1 //
2 // This file is part of the aMule Project.
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2003-2011 aMule Team ( admin@amule.org / http://www.amule.org )
5 // Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Merkur ( devs@emule-project.net / http://www.emule-project.net )
6 //
7 // Any parts of this program derived from the xMule, lMule or eMule project,
8 // or contributed by third-party developers are copyrighted by their
9 // respective authors.
10 //
11 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 // (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // GNU General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
24 //
26 // The backtrace functions contain modified code from libYaMa, (c) Venkatesha Murthy G.
27 // You can check libYaMa at http://personal.pavanashree.org/libyama/
29 #include <tags/FileTags.h>
31 #include <wx/filename.h>	// Needed for wxFileName
32 #include <wx/log.h>		// Needed for wxLogNull
34 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
35 #include "config.h"		// Needed for a number of defines
36 #endif
38 #include <wx/stdpaths.h> // Do_not_auto_remove
39 #include <common/StringFunctions.h>
40 #include <common/ClientVersion.h>
41 #include <common/MD5Sum.h>
42 #include <common/Path.h>
43 #include "Logger.h"
44 #include "BitVector.h"		// Needed for BitVector
46 #include "OtherFunctions.h"	// Interface declarations
48 #include <map>
50 #ifdef __WXBASE__
51 	#include <cerrno>
52 #else
53 	#include <wx/utils.h>
54 #endif
59 // Formats a filesize in bytes to make it suitable for displaying
CastItoXBytes(uint64 count)60 wxString CastItoXBytes( uint64 count )
61 {
63 	if (count < 1024)
64 		return CFormat(wxT("%u ")) % count + wxPLURAL("byte", "bytes", count) ;
65 	else if (count < 1048576)
66 		return CFormat(wxT("%u ")) % (count >> 10) + _("kB") ;
67 	else if (count < 1073741824)
68 		return CFormat(wxT("%.2f ")) % ((float)(uint32)count/1048576) + _("MB") ;
69 	else if (count < 1099511627776LL)
70 		return CFormat(wxT("%.3f ")) % ((float)((uint32)(count/1024))/1048576) + _("GB") ;
71 	else
72 		return CFormat(wxT("%.3f ")) % ((float)count/1099511627776LL) + _("TB") ;
73 }
CastItoIShort(uint64 count)76 wxString CastItoIShort(uint64 count)
77 {
79 	if (count < 1000)
80 		return CFormat(wxT("%u")) % count;
81 	else if (count < 1000000)
82 		return CFormat(wxT("%.0f")) % ((float)(uint32)count/1000) + _("k") ;
83 	else if (count < 1000000000)
84 		return CFormat(wxT("%.2f")) % ((float)(uint32)count/1000000) + _("M") ;
85 	else if (count < 1000000000000LL)
86 		return CFormat(wxT("%.2f")) % ((float)((uint32)(count/1000))/1000000) + _("G") ;
87 	else
88 		return CFormat(wxT("%.2f")) % ((float)count/1000000000000LL) + _("T");
89 }
CastItoSpeed(uint32 bytes)92 wxString CastItoSpeed(uint32 bytes)
93 {
94 	if (bytes < 1024)
95 		return CFormat(wxT("%u ")) % bytes + wxPLURAL("byte/sec", "bytes/sec", bytes);
96 	else if (bytes < 1048576)
97 		return CFormat(wxT("%.2f ")) % (bytes / 1024.0) + _("kB/s");
98 	else
99 		return CFormat(wxT("%.2f ")) % (bytes / 1048576.0) + _("MB/s");
100 }
103 // Make a time value in seconds suitable for displaying
CastSecondsToHM(uint32 count,uint16 msecs)104 wxString CastSecondsToHM(uint32 count, uint16 msecs)
105 {
106 	if (count < 60) {
107 		if (!msecs) {
108 			return CFormat(wxT("%02u %s")) % count % _("secs");
109 		} else {
110 			return CFormat(wxT("%.3f %s"))
111 				% (count + ((float)msecs/1000)) % _("secs");
112 		}
113 	} else if (count < 3600) {
114 		return CFormat(wxT("%u:%02u %s"))
115 			% (count/60) % (count % 60) % _("mins");
116 	} else if (count < 86400) {
117 		return CFormat(wxT("%u:%02u %s"))
118 			% (count/3600) % ((count % 3600)/60) % _("hours");
119 	} else {
120 		return CFormat(wxT("%u %s %02u:%02u %s"))
121 			% (count/86400) % _("Days")
122 			% ((count % 86400)/3600) % ((count % 3600)/60) % _("hours");
123 	}
124 }
127 // Examines a filename and determines the filetype
GetFiletype(const CPath & filename)128 FileType GetFiletype(const CPath& filename)
129 {
130 	// FIXME: WTF do we have two such functions in the first place?
131 	switch (GetED2KFileTypeID(filename)) {
132 		case ED2KFT_AUDIO:	return ftAudio;
133 		case ED2KFT_VIDEO:	return ftVideo;
134 		case ED2KFT_IMAGE:	return ftPicture;
135 		case ED2KFT_PROGRAM:	return ftProgram;
136 		case ED2KFT_DOCUMENT:	return ftText;
137 		case ED2KFT_ARCHIVE:	return ftArchive;
138 		case ED2KFT_CDIMAGE:	return ftCDImage;
139 		default:		return ftAny;
140 	}
141 }
144 // Returns the (translated) description assosiated with a FileType
GetFiletypeDesc(FileType type,bool translated)145 wxString GetFiletypeDesc(FileType type, bool translated)
146 {
147 	switch ( type ) {
148 		case ftVideo:
149 			if (translated) {
150 				return _("Videos");
151 			} else {
152 				return wxT("Videos");
153 			}
154 			break;
155 		case ftAudio:
156 			if (translated) {
157 				return _("Audio");
158 			} else {
159 				return wxT("Audio");
160 			}
161 			break;
162 		case ftArchive:
163 			if (translated) {
164 				return _("Archives");
165 			} else {
166 				return wxT("Archives");
167 			}
168 			break;
169 		case ftCDImage:
170 			if (translated) {
171 				return _("CD-Images");
172 			} else {
173 				return wxT("CD-Images");
174 			}
175 			break;
176 		case ftPicture:
177 			if (translated) {
178 				return _("Pictures");
179 			} else {
180 				return wxT("Pictures");
181 			}
182 			break;
183 		case ftText:
184 			if (translated) {
185 				return _("Texts");
186 			} else {
187 				return wxT("Texts");
188 			}
189 			break;
190 		case ftProgram:
191 			if (translated) {
192 				return _("Programs");
193 			} else {
194 				return wxT("Programs");
195 			}
196 			break;
197 		default:
198 			if (translated) {
199 				return _("Any");
200 			} else {
201 				return wxT("Any");
202 			}
203 			break;
204 	}
205 }
207 // Returns the Typename, examining the extention of the given filename
GetFiletypeByName(const CPath & filename,bool translated)209 wxString GetFiletypeByName(const CPath& filename, bool translated)
210 {
211 	return GetFiletypeDesc(GetFiletype(filename), translated);
212 }
215 // Return the text associated with a rating of a file
GetRateString(uint16 rate)216 wxString GetRateString(uint16 rate)
217 {
218 	switch ( rate ) {
219 		case 0: return _("Not rated");
220 		case 1: return _("Invalid / Corrupt / Fake");
221 		case 2: return _("Poor");
222 		case 3: return _("Fair");
223 		case 4: return _("Good");
224 		case 5: return _("Excellent");
225 		default: return _("Not rated");
226 	}
227 }
230 /**
231  * Return the size in bytes of the given size-type
232  *
233  * @param type The type (as an int) where: 0 = Byte, 1 = KB, 2 = MB, 3 = GB
234  *
235  * @return The amount of Bytes the provided size-type represents
236  *
237  * Values over GB aren't handled since the amount of Bytes 1TB represents
238  * is over the uint32 capacity
239  */
GetTypeSize(uint8 type)240 uint32 GetTypeSize(uint8 type)
241 {
242 	enum {Bytes, KB, MB, GB};
243 	int size;
245 	switch(type) {
246 		case Bytes: size = 1; break;
247 		case KB: size = 1024; break;
248 		case MB: size = 1048576; break;
249 		case GB: size = 1073741824; break;
250 		default: size = -1; break;
251 	}
252 	return size;
253 }
256 // Base16 chars for encode an decode functions
257 static wxChar base16Chars[17] = wxT("0123456789ABCDEF");
258 static wxChar base32Chars[33] = wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567");
259 #define BASE16_LOOKUP_MAX 23
260 static wxChar base16Lookup[BASE16_LOOKUP_MAX][2] = {
261 	{ wxT('0'), 0x0 },
262 	{ wxT('1'), 0x1 },
263 	{ wxT('2'), 0x2 },
264 	{ wxT('3'), 0x3 },
265 	{ wxT('4'), 0x4 },
266 	{ wxT('5'), 0x5 },
267 	{ wxT('6'), 0x6 },
268 	{ wxT('7'), 0x7 },
269 	{ wxT('8'), 0x8 },
270 	{ wxT('9'), 0x9 },
271 	{ wxT(':'), 0x9 },
272 	{ wxT(';'), 0x9 },
273 	{ wxT('<'), 0x9 },
274 	{ wxT('='), 0x9 },
275 	{ wxT('>'), 0x9 },
276 	{ wxT('?'), 0x9 },
277 	{ wxT('@'), 0x9 },
278 	{ wxT('A'), 0xA },
279 	{ wxT('B'), 0xB },
280 	{ wxT('C'), 0xC },
281 	{ wxT('D'), 0xD },
282 	{ wxT('E'), 0xE },
283 	{ wxT('F'), 0xF }
284 };
287 // Returns a BASE16 encoded byte array
288 //
289 // [In]
290 //   buffer: Pointer to byte array
291 //   bufLen: Lenght of buffer array
292 //
293 // [Return]
294 //   wxString object with BASE16 encoded byte array
EncodeBase16(const unsigned char * buffer,unsigned int bufLen)295 wxString EncodeBase16(const unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int bufLen)
296 {
297 	wxString Base16Buff;
299 	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bufLen; ++i) {
300 		Base16Buff += base16Chars[buffer[i] >> 4];
301 		Base16Buff += base16Chars[buffer[i] & 0xf];
302 	}
304 	return Base16Buff;
305 }
308 // Decodes a BASE16 string into a byte array
309 //
310 // [In]
311 //   base16Buffer: String containing BASE16
312 //   base16BufLen: Lenght BASE16 coded string's length
313 //
314 // [Out]
315 //   buffer: byte array containing decoded string
DecodeBase16(const wxString & base16Buffer,unsigned int base16BufLen,byte * buffer)316 unsigned int DecodeBase16(const wxString &base16Buffer, unsigned int base16BufLen, byte *buffer)
317 {
318 	if (base16BufLen & 1) {
319 		return 0;
320 	}
321 	unsigned int ret = base16BufLen >> 1;
322 	memset( buffer, 0,  ret);
323 	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < base16BufLen; ++i) {
324 		int lookup = toupper(base16Buffer[i]) - wxT('0');
325 		// Check to make sure that the given word falls inside a valid range
326 		byte word = (lookup < 0 || lookup >= BASE16_LOOKUP_MAX) ?
327 			0xFF : base16Lookup[lookup][1];
328 		unsigned idx = i >> 1;
329 		buffer[idx] = (i & 1) ? // odd or even?
330 			(buffer[idx] | word) : (word << 4);
331 	}
333 	return ret;
334 }
337 // Returns a BASE32 encoded byte array
338 //
339 // [In]
340 //   buffer: Pointer to byte array
341 //   bufLen: Lenght of buffer array
342 //
343 // [Return]
344 //   wxString object with BASE32 encoded byte array
EncodeBase32(const unsigned char * buffer,unsigned int bufLen)345 wxString EncodeBase32(const unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int bufLen)
346 {
347 	wxString Base32Buff;
348 	unsigned int i, index;
349 	unsigned char word;
351 	for(i = 0, index = 0; i < bufLen;) {
352 		// Is the current word going to span a byte boundary?
353 		if (index > 3) {
354 			word = (buffer[i] & (0xFF >> index));
355 			index = (index + 5) % 8;
356 			word <<= index;
357 			if (i < bufLen - 1) {
358 				word |= buffer[i + 1] >> (8 - index);
359 			}
360 			++i;
361 		} else {
362 			word = (buffer[i] >> (8 - (index + 5))) & 0x1F;
363 			index = (index + 5) % 8;
364 			if (index == 0) {
365 				++i;
366 			}
367 		}
368 		Base32Buff += (char) base32Chars[word];
369 	}
371 	return Base32Buff;
372 }
375 // Decodes a BASE32 string into a byte array
376 //
377 // [In]
378 //   base32Buffer: String containing BASE32
379 //   base32BufLen: Lenght BASE32 coded string's length
380 //
381 // [Out]
382 //   buffer: byte array containing decoded string
383 // [Return]
384 //   nDecodeLen:
DecodeBase32(const wxString & base32Buffer,unsigned int base32BufLen,unsigned char * buffer)385 unsigned int DecodeBase32(const wxString &base32Buffer, unsigned int base32BufLen, unsigned char *buffer)
386 {
387 	size_t nInputLen = base32Buffer.Length();
388 	uint32 nDecodeLen = (nInputLen * 5) / 8;
389 	if ((nInputLen * 5) % 8 > 0) {
390 		++nDecodeLen;
391 	}
392 	if (base32BufLen == 0) {
393 		return nDecodeLen;
394 	}
395 	if (nDecodeLen > base32BufLen) {
396 		return 0;
397 	}
399 	uint32 nBits = 0;
400 	int nCount = 0;
401 	for (size_t i = 0; i < nInputLen; ++i)
402 	{
403 		if (base32Buffer[i] >= wxT('A') && base32Buffer[i] <= wxT('Z')) {
404 			nBits |= ( base32Buffer[i] - wxT('A') );
405 		}
406 		else if (base32Buffer[i] >= wxT('a') && base32Buffer[i] <= wxT('z')) {
407 			nBits |= ( base32Buffer[i] - wxT('a') );
408 		}
409 		else if (base32Buffer[i] >= wxT('2') && base32Buffer[i] <= wxT('7')) {
410 			nBits |= ( base32Buffer[i] - wxT('2') + 26 );
411 		} else {
412 			return 0;
413 		}
414 		nCount += 5;
415 		if (nCount >= 8)
416 		{
417 			*buffer++ = (byte)( nBits >> (nCount - 8) );
418 			nCount -= 8;
419 		}
420 		nBits <<= 5;
421 	}
423 	return nDecodeLen;
424 }
427 /*
428  * base64.c
429  *
430  * Base64 encoding/decoding command line filter
431  *
432  * Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Matthias Gaertner
433  * Adapted to use wxWidgets by
434  * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Marcelo Roberto Jimenez ( phoenix@amule.org )
435  *
436  */
437 static const wxString to_b64(
438 	/*   0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666 */
439 	/*   0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 */
440 	wxT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"));
443 /* Option variables */
444 static bool g_fUseCRLF = false;
445 static unsigned int g_nCharsPerLine = 72;
446 static wxString strHeaderLine;
EncodeBase64(const char * pbBufferIn,unsigned int bufLen)449 wxString EncodeBase64(const char *pbBufferIn, unsigned int bufLen)
450 {
451 	wxString pbBufferOut;
452 	wxString strHeader;
454 	if( !strHeaderLine.IsEmpty() ) {
455 		strHeader = wxT("-----BEGIN ") + strHeaderLine + wxT("-----");
456 		if( g_fUseCRLF ) {
457 			strHeader += wxT("\r");
458 		}
459 		strHeader += wxT("\n");
460 	}
462 	unsigned long nDiv = ((unsigned long)bufLen) / 3;
463 	unsigned long nRem = ((unsigned long)bufLen) % 3;
464 	unsigned int NewLineSize = g_fUseCRLF ? 2 : 1;
466 	// Allocate enough space in the output buffer to speed up things
467 	pbBufferOut.Alloc(
468 		strHeader.Len() * 2 +		// header/footer
469 		(bufLen * 4) / 3 + 1 +		// Number of codes
470 		nDiv           * NewLineSize +	// Number of new lines
471 		(nRem ? 1 : 0) * NewLineSize );	// Last line
472 	pbBufferOut = strHeader;
474 	unsigned long nChars = 0;
475 	const unsigned char *pIn = (unsigned char*)pbBufferIn;
476 	while( nDiv > 0 ) {
477 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[ (pIn[0] >> 2) & 0x3f];
478 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[((pIn[0] << 4) & 0x30) | ((pIn[1] >> 4) & 0xf)];
479 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[((pIn[1] << 2) & 0x3c) | ((pIn[2] >> 6) & 0x3)];
480 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[  pIn[2] & 0x3f];
481 		pIn += 3;
482 		nDiv--;
483 		nChars += 4;
484 		if( nChars >= g_nCharsPerLine && g_nCharsPerLine != 0 ) {
485 			nChars = 0;
486 			if( g_fUseCRLF ) {
487 				pbBufferOut += wxT("\r");
488 			}
489 			pbBufferOut += wxT("\n");
490 		}
491 	}
492 	switch( nRem ) {
493 	case 2:
494 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[ (pIn[0] >> 2) & 0x3f];
495 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[((pIn[0] << 4) & 0x30) | ((pIn[1] >> 4) & 0xf)];
496 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[ (pIn[1] << 2) & 0x3c];
497 		pbBufferOut += wxT("=");
498 		nChars += 4;
499 		if( nChars >= g_nCharsPerLine && g_nCharsPerLine != 0 ) {
500 			nChars = 0;
501 			if( g_fUseCRLF ) {
502 				pbBufferOut += wxT("\r");
503 			}
504 			pbBufferOut += wxT("\n");
505 		}
506 		break;
507 	case 1:
508 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[ (pIn[0] >> 2) & 0x3f];
509 		pbBufferOut += to_b64[ (pIn[0] << 4) & 0x30];
510 		pbBufferOut += wxT("=");
511 		pbBufferOut += wxT("=");
512 		nChars += 4;
513 		if( nChars >= g_nCharsPerLine && g_nCharsPerLine != 0 ) {
514 			nChars = 0;
515 			if( g_fUseCRLF ) {
516 				pbBufferOut += wxT("\r");
517 			}
518 			pbBufferOut += wxT("\n");
519 		}
520 		break;
521 	}
523 	if( nRem > 0 ) {
524 		if( nChars > 0 ) {
525 			if( g_fUseCRLF ) {
526 				pbBufferOut += wxT("\r");
527 			}
528 			pbBufferOut += wxT("\n");
529 		}
530 	}
532 	if( !strHeaderLine.IsEmpty() ) {
533 		pbBufferOut = wxT("-----END ") + strHeaderLine + wxT("-----");
534 		if( g_fUseCRLF ) {
535 			pbBufferOut += wxT("\r");
536 		}
537 		pbBufferOut += wxT("\n");
538 	}
540 	return pbBufferOut;
541 }
DecodeBase64(const wxString & base64Buffer,unsigned int base64BufLen,unsigned char * buffer)544 unsigned int DecodeBase64(const wxString &base64Buffer, unsigned int base64BufLen, unsigned char *buffer)
545 {
546 	int z = 0;  // 0 Normal, 1 skip MIME separator (---) to end of line
547 	unsigned int nData = 0;
548 	unsigned int i = 0;
550 	if (base64BufLen == 0) {
551 		*buffer = 0;
552 		nData = 1;
553 	}
555 	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < base64BufLen; ++j) {
556 		wxChar c = base64Buffer[j];
557 		wxChar bits = wxT('z');
558 		if( z > 0 ) {
559 			if(c == wxT('\n')) {
560 				z = 0;
561 			}
562 		}
563 		else if(c >= wxT('A') && c <= wxT('Z')) {
564 			bits = c - wxT('A');
565 		}
566 		else if(c >= wxT('a') && c <= wxT('z')) {
567 			bits = c - wxT('a') + (wxChar)26;
568 		}
569 		else if(c >= wxT('0') && c <= wxT('9')) {
570 			bits = c - wxT('0') + (wxChar)52;
571 		}
572 		else if(c == wxT('+')) {
573 			bits = (wxChar)62;
574 		}
575 		else if(c == wxT('/')) {
576 			bits = (wxChar)63;
577 		}
578 		else if(c == wxT('-')) {
579 			z = 1;
580 		}
581 		else if(c == wxT('=')) {
582 			break;
583 		} else {
584 			bits = wxT('y');
585 		}
587 		// Skips anything that was not recognized
588 		// as a base64 valid char ('y' or 'z')
589 		if (bits < (wxChar)64) {
590 			switch (nData++) {
591 			case 0:
592 				buffer[i+0] = (bits << 2) & 0xfc;
593 				break;
594 			case 1:
595 				buffer[i+0] |= (bits >> 4) & 0x03;
596 				buffer[i+1] = (bits << 4) & 0xf0;
597 				break;
598 			case 2:
599 				buffer[i+1] |= (bits >> 2) & 0x0f;
600 				buffer[i+2] = (bits << 6) & 0xc0;
601 				break;
602 			case 3:
603 				buffer[i+2] |= bits & 0x3f;
604 				break;
605 			}
606 			if (nData == 4) {
607 				nData = 0;
608 				i += 3;
609 			}
610 		}
611 	}
612 	if (nData == 1) {
613 		// Syntax error or buffer was empty
614 		*buffer = 0;
615 		nData = 0;
616 		i = 0;
617 	} else {
618 		buffer[i+nData] = 0;
619 	}
621 	return i + nData;
622 }
625 // Returns the text assosiated with a category type
GetCatTitle(AllCategoryFilter cat)626 wxString GetCatTitle(AllCategoryFilter cat)
627 {
628 	switch (cat) {
629 		case acfAll:		 return _("all");
630 		case acfAllOthers:   return _("all others");
631 		case acfIncomplete:	 return _("Incomplete");
632 		case acfCompleted:	 return _("Completed");
633 		case acfWaiting:	 return _("Waiting");
634 		case acfDownloading: return _("Downloading");
635 		case acfErroneous:	 return _("Erroneous");
636 		case acfPaused:		 return _("Paused");
637 		case acfStopped:	 return _("Stopped");
638 		case acfVideo:		 return _("Video");
639 		case acfAudio:		 return _("Audio");
640 		case acfArchive:	 return _("Archive");
641 		case acfCDImages:	 return _("CD-Images");
642 		case acfPictures:	 return _("Pictures");
643 		case acfText:		 return _("Text");
644 		case acfActive:		 return _("Active");
645 		default: return wxT("?");
646 	}
647 }
650 typedef std::map<wxString, EED2KFileTypeClass> SED2KFileTypeMap;
651 typedef SED2KFileTypeMap::value_type SED2KFileTypeMapElement;
652 static SED2KFileTypeMap ED2KFileTypesMap;
655 class CED2KFileTypes{
656 public:
CED2KFileTypes()657 	CED2KFileTypes()
658 	{
659 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".669"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// 8 channel tracker module
660 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".aac"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Advanced Audio Coding File
661 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ac3"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Audio Codec 3 File
662 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".aif"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Audio Interchange File Format
663 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".aifc"),  ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Audio Interchange File Format
664 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".aiff"),  ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Audio Interchange File Format
665 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".amf"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// DSMI Advanced Module Format
666 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".amr"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File
667 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ams"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Extreme Tracker Module
668 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ape"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio File
669 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".au"),    ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Audio File (Sun, Unix)
670 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".aud"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// General Audio File
671 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".audio"), ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// General Audio File
672 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cda"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// CD Audio Track
673 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dbm"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));
674 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dmf"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Delusion Digital Music File
675 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dsm"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Digital Sound Module
676 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dts"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// DTS Encoded Audio File
677 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".far"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Farandole Composer Module
678 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".flac"),  ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Free Lossless Audio Codec File
679 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".it"),    ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Impulse Tracker Module
680 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m1a"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG-1 Audio File
681 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m2a"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG-2 Audio File
682 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m4a"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG-4 Audio File
683 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mdl"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// DigiTrakker Module
684 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".med"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Amiga MED Sound File
685 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mid"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MIDI File
686 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".midi"),  ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MIDI File
687 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mka"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Matroska Audio File
688 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mod"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Amiga Music Module File
689 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mol"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));
690 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mp1"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG-1 Audio File
691 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mp2"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG-2 Audio File
692 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mp3"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG-3 Audio File
693 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpa"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MPEG Audio File
694 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpc"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Musepack Compressed Audio File
695 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpp"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));
696 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mtm"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MultiTracker Module
697 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".nst"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// NoiseTracker
698 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ogg"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Ogg Vorbis Compressed Audio File
699 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".okt"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Oktalyzer Module (Amiga)
700 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".psm"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Protracker Studio Module
701 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ptm"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// PolyTracker Module
702 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ra"),    ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Real Audio File
703 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rmi"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// MIDI File
704 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".s3m"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Scream Tracker 3 Module
705 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".snd"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Audio File (Sun, Unix)
706 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".stm"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Scream Tracker 2 Module
707 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ult"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// UltraTracker
708 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".umx"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Unreal Music Package
709 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wav"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// WAVE Audio File
710 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wma"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Windows Media Audio File
711 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wow"),   ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Grave Composer audio tracker
712 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xm"),    ED2KFT_AUDIO));		// Fasttracker 2 Extended Module
714 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".3g2"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// 3GPP Multimedia File
715 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".3gp"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// 3GPP Multimedia File
716 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".3gp2"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// 3GPP Multimedia File
717 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".3gpp"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// 3GPP Multimedia File
718 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".asf"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Advanced Systems Format (MS)
719 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".amv"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Anime Music Video File
720 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".asf"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Advanced Systems Format File
721 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".avi"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Audio Video Interleave File
722 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bik"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// BINK Video File
723 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".divx"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// DivX-Encoded Movie File
724 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dvr-ms"),ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Microsoft Digital Video Recording
725 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".flc"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// FLIC Video File
726 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".fli"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// FLIC Video File
727 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".flic"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// FLIC Video File
728 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".flv"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Flash Video File
729 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".hdmov"), ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// High-Definition QuickTime Movie
730 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ifo"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// DVD-Video Disc Information File
731 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m1v"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-1 Video File
732 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m2t"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-2 Video Transport Stream
733 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m2ts"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-2 Video Transport Stream
734 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m2v"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-2 Video File
735 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m4b"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-4 Video File
736 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".m4v"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-4 Video File
737 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mkv"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Matroska Video File
738 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mov"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// QuickTime Movie File
739 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".movie"), ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// QuickTime Movie File
740 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mp1v"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// QuickTime Movie File
741 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mp2v"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-1 Video File
742 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mp4"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-2 Video File
743 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpe"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-4 Video File
744 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpeg"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG Video File
745 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpg"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG Video File
746 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mps"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG Video File
747 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpv"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG Video File
748 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpv1"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-1 Video File
749 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mpv2"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG-2 Video File
750 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ogm"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Ogg Media File
751 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ogv"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Ogg Theora Video File
752 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pva"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// MPEG Video File
753 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".qt"),    ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// QuickTime Movie
754 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ram"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Real Audio Media
755 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ratdvd"),ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// RatDVD Disk Image
756 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rm"),    ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Real Media File
757 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rmm"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Real Media File
758 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rmvb"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Real Video Variable Bit Rate File
759 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rv"),    ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Real Video File
760 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rv9"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));
761 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".smil"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// SMIL Presentation File
762 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".smk"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Smacker Compressed Movie File
763 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".swf"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Macromedia Flash Movie
764 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tp"),    ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Video Transport Stream File
765 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ts"),    ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Video Transport Stream File
766 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".vid"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// General Video File
767 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".video"), ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// General Video File
768 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".vivo"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// VivoActive Video File
769 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".vob"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// DVD Video Object File
770 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".vp6"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// TrueMotion VP6 Video File
771 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".webm"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// WebM Video File
772 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wm"),    ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Windows Media Video File
773 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wmv"),   ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Windows Media Video File
774 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xvid"),  ED2KFT_VIDEO));		// Xvid-Encoded Video File
776 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bmp"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Bitmap Image File
777 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dcx"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// FAXserve Fax Document
778 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".emf"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Enhanced Windows Metafile
779 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".gif"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Graphical Interchange Format File
780 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ico"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Icon File
781 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".jfif"),  ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// JPEG File Interchange Format
782 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".jpe"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// JPEG Image File
783 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".jpeg"),  ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// JPEG Image File
784 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".jpg"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// JPEG Image File
785 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pct"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// PICT Picture File
786 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pcx"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Paintbrush Bitmap Image File
787 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pic"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// PICT Picture File
788 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pict"),  ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// PICT Picture File
789 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".png"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Portable Network Graphic
790 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".psd"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Photoshop Document
791 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".psp"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Paint Shop Pro Image File
792 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tga"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Targa Graphic
793 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tif"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Tagged Image File
794 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tiff"),  ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Tagged Image File
795 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wbmp"),  ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Format
796 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".webp"),  ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Weppy Photo File
797 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wmf"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Windows Metafile
798 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wmp"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// Windows Media Photo File
799 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xif"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// ScanSoft Pagis Extended Image Format File
800 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xpm"),   ED2KFT_IMAGE));		// X-Windows Pixmap
802 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".7z"),    ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// 7-Zip Compressed File
803 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ace"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// WinAce Compressed File
804 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".alz"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// ALZip Archive
805 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".arc"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Compressed File Archive
806 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".arj"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// ARJ Compressed File Archive
807 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bz2"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Bzip Compressed File
808 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cab"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Cabinet File
809 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cbr"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Comic Book RAR Archive
810 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cbt"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Comic Book Tarball
811 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cbz"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Comic Book ZIP Archive
812 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".gz"),    ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Gnu Zipped File
813 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".hqx"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// BinHex 4.0 Encoded File
814 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".lha"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// LHARC Compressed Archive
815 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".lzh"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// LZH Compressed File
816 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".msi"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Microsoft Installer File
817 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pak"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// PAK (Packed) File
818 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".par"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Parchive Index File
819 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".par2"),  ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Parchive 2 Index File
820 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rar"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// WinRAR Compressed Archive
821 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sea"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Self-Extracting Archive (Mac)
822 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sit"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Stuffit Archive
823 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sitx"),  ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Stuffit X Archive
824 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tar"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Consolidated Unix File Archive
825 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tbz2"),  ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Tar BZip 2 Compressed File
826 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".tgz"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Gzipped Tar File
827 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".uc2"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// UltraCompressor 2 Archive
828 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xpi"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Mozilla Installer Package
829 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".z"),     ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Unix Compressed File
830 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".zip"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Zipped File
831 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".zoo"),   ED2KFT_ARCHIVE));	// Zoo Archive
833 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bat"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Batch File
834 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cmd"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Command File
835 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".com"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// COM File
836 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".exe"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Executable File
837 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".hta"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// HTML Application
838 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".js"),    ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Java Script
839 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".jse"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Encoded  Java Script
840 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".msc"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Microsoft Common Console File
841 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".vbe"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Encoded Visual Basic Script File
842 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".vbs"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Visual Basic Script File
843 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wsf"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Windows Script File
844 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wsh"),   ED2KFT_PROGRAM));	// Windows Scripting Host File
846 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bin"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// CD Image
847 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bwa"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// BlindWrite Disk Information File
848 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bwi"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// BlindWrite CD/DVD Disc Image
849 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bws"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// BlindWrite Sub Code File
850 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".bwt"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// BlindWrite 4 Disk Image
851 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ccd"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// CloneCD Disk Image
852 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".cue"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Cue Sheet File
853 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dmg"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Mac OS X Disk Image
854 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dmz"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));
855 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".img"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Disk Image Data File
856 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".iso"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Disc Image File
857 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mdf"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Media Disc Image File
858 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mds"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Media Descriptor File
859 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".nrg"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Nero CD/DVD Image File
860 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sub"),   ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Subtitle File
861 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".toast"), ED2KFT_CDIMAGE));	// Toast Disc Image
863 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".azw"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// EBook File
864 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".chm"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Compiled HTML Help File
865 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".css"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Cascading Style Sheet
866 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".diz"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Description in Zip File
867 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".doc"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Document File
868 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".dot"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Document Template File
869 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".epub"),  ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// EBook File
870 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".hlp"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Help File
871 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".htm"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// HTML File
872 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".html"),  ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// HTML File
873 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".mobi"),  ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// EBook File
874 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".nfo"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Warez Information File
875 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".odp"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenDocument Presentation
876 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ods"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenDocument Spreadsheet
877 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".odt"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenDocument File
878 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".otp"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenDocument Presentation Template
879 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ott"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenDocument Template File
880 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ots"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template
881 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pdf"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Portable Document Format File
882 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".pps"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// PowerPoint Slide Show
883 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ppt"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// PowerPoint Presentation
884 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".ps"),    ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// PostScript File
885 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".rtf"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Rich Text Format File
886 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".stc"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenOffice.org 1.0 Spreadsheet Template
887 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sti"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenOffice.org 1.0 Presentation Template
888 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".stw"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenOffice.org 1.0 Document Template File
889 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sxc"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenOffice.org 1.0 Spreadsheet
890 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sxi"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenOffice.org 1.0 Presentation
891 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".sxw"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// OpenOffice.org 1.0 Document File
892 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".text"),  ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// General Text File
893 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".txt"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Text File
894 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".wri"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Windows Write Document
895 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xls"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
896 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xlt"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// Microsoft Excel Template
897 		ED2KFileTypesMap.insert(SED2KFileTypeMapElement(wxT(".xml"),   ED2KFT_DOCUMENT));	// XML File
898 	}
899 };
902 // get the list initialized *before* any code is accessing it
903 CED2KFileTypes theED2KFileTypes;
GetED2KFileTypeID(const CPath & fileName)905 EED2KFileType GetED2KFileTypeID(const CPath& fileName)
906 {
907 	const wxString ext = fileName.GetExt().Lower();
908 	if (ext.IsEmpty()) {
909 		return ED2KFT_ANY;
910 	}
912 	SED2KFileTypeMap::iterator it = ED2KFileTypesMap.find(wxT(".") + ext);
913 	if (it != ED2KFileTypesMap.end()) {
914 		return it->second.GetType();
915 	} else {
916 		return ED2KFT_ANY;
917 	}
918 }
921 // Retuns the ed2k file type term which is to be used in server searches
GetED2KFileTypeSearchTerm(EED2KFileType iFileID)922 wxString GetED2KFileTypeSearchTerm(EED2KFileType iFileID)
923 {
924 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_AUDIO)		return ED2KFTSTR_AUDIO;
925 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_VIDEO)		return ED2KFTSTR_VIDEO;
926 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_IMAGE)		return ED2KFTSTR_IMAGE;
927 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_DOCUMENT)		return ED2KFTSTR_DOCUMENT;
928 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_PROGRAM)		return ED2KFTSTR_PROGRAM;
929 	// NOTE: Archives and CD-Images are published with file type "Pro"
930 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_ARCHIVE)		return ED2KFTSTR_PROGRAM;
931 	if (iFileID == ED2KFT_CDIMAGE)		return ED2KFTSTR_PROGRAM;
933 	return wxEmptyString;
934 }
937 // Returns a file type which is used eMule internally only, examining the extention of the given filename
GetFileTypeByName(const CPath & fileName)938 wxString GetFileTypeByName(const CPath& fileName)
939 {
940 	EED2KFileType iFileType = GetED2KFileTypeID(fileName);
941 	switch (iFileType) {
942 		case ED2KFT_AUDIO:	return ED2KFTSTR_AUDIO;
943 		case ED2KFT_VIDEO:	return ED2KFTSTR_VIDEO;
944 		case ED2KFT_IMAGE:	return ED2KFTSTR_IMAGE;
949 		default:		return wxEmptyString;
950 	}
951 }
954 // Retuns the ed2k file type integer ID which is to be used for publishing+searching
GetED2KFileTypeSearchID(EED2KFileType iFileID)955 EED2KFileType GetED2KFileTypeSearchID(EED2KFileType iFileID)
956 {
957 	switch (iFileID) {
958 		case ED2KFT_AUDIO:	return ED2KFT_AUDIO;
959 		case ED2KFT_VIDEO:	return ED2KFT_VIDEO;
960 		case ED2KFT_IMAGE:	return ED2KFT_IMAGE;
962 		case ED2KFT_PROGRAM:	return ED2KFT_PROGRAM;
963 		// NOTE: Archives and CD-Images are published+searched with file type "Pro"
964 		// NOTE: If this gets changed, the function 'GetED2KFileTypeSearchTerm' also needs to get updated!
965 		case ED2KFT_ARCHIVE:	return ED2KFT_PROGRAM;
966 		case ED2KFT_CDIMAGE:	return ED2KFT_PROGRAM;
967 		default:		return  ED2KFT_ANY;
968 	}
969 }
972 /**
973  * Dumps a buffer to a wxString
974  */
DumpMemToStr(const void * buff,int n,const wxString & msg,bool ok)975 wxString DumpMemToStr(const void *buff, int n, const wxString& msg, bool ok)
976 {
977 	const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)buff;
978 	int lines = (n + 15)/ 16;
980 	wxString result;
981 	// Allocate aproximetly what is needed
982 	result.Alloc( ( lines + 1 ) * 80 );
983 	if ( !msg.IsEmpty() ) {
984 		result += msg + wxT(" - ok=") + ( ok ? wxT("true, ") : wxT("false, ") );
985 	}
987 	result += CFormat(wxT("%d bytes\n")) % n;
988 	for ( int i = 0; i < lines; ++i) {
989 		// Show address
990 		result += CFormat(wxT("%08x  ")) % (i * 16);
992 		// Show two columns of hex-values
993 		for ( int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
994 			for ( int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
995 				int pos = 16 * i + 8 * j + k;
997 				if ( pos < n ) {
998 					result += CFormat(wxT("%02x ")) % p[pos];
999 				} else {
1000 					result += wxT("   ");
1001 				}
1002 			}
1003 			result += wxT(" ");
1004 		}
1005 		result += wxT("|");
1006 		// Show a column of ascii-values
1007 		for ( int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
1008 			int pos = 16 * i + k;
1010 			if ( pos < n ) {
1011 				if ( isspace( p[pos] ) ) {
1012 					result += wxT(" ");
1013 				} else if ( !isgraph( p[pos] ) ) {
1014 					result += wxT(".");
1015 				} else {
1016 					result += (wxChar)p[pos];
1017 				}
1018 			} else {
1019 				result += wxT(" ");
1020 			}
1021 		}
1022 		result += wxT("|\n");
1023 	}
1024 	result.Shrink();
1026 	return result;
1027 }
1030 /**
1031  * Dumps a buffer to stdout
1032  */
DumpMem(const void * buff,int n,const wxString & msg,bool ok)1033 void DumpMem(const void *buff, int n, const wxString& msg, bool ok)
1034 {
1035 	printf("%s\n", (const char*)unicode2char(DumpMemToStr( buff, n, msg, ok )) );
1036 }
1039 //
1040 // Dump mem in dword format
DumpMem_DW(const uint32 * ptr,int count)1041 void DumpMem_DW(const uint32 *ptr, int count)
1042 {
1043 	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
1044 		printf("%08x ", ptr[i]);
1045 		if ( (i % 4) == 3) printf("\n");
1046 	}
1047 	printf("\n");
1048 }
GetConfigDir(const wxString & configFileBase)1051 wxString GetConfigDir(const wxString &configFileBase)
1052 {
1053 	wxString configPath;
1055 	// "Portable aMule" - Use aMule from an external USB drive
1056 	// Check for ./config/amule.conf (or whatever gets passed as configFile)
1057 	// and use this configuration if found
1058 	const wxString configDir = JoinPaths(wxFileName::GetCwd(), wxT("config"));
1059 	const wxString configFile = JoinPaths(configDir, configFileBase);
1061 	if (CPath::DirExists(configDir) && CPath::FileExists(configFile)) {
1062 		AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Using config dir: %s")) % configDir);
1064 		configPath = configDir;
1065 	} else {
1066 		configPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir();
1067 	}
1069 	configPath += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
1071 	return configPath;
1072 }
1075 /*************************** Locale specific stuff ***************************/
1077 #ifndef __WINDOWS__
1079 #else
1081 	info.WinLang = LANG; \
1082 	info.WinSublang = SUBLANG;
1083 #endif
1085 #define CUSTOMLANGUAGE(wxid, iso, winlang, winsublang, dir, desc) \
1086 	info.Language = wxid;		\
1087 	info.CanonicalName = wxT(iso);	\
1088 	info.LayoutDirection = dir;	\
1089 	info.Description = wxT(desc);	\
1090 	SETWINLANG(winlang, winsublang)	\
1091 	wxLocale::AddLanguage(info);
InitCustomLanguages()1093 void InitCustomLanguages()
1094 {
1095 	wxLanguageInfo info;
1097 #if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0)
1098 	CUSTOMLANGUAGE(wxLANGUAGE_ASTURIAN,	"ast",	0,	0,	wxLayout_LeftToRight,	"Asturian");
1099 #endif
1100 }
InitLocale(wxLocale & locale,int language)1103 void InitLocale(wxLocale& locale, int language)
1104 {
1105 	locale.Init(language, wxLOCALE_LOAD_DEFAULT);
1107 #if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WINDOWS__)
1108 	locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(JoinPaths(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir(), wxT("locale")));
1109 #else
1110 #if (wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,5) && !wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,3)) || (wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,0) && !wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,1))
1111 	// Add correct place to look for catalog files if we're using a wxWidgets version where it's broken
1112 	// See also http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/17740
1113 	locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(JoinPaths(JoinPaths(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetInstallPrefix(), wxT("share")), wxT("locale")));
1114 #endif /* wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,5)... */
1115 #endif /* (!)(defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__WINDOWS__)) */
1117 	locale.AddCatalog(wxT(PACKAGE));
1118 }
StrLang2wx(const wxString & language)1121 int StrLang2wx(const wxString& language)
1122 {
1123 	// get rid of possible encoding and modifier
1124 	wxString lang(language.BeforeFirst('.').BeforeFirst('@'));
1126 	if (!lang.IsEmpty()) {
1127 		const wxLanguageInfo *lng = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(lang);
1128 		if (lng) {
1129 			int langID = lng->Language;
1130 			// Traditional Chinese: original Chinese, used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.
1131 			// Simplified Chinese: simplified Chinese characters used in Mainland China since 1950s, and in some other places such as Singapore and Malaysia.
1132 			//
1133 			// Chinese (Traditional) contains zh_TW, zh_HK and zh_MO (but there are differences in some words).
1134 			// Because of most Traditional Chinese user are in Taiwan, zh_TW becomes the representation of Traditional Chinese.
1135 			// Chinese (Simplified) contains zh_CN, zh_SG and zh_MY. In the same reason, zh_CN becomes the representation of Simplified Chinese.
1136 			// (see http://forum.amule.org/index.php?topic=13208.msg98043#msg98043 )
1137 			//
1138 			// wx maps "Traditional Chinese" to "Chinese" however. This must me corrected:
1139 			if (langID == wxLANGUAGE_CHINESE) {
1141 			}
1142 			return langID;
1143 		} else {
1144 			return wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT;
1145 		}
1146 	} else {
1147 		return wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT;
1148 	}
1149 }
wxLang2Str(const int lang)1152 wxString wxLang2Str(const int lang)
1153 {
1154 	if (lang != wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT) {
1155 		const wxLanguageInfo *lng = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(lang);
1156 		if (lng) {
1157 			return lng->CanonicalName;
1158 		} else {
1159 			return wxEmptyString;
1160 		}
1161 	} else {
1162 		return wxEmptyString;
1163 	}
1164 }
1166 /*****************************************************************************/
GetPassword(bool allowEmptyPassword)1168 CMD4Hash GetPassword(bool allowEmptyPassword)
1169 {
1170 	wxString pass_plain;
1171 	CMD4Hash password;
1172 #ifndef __WINDOWS__
1173 	pass_plain = char2unicode(getpass("Enter password for mule connection: "));
1174 #else
1175 	//#warning This way, pass enter is not hidden on windows. Bad thing.
1176 	char temp_str[512];
1177 	// Though fflush() on an input stream is undefined behaviour by the standard,
1178 	// the MSVCRT version does seem to clear the input buffers.
1179 	// cppcheck-suppress fflushOnInputStream
1180 	fflush(stdin);
1181 	printf("Enter password for mule connection: \n");
1182 	fflush(stdout);
1183 	fgets(temp_str, 512, stdin);
1184 	temp_str[strlen(temp_str)-1] = '\0';
1185 	pass_plain = char2unicode(temp_str);
1186 #endif
1187 	wxCHECK2(password.Decode(MD5Sum(pass_plain).GetHash()), /* Do nothing. */ );
1188 	if (!allowEmptyPassword) {
1189 		// MD5 hash for an empty string, according to rfc1321.
1190 		if (password.Encode() == wxT("D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E")) {
1191 			printf("No empty password allowed.\n");
1192 			return GetPassword(false);
1193 		}
1194 	}
1196 	return password;
1197 }
1200 const uint8 BitVector::s_posMask[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};
1201 const uint8 BitVector::s_negMask[] = {0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFB, 0xF7, 0xEF, 0xDF, 0xBF, 0x7F};
1203 // File_checked_for_headers