1 /* This file is part of GEGL.
2  *
3  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6  * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7  *
8  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14  * License along with this library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  *
16  * Copyright 2006, 2007 Øyvind Kolås <pippin@gimp.org>
17  */
19 #ifndef __GEGL_BUFFER_H__
20 #define __GEGL_BUFFER_H__
22 #include <glib-object.h>
23 #include <babl/babl.h>
24 #include "gegl-buffer-matrix2.h"
25 #include "gegl-buffer-enums.h"
30 typedef struct _GeglTileBackend GeglTileBackend;
31 typedef struct _GeglBuffer  GeglBuffer;
32 typedef struct _GeglSampler       GeglSampler;
34 typedef struct _GeglRectangle GeglRectangle;
36 struct _GeglRectangle
37 {
38   gint x;
39   gint y;
40   gint width;
41   gint height;
42 };
45 /***
46  * GeglBuffer:
47  *
48  * GeglBuffer is the API used by GEGL for storing and retrieving raster data.
49  * GeglBuffer heavily relies on babl for translation and description of
50  * different pixel formats.
51  *
52  * Internally GeglBuffer currently uses a tiled mipmap pyramid structure that
53  * can be swapped to disk. In the future GeglBuffer might also support a linear
54  * backend, a GPU memory backend and a network backend for buffers.
55  */
57 /**
58  * gegl_buffer_new: (skip)
59  * @extent: the geometry of the buffer (origin, width and height) a
60  * GeglRectangle.
61  * @format: the Babl pixel format to be used, create one with babl_format("RGBA
62  * u8") and similar.
63  *
64  * Create a new GeglBuffer of a given format with a given extent. It is
65  * possible to pass in NULL for both extent and format, a NULL extent creates
66  * an empty buffer and a NULL format makes the buffer default to "RGBA float".
67  */
68 GeglBuffer *    gegl_buffer_new               (const GeglRectangle *extent,
69                                                const Babl          *format);
71 /**
72  * gegl_buffer_new_for_backend:
73  * @extent: the geometry of the buffer (origin, width and height) a
74  * GeglRectangle.
75  * @backend: an instance of a GeglTileBackend subclass.
76  *
77  * Create a new GeglBuffer from a backend, if NULL is passed in the extent of
78  * the buffer will be inherited from the extent of the backend.
79  *
80  * returns a GeglBuffer, that holds a reference to the provided backend.
81  */
82 GeglBuffer *   gegl_buffer_new_for_backend    (const GeglRectangle *extent,
83                                                GeglTileBackend     *backend);
85 /**
86  * gegl_buffer_add_handler:
87  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
88  * @handler: a #GeglTileHandler
89  *
90  * Add a new tile handler in the existing chain of tile handler of a GeglBuffer.
91  */
92 void           gegl_buffer_add_handler        (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
93                                                gpointer             handler);
95 /**
96  * gegl_buffer_remove_handler:
97  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
98  * @handler: a #GeglTileHandler
99  *
100  * Remove the provided tile handler in the existing chain of tile handler of a GeglBuffer.
101  */
102 void           gegl_buffer_remove_handler     (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
103                                                gpointer             handler);
105 /**
106  * gegl_buffer_open:
107  * @path: the path to a gegl buffer on disk.
108  *
109  * Open an existing on-disk GeglBuffer, this buffer is opened in a monitored
110  * state so multiple instances of gegl can share the same buffer. Sets on
111  * one buffer are reflected in the other.
112  *
113  * Returns: (transfer full): a GeglBuffer object.
114  */
115 GeglBuffer *    gegl_buffer_open              (const gchar         *path);
117 /**
118  * gegl_buffer_save:
119  * @buffer: (transfer none): a #GeglBuffer.
120  * @path: the path where the gegl buffer will be saved, any writable GIO uri is valid.
121  * @roi: the region of interest to write, this is the tiles that will be collected and
122  * written to disk.
123  *
124  * Write a GeglBuffer to a file.
125  */
126 void            gegl_buffer_save              (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
127                                                const gchar         *path,
128                                                const GeglRectangle *roi);
130 /**
131  * gegl_buffer_load:
132  * @path: the path to a gegl buffer on disk.
133  *
134  * Loads an existing GeglBuffer from disk, if it has previously been saved with
135  * gegl_buffer_save it should be possible to open through any GIO transport, buffers
136  * that have been used as swap needs random access to be opened.
137  *
138  * Returns: (transfer full): a #GeglBuffer object.
139  */
140 GeglBuffer *     gegl_buffer_load             (const gchar         *path);
142 /**
143  * gegl_buffer_flush:
144  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
145  *
146  * Flushes all unsaved data to disk, this is not necessary for shared
147  * geglbuffers opened with gegl_buffer_open since they auto-sync on writes.
148  */
149 void            gegl_buffer_flush             (GeglBuffer          *buffer);
152 /**
153  * gegl_buffer_create_sub_buffer:
154  * @buffer: (transfer none): parent buffer.
155  * @extent: (transfer none): coordinates of new buffer.
156  *
157  * Create a new sub GeglBuffer, that is a view on a larger buffer.
158  *
159  * Return value: (transfer full): the new sub buffer
160  */
161 GeglBuffer *    gegl_buffer_create_sub_buffer (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
162                                                const GeglRectangle *extent);
164 /**
165  * gegl_buffer_get_extent:
166  * @buffer: the buffer to operate on.
167  *
168  * Returns a pointer to a GeglRectangle structure defining the geometry of a
169  * specific GeglBuffer, this is also the default width/height of buffers passed
170  * in to gegl_buffer_set and gegl_buffer_get (with a scale of 1.0 at least).
171  */
172 const GeglRectangle * gegl_buffer_get_extent  (GeglBuffer *buffer);
175 /**
176  * gegl_buffer_set_extent:
177  * @buffer: the buffer to operate on.
178  * @extent: new extent.
179  *
180  * Changes the size and position that is considered active in a buffer, this
181  * operation is valid on any buffer, reads on subbuffers outside the master
182  * buffer's extent are at the moment undefined.
183  *
184  * Returns TRUE if the change of extent was successful.
185  */
186 gboolean          gegl_buffer_set_extent      (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
187                                                const GeglRectangle *extent);
189 /**
190  * gegl_buffer_set_abyss:
191  * @buffer: the buffer to operate on.
192  * @abyss: new abyss.
193  *
194  * Changes the size and position of the abyss rectangle of a buffer.
195  *
196  * Returns TRUE if the change of abyss was successful.
197  */
198 gboolean          gegl_buffer_set_abyss      (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
199                                               const GeglRectangle *abyss);
201 /* convenience access macros */
203 /**
204  * gegl_buffer_get_x:
205  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
206  *
207  * Evaluates to the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the buffer's extent.
208  */
209 #define gegl_buffer_get_x(buffer)        (gegl_buffer_get_extent(buffer)->x)
211 /**
212  * gegl_buffer_get_y:
213  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
214  *
215  * Evaluates to the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the buffer's extent.
216  */
217 #define gegl_buffer_get_y(buffer)        (gegl_buffer_get_extent(buffer)->y)
219 /**
220  * gegl_buffer_get_width:
221  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
222  *
223  * Evaluates to the width of the buffer's extent.
224  */
225 #define gegl_buffer_get_width(buffer)    (gegl_buffer_get_extent(buffer)->width)
227 /**
228  * gegl_buffer_get_height:
229  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
230  *
231  * Evaluates to the height of the buffer's extent.
232  */
233 #define gegl_buffer_get_height(buffer)   (gegl_buffer_get_extent(buffer)->height)
235 /**
236  * gegl_buffer_get_pixel_count:
237  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
238  *
239  * Returns the number of pixels of the extent of the buffer.
240  */
241 #define gegl_buffer_get_pixel_count(buffer) (gegl_buffer_get_width(buffer) * gegl_buffer_get_height(buffer))
243 /**
244  * gegl_buffer_get: (skip)
245  * @buffer: the buffer to retrieve data from.
246  * @rect: the coordinates we want to retrieve data from, and width/height of
247  * destination buffer, if NULL equal to the extent of the buffer. The
248  * coordinates and dimensions are after scale has been applied.
249  * @scale: sampling scale, 1.0 = pixel for pixel 2.0 = magnify, 0.5 scale down.
250  * @format: the BablFormat to store in the linear buffer @dest.
251  * @dest: the memory destination for a linear buffer for the pixels, the size needed
252  * depends on the requested BablFormat.
253  * @rowstride: rowstride in bytes, or GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE to compute the
254  * rowstride based on the width and bytes per pixel for the specified format.
255  * @repeat_mode: how requests outside the buffer extent are handled.
256  * Valid values: GEGL_ABYSS_NONE (abyss pixels are zeroed), GEGL_ABYSS_WHITE
257  * (abyss pixels are white), GEGL_ABYSS_BLACK (abyss pixels are black),
258  * GEGL_ABYSS_CLAMP (coordinates are clamped to the abyss rectangle),
259  * GEGL_ABYSS_LOOP (buffer contents are tiled if outside of the abyss rectangle)
260  * this argument also takes a GEGL_BUFFER_FILTER value or'ed into it, allowing
261  * to specify trade-off of performance/quality, valid values are:
264  *
265  * Fetch a rectangular linear buffer of pixel data from the GeglBuffer, the
266  * data is converted to the desired BablFormat, if the BablFormat stored and
267  * fetched is the same this amounts to a series of memcpy's aligned to demux
268  * the tile structure into a linear buffer.
269  *
270  */
271 void            gegl_buffer_get               (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
272                                                const GeglRectangle *rect,
273                                                gdouble              scale,
274                                                const Babl          *format,
275                                                gpointer             dest,
276                                                gint                 rowstride,
277                                                GeglAbyssPolicy      repeat_mode);
279 /**
280  * gegl_buffer_set: (skip)
281  * @buffer: the buffer to modify.
282  * @rect: the coordinates we want to change the data of and the width/height of
283  * the linear buffer being set.
284  * the data when setting.
285  * @mipmap_level: the scale level being set, 0 = 1:1 = default = base mipmap level,
286  * 1 = 1:2, 2=1:4, 3=1:8 ..
287  * @format: the babl_format the linear buffer @src.
288  * @src: linear buffer of image data to be stored in @buffer.
289  * @rowstride: rowstride in bytes, or GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE to compute the
290  * rowstride based on the width and bytes per pixel for the specified format.
291  *
292  * Store a linear raster buffer into the GeglBuffer.
293  */
294 void            gegl_buffer_set               (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
295                                                const GeglRectangle *rect,
296                                                gint                 mipmap_level,
297                                                const Babl          *format,
298                                                const void          *src,
299                                                gint                 rowstride);
303 /**
304  * gegl_buffer_set_color_from_pixel:
305  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
306  * @rect: a rectangular region to fill with a color.
307  * @pixel: pointer to the data of a single pixel
308  * @pixel_format: the babl format of the pixel, if missing - the soft format of dst.
309  *
310  * Sets the region covered by rect to the the provided pixel.
311  */
312 void
313 gegl_buffer_set_color_from_pixel (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
314                                   const GeglRectangle *rect,
315                                   gconstpointer        pixel,
316                                   const Babl          *pixel_format);
319 /**
320  * gegl_buffer_set_pattern:
321  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
322  * @rect: the region of @buffer to fill
323  * @pattern: a #GeglBuffer to be repeated as a pattern
324  * @x_offset: where the pattern starts horizontally
325  * @y_offset: where the pattern starts vertical
326  *
327  * Fill a region with a repeating pattern. Offsets parameters are
328  * relative to the origin (0, 0) and not to the rectangle. So be carefull
329  * about the origin of @pattern and @buffer extents.
330  */
331 void            gegl_buffer_set_pattern       (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
332                                                const GeglRectangle *rect,
333                                                GeglBuffer          *pattern,
334                                                gint                 x_offset,
335                                                gint                 y_offset);
337 /**
338  * gegl_buffer_get_format: (skip)
339  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
340  *
341  * Get the babl format of the buffer, this might not be the format the buffer
342  * was originally created with, you need to use gegl_buffer_set_format (buf,
343  * NULL); to retrieve the original format (potentially having saved away the
344  * original format of the buffer to re-set it.)
345  *
346  * Returns: the babl format used for storing pixels in the buffer.
347  *
348  */
349 const Babl *    gegl_buffer_get_format        (GeglBuffer           *buffer);
352 /**
353  * gegl_buffer_set_format: (skip)
354  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
355  * @format: the new babl format, must have same bpp as original format.
356  *
357  * Set the babl format of the buffer, setting the babl format of the buffer
358  * requires the new format to have exactly the same bytes per pixel as the
359  * original format. If NULL is passed in the format of the buffer is reset to
360  * the original format.
361  *
362  * Returns: the new babl format or NULL if the passed-in buffer was
363  * incompatible (then the original format is still used).
364  */
365 const Babl *    gegl_buffer_set_format        (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
366                                                const Babl          *format);
368 /**
369  * gegl_buffer_clear:
370  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer
371  * @roi: a rectangular region
372  *
373  * Clears the provided rectangular region by setting all the associated memory
374  * to 0.
375  */
376 void            gegl_buffer_clear             (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
377                                                const GeglRectangle *roi);
380 /**
381  * gegl_buffer_copy:
382  * @src: (transfer none): source buffer.
383  * @src_rect: source rectangle (or NULL to copy entire source buffer)
384  * @repeat_mode: the abyss policy to be using if src_rect is outside src's extent.
385  * @dst: (transfer none): destination buffer.
386  * @dst_rect: position of upper left destination pixel (or NULL to match @src_rect)
387  *
388  * Copy a region from source buffer to destination buffer.
389  *
390  * If the babl_formats of the buffers are the same, and the tile boundaries
391  * align, this will create copy-on-write tiles in the destination buffer.
392  *
393  * This function never does any scaling. When src_rect and dst_rect do not have
394  * the same width and height, the size of src_rect is used.
395  */
396 void            gegl_buffer_copy              (GeglBuffer          *src,
397                                                const GeglRectangle *src_rect,
398                                                GeglAbyssPolicy      repeat_mode,
399                                                GeglBuffer          *dst,
400                                                const GeglRectangle *dst_rect);
404 /**
405  * gegl_buffer_dup:
406  * @buffer: (transfer none): the GeglBuffer to duplicate.
407  *
408  * Duplicate a buffer (internally uses gegl_buffer_copy). Aligned tiles
409  * will create copy-on-write clones in the new buffer.
410  *
411  * Return value: (transfer full): the new buffer
412  */
413 GeglBuffer *    gegl_buffer_dup               (GeglBuffer       *buffer);
416 /**
417  * gegl_buffer_sample_at_level: (skip)
418  * @buffer: the GeglBuffer to sample from
419  * @x: x coordinate to sample in buffer coordinates
420  * @y: y coordinate to sample in buffer coordinates
421  * @scale: a matrix that indicates scaling factors, see
422  * gegl_sampler_compute_scale the same.
423  * @dest: buffer capable of storing one pixel in @format.
424  * @format: the format to store the sampled color in.
425  * @level: mipmap level to sample from (@x and @y are level 0 coordinates)
426  * @sampler_type: the sampler type to use,
427  * to be ported from working code. Valid values: GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST,
430  * @repeat_mode: how requests outside the buffer extent are handled.
431  * Valid values: GEGL_ABYSS_NONE (abyss pixels are zeroed), GEGL_ABYSS_WHITE
432  * (abyss pixels are white), GEGL_ABYSS_BLACK (abyss pixels are black),
433  * GEGL_ABYSS_CLAMP (coordinates are clamped to the abyss rectangle),
434  * GEGL_ABYSS_LOOP (buffer contents are tiled if outside of the abyss rectangle).
435  *
436  * Query interpolate pixel values at a given coordinate using a specified form
437  * of interpolation.
438  *
439  * If you intend to take multiple samples, consider using
440  * gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level() to create a sampler object instead, which
441  * is more efficient.
442  */
444 void              gegl_buffer_sample_at_level (GeglBuffer        *buffer,
445                                                gdouble            x,
446                                                gdouble            y,
447                                                GeglBufferMatrix2 *scale,
448                                                gpointer           dest,
449                                                const Babl        *format,
450                                                gint               level,
451                                                GeglSamplerType    sampler_type,
452                                                GeglAbyssPolicy    repeat_mode);
454 /**
455  * gegl_buffer_sample: (skip)
456  * @buffer: the GeglBuffer to sample from
457  * @x: x coordinate to sample in buffer coordinates
458  * @y: y coordinate to sample in buffer coordinates
459  * @scale: a matrix that indicates scaling factors, see
460  * gegl_sampler_compute_scale the same.
461  * @dest: buffer capable of storing one pixel in @format.
462  * @format: the format to store the sampled color in.
463  * @sampler_type: the sampler type to use,
464  * to be ported from working code. Valid values: GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST,
467  * @repeat_mode: how requests outside the buffer extent are handled.
468  * Valid values: GEGL_ABYSS_NONE (abyss pixels are zeroed), GEGL_ABYSS_WHITE
469  * (abyss pixels are white), GEGL_ABYSS_BLACK (abyss pixels are black),
470  * GEGL_ABYSS_CLAMP (coordinates are clamped to the abyss rectangle),
471  * GEGL_ABYSS_LOOP (buffer contents are tiled if outside of the abyss rectangle).
472  *
473  * Query interpolate pixel values at a given coordinate using a specified form
474  * of interpolation.
475  *
476  * If you intend to take multiple samples, consider using
477  * gegl_buffer_sampler_new() to create a sampler object instead, which is more
478  * efficient.
479  */
480 void              gegl_buffer_sample          (GeglBuffer        *buffer,
481                                                gdouble            x,
482                                                gdouble            y,
483                                                GeglBufferMatrix2 *scale,
484                                                gpointer           dest,
485                                                const Babl        *format,
486                                                GeglSamplerType    sampler_type,
487                                                GeglAbyssPolicy    repeat_mode);
491 /**
492  * gegl_buffer_sample_cleanup:
493  * @buffer: the GeglBuffer to sample from
494  *
495  * Clean up resources used by sampling framework of buffer.
496  *
497  * Deprecated: 0.4.2: This function has no effect. It is not necessary to call
498  * it after using gegl_buffer_sample() or gegl_buffer_sample_at_level().
499  */
501 void            gegl_buffer_sample_cleanup    (GeglBuffer *buffer);
503 typedef void (*GeglSamplerGetFun)  (GeglSampler       *self,
504                                     gdouble            x,
505                                     gdouble            y,
506                                     GeglBufferMatrix2 *scale,
507                                     void              *output,
508                                     GeglAbyssPolicy    repeat_mode);
510 /**
511  * gegl_sampler_get_fun: (skip)
512  *
513  * Get the raw sampler function, the raw sampler function does not do
514  * additional NaN / inifinity checks on passed in coordinates.
515  */
516 GeglSamplerGetFun gegl_sampler_get_fun (GeglSampler *sampler);
519 /**
520  * gegl_buffer_sampler_new: (skip)
521  * @buffer: buffer to create a new sampler for
522  * @format: format we want data back in
523  * @sampler_type: the sampler type to use,
524  * to be ported from working code. Valid values: GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST,
527  *
528  * Create a new sampler, when you are done with the sampler, g_object_unref
529  * it.
530  *
531  * Samplers only hold weak references to buffers, so if its buffer is freed
532  * the sampler will become invalid.
533  */
534 GeglSampler *    gegl_buffer_sampler_new      (GeglBuffer       *buffer,
535                                                const Babl       *format,
536                                                GeglSamplerType   sampler_type);
538 /**
539  * gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level: (skip)
540  * @buffer: buffer to create a new sampler for
541  * @format: format we want data back in
542  * @sampler_type: the sampler type to use,
543  * @level: the mipmap level to create a sampler for
544  * to be ported from working code. Valid values: GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST,
547  *
548  * Create a new sampler, when you are done with the sampler, g_object_unref
549  * it.
550  *
551  * Samplers only hold weak references to buffers, so if its buffer is freed
552  * the sampler will become invalid.
553  */
554 GeglSampler *    gegl_buffer_sampler_new_at_level (GeglBuffer       *buffer,
555                                                    const Babl       *format,
556                                                    GeglSamplerType   sampler_type,
557                                                    gint              level);
560 /**
561  * gegl_sampler_get:
562  * @sampler: a GeglSampler gotten from gegl_buffer_sampler_new
563  * @x: x coordinate to sample
564  * @y: y coordinate to sample
565  * @scale: matrix representing extent of sampling area in source buffer.
566  * @output: memory location for output data.
567  * @repeat_mode: how requests outside the buffer extent are handled.
568  * Valid values: GEGL_ABYSS_NONE (abyss pixels are zeroed), GEGL_ABYSS_WHITE
569  * (abyss pixels are white), GEGL_ABYSS_BLACK (abyss pixels are black),
570  * GEGL_ABYSS_CLAMP (coordinates are clamped to the abyss rectangle),
571  * GEGL_ABYSS_LOOP (buffer contents are tiled if outside of the abyss rectangle).
572  *
573  * Perform a sampling with the provided @sampler.
574  */
575 void              gegl_sampler_get            (GeglSampler       *sampler,
576                                                gdouble            x,
577                                                gdouble            y,
578                                                GeglBufferMatrix2 *scale,
579                                                void              *output,
580                                                GeglAbyssPolicy   repeat_mode);
582 /* code template utility, updates the jacobian matrix using
583  * a user defined mapping function for displacement, example
584  * with an identity transform (note that for the identity
585  * transform this is massive computational overhead that can
586  * be skipped by passing NULL to the sampler.
587  *
588  * #define gegl_unmap(x,y,dx,dy) { dx=x; dy=y; }
589  *
590  * gegl_sampler_compute_scale (scale, x, y);
591  * gegl_unmap(x,y,sample_x,sample_y);
592  * gegl_buffer_sample (buffer, sample_x, sample_y, scale, dest, format,
593  *                     GEGL_SAMPLER_LOHALO);
594  *
595  * #undef gegl_unmap      // IMPORTANT undefine map macro
596  */
597 #define gegl_sampler_compute_scale(matrix, x, y) \
598 {                                       \
599   float ax, ay, bx, by;                 \
600   gegl_unmap(x + 0.5, y, ax, ay);       \
601   gegl_unmap(x - 0.5, y, bx, by);       \
602   matrix.coeff[0][0] = ax - bx;         \
603   matrix.coeff[1][0] = ay - by;         \
604   gegl_unmap(x, y + 0.5, ax, ay);       \
605   gegl_unmap(x, y - 0.5, bx, by);       \
606   matrix.coeff[0][1] = ax - bx;         \
607   matrix.coeff[1][1] = ay - by;         \
608 }
611 /**
612  * gegl_sampler_get_context_rect:
613  * @sampler: a GeglSampler gotten from gegl_buffer_sampler_new
614  *
615  * Returns:The context rectangle of the given @sampler.
616  */
617 const GeglRectangle * gegl_sampler_get_context_rect (GeglSampler *sampler);
619 /**
620  * gegl_buffer_linear_new: (skip)
621  * @extent: dimensions of buffer.
622  * @format: desired pixel format.
623  *
624  * Creates a GeglBuffer backed by a linear memory buffer, of the given
625  * @extent in the specified @format. babl_format ("R'G'B'A u8") for instance
626  * to make a normal 8bit buffer.
627  *
628  * Returns: a GeglBuffer that can be used as any other GeglBuffer.
629  */
630 GeglBuffer *  gegl_buffer_linear_new          (const GeglRectangle *extent,
631                                                const Babl          *format);
633 /**
634  * gegl_buffer_linear_new_from_data: (skip)
635  * @data: a pointer to a linear buffer in memory.
636  * @format: the format of the data in memory
637  * @extent: the dimensions (and upper left coordinates) of linear buffer.
638  * @rowstride: the number of bytes between rowstarts in memory (or 0 to
639  *             autodetect)
640  * @destroy_fn: function to call to free data or NULL if memory should not be
641  *              freed.
642  * @destroy_fn_data: extra argument to be passed to void destroy(ptr, data) type
643  *              function.
644  *
645  * Creates a GeglBuffer backed by a linear memory buffer that already exists,
646  * of the given @extent in the specified @format. babl_format ("R'G'B'A u8")
647  * for instance to make a normal 8bit buffer.
648  *
649  * Returns: a GeglBuffer that can be used as any other GeglBuffer.
650  */
651 GeglBuffer * gegl_buffer_linear_new_from_data (const gpointer       data,
652                                                const Babl          *format,
653                                                const GeglRectangle *extent,
654                                                gint                 rowstride,
655                                                GDestroyNotify       destroy_fn,
656                                                gpointer             destroy_fn_data);
658 /**
659  * gegl_buffer_linear_open: (skip)
660  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer.
661  * @extent: region to open, pass NULL for entire buffer.
662  * @rowstride: return location for rowstride.
663  * @format: desired format or NULL to use buffers format.
664  *
665  * Raw direct random access to the full data of a buffer in linear memory.
666  *
667  * Returns: a pointer to a linear memory region describing the buffer, if the
668  * request is compatible with the underlying data storage direct access
669  * to the underlying data is provided. Otherwise, it returns a copy of the data.
670  */
671 gpointer        gegl_buffer_linear_open       (GeglBuffer          *buffer,
672                                                const GeglRectangle *extent,
673                                                gint                *rowstride,
674                                                const Babl          *format);
676 /**
677  * gegl_buffer_linear_close:
678  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer.
679  * @linear: a previously returned buffer.
680  *
681  * This function makes sure GeglBuffer and underlying code is aware of changes
682  * being made to the linear buffer. If the request was not a compatible one
683  * it is written back to the buffer. Multiple concurrent users can be handed
684  * the same buffer (both raw access and converted).
685  */
686 void            gegl_buffer_linear_close      (GeglBuffer    *buffer,
687                                                gpointer       linear);
690 /**
691  * gegl_buffer_get_abyss:
692  * @buffer: a #GeglBuffer.
693  *
694  * Return the abyss extent of a buffer, this expands out to the parents extent in
695  * subbuffers.
696  */
697 const GeglRectangle * gegl_buffer_get_abyss   (GeglBuffer           *buffer);
700 /**
701  * gegl_buffer_share_storage:
702  * @buffer1: a #GeglBuffer.
703  * @buffer2: a #GeglBuffer.
704  *
705  * Checks if a pair of buffers share the same underlying tile storage.
706  *
707  * Returns TRUE if @buffer1 and @buffer2 share the same storage.
708  */
709 gboolean gegl_buffer_share_storage (GeglBuffer *buffer1,
710                                     GeglBuffer *buffer2);
713 /**
714  * gegl_buffer_signal_connect:
715  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
716  * @detailed_signal: only "changed" expected for now
717  * @c_handler: (scope async) : c function callback
718  * @data: user data:
719  *
720  * This function should be used instead of g_signal_connect when connecting to
721  * the GeglBuffer::changed signal handler, GeglBuffer contains additional
722  * machinery to avoid the overhead of changes when no signal handler have been
723  * connected, if regular g_signal_connect is used; then no signals will be
724  * emitted.
725  *
726  * Returns: an handle like g_signal_connect.
727  */
728 glong gegl_buffer_signal_connect (GeglBuffer *buffer,
729                                   const char *detailed_signal,
730                                   GCallback   c_handler,
731                                   gpointer    data);
733 /**
734  * gegl_buffer_freeze_changed:
735  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
736  *
737  * Blocks emission of the "changed" signal for @buffer.
738  *
739  * While the signal is blocked, changes to @buffer are accumulated, and will
740  * be emitted once the signal is unblocked, using gegl_buffer_thaw_changed().
741  */
742 void gegl_buffer_freeze_changed (GeglBuffer *buffer);
744 /**
745  * gegl_buffer_thaw_changed:
746  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
747  *
748  * Unblocks emission of the "changed" signal for @buffer.
749  *
750  * Once all calls to gegl_buffer_freeze_changed() are matched by corresponding
751  * calls to gegl_buffer_freeze_changed(), all accumulated changes are emitted.
752  */
753 void gegl_buffer_thaw_changed (GeglBuffer *buffer);
756 /**
757  * gegl_buffer_flush_ext:
758  * @buffer: a GeglBuffer
759  * @rect: rectangle
760  *
761  * Invokes the external flush function, if any is set on the provided buffer -
762  * this ensures that data pending - in the current implementation only OpenCL -
763  * externally to be synchronized with the buffer. Multi threaded code should
764  * call such a synchronization before branching out to avoid each of the
765  * threads having an implicit synchronization of its own.
766  */
767 void
768 gegl_buffer_flush_ext (GeglBuffer *buffer, const GeglRectangle *rect);
770 #include "gegl-buffer-iterator.h"
771 #include "gegl-rectangle.h"
772 #include "gegl-memory.h"
773 #include "gegl-scratch.h"
776 GType gegl_buffer_get_type  (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
777 #define GEGL_TYPE_BUFFER    (gegl_buffer_get_type ())
778 #define GEGL_BUFFER(obj)    (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GEGL_TYPE_BUFFER, GeglBuffer))
780 G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC (GeglBuffer, g_object_unref)
784 #endif