqIdPtr tid;
2242         SeqIntPtr sip;
2243     Boolean done, started, wasa_null, hada_null;
2244     BioseqPtr bsp;
2246     if (the_segs == NULL) return NULL;
2247     if ((from < 0) || (to < 0)) return NULL;
2249    currseg = NULL;
2250    oldpos = 0;       /* position in old sequence */
2251    done = FALSE;
2252    started = FALSE;
2253    head = NULL;
2254    prev = NULL;
2255    numloc = 0;
2256    wasa_null = FALSE;
2257    hada_null = FALSE;
2258    while ((oldpos <= to) && ((currseg = SeqLocFindNext(the_segs, currseg)) != NULL))
2259    {
2260         seg_ctr++;
2261            tlen = SeqLocLen(currseg);
2262            tid = SeqLocId(currseg);
2263            if (tlen < 0) {
2264                bsp = BioseqLockById (tid);  /* only necessary for locations of type WHOLE */
2265                tlen = SeqLocLen (currseg);
2266                BioseqUnlock (bsp);
2267            }
2268            tstrand = SeqLocStrand(currseg);
2269            tfrom = SeqLocStart(currseg);
2270            tto = SeqLocStop(currseg);
2272            if (! started)
2273            {
2274             wasa_null = FALSE;
2275                if (((oldpos + tlen - 1) >= from) &&
2276                    (currseg->choice != SEQLOC_NULL))
2277                {
2278                    tstart = from - oldpos;
2279                    started = TRUE;
2280                 first_seg = seg_ctr;
2281                }
2282                else
2283                    tstart = -1;
2284            }
2285            else
2286         {
2287             if (currseg->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
2288             {
2289                 wasa_null = TRUE;
2290                 tstart = -1;  /* skip it till later */
2291             }
2292             else
2293                 tstart = 0;
2294         }
2296            if (tstart >= 0)   /* have a start */
2297            {
2298                if ((oldpos + tlen - 1) >= to)
2299                {
2300                    done = TRUE;   /* hit the end */
2301                    tstop = ((oldpos + tlen - 1) - to);
2302                }
2303                else
2304                    tstop = 0;
2306                if (tstrand == Seq_strand_minus)
2307                {
2308                    xfrom = tfrom + tstop;
2309                    xto = tto - tstart;
2310                }
2311                else
2312                {
2313                    xfrom = tfrom + tstart;
2314                    xto = tto - tstop;
2315                }
2317                sip = SeqIntNew();
2318                sip->id = SeqIdDup(tid);
2319                sip->strand = tstrand;
2320                sip->from = xfrom;
2321                sip->to = xto;
2322             if (wasa_null)  /* previous SEQLOC_NULL */
2323             {
2324                 curr = ValNodeAddInt(&head, SEQLOC_NULL, 0);
2325                 numloc++;
2326                 wasa_null = FALSE;
2327                 hada_null = TRUE;
2328             }
2329                curr = ValNodeAddPointer(&head, SEQLOC_INT, (Pointer)sip);
2330                numloc++;
2331             last_seg = seg_ctr;
2332            }
2334            oldpos += tlen;
2335    }
2337    if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)  /* reverse order and complement */
2338    {
2339            newhead = NULL;
2340            last = NULL;
2341            while (head != NULL)
2342            {
2343                prev = NULL;
2344                for (curr = head; curr->next != NULL; curr = curr->next)
2345                    prev = curr;
2346                if (prev != NULL)
2347                    prev->next = NULL;
2348                else
2349                    head = NULL;
2351                if (newhead == NULL)
2352                    newhead = curr;
2353                else
2354                    last->next = curr;
2355                last = curr;
2356             if (curr->choice == SEQLOC_INT)
2357             {
2358                 sip = (SeqIntPtr)(curr->data.ptrvalue);
2359                 sip->strand = StrandCmp(sip->strand);
2360             }
2361            }
2363            head = newhead;
2364         seg_ctr = last_seg;
2365         last_seg = first_seg;
2366         first_seg = seg_ctr;
2367    }
2369    if ((numloc) && (group))
2370    {
2371            curr = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2372         if (hada_null)
2373             curr->choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
2374         else
2375             curr->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
2376            curr->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)head;
2377            head = curr;
2378    }
2380    if (first_segp != NULL)
2381      *first_segp = first_seg;
2382    if (last_segp != NULL)
2383      *last_segp = last_seg;
2385    return head;
2386 }
2388 /*****************************************************************************
2389 *
2390 *   SeqFeatCopy(new, old, from, to, strand)
2391 *
2392 *****************************************************************************/
IndexedSeqFeatsCopy(BioseqPtr newbsp,BioseqPtr oldbsp,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand)2393 static Int2 LIBCALL IndexedSeqFeatsCopy (BioseqPtr newbsp, BioseqPtr oldbsp, Int4 from, Int4 to, Uint1 strand)
2395 {
2396     Int2 ctr=0;
2397     SeqFeatPtr sfp, last=NULL, newsfp;
2398     SeqInt si;
2399     ValNode vn;
2400     ValNodePtr region;
2401     SeqLocPtr newloc;
2402     Boolean split = FALSE;
2403     SeqAnnotPtr sap = NULL, saptmp;
2404     CdRegionPtr crp;
2405     CodeBreakPtr cbp, prevcbp, nextcbp;
2406     RnaRefPtr rrp;
2407     tRNAPtr trp;
2408     SeqMgrFeatContext fcontext;
2410     region = &vn;
2411     vn.choice = SEQLOC_INT;
2412     vn.data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(&si);
2413     si.from = from;
2414     si.to = to;
2415     si.id = oldbsp->id;
2416     si.if_from = NULL;
2417     si.if_to = NULL;
2419     sfp = NULL;
2420     while ((sfp = SeqMgrGetNextFeature (oldbsp, sfp, 0, 0, &fcontext)) != NULL)
2421     {
2422         /* can exit once past rightmost limit */
2423         if (fcontext.left > to) return ctr;
2425         if (fcontext.right >= from && fcontext.left <= to) {
2427             split = FALSE;
2428             newloc = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, sfp->location, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2429             if (newloc != NULL)   /* got one */
2430             {
2431                 newsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
2432                 SeqLocFree(newsfp->location);
2433                 newsfp->location = newloc;
2434                 if (split)
2435                     newsfp->partial = TRUE;
2436                 if (last == NULL)  /* first one */
2437                 {
2438                     sap = SeqAnnotNew();
2439                     if (newbsp->annot == NULL)
2440                         newbsp->annot = sap;
2441                     else
2442                     {
2443                         for (saptmp = newbsp->annot; saptmp->next != NULL; saptmp = saptmp->next)
2444                             continue;
2445                         saptmp->next = sap;
2446                     }
2447                     sap->type = 1;   /* feature table */
2448                     sap->data = (Pointer)newsfp;
2449                 }
2450                 else
2451                     last->next = newsfp;
2452                 last = newsfp;
2454                 switch (newsfp->data.choice)
2455                 {
2456                     case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
2457                         crp = (CdRegionPtr)(newsfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
2458                         prevcbp = NULL;
2459                         for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
2460                         {
2461                             nextcbp = cbp->next;
2462                             cbp->loc = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, cbp->loc, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2463                             if (cbp->loc == NULL)
2464                             {
2465                                 if (prevcbp != NULL)
2466                                     prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
2467                                 else
2468                                     crp->code_break = nextcbp;
2469                                 cbp->next = NULL;
2470                                 CodeBreakFree(cbp);
2471                             }
2472                             else
2473                                 prevcbp = cbp;
2474                         }
2475                         break;
2476                     case SEQFEAT_RNA:
2477                         rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(newsfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
2478                         if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
2479                         {
2480                             trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
2481                             if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
2482                             {
2483                                 trp->anticodon = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, trp->anticodon, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2484                             }
2485                         }
2486                         break;
2487                     default:
2488                         break;
2489                 }
2490             }
2491         }
2493     }
2494     return ctr;
2495 }
SeqFeatsCopy(BioseqPtr newbsp,BioseqPtr oldbsp,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand)2497 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL SeqFeatsCopy (BioseqPtr newbsp, BioseqPtr oldbsp, Int4 from, Int4 to, Uint1 strand)
2498 {
2499     Int2 ctr=0;
2500     BioseqContextPtr bcp = NULL;
2501     SeqFeatPtr sfp, last=NULL, newsfp;
2502     SeqInt si;
2503     ValNode vn;
2504     ValNodePtr region;
2505     SeqLocPtr newloc;
2506     Boolean split = FALSE;
2507     SeqAnnotPtr sap = NULL, saptmp;
2508     CdRegionPtr crp;
2509     CodeBreakPtr cbp, prevcbp, nextcbp;
2510     RnaRefPtr rrp;
2511     tRNAPtr trp;
2512     Uint2 entityID;
2514     if (oldbsp == NULL) return ctr;
2516     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (oldbsp);
2517     if (entityID > 0 && SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed (entityID)) {
2518         /* indexed version should be much faster */
2519         return IndexedSeqFeatsCopy (newbsp, oldbsp, from, to, strand);
2520     }
2522     bcp = BioseqContextNew(oldbsp);
2523     if (bcp == NULL) return ctr;
2525     region = &vn;
2526     vn.choice = SEQLOC_INT;
2527     vn.data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(&si);
2528     si.from = from;
2529     si.to = to;
2530     si.id = oldbsp->id;
2531     si.if_from = NULL;
2532     si.if_to = NULL;
2534     sfp = NULL;
2535     while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 0)) != NULL)
2536     {
2537         split = FALSE;
2538         newloc = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, sfp->location, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2539         if (newloc != NULL)   /* got one */
2540         {
2541             newsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
2542             SeqLocFree(newsfp->location);
2543             newsfp->location = newloc;
2544             if (split)
2545                 newsfp->partial = TRUE;
2546             if (last == NULL)  /* first one */
2547             {
2548                 sap = SeqAnnotNew();
2549                 if (newbsp->annot == NULL)
2550                     newbsp->annot = sap;
2551                 else
2552                 {
2553                     for (saptmp = newbsp->annot; saptmp->next != NULL; saptmp = saptmp->next)
2554                         continue;
2555                     saptmp->next = sap;
2556                 }
2557                 sap->type = 1;   /* feature table */
2558                 sap->data = (Pointer)newsfp;
2559             }
2560             else
2561                 last->next = newsfp;
2562             last = newsfp;
2564             switch (newsfp->data.choice)
2565             {
2566                 case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
2567                     crp = (CdRegionPtr)(newsfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
2568                     prevcbp = NULL;
2569                     for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
2570                     {
2571                         nextcbp = cbp->next;
2572                         cbp->loc = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, cbp->loc, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2573                         if (cbp->loc == NULL)
2574                         {
2575                             if (prevcbp != NULL)
2576                                 prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
2577                             else
2578                                 crp->code_break = nextcbp;
2579                             cbp->next = NULL;
2580                             CodeBreakFree(cbp);
2581                         }
2582                         else
2583                             prevcbp = cbp;
2584                     }
2585                     break;
2586                 case SEQFEAT_RNA:
2587                     rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(newsfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
2588                     if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
2589                     {
2590                         trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
2591                         if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
2592                         {
2593                             trp->anticodon = SeqLocCopyRegion(newbsp->id, trp->anticodon, oldbsp, from, to, strand, &split);
2594                         }
2595                     }
2596                     break;
2597                 default:
2598                     break;
2599             }
2600         }
2602     }
2603     BioseqContextFree (bcp);
2604     return ctr;
2605 }
SeqLocCopyRegion(SeqIdPtr newid,SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr oldbsp,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand,BoolPtr split)2608 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocCopyRegion(SeqIdPtr newid, SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr oldbsp,
2609     Int4 from, Int4 to, Uint1 strand, BoolPtr split)
2610 {
2611     SeqLocPtr newhead = NULL, tmp, slp, prev, next, thead;
2612     SeqIntPtr sip, sip2;
2613     SeqPntPtr spp, spp2;
2614     PackSeqPntPtr pspp, pspp2;
2615     SeqBondPtr sbp, sbp2;
2616     SeqIdPtr sidp, oldids;
2617     Int4 numpnt, i, tpos, len, intcnt, othercnt;
2618     Boolean dropped_one;
2619     IntFuzzPtr ifp;
2620     ValNode vn;
2622     if ((head == NULL) || (oldbsp == NULL)) return NULL;
2624     oldids = oldbsp->id;
2625     len = to - from + 1;
2626     switch (head->choice)
2627     {
2628         case SEQLOC_BOND:   /* bond -- 2 seqs */
2629             sbp2 = NULL;
2630             sbp = (SeqBondPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
2631             vn.choice = SEQLOC_PNT;
2632             vn.data.ptrvalue = sbp->a;
2633             vn.next = NULL;
2634             tmp = SeqLocCopyRegion(newid, (SeqLocPtr)(&vn), oldbsp, from, to, strand, split);
2635             if (tmp != NULL)
2636             {
2637                  sbp2 = SeqBondNew();
2638                 sbp2->a = (SeqPntPtr)(tmp->data.ptrvalue);
2639                 MemFree(tmp);
2640             }
2641             if (sbp->b != NULL)
2642             {
2643                 vn.data.ptrvalue = sbp->b;
2644                 tmp = SeqLocCopyRegion(newid, (SeqLocPtr)(&vn), oldbsp, from, to, strand, split);
2645                 if (tmp != NULL)
2646                 {
2647                     if (sbp2 == NULL)
2648                     {
2649                          sbp2 = SeqBondNew();
2650                         sbp2->a = (SeqPntPtr)(tmp->data.ptrvalue);
2651                     }
2652                     else
2653                         sbp2->b = (SeqPntPtr)(tmp->data.ptrvalue);
2654                     MemFree(tmp);
2655                 }
2656             }
2657             if (sbp2 != NULL)
2658             {
2659                 newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2660                 newhead->choice = SEQLOC_BOND;
2661                 newhead->data.ptrvalue = sbp2;
2662                 if ((sbp->b != NULL) && (sbp2->b == NULL))
2663                     *split = TRUE;
2664             }
2665             break;
2666         case SEQLOC_FEAT:   /* feat -- can't track yet */
2667         case SEQLOC_NULL:    /* NULL */
2668         case SEQLOC_EMPTY:    /* empty */
2669             break;
2670         case SEQLOC_WHOLE:    /* whole */
2671             sidp = (SeqIdPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
2672             if (SeqIdIn(sidp, oldids))
2673             {
2674                 if ((from != 0) || (to != (oldbsp->length - 1)))
2675                 {
2676                     *split = TRUE;
2677                 }
2678                 newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2679                 sip2 = SeqIntNew();
2680                 sip2->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
2681                 sip2->from = 0;
2682                 sip2->to = to - from;
2683                 newhead->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
2684                 newhead->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip2;
2685                 if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)
2686                 {
2687                   sip2->strand = Seq_strand_minus;
2688                 }
2689                 else if (sip2->strand == Seq_strand_minus)
2690                 {
2691                   sip2->strand = strand;
2692                 }
2693             }
2694             break;
2695         case SEQLOC_EQUIV:    /* does it stay equiv? */
2696         case SEQLOC_MIX:    /* mix -- more than one seq */
2697         case SEQLOC_PACKED_INT:    /* packed int */
2698             prev = NULL;
2699             thead = NULL;
2700             dropped_one = FALSE;
2701             for (slp = (SeqLocPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue); slp != NULL; slp = next)
2702             {
2703                 next = slp->next;
2704                 tmp = SeqLocCopyRegion(newid, slp, oldbsp, from, to, strand, split);
2705                 if (tmp != NULL)
2706                 {
2707                     if (prev != NULL)
2708                     {
2709                         if ((prev->choice == SEQLOC_INT) && (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_INT))
2710                         {
2711                             sip = (SeqIntPtr)(prev->data.ptrvalue);
2712                             sip2 = (SeqIntPtr)(tmp->data.ptrvalue);
2714                             if ((sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus) &&
2715                                 (sip2->strand == Seq_strand_minus))
2716                             {
2717                                 if (sip->from == (sip2->to + 1))
2718                                 {
2719                                     sip->from = sip2->from;
2720                                     sip->if_from = sip2->if_from;
2721                                     sip2->if_from = NULL;
2722                                     tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
2723                                 }
2724                             }
2725                             else if((sip->strand != Seq_strand_minus) &&
2726                                 (sip2->strand != Seq_strand_minus))
2727                             {
2728                                 if (sip->to == (sip2->from - 1))
2729                                 {
2730                                     sip->to = sip2->to;
2731                                     sip->if_to = sip2->if_to;
2732                                     sip2->if_to = NULL;
2733                                     tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
2734                                 }
2735                             }
2736                         }
2737                         else if ((prev->choice == SEQLOC_NULL) && (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL))
2738                         {
2739                             tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
2740                             dropped_one = TRUE;
2741                         }
2742                     }
2743                     else if (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
2744                     {
2745                         tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
2746                         dropped_one = TRUE;
2747                     }
2749                     if (tmp != NULL)   /* still have one? */
2750                     {
2751                         if (prev != NULL)
2752                             prev->next = tmp;
2753                         else
2754                             thead = tmp;
2755                         prev = tmp;
2756                     }
2757                     else
2758                         dropped_one = TRUE;
2759                 }
2760                 else
2761                     dropped_one = TRUE;
2762             }
2763             if (prev != NULL)
2764             {
2765                 if (prev->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)  /* ends with NULL */
2766                 {
2767                     prev = NULL;
2768                     for (slp = thead; slp->next != NULL; slp = slp->next)
2769                         prev = slp;
2770                     if (prev != NULL)
2771                     {
2772                         prev->next = NULL;
2773                         SeqLocFree(slp);
2774                     }
2775                     else
2776                     {
2777                         thead = SeqLocFree(thead);
2778                     }
2779                     dropped_one = TRUE;
2780                 }
2781             }
2782             if (thead != NULL)
2783             {
2784                 if (dropped_one)
2785                     *split = TRUE;
2786                 intcnt = 0;
2787                 othercnt = 0;
2788                 for (slp = thead; slp != NULL; slp = slp->next)
2789                 {
2790                     if (slp->choice == SEQLOC_INT)
2791                         intcnt++;
2792                     else
2793                         othercnt++;
2794                 }
2795                 if ((intcnt + othercnt) > 1)
2796                 {
2797                     newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2798                     if (head->choice == SEQLOC_EQUIV)
2799                         newhead->choice = SEQLOC_EQUIV;
2800                     else
2801                     {
2802                         if (othercnt == 0)
2803                             newhead->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
2804                         else
2805                             newhead->choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
2806                     }
2808                     newhead->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)thead;
2809                 }
2810                 else                 /* only one SeqLoc left */
2811                     newhead = thead;
2813             }
2814             break;
2815         case SEQLOC_INT:    /* int */
2816             sip = (SeqIntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
2817             if (SeqIdIn(sip->id, oldids))
2818             {
2819                 if (sip->to < from)  /* completely before cut */
2820                     break;
2821                 if (sip->from > to)  /* completely after cut */
2822                     break;
2824                 sip2 = SeqIntNew();
2825                 sip2->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
2826                 sip2->strand = sip->strand;
2828                 if (sip->to > to)
2829                 {
2830                     sip2->to = to;
2831                     *split = TRUE;
2832                     ifp = IntFuzzNew();
2833                     ifp->choice = 4;   /* lim */
2834                     ifp->a = 1;        /* greater than */
2835                     sip2->if_to = ifp;
2836                 }
2837                 else
2838                 {
2839                     sip2->to = sip->to;
2840                     if (sip->if_to != NULL)
2841                     {
2842                         ifp = IntFuzzNew();
2843                         MemCopy((Pointer)ifp, (Pointer)(sip->if_to), sizeof(IntFuzz));
2844                         sip2->if_to = ifp;
2845                     }
2846                 }
2848                 if (sip->from < from)
2849                 {
2850                     sip2->from = from;
2851                     *split = TRUE;
2852                     ifp = IntFuzzNew();
2853                     ifp->choice = 4;   /* lim */
2854                     ifp->a = 2;        /* less than */
2855                     sip2->if_from = ifp;
2856                 }
2857                 else
2858                 {
2859                     sip2->from = sip->from;
2860                     if (sip->if_from != NULL)
2861                     {
2862                         ifp = IntFuzzNew();
2863                         MemCopy((Pointer)ifp, (Pointer)(sip->if_from), sizeof(IntFuzz));
2864                         sip2->if_from = ifp;
2865                     }
2866                 }
2867                                       /* set to region coordinates */
2868                 sip2->from -= from;
2869                 sip2->to -= from;
2870                 IntFuzzClip(sip2->if_from, from, to, strand, split);
2871                 IntFuzzClip(sip2->if_to, from, to, strand, split);
2873                 if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)  /* rev comp */
2874                 {
2875                     sip2->strand = StrandCmp(sip2->strand);
2876                     tpos = len - sip2->from - 1;
2877                     sip2->from = len - sip2->to - 1;
2878                     sip2->to = tpos;
2879                           /* IntFuzz already complemented by IntFuzzClip */
2880                           /* just switch order */
2881                     ifp = sip2->if_from;
2882                     sip2->if_from = sip2->if_to;
2883                     sip2->if_to = ifp;
2884                 }
2886                 newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2887                 newhead->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
2888                 newhead->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip2;
2889             }
2890             break;
2891         case SEQLOC_PNT:    /* pnt */
2892             spp = (SeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
2893             if (SeqIdIn(spp->id, oldids))
2894             {
2895                 if ((spp->point >= from) && (spp->point <= to))
2896                 {
2897                     spp2 = SeqPntNew();
2898                     spp2->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
2899                     spp2->point = spp->point - from;
2900                     spp2->strand = spp->strand;
2901                     if (spp->fuzz != NULL)
2902                     {
2903                         ifp = IntFuzzNew();
2904                         spp2->fuzz = ifp;
2905                         MemCopy((Pointer)ifp, (Pointer)spp->fuzz, sizeof(IntFuzz));
2906                         IntFuzzClip(ifp, from, to, strand, split);
2907                     }
2908                     if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)
2909                     {
2910                         spp2->point = len - spp2->point - 1;
2911                         spp2->strand = StrandCmp(spp->strand);
2912                     }
2913                     else if (spp2->strand == Seq_strand_minus)
2914                     {
2915                       spp2->strand = strand;
2916                     }
2917                     newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2918                     newhead->choice = SEQLOC_PNT;
2919                     newhead->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)spp2;
2920                 }
2921             }
2922             break;
2923         case SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT:    /* packed pnt */
2924             pspp = (PackSeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
2925             if (SeqIdIn(pspp->id, oldids))
2926             {
2927                 numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp);
2928                 pspp2 = PackSeqPntNew();
2929                 pspp2->strand = pspp->strand;
2930                 intcnt = 0;         /* use for included points */
2931                 othercnt = 0;     /* use for exclued points */
2932                 for (i = 0; i < numpnt; i++)
2933                 {
2934                     tpos = PackSeqPntGet(pspp, i);
2935                     if ((tpos < from) || (tpos > to))
2936                     {
2937                         othercnt++;
2938                     }
2939                     else
2940                     {
2941                         intcnt++;
2942                         PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos - from);
2943                     }
2944                 }
2945                 if (! intcnt)  /* no points in region */
2946                 {
2947                     PackSeqPntFree(pspp2);
2948                     break;
2949                 }
2950                 if (othercnt)
2951                     *split = TRUE;
2952                 if (pspp->fuzz != NULL)
2953                 {
2954                     ifp = IntFuzzNew();
2955                     MemCopy((Pointer)ifp, (Pointer)(pspp->fuzz), sizeof(IntFuzz));
2956                 }
2957                 else
2958                     ifp = NULL;
2960                 if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)  /* rev comp */
2961                 {
2962                     IntFuzzClip(ifp, from, to, strand, split);
2963                     pspp = pspp2;
2964                     pspp2 = PackSeqPntNew();
2965                     pspp2->strand = StrandCmp(pspp->strand);
2966                     numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp);
2967                     numpnt--;
2968                     for (i = numpnt; i >= 0; i--)     /* reverse order */
2969                     {
2970                         tpos = PackSeqPntGet(pspp, i);
2971                         PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, (len - tpos - 1));
2972                     }
2973                     PackSeqPntFree(pspp);
2974                 }
2975                 else if (pspp2->strand == Seq_strand_minus)
2976                 {
2977                     pspp2->strand = strand;
2978                 }
2979                 pspp2->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
2980                 pspp2->fuzz = ifp;
2982                 newhead = ValNodeNew(NULL);
2983                 newhead->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT;
2984                 newhead->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)pspp2;
2986             }
2987             break;
2988         default:
2989             break;
2991     }
2992     return newhead;
2993 }
2995 /*****************************************************************************
2996 *
2997 *   IntFuzzClip()
2998 *       returns TRUE if clipped range values
2999 *       in all cases, adjusts and/or complements IntFuzz
3000 *       Designed for IntFuzz on SeqLocs
3001 *
3002 *****************************************************************************/
IntFuzzClip(IntFuzzPtr ifp,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand,BoolPtr split)3003 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL IntFuzzClip(IntFuzzPtr ifp, Int4 from, Int4 to, Uint1 strand, BoolPtr split)
3004 {
3005     Int4 len, tmp;
3007     if (ifp == NULL) return;
3008     len = to - from + 1;
3009     switch (ifp->choice)
3010     {
3011         case 1:      /* plus/minus - no changes */
3012         case 3:      /* percent - no changes */
3013             break;
3014         case 2:      /* range */
3015             if (ifp->a > to)     /* max */
3016             {
3017                 *split = TRUE;
3018                 ifp->a = to;
3019             }
3020             if (ifp->a < from)
3021             {
3022                 *split = TRUE;
3023                 ifp->a = from;
3024             }
3025             if (ifp->b > to)     /* min */
3026             {
3027                 *split = TRUE;
3028                 ifp->b = to;
3029             }
3030             if (ifp->b < from)
3031             {
3032                 *split = TRUE;
3033                 ifp->b = from;
3034             }
3035             ifp->a -= from;     /* adjust to window */
3036             ifp->b -= to;
3037             if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)
3038             {
3039                 tmp = len - ifp->a;   /* reverse/complement */
3040                 ifp->a = len - ifp->b;
3041                 ifp->b = tmp;
3042             }
3043             break;
3044         case 4:     /* lim */
3045             if (strand == Seq_strand_minus)  /* reverse/complement */
3046             {
3047                 switch (ifp->a)
3048                 {
3049                     case 1:    /* greater than */
3050                         ifp->a = 2;
3051                         break;
3052                     case 2:    /* less than */
3053                         ifp->a = 1;
3054                         break;
3055                     case 3:    /* to right of residue */
3056                         ifp->a = 4;
3057                         break;
3058                     case 4:    /* to left of residue */
3059                         ifp->a = 3;
3060                         break;
3061                     default:
3062                         break;
3063                 }
3064             }
3065             break;
3066     }
3067     return;
3068 }
3070 extern void
AdjustFeaturesForInsertion(BioseqPtr tobsp,SeqIdPtr to_id,Int4 pos,Int4 len,Boolean do_split)3071 AdjustFeaturesForInsertion
3072 (BioseqPtr tobsp,
3073  SeqIdPtr  to_id,
3074  Int4 pos,
3075  Int4 len,
3076  Boolean do_split)
3077 {
3078   Uint2             entityID;
3079   SeqFeatPtr        sfp;
3080   CdRegionPtr       crp;
3081   CodeBreakPtr      cbp, prevcbp, nextcbp;
3082   RnaRefPtr         rrp;
3083   tRNAPtr           trp;
3084     SeqMgrFeatContext fcontext;
3085     ValNodePtr        prods, vnp;
3086     BioseqContextPtr  bcp;
3087   Boolean           partial5, partial3, changed;
3089   if (tobsp == NULL || to_id == NULL)
3090   {
3091     return;
3092   }
3094     entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (tobsp);
3095     if (entityID > 0 && SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed (entityID)) {
3096     sfp = NULL;
3097         while ((sfp = SeqMgrGetNextFeature (tobsp, sfp, 0, 0, &fcontext)) != NULL)
3098         {
3099       if (len > 0) {
3100               sfp->location = SeqLocInsert (sfp->location, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3101       } else {
3102         changed = FALSE;
3103         partial5 = FALSE;
3104         partial3 = FALSE;
3105         sfp->location = SeqEdSeqLocDelete (sfp->location, tobsp, pos, pos - len - 1, FALSE, &changed, &partial5, &partial3);
3106         if (changed) {
3107           if (sfp->location == NULL) {
3108             sfp->idx.deleteme = TRUE;
3109           }
3110           SetSeqLocPartial (sfp->location, partial5, partial3);
3111           sfp->partial |= partial5 || partial3;
3112         }
3113       }
3114             switch (sfp->data.choice)
3115             {
3116                 case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
3117                     crp = (CdRegionPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
3118                   prevcbp = NULL;
3119                   for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
3120                     {
3121                         nextcbp = cbp->next;
3122             if (len > 0) {
3123                           cbp->loc = SeqLocInsert (cbp->loc, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3124             } else {
3125               changed = FALSE;
3126               partial5 = FALSE;
3127               partial3 = FALSE;
3128               cbp->loc = SeqEdSeqLocDelete (cbp->loc, tobsp, pos, pos - len + 1, FALSE, &changed, &partial5, &partial3);
3129               if (changed) {
3130                 SetSeqLocPartial (cbp->loc, partial5, partial3);
3131               }
3132             }
3133                         if (cbp->loc == NULL)
3134                         {
3135                             if (prevcbp != NULL)
3136                                 prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
3137                             else
3138                                 crp->code_break = nextcbp;
3139                             cbp->next = NULL;
3140                             CodeBreakFree (cbp);
3141                         }
3142                         else
3143                             prevcbp = cbp;
3144                     }
3145                     break;
3146                 case SEQFEAT_RNA:
3147                     rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
3148                     if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
3149                     {
3150                         trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
3151                         if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
3152                         {
3153               if (len > 0) {
3154                               trp->anticodon = SeqLocInsert (trp->anticodon, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3155               } else {
3156                 changed = FALSE;
3157                 partial5 = FALSE;
3158                 partial3 = FALSE;
3159                 trp->anticodon = SeqEdSeqLocDelete (trp->anticodon, tobsp, pos, pos - len + 1, FALSE, &changed, &partial5, &partial3);
3160                 if (changed) {
3161                   SetSeqLocPartial (trp->anticodon, partial5, partial3);
3162                 }
3163               }
3164                         }
3165                     }
3166                     break;
3167                 default:
3168                     break;
3169             }
3170         }
3172         /* adjust features pointing by product */
3173         prods = SeqMgrGetSfpProductList (tobsp);
3174         for (vnp = prods; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
3175             sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
3176             if (sfp == NULL) continue;
3177             sfp->product = SeqLocInsert (sfp->product, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3178         }
3180     } else {
3181         bcp = BioseqContextNew(tobsp);
3182         sfp = NULL;
3183       /* adjust features pointing by location */
3184         while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 0)) != NULL)
3185         {
3186             sfp->location = SeqLocInsert(sfp->location, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3187             switch (sfp->data.choice)
3188             {
3189                 case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
3190                     crp = (CdRegionPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
3191                     prevcbp = NULL;
3192                     for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
3193                     {
3194                         nextcbp = cbp->next;
3195                         cbp->loc = SeqLocInsert(cbp->loc, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3196                         if (cbp->loc == NULL)
3197                         {
3198                             if (prevcbp != NULL)
3199                                 prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
3200                             else
3201                                 crp->code_break = nextcbp;
3202                             cbp->next = NULL;
3203                             CodeBreakFree(cbp);
3204                         }
3205                         else
3206                             prevcbp = cbp;
3207                     }
3208                     break;
3209                 case SEQFEAT_RNA:
3210                     rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
3211                     if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
3212                     {
3213                         trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
3214                         if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
3215                         {
3216                             trp->anticodon = SeqLocInsert(trp->anticodon, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3217                         }
3218                     }
3219                     break;
3220                 default:
3221                     break;
3222             }
3223         }
3225         sfp = NULL;
3226       /* adjust features pointing by product */
3227         while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 1)) != NULL)
3228             sfp->product = SeqLocInsert(sfp->product, to_id,pos, len, do_split, NULL);
3229         BioseqContextFree(bcp);
3230     }
3231 }
3233 /*****************************************************************************
3234 *
3235 * BioseqInsert (from_id, from, to, strand, to_id, pos, from_feat, to_feat,
3236 *                                                                  do_split)
3237 *       Inserts a copy the region "from"-"to" on "strand" of the Bioseq
3238 *          identified by "from_id" into the Bioseq identified by "to_id"
3239 *          before "pos".
3240 *       if from_feat = TRUE, copies the feature table from "from" and updates
3241 *          to locations to point to the proper residues in "to_id"
3242 *       If to_feat = TRUE, updates feature table on "to_id" as well.
3243 *          if do_split == TRUE, then splits features in "to_id" (to_feat must
3244 *             be TRUE as well). Otherwise expands features at insertion.
3245 *
3246 *       All operations are copies. "frombsp" is unchanged.
3247 *       Insert will only occur between certain Bioseq.repr classes as below
3248 *
3249 *   From Bioseq.repr                      To Bioseq.repr
3250 *
3251 *                          virtual       raw      segmented        map
3252 *                       +---------------------------------------------------
3253 *             virtual   |   length        inst      SeqLoc         length
3254 *                       +---------------------------------------------------
3255 *                 raw   |   error        copy      SeqLoc         error
3256 *                       +---------------------------------------------------
3257 *           segmented   |   error        inst      SeqLoc*        error
3258 *                       +---------------------------------------------------
3259 *                 map   |   error        inst*     SeqLoc         copy
3260 *                       +---------------------------------------------------
3261 *
3262 *   length = changes length of "to" by length of "from"
3263 *   error  = insertion not allowed
3264 *   inst   = "from" instantiated as residues ("N" or "X" for virtual "from")
3265 *   inst*  = as above, but a restriction map can instantiate other bases
3266 *            than "N" for known restriction recognition sites.
3267 *   copy   = copy of "from" inserted into "to"
3268 *   SeqLoc = a SeqLoc added to "to" which points to "from". No copy of residues.
3269 *   SeqLoc* = as above, but note that "to" points to "from" directly, not
3270 *             what "from" itself may point to.
3271 *
3272 *****************************************************************************/
BioseqInsert(SeqIdPtr from_id,Int4 from,Int4 to,Uint1 strand,SeqIdPtr to_id,Int4 pos,Boolean from_feat,Boolean to_feat,Boolean do_split)3273 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BioseqInsert (SeqIdPtr from_id, Int4 from, Int4 to, Uint1 strand, SeqIdPtr to_id, Int4 pos,
3274             Boolean from_feat, Boolean to_feat, Boolean do_split)
3275 {
3276     BioseqPtr tobsp, frombsp;
3277     Int4 len, i, ctr, tlen;
3278     Boolean from_type, to_type;
3279     Uint1 seqtype;
3280     SeqAnnotPtr sap, newsap;
3281     SeqFeatPtr sfp, newsfp, prevsfp, sfphead = NULL;
3282     BioseqContextPtr bcp;
3283     Boolean handled = FALSE;
3284     SeqPortPtr spp;
3285     Int2 residue;
3286     Boolean split, added = FALSE, do_bsadd = TRUE;
3287     SeqLocPtr newloc, curr, head, tloc, xloc, yloc, fake;
3288     SeqIntPtr sip;
3289     CdRegionPtr crp;
3290     CodeBreakPtr cbp, prevcbp, nextcbp;
3291     RnaRefPtr rrp;
3292     tRNAPtr trp;
3293     SeqEntryPtr oldscope;
3295     if ((from_id == NULL) || (to_id == NULL)) return FALSE;
3297     tobsp = BioseqFind(to_id);
3298     if (tobsp == NULL) {
3299         oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
3300         if (oldscope != NULL) {
3301             tobsp = BioseqFind(to_id);
3302             SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
3303         }
3304     }
3305     if (tobsp == NULL) return FALSE;
3307     len = BioseqGetLen(tobsp);
3309     if (pos == LAST_RESIDUE)
3310         pos = len - 1;
3311     else if (pos == APPEND_RESIDUE) {
3312         pos = len;
3313     }
3315     if ((pos < 0) || (pos > len)) return FALSE;
3317     frombsp = BioseqFind(from_id);
3318     if (frombsp == NULL) {
3319         oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
3320         if (oldscope != NULL) {
3321             frombsp = BioseqFind(from_id);
3322             SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
3323         }
3324     }
3325     if (frombsp == NULL) return FALSE;
3327     from_type = ISA_na(frombsp->mol);
3328     to_type = ISA_na(tobsp->mol);
3330     if (from_type != to_type) return FALSE;
3332     len = BioseqGetLen(frombsp);
3333     if (to == LAST_RESIDUE)
3334         to = len - 1;
3336     if ((from < 0) || (to >= len)) return FALSE;
3338     len = to - from + 1;
3340     if (tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_virtual)
3341     {
3342         if (frombsp->repr != Seq_repr_virtual)
3343             return FALSE;
3345         handled = TRUE;                    /* just length and features */
3346     }
3348      if (((tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw) || (tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_const)) && tobsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
3349     {
3350         if (ISA_na(tobsp->mol))
3351         {
3352             seqtype = Seq_code_iupacna;
3353         }
3354         else
3355         {
3356             seqtype = Seq_code_ncbieaa;
3357         }
3359         if (tobsp->seq_data_type != seqtype)
3360             BioseqRawConvert(tobsp, seqtype);
3361         BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) tobsp->seq_data, pos, SEEK_SET);
3362         if (do_bsadd) {
3363             Nlm_BSAdd((ByteStorePtr) tobsp->seq_data, len, FALSE);
3364         }
3366         i = 0;
3368         spp = SeqPortNew(frombsp, from, to, strand, seqtype);
3369         while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF)
3370         {
3371             if (! IS_residue(residue))
3372             {
3373                 ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "Non-residue in BioseqInsert [%d]",
3374                     (int)residue);
3375             }
3376             else
3377             {
3378                 BSPutByte((ByteStorePtr) tobsp->seq_data, residue);
3379                 i++;
3380             }
3381         }
3382         SeqPortFree(spp);
3384         if (i != len)
3385         {
3386             ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "Tried to insert %ld residues but %ld went in",
3387                 len, i);
3388             return FALSE;
3389         }
3391         handled = TRUE;
3392     }
3394     if ((tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg) || (tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_ref))
3395     {
3396         sip = SeqIntNew();
3397         sip->id = SeqIdDup(from_id);
3398         sip->from = from;
3399         sip->to = to;
3400         sip->strand = strand;
3401         tloc = ValNodeNew(NULL);
3402         tloc->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
3403         tloc->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip;
3404         head = NULL;
3405         if (tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
3406         {
3407             fake = ValNodeNew(NULL);
3408             fake->choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
3409             fake->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(tobsp->seq_ext);
3410         }
3411         else
3412             fake = (SeqLocPtr)(tobsp->seq_ext);
3413         curr = NULL;
3414         ctr = 0;
3415         while ((curr = SeqLocFindNext(fake, curr)) != NULL)
3416         {
3417             if ((! added) && (ctr == pos))
3418             {
3419                 newloc = SeqLocAdd(&head, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
3420                 added = TRUE;
3421             }
3422             tlen = SeqLocLen(curr);
3423             if ((! added) && ((ctr + tlen) > pos))  /* split interval */
3424             {
3425                 yloc = NULL;
3426                 xloc = SeqLocAdd(&yloc, curr, TRUE, TRUE);
3427                 i = (pos - ctr) + SeqLocStart(curr);
3428                 newloc = SeqLocInsert(xloc, SeqLocId(xloc), i, 0, TRUE, NULL);
3429                 xloc = newloc;
3430                 yloc = newloc->next;
3431                 SeqLocAdd(&head, xloc, TRUE, TRUE);
3432                 SeqLocAdd(&head, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
3433                 SeqLocAdd(&head, yloc, TRUE, TRUE);
3434                 SeqLocFree(xloc);
3435                 SeqLocFree(yloc);
3436                 added = TRUE;
3437             }
3438             else
3439                 newloc = SeqLocAdd(&head, curr, TRUE, TRUE);
3440             ctr += tlen;
3441         }
3442         if ((! added) && (ctr == pos))
3443         {
3444             newloc = SeqLocAdd(&head, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
3445             added = TRUE;
3446         }
3447         SeqLocFree(tloc);
3448         SeqLocFree(fake);
3449         if (tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
3450         {
3451             tobsp->seq_ext = (Pointer)head;
3452         }
3453         else
3454         {
3455             tobsp->seq_ext = SeqLocPackage(head);
3456         }
3457         handled = TRUE;
3458     }
3460     if (tobsp->repr == Seq_repr_map)
3461     {
3462         if (! ((frombsp->repr == Seq_repr_map) || (frombsp->repr == Seq_repr_virtual)))
3463             return FALSE;
3465         prevsfp = NULL;
3466         for (sfp = (SeqFeatPtr)(tobsp->seq_ext); sfp != NULL; sfp = sfp->next)
3467         {
3468             sfp->location = SeqLocInsert(sfp->location, to_id, pos, len, TRUE, NULL);
3469             prevsfp = sfp;
3470         }
3472         if (frombsp->repr == Seq_repr_map)
3473         {
3474             for (sfp = (SeqFeatPtr)(frombsp->seq_ext); sfp != NULL; sfp = sfp->next)
3475             {
3476                 split = FALSE;
3477                 newloc = SeqLocCopyRegion(to_id, sfp->location, frombsp, from, to, strand, &split);
3478                 if (newloc != NULL)   /* got one */
3479                 {
3480                     newsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
3481                     SeqLocFree(newsfp->location);
3482                     newsfp->location = newloc;
3483                     if (split)
3484                         newsfp->partial = TRUE;
3486                     if (prevsfp == NULL)
3487                         tobsp->seq_ext = (Pointer)newsfp;
3488                     else
3489                         prevsfp->next = newsfp;
3490                     prevsfp = newsfp;
3492                     newsfp->location = SeqLocInsert(newsfp->location, to_id, 0,
3493                                                           pos, TRUE, to_id);
3494                 }
3495             }
3496         }
3497         handled = TRUE;
3498     }
3500     if (! handled) return FALSE;
3502     tobsp->length += len;
3504     if (to_feat)             /* fix up sourceid Bioseq feature table(s) */
3505     {
3506     AdjustFeaturesForInsertion (tobsp, to_id, pos, len, do_split);
3507     }
3509     if (from_feat)                /* add source Bioseq features to sourceid */
3510     {
3511         bcp = BioseqContextNew(frombsp);
3512         sfp = NULL;                    /* NOTE: should make NEW feature table */
3513         prevsfp = NULL;
3514                                 /* is there an old feature table to use? */
3515         for (newsap = tobsp->annot; newsap != NULL; newsap = newsap->next)
3516         {
3517             if (newsap->type == 1)  /* feature table */
3518                 break;
3519         }
3520         if (newsap != NULL)
3521         {                            /* create a new one if necessary */
3522             for (prevsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)(newsap->data); prevsfp != NULL;
3523                                                         prevsfp = prevsfp->next)
3524             {
3525                 if (prevsfp->next == NULL)
3526                     break;
3527             }
3528         }
3529                                              /* get features by location */
3530         while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 0)) != NULL)
3531         {                                    /* copy all old features */
3532             split = FALSE;
3533             newloc = SeqLocCopyRegion(to_id, sfp->location, frombsp, from, to, strand, &split);
3534             if (newloc != NULL)   /* got one */
3535             {
3536                 newsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
3537                 SeqLocFree(newsfp->location);
3538                 newsfp->location = newloc;
3540                 if (split)
3541                     newsfp->partial = TRUE;
3543                 if (prevsfp == NULL)
3544                     sfphead = newsfp;
3545                 else
3546                     prevsfp->next = newsfp;
3547                 prevsfp = newsfp;
3549                 newsfp->location = SeqLocInsert(newsfp->location, to_id, 0,
3550                                                           pos, TRUE, to_id);
3551                 switch (newsfp->data.choice)
3552                 {
3553                     case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
3554                         crp = (CdRegionPtr)(newsfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
3555                         prevcbp = NULL;
3556                         for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
3557                         {
3558                             nextcbp = cbp->next;
3559                             cbp->loc = SeqLocCopyRegion(to_id, cbp->loc, frombsp, from, to, strand, &split);
3560                             if (cbp->loc == NULL)
3561                             {
3562                                 if (prevcbp != NULL)
3563                                     prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
3564                                 else
3565                                     crp->code_break = nextcbp;
3566                                 cbp->next = NULL;
3567                                 CodeBreakFree(cbp);
3568                             }
3569                             else
3570                             {
3571                                 cbp->loc = SeqLocInsert(cbp->loc, to_id, 0,
3572                                                           pos, TRUE, to_id);
3573                                 prevcbp = cbp;
3574                             }
3575                         }
3576                         break;
3577                     case SEQFEAT_RNA:
3578                         rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(newsfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
3579                         if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
3580                         {
3581                             trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
3582                             if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
3583                             {
3584                                 trp->anticodon = SeqLocCopyRegion(to_id, trp->anticodon, frombsp, from, to, strand, &split);
3585                                 trp->anticodon = SeqLocInsert(trp->anticodon, to_id, 0,
3586                                                           pos, TRUE, to_id);
3587                             }
3588                         }
3589                         break;
3590                     default:
3591                         break;
3592                 }
3593             }
3594         }
3596         sfp = NULL;
3597                                 /* get features by product */
3598         while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 1)) != NULL)
3599         {                                    /* copy all old features */
3600             split = FALSE;
3601             newloc = SeqLocCopyRegion(to_id, sfp->product, frombsp, from, to, strand, &split);
3602             if (newloc != NULL)   /* got one */
3603             {
3604                 newsfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
3605                 SeqLocFree(newsfp->product);
3606                 newsfp->product = newloc;
3607                 if (split)
3608                     newsfp->partial = TRUE;
3610                 if (prevsfp == NULL)
3611                     sfphead = newsfp;
3612                 else
3613                     prevsfp->next = newsfp;
3614                 prevsfp = newsfp;
3616                 newsfp->product = SeqLocInsert(newsfp->product, to_id, 0, pos,
3617                                                                 TRUE, to_id);
3618             }
3619         }
3620         BioseqContextFree(bcp);
3623         if (sfphead != NULL)    /* orphan chain of seqfeats to attach */
3624         {
3625             if (newsap == NULL)
3626             {
3627                 for (sap = tobsp->annot; sap != NULL; sap = sap->next)
3628                 {
3629                     if (sap->next == NULL)
3630                         break;
3631                 }
3632                 newsap = SeqAnnotNew();
3633                 newsap->type = 1;
3634                 if (sap == NULL)
3635                     tobsp->annot = newsap;
3636                 else
3637                     sap->next = newsap;
3638             }
3640             newsap->data = (Pointer)sfphead;
3641         }
3642     }
3644     return TRUE;
3645 }
3647 /*****************************************************************************
3648 *
3649 *   SeqLocInsert()
3650 *       alters "head" by insert "len" residues before "pos" in any SeqLoc
3651 *         on the Bioseq "target"
3652 *       all SeqLocs not on "target" are unaltered
3653 *       for SeqLocs on "target"
3654 *          all SeqLocs before "pos" are unaltered
3655 *          all SeqLocs >= "pos" are incremented by "len"
3656 *          all SeqLocs spanning "pos"
3657 *             if "split" == TRUE, are split into two SeqLocs, one to the
3658 *               left of the insertion, the other to right
3659 *             if "split" != TRUE, the SeqLoc is increased in length to cover
3660 *               the insertion
3661 *       returns altered head or NULL if nothing left.
3662 *       if ("newid" != NULL) replaces "target" with "newid" whether the
3663 *          SeqLoc is altered on not.
3664 *
3665 *       Usage hints:
3666 *          1) To update a feature location on "target" when 10 residues of
3667 *               sequence have been inserted before position 5
3668 *          SeqFeatPtr->location = SeqLocInsert ( SeqFeatPtr->location ,
3669 *                "target", 5, 10, TRUE, NULL);  [for some feature types
3670 *                      you may want "split" equal FALSE]
3671 *          2) To insert the complete feature table from "source" into a
3672 *                different Bioseq "dest" before position 20 in "dest"
3673 *          SFP->location = SeqLocInsert(SFP->location, "source", 0, 20,
3674 *                FALSE, "dest");
3675 *
3676 *
3677 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocInsert(SeqLocPtr head,SeqIdPtr target,Int4 pos,Int4 len,Boolean split,SeqIdPtr newid)3678 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocInsert (SeqLocPtr head, SeqIdPtr target, Int4 pos, Int4 len,
3679                                                Boolean split, SeqIdPtr newid)
3680 {
3681     SeqIntPtr sip, sip2;
3682     SeqPntPtr spp;
3683     PackSeqPntPtr pspp, pspp2;
3684     SeqBondPtr sbp;
3685     SeqLocPtr slp, tmp, prev, next, thead, tmp2;
3686     Int4 diff, numpnt, i, tpos;
3687     Uint1 oldchoice;
3688     ValNode vn;
3689     SeqIdPtr sidp;
3691     if ((head == NULL) || (target == NULL))
3692         return head;
3694     head->next = NULL;   /* caller maintains chains */
3696     diff = len;
3698     switch (head->choice)
3699     {
3700         case SEQLOC_BOND:   /* bond -- 2 seqs */
3701             vn.next = NULL;
3702             vn.choice = SEQLOC_PNT;
3704             sbp = (SeqBondPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
3705             vn.data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(sbp->a);
3706             SeqLocInsert(&vn, target, pos, len, split, newid);
3707             sbp->a = (SeqPntPtr)(vn.data.ptrvalue);
3708             if (sbp->b != NULL)
3709             {
3710                 vn.data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(sbp->b);
3711                 SeqLocInsert(&vn, target, pos, len, split, newid);
3712                 sbp->b = (SeqPntPtr)(vn.data.ptrvalue);
3713             }
3714             break;
3715         case SEQLOC_FEAT:   /* feat -- can't track yet */
3716         case SEQLOC_NULL:    /* NULL */
3717             break;
3718         case SEQLOC_EMPTY:    /* empty */
3719         case SEQLOC_WHOLE:    /* whole */
3720             if (newid != NULL)
3721             {
3722                 sidp = (SeqIdPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
3723                 if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sidp, target))
3724                 {
3725                     SeqIdFree(sidp);
3726                     sidp = SeqIdDup(newid);
3727                     head->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sidp;
3728                 }
3729             }
3730             break;
3731         case SEQLOC_MIX:    /* mix -- more than one seq */
3732         case SEQLOC_EQUIV:    /* equiv -- ditto */
3733         case SEQLOC_PACKED_INT:    /* packed int */
3734             prev = NULL;
3735             thead = NULL;
3736             for (slp = (SeqLocPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue); slp != NULL; slp = next)
3737             {
3738                 next = slp->next;
3739                 oldchoice = slp->choice;
3740                 tmp = SeqLocInsert(slp, target, pos, len, split, newid);
3741                 if (tmp != NULL)
3742                 {
3743                     if ((head->choice != SEQLOC_EQUIV) &&
3744                         (oldchoice != tmp->choice))  /* split interval? */
3745                     {
3746                         if ((oldchoice == SEQLOC_INT) &&
3747                             (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_PACKED_INT))
3748                         {
3749                             tmp2 = tmp;
3750                             tmp = (SeqLocPtr)(tmp2->data.ptrvalue);
3751                             MemFree(tmp2);
3752                             while (tmp->next != NULL)
3753                             {
3754                                 if (prev != NULL)
3755                                     prev->next = tmp;
3756                                 else
3757                                     thead = tmp;
3758                                 prev = tmp;
3759                                 tmp = tmp->next;
3760                             }
3761                         }
3762                     }
3763                     if (prev != NULL)
3764                         prev->next = tmp;
3765                     else
3766                         thead = tmp;
3767                     prev = tmp;
3768                 }
3769             }
3770             head->data.ptrvalue = thead;
3771             if (thead == NULL)
3772                 head = SeqLocFree(head);
3773             break;
3774         case SEQLOC_INT:    /* int */
3775             sip = (SeqIntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
3776             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sip->id, target))
3777             {
3778                 if (newid != NULL)   /* change id? */
3779                 {
3780                     SeqIdFree(sip->id);
3781                     sip->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
3782                 }
3784                 if (sip->to < pos)  /* completely before insertion */
3785                 {
3786                     break;
3787                 }
3789                 if ((! split) || (sip->from >= pos))  /* interval unbroken */
3790                 {
3791                     if (sip->from >= pos)
3792                         sip->from += len;
3793                     sip->to += len;
3794                     break;
3795                 }
3797                                                   /* split interval */
3798                 sip2 = SeqIntNew();
3799                 slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
3800                 slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
3801                 slp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip2;
3802                 sip2->strand = sip->strand;
3803                 sip2->id = SeqIdDup(sip->id);
3805                 sip2->to = sip->to + len;
3806                 sip2->from = pos + len;
3807                 sip2->if_to = sip->if_to;
3808                 sip->if_to = NULL;
3809                 sip->to = pos - 1;
3810                 head->next = slp;
3812                 if (sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus)  /* reverse order */
3813                 {
3814                     head->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip2;
3815                     slp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip;
3816                 }
3818                 thead = head;   /* make split interval into PACKED_INT */
3819                 head = ValNodeNew(NULL);
3820                 head->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
3821                 head->data.ptrvalue = thead;
3823             }
3824             break;
3825         case SEQLOC_PNT:    /* pnt */
3826             spp = (SeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
3827             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(spp->id, target))
3828             {
3829                 if (newid != NULL)   /* change id? */
3830                 {
3831                     SeqIdFree(spp->id);
3832                     spp->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
3833                 }
3835                 if (spp->point >= pos)
3836                     spp->point += len;
3837             }
3838             break;
3839         case SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT:    /* packed pnt */
3840             pspp = (PackSeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
3841             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(pspp->id, target))
3842             {
3843                 if (newid != NULL)   /* change id? */
3844                 {
3845                     SeqIdFree(pspp->id);
3846                     pspp->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
3847                 }
3849                 numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp);
3850                 pspp2 = PackSeqPntNew();
3851                 head->data.ptrvalue = pspp2;
3852                 for (i = 0; i < numpnt; i++)
3853                 {
3854                     tpos = PackSeqPntGet(pspp, i);
3855                     if (tpos >= pos)
3856                         tpos += len;
3857                     PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos);
3858                 }
3859                 pspp2->id = pspp->id;
3860                 pspp->id = NULL;
3861                 pspp2->fuzz = pspp->fuzz;
3862                 pspp->fuzz = NULL;
3863                 pspp2->strand = pspp->strand;
3864                 PackSeqPntFree(pspp);
3865             }
3866             break;
3867         default:
3868             break;
3869     }
3871     if (head == NULL)
3872         ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "SeqLocInsert: lost a SeqLoc");
3874     return head;
3875 }
3877 /*****************************************************************************
3878 *
3879 *   SeqLocSubtract (SeqLocPtr head, SeqLocPtr piece)
3880 *       Deletes piece from head.
3881 *       head may be changed.
3882 *       returns the changed head.
3883 *
3884 *****************************************************************************/
SeqLocSubtract(SeqLocPtr head,SeqLocPtr piece)3885 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqLocSubtract (SeqLocPtr head, SeqLocPtr piece)
3886 {
3887     SeqLocPtr slp = NULL;
3888     SeqIdPtr sip;
3889     Int4 from, to;
3890     Boolean changed = FALSE;
3892     if ((head == NULL) || (piece == NULL))
3893         return NULL;
3895     while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext(piece, slp)) != NULL)
3896     {
3897         sip = SeqLocId(slp);
3898         from = SeqLocStart(slp);
3899         to = SeqLocStop(slp);
3900         head = SeqLocDelete(head, sip, from, to, FALSE, &changed);
3901     }
3903     return head;
3904 }
3906 /********************************************************************
3907 *
3908 * SeqLocReplaceID
3909 *   replaces the Seq-Id in a Seq-Loc (slp) with a new Seq-Id (new_sip)
3910 *
3911 **********************************************************************/
SeqLocReplaceID(SeqLocPtr slp,SeqIdPtr new_sip)3912 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr SeqLocReplaceID (SeqLocPtr slp, SeqIdPtr new_sip)
3913 {
3914   SeqLocPtr        curr;
3915   PackSeqPntPtr    pspp;
3916   SeqIntPtr        target_sit;
3917   SeqBondPtr       sbp;
3918   SeqPntPtr        spp;
3920   switch (slp->choice) {
3921      case SEQLOC_PACKED_INT :
3922      case SEQLOC_MIX :
3923      case SEQLOC_EQUIV :
3924         curr = NULL;
3925         while ((curr = SeqLocFindNext (slp, curr)) != NULL) {
3926            curr = SeqLocReplaceID (curr, new_sip);
3927         }
3928         break;
3929      case SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT :
3930         pspp = (PackSeqPntPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue;
3931         if (pspp != NULL) {
3932           SeqIdFree (pspp->id);
3933           pspp->id = SeqIdDup (new_sip);
3934         }
3935         break;
3936      case SEQLOC_EMPTY :
3937      case SEQLOC_WHOLE :
3938         SeqIdFree ((SeqIdPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue);
3939         slp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer) SeqIdDup (new_sip);
3940         break;
3941      case SEQLOC_INT :
3942         target_sit = (SeqIntPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue;
3943         SeqIdFree (target_sit->id);
3944         target_sit->id = SeqIdDup (new_sip);
3945         break;
3946      case SEQLOC_PNT :
3947         spp = (SeqPntPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue;
3948         SeqIdFree(spp->id);
3949         spp->id = SeqIdDup(new_sip);
3950         break;
3951      case SEQLOC_BOND :
3952         sbp = (SeqBondPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue;
3953         if (sbp == NULL || sbp->a == NULL || sbp->b == NULL) break;
3954         /* only do this if both ends bonded to same Seq-id */
3955         if (SeqIdMatch (sbp->a->id, sbp->b->id)) {
3956           spp = sbp->a;
3957           SeqIdFree(spp->id);
3958           spp->id = SeqIdDup(new_sip);
3959           spp = sbp->b;
3960           SeqIdFree(spp->id);
3961           spp->id = SeqIdDup(new_sip);
3962         }
3963         break;
3964      default :
3965         break;
3966   }
3967   return slp;
3968 }
3970 /**********************************************************
3971  *
3972  *   NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL GapToSeqLoc(range):
3973  *
3974  *      Gets the size of gap and constructs SeqLoc block with
3975  *   $(seqlitdbtag) value as Dbtag.db and Dbtag.tag.id = 0.
3976  *
3977  **********************************************************/
GapToSeqLoc(Int4 range)3978 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL GapToSeqLoc(Int4 range)
3979 {
3980     SeqLocPtr slp;
3981     SeqIntPtr sip;
3982     SeqIdPtr  sidp;
3983     DbtagPtr  dp;
3985     if(range < 0)
3986         return(NULL);
3988     slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
3989     if(range == 0)
3990     {
3991         slp->choice = SEQLOC_NULL;
3992         slp->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
3993         slp->next = NULL;
3994         return(slp);
3995     }
3997     dp = DbtagNew();
3998     dp->db = StringSave(seqlitdbtag);
3999     dp->tag = ObjectIdNew();
4000     dp->tag->id = 0;
4001     dp->tag->str = NULL;
4003     sidp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4004     sidp->choice = SEQID_GENERAL;
4005     sidp->data.ptrvalue = dp;
4007     sip = SeqIntNew();
4008     sip->from = 0;
4009     sip->to = range - 1;
4010     sip->id = sidp;
4012     slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4013     slp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
4015     return(slp);
4016 }
4018 /**********************************************************
4019  *
4020  *   NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL GapToSeqLocEx(range, unknown):
4021  *
4022  *      Gets the size of gap and constructs SeqLoc block with
4023  *   $(seqlitdbtag) value as Dbtag.db and Dbtag.tag.id = 0.
4024  *
4025  **********************************************************/
GapToSeqLocEx(Int4 range,Boolean unknown)4026 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL GapToSeqLocEx(Int4 range, Boolean unknown)
4027 {
4028     SeqLocPtr slp;
4029     SeqIntPtr sip;
4030     SeqIdPtr  sidp;
4031     DbtagPtr  dp;
4033     if(range < 0)
4034         return(NULL);
4036     slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4037     if(range == 0)
4038     {
4039         slp->choice = SEQLOC_NULL;
4040         slp->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
4041         slp->next = NULL;
4042         return(slp);
4043     }
4045     dp = DbtagNew();
4046     if(unknown == FALSE)
4047         dp->db = StringSave(seqlitdbtag);
4048     else
4049         dp->db = StringSave(unkseqlitdbtag);
4050     dp->tag = ObjectIdNew();
4051     dp->tag->id = 0;
4052     dp->tag->str = NULL;
4054     sidp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4055     sidp->choice = SEQID_GENERAL;
4056     sidp->data.ptrvalue = dp;
4058     sip = SeqIntNew();
4059     sip->from = 0;
4060     sip->to = range - 1;
4061     sip->id = sidp;
4063     slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4064     slp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
4066     return(slp);
4067 }
4069 /**********************************************************
4070  *
4071  *   NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ISAGappedSeqLoc(slp):
4072  *
4073  *      Looks at a single SeqLoc item. If it has the SeqId
4074  *   of type GENERAL with Dbtag.db == $(seqlitdbtag) and
4075  *   Dbtag.tag.id == 0, then returns TRUE, otherwise
4076  *   returns FALSE.
4077  *
4078  **********************************************************/
ISAGappedSeqLoc(SeqLocPtr slp)4079 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL ISAGappedSeqLoc(SeqLocPtr slp)
4080 {
4081     SeqIdPtr sip;
4082     DbtagPtr dp;
4084     if(slp == NULL)
4085         return(FALSE);
4087     sip = SeqLocId(slp);
4088     if(sip == NULL || sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL)
4089         return(FALSE);
4091     dp = (DbtagPtr) sip->data.ptrvalue;
4092     if(dp == NULL || dp->db == NULL || dp->tag == NULL)
4093         return(FALSE);
4095     if((StringCmp(seqlitdbtag, dp->db) == 0 ||
4096         StringCmp(unkseqlitdbtag, dp->db) == 0) && dp->tag->id == 0)
4097         return(TRUE);
4099     return(FALSE);
4100 }
4102 /**********************************************************
4103  *
4104  *   NLM_EXTERN DeltaSeqPtr LIBCALL GappedSeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(slp):
4105  *
4106  *      This functions is used only in the case, if ISAGappedSeqLoc()
4107  *   has returned TRUE.
4108  *      Converts SeqLoc set to the sequence of DeltaSeqs.
4109  *   Gbtag'ed SeqLocs it turns into SeqLits with the only "length"
4110  *   element. The regular SeqLocs saves as they are. Returns
4111  *   obtained DeltaSeq.
4112  *
4113  **********************************************************/
GappedSeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(SeqLocPtr slp)4114 NLM_EXTERN DeltaSeqPtr LIBCALL GappedSeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(SeqLocPtr slp)
4115 {
4116     DeltaSeqPtr res;
4117     DeltaSeqPtr dsp;
4118     SeqIntPtr   sip;
4119     SeqLitPtr   slip;
4120     SeqIdPtr    id;
4121     DbtagPtr    dp;
4123     dsp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4124     dsp->next = NULL;
4125     dsp->choice = 0;
4126     res = dsp;
4127     for(; slp != NULL; slp = slp->next)
4128     {
4129         if(ISAGappedSeqLoc(slp) != FALSE)
4130         {
4131             dsp->next = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4132             dsp = dsp->next;
4133             sip = slp->data.ptrvalue;
4134             slip = SeqLitNew();
4135             slip->length = sip->to - sip->from + 1;
4136             dsp->choice = 2;
4137             dsp->data.ptrvalue = slip;
4138             id = SeqLocId(slp);
4139             if(id != NULL)
4140             {
4141                 dp = (DbtagPtr) id->data.ptrvalue;
4142                 if(dp != NULL && dp->db != NULL &&
4143                    StringCmp(unkseqlitdbtag, dp->db) == 0)
4144                 {
4145                     slip->fuzz = IntFuzzNew();
4146                     slip->fuzz->choice = 4;
4147                 }
4148             }
4149         }
4150         else
4151         {
4152             dsp->next = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4153             dsp = dsp->next;
4154             dsp->choice = 1;
4155             dsp->data.ptrvalue = AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer) slp,
4156                                               (AsnReadFunc) SeqLocAsnRead,
4157                                               (AsnWriteFunc) SeqLocAsnWrite);
4158         }
4159     }
4160     dsp = res->next;
4161     MemFree(res);
4162     return(dsp);
4163 }
4165 /* This structure and the functions following it are used to track the prior locations
4166  * of features that were affected by the removal of nucleotides, so that they may be
4167  * returned to their original status in an undo.
4168  */
4169 typedef struct affectedfeat
4170 {
4171   SeqFeatPtr feat_before;
4172   SeqFeatPtr feat_after;
4173 } AffectedFeatData, PNTR AffectedFeatPtr;
AffectedFeatNew(void)4175 static AffectedFeatPtr AffectedFeatNew (void)
4176 {
4177   AffectedFeatPtr afp;
4179   afp = (AffectedFeatPtr) MemNew (sizeof (AffectedFeatData));
4180   if (afp != NULL)
4181   {
4182     afp->feat_before = NULL;
4183     afp->feat_after = NULL;
4184   }
4185   return afp;
4186 }
AffectedFeatFree(AffectedFeatPtr afp)4188 static AffectedFeatPtr AffectedFeatFree (AffectedFeatPtr afp)
4189 {
4190   if (afp == NULL) return NULL;
4191   afp->feat_before = SeqFeatFree (afp->feat_before);
4192   afp->feat_after = SeqFeatFree (afp->feat_after);
4193   afp = MemFree (afp);
4194   return NULL;
4195 }
SeqEdJournalAffectedFeatsFree(ValNodePtr vnp)4197 static ValNodePtr SeqEdJournalAffectedFeatsFree (ValNodePtr vnp)
4198 {
4199   if (vnp == NULL) return NULL;
4200   vnp->next = SeqEdJournalAffectedFeatsFree (vnp->next);
4201   vnp->data.ptrvalue = AffectedFeatFree ((AffectedFeatPtr) (vnp->data.ptrvalue));
4202   ValNodeFree (vnp);
4203   return NULL;
4204 }
SeqEdRecreateDeletedFeats(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)4206 static Boolean SeqEdRecreateDeletedFeats (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)
4207 {
4208   ValNodePtr      vnp;
4209   AffectedFeatPtr afp = NULL;
4210   Boolean         recreated_feats = FALSE;
4211   SeqEntryPtr     sep = NULL;
4212   SeqFeatPtr      sfp;
4214   for (vnp = sejp->affected_feats; vnp != NULL && afp == NULL; vnp = vnp->next)
4215   {
4216     if (vnp->choice == 1 || vnp->data.ptrvalue == NULL) continue;
4217     afp = (AffectedFeatPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
4218     if (afp->feat_after == NULL && afp->feat_before != NULL)
4219     {
4220       vnp->choice = 1;
4221       if (sep == NULL)
4222       {
4223         sep = SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (sejp->bsp);
4224         if (sep == NULL) return FALSE;
4225       }
4226       sfp = CreateNewFeature (sep, NULL, afp->feat_before->data.choice, afp->feat_before);
4227       afp->feat_before = NULL;
4228       recreated_feats = TRUE;
4229     }
4230   }
4231   return recreated_feats;
4232 }
4235 /* This section of code deals with inserting new characters into a Bioseq and adjusting the
4236  * locations of the affected features.   It is adapted from code from SeqLocInsert.
4237  */
SeqEdInsertAdjustCdRgn(SeqFeatPtr sfp,BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 insert_pos,Int4 len,Boolean do_split)4239 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdInsertAdjustCdRgn
4240 (SeqFeatPtr sfp,
4241  BioseqPtr  bsp,
4242  Int4       insert_pos,
4243  Int4       len,
4244  Boolean    do_split)
4245 {
4246   CdRegionPtr  crp;
4247   CodeBreakPtr prevcbp, cbp, nextcbp;
4249   if (sfp == NULL || bsp == NULL) return;
4250   crp = (CdRegionPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
4251   if (crp == NULL) return;
4253   prevcbp = NULL;
4254   for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
4255   {
4256     nextcbp = cbp->next;
4257     cbp->loc = SeqEdSeqLocInsert (cbp->loc, bsp, insert_pos, len, do_split, NULL);
4258     if (cbp->loc == NULL)
4259     {
4260       if (prevcbp != NULL)
4261         prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
4262       else
4263         crp->code_break = nextcbp;
4264       cbp->next = NULL;
4265       CodeBreakFree (cbp);
4266     }
4267     else
4268     {
4269       prevcbp = cbp;
4270     }
4271   }
4272 }
SeqEdInsertAdjustRNA(SeqFeatPtr sfp,BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 insert_pos,Int4 len,Boolean do_split)4274 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdInsertAdjustRNA
4275 (SeqFeatPtr sfp,
4276  BioseqPtr  bsp,
4277  Int4       insert_pos,
4278  Int4       len,
4279  Boolean    do_split)
4280 {
4281   RnaRefPtr rrp;
4282   tRNAPtr   trp;
4284   if (sfp == NULL || bsp == NULL) return;
4285   rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
4286   if (rrp == NULL) return;
4287   if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
4288   {
4289     trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
4290     if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
4291     {
4292       trp->anticodon = SeqEdSeqLocInsert (trp->anticodon, bsp, insert_pos, len, do_split, NULL);
4293     }
4294   }
4295 }
4298 static BioseqPtr
GetParentForSegment(BioseqPtr bsp,Int4Ptr p_start,Int4Ptr p_stop)4299 GetParentForSegment
4300 (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4Ptr p_start, Int4Ptr p_stop)
4301 {
4302   BioseqSetPtr parts_bssp, seg_bssp;
4303   BioseqPtr    master_bsp, other_part;
4304   SeqEntryPtr  sep;
4305   Int4         offset = 0;
4307   if (bsp == NULL || bsp->idx.parentptr == NULL || bsp->idx.parenttype != OBJ_BIOSEQSET) return NULL;
4309   parts_bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) bsp->idx.parentptr;
4310   if (parts_bssp->_class != BioseqseqSet_class_parts
4311       || parts_bssp->idx.parentptr == NULL
4312       || parts_bssp->idx.parenttype != OBJ_BIOSEQSET)
4313   {
4314     return NULL;
4315   }
4317   seg_bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) parts_bssp->idx.parentptr;
4318   if (seg_bssp->_class != BioseqseqSet_class_segset
4319       || seg_bssp->seq_set == NULL
4320       || !IS_Bioseq (seg_bssp->seq_set))
4321   {
4322     return NULL;
4323   }
4325   master_bsp = (BioseqPtr) seg_bssp->seq_set->data.ptrvalue;
4327   if (p_start != NULL || p_stop != NULL)
4328   {
4329     sep = parts_bssp->seq_set;
4330     while (sep != NULL && sep->data.ptrvalue != bsp)
4331     {
4332       if (IS_Bioseq (sep) && sep->data.ptrvalue != NULL)
4333       {
4334         other_part = sep->data.ptrvalue;
4335         offset += other_part->length;
4336       }
4337       sep = sep->next;
4338     }
4339     if (p_start != NULL)
4340     {
4341       *p_start = offset;
4342     }
4343     if (p_stop != NULL)
4344     {
4345       *p_stop = offset + bsp->length - 1;
4346     }
4347   }
4349   return master_bsp;
4350 }
AdjustOffsetsForSegment(SeqIdPtr del_id,SeqIdPtr target_id,Int4Ptr from,Int4Ptr to)4353 static Boolean AdjustOffsetsForSegment (SeqIdPtr del_id, SeqIdPtr target_id, Int4Ptr from, Int4Ptr to)
4354 {
4355   BioseqPtr bsp_del, bsp_target, bsp_master;
4356   Int4      seg_offset = 0, seg_end = 0;
4357   Boolean   rval = FALSE;
4359   if (del_id == NULL || target_id == NULL || from == NULL || to == NULL)
4360   {
4361     return FALSE;
4362   }
4364   bsp_del = BioseqFind (del_id);
4365   bsp_target = BioseqFind (target_id);
4366   if (bsp_del == NULL || bsp_target == NULL) return FALSE;
4368   bsp_master = GetParentForSegment (bsp_del, &seg_offset, &seg_end);
4369   if (bsp_master != NULL)
4370   {
4371     if (bsp_master == bsp_target && seg_offset < *to)
4372     {
4373       /* loc to delete is in parent coordinates */
4374       if (*from > seg_end || *to < seg_offset)
4375       {
4376         /* loc to delete is entirely past this segment */
4377       }
4378       else
4379       {
4380         *from = MAX (0, *from - seg_offset);
4381         *to = MIN (bsp_target->length, *to - seg_offset);
4382         rval = TRUE;
4383       }
4384     }
4385   }
4386   return rval;
4387 }
SeqEdInsertSeqPnt(SeqPntPtr spp,SeqIdPtr target_id,Int4 pos,Int4 len,SeqIdPtr newid)4390 static void SeqEdInsertSeqPnt (SeqPntPtr spp, SeqIdPtr target_id, Int4 pos, Int4 len, SeqIdPtr newid)
4391 {
4392   Int4 to = pos + len;
4393   Boolean id_in_list;
4395   if (spp == NULL) return;
4397   if ((id_in_list = SeqIdIn(spp->id, target_id))
4398       || AdjustOffsetsForSegment (spp->id, target_id, &pos, &to))
4399   {
4400     if (id_in_list && newid != NULL)   /* change id? */
4401     {
4402       SeqIdFree(spp->id);
4403       spp->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
4404     }
4406     if (spp->point >= pos)
4407     {
4408       spp->point += len;
4409     }
4410   }
4411 }
4414 static void
SeqEdInsertSeqInt(SeqIntPtr sip,SeqIdPtr target_id,Int4 pos,Int4 len,Boolean split,SeqIdPtr newid,SeqIntPtr PNTR split_end)4415 SeqEdInsertSeqInt
4416 (SeqIntPtr      sip,
4417  SeqIdPtr       target_id,
4418  Int4           pos,
4419  Int4           len,
4420  Boolean        split,
4421  SeqIdPtr       newid,
4422  SeqIntPtr PNTR split_end)
4423 {
4424   Int4 to = pos + len;
4425   Boolean id_in_list;
4426   SeqIntPtr sip2;
4427   SeqLocPtr slp;
4429   if (sip == NULL || split_end == NULL) return;
4431   if (!(id_in_list = SeqIdIn(sip->id, target_id))
4432       && ! AdjustOffsetsForSegment(sip->id, target_id, &pos, &to))
4433   {
4434     return;
4435   }
4437   if (newid != NULL && id_in_list)   /* change id? */
4438   {
4439     SeqIdFree(sip->id);
4440     sip->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
4441   }
4443   if (sip->to < pos)  /* completely before insertion */
4444   {
4445     return;
4446   }
4448   if ((! split) || (sip->from >= pos))  /* interval unbroken */
4449   {
4450     if (sip->from >= pos)
4451       sip->from += len;
4452     sip->to += len;
4453     return;
4454   }
4455                                     /* split interval */
4456   sip2 = SeqIntNew();
4457   slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4458   slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4459   slp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sip2;
4460   sip2->strand = sip->strand;
4461   sip2->id = SeqIdDup(sip->id);
4463   sip2->to = sip->to + len;
4464   sip2->from = pos + len;
4465   sip2->if_to = sip->if_to;
4466   sip->if_to = NULL;
4467   sip->to = pos - 1;
4469   *split_end = sip2;
4470 }
4473 /*****************************************************************************
4474 *
4475 *   SeqEdSeqLocInsert()
4476 *       alters "head" by insert "len" residues before "pos" in any SeqLoc
4477 *         on the Bioseq "target"
4478 *       all SeqLocs not on "target" are unaltered
4479 *       for SeqLocs on "target"
4480 *          all SeqLocs before "pos" are unaltered
4481 *          all SeqLocs >= "pos" are incremented by "len"
4482 *          all SeqLocs spanning "pos"
4483 *             if "split" == TRUE, are split into two SeqLocs, one to the
4484 *               left of the insertion, the other to right
4485 *             if "split" != TRUE, the SeqLoc is increased in length to cover
4486 *               the insertion
4487 *       returns altered head or NULL if nothing left.
4488 *       if ("newid" != NULL) replaces "target" with "newid" whether the
4489 *          SeqLoc is altered on not.
4490 *
4491 *       Usage hints:
4492 *          1) To update a feature location on "target" when 10 residues of
4493 *               sequence have been inserted before position 5
4494 *          SeqFeatPtr->location = SeqLocInsert ( SeqFeatPtr->location ,
4495 *                "target", 5, 10, TRUE, NULL);  [for some feature types
4496 *                      you may want "split" equal FALSE]
4497 *          2) To insert the complete feature table from "source" into a
4498 *                different Bioseq "dest" before position 20 in "dest"
4499 *          SFP->location = SeqLocInsert(SFP->location, "source", 0, 20,
4500 *                FALSE, "dest");
4501 *
4502 *
4503 *****************************************************************************/
SeqEdSeqLocInsert(SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr target,Int4 pos,Int4 len,Boolean split,SeqIdPtr newid)4504 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr LIBCALL SeqEdSeqLocInsert (SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr target, Int4 pos, Int4 len,
4505                                                Boolean split, SeqIdPtr newid)
4506 {
4507   SeqIntPtr sip, sip2;
4508   SeqPntPtr spp;
4509   PackSeqPntPtr pspp, pspp2;
4510   SeqBondPtr sbp;
4511   SeqLocPtr slp, tmp, prev, next, thead, tmp2;
4512   Int4 diff, numpnt, i, tpos;
4513   Uint1 oldchoice;
4514   SeqIdPtr sidp;
4515   Boolean id_in_list;
4517   if ((head == NULL) || (target == NULL))
4518     return head;
4520   head->next = NULL;   /* caller maintains chains */
4522   diff = len;
4524   switch (head->choice)
4525   {
4526     case SEQLOC_BOND:   /* bond -- 2 seqs */
4527       sbp = (SeqBondPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4528       SeqEdInsertSeqPnt (sbp->a, target->id, pos, len, newid);
4529       SeqEdInsertSeqPnt (sbp->b, target->id, pos, len, newid);
4530       break;
4531     case SEQLOC_FEAT:   /* feat -- can't track yet */
4532     case SEQLOC_NULL:    /* NULL */
4533       break;
4534     case SEQLOC_EMPTY:    /* empty */
4535     case SEQLOC_WHOLE:    /* whole */
4536       if (newid != NULL)
4537       {
4538         sidp = (SeqIdPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4539         if ( SeqIdIn(sidp, target->id))
4540         {
4541           SeqIdFree(sidp);
4542           sidp = SeqIdDup(newid);
4543           head->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)sidp;
4544         }
4545       }
4546       break;
4547     case SEQLOC_MIX:    /* mix -- more than one seq */
4548     case SEQLOC_EQUIV:    /* equiv -- ditto */
4549     case SEQLOC_PACKED_INT:    /* packed int */
4550       prev = NULL;
4551       thead = NULL;
4552       for (slp = (SeqLocPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue); slp != NULL; slp = next)
4553       {
4554         next = slp->next;
4555         oldchoice = slp->choice;
4556         tmp = SeqEdSeqLocInsert(slp, target, pos, len, split, newid);
4557         if (tmp != NULL)
4558         {
4559           if ((head->choice != SEQLOC_EQUIV) &&
4560             (oldchoice != tmp->choice))  /* split interval? */
4561           {
4562             if ((oldchoice == SEQLOC_INT) &&
4563               (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_PACKED_INT))
4564             {
4565               tmp2 = tmp;
4566               tmp = (SeqLocPtr)(tmp2->data.ptrvalue);
4567               MemFree(tmp2);
4568               while (tmp->next != NULL)
4569               {
4570                 if (prev != NULL)
4571                   prev->next = tmp;
4572                 else
4573                   thead = tmp;
4574                 prev = tmp;
4575                 tmp = tmp->next;
4576               }
4577             }
4578           }
4579           if (prev != NULL)
4580             prev->next = tmp;
4581           else
4582             thead = tmp;
4583           prev = tmp;
4584         }
4585       }
4586       head->data.ptrvalue = thead;
4587       if (thead == NULL)
4588         head = SeqLocFree(head);
4589       break;
4590     case SEQLOC_INT:    /* int */
4591       sip = (SeqIntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4592       sip2 = NULL;
4593       SeqEdInsertSeqInt (sip, target->id, pos, len, split, newid, &sip2);
4594       if (sip2 != NULL)
4595       {
4596         thead = head;   /* make split interval into PACKED_INT */
4597         head = ValNodeNew (NULL);
4598         head->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
4600         slp = ValNodeNew (NULL);
4601         slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4602         slp->data.ptrvalue = sip2;
4604         if (sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus)  /* reverse order */
4605         {
4606           head->data.ptrvalue = slp;
4607           slp->next = thead;
4608         }
4609         else
4610         {
4611           head->data.ptrvalue = thead;
4612           thead->next = slp;
4613         }
4614       }
4615       break;
4616     case SEQLOC_PNT:    /* pnt */
4617       spp = (SeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4618       SeqEdInsertSeqPnt (spp, target->id, pos, len, newid);
4619       break;
4620     case SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT:    /* packed pnt */
4621       pspp = (PackSeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4622       if ((id_in_list = SeqIdIn(pspp->id, target->id))
4623           || AdjustOffsetsForSegment(pspp->id, target->id, &pos, NULL))
4624       {
4625         if (id_in_list && newid != NULL)   /* change id? */
4626         {
4627           SeqIdFree(pspp->id);
4628           pspp->id = SeqIdDup(newid);
4629         }
4631         numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp);
4632         pspp2 = PackSeqPntNew();
4633         head->data.ptrvalue = pspp2;
4634         for (i = 0; i < numpnt; i++)
4635         {
4636           tpos = PackSeqPntGet(pspp, i);
4637           if (tpos >= pos)
4638             tpos += len;
4639           PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos);
4640         }
4641         pspp2->id = pspp->id;
4642         pspp->id = NULL;
4643         pspp2->fuzz = pspp->fuzz;
4644                 pspp->fuzz = NULL;
4645                 pspp2->strand = pspp->strand;
4646                 PackSeqPntFree(pspp);
4647             }
4648       break;
4649     default:
4650       break;
4651   }
4653   if (head == NULL)
4654     ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "SeqEdSeqLocInsert: lost a SeqLoc");
4656   return head;
4657 }
4660 /* return TRUE if spp should be deleted */
SeqEdDeleteFromSeqPnt(SeqPntPtr spp,SeqIdPtr target_id,Int4 from,Int4 to)4661 static Boolean SeqEdDeleteFromSeqPnt (SeqPntPtr spp, SeqIdPtr target_id, Int4 from, Int4 to)
4662 {
4663   Boolean rval = FALSE;
4664   Int4    diff = to - from + 1;
4666   if (spp == NULL) return FALSE;
4668     if (SeqIdIn (spp->id, target_id)
4669       || AdjustOffsetsForSegment (spp->id, target_id, &from, &to))
4670   {
4671     if ((spp->point >= from) && (spp->point <= to))
4672     {
4673       rval = TRUE;
4674     }
4675     else if (spp->point > to)
4676     {
4677       spp->point -= diff;
4678     }
4679   }
4680   return rval;
4681 }
4684 static SeqLocPtr
SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocBond(SeqLocPtr head,SeqIdPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed)4685 SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocBond (SeqLocPtr head, SeqIdPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed)
4686 {
4687   SeqBondPtr sbp;
4689   if (head == NULL || target == NULL || head->choice != SEQLOC_BOND) return NULL;
4690   sbp = (SeqBondPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4692   if (SeqEdDeleteFromSeqPnt (sbp->a, target, from, to))
4693   {
4694     *changed = TRUE;
4695     sbp->a = SeqPntFree(sbp->a);
4696   }
4698   if (SeqEdDeleteFromSeqPnt (sbp->b, target, from, to))
4699   {
4700     *changed = TRUE;
4701     sbp->b = SeqPntFree(sbp->b);
4702   }
4704   if (sbp->a == NULL)
4705   {
4706     if (sbp->b != NULL)   /* only a required */
4707     {
4708       sbp->a = sbp->b;
4709       sbp->b = NULL;
4710     }
4711     else
4712     {
4713       head = SeqLocFree(head);
4714     }
4715   }
4716   return head;
4717 }
DeleteFromSeqLocWhole(SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed)4719 static SeqLocPtr DeleteFromSeqLocWhole
4720 (SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed)
4721 {
4722   SeqIdPtr  sidp;
4723   SeqIntPtr sip;
4724   SeqLocPtr slp, tmp;
4726   if (head == NULL || target == NULL || head->choice != SEQLOC_WHOLE) return NULL;
4728   sidp = (SeqIdPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4730   if ( SeqIdIn(sidp, target->id))
4731   {
4732     if ((from == 0) && (to >= (target->length - 1)))
4733     {                       /* complete delete */
4734       head = SeqLocFree(head);
4735       *changed = TRUE;
4736       return head;
4737     }
4739     if (! merge)   /* split it up */
4740     {
4741       SeqIdFree(sidp);
4742       head->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
4743       head->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
4744       slp = NULL;
4745       if (from != 0)
4746       {
4747         sip = SeqIntNew();
4748         sip->from = 0;
4749         sip->to = from - 1;
4750         sip->id = SeqIdDup(target->id);
4751         slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4752         slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4753         slp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
4754         head->data.ptrvalue = slp;
4755         *changed = TRUE;
4756       }
4757       if (to < (target->length - 1))
4758       {
4759         sip = SeqIntNew();
4760         sip->from = to + 1;
4761         sip->to = target->length - 1;
4762         sip->id = SeqIdDup(target->id);
4763         tmp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4764         tmp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4765         tmp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
4766         if (slp != NULL)
4767           slp->next = tmp;
4768         else
4769           head->data.ptrvalue = tmp;
4770         *changed = TRUE;
4771       }
4772     }
4773   }
4774   return head;
4775 }
SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocPackedInt(SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed,BoolPtr partial5,BoolPtr partial3)4777 static SeqLocPtr SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocPackedInt
4778 (SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed, BoolPtr partial5, BoolPtr partial3)
4779 {
4780   Boolean   part5, part3, first;
4781   SeqLocPtr slp, tmp, prev, next, thead;
4782   SeqIntPtr sip, sip2;
4784   if (head == NULL || target == NULL) return NULL;
4785   if (head->choice != SEQLOC_MIX && head->choice != SEQLOC_EQUIV && head->choice != SEQLOC_PACKED_INT)
4786     return NULL;
4787   prev = NULL;
4788   thead = NULL;
4789   part5 = FALSE;
4790   part3 = FALSE;
4791   first = TRUE;
4792   for (slp = (SeqLocPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue); slp != NULL; slp = next)
4793   {
4794     next = slp->next;
4795     tmp = SeqEdSeqLocDelete (slp, target, from, to, merge, changed, &part5, &part3);
4796     if (first)
4797     {
4798       if (partial5 != NULL)
4799       {
4800         *partial5 = part5;
4801       }
4802     }
4803     first = FALSE;
4804     if (tmp != NULL)
4805     {
4806       if (prev != NULL)
4807         {
4808           if ((merge) && (prev->choice == SEQLOC_INT) && (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_INT))
4809           {
4810             sip = (SeqIntPtr)(prev->data.ptrvalue);
4811             sip2 = (SeqIntPtr)(tmp->data.ptrvalue);
4813             if (SeqIdForSameBioseq(sip->id, sip2->id))
4814             {
4815               /* merge intervals? */
4816               if ((sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus) &&
4817                   (sip2->strand == Seq_strand_minus))
4818               {
4819                 if (sip->from == (sip2->to + 1))
4820                 {
4821                   sip->from = sip2->from;
4822                   sip->if_from = sip2->if_from;
4823                   sip2->if_from = NULL;
4824                   tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
4825                 }
4826               }
4827               else if((sip->strand != Seq_strand_minus) &&
4828                       (sip2->strand != Seq_strand_minus))
4829               {
4830                 if (sip->to == (sip2->from - 1))
4831                 {
4832                   sip->to = sip2->to;
4833                   sip->if_to = sip2->if_to;
4834                   sip2->if_to = NULL;
4835                   tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
4836                 }
4837               }
4838             }
4839           }
4840           else if ((prev->choice == SEQLOC_NULL) && (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL))
4841           {
4842             tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
4843             *changed = TRUE;
4844           }
4845         }
4846         else if (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
4847         {
4848           tmp = SeqLocFree(tmp);
4849           *changed = TRUE;
4850         }
4852         if (tmp != NULL)   /* still have one? */
4853         {
4854           if (prev != NULL)
4855             prev->next = tmp;
4856           else
4857             thead = tmp;
4858           prev = tmp;
4859         }
4860       }
4861       else
4862       {
4863         *changed = TRUE;
4864       }
4865     }
4866   if (partial3 != NULL)
4867   {
4868     *partial3 = part3;
4869   }
4870   if (prev != NULL)
4871   {
4872     if (prev->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)  /* ends with NULL */
4873     {
4874       prev = NULL;
4875       for (slp = thead; slp->next != NULL; slp = slp->next)
4876       {
4877         prev = slp;
4878       }
4879       if (prev != NULL)
4880       {
4881         prev->next = NULL;
4882         SeqLocFree(slp);
4883       }
4884       else
4885       {
4886         thead = SeqLocFree(thead);
4887       }
4888       *changed = TRUE;
4889     }
4890   }
4891   head->data.ptrvalue = thead;
4892   if (thead == NULL)
4893     head = SeqLocFree(head);
4894   return head;
4895 }
SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocInt(SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed,BoolPtr partial5,BoolPtr partial3)4898 static SeqLocPtr SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocInt (SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed, BoolPtr partial5, BoolPtr partial3)
4899 {
4900   Int4      diff;
4901   SeqIntPtr sip, sip2;
4902   SeqLocPtr slp, tmp;
4904   if (head == NULL || target == NULL || head->choice != SEQLOC_INT) return NULL;
4906   sip = (SeqIntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
4907   if ( !SeqIdIn(sip->id, target->id)
4908       && ! AdjustOffsetsForSegment (sip->id, target->id, &from, &to))
4909   {
4910     return head;
4911   }
4913   diff = to - from + 1;
4915   if (sip->to < from)  /* completely before cut */
4916     return head;
4918   /* completely contained in cut */
4919   if ((sip->from >= from) && (sip->to <= to))
4920   {
4921     head = SeqLocFree(head);
4922       *changed = TRUE;
4923     return head;
4924   }
4926   if (sip->from > to)  /* completely past cut */
4927   {
4928     sip->from -= diff;
4929     sip->to -= diff;
4930     return head;
4931   }
4932   /* overlap here */
4933   if (sip->to > to)
4934   {
4935     sip->to -= diff;
4936   }
4937   else                /* to inside cut, so partial delete */
4938   {
4939     sip->to = from - 1;
4940     *changed = TRUE;
4941     if (partial3 != NULL)
4942     {
4943       *partial3 = TRUE;
4944     }
4945   }
4947   if (sip->from >= from)   /* from inside cut, partial del */
4948   {
4949     *changed = TRUE;
4950     sip->from = to + 1;
4951     sip->from -= diff;
4952     if (partial5 != NULL)
4953     {
4954       *partial5 = TRUE;
4955     }
4957     if (merge)
4958       return head;
4960     /* interval spans cut.. only in non-merge */
4961     /* have to split */
4963     if ((sip->from < from) && (sip->to > to))
4964     {
4965       *changed = TRUE;
4966       head->choice = SEQLOC_PACKED_INT;
4967       head->data.ptrvalue = NULL;
4968       tmp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4969       tmp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4970       tmp->data.ptrvalue = sip;
4972       sip2 = SeqIntNew();
4973       sip2->from = to + 1;
4974       sip2->to = sip->to;
4975       sip2->strand = sip->strand;
4976       sip2->if_to = sip->if_to;
4977       sip2->id = SeqIdDup(target->id);
4978       slp = ValNodeNew(NULL);
4979       slp->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
4980       slp->data.ptrvalue = sip2;
4982       sip->if_to = NULL;
4983       sip->to = from - 1;
4985       if (sip->strand == Seq_strand_minus)
4986       {
4987         head->data.ptrvalue = slp;
4988         slp->next = tmp;
4989       }
4990       else
4991       {
4992         head->data.ptrvalue = tmp;
4993         tmp->next = slp;
4994       }
4996     }
4997   }
4998   return head;
4999 }
SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocPackedPnt(SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed)5001 static SeqLocPtr SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocPackedPnt
5002 (SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed)
5003 {
5004   PackSeqPntPtr pspp, pspp2;
5005   Int4          i, diff, numpnt, tpos;
5007   if (head == NULL || target == NULL || head->choice != SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT) return NULL;
5009   pspp = (PackSeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
5010   if (!SeqIdIn (pspp->id, target->id)) return head;
5012   diff = to - from + 1;
5014   numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp);
5015   pspp2 = PackSeqPntNew();
5016   head->data.ptrvalue = pspp2;
5017   for (i = 0; i < numpnt; i++)
5018   {
5019     tpos = PackSeqPntGet(pspp, i);
5020     if (tpos < from)
5021     {
5022       PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos);
5023     }
5024     else
5025     {
5026       if (tpos > to)
5027       {
5028         if (merge)
5029         {
5030           tpos -= diff;
5031         }
5032         PackSeqPntPut(pspp2, tpos);
5033       }
5034       else
5035       {
5036         *changed = TRUE;
5037       }
5038     }
5039   }
5040   pspp2->id = pspp->id;
5041   pspp->id = NULL;
5042   pspp2->fuzz = pspp->fuzz;
5043   pspp->fuzz = NULL;
5044   pspp2->strand = pspp->strand;
5045   PackSeqPntFree(pspp);
5046   numpnt = PackSeqPntNum(pspp2);
5047   if (! numpnt)
5048   {
5049     head = SeqLocFree(head);
5050   }
5051   return head;
5052 }
5055 /*****************************************************************************
5056 *
5057 *   SeqEdSeqLocDelete()
5058 *       returns altered head or NULL if nothing left.
5059 *   sets changed=TRUE if all or part of loc is deleted
5060 *   does NOT set changed if location coordinates are only moved
5061 *   if (merge) then corrects coordinates upstream of to
5062 *   else
5063 *     splits intervals covering from-to, does not correct upstream of to
5064 *
5065 *****************************************************************************/
SeqEdSeqLocDelete(SeqLocPtr head,BioseqPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge,BoolPtr changed,BoolPtr partial5,BoolPtr partial3)5066 NLM_EXTERN SeqLocPtr SeqEdSeqLocDelete (SeqLocPtr head, BioseqPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge, BoolPtr changed, BoolPtr partial5, BoolPtr partial3)
5067 {
5068     SeqPntPtr spp;
5069     Int4 diff;
5071     if ((head == NULL) || (target == NULL))
5072         return head;
5074     head->next = NULL;   /* caller maintains chains */
5075     diff = to - from + 1;
5077   switch (head->choice)
5078   {
5079     case SEQLOC_BOND:   /* bond -- 2 seqs */
5080       head = SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocBond (head, target->id, from, to, merge, changed);
5081             break;
5082     case SEQLOC_FEAT:   /* feat -- can't track yet */
5083     case SEQLOC_NULL:    /* NULL */
5084     case SEQLOC_EMPTY:    /* empty */
5085             break;
5086     case SEQLOC_WHOLE:    /* whole */
5087       head = DeleteFromSeqLocWhole (head, target, from, to, merge, changed);
5088             break;
5089     case SEQLOC_MIX:    /* mix -- more than one seq */
5090     case SEQLOC_EQUIV:    /* equiv -- ditto */
5091     case SEQLOC_PACKED_INT:    /* packed int */
5092       head = SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocPackedInt (head, target, from, to, merge, changed, partial5, partial3);
5093       break;
5094     case SEQLOC_INT:    /* int */
5095       head = SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocInt (head, target, from, to, merge, changed, partial5, partial3);
5096       break;
5097     case SEQLOC_PNT:    /* pnt */
5098             spp = (SeqPntPtr)(head->data.ptrvalue);
5099       if (SeqEdDeleteFromSeqPnt (spp, target->id, from, to))
5100       {
5101         head = SeqLocFree(head);
5102         *changed = TRUE;
5103       }
5104       break;
5105     case SEQLOC_PACKED_PNT:    /* packed pnt */
5106       head = SeqEdDeleteFromSeqLocPackedPnt (head, target, from, to, merge, changed);
5107       break;
5108     default:
5109       break;
5110   }
5112     return head;
5113 }
5116 NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr
SeqEdGetNextFeature(BioseqPtr bsp,SeqFeatPtr curr,Uint1 seqFeatChoice,Uint1 featDefChoice,SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context,Boolean byLabel,Boolean byLocusTag,Uint2 entityID)5117 SeqEdGetNextFeature
5118 (BioseqPtr bsp,
5119  SeqFeatPtr curr,
5120  Uint1 seqFeatChoice,
5121  Uint1 featDefChoice,
5122  SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context,
5123  Boolean byLabel,
5124  Boolean byLocusTag,
5125  Uint2         entityID)
5127 {
5128   SMFeatItemPtr PNTR  array = NULL;
5129   BioseqExtraPtr      bspextra;
5130   Int4                i;
5131   SMFeatItemPtr       item;
5132   Int4                num = 0;
5133   ObjMgrDataPtr       omdp;
5134   ObjMgrPtr           omp;
5135   Uint1               seqfeattype;
5137   if (context == NULL) return NULL;
5139   /* if curr is NULL, initialize context fields (in user's stack) */
5141   if (curr == NULL) {
5142     if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
5143     omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) bsp->omdp;
5144     if (omdp == NULL)
5145     {
5146       omp = ObjMgrWriteLock ();
5147       omdp = ObjMgrFindByData (omp, bsp);
5148       ObjMgrUnlock ();
5149       bsp->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
5150     }
5151     if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
5153     context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
5154     context->index = 0;
5155   }
5157   omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) context->omdp;
5158   if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
5159   bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
5160   if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
5161   if (byLocusTag) {
5162     array = bspextra->genesByLocusTag;
5163     num = bspextra->numgenes;
5164   } else if (byLabel) {
5165     array = bspextra->featsByLabel;
5166     num = bspextra->numfeats;
5167   } else {
5168     array = bspextra->featsByPos;
5169     num = bspextra->numfeats;
5170   }
5171   if (array == NULL || num < 1) return NULL;
5173   i = context->index;
5175   /* now look for next appropriate feature */
5177   while (i < num) {
5178     item = array [i];
5179     if (item != NULL) {
5180       curr = item->sfp;
5181       i++;
5182       if (curr != NULL) {
5183         seqfeattype = curr->data.choice;
5184         if ((seqFeatChoice == 0 || seqfeattype == seqFeatChoice) &&
5185             (featDefChoice == 0 || item->subtype == featDefChoice) &&
5186             (! item->ignore)) {
5187           context->entityID = entityID;
5188           context->itemID = item->itemID;
5189           context->sfp = curr;
5190           context->sap = item->sap;
5191           context->bsp = item->bsp;
5192           context->label = item->label;
5193           context->left = item->left;
5194           context->right = item->right;
5195           context->dnaStop = item->dnaStop;
5196           context->partialL = item->partialL;
5197           context->partialR = item->partialR;
5198           context->farloc = item->farloc;
5199           context->strand = item->strand;
5200           context->seqfeattype = seqfeattype;
5201           context->featdeftype = item->subtype;
5202           context->numivals = item->numivals;
5203           context->ivals = item->ivals;
5204           context->userdata = NULL;
5205           context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
5206           if (byLocusTag) {
5207             context->index = i;
5208           } else if (byLabel) {
5209             context->index = i;
5210           } else {
5211             context->index = item->index + 1;
5212           }
5213           return curr;
5214         }
5215       }
5216     }
5217   }
5219   return NULL;
5220 }
ReindexExtendedFeatures(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)5222 static void ReindexExtendedFeatures (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)
5223 {
5224   ValNodePtr        vnp;
5225   AffectedFeatPtr   afp;
5226   SeqFeatPtr        affected_sfp, real_sfp;
5227   SeqMgrFeatContext fcontext;
5229   for (vnp = sejp->affected_feats; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next)
5230   {
5231     if (vnp->choice == 1 && vnp->data.ptrvalue != NULL)
5232     {
5233       afp = (AffectedFeatPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
5234       affected_sfp = afp->feat_after;
5235       if (affected_sfp != NULL)
5236       {
5237         real_sfp = SeqMgrGetDesiredFeature (sejp->entityID, sejp->bsp, affected_sfp->idx.itemID, 0, NULL, &fcontext);
5238         SeqEdReindexFeature (real_sfp, sejp->bsp);
5239       }
5240     }
5241   }
5242 }
DoesSeqFeatMatch(SeqFeatPtr a,SeqFeatPtr b)5245 static Boolean DoesSeqFeatMatch (SeqFeatPtr a, SeqFeatPtr b)
5246 {
5247   if (a == b) return TRUE;
5248   if (a == NULL || b == NULL) return FALSE;
5250   if (a->data.choice != b->data.choice) return FALSE;
5251   if (SeqLocCompare (a->location, b->location) != SLC_A_EQ_B)
5252   {
5253     return FALSE;
5254   }
5255   return TRUE;
5256 }
SeqEdInsertAdjustFeat(SeqFeatPtr sfp,SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,Int4 insert_point)5259 static void SeqEdInsertAdjustFeat (SeqFeatPtr sfp, SeqEdJournalPtr sejp, Int4 insert_point)
5260 {
5261   ValNodePtr      vnp;
5262   AffectedFeatPtr afp = NULL;
5263   SeqLocPtr       tmp_loc;
5264   Boolean         split_mode;
5265   BioseqPtr       bsp;
5266   Int4            insert_offset;
5268   if (sfp == NULL || sejp == NULL)
5269   {
5270     return;
5271   }
5273   bsp = GetParentForSegment (sejp->bsp, &insert_offset, NULL);
5274   if (bsp == NULL)
5275   {
5276     bsp = sejp->bsp;
5277   }
5278   else
5279   {
5280     insert_point += insert_offset;
5281   }
5283   for (vnp = sejp->affected_feats; vnp != NULL && afp == NULL; vnp = vnp->next)
5284   {
5285     afp = (AffectedFeatPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
5286     if (afp != NULL && DoesSeqFeatMatch (afp->feat_after, sfp))
5287     {
5288       vnp->choice = 1;
5289     }
5290     else
5291     {
5292       afp = NULL;
5293     }
5294   }
5296   /* if we're inserting a gap and the feature is a coding region, need to split location
5297    * regardless of mode */
5298   split_mode = sejp->spliteditmode;
5299   if (sejp->action == eSeqEdInsertGap || sejp->action == eSeqEdDeleteGap
5300       && sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_CDREGION)
5301   {
5302     split_mode = TRUE;
5303   }
5305   if (afp != NULL)
5306   {
5307     tmp_loc = sfp->location;
5308     sfp->location = afp->feat_before->location;
5309     afp->feat_before->location = tmp_loc;
5310   }
5311   else
5312   {
5313     sfp->location = SeqEdSeqLocInsert (sfp->location, bsp, insert_point,
5314                                        sejp->num_chars, split_mode, NULL);
5315   }
5316     switch (sfp->data.choice)
5317     {
5318     case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
5319       SeqEdInsertAdjustCdRgn (sfp, bsp, insert_point, sejp->num_chars,
5320                               split_mode);
5321       break;
5322     case SEQFEAT_RNA:
5323       SeqEdInsertAdjustRNA (sfp, bsp, insert_point, sejp->num_chars,
5324                             split_mode);
5325       break;
5326     default:
5327       break;
5328   }
5329 }
IsDeltaSeqGap(DeltaSeqPtr dsp)5331 extern Boolean IsDeltaSeqGap (DeltaSeqPtr dsp)
5332 {
5333   SeqLitPtr   slip;
5334   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5335   {
5336     return FALSE;
5337   }
5338   slip = (SeqLitPtr) (dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5339   if (slip->seq_data == NULL || slip->seq_data_type == Seq_code_gap)
5340   {
5341     return TRUE;
5342   }
5343   else
5344   {
5345     return FALSE;
5346   }
5347 }
IsDeltaSeqUnknownGap(DeltaSeqPtr dsp)5349 extern Boolean IsDeltaSeqUnknownGap (DeltaSeqPtr dsp)
5350 {
5351   SeqLitPtr   slip;
5352   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5353   {
5354     return FALSE;
5355   }
5356   slip = (SeqLitPtr) (dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5357   if ((slip->seq_data == NULL || slip->seq_data_type == Seq_code_gap) &&
5358       slip->fuzz != NULL && slip->fuzz->choice == 4)
5359   {
5360     return TRUE;
5361   }
5362   else
5363   {
5364     return FALSE;
5365   }
5366 }
IsDeltaSeqKnownGap(DeltaSeqPtr dsp)5369 extern Boolean IsDeltaSeqKnownGap (DeltaSeqPtr dsp)
5370 {
5371   SeqLitPtr   slip;
5372   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5373   {
5374     return FALSE;
5375   }
5376   slip = (SeqLitPtr) (dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5377   if ((slip->seq_data == NULL || slip->seq_data_type == Seq_code_gap) &&
5378       slip->fuzz == NULL)
5379   {
5380     return TRUE;
5381   }
5382   else
5383   {
5384     return FALSE;
5385   }
5386 }
DoesSeqLitHaveGapTypeOrLinkage(SeqLitPtr slip)5389 extern Boolean DoesSeqLitHaveGapTypeOrLinkage (SeqLitPtr slip)
5390 {
5391   if (slip != NULL && slip->seq_data_type == Seq_code_gap) {
5392     return TRUE;
5393   } else {
5394     return FALSE;
5395   }
5396 }
DoesDeltaSeqHaveGapTypeOrLinkage(DeltaSeqPtr dsp)5398 extern Boolean DoesDeltaSeqHaveGapTypeOrLinkage (DeltaSeqPtr dsp)
5399 {
5400   if (dsp != NULL && dsp->choice == 2) {
5401     return DoesSeqLitHaveGapTypeOrLinkage ((SeqLitPtr) dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5402   } else {
5403     return FALSE;
5404   }
5405 }
GetDeltaSeqForOffset(BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 offset,Int4Ptr seqstart)5407 static DeltaSeqPtr GetDeltaSeqForOffset (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 offset, Int4Ptr seqstart)
5408 {
5409   Int4        curr_pos = 0;
5410   Boolean     found = FALSE;
5411   SeqLocPtr   slp;
5412   SeqLitPtr   slip = NULL;
5413   DeltaSeqPtr dsp;
5415   if (bsp == NULL || bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta
5416       || bsp->seq_ext_type != 4 || bsp->seq_ext == NULL
5417       || offset < 0)
5418   {
5419     return NULL;
5420   }
5422   if (seqstart != NULL)
5423   {
5424     *seqstart = 0;
5425   }
5426   dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr) bsp->seq_ext;
5427   while (dsp != NULL && !found)
5428   {
5429     if (dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL) continue;
5430         if (dsp->choice == 1)
5431         {  /* SeqLoc */
5432           slp = (SeqLocPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5433       curr_pos += SeqLocLen (slp);
5434         }
5435         else if (dsp->choice == 2)
5436         {
5437           slip = (SeqLitPtr) (dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5438           curr_pos += slip->length;
5439         }
5440         if (curr_pos > offset
5441             || (curr_pos == offset
5442               && (dsp->next == NULL || ! IsDeltaSeqGap (dsp))))
5443         {
5444           found = TRUE;
5445         }
5446         else
5447         {
5448           if (seqstart != NULL)
5449           {
5450             *seqstart = curr_pos;
5451           }
5452           dsp=dsp->next;
5453         }
5454   }
5456   return dsp;
5457 }
5459 static Boolean
SeqEdInsertByteStore(ByteStorePtr seq_data,Int4 insert_point,CharPtr char_data,Int4 num_chars,Uint1 moltype)5460 SeqEdInsertByteStore
5461 (ByteStorePtr seq_data,
5462  Int4         insert_point,
5463  CharPtr      char_data,
5464  Int4         num_chars,
5465  Uint1        moltype)
5466 {
5467   Char         ch;
5468   Int4         i;
5470   if (seq_data == NULL || insert_point < 0 || char_data == NULL || num_chars < 1)
5471   {
5472     return FALSE;
5473   }
5474   BSSeek(seq_data, insert_point, SEEK_SET);
5475   Nlm_BSAdd(seq_data, num_chars, FALSE);
5476   BSSeek(seq_data, insert_point, SEEK_SET);
5477   for (i = 0; i < num_chars; i++)
5478   {
5479     ch = TO_UPPER (char_data [i]);
5480     if ( ISA_na (moltype) ) {
5481       if (ch == 'U') ch = 'T';
5482       if (ch == 'X') ch = 'N';
5483       if ( StringChr ("EFIJLOPQXZ-.*", ch) == NULL ) {
5484         BSPutByte ( seq_data, (Int2) ch );
5485       }
5486     }
5487     else
5488     {
5489       if ( StringChr("JO-.", ch) == NULL ) {
5490         BSPutByte ( seq_data, (Int2) ch );
5491       }
5492     }
5493   }
5494   return TRUE;
5495 }
SeqEdInsertRaw(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,Int4 insert_point)5497 static Boolean SeqEdInsertRaw (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp, Int4 insert_point)
5498 {
5499   Boolean      rval;
5500   BioseqPtr    bsp;
5502   if (sejp == NULL || sejp->bsp == NULL || sejp->bsp->repr != Seq_repr_raw
5503       || sejp->char_data == NULL || sejp->num_chars == 0 || insert_point < 0)
5504   {
5505     return FALSE;
5506   }
5507   if (sejp->bsp->seq_data_type == Seq_code_gap) return FALSE;
5509   rval = SeqEdInsertByteStore ((ByteStorePtr) sejp->bsp->seq_data, insert_point,
5510                                sejp->char_data, sejp->num_chars, sejp->moltype);
5512   if (rval)
5513   {
5514     sejp->bsp->length += sejp->num_chars;
5515     bsp = GetParentForSegment (sejp->bsp, NULL, NULL);
5516     if (bsp != NULL)
5517     {
5518       bsp->length += sejp->num_chars;
5519     }
5520   }
5521   return rval;
5522 }
5524 static Boolean
SeqEdInsertIntoDeltaGap(DeltaSeqPtr dsp,SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,Int4 insert_point)5525 SeqEdInsertIntoDeltaGap
5526 (DeltaSeqPtr dsp,
5527  SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,
5528  Int4 insert_point)
5529 {
5530   SeqLitPtr    slip, slip_data, slip_second_gap;
5531   Boolean      rval = FALSE;
5532   DeltaSeqPtr  dsp_data, dsp_second_gap;
5533   IntFuzzPtr   ifp = NULL;
5535   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5536   {
5537     return rval;
5538   }
5539   slip = (SeqLitPtr) dsp->data.ptrvalue;
5540   if (slip->seq_data != NULL && slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
5541   {
5542     return rval;
5543   }
5545   if (slip->fuzz != NULL && slip->fuzz->choice == 4)
5546   {
5547     ifp = IntFuzzNew ();
5548     ifp->choice = 4;
5549   }
5551   /* split the gap in two and create a new DeltaSeqPtr in the middle */
5552   slip_data = SeqLitNew ();
5553   slip_data->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
5554   slip_data->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) BSNew (sejp->num_chars);
5555   rval = SeqEdInsertByteStore ((ByteStorePtr) slip_data->seq_data, 0,
5556                                sejp->char_data, sejp->num_chars, sejp->moltype);
5557   if (rval)
5558   {
5559     slip_data->length = sejp->num_chars;
5560     /* create second gap */
5561     slip_second_gap = SeqLitNew ();
5562     slip_second_gap->length = slip->length - insert_point;
5563     slip_second_gap->fuzz = ifp;
5564     /* truncate first gap */
5565     slip->length = insert_point;
5566     dsp_data = ValNodeNew (NULL);
5567     dsp_data->choice = 2;
5568     dsp_data->data.ptrvalue = slip_data;
5569     dsp_second_gap = ValNodeNew (NULL);
5570     dsp_second_gap->choice = 2;
5571     dsp_second_gap->data.ptrvalue = slip_second_gap;
5572     dsp_second_gap->next = dsp->next;
5573     dsp_data->next = dsp_second_gap;
5574     dsp->next = dsp_data;
5575   }
5576   return rval;
5577 }
IsInsertAllNs(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)5579 static Boolean IsInsertAllNs (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)
5580 {
5581   Int4 k;
5583   if (sejp == NULL || sejp->char_data == NULL || sejp->num_chars < 1)
5584   {
5585     return FALSE;
5586   }
5588   for (k = 0; k < sejp->num_chars; k++)
5589   {
5590     if (TO_LOWER (sejp->char_data [k]) != 'n')
5591     {
5592       return FALSE;
5593     }
5594   }
5595   return TRUE;
5596 }
SeqEdInsertDelta(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,Int4 insert_point)5598 static Boolean SeqEdInsertDelta (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp, Int4 insert_point)
5599 {
5600   DeltaSeqPtr  dsp;
5601   SeqLitPtr    slip;
5602   Int4         seqstart = 0;
5603   ByteStorePtr bs_new;
5604   Boolean      rval;
5606   if (sejp == NULL || sejp->bsp == NULL || sejp->bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta
5607       || sejp->bsp->seq_ext_type != 4
5608       || sejp->char_data == NULL || sejp->num_chars == 0
5609       || insert_point < 0)
5610   {
5611     return FALSE;
5612   }
5614   dsp =  GetDeltaSeqForOffset (sejp->bsp, insert_point, &seqstart);
5616   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5617   {
5618     return FALSE;
5619   }
5621   slip = (SeqLitPtr) dsp->data.ptrvalue;
5622   insert_point -= seqstart;
5624   if (IsDeltaSeqGap (dsp))
5625   {
5626     if (slip->fuzz == NULL && IsInsertAllNs (sejp))
5627     {
5628       slip->length += sejp->num_chars;
5629       rval = TRUE;
5630     }
5631     else
5632     {
5633       rval = SeqEdInsertIntoDeltaGap (dsp, sejp, insert_point);
5634     }
5635   }
5636   else
5637   {
5638     if (slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna && slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
5639     {
5640       bs_new = BSConvertSeq((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, Seq_code_iupacna,
5641                             slip->seq_data_type,
5642                             slip->length);
5643       slip->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
5644       slip->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) bs_new;
5645     }
5647     rval = SeqEdInsertByteStore ((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, insert_point,
5648                                  sejp->char_data, sejp->num_chars,
5649                                  sejp->moltype);
5650     if (rval)
5651     {
5652       slip->length += sejp->num_chars;
5653     }
5654   }
5656   if (rval)
5657   {
5658     sejp->bsp->length += sejp->num_chars;
5659   }
5660   return rval;
5661 }
5663 static Boolean
SeqEdInsertGap(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,Int4 insert_point)5664 SeqEdInsertGap (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp, Int4 insert_point)
5665 {
5666   DeltaSeqPtr  dsp, dsp_gap, dsp_after;
5667   Int4         seqstart = 0;
5668   SeqLitPtr    slip, slip_before, slip_gap, slip_after;
5669   ByteStorePtr bs_new;
5671   if (sejp == NULL || sejp->bsp == NULL || sejp->bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta
5672       || sejp->bsp->seq_ext_type != 4
5673       || sejp->char_data == NULL || sejp->num_chars == 0
5674       || insert_point < 0)
5675   {
5676     return FALSE;
5677   }
5679   dsp =  GetDeltaSeqForOffset (sejp->bsp, insert_point, &seqstart);
5681   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5682   {
5683     return FALSE;
5684   }
5686   slip_gap = SeqLitNew ();
5687   slip_gap->seq_data_type = 0;
5688   slip_gap->seq_data = NULL;
5689   slip_gap->length = sejp->num_chars;
5690   if (sejp->unknown_gap)
5691   {
5692     slip_gap->fuzz = IntFuzzNew ();
5693     slip_gap->fuzz->choice = 4;
5694   }
5696   slip = (SeqLitPtr) (dsp->data.ptrvalue);
5698   /* make insert_point relative to start of this SeqLit */
5699   insert_point -= seqstart;
5701   if (insert_point == 0)
5702   {
5703     /* insert gap before */
5704     dsp_after = ValNodeNew (NULL);
5705     dsp_after->choice = 2;
5706     dsp_after->data.ptrvalue = slip;
5707     dsp_after->next = dsp->next;
5708     dsp->next = dsp_after;
5709     dsp->data.ptrvalue = slip_gap;
5710   }
5711   else if (insert_point == slip->length)
5712   {
5713     /* insert gap after */
5714     dsp_after = ValNodeNew (NULL);
5715     dsp_after->choice = 2;
5716     dsp_after->data.ptrvalue = slip_gap;
5717     dsp_after->next = dsp->next;
5718     dsp->next = dsp_after;
5719   }
5720   else if (IsDeltaSeqUnknownGap (dsp))
5721   {
5722     /* can't insert gap inside gap of unknown length */
5723     slip_gap = SeqLitFree (slip_gap);
5724     return FALSE;
5725   }
5726   else if (IsDeltaSeqGap (dsp) && !sejp->unknown_gap)
5727   {
5728     slip_gap = SeqLitFree (slip_gap);
5729     slip->length += sejp->num_chars;
5730   }
5731   else
5732   {
5733     slip_before = SeqLitNew ();
5734     slip_before->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
5735     slip_before->length = insert_point;
5737     slip_after = SeqLitNew ();
5738     slip_after->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
5739     slip_after->length = slip->length - insert_point;
5741     if (slip->seq_data != NULL && slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
5742     {
5743       if (slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna && slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
5744       {
5745         bs_new = BSConvertSeq((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, Seq_code_iupacna,
5746                               slip->seq_data_type,
5747                               slip->length);
5748         slip->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
5749         slip->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) bs_new;
5750       }
5751       slip_before->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) BSNew (slip_before->length);
5752       slip_after->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) BSNew (slip_after->length);
5754       BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, 0, SEEK_SET);
5755       BSInsertFromBS ((ByteStorePtr) slip_before->seq_data, (ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, slip_before->length);
5756       BSInsertFromBS ((ByteStorePtr) slip_after->seq_data, (ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, slip_after->length);
5757     }
5759     dsp_after = ValNodeNew (NULL);
5760     dsp_after->choice = 2;
5761     dsp_after->data.ptrvalue = slip_after;
5762     dsp_after->next = dsp->next;
5764     dsp_gap = ValNodeNew (NULL);
5765     dsp_gap->choice = 2;
5766     dsp_gap->data.ptrvalue = slip_gap;
5767     dsp_gap->next = dsp_after;
5769     dsp->data.ptrvalue = slip_before;
5770     dsp->next = dsp_gap;
5771     slip = SeqLitFree (slip);
5772   }
5774   sejp->bsp->length += sejp->num_chars;
5776   return TRUE;
5777 }
5779 NLM_EXTERN Boolean
SeqEdInsert(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)5780 SeqEdInsert (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)
5781 {
5782   Int4              len;
5783   SeqFeatPtr        sfp;
5784   SeqMgrFeatContext fcontext;
5785   ValNodePtr        prods, vnp;
5786   BioseqContextPtr  bcp;
5787   Int4              insert_point;
5788   Boolean           recreated_feats = FALSE;
5789   Boolean           rval = FALSE;
5790   BioseqPtr         bsp;
5791   Int4              insert_offset = 0;
5793   if (sejp == NULL || sejp->bsp == NULL
5794       || sejp->char_data == NULL || sejp->num_chars == 0)
5795   {
5796     return FALSE;
5797   }
5799   len = BioseqGetLen(sejp->bsp);
5800   insert_point = sejp->offset;
5802   if (insert_point == LAST_RESIDUE)
5803   {
5804     insert_point = len - 1;
5805   }
5806   else if (insert_point == APPEND_RESIDUE)
5807   {
5808     insert_point = len;
5809   }
5811   if ((insert_point < 0) || (insert_point > len)) return FALSE;
5813   if (sejp->action == eSeqEdInsertGap || sejp->action == eSeqEdDeleteGap)
5814   {
5815     rval = SeqEdInsertGap (sejp, insert_point);
5816   }
5817   else if (sejp->bsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw)
5818   {
5819     rval = SeqEdInsertRaw (sejp, insert_point);
5820   }
5821   else if (sejp->bsp->repr == Seq_repr_delta)
5822   {
5823     rval = SeqEdInsertDelta (sejp, insert_point);
5824   }
5826   if (!rval)
5827   {
5828     return FALSE;
5829   }
5831   /* fix features */
5832   if (sejp->entityID > 0 && SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed (sejp->entityID))
5833   {
5834     sfp = NULL;
5835     bsp = GetParentForSegment (sejp->bsp, &insert_offset, NULL);
5836     if (bsp == NULL)
5837     {
5838       bsp = sejp->bsp;
5839     }
5841     while ((sfp = SeqEdGetNextFeature (bsp, sfp, 0, 0, &fcontext, FALSE, FALSE, sejp->entityID)) != NULL)
5842     {
5843       SeqEdInsertAdjustFeat (sfp, sejp, insert_point);
5844       }
5846     if (bsp != sejp->bsp)
5847     {
5848       insert_point += insert_offset;
5849     }
5851       /* adjust features pointing by product */
5852       prods = SeqMgrGetSfpProductList (sejp->bsp);
5853       for (vnp = prods; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next)
5854       {
5855       sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
5856       if (sfp == NULL) continue;
5857       sfp->product = SeqEdSeqLocInsert (sfp->product, bsp, insert_point, sejp->num_chars, sejp->spliteditmode, NULL);
5858       }
5859   } else {
5860     bcp = BioseqContextNew(sejp->bsp);
5861     sfp = NULL;
5862     /* adjust features pointing by location */
5863     while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 0)) != NULL)
5864     {
5865       SeqEdInsertAdjustFeat (sfp, sejp, insert_point);
5866     }
5867     sfp = NULL;
5868       /* adjust features pointing by product */
5869       while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 1)) != NULL)
5870       {
5871       sfp->product = SeqEdSeqLocInsert (sfp->product, sejp->bsp, insert_point, sejp->num_chars, sejp->spliteditmode, NULL);
5872       }
5873       BioseqContextFree(bcp);
5874   }
5876     recreated_feats = SeqEdRecreateDeletedFeats (sejp);
5878   if (recreated_feats)
5879   {
5880     SeqMgrIndexFeatures (sejp->entityID, NULL);
5881   }
5882   else
5883   {
5884     SeqEdReindexAffectedFeatures (sejp->offset, sejp->num_chars,
5885                                     sejp->spliteditmode, sejp->bsp);
5886     ReindexExtendedFeatures (sejp);
5887   }
5888   sejp->affected_feats = SeqEdJournalAffectedFeatsFree (sejp->affected_feats);
5889   return TRUE;
5890 }
5893 /* This section contains code for deleting from sequences and feature locations, adapted from
5894  * that found in edutil.c */
5896 /*****************************************************************************
5897 *
5898 *   SeqEdSeqFeatDelete()
5899 *     0 = no changes made to location or product
5900 *     1 = changes made but feature still has some location
5901 *     2 = all of sfp->location in deleted interval
5902 *
5903 *   if (merge)
5904 *      1) correct numbers > to by subtraction
5905 *      2) do not split intervals spanning the deletion
5906 *   else
5907 *      1) do not change numbers > to
5908 *      2) split intervals which span the deletions
5909 *
5910 *****************************************************************************/
SeqEdSeqFeatDelete(SeqFeatPtr sfp,BioseqPtr target,Int4 from,Int4 to,Boolean merge)5911 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL SeqEdSeqFeatDelete (SeqFeatPtr sfp, BioseqPtr target, Int4 from, Int4 to, Boolean merge)
5912 {
5913     ValNode vn;
5914     SeqLocPtr tloc;
5915     SeqInt si;
5916     Boolean changed = FALSE, tmpbool = FALSE;
5917     CdRegionPtr crp;
5918     CodeBreakPtr cbp, prevcbp, nextcbp;
5919     RnaRefPtr rrp;
5920     tRNAPtr trp;
5922     tloc = &vn;
5923     MemSet((Pointer)tloc, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
5924     MemSet((Pointer)&si, 0, sizeof(SeqInt));
5925     tloc->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
5926     tloc->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(&si);
5927     si.id = target->id;
5928     si.from = from;
5929     si.to = to;
5931     sfp->location = SeqEdSeqLocDelete (sfp->location, target, from, to, merge, &changed, NULL, NULL);
5932     sfp->product = SeqEdSeqLocDelete(sfp->product, target, from, to, merge, &changed, NULL, NULL);
5934     if (sfp->location == NULL)
5935         return 2;
5937     switch (sfp->data.choice)
5938     {
5939         case SEQFEAT_CDREGION:   /* cdregion */
5940             crp = (CdRegionPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
5941             prevcbp = NULL;
5942             for (cbp = crp->code_break; cbp != NULL; cbp = nextcbp)
5943             {
5944                 nextcbp = cbp->next;
5945                 cbp->loc = SeqEdSeqLocDelete(cbp->loc, target, from, to, merge, &tmpbool, NULL, NULL);
5946                 if (cbp->loc == NULL)
5947                 {
5948                     if (prevcbp != NULL)
5949                         prevcbp->next = nextcbp;
5950                     else
5951                         crp->code_break = nextcbp;
5952                     cbp->next = NULL;
5953                     CodeBreakFree(cbp);
5954                 }
5955                 else
5956                     prevcbp = cbp;
5957             }
5958             break;
5959         case SEQFEAT_RNA:
5960             rrp = (RnaRefPtr)(sfp->data.value.ptrvalue);
5961             if (rrp->ext.choice == 2)   /* tRNA */
5962             {
5963                 trp = (tRNAPtr)(rrp->ext.value.ptrvalue);
5964                 if (trp->anticodon != NULL)
5965                 {
5966                     trp->anticodon = SeqEdSeqLocDelete(trp->anticodon, target, from, to, merge, &tmpbool, NULL, NULL);
5967                 }
5968             }
5969             break;
5970         default:
5971             break;
5972     }
5974     if (changed)
5975     {
5976         return 1;
5977     }
5978     else
5979         return 0;
5980 }
5982 /*
5983 static Boolean SeqEdDeleteFromDeltaSeq (DeltaSeqPtr dsp, Int4 from, Int4 to)
5984 {
5985   ByteStorePtr    bs_new;
5986   SeqLitPtr       slip;
5988   if (dsp == NULL || dsp->choice != 2 || dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
5989   {
5990     return FALSE;
5991   }
5993   slip = (SeqLitPtr) dsp->data.ptrvalue;
5995   if (from < 0 || to > slip->length)
5996   {
5997     return FALSE;
5998   }
5999   if (to < 0)
6000   {
6001     to = slip->length - 1;
6002   }
6004   if (! IsDeltaSeqGap (dsp))
6005   {
6006     if (slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna)
6007     {
6008       bs_new = BSConvertSeq(slip->seq_data, Seq_code_iupacna,
6009                             slip->seq_data_type,
6010                             slip->length);
6011       slip->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
6012       slip->seq_data = bs_new;
6013     }
6014     BSSeek(slip->seq_data, from, SEEK_SET);
6015     Nlm_BSDelete (slip->seq_data, to - from + 1);
6016   }
6017   slip->length -= (to - from + 1);
6019   return TRUE;
6020 }
6021 */
DeleteFromSeqLit(SeqLitPtr slip,Int4 from,Int4 to)6023 static void DeleteFromSeqLit (SeqLitPtr slip, Int4 from, Int4 to)
6024 {
6025   ByteStorePtr    bs_new;
6027   if (slip == NULL)
6028   {
6029     return;
6030   }
6031   if (from < 0)
6032   {
6033     from = 0;
6034   }
6036   if (to > slip->length - 1 || to < 0)
6037   {
6038     to = slip->length - 1;
6039   }
6041   if (slip->seq_data != NULL && slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
6042   {
6043     if (slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna && slip->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap)
6044     {
6045       bs_new = BSConvertSeq((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, Seq_code_iupacna,
6046                             slip->seq_data_type,
6047                             slip->length);
6048       slip->seq_data_type = Seq_code_iupacna;
6049       slip->seq_data = (SeqDataPtr) bs_new;
6050     }
6051     BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, from, SEEK_SET);
6052     Nlm_BSDelete ((ByteStorePtr) slip->seq_data, to - from + 1);
6053   }
6054   slip->length -= (to - from + 1);
6055 }
SeqEdDeleteFromDeltaBsp(BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 from,Int4 to)6057 static Boolean SeqEdDeleteFromDeltaBsp (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 from, Int4 to)
6058 {
6059   Boolean         retval = FALSE;
6060   DeltaSeqPtr     dsp, dsp_next, prev_dsp;
6061   SeqLitPtr       slip;
6062   Int4            curr_pos = 0;
6063   Int4            del_to, del_from;
6064   Int4            piece_len;
6065   SeqLocPtr       slp;
6067   if (bsp == NULL || bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta
6068       || bsp->seq_ext_type != 4 || bsp->seq_ext == NULL)
6069   {
6070     return retval;
6071   }
6073   prev_dsp = NULL;
6074   dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr) bsp->seq_ext;
6075   while (dsp != NULL && curr_pos <= to)
6076   {
6077     dsp_next = dsp->next;
6078     piece_len = 0;
6079     /* remove empty dsps */
6080     if (dsp->data.ptrvalue == NULL)
6081     {
6082       /* skip */
6083       prev_dsp = dsp;
6084     }
6085         else if (dsp->choice == 1)
6086         {  /* SeqLoc */
6087           slp = (SeqLocPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
6088       piece_len = SeqLocLen (slp);
6089       prev_dsp = dsp;
6090         }
6091         else if (dsp->choice == 2)
6092         {
6093           slip = (SeqLitPtr) (dsp->data.ptrvalue);
6094           piece_len = slip->length;
6095           if (curr_pos + piece_len > from)
6096           {
6097             if (from > curr_pos)
6098             {
6099               del_from = from - curr_pos;
6100             }
6101             else
6102             {
6103               del_from = 0;
6104             }
6106             if (to - curr_pos < slip->length - 1)
6107             {
6108               del_to = to - curr_pos;
6109             }
6110             else
6111             {
6112               del_to = slip->length - 1;
6113             }
6114             DeleteFromSeqLit (slip, del_from, del_to);
6116             /* remove empty delta seq parts */
6117             if (slip->length == 0)
6118             {
6119               if (prev_dsp == NULL)
6120               {
6121                 bsp->seq_ext = dsp->next;
6122               }
6123               else
6124               {
6125                 prev_dsp->next = dsp->next;
6126               }
6127               dsp->next = NULL;
6128               slip = SeqLitFree (slip);
6129               dsp = ValNodeFree (dsp);
6130             }
6131             else
6132             {
6133               prev_dsp = dsp;
6134             }
6135           }
6136           else
6137           {
6138             prev_dsp = dsp;
6139           }
6140         }
6141         curr_pos += piece_len;
6142         dsp = dsp_next;
6143   }
6144   return TRUE;
6145 }
SeqEdDeleteFromSegOrDeltaBsp(BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 from,Int4 to)6147 static Boolean SeqEdDeleteFromSegOrDeltaBsp (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 from, Int4 to)
6148 {
6149   SeqLocPtr       tmp, head;
6150   DeltaSeqPtr     tdsp = NULL;
6151   SeqLocPtr PNTR  newheadptr;
6152   Int4            totlen, templen, tfrom, tto, diff1, diff2;
6153   SeqLocPtr       slp, tloc, newhead, prev;
6154   Boolean         retval = FALSE;
6155   SeqInt          si;
6156   ValNode         vn;
6158   if (bsp == NULL) return retval;
6159   if (bsp->repr != Seq_repr_seg && bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta) return retval;
6161   head = ValNodeNew(NULL);  /* allocate to facilitate SeqLocFree */
6162   head->choice = SEQLOC_MIX;   /* make a SeqLoc out of the extension */
6163   if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
6164     head->data.ptrvalue = bsp->seq_ext;
6165   else
6166   {
6167     tdsp = (DeltaSeqPtr)(bsp->seq_ext);
6168     head->data.ptrvalue = DeltaSeqsToSeqLocs(tdsp);
6169   }
6171   newhead = NULL;
6172   newheadptr = &newhead;
6174   tloc = &vn;
6175   MemSet((Pointer)tloc, 0, sizeof(ValNode));
6176   MemSet((Pointer)&si, 0, sizeof(SeqInt));
6177   tloc->choice = SEQLOC_INT;
6178   tloc->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer)(&si);
6180   slp = NULL;
6181   totlen = 0;
6182   while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext(head, slp)) != NULL)
6183   {
6184     templen = SeqLocLen(slp);
6185     tfrom = SeqLocStart(slp);
6186     tto = SeqLocStop(slp);
6188     if (((totlen + templen - 1) < from) ||   /* before cut */
6189       (totlen > to))                          /* after cut */
6190     {
6191       tmp = SeqLocAdd(newheadptr, slp, TRUE, TRUE); /* add whole SeqLoc */
6192     }
6193     else
6194     {
6195       retval = TRUE;    /* will modify or drop interval */
6196       diff1 = from - totlen;        /* partial beginning? */
6197       diff2 = (templen + totlen - 1) - to;  /* partial end? */
6198       si.id = SeqLocId(slp);
6199       si.strand = SeqLocStrand(slp);
6201       if (diff1 > 0)      /* partial start */
6202       {
6203         if (si.strand != Seq_strand_minus)
6204         {
6205           si.from = tfrom;
6206           si.to = tfrom + diff1 - 1;
6207         }
6208         else
6209         {
6210           si.from = tto - diff1 + 1;
6211           si.to = tto;
6212         }
6213         tmp = SeqLocAdd(newheadptr, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
6214       }
6216       if (diff2 > 0)    /* partial end */
6217       {
6218         if (si.strand != Seq_strand_minus)
6219         {
6220           si.from = tto - diff2 + 1;
6221           si.to = tto;
6222         }
6223         else
6224         {
6225           si.from = tfrom;
6226           si.to = tfrom + diff2 - 1;
6227         }
6228         tmp = SeqLocAdd(newheadptr, tloc, TRUE, TRUE);
6229       }
6230     }
6231     totlen += templen;
6232   }
6234   prev = NULL;
6235   for (tmp = newhead; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next)
6236   {
6237     if (tmp->next == NULL)   /* last one */
6238     {
6239       if (tmp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL)
6240       {
6241         if (prev != NULL)
6242           prev->next = NULL;
6243         else                  /* only a NULL left */
6244         {
6245           newhead = NULL;
6246         }
6247         MemFree(tmp);
6248         break;
6249       }
6250     }
6251     prev = tmp;
6252   }
6254   if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
6255     bsp->seq_ext = newhead;
6256   else
6257   {
6258     bsp->seq_ext = SeqLocsToDeltaSeqs(tdsp, newhead);
6259     DeltaSeqSetFree(tdsp);
6260     SeqLocSetFree(newhead);
6261   }
6262   SeqLocFree(head);
6263   return TRUE;
6264 }
SeqEdDeleteFromMapBioseq(BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 from,Int4 to)6266 static Boolean SeqEdDeleteFromMapBioseq (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 from, Int4 to)
6267 {
6268   SeqFeatPtr sfpcurr, sfpnext, sfpprev;
6269   Int2 dropped;
6271   if (bsp == NULL || bsp->repr != Seq_repr_map) return FALSE;
6273   sfpprev = NULL;
6274   sfpnext = NULL;
6275   sfpcurr = (SeqFeatPtr)(bsp->seq_ext);
6276   bsp->seq_ext = NULL;
6277   for (; sfpcurr != NULL; sfpcurr = sfpnext)
6278   {
6279     sfpnext = sfpcurr->next;
6280     dropped = SeqEdSeqFeatDelete(sfpcurr, bsp, from, to, TRUE);
6281     if (dropped == 2)   /* completely gone */
6282     {
6283       SeqFeatFree(sfpcurr);
6284     }
6285     else
6286     {
6287       if (sfpprev == NULL)
6288         bsp->seq_ext = (Pointer)sfpcurr;
6289       else
6290         sfpprev->next = sfpcurr;
6291       sfpcurr->next = NULL;
6292       sfpprev = sfpcurr;
6293     }
6294   }
6295   return TRUE;
6296 }
FreeSeqLocList(SeqLocPtr slp)6298 static SeqLocPtr FreeSeqLocList (SeqLocPtr slp)
6299 {
6300   if (slp == NULL)
6301   {
6302     return NULL;
6303   }
6304   slp->next = SeqLocFree (slp->next);
6305   slp = SeqLocFree (slp);
6306   return slp;
6307 }
ReStitchLocation(Int4 delete_point,SeqFeatPtr sfp)6309 static Boolean ReStitchLocation (Int4 delete_point, SeqFeatPtr sfp)
6310 {
6311   Int4      this_start, this_stop, next_start, next_stop;
6312   SeqLocPtr this_slp, next_slp, loc_list = NULL, tmp_slp, last_slp = NULL, tmp_next;
6313   SeqIdPtr  this_id, next_id;
6314   Boolean   merged = FALSE;
6315   Uint1     this_strand, next_strand;
6317   if (sfp->location == NULL)
6318   {
6319     return FALSE;
6320   }
6322   this_start = SeqLocStart (sfp->location);
6323   this_stop = SeqLocStop (sfp->location);
6324   if (delete_point <= this_start || delete_point >= this_stop)
6325   {
6326     return FALSE;
6327   }
6329   this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (sfp->location, NULL);
6330   if (this_slp == NULL)
6331   {
6332     return FALSE;
6333   }
6334   next_slp = SeqLocFindNext (sfp->location, this_slp);
6336   while (next_slp != NULL)
6337   {
6338     this_start = SeqLocStart (this_slp);
6339     this_stop = SeqLocStop (this_slp);
6340     this_id = SeqLocId (this_slp);
6341     this_strand = SeqLocStrand (this_slp);
6342     next_start = SeqLocStart (next_slp);
6343     next_stop = SeqLocStop (next_slp);
6344     next_id = SeqLocId (next_slp);
6345     next_strand = SeqLocStrand (next_slp);
6346     if (this_stop + 1 == next_start
6347         && next_start == delete_point
6348         && SeqIdComp (this_id, next_id) == SIC_YES
6349         && this_strand == next_strand)
6350     {
6351       tmp_slp = SeqLocIntNew (this_start, next_stop, this_strand, this_id);
6352       next_slp = SeqLocFindNext (sfp->location, next_slp);
6353       merged = TRUE;
6354     }
6355     else
6356     {
6357       tmp_next = this_slp->next;
6358       this_slp->next = NULL;
6359       tmp_slp = SeqLocCopy (this_slp);
6360       this_slp->next = tmp_next;
6361     }
6362     if (tmp_slp != NULL)
6363     {
6364       if (last_slp == NULL)
6365       {
6366         loc_list = tmp_slp;
6367       }
6368       else
6369       {
6370         last_slp->next = tmp_slp;
6371       }
6372       last_slp = tmp_slp;
6373     }
6375     this_slp = next_slp;
6376     if (this_slp != NULL)
6377     {
6378       next_slp = SeqLocFindNext (sfp->location, this_slp);
6379     }
6380   }
6381   if (merged && loc_list != NULL)
6382   {
6383     if (this_slp != NULL)
6384     {
6385       this_start = SeqLocStart (this_slp);
6386       this_stop = SeqLocStop (this_slp);
6387       tmp_next = this_slp->next;
6388       this_slp->next = NULL;
6389       tmp_slp = SeqLocCopy (this_slp);
6390       this_slp->next = tmp_next;
6391       if (last_slp == NULL)
6392       {
6393         loc_list = tmp_slp;
6394       }
6395       else
6396       {
6397         last_slp->next = tmp_slp;
6398       }
6399     }
6400     if (loc_list->next == NULL)
6401     {
6402       sfp->location = SeqLocFree (sfp->location);
6403       sfp->location = loc_list;
6404     }
6405     else
6406     {
6407       /* already mix, just need to replace list */
6408       sfp->location->data.ptrvalue = FreeSeqLocList (sfp->location->data.ptrvalue);
6409       sfp->location->data.ptrvalue = loc_list;
6410     }
6411     return TRUE;
6412   }
6413   else
6414   {
6415     loc_list = FreeSeqLocList (loc_list);
6416     return FALSE;
6417   }
6418 }
6420 /* ideally, this should take a SeqJournalEntry and perform the deletion.
6421  * We will always be deleting a contiguous section of characters.
6422  * This function will only delete from the specified Bioseq, so there should
6423  * be no need to call BioseqFind (which is expensive).
6424  */
SeqEdDeleteFromBsp(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp,BoolPtr pfeats_deleted)6425 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEdDeleteFromBsp (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp, BoolPtr pfeats_deleted)
6426 {
6427   Boolean           retval = FALSE;
6428   Boolean           feats_altered = FALSE;
6429   Int4              deleted;
6430   SeqFeatPtr        sfp;
6431   SeqMgrFeatContext fcontext;
6432   BioseqContextPtr  bcp;
6433   Int2              feat_change;
6434   Boolean           feats_deleted = FALSE;
6435   SeqFeatPtr        tmp_sfp;
6436   AffectedFeatPtr   afp;
6437   Boolean           merge_mode;
6438   Boolean           location_restitched = FALSE, adjusted_master = FALSE;
6439   BioseqPtr         bsp;
6440   Int4              cut_offset = 0, offset = 0;
6442   if (sejp == NULL || sejp->bsp == NULL || sejp->offset < 0 || sejp->offset >= sejp->bsp->length
6443       || sejp->offset + sejp->num_chars + 1 < 0 || sejp->offset + sejp->num_chars > sejp->bsp->length
6444       || sejp->num_chars < 1)
6445   {
6446     return retval;
6447   }
6449   if (sejp->affected_feats != NULL)
6450   {
6451     sejp->affected_feats = SeqEdJournalAffectedFeatsFree (sejp->affected_feats);
6452   }
6454   bsp = GetParentForSegment (sejp->bsp, &offset, NULL);
6455   if (bsp == NULL)
6456   {
6457     bsp = sejp->bsp;
6458     cut_offset = sejp->offset;
6459   }
6460   else
6461   {
6462     cut_offset = sejp->offset + offset;
6463   }
6465   /* fix features */
6466   if (sejp->entityID > 0 && SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed (sejp->entityID)) {
6468     sfp = NULL;
6469     while ((sfp = SeqEdGetNextFeature (bsp, sfp, 0, 0, &fcontext, FALSE, FALSE, sejp->entityID)) != NULL)
6470     {
6471       if ((cut_offset <= fcontext.left && cut_offset + sejp->num_chars >= fcontext.left)
6472           || (cut_offset >= fcontext.left && cut_offset + sejp->num_chars <= fcontext.right)
6473           || (cut_offset <= fcontext.right && cut_offset + sejp->num_chars >= fcontext.right))
6474       {
6475         tmp_sfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
6476       }
6477       else
6478       {
6479         tmp_sfp = NULL;
6480       }
6481       /* if we're deleting a gap and the feature is a coding region, merge location
6482        * by default */
6483       merge_mode = sejp->spliteditmode;
6484       if (sejp->action == eSeqEdInsertGap || sejp->action == eSeqEdDeleteGap
6485           && sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_CDREGION)
6486       {
6487         merge_mode = TRUE;
6488       }
6490       feat_change = SeqEdSeqFeatDelete (sfp, bsp, cut_offset,
6491                                         cut_offset + sejp->num_chars - 1,
6492                                         sejp->spliteditmode);
6494       if (feat_change == 0 || feat_change == 1)
6495       {
6496         if (ReStitchLocation (cut_offset, sfp))
6497         {
6498           feat_change = 1;
6499           location_restitched = TRUE;
6500         }
6501       }
6503       if (feat_change > 0)
6504         {
6505           if (feat_change == 2)
6506           {
6507             /* remove from index and SeqAnnot */
6508             sfp->idx.deleteme = TRUE;
6509             feats_deleted = TRUE;
6510           }
6512           afp = AffectedFeatNew ();
6513           if (afp != NULL)
6514           {
6515             afp->feat_before = tmp_sfp;
6516             if (feat_change != 2)
6517             {
6518               afp->feat_after = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
6519               if (afp->feat_after != NULL)
6520               {
6521                 afp->feat_after->idx.itemID = sfp->idx.itemID;
6522               }
6523             }
6524           }
6525           ValNodeAddPointer (&sejp->affected_feats, 0, afp);
6526           feats_altered = TRUE;
6527         }
6528         else
6529         {
6530           SeqFeatFree (tmp_sfp);
6531         }
6532       if (bsp != sejp->bsp)
6533       {
6534         adjusted_master = TRUE;
6535       }
6536       }
6537   } else {
6538     bcp = BioseqContextNew(sejp->bsp);
6539     sfp = NULL;
6540     /* adjust features pointing by location */
6541     while ((sfp = BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, 0, sfp, NULL, 0)) != NULL)
6542     {
6543       tmp_sfp = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
6544       /* if we're deleting a gap and the feature is a coding region, merge location
6545        * by default */
6546       merge_mode = sejp->spliteditmode;
6547       if (sejp->action == eSeqEdInsertGap || sejp->action == eSeqEdDeleteGap
6548           && sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_CDREGION)
6549       {
6550         merge_mode = TRUE;
6551       }
6552       feat_change = SeqEdSeqFeatDelete (sfp, bsp, cut_offset,
6553                                         cut_offset + sejp->num_chars - 1,
6554                                         sejp->spliteditmode);
6556       if (feat_change == 0 || feat_change == 1)
6557       {
6558         if (ReStitchLocation (cut_offset, sfp))
6559         {
6560           feat_change = 1;
6561           location_restitched = TRUE;
6562         }
6563       }
6565       if (feat_change > 0)
6566         {
6567           if (feat_change == 2)
6568           {
6569             /* remove from index and SeqAnnot */
6570             sfp->idx.deleteme = TRUE;
6571             feats_deleted = TRUE;
6572           }
6573           afp = AffectedFeatNew ();
6574           if (afp != NULL)
6575           {
6576             afp->feat_before = tmp_sfp;
6577             afp->feat_after = (SeqFeatPtr)AsnIoMemCopy((Pointer)sfp, (AsnReadFunc)SeqFeatAsnRead, (AsnWriteFunc)SeqFeatAsnWrite);
6578           }
6579           ValNodeAddPointer (&sejp->affected_feats, 0, afp);
6580           feats_altered = TRUE;
6581         }
6582         else
6583         {
6584           SeqFeatFree (tmp_sfp);
6585         }
6586     }
6587       BioseqContextFree(bcp);
6588   }
6590   /* now delete nucleotides from bioseq */
6591   switch (sejp->bsp->repr)
6592   {
6593     case Seq_repr_raw:
6594     case Seq_repr_const:
6595       if (sejp->bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_gap) {
6596         /* if actual sequence present */
6597         if (ISA_na(sejp->bsp->mol))
6598         {
6599           if (sejp->bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_iupacna)  /* need 1 byte/base */
6600             BioseqRawConvert(sejp->bsp, Seq_code_iupacna);
6601           }
6602         else
6603         {
6604           if (sejp->bsp->seq_data_type != Seq_code_ncbieaa)
6605             BioseqRawConvert(sejp->bsp, Seq_code_ncbieaa);
6606         }
6608         BSSeek((ByteStorePtr) sejp->bsp->seq_data, sejp->offset, SEEK_SET);
6609         deleted = BSDelete((ByteStorePtr) sejp->bsp->seq_data, sejp->num_chars);
6610         if (deleted != sejp->num_chars)  /* error */
6611           ErrPost(CTX_NCBIOBJ, 1, "Delete of %ld residues failed", sejp->num_chars);
6612         else
6613           retval = TRUE;
6614       }
6615       break;
6616     case Seq_repr_seg:
6617       /* update segmented sequence */
6618       retval = SeqEdDeleteFromSegOrDeltaBsp (sejp->bsp, sejp->offset, sejp->offset + sejp->num_chars - 1);
6619       break;
6620     case Seq_repr_delta:
6621         /* update delta sequence */
6622       retval = SeqEdDeleteFromDeltaBsp (sejp->bsp, sejp->offset, sejp->offset + sejp->num_chars - 1);
6623       break;
6624     case Seq_repr_map:
6625       /* map bioseq */
6626       retval = SeqEdDeleteFromMapBioseq (sejp->bsp, sejp->offset, sejp->offset + sejp->num_chars - 1);
6627       break;
6628     case Seq_repr_virtual:
6629       retval = TRUE;                 /* nothing to do */
6630       break;
6631   }
6633   if (retval)
6634   {
6635     sejp->bsp->length -= sejp->num_chars;
6636     if (bsp != sejp->bsp)
6637     {
6638       bsp->length -= sejp->num_chars;
6639     }
6640   }
6642   if (feats_deleted)
6643   {
6644     DeleteMarkedObjects (sejp->entityID, 0, NULL);
6645     SeqMgrIndexFeatures (sejp->entityID, NULL);
6646   }
6647   else if (location_restitched || adjusted_master)
6648   {
6649     SeqMgrIndexFeatures (sejp->entityID, NULL);
6650   }
6651   else
6652   {
6653     SeqEdReindexAffectedFeatures (sejp->offset, 0 - sejp->num_chars,
6654                                   sejp->spliteditmode, sejp->bsp);
6656   }
6658   if (pfeats_deleted != NULL)
6659   {
6660     *pfeats_deleted = feats_deleted;
6661   }
6663   return retval;
6664 }
6666 /* this function will indicate whether the interval on the Bioseq specified contains
6667  * any gaps of unknown length.
6668  */
6670 /*
6671 static Boolean DoesIntervalContainUnknownGap (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4 from, Int4 to)
6672 {
6673   DeltaSeqPtr from_dsp, to_dsp, this_dsp;
6674   Int4        from_start = 0, to_start = 0;
6675   Boolean     unknown_gap = FALSE;
6677   if (bsp == NULL || from < 0 || from >= bsp->length || to < 0 || to >= bsp->length)
6678   {
6679     return FALSE;
6680   }
6682   from_dsp = GetDeltaSeqForOffset (bsp, from, &from_start);
6683   to_dsp = GetDeltaSeqForOffset (bsp, to, &to_start);
6685   this_dsp = from_dsp;
6686   while (!unknown_gap && this_dsp != NULL && (to_dsp == NULL || this_dsp != to_dsp->next))
6687   {
6688     unknown_gap = IsDeltaSeqUnknownGap (this_dsp);
6689     this_dsp = this_dsp->next;
6690   }
6692   return unknown_gap;
6693 }
6694 */
6696 /* This section of code deals with editing the sequence by inserting and removing characters.
6697  * Functions are needed to change the indices for the affected features so that they will
6698  * display properly.
6699  */
SeqEdFixExtraIndex(SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array,Int4 num,Int4 shift_start,Int4 shift_amt,Boolean split,BioseqPtr bsp)6700 static void SeqEdFixExtraIndex
6701 (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array,
6702  Int4               num,
6703  Int4               shift_start,
6704  Int4               shift_amt,
6705  Boolean            split,
6706  BioseqPtr          bsp)
6707 {
6708   SMFeatItemPtr       item;
6709   Int4                i = 0, j, k, n;
6710   Int4Ptr             newivals;
6712   if (array == NULL || num < 1 || bsp == NULL) return;
6713   while (i < num) {
6714     item = array [i];
6715     i++;
6716     if (item != NULL) {
6717       if (item->right >= shift_start)
6718       {
6719           if (item->left > shift_start
6720               || (shift_amt > 0 && item->left == shift_start))
6721           {
6722             /* move left and right indexed endpoints */
6723             item->left += shift_amt;
6724             if (item->left < 0)
6725             {
6726               item->left = 0;
6727             }
6728             item->right += shift_amt;
6729             /* move all ivals */
6730             for (j = 0; j < item->numivals; j++)
6731             {
6732                 item->ivals [2 * j] += shift_amt;
6733                 if (item->ivals [2 * j] < 0)
6734                 {
6735                   item->ivals [2 * j] = 0;
6736                 }
6737                 item->ivals [2 * j + 1] += shift_amt;
6738                 if (item->ivals [2 * j + 1] < 0)
6739                 {
6740                   item->ivals [2 * j + 1] = 0;
6741                 }
6742             }
6743           }
6744           else
6745           {
6746             item->right += shift_amt;
6747           for (j = 0; j < item->numivals; j++)
6748           {
6749               if (item->ivals [2 * j] < shift_start && item->ivals[2 * j + 1] < shift_start)
6750               {
6751                 /* upstream - we may safely ignore */
6752               }
6753             else if ((item->ivals [2 * j] > shift_start && item->ivals [2 * j + 1] > shift_start)
6754                     || (shift_amt > 0 && item->ivals [2 * j] >= shift_start
6755                                       && item->ivals [2 * j + 1] >= shift_start))
6756             {
6757               /* downstream - shift both endpoints */
6758                 item->ivals [2 * j] += shift_amt;
6759                 item->ivals [2 * j + 1] += shift_amt;
6760             }
6761               else if (split)
6762               {
6763                 /* create a new list of ivals */
6764                   newivals = (Int4Ptr) MemNew (sizeof (Int4) * (item->numivals + 1) * 2);
6765                   /* copy all ivals up to j into new list */
6766                   for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
6767                   {
6768                     newivals [2 * k] = item->ivals [2 * k];
6769                     newivals [2 * k + 1] = item->ivals [2 * k + 1];
6770                   }
6771                   /* create two intervals using split */
6772                   if (item->ivals [2 * j] < item->ivals [2 * j + 1])
6773                   {
6774                     /* plus strand */
6775                     newivals [2 * k] = item->ivals [2 * j];
6776                     newivals [2 * k + 1] = shift_start - 1;
6777                     k++;
6778                     newivals [2 * k] = shift_start + shift_amt;
6779                     newivals [2 * k + 1] = item->ivals [2 * j + 1] + shift_amt;
6780                     k++;
6781                   }
6782                   else
6783                   {
6784                     /* minus strand */
6785                     newivals [2 * k] = item->ivals [2 * j] + shift_amt;
6786                     newivals [2 * k + 1] = shift_start + shift_amt;
6787                     k++;
6788                     newivals [2 * k] = shift_start - 1;
6789                     newivals [2 * k + 1] = item->ivals [2 * j + 1];
6790                     k++;
6791                   }
6792                   /* copy remaining intervals (they will be shifted later in the loop */
6793                   n = j + 1;
6794                   while (n < item->numivals)
6795                   {
6796                     newivals[2 * k] = item->ivals [2 * n];
6797                     newivals[2 * k + 1] = item->ivals [2 * n + 1];
6798                     k++;
6799                     n++;
6800                    }
6801                   MemFree (item->ivals);
6802                   item->ivals = newivals;
6803                   item->numivals ++;
6804                   /* increment j so that we will not re-increment the second interval */
6805                   j++;
6806               }
6807               else
6808               {
6809                 /* move only downstream endpoint */
6810                 if (item->ivals [2 * j] > shift_start
6811                     || (shift_amt > 0 && item->ivals [2 * j] == shift_start))
6812                 {
6813                     item->ivals [2 * j] += shift_amt;
6814                     if (item->ivals [2 * j] < 0)
6815                     {
6816                       item->ivals [2 * j] = 0;
6817                     }
6818                 }
6819                 else
6820                 {
6821                     item->ivals [2 * j + 1] += shift_amt;
6822                     if (item->ivals [2 * j + 1] < 0)
6823                     {
6824                       item->ivals [2 * j + 1] = 0;
6825                     }
6826                 }
6827               }
6828           }
6829         }
6830       }
6831     }
6832   }
6833 }
SeqEdReindexAffectedFeatures(Int4 shift_start,Int4 shift_amt,Boolean split,BioseqPtr bsp)6835 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdReindexAffectedFeatures (Int4 shift_start, Int4 shift_amt,
6836                                           Boolean split, BioseqPtr bsp)
6837 {
6838   ObjMgrDataPtr       omdp;
6839   BioseqExtraPtr      bspextra;
6840   ObjMgrPtr           omp;
6842   if (bsp == NULL) return;
6844   omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) bsp->omdp;
6845   if (omdp == NULL)
6846   {
6847     omp = ObjMgrWriteLock ();
6848     omdp = ObjMgrFindByData (omp, bsp);
6849     ObjMgrUnlock ();
6850     bsp->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
6851   }
6852   if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return;
6854   bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
6855   if (bspextra == NULL) return;
6857   SeqEdFixExtraIndex (bspextra->featsByPos, bspextra->numfeats,
6858                       shift_start, shift_amt, split, bsp);
6859 }
SeqEdReindexFeature(SeqFeatPtr sfp,BioseqPtr bsp)6861 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdReindexFeature (SeqFeatPtr sfp, BioseqPtr bsp)
6862 {
6863   ObjMgrDataPtr       omdp;
6864   BioseqExtraPtr      bspextra;
6865   ObjMgrPtr           omp;
6866   Int4                i;
6867   SeqLocPtr           this_slp;
6868   SMFeatItemPtr       item = NULL;
6869   Int4                numivals;
6870   Int4                start, stop;
6871   Int4                left, right;
6873   if (sfp == NULL || bsp == NULL) return;
6874   omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) bsp->omdp;
6875   if (omdp == NULL)
6876   {
6877     omp = ObjMgrWriteLock ();
6878     omdp = ObjMgrFindByData (omp, bsp);
6879     ObjMgrUnlock ();
6880     bsp->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
6881   }
6882   if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return;
6884   bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
6885   if (bspextra == NULL) return;
6887   for (i = 0; i < bspextra->numfeats; i++)
6888   {
6889     item = bspextra->featsByPos [i];
6890     if (item != NULL && item->itemID == sfp->idx.itemID)
6891     {
6892       /* first, find out how many intervals we have, so we can make sure our ivals
6893        * array is the right size */
6894       for (this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (sfp->location, NULL), numivals = 0;
6895            this_slp != NULL;
6896            this_slp = this_slp->next, numivals ++)
6897       {
6899       }
6900       if (numivals != item->numivals)
6901       {
6902           item->ivals = MemFree (item->ivals);
6903           item->ivals = (Int4Ptr) MemNew (2 * numivals * sizeof (Int4));
6904           if (item->ivals == NULL) return;
6905           item->numivals = numivals;
6906       }
6908       /* now populate the ivals */
6910       left = -1;
6911       right = -1;
6912       for (this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (sfp->location, NULL), numivals = 0;
6913            this_slp != NULL;
6914            this_slp = this_slp->next, numivals ++)
6915       {
6916           start = GetOffsetInBioseq (this_slp, bsp, SEQLOC_START);
6917           stop = GetOffsetInBioseq (this_slp, bsp, SEQLOC_STOP);
6918           item->ivals [2 * numivals] = start;
6919           item->ivals [2 * numivals + 1] = stop;
6920           if (left == -1 || start < left)
6921           {
6922             left = start;
6923           }
6924           if (stop < left)
6925           {
6926             left = stop;
6927           }
6928           if (right == -1 || right < start)
6929           {
6930             right = start;
6931           }
6932           if (right < stop)
6933           {
6934             right = stop;
6935           }
6936       }
6937       item->left = left;
6938       item->right = right;
6939     }
6940     else
6941     {
6942       item = NULL;
6943     }
6944   }
6945 }
6948 /* This function will repair any problems with the interval order that
6949  * moving the feature interval around may have caused.
6950  */
SeqEdRepairIntervalOrder(SeqFeatPtr sfp,BioseqPtr bsp)6951 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdRepairIntervalOrder (SeqFeatPtr sfp, BioseqPtr bsp)
6952 {
6953   Boolean   hasNulls;
6954   SeqLocPtr gslp;
6955   Boolean   noLeft, noRight;
6957   hasNulls = LocationHasNullsBetween (sfp->location);
6958   gslp = SeqLocMerge (bsp, sfp->location, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, hasNulls);
6959   if (gslp != NULL)
6960   {
6961     CheckSeqLocForPartial (sfp->location, &noLeft, &noRight);
6962     sfp->location = SeqLocFree (sfp->location);
6963     sfp->location = gslp;
6964     if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg)
6965     {
6966       gslp = SegLocToParts (bsp, sfp->location);
6967       sfp->location = SeqLocFree (sfp->location);
6968       sfp->location = gslp;
6969     }
6970     FreeAllFuzz (sfp->location);
6971     SetSeqLocPartial (sfp->location, noLeft, noRight);
6972   }
6973 }
6975 /* This function recursively frees a list of SeqEdJournalPtr, working in the next direction,
6976  * and fixes the prev pointer for the previous entry in the SeqEdJournalPtr list (if there is one).
6977  */
SeqEdJournalFree(SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)6978 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdJournalFree (SeqEdJournalPtr sejp)
6979 {
6980   SeqEdJournalPtr prev;
6982   if (sejp == NULL) return;
6983   SeqEdJournalFree (sejp->next);
6984   sejp->slp = SeqLocFree (sejp->slp);
6985   MemFree (sejp->char_data);
6986   sejp->affected_feats = SeqEdJournalAffectedFeatsFree (sejp->affected_feats);
6987   prev = sejp->prev;
6988   if (prev != NULL)
6989     prev->next = NULL;
6990   MemFree (sejp);
6991 }
SeqEdJournalNewSeqEdit(ESeqEdJournalAction action,Int4 offset,Int4 num_chars,CharPtr char_data,Boolean spliteditmode,BioseqPtr bsp,Uint1 moltype,Uint2 entityID)6993 NLM_EXTERN SeqEdJournalPtr SeqEdJournalNewSeqEdit
6994 (ESeqEdJournalAction action,
6995  Int4                offset,
6996  Int4                num_chars,
6997  CharPtr             char_data,
6998  Boolean             spliteditmode,
6999  BioseqPtr           bsp,
7000  Uint1               moltype,
7001  Uint2               entityID)
7002 {
7003   SeqEdJournalPtr sejp;
7005   if (num_chars == 0) return NULL;
7006   sejp = (SeqEdJournalPtr) MemNew (sizeof (SeqEdJournalData));
7007   if (sejp == NULL) return NULL;
7008   sejp->action = action;
7009   sejp->offset = offset;
7010   sejp->num_chars = num_chars;
7011   sejp->spliteditmode = spliteditmode;
7012   sejp->affected_feats = NULL;
7013   sejp->sfp = NULL;
7014   sejp->slp = NULL;
7015   sejp->bsp = bsp;
7016   sejp->moltype = moltype;
7017   sejp->entityID = entityID;
7018   sejp->char_data = MemNew (sejp->num_chars + 1);
7019   if (char_data != NULL)
7020   {
7021     StringCpy (sejp->char_data, char_data);
7022   }
7023   sejp->prev = NULL;
7024   sejp->next = NULL;
7025   return sejp;
7026 }
SeqEdJournalNewFeatEdit(ESeqEdJournalAction action,SeqFeatPtr sfp,SeqLocPtr slp,BioseqPtr bsp,Uint1 moltype,Uint2 entityID)7028 NLM_EXTERN SeqEdJournalPtr SeqEdJournalNewFeatEdit
7029 (ESeqEdJournalAction action,
7030  SeqFeatPtr          sfp,
7031  SeqLocPtr           slp,
7032  BioseqPtr           bsp,
7033  Uint1               moltype,
7034  Uint2               entityID)
7035 {
7036   SeqEdJournalPtr sejp;
7038   if (sfp == NULL || slp == NULL) return NULL;
7039   sejp = (SeqEdJournalPtr) MemNew (sizeof (SeqEdJournalData));
7040   if (sejp == NULL) return NULL;
7041   sejp->action = action;
7042   sejp->offset = 0;
7043   sejp->num_chars = 0;
7044   sejp->spliteditmode = FALSE;
7045   sejp->sfp = sfp;
7046   sejp->slp = slp;
7047   sejp->bsp = bsp;
7048   sejp->affected_feats = NULL;
7049   sejp->moltype = moltype;
7050   sejp->entityID = entityID;
7051   sejp->char_data = NULL;
7052   sejp->prev = NULL;
7053   sejp->next = NULL;
7054   return sejp;
7055 }
7057 /* This section of code contains functions used by the new sequence editor for moving feature
7058  * intervals.
7059  */
SeqEdAdjustFeatureInterval(SeqLocPtr slp,Int4 change,EMoveType move_type,Int4 interval_offset,BioseqPtr bsp)7060 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEdAdjustFeatureInterval
7061 (SeqLocPtr slp, Int4 change, EMoveType move_type, Int4 interval_offset, BioseqPtr bsp)
7062 {
7063   SeqIntPtr sint;
7064   SeqPntPtr spp;
7065   SeqLocPtr this_slp;
7066   Boolean   rval = FALSE;
7068   if (slp == NULL || bsp == NULL) return rval;
7070   if (slp->choice == SEQLOC_INT)
7071   {
7072       if (interval_offset != 0)
7073       {
7074         return rval;
7075       }
7076     sint = (SeqIntPtr)slp->data.ptrvalue;
7077     switch (move_type)
7078     {
7079       case eLeftEnd:
7080         if (sint->from + change < sint->to
7081             && sint->from + change > -1
7082             && sint->from + change < bsp->length)
7083         {
7084           sint->from += change;
7085           rval = TRUE;
7086         }
7087         break;
7088       case eRightEnd:
7089         if (sint->to + change > sint->from
7090             && sint->to + change > -1
7091             && sint->to + change < bsp->length)
7092         {
7093             sint->to += change;
7094             rval = TRUE;
7095         }
7096         break;
7097       case eSlide:
7098         if (sint->from + change > -1 && sint->from + change < bsp->length
7099           && sint->to + change > -1 && sint->to + change < bsp->length)
7100         {
7101           sint->from += change;
7102           sint->to += change;
7103           rval = TRUE;
7104         }
7105     }
7106   }
7107   else if (slp->choice == SEQLOC_PNT)
7108   {
7109     if (interval_offset != 0)
7110     {
7111       return rval;
7112     }
7113     spp = (SeqPntPtr)(slp->data.ptrvalue);
7114     if (spp->point + change > -1 && spp->point + change < bsp->length)
7115     {
7116       spp->point += change;
7117       rval = TRUE;
7118     }
7119   }
7120   else
7121   {
7122     for (this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (slp, NULL);
7123          this_slp != NULL && interval_offset > 0;
7124          this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (slp, this_slp), interval_offset --)
7125     {}
7126     if (this_slp != NULL && interval_offset == 0)
7127     {
7128       rval = SeqEdAdjustFeatureInterval (this_slp, change, move_type, interval_offset, bsp);
7129     }
7130   }
7131   return rval;
7132 }
SeqEdGetNthIntervalEndPoints(SeqLocPtr slp,Int4 n,Int4Ptr left,Int4Ptr right)7135 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEdGetNthIntervalEndPoints
7136 (SeqLocPtr slp, Int4 n, Int4Ptr left, Int4Ptr right)
7137 {
7138   Boolean rval = FALSE;
7139   SeqIntPtr sintp;
7140   SeqPntPtr spp;
7141   SeqLocPtr this_slp;
7143   if (slp == NULL || left == NULL || right == NULL || n < 0) return FALSE;
7144   switch (slp->choice)
7145   {
7146       case SEQLOC_INT:
7147         if (n == 0)
7148         {
7149           sintp = (SeqIntPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue;
7150             *left = sintp->from;
7151             *right = sintp->to;
7152             rval = TRUE;
7153         }
7154         break;
7155       case SEQLOC_PNT:
7156         if (n == 0)
7157         {
7158             spp = (SeqPntPtr) slp->data.ptrvalue;
7159             *left = spp->point;
7160             *right = spp->point;
7161             rval = TRUE;
7162         }
7163         break;
7164       default:
7165       for (this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (slp, NULL);
7166            this_slp != NULL && n > 0;
7167            this_slp = SeqLocFindNext (slp, this_slp), n --)
7168       {}
7169       if (this_slp != NULL && n == 0)
7170       {
7171         rval = SeqEdGetNthIntervalEndPoints (this_slp, n, left, right);
7172       }
7173       break;
7174   }
7175   return rval;
7176 }
7178 static void
SeqEdFixFeatureIndexForFeatureLocAdjust(BioseqPtr bsp,SeqFeatPtr sfp,Int4 change,Int4 move_type,Int4 interval_offset)7179 SeqEdFixFeatureIndexForFeatureLocAdjust
7180 (BioseqPtr  bsp,
7181  SeqFeatPtr sfp,
7182  Int4       change,
7183  Int4       move_type,
7184  Int4       interval_offset)
7185 {
7186   ObjMgrDataPtr       omdp;
7187   BioseqExtraPtr      bspextra;
7188   ObjMgrPtr           omp;
7189   SMFeatItemPtr       item;
7190   Int4                i, j;
7191   Int4                left, right;
7193   if (bsp == NULL || sfp == NULL) return;
7195   omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) bsp->omdp;
7196   if (omdp == NULL)
7197   {
7198     omp = ObjMgrWriteLock ();
7199     omdp = ObjMgrFindByData (omp, bsp);
7200     ObjMgrUnlock ();
7201     bsp->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
7202   }
7203   if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return;
7205   bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
7206   if (bspextra == NULL) return;
7208   if (! SeqEdGetNthIntervalEndPoints (sfp->location, interval_offset, &left, &right))
7209   {
7210       return;
7211   }
7213   i = 0;
7214   while (i < bspextra->numfeats) {
7215     item = bspextra->featsByPos [i];
7216     i++;
7217     if (item != NULL && item->itemID == sfp->idx.itemID)
7218     {
7219       if (interval_offset >= item->numivals || interval_offset < 0) return;
7220       if (item->ivals [ 2 * interval_offset] < item->ivals [2 * interval_offset + 1])
7221       {
7222           item->ivals [2 * interval_offset] = left;
7223           item->ivals [2 * interval_offset + 1] = right;
7224       }
7225       else
7226       {
7227           item->ivals [2 * interval_offset + 1] = left;
7228           item->ivals [2 * interval_offset] = right;
7229       }
7230       /* correct item left and right values */
7231       if (item->ivals [0] > item->ivals [1])
7232       {
7233           item->right = item->ivals [0];
7234           item->left = item->ivals [1];
7235       }
7236       else
7237       {
7238           item->left = item->ivals [0];
7239           item->right = item->ivals [1];
7240       }
7241       for (j = 1; j < item->numivals; j++)
7242       {
7243           if (item->left > item->ivals[2 * j])
7244           {
7245             item->left = item->ivals [2 * j];
7246           }
7247           if (item->left > item->ivals [2 * j + 1])
7248           {
7249             item->left = item->ivals [2 * j + 1];
7250           }
7251           if (item->right < item->ivals [2 * j])
7252           {
7253             item->right = item->ivals [2 * j];
7254           }
7255           if (item->right < item->ivals [2 * j + 1])
7256           {
7257             item->right = item->ivals [ 2 * j + 1];
7258           }
7259       }
7260     }
7261   }
7262 }
SeqEdFeatureAdjust(SeqFeatPtr sfp,SeqLocPtr orig_loc,Int4 change,EMoveType move_type,Int4 interval_offset,BioseqPtr bsp)7265 NLM_EXTERN void SeqEdFeatureAdjust
7266 (SeqFeatPtr sfp,
7267  SeqLocPtr  orig_loc,
7268  Int4       change,
7269  EMoveType  move_type,
7270  Int4       interval_offset,
7271  BioseqPtr  bsp)
7272 {
7273   SeqLocPtr new_loc;
7274   Boolean   partial3, partial5;
7276   if (sfp == NULL || bsp == NULL)
7277   {
7278       return;
7279   }
7281   CheckSeqLocForPartial (orig_loc, &partial5, &partial3);
7282   new_loc = SeqLocMerge (bsp, orig_loc, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
7283   if (new_loc == NULL)
7284   {
7285       return;
7286   }
7287   SetSeqLocPartial (new_loc, partial5, partial3);
7289   if (SeqEdAdjustFeatureInterval (new_loc, change, move_type, interval_offset, bsp))
7290   {
7291     SeqLocFree (sfp->location);
7292     sfp->location = new_loc;
7294     /* need to reindex feature */
7295     SeqEdFixFeatureIndexForFeatureLocAdjust (bsp, sfp, change, move_type, interval_offset);
7296   }
7297 }
7300 NLM_EXTERN void
AdjustFeatureForGapChange(SeqFeatPtr sfp,BioseqPtr bsp,Int4 offset,Int4 len_diff)7301 AdjustFeatureForGapChange
7302 (SeqFeatPtr sfp,
7303  BioseqPtr  bsp,
7304  Int4       offset,
7305  Int4       len_diff)
7306 {
7307   if (sfp == NULL || bsp == NULL || offset < 0 || len_diff == 0)
7308   {
7309     return;
7310   }
7312   if (len_diff > 0)
7313   {
7314     SeqEdSeqFeatDelete (sfp, bsp, offset, offset + len_diff - 1, TRUE);
7315   }
7316   else
7317   {
7318     sfp->location = SeqEdSeqLocInsert (sfp->location, bsp, offset, -len_diff, FALSE, NULL);
7319     if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_CDREGION)
7320       {
7321       SeqEdInsertAdjustCdRgn (sfp, bsp, offset, -len_diff, FALSE);
7322       }
7323       else if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_RNA)
7324       {
7325       SeqEdInsertAdjustRNA (sfp, bsp, offset, -len_diff, FALSE);
7326       }
7327   }
7328 }