1 /**********************************************************************
3   Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
5   AudioIO.cpp
7   Copyright 2000-2004:
8   Dominic Mazzoni
9   Joshua Haberman
10   Markus Meyer
11   Matt Brubeck
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
15   Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
16   any later version.
18 ********************************************************************//**
20 \class AudioIoCallback
21 \brief AudioIoCallback is a class that implements the callback required
22 by PortAudio.  The callback needs to be responsive, has no GUI, and
23 copies data into and out of the sound card buffers.  It also sends data
24 to the meters.
27 *//*****************************************************************//**
29 \class AudioIO
30 \brief AudioIO uses the PortAudio library to play and record sound.
32   Great care and attention to detail are necessary for understanding and
33   modifying this system.  The code in this file is run from three
34   different thread contexts: the UI thread, the disk thread (which
35   this file creates and maintains; in the code, this is called the
36   Audio Thread), and the PortAudio callback thread.
37   To highlight this deliniation, the file is divided into three parts
38   based on what thread context each function is intended to run in.
40   \todo run through all functions called from audio and portaudio threads
41   to verify they are thread-safe. Note that synchronization of the style:
42   "A sets flag to signal B, B clears flag to acknowledge completion"
43   is not thread safe in a general multiple-CPU context. For example,
44   B can write to a buffer and set a completion flag. The flag write can
45   occur before the buffer write due to out-of-order execution. Then A
46   can see the flag and read the buffer before buffer writes complete.
48 *//****************************************************************//**
50 \class AudioThread
51 \brief Defined different on Mac and other platforms (on Mac it does not
52 use wxWidgets wxThread), this class sits in a thread loop reading and
53 writing audio.
55 *//****************************************************************//**
57 \class AudioIOListener
58 \brief Monitors record play start/stop and new sample blocks.  Has
59 callbacks for these events.
61 *//****************************************************************//**
63 \class AudioIOStartStreamOptions
64 \brief struct holding stream options, including a pointer to the
65 time warp info and AudioIOListener and whether the playback is looped.
67 *//*******************************************************************/
70 #include "AudioIO.h"
74 #include "AudioIOExt.h"
75 #include "AudioIOListener.h"
77 #include "float_cast.h"
78 #include "DeviceManager.h"
80 #include <cfloat>
81 #include <math.h>
82 #include <stdlib.h>
83 #include <algorithm>
84 #include <numeric>
86 #ifdef __WXMSW__
87 #include <malloc.h>
88 #endif
90 #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H
91 #include <alloca.h>
92 #endif
94 #include "portaudio.h"
97 #include "portmixer.h"
98 #endif
100 #include <wx/app.h>
101 #include <wx/frame.h>
102 #include <wx/wxcrtvararg.h>
103 #include <wx/log.h>
104 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
105 #include <wx/timer.h>
106 #include <wx/intl.h>
107 #include <wx/debug.h>
109 #if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXMSW__)
110 #include <wx/power.h>
111 #endif
113 #include "Meter.h"
114 #include "Mix.h"
115 #include "Resample.h"
116 #include "RingBuffer.h"
117 #include "Decibels.h"
118 #include "Prefs.h"
119 #include "Project.h"
120 #include "DBConnection.h"
121 #include "ProjectFileIO.h"
122 #include "ProjectWindows.h"
123 #include "WaveTrack.h"
125 #include "effects/RealtimeEffectManager.h"
126 #include "QualitySettings.h"
127 #include "widgets/AudacityMessageBox.h"
128 #include "BasicUI.h"
130 #include "Gain.h"
133    #define LOWER_BOUND 0.0
134    #define UPPER_BOUND 1.0
135 #endif
137 using std::max;
138 using std::min;
Get()140 AudioIO *AudioIO::Get()
141 {
142    return static_cast< AudioIO* >( AudioIOBase::Get() );
143 }
149 // static
150 int AudioIoCallback::mNextStreamToken = 0;
151 double AudioIoCallback::mCachedBestRateOut;
152 bool AudioIoCallback::mCachedBestRatePlaying;
153 bool AudioIoCallback::mCachedBestRateCapturing;
155 #ifdef __WXGTK__
156    // Might #define this for a useful thing on Linux
158 #else
159    // never on the other operating systems
161 #endif
164 #include "pa_linux_alsa.h"
165 #endif
167 int audacityAudioCallback(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
168                           unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
169                           const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
170                           PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData );
173 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174 //
175 //     class AudioThread - declaration and glue code
176 //
177 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
179 #include <thread>
181 #ifdef __WXMAC__
183 // On Mac OS X, it's better not to use the wxThread class.
184 // We use our own implementation based on pthreads instead.
186 #include <pthread.h>
187 #include <time.h>
189 class AudioThread {
190  public:
191    typedef int ExitCode;
AudioThread()192    AudioThread() { mDestroy = false; mThread = NULL; }
193    virtual ExitCode Entry();
Create()194    void Create() {}
Delete()195    void Delete() {
196       mDestroy = true;
197       pthread_join(mThread, NULL);
198    }
TestDestroy()199    bool TestDestroy() { return mDestroy; }
Sleep(int ms)200    void Sleep(int ms) {
201       struct timespec spec;
202       spec.tv_sec = 0;
203       spec.tv_nsec = ms * 1000 * 1000;
204       nanosleep(&spec, NULL);
205    }
callback(void * p)206    static void *callback(void *p) {
207       AudioThread *th = (AudioThread *)p;
208       return reinterpret_cast<void *>( th->Entry() );
209    }
Run()210    void Run() {
211       pthread_create(&mThread, NULL, callback, this);
212    }
213  private:
214    bool mDestroy;
215    pthread_t mThread;
216 };
218 #else
220 // The normal wxThread-derived AudioThread class for all other
221 // platforms:
222 class AudioThread /* not final */ : public wxThread {
223  public:
AudioThread()224    AudioThread():wxThread(wxTHREAD_JOINABLE) {}
225    ExitCode Entry() override;
226 };
228 #endif
230 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
231 //
232 //     UI Thread Context
233 //
234 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Init()236 void AudioIO::Init()
237 {
238    ugAudioIO.reset(safenew AudioIO());
239    Get()->mThread->Run();
241    // Make sure device prefs are initialized
242    if (gPrefs->Read(wxT("AudioIO/RecordingDevice"), wxT("")).empty()) {
243       int i = getRecordDevIndex();
244       const PaDeviceInfo *info = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
245       if (info) {
246          AudioIORecordingDevice.Write(DeviceName(info));
247          AudioIOHost.Write(HostName(info));
248       }
249    }
251    if (gPrefs->Read(wxT("AudioIO/PlaybackDevice"), wxT("")).empty()) {
252       int i = getPlayDevIndex();
253       const PaDeviceInfo *info = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
254       if (info) {
255          AudioIOPlaybackDevice.Write(DeviceName(info));
256          AudioIOHost.Write(HostName(info));
257       }
258    }
260    gPrefs->Flush();
261 }
Deinit()263 void AudioIO::Deinit()
264 {
265    ugAudioIO.reset();
266 }
ValidateDeviceNames(const wxString & play,const wxString & rec)268 bool AudioIO::ValidateDeviceNames(const wxString &play, const wxString &rec)
269 {
270    const PaDeviceInfo *pInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(getPlayDevIndex(play));
271    const PaDeviceInfo *rInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(getRecordDevIndex(rec));
273    // Valid iff both defined and the same api.
274    return pInfo != nullptr && rInfo != nullptr && pInfo->hostApi == rInfo->hostApi;
275 }
AudioIO()277 AudioIO::AudioIO()
278 {
279    if (!std::atomic<double>{}.is_lock_free()) {
280       // If this check fails, then the atomic<double> members in AudioIO.h
281       // might be changed to atomic<float> to be more efficient with some
282       // loss of precision.  That could be conditionally compiled depending
283       // on the platform.
284       wxASSERT(false);
285    }
287    // This ASSERT because of casting in the callback
288    // functions where we cast a tempFloats buffer to a (short*) buffer.
289    // We have to ASSERT in the GUI thread, if we are to see it properly.
290    wxASSERT( sizeof( short ) <= sizeof( float ));
292    mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce = false;
293    mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning = false;
294    mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopActive = false;
295    mPortStreamV19 = NULL;
297    mNumPauseFrames = 0;
300    mAILAActive = false;
301 #endif
302    mStreamToken = 0;
304    mLastPaError = paNoError;
306    mLastRecordingOffset = 0.0;
307    mNumCaptureChannels = 0;
308    mPaused = false;
309    mSilenceLevel = 0.0;
311    mUpdateMeters = false;
312    mUpdatingMeters = false;
314    mOutputMeter.reset();
316    PaError err = Pa_Initialize();
318    if (err != paNoError) {
319       auto errStr = XO("Could not find any audio devices.\n");
320       errStr += XO("You will not be able to play or record audio.\n\n");
321       wxString paErrStr = LAT1CTOWX(Pa_GetErrorText(err));
322       if (!paErrStr.empty())
323          errStr += XO("Error: %s").Format( paErrStr );
324       // XXX: we are in libaudacity, popping up dialogs not allowed!  A
325       // long-term solution will probably involve exceptions
326       AudacityMessageBox(
327          errStr,
328          XO("Error Initializing Audio"),
329          wxICON_ERROR|wxOK);
331       // Since PortAudio is not initialized, all calls to PortAudio
332       // functions will fail.  This will give reasonable behavior, since
333       // the user will be able to do things not relating to audio i/o,
334       // but any attempt to play or record will simply fail.
335    }
337    // Start thread
338    mThread = std::make_unique<AudioThread>();
339    mThread->Create();
341 #if defined(USE_PORTMIXER)
342    mPortMixer = NULL;
343    mPreviousHWPlaythrough = -1.0;
344    HandleDeviceChange();
345 #else
346    mEmulateMixerOutputVol = true;
347    mInputMixerWorks = false;
348 #endif
350    mMixerOutputVol = AudioIOPlaybackVolume.Read();
352    mLastPlaybackTimeMillis = 0;
353 }
~AudioIO()355 AudioIO::~AudioIO()
356 {
357    if ( !mOwningProject.expired() )
358       // Unlikely that this will be destroyed earlier than any projects, but
359       // be prepared anyway
360       ResetOwningProject();
362 #if defined(USE_PORTMIXER)
363    if (mPortMixer) {
364       #if __WXMAC__
365       if (Px_SupportsPlaythrough(mPortMixer) && mPreviousHWPlaythrough >= 0.0)
366          Px_SetPlaythrough(mPortMixer, mPreviousHWPlaythrough);
367          mPreviousHWPlaythrough = -1.0;
368       #endif
369       Px_CloseMixer(mPortMixer);
370       mPortMixer = NULL;
371    }
372 #endif
374    // FIXME: ? TRAP_ERR.  Pa_Terminate probably OK if err without reporting.
375    Pa_Terminate();
377    /* Delete is a "graceful" way to stop the thread.
378       (Kill is the not-graceful way.) */
380    // This causes reentrancy issues during application shutdown
381    // wxTheApp->Yield();
383    mThread->Delete();
384    mThread.reset();
385 }
SetMixer(int inputSource,float recordVolume,float playbackVolume)387 void AudioIO::SetMixer(int inputSource, float recordVolume,
388                        float playbackVolume)
389 {
390    mMixerOutputVol = playbackVolume;
391    AudioIOPlaybackVolume.Write(mMixerOutputVol);
393 #if defined(USE_PORTMIXER)
394    PxMixer *mixer = mPortMixer;
395    if( !mixer )
396       return;
398    float oldRecordVolume = Px_GetInputVolume(mixer);
400    AudioIoCallback::SetMixer(inputSource);
401    if( oldRecordVolume != recordVolume )
402       Px_SetInputVolume(mixer, recordVolume);
404 #endif
405 }
GetMixer(int * recordDevice,float * recordVolume,float * playbackVolume)407 void AudioIO::GetMixer(int *recordDevice, float *recordVolume,
408                        float *playbackVolume)
409 {
410    *playbackVolume = mMixerOutputVol;
412 #if defined(USE_PORTMIXER)
414    PxMixer *mixer = mPortMixer;
416    if( mixer )
417    {
418       *recordDevice = Px_GetCurrentInputSource(mixer);
420       if (mInputMixerWorks)
421          *recordVolume = Px_GetInputVolume(mixer);
422       else
423          *recordVolume = 1.0f;
425       return;
426    }
428 #endif
430    *recordDevice = 0;
431    *recordVolume = 1.0f;
432 }
InputMixerWorks()434 bool AudioIO::InputMixerWorks()
435 {
436    return mInputMixerWorks;
437 }
GetInputSourceNames()439 wxArrayString AudioIO::GetInputSourceNames()
440 {
441 #if defined(USE_PORTMIXER)
443    wxArrayString deviceNames;
445    if( mPortMixer )
446    {
447       int numSources = Px_GetNumInputSources(mPortMixer);
448       for( int source = 0; source < numSources; source++ )
449          deviceNames.push_back(wxString(wxSafeConvertMB2WX(Px_GetInputSourceName(mPortMixer, source))));
450    }
451    else
452    {
453       wxLogDebug(wxT("AudioIO::GetInputSourceNames(): PortMixer not initialised!"));
454    }
456    return deviceNames;
458 #else
460    wxArrayString blank;
462    return blank;
464 #endif
465 }
AudacityToPortAudioSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)467 static PaSampleFormat AudacityToPortAudioSampleFormat(sampleFormat format)
468 {
469    switch(format) {
470    case int16Sample:
471       return paInt16;
472    case int24Sample:
473       return paInt24;
474    case floatSample:
475    default:
476       return paFloat32;
477    }
478 }
StartPortAudioStream(const AudioIOStartStreamOptions & options,unsigned int numPlaybackChannels,unsigned int numCaptureChannels,sampleFormat captureFormat)480 bool AudioIO::StartPortAudioStream(const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options,
481                                    unsigned int numPlaybackChannels,
482                                    unsigned int numCaptureChannels,
483                                    sampleFormat captureFormat)
484 {
485    auto sampleRate = options.rate;
486    mNumPauseFrames = 0;
487    SetOwningProject( options.pProject );
488    bool success = false;
489    auto cleanup = finally([&]{
490       if (!success)
491          ResetOwningProject();
492    });
494    // PRL:  Protection from crash reported by David Bailes, involving starting
495    // and stopping with frequent changes of active window, hard to reproduce
496    if (mOwningProject.expired())
497       return false;
499    mInputMeter.reset();
500    mOutputMeter.reset();
502    mLastPaError = paNoError;
503    // pick a rate to do the audio I/O at, from those available. The project
504    // rate is suggested, but we may get something else if it isn't supported
505    mRate = GetBestRate(numCaptureChannels > 0, numPlaybackChannels > 0, sampleRate);
507    // July 2016 (Carsten and Uwe)
508    // BUG 193: Tell PortAudio sound card will handle 24 bit (under DirectSound) using
509    // userData.
510    int captureFormat_saved = captureFormat;
511    // Special case: Our 24-bit sample format is different from PortAudio's
512    // 3-byte packed format. So just make PortAudio return float samples,
513    // since we need float values anyway to apply the gain.
514    // ANSWER-ME: So we *never* actually handle 24-bit?! This causes mCapture to
515    // be set to floatSample below.
516    // JKC: YES that's right.  Internally Audacity uses float, and float has space for
517    // 24 bits as well as exponent.  Actual 24 bit would require packing and
518    // unpacking unaligned bytes and would be inefficient.
519    // ANSWER ME: is floatSample 64 bit on 64 bit machines?
520    if (captureFormat == int24Sample)
521       captureFormat = floatSample;
523    mNumPlaybackChannels = numPlaybackChannels;
524    mNumCaptureChannels = numCaptureChannels;
526    bool usePlayback = false, useCapture = false;
527    PaStreamParameters playbackParameters{};
528    PaStreamParameters captureParameters{};
530    auto latencyDuration = AudioIOLatencyDuration.Read();
532    if( numPlaybackChannels > 0)
533    {
534       usePlayback = true;
536       // this sets the device index to whatever is "right" based on preferences,
537       // then defaults
538       playbackParameters.device = getPlayDevIndex();
540       const PaDeviceInfo *playbackDeviceInfo;
541       playbackDeviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( playbackParameters.device );
543       if( playbackDeviceInfo == NULL )
544          return false;
546       // regardless of source formats, we always mix to float
547       playbackParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;
548       playbackParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
549       playbackParameters.channelCount = mNumPlaybackChannels;
551       if (mSoftwarePlaythrough)
552          playbackParameters.suggestedLatency =
553             playbackDeviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency;
554       else {
555          // When using WASAPI, the suggested latency does not affect
556          // the latency of the playback, but the position of playback is given as if
557          // there was the suggested latency. This results in the last "suggested latency"
558          // of a selection not being played. So for WASAPI use 0.0 for the suggested
559          // latency regardless of user setting. See bug 1949.
560          const PaHostApiInfo* hostInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(playbackDeviceInfo->hostApi);
561          bool isWASAPI = (hostInfo && hostInfo->type == paWASAPI);
562          playbackParameters.suggestedLatency = isWASAPI ? 0.0 : latencyDuration/1000.0;
563       }
565       mOutputMeter = options.playbackMeter;
566    }
568    if( numCaptureChannels > 0)
569    {
570       useCapture = true;
571       mCaptureFormat = captureFormat;
573       const PaDeviceInfo *captureDeviceInfo;
574       // retrieve the index of the device set in the prefs, or a sensible
575       // default if it isn't set/valid
576       captureParameters.device = getRecordDevIndex();
578       captureDeviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( captureParameters.device );
580       if( captureDeviceInfo == NULL )
581          return false;
583       captureParameters.sampleFormat =
584          AudacityToPortAudioSampleFormat(mCaptureFormat);
586       captureParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
587       captureParameters.channelCount = mNumCaptureChannels;
589       if (mSoftwarePlaythrough)
590          captureParameters.suggestedLatency =
591             captureDeviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency;
592       else
593          captureParameters.suggestedLatency = latencyDuration/1000.0;
595       SetCaptureMeter( mOwningProject.lock(), options.captureMeter );
596    }
598    SetMeters();
600 #ifdef USE_PORTMIXER
601 #ifdef __WXMSW__
602    //mchinen nov 30 2010.  For some reason Pa_OpenStream resets the input volume on windows.
603    //so cache and restore after it.
604    //The actual problem is likely in portaudio's pa_win_wmme.c OpenStream().
605    float oldRecordVolume = Px_GetInputVolume(mPortMixer);
606 #endif
607 #endif
609    // July 2016 (Carsten and Uwe)
610    // BUG 193: Possibly tell portAudio to use 24 bit with DirectSound.
611    int  userData = 24;
612    int* lpUserData = (captureFormat_saved == int24Sample) ? &userData : NULL;
614    // (Linux, bug 1885) After scanning devices it takes a little time for the
615    // ALSA device to be available, so allow retries.
616    // On my test machine, no more than 3 attempts are required.
617    unsigned int maxTries = 1;
618 #ifdef __WXGTK__
619    if (DeviceManager::Instance()->GetTimeSinceRescan() < 10)
620       maxTries = 5;
621 #endif
623    for (unsigned int tries = 0; tries < maxTries; tries++) {
624       mLastPaError = Pa_OpenStream( &mPortStreamV19,
625                                     useCapture ? &captureParameters : NULL,
626                                     usePlayback ? &playbackParameters : NULL,
627                                     mRate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified,
628                                     paNoFlag,
629                                     audacityAudioCallback, lpUserData );
630       if (mLastPaError == paNoError) {
631          break;
632       }
633       wxLogDebug("Attempt %u to open capture stream failed with: %d", 1 + tries, mLastPaError);
634       wxMilliSleep(1000);
635    }
639 #ifdef __WXMSW__
640    Px_SetInputVolume(mPortMixer, oldRecordVolume);
641 #endif
642    if (mPortStreamV19 != NULL && mLastPaError == paNoError) {
644       #ifdef __WXMAC__
645       if (mPortMixer) {
646          if (Px_SupportsPlaythrough(mPortMixer)) {
647             bool playthrough = false;
649             mPreviousHWPlaythrough = Px_GetPlaythrough(mPortMixer);
651             // Bug 388.  Feature not supported.
652             //gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Playthrough"), &playthrough, false);
653             if (playthrough)
654                Px_SetPlaythrough(mPortMixer, 1.0);
655             else
656                Px_SetPlaythrough(mPortMixer, 0.0);
657          }
658       }
659       #endif
660    }
661 #endif
663 #if (defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXMSW__)) && wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,0)
664    // Don't want the system to sleep while audio I/O is active
665    if (mPortStreamV19 != NULL && mLastPaError == paNoError) {
666       wxPowerResource::Acquire(wxPOWER_RESOURCE_SCREEN, _("Audacity Audio"));
667    }
668 #endif
670    return (success = (mLastPaError == paNoError));
671 }
LastPaErrorString()673 wxString AudioIO::LastPaErrorString()
674 {
675    return wxString::Format(wxT("%d %s."), (int) mLastPaError, Pa_GetErrorText(mLastPaError));
676 }
SetOwningProject(const std::shared_ptr<AudacityProject> & pProject)678 void AudioIO::SetOwningProject(
679    const std::shared_ptr<AudacityProject> &pProject )
680 {
681    if ( !mOwningProject.expired() ) {
682       wxASSERT(false);
683       ResetOwningProject();
684    }
686    mOwningProject = pProject;
687 }
ResetOwningProject()689 void AudioIO::ResetOwningProject()
690 {
691    mOwningProject.reset();
692 }
StartMonitoring(const AudioIOStartStreamOptions & options)694 void AudioIO::StartMonitoring( const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options )
695 {
696    if ( mPortStreamV19 || mStreamToken )
697       return;
699    bool success;
700    auto captureFormat = QualitySettings::SampleFormatChoice();
701    auto captureChannels = AudioIORecordChannels.Read();
702    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SWPlaythrough"), &mSoftwarePlaythrough, false);
703    int playbackChannels = 0;
705    if (mSoftwarePlaythrough)
706       playbackChannels = 2;
708    // FIXME: TRAP_ERR StartPortAudioStream (a PaError may be present)
709    // but StartPortAudioStream function only returns true or false.
710    mUsingAlsa = false;
711    success = StartPortAudioStream(options, (unsigned int)playbackChannels,
712                                   (unsigned int)captureChannels,
713                                   captureFormat);
715    auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
716    if (!success) {
717       using namespace BasicUI;
718       auto msg = XO("Error opening recording device.\nError code: %s")
719          .Format( Get()->LastPaErrorString() );
720       ShowErrorDialog( *ProjectFramePlacement( pOwningProject.get() ),
721          XO("Error"), msg, wxT("Error_opening_sound_device"),
722          ErrorDialogOptions{ ErrorDialogType::ModalErrorReport } );
723       return;
724    }
726    wxCommandEvent e(EVT_AUDIOIO_MONITOR);
727    e.SetEventObject( pOwningProject.get() );
728    e.SetInt(true);
729    wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(e);
731    // FIXME: TRAP_ERR PaErrorCode 'noted' but not reported in StartMonitoring.
732    // Now start the PortAudio stream!
733    // TODO: ? Factor out and reuse error reporting code from end of
734    // AudioIO::StartStream?
735    mLastPaError = Pa_StartStream( mPortStreamV19 );
737    // Update UI display only now, after all possibilities for error are past.
738    auto pListener = GetListener();
739    if ((mLastPaError == paNoError) && pListener) {
740       // advertise the chosen I/O sample rate to the UI
741       pListener->OnAudioIORate((int)mRate);
742    }
743 }
StartStream(const TransportTracks & tracks,double t0,double t1,double mixerLimit,const AudioIOStartStreamOptions & options)745 int AudioIO::StartStream(const TransportTracks &tracks,
746    double t0, double t1, double mixerLimit,
747    const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options)
748 {
749    const auto &pStartTime = options.pStartTime;
750    t1 = std::min(t1, mixerLimit);
752    mLostSamples = 0;
753    mLostCaptureIntervals.clear();
754    mDetectDropouts =
755       gPrefs->Read( WarningDialogKey(wxT("DropoutDetected")), true ) != 0;
756    auto cleanup = finally ( [this] { ClearRecordingException(); } );
758    if( IsBusy() )
759       return 0;
761    // We just want to set mStreamToken to -1 - this way avoids
762    // an extremely rare but possible race condition, if two functions
763    // somehow called StartStream at the same time...
764    mStreamToken--;
765    if (mStreamToken != -1)
766       return 0;
768    // TODO: we don't really need to close and reopen stream if the
769    // format matches; however it's kind of tricky to keep it open...
770    //
771    //   if (sampleRate == mRate &&
772    //       playbackChannels == mNumPlaybackChannels &&
773    //       captureChannels == mNumCaptureChannels &&
774    //       captureFormat == mCaptureFormat) {
776    if (mPortStreamV19) {
777       StopStream();
778       while(mPortStreamV19)
779          wxMilliSleep( 50 );
780    }
782 #ifdef __WXGTK__
783    // Detect whether ALSA is the chosen host, and do the various involved MIDI
784    // timing compensations only then.
785    mUsingAlsa = (AudioIOHost.Read() == L"ALSA");
786 #endif
788    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SWPlaythrough"), &mSoftwarePlaythrough, false);
789    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SoundActivatedRecord"), &mPauseRec, false);
790    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Microfades"), &mbMicroFades, false);
791    int silenceLevelDB;
792    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SilenceLevel"), &silenceLevelDB, -50);
793    int dBRange = DecibelScaleCutoff.Read();
794    if(silenceLevelDB < -dBRange)
795    {
796       silenceLevelDB = -dBRange + 3;
797       // meter range was made smaller than SilenceLevel
798       // so set SilenceLevel reasonable
800       // PRL:  update prefs, or correct it only in-session?
801       // The behavior (as of 2.3.1) was the latter, the code suggested that
802       // the intent was the former;  I preserve the behavior, but uncomment
803       // this if you disagree.
804       // gPrefs->Write(wxT("/AudioIO/SilenceLevel"), silenceLevelDB);
805       // gPrefs->Flush();
806    }
807    mSilenceLevel = DB_TO_LINEAR(silenceLevelDB);  // meter goes -dBRange dB -> 0dB
809    // Clamp pre-roll so we don't play before time 0
810    const auto preRoll = std::max(0.0, std::min(t0, options.preRoll));
811    mRecordingSchedule = {};
812    mRecordingSchedule.mPreRoll = preRoll;
813    mRecordingSchedule.mLatencyCorrection =
814       AudioIOLatencyCorrection.Read() / 1000.0;
815    mRecordingSchedule.mDuration = t1 - t0;
816    if (options.pCrossfadeData)
817       mRecordingSchedule.mCrossfadeData.swap( *options.pCrossfadeData );
819    mListener = options.listener;
820    mRate    = options.rate;
822    mSeek    = 0;
823    mLastRecordingOffset = 0;
824    mCaptureTracks = tracks.captureTracks;
825    mPlaybackTracks = tracks.playbackTracks;
827    bool commit = false;
828    auto cleanupTracks = finally([&]{
829       if (!commit) {
830          // Don't keep unnecessary shared pointers to tracks
831          mPlaybackTracks.clear();
832          mCaptureTracks.clear();
833          for(auto &ext : Extensions())
834             ext.AbortOtherStream();
836          // Don't cause a busy wait in the audio thread after stopping scrubbing
837          mPlaybackSchedule.ResetMode();
838       }
839    });
841    mPlaybackBuffers.reset();
842    mPlaybackMixers.clear();
843    mCaptureBuffers.reset();
844    mResample.reset();
845    mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Clear();
847    mPlaybackSchedule.Init(
848       t0, t1, options, mCaptureTracks.empty() ? nullptr : &mRecordingSchedule );
850    unsigned int playbackChannels = 0;
851    unsigned int captureChannels = 0;
852    sampleFormat captureFormat = floatSample;
854    auto pListener = GetListener();
856    if (tracks.playbackTracks.size() > 0
857       || tracks.otherPlayableTracks.size() > 0)
858       playbackChannels = 2;
860    if (mSoftwarePlaythrough)
861       playbackChannels = 2;
863    if (tracks.captureTracks.size() > 0)
864    {
865       // For capture, every input channel gets its own track
866       captureChannels = mCaptureTracks.size();
867       // I don't deal with the possibility of the capture tracks
868       // having different sample formats, since it will never happen
869       // with the current code.  This code wouldn't *break* if this
870       // assumption was false, but it would be sub-optimal.  For example,
871       // if the first track was 16-bit and the second track was 24-bit,
872       // we would set the sound card to capture in 16 bits and the second
873       // track wouldn't get the benefit of all 24 bits the card is capable
874       // of.
875       captureFormat = mCaptureTracks[0]->GetSampleFormat();
877       // Tell project that we are about to start recording
878       if (pListener)
879          pListener->OnAudioIOStartRecording();
880    }
882    bool successAudio;
884    successAudio = StartPortAudioStream(options, playbackChannels,
885                                        captureChannels, captureFormat);
887    // Call this only after reassignment of mRate that might happen in the
888    // previous call.
889    mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().Initialize( mPlaybackSchedule, mRate );
892    auto range = Extensions();
893    successAudio = successAudio &&
894       std::all_of(range.begin(), range.end(),
895          [this, &tracks, t0](auto &ext){
896             return ext.StartOtherStream( tracks,
897               (mPortStreamV19 != NULL && mLastPaError == paNoError)
898                  ? Pa_GetStreamInfo(mPortStreamV19) : nullptr,
899               t0, mRate ); });
900 #endif
902    if (!successAudio) {
903       if (pListener && captureChannels > 0)
904          pListener->OnAudioIOStopRecording();
905       mStreamToken = 0;
907       return 0;
908    }
910    {
911       double mixerStart = t0;
912       if (pStartTime)
913          mixerStart = std::min( mixerStart, *pStartTime );
914       if ( ! AllocateBuffers( options, tracks,
915          mixerStart, mixerLimit, options.rate ) )
916          return 0;
917    }
919    if (mNumPlaybackChannels > 0)
920    {
921       auto & em = RealtimeEffectManager::Get();
922       // Setup for realtime playback at the rate of the realtime
923       // stream, not the rate of the track.
924       em.RealtimeInitialize(mRate);
926       // The following adds a NEW effect processor for each logical track and the
927       // group determination should mimic what is done in audacityAudioCallback()
928       // when calling RealtimeProcess().
929       int group = 0;
930       for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mPlaybackTracks.size(); i < cnt;)
931       {
932          const WaveTrack *vt = mPlaybackTracks[i].get();
934          // TODO: more-than-two-channels
935          unsigned chanCnt = TrackList::Channels(vt).size();
936          i += chanCnt;
938          // Setup for realtime playback at the rate of the realtime
939          // stream, not the rate of the track.
940          em.RealtimeAddProcessor(group++, std::min(2u, chanCnt), mRate);
941       }
942    }
945    AILASetStartTime();
946 #endif
948    if (pStartTime)
949    {
950       // Calculate the NEW time position
951       const auto time = *pStartTime;
953       // Main thread's initialization of mTime
954       mPlaybackSchedule.SetTrackTime( time );
955       mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().OffsetTrackTime( mPlaybackSchedule, 0 );
957       // Reset mixer positions for all playback tracks
958       unsigned numMixers = mPlaybackTracks.size();
959       for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < numMixers; ++ii)
960          mPlaybackMixers[ii]->Reposition( time );
961    }
963    // Now that we are done with AllocateBuffers() and SetTrackTime():
964    mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Prime(mPlaybackSchedule.GetTrackTime());
965    // else recording only without overdub
967    // We signal the audio thread to call TrackBufferExchange, to prime the RingBuffers
968    // so that they will have data in them when the stream starts.  Having the
969    // audio thread call TrackBufferExchange here makes the code more predictable, since
970    // TrackBufferExchange will ALWAYS get called from the Audio thread.
971    mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce = true;
973    while( mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce ) {
974       auto interval = 50ull;
975       if (options.playbackStreamPrimer) {
976          interval = options.playbackStreamPrimer();
977       }
978       wxMilliSleep( interval );
979    }
981    if(mNumPlaybackChannels > 0 || mNumCaptureChannels > 0) {
984       // PRL: Do this in hope of less thread scheduling jitter in calls to
985       // audacityAudioCallback.
986       // Not needed to make audio playback work smoothly.
987       // But needed in case we also play MIDI, so that the variable "offset"
988       // in AudioIO::MidiTime() is a better approximation of the duration
989       // between the call of audacityAudioCallback and the actual output of
990       // the first audio sample.
991       // (Which we should be able to determine from fields of
992       // PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo, but that seems not to work as documented with
993       // ALSA.)
994       if (mUsingAlsa)
995          // Perhaps we should do this only if also playing MIDI ?
996          PaAlsa_EnableRealtimeScheduling( mPortStreamV19, 1 );
997 #endif
999       //
1000       // Generate a unique value each time, to be returned to
1001       // clients accessing the AudioIO API, so they can query if they
1002       // are the ones who have reserved AudioIO or not.
1003       //
1004       // It is important to set this before setting the portaudio stream in
1005       // motion -- otherwise it may play an unspecified number of leading
1006       // zeroes.
1007       mStreamToken = (++mNextStreamToken);
1009       // This affects the AudioThread (not the portaudio callback).
1010       // Probably not needed so urgently before portaudio thread start for usual
1011       // playback, since our ring buffers have been primed already with 4 sec
1012       // of audio, but then we might be scrubbing, so do it.
1013       mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning = true;
1014       mForceFadeOut.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed);
1016       // Now start the PortAudio stream!
1017       PaError err;
1018       err = Pa_StartStream( mPortStreamV19 );
1020       if( err != paNoError )
1021       {
1022          mStreamToken = 0;
1023          mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning = false;
1024          if (pListener && mNumCaptureChannels > 0)
1025             pListener->OnAudioIOStopRecording();
1026          StartStreamCleanup();
1027          // PRL: PortAudio error messages are sadly not internationalized
1028          AudacityMessageBox(
1029             Verbatim( LAT1CTOWX(Pa_GetErrorText(err)) ) );
1030          return 0;
1031       }
1032    }
1034    // Update UI display only now, after all possibilities for error are past.
1035    if (pListener) {
1036       // advertise the chosen I/O sample rate to the UI
1037       pListener->OnAudioIORate((int)mRate);
1038    }
1040    auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
1041    if (mNumPlaybackChannels > 0)
1042    {
1043       wxCommandEvent e(EVT_AUDIOIO_PLAYBACK);
1044       e.SetEventObject( pOwningProject.get() );
1045       e.SetInt(true);
1046       wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(e);
1047    }
1049    if (mNumCaptureChannels > 0)
1050    {
1051       wxCommandEvent e(EVT_AUDIOIO_CAPTURE);
1052       e.SetEventObject( pOwningProject.get() );
1053       e.SetInt(true);
1054       wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(e);
1055    }
1057    commit = true;
1058    return mStreamToken;
1059 }
DelayActions(bool recording)1061 void AudioIO::DelayActions(bool recording)
1062 {
1063    mDelayingActions = recording;
1064 }
DelayingActions() const1066 bool AudioIO::DelayingActions() const
1067 {
1068    return mDelayingActions || (mPortStreamV19 && mNumCaptureChannels > 0);
1069 }
CallAfterRecording(PostRecordingAction action)1071 void AudioIO::CallAfterRecording(PostRecordingAction action)
1072 {
1073    if (!action)
1074       return;
1076    {
1077       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard{ mPostRecordingActionMutex };
1078       if (mPostRecordingAction) {
1079          // Enqueue it, even if perhaps not still recording,
1080          // but it wasn't cleared yet
1081          mPostRecordingAction = [
1082             prevAction = std::move(mPostRecordingAction),
1083             nextAction = std::move(action)
1084          ]{ prevAction(); nextAction(); };
1085          return;
1086       }
1087       else if (DelayingActions()) {
1088          mPostRecordingAction = std::move(action);
1089          return;
1090       }
1091    }
1093    // Don't delay it except until idle time.
1094    // (Recording might start between now and then, but won't go far before
1095    // the action is done.  So the system isn't bulletproof yet.)
1096    wxTheApp->CallAfter(std::move(action));
1097 }
AllocateBuffers(const AudioIOStartStreamOptions & options,const TransportTracks & tracks,double t0,double t1,double sampleRate)1099 bool AudioIO::AllocateBuffers(
1100    const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options,
1101    const TransportTracks &tracks, double t0, double t1, double sampleRate )
1102 {
1103    bool success = false;
1104    auto cleanup = finally([&]{
1105       if (!success) StartStreamCleanup( false );
1106    });
1108    auto &policy = mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy();
1109    auto times = policy.SuggestedBufferTimes(mPlaybackSchedule);
1111    //
1112    // The (audio) stream has been opened successfully (assuming we tried
1113    // to open it). We now proceed to
1114    // allocate the memory structures the stream will need.
1115    //
1117    //
1118    // The RingBuffer sizes, and the max amount of the buffer to
1119    // fill at a time, both grow linearly with the number of
1120    // tracks.  This allows us to scale up to many tracks without
1121    // killing performance.
1122    //
1124    // real playback time to produce with each filling of the buffers
1125    // by the Audio thread (except at the end of playback):
1126    // usually, make fillings fewer and longer for less CPU usage.
1127    // What Audio thread produces for playback is then consumed by the PortAudio
1128    // thread, in many smaller pieces.
1129    double playbackTime = lrint(times.batchSize * mRate) / mRate;
1131    wxASSERT( playbackTime >= 0 );
1132    mPlaybackSamplesToCopy = playbackTime * mRate;
1134    // Capacity of the playback buffer.
1135    mPlaybackRingBufferSecs = times.ringBufferDelay;
1137    mCaptureRingBufferSecs =
1138       4.5 + 0.5 * std::min(size_t(16), mCaptureTracks.size());
1139    mMinCaptureSecsToCopy =
1140       0.2 + 0.2 * std::min(size_t(16), mCaptureTracks.size());
1142    bool bDone;
1143    do
1144    {
1145       bDone = true; // assume success
1146       try
1147       {
1148          if( mNumPlaybackChannels > 0 ) {
1149             // Allocate output buffers.  For every output track we allocate
1150             // a ring buffer of ten seconds
1151             auto playbackBufferSize =
1152                (size_t)lrint(mRate * mPlaybackRingBufferSecs);
1154             // Always make at least one playback buffer
1155             mPlaybackBuffers.reinit(
1156                std::max<size_t>(1, mPlaybackTracks.size()));
1157             mPlaybackMixers.clear();
1158             mPlaybackMixers.resize(mPlaybackTracks.size());
1160             const auto &warpOptions =
1161                policy.MixerWarpOptions(mPlaybackSchedule);
1163             mPlaybackQueueMinimum = lrint( mRate * times.latency );
1164             mPlaybackQueueMinimum =
1165                std::min( mPlaybackQueueMinimum, playbackBufferSize );
1167             if (mPlaybackTracks.empty())
1168                // Make at least one playback buffer
1169                mPlaybackBuffers[0] =
1170                   std::make_unique<RingBuffer>(floatSample, playbackBufferSize);
1172             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mPlaybackTracks.size(); i++)
1173             {
1174                // Bug 1763 - We must fade in from zero to avoid a click on starting.
1175                mPlaybackTracks[i]->SetOldChannelGain(0, 0.0);
1176                mPlaybackTracks[i]->SetOldChannelGain(1, 0.0);
1178                mPlaybackBuffers[i] =
1179                   std::make_unique<RingBuffer>(floatSample, playbackBufferSize);
1181                // use track time for the end time, not real time!
1182                WaveTrackConstArray mixTracks;
1183                mixTracks.push_back(mPlaybackTracks[i]);
1185                double startTime, endTime;
1186                if (make_iterator_range(tracks.prerollTracks)
1187                       .contains(mPlaybackTracks[i])) {
1188                   // Stop playing this track after pre-roll
1189                   startTime = mPlaybackSchedule.mT0;
1190                   endTime = t0;
1191                }
1192                else {
1193                   // Pass t1 -- not mT1 as may have been adjusted for latency
1194                   // -- so that overdub recording stops playing back samples
1195                   // at the right time, though transport may continue to record
1196                   startTime = t0;
1197                   endTime = t1;
1198                }
1200                mPlaybackMixers[i] = std::make_unique<Mixer>
1201                   (mixTracks,
1202                   // Don't throw for read errors, just play silence:
1203                   false,
1204                   warpOptions,
1205                   startTime,
1206                   endTime,
1207                   1,
1208                   std::max( mPlaybackSamplesToCopy, mPlaybackQueueMinimum ),
1209                   false,
1210                   mRate, floatSample,
1211                   false, // low quality dithering and resampling
1212                   nullptr,
1213                   false // don't apply track gains
1214                );
1215             }
1217             const auto timeQueueSize = 1 +
1218                (playbackBufferSize + TimeQueueGrainSize - 1)
1219                   / TimeQueueGrainSize;
1220             mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Resize( timeQueueSize );
1221          }
1223          if( mNumCaptureChannels > 0 )
1224          {
1225             // Allocate input buffers.  For every input track we allocate
1226             // a ring buffer of five seconds
1227             auto captureBufferSize =
1228                (size_t)(mRate * mCaptureRingBufferSecs + 0.5);
1230             // In the extraordinarily rare case that we can't even afford
1231             // 100 samples, just give up.
1232             if(captureBufferSize < 100)
1233             {
1234                AudacityMessageBox( XO("Out of memory!") );
1235                return false;
1236             }
1238             mCaptureBuffers.reinit(mCaptureTracks.size());
1239             mResample.reinit(mCaptureTracks.size());
1240             mFactor = sampleRate / mRate;
1242             for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mCaptureTracks.size(); i++ )
1243             {
1244                mCaptureBuffers[i] = std::make_unique<RingBuffer>(
1245                   mCaptureTracks[i]->GetSampleFormat(), captureBufferSize );
1246                mResample[i] =
1247                   std::make_unique<Resample>(true, mFactor, mFactor);
1248                   // constant rate resampling
1249             }
1250          }
1251       }
1252       catch(std::bad_alloc&)
1253       {
1254          // Oops!  Ran out of memory.  This is pretty rare, so we'll just
1255          // try deleting everything, halving our buffer size, and try again.
1256          StartStreamCleanup(true);
1257          mPlaybackRingBufferSecs *= 0.5;
1258          mPlaybackSamplesToCopy /= 2;
1259          mCaptureRingBufferSecs *= 0.5;
1260          mMinCaptureSecsToCopy *= 0.5;
1261          bDone = false;
1263          // In the extraordinarily rare case that we can't even afford 100
1264          // samples, just give up.
1265          auto playbackBufferSize =
1266             (size_t)lrint(mRate * mPlaybackRingBufferSecs);
1267          if(playbackBufferSize < 100 || mPlaybackSamplesToCopy < 100)
1268          {
1269             AudacityMessageBox( XO("Out of memory!") );
1270             return false;
1271          }
1272       }
1273    } while(!bDone);
1275    success = true;
1276    return true;
1277 }
StartStreamCleanup(bool bOnlyBuffers)1279 void AudioIO::StartStreamCleanup(bool bOnlyBuffers)
1280 {
1281    if (mNumPlaybackChannels > 0)
1282    {
1283       RealtimeEffectManager::Get().RealtimeFinalize();
1284    }
1286    mPlaybackBuffers.reset();
1287    mPlaybackMixers.clear();
1288    mCaptureBuffers.reset();
1289    mResample.reset();
1290    mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Clear();
1292    if(!bOnlyBuffers)
1293    {
1294       Pa_AbortStream( mPortStreamV19 );
1295       Pa_CloseStream( mPortStreamV19 );
1296       mPortStreamV19 = NULL;
1297       mStreamToken = 0;
1298    }
1300    mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().Finalize( mPlaybackSchedule );
1301 }
IsAvailable(AudacityProject & project) const1303 bool AudioIO::IsAvailable(AudacityProject &project) const
1304 {
1305    auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
1306    return !pOwningProject || pOwningProject.get() == &project;
1307 }
SetMeters()1309 void AudioIO::SetMeters()
1310 {
1311    if (auto pInputMeter = mInputMeter.lock())
1312       pInputMeter->Reset(mRate, true);
1313    if (auto pOutputMeter = mOutputMeter.lock())
1314       pOutputMeter->Reset(mRate, true);
1316    mUpdateMeters = true;
1317 }
StopStream()1319 void AudioIO::StopStream()
1320 {
1321    auto cleanup = finally ( [this] {
1322       ClearRecordingException();
1323       mRecordingSchedule.mCrossfadeData.clear(); // free arrays
1324    } );
1326    if( mPortStreamV19 == NULL )
1327       return;
1329    // DV: This code seems to be unnecessary.
1330    // We do not leave mPortStreamV19 open in stopped
1331    // state. (Do we?)
1332    // This breaks WASAPI backend, as it sets the `running`
1333    // flag to `false` asynchronously.
1334    // Previously we have patched PortAudio and the patch
1335    // was breaking IsStreamStopped() == !IsStreamActive()
1336    // invariant.
1337    /*
1338    if ( Pa_IsStreamStopped(mPortStreamV19) )
1339       return;
1340    */
1342 #if (defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WXMSW__)) && wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,0)
1343    // Re-enable system sleep
1344    wxPowerResource::Release(wxPOWER_RESOURCE_SCREEN);
1345 #endif
1347    if( mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning )
1348    {
1349       // PortAudio callback can use the information that we are stopping to fade
1350       // out the audio.  Give PortAudio callback a chance to do so.
1351       mForceFadeOut.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
1352       auto latency = static_cast<long>(AudioIOLatencyDuration.Read());
1353       // If we can gracefully fade out in 200ms, with the faded-out play buffers making it through
1354       // the sound card, then do so.  If we can't, don't wait around.  Just stop quickly and accept
1355       // there will be a click.
1356       if( mbMicroFades  && (latency < 150 ))
1357          wxMilliSleep( latency + 50);
1358    }
1360    wxMutexLocker locker(mSuspendAudioThread);
1362    // No longer need effects processing
1363    if (mNumPlaybackChannels > 0)
1364    {
1365       RealtimeEffectManager::Get().RealtimeFinalize();
1366    }
1368    //
1369    // We got here in one of two ways:
1370    //
1371    // 1. The user clicked the stop button and we therefore want to stop
1372    //    as quickly as possible.  So we use AbortStream().  If this is
1373    //    the case the portaudio stream is still in the Running state
1374    //    (see PortAudio state machine docs).
1375    //
1376    // 2. The callback told PortAudio to stop the stream since it had
1377    //    reached the end of the selection.  The UI thread discovered
1378    //    this by noticing that AudioIO::IsActive() returned false.
1379    //    IsActive() (which calls Pa_GetStreamActive()) will not return
1380    //    false until all buffers have finished playing, so we can call
1381    //    AbortStream without losing any samples.  If this is the case
1382    //    we are in the "callback finished state" (see PortAudio state
1383    //    machine docs).
1384    //
1385    // The moral of the story: We can call AbortStream safely, without
1386    // losing samples.
1387    //
1388    // DMM: This doesn't seem to be true; it seems to be necessary to
1389    // call StopStream if the callback brought us here, and AbortStream
1390    // if the user brought us here.
1391    //
1392    // DV: Seems that Pa_CloseStream calls Pa_AbortStream internally,
1393    // at least for PortAudio 19.7.0+
1395    mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning = false;
1397    // Audacity can deadlock if it tries to update meters while
1398    // we're stopping PortAudio (because the meter updating code
1399    // tries to grab a UI mutex while PortAudio tries to join a
1400    // pthread).  So we tell the callback to stop updating meters,
1401    // and wait until the callback has left this part of the code
1402    // if it was already there.
1403    mUpdateMeters = false;
1404    while(mUpdatingMeters) {
1405       ::wxSafeYield();
1406       wxMilliSleep( 50 );
1407    }
1409    // Turn off HW playthrough if PortMixer is being used
1411   #if defined(USE_PORTMIXER)
1412    if( mPortMixer ) {
1413       #if __WXMAC__
1414       if (Px_SupportsPlaythrough(mPortMixer) && mPreviousHWPlaythrough >= 0.0)
1415          Px_SetPlaythrough(mPortMixer, mPreviousHWPlaythrough);
1416          mPreviousHWPlaythrough = -1.0;
1417       #endif
1418    }
1419   #endif
1421    if (mPortStreamV19) {
1422       // DV: Pa_CloseStream will close Pa_AbortStream internally,
1423       // but it doesn't hurt to do it ourselves.
1424       // PA_AbortStream will silently fail if stream is stopped.
1425       if (!Pa_IsStreamStopped( mPortStreamV19 ))
1426         Pa_AbortStream( mPortStreamV19 );
1428       Pa_CloseStream( mPortStreamV19 );
1430       mPortStreamV19 = NULL;
1431    }
1433    for( auto &ext : Extensions() )
1434       ext.StopOtherStream();
1436    auto pListener = GetListener();
1438    // If there's no token, we were just monitoring, so we can
1439    // skip this next part...
1440    if (mStreamToken > 0) {
1441       // In either of the above cases, we want to make sure that any
1442       // capture data that made it into the PortAudio callback makes it
1443       // to the target WaveTrack.  To do this, we ask the audio thread to
1444       // call TrackBufferExchange one last time (it normally would not do so since
1445       // Pa_GetStreamActive() would now return false
1446       mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce = true;
1448       while( mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce )
1449       {
1450          //FIXME: Seems like this block of the UI thread isn't bounded,
1451          //but we cannot allow event handlers to see incompletely terminated
1452          //AudioIO state with wxYield (or similar functions)
1453          wxMilliSleep( 50 );
1454       }
1456       //
1457       // Everything is taken care of.  Now, just free all the resources
1458       // we allocated in StartStream()
1459       //
1461       if (mPlaybackTracks.size() > 0)
1462       {
1463          mPlaybackBuffers.reset();
1464          mPlaybackMixers.clear();
1465          mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Clear();
1466       }
1468       //
1469       // Offset all recorded tracks to account for latency
1470       //
1471       if (mCaptureTracks.size() > 0)
1472       {
1473          mCaptureBuffers.reset();
1474          mResample.reset();
1476          //
1477          // We only apply latency correction when we actually played back
1478          // tracks during the recording. If we did not play back tracks,
1479          // there's nothing we could be out of sync with. This also covers the
1480          // case that we do not apply latency correction when recording the
1481          // first track in a project.
1482          //
1484          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mCaptureTracks.size(); i++) {
1485             // The calls to Flush
1486             // may cause exceptions because of exhaustion of disk space.
1487             // Stop those exceptions here, or else they propagate through too
1488             // many parts of Audacity that are not effects or editing
1489             // operations.  GuardedCall ensures that the user sees a warning.
1491             // Also be sure to Flush each track, at the top of the guarded call,
1492             // relying on the guarantee that the track will be left in a flushed
1493             // state, though the append buffer may be lost.
1495             GuardedCall( [&] {
1496                WaveTrack* track = mCaptureTracks[i].get();
1498                // use No-fail-guarantee that track is flushed,
1499                // Partial-guarantee that some initial length of the recording
1500                // is saved.
1501                // See comments in TrackBufferExchange().
1502                track->Flush();
1503             } );
1504          }
1507          if (!mLostCaptureIntervals.empty())
1508          {
1509             // This scope may combine many splittings of wave tracks
1510             // into one transaction, lessening the number of checkpoints
1511             Optional<TransactionScope> pScope;
1512             auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
1513             if (pOwningProject) {
1514                auto &pIO = ProjectFileIO::Get(*pOwningProject);
1515                pScope.emplace(pIO.GetConnection(), "Dropouts");
1516             }
1517             for (auto &interval : mLostCaptureIntervals) {
1518                auto &start = interval.first;
1519                auto duration = interval.second;
1520                for (auto &track : mCaptureTracks) {
1521                   GuardedCall([&] {
1522                      track->SyncLockAdjust(start, start + duration);
1523                   });
1524                }
1525             }
1526             if (pScope)
1527                pScope->Commit();
1528          }
1530          if (pListener)
1531             pListener->OnCommitRecording();
1532       }
1533    }
1535    if (auto pInputMeter = mInputMeter.lock())
1536       pInputMeter->Reset(mRate, false);
1538    if (auto pOutputMeter = mOutputMeter.lock())
1539       pOutputMeter->Reset(mRate, false);
1541    mInputMeter.reset();
1542    mOutputMeter.reset();
1543    ResetOwningProject();
1545    if (pListener && mNumCaptureChannels > 0)
1546       pListener->OnAudioIOStopRecording();
1548    wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]{
1549       if (mPortStreamV19 && mNumCaptureChannels > 0)
1550          // Recording was restarted between StopStream and idle time
1551          // So the actions can keep waiting
1552          return;
1553       // In case some other thread was waiting on the mutex too:
1554       std::this_thread::yield();
1555       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard{ mPostRecordingActionMutex };
1556       if (mPostRecordingAction) {
1557          mPostRecordingAction();
1558          mPostRecordingAction = {};
1559       }
1560       DelayActions(false);
1561    });
1563    //
1564    // Only set token to 0 after we're totally finished with everything
1565    //
1566    bool wasMonitoring = mStreamToken == 0;
1567    mStreamToken = 0;
1569    if (mNumPlaybackChannels > 0)
1570    {
1571       wxCommandEvent e(EVT_AUDIOIO_PLAYBACK);
1572       auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
1573       e.SetEventObject(pOwningProject.get());
1574       e.SetInt(false);
1575       wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(e);
1576    }
1578    if (mNumCaptureChannels > 0)
1579    {
1580       wxCommandEvent e(wasMonitoring ? EVT_AUDIOIO_MONITOR : EVT_AUDIOIO_CAPTURE);
1581       auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
1582       e.SetEventObject(pOwningProject.get());
1583       e.SetInt(false);
1584       wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(e);
1585    }
1587    mNumCaptureChannels = 0;
1588    mNumPlaybackChannels = 0;
1590    mPlaybackTracks.clear();
1591    mCaptureTracks.clear();
1593    mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().Finalize( mPlaybackSchedule );
1595    if (pListener) {
1596       // Tell UI to hide sample rate
1597       pListener->OnAudioIORate(0);
1598    }
1600    // Don't cause a busy wait in the audio thread after stopping scrubbing
1601    mPlaybackSchedule.ResetMode();
1602 }
SetPaused(bool state)1604 void AudioIO::SetPaused(bool state)
1605 {
1606    if (state != mPaused)
1607    {
1608       if (state)
1609       {
1610          RealtimeEffectManager::Get().RealtimeSuspend();
1611       }
1612       else
1613       {
1614          RealtimeEffectManager::Get().RealtimeResume();
1615       }
1616    }
1618    mPaused = state;
1619 }
GetBestRate(bool capturing,bool playing,double sampleRate)1621 double AudioIO::GetBestRate(bool capturing, bool playing, double sampleRate)
1622 {
1623    // Check if we can use the cached value
1624    if (mCachedBestRateIn != 0.0 && mCachedBestRateIn == sampleRate
1625       && mCachedBestRatePlaying == playing && mCachedBestRateCapturing == capturing) {
1626       return mCachedBestRateOut;
1627    }
1629    // In order to cache the value, all early returns should instead set retval
1630    // and jump to finished
1631    double retval;
1633    std::vector<long> rates;
1634    if (capturing) wxLogDebug(wxT("AudioIO::GetBestRate() for capture"));
1635    if (playing) wxLogDebug(wxT("AudioIO::GetBestRate() for playback"));
1636    wxLogDebug(wxT("GetBestRate() suggested rate %.0lf Hz"), sampleRate);
1638    if (capturing && !playing) {
1639       rates = GetSupportedCaptureRates(-1, sampleRate);
1640    }
1641    else if (playing && !capturing) {
1642       rates = GetSupportedPlaybackRates(-1, sampleRate);
1643    }
1644    else {   // we assume capturing and playing - the alternative would be a
1645             // bit odd
1646       rates = GetSupportedSampleRates(-1, -1, sampleRate);
1647    }
1648    /* rem rates is the array of hardware-supported sample rates (in the current
1649     * configuration), sampleRate is the Project Rate (desired sample rate) */
1650    long rate = (long)sampleRate;
1652    if (make_iterator_range(rates).contains(rate)) {
1653       wxLogDebug(wxT("GetBestRate() Returning %.0ld Hz"), rate);
1654       retval = rate;
1655       goto finished;
1656       /* the easy case - the suggested rate (project rate) is in the list, and
1657        * we can just accept that and send back to the caller. This should be
1658        * the case for most users most of the time (all of the time on
1659        * Win MME as the OS does resampling) */
1660    }
1662    /* if we get here, there is a problem - the project rate isn't supported
1663     * on our hardware, so we can't us it. Need to come up with an alternative
1664     * rate to use. The process goes like this:
1665     * * If there are no rates to pick from, we're stuck and return 0 (error)
1666     * * If there are some rates, we pick the next one higher than the requested
1667     *   rate to use.
1668     * * If there aren't any higher, we use the highest available rate */
1670    if (rates.empty()) {
1671       /* we're stuck - there are no supported rates with this hardware. Error */
1672       wxLogDebug(wxT("GetBestRate() Error - no supported sample rates"));
1673       retval = 0.0;
1674       goto finished;
1675    }
1676    int i;
1677    for (i = 0; i < (int)rates.size(); i++)  // for each supported rate
1678          {
1679          if (rates[i] > rate) {
1680             // supported rate is greater than requested rate
1681             wxLogDebug(wxT("GetBestRate() Returning next higher rate - %.0ld Hz"), rates[i]);
1682             retval = rates[i];
1683             goto finished;
1684          }
1685          }
1687    wxLogDebug(wxT("GetBestRate() Returning highest rate - %.0ld Hz"), rates.back());
1688    retval = rates.back(); // the highest available rate
1689    goto finished;
1691 finished:
1692    mCachedBestRateIn = sampleRate;
1693    mCachedBestRateOut = retval;
1694    mCachedBestRatePlaying = playing;
1695    mCachedBestRateCapturing = capturing;
1696    return retval;
1697 }
GetStreamTime()1699 double AudioIO::GetStreamTime()
1700 {
1701    // Track time readout for the main thread
1703    if( !IsStreamActive() )
1704       return BAD_STREAM_TIME;
1706    return mPlaybackSchedule.GetTrackTime();
1707 }
1710 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1711 //
1712 //     Audio Thread Context
1713 //
1714 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Entry()1716 AudioThread::ExitCode AudioThread::Entry()
1717 {
1718    AudioIO *gAudioIO;
1719    while( !TestDestroy() &&
1720       nullptr != ( gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get() ) )
1721    {
1722       using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
1723       auto loopPassStart = Clock::now();
1724       auto &schedule = gAudioIO->mPlaybackSchedule;
1725       const auto interval = schedule.GetPolicy().SleepInterval(schedule);
1727       // Set LoopActive outside the tests to avoid race condition
1728       gAudioIO->mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopActive = true;
1729       if( gAudioIO->mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce )
1730       {
1731          gAudioIO->TrackBufferExchange();
1732          gAudioIO->mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce = false;
1733       }
1734       else if( gAudioIO->mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning )
1735       {
1736          gAudioIO->TrackBufferExchange();
1737       }
1738       gAudioIO->mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopActive = false;
1740       std::this_thread::sleep_until( loopPassStart + interval );
1741    }
1743    return 0;
1744 }
GetCommonlyFreePlayback()1747 size_t AudioIO::GetCommonlyFreePlayback()
1748 {
1749    auto commonlyAvail = mPlaybackBuffers[0]->AvailForPut();
1750    for (unsigned i = 1; i < mPlaybackTracks.size(); ++i)
1751       commonlyAvail = std::min(commonlyAvail,
1752          mPlaybackBuffers[i]->AvailForPut());
1753    // MB: subtract a few samples because the code in TrackBufferExchange has rounding
1754    // errors
1755    return commonlyAvail - std::min(size_t(10), commonlyAvail);
1756 }
GetCommonlyReadyPlayback()1758 size_t AudioIoCallback::GetCommonlyReadyPlayback()
1759 {
1760    auto commonlyAvail = mPlaybackBuffers[0]->AvailForGet();
1761    for (unsigned i = 1; i < mPlaybackTracks.size(); ++i)
1762       commonlyAvail = std::min(commonlyAvail,
1763          mPlaybackBuffers[i]->AvailForGet());
1764    return commonlyAvail;
1765 }
GetCommonlyAvailCapture()1767 size_t AudioIO::GetCommonlyAvailCapture()
1768 {
1769    auto commonlyAvail = mCaptureBuffers[0]->AvailForGet();
1770    for (unsigned i = 1; i < mCaptureTracks.size(); ++i)
1771       commonlyAvail = std::min(commonlyAvail,
1772          mCaptureBuffers[i]->AvailForGet());
1773    return commonlyAvail;
1774 }
1776 // This method is the data gateway between the audio thread (which
1777 // communicates with the disk) and the PortAudio callback thread
1778 // (which communicates with the audio device).
TrackBufferExchange()1779 void AudioIO::TrackBufferExchange()
1780 {
1781    FillPlayBuffers();
1782    DrainRecordBuffers();
1783 }
FillPlayBuffers()1785 void AudioIO::FillPlayBuffers()
1786 {
1787    if (mNumPlaybackChannels == 0)
1788       return;
1790    // Though extremely unlikely, it is possible that some buffers
1791    // will have more samples available than others.  This could happen
1792    // if we hit this code during the PortAudio callback.  To keep
1793    // things simple, we only write as much data as is vacant in
1794    // ALL buffers, and advance the global time by that much.
1795    auto nAvailable = GetCommonlyFreePlayback();
1797    // Don't fill the buffers at all unless we can do the
1798    // full mMaxPlaybackSecsToCopy.  This improves performance
1799    // by not always trying to process tiny chunks, eating the
1800    // CPU unnecessarily.
1801    if (nAvailable < mPlaybackSamplesToCopy)
1802       return;
1804    auto &policy = mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy();
1806    // More than mPlaybackSamplesToCopy might be copied:
1807    // May produce a larger amount when initially priming the buffer, or
1808    // perhaps again later in play to avoid underfilling the queue and falling
1809    // behind the real-time demand on the consumer side in the callback.
1810    auto nReady = GetCommonlyReadyPlayback();
1811    auto nNeeded =
1812       mPlaybackQueueMinimum - std::min(mPlaybackQueueMinimum, nReady);
1814    // wxASSERT( nNeeded <= nAvailable );
1816    // Limit maximum buffer size (increases performance)
1817    auto available = std::min( nAvailable,
1818       std::max( nNeeded, mPlaybackSamplesToCopy ) );
1820    // msmeyer: When playing a very short selection in looped
1821    // mode, the selection must be copied to the buffer multiple
1822    // times, to ensure, that the buffer has a reasonable size
1823    // This is the purpose of this loop.
1824    // PRL: or, when scrubbing, we may get work repeatedly from the
1825    // user interface.
1826    bool done = false;
1827    do {
1828       const auto [frames, toProduce] =
1829          policy.GetPlaybackSlice(mPlaybackSchedule, available);
1831       // Update the time queue.  This must be done before writing to the
1832       // ring buffers of samples, for proper synchronization with the
1833       // consumer side in the PortAudio thread, which reads the time
1834       // queue after reading the sample queues.  The sample queues use
1835       // atomic variables, the time queue doesn't.
1836       mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Producer(mPlaybackSchedule, frames);
1838       for (size_t i = 0; i < mPlaybackTracks.size(); i++)
1839       {
1840          // The mixer here isn't actually mixing: it's just doing
1841          // resampling, format conversion, and possibly time track
1842          // warping
1843          if (frames > 0)
1844          {
1845             size_t produced = 0;
1846             if ( toProduce )
1847                produced = mPlaybackMixers[i]->Process( toProduce );
1848             //wxASSERT(produced <= toProduce);
1849             auto warpedSamples = mPlaybackMixers[i]->GetBuffer();
1850             const auto put = mPlaybackBuffers[i]->Put(
1851                warpedSamples, floatSample, produced, frames - produced);
1852             // wxASSERT(put == frames);
1853             // but we can't assert in this thread
1854             wxUnusedVar(put);
1855          }
1856       }
1858       if (mPlaybackTracks.empty())
1859          // Produce silence in the single ring buffer
1860          mPlaybackBuffers[0]->Put(nullptr, floatSample, 0, frames);
1862       available -= frames;
1863       // wxASSERT(available >= 0); // don't assert on this thread
1865       done = policy.RepositionPlayback( mPlaybackSchedule, mPlaybackMixers,
1866          frames, available );
1867    } while (available && !done);
1868 }
DrainRecordBuffers()1870 void AudioIO::DrainRecordBuffers()
1871 {
1872    if (mRecordingException || mCaptureTracks.empty())
1873       return;
1875    auto delayedHandler = [this] ( AudacityException * pException ) {
1876       // In the main thread, stop recording
1877       // This is one place where the application handles disk
1878       // exhaustion exceptions from wave track operations, without rolling
1879       // back to the last pushed undo state.  Instead, partial recording
1880       // results are pushed as a NEW undo state.  For this reason, as
1881       // commented elsewhere, we want an exception safety guarantee for
1882       // the output wave tracks, after the failed append operation, that
1883       // the tracks remain as they were after the previous successful
1884       // (block-level) appends.
1886       // Note that the Flush in StopStream() may throw another exception,
1887       // but StopStream() contains that exception, and the logic in
1888       // AudacityException::DelayedHandlerAction prevents redundant message
1889       // boxes.
1890       StopStream();
1891       DefaultDelayedHandlerAction{}( pException );
1892    };
1894    GuardedCall( [&] {
1895       // start record buffering
1896       const auto avail = GetCommonlyAvailCapture(); // samples
1897       const auto remainingTime =
1898          std::max(0.0, mRecordingSchedule.ToConsume());
1899       // This may be a very big double number:
1900       const auto remainingSamples = remainingTime * mRate;
1901       bool latencyCorrected = true;
1903       double deltat = avail / mRate;
1905       if (mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce ||
1906           deltat >= mMinCaptureSecsToCopy)
1907       {
1908          // This scope may combine many appendings of wave tracks,
1909          // and also an autosave, into one transaction,
1910          // lessening the number of checkpoints
1911          Optional<TransactionScope> pScope;
1912          auto pOwningProject = mOwningProject.lock();
1913          if (pOwningProject) {
1914             auto &pIO = ProjectFileIO::Get( *pOwningProject );
1915             pScope.emplace(pIO.GetConnection(), "Recording");
1916          }
1918          bool newBlocks = false;
1920          // Append captured samples to the end of the WaveTracks.
1921          // The WaveTracks have their own buffering for efficiency.
1922          auto numChannels = mCaptureTracks.size();
1924          for( size_t i = 0; i < numChannels; i++ )
1925          {
1926             sampleFormat trackFormat = mCaptureTracks[i]->GetSampleFormat();
1928             size_t discarded = 0;
1930             if (!mRecordingSchedule.mLatencyCorrected) {
1931                const auto correction = mRecordingSchedule.TotalCorrection();
1932                if (correction >= 0) {
1933                   // Rightward shift
1934                   // Once only (per track per recording), insert some initial
1935                   // silence.
1936                   size_t size = floor( correction * mRate * mFactor);
1937                   SampleBuffer temp(size, trackFormat);
1938                   ClearSamples(temp.ptr(), trackFormat, 0, size);
1939                   mCaptureTracks[i]->Append(temp.ptr(), trackFormat, size, 1);
1940                }
1941                else {
1942                   // Leftward shift
1943                   // discard some samples from the ring buffers.
1944                   size_t size = floor(
1945                      mRecordingSchedule.ToDiscard() * mRate );
1947                   // The ring buffer might have grown concurrently -- don't discard more
1948                   // than the "avail" value noted above.
1949                   discarded = mCaptureBuffers[i]->Discard(std::min(avail, size));
1951                   if (discarded < size)
1952                      // We need to visit this again to complete the
1953                      // discarding.
1954                      latencyCorrected = false;
1955                }
1956             }
1958             const float *pCrossfadeSrc = nullptr;
1959             size_t crossfadeStart = 0, totalCrossfadeLength = 0;
1960             if (i < mRecordingSchedule.mCrossfadeData.size())
1961             {
1962                // Do crossfading
1963                // The supplied crossfade samples are at the same rate as the track
1964                const auto &data = mRecordingSchedule.mCrossfadeData[i];
1965                totalCrossfadeLength = data.size();
1966                if (totalCrossfadeLength) {
1967                   crossfadeStart =
1968                      floor(mRecordingSchedule.Consumed() * mCaptureTracks[i]->GetRate());
1969                   if (crossfadeStart < totalCrossfadeLength)
1970                      pCrossfadeSrc = data.data() + crossfadeStart;
1971                }
1972             }
1974             wxASSERT(discarded <= avail);
1975             size_t toGet = avail - discarded;
1976             SampleBuffer temp;
1977             size_t size;
1978             sampleFormat format;
1979             if( mFactor == 1.0 )
1980             {
1981                // Take captured samples directly
1982                size = toGet;
1983                if (pCrossfadeSrc)
1984                   // Change to float for crossfade calculation
1985                   format = floatSample;
1986                else
1987                   format = trackFormat;
1988                temp.Allocate(size, format);
1989                const auto got =
1990                   mCaptureBuffers[i]->Get(temp.ptr(), format, toGet);
1991                // wxASSERT(got == toGet);
1992                // but we can't assert in this thread
1993                wxUnusedVar(got);
1994                if (double(size) > remainingSamples)
1995                   size = floor(remainingSamples);
1996             }
1997             else
1998             {
1999                size = lrint(toGet * mFactor);
2000                format = floatSample;
2001                SampleBuffer temp1(toGet, floatSample);
2002                temp.Allocate(size, format);
2003                const auto got =
2004                   mCaptureBuffers[i]->Get(temp1.ptr(), floatSample, toGet);
2005                // wxASSERT(got == toGet);
2006                // but we can't assert in this thread
2007                wxUnusedVar(got);
2008                /* we are re-sampling on the fly. The last resampling call
2009                 * must flush any samples left in the rate conversion buffer
2010                 * so that they get recorded
2011                 */
2012                if (toGet > 0 ) {
2013                   if (double(toGet) > remainingSamples)
2014                      toGet = floor(remainingSamples);
2015                   const auto results =
2016                   mResample[i]->Process(mFactor, (float *)temp1.ptr(), toGet,
2017                                         !IsStreamActive(), (float *)temp.ptr(), size);
2018                   size = results.second;
2019                }
2020             }
2022             if (pCrossfadeSrc) {
2023                wxASSERT(format == floatSample);
2024                size_t crossfadeLength = std::min(size, totalCrossfadeLength - crossfadeStart);
2025                if (crossfadeLength) {
2026                   auto ratio = double(crossfadeStart) / totalCrossfadeLength;
2027                   auto ratioStep = 1.0 / totalCrossfadeLength;
2028                   auto pCrossfadeDst = (float*)temp.ptr();
2030                   // Crossfade loop here
2031                   for (size_t ii = 0; ii < crossfadeLength; ++ii) {
2032                      *pCrossfadeDst = ratio * *pCrossfadeDst + (1.0 - ratio) * *pCrossfadeSrc;
2033                      ++pCrossfadeSrc, ++pCrossfadeDst;
2034                      ratio += ratioStep;
2035                   }
2036                }
2037             }
2039             // Now append
2040             // see comment in second handler about guarantee
2041             newBlocks = mCaptureTracks[i]->Append(temp.ptr(), format, size, 1)
2042                || newBlocks;
2043          } // end loop over capture channels
2045          // Now update the recording schedule position
2046          mRecordingSchedule.mPosition += avail / mRate;
2047          mRecordingSchedule.mLatencyCorrected = latencyCorrected;
2049          auto pListener = GetListener();
2050          if (pListener && newBlocks)
2051             pListener->OnAudioIONewBlocks(&mCaptureTracks);
2053          if (pScope)
2054             pScope->Commit();
2055       }
2056       // end of record buffering
2057    },
2058    // handler
2059    [this] ( AudacityException *pException ) {
2060       if ( pException ) {
2061          // So that we don't attempt to fill the recording buffer again
2062          // before the main thread stops recording
2063          SetRecordingException();
2064          return ;
2065       }
2066       else
2067          // Don't want to intercept other exceptions (?)
2068          throw;
2069    },
2070    delayedHandler );
2071 }
SetListener(const std::shared_ptr<AudioIOListener> & listener)2073 void AudioIoCallback::SetListener(
2074    const std::shared_ptr< AudioIOListener > &listener)
2075 {
2076    if (IsBusy())
2077       return;
2079    mListener = listener;
2080 }
2082 // Automated Input Level Adjustment - Automatically tries to find an acceptable input volume
2085 #include "ProjectStatus.h"
AILAInitialize()2087 void AudioIO::AILAInitialize() {
2088    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/AutomatedInputLevelAdjustment"), &mAILAActive,         false);
2089    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/TargetPeak"),            &mAILAGoalPoint,      AILA_DEF_TARGET_PEAK);
2090    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/DeltaPeakVolume"),       &mAILAGoalDelta,      AILA_DEF_DELTA_PEAK);
2091    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/AnalysisTime"),          &mAILAAnalysisTime,   AILA_DEF_ANALYSIS_TIME);
2092    gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/NumberAnalysis"),        &mAILATotalAnalysis,  AILA_DEF_NUMBER_ANALYSIS);
2093    mAILAGoalDelta         /= 100.0;
2094    mAILAGoalPoint         /= 100.0;
2095    mAILAAnalysisTime      /= 1000.0;
2096    mAILAMax                = 0.0;
2097    mAILALastStartTime      = max(0.0, mPlaybackSchedule.mT0);
2098    mAILAClipped            = false;
2099    mAILAAnalysisCounter    = 0;
2100    mAILAChangeFactor       = 1.0;
2101    mAILALastChangeType     = 0;
2102    mAILATopLevel           = 1.0;
2103    mAILAAnalysisEndTime    = -1.0;
2104 }
AILADisable()2106 void AudioIO::AILADisable() {
2107    mAILAActive = false;
2108 }
AILAIsActive()2110 bool AudioIO::AILAIsActive() {
2111    return mAILAActive;
2112 }
AILASetStartTime()2114 void AudioIO::AILASetStartTime() {
2115    mAILAAbsolutStartTime = Pa_GetStreamTime(mPortStreamV19);
2116    wxPrintf("START TIME %f\n\n", mAILAAbsolutStartTime);
2117 }
AILAGetLastDecisionTime()2119 double AudioIO::AILAGetLastDecisionTime() {
2120    return mAILAAnalysisEndTime;
2121 }
AILAProcess(double maxPeak)2123 void AudioIO::AILAProcess(double maxPeak) {
2124    const auto proj = mOwningProject.lock();
2125    if (proj && mAILAActive) {
2126       if (mInputMeter && mInputMeter->IsClipping()) {
2127          mAILAClipped = true;
2128          wxPrintf("clipped");
2129       }
2131       mAILAMax = max(mAILAMax, maxPeak);
2133       if ((mAILATotalAnalysis == 0 || mAILAAnalysisCounter < mAILATotalAnalysis) && mPlaybackSchedule.GetTrackTime() - mAILALastStartTime >= mAILAAnalysisTime) {
2134          auto ToLinearIfDB = [](double value, int dbRange) {
2135             if (dbRange >= 0)
2136                value = pow(10.0, (-(1.0-value) * dbRange)/20.0);
2137             return value;
2138          };
2140          putchar('\n');
2141          mAILAMax = mInputMeter ? ToLinearIfDB(mAILAMax, mInputMeter->GetDBRange()) : 0.0;
2142          double iv = (double) Px_GetInputVolume(mPortMixer);
2143          unsigned short changetype = 0; //0 - no change, 1 - increase change, 2 - decrease change
2144          wxPrintf("mAILAAnalysisCounter:%d\n", mAILAAnalysisCounter);
2145          wxPrintf("\tmAILAClipped:%d\n", mAILAClipped);
2146          wxPrintf("\tmAILAMax (linear):%f\n", mAILAMax);
2147          wxPrintf("\tmAILAGoalPoint:%f\n", mAILAGoalPoint);
2148          wxPrintf("\tmAILAGoalDelta:%f\n", mAILAGoalDelta);
2149          wxPrintf("\tiv:%f\n", iv);
2150          wxPrintf("\tmAILAChangeFactor:%f\n", mAILAChangeFactor);
2151          if (mAILAClipped || mAILAMax > mAILAGoalPoint + mAILAGoalDelta) {
2152             wxPrintf("too high:\n");
2153             mAILATopLevel = min(mAILATopLevel, iv);
2154             wxPrintf("\tmAILATopLevel:%f\n", mAILATopLevel);
2155             //if clipped or too high
2156             if (iv <= LOWER_BOUND) {
2157                //we can't improve it more now
2158                if (mAILATotalAnalysis != 0) {
2159                   mAILAActive = false;
2160                   ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(
2161                      XO(
2162 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment stopped. It was not possible to optimize it more. Still too high.") );
2163                }
2164                wxPrintf("\talready min vol:%f\n", iv);
2165             }
2166             else {
2167                float vol = (float) max(LOWER_BOUND, iv+(mAILAGoalPoint-mAILAMax)*mAILAChangeFactor);
2168                Px_SetInputVolume(mPortMixer, vol);
2169                auto msg = XO(
2170 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment decreased the volume to %f.").Format( vol );
2171                ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(msg);
2172                changetype = 1;
2173                wxPrintf("\tnew vol:%f\n", vol);
2174                float check = Px_GetInputVolume(mPortMixer);
2175                wxPrintf("\tverified %f\n", check);
2176             }
2177          }
2178          else if ( mAILAMax < mAILAGoalPoint - mAILAGoalDelta ) {
2179             //if too low
2180             wxPrintf("too low:\n");
2181             if (iv >= UPPER_BOUND || iv + 0.005 > mAILATopLevel) { //condition for too low volumes and/or variable volumes that cause mAILATopLevel to decrease too much
2182                //we can't improve it more
2183                if (mAILATotalAnalysis != 0) {
2184                   mAILAActive = false;
2185                   ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(
2186                      XO(
2187 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment stopped. It was not possible to optimize it more. Still too low.") );
2188                }
2189                wxPrintf("\talready max vol:%f\n", iv);
2190             }
2191             else {
2192                float vol = (float) min(UPPER_BOUND, iv+(mAILAGoalPoint-mAILAMax)*mAILAChangeFactor);
2193                if (vol > mAILATopLevel) {
2194                   vol = (iv + mAILATopLevel)/2.0;
2195                   wxPrintf("\tTruncated vol:%f\n", vol);
2196                }
2197                Px_SetInputVolume(mPortMixer, vol);
2198                auto msg = XO(
2199 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment increased the volume to %.2f.")
2200                   .Format( vol );
2201                ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(msg);
2202                changetype = 2;
2203                wxPrintf("\tnew vol:%f\n", vol);
2204                float check = Px_GetInputVolume(mPortMixer);
2205                wxPrintf("\tverified %f\n", check);
2206             }
2207          }
2209          mAILAAnalysisCounter++;
2210          //const PaStreamInfo* info = Pa_GetStreamInfo(mPortStreamV19);
2211          //double latency = 0.0;
2212          //if (info)
2213          //   latency = info->inputLatency;
2214          //mAILAAnalysisEndTime = mTime+latency;
2215          mAILAAnalysisEndTime = Pa_GetStreamTime(mPortStreamV19) - mAILAAbsolutStartTime;
2216          mAILAMax             = 0;
2217          wxPrintf("\tA decision was made @ %f\n", mAILAAnalysisEndTime);
2218          mAILAClipped         = false;
2219          mAILALastStartTime   = mPlaybackSchedule.GetTrackTime();
2221          if (changetype == 0)
2222             mAILAChangeFactor *= 0.8; //time factor
2223          else if (mAILALastChangeType == changetype)
2224             mAILAChangeFactor *= 1.1; //concordance factor
2225          else
2226             mAILAChangeFactor *= 0.7; //discordance factor
2227          mAILALastChangeType = changetype;
2228          putchar('\n');
2229       }
2231       if (mAILAActive && mAILATotalAnalysis != 0 && mAILAAnalysisCounter >= mAILATotalAnalysis) {
2232          mAILAActive = false;
2233          if (mAILAMax > mAILAGoalPoint + mAILAGoalDelta)
2234             ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(
2235                XO(
2236 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment stopped. The total number of analyses has been exceeded without finding an acceptable volume. Still too high.") );
2237          else if (mAILAMax < mAILAGoalPoint - mAILAGoalDelta)
2238             ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(
2239                XO(
2240 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment stopped. The total number of analyses has been exceeded without finding an acceptable volume. Still too low.") );
2241          else {
2242             auto msg = XO(
2243 "Automated Recording Level Adjustment stopped. %.2f seems an acceptable volume.")
2244                .Format( Px_GetInputVolume(mPortMixer) );
2245             ProjectStatus::Get( *proj ).Set(msg);
2246          }
2247       }
2248    }
2249 }
2250 #endif
2252 #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
DoSoftwarePlaythrough(constSamplePtr inputBuffer,sampleFormat inputFormat,unsigned inputChannels,float * outputBuffer,unsigned long len)2254 static void DoSoftwarePlaythrough(constSamplePtr inputBuffer,
2255                                   sampleFormat inputFormat,
2256                                   unsigned inputChannels,
2257                                   float *outputBuffer,
2258                                   unsigned long len)
2259 {
2260    for (unsigned int i=0; i < inputChannels; i++) {
2261       auto inputPtr = inputBuffer + (i * SAMPLE_SIZE(inputFormat));
2263       SamplesToFloats(inputPtr, inputFormat,
2264          outputBuffer + i, len, inputChannels, 2);
2265    }
2267    // One mono input channel goes to both output channels...
2268    if (inputChannels == 1)
2269       for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
2270          outputBuffer[2*i + 1] = outputBuffer[2*i];
2271 }
audacityAudioCallback(const void * inputBuffer,void * outputBuffer,unsigned long framesPerBuffer,const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * timeInfo,const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,void * userData)2273 int audacityAudioCallback(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
2274                           unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
2275                           const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
2276                           const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData )
2277 {
2278    auto gAudioIO = AudioIO::Get();
2279    return gAudioIO->AudioCallback(
2280       static_cast<constSamplePtr>(inputBuffer),
2281       static_cast<float*>(outputBuffer), framesPerBuffer,
2282       timeInfo, statusFlags, userData);
2283 }
2285 // Stop recording if 'silence' is detected
2286 // Start recording if sound detected.
2287 //
2288 //   By using CallAfter(), we can schedule the call to the toolbar
2289 //   to run in the main GUI thread after the next event loop iteration.
2290 //   That's important, because Pause() updates GUI, such as status bar,
2291 //   and that should NOT happen in this audio non-gui thread.
CheckSoundActivatedRecordingLevel(float * inputSamples,unsigned long framesPerBuffer)2292 void AudioIoCallback::CheckSoundActivatedRecordingLevel(
2293       float *inputSamples,
2294       unsigned long framesPerBuffer
2295    )
2296 {
2297    // Quick returns if next to nothing to do.
2298    if( !mPauseRec )
2299       return;
2301    float maxPeak = 0.;
2302    for( unsigned long i = 0, cnt = framesPerBuffer * mNumCaptureChannels; i < cnt; ++i ) {
2303       float sample = fabs(*(inputSamples++));
2304       if (sample > maxPeak) {
2305          maxPeak = sample;
2306       }
2307    }
2309    bool bShouldBePaused = maxPeak < mSilenceLevel;
2310    if( bShouldBePaused != IsPaused() )
2311    {
2312       auto pListener = GetListener();
2313       if ( pListener )
2314          pListener->OnSoundActivationThreshold();
2315    }
2316 }
2318 // A function to apply the requested gain, fading up or down from the
2319 // most recently applied gain.
AddToOutputChannel(unsigned int chan,float * outputMeterFloats,float * outputFloats,const float * tempBuf,bool drop,unsigned long len,WaveTrack * vt)2320 void AudioIoCallback::AddToOutputChannel( unsigned int chan,
2321    float * outputMeterFloats,
2322    float * outputFloats,
2323    const float * tempBuf,
2324    bool drop,
2325    unsigned long len,
2326    WaveTrack *vt
2327    )
2328 {
2329    const auto numPlaybackChannels = mNumPlaybackChannels;
2331    float gain = vt->GetChannelGain(chan);
2332    if (drop || mForceFadeOut.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) || mPaused)
2333       gain = 0.0;
2335    // Output volume emulation: possibly copy meter samples, then
2336    // apply volume, then copy to the output buffer
2337    if (outputMeterFloats != outputFloats)
2338       for ( unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i)
2339          outputMeterFloats[numPlaybackChannels*i+chan] +=
2340             gain*tempBuf[i];
2342    // DV: We use gain to emulate panning.
2343    // Let's keep the old behavior for panning.
2344    gain *= ExpGain(mMixerOutputVol);
2346    float oldGain = vt->GetOldChannelGain(chan);
2347    if( gain != oldGain )
2348       vt->SetOldChannelGain(chan, gain);
2349    // if no microfades, jump in volume.
2350    if( !mbMicroFades )
2351       oldGain =gain;
2352    wxASSERT(len > 0);
2354    // Linear interpolate.
2355    float deltaGain = (gain - oldGain) / len;
2356    for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++)
2357       outputFloats[numPlaybackChannels*i+chan] += (oldGain + deltaGain * i) *tempBuf[i];
2358 };
2360 // Limit values to -1.0..+1.0
ClampBuffer(float * pBuffer,unsigned long len)2361 void ClampBuffer(float * pBuffer, unsigned long len){
2362    for(unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++)
2363       pBuffer[i] = wxClip( pBuffer[i], -1.0f, 1.0f);
2364 };
2367 // return true, IFF we have fully handled the callback.
2368 //
2369 // Mix and copy to PortAudio's output buffer
2370 // from our intermediate playback buffers
2371 //
FillOutputBuffers(float * outputBuffer,unsigned long framesPerBuffer,float * outputMeterFloats)2372 bool AudioIoCallback::FillOutputBuffers(
2373    float *outputBuffer,
2374    unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
2375    float *outputMeterFloats
2376 )
2377 {
2378    const auto numPlaybackTracks = mPlaybackTracks.size();
2379    const auto numPlaybackChannels = mNumPlaybackChannels;
2380    const auto numCaptureChannels = mNumCaptureChannels;
2382    mMaxFramesOutput = 0;
2384    // Quick returns if next to nothing to do.
2385    if (mStreamToken <= 0 ||
2386        !outputBuffer ||
2387        numPlaybackChannels <= 0) {
2388       // So that UpdateTimePosition() will be correct, in case of MIDI play with
2389       // no audio output channels
2390       mMaxFramesOutput = framesPerBuffer;
2391       return false;
2392    }
2394    float *outputFloats = outputBuffer;
2396    if (mSeek && !mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().AllowSeek(mPlaybackSchedule))
2397       mSeek = 0.0;
2399    if (mSeek){
2400       mCallbackReturn = CallbackDoSeek();
2401       return true;
2402    }
2404    // ------ MEMORY ALLOCATION ----------------------
2405    // These are small structures.
2406    WaveTrack **chans = (WaveTrack **) alloca(numPlaybackChannels * sizeof(WaveTrack *));
2407    float **tempBufs = (float **) alloca(numPlaybackChannels * sizeof(float *));
2409    // And these are larger structures....
2410    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < numPlaybackChannels; c++)
2411       tempBufs[c] = (float *) alloca(framesPerBuffer * sizeof(float));
2412    // ------ End of MEMORY ALLOCATION ---------------
2414    auto & em = RealtimeEffectManager::Get();
2415    em.RealtimeProcessStart();
2417    bool selected = false;
2418    int group = 0;
2419    int chanCnt = 0;
2421    // Choose a common size to take from all ring buffers
2422    const auto toGet =
2423       std::min<size_t>(framesPerBuffer, GetCommonlyReadyPlayback());
2425    // The drop and dropQuickly booleans are so named for historical reasons.
2426    // JKC: The original code attempted to be faster by doing nothing on silenced audio.
2427    // This, IMHO, is 'premature optimisation'.  Instead clearer and cleaner code would
2428    // simply use a gain of 0.0 for silent audio and go on through to the stage of
2429    // applying that 0.0 gain to the data mixed into the buffer.
2430    // Then (and only then) we would have if needed fast paths for:
2431    // - Applying a uniform gain of 0.0.
2432    // - Applying a uniform gain of 1.0.
2433    // - Applying some other uniform gain.
2434    // - Applying a linearly interpolated gain.
2435    // I would expect us not to need the fast paths, since linearly interpolated gain
2436    // is very cheap to process.
2438    bool drop = false;        // Track should become silent.
2439    bool dropQuickly = false; // Track has already been faded to silence.
2440    for (unsigned t = 0; t < numPlaybackTracks; t++)
2441    {
2442       WaveTrack *vt = mPlaybackTracks[t].get();
2443       chans[chanCnt] = vt;
2445       // TODO: more-than-two-channels
2446       auto nextTrack =
2447          t + 1 < numPlaybackTracks
2448             ? mPlaybackTracks[t + 1].get()
2449             : nullptr;
2451       // First and last channel in this group (for example left and right
2452       // channels of stereo).
2453       bool firstChannel = vt->IsLeader();
2454       bool lastChannel = !nextTrack || nextTrack->IsLeader();
2456       if ( firstChannel )
2457       {
2458          selected = vt->GetSelected();
2459          // IF mono THEN clear 'the other' channel.
2460          if ( lastChannel && (numPlaybackChannels>1)) {
2461             // TODO: more-than-two-channels
2462             memset(tempBufs[1], 0, framesPerBuffer * sizeof(float));
2463          }
2464          drop = TrackShouldBeSilent( *vt );
2465          dropQuickly = drop;
2466       }
2468       if( mbMicroFades )
2469          dropQuickly = dropQuickly && TrackHasBeenFadedOut( *vt );
2471       decltype(framesPerBuffer) len = 0;
2473       if (dropQuickly)
2474       {
2475          len = mPlaybackBuffers[t]->Discard(toGet);
2476          // keep going here.
2477          // we may still need to issue a paComplete.
2478       }
2479       else
2480       {
2481          len = mPlaybackBuffers[t]->Get((samplePtr)tempBufs[chanCnt],
2482                                                    floatSample,
2483                                                    toGet);
2484          // wxASSERT( len == toGet );
2485          if (len < framesPerBuffer)
2486             // This used to happen normally at the end of non-looping
2487             // plays, but it can also be an anomalous case where the
2488             // supply from TrackBufferExchange fails to keep up with the
2489             // real-time demand in this thread (see bug 1932).  We
2490             // must supply something to the sound card, so pad it with
2491             // zeroes and not random garbage.
2492             memset((void*)&tempBufs[chanCnt][len], 0,
2493                (framesPerBuffer - len) * sizeof(float));
2494          chanCnt++;
2495       }
2497       // PRL:  Bug1104:
2498       // There can be a difference of len in different loop passes if one channel
2499       // of a stereo track ends before the other!  Take a max!
2501       // PRL:  More recent rewrites of TrackBufferExchange should guarantee a
2502       // padding out of the ring buffers so that equal lengths are
2503       // available, so maxLen ought to increase from 0 only once
2504       mMaxFramesOutput = std::max(mMaxFramesOutput, len);
2506       if ( !lastChannel )
2507          continue;
2509       // Last channel of a track seen now
2510       len = mMaxFramesOutput;
2512       if( !dropQuickly && selected )
2513          len = em.RealtimeProcess(group, chanCnt, tempBufs, len);
2514       group++;
2516       CallbackCheckCompletion(mCallbackReturn, len);
2517       if (dropQuickly) // no samples to process, they've been discarded
2518          continue;
2520       // Our channels aren't silent.  We need to pass their data on.
2521       //
2522       // Note that there are two kinds of channel count.
2523       // c and chanCnt are counting channels in the Tracks.
2524       // chan (and numPlayBackChannels) is counting output channels on the device.
2525       // chan = 0 is left channel
2526       // chan = 1 is right channel.
2527       //
2528       // Each channel in the tracks can output to more than one channel on the device.
2529       // For example mono channels output to both left and right output channels.
2530       if (len > 0) for (int c = 0; c < chanCnt; c++)
2531       {
2532          vt = chans[c];
2534          if (vt->GetChannelIgnoringPan() == Track::LeftChannel ||
2535                vt->GetChannelIgnoringPan() == Track::MonoChannel )
2536             AddToOutputChannel( 0, outputMeterFloats, outputFloats,
2537                tempBufs[c], drop, len, vt);
2539          if (vt->GetChannelIgnoringPan() == Track::RightChannel ||
2540                vt->GetChannelIgnoringPan() == Track::MonoChannel  )
2541             AddToOutputChannel( 1, outputMeterFloats, outputFloats,
2542                tempBufs[c], drop, len, vt);
2543       }
2545       chanCnt = 0;
2546    }
2548    // Poke: If there are no playback tracks, then the earlier check
2549    // about the time indicator being past the end won't happen;
2550    // do it here instead (but not if looping or scrubbing)
2551    // PRL:  Also consume from the single playback ring buffer
2552    if (numPlaybackTracks == 0) {
2553       mMaxFramesOutput = mPlaybackBuffers[0]->Discard(toGet);
2554       CallbackCheckCompletion(mCallbackReturn, 0);
2555    }
2557    // wxASSERT( maxLen == toGet );
2559    em.RealtimeProcessEnd();
2560    mLastPlaybackTimeMillis = ::wxGetUTCTimeMillis();
2562    ClampBuffer( outputFloats, framesPerBuffer*numPlaybackChannels );
2563    if (outputMeterFloats != outputFloats)
2564       ClampBuffer( outputMeterFloats, framesPerBuffer*numPlaybackChannels );
2566    return false;
2567 }
UpdateTimePosition(unsigned long framesPerBuffer)2569 void AudioIoCallback::UpdateTimePosition(unsigned long framesPerBuffer)
2570 {
2571    // Quick returns if next to nothing to do.
2572    if (mStreamToken <= 0)
2573       return;
2575    // Update the position seen by drawing code
2576    mPlaybackSchedule.SetTrackTime(
2577       mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Consumer( mMaxFramesOutput, mRate ) );
2578 }
2580 // return true, IFF we have fully handled the callback.
2581 //
2582 // Copy from PortAudio input buffers to our intermediate recording buffers.
2583 //
DrainInputBuffers(constSamplePtr inputBuffer,unsigned long framesPerBuffer,const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,float * tempFloats)2584 void AudioIoCallback::DrainInputBuffers(
2585    constSamplePtr inputBuffer,
2586    unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
2587    const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
2588    float * tempFloats
2589 )
2590 {
2591    const auto numPlaybackTracks = mPlaybackTracks.size();
2592    const auto numPlaybackChannels = mNumPlaybackChannels;
2593    const auto numCaptureChannels = mNumCaptureChannels;
2595    // Quick returns if next to nothing to do.
2596    if (mStreamToken <= 0)
2597       return;
2598    if( !inputBuffer )
2599       return;
2600    if( numCaptureChannels <= 0 )
2601       return;
2603    // If there are no playback tracks, and we are recording, then the
2604    // earlier checks for being past the end won't happen, so do it here.
2605    if (mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().Done(mPlaybackSchedule, 0)) {
2606       mCallbackReturn = paComplete;
2607    }
2609    // The error likely from a too-busy CPU falling behind real-time data
2610    // is paInputOverflow
2611    bool inputError =
2612       (statusFlags & (paInputOverflow))
2613       && !(statusFlags & paPrimingOutput);
2615    // But it seems it's easy to get false positives, at least on Mac
2616    // So we have not decided to enable this extra detection yet in
2617    // production
2619    size_t len = framesPerBuffer;
2620    for(unsigned t = 0; t < numCaptureChannels; t++)
2621       len = std::min( len, mCaptureBuffers[t]->AvailForPut() );
2623    if (mSimulateRecordingErrors && 100LL * rand() < RAND_MAX)
2624       // Make spurious errors for purposes of testing the error
2625       // reporting
2626       len = 0;
2628    // A different symptom is that len < framesPerBuffer because
2629    // the other thread, executing TrackBufferExchange, isn't consuming fast
2630    // enough from mCaptureBuffers; maybe it's CPU-bound, or maybe the
2631    // storage device it writes is too slow
2632    if (mDetectDropouts &&
2633          ((mDetectUpstreamDropouts && inputError) ||
2634          len < framesPerBuffer) ) {
2635       // Assume that any good partial buffer should be written leftmost
2636       // and zeroes will be padded after; label the zeroes.
2637       auto start = mPlaybackSchedule.GetTrackTime() +
2638             len / mRate + mRecordingSchedule.mLatencyCorrection;
2639       auto duration = (framesPerBuffer - len) / mRate;
2640       auto pLast = mLostCaptureIntervals.empty()
2641          ? nullptr : &mLostCaptureIntervals.back();
2642       if (pLast &&
2643           fabs(pLast->first + pLast->second - start) < 0.5/mRate)
2644          // Make one bigger interval, not two butting intervals
2645          pLast->second = start + duration - pLast->first;
2646       else
2647          mLostCaptureIntervals.emplace_back( start, duration );
2648    }
2650    if (len < framesPerBuffer)
2651    {
2652       mLostSamples += (framesPerBuffer - len);
2653       wxPrintf(wxT("lost %d samples\n"), (int)(framesPerBuffer - len));
2654    }
2656    if (len <= 0)
2657       return;
2659    // We have an ASSERT in the AudioIO constructor to alert us to
2660    // possible issues with the (short*) cast.  We'd have a problem if
2661    // sizeof(short) > sizeof(float) since our buffers are sized for floats.
2662    for(unsigned t = 0; t < numCaptureChannels; t++) {
2664       // dmazzoni:
2665       // Un-interleave.  Ugly special-case code required because the
2666       // capture channels could be in three different sample formats;
2667       // it'd be nice to be able to call CopySamples, but it can't
2668       // handle multiplying by the gain and then clipping.  Bummer.
2670       switch(mCaptureFormat) {
2671          case floatSample: {
2672             auto inputFloats = (const float *)inputBuffer;
2673             for(unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++)
2674                tempFloats[i] =
2675                   inputFloats[numCaptureChannels*i+t];
2676          } break;
2677          case int24Sample:
2678             // We should never get here. Audacity's int24Sample format
2679             // is different from PortAudio's sample format and so we
2680             // make PortAudio return float samples when recording in
2681             // 24-bit samples.
2682             wxASSERT(false);
2683             break;
2684          case int16Sample: {
2685             auto inputShorts = (const short *)inputBuffer;
2686             short *tempShorts = (short *)tempFloats;
2687             for( unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2688                float tmp = inputShorts[numCaptureChannels*i+t];
2689                tmp = wxClip( -32768, tmp, 32767 );
2690                tempShorts[i] = (short)(tmp);
2691             }
2692          } break;
2693       } // switch
2695       // JKC: mCaptureFormat must be for samples with sizeof(float) or
2696       // fewer bytes (because tempFloats is sized for floats).  All
2697       // formats are 2 or 4 bytes, so we are OK.
2698       const auto put =
2699          mCaptureBuffers[t]->Put(
2700             (samplePtr)tempFloats, mCaptureFormat, len);
2701       // wxASSERT(put == len);
2702       // but we can't assert in this thread
2703       wxUnusedVar(put);
2704    }
2705 }
2708 #if 0
2709 // Record the reported latency from PortAudio.
2710 // TODO: Don't recalculate this with every callback?
2711 // 01/21/2009:  Disabled until a better solution presents itself.
2712 void OldCodeToCalculateLatency()
2713 {
2714    // As of 06/17/2006, portaudio v19 returns inputBufferAdcTime set to
2715    // zero.  It is being worked on, but for now we just can't do much
2716    // but follow the leader.
2717    //
2718    // 08/27/2006: too inconsistent for now...just leave it a zero.
2719    //
2720    // 04/16/2008: Looks like si->inputLatency comes back with something useful though.
2721    // This rearranged logic uses si->inputLatency, but if PortAudio fixes inputBufferAdcTime,
2722    // this code won't have to be modified to use it.
2723    // Also avoids setting mLastRecordingOffset except when simultaneously playing and recording.
2724    //
2725    if (numCaptureChannels > 0 && numPlaybackChannels > 0) // simultaneously playing and recording
2726    {
2727       if (timeInfo->inputBufferAdcTime > 0)
2728          mLastRecordingOffset = timeInfo->inputBufferAdcTime - timeInfo->outputBufferDacTime;
2729       else if (mLastRecordingOffset == 0.0)
2730       {
2731          const PaStreamInfo* si = Pa_GetStreamInfo( mPortStreamV19 );
2732          mLastRecordingOffset = -si->inputLatency;
2733       }
2734    }
2735 }
2736 #endif
2739 // return true, IFF we have fully handled the callback.
2740 // Prime the output buffer with 0's, optionally adding in the playthrough.
DoPlaythrough(constSamplePtr inputBuffer,float * outputBuffer,unsigned long framesPerBuffer,float * outputMeterFloats)2741 void AudioIoCallback::DoPlaythrough(
2742       constSamplePtr inputBuffer,
2743       float *outputBuffer,
2744       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
2745       float *outputMeterFloats
2746    )
2747 {
2748    const auto numCaptureChannels = mNumCaptureChannels;
2749    const auto numPlaybackChannels = mNumPlaybackChannels;
2751    // Quick returns if next to nothing to do.
2752    if( !outputBuffer )
2753       return;
2754    if( numPlaybackChannels <= 0 )
2755       return;
2757    float *outputFloats = outputBuffer;
2758    for(unsigned i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer*numPlaybackChannels; i++)
2759       outputFloats[i] = 0.0;
2761    if (inputBuffer && mSoftwarePlaythrough) {
2762       DoSoftwarePlaythrough(inputBuffer, mCaptureFormat,
2763                               numCaptureChannels,
2764                               outputBuffer, framesPerBuffer);
2765    }
2767    // Copy the results to outputMeterFloats if necessary
2768    if (outputMeterFloats != outputFloats) {
2769       for (unsigned i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer*numPlaybackChannels; ++i) {
2770          outputMeterFloats[i] = outputFloats[i];
2771       }
2772    }
2773 }
2775 /* Send data to recording VU meter if applicable */
2776 // Also computes rms
SendVuInputMeterData(const float * inputSamples,unsigned long framesPerBuffer)2777 void AudioIoCallback::SendVuInputMeterData(
2778    const float *inputSamples,
2779    unsigned long framesPerBuffer
2780    )
2781 {
2782    const auto numCaptureChannels = mNumCaptureChannels;
2784    auto pInputMeter = mInputMeter.lock();
2785    if ( !pInputMeter )
2786       return;
2787    if( pInputMeter->IsMeterDisabled())
2788       return;
2790    // get here if meters are actually live , and being updated
2791    /* It's critical that we don't update the meters while StopStream is
2792       * trying to stop PortAudio, otherwise it can lead to a freeze.  We use
2793       * two variables to synchronize:
2794       *   mUpdatingMeters tells StopStream when the callback is about to enter
2795       *     the code where it might update the meters, and
2796       *   mUpdateMeters is how the rest of the code tells the callback when it
2797       *     is allowed to actually do the updating.
2798       * Note that mUpdatingMeters must be set first to avoid a race condition.
2799       */
2800    //TODO use atomics instead.
2801    mUpdatingMeters = true;
2802    if (mUpdateMeters) {
2803          pInputMeter->UpdateDisplay(numCaptureChannels,
2804                                     framesPerBuffer,
2805                                     inputSamples);
2806    }
2807    mUpdatingMeters = false;
2808 }
2810 /* Send data to playback VU meter if applicable */
SendVuOutputMeterData(const float * outputMeterFloats,unsigned long framesPerBuffer)2811 void AudioIoCallback::SendVuOutputMeterData(
2812    const float *outputMeterFloats,
2813    unsigned long framesPerBuffer)
2814 {
2815    const auto numPlaybackChannels = mNumPlaybackChannels;
2817    auto pOutputMeter = mOutputMeter.lock();
2818    if (!pOutputMeter)
2819       return;
2820    if( pOutputMeter->IsMeterDisabled() )
2821       return;
2822    if( !outputMeterFloats)
2823       return;
2825    // Get here if playback meter is live
2826    /* It's critical that we don't update the meters while StopStream is
2827       * trying to stop PortAudio, otherwise it can lead to a freeze.  We use
2828       * two variables to synchronize:
2829       *  mUpdatingMeters tells StopStream when the callback is about to enter
2830       *    the code where it might update the meters, and
2831       *  mUpdateMeters is how the rest of the code tells the callback when it
2832       *    is allowed to actually do the updating.
2833       * Note that mUpdatingMeters must be set first to avoid a race condition.
2834       */
2835    mUpdatingMeters = true;
2836    if (mUpdateMeters) {
2837       pOutputMeter->UpdateDisplay(numPlaybackChannels,
2838                                              framesPerBuffer,
2839                                              outputMeterFloats);
2841       //v Vaughan, 2011-02-25: Moved this update back to TrackPanel::OnTimer()
2842       //    as it helps with playback issues reported by Bill and noted on Bug 258.
2843       //    The problem there occurs if Software Playthrough is on.
2844       //    Could conditionally do the update here if Software Playthrough is off,
2845       //    and in TrackPanel::OnTimer() if Software Playthrough is on, but not now.
2846       // PRL 12 Jul 2015: and what was in TrackPanel::OnTimer is now handled by means of event
2847       // type EVT_TRACK_PANEL_TIMER
2848       //MixerBoard* pMixerBoard = mOwningProject->GetMixerBoard();
2849       //if (pMixerBoard)
2850       //   pMixerBoard->UpdateMeters(GetStreamTime(),
2851       //                              (pProj->GetControlToolBar()->GetLastPlayMode() == loopedPlay));
2852    }
2853    mUpdatingMeters = false;
2854 }
CountSoloingTracks()2856 unsigned AudioIoCallback::CountSoloingTracks(){
2857    const auto numPlaybackTracks = mPlaybackTracks.size();
2859    // MOVE_TO: CountSoloedTracks() function
2860    unsigned numSolo = 0;
2861    for(unsigned t = 0; t < numPlaybackTracks; t++ )
2862       if( mPlaybackTracks[t]->GetSolo() )
2863          numSolo++;
2864    auto range = Extensions();
2865    numSolo += std::accumulate(range.begin(), range.end(), 0,
2866       [](unsigned sum, auto &ext){
2867          return sum + ext.CountOtherSoloTracks(); });
2868    return numSolo;
2869 }
2871 // TODO: Consider making the two Track status functions into functions of
2872 // WaveTrack.
2874 // true IFF the track should be silent.
2875 // The track may not yet be silent, since it may still be
2876 // fading out.
TrackShouldBeSilent(const WaveTrack & wt)2877 bool AudioIoCallback::TrackShouldBeSilent( const WaveTrack &wt )
2878 {
2879    return mPaused || (!wt.GetSolo() && (
2880       // Cut if somebody else is soloing
2881       mbHasSoloTracks ||
2882       // Cut if we're muted (and not soloing)
2883       wt.GetMute()
2884    ));
2885 }
2887 // This is about micro-fades.
TrackHasBeenFadedOut(const WaveTrack & wt)2888 bool AudioIoCallback::TrackHasBeenFadedOut( const WaveTrack &wt )
2889 {
2890    const auto channel = wt.GetChannelIgnoringPan();
2891    if ((channel == Track::LeftChannel  || channel == Track::MonoChannel) &&
2892       wt.GetOldChannelGain(0) != 0.0)
2893       return false;
2894    if ((channel == Track::RightChannel || channel == Track::MonoChannel) &&
2895       wt.GetOldChannelGain(1) != 0.0)
2896       return false;
2897    return true;
2898 }
AllTracksAlreadySilent()2900 bool AudioIoCallback::AllTracksAlreadySilent()
2901 {
2902    const bool dropAllQuickly = std::all_of(
2903       mPlaybackTracks.begin(), mPlaybackTracks.end(),
2904       [&]( const std::shared_ptr< WaveTrack > &vt )
2905          { return
2906       TrackShouldBeSilent( *vt ) &&
2907       TrackHasBeenFadedOut( *vt ); }
2908    );
2909    return dropAllQuickly;
2910 }
AudioIoCallback()2912 AudioIoCallback::AudioIoCallback()
2913 {
2914    auto &factories = AudioIOExt::GetFactories();
2915    for (auto &factory: factories)
2916       if (auto pExt = factory(mPlaybackSchedule))
2917          mAudioIOExt.push_back( move(pExt) );
2918 }
~AudioIoCallback()2921 AudioIoCallback::~AudioIoCallback()
2922 {
2923 }
AudioCallback(constSamplePtr inputBuffer,float * outputBuffer,unsigned long framesPerBuffer,const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * timeInfo,const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,void * WXUNUSED (userData))2926 int AudioIoCallback::AudioCallback(
2927    constSamplePtr inputBuffer, float *outputBuffer,
2928    unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
2929    const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
2930    const PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void * WXUNUSED(userData) )
2931 {
2932    // Poll tracks for change of state.  User might click mute and solo buttons.
2933    mbHasSoloTracks = CountSoloingTracks() > 0 ;
2934    mCallbackReturn = paContinue;
2936    if (IsPaused()
2937        // PRL:  Why was this added?  Was it only because of the mysterious
2938        // initial leading zeroes, now solved by setting mStreamToken early?
2939        // JKC: I think it's used for the MIDI time cursor.  See comments
2940        // at head of file about AudioTime().
2941        || mStreamToken <= 0
2942        )
2943       mNumPauseFrames += framesPerBuffer;
2945    for( auto &ext : Extensions() ) {
2946       ext.ComputeOtherTimings(mRate,
2947          timeInfo,
2948          framesPerBuffer);
2949       ext.FillOtherBuffers(
2950          mRate, mNumPauseFrames, IsPaused(), mbHasSoloTracks);
2951    }
2953    // ------ MEMORY ALLOCATIONS -----------------------------------------------
2954    // tempFloats will be a reusable scratch pad for (possibly format converted)
2955    // audio data.  One temporary use is for the InputMeter data.
2956    const auto numPlaybackChannels = mNumPlaybackChannels;
2957    const auto numCaptureChannels = mNumCaptureChannels;
2958    float *tempFloats = (float *)alloca(framesPerBuffer*sizeof(float)*
2959                              MAX(numCaptureChannels,numPlaybackChannels));
2961    bool bVolEmulationActive =
2962       (outputBuffer && mMixerOutputVol != 1.0);
2963    // outputMeterFloats is the scratch pad for the output meter.
2964    // we can often reuse the existing outputBuffer and save on allocating
2965    // something new.
2966    float *outputMeterFloats = bVolEmulationActive ?
2967          (float *)alloca(framesPerBuffer*numPlaybackChannels * sizeof(float)) :
2968          outputBuffer;
2969    // ----- END of MEMORY ALLOCATIONS ------------------------------------------
2971    if (inputBuffer && numCaptureChannels) {
2972       float *inputSamples;
2974       if (mCaptureFormat == floatSample) {
2975          inputSamples = (float *) inputBuffer;
2976       }
2977       else {
2978          SamplesToFloats(reinterpret_cast<constSamplePtr>(inputBuffer),
2979             mCaptureFormat, tempFloats, framesPerBuffer * numCaptureChannels);
2980          inputSamples = tempFloats;
2981       }
2983       SendVuInputMeterData(
2984          inputSamples,
2985          framesPerBuffer);
2987       // This function may queue up a pause or resume.
2988       // TODO this is a bit dodgy as it toggles the Pause, and
2989       // relies on an idle event to have handled that, so could
2990       // queue up multiple toggle requests and so do nothing.
2991       // Eventually it will sort itself out by random luck, but
2992       // the net effect is a delay in starting/stopping sound activated
2993       // recording.
2994       CheckSoundActivatedRecordingLevel(
2995          inputSamples,
2996          framesPerBuffer);
2997    }
2999    // Even when paused, we do playthrough.
3000    // Initialise output buffer to zero or to playthrough data.
3001    // Initialise output meter values.
3002    DoPlaythrough(
3003       inputBuffer,
3004       outputBuffer,
3005       framesPerBuffer,
3006       outputMeterFloats);
3008    // Test for no track audio to play (because we are paused and have faded out)
3009    if( mPaused &&  (( !mbMicroFades ) || AllTracksAlreadySilent() ))
3010       return mCallbackReturn;
3012    // To add track output to output (to play sound on speaker)
3013    // possible exit, if we were seeking.
3014    if( FillOutputBuffers(
3015          outputBuffer,
3016          framesPerBuffer,
3017          outputMeterFloats))
3018       return mCallbackReturn;
3020    // To move the cursor onwards.  (uses mMaxFramesOutput)
3021    UpdateTimePosition(framesPerBuffer);
3023    // To capture input into track (sound from microphone)
3024    DrainInputBuffers(
3025       inputBuffer,
3026       framesPerBuffer,
3027       statusFlags,
3028       tempFloats);
3030    SendVuOutputMeterData( outputMeterFloats, framesPerBuffer);
3032    return mCallbackReturn;
3033 }
CallbackDoSeek()3035 int AudioIoCallback::CallbackDoSeek()
3036 {
3037    const int token = mStreamToken;
3038    wxMutexLocker locker(mSuspendAudioThread);
3039    if (token != mStreamToken)
3040       // This stream got destroyed while we waited for it
3041       return paAbort;
3043    const auto numPlaybackTracks = mPlaybackTracks.size();
3045    // Pause audio thread and wait for it to finish
3046    mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning = false;
3047    while( mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopActive )
3048    {
3049       wxMilliSleep( 50 );
3050    }
3052    // Calculate the NEW time position, in the PortAudio callback
3053    const auto time =
3054       mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().OffsetTrackTime( mPlaybackSchedule, mSeek );
3056    mPlaybackSchedule.SetTrackTime( time );
3057    mSeek = 0.0;
3060    // Reset mixer positions and flush buffers for all tracks
3061    for (size_t i = 0; i < numPlaybackTracks; i++)
3062    {
3063       const bool skipping = true;
3064       mPlaybackMixers[i]->Reposition( time, skipping );
3065       const auto toDiscard =
3066          mPlaybackBuffers[i]->AvailForGet();
3067       const auto discarded =
3068          mPlaybackBuffers[i]->Discard( toDiscard );
3069       // wxASSERT( discarded == toDiscard );
3070       // but we can't assert in this thread
3071       wxUnusedVar(discarded);
3072    }
3074    mPlaybackSchedule.mTimeQueue.Prime(time);
3076    // Reload the ring buffers
3077    mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce = true;
3078    while( mAudioThreadShouldCallTrackBufferExchangeOnce )
3079    {
3080       wxMilliSleep( 50 );
3081    }
3083    // Reenable the audio thread
3084    mAudioThreadTrackBufferExchangeLoopRunning = true;
3086    return paContinue;
3087 }
CallbackCheckCompletion(int & callbackReturn,unsigned long len)3089 void AudioIoCallback::CallbackCheckCompletion(
3090    int &callbackReturn, unsigned long len)
3091 {
3092    if (mPaused)
3093       return;
3095    bool done =
3096       mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().Done(mPlaybackSchedule, len);
3097    if (!done)
3098       return;
3100    for( auto &ext : Extensions() )
3101       ext.SignalOtherCompletion();
3102    callbackReturn = paComplete;
3103 }
operator *() const3105 auto AudioIoCallback::AudioIOExtIterator::operator *() const -> AudioIOExt &
3106 {
3107    // Down-cast and dereference are safe because only AudioIOCallback
3108    // populates the array
3109    return *static_cast<AudioIOExt*>(mIterator->get());
3110 }
IsCapturing() const3112 bool AudioIO::IsCapturing() const
3113 {
3114    // Includes a test of mTime, used in the main thread
3115    return IsStreamActive() &&
3116       GetNumCaptureChannels() > 0 &&
3117       mPlaybackSchedule.GetTrackTime() >=
3118          mPlaybackSchedule.mT0 + mRecordingSchedule.mPreRoll;
3119 }