2! *
3! *  Elmer, A Finite Element Software for Multiphysical Problems
4! *
5! *  Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Finland
6! *
7! *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8! *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9! *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10! *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11! *
12! *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13! *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15! *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
16! *
17! *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18! *  License along with this library (in file ../LGPL-2.1); if not, write
19! *  to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
20! *  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21! *
22! *****************************************************************************/
25! *
26! *  Authors: Juha Ruokolainen
27! *  Email:   Juha.Ruokolainen@csc.fi
28! *  Web:     http://www.csc.fi/elmer
29! *  Address: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
30! *           Keilaranta 14
31! *           02101 Espoo, Finland
32! *
33! *  Original Date: 01 Oct 1996
34! *
35! ******************************************************************************/
38!>  Module defining element type and operations. The most basic FEM routines
39!>  are here, handling the basis functions, global derivatives, etc...
41!> \ingroup ElmerLib
42!> \{
44#include "../config.h"
46MODULE ElementDescription
47   USE Integration
48   USE GeneralUtils
49   USE LinearAlgebra
50   USE CoordinateSystems
51   ! Use module P element basis functions
52   USE PElementMaps
53   USE PElementBase
54   ! Vectorized P element basis functions
55   USE H1Basis
56   USE Lists
60   INTEGER, PARAMETER,PRIVATE  :: MaxDeg  = 4, MaxDeg3 = MaxDeg**3, &
61                           MaxDeg2 = MaxDeg**2
65   !
66   ! Module global variables
67   !
68   LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: TypeListInitialized = .FALSE.
69   TYPE(ElementType_t), PRIVATE, POINTER :: ElementTypeList
71   ! Local workspace for basis function values and mapping
72!    REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: BasisWrk(:,:), dBasisdxWrk(:,:,:), &
73!            LtoGMapsWrk(:,:,:), DetJWrk(:), uWrk(:), vWrk(:), wWrk(:)
74!     !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(BasisWrk, dBasisdxWrk, LtoGMapsWrk, DetJWrk, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk)
75! !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN:64::BasisWrk, dBasisdxWrk
78! !DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN:64::uWrk, vWrk, wWrk
83    SUBROUTINE SwapRefElemNodes(p)
85      USE PelementMaps
87      LOGICAL :: p
89      INTEGER :: n
90      TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: et
93      et => ElementTypeList
95        n = et % NumberOfNodes
97        ! Single node does not really have much options here...
98        IF( et % ElementCode < 200 ) THEN
99          CONTINUE
100        ELSE IF( p .AND. ALLOCATED(et % NodeU) ) THEN
101          IF ( .NOT.ALLOCATED(et % P_NodeU) ) THEN
102            ALLOCATE(et % P_NodeU(n), et % P_NodeV(n), et % P_NodeW(n))
103            CALL GetRefPElementNodes( et,  et % P_NodeU, et % P_NodeV, et % P_NodeW )
104          END IF
105          et % NodeU = et % P_NodeU
106          et % NodeV = et % P_NodeV
107          et % NodeW = et % P_NodeW
108        ELSE IF ( ALLOCATED(et % N_NodeU) ) THEN
109          et % NodeU = et % N_NodeU
110          et % NodeV = et % N_NodeV
111          et % NodeW = et % N_NodeW
112        END IF
113        et => et % NextElementType
114      END DO
116    END SUBROUTINE SwapRefElemNodes
120!> Add an element description to global list of element types.
122   SUBROUTINE AddElementDescription( element,BasisTerms )
124      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:) :: BasisTerms  !< List of terms in the basis function that should be included for this element type.
125	                                       ! BasisTerms(i) is an integer from 1-27 according to the list below.
126      TYPE(ElementType_t), TARGET :: element !< Structure holding element type description
128!     Local variables
130      TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: temp
132      INTEGER, DIMENSION(MaxDeg3) :: s
133      INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,m,n,upow,vpow,wpow,i1,i2,ii(9),jj
135      REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w,r
139!     PRINT*,'Adding element type: ', element % ElementCode
141      n = element % NumberOfNodes
142      element % NumberOfEdges = 0
143      element % NumberOfFaces = 0
144      element % BasisFunctionDegree = 0
145      NULLIFY( element % BasisFunctions )
147      IF ( element % ElementCode >= 200 ) THEN
149      ALLOCATE( A(n,n) )
152!     1D bar elements
154      IF ( element % DIMENSION == 1 ) THEN
156         DO i = 1,n
157           u = element % NodeU(i)
158           DO j = 1,n
159             k = BasisTerms(j) - 1
160             upow = k
161             IF ( u==0 .AND. upow == 0 ) THEN
162                A(i,j) = 1
163             ELSE
164                A(i,j) = u**upow
165             END IF
166             element % BasisFunctionDegree = MAX(element % BasisFunctionDegree,upow)
167           END DO
168         END DO
170!        ALLOCATE( element % BasisFunctions(MaxDeg,MaxDeg) )
173!     2D surface elements
175      ELSE IF ( element % DIMENSION == 2 ) THEN
177         DO i = 1,n
178            u = element % NodeU(i)
179            v = element % NodeV(i)
180            DO j = 1,n
181              k = BasisTerms(j) - 1
182              vpow = k / MaxDeg
183              upow = MOD(k,MaxDeg)
185              IF ( upow == 0 ) THEN
186                 A(i,j) = 1
187              ELSE
188                 A(i,j) = u**upow
189              END IF
191              IF ( vpow /= 0 ) THEN
192                 A(i,j) = A(i,j) * v**vpow
193              END IF
195              element % BasisFunctionDegree = MAX(element % BasisFunctionDegree,upow)
196              element % BasisFunctionDegree = MAX(element % BasisFunctionDegree,vpow)
197            END DO
198         END DO
200!        ALLOCATE( element % BasisFunctions(MaxDeg2,MaxDeg2) )
203!     3D volume elements
205      ELSE
207         DO i = 1,n
208            u = element % NodeU(i)
209            v = element % NodeV(i)
210            w = element % NodeW(i)
211            DO j = 1,n
212              k = BasisTerms(j) - 1
213              upow = MOD( k,MaxDeg )
214              wpow = k / MaxDeg2
215              vpow = MOD( k / MaxDeg, MaxDeg )
217              IF ( upow == 0 ) THEN
218                 A(i,j) = 1
219              ELSE
220                 A(i,j) = u**upow
221              END IF
223              IF ( vpow /= 0 ) THEN
224                 A(i,j) = A(i,j) * v**vpow
225              END IF
227              IF ( wpow /= 0 ) THEN
228                 A(i,j) = A(i,j) * w**wpow
229              END IF
231              element % BasisFunctionDegree = MAX(element % BasisFunctionDegree,upow)
232              element % BasisFunctionDegree = MAX(element % BasisFunctionDegree,vpow)
233              element % BasisFunctionDegree = MAX(element % BasisFunctionDegree,wpow)
234            END DO
235         END DO
237!        ALLOCATE( element % BasisFunctions(MaxDeg3,MaxDeg3) )
238      END IF
241!     Compute the coefficients of the basis function terms
243      CALL InvertMatrix( A,n )
245      IF ( Element % ElementCode == 202 ) THEN
246         ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(14) )
247      ELSE
248         ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(n) )
249      END IF
251      upow = 0
252      vpow = 0
253      wpow = 0
255      DO i = 1,n
256        Element % BasisFunctions(i) % n = n
257        ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % p(n) )
258        ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % q(n) )
259        ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % r(n) )
260        ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % Coeff(n) )
262        DO j = 1,n
263          k = BasisTerms(j) - 1
265          SELECT CASE( Element % DIMENSION )
266          CASE(1)
267             upow = k
268          CASE(2)
269             vpow = k / MaxDeg
270             upow = MOD(k,MaxDeg)
271          CASE(3)
272             upow = MOD( k,MaxDeg )
273             wpow = k / MaxDeg2
274             vpow = MOD( k / MaxDeg, MaxDeg )
275           END SELECT
277           Element % BasisFunctions(i) % p(j) = upow
278           Element % BasisFunctions(i) % q(j) = vpow
279           Element % BasisFunctions(i) % r(j) = wpow
280           Element % BasisFunctions(i) % Coeff(j) = A(j,i)
281        END DO
282      END DO
284      DEALLOCATE( A )
286      IF ( Element % ElementCode == 202 ) THEN
287         ALLOCATE( A(14,14) )
288         A = 0
289         CALL Compute1DPBasis( A,14 )
291         DO i=3,14
292            ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % p(i) )
293            ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % q(i) )
294            ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % r(i) )
295            ALLOCATE( Element % BasisFunctions(i) % Coeff(i) )
297            k = 0
298            DO j=1,i
299               IF ( A(i,j) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
300                  k = k + 1
301                  Element % BasisFunctions(i) % p(k) = j-1
302                  Element % BasisFunctions(i) % q(k) = 0
303                  Element % BasisFunctions(i) % r(k) = 0
304                  Element % BasisFunctions(i) % Coeff(k) = A(i,j)
305               END IF
306            END DO
307            Element % BasisFunctions(i) % n = k
308         END DO
309         DEALLOCATE( A )
310      END IF
314      SELECT CASE( Element % ElementCode / 100 )
315        CASE(3)
316           Element % NumberOfEdges = 3
317        CASE(4)
318           Element % NumberOfEdges = 4
319        CASE(5)
320           Element % NumberOfFaces = 4
321           Element % NumberOfEdges = 6
322        CASE(6)
323           Element % NumberOfFaces = 5
324           Element % NumberOfEdges = 8
325        CASE(7)
326           Element % NumberOfFaces = 5
327           Element % NumberOfEdges = 9
328        CASE(8)
329           Element % NumberOfFaces = 6
330           Element % NumberOfEdges = 12
331      END SELECT
333      END IF ! type >= 200
336!     And finally add the element description to the global list of types
338      IF ( .NOT.TypeListInitialized ) THEN
339        ALLOCATE( ElementTypeList )
340        ElementTypeList = element
341        TypeListInitialized = .TRUE.
342        NULLIFY( ElementTypeList % NextElementType )
343      ELSE
344        ALLOCATE( temp )
345        temp = element
346        temp % NextElementType => ElementTypeList
347        ElementTypeList => temp
348      END IF
356!> Subroutine to compute 1D P-basis from Legendre polynomials.
358   SUBROUTINE Compute1DPBasis( Basis,n )
360     INTEGER :: n
361     REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(:,:)
363     REAL(KIND=dp)   :: s,P(n+1),Q(n),P0(n),P1(n+1)
364     INTEGER :: i,j,k,np,info
368     IF ( n <= 1 ) THEN
369        Basis(1,1)     = 1.0d0
370        RETURN
371     END IF
373! Compute coefficients of n:th Legendre polynomial from the recurrence:
375! (i+1)P_{i+1}(x) = (2i+1)*x*P_i(x) - i*P_{i-1}(x), P_{0} = 1; P_{1} = x;
377! CAVEAT: Computed coefficients inaccurate for n > ~15
379     P = 0
380     P0 = 0
381     P1 = 0
382     P0(1) = 1
383     P1(1) = 1
384     P1(2) = 0
386     Basis(1,1) =  0.5d0
387     Basis(1,2) = -0.5d0
389     Basis(2,1) =  0.5d0
390     Basis(2,2) =  0.5d0
392     DO k=2,n
393       IF ( k > 2 ) THEN
394          s = SQRT( (2.0d0*(k-1)-1) / 2.0d0 )
395          DO j=1,k-1
396             Basis(k,k-j+1) = s * P0(j) / (k-j)
397             Basis(k,1) = Basis(k,1) - s * P0(j)*(-1)**(j+1) / (k-j)
398          END DO
399       END IF
401       i = k - 1
402       P(1:i+1) = (2*i+1) * P1(1:i+1)  / (i+1)
403       P(3:i+2) = P(3:i+2) - i*P0(1:i) / (i+1)
404       P0(1:i+1) = P1(1:i+1)
405       P1(1:i+2) = P(1:i+2)
406     END DO
408 END SUBROUTINE Compute1DPBasis
411   END SUBROUTINE AddElementDescription
417!>   Read the element description input file and add the element types to a
418!>   global list. The file is assumed to be found under the name
419!>        $ELMER_HOME/lib/elements.def
420!>   This is the first routine the user of the element utilities should call
421!>   in his/her code.
423   SUBROUTINE InitializeElementDescriptions()
425!     Local variables
428      CHARACTER(LEN=MAX_STRING_LEN) :: tstr,elmer_home
430      INTEGER :: k, n
431      INTEGER, DIMENSION(MaxDeg3) :: BasisTerms
433      TYPE(ElementType_t) :: element
435      LOGICAL :: gotit, fexist
437!     PRINT*,' '
438!     PRINT*,'----------------------------------------------'
439!     PRINT*,'Reading element definition file: elements.def'
440!     PRINT*,'----------------------------------------------'
442      !
443      ! Add connectivity element types:
444      ! -------------------------------
445      BasisTerms = 0
446      element % GaussPoints  = 0
447      element % GaussPoints0 = 0
448      element % GaussPoints2 = 0
449      element % StabilizationMK = 0
450      DO k=3,64
451        element % NumberOfNodes = k
452        element % ElementCode = 100 + k
453        CALL AddElementDescription( element,BasisTerms )
454      END DO
456      ! then the rest of them....
457      !--------------------------
458      tstr = 'ELMER_LIB'
459      CALL envir( tstr,elmer_home,k )
461      fexist = .FALSE.
462      IF (  k > 0 ) THEN
463         WRITE( tstr, '(a,a)' ) elmer_home(1:k),'/elements.def'
464	 INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(tstr), EXIST=fexist)
465      END IF
466      IF (.NOT. fexist) THEN
467        tstr = 'ELMER_HOME'
468        CALL envir( tstr,elmer_home,k )
469        IF ( k > 0 ) THEN
470           WRITE( tstr, '(a,a)' ) elmer_home(1:k),&
472           INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(tstr), EXIST=fexist)
473        END IF
474        IF ((.NOT. fexist) .AND. k > 0) THEN
475           WRITE( tstr, '(a,a)' ) elmer_home(1:k),&
476                '/elements.def'
477           INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(tstr), EXIST=fexist)
478        END IF
479     END IF
480     IF (.NOT. fexist) THEN
481        CALL GetSolverHome(elmer_home, n)
482        WRITE(tstr, '(a,a)') elmer_home(1:n), &
483                             '/lib/elements.def'
484        INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(tstr), EXIST=fexist)
485     END IF
486     IF (.NOT. fexist) THEN
487        CALL Fatal('InitializeElementDescriptions', &
488             'elements.def not found')
489     END IF
491      OPEN( 1,FILE=TRIM(tstr), STATUS='OLD' )
494      DO WHILE( ReadAndTrim(1,str) )
496        IF ( SEQL(str, 'element') ) THEN
498          BasisTerms = 0
500          gotit = .FALSE.
501          DO WHILE( ReadAndTrim(1,str) )
503            IF ( SEQL(str, 'dimension') ) THEN
504              READ( str(10:), * ) element % DIMENSION
506            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'code') ) THEN
507              READ( str(5:), * ) element % ElementCode
509            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'nodes') ) THEN
510              READ( str(6:), * ) element % NumberOfNodes
512            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'node u') ) THEN
513              ALLOCATE( element % NodeU(element % NumberOfNodes) )
514              READ( str(7:), * ) (element % NodeU(k),k=1,element % NumberOfNodes)
516            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'node v') ) THEN
517              ALLOCATE( element % NodeV(element % NumberOfNodes) )
518              READ( str(7:), * ) (element % NodeV(k),k=1,element % NumberOfNodes)
520            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'node w') ) THEN
521              ALLOCATE( element % NodeW(element % NumberOfNodes ) )
522              READ( str(7:), * ) (element % NodeW(k),k=1,element % NumberOfNodes)
524            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'basis') ) THEN
525              READ( str(6:), * ) (BasisTerms(k),k=1,element % NumberOfNodes)
527            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'stabilization') ) THEN
528              READ( str(14:), * ) element % StabilizationMK
530            ELSE IF ( SEQL(str, 'gauss points') ) THEN
532              Element % GaussPoints2 = 0
533              READ( str(13:), *,END=10 ) element % GaussPoints,&
534                  element % GaussPoints2, element % GaussPoints0
53610            CONTINUE
538              IF ( Element % GaussPoints2 <= 0 ) &
539                   Element % GaussPoints2 = Element % GaussPoints
541              IF ( Element % GaussPoints0 <= 0 ) &
542                   Element % GaussPoints0 = Element % GaussPoints
544            ELSE IF ( str == 'end element' ) THEN
545              gotit = .TRUE.
546              EXIT
547            END IF
548          END DO
550          IF ( gotit ) THEN
551            Element % StabilizationMK = 0.0d0
552            IF ( .NOT.ALLOCATED( element % NodeV ) ) THEN
553              ALLOCATE( element % NodeV(element % NumberOfNodes) )
554              element % NodeV = 0.0d0
555            END IF
557            IF ( .NOT.ALLOCATED( element % NodeW ) ) THEN
558              ALLOCATE( element % NodeW(element % NumberOfNodes) )
559              element % NodeW = 0.0d0
560            END IF
562            CALL AddElementDescription( element,BasisTerms )
563            IF ( ALLOCATED( element % NodeU ) ) DEALLOCATE( element % NodeU )
564            IF ( ALLOCATED( element % NodeV ) ) DEALLOCATE( element % NodeV )
565            IF ( ALLOCATED( element % NodeW ) ) DEALLOCATE( element % NodeW )
566          ELSE
567            IF ( ALLOCATED( element % NodeU ) ) DEALLOCATE( element % NodeU )
568            IF ( ALLOCATED( element % NodeV ) ) DEALLOCATE( element % NodeV )
569            IF ( ALLOCATED( element % NodeW ) ) DEALLOCATE( element % NodeW )
570          END IF
571        END IF
572      END DO
574      CLOSE(1)
576   END SUBROUTINE InitializeElementDescriptions
582!>    Given element type code return pointer to the corresponding element type
583!>    structure.
585   FUNCTION GetElementType( code,CompStabFlag ) RESULT(element)
587      INTEGER :: code
588      LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: CompStabFlag
589      TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: element
591!     Local variables
593      TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
594      INTEGER :: sdim
595      TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Elm
597      element => ElementTypeList
599      DO WHILE( ASSOCIATED(element) )
600        IF ( code == element % ElementCode ) EXIT
601        element => element % NextElementType
602      END DO
604      IF ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED( element ) ) THEN
605        WRITE( message, * ) &
606             'Element type code ',code,' not found. Ignoring element.'
607        CALL Warn( 'GetElementType', message )
608        RETURN
609      END IF
611      IF ( PRESENT( CompStabFlag ) ) THEN
612        IF ( .NOT. CompStabFlag ) RETURN
613      END IF
615      IF ( Element % StabilizationMK == 0.0d0 ) THEN
616        ALLOCATE( Elm )
617        Elm % TYPE => element
618        Elm % BDOFs  = 0
619        Elm % DGDOFs = 0
620        NULLIFY( Elm % PDefs )
621        NULLIFY( Elm % DGIndexes )
622        NULLIFY( Elm % EdgeIndexes )
623        NULLIFY( Elm % FaceIndexes )
624        NULLIFY( Elm % BubbleIndexes )
625        Nodes % x => Element % NodeU
626        Nodes % y => Element % NodeV
627        Nodes % z => Element % NodeW
629        sdim = CurrentModel % Dimension
630        CurrentModel % Dimension = Element % Dimension
631        CALL StabParam( Elm, Nodes, Element % NumberOfNodes, &
632                 Element % StabilizationMK )
633        CurrentModel % Dimension = sdim
635        DEALLOCATE(Elm)
636      END IF
638   END FUNCTION GetElementType
643!> Compute convection diffusion equation stab. parameter  for each and every
644!> element of the model by solving the largest eigenvalue of
646!> Lu = \lambda Gu,
648!> L = (\nablda^2 u,\nabla^ w), G = (\nabla u,\nabla w)
650   SUBROUTINE StabParam(Element,Nodes,n,mK,hK,UseLongEdge)
654      TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Element
655      INTEGER :: n
656      TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
657      REAL(KIND=dp) :: mK
658      REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: hK
659      LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: UseLongEdge
661      INTEGER :: info,p,q,i,j,t,dim
662      REAL(KIND=dp) :: EIGR(n),EIGI(n),Beta(n),s,ddp(3),ddq(3),dNodalBasisdx(n,n,3)
663      REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w,L(n-1,n-1),G(n-1,n-1),Work(16*n)
664      REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(n),dBasisdx(n,3),ddBasisddx(n,3,3),detJ
666      LOGICAL :: stat
667      TYPE(GaussIntegrationPoints_t) :: IntegStuff
669      IF ( Element % TYPE % BasisFunctionDegree <= 1 ) THEN
670         SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % ElementCode )
671           CASE( 202, 303, 404, 504, 605, 706  )
672              mK = 1.0d0 / 3.0d0
673           CASE( 808 )
674              mK = 1.0d0 / 6.0d0
675         END SELECT
676         IF ( PRESENT( hK ) ) hK = ElementDiameter( Element, Nodes, UseLongEdge)
677         RETURN
678      END IF
680      dNodalBasisdx = 0._dp
681      DO p=1,n
682        u = Element % TYPE % NodeU(p)
683        v = Element % TYPE % NodeV(p)
684        w = Element % TYPE % NodeW(p)
685        stat = ElementInfo( Element, Nodes, u,v,w, detJ, Basis, dBasisdx )
686        dNodalBasisdx(1:n,p,:) = dBasisdx(1:n,:)
687      END DO
689      dim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
690      IntegStuff = GaussPoints( Element )
691      L = 0.0d0
692      G = 0.0d0
693      DO t=1,IntegStuff % n
694        u = IntegStuff % u(t)
695        v = IntegStuff % v(t)
696        w = IntegStuff % w(t)
698        stat = ElementInfo( Element,Nodes,u,v,w,detJ,Basis, &
699                dBasisdx )
701        s = detJ * IntegStuff % s(t)
703        DO p=2,n
704          DO q=2,n
705            ddp = 0.0d0
706            ddq = 0.0d0
707            DO i=1,dim
708              G(p-1,q-1) = G(p-1,q-1) + s * dBasisdx(p,i) * dBasisdx(q,i)
709              ddp(i) = ddp(i) + SUM( dNodalBasisdx(p,1:n,i) * dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
710              ddq(i) = ddq(i) + SUM( dNodalBasisdx(q,1:n,i) * dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
711            END DO
712            L(p-1,q-1) = L(p-1,q-1) + s * SUM(ddp) * SUM(ddq)
713          END DO
714        END DO
715      END DO
717      IF ( ALL(ABS(L) < AEPS) ) THEN
718        mK = 1.0d0 / 3.0d0
719        IF ( PRESENT(hK) ) THEN
720          hK = ElementDiameter( Element,Nodes,UseLongEdge)
721        END IF
722        RETURN
723      END IF
726      CALL DSYGV( 1,'N','U',n-1,L,n-1,G,n-1,EIGR,Work,12*n,info )
727      mK = EIGR(n-1)
729      IF ( mK < 10*AEPS ) THEN
730        mK = 1.0d0 / 3.0d0
731        IF ( PRESENT(hK) ) THEN
732          hK = ElementDiameter( Element,Nodes,UseLongEdge )
733        END IF
734        RETURN
735      END IF
737      IF ( PRESENT( hK ) ) THEN
738        hK = SQRT( 2.0d0 / (mK * Element % TYPE % StabilizationMK) )
739        mK = MIN( 1.0d0 / 3.0d0, Element % TYPE % StabilizationMK )
740      ELSE
741        SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
742        CASE(2,4,8)
743          mK = 4 * mK
744        END SELECT
745        mK = MIN( 1.0d0/3.0d0, 2/mK )
746      END IF
749   END SUBROUTINE StabParam
754!>   Given element structure return value of a quantity x given at element nodes
755!>   at local coordinate point u inside the element. Element basis functions are
756!>   used to compute the value. This is for 1D elements, and shouldn't probably
757!>   be called directly by the user but through the wrapper routine
758!>   InterpolateInElement.
760   FUNCTION InterpolateInElement1D( element,x,u ) RESULT(y)
762     TYPE(Element_t) :: element  !< element structure
763     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u          !< Point at which to evaluate the value
764     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity whose value we want to know
765     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y = x(u)
767!    Local variables
769     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
770     INTEGER :: i,j,k,n
771     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
772     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
773     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:)
774     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
777     elt => element % TYPE
778     k = Elt % NumberOfNodes
779     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
781     y = 0.0d0
782     DO n=1,k
783       IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
784          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
785          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
787          s = 0.0d0
788          DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
789            IF (p(i)==0) THEN
790              s = s + Coeff(i)
791            ELSE
792              s = s + Coeff(i) * u**p(i)
793            END if
794          END DO
795          y = y + s * x(n)
796       END IF
797     END DO
798   END FUNCTION InterpolateInElement1D
803   SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions1D( y,element,u )
805     TYPE(Element_t) :: element  !< element structure
806     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u          !< Point at which to evaluate the value
807     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y(:)       !< value of the quantity y = x(u)
810!    Local variables
812     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
813     INTEGER :: i,n
814     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
815     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
816     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:)
817     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
820     elt => element % TYPE
821     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
823     DO n=1,Elt % NumberOfNodes
824       p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
825       Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
827       s = 0.0d0
828       DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
829         IF (p(i)==0) THEN
830           s = s + Coeff(i)
831         ELSE
832           s = s + Coeff(i) * u**p(i)
833         END if
834       END DO
835       y(n) = s
836     END DO
837   END SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions1D
843!>   Given element structure return value of the first partial derivative with
844!>   respect to local coordinate of a quantity x given at element nodes at local
845!>   coordinate point u inside the element. Element basis functions are used to
846!>   compute the value.
848   FUNCTION FirstDerivative1D( element,x,u ) RESULT(y)
850     TYPE(Element_t) :: element         !< element structure
851     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u                 !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
852     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x   !< Nodal values of the quantity whose partial derivative we want to know
853     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                 !< value of the quantity y = @x/@u
855!    Local variables
857     INTEGER :: i,j,k,n,l
858     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
859     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
860     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
861     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:)
862     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
864     elt => element % TYPE
865     k = Elt % NumberOfNodes
866     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
868     y = 0.0d0
869     DO n=1,k
870       IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
871          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
872          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
874          s = 0.0d0
875          DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
876             IF ( p(i) >= 1 ) THEN
877                s = s + p(i) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-1)
878             END IF
879          END DO
880          y = y + s * x(n)
881       END IF
882     END DO
883   END FUNCTION FirstDerivative1D
888   SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives1D( y,element,u )
890     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u          !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
891     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y(:,:)     !< value of the quantity y = @x/@u
892     TYPE(Element_t) :: element  !< element structure
894!    Local variables
896     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
897     INTEGER :: i,n
898     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
900     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
901     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:)
902     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
904     elt => element % TYPE
905     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
907     DO n=1, Elt % NumberOfNodes
908        p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
909        Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
911        s = 0.0d0
912        DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
913           IF (p(i)>=1) s = s + p(i)*Coeff(i)*u**(p(i)-1)
914        END DO
915        y(n,1) = s
916     END DO
917   END SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives1D
923!>   Given element structure return value of the second partial derivative with
924!>   respect to local coordinate of a quantity x given at element nodes at local
925!>   coordinate point u inside the element. Element basis functions are used to
926!>   compute the value.
928   FUNCTION SecondDerivatives1D( element,x,u ) RESULT(y)
930     TYPE(Element_t) :: element          !< element structure
931     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u                  !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
932     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x    !< Nodal values of the quantity whose partial derivative we want to know
933     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                  !< value of the quantity y = @x/@u
935!    Local variables
937     REAL(KIND=dp) :: usum
938     INTEGER :: i,j,k,n
939     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
940     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
941     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
942     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
943     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
945     elt => element % TYPE
946     k = Elt % NumberOfNodes
947     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
949     y = 0.0d0
950     DO n=1,k
951       IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
952          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
953          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
955          s = 0.0d0
956          DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
957             IF ( p(i) >= 2 ) THEN
958                s = s + p(i) * (p(i)-1) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-2)
959             END IF
960          END DO
961          y = y + s * x(n)
962       END IF
963     END DO
964   END FUNCTION SecondDerivatives1D
970!>   Given element structure return the value of a quantity x known at element nodes
971!>   at local coordinate point (u,v) inside the element. Element basis functions
972!>   are used to compute the value. This is for 2D elements, and shouldn't probably
973!>   be called directly by the user but through the wrapper routine
974!>   InterpolateInElement.
976   FUNCTION InterpolateInElement2D( element,x,u,v ) RESULT(y)
978     TYPE(Element_t) :: element          !< element structure
979     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u                  !< u at the point where the quantity is evaluated
980     REAL(KIND=dp) :: v                  !< v at the point where the quantity is evaluated
981     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x    !< Nodal values of the quantity
982     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                  !< The value of the quantity y = x(u,v)
984!    Local variables
986      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
988      INTEGER :: i,j,k,m,n
990      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
991      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
992      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
993      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
996      elt => element % TYPE
997      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
999      y = 0.0d0
1000      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1001        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1002          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1003          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1004          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1006          s = 0.0d0
1007          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1008             s = s + Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**q(i)
1009          END DO
1010          y = y + s*x(n)
1011        END IF
1012      END DO
1014   END FUNCTION InterpolateInElement2D
1019   SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions2D( y,element,u,v )
1021     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y(:)       !< The values of the reference element basis
1022     TYPE(Element_t) :: element  !< element structure
1023     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u          !< Point at which to evaluate the value
1024     REAL(KIND=dp) :: v          !< Point at which to evaluate the value
1026!    Local variables
1028     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
1029     INTEGER :: i,n
1030     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
1031     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1032     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
1033     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1035     REAL(KIND=dp) :: ult(0:6), vlt(0:6)
1037     elt => element % TYPE
1038     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1040     ult(0) = 1
1041     ult(1) = u
1043     vlt(0) = 1
1044     vlt(1) = v
1046     DO i=2,elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1047       ult(i) = u**i
1048       vlt(i) = v**i
1049     END DO
1051     DO n=1,Elt % NumberOfNodes
1052       p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1053       q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1054       Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1056       s = 0.0d0
1057       DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1058          s = s + Coeff(i)*ult(p(i))*vlt(q(i))
1059       END DO
1060       y(n) = s
1061     END DO
1062   END SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions2D
1068!>   Given element structure return the value of the first partial derivative with
1069!>   respect to local coordinate u of a quantity x given at element nodes at local
1070!>   coordinate point u,v inside the element. Element basis functions are used to
1071!>   compute the value.
1073   FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInU2D( element,x,u,v ) RESULT(y)
1075      TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1076      REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v              !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1077      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to derivate
1078      REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y = @x(u,v)/@u
1080!    Local variables
1082      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1083      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1084      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1085      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
1086      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1087      INTEGER :: i,j,k,m,n
1089      elt => element % TYPE
1090      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1092      y = 0.0d0
1093      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1094        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1095          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1096          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1097          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1099          s = 0.0d0
1100          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1101             IF ( p(i) >= 1 ) THEN
1102               s = s + p(i) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-1) * v**q(i)
1103            END IF
1104          END DO
1105          y = y + s*x(n)
1106        END IF
1107      END DO
1109   END FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInU2D
1115!>   Given element structure return value of the first partial derivative with
1116!>   respect to local coordinate v of i quantity x given at element nodes at local
1117!>   coordinate point u,v inside the element. Element basis functions are used to
1118!>   compute the value.
1120   FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInV2D( element,x,u,v ) RESULT(y)
1122     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1123     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v              !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1124     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to derivate
1125     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y = @x(u,v)/@u
1127!    Local variables
1129      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1130      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1131      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1132      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
1133      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1135      INTEGER :: i,j,k,m,n
1137      elt => element % TYPE
1138      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1140      y = 0.0d0
1141      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1142        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1143          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1144          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1145          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1147          s = 0.0d0
1148          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1149             IF ( q(i) >= 1  ) THEN
1150                s = s + q(i) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**(q(i)-1)
1151             END IF
1152          END DO
1153          y = y + s*x(n)
1154        END IF
1155      END DO
1157   END FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInV2D
1162   SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives2D( y,element,u,v )
1164     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1165     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v              !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1166     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y(:,:)           !< value of the quantity y = @x(u,v)/@u
1168!    Local variables
1170      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1171      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1172      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1173      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
1174      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1176      INTEGER :: i,n
1178      REAL(KIND=dp) :: ult(0:6), vlt(0:6)
1180      elt => element % TYPE
1181      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1183      ult(0) = 1
1184      ult(1) = u
1186      vlt(0) = 1
1187      vlt(1) = v
1189      DO i=2,elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1190        ult(i) = u**i
1191        vlt(i) = v**i
1192      END DO
1195      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1196        p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1197        q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1198        Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1200        s = 0.0d0
1201        t = 0.0d0
1202        DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1203          IF (p(i)>=1) s = s + p(i)*Coeff(i)*ult(p(i)-1)*vlt(q(i))
1204          IF (q(i)>=1) t = t + q(i)*Coeff(i)*ult(p(i))*vlt(q(i)-1)
1205        END DO
1206        y(n,1) = s
1207        y(n,2) = t
1208      END DO
1210   END SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives2D
1216!>   Given element structure return value of the second partial derivatives with
1217!>   respect to local coordinates of a quantity x given at element nodes at local
1218!>   coordinate point u,v inside the element. Element basis functions are used to
1219!>   compute the value.
1221   FUNCTION SecondDerivatives2D( element,x,u,v ) RESULT(ddx)
1223     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1224     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v              !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1225     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to derivate
1226     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION (2,2) :: ddx !< value of the quantity ddx = @^2x(u,v)/@v^2
1228!    Local variables
1230      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1231      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1232      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1233      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:)
1234      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1235      INTEGER :: i,j,k,n,m
1238      elt => element % TYPE
1239      k = elt % NumberOfNodes
1240      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1242      ddx = 0.0d0
1244      DO n = 1,k
1245        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1246          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1247          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1248          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1250!         @^2x/@u^2
1252          s = 0.0d0
1253          DO i = 1, BasisFunctions(n) % n
1254             IF ( p(i) >= 2 ) THEN
1255                s = s + p(i) * (p(i)-1) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-2) * v**q(i)
1256             END IF
1257          END DO
1258          ddx(1,1) = ddx(1,1) + s*x(n)
1261!         @^2x/@u@v
1263          s = 0.0d0
1264          DO i = 1, BasisFunctions(n) % n
1265              IF ( p(i) >= 1 .AND. q(i) >= 1 ) THEN
1266                 s = s + p(i) * q(i) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-1) * v**(q(i)-1)
1267              END IF
1268          END DO
1269          ddx(1,2) = ddx(1,2) + s*x(n)
1272!         @^2x/@v^2
1274          s = 0.0d0
1275          DO i = 1, BasisFunctions(n) % n
1276             IF ( q(i) >= 2 ) THEN
1277                s = s + q(i) * (q(i)-1) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**(q(i)-2)
1278             END IF
1279          END DO
1280          ddx(2,2) = ddx(2,2) + s*x(n)
1281        END IF
1282      END DO
1284      ddx(2,1) = ddx(1,2)
1286   END FUNCTION SecondDerivatives2D
1292!>   Given element structure return value of a quantity x given at element nodes
1293!>   at local coordinate point (u,v,w) inside the element. Element basis functions
1294!>   are used to compute the value. This is for 3D elements, and shouldn't probably
1295!>   be called directly by the user but through the wrapper routine
1296!>   InterpolateInElement.
1298   FUNCTION InterpolateInElement3D( element,x,u,v,w ) RESULT(y)
1300     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1301     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w            !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1302     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to derivate
1303     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y = x(u,v,w)
1305!    Local variables
1307      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1308      INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,n,m
1309      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1310      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:), r(:)
1311      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1312      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1315      elt => element % TYPE
1316      l = elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1317      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1319      IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 605 ) THEN
1320        s = 0.0d0
1321        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1322        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1324        y = 0.0d0
1325        y = y + x(1) * ( (1-u) * (1-v) - w + u*v*w * s ) / 4
1326        y = y + x(2) * ( (1+u) * (1-v) - w - u*v*w * s ) / 4
1327        y = y + x(3) * ( (1+u) * (1+v) - w + u*v*w * s ) / 4
1328        y = y + x(4) * ( (1-u) * (1+v) - w - u*v*w * s ) / 4
1329        y = y + x(5) * w
1330        RETURN
1331      ELSE IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 613 ) THEN
1332        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1333        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1335        y = 0.0d0
1336        y = y + x(1)  * (-u-v-1) * ( (1-u) * (1-v) - w + u*v*w * s ) / 4
1337        y = y + x(2)  * ( u-v-1) * ( (1+u) * (1-v) - w - u*v*w * s ) / 4
1338        y = y + x(3)  * ( u+v-1) * ( (1+u) * (1+v) - w + u*v*w * s ) / 4
1339        y = y + x(4)  * (-u+v-1) * ( (1-u) * (1+v) - w - u*v*w * s ) / 4
1340        y = y + x(5)  * w*(2*w-1)
1341        y = y + x(6)  * (1+u-w)*(1-u-w)*(1-v-w) * s / 2
1342        y = y + x(7)  * (1+v-w)*(1-v-w)*(1+u-w) * s / 2
1343        y = y + x(8)  * (1+u-w)*(1-u-w)*(1+v-w) * s / 2
1344        y = y + x(9)  * (1+v-w)*(1-v-w)*(1-u-w) * s / 2
1345        y = y + x(10) * w * (1-u-w) * (1-v-w) * s
1346        y = y + x(11) * w * (1+u-w) * (1-v-w) * s
1347        y = y + x(12) * w * (1+u-w) * (1+v-w) * s
1348        y = y + x(13) * w * (1-u-w) * (1+v-w) * s
1349        RETURN
1350      END IF
1352      y = 0.0d0
1353      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1354        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1355          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1356          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1357          r => BasisFunctions(n) % r
1358          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1360          s = 0.0d0
1361          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1362             s = s + Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**q(i) * w**r(i)
1363          END DO
1364          y = y + s*x(n)
1365        END IF
1366      END DO
1368   END FUNCTION InterpolateInElement3D
1373   SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions3D( y,element,u,v,w )
1375     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1376     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w            !< Point at which to evaluate the basis functions
1377     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y(:)             !< The values of the basis functions
1379!    Local variables
1381     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
1383     INTEGER :: i,n
1385     TYPE(ElementType_t), POINTER :: elt
1387     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1388     INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:),r(:)
1389     TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1391     REAL(KIND=dp) :: ult(0:6), vlt(0:6), wlt(0:6)
1393     elt => element % TYPE
1394     BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1396     ult(0) = 1
1397     ult(1) = u
1399     vlt(0) = 1
1400     vlt(1) = v
1402     wlt(0) = 1
1403     wlt(1) = w
1405     DO i=2,elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1406       ult(i) = u**i
1407       vlt(i) = v**i
1408       wlt(i) = w**i
1409     END DO
1411     DO n=1,Elt % NumberOfNodes
1412       p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1413       q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1414       r => BasisFunctions(n) % r
1415       Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1417       s = 0.0d0
1418       DO i=1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1419          s = s + Coeff(i)*ult(p(i))*vlt(q(i))*wlt(r(i))
1420       END DO
1421       y(n) = s
1422     END DO
1423   END SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions3D
1428!>   Given element structure return value of the first partial derivative with
1429!>   respect to local coordinate u of a quantity x given at element nodes at
1430!>   local coordinate point u,v,w inside the element. Element basis functions
1431!>   are used to compute the value.
1433   FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInU3D( element,x,u,v,w ) RESULT(y)
1435     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1436     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w            !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1437     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to be derivated
1438     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y =  @x(u,v,w)/@u
1440!    Local variables
1442      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1443      INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,n,m
1444      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1445      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:), r(:)
1446      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1447      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1449      elt => element % TYPE
1450      l = elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1451      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1453      IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 605 ) THEN
1454        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1455        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1457        y = 0.0d0
1458        y = y + x(1) * ( -(1-v) + v*w * s ) / 4
1459        y = y + x(2) * (  (1-v) - v*w * s ) / 4
1460        y = y + x(3) * (  (1+v) + v*w * s ) / 4
1461        y = y + x(4) * ( -(1+v) - v*w * s ) / 4
1462        RETURN
1463      ELSE IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 613 ) THEN
1464        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1465        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1467        y = 0.0d0
1468        y = y + x(1)  * ( -( (1-u) * (1-v) - w + u*v*w * s ) + &
1469            (-u-v-1) * ( -(1-v) + v*w * s ) ) / 4
1471        y = y + x(2)  * (  ( (1+u) * (1-v) - w - u*v*w * s ) + &
1472            ( u-v-1) * (  (1-v) - v*w * s ) ) / 4
1474        y = y + x(3)  * (  ( (1+u) * (1+v) - w + u*v*w * s ) + &
1475            ( u+v-1) * (  (1+v) + v*w * s ) ) / 4
1477        y = y + x(4)  * ( -( (1-u) * (1+v) - w - u*v*w * s ) + &
1478            (-u+v-1) * ( -(1+v) - v*w * s ) ) / 4
1480        y = y + x(5)  * 0.0d0
1482        y = y + x(6)  * (  (1-u-w)*(1-v-w) - (1+u-w)*(1-v-w) ) * s / 2
1483        y = y + x(7)  * (  (1+v-w)*(1-v-w) ) * s / 2
1484        y = y + x(8)  * (  (1-u-w)*(1+v-w) - (1+u-w)*(1+v-w) ) * s / 2
1485        y = y + x(9)  * ( -(1+v-w)*(1-v-w) ) * s / 2
1487        y = y - x(10) * w * (1-v-w) * s
1488        y = y + x(11) * w * (1-v-w) * s
1489        y = y + x(12) * w * (1+v-w) * s
1490        y = y - x(13) * w * (1+v-w) * s
1492        RETURN
1493      END IF
1495      y = 0.0d0
1496      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1497        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1498          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1499          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1500          r => BasisFunctions(n) % r
1501          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1503          s = 0.0d0
1504          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1505             IF ( p(i) >= 1  ) THEN
1506                s = s + p(i) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-1) * v**q(i) * w**r(i)
1507             END IF
1508          END DO
1509          y = y + s*x(n)
1510        END IF
1511      END DO
1513   END FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInU3D
1519!>   Given element structure return value of the first partial derivative with
1520!>   respect to local coordinate v of a quantity x given at element nodes at
1521!>   local coordinate point u,v,w inside the element. Element basis functions
1522!>   are used to compute the value.
1524   FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInV3D( element,x,u,v,w ) RESULT(y)
1526     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1527     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w            !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1528     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to be derivated
1529     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y =  @x(u,v,w)/@v
1531!    Local variables
1533      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1534      INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,n,m
1535      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1536      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:), r(:)
1537      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1538      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1540      elt => element % TYPE
1541      l = elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1542      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1544      IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 605 ) THEN
1545        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1546        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1548        y = 0.0d0
1549        y = y + x(1) * ( -(1-u) + u*w * s ) / 4
1550        y = y + x(2) * ( -(1+u) - u*w * s ) / 4
1551        y = y + x(3) * (  (1+u) + u*w * s ) / 4
1552        y = y + x(4) * (  (1-u) - u*w * s ) / 4
1554        RETURN
1555      ELSE IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 613 ) THEN
1556        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1557        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1559        y = 0.0d0
1560        y = y + x(1)  * ( -( (1-u) * (1-v) - w + u*v*w * s ) +  &
1561            (-u-v-1) * ( -(1-u) + u*w * s ) ) / 4
1563        y = y + x(2)  * ( -( (1+u) * (1-v) - w - u*v*w * s ) + &
1564            ( u-v-1) * ( -(1+u) - u*w * s ) ) / 4
1566        y = y + x(3)  * (  ( (1+u) * (1+v) - w + u*v*w * s ) + &
1567            ( u+v-1) * (  (1+u) + u*w * s ) ) / 4
1569        y = y + x(4)  * (  ( (1-u) * (1+v) - w - u*v*w * s ) + &
1570            (-u+v-1) * (  (1-u) - u*w * s ) ) / 4
1572        y = y + x(5)  * 0.0d0
1574        y = y - x(6)  *  (1+u-w)*(1-u-w) * s / 2
1575        y = y + x(7)  * ( (1-v-w)*(1+u-w) - (1+v-w)*(1+u-w) ) * s / 2
1576        y = y + x(8)  *  (1+u-w)*(1-u-w) * s / 2
1577        y = y + x(9)  * ( (1-v-w)*(1-u-w) - (1+v-w)*(1-u-w) ) * s / 2
1579        y = y - x(10) *  w * (1-u-w) * s
1580        y = y - x(11) *  w * (1+u-w) * s
1581        y = y + x(12) *  w * (1+u-w) * s
1582        y = y + x(13) *  w * (1-u-w) * s
1583        RETURN
1584      END IF
1586      y = 0.0d0
1587      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1588        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1589          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1590          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1591          r => BasisFunctions(n) % r
1592          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1594          s = 0.0d0
1595          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1596             IF ( q(i) >= 1  ) THEN
1597                s = s + q(i) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**(q(i)-1) * w**r(i)
1598             END IF
1599          END DO
1600          y = y + s*x(n)
1601        END IF
1602      END DO
1603   END FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInV3D
1609!>   Given element structure return value of the first partial derivatives with
1610!>   respect to local coordinate w of a quantity x given at element nodes at
1611!>   local coordinate point u,v,w inside the element. Element basis functions
1612!>   are used to compute the value.
1614   FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInW3D( element,x,u,v,w ) RESULT(y)
1616     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1617     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w            !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1618     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x  !< Nodal values of the quantity to be derivated
1619     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y                !< value of the quantity y =  @x(u,v,w)/@w
1621!    Local variables
1623      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1624      INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,n,m
1625      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t
1626      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:), r(:)
1627      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1628      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1630      elt => element % TYPE
1631      l = elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1632      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1634      IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 605 ) THEN
1635        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1636        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1638        y = 0.0d0
1639        y = y + x(1) * ( -1 + u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1640        y = y + x(2) * ( -1 - u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1641        y = y + x(3) * ( -1 + u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1642        y = y + x(4) * ( -1 - u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1643        y = y + x(5)
1644        RETURN
1645      ELSE IF ( Elt % ElementCode == 613 ) THEN
1646        IF ( w == 1 ) w = 1.0d0-1.0d-12
1647        s = 1.0d0 / (1-w)
1649        y = 0.0d0
1650        y = y + x(1)  * (-u-v-1) * ( -1 + u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1651        y = y + x(2)  * ( u-v-1) * ( -1 - u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1652        y = y + x(3)  * ( u+v-1) * ( -1 + u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1653        y = y + x(4)  * (-u+v-1) * ( -1 - u*v*s**2 ) / 4
1655        y = y + x(5)  * (4*w-1)
1657        y = y + x(6)  * ( ( -(1-u-w)*(1-v-w) - (1+u-w)*(1-v-w) - (1+u-w)*(1-u-w) ) * s + &
1658            ( 1+u-w)*(1-u-w)*(1-v-w) * s**2 ) / 2
1660        y = y + x(7)  * ( ( -(1-v-w)*(1+u-w) - (1+v-w)*(1+u-w) - (1+v-w)*(1-v-w) ) * s + &
1661            ( 1+v-w)*(1-v-w)*(1+u-w) * s**2 ) / 2
1663        y = y + x(8)  * ( ( -(1-u-w)*(1+v-w) - (1+u-w)*(1+v-w) - (1+u-w)*(1-u-w) ) * s + &
1664            ( 1+u-w)*(1-u-w)*(1+v-w) * s**2 ) / 2
1666        y = y + x(9)  * ( ( -(1-v-w)*(1-u-w) - (1+v-w)*(1-u-w) - (1+v-w)*(1-v-w) ) * s + &
1667            ( 1+v-w)*(1-v-w)*(1-u-w) * s**2 ) / 2
1669        y = y + x(10) * ( ( (1-u-w) * (1-v-w) - w * (1-v-w) - w * (1-u-w) ) * s  + &
1670            w * (1-u-w) * (1-v-w) * s**2 )
1672        y = y + x(11) * ( ( (1+u-w) * (1-v-w) - w * (1-v-w) - w * (1+u-w) ) * s  + &
1673            w * (1+u-w) * (1-v-w) * s**2 )
1675        y = y + x(12) * ( ( (1+u-w) * (1+v-w) - w * (1+v-w) - w * (1+u-w) ) * s  + &
1676            w * (1+u-w) * (1+v-w) * s**2 )
1678        y = y + x(13) * ( ( (1-u-w) * (1+v-w) - w * (1+v-w) - w * (1-u-w) ) * s  + &
1679            w * (1-u-w) * (1+v-w) * s**2 )
1680        RETURN
1681      END IF
1683      y = 0.0d0
1684      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1685        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1686          p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1687          q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1688          r => BasisFunctions(n) % r
1689          Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1691          s = 0.0d0
1692          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1693             IF ( r(i) >= 1  ) THEN
1694                s = s + r(i) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**q(i) * w**(r(i)-1)
1695             END IF
1696          END DO
1697          y = y + s*x(n)
1698        END IF
1699      END DO
1701   END FUNCTION FirstDerivativeInW3D
1706! Return first partial derivative in u of a quantity x at point (u,v,w)
1708   SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives3D( y,element,u,v,w )
1710     TYPE(Element_t) :: element        !< element structure
1711     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w            !< Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1712     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y(:,:)           !< value of the quantity y =  @x(u,v,w)/@u
1714!    Local variables
1716      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s,t,z
1717      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1718      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1719      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:),q(:),r(:)
1720      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1721      INTEGER :: i,n
1722      REAL(KIND=dp) :: ult(0:6), vlt(0:6), wlt(0:6)
1724      elt => element % TYPE
1725      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1727      ult(0) = 1
1728      ult(1) = u
1730      vlt(0) = 1
1731      vlt(1) = v
1733      wlt(0) = 1
1734      wlt(1) = w
1736      DO i=2,elt % BasisFunctionDegree
1737        ult(i) = u**i
1738        vlt(i) = v**i
1739        wlt(i) = w**i
1740      END DO
1742      DO n = 1,elt % NumberOfNodes
1743        p => BasisFunctions(n) % p
1744        q => BasisFunctions(n) % q
1745        r => BasisFunctions(n) % r
1746        Coeff => BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1748        s = 0.0d0
1749        t = 0.0d0
1750        z = 0.0d0
1751        DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1752          IF (p(i)>=1) s = s + p(i)*Coeff(i)*ult(p(i)-1)*vlt(q(i))*wlt(r(i))
1753          IF (q(i)>=1) t = t + q(i)*Coeff(i)*ult(p(i))*vlt(q(i)-1)*wlt(r(i))
1754          IF (r(i)>=1) z = z + r(i)*Coeff(i)*ult(p(i))*vlt(q(i))*wlt(r(i)-1)
1755        END DO
1756        y(n,1) = s
1757        y(n,2) = t
1758        y(n,3) = z
1759      END DO
1760   END SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives3D
1766!>   Given element structure return value of the second partial derivatives with
1767!>   respect to local coordinates of i quantity x given at element nodes at local
1768!>   coordinate point u,v inside the element. Element basis functions are used to
1769!>   compute the value.
1771   FUNCTION SecondDerivatives3D( element,x,u,v,w ) RESULT(ddx)
1775!   Type(Element_t) :: element
1776!     INPUT: element structure
1778!    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x(:)
1779!     INPUT: Nodal values of the quantity whose partial derivatives we want to know
1781!    REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v
1782!     INPUT: Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
1785!     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
1786!      value of the quantity s = @^2x(u,v)/@v^2
1789   !
1790   !  Return matrix of second partial derivatives.
1791   !
1794      TYPE(Element_t) :: element
1796      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:) :: x
1797      REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w
1800!    Local variables
1802      TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
1803      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION (3,3) :: ddx
1804      TYPE(BasisFunctions_t), POINTER :: BasisFunctions(:)
1806      REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER :: Coeff(:)
1807      INTEGER, POINTER :: p(:), q(:), r(:)
1809      REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
1810      INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,n,m
1813      elt => element % TYPE
1814      k = elt % NumberOfNodes
1815      BasisFunctions => elt % BasisFunctions
1817      ddx = 0.0d0
1819      DO n = 1,k
1820        IF ( x(n) /= 0.0d0 ) THEN
1821          p => elt % BasisFunctions(n) % p
1822          q => elt % BasisFunctions(n) % q
1823          r => elt % BasisFunctions(n) % r
1824          Coeff => elt % BasisFunctions(n) % Coeff
1826!         @^2x/@u^2
1828          s = 0.0d0
1829          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1830             IF ( p(i) >= 2 ) THEN
1831                s = s + p(i) * (p(i)-1) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-2) * v**q(i) * w**r(i)
1832             END IF
1833          END DO
1834          ddx(1,1) = ddx(1,1) + s*x(n)
1837!         @^2x/@u@v
1839          s = 0.0d0
1840          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1841              IF (  p(i) >= 1 .AND. q(i) >= 1 ) THEN
1842                 s = s + p(i) * q(i) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-1) * v**(q(i)-1) * w**r(i)
1843              END IF
1844          END DO
1845          ddx(1,2) = ddx(1,2) + s*x(n)
1848!         @^2x/@u@w
1850          s = 0.0d0
1851          DO i = 2,k
1852              IF (  p(i) >= 1 .AND. r(i) >= 1 ) THEN
1853                 s = s + p(i) * r(i) * Coeff(i) * u**(p(i)-1) * v**q(i) * w**(r(i)-1)
1854              END IF
1855          END DO
1856          ddx(1,3) = ddx(1,3) + s*x(n)
1859!         @^2x/@v^2
1861          s = 0.0d0
1862          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1863             IF ( q(i) >= 2 ) THEN
1864                s = s + q(i) * (q(i)-1) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**(q(i)-2) * w**r(i)
1865             END IF
1866          END DO
1867          ddx(2,2) = ddx(2,2) + s*x(n)
1870!         @^2x/@v@w
1872          s = 0.0d0
1873          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1874              IF (  q(i) >= 1 .AND. r(i) >= 1 ) THEN
1875                 s = s + q(i) * r(i) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**(q(i)-1) * w**(r(i)-1)
1876              END IF
1877          END DO
1878          ddx(2,3) = ddx(2,3) + s*x(n)
1881!         @^2x/@w^2
1883          s = 0.0d0
1884          DO i = 1,BasisFunctions(n) % n
1885             IF ( r(i) >= 2 ) THEN
1886                s = s + r(i) * (r(i)-1) * Coeff(i) * u**p(i) * v**q(i) * w**(r(i)-2)
1887             END IF
1888          END DO
1889          ddx(3,3) = ddx(3,3) + s*x(n)
1891        END IF
1892      END DO
1894      ddx(2,1) = ddx(1,2)
1895      ddx(3,1) = ddx(1,3)
1896      ddx(3,2) = ddx(2,3)
1898   END FUNCTION SecondDerivatives3D
1902!>  Return the values of the reference element basis functions. In the case of
1903!>  p-element, the values of the lowest-order basis functions corresponding
1904!>  to the background mesh are returned.
1906   SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions( n, Basis, element, u, v, w)
1908     INTEGER :: n                 !< The number of (background) element nodes
1909     REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(:)    !< The values of reference element basis
1910     TYPE(Element_t) :: element   !< The element structure
1911     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w       !< The coordinates of the reference element point
1913     INTEGER   :: i, q, dim
1914     REAL(KIND=dp) :: NodalBasis(n)
1916     dim = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
1918     IF ( isActivePElement(Element) ) THEN
1919       SELECT CASE(dim)
1920       CASE(1)
1921         CALL NodalBasisFunctions1D( Basis, element, u )
1922       CASE(2)
1923         IF (isPTriangle(Element)) THEN
1924           DO q=1,n
1925             Basis(q) = TriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
1926           END DO
1927         ELSE IF (isPQuad(Element)) THEN
1928           DO q=1,n
1929             Basis(q) = QuadNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
1930           END DO
1931         END IF
1932       CASE(3)
1933         IF (isPTetra( Element )) THEN
1934           DO q=1,n
1935             Basis(q) = TetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
1936           END DO
1937         ELSE IF (isPWedge( Element )) THEN
1938           DO q=1,n
1939             Basis(q) = WedgeNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
1940           END DO
1941         ELSE IF (isPPyramid( Element )) THEN
1942           DO q=1,n
1943             Basis(q) = PyramidNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
1944           END DO
1945         ELSE IF (isPBrick( Element )) THEN
1946           DO q=1,n
1947             Basis(q) = BrickNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
1948           END DO
1949         END IF
1950       END SELECT
1951     ELSE
1952       SELECT CASE( dim )
1953       CASE(1)
1954         CALL NodalBasisFunctions1D( Basis, element, u )
1955       CASE(2)
1956         CALL NodalBasisFunctions2D( Basis, element, u,v )
1957       CASE(3)
1958         IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode/100==6 ) THEN
1959           NodalBasis=0
1960           DO q=1,n
1961             NodalBasis(q)  = 1.0d0
1962             Basis(q) = InterpolateInElement3D( element, NodalBasis, u,v,w )
1963             NodalBasis(q)  = 0.0d0
1964           END DO
1965         ELSE
1966           CALL NodalBasisFunctions3D( Basis, element, u,v,w )
1967         END IF
1968       END SELECT
1969     END IF
1971   END SUBROUTINE NodalBasisFunctions
1975!>  Return the gradient of the reference element basis functions, with the
1976!>  gradient taken with respect to the reference element coordinates. In the case
1977!>  of p-element, the gradients of the lowest-order basis functions corresponding
1978!>  to the background mesh are returned.
1980   SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives( n, dLBasisdx, element, u, v, w)
1982     INTEGER :: n                    !< The number of (background) element nodes
1983     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLBasisdx(:,:) !< The gradient of reference element basis functions
1984     TYPE(Element_t) :: element      !< The element structure
1985     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w          !< The coordinates of the reference element point
1987     INTEGER   :: i, q, dim
1988     REAL(KIND=dp) :: NodalBasis(n)
1990     dim = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
1992     IF ( IsActivePElement(Element) ) THEN
1993       SELECT CASE(dim)
1994       CASE(1)
1995         CALL NodalFirstDerivatives1D( dLBasisdx, element, u )
1996       CASE(2)
1997         IF (isPTriangle(Element)) THEN
1998           DO q=1,n
1999             dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
2000           END DO
2001         ELSE IF (isPQuad(Element)) THEN
2002           DO q=1,n
2003             dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
2004           END DO
2005         END IF
2006       CASE(3)
2007         IF (isPTetra( Element )) THEN
2008           DO q=1,n
2009             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
2010           END DO
2011         ELSE IF (isPWedge( Element )) THEN
2012           DO q=1,n
2013             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dWedgeNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
2014           END DO
2015         ELSE IF (isPPyramid( Element )) THEN
2016           DO q=1,n
2017             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dPyramidNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
2018           END DO
2019         ELSE IF (isPBrick( Element )) THEN
2020           DO q=1,n
2021             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dBrickNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
2022           END DO
2023         END IF
2024       END SELECT
2025     ELSE
2026       SELECT CASE(dim)
2027       CASE(1)
2028         CALL NodalFirstDerivatives1D( dLBasisdx, element, u )
2029       CASE(2)
2030         CALL NodalFirstDerivatives2D( dLBasisdx, element, u,v )
2031       CASE(3)
2032         IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100 == 6 ) THEN
2033           NodalBasis=0
2034           DO q=1,n
2035             NodalBasis(q)  = 1.0d0
2036             dLBasisdx(q,1) = FirstDerivativeInU3D(element,NodalBasis,u,v,w)
2037             dLBasisdx(q,2) = FirstDerivativeInV3D(element,NodalBasis,u,v,w)
2038             dLBasisdx(q,3) = FirstDerivativeInW3D(element,NodalBasis,u,v,w)
2039             NodalBasis(q)  = 0.0d0
2040           END DO
2041         ELSE
2042           CALL NodalFirstDerivatives3D( dLBasisdx, element, u,v,w )
2043         END IF
2044       END SELECT
2045     END IF
2047   END SUBROUTINE NodalFirstDerivatives
2052!>  Return basis function degrees
2054   SUBROUTINE ElementBasisDegree( Element, BasisDegree )
2058     TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element   !< Element structure
2059     INTEGER :: BasisDegree(:)            !< Degree of each basis function in Basis(:) vector.
2061!    Local variables
2064     REAL(KIND=dp) :: t,s
2065     LOGICAL :: invert, degrees
2066     INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, q, p, f, n, nb, dim, cdim, locali, localj,  &
2067          tmp(4), direction(4)
2069     TYPE(Element_t) :: Bubble
2070     TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Edge, Face
2073     n    = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
2074     dim  = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
2075     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
2077     BasisDegree = 0
2078     BasisDegree(1:n) = Element % Type % BasisFunctionDegree
2080     IF ( isActivePElement(element) ) THEN
2082       ! Check for need of P basis degrees and set degree of
2083       ! linear basis if vector asked:
2084       ! ---------------------------------------------------
2085       BasisDegree(1:n) = 1
2086       q = n
2089     SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % ElementCode )
2092     ! P element code for line element:
2093     ! --------------------------------
2094     CASE(202)
2095        ! Bubbles of line element
2096        IF (Element % BDOFs > 0) THEN
2097           ! For each bubble in line element get value of basis function
2098           DO i=1, Element % BDOFs
2099             IF (q >= SIZE(BasisDegree)) CYCLE
2100             q = q + 1
2101             BasisDegree(q) = 1+i
2102           END DO
2103        END IF
2106! P element code for edges and bubbles of triangle
2107     CASE(303)
2108        ! Edges of triangle
2109        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2110           ! For each edge calculate the value of edge basis function
2111           DO i=1,3
2112              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2114              ! For each dof in edge get value of p basis function
2115              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2116                 IF (q >= SIZE(BasisDegree)) CYCLE
2117                 q = q + 1
2118                 BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2119              END DO
2120           END DO
2121        END IF
2123        ! Bubbles of p triangle
2124        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2125           ! Get element p
2126           p = Element % PDefs % P
2128           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs( Element, p ), Element % BDOFs )
2129           p = CEILING( ( 3.0d0+SQRT(1.0d0+8.0d0*nb) ) / 2.0d0 - AEPS )
2131           DO i = 0,p-3
2132              DO j = 0,p-i-3
2133                 IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2134                 q = q + 1
2135                 BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2136              END DO
2137           END DO
2138        END IF
2140! P element code for quadrilateral edges and bubbles
2141     CASE(404)
2142        ! Edges of p quadrilateral
2143        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2144           ! For each edge begin node calculate values of edge functions
2145           DO i=1,4
2146              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2147              ! For each DOF in edge calculate value of p basis function
2148              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2149                 IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2150                 q = q + 1
2151                 BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2152              END DO
2153           END DO
2154        END IF
2156        ! Bubbles of p quadrilateral
2157        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2158          ! Get element P
2159           p = Element % PDefs % P
2161           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs( Element, p ), Element % BDOFs )
2162           p = CEILING( ( 5.0d0+SQRT(1.0d0+8.0d0*nb) ) / 2.0d0 - AEPS)
2164           DO i=2,(p-2)
2165              DO j=2,(p-i)
2166                 IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2167                 q = q + 1
2168                 BasisDegree(q) = i+j
2169              END DO
2170           END DO
2171        END IF
2173! P element code for tetrahedron edges, faces and bubbles
2174     CASE(504)
2175        ! Edges of p tetrahedron
2176        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2177           ! For each edge calculate value of edge functions
2178           DO i=1,6
2179              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges (Element % EdgeIndexes(i))
2181              ! Do not solve edge DOFS if there is not any
2182              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2184              ! For each DOF in edge calculate value of edge functions
2185              ! and their derivatives for edge=i, i=k+1
2186              DO k=1, Edge % BDOFs
2187                 IF (q >= SIZE(BasisDegree)) CYCLE
2188                 q = q + 1
2189                 BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2190              END DO
2191           END DO
2192        END IF
2194        ! Faces of p tetrahedron
2195        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes )) THEN
2196           ! For each face calculate value of face functions
2197           DO F=1,4
2198              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces (Element % FaceIndexes(F))
2200              ! Do not solve face DOFs if there is not any
2201              IF (Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2203              ! Get face p
2204              p = Face % PDefs % P
2206              ! For each DOF in face calculate value of face functions and
2207              ! their derivatives for face=F and index pairs
2208              ! i,j=0,..,p-3, i+j=0,..,p-3
2209              DO i=0,p-3
2210                 DO j=0,p-i-3
2211                    IF (q >= SIZE(BasisDegree)) CYCLE
2212                    q = q + 1
2213                    BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2214                 END DO
2215              END DO
2216           END DO
2217        END IF
2219        ! Bubbles of p tetrahedron
2220        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2221           p = Element % PDefs % P
2223           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
2224           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
2225                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+2 - AEPS)
2227           DO i=0,p-4
2228              DO j=0,p-i-4
2229                 DO k=0,p-i-j-4
2230                    IF (q >= SIZE(BasisDegree)) CYCLE
2231                    q = q + 1
2232                    BasisDegree(q) = 4+i+j+k
2233                 END DO
2234              END DO
2235           END DO
2237        END IF
2239! P element code for pyramid edges, faces and bubbles
2240     CASE(605)
2241        ! Edges of P Pyramid
2242        IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2243           ! For each edge in wedge, calculate values of edge functions
2244           DO i=1,8
2245              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2247              ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
2248              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2250              ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
2251              ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
2252              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2253                 IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2254                 q = q + 1
2255                 BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2256              END DO
2257           END DO
2258        END IF
2260        ! Faces of P Pyramid
2261        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
2262           ! For each face in pyramid, calculate values of face functions
2263           DO F=1,5
2264              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
2266              ! Do not solve face dofs, if there is not any
2267              IF ( Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2269              ! Get face p
2270              p = Face % PDefs % P
2272              ! Handle triangle and square faces separately
2273              SELECT CASE(F)
2274              CASE (1)
2275                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2276                 ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
2277                 DO i=2,p-2
2278                    DO j=2,p-i
2279                       IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2280                       q = q + 1
2281                       BasisDegree(q) = i+j
2282                    END DO
2283                 END DO
2285              CASE (2,3,4,5)
2286                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2287                 ! pairs i,j=0,..,p-3 i+j=0,..,p-3
2288                 DO i=0,p-3
2289                    DO j=0,p-i-3
2290                       IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2291                       q = q + 1
2292                       BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2293                    END DO
2294                 END DO
2295              END SELECT
2296           END DO
2297        END IF
2299        ! Bubbles of P Pyramid
2300        IF (Element % BDOFs > 0) THEN
2301           ! Get element p
2302           p = Element % PDefs % p
2303           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
2304           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
2305                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+2 - AEPS)
2307           ! Calculate value of bubble functions from indexes
2308           ! i,j,k=0,..,p-4 i+j+k=0,..,p-4
2309           DO i=0,p-4
2310              DO j=0,p-i-4
2311                 DO k=0,p-i-j-4
2312                    IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree)) CYCLE
2313                    q = q + 1
2314                    BasisDegree(q) = 4+i+j+k
2315                 END DO
2316              END DO
2317           END DO
2318        END IF
2321! P element code for wedge edges, faces and bubbles
2322     CASE(706)
2323        ! Edges of P Wedge
2324        IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2325           ! For each edge in wedge, calculate values of edge functions
2326           DO i=1,9
2327              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2329              ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
2330              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2332              ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
2333              ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
2334              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2335                 IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2336                 q = q + 1
2338                 ! Use basis compatible with pyramid if necessary
2339                 ! @todo Correct this!
2340                 IF (Edge % PDefs % pyramidQuadEdge) THEN
2341                    CALL Fatal('ElementInfo','Pyramid compatible wedge edge basis NIY!')
2342                 END IF
2343                 BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2344              END DO
2345           END DO
2346        END IF
2348        ! Faces of P Wedge
2349        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
2350           ! For each face in wedge, calculate values of face functions
2351           DO F=1,5
2352              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
2354              ! Do not solve face dofs, if there is not any
2355              IF ( Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2357              p = Face % PDefs % P
2359              ! Handle triangle and square faces separately
2360              SELECT CASE(F)
2361              CASE (1,2)
2362                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2363                 ! pairs i,j=0,..,p-3 i+j=0,..,p-3
2364                 DO i=0,p-3
2365                    DO j=0,p-i-3
2366                       IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2367                       q = q + 1
2368                       BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2369                    END DO
2370                 END DO
2371              CASE (3,4,5)
2372                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2373                 ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
2374                 DO i=2,p-2
2375                    DO j=2,p-i
2376                       IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2377                       q = q + 1
2378                       BasisDegree(q) = i+j
2379                    END DO
2380                 END DO
2381              END SELECT
2383           END DO
2384        END IF
2386        ! Bubbles of P Wedge
2387        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2388           ! Get p from element
2389           p = Element % PDefs % P
2390           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs( Element, p ), Element % BDOFs )
2391           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
2392                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+3 - AEPS)
2394           ! For each bubble calculate value of basis function and its derivative
2395           ! for index pairs i,j=0,..,p-5 k=2,..,p-3 i+j+k=2,..,p-3
2396           DO i=0,p-5
2397              DO j=0,p-5-i
2398                 DO k=2,p-3-i-j
2399                    IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2400                    q = q + 1
2401                    BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j+k
2402                 END DO
2403              END DO
2404           END DO
2405        END IF
2408! P element code for brick edges, faces and bubbles
2409     CASE(808)
2410        ! Edges of P brick
2411        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2412           ! For each edge in brick, calculate values of edge functions
2413           DO i=1,12
2414              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2416              ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
2417              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2419              ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
2420              ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
2421              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2422                 IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2423                 q = q + 1
2424                 BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2425              END DO
2426           END DO
2427        END IF
2429        ! Faces of P brick
2430        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
2431           ! For each face in brick, calculate values of face functions
2432           DO F=1,6
2433              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
2435              ! Do not calculate face values if no dofs
2436              IF (Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2438              ! Get p for face
2439              p = Face % PDefs % P
2441              ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2442              ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
2443              DO i=2,p-2
2444                 DO j=2,p-i
2445                    IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2446                    q = q + 1
2447                    BasisDegree(q) = i+j
2448                 END DO
2449              END DO
2450           END DO
2451        END IF
2453        ! Bubbles of p brick
2454        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2455           ! Get p from bubble DOFs
2456           p = Element % PDefs % P
2457           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
2458           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
2459                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+4 - AEPS)
2461           ! For each bubble calculate value of basis function and its derivative
2462           ! for index pairs i,j,k=2,..,p-4, i+j+k=6,..,p
2463           DO i=2,p-4
2464              DO j=2,p-i-2
2465                 DO k=2,p-i-j
2466                    IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisDegree) ) CYCLE
2467                    q = q + 1
2468                    BasisDegree(q) = i+j+k
2469                 END DO
2470              END DO
2471           END DO
2472        END IF
2474     END SELECT
2475     END IF ! P element flag check
2477   END SUBROUTINE ElementBasisDegree
2482!>  Return the referential description b(f(p)) of the basis function b(x),
2483!>  with f mapping points p on a reference element to points x on a physical
2484!>  element. The referential description of the spatial gradient field grad b
2485!>  and, if requested, the second spatial derivatives may also be returned.
2486!>  Also return the square root of the determinant of the metric tensor
2487!>  (=sqrt(det(J^TJ))) related to the mapping f.
2489   RECURSIVE FUNCTION ElementInfo( Element, Nodes, u, v, w, detJ, &
2490       Basis, dBasisdx, ddBasisddx, SecondDerivatives, Bubbles, BasisDegree, &
2491       EdgeBasis, RotBasis, USolver ) RESULT(stat)
2495     TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element             !< Element structure
2496     TYPE(Nodes_t)   :: Nodes                       !< Element nodal coordinates.
2497     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u                             !< 1st local coordinate at which to calculate the basis function.
2498     REAL(KIND=dp) :: v                             !< 2nd local coordinate.
2499     REAL(KIND=dp) :: w                             !< 3rd local coordinate.
2500     REAL(KIND=dp) :: detJ                          !< Square root of determinant of element coordinate system metric
2501     REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(:)                      !< Basis function values at p=(u,v,w)
2502     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: dBasisdx(:,:)       !< Global first derivatives of basis functions at (u,v,w)
2503     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: ddBasisddx(:,:,:)   !< Global second derivatives of basis functions at (u,v,w) if requested
2504     INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: BasisDegree(:)            !< Degree of each basis function in Basis(:) vector.
2505	                                                !! May be used with P element basis functions
2506     LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: SecondDerivatives         !< Are the second derivatives needed? (still present for historical reasons)
2507     TYPE(Solver_t), POINTER, OPTIONAL :: USolver   !< The solver used to call the basis functions.
2508     LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: Bubbles                   !< Are the bubbles to be evaluated.
2509     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: EdgeBasis(:,:)      !< If present, the values of H(curl)-conforming basis functions B(f(p))
2510     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: RotBasis(:,:)       !< The referential description of the spatial curl of B
2511     LOGICAL :: Stat                                !< If .FALSE. element is degenerate.
2513!    Local variables
2515     TYPE(Solver_t), POINTER :: PSolver => NULL()
2516     REAL(KIND=dp) :: BubbleValue, dBubbledx(3), t, s, LtoGMap(3,3)
2517     LOGICAL :: invert, degrees
2518     INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, q, p, f, n, nb, dim, cdim, locali, localj,  &
2519          tmp(4), direction(4)
2520     REAL(KIND=dp) :: LinBasis(8), dLinBasisdx(8,3), ElmMetric(3,3)
2522     REAL(KIND=dp) :: NodalBasis(Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes), &
2523             dLBasisdx(MAX(SIZE(Nodes % x),SIZE(Basis)),3)
2525     TYPE(Element_t) :: Bubble
2526     TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Edge, Face
2527     INTEGER :: EdgeBasisDegree
2528     LOGICAL :: PerformPiolaTransform, Found
2530     SAVE PSolver, EdgeBasisDegree, PerformPiolaTransform
2532     IF(PRESENT(EdgeBasis)) THEN
2533       IF( PRESENT( USolver ) ) THEN
2534         IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED( USolver, PSolver ) ) THEN
2535           IF( ListGetLogical(USolver % Values,'Quadratic Approximation', Found ) ) THEN
2536             EdgeBasisDegree = 2
2537             PerformPiolaTransform = .TRUE.
2538           ELSE
2539             EdgeBasisDegree = 1
2540             PerformPiolaTransform = ListGetLogical(USolver % Values,'Use Piola Transform', Found )
2541           END IF
2542           PSolver => USolver
2543         END IF
2544       ELSE
2545         EdgeBasisDegree = 1
2546         PerformPiolaTransform = .TRUE.
2547       END IF
2548       IF( PerformPiolaTransform ) THEN
2549         stat = EdgeElementInfo(Element,Nodes,u,v,w,detF=Detj,Basis=Basis, &
2550             EdgeBasis=EdgeBasis,RotBasis=RotBasis,dBasisdx=dBasisdx,&
2551             BasisDegree = EdgeBasisDegree, ApplyPiolaTransform = PerformPiolaTransform )
2552       ELSE
2553         ! Is this really necessary to call in case no piola version?
2554         stat = ElementInfo( Element, Nodes, u, v, w, detJ, Basis, dBasisdx )
2555         CALL GetEdgeBasis(Element,EdgeBasis,RotBasis,Basis,dBasisdx)
2556       END IF
2557       RETURN
2558     END IF
2560     stat = .TRUE.
2561     n    = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
2562     dim  = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
2563     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
2565     IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 101 ) THEN
2566        detJ = 1.0d0
2567        Basis(1) = 1.0d0
2568        IF ( PRESENT(dBasisdx) ) dBasisdx(1,:) = 0.0d0
2569        RETURN
2570     END IF
2572     Basis = 0.0d0
2573     CALL NodalBasisFunctions(n, Basis, element, u, v, w)
2575     dLbasisdx = 0.0d0
2576     CALL NodalFirstDerivatives(n, dLBasisdx, element, u, v, w)
2578     q = n
2580     ! P ELEMENT CODE:
2581     ! ---------------
2582     IF ( isActivePElement(element) ) THEN
2584      ! Check for need of P basis degrees and set degree of
2585      ! linear basis if vector asked:
2586      ! ---------------------------------------------------
2587      degrees = .FALSE.
2588      IF ( PRESENT(BasisDegree)) THEN
2589        degrees = .TRUE.
2590        BasisDegree = 0
2591        BasisDegree(1:n) = 1
2592      END IF
2595     SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % ElementCode )
2598     ! P element code for line element:
2599     ! --------------------------------
2600     CASE(202)
2601        ! Bubbles of line element
2602        IF (Element % BDOFs > 0) THEN
2603           ! For boundary element integration check direction
2604           invert = .FALSE.
2605           IF ( Element % PDefs % isEdge .AND. &
2606                Element % NodeIndexes(1)>Element % NodeIndexes(2) ) invert = .TRUE.
2608           ! For each bubble in line element get value of basis function
2609           DO i=1, Element % BDOFs
2610              IF (q >= SIZE(Basis)) CYCLE
2611              q = q + 1
2613              Basis(q) = LineBubblePBasis(i+1,u,invert)
2614              dLBasisdx(q,1) = dLineBubblePBasis(i+1,u,invert)
2616              ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2617              IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+i
2618           END DO
2619        END IF
2622! P element code for edges and bubbles of triangle
2623     CASE(303)
2624        ! Edges of triangle
2625        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2626           ! For each edge calculate the value of edge basis function
2627           DO i=1,3
2628              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2630              ! Get local number of edge start and endpoint nodes
2631              tmp(1:2) = getTriangleEdgeMap(i)
2632              locali = tmp(1)
2633              localj = tmp(2)
2635              ! Invert edge for parity if needed
2636              invert = .FALSE.
2637              IF ( Element % NodeIndexes(locali)>Element % NodeIndexes(localj) ) invert=.TRUE.
2639              ! For each dof in edge get value of p basis function
2640              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2641                 IF (q >= SIZE(Basis)) CYCLE
2642                 q = q + 1
2644                 ! Value of basis functions for edge=i and i=k+1 by parity
2645                 Basis(q) = TriangleEdgePBasis(i, k+1, u, v, invert)
2646                 ! Value of derivative of basis function
2647                 dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleEdgePBasis(i, k+1, u, v, invert)
2649                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2650                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2651              END DO
2652           END DO
2653        END IF
2655        ! Bubbles of p triangle
2656        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2657           ! Get element p
2658           p = Element % PDefs % P
2660           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs( Element, p ), Element % BDOFs )
2661           p = CEILING( ( 3.0d0+SQRT(1.0d0+8.0d0*nb) ) / 2.0d0 - AEPS)
2663           ! For boundary element direction needs to be calculated
2664           IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
2665              direction = 0
2666              ! Get direction of this face (mask for face = boundary element nodes)
2667              direction(1:3) = getTriangleFaceDirection(Element, [ 1,2,3 ])
2668           END IF
2670           DO i = 0,p-3
2671              DO j = 0,p-i-3
2672                 IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
2673                 q = q + 1
2675                 ! Get bubble basis functions and their derivatives
2676                 ! 3d Boundary element has a direction
2677                 IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
2678                    Basis(q) = TriangleEBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v,direction)
2679                    dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleEBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v,direction)
2680                 ELSE
2681                 ! 2d element bubbles have no direction
2682                    Basis(q) = TriangleBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v)
2683                    dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v)
2684                 END IF
2686                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2687                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2688              END DO
2689           END DO
2690        END IF
2692! P element code for quadrilateral edges and bubbles
2693     CASE(404)
2694        ! Edges of p quadrilateral
2695        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2696           ! For each edge begin node calculate values of edge functions
2697           DO i=1,4
2698              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2700              ! Choose correct parity by global edge dofs
2701              tmp(1:2) = getQuadEdgeMap(i)
2702              locali = tmp(1)
2703              localj = tmp(2)
2705              ! Invert parity if needed
2706              invert = .FALSE.
2707              IF (Element % NodeIndexes(locali) > Element % NodeIndexes(localj)) invert = .TRUE.
2709              ! For each DOF in edge calculate value of p basis function
2710              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2711                 IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
2712                 q = q + 1
2714                 ! For pyramid square face edges use different basis
2715                 IF (Edge % PDefs % pyramidQuadEdge) THEN
2716                    Basis(q) = QuadPyraEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,invert)
2717                    dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadPyraEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,invert)
2718                 ! Normal case, use basis of quadrilateral
2719                 ELSE
2720                    ! Get values of basis functions for edge=i and i=k+1 by parity
2721                    Basis(q) = QuadEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,invert)
2722                    ! Get value of derivatives of basis functions
2723                    dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,invert)
2724                 END IF
2726                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2727                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2728              END DO
2729           END DO
2730        END IF
2732        ! Bubbles of p quadrilateral
2733        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2734          ! Get element P
2735           p = Element % PDefs % P
2737           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs( Element, p ), Element % BDOFs )
2738           p = CEILING( ( 5.0d0+SQRT(1.0d0+8.0d0*nb) ) / 2.0d0 - AEPS)
2740           ! For boundary element direction needs to be calculated
2741           IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
2742              direction = 0
2743              direction = getSquareFaceDirection(Element, [ 1,2,3,4 ])
2744           END IF
2746           ! For each bubble calculate value of p basis function
2747           ! and their derivatives for index pairs i,j>=2, i+j=4,...,p
2748           DO i=2,(p-2)
2749              DO j=2,(p-i)
2750                 IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
2751                 q = q + 1
2753                 ! Get values of bubble functions
2754                 ! 3D boundary elements have a direction
2755                 IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
2756                    Basis(q) = QuadBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v,direction)
2757                    dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v,direction)
2758                 ELSE
2759                 ! 2d element bubbles have no direction
2760                    Basis(q) = QuadBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v)
2761                    dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadBubblePBasis(i,j,u,v)
2762                 END IF
2764                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2765                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = i+j
2766              END DO
2767           END DO
2768        END IF
2770! P element code for tetrahedron edges, faces and bubbles
2771     CASE(504)
2772        ! Edges of p tetrahedron
2773        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2774           ! For each edge calculate value of edge functions
2775           DO i=1,6
2776              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges (Element % EdgeIndexes(i))
2778              ! Do not solve edge DOFS if there is not any
2779              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2781              ! For each DOF in edge calculate value of edge functions
2782              ! and their derivatives for edge=i, i=k+1
2783              DO k=1, Edge % BDOFs
2784                 IF (q >= SIZE(Basis)) CYCLE
2785                 q = q + 1
2787                 Basis(q) = TetraEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w, Element % PDefs % TetraType)
2788                 dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w, Element % PDefs % TetraType)
2790                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2791                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2792              END DO
2793           END DO
2794        END IF
2796        ! Faces of p tetrahedron
2797        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes )) THEN
2798           ! For each face calculate value of face functions
2799           DO F=1,4
2800              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces (Element % FaceIndexes(F))
2802              ! Do not solve face DOFs if there is not any
2803              IF (Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2805              ! Get face p
2806              p = Face % PDefs % P
2808              ! For each DOF in face calculate value of face functions and
2809              ! their derivatives for face=F and index pairs
2810              ! i,j=0,..,p-3, i+j=0,..,p-3
2811              DO i=0,p-3
2812                 DO j=0,p-i-3
2813                    IF (q >= SIZE(Basis)) CYCLE
2814                    q = q + 1
2816                    Basis(q) = TetraFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w, Element % PDefs % TetraType)
2817                    dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w, Element % PDefs % TetraType)
2819                    ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2820                    IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2821                 END DO
2822              END DO
2823           END DO
2824        END IF
2826        ! Bubbles of p tetrahedron
2827        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
2828           p = Element % PDefs % P
2830           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
2831           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
2832                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+2 - AEPS)
2834           ! For each DOF in bubbles calculate value of bubble functions
2835           ! and their derivatives for index pairs
2836           ! i,j,k=0,..,p-4 i+j+k=0,..,p-4
2837           DO i=0,p-4
2838              DO j=0,p-i-4
2839                 DO k=0,p-i-j-4
2840                    IF (q >= SIZE(Basis)) CYCLE
2841                    q = q + 1
2843                    Basis(q) = TetraBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
2844                    dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
2846                    ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2847                    IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 4+i+j+k
2848                 END DO
2849              END DO
2850           END DO
2852        END IF
2854! P element code for pyramid edges, faces and bubbles
2855     CASE(605)
2856        ! Edges of P Pyramid
2857        IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2858           ! For each edge in wedge, calculate values of edge functions
2859           DO i=1,8
2860              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2862              ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
2863              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2865              ! Get local indexes of current edge
2866              tmp(1:2) = getPyramidEdgeMap(i)
2867              locali = tmp(1)
2868              localj = tmp(2)
2870              ! Determine edge direction
2871              invert = .FALSE.
2873              ! Invert edge if local first node has greater global index than second one
2874              IF ( Element % NodeIndexes(locali) > Element % NodeIndexes(localj) ) invert = .TRUE.
2876              ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
2877              ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
2878              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
2879                 IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
2880                 q = q + 1
2882                 ! Get values of edge basis functions and their derivatives
2883                 Basis(q) = PyramidEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
2884                 dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dPyramidEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
2886                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2887                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
2888              END DO
2889           END DO
2890        END IF
2892        ! Faces of P Pyramid
2893        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
2894           ! For each face in pyramid, calculate values of face functions
2895           DO F=1,5
2896              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
2898              ! Do not solve face dofs, if there is not any
2899              IF ( Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2901              ! Get face p
2902              p = Face % PDefs % P
2904              ! Handle triangle and square faces separately
2905              SELECT CASE(F)
2906              CASE (1)
2907                 direction = 0
2908                 ! Get global direction vector for enforcing parity
2909                 tmp(1:4) = getPyramidFaceMap(F)
2910                 direction(1:4) = getSquareFaceDirection( Element, tmp(1:4) )
2912                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2913                 ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
2914                 DO i=2,p-2
2915                    DO j=2,p-i
2916                       IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
2917                       q = q + 1
2919                       Basis(q) = PyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
2920                       dLBasisdx(q,:) = dPyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
2922                       ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2923                       IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = i+j
2924                    END DO
2925                 END DO
2927              CASE (2,3,4,5)
2928                 direction = 0
2929                 ! Get global direction vector for enforcing parity
2930                 tmp(1:4) = getPyramidFaceMap(F)
2931                 direction(1:3) = getTriangleFaceDirection( Element, tmp(1:3) )
2933                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
2934                 ! pairs i,j=0,..,p-3 i+j=0,..,p-3
2935                 DO i=0,p-3
2936                    DO j=0,p-i-3
2937                       IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
2938                       q = q + 1
2940                       Basis(q) = PyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
2941                       dLBasisdx(q,:) = dPyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
2943                       ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2944                       IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
2945                    END DO
2946                 END DO
2947              END SELECT
2948           END DO
2949        END IF
2951        ! Bubbles of P Pyramid
2952        IF (Element % BDOFs > 0) THEN
2953           ! Get element p
2954           p = Element % PDefs % p
2955           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
2956           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
2957                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+2 - AEPS)
2959           ! Calculate value of bubble functions from indexes
2960           ! i,j,k=0,..,p-4 i+j+k=0,..,p-4
2961           DO i=0,p-4
2962              DO j=0,p-i-4
2963                 DO k=0,p-i-j-4
2964                    IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis)) CYCLE
2965                    q = q + 1
2967                    Basis(q) = PyramidBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
2968                    dLBasisdx(q,:) = dPyramidBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
2970                    ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
2971                    IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 4+i+j+k
2972                 END DO
2973              END DO
2974           END DO
2975        END IF
2978! P element code for wedge edges, faces and bubbles
2979     CASE(706)
2980        ! Edges of P Wedge
2981        IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
2982           ! For each edge in wedge, calculate values of edge functions
2983           DO i=1,9
2984              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
2986              ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
2987              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
2989              ! Get local indexes of current edge
2990              tmp(1:2) = getWedgeEdgeMap(i)
2991              locali = tmp(1)
2992              localj = tmp(2)
2994              ! Determine edge direction
2995              invert = .FALSE.
2996              ! Invert edge if local first node has greater global index than second one
2997              IF ( Element % NodeIndexes(locali) > Element % NodeIndexes(localj) ) invert = .TRUE.
2999              ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
3000              ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
3001              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
3002                 IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3003                 q = q + 1
3005                 ! Use basis compatible with pyramid if necessary
3006                 ! @todo Correct this!
3007                 IF (Edge % PDefs % pyramidQuadEdge) THEN
3008                    CALL Fatal('ElementInfo','Pyramid compatible wedge edge basis NIY!')
3009                 END IF
3011                 ! Get values of edge basis functions and their derivatives
3012                 Basis(q) = WedgeEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
3013                 dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dWedgeEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
3015                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3016                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
3017              END DO
3018           END DO
3019        END IF
3021        ! Faces of P Wedge
3022        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
3023           ! For each face in wedge, calculate values of face functions
3024           DO F=1,5
3025              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
3027              ! Do not solve face dofs, if there is not any
3028              IF ( Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
3030              p = Face % PDefs % P
3032              ! Handle triangle and square faces separately
3033              SELECT CASE(F)
3034              CASE (1,2)
3035                 direction = 0
3036                 ! Get global direction vector for enforcing parity
3037                 tmp(1:4) = getWedgeFaceMap(F)
3038                 direction(1:3) = getTriangleFaceDirection( Element, tmp(1:3) )
3040                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
3041                 ! pairs i,j=0,..,p-3 i+j=0,..,p-3
3042                 DO i=0,p-3
3043                    DO j=0,p-i-3
3044                       IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3045                       q = q + 1
3047                       Basis(q) = WedgeFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
3048                       dLBasisdx(q,:) = dWedgeFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
3050                       ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3051                       IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j
3052                    END DO
3053                 END DO
3054              CASE (3,4,5)
3055                 direction = 0
3056                 ! Get global direction vector for enforcing parity
3057                 invert = .FALSE.
3058                 tmp(1:4) = getWedgeFaceMap(F)
3059                 direction(1:4) = getSquareFaceDirection( Element, tmp(1:4) )
3061                 ! First and second node must form a face in upper or lower triangle
3062                 IF (.NOT. wedgeOrdering(direction)) THEN
3063                    invert = .TRUE.
3064                    tmp(1) = direction(2)
3065                    direction(2) = direction(4)
3066                    direction(4) = tmp(1)
3067                 END IF
3069                 ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
3070                 ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
3071                 DO i=2,p-2
3072                    DO j=2,p-i
3073                       IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3074                       q = q + 1
3076                       IF (.NOT. invert) THEN
3077                          Basis(q) = WedgeFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
3078                          dLBasisdx(q,:) = dWedgeFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
3079                       ELSE
3080                          Basis(q) = WedgeFacePBasis(F,j,i,u,v,w,direction)
3081                          dLBasisdx(q,:) = dWedgeFacePBasis(F,j,i,u,v,w,direction)
3082                       END IF
3084                       ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3085                       IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = i+j
3086                    END DO
3087                 END DO
3088              END SELECT
3090           END DO
3091        END IF
3093        ! Bubbles of P Wedge
3094        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
3095           ! Get p from element
3096           p = Element % PDefs % P
3097           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs( Element, p ), Element % BDOFs )
3098           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
3099                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+3 - AEPS)
3101           ! For each bubble calculate value of basis function and its derivative
3102           ! for index pairs i,j=0,..,p-5 k=2,..,p-3 i+j+k=2,..,p-3
3103           DO i=0,p-5
3104              DO j=0,p-5-i
3105                 DO k=2,p-3-i-j
3106                    IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3107                    q = q + 1
3109                    Basis(q) = WedgeBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
3110                    dLBasisdx(q,:) = dWedgeBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
3112                    ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3113                    IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 3+i+j+k
3114                 END DO
3115              END DO
3116           END DO
3117        END IF
3120! P element code for brick edges, faces and bubbles
3121     CASE(808)
3122        ! Edges of P brick
3123        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
3124           ! For each edge in brick, calculate values of edge functions
3125           DO i=1,12
3126              Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
3128              ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
3129              IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
3131              ! Get local indexes of current edge
3132              tmp(1:2) = getBrickEdgeMap(i)
3133              locali = tmp(1)
3134              localj = tmp(2)
3136              ! Determine edge direction
3137              invert = .FALSE.
3139              ! Invert edge if local first node has greater global index than second one
3140              IF ( Element % NodeIndexes(locali) > Element % NodeIndexes(localj) ) invert = .TRUE.
3142              ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
3143              ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
3144              DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
3145                 IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3146                 q = q + 1
3148                 ! For edges connected to pyramid square face, use different basis
3149                 IF (Edge % PDefs % pyramidQuadEdge) THEN
3150                    ! Get values of edge basis functions and their derivatives
3151                    Basis(q) = BrickPyraEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
3152                    dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dBrickPyraEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
3153                 ! Normal case. Use standard brick edge functions
3154                 ELSE
3155                    ! Get values of edge basis functions and their derivatives
3156                    Basis(q) = BrickEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
3157                    dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dBrickEdgePBasis(i,k+1,u,v,w,invert)
3158                 END IF
3160                 ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3161                 IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = 1+k
3162              END DO
3163           END DO
3164        END IF
3166        ! Faces of P brick
3167        IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
3168           ! For each face in brick, calculate values of face functions
3169           DO F=1,6
3170              Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
3172              ! Do not calculate face values if no dofs
3173              IF (Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
3175              ! Get p for face
3176              p = Face % PDefs % P
3178              ! Generate direction vector for this face
3179              tmp(1:4) = getBrickFaceMap(F)
3180              direction(1:4) = getSquareFaceDirection(Element, tmp)
3182              ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
3183              ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
3184              DO i=2,p-2
3185                 DO j=2,p-i
3186                    IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3187                    q = q + 1
3188                    Basis(q) = BrickFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
3189                    dLBasisdx(q,:) = dBrickFacePBasis(F,i,j,u,v,w,direction)
3191                    ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3192                    IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = i+j
3193                 END DO
3194              END DO
3195           END DO
3196        END IF
3198        ! Bubbles of p brick
3199        IF ( Element % BDOFs > 0 ) THEN
3200           ! Get p from bubble DOFs
3201           p = Element % PDefs % P
3202           nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
3203           p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
3204                   (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+4 - AEPS)
3207           ! For each bubble calculate value of basis function and its derivative
3208           ! for index pairs i,j,k=2,..,p-4, i+j+k=6,..,p
3209           DO i=2,p-4
3210              DO j=2,p-i-2
3211                 DO k=2,p-i-j
3212                    IF ( q >= SIZE(Basis) ) CYCLE
3213                    q = q + 1
3214                    Basis(q) = BrickBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
3215                    dLBasisdx(q,:) = dBrickBubblePBasis(i,j,k,u,v,w)
3217                    ! Polynomial degree of basis function to vector
3218                    IF (degrees) BasisDegree(q) = i+j+k
3219                 END DO
3220              END DO
3221           END DO
3222        END IF
3224     END SELECT
3225     END IF ! P element flag check
3228     ! Element (contravariant) metric and square root of determinant
3229     !--------------------------------------------------------------
3230     IF ( .NOT. ElementMetric( q, Element, Nodes, &
3231           ElmMetric, detJ, dLBasisdx, LtoGMap ) ) THEN
3232        stat = .FALSE.
3233        RETURN
3234     END IF
3236     ! Get global first derivatives:
3237     !------------------------------
3238     IF ( PRESENT(dBasisdx) ) THEN
3239       dBasisdx = 0.0d0
3240       DO i=1,q
3241         DO j=1,cdim
3242            DO k=1,dim
3243              dBasisdx(i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) + dLBasisdx(i,k)*LtoGMap(j,k)
3244            END DO
3245         END DO
3246       END DO
3247     END IF
3249     ! Get matrix of second derivatives, if needed:
3250     !---------------------------------------------
3251     IF ( PRESENT(ddBasisddx) .AND. PRESENT(SecondDerivatives) ) THEN
3252       IF ( SecondDerivatives ) THEN
3253         NodalBasis = 0.0d0
3254         ddBasisddx(1:n,:,:) = 0.0d0
3255         DO q=1,n
3256           NodalBasis(q) = 1.0d0
3257           CALL GlobalSecondDerivatives(Element,Nodes,NodalBasis, &
3258               ddBasisddx(q,:,:),u,v,w,ElmMetric,dLBasisdx )
3259           NodalBasis(q) = 0.0d0
3260         END DO
3261       END IF
3262     END IF
3265!    Generate bubble basis functions, if requested. Bubble basis is as follows:
3266!    B_i (=(N_(i+n)) = B * N_i, where N_i:s are the nodal basis functions of
3267!    the element, and B the basic bubble, i.e. the product of nodal basis
3268!    functions of the corresponding linear element for triangles and tetras,
3269!    and product of two diagonally opposed nodal basisfunctions of the
3270!    corresponding (bi-,tri-)linear element for 1d-elements, quads and hexas.
3272     IF ( PRESENT( Bubbles ) ) THEN
3273       Bubble % BDOFs = 0
3274       NULLIFY( Bubble % PDefs )
3275       NULLIFY( Bubble % EdgeIndexes )
3276       NULLIFY( Bubble % FaceIndexes )
3277       NULLIFY( Bubble % BubbleIndexes )
3279       IF ( Bubbles .AND. SIZE(Basis) >= 2*n ) THEN
3281         SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
3282           CASE(2)
3284              IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 202 ) THEN
3285                LinBasis(1:n) = Basis(1:n)
3286                dLinBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim) = dBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim)
3287              ELSE
3288                Bubble % TYPE => GetElementType(202)
3290                stat = ElementInfo( Bubble, nodes, u, v, w, detJ, &
3291                          LinBasis, dLinBasisdx )
3292              END IF
3294              BubbleValue = LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(2)
3296              DO i=1,n
3297                Basis(n+i) = Basis(i) * BubbleValue
3298                DO j=1,cdim
3299                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) * BubbleValue
3301                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3302                       dLinBasisdx(1,j) * LinBasis(2)
3304                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3305                       dLinBasisdx(2,j) * LinBasis(1)
3306                END DO
3307              END DO
3309           CASE(3)
3311              IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 303 ) THEN
3312                LinBasis(1:n) = Basis(1:n)
3313                dLinBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim) = dBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim)
3314              ELSE
3315                Bubble % TYPE => GetElementType(303)
3317                stat = ElementInfo( Bubble, nodes, u, v, w, detJ, &
3318                            LinBasis, dLinBasisdx )
3319              END IF
3321              BubbleValue = LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(2) * LinBasis(3)
3323              DO i=1,n
3324                Basis(n+i) = Basis(i) * BubbleValue
3325                DO j=1,cdim
3326                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) * BubbleValue
3328                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3329                       dLinBasisdx(1,j) * LinBasis(2) * LinBasis(3)
3331                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3332                       dLinBasisdx(2,j) * LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(3)
3334                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3335                       dLinBasisdx(3,j) * LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(2)
3336                END DO
3337              END DO
3339           CASE(4)
3341              IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 404 ) THEN
3342                LinBasis(1:n) = Basis(1:n)
3343                dLinBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim) = dBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim)
3344              ELSE
3345                Bubble % TYPE => GetElementType(404)
3347                stat = ElementInfo( Bubble, nodes, u, v, w, detJ, &
3348                             LinBasis, dLinBasisdx )
3349              END IF
3351              BubbleValue = LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(3)
3353              DO i=1,n
3354                Basis(n+i) = Basis(i) * BubbleValue
3355                DO j=1,cdim
3356                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) * BubbleValue
3358                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3359                         dLinBasisdx(1,j) * LinBasis(3)
3361                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3362                         dLinBasisdx(3,j) * LinBasis(1)
3363                END DO
3364              END DO
3366           CASE(5)
3368              IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 504 ) THEN
3369                LinBasis(1:n) = Basis(1:n)
3370                dLinBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim) = dBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim)
3371              ELSE
3372                Bubble % TYPE => GetElementType(504)
3374                stat = ElementInfo( Bubble, nodes, u, v, w, detJ, &
3375                            LinBasis, dLinBasisdx )
3376              END IF
3378              BubbleValue = LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(2) * LinBasis(3) * LinBasis(4)
3379              DO i=1,n
3380                Basis(n+i) = Basis(i) * BubbleValue
3381                DO j=1,cdim
3382                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) * BubbleValue
3384                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * dLinBasisdx(1,j) * &
3385                                    LinBasis(2) * LinBasis(3) * LinBasis(4)
3387                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * dLinBasisdx(2,j) * &
3388                                    LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(3) * LinBasis(4)
3390                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * dLinBasisdx(3,j) * &
3391                                    LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(2) * LinBasis(4)
3393                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * dLinBasisdx(4,j) * &
3394                                    LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(2) * LinBasis(3)
3395                END DO
3396              END DO
3398           CASE(8)
3400              IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 808 ) THEN
3401                LinBasis(1:n) = Basis(1:n)
3402                dLinBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim) = dBasisdx(1:n,1:cdim)
3403              ELSE
3404                Bubble % TYPE => GetElementType(808)
3406                stat = ElementInfo( Bubble, nodes, u, v, w, detJ, &
3407                  LinBasis, dLinBasisdx )
3408              END IF
3410              BubbleValue = LinBasis(1) * LinBasis(7)
3412              DO i=1,n
3413                Basis(n+i) = Basis(i) * BubbleValue
3414                DO j=1,cdim
3415                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) * BubbleValue
3417                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3418                        dLinBasisdx(1,j) * LinBasis(7)
3420                  dBasisdx(n+i,j) = dBasisdx(n+i,j) + Basis(i) * &
3421                        dLinBasisdx(7,j) * LinBasis(1)
3422                END DO
3423              END DO
3425         CASE DEFAULT
3427              WRITE( Message, '(a,i4,a)' ) 'Bubbles for element: ', &
3428               Element % TYPE % ElementCode, ' are not implemented.'
3429              CALL Error( 'ElementInfo', Message )
3430              CALL Fatal( 'ElementInfo', 'Please use p-element basis instead.' )
3432         END SELECT
3433       END IF
3434     END IF
3436   END FUNCTION ElementInfo
3439   ! SUBROUTINE ElementInfoVec_InitWork(m, n)
3440   !   IMPLICIT NONE
3442   !   INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m, n
3443   !   INTEGER :: allocstat
3445   !   allocstat = 0
3446   !   IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(BasisWrk)) THEN
3447   !     ALLOCATE(BasisWrk(m,n), &
3448   !             dBasisdxWrk(m,n,3), &
3449   !             LtoGMapsWrk(m,3,3), &
3450   !             DetJWrk(m), &
3451   !             uWrk(m), vWrk(m), wWrk(m), STAT=allocstat)
3452   !   ELSE IF (SIZE(BasisWrk,1) /= m .OR. SIZE(BasisWrk,2) /= n) THEN
3453   !     DEALLOCATE(BasisWrk, dBasisdxWrk, LtoGMapsWrk, DetJWrk, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk)
3454   !     ALLOCATE(BasisWrk(m,n), &
3455   !             dBasisdxWrk(m,n,3), &
3456   !             LtoGMapsWrk(m,3,3), &
3457   !             DetJWrk(m), &
3458   !             uWrk(m), vWrk(m), wWrk(m), STAT=allocstat)
3459   !   END IF
3461   !   ! Check memory allocation status
3462   !   IF (allocstat /= 0) THEN
3463   !     CALL Error('ElementInfo_InitWork','Storage allocation for local element basis failed')
3464   !   END IF
3465   ! END SUBROUTINE ElementInfoVec_InitWork
3467   ! SUBROUTINE ElementInfoVec_FreeWork()
3468   !   IMPLICIT NONE
3470   !   IF (ALLOCATED(BasisWrk)) THEN
3471   !     DEALLOCATE(BasisWrk, dBasisdxWrk, LtoGMapsWrk, DetJWrk, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk)
3472   !   END IF
3473   ! END SUBROUTINE ElementInfoVec_FreeWork
3475! ElementInfoVec currently uses only P element definitions for basis
3476! functions, even for purely nodal elements. Support for standard nodal elements
3477! will be implemented in the future.
3479   FUNCTION ElementInfoVec( Element, Nodes, nc, u, v, w, detJ, nbmax, Basis, dBasisdx ) RESULT(retval)
3483     TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element    !< Element structure
3484     TYPE(Nodes_t)   :: Nodes              !< Element nodal coordinates.
3485     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nc             !< Number of local coordinates to compute values of the basis function
3486     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER CONTIG :: u(:)  !< 1st local coordinates at which to calculate the basis function.
3487     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER CONTIG :: v(:)  !< 2nd local coordinates.
3488     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER CONTIG :: w(:)  !< 3rd local coordinates.
3489     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG, INTENT(OUT) :: detJ(:) !< Square roots of determinants of element coordinate system metric at coordinates
3490     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbmax          !< Maximum number of basis functions to compute
3491     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG :: Basis(:,:)    !< Basis function values at (u,v,w)
3492     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG, OPTIONAL :: dBasisdx(:,:,:)    !< Global first derivatives of basis functions at (u,v,w)
3493     LOGICAL :: retval                             !< If .FALSE. element is degenerate. or if local storage allocation fails
3495     ! Internal work arrays (always needed)
3497     REAL(KIND=dp) :: BasisWrk(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,nbmax)
3498     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dBasisdxWrk(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,nbmax,3)
3500     REAL(KIND=dp) :: LtoGMapsWrk(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,3,3)
3502     INTEGER :: i, l, n, dim, cdim, ll, ncl, lln
3503     LOGICAL :: elem
3504!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN:64::uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, BasisWrk, dBasisdxWrk, DetJWrk, LtoGMapsWrk
3506     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3507     ! Special case, Element: POINT
3508     IF (Element % TYPE % ElementCODE == 101) THEN
3509       DetJ(1:nc) = REAL(1, dp)
3510       Basis(1:nc,1) = REAL(1, dp)
3511       IF (PRESENT(dBasisdx)) THEN
3512         DO i=1,nc
3513           dBasisdx(i,1,1) = REAL(0, dp)
3514         END DO
3515       END IF
3516       retval = .TRUE.
3517       RETURN
3518     END IF
3520     ! Set up workspace arrays
3521     ! CALL ElementInfoVec_InitWork(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH, nbmax)
3522     IF ( nbmax < Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes ) THEN
3523       CALL Fatal('ElementInfoVec','Not enough storage to compute local element basis')
3524     END IF
3526     IF(PRESENT(dBasisdx))  &
3527       dBasisdx = 0._dp ! avoid uninitialized stuff depending on coordinate dimension...
3529     IF(ASSOCIATED(Element % PDefs) .OR. Element % Type % BasisFunctionDegree<2) THEN
3530       retval =  ElementInfoVec_ComputePElementBasis(Element,Nodes,nc,u,v,w,detJ,nbmax,Basis,&
3531             uWrk,vWrk,wWrk,BasisWrk,dBasisdxWrk,DetJWrk,LtoGmapsWrk,dBasisdx)
3532     ELSE
3533       retval = .TRUE.
3534       n    = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
3535       dim  = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
3536       cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
3538       DO ll=1,nc,VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH
3539         lln = MIN(ll+VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH-1,nc)
3540         ncl = lln-ll+1
3542         ! Block copy input
3543         uWrk(1:ncl) = u(ll:lln)
3544         IF (cdim > 1) THEN
3545           vWrk(1:ncl) = v(ll:lln)
3546         END IF
3547         IF (cdim > 2) THEN
3548           wWrk(1:ncl) = w(ll:lln)
3549         END IF
3551         DO l=1,ncl
3552           CALL NodalBasisFunctions(n, Basis(l,:), element, uWrk(l), vWrk(l), wWrk(l))
3553           CALL NodalFirstDerivatives(n, dBasisdxWrk(l,:,:), element, uWrk(l), vWrk(l), wWrk(l))
3554           !--------------------------------------------------------------
3555         END DO
3557         ! Element (contravariant) metric and square root of determinant
3558         !--------------------------------------------------------------
3559         elem = ElementMetricVec( Element, Nodes, ncl, n, DetJWrk, &
3560                nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, LtoGMapsWrk )
3562         IF (.NOT. elem) THEN
3563           retval = .FALSE.
3564           RETURN
3565           END IF
3567         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
3568         DO i=1,ncl
3569           DetJ(i+ll-1)=DetJWrk(i)
3570         END DO
3572         ! Get global basis functions
3573         !--------------------------------------------------------------
3574         ! First derivatives
3575         IF (PRESENT(dBasisdx)) THEN
3577           CALL ElementInfoVec_ElementBasisToGlobal(ncl, n, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, dim, cdim, LtoGMapsWrk, ll, dBasisdx)
3578         END IF
3579       END DO
3580     END IF
3581   END FUNCTION ElementInfoVec
3583   FUNCTION ElementInfoVec_ComputePElementBasis(Element, Nodes, nc, u, v, w, DetJ, nbmax, Basis, &
3584      uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, BasisWrk, dBasisdxWrk, DetJWrk, LtoGmapsWrk, dBasisdx) RESULT(retval)
3586     TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element    !< Element structure
3587     TYPE(Nodes_t)   :: Nodes              !< Element nodal coordinates.
3588     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nc             !< Number of local coordinates to compute values of the basis function
3589     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER CONTIG :: u(:)  !< 1st local coordinates at which to calculate the basis function.
3590     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER CONTIG :: v(:)  !< 2nd local coordinates.
3591     REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER CONTIG :: w(:)  !< 3rd local coordinates.
3592     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG, INTENT(OUT) :: detJ(:) !< Square roots of determinants of element coordinate system metric at coordinates
3593     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbmax          !< Maximum number of basis functions to compute
3594     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG :: Basis(:,:)    !< Basis function values at (u,v,w)
3595     ! Internal work arrays
3597     REAL(KIND=dp) :: BasisWrk(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,nbmax)
3598     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dBasisdxWrk(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,nbmax,3)
3600     REAL(KIND=dp) :: LtoGMapsWrk(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,3,3)
3601     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG, OPTIONAL :: dBasisdx(:,:,:)    !< Global first derivatives of basis functions at (u,v,w)
3602     LOGICAL :: retval                             !< If .FALSE. element is degenerate. or if local storage allocation fails
3605     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3606     !    Local variables
3607     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3608     INTEGER :: EdgeDegree(H1Basis_MaxPElementEdges), &
3609           FaceDegree(H1Basis_MaxPElementFaces), &
3610           EdgeDirection(H1Basis_MaxPElementEdgeNodes,H1Basis_MaxPElementEdges), &
3611           FaceDirection(H1Basis_MaxPElementFaceNodes,H1Basis_MaxPElementFaces)
3613     INTEGER :: cdim, dim, i, j, k, l, ll, lln, ncl, ip, n, p, nb, &
3614           nbp, nbq, nbdxp, allocstat, ncpad, EdgeMaxDegree, FaceMaxDegree
3617     LOGICAL :: invertBubble, elem
3619!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN:64::EdgeDegree, FaceDegree
3620!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN:64::EdgeDirection, FaceDirection
3621!DIR$ ASSUME_ALIGNED uWrk:64, vWrk:64, wWrk:64, BasisWrk:64, dBasisdxWrk:64, DetJWrk:64, LtoGMapsWrk:64
3623     retval = .TRUE.
3624     n    = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
3625     dim  = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
3626     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
3628     dBasisdxWrk = 0._dp ! avoid uninitialized stuff depending on coordinate dimension...
3630     ! Block the computation for large values of input points
3631     DO ll=1,nc,VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH
3632       lln = MIN(ll+VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH-1,nc)
3633       ncl = lln-ll+1
3635       ! Set number of computed basis functions
3636       nbp = 0
3637       nbdxp = 0
3639       ! Block copy input
3640       uWrk(1:ncl) = u(ll:lln)
3641       IF (cdim > 1) THEN
3642         vWrk(1:ncl) = v(ll:lln)
3643       END IF
3644       IF (cdim > 2) THEN
3645         wWrk(1:ncl) = w(ll:lln)
3646       END IF
3648       ! Compute local p element basis
3649       SELECT CASE (Element % Type % ElementCode)
3650         ! Element: LINE
3651       CASE (202)
3652         ! Compute nodal basis
3653         CALL H1Basis_LineNodal(ncl, uWrk, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3654         ! Compute local first derivatives
3655         CALL H1Basis_dLineNodal(ncl, uWrk, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3657         ! Element bubble functions
3658         IF (Element % BDOFS > 0) THEN
3659           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute edge direction
3660           IF (ll==1) THEN
3661             ! Compute P from bubble dofs
3662             P = Element % BDOFS + 1
3664             IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge .AND. &
3665                   Element % NodeIndexes(1)> Element % NodeIndexes(2)) THEN
3666               invertBubble = .TRUE.
3667             ELSE
3668               invertBubble = .FALSE.
3669             END IF
3670           END IF
3672           CALL H1Basis_LineBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, invertBubble)
3673           CALL H1Basis_dLineBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, invertBubble)
3674         END IF
3676         ! Element: TRIANGLE
3677       CASE (303)
3678         ! Compute nodal basis
3679         CALL H1Basis_TriangleNodalP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3680         ! Compute local first derivatives
3681         CALL H1Basis_dTriangleNodalP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3683         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes)) THEN
3684           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
3685           ! edge directions
3686           IF (ll==1) THEN
3687             CALL GetElementMeshEdgeInfo(CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh, &
3688                   Element, EdgeDegree, EdgeDirection, EdgeMaxDegree)
3689           END IF
3691           ! Compute basis function values
3692           IF (EdgeMaxDegree>1 ) THEN
3693             nbq = nbp + SUM(EdgeDegree(1:3)-1)
3694             IF(nbmax >= nbq ) THEN
3695               CALL H1Basis_TriangleEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, &
3696                     nbp, EdgeDirection)
3697               CALL H1Basis_dTriangleEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, &
3698                     nbdxp, EdgeDirection)
3699             END IF
3700           END IF
3701         END IF
3703         ! Element bubble functions
3704         IF (Element % BDOFS > 0) THEN
3705           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
3706           ! edge directions
3707           IF (ll==1) THEN
3708             ! Compute P from bubble dofs
3709             P = CEILING( ( 3.0d0+SQRT(1.0d0+8.0d0*(Element % BDOFS)) ) / 2.0d0 - AEPS)
3711             IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
3712               ! Get 2D face direction
3713               CALL H1Basis_GetFaceDirection(Element % Type % ElementCode, &
3714                     1, &
3715                     Element % NodeIndexes, &
3716                     FaceDirection)
3717             END IF
3718           END IF
3719           IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
3720             CALL H1Basis_TriangleBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
3721                   FaceDirection(1:3,1))
3722             CALL H1Basis_dTriangleBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
3723                   FaceDirection(1:3,1))
3724           ELSE
3725             CALL H1Basis_TriangleBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3726             CALL H1Basis_dTriangleBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3727           END IF
3728         END IF
3730         ! QUADRILATERAL
3731       CASE (404)
3732         ! Compute nodal basis
3733         CALL H1Basis_QuadNodal(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3734         ! Compute local first derivatives
3735         CALL H1Basis_dQuadNodal(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3737         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes )) THEN
3738           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
3739           ! edge directions
3740           IF (ll==1) THEN
3741             CALL GetElementMeshEdgeInfo(CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh, &
3742                   Element, EdgeDegree, EdgeDirection, EdgeMaxDegree)
3743           END IF
3745           ! Compute basis function values
3746           IF (EdgeMaxDegree > 1) THEN
3747             nbq = nbp + SUM(EdgeDegree(1:4)-1)
3748             IF(nbmax >= nbq) THEN
3749               CALL H1Basis_QuadEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
3750                     EdgeDirection)
3751               CALL H1Basis_dQuadEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
3752                     EdgeDirection)
3753             END IF
3754           END IF
3755         END IF
3757         ! Element bubble functions
3758         IF (Element % BDOFS > 0) THEN
3759           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
3760           ! edge directions
3761           IF (ll==1) THEN
3762             ! Compute P from bubble dofs
3763             P = CEILING( ( 5.0d0+SQRT(1.0d0+8.0d0*(Element % BDOFS)) ) / 2.0d0 - AEPS )
3765             IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
3766               ! Get 2D face direction
3767               CALL H1Basis_GetFaceDirection(Element % Type % ElementCode, &
3768                     1, &
3769                     Element % NodeIndexes, &
3770                     FaceDirection)
3771             END IF
3772           END IF
3774           IF (Element % PDefs % isEdge) THEN
3775             CALL H1Basis_QuadBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
3776                   FaceDirection(1:4,1))
3777             CALL H1Basis_dQuadBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
3778                   FaceDirection(1:4,1))
3779           ELSE
3780             CALL H1Basis_QuadBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3781             CALL H1Basis_dQuadBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3782           END IF
3783         END IF
3785         ! TETRAHEDRON
3786       CASE (504)
3787         ! Compute nodal basis
3788         CALL H1Basis_TetraNodalP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3789         ! Compute local first derivatives
3790         CALL H1Basis_dTetraNodalP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3792         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes )) THEN
3793           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
3794           ! edge directions
3795           IF (ll==1) THEN
3796             ! Get polynomial degree of each edge
3797             EdgeMaxDegree = 0
3798             IF( CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % MaxEdgeDofs == 0 ) THEN
3799               CONTINUE
3800             ELSE IF (CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % MinEdgeDOFs == &
3801                   CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % MaxEdgeDOFs) THEN
3802               EdgeMaxDegree = Element % BDOFs+1
3803               EdgeDegree(1:Element % Type % NumberOfFaces) = EdgeMaxDegree
3804             ELSE
3805               DO i=1,6
3806                 EdgeDegree(i) = CurrentModel % Solver % &
3807                       Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) ) % BDOFs + 1
3808                 EdgeMaxDegree = MAX(EdgeDegree(i),EdgeMaxDegree)
3809               END DO
3810             END IF
3812             ! Tetrahedral directions are enforced by tetra element types
3813             IF (EdgeMaxDegree > 1) THEN
3814               CALL H1Basis_GetTetraEdgeDirection(Element % PDefs % TetraType, EdgeDirection)
3815             END IF
3816           END IF
3818           ! Compute basis function values
3819           IF (EdgeMaxDegree > 1) THEN
3820             nbq = nbp + SUM(EdgeDegree(1:6)-1)
3821             IF(nbmax >= nbq) THEN
3822               CALL H1Basis_TetraEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
3823                     EdgeDirection)
3824               CALL H1Basis_dTetraEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
3825                     EdgeDirection)
3826             END IF
3827           END IF
3828         END IF
3830         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes )) THEN
3831           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
3832           ! face directions
3833           IF (ll==1) THEN
3834             ! Get polynomial degree of each face
3835             FaceMaxDegree = 0
3837             IF( CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % MaxFaceDofs == 0 ) THEN
3838               CONTINUE
3839             ELSE IF (CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % MinFaceDOFs == &
3840                   CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % MaxFaceDOFs) THEN
3841               FaceMaxDegree = CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(1) ) % PDefs % P
3842               FaceDegree(1:Element % Type % NumberOfFaces) = FaceMaxDegree
3843             ELSE
3844               DO i=1,4
3845                 IF (CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % &
3846                       Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(i) ) % BDOFs /= 0) THEN
3847                   FaceDegree(i) = CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % &
3848                         Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(i) ) % PDefs % P
3849                   FaceMaxDegree = MAX(FaceDegree(i), FaceMaxDegree)
3850                 ELSE
3851                   FaceDegree(i) = 0
3852                 END IF
3853               END DO
3854             END IF
3856             IF (FaceMaxDegree > 1) THEN
3857               CALL H1Basis_GetTetraFaceDirection(Element % PDefs % TetraType, FaceDirection)
3858             END IF
3859           END IF
3861           ! Compute basis function values
3862           IF (FaceMaxDegree>1 ) THEN
3863             nbq = nbp
3864             DO i=1,4
3865               DO j=0,FaceDegree(i)
3866                  nbq = nbq + MAX(FaceDegree(i)-j-2,0)
3867               END DO
3868             END DO
3870             IF (nbmax >= nbq ) THEN
3871               CALL H1Basis_TetraFaceP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, FaceDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
3872                     FaceDirection)
3873               CALL H1Basis_dTetraFaceP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, FaceDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
3874                     FaceDirection)
3875             END IF
3876           END IF
3877         END IF
3879         ! Element bubble functions
3880         IF (Element % BDOFS > 0) THEN
3881           ! Compute P based on bubble dofs
3882           nb = Element % BDOFs
3883           p = CEILING( 1/3._dp*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3._dp+729*nb**2))**(1/3._dp) + &
3884                   1d0/(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3._dp+729*nb**2))**(1/3._dp)+2 - AEPS )
3886           CALL H1Basis_TetraBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
3887           CALL H1Basis_dTetraBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
3888         END IF
3891       CASE (605)
3893         INTEGER ::  F, locali, localj, nb, q, tmp(4), direction(4)
3894         LOGICAL :: invert
3895         TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Face, Edge
3897         dBasisdxWrk(1:ncl,:,:) = 0.0d0
3898         BasisWrk(1:ncl,:) = 0.0d0
3899         DO l=1,ncl
3900           CALL NodalBasisFunctions(5, BasisWrk(l,:), element, uWrk(l), vWrk(l), wWrk(l))
3901           CALL NodalFirstDerivatives(5, dBasisdxWrk(l,:,:), element, uWrk(l), vWrk(l), wWrk(l) )
3903           q = 5
3905           ! Edges of P Pyramid
3906           IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes ) ) THEN
3907             ! For each edge in wedge, calculate values of edge functions
3908             DO i=1,8
3909                Edge => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) )
3911                ! Do not solve edge dofs, if there is not any
3912                IF (Edge % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
3914                ! Get local indexes of current edge
3915                tmp(1:2) = getPyramidEdgeMap(i)
3916                locali = tmp(1)
3917                localj = tmp(2)
3919                ! Determine edge direction
3920                invert = .FALSE.
3922                ! Invert edge if local first node has greater global index than second one
3923                IF ( Element % NodeIndexes(locali) > Element % NodeIndexes(localj) ) invert = .TRUE.
3925                ! For each DOF in edge calculate values of edge functions
3926                ! and their derivatives for edge=i and i=k+1
3927                DO k=1,Edge % BDOFs
3928                   IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisWrk,2) ) CYCLE
3929                   q = q + 1
3931                   ! Get values of edge basis functions and their derivatives
3932                   BasisWrk(l,q) = PyramidEdgePBasis(i,k+1,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l),invert)
3933                   dBasisdxWrk(l,q,1:3) = dPyramidEdgePBasis(i,k+1,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l),invert)
3934                END DO
3935             END DO
3936           END IF
3938           ! Faces of P Pyramid
3939           IF ( ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes ) ) THEN
3940              ! For each face in pyramid, calculate values of face functions
3941              DO F=1,5
3942                 Face => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(F) )
3944                 ! Do not solve face dofs, if there is not any
3945                 IF ( Face % BDOFs <= 0) CYCLE
3947                 ! Get face p
3948                 p = Face % PDefs % P
3950                 ! Handle triangle and square faces separately
3951                 SELECT CASE(F)
3952                 CASE (1)
3953                    direction = 0
3954                    ! Get global direction vector for enforcing parity
3955                    tmp(1:4) = getPyramidFaceMap(F)
3956                    direction(1:4) = getSquareFaceDirection( Element, tmp(1:4) )
3958                    ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
3959                    ! pairs i,j=2,..,p-2 i+j=4,..,p
3960                    DO i=2,p-2
3961                       DO j=2,p-i
3962                          IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisWrk,2) ) CYCLE
3963                          q = q + 1
3965                          BasisWrk(l,q) = PyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l),direction)
3966                          dBasisdxWrk(l,q,:) = dPyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l),direction)
3967                       END DO
3968                    END DO
3970                 CASE (2,3,4,5)
3971                    direction = 0
3972                    ! Get global direction vector for enforcing parity
3973                    tmp(1:4) = getPyramidFaceMap(F)
3974                    direction(1:3) = getTriangleFaceDirection( Element, tmp(1:3) )
3976                    ! For each face calculate values of functions from index
3977                    ! pairs i,j=0,..,p-3 i+j=0,..,p-3
3978                    DO i=0,p-3
3979                       DO j=0,p-i-3
3980                          IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisWrk,2) ) CYCLE
3981                          q = q + 1
3983                          BasisWrk(l,q) = PyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l),direction)
3984                          dBasisdxWrk(l,q,:) = dPyramidFacePBasis(F,i,j,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l),direction)
3985                       END DO
3986                    END DO
3987                 END SELECT
3988              END DO
3989           END IF
3991           ! Bubbles of P Pyramid
3992           IF (Element % BDOFs > 0) THEN
3993              ! Get element p
3994              p = Element % PDefs % p
3995              nb = MAX( GetBubbleDOFs(Element, p), Element % BDOFs )
3996              p=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+1d0/ &
3997                      (81*nb+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*nb**2))**(1/3d0)+2 - AEPS)
3999              ! Calculate value of bubble functions from indexes
4000              ! i,j,k=0,..,p-4 i+j+k=0,..,p-4
4001              DO i=0,p-4
4002                 DO j=0,p-i-4
4003                    DO k=0,p-i-j-4
4004                       IF ( q >= SIZE(BasisWrk,2)) CYCLE
4005                       q = q + 1
4007                       BasisWrk(l,q) = PyramidBubblePBasis(i,j,k,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l))
4008                       dBasisdxWrk(l,q,:) = dPyramidBubblePBasis(i,j,k,uwrk(l),vwrk(l),wwrk(l))
4009                    END DO
4010                 END DO
4011              END DO
4012           END IF
4013         END DO
4015         nbp = q
4020         ! WEDGE
4021       CASE (706)
4022         ! Compute nodal basis
4023         CALL H1Basis_WedgeNodalP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
4024         ! Compute local first derivatives
4025         CALL H1Basis_dWedgeNodalP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
4027         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes )) THEN
4028           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
4029           ! edge directions
4030           IF (ll==1) THEN
4031             CALL GetElementMeshEdgeInfo(CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh, &
4032                   Element, EdgeDegree, EdgeDirection, EdgeMaxDegree)
4033           END IF
4035           ! Compute basis function values
4036           IF (EdgeMaxDegree > 1)THEN
4037             nbq = nbp+SUM(EdgeDegree(1:9)-1)
4038             IF(nbmax >= nbq) THEN
4039               CALL H1Basis_WedgeEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
4040                     EdgeDirection)
4041               CALL H1Basis_dWedgeEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
4042                     EdgeDirection)
4043             END IF
4044           END IF
4045         END IF
4047         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes )) THEN
4048           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
4049           ! face directions
4050           IF (ll==1) THEN
4051             CALL GetElementMeshFaceInfo(CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh, &
4052                   Element, FaceDegree, FaceDirection, FaceMaxDegree)
4053           END IF
4055           ! Compute basis function values
4056           IF (FaceMaxDegree > 1 ) THEN
4057             nbq = nbp
4058             ! Triangle faces
4059             DO i=1,2
4060               DO j=0,FaceDegree(i)-3
4061                 nbq = nbq + MAX(FaceDegree(i)-j-2,0)
4062               END DO
4063             END DO
4064             ! Square faces
4065             DO i=3,5
4066               DO j=2,FaceDegree(i)-2
4067                 nbq = nbq + MAX(FaceDegree(i)-j-1,0)
4068               END DO
4069             END DO
4071             IF(nbmax >= nbq) THEN
4072               CALL H1Basis_WedgeFaceP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, FaceDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
4073                     FaceDirection)
4074               CALL H1Basis_dWedgeFaceP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, FaceDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
4075                     FaceDirection)
4076             END IF
4077           END IF
4078         END IF
4080         ! Element bubble functions
4081         IF (Element % BDOFS > 0) THEN
4082           ! Compute P from bubble dofs
4083           P=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*(Element % BDOFS) + &
4084                 3*SQRT(-3d0+729*(Element % BDOFS)**2))**(1/3d0) + &
4085                 1d0/(81*(Element % BDOFS)+ &
4086                 3*SQRT(-3d0+729*(Element % BDOFS)**2))**(1/3d0)+3 - AEPS)
4088           CALL H1Basis_WedgeBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
4089           CALL H1Basis_dWedgeBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
4090         END IF
4092         ! HEXAHEDRON
4093       CASE (808)
4094         ! Compute local basis
4095         CALL H1Basis_BrickNodal(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
4096         ! Compute local first derivatives
4097         CALL H1Basis_dBrickNodal(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
4099         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % EdgeIndexes )) THEN
4100           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
4101           ! edge directions
4102           IF (ll==1) THEN
4103             CALL GetElementMeshEdgeInfo(CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh, &
4104                   Element, EdgeDegree, EdgeDirection, EdgeMaxDegree)
4105           END IF
4107           ! Compute basis function values
4108           IF (EdgeMaxDegree > 1) THEN
4109             nbq = nbp + SUM(EdgeDegree(1:12)-1)
4110             IF(nbmax >= nbq) THEN
4111               CALL H1Basis_BrickEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
4112                     EdgeDirection)
4113               CALL H1Basis_dBrickEdgeP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, EdgeDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
4114                     EdgeDirection)
4115             END IF
4116           END IF
4117         END IF
4120         IF (ASSOCIATED( Element % FaceIndexes )) THEN
4121           ! For first round of blocked loop, compute polynomial degrees and
4122           ! face directions
4123           IF (ll==1) THEN
4124             CALL GetElementMeshFaceInfo(CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh, &
4125                   Element, FaceDegree, FaceDirection, FaceMaxDegree)
4126           END IF
4128           ! Compute basis function values
4129           IF (FaceMaxDegree > 1) THEN
4130             nbq = nbp
4131             DO i=1,6
4132               DO j=2,FaceDegree(i)
4133                 nbq = nbq + MAX(FaceDegree(i)-j-1,0)
4134               END DO
4135             END DO
4137             IF(nbmax >= nbq) THEN
4138               CALL H1Basis_BrickFaceP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, FaceDegree, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp, &
4139                     FaceDirection)
4140               CALL H1Basis_dBrickFaceP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, FaceDegree, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp, &
4141                     FaceDirection)
4142             END IF
4143           END IF
4144         END IF
4147         ! Element bubble functions
4148         IF (Element % BDOFS > 0) THEN
4149           ! Compute P from bubble dofs
4150           P=CEILING(1/3d0*(81*Element % BDOFS + &
4151                 3*SQRT(-3d0+729*Element % BDOFS**2))**(1/3d0) + &
4152                 1d0/(81*Element % BDOFS+3*SQRT(-3d0+729*Element % BDOFS**2))**(1/3d0)+4 - AEPS)
4153           CALL H1Basis_BrickBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, P, nbmax, BasisWrk, nbp)
4154           CALL H1Basis_dBrickBubbleP(ncl, uWrk, vWrk, wWrk, P, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, nbdxp)
4155         END IF
4158       CASE DEFAULT
4159         WRITE( Message, '(a,i4,a)' ) 'Vectorized basis for element: ', &
4160               Element % TYPE % ElementCode, ' not implemented.'
4161         CALL Error( 'ElementInfoVec', Message )
4162         CALL Fatal( 'ElementInfoVec', 'ElementInfoVec is still does not include pyramids.' )
4163       END SELECT
4165       ! Copy basis function values to global array
4166       DO j=1,nbp
4167         DO i=1,ncl
4168           Basis(i+ll-1,j)=BasisWrk(i,j)
4169         END DO
4170       END DO
4172       !--------------------------------------------------------------
4173       ! Element (contravariant) metric and square root of determinant
4174       !--------------------------------------------------------------
4175       elem = ElementMetricVec( Element, Nodes, ncl, nbp, DetJWrk, &
4176             nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, LtoGMapsWrk )
4177       IF (.NOT. elem) THEN
4178         retval = .FALSE.
4179         RETURN
4180       END IF
4182       !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
4183       DO i=1,ncl
4184         DetJ(i+ll-1)=DetJWrk(i)
4185       END DO
4187       ! Get global basis functions
4188       !--------------------------------------------------------------
4189       ! First derivatives
4190       IF (PRESENT(dBasisdx)) THEN
4192         CALL ElementInfoVec_ElementBasisToGlobal(ncl, nbp, nbmax, dBasisdxWrk, dim, cdim, LtoGMapsWrk, ll, dBasisdx)
4193       END IF
4194     END DO ! Block over Gauss points
4198     SUBROUTINE GetElementMeshEdgeInfo(Mesh, Element, EdgeDegree, EdgeDirection, EdgeMaxDegree)
4199       IMPLICIT NONE
4201       TYPE(Mesh_t), INTENT(IN) :: Mesh
4202       TYPE(Element_t), INTENT(IN) :: Element
4203       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: EdgeDegree(H1Basis_MaxPElementEdges), &
4204               EdgeDirection(H1Basis_MaxPElementEdgeNodes,H1Basis_MaxPElementEdges)
4205       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: EdgeMaxDegree
4206       INTEGER :: i
4208       EdgeMaxDegree = 0
4210       IF( Mesh % MaxEdgeDofs == 0 ) THEN
4211         CONTINUE
4213       ELSE IF (Mesh % MinEdgeDOFs == Mesh % MaxEdgeDOFs) THEN
4214          EdgeDegree(1:Element % Type % NumberOfEdges) = Mesh % MaxEdgeDOFs + 1
4215          EdgeMaxDegree = Mesh % MaxEdgeDOFs + 1
4216       ELSE
4217       ! Get polynomial degree of each edge separately
4219          DO i=1,Element % Type % NumberOfEdges
4220             EdgeDegree(i) = Mesh % Edges( Element % EdgeIndexes(i) ) % BDOFs + 1
4221             EdgeMaxDegree = MAX(EdgeDegree(i), EdgeMaxDegree)
4222          END DO
4223       END IF
4225       ! Get edge directions if needed
4226       IF (EdgeMaxDegree > 1) THEN
4227         CALL H1Basis_GetEdgeDirection(Element % Type % ElementCode, &
4228                                       Element % Type % NumberOfEdges, &
4229                                       Element % NodeIndexes, &
4230                                       EdgeDirection)
4231       END IF
4232     END SUBROUTINE GetElementMeshEdgeInfo
4234     SUBROUTINE GetElementMeshFaceInfo(Mesh, Element, FaceDegree, FaceDirection, FaceMaxDegree)
4235       IMPLICIT NONE
4237       TYPE(Mesh_t), INTENT(IN) :: Mesh
4238       TYPE(Element_t), INTENT(IN) :: Element
4239       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: FaceDegree(H1Basis_MaxPElementFaces), &
4240               FaceDirection(H1Basis_MaxPElementFaceNodes,H1Basis_MaxPElementFaces)
4241       INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: FaceMaxDegree
4242       INTEGER :: i
4244       ! Get polynomial degree of each face
4245       FaceMaxDegree = 0
4247       IF( Mesh % MaxFaceDofs == 0 ) THEN
4248         CONTINUE
4250       ELSE IF (Mesh % MinFaceDOFs == Mesh % MaxFaceDOFs) THEN
4251          FaceMaxDegree = Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(1) ) % PDefs % P
4252          FaceDegree(1:Element % Type % NumberOfFaces) = FaceMaxDegree
4253       ELSE
4255          DO i=1,Element % Type % NumberOfFaces
4256             IF (Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(i) ) % BDOFs /= 0) THEN
4257                FaceDegree(i) = Mesh % Faces( Element % FaceIndexes(i) ) % PDefs % P
4258                FaceMaxDegree = MAX(FaceDegree(i), FaceMaxDegree)
4259             ELSE
4260                FaceDegree(i) = 0
4261             END IF
4262          END DO
4263       END IF
4265       ! Get face directions
4266       IF (FaceMaxDegree > 1) THEN
4267         CALL H1Basis_GetFaceDirection(Element % Type % ElementCode, &
4268                                       Element % Type % NumberOfFaces, &
4269                                       Element % NodeIndexes, &
4270                                       FaceDirection)
4271       END IF
4272     END SUBROUTINE GetElementMeshFaceInfo
4274   END FUNCTION ElementInfoVec_ComputePElementBasis
4277   SUBROUTINE ElementInfoVec_ElementBasisToGlobal(npts, nbasis, nbmax, dLBasisdx, dim, cdim, LtoGMap, offset, dBasisdx)
4280     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: npts
4281     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbasis
4282     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbmax
4283     REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN) :: dLBasisdx(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,nbmax,3)
4284     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dim
4285     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: cdim
4287     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: offset
4288     REAL(KIND=dp) CONTIG :: dBasisdx(:,:,:)
4290     INTEGER :: i, j, l
4291!DIR$ ASSUME_ALIGNED dLBasisdx:64, LtoGMap:64
4293     ! Map local basis function to global
4294     SELECT CASE (dim)
4295     CASE(1)
4296       !DIR$ LOOP COUNT MAX=3
4297       DO j=1,cdim
4298         DO i=1,nbasis
4299           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
4300           DO l=1,npts
4301             dBasisdx(l+offset-1,i,j) = dLBasisdx(l,i,1)*LtoGMap(l,j,1)
4302           END DO
4303         END DO
4304       END DO
4305     CASE(2)
4306       !DIR$ LOOP COUNT MAX=3
4307       DO j=1,cdim
4308         DO i=1,nbasis
4309           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
4310           DO l=1,npts
4311             ! Map local basis function to global
4312             dBasisdx(l+offset-1,i,j) = dLBasisdx(l,i,1)*LtoGMap(l,j,1)+ &
4313                   dLBasisdx(l,i,2)*LtoGMap(l,j,2)
4314           END DO
4315         END DO
4316       END DO
4317     CASE(3)
4318       !DIR$ LOOP COUNT MAX=3
4319       DO j=1,cdim
4320         DO i=1,nbasis
4321           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
4322           DO l=1,npts
4323             ! Map local basis function to global
4324             dBasisdx(l+offset-1,i,j) = dLBasisdx(l,i,1)*LtoGMap(l,j,1)+ &
4325                   dLBasisdx(l,i,2)*LtoGMap(l,j,2)+ &
4326                   dLBasisdx(l,i,3)*LtoGMap(l,j,3)
4327           END DO
4328         END DO
4329       END DO
4330     END SELECT
4332   END SUBROUTINE ElementInfoVec_ElementBasisToGlobal
4336!>  Returns just the size of the element at its center.
4337!>  providing a more economical way than calling ElementInfo.
4339   FUNCTION ElementSize( Element, Nodes ) RESULT ( detJ )
4341     TYPE(Element_t) :: Element
4342     TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
4343     REAL(KIND=dp) :: detJ
4345     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w
4346     REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: Basis(:)
4347     INTEGER :: n,family
4348     LOGICAL :: Stat
4351     family = Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100
4352     n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
4353     ALLOCATE( Basis(n) )
4355     SELECT CASE ( family )
4357       CASE ( 1 )
4358         DetJ = 1.0_dp
4359         RETURN
4361       CASE ( 2 )
4362         u = 0.0_dp
4363         v = 0.0_dp
4365       CASE ( 3 )
4366         u = 0.5_dp
4367         v = 0.5_dp
4369       CASE ( 4 )
4370         u = 0.0_dp
4371         v = 0.0_dp
4373       CASE ( 5 )
4374         u = 0.5_dp
4375         v = 0.5_dp
4376         w = 0.5_dp
4378       CASE ( 8 )
4379         u = 0.0_dp
4380         v = 0.0_dp
4381         w = 0.0_dp
4383       CASE DEFAULT
4384         CALL Fatal('ElementSize','Not implemented for elementtype')
4386       END SELECT
4388       Stat = ElementInfo( Element, Nodes, u, v, w, detJ, Basis )
4390     END FUNCTION ElementSize
4395!>  Return H(div)-conforming face element basis function values and their divergence
4396!>  with respect to the reference element coordinates at a given point on the
4397!>  reference element. Here the basis for a real element K is constructed by
4398!>  transforming the basis functions defined on the reference element k via the
4399!>  Piola transformation. The data for performing the Piola transformation is also returned.
4400!>  Note that the reference element is chosen as in the p-approximation so that
4401!>  the reference element edges/faces have the same length/area. This choice simplifies
4402!>  the associated assembly procedure.
4403!>     With giving the optional argument ApplyPiolaTransform = .TRUE., this function
4404!>  also performs the Piola transform, so that the basis functions and their spatial
4405!>  div as defined on the physical element are returned.
4406!>    The implementation is not yet complete as all element shapes are not supported.
4408     RECURSIVE FUNCTION FaceElementInfo( Element, Nodes, u, v, w, F, detF, &
4409          Basis, FBasis, DivFBasis, BDM, Dual, BasisDegree, ApplyPiolaTransform) RESULT(stat)
4411       IMPLICIT NONE
4413       TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element        !< Element structure
4414       TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes                    !< Data corresponding to the classic element nodes
4415       REAL(KIND=dp) :: u                        !< 1st reference element coordinate at which the basis functions are evaluated
4416       REAL(KIND=dp) :: v                        !< 2nd reference element coordinate
4417       REAL(KIND=dp) :: w                        !< 3rd reference element coordinate
4418       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: F(3,3)         !< The gradient F=Grad f, with f the element map f:k->K
4419       REAL(KIND=dp) :: detF                     !< The determinant of the gradient matrix F
4420       REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(:)                 !< Standard nodal basis functions evaluated at (u,v,w)
4421       REAL(KIND=dp) :: FBasis(:,:)              !< Face element basis functions b spanning the reference element space
4422       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: DivFBasis(:)   !< The divergence of basis functions with respect to the local coordinates
4423       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: BDM                  !< If .TRUE., a basis for BDM space is constructed
4424       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: Dual                 !< If .TRUE., create an alternate dual basis
4425       INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: BasisDegree(:)       !< This a dummy parameter at the moment
4426       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: ApplyPiolaTransform  !< If  .TRUE., perform the Piola transform so that, instead of b
4427                                                 !< and Div b, return  B(f(p)) and (div B)(f(p)) with B(x) the basis
4428                                                 !< functions on the physical element and div the spatial divergence operator.
4429       LOGICAL :: Stat                           !< Should be .FALSE. for a degenerate element but this is not yet checked
4431!      Local variables
4433       TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER :: Mesh
4434       INTEGER, POINTER :: EdgeMap(:,:), FaceMap(:,:), Ind(:)
4435       INTEGER :: SquareFaceMap(4)
4436       INTEGER :: DOFs
4437       INTEGER :: n, dim, q, i, j, k, ni, nj, nk, I1, I2
4438       INTEGER :: FDofMap(4,3), DofsPerFace, FaceIndices(4)
4439       REAL(KIND=dp) :: LF(3,3)
4440       REAL(KIND=dp) :: DivBasis(12) ! Note the hard-coded size, alter if new elements are added
4441       REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLbasisdx(MAX(SIZE(Nodes % x),SIZE(Basis)),3), S, D1, D2
4442       REAL(KIND=dp) :: BDMBasis(12,3), BDMDivBasis(12), WorkBasis(2,3), WorkDivBasis(2)
4444       LOGICAL :: RevertSign(4), CreateBDMBasis, Parallel
4445       LOGICAL :: CreateDualBasis
4446       LOGICAL :: PerformPiolaTransform
4448       Mesh => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh
4449       Parallel = ASSOCIATED(Mesh % ParallelInfo % Interface)
4451       !--------------------------------------------------------------------
4452       ! Check whether BDM or dual basis functions should be created and
4453       ! whether the Piola transform is already applied within this function.
4454       !---------------------------------------------------------------------
4455       CreateBDMBasis = .FALSE.
4456       IF ( PRESENT(BDM) ) CreateBDMBasis = BDM
4457       CreateDualBasis = .FALSE.
4458       IF ( PRESENT(Dual) ) CreateDualBasis = Dual
4459       PerformPiolaTransform = .FALSE.
4460       IF ( PRESENT(ApplyPiolaTransform) ) PerformPiolaTransform = ApplyPiolaTransform
4461       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4462       stat = .TRUE.
4463       Basis = 0.0d0
4464       FBasis = 0.0d0
4465       DivFBasis = 0.0d0
4466       DivBasis = 0.0d0
4467       LF = 0.0d0
4469       dLbasisdx = 0.0d0
4470       n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
4471       dim = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
4473       IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 101 ) THEN
4474          detF = 1.0d0
4475          Basis(1) = 1.0d0
4476          RETURN
4477       END IF
4479       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4480       ! The standard nodal basis functions on the reference element and
4481       ! their derivatives with respect to the local coordinates. These define
4482       ! the mapping of the reference element to an actual element on the
4483       ! background mesh but are not the basis functions for face element approximation.
4484       ! Remark: Using reference elements having the faces of the same area
4485       ! simplifies the implementation of element assembly procedures.
4486       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4487       SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
4488       CASE(3)
4489          DO q=1,n
4490             Basis(q) = TriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
4491             dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
4492          END DO
4493       CASE(4)
4494          DO q=1,n
4495             Basis(q) = QuadNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
4496             dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
4497          END DO
4498       CASE(5)
4499          DO q=1,n
4500             Basis(q) = TetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
4501             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
4502          END DO
4503       CASE DEFAULT
4504          CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::FaceElementInfo','Unsupported element type')
4505       END SELECT
4507       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4508       ! Get data for performing the Piola transformation...
4509       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4510       stat = PiolaTransformationData(n, Element, Nodes, LF, detF, dLBasisdx)
4511       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
4512       ! ... in order to define the basis for the element space X(K) via
4513       ! applying the Piola transformation as
4514       !    X(K) = { B | B = 1/(det F) F b(f^{-1}(x)) }
4515       ! with b giving the face element basis function on the reference element k,
4516       ! f mapping k to the actual element K, i.e. K = f(k) and F = Grad f. This
4517       ! function returns the local basis functions b and their divergence (with respect
4518       ! to local coordinates) evaluated at the integration point. The effect of
4519       ! the Piola transformation need to be considered when integrating, so we
4520       ! shall return also the values of F and det F.
4521       !
4522       ! The construction of face element bases could be done in an alternate way for
4523       ! triangles and tetrahedra, while the chosen approach has the benefit that
4524       ! it generalizes to other cases. For example general quadrilaterals may now
4525       ! be handled in the same way.
4526       !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4528       SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
4529       CASE(3)
4530          !----------------------------------------------------------------
4531          ! Note that the global orientation of face normal is taken to be
4532          ! n = t x e_z where the tangent vector t is aligned with
4533          ! the element edge and points towards the node that has
4534          ! a larger global index.
4535          !---------------------------------------------------------------
4536          EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(3)
4537          !EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(GetElementFamily(Element))
4539          !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4540          ! Check first whether a sign reversion will be needed as face dofs have orientation.
4541          !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4542          CALL FaceElementOrientation(Element, RevertSign)
4544          IF (CreateBDMBasis) THEN
4545             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4546             ! This is for the BDM space of degree k=1.
4547             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4548             DOFs = 6
4549             DofsPerFace = 2
4550             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4551             ! First tabulate the basis functions in the default order.
4552             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4553             ! Two basis functions defined on face 12:
4554             !-------------------------------------------------
4555             FBasis(1,1) = sqrt(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * (-sqrt(3.0d0) + u + v)
4556             FBasis(1,2) = sqrt(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * (-sqrt(3.0d0) + 3.0d0 * u + v)
4557             DivBasis(1) = sqrt(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4559             FBasis(2,1) = sqrt(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * (sqrt(3.0d0) + u - v)
4560             FBasis(2,2) = sqrt(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * (-sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0 * u + v)
4561             DivBasis(2) = sqrt(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4563             ! Two basis functions defined on face 23:
4565             FBasis(3,1) = 1.0d0/(3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0)) * (2.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0)+(2.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0))*u-(1.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0))*v)
4566             FBasis(3,2) = 1.0d0/6.0d0 * ( -3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0) ) * v
4567             DivBasis(3) = sqrt(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4569             FBasis(4,1) = 1.0d0/6.0d0 * (-3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0)+(-3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 2.0d0*sqrt(3.0d0)*v)
4570             FBasis(4,2) = 1.0d0/6.0d0 * ( 3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0) ) * v
4571             DivBasis(4) = sqrt(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4574             ! Two basis functions defined on face 31:
4576             FBasis(5,1) = 1.0d0/( 3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0) ) * ( 1.0d0 - u - v - sqrt(3.0d0)*v )
4577             FBasis(5,2) = ( 3.0d0+2.0d0*sqrt(3.0d0) ) * v /(3.0d0*(1.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0)))
4578             DivBasis(5) = sqrt(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4580             FBasis(6,1) = 1.0d0/6.0d0 * (-3.0d0-sqrt(3.0d0)+(3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 2.0d0*sqrt(3.0d0)*v)
4581             FBasis(6,2) = 1.0d0/6.0d0 * ( -3.0d0+sqrt(3.0d0) ) * v
4582             DivBasis(6) = sqrt(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4584             !-----------------------------------------------------
4585             ! Now do the reordering and sign reversion:
4586             !-----------------------------------------------------
4587             DO q=1,3
4588               IF (RevertSign(q)) THEN
4589                 DO j=1,DofsPerFace
4590                   i = (q-1)*DofsPerFace + j
4591                   WorkBasis(j,1:2) = FBasis(i,1:2)
4592                   WorkDivBasis(j) = DivBasis(i)
4593                 END DO
4594                 i = 2*q - 1
4595                 FBasis(i,1:2) = -WorkBasis(2,1:2)
4596                 DivBasis(i) = -WorkDivBasis(2)
4597                 i = 2*q
4598                 FBasis(i,1:2) = -WorkBasis(1,1:2)
4599                 DivBasis(i) = -WorkDivBasis(1)
4600               END IF
4601             END DO
4603          ELSE
4604             DOFs = 3
4606             FBasis(1,1) = SQRT(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * u
4607             FBasis(1,2) = -0.5d0 + SQRT(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * v
4608             DivBasis(1) =  SQRT(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4609             IF (RevertSign(1)) THEN
4610               FBasis(1,:) = -FBasis(1,:)
4611               DivBasis(1) = -DivBasis(1)
4612             END IF
4614             FBasis(2,1) = SQRT(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * (1.0d0 + u)
4615             FBasis(2,2) = SQRT(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * v
4616             DivBasis(2) =  SQRT(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4617             IF (RevertSign(2)) THEN
4618               FBasis(2,:) = -FBasis(2,:)
4619               DivBasis(2) = -DivBasis(2)
4620             END IF
4622             FBasis(3,1) = SQRT(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * (-1.0d0 + u)
4623             FBasis(3,2) = SQRT(3.0d0)/6.0d0 * v
4624             DivBasis(3) =  SQRT(3.0d0)/3.0d0
4625             IF (RevertSign(3)) THEN
4626               FBasis(3,:) = -FBasis(3,:)
4627               DivBasis(3) = -DivBasis(3)
4628             END IF
4630          END IF
4632       CASE(4)
4633          DOFs = 6
4634          !--------------------------------------------------------------------
4635          ! Quadrilateral Arnold-Boffi-Falk (ABF) element basis of degree k=0
4636          !--------------------------------------------------------------------
4637          EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(4)
4638          SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
4639          Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
4641          IF (.NOT. CreateDualBasis) THEN
4642             !-------------------------------------------------
4643             ! Four basis functions defined on the edges
4644             !-------------------------------------------------
4645             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
4646             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
4647             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4648             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4649             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4650             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4651             FBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
4652             FBasis(1,2) = -((-1.0d0 + v)*v)/4.0d0
4653             DivBasis(1) = (1.0d0 - 2*v)/4.0d0
4654             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4655                FBasis(1,:) = -FBasis(1,:)
4656                DivBasis(1) = -DivBasis(1)
4657             END IF
4659             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
4660             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
4661             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4662             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4663             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4664             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4665             FBasis(2,1) = (u*(1.0d0 + u))/4.0d0
4666             FBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
4667             DivBasis(2) = (1 + 2.0d0*u)/4.0d0
4668             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4669                FBasis(2,:) = -FBasis(2,:)
4670                DivBasis(2) = -DivBasis(2)
4671             END IF
4673             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
4674             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
4675             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4676             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4677             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4678             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4679             FBasis(3,1) = 0.0d0
4680             FBasis(3,2) = (v*(1.0d0 + v))/4.0d0
4681             DivBasis(3) = (1.0d0 + 2.0d0*v)/4.0d0
4682             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4683                FBasis(3,:) = -FBasis(3,:)
4684                DivBasis(3) = -DivBasis(3)
4685             END IF
4687             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
4688             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
4689             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4690             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4691             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4692             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4693             FBasis(4,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*u)/4.0d0
4694             FBasis(4,2) = 0.0d0
4695             DivBasis(4) = (1.0d0 - 2.0d0*u)/4.0d0
4696             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4697                FBasis(4,:) = -FBasis(4,:)
4698                DivBasis(4) = -DivBasis(4)
4699             END IF
4701             !--------------------------------------------------------------------
4702             ! Additional two basis functions associated with the element interior
4703             !-------------------------------------------------------------------
4704             WorkBasis(1,:) = 0.0d0
4705             WorkBasis(2,:) = 0.0d0
4706             WorkDivBasis(:) = 0.0d0
4708             WorkBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
4709             WorkBasis(1,2) = (-1.0d0 + v**2)/2.0d0
4710             WorkDivBasis(1) = v
4712             WorkBasis(2,1) = (1.0d0 - u**2)/2.0d0
4713             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
4714             WorkDivBasis(2) = -u
4716             DO j=1,4
4717                FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
4718             END DO
4719             IF (Parallel) THEN
4720                DO j=1,4
4721                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
4722                END DO
4723             END IF
4724             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
4726             FBasis(5,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
4727             DivBasis(5) = D1 * WorkDivBasis(I1)
4728             FBasis(6,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
4729             DivBasis(6) = D2 * WorkDivBasis(I2)
4730          ELSE
4731             !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4732             ! Create alternate basis functions for the ABF space so that these basis
4733             ! functions are dual to the standard basis functions when the mesh is regular.
4734             ! First four basis functions which are dual to the standard edge basis
4735             ! functions:
4736             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4737             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
4738             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
4739             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4740             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4741             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4742             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4743             FBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
4744             FBasis(1,2) = (-3.0d0*(-1.0d0 - 2.0d0*v + 5.0d0*v**2))/4.0d0
4745             DivBasis(1) = (-3.0d0*(-1.0d0 + 5.0d0*v))/2.0d0
4746             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4747                FBasis(1,:) = -FBasis(1,:)
4748                DivBasis(1) = -DivBasis(1)
4749             END IF
4751             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
4752             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
4753             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4754             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4755             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4756             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4757             FBasis(2,1) = (3.0d0*(-1.0d0 + 2.0d0*u + 5.0d0*u**2))/4.0d0
4758             FBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
4759             DivBasis(2) = (3.0d0*(1.0d0 + 5.0d0*u))/2.0d0
4760             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4761                FBasis(2,:) = -FBasis(2,:)
4762                DivBasis(2) = -DivBasis(2)
4763             END IF
4765             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
4766             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
4767             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4768             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4769             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4770             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4771             FBasis(3,1) = 0.0d0
4772             FBasis(3,2) = (3.0d0*(-1.0d0 + 2.0d0*v + 5.0d0*v**2))/4.0d0
4773             DivBasis(3) = (3.0d0*(1.0d0 + 5.0d0*v))/2.0d0
4774             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4775                FBasis(3,:) = -FBasis(3,:)
4776                DivBasis(3) = -DivBasis(3)
4777             END IF
4779             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
4780             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
4781             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
4782             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
4783             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
4784             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
4785             FBasis(4,1) = (-3.0d0*(-1.0d0 - 2.0d0*u + 5.0d0*u**2))/4.0d0
4786             FBasis(4,2) = 0.0d0
4787             DivBasis(4) = (-3.0d0*(-1.0d0 + 5.0d0*u))/2.0d0
4788             IF (nj<ni) THEN
4789                FBasis(4,:) = -FBasis(4,:)
4790                DivBasis(4) = -DivBasis(4)
4791             END IF
4793             !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4794             ! Additional two dual basis functions associated with the element interior
4795             !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4796             WorkBasis(1,:) = 0.0d0
4797             WorkBasis(2,:) = 0.0d0
4798             WorkDivBasis(:) = 0.0d0
4800             WorkBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
4801             WorkBasis(1,2) = (3.0d0*(-3.0d0 + 5.0d0*v**2))/8.0d0
4802             WorkDivBasis(1) = 15.0d0*v/4.0d0
4804             WorkBasis(2,1) = (3.0d0*(3.0d0 - 5.0d0*u**2))/8.0d0
4805             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
4806             WorkDivBasis(2) = -15.0d0*u/4.0d0
4808             DO j=1,4
4809                FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
4810             END DO
4811             IF (Parallel) THEN
4812                DO j=1,4
4813                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
4814                END DO
4815             END IF
4816             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
4818             FBasis(5,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
4819             DivBasis(5) = D1 * WorkDivBasis(I1)
4820             FBasis(6,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
4821             DivBasis(6) = D2 * WorkDivBasis(I2)
4822          END IF
4824       CASE(5)
4825          !-----------------------------------------
4826          ! This branch is for handling tetrahedra
4827          !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4828          ! Check first whether a sign reversion will be needed as face dofs have orientation.
4829          ! If the sign is not reverted, the positive value of the degree of freedom produces
4830          ! positive outward flux from the element through the face handled.
4831          !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4832          CALL FaceElementOrientation(Element, RevertSign)
4834          IF (CreateBDMBasis) THEN
4835             DOFs = 12
4836             DofsPerFace = 3 ! This choice is used for the BDM space of degree k=1
4837             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4838             ! Create a table of BDM basis functions in the default order
4839             !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4840             ! Face {213}:
4841             BDMBasis(1,1) = (3*Sqrt(6.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - 3*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3*w)/12.0
4842             BDMBasis(1,2) = (-2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 3*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4843             BDMBasis(1,3) = (-8 - 12*u + 4*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0
4845             BDMBasis(2,1) = (2*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 3*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/12.0
4846             BDMBasis(2,2) = (-2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 3*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4847             BDMBasis(2,3) = u + (-8 + 4*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0
4849             BDMBasis(3,1) = -u/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4850             BDMBasis(3,2) = (Sqrt(2.0d0) + 3*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4851             BDMBasis(3,3) = (4 - 8*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0
4853             ! Face {124}:
4854             BDMBasis(4,1) = (2*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 3*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/12.0
4855             BDMBasis(4,2) = (-6*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 9*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + 2*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + 3*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4856             BDMBasis(4,3) = -w/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4857             BDMBasis(5,1) = (3*Sqrt(6.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - 3*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3*w)/12.0
4858             BDMBasis(5,2) = (-6*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 9*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + 2*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + 3*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4859             BDMBasis(5,3) = -w/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4860             BDMBasis(6,1) = -u/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4861             BDMBasis(6,2) = (3*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 6*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4862             BDMBasis(6,3) = (5*w)/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4864             ! Face {234}:
4865             BDMBasis(7,1) = (5*Sqrt(6.0d0) + 5*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - 6*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 6*w)/12.0
4866             BDMBasis(7,2) = -v/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4867             BDMBasis(7,3) = -w/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4868             BDMBasis(8,1) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 6*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3*w)/12.0
4869             BDMBasis(8,2) = (5*Sqrt(6.0)*v - 3*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4870             BDMBasis(8,3) = -w/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4871             BDMBasis(9,1) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 9*w)/12.0
4872             BDMBasis(9,2) = (-(Sqrt(6.0d0)*v) + 3*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4873             BDMBasis(9,3) = (5*w)/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4875             ! Face {314}:
4876             BDMBasis(10,1) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - 6*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 3*w)/12.0
4877             BDMBasis(10,2) = (5*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 3*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4878             BDMBasis(10,3) = -w/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4879             BDMBasis(11,1) = (-5*Sqrt(6.0d0) + 5*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 6*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 6*w)/12.0
4880             BDMBasis(11,2) = -v/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4881             BDMBasis(11,3) = -w/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4882             BDMBasis(12,1) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - 9*w)/12.0
4883             BDMBasis(12,2) = (-(Sqrt(6.0d0)*v) + 3*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0
4884             BDMBasis(12,3) = (5*w)/(2.0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
4886             !----------------------------------------------------------------------
4887             ! Find out how face basis functions must be ordered so that the global
4888             ! indexing convention is respected.
4889             !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4890             CALL FaceElementBasisOrdering(Element, FDofMap)
4892             !-----------------------------------------------------
4893             ! Now do the actual reordering and sign reversion
4894             !-----------------------------------------------------
4895             DO q=1,4
4896                IF (RevertSign(q)) THEN
4897                   S = -1.0d0
4898                ELSE
4899                   S = 1.0d0
4900                END IF
4902                DO j=1,DofsPerFace
4903                   k = FDofMap(q,j)
4904                   i = (q-1)*DofsPerFace + j
4905                   FBasis(i,:) = S * BDMBasis((q-1)*DofsPerFace+k,:)
4906                   DivBasis(i) = S * sqrt(3.0d0)/(2.0d0*sqrt(2.0d0))
4907                END DO
4908             END DO
4910          ELSE
4911             DOFs = 4
4912             !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4913             ! The basis functions that define RT space on reference element
4914             !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4915             FBasis(1,1) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * u
4916             FBasis(1,2) = -SQRT(6.0d0)/12.0d0 + SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * v
4917             FBasis(1,3) = -1.0d0/SQRT(3.0d0) + SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * w
4918             DivBasis(1) = 3.0d0*SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0
4919             IF ( RevertSign(1) ) THEN
4920                FBasis(1,:) = -FBasis(1,:)
4921                DivBasis(1) = -DivBasis(1)
4922             END IF
4924             FBasis(2,1) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * u
4925             FBasis(2,2) = -SQRT(6.0d0)/4.0d0 + SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * v
4926             FBasis(2,3) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * w
4927             DivBasis(2) = 3.0d0*SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0
4928             IF ( RevertSign(2) ) THEN
4929                FBasis(2,:) = -FBasis(2,:)
4930                DivBasis(2) = -DivBasis(2)
4931             END IF
4933             FBasis(3,1) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 + SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * u
4934             FBasis(3,2) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * v
4935             FBasis(3,3) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * w
4936             DivBasis(3) = 3.0d0*SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0
4937             IF ( RevertSign(3) ) THEN
4938                FBasis(3,:) = -FBasis(3,:)
4939                DivBasis(3) = -DivBasis(3)
4940             END IF
4942             FBasis(4,1) = -SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 + SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * u
4943             FBasis(4,2) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * v
4944             FBasis(4,3) = SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0 * w
4945             DivBasis(4) = 3.0d0*SQRT(2.0d0)/4.0d0
4946             IF ( RevertSign(4) ) THEN
4947                FBasis(4,:) = -FBasis(4,:)
4948                DivBasis(4) = -DivBasis(4)
4949             END IF
4950          END IF
4951       CASE DEFAULT
4952          CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::FaceElementInfo','Unsupported element type')
4953       END SELECT
4955       IF (PerformPiolaTransform) THEN
4956         DO j=1,DOFs
4957           DO k=1,dim
4958             WorkBasis(1,k) = SUM( LF(k,1:dim) * FBasis(j,1:dim) )
4959           END DO
4960           FBasis(j,1:dim) = 1.0d0/DetF * WorkBasis(1,1:dim)
4962           DivBasis(j) = 1.0d0/DetF * DivBasis(j)
4963         END DO
4964         ! DetF = ABS(DetF)
4965       END IF
4967       IF (PRESENT(F)) F = LF
4968       IF (PRESENT(DivFBasis)) DivFBasis(1:DOFs) = DivBasis(1:DOFs)
4970     END FUNCTION FaceElementInfo
4975!> This function returns data for performing the Piola transformation
4977     FUNCTION PiolaTransformationData(nn,Element,Nodes,F,DetF,dLBasisdx) RESULT(Success)
4979       INTEGER :: nn                   !< The number of classic nodes used in the element mapping
4980       TYPE(Element_t) :: Element      !< Element structure
4981       TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes          !< Data corresponding to the classic element nodes
4982       REAL(KIND=dp) :: F(:,:)         !< The gradient of the element mapping
4983       REAL(KIND=dp) :: DetF           !< The determinant of the gradient matrix (or the Jacobian matrix)
4984       REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLBasisdx(:,:) !< Derivatives of nodal basis functions with respect to local coordinates
4985       LOGICAL :: Success              !< Could and should return .FALSE. if the element is degenerate
4987!      Local variables
4989       REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: x,y,z
4990       INTEGER :: cdim,dim,n,i
4992       x => Nodes % x
4993       y => Nodes % y
4994       z => Nodes % z
4996       ! cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
4997       n = MIN( SIZE(x), nn )
4998       dim  = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
5000       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5001       ! The gradient of the element mapping K = f(k), with k the reference element
5002       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5003       F = 0.0d0
5004       DO i=1,dim
5005          F(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n) * dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
5006          F(2,i) = SUM( y(1:n) * dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
5007          !IF (dim == 3) &
5008          ! In addition to the case dim = 3, the following entries may be useful
5009          ! with dim=2 when natural BCs in 3-D are handled.
5010          F(3,i) = SUM( z(1:n) * dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
5011       END DO
5013       SELECT CASE( dim )
5014       CASE(1)
5015          DetF = sqrt(SUM(F(1:3,1)**2))
5016       CASE (2)
5017          DetF = F(1,1)*F(2,2) - F(1,2)*F(2,1)
5018       CASE(3)
5019          DetF = F(1,1) * ( F(2,2)*F(3,3) - F(2,3)*F(3,2) ) + &
5020               F(1,2) * ( F(2,3)*F(3,1) - F(2,1)*F(3,3) ) + &
5021               F(1,3) * ( F(2,1)*F(3,2) - F(2,2)*F(3,1) )
5022       END SELECT
5024       success = .TRUE.
5026     END FUNCTION PiolaTransformationData
5030!> Get information about whether a sign reversion will be needed to obtain right
5031!> DOFs for face (vector) elements. If the sign is not reverted, the positive value of
5032!> the degree of freedom produces positive outward flux from the element through
5033!> the face handled.
5035SUBROUTINE FaceElementOrientation(Element, RevertSign, FaceIndex, Nodes)
5039  TYPE(Element_t), INTENT(IN) :: Element       !< A 3-D/2-D element having 2-D/1-D faces
5040  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: RevertSign(:)        !< Face-wise information about the sign reversions
5041  INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: FaceIndex   !< Check just one face that is specified here
5042  TYPE(Nodes_t), OPTIONAL :: Nodes             !< An inactive variable related to code verification
5044  TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER :: Mesh
5045  LOGICAL :: Parallel
5047  INTEGER, POINTER :: FaceMap(:,:), Ind(:)
5048  INTEGER, TARGET :: TetraFaceMap(4,3)
5049  INTEGER :: FaceIndices(4)
5050  INTEGER :: j, q, first_face, last_face
5052  ! Some inactive variables that were used in the code verification
5053  LOGICAL :: RevertSign2(4), CheckSignReversions
5054  INTEGER :: i, k, A, B, C, D
5055  REAL(KIND=dp) :: t1(3), t2(3), m(3), e(3)
5057  RevertSign(:) = .FALSE.
5059  IF (PRESENT(FaceIndex)) THEN
5060    first_face = FaceIndex
5061    last_face = FaceIndex
5062  ELSE
5063    first_face = 1
5064  END IF
5066  Mesh => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh
5067  Parallel = ASSOCIATED(Mesh % ParallelInfo % Interface)
5068  Ind => Element % NodeIndexes
5070  SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
5071  CASE(3)
5072    FaceMap => GetEdgeMap(3)
5074    IF (.NOT. PRESENT(FaceIndex)) last_face = 3
5075    IF (SIZE(RevertSign) < last_face) CALL Fatal('FaceElementOrientation', &
5076        'Too small array for listing element faces')
5078    DO q=first_face,last_face
5079      DO j=1,2
5080        FaceIndices(j) = Ind(FaceMap(q,j))
5081      END DO
5082      IF (Parallel) THEN
5083        DO j=1,2
5084          FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
5085        END DO
5086      END IF
5088      IF (FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(1)) RevertSign(q) = .TRUE.
5089    END DO
5091  CASE(4)
5092    FaceMap => GetEdgeMap(4)
5094    IF (.NOT. PRESENT(FaceIndex)) last_face = 4
5095    IF (SIZE(RevertSign) < last_face) CALL Fatal('FaceElementOrientation', &
5096        'Too small array for listing element faces')
5098    DO q=first_face,last_face
5099      DO j=1,2
5100        FaceIndices(j) = Ind(FaceMap(q,j))
5101      END DO
5102      IF (Parallel) THEN
5103        DO j=1,2
5104          FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
5105        END DO
5106      END IF
5108      IF (FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(1)) RevertSign(q) = .TRUE.
5109    END DO
5111  CASE(5)
5112    TetraFaceMap(1,:) = (/ 2, 1, 3 /)
5113    TetraFaceMap(2,:) = (/ 1, 2, 4 /)
5114    TetraFaceMap(3,:) = (/ 2, 3, 4 /)
5115    TetraFaceMap(4,:) = (/ 3, 1, 4 /)
5117    FaceMap => TetraFaceMap
5119    IF (.NOT. PRESENT(FaceIndex)) last_face = 4
5120    IF (SIZE(RevertSign) < last_face) CALL Fatal('FaceElementOrientation', &
5121        'Too small array for listing element faces')
5123    DO q=first_face,last_face
5124      DO j=1,3
5125        FaceIndices(j) = Ind(FaceMap(q,j))
5126      END DO
5127      IF (Parallel) THEN
5128        DO j=1,3
5129          FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
5130        END DO
5131      END IF
5133      IF ( (FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(2)) .AND. (FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(3)) ) THEN
5134        IF (FaceIndices(3) < FaceIndices(2)) THEN
5135          RevertSign(q) = .TRUE.
5136        END IF
5137      ELSE IF ( ( FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(1) ) .AND. ( FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(3) ) ) THEN
5138        IF ( FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(3) ) THEN
5139          RevertSign(q) = .TRUE.
5140        END IF
5141      ELSE
5142        IF ( FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(1) ) THEN
5143          RevertSign(q) = .TRUE.
5144        END IF
5145      END IF
5146    END DO
5148    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
5149    ! Another way for finding sign reversions in the case of tetrahedron.
5150    ! This code is retained here, although it was used for verification purposes...
5151    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
5152    CheckSignReversions = .FALSE.
5153    IF (CheckSignReversions) THEN
5154      DO q=1,4
5155        RevertSign2(q) = .FALSE.
5156        i = FaceMap(q,1)
5157        j = FaceMap(q,2)
5158        k = FaceMap(q,3)
5160        IF ( ( Ind(i) < Ind(j) ) .AND. ( Ind(i) < Ind(k) ) ) THEN
5161          A = i
5162          IF (Ind(j) < Ind(k)) THEN
5163            B = j
5164            C = k
5165          ELSE
5166            B = k
5167            C = j
5168          END IF
5169        ELSE IF ( ( Ind(j) < Ind(i) ) .AND. ( Ind(j) < Ind(k) ) ) THEN
5170          A = j
5171          IF (Ind(i) < Ind(k)) THEN
5172            B = i
5173            C = k
5174          ELSE
5175            B = k
5176            C = i
5177          END IF
5178        ELSE
5179          A = k
5180          IF (Ind(i) < Ind(j)) THEN
5181            B = i
5182            C = j
5183          ELSE
5184            B = j
5185            C = i
5186          END IF
5187        END IF
5189        t1(1) = Nodes % x(B) - Nodes % x(A)
5190        t1(2) = Nodes % y(B) - Nodes % y(A)
5191        t1(3) = Nodes % z(B) - Nodes % z(A)
5193        t2(1) = Nodes % x(C) - Nodes % x(A)
5194        t2(2) = Nodes % y(C) - Nodes % y(A)
5195        t2(3) = Nodes % z(C) - Nodes % z(A)
5197        m(1:3) = CrossProduct(t1,t2)
5199        SELECT CASE(q)
5200        CASE(1)
5201          D = 4
5202        CASE(2)
5203          D = 3
5204        CASE(3)
5205          D = 1
5206        CASE(4)
5207          D = 2
5208        END SELECT
5210        e(1) = Nodes % x(D) - Nodes % x(A)
5211        e(2) = Nodes % y(D) - Nodes % y(A)
5212        e(3) = Nodes % z(D) - Nodes % z(A)
5214        IF ( SUM(m(1:3) * e(1:3)) > 0.0d0 ) RevertSign2(q) = .TRUE.
5216      END DO
5218      IF ( ANY(RevertSign(1:4) .NEQV. RevertSign2(1:4)) ) THEN
5220        PRINT *, RevertSign(1:4)
5221        PRINT *, RevertSign2(1:4)
5222        STOP EXIT_ERROR
5223      END IF
5224    END IF
5227    CALL Fatal('FaceElementOrientation', 'Unsupported element family')
5230END SUBROUTINE FaceElementOrientation
5234!> This subroutine produces information about how the basis functions of face (vector)
5235!> elements have to be reordered to conform with the global ordering convention.
5236!> Currently this can handle only the tetrahedron of Nedelec's second family.
5238SUBROUTINE FaceElementBasisOrdering(Element, FDofMap, FaceIndex)
5242  TYPE(Element_t), INTENT(IN) :: Element       !< A 3-D element having 2-D faces
5243  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: FDofMap(4,3)         !< Face-wise information for the basis permutation
5244  INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: FaceIndex   !< Check just one face that is specified here
5246  TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER :: Mesh
5247  LOGICAL :: Parallel
5248  INTEGER, POINTER :: FaceMap(:,:), Ind(:)
5249  INTEGER, TARGET :: TetraFaceMap(4,3), FaceIndices(4)
5250  INTEGER :: j, q, first_face, last_face
5252  FDofMap(4,3) = 0
5254  IF (PRESENT(FaceIndex)) THEN
5255    first_face = FaceIndex
5256    last_face = FaceIndex
5257  ELSE
5258    first_face = 1
5259  END IF
5261  Mesh => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh
5262  Parallel = ASSOCIATED(Mesh % ParallelInfo % Interface)
5263  Ind => Element % NodeIndexes
5265  SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
5266  CASE(5)
5267    TetraFaceMap(1,:) = (/ 2, 1, 3 /)
5268    TetraFaceMap(2,:) = (/ 1, 2, 4 /)
5269    TetraFaceMap(3,:) = (/ 2, 3, 4 /)
5270    TetraFaceMap(4,:) = (/ 3, 1, 4 /)
5272    FaceMap => TetraFaceMap
5274    IF (.NOT. PRESENT(FaceIndex)) last_face = 4
5276    DO q=first_face,last_face
5277      DO j=1,3
5278        FaceIndices(j) = Ind(FaceMap(q,j))
5279      END DO
5280      IF (Parallel) THEN
5281        DO j=1,3
5282          FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
5283        END DO
5284      END IF
5286      IF ( ( FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(2) ) .AND. ( FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(3) ) ) THEN
5287        FDofMap(q,1) = 1
5288        IF (FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(3)) THEN
5289          FDofMap(q,2) = 2
5290          FDofMap(q,3) = 3
5291        ELSE
5292          FDofMap(q,2) = 3
5293          FDofMap(q,3) = 2
5294        END IF
5295      ELSE IF ( ( FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(1) ) .AND. ( FaceIndices(2) < FaceIndices(3) ) ) THEN
5296        FDofMap(q,1) = 2
5297        IF (FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(3)) THEN
5298          FDofMap(q,2) = 1
5299          FDofMap(q,3) = 3
5300        ELSE
5301          FDofMap(q,2) = 3
5302          FDofMap(q,3) = 1
5303        END IF
5304      ELSE
5305        FDofMap(q,1) = 3
5306        IF (FaceIndices(1) < FaceIndices(2)) THEN
5307          FDofMap(q,2) = 1
5308          FDofMap(q,3) = 2
5309        ELSE
5310          FDofMap(q,2) = 2
5311          FDofMap(q,3) = 1
5312        END IF
5313      END IF
5314    END DO
5317    CALL Fatal('FaceElementBasisOrdering', 'Unsupported element family')
5320END SUBROUTINE FaceElementBasisOrdering
5325!> Here the given element can be supposed to be some face of its parent element.
5326!> The index of the face in reference to the parent element and pointer
5327!> to the face are returned. The given element and the face returned are thus
5328!> representations of the same entity but they may still be indexed differently.
5330SUBROUTINE PickActiveFace(Mesh, Parent, Element, Face, ActiveFaceId)
5333  TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER, INTENT(IN) :: Mesh
5334  TYPE(Element_t), POINTER, INTENT(IN) :: Parent, Element
5335  TYPE(Element_t), POINTER, INTENT(OUT) :: Face
5336  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ActiveFaceId
5338  INTEGER :: matches, k, l
5340  SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
5341  CASE(2)
5342    IF ( ASSOCIATED(Parent % EdgeIndexes) ) THEN
5343      DO ActiveFaceId=1,Parent % TYPE % NumberOfEdges
5344        Face => Mesh % Edges(Parent % EdgeIndexes(ActiveFaceId))
5345        matches = 0
5346        DO k=1,Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
5347          DO l=1,Face % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
5348            IF (Element % NodeIndexes(k) == Face % NodeIndexes(l)) &
5349                matches=matches+1
5350          END DO
5351        END DO
5352        IF (matches==Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes) EXIT
5353      END DO
5354    ELSE
5355      matches = 0
5356    END IF
5357  CASE(3,4)
5358    IF ( ASSOCIATED(Parent % FaceIndexes) ) THEN
5359      DO ActiveFaceId=1,Parent % TYPE % NumberOfFaces
5360        Face => Mesh % Faces(Parent % FaceIndexes(ActiveFaceId))
5361        IF ((Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100) /= (Face % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)) CYCLE
5362        matches = 0
5363        DO k=1,Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
5364          DO l=1,Face % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
5365            IF (Element % NodeIndexes(k) == Face % NodeIndexes(l)) &
5366                matches=matches+1
5367          END DO
5368        END DO
5369        IF (matches == Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes ) EXIT
5370      END DO
5371    ELSE
5372      matches = 0
5373    END IF
5375    CALL Fatal('PickActiveFace', 'Element variable is of a wrong dimension')
5378  IF (matches /= Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes) THEN
5379    Face => NULL()
5380    ActiveFaceId = 0
5381    CALL Warn('PickActiveFace', 'The element is not a face of given parent')
5382  END IF
5384END SUBROUTINE PickActiveFace
5389!> Perform the cross product of two vectors
5391     FUNCTION CrossProduct( v1, v2 ) RESULT( v3 )
5393       IMPLICIT NONE
5394       REAL(KIND=dp) :: v1(3), v2(3), v3(3)
5395       v3(1) =  v1(2)*v2(3) - v1(3)*v2(2)
5396       v3(2) = -v1(1)*v2(3) + v1(3)*v2(1)
5397       v3(3) =  v1(1)*v2(2) - v1(2)*v2(1)
5399     END FUNCTION CrossProduct
5404!>  Return H(curl)-conforming edge element basis function values and their Curl
5405!>  with respect to the reference element coordinates at a given point on the
5406!>  reference element. Here the basis for a real element K is constructed by
5407!>  transforming the basis functions defined on the reference element k via a version
5408!>  of the Piola transformation designed for functions in H(curl). This construction
5409!>  differs from the approach taken in the alternate subroutine GetEdgeBasis, which
5410!>  does not make reference to the Piola transformation and hence may have limitations
5411!>  in its extendability. The data for performing the Piola transformation is also returned.
5412!>  Note that the reference element is chosen as in the p-approximation so that
5413!>  the reference element edges/faces have the same length/area. This choice simplifies
5414!>  the associated assembly procedure.
5415!>     With giving the optional argument ApplyPiolaTransform = .TRUE., this function
5416!>  also performs the Piola transform, so that the basis functions and their spatial
5417!>  curl as defined on the physical element are returned.
5418!>     In the lowest-order case this function returns the basis functions belonging
5419!>  to the optimal family which is not subject to degradation of convergence on
5420!>  meshes consisting of non-affine physical elements. The second-order elements
5421!>  are members of the Nedelec's first family and are constructed in a hierarchic
5422!>  fashion (the lowest-order basis functions give a partial construction of
5423!>  the second-order basis).
5425     FUNCTION EdgeElementInfo( Element, Nodes, u, v, w, F, G, detF, &
5426          Basis, EdgeBasis, RotBasis, dBasisdx, SecondFamily, BasisDegree, &
5427          ApplyPiolaTransform, ReadyEdgeBasis, ReadyRotBasis, &
5428          TangentialTrMapping) RESULT(stat)
5430       IMPLICIT NONE
5432       TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element        !< Element structure
5433       TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes                    !< Data corresponding to the classic element nodes
5434       REAL(KIND=dp) :: u                        !< 1st reference element coordinate at which the basis functions are evaluated
5435       REAL(KIND=dp) :: v                        !< 2nd local coordinate
5436       REAL(KIND=dp) :: w                        !< 3rd local coordinate
5437       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: F(3,3)         !< The gradient F=Grad f, with f the element map f:k->K
5438       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: G(3,3)         !< The transpose of the inverse of the gradient F
5439       REAL(KIND=dp) :: detF                     !< The determinant of the gradient matrix F
5440       REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(:)                 !< H1-conforming basis functions evaluated at (u,v,w)
5441       REAL(KIND=dp) :: EdgeBasis(:,:)           !< The basis functions b spanning the reference element space
5442       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: RotBasis(:,:)  !< The Curl of the edge basis functions with respect to the local coordinates
5443       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: dBasisdx(:,:)  !< The first derivatives of the H1-conforming basis functions at (u,v,w)
5444       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: SecondFamily         !< If .TRUE., a Nedelec basis of the second kind is returned (only simplicial elements)
5445       INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: BasisDegree          !< The approximation degree 2 is also supported
5446       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: ApplyPiolaTransform  !< If  .TRUE., perform the Piola transform so that, instead of b
5447                                                 !< and Curl b, return  B(f(p)) and (curl B)(f(p)) with B(x) the basis
5448                                                 !< functions on the physical element and curl the spatial curl operator.
5449                                                 !< In this case the absolute value of detF is returned.
5450       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: ReadyEdgeBasis(:,:) !< A pretabulated edge basis function can be given
5451       REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: ReadyRotBasis(:,:)  !< The preretabulated Curl of the edge basis function
5452       LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: TangentialTrMapping  !< To return b x n, with n=(0,0,1) the normal to the 2D reference element.
5453                                                 !< The Piola transform is then the usual div-conforming version.
5454       LOGICAL :: Stat                           !< .FALSE. for a degenerate element
5456!      Local variables
5458       TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER :: Mesh
5459       TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Parent, Face, pElement
5460       INTEGER :: n, dim, cdim, q, i, j, k, l, ni, nj, A, I1, I2, FaceIndices(4)
5461       REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLbasisdx(MAX(SIZE(Nodes % x),SIZE(Basis)),3), WorkBasis(4,3), WorkCurlBasis(4,3)
5462       REAL(KIND=dp) :: D1, D2, B(3), curlB(3), GT(3,3), LG(3,3), LF(3,3)
5463       REAL(KIND=dp) :: ElmMetric(3,3), detJ, CurlBasis(54,3)
5464       REAL(KIND=dp) :: t(3), s(3), v1, v2, v3, h1, h2, h3, dh1, dh2, dh3, grad(2)
5465       REAL(KIND=dp) :: LBasis(Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes), Beta(4), EdgeSign(16)
5466       LOGICAL :: Create2ndKindBasis, PerformPiolaTransform, UsePretabulatedBasis, Parallel
5467       LOGICAL :: SecondOrder, ApplyTraceMapping, Found
5468       LOGICAL :: RevertSign(4)
5469       INTEGER, POINTER :: EdgeMap(:,:), Ind(:)
5470       INTEGER :: TriangleFaceMap(3), SquareFaceMap(4), BrickFaceMap(6,4), PrismSquareFaceMap(3,4), DOFs
5471       INTEGER :: ActiveFaceId
5474       Mesh => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh
5475       Parallel = ASSOCIATED(Mesh % ParallelInfo % Interface)
5477       stat = .TRUE.
5478       Basis = 0.0d0
5479       EdgeBasis = 0.0d0
5480       WorkBasis = 0.0d0
5481       CurlBasis = 0.0d0
5482       LG = 0.0d0
5483       !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5484       ! Check whether ready edge basis function values are available to reduce computation.
5485       ! If they are available, this function is used primarily to obtain the Piola transformation.
5486       !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5487       UsePretabulatedBasis = .FALSE.
5488       IF ( PRESENT(ReadyEdgeBasis) .AND. PRESENT(ReadyRotBasis) ) UsePretabulatedBasis = .TRUE.
5489       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5490       ! Check whether the Nedelec basis functions of the second kind or higher order basis
5491       ! functions should be created and whether the Piola transform is already applied within
5492       ! this function.
5493       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5494       Create2ndKindBasis = .FALSE.
5495       IF ( PRESENT(SecondFamily) ) Create2ndKindBasis = SecondFamily
5496       SecondOrder = .FALSE.
5497       IF ( PRESENT(BasisDegree) ) THEN
5498         SecondOrder = BasisDegree > 1
5499       END IF
5500       PerformPiolaTransform = .FALSE.
5501       IF ( PRESENT(ApplyPiolaTransform) ) PerformPiolaTransform = ApplyPiolaTransform
5503       ApplyTraceMapping = .FALSE.
5504       IF ( PRESENT(TangentialTrMapping) ) ApplyTraceMapping = TangentialTrMapping
5505       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5506       dLbasisdx = 0.0d0
5507       n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
5508       dim = Element % TYPE % DIMENSION
5509       cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
5511       IF ( Element % TYPE % ElementCode == 101 ) THEN
5512         detF = 1.0d0
5513         Basis(1) = 1.0d0
5514         IF ( PRESENT(dBasisdx) ) dBasisdx(1,:) = 0.0d0
5515         RETURN
5516       END IF
5518       !IF (cdim == 3 .AND. dim==1) THEN
5519       !  CALL Warn('EdgeElementInfo', 'Traces of 2-D edge elements have not been implemented yet')
5520       !  RETURN
5521       !END IF
5523       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5524       ! The standard nodal basis functions on the reference element and
5525       ! their derivatives with respect to the local coordinates. These define
5526       ! the mapping of the reference element to an actual element on the background
5527       ! mesh but are not the basis functions for the edge element approximation.
5528       ! Remark: Using reference elements having the edges of the same length
5529       ! simplifies the implementation of element assembly procedures.
5530       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5531       SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
5532       CASE(2)
5533         IF (SecondOrder .AND. n==3) CALL Fatal('EdgeElementInfo', &
5534             'The lowest-order background mesh needed for trace evaluation over an edge')
5535         IF (Create2ndKindBasis) CALL Fatal('EdgeElementInfo', &
5536             'Traces of 2-D edge elements (the 2nd family) have not been implemented yet')
5537         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5538           DOFs = 2
5539         ELSE
5540           DOFs = 1
5541         END IF
5542         DO q=1,2
5543           Basis(q) = LineNodalPBasis(q, u)
5544           dLBasisdx(q,1) = dLineNodalPBasis(q, u)
5545         END DO
5546       CASE(3)
5547         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5548           ! DOFs is the number of H(curl)-conforming basis functions:
5549           DOFs = 8
5550           IF (n == 6) THEN
5551             ! Here the element of the background mesh is of type 306.
5552             ! The Lagrange interpolation basis on the p-approximation reference element:
5553             Basis(1) = (3.0d0*u**2 + v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v) + u*(-3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/6.0d0
5554             dLBasisdx(1,1) = -0.5d0 + u + v/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5555             dLBasisdx(1,2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v)/6.0d0
5556             Basis(2) = (3.0d0*u**2 + v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v) + u*(3.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/6.0d0
5557             dLBasisdx(2,1) = 0.5d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.d0)
5558             dLBasisdx(2,2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v)/6.0d0
5559             Basis(3) = (v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*v))/3.0d0
5560             dLBasisdx(3,1) = 0.0d0
5561             dLBasisdx(3,2) =  -(1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)) + (4.0d0*v)/3.0d0
5562             Basis(4) = (3.0d0 - 3.0d0*u**2 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + v**2)/3.0d0
5563             dLBasisdx(4,1) = -2.0d0*u
5564             dLBasisdx(4,2) = (-2.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) - v))/3.0d0
5565             Basis(5) = (2.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - v)*v)/3.0d0
5566             dLBasisdx(5,1) =  (2.0d0*v)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5567             dLBasisdx(5,2) = (2.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2.0d0*v))/3.0d0
5568             Basis(6) = (-2.0d0*v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v))/3.0d0
5569             dLBasisdx(6,1) = (-2.0d0*v)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5570             dLBasisdx(6,2) = (-2.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v))/3.0d0
5571           ELSE
5572             ! Here the element of the background mesh is of type 303:
5573             DO q=1,3
5574               Basis(q) = TriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
5575               dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
5576             END DO
5577           END IF
5578         ELSE
5579           DO q=1,n
5580             Basis(q) = TriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
5581             dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
5582           END DO
5583           IF (Create2ndKindBasis) THEN
5584             DOFs = 6
5585           ELSE
5586             DOFs = 3
5587           END IF
5588         END IF
5589       CASE(4)
5590         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5591           ! The second-order quad from the Nedelec's first family: affine physical elements may be needed
5592           DOFs = 12
5593         ELSE
5594           ! The lowest-order quad from the optimal family (ABF_0)
5595           DOFs = 6
5596         END IF
5597         IF (n>4) THEN
5598           ! Here the background mesh is supposed to be of type 408/409
5599           CALL NodalBasisFunctions2D(Basis, Element, u, v)
5600           CALL NodalFirstDerivatives(n, dLBasisdx, Element, u, v, w)
5601         ELSE
5602           ! Here the background mesh is of type 404
5603           DO q=1,4
5604             Basis(q) = QuadNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
5605             dLBasisdx(q,1:2) = dQuadNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
5606           END DO
5607         END IF
5608       CASE(5)
5609         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5610           DOFs = 20
5611           IF (n == 10) THEN
5612             ! Here the element of the background mesh is of type 510.
5613             ! The Lagrange interpolation basis on the p-approximation reference element:
5614             Basis(1) = (6.0d0*u**2 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*v**2 - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w + 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v*w + &
5615                 w**2 + 2.0d0*u*(-3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/12.0d0
5616             dLBasisdx(1,1) = -0.5d0 + u + v/Sqrt(3.0d0) + w/Sqrt(6.0d0)
5617             dLBasisdx(1,2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/6.0d0
5618             dLBasisdx(1,3) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) + 2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*w)/12.0d0
5619             Basis(2) = (6.0d0*u**2 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*v**2 - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w + 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v*w + &
5620                 w**2 - 2.0d0*u*(-3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/12.0d0
5621             dLBasisdx(2,1) = 0.5d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.0d0) - w/Sqrt(6.0d0)
5622             dLBasisdx(2,2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/6.0d0
5623             dLBasisdx(2,3) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*w)/12.0d0
5624             Basis(3) =  (8.0d0*v**2 + w*(Sqrt(6.0d0) + w) - 4.0d0*v*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/12.0d0
5625             dLBasisdx(3,1) = 0.0d0
5626             dLBasisdx(3,2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/3.0d0
5627             dLBasisdx(3,3) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - 4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*w)/12.0d0
5628             Basis(4) = (w*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + 3.0d0*w))/4.0d0
5629             dLBasisdx(4,1) = 0.0d0
5630             dLBasisdx(4,2) = 0.0d0
5631             dLBasisdx(4,3) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) + 6.0d0*w)/4.0d0
5632             Basis(5) =  (6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u**2 - 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*v**2 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*w + &
5633                 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v*w + w**2)/6.0d0
5634             dLBasisdx(5,1) = -2.0d0*u
5635             dLBasisdx(5,2) = (-2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/3.0d0
5636             dLBasisdx(5,3) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w)/3.0d0
5637             Basis(6) =  (-4.0d0*v**2 + w*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + w) + v*(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + &
5638                 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/6.0d0
5639             dLBasisdx(6,1) = (2.0d0*v)/Sqrt(3.0d0) - w/Sqrt(6.0d0)
5640             dLBasisdx(6,2) = (4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 8.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/6.0d0
5641             dLBasisdx(6,3) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*w)/6.0d0
5642             Basis(7) =  (-4.0d0*v**2 + w*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + w) - &
5643                 v*(-4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/6.0d0
5644             dLBasisdx(7,1) = (-2.0d0*v)/Sqrt(3.0d0) + w/Sqrt(6.0d0)
5645             dLBasisdx(7,2) = (4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) - 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 8.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/6.0d0
5646             dLBasisdx(7,3) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*w)/6.0d0
5647             Basis(8) = -(w*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/2.0d0
5648             dLBasisdx(8,1) = -(Sqrt(1.5d0)*w)
5649             dLBasisdx(8,2) = -(w/Sqrt(2.0d0))
5650             dLBasisdx(8,3) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 2.0d0*w)/2.0d0
5651             Basis(9) = ((Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - w)*w)/2.0d0
5652             dLBasisdx(9,1) = Sqrt(1.5d0)*w
5653             dLBasisdx(9,2) = -(w/Sqrt(2.0d0))
5654             dLBasisdx(9,3) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 2.0d0*w)/2.0d0
5655             Basis(10) = Sqrt(2.0d0)*v*w - w**2/2.0d0
5656             dLBasisdx(10,1) = 0.0d0
5657             dLBasisdx(10,2) = Sqrt(2.0d0)*w
5658             dLBasisdx(10,3) = Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - w
5659           ELSE
5660             ! Here the element of the background mesh is of type 504:
5661             DO q=1,4
5662               Basis(q) = TetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5663               dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5664             END DO
5665           END IF
5666         ELSE
5667           DO q=1,n
5668             Basis(q) = TetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5669             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dTetraNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5670           END DO
5671           IF (Create2ndKindBasis) THEN
5672             DOFs = 12
5673           ELSE
5674             DOFs = 6
5675           END IF
5676         END IF
5677       CASE(6)
5678         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5679           ! The second-order pyramid from the Nedelec's first family
5680           DOFs = 31
5681         ELSE
5682           ! The lowest-order pyramid from the optimal family
5683           DOFs = 10
5684         END IF
5686         IF (n==13) THEN
5687           ! Here the background mesh is supposed to be of type 613. The difference between the standard
5688           ! reference element and the p-reference element can be taken into account by a simple scaling:
5689           CALL NodalBasisFunctions3D(Basis, Element, u, v, sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
5690           CALL NodalFirstDerivatives(n, dLBasisdx, Element, u, v, sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
5691           dLBasisdx(1:n,3) = sqrt(2.0d0) * dLBasisdx(1:n,3)
5692         ELSE
5693           ! Background mesh elements of the type 605:
5694           DO q=1,n
5695             Basis(q) = PyramidNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5696             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dPyramidNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5697           END DO
5698         END IF
5700       CASE(7)
5701         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5702           ! The second-order prism from the Nedelec's first family: affine physical elements may be needed
5703           DOFs = 36
5704         ELSE
5705           ! The lowest-order prism from the optimal family
5706           DOFs = 15
5707         END IF
5709         IF (n==15) THEN
5710           ! Here the background mesh is of type 715.
5711           ! The Lagrange interpolation basis on the p-approximation reference element:
5713           h1 = -0.5d0*w + 0.5d0*w**2
5714           h2 = 0.5d0*w + 0.5d0*w**2
5715           h3 = 1.0d0 - w**2
5716           dh1 = -0.5d0 + w
5717           dh2 = 0.5d0 + w
5718           dh3 = -2.0d0 * w
5720           WorkBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0*u**2 + v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v) + u*(-3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/6
5721           grad(1) = -0.5d0 + u + v/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5722           grad(2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v)/6.0d0
5723           Basis(1) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h1
5724           dLBasisdx(1,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h1
5725           dLBasisdx(1,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
5726           Basis(4) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h2
5727           dLBasisdx(4,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h2
5728           dLBasisdx(4,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
5729           Basis(13) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h3
5730           dLBasisdx(13,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h3
5731           dLBasisdx(13,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh3
5733           WorkBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0*u**2 + v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v) + u*(3.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/6.0d0
5734           grad(1) = 0.5d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.d0)
5735           grad(2) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v)/6.0d0
5736           Basis(2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h1
5737           dLBasisdx(2,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h1
5738           dLBasisdx(2,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
5739           Basis(5) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h2
5740           dLBasisdx(5,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h2
5741           dLBasisdx(5,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
5742           Basis(14) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h3
5743           dLBasisdx(14,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h3
5744           dLBasisdx(14,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh3
5746           WorkBasis(1,1) = (v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*v))/3.0d0
5747           grad(1) = 0.0d0
5748           grad(2) = -(1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)) + (4.0d0*v)/3.0d0
5749           Basis(3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h1
5750           dLBasisdx(3,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h1
5751           dLBasisdx(3,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
5752           Basis(6) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h2
5753           dLBasisdx(6,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h2
5754           dLBasisdx(6,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
5755           Basis(15) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h3
5756           dLBasisdx(15,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h3
5757           dLBasisdx(15,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh3
5759           h1 = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 - w)
5760           dh1 = -0.5d0
5761           h2 = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + w)
5762           dh2 = 0.5d0
5764           WorkBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0 - 3.0d0*u**2 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + v**2)/3.0d0
5765           grad(1) = -2.0d0*u
5766           grad(2) = (-2.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) - v))/3.0d0
5767           Basis(7) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h1
5768           dLBasisdx(7,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h1
5769           dLBasisdx(7,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
5770           Basis(10) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h2
5771           dLBasisdx(10,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h2
5772           dLBasisdx(10,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
5774           WorkBasis(1,1) = (2.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - v)*v)/3.0d0
5775           grad(1) = (2.0d0*v)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5776           grad(2) = (2.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2.0d0*v))/3.0d0
5777           Basis(8) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h1
5778           dLBasisdx(8,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h1
5779           dLBasisdx(8,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
5780           Basis(11) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h2
5781           dLBasisdx(11,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h2
5782           dLBasisdx(11,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
5784           WorkBasis(1,1) = (-2.0d0*v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v))/3.0d0
5785           grad(1) = (-2.0d0*v)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5786           grad(2) = (-2.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2.0d0*v))/3.0d0
5787           Basis(9) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h1
5788           dLBasisdx(9,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h1
5789           dLBasisdx(9,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
5790           Basis(12) = WorkBasis(1,1) * h2
5791           dLBasisdx(12,1:2) = grad(1:2) * h2
5792           dLBasisdx(12,3) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
5793         ELSE
5794           ! Here the background mesh is of type 706
5795           DO q=1,n
5796             Basis(q) = WedgeNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5797             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dWedgeNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5798           END DO
5799         END IF
5800       CASE(8)
5801         IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5802           ! The second-order brick from the Nedelec's first family: affine physical elements may be needed
5803           DOFs = 54
5804         ELSE
5805           ! The lowest-order brick from the optimal family
5806           DOFs = 27
5807         END IF
5808         IF (n>8) THEN
5809           ! Here the background mesh is supposed to be of type 820/827
5810           CALL NodalBasisFunctions3D(Basis, Element, u, v, w)
5811           CALL NodalFirstDerivatives(n, dLBasisdx, Element, u, v, w)
5812         ELSE
5813           ! Here the background mesh is of type 808
5814           DO q=1,n
5815             Basis(q) = BrickNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5816             dLBasisdx(q,1:3) = dBrickNodalPBasis(q, u, v, w)
5817           END DO
5818         END IF
5819       CASE DEFAULT
5820         CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::EdgeElementInfo','Unsupported element type')
5821       END SELECT
5823       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5824       ! Get data for performing the Piola transformation...
5825       !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5826       stat = PiolaTransformationData(n, Element, Nodes, LF, detF, dLBasisdx)
5827       !------------------------------------------------------------------------
5828       ! ... in order to define the basis for the element space X(K) via
5829       ! applying a version of the Piola transformation as
5830       !    X(K) = { B | B = F^{-T}(f^{-1}(x)) b(f^{-1}(x)) }
5831       ! with b giving the edge basis function on the reference element k,
5832       ! f mapping k to the actual element K, i.e. K = f(k) and F = Grad f. This
5833       ! function returns the local basis functions b and their Curl (with respect
5834       ! to local coordinates) evaluated at the integration point. The effect of
5835       ! the Piola transformation need to be considered when integrating, so we
5836       ! shall return also the values of F, G=F^{-T} and det F.
5837       !
5838       ! It should be noted that the case of 2-D surface elements embedded in
5839       ! the three-dimensional space is handled as a special case. Then F^{-T}
5840       ! is replaced by the transpose of the pseudoinverse of F. The Piola
5841       ! transformation then maps a 2-component field to a 3-component vector
5842       ! field which is tangential to the 2-D surface.
5843       !
5844       ! The construction of edge element bases could be done in an alternate way for
5845       ! triangles and tetrahedra, while the chosen approach has the benefit that
5846       ! it generalizes to other cases. For example general quadrilaterals may now
5847       ! be handled in the same way.
5848       !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5849       IF (cdim == dim) THEN
5850          SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
5851          CASE(3,4)
5852             LG(1,1) = 1.0d0/detF * LF(2,2)
5853             LG(1,2) = -1.0d0/detF * LF(1,2)
5854             LG(2,1) = -1.0d0/detF * LF(2,1)
5855             LG(2,2) = 1.0d0/detF * LF(1,1)
5856          CASE(5,6,7,8)
5857             CALL InvertMatrix3x3(LF,LG,detF)
5858          CASE DEFAULT
5859             CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::EdgeElementInfo','Unsupported element type')
5860          END SELECT
5861          LG(1:dim,1:dim) = TRANSPOSE( LG(1:dim,1:dim) )
5862       END IF
5864       IF (UsePretabulatedBasis) THEN
5865         DO i=1,DOFs
5866           EdgeBasis(i,1:3) = ReadyEdgeBasis(i,1:3)
5867           CurlBasis(i,1:3) = ReadyRotBasis(i,1:3)
5868         END DO
5869       ELSE
5870         SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
5871         CASE(2)
5872           !--------------------------------------------------------------
5873           ! This is a special case to return the tangential components
5874           ! trace of 2D elements
5875           !--------------------------------------------------------------
5876           !
5877           ! The sign reversion of basis must be checked via the parent element:
5878           !
5879           Parent => Element % BoundaryInfo % Left
5880           IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(Parent)) THEN
5881             Parent => Element % BoundaryInfo % Right
5882           END IF
5883           IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(Parent)) RETURN
5884           !
5885           ! Identify the edge representing the element among the edges of
5886           ! the parent element:
5887           !
5888           pElement => Element
5889           CALL PickActiveFace(Mesh, Parent, pElement, Face, ActiveFaceId)
5890           IF (ActiveFaceId == 0) RETURN
5891           !
5892           ! Use the parent element to check whether sign reversions are needed:
5893           !
5894           CALL FaceElementOrientation(Parent, RevertSign, ActiveFaceId)
5896           IF (RevertSign(ActiveFaceId)) THEN
5897             EdgeBasis(1,1) = -0.5d0
5898           ELSE
5899             EdgeBasis(1,1) = 0.5d0
5900           END IF
5901           IF (SecondOrder) THEN
5902             EdgeBasis(2,1) = 1.5d0 * u
5903           END IF
5904           CurlBasis(1:DOFs,:) = 0.0d0
5906         CASE(3)
5907           !--------------------------------------------------------------
5908           ! This branch is for handling triangles. Note that
5909           ! the global orientation of the edge tangent t is defined such that
5910           ! t points towards the node that has a larger global index.
5911           !--------------------------------------------------------------
5912           EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(3)
5913           !EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(GetElementFamily(Element))
5915           IF (Create2ndKindBasis) THEN
5916             !-------------------------------------------------
5917             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 12.
5918             !-------------------------------------------------
5919             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
5920             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
5921             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
5922             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
5923             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
5924             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
5925             IF (nj<ni) THEN
5926               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
5927               ! compared with the other possibility
5928               EdgeBasis(1,1) = -(3.0d0 + 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5929               EdgeBasis(1,2) = -(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5930               CurlBasis(1,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5932               EdgeBasis(2,1) = -(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u - &
5933                   (1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/(2.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
5934               EdgeBasis(2,2) = -(-3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0) + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/ &
5935                   (2.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
5936               CurlBasis(2,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5937             ELSE
5938               EdgeBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u - &
5939                   (1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/(2.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
5940               EdgeBasis(1,2) = (-3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0) + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/ &
5941                   (2.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
5942               CurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5944               EdgeBasis(2,1) = (3.0d0 + 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5945               EdgeBasis(2,2) = (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5946               CurlBasis(2,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5947             END IF
5949             !-------------------------------------------------
5950             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 23.
5951             !-------------------------------------------------
5952             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
5953             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
5954             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
5955             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
5956             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
5957             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
5958             IF (nj<ni) THEN
5959               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
5960               ! compared with the other possibility
5961               EdgeBasis(3,1) = ((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/6.0d0
5962               EdgeBasis(3,2) = -(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0) + (-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5963               CurlBasis(3,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5965               EdgeBasis(4,1) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/6.0d0
5966               EdgeBasis(4,2) = -(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0) + (2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u - &
5967                   (1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))
5968               CurlBasis(4,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5969             ELSE
5970               EdgeBasis(3,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/6.0d0
5971               EdgeBasis(3,2) = (2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0) + (2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u - &
5972                   (1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))
5973               CurlBasis(3,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5975               EdgeBasis(4,1) = -((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/6.0d0
5976               EdgeBasis(4,2) = (-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0) + (-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5977               CurlBasis(4,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5978             END IF
5980             !-------------------------------------------------
5981             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 31.
5982             !-------------------------------------------------
5983             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
5984             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
5985             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
5986             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
5987             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
5988             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
5989             IF (nj<ni) THEN
5990               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
5991               ! compared with the other possibility
5992               EdgeBasis(5,1) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/6.0d0
5993               EdgeBasis(5,2) = -(-3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0) + (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
5994               CurlBasis(5,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5996               EdgeBasis(6,1) = ((3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/(3.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
5997               EdgeBasis(6,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u + v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
5998               CurlBasis(6,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
5999             ELSE
6000               EdgeBasis(5,1) = -((3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/(3.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6001               EdgeBasis(5,2) = -((-1.0d0 + u + v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6002               CurlBasis(5,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6004               EdgeBasis(6,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v)/6.0d0
6005               EdgeBasis(6,2) = (-3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0) + (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
6006               CurlBasis(6,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6007             END IF
6009           ELSE
6011             !------------------------------------------------------------
6012             ! The optimal/Nedelec basis functions of the first kind. We employ
6013             ! a hierarchic basis, so the lowest-order basis functions are
6014             ! also utilized in the construction of the second-order basis.
6015             ! First the edge 12 ...
6016             !------------------------------------------------------------
6017             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
6018             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
6019             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6020             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6021             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6022             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6023             EdgeBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
6024             EdgeBasis(1,2) = u/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6025             CurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6026             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6027               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
6028               CurlBasis(1,3) = -CurlBasis(1,3)
6029             END IF
6030             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6031               EdgeBasis(2,1) = -(u*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/2.0d0
6032               EdgeBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*u**2)/2.0d0
6033               CurlBasis(2,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u)/2.0d0
6034             END IF
6036             !-------------------------------------------------
6037             ! Basis functions associated with the edge 23:
6038             !-------------------------------------------------
6039             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6040               k = 3
6041               EdgeBasis(4,1) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)*v)/4.0d0
6042               EdgeBasis(4,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 - u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/4.0d0
6043               CurlBasis(4,3) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
6044             ELSE
6045               k = 2
6046             END IF
6047             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
6048             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
6049             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6050             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6051             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6052             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6053             EdgeBasis(k,1) = -v/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6054             EdgeBasis(k,2) = (1 + u)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6055             CurlBasis(k,3) =  1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6056             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6057               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6058               CurlBasis(k,3) = -CurlBasis(k,3)
6059             END IF
6061             !-------------------------------------------------
6062             ! Basis functions associated with the edge 31:
6063             !-------------------------------------------------
6064             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6065               k = 5
6066               EdgeBasis(6,1) = (v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
6067               EdgeBasis(6,2) = -(Sqrt(3.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/4.0d0
6068               CurlBasis(6,3) = (-3.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
6069             ELSE
6070               k = 3
6071             END IF
6072             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
6073             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
6074             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6075             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6076             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6077             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6078             EdgeBasis(k,1) = -v/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6079             EdgeBasis(k,2) = (-1 + u)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6080             CurlBasis(k,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6081             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6082               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6083               CurlBasis(k,3) = -CurlBasis(k,3)
6084             END IF
6086             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6087               !-------------------------------------------------
6088               ! Two basis functions defined on the face 123:
6089               !-------------------------------------------------
6090               TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3 /)
6091               Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6093               DO j=1,3
6094                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
6095               END DO
6096               IF (Parallel) THEN
6097                 DO j=1,3
6098                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6099                 END DO
6100               END IF
6101               CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
6103               WorkBasis(1,1) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) - v)*v)/6.0d0
6104               WorkBasis(1,2) = (u*v)/6.0d0
6105               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 3.0d0*v)/6.0d0
6106               WorkBasis(2,1) = (v*(1.0d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.0d0)))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6107               WorkBasis(2,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*(-3.0d0 - 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6108               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) =(-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0
6109               WorkBasis(3,1) = (v*(-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6110               WorkBasis(3,2) = -((1.0d0 + u)*(-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6111               WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0
6113               EdgeBasis(7,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
6114               CurlBasis(7,3) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,3)
6115               EdgeBasis(8,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
6116               CurlBasis(8,3) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,3)
6118             END IF
6119           END IF
6121         CASE(4)
6122           !--------------------------------------------------------------
6123           ! This branch is for handling quadrilaterals
6124           !--------------------------------------------------------------
6125           EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(4)
6126           IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6127             !---------------------------------------------------------------
6128             ! The second-order element from the Nedelec's first family with
6129             ! a hierarchic basis. This element may not be optimally accurate
6130             ! if the physical element is not affine.
6131             ! First, the eight basis functions associated with the edges:
6132             !--------------------------------------------------------------
6133             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
6134             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
6135             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6136             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6137             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6138             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6139             EdgeBasis(1,1) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1
6140             CurlBasis(1,3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1
6141             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6142               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
6143               CurlBasis(1,3) = -CurlBasis(1,3)
6144             END IF
6145             EdgeBasis(2,1) = 0.3D1 * u * (0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1)
6146             CurlBasis(2,3) = 0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * u
6148             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
6149             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
6150             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6151             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6152             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6153             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6154             EdgeBasis(3,2) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1
6155             CurlBasis(3,3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1
6156             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6157               EdgeBasis(3,:) = -EdgeBasis(3,:)
6158               CurlBasis(3,3) = -CurlBasis(3,3)
6159             END IF
6160             EdgeBasis(4,2) = 0.3D1 * v * (0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1)
6161             CurlBasis(4,3) = 0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * v
6163             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
6164             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
6165             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6166             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6167             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6168             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6169             EdgeBasis(5,1) = -0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1
6170             CurlBasis(5,3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1
6171             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6172               EdgeBasis(5,:) = -EdgeBasis(5,:)
6173               CurlBasis(5,3) = -CurlBasis(5,3)
6174             END IF
6175             EdgeBasis(6,1) = -0.3D1 * u * (-0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1)
6176             CurlBasis(6,3) = -0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * u
6178             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
6179             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
6180             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6181             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6182             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6183             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6184             EdgeBasis(7,2) = -0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1
6185             CurlBasis(7,3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1
6186             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6187               EdgeBasis(7,:) = -EdgeBasis(7,:)
6188               CurlBasis(7,3) = -CurlBasis(7,3)
6189             END IF
6190             EdgeBasis(8,2) = -0.3D1 * v * (-0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1)
6191             CurlBasis(8,3) = -0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * v
6193             !--------------------------------------------------------------------
6194             ! Additional four basis functions associated with the element interior
6195             !-------------------------------------------------------------------
6196             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
6197             Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6199             WorkBasis = 0.0d0
6200             WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
6202             WorkBasis(1,1) = 0.2D1 * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - v / 0.2D1) * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + v / 0.2D1)
6203             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = v
6204             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.12D2 * u * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - v / 0.2D1) * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + v / 0.2D1)
6205             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.6D1 * u * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + v / 0.2D1) - &
6206                 0.6D1 * u * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - v / 0.2D1)
6208             WorkBasis(3,2) = 0.2D1 * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - u / 0.2D1) * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + u / 0.2D1)
6209             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -u
6210             WorkBasis(4,2) = 0.12D2 * v * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - u / 0.2D1) * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + u / 0.2D1)
6211             WorkCurlBasis(4,3) = -0.6D1 * v * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + u / 0.2D1) + &
6212                 0.6D1 * v * (0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - u / 0.2D1)
6214             DO j=1,4
6215               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
6216             END DO
6217             IF (Parallel) THEN
6218               DO j=1,4
6219                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6220               END DO
6221             END IF
6222             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
6224             EdgeBasis(9,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
6225             CurlBasis(9,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
6226             EdgeBasis(10,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
6227             CurlBasis(10,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
6228             EdgeBasis(11,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
6229             CurlBasis(11,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
6230             EdgeBasis(12,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
6231             CurlBasis(12,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
6233           ELSE
6234             !------------------------------------------------------
6235             ! The Arnold-Boffi-Falk element of degree k=0 which is
6236             ! a member of the optimal edge element family.
6237             ! First, four basis functions defined on the edges
6238             !-------------------------------------------------
6239             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
6240             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
6241             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6242             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6243             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6244             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6245             EdgeBasis(1,1) = ((-1.0d0 + v)*v)/4.0d0
6246             EdgeBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
6247             CurlBasis(1,3) = (1.0d0 - 2*v)/4.0d0
6248             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6249               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
6250               CurlBasis(1,3) = -CurlBasis(1,3)
6251             END IF
6253             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
6254             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
6255             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6256             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6257             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6258             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6259             EdgeBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
6260             EdgeBasis(2,2) = (u*(1.0d0 + u))/4.0d0
6261             CurlBasis(2,3) = (1.0d0 + 2*u)/4.0d0
6262             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6263               EdgeBasis(2,:) = -EdgeBasis(2,:)
6264               CurlBasis(2,3) = -CurlBasis(2,3)
6265             END IF
6267             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
6268             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
6269             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6270             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6271             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6272             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6273             EdgeBasis(3,1) = -(v*(1.0d0 + v))/4.0d0
6274             EdgeBasis(3,2) = 0.0d0
6275             CurlBasis(3,3) = (1.0d0 + 2*v)/4.0d0
6276             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6277               EdgeBasis(3,:) = -EdgeBasis(3,:)
6278               CurlBasis(3,3) = -CurlBasis(3,3)
6279             END IF
6281             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
6282             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
6283             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6284             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6285             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6286             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6287             EdgeBasis(4,1) = 0.0d0
6288             EdgeBasis(4,2) = -((-1 + u)*u)/4.0d0
6289             CurlBasis(4,3) = (1.0d0 - 2*u)/4.0d0
6290             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6291               EdgeBasis(4,:) = -EdgeBasis(4,:)
6292               CurlBasis(4,3) = -CurlBasis(4,3)
6293             END IF
6295             !--------------------------------------------------------------------
6296             ! Additional two basis functions associated with the element interior
6297             !-------------------------------------------------------------------
6298             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
6299             Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6301             WorkBasis(1,:) = 0.0d0
6302             WorkBasis(2,:) = 0.0d0
6303             WorkCurlBasis(1,:) = 0.0d0
6304             WorkCurlBasis(2,:) = 0.0d0
6306             WorkBasis(1,1) = (1.0d0 - v**2)/2.0d0
6307             WorkBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
6308             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = v
6310             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
6311             WorkBasis(2,2) = (1.0d0 - u**2)/2.0d0
6312             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = -u
6314             DO j=1,4
6315               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
6316             END DO
6317             IF (Parallel) THEN
6318               DO j=1,4
6319                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6320               END DO
6321             END IF
6322             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
6324             EdgeBasis(5,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
6325             CurlBasis(5,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
6326             EdgeBasis(6,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
6327             CurlBasis(6,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
6328           END IF
6330         CASE(5)
6331           !--------------------------------------------------------------
6332           ! This branch is for handling tetrahedra
6333           !--------------------------------------------------------------
6334           EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(5)
6336           IF (Create2ndKindBasis) THEN
6337             !-------------------------------------------------
6338             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 12.
6339             !-------------------------------------------------
6340             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
6341             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
6342             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6343             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6344             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6345             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6346             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6347               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
6348               ! compared with the other possibility
6349               EdgeBasis(1,1) = -(6.0d0 + 6.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0d0
6350               EdgeBasis(1,2) = -(6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0d0
6351               EdgeBasis(1,3) = -(3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0d0
6352               CurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
6353               CurlBasis(1,2) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(6.0d0)
6354               CurlBasis(1,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6356               EdgeBasis(2,1) = (-6.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 6.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6357                   2.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6358               EdgeBasis(2,2) = -(-6.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6359                   2.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6360               EdgeBasis(2,3) = -(-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0) + (Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))*u + &
6361                   (Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))*v + w + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6362               CurlBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
6363               CurlBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))/(6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6364               CurlBasis(2,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6365             ELSE
6366               EdgeBasis(1,1) = -(-6.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 6.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6367                   2.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6368               EdgeBasis(1,2) = (-6.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6369                   2.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6370               EdgeBasis(1,3) = (-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0) + (Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))*u + &
6371                   (Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))*v + w + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6372               CurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
6373               CurlBasis(1,2) = -((Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))/(6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6374               CurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6376               EdgeBasis(2,1) = (6.0d0 + 6.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0d0
6377               EdgeBasis(2,2) = (6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/12.0d0
6378               EdgeBasis(2,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/12.0d0
6379               CurlBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
6380               CurlBasis(2,2) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(6.0d0)
6381               CurlBasis(2,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6382             END IF
6384             !-------------------------------------------------
6385             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 23.
6386             !-------------------------------------------------
6387             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
6388             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
6389             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6390             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6391             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6392             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6393             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6394               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
6395               ! compared with the other possibility
6396               EdgeBasis(3,1) = (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6397               EdgeBasis(3,2) = -(4.0d0*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6398                   (-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6399               EdgeBasis(3,3) = -(3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6400                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6401               CurlBasis(3,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6402               CurlBasis(3,2) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6403               CurlBasis(3,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6405               EdgeBasis(4,1) = (-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6406               EdgeBasis(4,2) = (-4.0d0*(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 4.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + &
6407                   (2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(-4.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6408               EdgeBasis(4,3) = -(-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6409                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6410               CurlBasis(4,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6411               CurlBasis(4,2) = -(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))/(12.0d0 + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6412               CurlBasis(4,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6413             ELSE
6414               EdgeBasis(3,1) = -(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6415               EdgeBasis(3,2) = -(-4.0d0*(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 4.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + &
6416                   (2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(-4.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6417               EdgeBasis(3,3) = (-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6418                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6419               CurlBasis(3,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6420               CurlBasis(3,2) = (Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))/(12.0d0 + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6421               CurlBasis(3,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6423               EdgeBasis(4,1) = -((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6424               EdgeBasis(4,2) = (4.0d0*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6425                   (-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6426               EdgeBasis(4,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6427                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6428               CurlBasis(4,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6429               CurlBasis(4,2) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6430               CurlBasis(4,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6431             END IF
6433             !-------------------------------------------------
6434             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 31.
6435             !-------------------------------------------------
6436             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
6437             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
6438             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6439             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6440             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6441             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6442             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6443               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
6444               ! compared with the other possibility
6445               EdgeBasis(5,1) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6446               EdgeBasis(5,2) = -(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6447                   (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(-4.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6448               EdgeBasis(5,3) = -(3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6449                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6450               CurlBasis(5,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6451               CurlBasis(5,2) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6452               CurlBasis(5,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6454               EdgeBasis(6,1) = ((3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/ &
6455                   (12.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6456               EdgeBasis(6,2) = -(4.0d0 - 4.0d0*u - 4.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/ &
6457                   (4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6458               EdgeBasis(6,3) = -(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + &
6459                   w + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6460               CurlBasis(6,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6461               CurlBasis(6,2) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6462               CurlBasis(6,3) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6463             ELSE
6464               EdgeBasis(5,1) = -((3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/ &
6465                   (12.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6466               EdgeBasis(5,2) = (4.0d0 - 4.0d0*u - 4.0d0*(1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/ &
6467                   (4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6468               EdgeBasis(5,3) = (-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(2.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + &
6469                   w + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6470               CurlBasis(5,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6471               CurlBasis(5,2) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6472               CurlBasis(5,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6474               EdgeBasis(6,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6475               EdgeBasis(6,2) = (4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + 8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6476                   (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*(-4.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6477               EdgeBasis(6,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6478                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6479               CurlBasis(6,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6480               CurlBasis(6,2) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6481               CurlBasis(6,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
6482             END IF
6484             !-------------------------------------------------
6485             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 14.
6486             !-------------------------------------------------
6487             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
6488             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
6489             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6490             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6491             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6492             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6493             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6494               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
6495               ! compared with the other possibility
6496               EdgeBasis(7,1) = -((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6497               EdgeBasis(7,2) = -((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6498               EdgeBasis(7,3) = -(-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6499                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/8.0d0
6500               CurlBasis(7,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6501               CurlBasis(7,2) = -Sqrt(1.5d0)/2.0d0
6502               CurlBasis(7,3) = 0.0d0
6504               EdgeBasis(8,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6505               EdgeBasis(8,2) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6506               EdgeBasis(8,3) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w - (Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))* &
6507                   (-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))/ &
6508                   (8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6509               CurlBasis(8,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6510               CurlBasis(8,2) = -(3.0d0*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)))/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6511               CurlBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
6512             ELSE
6513               EdgeBasis(7,1) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6514               EdgeBasis(7,2) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6515               EdgeBasis(7,3) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w - (Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))* &
6516                   (-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))/ &
6517                   (8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6518               CurlBasis(7,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6519               CurlBasis(7,2) = (3.0d0*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)))/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6520               CurlBasis(7,3) = 0.0d0
6522               EdgeBasis(8,1) = ((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6523               EdgeBasis(8,2) = ((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6524               EdgeBasis(8,3) = (-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6525                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/8.0d0
6526               CurlBasis(8,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6527               CurlBasis(8,2) = Sqrt(1.5d0)/2.0d0
6528               CurlBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
6529             END IF
6531             !-------------------------------------------------
6532             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 24.
6533             !-------------------------------------------------
6534             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
6535             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
6536             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6537             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6538             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6539             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6540             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6541               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
6542               ! compared with the other possibility
6543               EdgeBasis(9,1) = ((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6544               EdgeBasis(9,2) = -((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6545               EdgeBasis(9,3) = -(-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6546                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/8.0d0
6547               CurlBasis(9,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6548               CurlBasis(9,2) = Sqrt(1.5d0)/2.0d0
6549               CurlBasis(9,3) = 0.0d0
6551               EdgeBasis(10,1) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6552               EdgeBasis(10,2) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6553               EdgeBasis(10,3) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w - (Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))*&
6554                   (-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/&
6555                   (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6556               CurlBasis(10,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6557               CurlBasis(10,2) = -(-3.0d0*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)))/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6558               CurlBasis(10,3) = 0.0d0
6559             ELSE
6560               EdgeBasis(9,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6561               EdgeBasis(9,2) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6562               EdgeBasis(9,3) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w - (Sqrt(2.0d0)*(3.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))*&
6563                   (-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/&
6564                   (3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6565               CurlBasis(9,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6566               CurlBasis(9,2) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)))/(4.0d0*(3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)))
6567               CurlBasis(9,3) = 0.0d0
6569               EdgeBasis(10,1) = -((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6570               EdgeBasis(10,2) = ((3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6571               EdgeBasis(10,3) = (-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*u + &
6572                   Sqrt(2.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*v + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/8.0d0
6573               CurlBasis(10,1) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6574               CurlBasis(10,2) = -Sqrt(1.5d0)/2.0d0
6575               CurlBasis(10,3) = 0.0d0
6576             END IF
6578             !-------------------------------------------------
6579             ! Two basis functions defined on the edge 34.
6580             !-------------------------------------------------
6581             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
6582             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
6583             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6584             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6585             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6586             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6587             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6588               ! The sign and order of basis functions are reverted as
6589               ! compared with the other possibility
6590               EdgeBasis(11,1) = 0.0d0
6591               EdgeBasis(11,2) = ((1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6592               EdgeBasis(11,3) = -(6.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 3.0d0*w + &
6593                   3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(12.0d0 - 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6594               CurlBasis(11,1) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(2.0d0)
6595               CurlBasis(11,2) = 0.0d0
6596               CurlBasis(11,3) = 0.0d0
6598               EdgeBasis(12,1) = 0.0d0
6599               EdgeBasis(12,2) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6600               EdgeBasis(12,3) = -((Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))*v - Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/4.0d0
6601               CurlBasis(12,1) = -1.0d0/Sqrt(2.0d0)
6602               CurlBasis(12,2) = 0.0d0
6603               CurlBasis(12,3) = 0.0d0
6604             ELSE
6605               EdgeBasis(11,1) = 0.0d0
6606               EdgeBasis(11,2) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6607               EdgeBasis(11,3) = ((Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0))*v - Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/4.0d0
6608               CurlBasis(11,1) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(2.0d0)
6609               CurlBasis(11,2) = 0.0d0
6610               CurlBasis(11,3) = 0.0d0
6612               EdgeBasis(12,1) = 0.0d0
6613               EdgeBasis(12,2) = -((1.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0))*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6614               EdgeBasis(12,3) = (6.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 3.0d0*w + &
6615                   3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/(12.0d0 - 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6616               CurlBasis(12,1) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(2.0d0)
6617               CurlBasis(12,2) = 0.0d0
6618               CurlBasis(12,3) = 0.0d0
6619             END IF
6621           ELSE
6623             !-------------------------------------------------------------
6624             ! The optimal/Nedelec basis functions of the first kind. We employ
6625             ! a hierarchic basis, so the lowest-order basis functions are
6626             ! also utilized in the construction of the second-order basis.
6627             ! The first the edge ...
6628             !-------------------------------------------------------------
6629             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
6630             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
6631             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6632             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6633             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6634             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6635             EdgeBasis(1,1) = (6.0d0 - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v - Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/24.0d0
6636             EdgeBasis(1,2) = u/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6637             EdgeBasis(1,3) = u/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6638             CurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
6639             CurlBasis(1,2) = -1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6640             CurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6641             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6642               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
6643               CurlBasis(1,:) = -CurlBasis(1,:)
6644             END IF
6645             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6646               EdgeBasis(2,1) = -(u*(-6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/4.0d0
6647               EdgeBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*u**2)/2.0d0
6648               EdgeBasis(2,3) = (Sqrt(1.5d0)*u**2)/2.0d0
6649               CurlBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
6650               CurlBasis(2,2) = (-3.0d0*Sqrt(1.5d0)*u)/2.0d0
6651               CurlBasis(2,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u)/2.0d0
6652             END IF
6654             !-------------------------------------------------
6655             ! Basis functions associated with the second edge:
6656             !-------------------------------------------------
6657             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6658               k = 3
6659               EdgeBasis(4,1) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6660               EdgeBasis(4,2) = -((1.0d0 + u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*&
6661                   (4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6662               EdgeBasis(4,3) = -((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)*&
6663                   (-1.0d0 - u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6664               CurlBasis(4,1) = (-9.0d0*(1.0d0 + u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6665               CurlBasis(4,2) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6666               CurlBasis(4,3) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
6667             ELSE
6668               k = 2
6669             END IF
6671             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
6672             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
6673             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6674             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6675             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6676             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6677             EdgeBasis(k,1) = (-4.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(16.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6678             EdgeBasis(k,2) = (4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/48.0d0
6679             EdgeBasis(k,3) = -(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)/(24.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6680             CurlBasis(k,1) = 1.0d0/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6681             CurlBasis(k,2) = 1.0d0/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6682             CurlBasis(k,3) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6683             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6684               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6685               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
6686             END IF
6688             !-------------------------------------------------
6689             ! Basis functions associated with the third edge:
6690             !-------------------------------------------------
6691             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6692               k = 5
6693               EdgeBasis(6,1) = ((-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)*&
6694                   (4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6695               EdgeBasis(6,2) = -((-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*&
6696                   (-4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6697               EdgeBasis(6,3) = ((-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)*&
6698                   (-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6699               CurlBasis(6,1) = (9.0d0*(-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6700               CurlBasis(6,2) = (-3.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6701               CurlBasis(6,3) = (-3.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
6702             ELSE
6703               k = 3
6704             END IF
6706             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
6707             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
6708             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6709             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6710             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6711             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6712             EdgeBasis(k,1) = (-4.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(16.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6713             EdgeBasis(k,2) = (-4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/48.0d0
6714             EdgeBasis(k,3) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v)/48.0d0
6715             CurlBasis(k,1) = -1.0d0/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6716             CurlBasis(k,2) = 1.0d0/(4.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6717             CurlBasis(k,3) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6718             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6719               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6720               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
6721             END IF
6723             !-------------------------------------------------
6724             ! Basis functions associated with the fourth edge:
6725             !-------------------------------------------------
6726             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6727               k = 7
6728               EdgeBasis(8,1) = (3.0d0*w*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 4.0d0*w))/16.0d0
6729               EdgeBasis(8,2) = (w*(-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + &
6730                   4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6731               EdgeBasis(8,3) = -((-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v)*&
6732                   (-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6733               CurlBasis(8,1) = (-3.0d0*(-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + &
6734                   Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6735               CurlBasis(8,2) = (9.0d0*(-Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 4.0d0*w))/16.0d0
6736               CurlBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
6737             ELSE
6738               k = 4
6739             END IF
6741             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
6742             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
6743             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6744             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6745             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6746             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6747             EdgeBasis(k,1) = (Sqrt(1.5d0)*w)/8.0d0
6748             EdgeBasis(k,2) = w/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6749             EdgeBasis(k,3) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v)/16.0d0
6750             CurlBasis(k,1) = -1.0d0/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6751             CurlBasis(k,2) = Sqrt(1.5d0)/4.0d0
6752             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
6753             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6754               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6755               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
6756             END IF
6758             !-------------------------------------------------
6759             ! Basis functions associated with the fifth edge:
6760             !-------------------------------------------------
6761             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6762               k = 9
6763               EdgeBasis(10,1) = (3.0d0*(Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 4.0d0*w)*w)/16.0d0
6764               EdgeBasis(10,2) = (w*(-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + &
6765                   Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6766               EdgeBasis(10,3) = ((Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v)*&
6767                   (-3.0d0 - 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + 2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6768               CurlBasis(10,1) = (3.0d0*(3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - &
6769                   Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w))/16.0d0
6770               CurlBasis(10,2) = (9.0d0*(Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 4.0d0*w))/16.0d0
6771               CurlBasis(10,3) = 0.0d0
6772             ELSE
6773               k = 5
6774             END IF
6776             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
6777             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
6778             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6779             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6780             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6781             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6782             EdgeBasis(k,1) = -(Sqrt(1.5d0)*w)/8.0d0
6783             EdgeBasis(k,2) = w/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6784             EdgeBasis(k,3) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v)/16.0d0
6785             CurlBasis(k,1) = -1.0d0/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6786             CurlBasis(k,2) = -Sqrt(1.5d0)/4.0d0
6787             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
6788             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6789               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6790               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
6791             END IF
6793             !-------------------------------------------------
6794             ! Basis functions associated with the sixth edge:
6795             !-------------------------------------------------
6796             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6797               k = 11
6798               EdgeBasis(12,1) = 0.0d0
6799               EdgeBasis(12,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*(Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 2.0d0*w)*w)/4.0d0
6800               EdgeBasis(12,3) = (Sqrt(1.5d0)*v*(-v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/2.0d0
6801               CurlBasis(12,1) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w))/4.0d0
6802               CurlBasis(12,2) = 0.0d0
6803               CurlBasis(12,3) = 0.0d0
6804             ELSE
6805               k = 6
6806             END IF
6808             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
6809             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
6810             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
6811             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
6812             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
6813             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
6814             EdgeBasis(k,1) = 0.0d0
6815             EdgeBasis(k,2) = -w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6816             EdgeBasis(k,3) = v/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6817             CurlBasis(k,1) = 1.0d0/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6818             CurlBasis(k,2) = 0.0d0
6819             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
6820             IF (nj<ni) THEN
6821               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
6822               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
6823             END IF
6825             ! -------------------------------------------------------------
6826             ! Finally scale the lowest-order basis functions so that
6827             ! (b,t) = 1 when the integration is done over the element edge.
6828             ! -------------------------------------------------------------
6829             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6830               DO k=1,6
6831                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = 2.0d0 * EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
6832                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = 2.0d0 * CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
6833               END DO
6834             ELSE
6835               DO k=1,6
6836                 EdgeBasis(k,:) = 2.0d0 * EdgeBasis(k,:)
6837                 CurlBasis(k,:) = 2.0d0 * CurlBasis(k,:)
6838               END DO
6839             END IF
6841             IF (SecondOrder) THEN
6842               !-------------------------------------------------
6843               ! Two basis functions defined on the face 213:
6844               !-------------------------------------------------
6845               TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 2,1,3 /)
6846               Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6848               DO j=1,3
6849                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
6850               END DO
6851               IF (Parallel) THEN
6852                 DO j=1,3
6853                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6854                 END DO
6855               END IF
6856               CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
6858               WorkBasis(1,1) = ((4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)*&
6859                   (-6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(48.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6860               WorkBasis(1,2) = -(u*(4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/24.0d0
6861               WorkBasis(1,3) = (u*(-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/24.0d0
6862               WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -u/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6863               WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3.0d0*w)/24.0d0
6864               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*v)/6.0d0
6866               WorkBasis(2,1) = ((4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)*(-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + &
6867                   2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(96.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6868               WorkBasis(2,2) = -((4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)*&
6869                   (-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/288.0d0
6870               WorkBasis(2,3) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)*&
6871                   (-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(144.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6872               WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -(-6.0d0 + 2.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6873                   Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/(16.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6874               WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) - 6.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + &
6875                   6.0d0*v - 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(48.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6876               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0
6878               WorkBasis(3,1) = -((4.0d0*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)*(-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + &
6879                   2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(96.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6880               WorkBasis(3,2) = ((-4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)* &
6881                   (-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/288.0d0
6882               WorkBasis(3,3) = -((-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)* &
6883                   (-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(144.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6884               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = -(-6.0d0 - 2.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6885                   Sqrt(6.0d0)*w)/(16.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6886               WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = (-2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) - 6.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 6.0d0*v + &
6887                   3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(48.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6888               WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0
6890               EdgeBasis(13,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
6891               CurlBasis(13,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
6892               EdgeBasis(14,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
6893               CurlBasis(14,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
6895               !-------------------------------------------------
6896               ! Two basis functions defined on the face 124:
6897               !-------------------------------------------------
6898               TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,4 /)
6899               Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6901               DO j=1,3
6902                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
6903               END DO
6904               IF (Parallel) THEN
6905                 DO j=1,3
6906                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6907                 END DO
6908               END IF
6909               CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
6911               WorkBasis(1,1) = -(w*(-6.0d0 + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6912               WorkBasis(1,2) = (u*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6913               WorkBasis(1,3) = (u*w)/8.0d0
6914               WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -u/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6915               WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3.0d0*w)/8.0d0
6916               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6918               WorkBasis(2,1) = -(w*(-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + &
6919                   Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6920               WorkBasis(2,2) = (w*(1.0d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.0d0) - w/Sqrt(6.0d0)))/(8.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6921               WorkBasis(2,3) = ((-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v)* &
6922                   (-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(48.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6923               WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/16.0d0
6924               WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(6.0d0) + 3.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3.0d0*w)/16.0d0
6925               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) =  w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6927               WorkBasis(3,1) = (w*(-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6928               WorkBasis(3,2) = -(w*(-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(48.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6929               WorkBasis(3,3) = -((Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v)*&
6930                   (-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/96.0d0
6931               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = (-3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/16.0d0
6932               WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = (-Sqrt(6.0d0) + 3.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*u + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 3.0d0*w)/16.0d0
6933               WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6935               EdgeBasis(15,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
6936               CurlBasis(15,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
6937               EdgeBasis(16,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
6938               CurlBasis(16,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
6940               !-------------------------------------------------
6941               ! Two basis functions defined on the face 234:
6942               !-------------------------------------------------
6943               TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 2,3,4 /)
6944               Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6946               DO j=1,3
6947                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
6948               END DO
6949               IF (Parallel) THEN
6950                 DO j=1,3
6951                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6952                 END DO
6953               END IF
6954               CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
6956               WorkBasis(1,1) = (w*(-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/16.0d0
6957               WorkBasis(1,2) = (w*(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - &
6958                   3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6959               WorkBasis(1,3) = -((1.0d0 + u - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*w)/16.0d0
6960               WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/16.0d0
6961               WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 3.0d0*w)/16.0d0
6962               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6964               WorkBasis(2,1) = (w*(-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/16.0d0
6965               WorkBasis(2,2) = -(w*(-4.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
6966               WorkBasis(2,3) = -((Sqrt(6.0d0) + Sqrt(6.0d0)*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v)*&
6967                   (-4.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(32.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
6968               WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - &
6969                   2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/16.0d0
6970               WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (-4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 3.0d0*w)/16.0d0
6971               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6973               WorkBasis(3,1) = 0.0d0
6974               WorkBasis(3,2) = (w*(-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(24.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6975               WorkBasis(3,3) = -(v*(-6.0d0 - 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(24.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6976               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = (2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/8.0d0
6977               WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -v/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6978               WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
6980               EdgeBasis(17,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
6981               CurlBasis(17,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
6982               EdgeBasis(18,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
6983               CurlBasis(18,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
6985               !-------------------------------------------------
6986               ! Two basis functions defined on the face 314:
6987               !-------------------------------------------------
6988               TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 3,1,4 /)
6989               Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
6991               DO j=1,3
6992                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
6993               END DO
6994               IF (Parallel) THEN
6995                 DO j=1,3
6996                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
6997                 END DO
6998               END IF
6999               CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7001               WorkBasis(1,1) = (w*(-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/16.0d0
7002               WorkBasis(1,2) = (w*(-4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + &
7003                   3.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
7004               WorkBasis(1,3) = -((-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*w)/16.0d0
7005               WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/16.0d0
7006               WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (-2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + 3.0d0*w)/16.0d0
7007               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7009               WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
7010               WorkBasis(2,2) = (w*(-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(24.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7011               WorkBasis(2,3) = -(v*(-6.0d0 + 6.0d0*u + 2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + Sqrt(6.0d0)*w))/(24.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7012               WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - Sqrt(6.0d0)*v - Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/8.0d0
7013               WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = v/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7014               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) =  w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7016               WorkBasis(3,1) = ((2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - w)*w)/16.0d0
7017               WorkBasis(3,2) = -(w*(-4.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
7018               WorkBasis(3,3) = ((-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v)*&
7019                   (-4.0d0*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w))/(16.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0))
7020               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = (2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - &
7021                   2.0d0*Sqrt(6.0d0)*v + Sqrt(3.0d0)*w)/16.0d0
7022               WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = (4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 3.0d0*w)/16.0d0
7023               WorkCurlBasis(3,3) =  -w/(4.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7025               EdgeBasis(19,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
7026               CurlBasis(19,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
7027               EdgeBasis(20,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
7028               CurlBasis(20,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
7029             END IF
7030           END IF
7032         CASE(6)
7033           !--------------------------------------------------------------
7034           ! This branch is for handling pyramidic elements
7035           !--------------------------------------------------------------
7036           EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(6)
7037           Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
7039           IF (SecondOrder) THEN
7040             EdgeSign = 1.0d0
7042             LBasis(1) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - u / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 + &
7043                 u * v / ( (0.1D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7044             LBasis(2) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 - &
7045                 u * v / ( (0.1D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7046             LBasis(3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1 + v / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 + &
7047                 u * v / ( (0.1D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7048             LBasis(4) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - u / 0.4D1 + v / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 - &
7049                 u * v / ( (0.1D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7050             LBasis(5) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.2D1
7052             Beta(1) = 0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - u / 0.2D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7053             Beta(2) = 0.1D1 / 0.2D1 - v / 0.2D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7054             Beta(3) = 0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + u / 0.2D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7055             Beta(4) = 0.1D1 / 0.2D1 + v / 0.2D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7057             ! Edge 12:
7058             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7059             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
7060             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
7061             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7062             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7063             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7064             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7065             EdgeBasis(1,1) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - v / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7066             EdgeBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
7067             EdgeBasis(1,3) = sqrt(0.2D1) * u * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7068                 ((w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1)
7069             CurlBasis(1,1) = sqrt(0.2D1) * u / ((w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.4D1)
7070             CurlBasis(1,2) = -sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 - sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7071                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7072             CurlBasis(1,3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1
7073             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7074               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
7075               CurlBasis(1,:) = -CurlBasis(1,:)
7076               EdgeSign(1) = -1.0d0
7077             END IF
7079             EdgeBasis(2,1:3) = 3.0d0 * u * EdgeBasis(1,1:3)
7080             CurlBasis(2,1) = 0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * sqrt(0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7081             CurlBasis(2,2) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) * (0.3D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7082                 4.0D0 * v - 0.6D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7083             CurlBasis(2,3) = 0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * u
7085             ! Edge 23:
7086             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7087             k = 3 ! k=2 for first-order
7088             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
7089             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
7090             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7091             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7092             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7093             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7095             EdgeBasis(k,1) = 0.0d0
7096             EdgeBasis(k,2) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + u / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7097             EdgeBasis(k,3) = sqrt(0.2D1) * v * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7098                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7099             CurlBasis(k,1) = sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7100                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 ) + sqrt(0.2D1) /  0.8D1
7101             CurlBasis(k,2) = sqrt(0.2D1) * v / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7102             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1
7103             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7104               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7105               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7106               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7107             END IF
7109             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * v * EdgeBasis(k,1:3)
7110             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) * (0.3D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7111                 4.0D0 * u - 0.6D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7112             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = 0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * sqrt(0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7113             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = 0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * v
7115             ! Edge 43:
7116             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7117             k = 5 ! k=3 for first-order
7118             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
7119             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
7120             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7121             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7122             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7123             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7125             EdgeBasis(k,1) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 + v / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7126             EdgeBasis(k,2) = 0.0d0
7127             EdgeBasis(k,3) = sqrt(0.2D1) * u * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7128                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7130             CurlBasis(k,1) = -sqrt(0.2D1) * u / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7131             CurlBasis(k,2) = -sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 - sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7132                 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7133             CurlBasis(k,3) = -0.1D1 / 0.4D1
7134             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7135               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7136               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7137               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7138             END IF
7140             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * u * EdgeBasis(k,1:3)
7141             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = -0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * sqrt(0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7142             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) * (0.3D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7143                 4.0D0 * v - 0.6D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7144             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = -0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * u
7147             ! Edge 14:
7148             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7149             k = 7 ! k=4 for first-order
7150             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
7151             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
7152             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7153             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7154             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7155             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7157             EdgeBasis(k,1) = 0.0d0
7158             EdgeBasis(k,2) = 0.1D1 / 0.4D1 - u / 0.4D1 - w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7159             EdgeBasis(k,3) = sqrt(0.2D1) * v * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7160                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7162             CurlBasis(k,1) = sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / ( (w * &
7163                 sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 ) + sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7164             CurlBasis(k,2) = -sqrt(0.2D1) * v / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.4D1 )
7165             CurlBasis(k,3) = -0.1D1 / 0.4D1
7166             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7167               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7168               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7169               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7170             END IF
7172             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * v * EdgeBasis(k,1:3)
7173             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) * (0.3D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7174                 4.0D0 * u - 0.6D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7175             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = -0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * sqrt(0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7176             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = -0.3D1 / 0.4D1 * v
7179             ! Edge 15:
7180             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7181             k = 9 ! k=5 for first-order
7182             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
7183             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
7184             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7185             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7186             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7187             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7189             EdgeBasis(k,1) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7190                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7191             EdgeBasis(k,2) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7192                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7193             EdgeBasis(k,3) = -sqrt(0.2D1)/ 0.4D1 * (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v * w - &
7194                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w - &
7195                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w + u * w ** 2 + v * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7196                 0.2D1 * u * v - w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u + 0.2D1 * v - 0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7198             CurlBasis(k,1) = (-sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * &
7199                 u * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7200             CurlBasis(k,2) = -(-sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * &
7201                 v * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7202             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
7203             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7204               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7205               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7206               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7207             END IF
7209             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * EdgeSign(k) * EdgeBasis(k,1:3) * ( LBasis(5)-LBasis(1)+LBasis(3) )
7211             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (-0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - &
7212                 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 + &
7213                 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w - &
7214                 0.8D1 * u * v * w - 0.6D1 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7215                 0.24D2 * u * w + 0.12D2 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.16D2 * w) / &
7216                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2
7217             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (-0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - &
7218                 0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7219                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 + 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u* v * w - &
7220                 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w - 0.6D1 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7221                 0.12D2 * u * w + 0.24D2 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.16D2 * w) / &
7222                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2
7223             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (u - v) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7226             ! Edge 25:
7227             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7228             k = 11 ! k=6 for first-order
7229             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
7230             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
7231             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7232             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7233             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7234             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7236             EdgeBasis(k,1) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7237                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7238             EdgeBasis(k,2) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7239                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7240             EdgeBasis(k,3) = sqrt(0.2D1)/ 0.4D1 * (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v * w - 0.2D1 * &
7241                 sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w + u * w ** 2 - v * w ** 2 - &
7242                 0.2D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * u * v + w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u - 0.2D1 * v + 0.2D1) / &
7243                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7244             CurlBasis(k,1) = -(sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * u * w + &
7245                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7246             CurlBasis(k,2) = (-sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * &
7247                 v * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7248             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
7249             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7250               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7251               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7252               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7253             END IF
7255             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * EdgeSign(k) * EdgeBasis(k,1:3) * ( LBasis(5)-LBasis(2)+LBasis(4) )
7257             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - &
7258                 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7259                 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u** 2 * w + &
7260                 0.8D1 * u * v * w - 0.6D1 * w ** 3 + 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7261                 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.24D2 * u * w + 0.12D2 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7262                 0.16D2 * w) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2
7263             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (-0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + &
7264                 0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7265                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w + &
7266                 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.6D1 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7267                 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.12D2 * u * w - 0.24D2 * v * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7268                 0.16D2 * w) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)** 2
7269             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (u + v) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7272             ! Edge 35:
7273             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7274             k = 13 ! k=7 for first-order
7275             i = EdgeMap(7,1)
7276             j = EdgeMap(7,2)
7277             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7278             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7279             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7280             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7282             EdgeBasis(k,1) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1)/ 0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7283                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7284             EdgeBasis(k,2) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7285                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7286             EdgeBasis(k,3) = -sqrt(0.2D1)/ 0.4D1 * (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v * w + 0.2D1 * &
7287                 sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w - u * w ** 2 - v * w ** 2 + &
7288                 0.2D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * u * v - w ** 2 - 0.2D1 * u - 0.2D1 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7289                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7290             CurlBasis(k,1) = (sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * u * w + &
7291                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7292             CurlBasis(k,2) = -(sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * &
7293                 v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w) / &
7294                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7295             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
7296             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7297               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7298               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7299               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7300             END IF
7302             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * EdgeSign(k) * EdgeBasis(k,1:3) * ( LBasis(5)-LBasis(3)+LBasis(1) )
7304             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + &
7305                 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 + &
7306                 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w - &
7307                 0.8D1 * u * v * w - 0.6D1 * w ** 3 + 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7308                 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.24D2 * u * w - 0.12D2 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7309                 0.16D2 * w) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2
7310             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + &
7311                 0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7312                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 + 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u *v * w - &
7313                 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w - 0.6D1 * w ** 3 + 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7314                 0.12D2 * u * w - 0.24D2 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.16D2 * w) / &
7315                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7316             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (u - v) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7319             ! Edge 45:
7320             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7321             k = 15 ! k=8 for first-order
7322             i = EdgeMap(8,1)
7323             j = EdgeMap(8,2)
7324             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7325             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7326             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7327             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7329             EdgeBasis(k,1) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7330                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7331             EdgeBasis(k,2) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7332                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7333             EdgeBasis(k,3) = sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.4D1 * (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v * w + &
7334                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w - u * w ** 2 + v * w ** 2 - &
7335                 0.2D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * u * v + w ** 2 - 0.2D1 * u + 0.2D1 * v + 0.2D1) / &
7336                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7337             CurlBasis(k,1) = -(-sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * u * w - &
7338                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7339             CurlBasis(k,2) = (sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * v * w + &
7340                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)** 2 * 0.2D1 )
7341             CurlBasis(k,3) = 0.0d0
7342             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7343               EdgeBasis(k,:) = -EdgeBasis(k,:)
7344               CurlBasis(k,:) = -CurlBasis(k,:)
7345               EdgeSign(k) = -1.0d0
7346             END IF
7348             EdgeBasis(k+1,1:3) = 3.0d0 * EdgeSign(k) * EdgeBasis(k,1:3) * ( LBasis(5)-LBasis(4)+LBasis(2) )
7350             CurlBasis(k+1,1) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (-0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + &
7351                 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7352                 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u** 2 * w + &
7353                 0.8D1 * u * v * w - 0.6D1 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7354                 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.24D2 * u * w - 0.12D2 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7355                 0.16D2 * w) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7356             CurlBasis(k+1,2) = 0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * (0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - &
7357                 0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7358                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - 0.13D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u *v * w + &
7359                 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.6D1 * w ** 3 + 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7360                 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.12D2 * u * w + 0.24D2 * v * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7361                 0.16D2 * w) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2
7362             CurlBasis(k+1,3) = -0.3D1 / 0.8D1 * w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (u + v) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7365             ! Square face:
7366             ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
7367             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
7369             WorkBasis(1,1:3) = 2.0d0 * ( EdgeSign(1) * EdgeBasis(1,1:3) * Beta(4) + &
7370                 EdgeSign(5) * EdgeBasis(5,1:3) * Beta(2) ) / (1.0d0 - LBasis(5))
7371             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -0.2D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7372             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = -(sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w) / &
7373                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7374             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -0.2D1 * v / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7376             WorkBasis(2,1:3) = 3.0d0 * WorkBasis(1,1:3) * u
7377             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -0.6D1 * u ** 2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)** 2
7378             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = 0.3D1 / 0.2D1 * u * (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - &
7379                 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.12D2 * w) / &
7380                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7381             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = -0.6D1 * u * v / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7383             WorkBasis(3,1:3) = 2.0d0 * ( EdgeSign(3) * EdgeBasis(3,1:3) * Beta(1) + &
7384                 EdgeSign(7) * EdgeBasis(7,1:3) * Beta(3) ) / (1.0d0 - LBasis(5))
7385             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = (sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w) / &
7386                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7387             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = 0.2D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7388             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = 0.2D1 * u / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7390             WorkBasis(4,1:3) = 3.0d0 * WorkBasis(3,1:3) * v
7391             WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = -0.3D1 / 0.2D1 * v * (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7392                 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.12D2 * w) / &
7393                 (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2
7394             WorkCurlBasis(4,2) = 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 * u / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2
7395             WorkCurlBasis(4,3) = 0.6D1 * u * v / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)
7397             ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
7398             ! Finally apply an order change and sign reversions if needed.
7399             ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
7400             DO j=1,4
7401               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
7402             END DO
7403             IF (Parallel) THEN
7404               DO j=1,4
7405                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
7406               END DO
7407             END IF
7408             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7410             EdgeBasis(17,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
7411             CurlBasis(17,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
7412             EdgeBasis(18,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
7413             CurlBasis(18,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
7414             EdgeBasis(19,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
7415             CurlBasis(19,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
7416             EdgeBasis(20,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
7417             CurlBasis(20,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
7420             !-------------------------------------------------
7421             ! Two basis functions defined on the face 125:
7422             !-------------------------------------------------
7423             TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,5 /)
7425             DO j=1,3
7426               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
7427             END DO
7428             IF (Parallel) THEN
7429               DO j=1,3
7430                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
7431               END DO
7432             END IF
7433             CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7435             WorkBasis(1,1:3) = LBasis(5) * EdgeSign(1) * EdgeBasis(1,1:3)
7436             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = w * u / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7437             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (-0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7438                 0.4D1 * v * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.8D1 * w) / &
7439                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7440             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7442             WorkBasis(2,1:3) = Beta(3) * EdgeSign(9) * EdgeBasis(9,1:3)
7443             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7444                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - &
7445                 0.2D1 * u * w - 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / &
7446                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7447             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = -(-0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * &
7448                 v * w ** 2 + 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - &
7449                 0.8D1 * u * v * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + &
7450                 0.12D2 * u * w - 0.6D1 * v * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.10D2 * w) / &
7451                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2 )
7452             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7453                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.16D2 )
7455             WorkBasis(3,1:3) = Beta(1) * EdgeSign(11) * EdgeBasis(11,1:3)
7456             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = (-sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7457                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + &
7458                 0.2D1 * u * w - 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / &
7459                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)** 2 )
7460             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -(-0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7461                 0.6D1 * u * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w - &
7462                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.12D2 * u * w + &
7463                 0.6D1 * v * w + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.10D2 * w) / &
7464                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1)**2 )
7465             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7466                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7468             EdgeBasis(21,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
7469             CurlBasis(21,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
7470             EdgeBasis(22,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
7471             CurlBasis(22,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
7473             !-------------------------------------------------
7474             ! Two basis functions defined on the face 235:
7475             !-------------------------------------------------
7476             TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 2,3,5 /)
7478             DO j=1,3
7479               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
7480             END DO
7481             IF (Parallel) THEN
7482               DO j=1,3
7483                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
7484               END DO
7485             END IF
7486             CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7488             WorkBasis(1,1:3) = LBasis(5) * EdgeSign(3) * EdgeBasis(3,1:3)
7489             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * u * w + &
7490                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.8D1 * w) / ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.8D1 )
7491             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = w * v / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7492             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7494             WorkBasis(2,1:3) = Beta(4) * EdgeSign(11) * EdgeBasis(11,1:3)
7495             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -(0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7496                 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v + 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w - &
7497                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.6D1 * u * w - &
7498                 0.12D2 * w * v + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.10D2 * w) / &
7499                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2)
7500             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - &
7501                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * w * v - &
7502                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7503             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7504                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7506             WorkBasis(3,1:3) = Beta(2) * EdgeSign(13) * EdgeBasis(13,1:3)
7507             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = -(-0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7508                 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v - 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w + &
7509                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.6D1 * u * w - &
7510                 0.12D2 * w * v - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.10D2 * w) / &
7511                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7512             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = (-sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - &
7513                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.2D1 * w * v - &
7514                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7515             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7516                 ( (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) * 0.16D2 )
7518             EdgeBasis(23,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
7519             CurlBasis(23,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
7520             EdgeBasis(24,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
7521             CurlBasis(24,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
7523             !-------------------------------------------------
7524             ! Two basis functions defined on the face 345:
7525             !-------------------------------------------------
7526             TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 3,4,5 /)
7528             DO j=1,3
7529               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
7530             END DO
7531             IF (Parallel) THEN
7532               DO j=1,3
7533                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
7534               END DO
7535             END IF
7536             CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7538             WorkBasis(1,1:3) = -LBasis(5) * EdgeSign(5) * EdgeBasis(5,1:3)
7539             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = w * u / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7540             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.4D1 * w * v + &
7541                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.8D1 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1)- 0.2D1) )
7542             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7544             WorkBasis(2,1:3) = Beta(1) * EdgeSign(13) * EdgeBasis(13,1:3)
7545             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -(-sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7546                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.2D1 * u * w - &
7547                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7548             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7549                 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v - 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w + &
7550                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.12D2 * u * w + &
7551                 0.6D1 * w * v - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.10D2 * w) / &
7552                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7553             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7554                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7556             WorkBasis(3,1:3) = Beta(3) * EdgeSign(15) * EdgeBasis(15,1:3)
7557             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = -(sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - &
7558                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * u * w - &
7559                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7560             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = (0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7561                 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v + 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w - &
7562                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.2D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.12D2 * u * w - &
7563                 0.6D1 * w * v + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.10D2 * w) / &
7564                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7565             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * u - 0.2D1) / &
7566                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7568             EdgeBasis(25,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
7569             CurlBasis(25,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
7570             EdgeBasis(26,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
7571             CurlBasis(26,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
7573             !-------------------------------------------------
7574             ! Two basis functions defined on the face 415:
7575             !-------------------------------------------------
7576             TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 4,1,5 /)
7578             DO j=1,3
7579               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
7580             END DO
7581             IF (Parallel) THEN
7582               DO j=1,3
7583                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
7584               END DO
7585             END IF
7586             CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7588             WorkBasis(1,1:3) = -LBasis(5) * EdgeSign(7) * EdgeBasis(7,1:3)
7589             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (-0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - &
7590                 0.4D1 * u * w - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.8D1 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7591             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = w * v / (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) / 0.4D1
7592             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.8D1
7594             WorkBasis(2,1:3) = Beta(2) * EdgeSign(15) * EdgeBasis(15,1:3)
7595             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (-0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7596                 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v + 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w - &
7597                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.6D1 * u * w + &
7598                 0.12D2 * w * v + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.10D2 * w) / &
7599                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7600             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = -(-sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - &
7601                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.2D1 * w * v - &
7602                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7603             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7604                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7606             WorkBasis(3,1:3) = Beta(4) * EdgeSign(9) * EdgeBasis(9,1:3)
7607             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - 0.3D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + &
7608                 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v - 0.7D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v * w + &
7609                 0.3D1 * w ** 3 + 0.2D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.6D1 * u * w + &
7610                 0.12D2 * w * v - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.10D2 * w) / &
7611                 (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7612             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -(sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 + 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - &
7613                 0.8D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.3D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * w * v - &
7614                 0.4D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.8D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7615             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -w * sqrt(0.2D1) * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) + 2.0D0 * v - 0.2D1) / &
7616                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7618             EdgeBasis(27,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
7619             CurlBasis(27,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
7620             EdgeBasis(28,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
7621             CurlBasis(28,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
7624             ! Finally three interior basis functions:
7625             ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7626             EdgeBasis(29,1:3) = LBasis(5) * Beta(4) * EdgeSign(1) * EdgeBasis(1,1:3)
7627             CurlBasis(29,1) = u * v * w / (0.4D1 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7628             CurlBasis(29,2) = (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - 0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - &
7629                 0.4D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.4D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.12D2 * w) / &
7630                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7631             CurlBasis(29,3) = sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w / 0.8D1
7633             EdgeBasis(30,1:3) = LBasis(5) * Beta(3) * EdgeSign(7) * EdgeBasis(7,1:3)
7634             CurlBasis(30,1) = -(0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - 0.9D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w **2 - &
7635                 0.4D1 * u ** 2 * w + 0.4D1 * w ** 3 - 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.12D2 * w) / &
7636                 (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7637             CurlBasis(30,2) = -u * v * w / (0.4D1* (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) )
7638             CurlBasis(30,3) = -sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w / 0.8D1
7640             EdgeBasis(31,1:3) = Beta(3) * Beta(4) * EdgeSign(9) * EdgeBasis(9,1:3)
7641             CurlBasis(31,1) = (0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v * w ** 2 -&
7642                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 4 + 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 * v - &
7643                 0.11D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u ** 2 * v * w + 0.4D1 * v * w ** 3 + &
7644                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u ** 2 - 0.15D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.6D1 * u ** 2 * w - &
7645                 0.4D1 * u * v * w + 0.13D2 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * v * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.20D2 * w * v - &
7646                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7647             CurlBasis(31,2) = -(0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v * w ** 2 + 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 * w**2 - &
7648                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 4 + 0.6D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * v ** 2 - &
7649                 0.11D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * u * w ** 2 - 0.8D1 * u * v ** 2 * w + 0.4D1 * u * w ** 3 + &
7650                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) * v ** 2 - 0.15D2 * sqrt(0.2D1) * w ** 2 - 0.4D1 * u * v * w - &
7651                 0.6D1 * v ** 2 * w + 0.13D2 * w ** 3 - 0.6D1 * u * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.20D2 * u *w - &
7652                 0.2D1 * sqrt(0.2D1) + 0.14D2 * w) / (0.16D2 * (w * sqrt(0.2D1) - 0.2D1) ** 2 )
7653             CurlBasis(31,3) = -(u - v) * w * sqrt(0.2D1) / 0.16D2
7655           ELSE
7656             !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7657             ! The lowest-order pyramid from the optimal family. Now these basis functions are
7658             ! also contained in the set of hierarchic basis functions, so this branch could be
7659             ! removed by making some code modifications (to do?).
7660             !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7661             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
7662             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
7663             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7664             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7665             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7666             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7667             EdgeBasis(1,1) = (v*(-1 + (2*v)/(2 - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)))/4.0d0
7668             EdgeBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
7669             EdgeBasis(1,3) = (u*v*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7670             CurlBasis(1,1) = (u*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7671             CurlBasis(1,2) = (v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7672             CurlBasis(1,3) = (-2 + 4*v + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(-8 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7673             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7674               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
7675               CurlBasis(1,:) = -CurlBasis(1,:)
7676             END IF
7678             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
7679             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
7680             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7681             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7682             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7683             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7684             EdgeBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
7685             EdgeBasis(2,2) = (u*(1 + (2*u)/(2 - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)))/4.0d0
7686             EdgeBasis(2,3) = (u*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7687             CurlBasis(2,1) = (u*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7688             CurlBasis(2,2) = -(v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7689             CurlBasis(2,3) = (2 + 4*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(8 - 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7690             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7691               EdgeBasis(2,:) = -EdgeBasis(2,:)
7692               CurlBasis(2,:) = -CurlBasis(2,:)
7693             END IF
7695             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
7696             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
7697             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7698             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7699             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7700             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7701             EdgeBasis(3,1) = (v*(1 + (2*v)/(2 - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)))/4.0d0
7702             EdgeBasis(3,2) = 0.0d0
7703             EdgeBasis(3,3) = (u*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7704             CurlBasis(3,1) = (u*(Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7705             CurlBasis(3,2) = (v*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7706             CurlBasis(3,3) = (2 + 4*v - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7707             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7708               EdgeBasis(3,:) = -EdgeBasis(3,:)
7709               CurlBasis(3,:) = -CurlBasis(3,:)
7710             END IF
7712             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
7713             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
7714             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7715             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7716             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7717             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7718             EdgeBasis(4,1) = 0.0d0
7719             EdgeBasis(4,2) = (u*(-1 + (2*u)/(2 - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)))/4.0d0
7720             EdgeBasis(4,3) = (u*v*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7721             CurlBasis(4,1) = (u*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7722             CurlBasis(4,2) = -(v*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + w))/(2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7723             CurlBasis(4,3) = (2 - 4*u - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7724             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7725               EdgeBasis(4,:) = -EdgeBasis(4,:)
7726               CurlBasis(4,:) = -CurlBasis(4,:)
7727             END IF
7729             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
7730             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
7731             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7732             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7733             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7734             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7735             EdgeBasis(5,1) = (w*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7736             EdgeBasis(5,2) = (w*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + w))/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7737             EdgeBasis(5,3) = (u*(-2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2*w) + 4*w - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2) - &
7738                 (-1 + v)*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2))/(4.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7739             CurlBasis(5,1) = (-2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*u*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w) + 4*w - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7740                 (2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7741             CurlBasis(5,2) = (2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 4*w + 2*v*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7742                 (2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7743             CurlBasis(5,3) = 0.0d0
7744             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7745               EdgeBasis(5,:) = -EdgeBasis(5,:)
7746               CurlBasis(5,:) = -CurlBasis(5,:)
7747             END IF
7749             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
7750             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
7751             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7752             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7753             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7754             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7755             EdgeBasis(6,1) = (w*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/(8.0d0 - 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7756             EdgeBasis(6,2) = (w*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + w))/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7757             EdgeBasis(6,3) = (-((-1 + v)*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)) + &
7758                 u*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - 4*w + 4*v*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2))/ &
7759                 (4.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7760             CurlBasis(6,1) = -(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*u*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7761                 (2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7762             CurlBasis(6,2) = (-2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w) + 4*w - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7763                 (2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7764             CurlBasis(6,3) = 0.0d0
7765             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7766               EdgeBasis(6,:) = -EdgeBasis(6,:)
7767               CurlBasis(6,:) = -CurlBasis(6,:)
7768             END IF
7770             i = EdgeMap(7,1)
7771             j = EdgeMap(7,2)
7772             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7773             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7774             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7775             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7776             EdgeBasis(7,1) = ((Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*v - w)*w)/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7777             EdgeBasis(7,2) = ((Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - w)*w)/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7778             EdgeBasis(7,3) = ((1 + v)*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2) + &
7779                 u*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2*w) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2))/ &
7780                 (4.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7781             CurlBasis(7,1) = (2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*u*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7782                 (2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7783             CurlBasis(7,2) = -(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7784                 (2.0d0*(-2 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7785             CurlBasis(7,3) = 0.0d0
7786             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7787               EdgeBasis(7,:) = -EdgeBasis(7,:)
7788               CurlBasis(7,:) = -CurlBasis(7,:)
7789             END IF
7791             i = EdgeMap(8,1)
7792             j = EdgeMap(8,2)
7793             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7794             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7795             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7796             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7797             EdgeBasis(8,1) = (w*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) - Sqrt(2.0d0)*v + w))/(-8.0d0 + 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7798             EdgeBasis(8,2) = (w*(-Sqrt(2.0d0) + Sqrt(2.0d0)*u + w))/(8.0d0 - 4*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7799             EdgeBasis(8,3) = ((1 + v)*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2) - &
7800                 u*(2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2*w) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2))/ &
7801                 (4.0d0*(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7802             CurlBasis(8,1) = (2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u - 4*w + 2*u*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7803                 (2.0d0*(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7804             CurlBasis(8,2) = (2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 2*v*(Sqrt(2.0d0) - w) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/ &
7805                 (2.0d0*(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2)
7806             CurlBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
7807             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7808               EdgeBasis(8,:) = -EdgeBasis(8,:)
7809               CurlBasis(8,:) = -CurlBasis(8,:)
7810             END IF
7812             ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
7813             ! The last two basis functions are associated with the square face.
7814             ! We first create the basis function in the default order without
7815             ! sign reversions.
7816             ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
7817             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
7818             Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
7820             WorkBasis(1,1) = (2.0d0 - 2*v**2 - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w + w**2)/(4.0d0 - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7821             WorkBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
7822             WorkBasis(1,3) = (u*(1.0d0 - (4*v**2)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7823             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (-2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u*v)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2
7824             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (-2*Sqrt(2.0d0) + 4*w - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2
7825             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = (2.0d0*v)/(2.0d0 - Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7827             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
7828             WorkBasis(2,2) = (2.0d0 - 2*u**2 - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w + w**2)/(4.0d0 - 2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7829             WorkBasis(2,3) = (v*(1.0d0 - (4*u**2)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(2.0d0))
7830             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (2*Sqrt(2.0d0) - 4*w + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w**2)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2
7831             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (2*Sqrt(2.0d0)*u*v)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)**2
7832             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (2*u)/(-2.0d0 + Sqrt(2.0d0)*w)
7834             ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
7835             ! Finally apply an order change and sign reversions if needed.
7836             ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
7837             DO j=1,4
7838               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
7839             END DO
7840             IF (Parallel) THEN
7841               DO j=1,4
7842                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
7843               END DO
7844             END IF
7845             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
7847             EdgeBasis(9,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
7848             CurlBasis(9,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
7849             EdgeBasis(10,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
7850             CurlBasis(10,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
7851           END IF
7853         CASE(7)
7854           !--------------------------------------------------------------
7855           ! This branch is for handling prismatic (or wedge) elements
7856           !--------------------------------------------------------------
7857           EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(7)
7858           Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
7860           IF (SecondOrder) THEN
7861             !---------------------------------------------------------------
7862             ! The second-order element from the Nedelec's first family
7863             ! (note that the lowest-order prism element is from a different
7864             ! family). This element may not be optimally accurate if
7865             ! the physical element is not affine.
7866             !--------------------------------------------------------------
7867             h1 = 0.5d0 * (1-w)
7868             dh1 = -0.5d0
7869             h2 = 0.5d0 * (1+w)
7870             dh2 = 0.5d0
7871             h3 = h1 * h2
7872             dh3 = -0.5d0 * w
7874             ! ---------------------------------------------------------
7875             ! The first and fourth edges ...
7876             !--------------------------------------------------------
7877             ! The corresponding basis functions for the triangle:
7878             !--------------------------------------------------------
7879             WorkBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0
7880             WorkBasis(1,2) = u/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
7881             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
7882             WorkBasis(2,1) = -(u*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/2.0d0
7883             WorkBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*u**2)/2.0d0
7884             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u)/2.0d0
7886             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
7887             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
7888             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7889             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7890             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7891             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7892             EdgeBasis(1,1:2) = WorkBasis(1,1:2) * h1
7893             CurlBasis(1,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2) * dh1
7894             CurlBasis(1,2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
7895             CurlBasis(1,3) = WorkCurlBasis(1,3) * h1
7896             EdgeBasis(2,1:2) = WorkBasis(2,1:2) * h1
7897             CurlBasis(2,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2) * dh1
7898             CurlBasis(2,2) = WorkBasis(2,1) * dh1
7899             CurlBasis(2,3) = WorkCurlBasis(2,3) * h1
7900             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7901               EdgeBasis(1,1:2) = -EdgeBasis(1,1:2)
7902               CurlBasis(1,1:3) = -CurlBasis(1,1:3)
7903             END IF
7905             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
7906             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
7907             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7908             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7909             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7910             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7911             EdgeBasis(7,1:2) = WorkBasis(1,1:2) * h2
7912             CurlBasis(7,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2) * dh2
7913             CurlBasis(7,2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
7914             CurlBasis(7,3) = WorkCurlBasis(1,3) * h2
7915             EdgeBasis(8,1:2) = WorkBasis(2,1:2) * h2
7916             CurlBasis(8,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2) * dh2
7917             CurlBasis(8,2) = WorkBasis(2,1) * dh2
7918             CurlBasis(8,3) = WorkCurlBasis(2,3) * h2
7919             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7920               EdgeBasis(7,1:2) = -EdgeBasis(7,1:2)
7921               CurlBasis(7,1:3) = -CurlBasis(7,1:3)
7922             END IF
7924             ! ---------------------------------------------------------
7925             ! The second and fifth edges ...
7926             !--------------------------------------------------------
7927             ! The corresponding basis functions for the triangle:
7928             !--------------------------------------------------------
7929             WorkBasis(1,1) = -v/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
7930             WorkBasis(1,2) = (1 + u)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
7931             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
7932             WorkBasis(2,1) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)*v)/4.0d0
7933             WorkBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 - u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/4.0d0
7934             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
7936             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
7937             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
7938             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7939             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7940             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7941             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7942             EdgeBasis(3,1:2) = WorkBasis(1,1:2) * h1
7943             CurlBasis(3,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2) * dh1
7944             CurlBasis(3,2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
7945             CurlBasis(3,3) = WorkCurlBasis(1,3) * h1
7946             EdgeBasis(4,1:2) = WorkBasis(2,1:2) * h1
7947             CurlBasis(4,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2) * dh1
7948             CurlBasis(4,2) = WorkBasis(2,1) * dh1
7949             CurlBasis(4,3) = WorkCurlBasis(2,3) * h1
7950             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7951               EdgeBasis(3,1:2) = -EdgeBasis(3,1:2)
7952               CurlBasis(3,1:3) = -CurlBasis(3,1:3)
7953             END IF
7955             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
7956             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
7957             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7958             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7959             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7960             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7961             EdgeBasis(9,1:2) = WorkBasis(1,1:2) * h2
7962             CurlBasis(9,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2) * dh2
7963             CurlBasis(9,2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
7964             CurlBasis(9,3) = WorkCurlBasis(1,3) * h2
7965             EdgeBasis(10,1:2) = WorkBasis(2,1:2) * h2
7966             CurlBasis(10,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2) * dh2
7967             CurlBasis(10,2) = WorkBasis(2,1) * dh2
7968             CurlBasis(10,3) = WorkCurlBasis(2,3) * h2
7969             IF (nj<ni) THEN
7970               EdgeBasis(9,1:2) = -EdgeBasis(9,1:2)
7971               CurlBasis(9,1:3) = -CurlBasis(9,1:3)
7972             END IF
7974             ! ---------------------------------------------------------
7975             ! The third and sixth edges ...
7976             !--------------------------------------------------------
7977             ! The corresponding basis functions for the triangle:
7978             !--------------------------------------------------------
7979             WorkBasis(1,1) = -v/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
7980             WorkBasis(1,2) = (-1 + u)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
7981             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) =  1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0)
7982             WorkBasis(2,1) = (v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
7983             WorkBasis(2,2) = -(Sqrt(3.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/4.0d0
7984             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (-3.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0
7986             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
7987             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
7988             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
7989             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
7990             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
7991             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
7992             EdgeBasis(5,1:2) = WorkBasis(1,1:2) * h1
7993             CurlBasis(5,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2) * dh1
7994             CurlBasis(5,2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh1
7995             CurlBasis(5,3) = WorkCurlBasis(1,3) * h1
7996             EdgeBasis(6,1:2) = WorkBasis(2,1:2) * h1
7997             CurlBasis(6,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2) * dh1
7998             CurlBasis(6,2) = WorkBasis(2,1) * dh1
7999             CurlBasis(6,3) = WorkCurlBasis(2,3) * h1
8000             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8001               EdgeBasis(5,1:2) = -EdgeBasis(5,1:2)
8002               CurlBasis(5,1:3) = -CurlBasis(5,1:3)
8003             END IF
8005             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
8006             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
8007             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8008             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8009             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8010             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8011             EdgeBasis(11,1:2) = WorkBasis(1,1:2) * h2
8012             CurlBasis(11,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2) * dh2
8013             CurlBasis(11,2) = WorkBasis(1,1) * dh2
8014             CurlBasis(11,3) = WorkCurlBasis(1,3) * h2
8015             EdgeBasis(12,1:2) = WorkBasis(2,1:2) * h2
8016             CurlBasis(12,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2) * dh2
8017             CurlBasis(12,2) = WorkBasis(2,1) * dh2
8018             CurlBasis(12,3) = WorkCurlBasis(2,3) * h2
8019             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8020               EdgeBasis(11,1:2) = -EdgeBasis(11,1:2)
8021               CurlBasis(11,1:3) = -CurlBasis(11,1:3)
8022             END IF
8024             ! -------------------------------------------------------
8025             ! The edges 14, 25 and 36
8026             !--------------------------------------------------------
8027             DO q = 1,3
8028               i = EdgeMap(6+q,1)
8029               j = EdgeMap(6+q,2)
8030               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8031               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8032               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8033               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8035               grad(1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
8036               EdgeBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,3) = 0.5d0 * TriangleNodalPBasis(q, u, v)
8037               CurlBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,1) = 0.5d0* grad(2)
8038               CurlBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,2) = -0.5d0* grad(1)
8039               EdgeBasis(12+(q-1)*2+2,3) = 3.0d0 * EdgeBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,3) * w
8040               CurlBasis(12+(q-1)*2+2,1) = 1.5d0 * grad(2) * w
8041               CurlBasis(12+(q-1)*2+2,2) = -1.5d0 * grad(1) * w
8043               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8044                 EdgeBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,3) = -EdgeBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,3)
8045                 CurlBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,1:2) = -CurlBasis(12+(q-1)*2+1,1:2)
8046               END IF
8047             END DO
8049             !-------------------------------------------------
8050             ! Two basis functions defined on the face 123:
8051             !-------------------------------------------------
8052             TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3 /)
8054             DO j=1,3
8055               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
8056             END DO
8057             IF (Parallel) THEN
8058               DO j=1,3
8059                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8060               END DO
8061             END IF
8062             CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8064             WorkBasis(1,1) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) - v)*v)/6.0d0
8065             WorkBasis(1,2) = (u*v)/6.0d0
8066             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 3.0d0*v)/6.0d0
8067             WorkBasis(2,1) = (v*(1.0d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.0d0)))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8068             WorkBasis(2,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*(-3.0d0 - 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8069             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) =(-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0
8070             WorkBasis(3,1) = (v*(-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8071             WorkBasis(3,2) = -((1.0d0 + u)*(-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8072             WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0
8074             EdgeBasis(19,1:2) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,1:2) * h1
8075             CurlBasis(19,1) = -D1 * WorkBasis(I1,2) * dh1
8076             CurlBasis(19,2) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,1) * dh1
8077             CurlBasis(19,3) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,3) * h1
8079             EdgeBasis(20,1:2) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,1:2) * h1
8080             CurlBasis(20,1) = -D2 * WorkBasis(I2,2) * dh1
8081             CurlBasis(20,2) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,1) * dh1
8082             CurlBasis(20,3) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,3) * h1
8084             !-------------------------------------------------
8085             ! Two basis functions defined on the face 456:
8086             !-------------------------------------------------
8087             TriangleFaceMap(:) = (/ 4,5,6 /)
8089             DO j=1,3
8090               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(TriangleFaceMap(j))
8091             END DO
8092             IF (Parallel) THEN
8093               DO j=1,3
8094                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8095               END DO
8096             END IF
8097             CALL TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8099             EdgeBasis(21,1:2) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,1:2) * h2
8100             CurlBasis(21,1) = -D1 * WorkBasis(I1,2) * dh2
8101             CurlBasis(21,2) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,1) * dh2
8102             CurlBasis(21,3) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,3) * h2
8104             EdgeBasis(22,1:2) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,1:2) * h2
8105             CurlBasis(22,1) = -D2 * WorkBasis(I2,2) * dh2
8106             CurlBasis(22,2) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,1) * dh2
8107             CurlBasis(22,3) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,3) * h2
8109             !-------------------------------------------------
8110             ! Four basis functions defined on the face 1254:
8111             !-------------------------------------------------
8112             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,5,4 /)
8113             WorkBasis = 0.0d0
8114             WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
8116             WorkBasis(1,1) = (3.0d0 - Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/6.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8117             WorkBasis(1,2) = u/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * 4.0d0 * h3
8118             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2)/h3 * dh3
8119             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = WorkBasis(1,1)/h3 * dh3
8120             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0) * 4.0d0 * h3
8121             WorkBasis(2,1) = -(u*(-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/2.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8122             WorkBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*u**2)/2.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8123             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2)/h3 * dh3
8124             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = WorkBasis(2,1)/h3 * dh3
8125             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u)/2.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8127             WorkBasis(3,3) = 2.0d0 * TriangleNodalPBasis(1, u, v) * TriangleNodalPBasis(2, u, v)
8128             grad(1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(1, u, v) * TriangleNodalPBasis(2, u, v) + &
8129                 TriangleNodalPBasis(1, u, v) * dTriangleNodalPBasis(2, u, v)
8130             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = 2.0d0 * grad(2)
8131             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -2.0d0 * grad(1)
8132             WorkBasis(4,3) = 3.0d0 * WorkBasis(3,3) * w
8133             WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = 6.0d0 * grad(2) * w
8134             WorkCurlBasis(4,2) = -6.0d0 * grad(1) * w
8136             DO j=1,4
8137               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
8138             END DO
8139             IF (Parallel) THEN
8140               DO j=1,4
8141                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8142               END DO
8143             END IF
8144             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8146             EdgeBasis(23,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8147             CurlBasis(23,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8148             EdgeBasis(24,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8149             CurlBasis(24,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8150             EdgeBasis(25,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8151             CurlBasis(25,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8152             EdgeBasis(26,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8153             CurlBasis(26,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8155             !-------------------------------------------------
8156             ! Four basis functions defined on the face 2365:
8157             !-------------------------------------------------
8158             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 2,3,6,5 /)
8159             WorkBasis = 0.0d0
8160             WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
8162             WorkBasis(1,1) = -v/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * 4.0d0 * h3
8163             WorkBasis(1,2) = (1 + u)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * 4.0d0 * h3
8164             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2)/h3 * dh3
8165             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = WorkBasis(1,1)/h3 * dh3
8166             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0) * 4.0d0 * h3
8167             WorkBasis(2,1) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)*v)/4.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8168             WorkBasis(2,2) = (Sqrt(3.0d0)*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 - u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/4.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8169             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2)/h3 * dh3
8170             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = WorkBasis(2,1)/h3 * dh3
8171             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (-3.0d0*(Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8173             WorkBasis(3,3) = 2.0d0 * TriangleNodalPBasis(2, u, v) * TriangleNodalPBasis(3, u, v)
8174             grad(1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(2, u, v) * TriangleNodalPBasis(3, u, v) + &
8175                 TriangleNodalPBasis(2, u, v) * dTriangleNodalPBasis(3, u, v)
8176             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = 2.0d0 * grad(2)
8177             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -2.0d0 * grad(1)
8178             WorkBasis(4,3) = 3.0d0 * WorkBasis(3,3) * w
8179             WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = 6.0d0 * grad(2) * w
8180             WorkCurlBasis(4,2) = -6.0d0 * grad(1) * w
8182             DO j=1,4
8183               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
8184             END DO
8185             IF (Parallel) THEN
8186               DO j=1,4
8187                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8188               END DO
8189             END IF
8190             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8192             EdgeBasis(27,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8193             CurlBasis(27,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8194             EdgeBasis(28,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8195             CurlBasis(28,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8196             EdgeBasis(29,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8197             CurlBasis(29,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8198             EdgeBasis(30,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8199             CurlBasis(30,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8201             !-------------------------------------------------
8202             ! Four basis functions defined on the face 3146:
8203             !-------------------------------------------------
8204             SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 3,1,4,6 /)
8205             WorkBasis = 0.0d0
8206             WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
8208             WorkBasis(1,1) = -v/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * 4.0d0 * h3
8209             WorkBasis(1,2) = (-1 + u)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * 4.0d0 * h3
8210             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -WorkBasis(1,2)/h3 * dh3
8211             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = WorkBasis(1,1)/h3 * dh3
8212             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = 1.0d0/Sqrt(3.0d0) * 4.0d0 * h3
8213             WorkBasis(2,1) = (v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8214             WorkBasis(2,2) =  -(Sqrt(3.0d0)*(-1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/4.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8215             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -WorkBasis(2,2)/h3 * dh3
8216             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = WorkBasis(2,1)/h3 * dh3
8217             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = (-3.0d0*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v))/4.0d0 * 4.0d0 * h3
8219             WorkBasis(3,3) = 2.0d0 * TriangleNodalPBasis(3, u, v) * TriangleNodalPBasis(1, u, v)
8220             grad(1:2) = dTriangleNodalPBasis(3, u, v) * TriangleNodalPBasis(1, u, v) + &
8221                 TriangleNodalPBasis(3, u, v) * dTriangleNodalPBasis(1, u, v)
8222             WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = 2.0d0 * grad(2)
8223             WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -2.0d0 * grad(1)
8224             WorkBasis(4,3) = 3.0d0 * WorkBasis(3,3) * w
8225             WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = 6.0d0 * grad(2) * w
8226             WorkCurlBasis(4,2) = -6.0d0 * grad(1) * w
8228             DO j=1,4
8229               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
8230             END DO
8231             IF (Parallel) THEN
8232               DO j=1,4
8233                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8234               END DO
8235             END IF
8236             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8238             EdgeBasis(31,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8239             CurlBasis(31,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8240             EdgeBasis(32,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8241             CurlBasis(32,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8242             EdgeBasis(33,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8243             CurlBasis(33,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8244             EdgeBasis(34,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8245             CurlBasis(34,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8247             !-------------------------------------------------
8248             ! Two basis functions associated with the interior
8249             !-------------------------------------------------
8250             EdgeBasis(35,1) = (v*(1.0d0 + u - v/Sqrt(3.0d0)))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * h3
8251             EdgeBasis(35,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*(-3.0d0 - 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * h3
8252             CurlBasis(35,1) = -EdgeBasis(35,2)/h3 * dh3
8253             CurlBasis(35,2) = EdgeBasis(35,1)/h3 * dh3
8254             CurlBasis(35,3) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0 * h3
8256             EdgeBasis(36,1) = (v*(-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * h3
8257             EdgeBasis(36,2) = -((1.0d0 + u)*(-3.0d0 + 3.0d0*u + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/(12.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)) * h3
8258             CurlBasis(36,1) = -EdgeBasis(36,2)/h3 * dh3
8259             CurlBasis(36,2) = EdgeBasis(36,1)/h3 * dh3
8260             CurlBasis(36,3) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) - 3.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 3.0d0*v)/12.0d0 * h3
8262           ELSE
8263             !--------------------------------------------------------------
8264             ! The lowest-order element from the optimal family. The optimal
8265             ! accuracy is obtained also for non-affine meshes.
8266             ! -------------------------------------------------------------
8267             ! First nine basis functions associated with the edges
8268             ! -------------------------------------------------------------
8269             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
8270             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
8271             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8272             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8273             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8274             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8275             EdgeBasis(1,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/12.0d0
8276             EdgeBasis(1,2) = (u*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8277             EdgeBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
8278             CurlBasis(1,1) = (u*(1.0d0 - 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8279             CurlBasis(1,2) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/12.0d0
8280             CurlBasis(1,3) = ((-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8281             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8282               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
8283               CurlBasis(1,:) = -CurlBasis(1,:)
8284             END IF
8286             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
8287             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
8288             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8289             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8290             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8291             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8292             EdgeBasis(2,1) = -(v*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8293             EdgeBasis(2,2) = ((1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8294             EdgeBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
8295             CurlBasis(2,1) = ((1.0d0 + u)*(1.0d0 - 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8296             CurlBasis(2,2) = (v*(1.0d0 - 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8297             CurlBasis(2,3) = ((-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8298             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8299               EdgeBasis(2,:) = -EdgeBasis(2,:)
8300               CurlBasis(2,:) = -CurlBasis(2,:)
8301             END IF
8303             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
8304             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
8305             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8306             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8307             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8308             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8309             EdgeBasis(3,1) = -(v*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8310             EdgeBasis(3,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8311             EdgeBasis(3,3) = 0.0d0
8312             CurlBasis(3,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*(1.0d0 - 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8313             CurlBasis(3,2) = (v*(1.0d0 - 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8314             CurlBasis(3,3) = ((-1.0d0 + w)*w)/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8315             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8316               EdgeBasis(3,:) = -EdgeBasis(3,:)
8317               CurlBasis(3,:) = -CurlBasis(3,:)
8318             END IF
8320             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
8321             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
8322             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8323             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8324             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8325             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8326             EdgeBasis(4,1) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/12.0d0
8327             EdgeBasis(4,2) = (u*w*(1.0d0 + w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8328             EdgeBasis(4,3) = 0.0d0
8329             CurlBasis(4,1) = -(u*(1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8330             CurlBasis(4,2) = -((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*(1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w))/12.0d0
8331             CurlBasis(4,3) = (w*(1.0d0 + w))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8332             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8333               EdgeBasis(4,:) = -EdgeBasis(4,:)
8334               CurlBasis(4,:) = -CurlBasis(4,:)
8335             END IF
8337             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
8338             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
8339             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8340             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8341             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8342             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8343             EdgeBasis(5,1) = -(v*w*(1.0d0 + w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8344             EdgeBasis(5,2) = ((1.0d0 + u)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8345             EdgeBasis(5,3) = 0.0d0
8346             CurlBasis(5,1) = -((1.0d0 + u)*(1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8347             CurlBasis(5,2) = -(v*(1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8348             CurlBasis(5,3) = (w*(1.0d0 + w))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8349             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8350               EdgeBasis(5,:) = -EdgeBasis(5,:)
8351               CurlBasis(5,:) = -CurlBasis(5,:)
8352             END IF
8354             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
8355             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
8356             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8357             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8358             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8359             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8360             EdgeBasis(6,1) = -(v*w*(1.0d0 + w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8361             EdgeBasis(6,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8362             EdgeBasis(6,3) = 0.0d0
8363             CurlBasis(6,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*(1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8364             CurlBasis(6,2) = -(v*(1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w))/(4.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8365             CurlBasis(6,3) = (w*(1.0d0 + w))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8366             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8367               EdgeBasis(6,:) = -EdgeBasis(6,:)
8368               CurlBasis(6,:) = -CurlBasis(6,:)
8369             END IF
8371             i = EdgeMap(7,1)
8372             j = EdgeMap(7,2)
8373             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8374             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8375             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8376             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8377             EdgeBasis(7,1) = 0.0d0
8378             EdgeBasis(7,2) = 0.0d0
8379             EdgeBasis(7,3) = (3*u**2 + v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v) + u*(-3.0d0 + 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/12.0d0
8380             CurlBasis(7,1) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2*v)/12.0d0
8381             CurlBasis(7,2) = (3.0d0 - 6*u - 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/12.0d0
8382             CurlBasis(7,3) = 0.0d0
8383             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8384               EdgeBasis(7,:) = -EdgeBasis(7,:)
8385               CurlBasis(7,:) = -CurlBasis(7,:)
8386             END IF
8388             i = EdgeMap(8,1)
8389             j = EdgeMap(8,2)
8390             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8391             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8392             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8393             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8394             EdgeBasis(8,1) = 0.0d0
8395             EdgeBasis(8,2) = 0.0d0
8396             EdgeBasis(8,3) = (3*u**2 + v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v) + u*(3.0d0 - 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v))/12.0d0
8397             CurlBasis(8,1) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) - 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + 2*v)/12.0d0
8398             CurlBasis(8,2) = (-3.0d0 - 6*u + 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)/12.0d0
8399             CurlBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
8400             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8401               EdgeBasis(8,:) = -EdgeBasis(8,:)
8402               CurlBasis(8,:) = -CurlBasis(8,:)
8403             END IF
8405             i = EdgeMap(9,1)
8406             j = EdgeMap(9,2)
8407             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8408             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8409             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8410             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8411             EdgeBasis(9,1) = 0.0d0
8412             EdgeBasis(9,2) = 0.0d0
8413             EdgeBasis(9,3) = (v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 2*v))/6.0d0
8414             CurlBasis(9,1) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + 4*v)/6.0d0
8415             CurlBasis(9,2) = 0.0d0
8416             CurlBasis(9,3) = 0.0d0
8417             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8418               EdgeBasis(9,:) = -EdgeBasis(9,:)
8419               CurlBasis(9,:) = -CurlBasis(9,:)
8420             END IF
8422             ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8423             ! Additional six basis functions on the square faces (two per face).
8424             ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8425             PrismSquareFaceMap(1,:) = (/ 1,2,5,4 /)
8426             PrismSquareFaceMap(2,:) = (/ 2,3,6,5 /)
8427             PrismSquareFaceMap(3,:) = (/ 3,1,4,6 /)
8429             ! The first square face:
8430             WorkBasis(1,1) = ((-3.0d0 + Sqrt(3.0d0)*v)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/6.0d0
8431             WorkBasis(1,2) = -(u*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8432             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
8433             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (u*w)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
8434             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (-1.0d0 + v/Sqrt(3.0d0))*w
8435             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -((-1.0d0 + w**2)/Sqrt(3.0d0))
8437             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
8438             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
8439             WorkBasis(2,3) = (3.0d0 - 3*u**2 - 2*Sqrt(3.0d0)*v + v**2)/6.0d0
8440             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (-Sqrt(3.0d0) + v)/3.0d0
8441             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = u
8442             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
8444             DO j=1,4
8445               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(PrismSquareFaceMap(1,j))
8446             END DO
8447             IF (Parallel) THEN
8448               DO j=1,4
8449                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8450               END DO
8451             END IF
8452             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8454             EdgeBasis(10,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
8455             CurlBasis(10,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
8456             EdgeBasis(11,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
8457             CurlBasis(11,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
8459             ! The second square face:
8460             WorkBasis(1,1) = (v*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8461             WorkBasis(1,2) = -((1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/(2.0d0*Sqrt(3.0d0))
8462             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
8463             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = ((1.0d0 + u)*w)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
8464             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (v*w)/Sqrt(3.0d0)
8465             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -((-1.0d0 + w**2)/Sqrt(3.0d0))
8467             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
8468             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
8469             WorkBasis(2,3) = ((Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - v)*v)/3.0d0
8470             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2*v)/3.0d0
8471             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = -(v/Sqrt(3.0d0))
8472             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
8474             DO j=1,4
8475               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(PrismSquareFaceMap(2,j))
8476             END DO
8477             IF (Parallel) THEN
8478               DO j=1,4
8479                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8480               END DO
8481             END IF
8482             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8484             EdgeBasis(12,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
8485             CurlBasis(12,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
8486             EdgeBasis(13,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
8487             CurlBasis(13,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
8489             ! The third square face:
8490             WorkBasis(1,1) = (v*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/(2.0d0*SQRT(3.0d0))
8491             WorkBasis(1,2) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/(2.0d0*SQRT(3.0d0))
8492             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
8493             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*w)/SQRT(3.0d0)
8494             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = (v*w)/SQRT(3.0d0)
8495             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -(-1.0d0 + w**2)/SQRT(3.0d0)
8497             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
8498             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
8499             WorkBasis(2,3) = -(v*(-Sqrt(3.0d0) + Sqrt(3.0d0)*u + v))/3.0d0
8500             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = (Sqrt(3.0d0) - Sqrt(3.0d0)*u - 2*v)/3.0d0
8501             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = v/Sqrt(3.0d0)
8502             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
8504             DO j=1,4
8505               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(PrismSquareFaceMap(3,j))
8506             END DO
8507             IF (Parallel) THEN
8508               DO j=1,4
8509                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8510               END DO
8511             END IF
8512             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8514             EdgeBasis(14,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
8515             CurlBasis(14,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
8516             EdgeBasis(15,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
8517             CurlBasis(15,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
8518           END IF
8520         CASE(8)
8521           !--------------------------------------------------------------
8522           ! This branch is for handling brick elements
8523           !--------------------------------------------------------------
8524           EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(8)
8525           Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
8527           IF (SecondOrder) THEN
8528             !---------------------------------------------------------------
8529             ! The second-order element from the Nedelec's first family
8530             ! (note that the lowest-order brick element is from a different
8531             ! family). This element may not be optimally accurate if
8532             ! the physical element is not affine.
8533             !--------------------------------------------------------------
8535             ! Edges 12 and 43 ...
8536             DO q=1,2
8537               k = 2*q-1 ! Edge number k: 1 ~ 12 and 3 ~ 43
8538               i = EdgeMap(k,1)
8539               j = EdgeMap(k,2)
8540               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8541               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8542               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8543               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8545               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,1) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8546               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,2) = 0.5d0 * (-0.5d0) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8547               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,3) = -0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8548               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+2,1) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8549               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,2) = 1.5d0 * (-0.5d0) * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8550               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,3) = -1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * u * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8551               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8552                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8553                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8554               END IF
8555             END DO
8557             ! Edges 56 and 87 ...
8558             DO q=1,2
8559               k = 4 + 2*q-1 ! Edge number k: 5 ~ 56 and 7 ~ 87
8560               i = EdgeMap(k,1)
8561               j = EdgeMap(k,2)
8562               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8563               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8564               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8565               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8567               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,1) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8568               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,2) = 0.5d0 * 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8569               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,3) = -0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8570               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+2,1) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8571               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,2) = 1.5d0 * 0.5d0 * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8572               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,3) = -1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * u * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8573               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8574                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8575                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8576               END IF
8577             END DO
8579             ! Edges 23 and 14 ...
8580             DO q=1,2
8581               k = 2*q ! Edge number k: 2 ~ 23 and 4 ~ 14
8582               i = EdgeMap(k,1)
8583               j = EdgeMap(k,2)
8584               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8585               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8586               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8587               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8589               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,2) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8590               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,1) = -0.5d0 * (-0.5d0) * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8591               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,3) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * dLineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8592               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+2,2) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * v * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8593               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,1) = -1.5d0 * (-0.5d0) * v * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8594               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,3) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * v * dLineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8595               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8596                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8597                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8598               END IF
8599             END DO
8601             ! Edges 67 and 58 ...
8602             DO q=1,2
8603               k = 4+2*q ! Edge number k: 6 ~ 67 and 8 ~ 58
8604               i = EdgeMap(k,1)
8605               j = EdgeMap(k,2)
8606               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8607               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8608               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8609               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8611               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,2) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8612               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,1) = -0.5d0 * 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8613               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,3) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * dLineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8614               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+2,2) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * v * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8615               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,1) = -1.5d0 * 0.5d0 * v * LineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8616               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,3) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * v * dLineNodalPBasis(3-q,u)
8617               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8618                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8619                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8620               END IF
8621             END DO
8623             ! Edges 15 and 48 ...
8624             DO q=1,2
8625               k = 8+3*(q-1)+1 ! Edge number k: 9 ~ 15 and 12 ~ 48
8626               i = EdgeMap(k,1)
8627               j = EdgeMap(k,2)
8628               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8629               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8630               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8631               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8633               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,3) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8634               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,1) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8635               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,2) = -0.5d0 * dLineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8636               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+2,3) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8637               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,1) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * w * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8638               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,2) = -1.5d0 * dLineNodalPBasis(1,u) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8639               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8640                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8641                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8642               END IF
8643             END DO
8645             ! Edges 26 and 37 ...
8646             DO q=1,2
8647               k = 9+q ! Edge number k: 10 ~ 26 and 11 ~ 37
8648               i = EdgeMap(k,1)
8649               j = EdgeMap(k,2)
8650               ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8651               IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8652               nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8653               IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8655               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,3) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8656               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,1) = 0.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8657               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,2) = -0.5d0 * dLineNodalPBasis(2,u) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8658               EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+2,3) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8659               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,1) = 1.5d0 * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * w * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8660               CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+2,2) = -1.5d0 * dLineNodalPBasis(2,u) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8661               IF (nj<ni) THEN
8662                 EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -EdgeBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8663                 CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:) = -CurlBasis(2*(k-1)+1,:)
8664               END IF
8665             END DO
8667             ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8668             ! Additional basis functions on the square faces (four per face).
8669             ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
8671             ! Faces 1234 and 5678:
8672             DO q=1,2
8673               SELECT CASE(q)
8674               CASE(1)
8675                 SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
8676               CASE(2)
8677                 SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 5,6,7,8 /)
8678               END SELECT
8680               WorkBasis = 0.0d0
8681               WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
8683               WorkBasis(1,1) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8684               WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8685               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = v * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8687               WorkBasis(2,1) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8688               WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * u * dLineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8689               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = -12.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * v) * u * dLineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8691               WorkBasis(3,2) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8692               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = -2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8693               WorkCurlBasis(3,3) = -u * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8695               WorkBasis(4,2) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * v * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8696               WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = -12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * v * dLineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8697               WorkCurlBasis(4,3) = 12.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * u) * v * LineNodalPBasis(q,w)
8699               DO j=1,4
8700                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
8701               END DO
8702               IF (Parallel) THEN
8703                 DO j=1,4
8704                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8705                 END DO
8706               END IF
8707               CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8709               k = 24
8710               EdgeBasis(k+4*(q-1)+1,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8711               CurlBasis(k+4*(q-1)+1,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8712               EdgeBasis(k+4*(q-1)+2,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8713               CurlBasis(k+4*(q-1)+2,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8714               EdgeBasis(k+4*(q-1)+3,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8715               CurlBasis(k+4*(q-1)+3,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8716               EdgeBasis(k+4*(q-1)+4,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8717               CurlBasis(k+4*(q-1)+4,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8718             END DO
8720             ! Faces 1265 and 4378:
8721             DO q=1,2
8722               SELECT CASE(q)
8723               CASE(1)
8724                 SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,6,5 /)
8725                 k = 32
8726               CASE(2)
8727                 SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 4,3,7,8 /)
8728                 k = 40
8729               END SELECT
8731               WorkBasis = 0.0d0
8732               WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
8734               WorkBasis(1,1) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8735               WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = 2.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8736               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8738               WorkBasis(2,1) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8739               WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = 12.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8740               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = -12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * u * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8742               WorkBasis(3,3) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8743               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8744               WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = u * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8746               WorkBasis(4,3) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8747               WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u) * w * dLineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8748               WorkCurlBasis(4,2) = -12.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * u) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,v)
8750               DO j=1,4
8751                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
8752               END DO
8753               IF (Parallel) THEN
8754                 DO j=1,4
8755                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8756                 END DO
8757               END IF
8758               CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8760               EdgeBasis(k+1,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8761               CurlBasis(k+1,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8762               EdgeBasis(k+2,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8763               CurlBasis(k+2,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8764               EdgeBasis(k+3,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8765               CurlBasis(k+3,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8766               EdgeBasis(k+4,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8767               CurlBasis(k+4,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8768             END DO
8770             ! Faces 2376 and 1485:
8771             DO q=1,2
8772               SELECT CASE(q)
8773               CASE(1)
8774                 SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,4,8,5 /)
8775                 k = 44
8776               CASE(2)
8777                 SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 2,3,7,6 /)
8778                 k = 36
8779               END SELECT
8781               WorkBasis = 0.0d0
8782               WorkCurlBasis = 0.0d0
8784               WorkBasis(1,2) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8785               WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = -2.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8786               WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8788               WorkBasis(2,2) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * v * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8789               WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -12.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * v * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8790               WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * v * dLineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8792               WorkBasis(3,3) = 2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8793               WorkCurlBasis(3,1) = 2.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * v) * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8794               WorkCurlBasis(3,2) = -2.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * dLineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8796               WorkBasis(4,3) = 12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8797               WorkCurlBasis(4,1) = 12.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * v) * w * LineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8798               WorkCurlBasis(4,2) = -12.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * w * dLineNodalPBasis(q,u)
8800               DO j=1,4
8801                 FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
8802               END DO
8803               IF (Parallel) THEN
8804                 DO j=1,4
8805                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
8806                 END DO
8807               END IF
8808               CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
8810               EdgeBasis(k+1,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8811               CurlBasis(k+1,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+1,:)
8812               EdgeBasis(k+2,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8813               CurlBasis(k+2,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I1-1)+2,:)
8814               EdgeBasis(k+3,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8815               CurlBasis(k+3,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+1,:)
8816               EdgeBasis(k+4,:) = WorkBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8817               CurlBasis(k+4,:) = WorkCurlBasis(2*(I2-1)+2,:)
8818             END DO
8820             ! Interior basis functions, two per coordinate direction:
8822             EdgeBasis(49,1) = 8.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * &
8823                 LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v)
8824             CurlBasis(49,2) = 8.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v)
8825             CurlBasis(49,3) = -8.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * (-0.5d0 * v)
8827             EdgeBasis(50,1) = 24.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * u * &
8828                 LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v)
8829             CurlBasis(50,2) = 24.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * u * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v)
8830             CurlBasis(50,3) = -24.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * u *  (-0.5d0 * v)
8833             EdgeBasis(51,2) = 8.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * &
8834                 LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8835             CurlBasis(51,1) = -8.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8836             CurlBasis(51,3) = 8.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * (-0.5d0 * u)
8838             EdgeBasis(52,2) = 24.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * v * &
8839                 LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8840             CurlBasis(52,1) = -24.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * w) * v * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8841             CurlBasis(52,3) = 24.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,w) * LineNodalPBasis(2,w) * v * (-0.5d0 * u)
8843             EdgeBasis(53,3) = 8.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * &
8844                 LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8845             CurlBasis(53,1) = 8.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * v) * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8846             CurlBasis(53,2) = -8.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * (-0.5d0 * u)
8848             EdgeBasis(54,3) = 24.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * w * &
8849                 LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8850             CurlBasis(54,1) = 24.0d0 * (-0.5d0 * v) * w * LineNodalPBasis(1,u) * LineNodalPBasis(2,u)
8851             CurlBasis(54,2) = -24.0d0 * LineNodalPBasis(1,v) * LineNodalPBasis(2,v) * w * (-0.5d0 * u)
8853           ELSE
8854             !--------------------------------------------------------------
8855             ! The lowest-order element from the optimal family. The optimal
8856             ! accuracy is obtained also for non-affine meshes.
8857             ! -------------------------------------------------------------
8858             ! First twelwe basis functions associated with the edges
8859             ! -------------------------------------------------------------
8860             i = EdgeMap(1,1)
8861             j = EdgeMap(1,2)
8862             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8863             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8864             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8865             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8866             EdgeBasis(1,1) = ((-1.0d0 + v)*v*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8867             EdgeBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
8868             EdgeBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
8869             CurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
8870             CurlBasis(1,2) = ((-1.0d0 + v)*v*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8871             CurlBasis(1,3) = -((-1.0d0 + 2*v)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8872             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8873               EdgeBasis(1,:) = -EdgeBasis(1,:)
8874               CurlBasis(1,:) = -CurlBasis(1,:)
8875             END IF
8877             i = EdgeMap(2,1)
8878             j = EdgeMap(2,2)
8879             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8880             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8881             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8882             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8883             EdgeBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
8884             EdgeBasis(2,2) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8885             EdgeBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
8886             CurlBasis(2,1) = -(u*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8887             CurlBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
8888             CurlBasis(2,3) = ((1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8889             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8890               EdgeBasis(2,:) = -EdgeBasis(2,:)
8891               CurlBasis(2,:) = -CurlBasis(2,:)
8892             END IF
8894             i = EdgeMap(3,1)
8895             j = EdgeMap(3,2)
8896             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8897             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8898             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8899             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8900             EdgeBasis(3,1) = (v*(1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8901             EdgeBasis(3,2) = 0.0d0
8902             EdgeBasis(3,3) = 0.0d0
8903             CurlBasis(3,1) = 0.0d0
8904             CurlBasis(3,2) = (v*(1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8905             CurlBasis(3,3) = -((1.0d0 + 2*v)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8906             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8907               EdgeBasis(3,:) = -EdgeBasis(3,:)
8908               CurlBasis(3,:) = -CurlBasis(3,:)
8909             END IF
8911             i = EdgeMap(4,1)
8912             j = EdgeMap(4,2)
8913             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8914             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8915             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8916             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8917             EdgeBasis(4,1) = 0.0d0
8918             EdgeBasis(4,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8919             EdgeBasis(4,3) = 0.0d0
8920             CurlBasis(4,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8921             CurlBasis(4,2) = 0.0d0
8922             CurlBasis(4,3) = ((-1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/8.0d0
8923             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8924               EdgeBasis(4,:) = -EdgeBasis(4,:)
8925               CurlBasis(4,:) = -CurlBasis(4,:)
8926             END IF
8928             i = EdgeMap(5,1)
8929             j = EdgeMap(5,2)
8930             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8931             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8932             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8933             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8934             EdgeBasis(5,1) = ((-1.0d0 + v)*v*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8935             EdgeBasis(5,2) = 0.0d0
8936             EdgeBasis(5,3) = 0.0d0
8937             CurlBasis(5,1) = 0.0d0
8938             CurlBasis(5,2) = ((-1.0d0 + v)*v*(1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8939             CurlBasis(5,3) = -((-1.0d0 + 2*v)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8940             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8941               EdgeBasis(5,:) = -EdgeBasis(5,:)
8942               CurlBasis(5,:) = -CurlBasis(5,:)
8943             END IF
8945             i = EdgeMap(6,1)
8946             j = EdgeMap(6,2)
8947             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8948             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8949             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8950             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8951             EdgeBasis(6,1) = 0.0d0
8952             EdgeBasis(6,2) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8953             EdgeBasis(6,3) = 0.0d0
8954             CurlBasis(6,1) = -(u*(1.0d0 + u)*(1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8955             CurlBasis(6,2) = 0.0d0
8956             CurlBasis(6,3) = ((1.0d0 + 2*u)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8957             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8958               EdgeBasis(6,:) = -EdgeBasis(6,:)
8959               CurlBasis(6,:) = -CurlBasis(6,:)
8960             END IF
8962             i = EdgeMap(7,1)
8963             j = EdgeMap(7,2)
8964             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8965             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8966             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8967             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8968             EdgeBasis(7,1) = (v*(1.0d0 + v)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8969             EdgeBasis(7,2) = 0.0d0
8970             EdgeBasis(7,3) = 0.0d0
8971             CurlBasis(7,1) = 0.0d0
8972             CurlBasis(7,2) = (v*(1.0d0 + v)*(1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8973             CurlBasis(7,3) = -((1.0d0 + 2*v)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8974             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8975               EdgeBasis(7,:) = -EdgeBasis(7,:)
8976               CurlBasis(7,:) = -CurlBasis(7,:)
8977             END IF
8979             i = EdgeMap(8,1)
8980             j = EdgeMap(8,2)
8981             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8982             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
8983             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
8984             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
8985             EdgeBasis(8,1) = 0.0d0
8986             EdgeBasis(8,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8987             EdgeBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
8988             CurlBasis(8,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(1.0d0 + 2*w))/8.0d0
8989             CurlBasis(8,2) = 0.0d0
8990             CurlBasis(8,3) = ((-1.0d0 + 2*u)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/8.0d0
8991             IF (nj<ni) THEN
8992               EdgeBasis(8,:) = -EdgeBasis(8,:)
8993               CurlBasis(8,:) = -CurlBasis(8,:)
8994             END IF
8996             i = EdgeMap(9,1)
8997             j = EdgeMap(9,2)
8998             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
8999             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9000             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
9001             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9002             EdgeBasis(9,1) = 0.0d0
9003             EdgeBasis(9,2) = 0.0d0
9004             EdgeBasis(9,3) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(-1.0d0 + v)*v)/8.0d0
9005             CurlBasis(9,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(-1.0d0 + 2*v))/8.0d0
9006             CurlBasis(9,2) = -((-1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + v)*v)/8.0d0
9007             CurlBasis(9,3) = 0.0d0
9008             IF (nj<ni) THEN
9009               EdgeBasis(9,:) = -EdgeBasis(9,:)
9010               CurlBasis(9,:) = -CurlBasis(9,:)
9011             END IF
9013             i = EdgeMap(10,1)
9014             j = EdgeMap(10,2)
9015             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
9016             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9017             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
9018             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9019             EdgeBasis(10,1) = 0.0d0
9020             EdgeBasis(10,2) = 0.0d0
9021             EdgeBasis(10,3) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + v)*v)/8.0d0
9022             CurlBasis(10,1) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + 2*v))/8.0d0
9023             CurlBasis(10,2) = -((1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + v)*v)/8.0d0
9024             CurlBasis(10,3) = 0.0d0
9025             IF (nj<ni) THEN
9026               EdgeBasis(10,:) = -EdgeBasis(10,:)
9027               CurlBasis(10,:) = -CurlBasis(10,:)
9028             END IF
9030             i = EdgeMap(11,1)
9031             j = EdgeMap(11,2)
9032             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
9033             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9034             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
9035             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9036             EdgeBasis(11,1) = 0.0d0
9037             EdgeBasis(11,2) = 0.0d0
9038             EdgeBasis(11,3) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*v*(1.0d0 + v))/8.0d0
9039             CurlBasis(11,1) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*(1.0d0 + 2*v))/8.0d0
9040             CurlBasis(11,2) = -((1.0d0 + 2*u)*v*(1.0d0 + v))/8.0d0
9041             CurlBasis(11,3) = 0.0d0
9042             IF (nj<ni) THEN
9043               EdgeBasis(11,:) = -EdgeBasis(11,:)
9044               CurlBasis(11,:) = -CurlBasis(11,:)
9045             END IF
9047             i = EdgeMap(12,1)
9048             j = EdgeMap(12,2)
9049             ni = Element % NodeIndexes(i)
9050             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9051             nj = Element % NodeIndexes(j)
9052             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9053             EdgeBasis(12,1) = 0.0d0
9054             EdgeBasis(12,2) = 0.0d0
9055             EdgeBasis(12,3) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*v*(1.0d0 + v))/8.0d0
9056             CurlBasis(12,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(1.0d0 + 2*v))/8.0d0
9057             CurlBasis(12,2) = -((-1.0d0 + 2*u)*v*(1.0d0 + v))/8.0d0
9058             CurlBasis(12,3) = 0.0d0
9059             IF (nj<ni) THEN
9060               EdgeBasis(12,:) = -EdgeBasis(12,:)
9061               CurlBasis(12,:) = -CurlBasis(12,:)
9062             END IF
9064             ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9065             ! Additional twelwe basis functions on the square faces (two per face).
9066             ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9067             BrickFaceMap(1,:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
9068             BrickFaceMap(2,:) = (/ 5,6,7,8 /)
9069             BrickFaceMap(3,:) = (/ 1,2,6,5 /)
9070             BrickFaceMap(4,:) = (/ 2,3,7,6 /)
9071             BrickFaceMap(5,:) = (/ 4,3,7,8 /)
9072             BrickFaceMap(6,:) = (/ 1,4,8,5 /)
9074             ! The first face:
9075             WorkBasis(1,1) = -((-1.0d0 + v**2)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/4.0d0
9076             WorkBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9077             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
9078             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
9079             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = -((-1.0d0 + v**2)*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/4.0d0
9080             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = (v*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/2.0d0
9082             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9083             WorkBasis(2,2) = -((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/4.0d0
9084             WorkBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
9085             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(-1.0d0 + 2*w))/4.0d0
9086             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
9087             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = -(u*(-1.0d0 + w)*w)/2.0d0
9089             DO j=1,4
9090               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(1,j))
9091             END DO
9092             IF (Parallel) THEN
9093               DO j=1,4
9094                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9095               END DO
9096             END IF
9097             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9099             EdgeBasis(13,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
9100             CurlBasis(13,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
9101             EdgeBasis(14,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
9102             CurlBasis(14,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
9104             ! The second face:
9105             WorkBasis(1,1) = -((-1.0d0 + v**2)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/4.0d0
9106             WorkBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9107             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
9108             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
9109             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = -((-1.0d0 + v**2)*(1.0d0 + 2*w))/4.0d0
9110             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = (v*w*(1.0d0 + w))/2.0d0
9112             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9113             WorkBasis(2,2) = -((-1.0d0 + u**2)*w*(1.0d0 + w))/4.0d0
9114             WorkBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
9115             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(1.0d0 + 2*w))/4.0d0
9116             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
9117             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = -(u*w*(1.0d0 + w))/2.0d0
9119             DO j=1,4
9120               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(2,j))
9121             END DO
9122             IF (Parallel) THEN
9123               DO j=1,4
9124                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9125               END DO
9126             END IF
9127             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9129             EdgeBasis(15,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
9130             CurlBasis(15,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
9131             EdgeBasis(16,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
9132             CurlBasis(16,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
9134             ! The third face:
9135             WorkBasis(1,1) = -((-1.0d0 + v)*v*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9136             WorkBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9137             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
9138             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
9139             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = -((-1.0d0 + v)*v*w)/2.0d0
9140             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = ((-1.0d0 + 2*v)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9142             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9143             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
9144             WorkBasis(2,3) = -((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(-1.0d0 + v)*v)/4.0d0
9145             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(-1.0d0 + 2*v))/4.0d0
9146             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (u*(-1.0d0 + v)*v)/2.0d0
9147             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
9149             DO j=1,4
9150               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(3,j))
9151             END DO
9152             IF (Parallel) THEN
9153               DO j=1,4
9154                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9155               END DO
9156             END IF
9157             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9159             EdgeBasis(17,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
9160             CurlBasis(17,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
9161             EdgeBasis(18,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
9162             CurlBasis(18,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
9164             ! The fourth face:
9165             WorkBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
9166             WorkBasis(1,2) = -(u*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9167             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
9168             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = (u*(1.0d0 + u)*w)/2.0d0
9169             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9170             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -((1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9172             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9173             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
9174             WorkBasis(2,3) = -(u*(1.0d0 + u)*(-1 + v**2))/4.0d0
9175             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -(u*(1.0d0 + u)*v)/2.0d0
9176             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = ((1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + v**2))/4.0d0
9177             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
9179             DO j=1,4
9180               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(4,j))
9181             END DO
9182             IF (Parallel) THEN
9183               DO j=1,4
9184                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9185               END DO
9186             END IF
9187             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9189             EdgeBasis(19,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
9190             CurlBasis(19,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
9191             EdgeBasis(20,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
9192             CurlBasis(20,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
9194             ! The fifth face:
9195             WorkBasis(1,1) = -(v*(1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9196             WorkBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9197             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
9198             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
9199             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = -(v*(1.0d0 + v)*w)/2.0d0
9200             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = ((1.0d0 + 2*v)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9202             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9203             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
9204             WorkBasis(2,3) = -((-1.0d0 + u**2)*v*(1.0d0 + v))/4.0d0
9205             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(1.0d0 + 2*v))/4.0d0
9206             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = (u*v*(1.0d0 + v))/2.0d0
9207             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
9209             DO j=1,4
9210               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(5,j))
9211             END DO
9212             IF (Parallel) THEN
9213               DO j=1,4
9214                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9215               END DO
9216             END IF
9217             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9219             EdgeBasis(21,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
9220             CurlBasis(21,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
9221             EdgeBasis(22,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
9222             CurlBasis(22,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
9224             ! The sixth face:
9225             WorkBasis(1,1) = 0.0d0
9226             WorkBasis(1,2) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9227             WorkBasis(1,3) = 0.0d0
9228             WorkCurlBasis(1,1) = ((-1.0d0 + u)*u*w)/2.0d0
9229             WorkCurlBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9230             WorkCurlBasis(1,3) = -((-1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/4.0d0
9232             WorkBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9233             WorkBasis(2,2) = 0.0d0
9234             WorkBasis(2,3) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*u*(-1.0d0 + v**2))/4.0d0
9235             WorkCurlBasis(2,1) = -((-1.0d0 + u)*u*v)/2.0d0
9236             WorkCurlBasis(2,2) = ((-1.0d0 + 2*u)*(-1.0d0 + v**2))/4.0d0
9237             WorkCurlBasis(2,3) = 0.0d0
9239             DO j=1,4
9240               FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(6,j))
9241             END DO
9242             IF (Parallel) THEN
9243               DO j=1,4
9244                 FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9245               END DO
9246             END IF
9247             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9249             EdgeBasis(23,:) = D1 * WorkBasis(I1,:)
9250             CurlBasis(23,:) = D1 * WorkCurlBasis(I1,:)
9251             EdgeBasis(24,:) = D2 * WorkBasis(I2,:)
9252             CurlBasis(24,:) = D2 * WorkCurlBasis(I2,:)
9254             ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
9255             ! Additional basis functions on the element interior (three per element)
9256             ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
9257             EdgeBasis(25,1) = ((-1.0d0 + v**2)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/2.0d0
9258             EdgeBasis(25,2) = 0.0d0
9259             EdgeBasis(25,3) = 0.0d0
9260             CurlBasis(25,1) = 0.0d0
9261             CurlBasis(25,2) = (-1.0d0 + v**2)*w
9262             CurlBasis(25,3) = v - v*w**2
9264             EdgeBasis(26,1) = 0.0d0
9265             EdgeBasis(26,2) = ((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(-1.0d0 + w**2))/2.0d0
9266             EdgeBasis(26,3) = 0.0d0
9267             CurlBasis(26,1) = w - u**2*w
9268             CurlBasis(26,2) = 0.0d0
9269             CurlBasis(26,3) = u*(-1 + w**2)
9271             EdgeBasis(27,1) = 0.0d0
9272             EdgeBasis(27,2) = 0.0d0
9273             EdgeBasis(27,3) = ((-1.0d0 + u**2)*(-1.0d0 + v**2))/2.0d0
9274             CurlBasis(27,1) = (-1.0d0 + u**2)*v
9275             CurlBasis(27,2) = u - u*v**2
9276             CurlBasis(27,3) = 0.0d0
9277           END IF
9279         CASE DEFAULT
9280           CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::EdgeElementInfo','Unsupported element type')
9281         END SELECT
9282       END IF
9284       IF (cdim == dim) THEN
9285          !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9286          ! To optimize computation, this branch avoids calling the ElementMetric function
9287          ! since all necessary data has already been found via PiolaTransformationData.
9288          !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9289          IF (PerformPiolaTransform) THEN
9290             DO j=1,DOFs
9291                DO k=1,dim
9292                   B(k) = SUM( LG(k,1:dim) * EdgeBasis(j,1:dim) )
9293                END DO
9294                EdgeBasis(j,1:dim) = B(1:dim)
9296                IF (dim == 2) THEN
9297                   CurlBasis(j,3) = 1.0d0/DetF * CurlBasis(j,3)
9298                ELSE
9299                   DO k=1,dim
9300                      B(k) = 1.0d0/DetF * SUM( LF(k,1:dim) * CurlBasis(j,1:dim) )
9301                   END DO
9302                   CurlBasis(j,1:dim) = B(1:dim)
9303                END IF
9304             END DO
9305             ! Make the returned value DetF to act as a metric term for integration
9306             ! over the volume of the element:
9307             DetF = ABS(DetF)
9308          END IF
9310          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9311          ! Get global first derivatives of the nodal basis functions if wanted:
9312          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9313          IF ( PRESENT(dBasisdx) ) THEN
9314             dBasisdx = 0.0d0
9315             DO i=1,n
9316                DO j=1,dim
9317                   DO k=1,dim
9318                      dBasisdx(i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) + dLBasisdx(i,k)*LG(j,k)
9319                   END DO
9320                END DO
9321             END DO
9322          END IF
9323       ELSE
9324          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9325          ! We should enter this branch in the case of 2-D elements (dim=2)
9326          ! embedded in the three-dimensional space (cdim=3). The following function
9327          ! defines LG to be the transpose of the pseudoinverse of F = LF.
9328          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9329          IF (PerformPiolaTransform .OR. PRESENT(dBasisdx) .OR. ApplyTraceMapping) THEN
9330             IF ( .NOT. ElementMetric( n, Element, Nodes, &
9331                  ElmMetric, detJ, dLBasisdx, LG ) ) THEN
9332                stat = .FALSE.
9333                RETURN
9334             END IF
9335          END IF
9337          IF (ApplyTraceMapping) THEN
9338            ! Perform operation b -> b x n. The resulting field transforms under the usual
9339            ! Piola transform (like div-conforming field). For a general surface element
9340            ! embedded in 3D we return B(f(p))=1/sqrt(a) F(b x n) where a is the determinant of
9341            ! the metric tensor, F=[a1 a2] with a1 and a2 surface basis vectors and (b x n) is
9342            ! considered to be 2-vector (the trivial component ignored). Note that asking simultaneously
9343            ! for the curl of the basis is not an expected combination.
9344            DO j=1,DOFs
9345              WorkBasis(1,1:2) = EdgeBasis(j,1:2)
9346              EdgeBasis(j,1) = WorkBasis(1,2)
9347              EdgeBasis(j,2) = -WorkBasis(1,1)
9348            END DO
9349            IF (PerformPiolaTransform) THEN
9350              DO j=1,DOFs
9351                DO k=1,cdim
9352                  B(k) = SUM( LF(k,1:dim) * EdgeBasis(j,1:dim) ) / DetJ
9353                END DO
9354                EdgeBasis(j,1:cdim) = B(1:cdim)
9355              END DO
9356            END IF
9357          ELSE
9358            IF (PerformPiolaTransform) THEN
9359              DO j=1,DOFs
9360                DO k=1,cdim
9361                  B(k) = SUM( LG(k,1:dim) * EdgeBasis(j,1:dim) )
9362                END DO
9363                EdgeBasis(j,1:cdim) = B(1:cdim)
9364                ! The returned spatial curl in the case cdim=3 and dim=2 handled here
9365                ! has limited usability. This handles only a transformation of
9366                ! the type x_3 = p_3:
9367                CurlBasis(j,3) = 1.0d0/DetJ * CurlBasis(j,3)
9368              END DO
9369            END IF
9370          END IF
9372          ! Make the returned value DetF to act as a metric term for integration
9373          ! over the volume of the element:
9374          DetF = DetJ
9376          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9377          ! Get global first derivatives of the nodal basis functions if wanted:
9378          ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
9379          IF ( PRESENT(dBasisdx) ) THEN
9380             dBasisdx = 0.0d0
9381             DO i=1,n
9382                DO j=1,cdim
9383                   DO k=1,dim
9384                      dBasisdx(i,j) = dBasisdx(i,j) + dLBasisdx(i,k)*LG(j,k)
9385                   END DO
9386                END DO
9387             END DO
9388          END IF
9390       END IF
9392       IF(PRESENT(F)) F = LF
9393       IF(PRESENT(G)) G = LG
9394       IF(PRESENT(RotBasis)) RotBasis(1:DOFs,:) = CurlBasis(1:DOFs,:)
9396     END FUNCTION EdgeElementInfo
9402     SUBROUTINE TriangleFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,Ind)
9404! This is used for selecting what additional basis functions are associated
9405! with a triangular face in the case of second-order approximation.
9406! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9407       INTEGER ::  I1, I2, Ind(4)
9408       REAL(KIND=dp) :: D1, D2
9410       INTEGER ::  k, A
9411! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9412       D1 = 1.0d0
9413       D2 = 1.0d0
9414       IF ( Ind(1) < Ind(2) ) THEN
9415          k = 1
9416       ELSE
9417          k = 2
9418       END IF
9419       IF ( Ind(k) > Ind(3) ) THEN
9420          k = 3
9421       END IF
9422       A = k
9424       SELECT CASE(A)
9425       CASE(1)
9426          IF (Ind(3) > Ind(2)) THEN
9427             ! C = 3
9428             I1 = 1
9429             I2 = 2
9430          ELSE
9431             ! C = 2
9432             I1 = 2
9433             I2 = 1
9434          END IF
9435       CASE(2)
9436         IF (Ind(3) > Ind(1)) THEN
9437             ! C = 3
9438             I1 = 1
9439             I2 = 3
9440             D1 = -1.0d0
9441          ELSE
9442             ! C = 1
9443             I1 = 3
9444             I2 = 1
9445             D2 = -1.0d0
9446          END IF
9447       CASE(3)
9448          IF (Ind(2) > Ind(1)) THEN
9449             ! C = 2
9450             I1 = 2
9451             I2 = 3
9452          ELSE
9453             ! C = 1
9454             I1 = 3
9455             I2 = 2
9456          END IF
9457          D1 = -1.0d0
9458          D2 = -1.0d0
9459       CASE DEFAULT
9460          CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::TriangleFaceDofsOrdering','Erratic square face Indices')
9461       END SELECT
9463     END SUBROUTINE TriangleFaceDofsOrdering
9468     SUBROUTINE TriangleFaceDofsOrdering2(t,s,Ind)
9470! Returns two unit vectors t and s for spanning constant vector fields
9471! defined on a triangular face. As a rule for orientation, the vector t is defined
9472! as t = Grad L_B - Grad L_A where L_A and L_B are the Lagrange basis functions
9473! associated with the nodes that has the smallest global indices A and B (A<B).
9474! Then s = Sqrt(3)* grad L_C, with C corresponding to the largest global index.
9476       INTEGER ::  Ind(4)
9477       REAL(KIND=dp) :: t(3), s(3)
9479       INTEGER ::  k, A
9480! -------------------------------------------------------------------
9481       t = 0.0d0
9482       s = 0.0d0
9484       IF ( Ind(1) < Ind(2) ) THEN
9485          k = 1
9486       ELSE
9487          k = 2
9488       END IF
9489       IF ( Ind(k) > Ind(3) ) THEN
9490          k = 3
9491       END IF
9492       A = k
9494       SELECT CASE(A)
9495       CASE(1)
9496          IF ( Ind(2) < Ind(3) ) THEN ! B=2, tangent = AB = 12
9497             t(1) = 1.0d0
9498             t(2) = 0.0
9499             s(1) = 0.0d0
9500             s(2) = 1.0d0
9501          ELSE ! B=3, tangent = AB = 13
9502             t(1) = 0.5d0
9503             t(2) = Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9504             s(1) = Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9505             s(2) = -0.5d0
9506          END IF
9507       CASE(2)
9508          IF ( Ind(1) < Ind(3) ) THEN ! B=1, tangent = AB = 21
9509             t(1) = -1.0d0
9510             t(2) = 0.0
9511             s(1) = 0.0d0
9512             s(2) = 1.0d0
9513          ELSE ! B=3, tangent = AB = 23
9514             t(1) = -0.5d0
9515             t(2) = Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9516             s(1) = -Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9517             s(2) = -0.5d0
9518          END IF
9519       CASE(3)
9520          IF ( Ind(1) < Ind(2) ) THEN ! B=1, tangent = AB = 31
9521             t(1) = -0.5d0
9522             t(2) = -Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9523             s(1) = Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9524             s(2) = -0.5d0
9525          ELSE ! B=2, tangent = AB = 32
9526             t(1) = 0.5d0
9527             t(2) = -Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9528             s(1) = -Sqrt(3.0d0)/2.0d0
9529             s(2) = -0.5d0
9530          END IF
9531       CASE DEFAULT
9532          CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::TriangleFaceDofsOrdering','Erratic square face Indices')
9533       END SELECT
9535     END SUBROUTINE TriangleFaceDofsOrdering2
9540     SUBROUTINE SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,Ind)
9542       INTEGER ::  I1, I2, Ind(4)
9543       REAL(KIND=dp) :: D1, D2
9545       INTEGER ::  i, j, k, l, A
9546! -------------------------------------------------------------------
9547!  Find input for applying an order change and sign reversions to two
9548!  basis functions associated with a square face. To this end,
9549!  find nodes A, B, C such that A has the minimal global index,
9550!  AB and AC are edges, with C having the largest global index.
9551!  Then AB gives the positive direction for the first face DOF and
9552!  AC gives the positive direction for the second face DOF.
9553!  REMARK: This convention must be followed when creating basis
9554!  functions for other element types which are intended to be compatible
9555!  with the element type to which this rule is applied.
9556! -------------------------------------------------------------------
9557       i = 1
9558       j = 2
9559       IF ( Ind(i) < Ind(j) ) THEN
9560          k = i
9561       ELSE
9562          k = j
9563       END IF
9564       i = 4
9565       j = 3
9566       IF ( Ind(i) < Ind(j) ) THEN
9567          l = i
9568       ELSE
9569          l = j
9570       END IF
9571       IF ( Ind(k) > Ind(l) ) THEN
9572          k = l
9573       END IF
9574       A = k
9576       SELECT CASE(A)
9577       CASE(1)
9578          IF ( Ind(2) < Ind(4) ) THEN
9579             I1 = 1
9580             I2 = 2
9581             D1 = 1.0d0
9582             D2 = 1.0d0
9583          ELSE
9584             I1 = 2
9585             I2 = 1
9586             D1 = 1.0d0
9587             D2 = 1.0d0
9588          END IF
9589       CASE(2)
9590          IF ( Ind(3) < Ind(1) ) THEN
9591             I1 = 2
9592             I2 = 1
9593             D1 = 1.0d0
9594             D2 = -1.0d0
9595          ELSE
9596             I1 = 1
9597             I2 = 2
9598             D1 = -1.0d0
9599             D2 = 1.0d0
9600          END IF
9601       CASE(3)
9602          IF ( Ind(4) < Ind(2) ) THEN
9603             I1 = 1
9604             I2 = 2
9605             D1 = -1.0d0
9606             D2 = -1.0d0
9607          ELSE
9608             I1 = 2
9609             I2 = 1
9610             D1 = -1.0d0
9611             D2 = -1.0d0
9612          END IF
9613       CASE(4)
9614          IF ( Ind(1) < Ind(3) ) THEN
9615             I1 = 2
9616             I2 = 1
9617             D1 = -1.0d0
9618             D2 = 1.0d0
9619          ELSE
9620             I1 = 1
9621             I2 = 2
9622             D1 = 1.0d0
9623             D2 = -1.0d0
9624          END IF
9625       CASE DEFAULT
9626          CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::SquareFaceDofsOrdering','Erratic square face Indices')
9627       END SELECT
9629     END SUBROUTINE SquareFaceDofsOrdering
9633!>  Returns data for rearranging H(curl)-conforming basis functions so that
9634!>  compatibility with the convention for defining global DOFs is attained.
9635!>  If n basis function value have already been tabulated in the default order
9636!>  as BasisArray(1:n,:), then SignVec(1:n) * BasisArray(PermVec(1:n),:) gives
9637!>  the basis vector values corresponding to the global DOFs.
9638!>  TO DO: support for second-order basis functions, triangles and quads missing
9640     SUBROUTINE ReorderingAndSignReversionsData(Element,Nodes,PermVec,SignVec)
9642       IMPLICIT NONE
9644       TYPE(Element_t), TARGET :: Element        !< Element structure
9645       TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes                    !< Data corresponding to the classic element nodes
9646       INTEGER :: PermVec(:)                     !< At exit the permution vector for performing reordering
9647       REAL(KIND=dp) :: SignVec(:)               !< At exit the vector for performing sign changes
9649       TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER :: Mesh
9650       INTEGER, POINTER :: EdgeMap(:,:), Ind(:)
9651       INTEGER :: SquareFaceMap(4), BrickFaceMap(6,4), PrismSquareFaceMap(3,4), DOFs, i, j, k
9652       INTEGER :: FaceIndices(4), I1, I2, ni, nj
9653       REAL(KIND=dp) :: D1, D2
9654       LOGICAL :: Parallel
9656       Mesh => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh
9657       !Parallel = ParEnv % PEs>1
9658       Parallel = ASSOCIATED(Mesh % ParallelInfo % Interface)
9660       SignVec = 1.0d0
9661       Ind => Element % Nodeindexes
9663       SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100 )
9664       !CASE(3) needs to be done
9666       !CASE(4) needs to be done
9668       CASE(5)
9669          ! NOTE: The Nedelec second family is not yet supported
9670          EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(5)
9671          DO k=1,6
9672             i = EdgeMap(k,1)
9673             j = EdgeMap(k,2)
9674             ni = Ind(i)
9675             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9676             nj = Ind(j)
9677             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9678             IF (nj<ni) SignVec(k) = -1.0d0
9679             PermVec(k) = k
9680          END DO
9682       CASE(6)
9683          EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(6)
9684          DO k=1,8
9685             i = EdgeMap(k,1)
9686             j = EdgeMap(k,2)
9687             ni = Ind(i)
9688             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9689             nj = Ind(j)
9690             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9691             IF (nj<ni) SignVec(k) = -1.0d0
9692             PermVec(k) = k
9693          END DO
9694          ! -----------------------------------------------------
9695          ! Additional two basis functions on the square face
9696          ! -----------------------------------------------------
9697          SquareFaceMap(:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
9698          DO j=1,4
9699             FaceIndices(j) = Ind(SquareFaceMap(j))
9700          END DO
9701          IF (Parallel) THEN
9702             DO j=1,4
9703                FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9704             END DO
9705          END IF
9707          CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9708          i = 8
9709          PermVec(i+1) = i+I1
9710          PermVec(i+2) = i+I2
9711          SignVec(i+1) = D1
9712          SignVec(i+2) = D2
9714       CASE(7)
9715          EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(7)
9716          DO k=1,9
9717             i = EdgeMap(k,1)
9718             j = EdgeMap(k,2)
9719             ni = Ind(i)
9720             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9721             nj = Ind(j)
9722             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9723             IF (nj<ni) SignVec(k) = -1.0d0
9724             PermVec(k) = k
9725          END DO
9726          ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9727          ! Additional six basis functions on the square faces (two per face).
9728          ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9729          PrismSquareFaceMap(1,:) = (/ 1,2,5,4 /)
9730          PrismSquareFaceMap(2,:) = (/ 2,3,6,5 /)
9731          PrismSquareFaceMap(3,:) = (/ 3,1,4,6 /)
9732          DO k=1,3
9733             DO j=1,4
9734                FaceIndices(j) = Ind(PrismSquareFaceMap(k,j))
9735             END DO
9736             IF (Parallel) THEN
9737                DO j=1,4
9738                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9739                END DO
9740             END IF
9741             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9742             i = 9+(k-1)*2
9743             PermVec(i+1) = i+I1
9744             PermVec(i+2) = i+I2
9745             SignVec(i+1) = D1
9746             SignVec(i+2) = D2
9747          END DO
9749       CASE(8)
9750          EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(8)
9751          DO k=1,12
9752             i = EdgeMap(k,1)
9753             j = EdgeMap(k,2)
9754             ni = Ind(i)
9755             IF (Parallel) ni=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(ni)
9756             nj = Ind(j)
9757             IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9758             IF (nj<ni) SignVec(k) = -1.0d0
9759             PermVec(k) = k
9760          END DO
9761          ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9762          ! Additional twelwe basis functions on the square faces (two per face).
9763          ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9764          BrickFaceMap(1,:) = (/ 1,2,3,4 /)
9765          BrickFaceMap(2,:) = (/ 5,6,7,8 /)
9766          BrickFaceMap(3,:) = (/ 1,2,6,5 /)
9767          BrickFaceMap(4,:) = (/ 2,3,7,6 /)
9768          BrickFaceMap(5,:) = (/ 4,3,7,8 /)
9769          BrickFaceMap(6,:) = (/ 1,4,8,5 /)
9770          DO k=1,6
9771             DO j=1,4
9772                FaceIndices(j) = Ind(BrickFaceMap(k,j))
9773             END DO
9774             IF (Parallel) THEN
9775                DO j=1,4
9776                   FaceIndices(j) = Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(FaceIndices(j))
9777                END DO
9778             END IF
9779             CALL SquareFaceDofsOrdering(I1,I2,D1,D2,FaceIndices)
9780             i = 12+(k-1)*2
9781             PermVec(i+1) = i+I1
9782             PermVec(i+2) = i+I2
9783             SignVec(i+1) = D1
9784             SignVec(i+2) = D2
9785          END DO
9786          PermVec(25) = 25
9787          PermVec(26) = 26
9788          PermVec(27) = 27
9790       CASE DEFAULT
9791          CALL Fatal('ElementDescription::ReorderingAndSignReversionsData','Unsupported element type')
9792       END SELECT
9794     END SUBROUTINE ReorderingAndSignReversionsData
9798! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9799!> This subroutine contains an older design for providing edge element basis functions
9800!> of the lowest-degree. Obtaining optimal accuracy with these elements may require that
9801!> the element map is affine, while the edge basis functions given by the newer design
9802!> (the function EdgeElementInfo) should also work on general meshes.
9804   SUBROUTINE GetEdgeBasis( Element, WBasis, RotWBasis, Basis, dBasisdx )
9806     TYPE(Element_t),TARGET :: Element
9807     REAL(KIND=dp) :: WBasis(:,:), RotWBasis(:,:), Basis(:), dBasisdx(:,:)
9809     TYPE(Element_t),POINTER :: Edge
9810     TYPE(Mesh_t), POINTER :: Mesh
9811     TYPE(Nodes_t), SAVE :: Nodes
9812     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w,dudx(3,3),du(3),Base,dBase(3),tBase(3), &
9813                rBase(3),triBase(3),dtriBase(3,3), G(3,3), F(3,3), detF, detG, &
9814                EdgeBasis(8,3), CurlBasis(8,3)
9815     LOGICAL :: Parallel,stat
9816     INTEGER :: i,j,k,n,nj,nk,i1,i2
9817     INTEGER, POINTER :: EdgeMap(:,:)
9819     Mesh => CurrentModel % Solver % Mesh
9820     Parallel = ASSOCIATED(Mesh % ParallelInfo % Interface)
9822     IF (Element % TYPE % BasisFunctionDegree>1) THEN
9823       CALL Fatal('GetEdgeBasis',"Can't handle but linear elements, sorry.")
9824     END IF
9826     SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
9827     CASE(4,7,8)
9828       n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
9829       u = SUM(Basis(1:n)*Element % TYPE % NodeU(1:n))
9830       v = SUM(Basis(1:n)*Element % TYPE % NodeV(1:n))
9831       w = SUM(Basis(1:n)*Element % TYPE % NodeW(1:n))
9833       dudx(1,:) = MATMUL(Element % TYPE % NodeU(1:n),dBasisdx(1:n,:))
9834       dudx(2,:) = MATMUL(Element % TYPE % NodeV(1:n),dBasisdx(1:n,:))
9835       dudx(3,:) = MATMUL(Element % TYPE % NodeW(1:n),dBasisdx(1:n,:))
9837       triBase(1) = 1-u-v
9838       triBase(2) = u
9839       triBase(3) = v
9841       dtriBase(1,:) = -dudx(1,:)-dudx(2,:)
9842       dtriBase(2,:) =  dudx(1,:)
9843       dtriBase(3,:) =  dudx(2,:)
9844     CASE(6)
9845       n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
9846       u = SUM(Basis(1:n)*Element % TYPE % NodeU(1:n))
9847       v = SUM(Basis(1:n)*Element % TYPE % NodeV(1:n))
9848       w = SUM(Basis(1:n)*Element % TYPE % NodeW(1:n))
9850       G(1,:) = MATMUL(Element % TYPE % NodeU(1:n),dBasisdx(1:n,:))
9851       G(2,:) = MATMUL(Element % TYPE % NodeV(1:n),dBasisdx(1:n,:))
9852       G(3,:) = MATMUL(Element % TYPE % NodeW(1:n),dBasisdx(1:n,:))
9854       detG =  G(1,1) * ( G(2,2)*G(3,3) - G(2,3)*G(3,2) ) + &
9855                  G(1,2) * ( G(2,3)*G(3,1) - G(2,1)*G(3,3) ) + &
9856                  G(1,3) * ( G(2,1)*G(3,2) - G(2,2)*G(3,1) )
9857       detF = 1.0d0/detG
9858       CALL InvertMatrix3x3(G,F,detG)
9860       !------------------------------------------------------------
9861       ! The basis functions spanning the reference element space and
9862       ! their Curl with respect to the local coordinates
9863       ! ------------------------------------------------------------
9864       EdgeBasis(1,1) = (1.0d0 - v - w)/4.0d0
9865       EdgeBasis(1,2) = 0.0d0
9866       EdgeBasis(1,3) = (u*(-1.0d0 + v + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9867       CurlBasis(1,1) = u/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9868       CurlBasis(1,2) = -(-2.0d0 + v + 2.0d0*w)/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9869       CurlBasis(1,3) = 0.25d0
9871       EdgeBasis(2,1) = 0.0d0
9872       EdgeBasis(2,2) = (1.0d0 + u - w)/4.0d0
9873       EdgeBasis(2,3) = (v*(1.0d0 + u - w))/(4.0d0 - 4.0d0*w)
9874       CurlBasis(2,1) = (2.0d0 + u - 2.0d0*w)/(4.0d0 - 4.0d0*w)
9875       CurlBasis(2,2) = v/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9876       CurlBasis(2,3) = 0.25d0
9878       EdgeBasis(3,1) = (1.0d0 + v - w)/4.0d0
9879       EdgeBasis(3,2) = 0.0d0
9880       EdgeBasis(3,3) = (u*(1.0d0 + v - w))/(4.0d0 - 4.0d0*w)
9881       CurlBasis(3,1) = u/(4.0d0 - 4.0d0*w)
9882       CurlBasis(3,2) = (2.0d0 + v - 2.0d0*w)/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9883       CurlBasis(3,3) = -0.25d0
9885       EdgeBasis(4,1) = 0.0d0
9886       EdgeBasis(4,2) = (1.0d0 - u - w)/4.0d0
9887       EdgeBasis(4,3) = (v*(-1.0d0 + u + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9888       CurlBasis(4,1) = (-2.0d0 + u + 2.0d0*w)/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9889       CurlBasis(4,2) = v/(4.0d0 - 4.0d0*w)
9890       CurlBasis(4,3) = -0.25d0
9892       EdgeBasis(5,1) = (w*(-1.0d0 + v + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9893       EdgeBasis(5,2) = (w*(-1.0d0 + u + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9894       EdgeBasis(5,3) = (-((-1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + w)**2) + u*(v - (-1.0d0 + w)**2 - 2.0d0*v*w))/&
9895            (4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w)**2)
9896       CurlBasis(5,1) = -(-1.0d0 + u + w)/(2.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9897       CurlBasis(5,2) = (-1.0d0 + v + w)/(2.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9898       CurlBasis(5,3) = 0.0d0
9900       EdgeBasis(6,1) = -(w*(-1.0d0 + v + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9901       EdgeBasis(6,2) = (w*(-1.0d0 - u + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9902       EdgeBasis(6,3) = (-((-1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + w)**2) + u*((-1.0d0 + w)**2 + v*(-1.0d0 + 2.0d0*w)))/&
9903            (4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w)**2)
9904       CurlBasis(6,1) = (1.0d0 + u - w)/(2.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9905       CurlBasis(6,2) = -(-1.0d0 + v + w)/(2.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9906       CurlBasis(6,3) = 0.0d0
9908       EdgeBasis(7,1) = ((1.0d0 + v - w)*w)/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9909       EdgeBasis(7,2) = ((1.0d0 + u - w)*w)/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9910       EdgeBasis(7,3) = ((1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + w)**2 + u*(v + (-1.0d0 + w)**2 - 2.0d0*v*w))/&
9911            (4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w)**2)
9912       CurlBasis(7,1) = (1.0d0 + u - w)/(2.0d0 - 2.0d0*w)
9913       CurlBasis(7,2) = (1.0d0 + v - w)/(2.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9914       CurlBasis(7,3) = 0.0d0
9916       EdgeBasis(8,1) = (w*(-1.0d0 - v + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9917       EdgeBasis(8,2) = -(w*(-1.0d0 + u + w))/(4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9918       EdgeBasis(8,3) = ((1.0d0 + v)*(-1.0d0 + w)**2 - u*(v + (-1.0d0 + w)**2 - 2.0d0*v*w))/&
9919            (4.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w)**2)
9920       CurlBasis(8,1) = (-1.0d0 + u + w)/(2.0d0*(-1.0d0 + w))
9921       CurlBasis(8,2) = (1.0d0 + v - w)/(2.0d0 - 2.0d0*w)
9922       CurlBasis(8,3) = 0.0d0
9924     END SELECT
9926     EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
9927     DO i=1,SIZE(Edgemap,1)
9928       j = EdgeMap(i,1); k = EdgeMap(i,2)
9930       nj = Element % Nodeindexes(j)
9931       IF (Parallel) nj=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nj)
9932       nk = Element % Nodeindexes(k)
9933       IF (Parallel) nk=Mesh % ParallelInfo % GlobalDOFs(nk)
9935       SELECT CASE(Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100)
9936       CASE(3,5)
9937         WBasis(i,:) = Basis(j)*dBasisdx(k,:) - Basis(k)*dBasisdx(j,:)
9939         RotWBasis(i,1) = 2.0_dp * ( dBasisdx(j,2) * dBasisdx(k,3) - &
9940                       dBasisdx(j,3) * dBasisdx(k,2) )
9941         RotWBasis(i,2) = 2.0_dp * ( dBasisdx(j,3) * dBasisdx(k,1) - &
9942                       dBasisdx(j,1) * dBasisdx(k,3) )
9943         RotWBasis(i,3) = 2.0_dp * ( dBasisdx(j,1) * dBasisdx(k,2) - &
9944                       dBasisdx(j,2) * dBasisdx(k,1) )
9946       CASE(6)
9947          !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
9948          ! Create the referential description of basis functions and their
9949          ! spatial curl on the physical element via applying the Piola transform:
9950          !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
9951          DO k=1,3
9952             WBasis(i,k) = SUM( G(1:3,k) * EdgeBasis(i,1:3) )
9953          END DO
9954          DO k=1,3
9955             RotWBasis(i,k) = 1.0d0/DetF * SUM( F(k,1:3) * CurlBasis(i,1:3) )
9956          END DO
9958       CASE(7)
9959         SELECT CASE(i)
9960          CASE(1)
9961            j=1;k=2; Base=(1-w)/2; dBase=-dudx(3,:)/2
9962          CASE(2)
9963            j=2;k=3; Base=(1-w)/2; dBase=-dudx(3,:)/2
9964          CASE(3)
9965            j=3;k=1; Base=(1-w)/2; dBase=-dudx(3,:)/2
9966          CASE(4)
9967            j=1;k=2; Base=(1+w)/2; dBase= dudx(3,:)/2
9968          CASE(5)
9969            j=2;k=3; Base=(1+w)/2; dBase= dudx(3,:)/2
9970          CASE(6)
9971            j=3;k=1; Base=(1+w)/2; dBase= dudx(3,:)/2
9972          CASE(7)
9973            Base=triBase(1); dBase=dtriBase(1,:); du=dudx(3,:)/2
9974          CASE(8)
9975            Base=triBase(2); dBase=dtriBase(2,:); du=dudx(3,:)/2
9976          CASE(9)
9977            Base=triBase(3); dBase=dtriBase(3,:); du=dudx(3,:)/2
9978         END SELECT
9980         IF(i<=6) THEN
9981            tBase = (triBase(j)*dtriBase(k,:)-triBase(k)*dtriBase(j,:))
9982            rBase(1) = 2*Base*(dtriBase(j,2)*dtriBase(k,3)-dtriBase(k,2)*dtriBase(j,3)) + &
9983                              dBase(2)*tBase(3) - dBase(3)*tBase(2)
9985            rBase(2) = 2*Base*(dtriBase(j,3)*dtriBase(k,1)-dtriBase(k,3)*dtriBase(j,1)) + &
9986                              dBase(3)*tBase(1) - dBase(1)*tBase(3)
9988            rBase(3) = 2*Base*(dtriBase(j,1)*dtriBase(k,2)-dtriBase(k,1)*dtriBase(j,2)) + &
9989                              dBase(1)*tBase(2) - dBase(2)*tBase(1)
9991            RotWBasis(i,:)=rBase
9992            WBasis(i,:)=tBase*Base
9993         ELSE
9994            WBasis(i,:)=Base*du
9995            RotWBasis(i,1)=(dBase(2)*du(3) - dBase(3)*du(2))
9996            RotWBasis(i,2)=(dBase(3)*du(1) - dBase(1)*du(3))
9997            RotWBasis(i,3)=(dBase(1)*du(2) - dBase(2)*du(1))
9998         END IF
9999       CASE(4)
10000         SELECT CASE(i)
10001          CASE(1)
10002             du=dudx(1,:); Base=(1-v)*(1-w)
10003             dBase(:)=-dudx(2,:)*(1-w)-(1-v)*dudx(3,:)
10004          CASE(2)
10005             du=dudx(2,:); Base=(1+u)*(1-w)
10006             dBase(:)= dudx(1,:)*(1-w)-(1+u)*dudx(3,:)
10007          CASE(3)
10008             du=-dudx(1,:); Base=(1+v)*(1-w)
10009             dBase(:)= dudx(2,:)*(1-w)-(1+v)*dudx(3,:)
10010          CASE(4)
10011             du=-dudx(2,:); Base=(1-u)*(1-w)
10012             dBase(:)=-dudx(1,:)*(1-w)-(1-u)*dudx(3,:)
10013         END SELECT
10015         wBasis(i,:) = Base*du/n
10016         RotWBasis(i,1)=(dBase(2)*du(3) - dBase(3)*du(2))/n
10017         RotWBasis(i,2)=(dBase(3)*du(1) - dBase(1)*du(3))/n
10018         RotWBasis(i,3) = (dBase(1)*du(2) - dBase(2)*du(1))/n
10019       CASE(8)
10020         SELECT CASE(i)
10021          CASE(1)
10022             du=dudx(1,:); Base=(1-v)*(1-w)
10023             dBase(:)=-dudx(2,:)*(1-w)-(1-v)*dudx(3,:)
10024          CASE(2)
10025             du=dudx(2,:); Base=(1+u)*(1-w)
10026             dBase(:)= dudx(1,:)*(1-w)-(1+u)*dudx(3,:)
10027          CASE(3)
10028             du=dudx(1,:); Base=(1+v)*(1-w)
10029             dBase(:)= dudx(2,:)*(1-w)-(1+v)*dudx(3,:)
10030          CASE(4)
10031             du=dudx(2,:); Base=(1-u)*(1-w)
10032             dBase(:)=-dudx(1,:)*(1-w)-(1-u)*dudx(3,:)
10033          CASE(5)
10034             du=dudx(1,:); Base=(1-v)*(1+w)
10035             dBase(:)=-dudx(2,:)*(1+w)+(1-v)*dudx(3,:)
10036          CASE(6)
10037             du=dudx(2,:); Base=(1+u)*(1+w)
10038             dBase(:)= dudx(1,:)*(1+w)+(1+u)*dudx(3,:)
10039          CASE(7)
10040             du=dudx(1,:); Base=(1+v)*(1+w)
10041             dBase(:)= dudx(2,:)*(1+w)+(1+v)*dudx(3,:)
10042          CASE(8)
10043             du=dudx(2,:); Base=(1-u)*(1+w)
10044             dBase(:)=-dudx(1,:)*(1+w)+(1-u)*dudx(3,:)
10045          CASE(9)
10046             du=dudx(3,:); Base=(1-u)*(1-v)
10047             dBase(:)=-dudx(1,:)*(1-v)-(1-u)*dudx(2,:)
10048          CASE(10)
10049             du=dudx(3,:); Base=(1+u)*(1-v)
10050             dBase(:)= dudx(1,:)*(1-v)-(1+u)*dudx(2,:)
10051          CASE(11)
10052             du=dudx(3,:); Base=(1+u)*(1+v)
10053             dBase(:)= dudx(1,:)*(1+v)+(1+u)*dudx(2,:)
10054          CASE(12)
10055             du=dudx(3,:); Base=(1-u)*(1+v)
10056             dBase(:)=-dudx(1,:)*(1+v)+(1-u)*dudx(2,:)
10057         END SELECT
10059         wBasis(i,:)=Base*du/n
10060         RotWBasis(i,1)=(dBase(2)*du(3) - dBase(3)*du(2))/n
10061         RotWBasis(i,2)=(dBase(3)*du(1) - dBase(1)*du(3))/n
10062         RotWBasis(i,3)=(dBase(1)*du(2) - dBase(2)*du(1))/n
10063       CASE DEFAULT
10064         CALL Fatal( 'Edge Basis', 'Not implemented for this element type.')
10065       END SELECT
10067       IF( nk < nj ) THEN
10068         WBasis(i,:) = -WBasis(i,:); RotWBasis(i,:) = -RotWBasis(i,:)
10069       END IF
10070     END DO
10072   END SUBROUTINE GetEdgeBasis
10077!>    Compute contravariant metric tensor (=J^TJ)^-1 of element coordinate
10078!>    system, and square root of determinant of covariant metric tensor
10079!>    (=sqrt(det(J^TJ)))
10081   FUNCTION ElementMetric(nDOFs,Elm,Nodes,Metric,DetG,dLBasisdx,LtoGMap) RESULT(Success)
10083     INTEGER :: nDOFs                !< Number of active nodes in element
10084     TYPE(Element_t)  :: Elm         !< Element structure
10085     TYPE(Nodes_t)    :: Nodes       !< Element nodal coordinates
10086     REAL(KIND=dp) :: Metric(:,:)    !< Contravariant metric tensor
10087     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLBasisdx(:,:) !< Derivatives of element basis function with respect to local coordinates
10088     REAL(KIND=dp) :: DetG           !< SQRT of determinant of metric tensor
10089     REAL(KIND=dp) :: LtoGMap(3,3)   !< Transformation to obtain the referential description of the spatial gradient
10090     LOGICAL :: Success              !< Returns .FALSE. if element is degenerate
10092!    Local variables
10095     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dx(3,3),G(3,3),GI(3,3),s
10096     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: x,y,z
10097     INTEGER :: GeomId
10099     INTEGER :: cdim,dim,i,j,k,n
10101     success = .TRUE.
10103     x => Nodes % x
10104     y => Nodes % y
10105     z => Nodes % z
10107     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
10108     n = MIN( SIZE(x), nDOFs )
10109     dim  = elm % TYPE % DIMENSION
10112!    Partial derivatives of global coordinates with respect to local coordinates
10114     DO i=1,dim
10115       dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n) * dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10116       dx(2,i) = SUM( y(1:n) * dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10117       dx(3,i) = SUM( z(1:n) * dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10118     END DO
10120!    Compute the covariant metric tensor of the element coordinate system
10122     DO i=1,dim
10123        DO j=1,dim
10124           s = 0.0d0
10125           DO k=1,cdim
10126             s = s + dx(k,i)*dx(k,j)
10127           END DO
10128           G(i,j) = s
10129        END DO
10130     END DO
10132!    Convert the metric to contravariant base, and compute the SQRT(DetG)
10134     SELECT CASE( dim )
10136!      Line elements
10138       CASE (1)
10139         DetG  = G(1,1)
10141         IF ( DetG <= TINY( DetG ) ) GOTO 100
10143         Metric(1,1) = 1.0d0 / DetG
10144         DetG  = SQRT( DetG )
10147!      Surface elements
10149       CASE (2)
10150         DetG = ( G(1,1)*G(2,2) - G(1,2)*G(2,1) )
10152         IF ( DetG <= TINY( DetG ) ) GOTO 100
10154         Metric(1,1) =  G(2,2) / DetG
10155         Metric(1,2) = -G(1,2) / DetG
10156         Metric(2,1) = -G(2,1) / DetG
10157         Metric(2,2) =  G(1,1) / DetG
10158         DetG = SQRT(DetG)
10161!      Volume elements
10163       CASE (3)
10164         DetG = G(1,1) * ( G(2,2)*G(3,3) - G(2,3)*G(3,2) ) + &
10165                G(1,2) * ( G(2,3)*G(3,1) - G(2,1)*G(3,3) ) + &
10166                G(1,3) * ( G(2,1)*G(3,2) - G(2,2)*G(3,1) )
10168         IF ( DetG <= TINY( DetG ) ) GOTO 100
10170         CALL InvertMatrix3x3( G,GI,detG )
10171         Metric = GI
10172         DetG = SQRT(DetG)
10173     END SELECT
10176!    Construct a transformation X = LtoGMap such that (grad B)(f(p)) = X(p) Grad b(p),
10177!    with Grad the gradient with respect to the reference element coordinates p and
10178!    the referential description of the spatial field B(x) satisfying B(f(p)) = b(p).
10179!    If cdim > dim (e.g. a surface embedded in the 3-dimensional space), X is
10180!    the transpose of the pseudo-inverse of Grad f.
10182     DO i=1,cdim
10183       DO j=1,dim
10184         s = 0.0d0
10185         DO k=1,dim
10186           s = s + dx(i,k) * Metric(k,j)
10187         END DO
10188         LtoGMap(i,j) = s
10189       END DO
10190     END DO
10192! Return here also implies success = .TRUE.
10193     RETURN
10196100  Success = .FALSE.
10197     WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,I0)') 'Degenerate ',dim,'D element: ',Elm % ElementIndex
10198     CALL Error( 'ElementMetric', Message )
10200     IF( ASSOCIATED( Elm % BoundaryInfo ) ) THEN
10201       WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,ES12.3)') 'Boundary Id: ',Elm % BoundaryInfo % Constraint,' DetG:',DetG
10202     ELSE
10203       WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,ES12.3)') 'Body Id: ',Elm % BodyId,' DetG:',DetG
10204     END IF
10205     CALL Info( 'ElementMetric', Message, Level=3 )
10207     DO i=1,n
10208       WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,3ES12.3)') 'Node: ',i,' Coord:',x(i),y(i),z(i)
10209       CALL Info( 'ElementMetric', Message, Level=3 )
10210     END DO
10211     DO i=2,n
10212       WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,3ES12.3)') 'Node: ',i,' dCoord:',&
10213           x(i)-x(1),y(i)-y(1),z(i)-z(1)
10214       CALL Info( 'ElementMetric', Message, Level=3 )
10215     END DO
10216     IF ( cdim < dim ) THEN
10217       WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,I0)') 'Element dim larger than meshdim: ',dim,' vs. ',cdim
10218       CALL Info( 'ElementMetric', Message, Level=3 )
10219     END IF
10222   END FUNCTION ElementMetric
10226   FUNCTION ElementMetricVec( Elm, Nodes, nc, ndof, DetJ, nbmax, dLBasisdx, LtoGMap) RESULT(AllSuccess)
10228     TYPE(Element_t)  :: Elm                                 !< Element structure
10229     TYPE(Nodes_t)    :: Nodes                               !< element nodal coordinates
10230     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nc                               !< Number of points to map
10231     INTEGER :: ndof                                         !< Number of active nodes in element
10232     REAL(KIND=dp) :: DetJ(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH)              !< SQRT of determinant of element coordinate metric at each point
10233     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbmax                            !< Maximum total number of basis functions in local basis
10234     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLBasisdx(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,nbmax,3) !< Derivatives of element basis function with
10235                                                             !<  respect to local coordinates at each point
10236     REAL(KIND=dp) :: LtoGMap(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,3,3)       !< Mapping between local and global coordinates
10237     LOGICAL :: AllSuccess                  !< Returns .FALSE. if some point in element is degenerate
10239!       Local variables
10241     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dx(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,3,3)
10242     REAL(KIND=dp) :: Metric(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,6), &
10243             G(VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH,6)       ! Symmetric Metric(nc,3,3) and G(nc,3,3)
10245     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
10246     INTEGER :: cdim,dim,i,j,k,l,n,ip, jj, kk
10247     INTEGER :: ldbasis, ldxyz, utind
10248!DIR$ ATTRIBUTES ALIGN:64::Metric
10251!DIR$ ASSUME_ALIGNED dLBasisdx:64, LtoGMap:64, DetJ:64
10252     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10253     AllSuccess = .TRUE.
10255     ! Coordinates (single array)
10256     n = MIN( SIZE(Nodes % x, 1), ndof )
10258     ! Dimensions (coordinate system and element)
10259     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
10260     dim  = elm % TYPE % DIMENSION
10262     ! Leading dimensions for local basis and coordinate arrays
10263     ldbasis = SIZE(dLBasisdx, 1)
10264     ldxyz = SIZE(Nodes % xyz, 1)
10266     ! For linear, extruded and otherwise regular elements mapping has to be computed
10267     ! only once, the problem is to identify these cases...
10268     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10269     !       Partial derivatives of global coordinates with respect to local coordinates
10270     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10271     ! Avoid DGEMM calls for nc small
10273       DO l=1,dim
10274         DO j=1,3
10275           dx(1:nc,j,l)=REAL(0,dp)
10276           DO k=1,n
10278             DO i=1,nc
10279               dx(i,j,l)=dx(i,j,l)+dLBasisdx(i,k,l)*Nodes % xyz(k,j)
10280             END DO
10281           END DO
10282         END DO
10283       END DO
10284     ELSE
10285       DO i=1,dim
10286         CALL DGEMM('N','N',nc, 3, n, &
10287                 REAL(1,dp), dLbasisdx(1,1,i), ldbasis, &
10288                 Nodes % xyz, ldxyz, REAL(0, dp), dx(1,1,i), VECTOR_BLOCK_LENGTH)
10289       END DO
10290     END IF
10291     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10292     !       Compute the covariant metric tensor of the element coordinate system (symmetric)
10293     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10294     ! Linearized upper triangular indices for accesses to G
10295     ! | (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) | = | 1 2 4 |
10296     ! |       (2,2) (2,3) |   |   3 5 |
10297     ! |             (3,3) |   |     6 |
10298     ! G is symmetric, compute only the upper triangular part of G=dx^Tdx
10300     DO j=1,dim
10302       DO i=1,j
10304         utind = GetSymmetricIndex(i,j)
10305         SELECT CASE (cdim)
10306         CASE(1)
10307           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10308           DO l=1,nc
10309             G(l,utind)=dx(l,1,i)*dx(l,1,j)
10310           END DO
10311         CASE(2)
10312           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10313           DO l=1,nc
10314             G(l,utind)=dx(l,1,i)*dx(l,1,j)+dx(l,2,i)*dx(l,2,j)
10315           END DO
10316         CASE(3)
10317           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10318           DO l=1,nc
10319             G(l,utind)=dx(l,1,i)*dx(l,1,j)+dx(l,2,i)*dx(l,2,j)+dx(l,3,i)*dx(l,3,j)
10320           END DO
10321         END SELECT
10322       END DO
10323     END DO
10325     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10326     !       Convert the metric to contravariant base, and compute the SQRT(DetG)
10327     !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10328     SELECT CASE( dim )
10329       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10330       !       Line elements
10331       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10332     CASE (1)
10333       ! Determinants
10334       ! DetJ(1:nc)  = G(1:nc,1,1)
10335       DetJ(1:nc)  = G(1:nc,1)
10337       DO i=1,nc
10338         IF (DetJ(i) <= TINY(REAL(1,dp))) THEN
10339           AllSuccess = .FALSE.
10340           EXIT
10341         END IF
10342       END DO
10344       IF (AllSuccess) THEN
10345         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10346         DO i=1,nc
10347           ! Metric(i,1,1) = REAL(1,dp)/DetJ(i)
10348           Metric(i,1) = REAL(1,dp)/DetJ(i)
10349         END DO
10350         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10351         DO i=1,nc
10352           DetJ(i) = SQRT( DetJ(i))
10353         END DO
10354       END IF
10357       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10358       !       Surface elements
10359       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10360     CASE (2)
10361       ! Determinants
10362       !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10363       DO i=1,nc
10364         ! DetJ(i) = ( G(i,1,1)*G(i,2,2) - G(i,1,2)*G(i,2,1) )
10365         ! G is symmetric
10366         DetJ(i) = G(i,1)*G(i,3)-G(i,2)*G(i,2)
10367       END DO
10369       DO i=1,nc
10370         IF (DetJ(i) <= TINY(REAL(1,dp))) THEN
10371           AllSuccess = .FALSE.
10372           EXIT
10373         END IF
10374       END DO
10376       IF (AllSuccess) THEN
10377         ! Since G=G^T, it holds G^{-1}=(G^T)^{-1}
10378         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10379         DO i=1,nc
10380           s = REAL(1,dp)/DetJ(i)
10381           ! G is symmetric
10382           ! All in one go, with redundancies eliminated
10383           Metric(i,1) =  s*G(i,3)
10384           Metric(i,2) = -s*G(i,2)
10385           Metric(i,3) =  s*G(i,1)
10386         END DO
10387         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10388         DO i=1,nc
10389           DetJ(i) = SQRT(DetJ(i))
10390         END DO
10392       END IF
10393       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10394       !       Volume elements
10395       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10396     CASE (3)
10397       ! Determinants
10398       !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10399       DO i=1,nc
10400         ! DetJ(i) = G(i,1,1) * ( G(i,2,2)*G(i,3,3) - G(i,2,3)*G(i,3,2) ) + &
10401         !           G(i,1,2) * ( G(i,2,3)*G(i,3,1) - G(i,2,1)*G(i,3,3) ) + &
10402         !           G(i,1,3) * ( G(i,2,1)*G(i,3,2) - G(i,2,2)*G(i,3,1) )
10403         ! G is symmetric
10404         DetJ(i) = G(i,1)*(G(i,3)*G(i,6)-G(i,5)*G(i,5)) + &
10405                 G(i,2)*(G(i,5)*G(i,4)-G(i,2)*G(i,6)) + &
10406                 G(i,4)*(G(i,2)*G(i,5)-G(i,3)*G(i,4))
10407       END DO
10409       DO i=1,nc
10410         IF (DetJ(i) <= TINY(REAL(1,dp))) THEN
10411           AllSuccess = .FALSE.
10412           EXIT
10413         END IF
10414       END DO
10416       IF (AllSuccess) THEN
10417         ! Since G=G^T, it holds G^{-1}=(G^T)^{-1}
10418         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10419         DO i=1,nc
10420           s = REAL(1,dp) / DetJ(i)
10421           ! Metric(i,1,1) =  s * (G(i,2,2)*G(i,3,3) - G(i,3,2)*G(i,2,3))
10422           ! Metric(i,2,1) = -s * (G(i,2,1)*G(i,3,3) - G(i,3,1)*G(i,2,3))
10423           ! Metric(i,3,1) =  s * (G(i,2,1)*G(i,3,2) - G(i,3,1)*G(i,2,2))
10424           ! G is symmetric
10426           ! All in one go, with redundancies eliminated
10427           Metric(i,1)= s*(G(i,3)*G(i,6)-G(i,5)*G(i,5))
10428           Metric(i,2)=-s*(G(i,2)*G(i,6)-G(i,4)*G(i,5))
10429           Metric(i,3)= s*(G(i,1)*G(i,6)-G(i,4)*G(i,4))
10430           Metric(i,4)= s*(G(i,2)*G(i,5)-G(i,3)*G(i,4))
10431           Metric(i,5)=-s*(G(i,1)*G(i,5)-G(i,2)*G(i,4))
10432           Metric(i,6)= s*(G(i,1)*G(i,3)-G(i,2)*G(i,2))
10433         END DO
10435         !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10436         DO i=1,nc
10437           DetJ(i) = SQRT(DetJ(i))
10438         END DO
10440       END IF
10441     END SELECT
10443     IF (AllSuccess) THEN
10444       SELECT CASE(dim)
10445       CASE(1)
10447         DO i=1,cdim
10448           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10449           DO l=1,nc
10450             LtoGMap(l,i,1) = dx(l,i,1)*Metric(l,1)
10451           END DO
10452         END DO
10453       CASE(2)
10455         DO i=1,cdim
10456           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10457           DO l=1,nc
10458             LtoGMap(l,i,1) = dx(l,i,1)*Metric(l,1) + dx(l,i,2)*Metric(l,2)
10459             LtoGMap(l,i,2) = dx(l,i,1)*Metric(l,2) + dx(l,i,2)*Metric(l,3)
10460           END DO
10461         END DO
10462       CASE(3)
10464         DO i=1,cdim
10465           !_ELMER_OMP_SIMD
10466           DO l=1,nc
10467             LtoGMap(l,i,1) = dx(l,i,1)*Metric(l,1) + dx(l,i,2)*Metric(l,2) + dx(l,i,3)*Metric(l,4)
10468             LtoGMap(l,i,2) = dx(l,i,1)*Metric(l,2) + dx(l,i,2)*Metric(l,3) + dx(l,i,3)*Metric(l,5)
10469             LtoGMap(l,i,3) = dx(l,i,1)*Metric(l,4) + dx(l,i,2)*Metric(l,5) + dx(l,i,3)*Metric(l,6)
10470           END DO
10471         END DO
10472       END SELECT
10473     ELSE
10475       ! Degenerate element!
10476       WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,I0,A,I0)') 'Degenerate ',dim,'D element: ',Elm % ElementIndex, ', pt=', i
10477       CALL Error( 'ElementMetricVec', Message )
10478       WRITE( Message,'(A,G10.3)') 'DetG:',DetJ(i)
10479       CALL Info( 'ElementMetricVec', Message, Level=3 )
10480       DO i=1,cdim
10481         WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,3G10.3)') 'Dir: ',i,' Coord:',Nodes % xyz(i,1),&
10482                 Nodes % xyz(i,2), Nodes % xyz(i,3)
10483         CALL Info( 'ElementMetricVec', Message, Level=3 )
10484       END DO
10485       IF (cdim < dim) THEN
10486         WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A,I0)') 'Element dim larger than meshdim: ',dim,' vs. ',cdim
10487         CALL Info( 'ElementMetricVec', Message, Level=3 )
10488       END IF
10489     END IF
10491   CONTAINS
10493     FUNCTION GetSymmetricIndex(i,j) RESULT(utind)
10494       IMPLICIT NONE
10495       INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i, j
10496       INTEGER :: utind
10498       IF (i>j) THEN
10499         utind = i*(i-1)/2+j
10500       ELSE
10501         utind = j*(j-1)/2+i
10502       END IF
10503     END FUNCTION GetSymmetricIndex
10505   END FUNCTION ElementMetricVec
10511!>    Given element structure return value of the first partial derivatives with
10512!>    respect to global coordinates of a quantity x given at element nodes at
10513!>    local coordinate point u,v,w inside the element. Element basis functions
10514!>    are used to compute the value. This is internal version, and shouldn't
10515!>    usually be called directly by the user, but through the wrapper routine
10516!>    GlobalFirstDerivatives.
10518   SUBROUTINE GlobalFirstDerivativesInternal( elm,nodes,df,gx,gy,gz, &
10519                       Metric,dLBasisdx )
10522!  ARGUMENTS:
10523!    Type(Element_t) :: element
10524!      INPUT: element structure
10526!    Type(Nodes_t) :: nodes
10527!      INPUT: element nodal coordinate arrays
10529!     REAL(KIND=dp) :: f(:)
10530!      INPUT: Nodal values of the quantity whose partial derivative we want to know
10532!     REAL(KIND=dp) :: gx = @f(u,v)/@x, gy = @f(u,v)/@y, gz = @f(u,v)/@z
10533!      OUTPUT: Values of the partial derivatives
10535!     REAL(KIND=dp) :: Metric(:,:)
10536!      INPUT: Contravariant metric tensor of the element coordinate system
10538!     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: dLBasisdx(:,:)
10539!      INPUT: Values of partial derivatives with respect to local coordinates
10542!      .TRUE. if element is ok, .FALSE. if degenerated
10545   !
10546   ! Return value of first derivatives of a quantity f in global
10547   ! coordinates at point (u,v) in gx,gy and gz.
10548   !
10549     TYPE(Element_t) :: elm
10550     TYPE(Nodes_t) :: nodes
10552     REAL(KIND=dp) :: df(:),Metric(:,:)
10553     REAL(KIND=dp) :: gx,gy,gz
10554     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLBasisdx(:,:)
10557!    Local variables
10560     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: x,y,z
10561     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dx(3,3),dfc(3),s
10563     INTEGER :: cdim,dim,i,j,n,NB
10566     n    = elm % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
10567     dim  = elm % TYPE % DIMENSION
10568     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
10570     x => nodes % x
10571     y => nodes % y
10572     z => nodes % z
10574!    Partial derivatives of global coordinates with respect to local, and
10575!    partial derivatives of the quantity given, also with respect to local
10576!    coordinates
10578     SELECT CASE(cdim)
10579       CASE(1)
10580         DO i=1,dim
10581            dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n)*dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10582         END DO
10584       CASE(2)
10585         DO i=1,dim
10586            dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n)*dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10587            dx(2,i) = SUM( y(1:n)*dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10588         END DO
10590       CASE(3)
10591         DO i=1,dim
10592            dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n)*dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10593            dx(2,i) = SUM( y(1:n)*dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10594            dx(3,i) = SUM( z(1:n)*dLBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10595         END DO
10596     END SELECT
10598!    Contravariant components of partials in element coordinates
10600     DO i=1,dim
10601       s = 0.0d0
10602       DO j=1,dim
10603         s = s + Metric(i,j) * df(j)
10604       END DO
10605       dfc(i) = s
10606     END DO
10608!    Transform partials to space coordinates
10610     gx = 0.0d0
10611     gy = 0.0d0
10612     gz = 0.0d0
10613     SELECT CASE(cdim)
10614       CASE(1)
10615         gx = SUM( dx(1,1:dim) * dfc(1:dim) )
10617       CASE(2)
10618         gx = SUM( dx(1,1:dim) * dfc(1:dim) )
10619         gy = SUM( dx(2,1:dim) * dfc(1:dim) )
10621       CASE(3)
10622         gx = SUM( dx(1,1:dim) * dfc(1:dim) )
10623         gy = SUM( dx(2,1:dim) * dfc(1:dim) )
10624         gz = SUM( dx(3,1:dim) * dfc(1:dim) )
10625     END SELECT
10627   END SUBROUTINE GlobalFirstDerivativesInternal
10633!>   Given element structure return value of the first partial derivative with
10634!>   respect to global coordinates of a quantity f given at element nodes at
10635!>   local coordinate point u,v,w inside the element. Element basis functions
10636!>   are used to compute the value.
10638   SUBROUTINE GlobalFirstDerivatives( Elm, Nodes, df, gx, gy, gz, &
10639                    Metric, dLBasisdx )
10642!  ARGUMENTS:
10643!   Type(Element_t) :: element
10644!     INPUT: element structure
10646!   Type(Nodes_t) :: nodes
10647!     INPUT: element nodal coordinate arrays
10649!   REAL(KIND=dp) :: f(:)
10650!     INPUT: Nodal values of the quantity whose partial derivatives we want
10651!            to know
10653!   REAL(KIND=dp) :: gx=@f(u,v,w)/@x, gy=@f(u,v,w)/@y, gz=@f(u,v,w)/@z
10654!     OUTPUT: Values of the partial derivatives
10656!   REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w
10657!     INPUT: Point at which to evaluate the partial derivative
10659!   REAL(KIND=dp)L :: dLBasisdx(:,:)
10660!     INPUT: Values of partial derivatives of basis functions with respect to
10661!            local coordinates
10663!   REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: dBasisdx(:,:)
10664!     INPUT: Values of partial derivatives of basis functions with respect to
10665!            global coordinates can be given here, if known, otherwise they
10666!            will be computed from the element basis functions.
10670     TYPE(Element_t) :: elm
10671     TYPE(Nodes_t) :: nodes
10673     REAL(KIND=dp) :: gx,gy,gz
10674     REAL(KIND=dp) :: dLBasisdx(:,:),Metric(:,:),df(:)
10676!    Local variables
10678     INTEGER :: n
10681    CALL GlobalFirstDerivativesInternal( Elm, Nodes, df, &
10682              gx, gy, gz, Metric, dLBasisdx )
10684   END SUBROUTINE GlobalFirstDerivatives
10690!>   Given element structure return value of a quantity x given at element nodes
10691!>   at local coordinate point u inside the element. Element basis functions are
10692!>   used to compute the value. This is just a wrapper routine and will call the
10693!>   real function according to element dimension.
10695   FUNCTION InterpolateInElement( elm,f,u,v,w,Basis ) RESULT(VALUE)
10700!  ARGUMENTS:
10701!   Type(Element_t) :: element
10702!     INPUT: element structure
10704!    REAL(KIND=dp) :: f(:)
10705!     INPUT: Nodal values of the quantity whose value we want to know
10707!    REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w
10708!     INPUT: Point at which to evaluate the value
10710!    REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: Basis(:)
10711!      INPUT: Values of the basis functions at the point u,v,w can be given here,
10712!      if known, otherwise the will be computed from the definition
10715!     REAL(KIND=dp) :: y
10716!       value of the quantity y = x(u,v,w)
10720     TYPE(Element_t) :: elm
10721     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w
10722     REAL(KIND=dp) :: f(:)
10723     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: Basis(:)
10726!    Local variables
10728     REAL(KIND=dp) :: VALUE
10729     INTEGER :: n
10731     IF ( PRESENT( Basis ) ) THEN
10733!      Basis function values given, just sum the result ...
10735       n = elm % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
10736       VALUE = SUM( f(1:n)*Basis(1:n) )
10737     ELSE
10739!      ... otherwise compute from the definition.
10741       SELECT CASE (elm % TYPE % DIMENSION)
10742         CASE (0)
10743           VALUE = f(1)
10744         CASE (1)
10745           VALUE = InterpolateInElement1D( elm,f,u )
10746         CASE (2)
10747           VALUE = InterpolateInElement2D( elm,f,u,v )
10748         CASE (3)
10749           VALUE = InterpolateInElement3D( elm,f,u,v,w )
10750       END SELECT
10751     END IF
10753   END FUNCTION InterpolateInElement
10759!>          Compute elementwise matrix of second partial derivatives
10760!>          at given point u,v,w in global coordinates.
10762   SUBROUTINE GlobalSecondDerivatives(elm,nodes,f,values,u,v,w,Metric,dBasisdx)
10765!       Parameters:
10767!           Input:   (Element_t) structure describing the element
10768!                    (Nodes_t)   element nodal coordinates
10769!                    (double precision) F nodal values of the quantity
10770!                    (double precision) u,v point at which to evaluate
10772!           Output:   3x3 matrix (values) of partial derivatives
10776     TYPE(Nodes_t)   :: nodes
10777     TYPE(Element_t) :: elm
10779     REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,w
10780     REAL(KIND=dp) ::  f(:),Metric(:,:)
10781     REAL(KIND=dp) ::  values(:,:)
10782     REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: dBasisdx(:,:)
10784!    Local variables
10786     INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,dim,cdim
10788     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3,3) :: C1,C2,ddx
10789     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3)     :: df
10790     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3,3)   :: cddf,ddf,dx
10792     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: x,y,z
10793     REAL(KIND=dp) :: s
10795     INTEGER :: n
10797#if 1
10799! This is actually not quite correct...
10801     IF ( elm % TYPE % BasisFunctionDegree <= 1 ) RETURN
10804! this is ...
10806     IF ( elm % TYPE % ElementCode <= 202 .OR. &
10807          elm % TYPE % ElementCode == 303 .OR. &
10808          elm % TYPE % ElementCode == 504 ) RETURN
10811     n  = elm % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
10812     x => nodes % x
10813     y => nodes % y
10814     z => nodes % z
10816     dim  = elm % TYPE % DIMENSION
10817     cdim = CoordinateSystemDimension()
10820!    Partial derivatives of the basis functions are given, just
10821!    sum for the first partial derivatives...
10823     dx = 0.0d0
10824     df = 0.0d0
10825     SELECT CASE( cdim )
10826       CASE(1)
10827         DO i=1,dim
10828           dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10829           df(i)   = SUM( f(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10830         END DO
10832       CASE(2)
10833         DO i=1,dim
10834           dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10835           dx(2,i) = SUM( y(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10836           df(i)   = SUM( f(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10837         END DO
10839       CASE(3)
10840         DO i=1,dim
10841           dx(1,i) = SUM( x(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10842           dx(2,i) = SUM( y(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10843           dx(3,i) = SUM( z(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10844           df(i)   = SUM( f(1:n)*dBasisdx(1:n,i) )
10845         END DO
10846     END SELECT
10848!     Get second partial derivatives with respect to local coordinates
10850     SELECT CASE( dim )
10851       CASE(1)
10853!        Line elements
10855         ddx(1,1,1) = SecondDerivatives1D( elm,x,u )
10856         ddx(2,1,1) = SecondDerivatives1D( elm,y,u )
10857         ddx(3,1,1) = SecondDerivatives1D( elm,z,u )
10859       CASE(2)
10861!        Surface elements
10863         ddx(1,1:2,1:2) = SecondDerivatives2D( elm,x,u,v )
10864         ddx(2,1:2,1:2) = SecondDerivatives2D( elm,y,u,v )
10865         ddx(3,1:2,1:2) = SecondDerivatives2D( elm,z,u,v )
10867       CASE(3)
10869!        Volume elements
10871         ddx(1,1:3,1:3) = SecondDerivatives3D( elm,x,u,v,w )
10872         ddx(2,1:3,1:3) = SecondDerivatives3D( elm,y,u,v,w )
10873         ddx(3,1:3,1:3) = SecondDerivatives3D( elm,z,u,v,w )
10874      END SELECT
10877!    Christoffel symbols of the second kind of the element coordinate system
10879      DO i=1,dim
10880        DO j=1,dim
10881          DO k=1,dim
10882            s = 0.0d0
10883            DO l=1,cdim
10884              s = s + ddx(l,i,j)*dx(l,k)
10885            END DO
10886            C2(i,j,k) = s
10887          END DO
10888        END DO
10889      END DO
10891!    Christoffel symbols of the first kind
10893      DO i=1,dim
10894        DO j=1,dim
10895          DO k=1,dim
10896            s = 0.0d0
10897            DO l=1,dim
10898              s = s + Metric(k,l)*C2(i,j,l)
10899            END DO
10900            C1(i,j,k) = s
10901          END DO
10902        END DO
10903      END DO
10905!     First add ordinary partials (change of the quantity with coordinates)...
10907      SELECT CASE(dim)
10908        CASE(1)
10909          ddf(1,1) = SecondDerivatives1D( elm,f,u )
10911        CASE(2)
10912          ddf(1:2,1:2) = SecondDerivatives2D( elm,f,u,v )
10914        CASE(3)
10915          ddf(1:3,1:3) = SecondDerivatives3D( elm,f,u,v,w )
10916      END SELECT
10918!     ... then add change of coordinates
10920      DO i=1,dim
10921        DO j=1,dim
10922          s = 0.0d0
10923          DO k=1,dim
10924            s = s - C1(i,j,k)*df(k)
10925          END DO
10926          ddf(i,j) = ddf(i,j) + s
10927        END DO
10928      END DO
10930!     Convert to contravariant base
10932      DO i=1,dim
10933        DO j=1,dim
10934          s = 0.0d0
10935          DO k=1,dim
10936            DO l=1,dim
10937              s = s + Metric(i,k)*Metric(j,l)*ddf(k,l)
10938            END DO
10939          END DO
10940          cddf(i,j) = s
10941        END DO
10942      END DO
10944!    And finally transform to global coordinates
10946      Values = 0.0d0
10947      DO i=1,cdim
10948        DO j=1,cdim
10949          s = 0.0d0
10950          DO k=1,dim
10951            DO l=1,dim
10952              s = s + dx(i,k)*dx(j,l)*cddf(k,l)
10953            END DO
10954          END DO
10955          Values(i,j) = s
10956        END DO
10957      END DO
10959   END SUBROUTINE GlobalSecondDerivatives
10965 FUNCTION GetEdgeMap( ElementFamily ) RESULT(EdgeMap)
10967    INTEGER :: ElementFamily
10968    INTEGER, POINTER :: EdgeMap(:,:)
10970    INTEGER, TARGET :: Point(1,1)
10971    INTEGER, TARGET :: Line(1,2)
10972    INTEGER, TARGET :: Triangle(3,2)
10973    INTEGER, TARGET :: Quad(4,2)
10974    INTEGER, TARGET :: Tetra(6,2)
10975    INTEGER, TARGET :: Pyramid(8,2)
10976    INTEGER, TARGET :: Wedge(9,2)
10977    INTEGER, TARGET :: Brick(12,2)
10979    LOGICAL :: Initialized(8) = .FALSE.
10981    SAVE Line, Triangle, Wedge, Brick, Tetra, Quad, Pyramid, Initialized
10983    SELECT CASE(ElementFamily)
10984    CASE(1)
10985      EdgeMap => Point
10986    CASE(2)
10987      EdgeMap => Line
10988    CASE(3)
10989      EdgeMap => Triangle
10990    CASE(4)
10991      EdgeMap => Quad
10992    CASE(5)
10993      EdgeMap => Tetra
10994    CASE(6)
10995      EdgeMap => Pyramid
10996    CASE(7)
10997      EdgeMap => Wedge
10998    CASE(8)
10999      EdgeMap => Brick
11001      WRITE( Message,'(A,I0,A)') 'Element family ',ElementFamily,' is not known!'
11002      CALL Fatal( 'GetEdgeMap', Message )
11003    END SELECT
11005    IF ( .NOT. Initialized(ElementFamily) ) THEN
11006       Initialized(ElementFamily) = .TRUE.
11007       SELECT CASE(ElementFamily)
11008       CASE(1)
11009         EdgeMap(1,1) = 1
11011       CASE(2)
11012         EdgeMap(1,:) = [ 1,2 ]
11014       CASE(3)
11015         EdgeMap(1,:) = [ 1,2 ]
11016         EdgeMap(2,:) = [ 2,3 ]
11017         EdgeMap(3,:) = [ 3,1 ]
11019       CASE(4)
11020         EdgeMap(1,:) = [ 1,2 ]
11021         EdgeMap(2,:) = [ 2,3 ]
11022         EdgeMap(3,:) = [ 3,4 ]
11023         EdgeMap(4,:) = [ 4,1 ]
11025       CASE(5)
11026         EdgeMap(1,:) = [ 1,2 ]
11027         EdgeMap(2,:) = [ 2,3 ]
11028         EdgeMap(3,:) = [ 3,1 ]
11029         EdgeMap(4,:) = [ 1,4 ]
11030         EdgeMap(5,:) = [ 2,4 ]
11031         EdgeMap(6,:) = [ 3,4 ]
11033       CASE(6)
11034         EdgeMap(1,:) = [ 1,2 ]
11035         EdgeMap(2,:) = [ 2,3 ]
11036         EdgeMap(3,:) = [ 4,3 ]
11037         EdgeMap(4,:) = [ 1,4 ]
11038         EdgeMap(5,:) = [ 1,5 ]
11039         EdgeMap(6,:) = [ 2,5 ]
11040         EdgeMap(7,:) = [ 3,5 ]
11041         EdgeMap(8,:) = [ 4,5 ]
11043       CASE(7)
11044         EdgeMap(1,:) = [ 1,2 ]
11045         EdgeMap(2,:) = [ 2,3 ]
11046         EdgeMap(3,:) = [ 3,1 ]
11047         EdgeMap(4,:) = [ 4,5 ]
11048         EdgeMap(5,:) = [ 5,6 ]
11049         EdgeMap(6,:) = [ 6,4 ]
11050         EdgeMap(7,:) = [ 1,4 ]
11051         EdgeMap(8,:) = [ 2,5 ]
11052         EdgeMap(9,:) = [ 3,6 ]
11054       CASE(8)
11055         EdgeMap(1,:)  = [ 1,2 ]
11056         EdgeMap(2,:)  = [ 2,3 ]
11057         EdgeMap(3,:)  = [ 4,3 ]
11058         EdgeMap(4,:)  = [ 1,4 ]
11059         EdgeMap(5,:)  = [ 5,6 ]
11060         EdgeMap(6,:)  = [ 6,7 ]
11061         EdgeMap(7,:)  = [ 8,7 ]
11062         EdgeMap(8,:)  = [ 5,8 ]
11063         EdgeMap(9,:)  = [ 1,5 ]
11064         EdgeMap(10,:) = [ 2,6 ]
11065         EdgeMap(11,:) = [ 3,7 ]
11066         EdgeMap(12,:) = [ 4,8 ]
11067       END SELECT
11068     END IF
11070  END FUNCTION GetEdgeMap
11076!>    Figure out element diameter parameter for stablization.
11078   FUNCTION ElementDiameter( elm, nodes, UseLongEdge ) RESULT(hK)
11080     TYPE(Element_t) :: elm  !< element structure
11081     TYPE(Nodes_t) :: nodes  !< Nodal coordinate arrays of the element
11082     LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: UseLongEdge  !< Use the longest edge to determine the diameter.
11083     REAL(KIND=dp) :: hK     !< hK
11085!    Local variables
11087     REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: X,Y,Z
11088     INTEGER :: i,j,k,Family
11089     INTEGER, POINTER :: EdgeMap(:,:)
11090     REAL(KIND=dp) :: x0,y0,z0,A,S,CX,CY,CZ
11091     REAL(KIND=dp) :: J11,J12,J13,J21,J22,J23,G11,G12,G21,G22
11092     LOGICAL :: LongEdge=.FALSE.
11095     IF(PRESENT(UseLongEdge)) LongEdge = UseLongEdge
11097     X => Nodes % x
11098     Y => Nodes % y
11099     Z => Nodes % z
11101     Family = Elm % TYPE % ElementCode / 100
11102     SELECT CASE( Family )
11104       CASE(1)
11105         hK = 0.0d0
11108!       Triangular element
11110       CASE(3)
11111         J11 = X(2) - X(1)
11112         J12 = Y(2) - Y(1)
11113         J13 = Z(2) - Z(1)
11114         J21 = X(3) - X(1)
11115         J22 = Y(3) - Y(1)
11116         J23 = Z(3) - Z(1)
11117         G11 = J11**2  + J12**2  + J13**2
11118         G12 = J11*J21 + J12*J22 + J13*J23
11119         G22 = J21**2  + J22**2  + J23**2
11120         A = SQRT(G11*G22 - G12**2) / 2.0d0
11122         CX = ( X(1) + X(2) + X(3) ) / 3.0d0
11123         CY = ( Y(1) + Y(2) + Y(3) ) / 3.0d0
11124         CZ = ( Z(1) + Z(2) + Z(3) ) / 3.0d0
11126         s =     (X(1)-CX)**2 + (Y(1)-CY)**2 + (Z(1)-CZ)**2
11127         s = s + (X(2)-CX)**2 + (Y(2)-CY)**2 + (Z(2)-CZ)**2
11128         s = s + (X(3)-CX)**2 + (Y(3)-CY)**2 + (Z(3)-CZ)**2
11130         hK = 16.0d0*A*A / ( 3.0d0 * s )
11133!      Quadrilateral
11135       CASE(4)
11136          CX = (X(2)-X(1))**2 + (Y(2)-Y(1))**2 + (Z(2)-Z(1))**2
11137          CY = (X(4)-X(1))**2 + (Y(4)-Y(1))**2 + (Z(4)-Z(1))**2
11138          hk = 2*CX*CY/(CX+CY)
11140       CASE DEFAULT
11141         EdgeMap => GetEdgeMap(Family)
11143         IF(LongEdge) THEN
11144           hK = -1.0 * HUGE(1.0_dp)
11145         ELSE
11146           hK = HUGE(1.0_dp)
11147         END IF
11149         DO i=1,SIZE(EdgeMap,1)
11150           j=EdgeMap(i,1)
11151           k=EdgeMap(i,2)
11152           x0 = X(j) - X(k)
11153           y0 = Y(j) - Y(k)
11154           z0 = Z(j) - Z(k)
11155           IF(LongEdge) THEN
11156             hk = MAX(hK, x0**2 + y0**2 + z0**2)
11157           ELSE
11158             hk = MIN(hK, x0**2 + y0**2 + z0**2)
11159           END IF
11160         END DO
11161     END SELECT
11163     hK = SQRT( hK )
11165  END FUNCTION ElementDiameter
11171!>     Figure out if given point x,y,z is inside a triangle, whose node
11172!>     coordinates are given in nx,ny,nz. Method: Invert the basis
11173!>     functions....
11175  FUNCTION TriangleInside( nx,ny,nz,x,y,z ) RESULT(inside)
11177    REAL(KIND=dp) :: nx(:),ny(:),nz(:) !< Node coordinate arrays
11178    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x,y,z             !< point which to consider
11179    LOGICAL :: inside                  !< result of the in/out test
11181!   Local variables
11183    REAL(KIND=dp) :: a00,a01,a10,a11,b00,b01,b10,b11,detA,px,py,u,v
11186    inside = .FALSE.
11188    IF ( MAXVAL(nx) < x .OR. MAXVAL(ny) < y ) RETURN
11189    IF ( MINVAL(nx) > x .OR. MINVAL(ny) > y ) RETURN
11191    A00 = nx(2) - nx(1)
11192    A01 = nx(3) - nx(1)
11193    A10 = ny(2) - ny(1)
11194    A11 = ny(3) - ny(1)
11196    detA = A00*A11 - A01*A10
11197    IF ( ABS(detA) < AEPS ) RETURN
11199    detA = 1 / detA
11201    B00 =  A11*detA
11202    B01 = -A01*detA
11203    B10 = -A10*detA
11204    B11 =  A00*detA
11206    px = x - nx(1)
11207    py = y - ny(1)
11208    u = 0.0d0
11209    v = 0.0d0
11211    u = B00*px + B01*py
11212    IF ( u < 0.0d0 .OR. u > 1.0d0 ) RETURN
11214    v = B10*px + B11*py
11215    IF ( v < 0.0d0 .OR. v > 1.0d0 ) RETURN
11217    inside = (u + v <=  1.0d0)
11219   END FUNCTION TriangleInside
11225!>     Figure out if given point x,y,z is inside a quadrilateral, whose
11226!>     node coordinates are given in nx,ny,nz. Method: Invert the
11227!>     basis functions....
11229   FUNCTION QuadInside( nx,ny,nz,x,y,z ) RESULT(inside)
11231    REAL(KIND=dp) :: nx(:),ny(:),nz(:) !< Node coordinate arrays
11232    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x,y,z             !< point which to consider
11233    LOGICAL :: inside                  !< result of the in/out test
11235!   Local variables
11237    REAL(KIND=dp) :: r,a,b,c,d,ax,bx,cx,dx,ay,by,cy,dy,px,py,u,v
11239    inside = .FALSE.
11241    IF ( MAXVAL(nx) < x .OR. MAXVAL(ny) < y ) RETURN
11242    IF ( MINVAL(nx) > x .OR. MINVAL(ny) > y ) RETURN
11244    ax = 0.25*(  nx(1) + nx(2) + nx(3) + nx(4) )
11245    bx = 0.25*( -nx(1) + nx(2) + nx(3) - nx(4) )
11246    cx = 0.25*( -nx(1) - nx(2) + nx(3) + nx(4) )
11247    dx = 0.25*(  nx(1) - nx(2) + nx(3) - nx(4) )
11249    ay = 0.25*(  ny(1) + ny(2) + ny(3) + ny(4) )
11250    by = 0.25*( -ny(1) + ny(2) + ny(3) - ny(4) )
11251    cy = 0.25*( -ny(1) - ny(2) + ny(3) + ny(4) )
11252    dy = 0.25*(  ny(1) - ny(2) + ny(3) - ny(4) )
11254    px = x - ax
11255    py = y - ay
11257    a = cy*dx - cx*dy
11258    b = bx*cy - by*cx + dy*px - dx*py
11259    c = by*px - bx*py
11261    u = 0.0d0
11262    v = 0.0d0
11264    IF ( ABS(a) < AEPS ) THEN
11265      r = -c / b
11266      IF ( r < -1.0d0 .OR. r > 1.0d0 ) RETURN
11268      v = r
11269      u = (px - cx*r)/(bx + dx*r)
11270      inside = (u >= -1.0d0 .AND. u <= 1.0d0)
11271      RETURN
11272    END IF
11274    d = b*b - 4*a*c
11275    IF ( d < 0.0d0 ) RETURN
11277    d = SQRT(d)
11278    IF ( b>0 ) THEN
11279      r = -2*c/(b+d)
11280    ELSE
11281      r = (-b+d)/(2*a)
11282    END IF
11283    IF ( r >= -1.0d0 .AND. r <= 1.0d0 ) THEN
11284      v = r
11285      u = (px - cx*r)/(bx + dx*r)
11287      IF ( u >= -1.0d0 .AND. u <= 1.0d0 ) THEN
11288        inside = .TRUE.
11289        RETURN
11290      END IF
11291    END IF
11293    IF ( b>0 ) THEN
11294      r = -(b+d)/(2*a)
11295    ELSE
11296      r = 2*c/(-b+d)
11297    END IF
11298    IF ( r >= -1.0d0 .AND. r <= 1.0d0 ) THEN
11299      v = r
11300      u = (px - cx*r)/(bx + dx*r)
11301      inside = u >= -1.0d0 .AND. u <= 1.0d0
11302      RETURN
11303    END IF
11305  END FUNCTION QuadInside
11311!>     Figure out if given point x,y,z is inside a tetrahedron, whose
11312!>     node coordinates are given in nx,ny,nz. Method: Invert the
11313!>     basis functions....
11315  FUNCTION TetraInside( nx,ny,nz,x,y,z ) RESULT(inside)
11317    REAL(KIND=dp) :: nx(:),ny(:),nz(:) !< Node coordinate arrays
11318    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x,y,z             !< point which to consider
11319    LOGICAL :: inside                  !< result of the in/out test
11321!   Local variables
11323    REAL(KIND=dp) :: A00,A01,A02,A10,A11,A12,A20,A21,A22,detA
11324    REAL(KIND=dp) :: B00,B01,B02,B10,B11,B12,B20,B21,B22
11325    REAL(KIND=dp) :: px,py,pz,u,v,w
11327    inside = .FALSE.
11329    IF ( MAXVAL(nx) < x .OR. MAXVAL(ny) < y .OR. MAXVAL(nz) < z ) RETURN
11330    IF ( MINVAL(nx) > x .OR. MINVAL(ny) > y .OR. MINVAL(nz) > z ) RETURN
11332    A00 = nx(2) - nx(1)
11333    A01 = nx(3) - nx(1)
11334    A02 = nx(4) - nx(1)
11336    A10 = ny(2) - ny(1)
11337    A11 = ny(3) - ny(1)
11338    A12 = ny(4) - ny(1)
11340    A20 = nz(2) - nz(1)
11341    A21 = nz(3) - nz(1)
11342    A22 = nz(4) - nz(1)
11344    detA =        A00*(A11*A22 - A12*A21)
11345    detA = detA + A01*(A12*A20 - A10*A22)
11346    detA = detA + A02*(A10*A21 - A11*A20)
11347    IF ( ABS(detA) < AEPS ) RETURN
11349    detA = 1 / detA
11351    px = x - nx(1)
11352    py = y - ny(1)
11353    pz = z - nz(1)
11355    B00 = (A11*A22 - A12*A21)*detA
11356    B01 = (A21*A02 - A01*A22)*detA
11357    B02 = (A01*A12 - A11*A02)*detA
11359    u = B00*px + B01*py + B02*pz
11360    IF ( u < 0.0d0 .OR. u > 1.0d0 ) RETURN
11363    B10 = (A12*A20 - A10*A22)*detA
11364    B11 = (A00*A22 - A20*A02)*detA
11365    B12 = (A10*A02 - A00*A12)*detA
11367    v = B10*px + B11*py + B12*pz
11368    IF ( v < 0.0d0 .OR. v > 1.0d0 ) RETURN
11371    B20 = (A10*A21 - A11*A20)*detA
11372    B21 = (A01*A20 - A00*A21)*detA
11373    B22 = (A00*A11 - A10*A01)*detA
11375    w = B20*px + B21*py + B22*pz
11376    IF ( w < 0.0d0 .OR. w > 1.0d0 ) RETURN
11378    inside = (u + v + w) <= 1.0d0
11380  END FUNCTION TetraInside
11386!>     Figure out if given point x,y,z is inside a brick, whose node coordinates
11387!>     are given in nx,ny,nz. Method: Divide to tetrahedrons.
11389  FUNCTION BrickInside( nx,ny,nz,x,y,z ) RESULT(inside)
11391    REAL(KIND=dp) :: nx(:),ny(:),nz(:) !< Node coordinate arrays
11392    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x,y,z             !< point which to consider
11393    LOGICAL :: inside                  !< result of the in/out test
11395!   Local variables
11397    INTEGER :: i,j
11398    REAL(KIND=dp) :: px(4),py(4),pz(4),r,s,t,maxx,minx,maxy,miny,maxz,minz
11399    INTEGER :: map(3,12)
11401    map = RESHAPE( [ 0,1,2,   0,2,3,   4,5,6,   4,6,7,   3,2,6,   3,6,7,  &
11402     1,5,6,   1,6,2,   0,4,7,   0,7,3,   0,1,5,   0,5,4 ], [ 3,12 ] ) + 1
11404    inside = .FALSE.
11406    IF ( MAXVAL(nx) < x .OR. MAXVAL(ny) < y .OR. MAXVAL(nz) < z ) RETURN
11407    IF ( MINVAL(nx) > x .OR. MINVAL(ny) > y .OR. MINVAL(nz) > z ) RETURN
11409    px(1) = 0.125d0 * SUM(nx)
11410    py(1) = 0.125d0 * SUM(ny)
11411    pz(1) = 0.125d0 * SUM(nz)
11413    DO i=1,12
11414      px(2:4) = nx(map(1:3,i))
11415      py(2:4) = ny(map(1:3,i))
11416      pz(2:4) = nz(map(1:3,i))
11418      IF ( TetraInside( px,py,pz,x,y,z ) ) THEN
11419        inside = .TRUE.
11420        RETURN
11421      END IF
11422    END DO
11424  END FUNCTION BrickInside
11428!> Check if the current element has been defined passive.
11429!> This is done by inspecting a looking an the values of "varname Passive"
11430!> in the Body Force section. It is determined to be passive if it has
11431!> more positive than negative hits in an element.
11433  FUNCTION CheckPassiveElement( UElement )  RESULT( IsPassive )
11434    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11435    TYPE(Element_t), OPTIONAL, TARGET :: UElement
11436    LOGICAL :: IsPassive
11437    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11438    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Element
11439    REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: Passive(:)
11440    INTEGER :: body_id, bf_id, nlen, NbrNodes,PassNodes, LimitNodes
11441    LOGICAL :: Found
11442    CHARACTER(LEN=MAX_NAME_LEN) :: PassName
11443    LOGICAL :: NoPassiveElements = .FALSE.
11444    TYPE(Solver_t), POINTER :: pSolver, PrevSolver => NULL()
11446    SAVE Passive, NoPassiveElements, PrevSolver, PassName
11447    !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(Passive, NoPassiveElements, PrevSolver, PassName)
11448    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11449    IsPassive = .FALSE.
11450    pSolver => CurrentModel % Solver
11452    IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED( pSolver, PrevSolver ) ) THEN
11453      PrevSolver => pSolver
11454      nlen = CurrentModel % Solver % Variable % NameLen
11455      PassName = GetVarName(CurrentModel % Solver % Variable) // ' Passive'
11456      NoPassiveElements = .NOT. ListCheckPresentAnyBodyForce( CurrentModel, PassName )
11457    END IF
11459    IF( NoPassiveElements ) RETURN
11461    IF (PRESENT(UElement)) THEN
11462      Element => UElement
11463    ELSE
11464#ifdef _OPENMP
11465      IF (omp_in_parallel()) THEN
11466        CALL Fatal('CheckPassiveElement', &
11467             'Need an element to update inside a threaded region')
11468      END IF
11470      Element => CurrentModel % CurrentElement
11471    END IF
11473    body_id = Element % BodyId
11474    IF ( body_id <= 0 )  RETURN   ! body_id == 0 for boundary elements
11476    bf_id = ListGetInteger( CurrentModel % Bodies(body_id) % Values, &
11477         'Body Force', Found, minv=1,maxv=CurrentModel % NumberOfBodyForces )
11478    IF ( .NOT. Found )  RETURN
11480    IF ( ListCheckPresent(CurrentModel % BodyForces(bf_id) % Values, PassName) ) THEN
11481      NbrNodes = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
11482      IF ( ALLOCATED(Passive) ) THEN
11483        IF ( SIZE(Passive) < NbrNodes ) THEN
11484          DEALLOCATE(Passive)
11485          ALLOCATE( Passive(NbrNodes) )
11486        END IF
11487      ELSE
11488        ALLOCATE( Passive(NbrNodes) )
11489      END IF
11490      Passive(1:NbrNodes) = ListGetReal( CurrentModel % BodyForces(bf_id) % Values, &
11491           PassName, NbrNodes, Element % NodeIndexes )
11492      PassNodes = COUNT(Passive(1:NbrNodes)>0)
11494      ! Go through the extremum cases first, and if the element is not either fully
11495      ! active or passive, then check for some possible given criteria for determining
11496      ! the element active / passive.
11497      !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11498      IF( PassNodes == 0 ) THEN
11499        CONTINUE
11500      ELSE IF( PassNodes == NbrNodes ) THEN
11501        IsPassive = .TRUE.
11502      ELSE
11503        LimitNodes = ListGetInteger( CurrentModel % BodyForces(bf_id) % Values, &
11504             'Passive Element Min Nodes',Found )
11505        IF( Found ) THEN
11506          IsPassive = ( PassNodes >= LimitNodes )
11507        ELSE
11508          LimitNodes = ListGetInteger( CurrentModel % BodyForces(bf_id) % Values, &
11509               'Active Element Min Nodes',Found )
11510          IF( Found ) THEN
11511            IsPassive = ( PassNodes > NbrNodes - LimitNodes )
11512          ELSE
11513            IsPassive = ( 2*PassNodes > NbrNodes )
11514          END IF
11515        END IF
11516      END IF
11517    END IF
11520  END FUNCTION CheckPassiveElement
11524!>   Normal will point from more dense material to less dense
11525!>   or outwards, if no elements on the other side.
11527  SUBROUTINE CheckNormalDirection( Boundary,Normal,x,y,z,turn )
11530    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Boundary
11531    TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
11532    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Normal(3),x,y,z
11533    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: turn
11536    TYPE (Element_t), POINTER :: Element,LeftElement,RightElement
11538    INTEGER :: LMat,RMat,n,k
11540    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x1,y1,z1
11541    REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: nx(:),ny(:),nz(:)
11542    LOGICAL :: LPassive
11545    IF(.NOT. ASSOCIATED( Boundary % BoundaryInfo ) )  RETURN
11547    k = Boundary % BoundaryInfo % OutBody
11549    LeftElement => Boundary % BoundaryInfo % Left
11551    Element => Null()
11552    IF ( ASSOCIATED(LeftELement) ) THEN
11553       RightElement => Boundary % BoundaryInfo % Right
11554       IF ( ASSOCIATED( RightElement ) ) THEN ! we have a body-body boundary
11555         IF ( k > 0 ) THEN ! declared outbody
11556           IF ( LeftElement % BodyId == k ) THEN
11557             Element => RightElement
11558           ELSE
11559             Element => LeftElement
11560           END IF
11561         ELSE IF (LeftElement % BodyId > RightElement % BodyId) THEN ! normal pointing into body with lower body ID
11562             Element => LeftElement
11563         ELSE IF (LeftElement % BodyId < RightElement % BodyId) THEN! normal pointing into body with lower body ID
11564           Element => RightElement
11565         ELSE ! active/passive boundary
11566           LPassive = CheckPassiveElement( LeftElement )
11567           IF (LPassive .NEQV. CheckPassiveElement( RightElement )) THEN
11568             IF(LPassive) THEN
11569               Element => RightElement
11570             ELSE
11571               Element => LeftElement
11572             END IF
11573           END IF
11574         END IF
11575       ELSE ! body-vacuum boundary from left->right
11576         Element => LeftElement
11577       END IF
11578    ELSE! body-vacuum boundary from right->left
11579       Element => Boundary % BoundaryInfo % Right
11580    END IF
11582    IF ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(Element) ) RETURN
11584    n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
11586    ALLOCATE( nx(n), ny(n), nz(n) )
11588    nx(1:n) = CurrentModel % Nodes % x(Element % NodeIndexes)
11589    ny(1:n) = CurrentModel % Nodes % y(Element % NodeIndexes)
11590    nz(1:n) = CurrentModel % Nodes % z(Element % NodeIndexes)
11592    SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100 )
11594    CASE(2,4,8)
11595       x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 )
11596       y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 )
11597       z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 )
11598    CASE(3)
11599       x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11600       y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11601       z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11602    CASE(5)
11603       x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4 )
11604       y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4 )
11605       z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4 )
11606    CASE(6)
11607       x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/3 )
11608       y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/3 )
11609       z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/3 )
11610    CASE(7)
11611       x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11612       y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11613       z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11615       CALL Fatal('CheckNormalDirection','Invalid elementcode for parent element!')
11617    END SELECT
11618    x1 = x1 - x
11619    y1 = y1 - y
11620    z1 = z1 - z
11622    IF ( PRESENT(turn) ) turn = .FALSE.
11623    IF ( x1*Normal(1) + y1*Normal(2) + z1*Normal(3) > 0 ) THEN
11624       IF ( Element % BodyId /= k ) THEN
11625          Normal = -Normal
11626          IF ( PRESENT(turn) ) turn = .TRUE.
11627       END IF
11628    ELSE IF (  Element % BodyId == k ) THEN
11629       Normal = -Normal
11630       IF ( PRESENT(turn) ) turn = .TRUE.
11631    END IF
11632    DEALLOCATE( nx,ny,nz )
11634  END SUBROUTINE CheckNormalDirection
11639!>   Normal will point out from the parent.
11641  SUBROUTINE CheckNormalDirectionParent( Boundary,Normal,x,y,z,Element,turn )
11644    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Boundary
11645    TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
11646    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Normal(3),x,y,z
11647    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Element
11648    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: turn
11650    INTEGER :: n,k
11651    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x1,y1,z1
11652    REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: nx(:),ny(:),nz(:)
11653    LOGICAL :: LPassive
11656    IF( PRESENT( turn ) ) turn = .FALSE.
11658    IF ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(Element) ) RETURN
11660    n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
11662    ALLOCATE( nx(n), ny(n), nz(n) )
11664    nx(1:n) = CurrentModel % Nodes % x(Element % NodeIndexes)
11665    ny(1:n) = CurrentModel % Nodes % y(Element % NodeIndexes)
11666    nz(1:n) = CurrentModel % Nodes % z(Element % NodeIndexes)
11668    SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % ElementCode / 100 )
11670    CASE(2,4,8)
11671      x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 )
11672      y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 )
11673      z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0 )
11674    CASE(3)
11675      x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11676      y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11677      z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11678    CASE(5)
11679      x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4 )
11680      y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4 )
11681      z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4, 1.0d0/4 )
11682    CASE(6)
11683      x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/3 )
11684      y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/3 )
11685      z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0/3 )
11686    CASE(7)
11687      x1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nx, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11688      y1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, ny, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11689      z1 = InterpolateInElement( Element, nz, 1.0d0/3, 1.0d0/3, 0.0d0 )
11691      CALL Fatal('CheckNormalDirection','Invalid elementcode for parent element!')
11693    END SELECT
11695    ! Test vector points from surface to center of parent
11696    x1 = x1 - x
11697    y1 = y1 - y
11698    z1 = z1 - z
11700    ! Swap the sign if the tentative normal points to the center, it should point outward
11701    IF ( x1*Normal(1) + y1*Normal(2) + z1*Normal(3) > 0 ) THEN
11702      Normal = -Normal
11703      IF ( PRESENT(turn) ) turn = .TRUE.
11704    END IF
11706    DEALLOCATE( nx,ny,nz )
11708  END SUBROUTINE CheckNormalDirectionParent
11713!> Gives the normal vector of a boundary element.
11714!> For noncurved elements the normal vector does not depend on the local coordinate
11715!> while otherwise it does. There are different uses of the function where some
11716!> do not have the luxury of knowing the local coordinates and hence the center
11717!> point is used as default.
11719  FUNCTION NormalVector( Boundary,BoundaryNodes,u0,v0,Check,Parent,Turn) RESULT(Normal)
11721    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Boundary
11722    TYPE(Nodes_t)   :: BoundaryNodes
11723    REAL(KIND=dp), OPTIONAL :: u0,v0
11724    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: Check
11725    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER, OPTIONAL :: Parent
11726    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: Turn
11727    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Normal(3)
11729    LOGICAL :: CheckBody, CheckParent
11730    TYPE(ElementType_t),POINTER :: elt
11731    REAL(KIND=dp) :: u,v,Auu,Auv,Avu,Avv,detA,x,y,z
11732    REAL(KIND=dp) :: dxdu,dxdv,dydu,dydv,dzdu,dzdv
11733    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: nx,ny,nz
11737    nx => BoundaryNodes % x
11738    ny => BoundaryNodes % y
11739    nz => BoundaryNodes % z
11741    SELECT CASE ( Boundary % TYPE % DIMENSION )
11743    CASE ( 0 )
11744      Normal(1) = 1.0_dp
11745      Normal(2:3) = 0.0_dp
11747    CASE ( 1 )
11748      IF( PRESENT( u0 ) ) THEN
11749        u = u0
11750      ELSE
11751        u = 0.0_dp
11752      END IF
11754      dxdu = FirstDerivative1D( Boundary,nx,u )
11755      dydu = FirstDerivative1D( Boundary,ny,u )
11757      detA = dxdu*dxdu + dydu*dydu
11758      IF ( detA <= 0._dp ) THEN
11759        Normal = 0._dp
11760        RETURN
11761      END IF
11762      detA = 1.0_dp / SQRT(detA)
11763      Normal(1) = -dydu * detA
11764      Normal(2) =  dxdu * detA
11765      Normal(3) =  0.0d0
11767    CASE ( 2 )
11768      IF( PRESENT( u0 ) ) THEN
11769        u = u0
11770        v = v0
11771      ELSE
11772        IF( Boundary % TYPE % ElementCode / 100 == 3 ) THEN
11773          u = 1.0_dp/3
11774          v = 1.0_dp/3
11775        ELSE
11776          u = 0.0_dp
11777          v = 0.0_dp
11778        END IF
11779      END IF
11781      dxdu = FirstDerivativeInU2D( Boundary,nx,u,v )
11782      dydu = FirstDerivativeInU2D( Boundary,ny,u,v )
11783      dzdu = FirstDerivativeInU2D( Boundary,nz,u,v )
11785      dxdv = FirstDerivativeInV2D( Boundary,nx,u,v )
11786      dydv = FirstDerivativeInV2D( Boundary,ny,u,v )
11787      dzdv = FirstDerivativeInV2D( Boundary,nz,u,v )
11789      Auu = dxdu*dxdu + dydu*dydu + dzdu*dzdu
11790      Auv = dxdu*dxdv + dydu*dydv + dzdu*dzdv
11791      Avv = dxdv*dxdv + dydv*dydv + dzdv*dzdv
11793      detA = 1.0d0 / SQRT(Auu*Avv - Auv*Auv)
11795      Normal(1) = (dydu * dzdv - dydv * dzdu) * detA
11796      Normal(2) = (dxdv * dzdu - dxdu * dzdv) * detA
11797      Normal(3) = (dxdu * dydv - dxdv * dydu) * detA
11800      CALL Fatal('NormalVector','Invalid dimension for determining normal!')
11802    END SELECT
11805    CheckParent = .FALSE.
11806    IF( PRESENT( Parent ) ) CheckParent = ASSOCIATED( Parent )
11808    CheckBody = .FALSE.
11809    IF ( PRESENT(Check) ) CheckBody = Check
11811    IF ( .NOT. ( CheckBody .OR. CheckParent ) ) RETURN
11813    SELECT CASE( Boundary % TYPE % ElementCode / 100 )
11815    CASE(1)
11816      x = nx(1)
11817      y = nx(1)
11818      z = nz(1)
11820    CASE(2,4)
11821      x = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nx,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0 )
11822      y = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,ny,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0 )
11823      z = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nz,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0 )
11825    CASE(3)
11826      x = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nx,1.0d0/3,1.0d0/3,0.0d0)
11827      y = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,ny,1.0d0/3,1.0d0/3,0.0d0)
11828      z = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nz,1.0d0/3,1.0d0/3,0.0d0)
11829    END SELECT
11831    IF( CheckParent ) THEN
11832      CALL CheckNormalDirectionParent( Boundary, Normal, x, y, z, Parent,Turn )
11833    ELSE
11834      CALL CheckNormalDirection( Boundary,Normal,x,y,z,Turn )
11835    END IF
11838  END FUNCTION NormalVector
11842!> Returns a point that is most importantly supposed to be on the surface
11843!> For noncurved elements this may simply be the mean while otherwise
11844!> there may be a need to find the surface node using the local coordinates.
11845!> Hence the optional parameters. Typically the NormalVector and SurfaceVector
11846!> should be defined at the same position.
11848  FUNCTION SurfaceVector( Boundary,BoundaryNodes,u,v ) RESULT(Surface)
11850    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Boundary
11851    TYPE(Nodes_t)   :: BoundaryNodes
11852    REAL(KIND=dp),OPTIONAL :: u,v
11853    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Surface(3)
11855    REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: nx,ny,nz
11856    INTEGER :: i,n
11859    nx => BoundaryNodes % x
11860    ny => BoundaryNodes % y
11861    nz => BoundaryNodes % z
11862    n = Boundary % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
11864    IF( .NOT. PRESENT( u ) ) THEN
11865      Surface(1) = SUM( nx ) / n
11866      Surface(2) = SUM( ny ) / n
11867      Surface(3) = SUM( nz ) / n
11868    ELSE
11869      IF( Boundary % TYPE % DIMENSION == 1 ) THEN
11870        Surface(1) = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nx,u,0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
11871        Surface(2) = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,ny,u,0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
11872        Surface(3) = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nz,u,0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
11873      ELSE
11874        Surface(1) = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nx,u,v,0.0_dp)
11875        Surface(2) = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,ny,u,v,0.0_dp)
11876        Surface(3) = InterpolateInElement( Boundary,nz,u,v,0.0_dp)
11877      END IF
11878    END IF
11881  END FUNCTION SurfaceVector
11886!> This subroutine tests where the intersection between the line defined by two
11887!> points and a plane (or line) defined by a boundary element meet. There is
11888!> an intersection if ( 0 < Lambda < 1 ). Of all intersections the first one is
11889!> that with the smallest positive lambda.
11891  FUNCTION LineFaceIntersection(FaceElement,FaceNodes,&
11892      Rinit,Rfin,u,v) RESULT ( Lambda )
11894    TYPE(Nodes_t) :: FaceNodes
11895    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER   :: FaceElement
11896    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Rinit(3),Rfin(3)
11897    REAL(KIND=dp),OPTIONAL :: u,v
11898    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Lambda
11900    REAL (KIND=dp) :: Surface(3),t1(3),t2(3),Normal(3),Rproj
11901    REAL (KIND=dp) :: Lambda0
11902    INTEGER :: third
11904    third = 3
11906100 CONTINUE
11908    ! For higher order elements this may be a necessity
11909    IF( PRESENT( u ) .AND. PRESENT(v) ) THEN
11910      Surface = SurfaceVector( FaceElement, FaceNodes, u, v )
11911      Normal = NormalVector( FaceElement, FaceNodes, u, v )
11913    ELSE IF( FaceElement % TYPE % DIMENSION == 2 ) THEN
11914      ! Any point known to be at the surface, even corner node
11915      Surface(1) = FaceNodes % x(1)
11916      Surface(2) = FaceNodes % y(1)
11917      Surface(3) = FaceNodes % z(1)
11919      ! Tangent vector, nor normalized to unity!
11920      t1(1) = FaceNodes % x(2) - Surface(1)
11921      t1(2) = FaceNodes % y(2) - Surface(2)
11922      t1(3) = FaceNodes % z(2) - Surface(3)
11924      t2(1) = FaceNodes % x(third) - Surface(1)
11925      t2(2) = FaceNodes % y(third) - Surface(2)
11926      t2(3) = FaceNodes % z(third) - Surface(3)
11928      ! Normal vector obtained from the cross product of tangent vectoes
11929      ! This is not normalized to unity as value of lambda does not depend on its magnitude
11930      Normal(1) = t1(2)*t2(3) - t1(3)*t2(2)
11931      Normal(2) = t1(3)*t2(1) - t1(1)*t2(3)
11932      Normal(3) = t1(1)*t2(2) - t1(2)*t2(1)
11933    ELSE
11934      Surface(1) = FaceNodes % x(1)
11935      Surface(2) = FaceNodes % y(1)
11936      Surface(3) = 0.0_dp
11938      Normal(1) = Surface(2) - FaceNodes % y(2)
11939      Normal(2) = FaceNodes % x(2) - Surface(1)
11940      Normal(3) = 0.0_dp
11941    END IF
11943    ! Project of the line to the face normal
11944    Rproj = SUM( (Rfin - Rinit) * Normal )
11946    IF( ABS( Rproj ) < TINY( Rproj ) ) THEN
11947      ! if the intersection cannot be defined make it an impossible one
11948      Lambda = -HUGE( Lambda )
11949    ELSE
11950      Lambda = SUM( ( Surface - Rinit ) * Normal ) / Rproj
11951    END IF
11953    IF( FaceElement % NDofs == 4 ) THEN
11954      IF( third == 3 ) THEN
11955        third = 4
11956	Lambda0 = Lambda
11957        GOTO 100
11958      END IF
11959      IF( ABS( Lambda0 ) < ABS( Lambda) ) THEN
11960        Lambda = Lambda0
11961      END IF
11962   END IF
11965  END FUNCTION LineFaceIntersection
11969!> This subroutine performs a similar test as above using slightly different
11970!> strategy.
11972  FUNCTION LineFaceIntersection2(FaceElement,FaceNodes,Rinit,Rfin,Intersect) RESULT ( Lambda )
11974    TYPE(Nodes_t) :: FaceNodes
11975    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER   :: FaceElement
11976    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Rinit(3), Rfin(3),Lambda
11977    LOGICAL :: Intersect
11979    REAL (KIND=dp) :: A(3,3),B(3),C(3),Eps,Eps2,Eps3,detA,absA,ds
11980    INTEGER :: split, i, n, notriangles, triangle, ElemDim
11982    Eps = EPSILON( Eps )
11983    Eps2 = SQRT(TINY(Eps2))
11984    Eps3 = 1.0d-12
11985    Lambda = -HUGE( Lambda )
11986    Intersect = .FALSE.
11987    ElemDim = FaceElement % TYPE % DIMENSION
11989    ! Then solve the exact points of intersection from a 3x3 or 2x2 linear system
11990    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
11991    IF( ElemDim == 2 ) THEN
11992      n = FaceElement % NDofs
11993      ! In 3D rectangular faces are treated as two triangles
11994      IF( n == 4 .OR. n == 8 .OR. n == 9 ) THEN
11995        notriangles = 2
11996      ELSE
11997        notriangles = 1
11998      END IF
12000      DO triangle=1,notriangles
12002        A(1:3,1) = Rfin(1:3) - Rinit(1:3)
12004        IF(triangle == 1) THEN
12005          A(1,2) = FaceNodes % x(1) - FaceNodes % x(2)
12006          A(2,2) = FaceNodes % y(1) - FaceNodes % y(2)
12007          A(3,2) = FaceNodes % z(1) - FaceNodes % z(2)
12008        ELSE
12009          A(1,2) = FaceNodes % x(1) - FaceNodes % x(4)
12010          A(2,2) = FaceNodes % y(1) - FaceNodes % y(4)
12011          A(3,2) = FaceNodes % z(1) - FaceNodes % z(4)
12012        END IF
12014        A(1,3) = FaceNodes % x(1) - FaceNodes % x(3)
12015        A(2,3) = FaceNodes % y(1) - FaceNodes % y(3)
12016        A(3,3) = FaceNodes % z(1) - FaceNodes % z(3)
12018        ! Check for linearly dependent vectors
12019        detA = A(1,1)*(A(2,2)*A(3,3)-A(2,3)*A(3,2)) &
12020             - A(1,2)*(A(2,1)*A(3,3)-A(2,3)*A(3,1)) &
12021             + A(1,3)*(A(2,1)*A(3,2)-A(2,2)*A(3,1))
12022        absA = SUM(ABS(A(1,1:3))) * SUM(ABS(A(2,1:3))) * SUM(ABS(A(3,1:3)))
12024        IF(ABS(detA) <= eps * absA + Eps2) CYCLE
12025!        print *,'detA',detA
12027        B(1) = FaceNodes % x(1) - Rinit(1)
12028        B(2) = FaceNodes % y(1) - Rinit(2)
12029        B(3) = FaceNodes % z(1) - Rinit(3)
12031        CALL InvertMatrix( A,3 )
12032        C(1:3) = MATMUL( A(1:3,1:3),B(1:3) )
12034        IF( ANY(C(2:3) < -Eps3) .OR. ANY(C(2:3) > 1.0_dp + Eps3 ) ) CYCLE
12035        IF( C(2)+C(3) > 1.0_dp + Eps3 ) CYCLE
12037        ! Relate the point of intersection to local coordinates
12038        !IF(corners < 4) THEN
12039        !  u = C(2)
12040        !  v = C(3)
12041        !ELSE IF(corners == 4 .AND. split == 0) THEN
12042        !  u = 2*(C(2)+C(3))-1
12043        !  v = 2*C(3)-1
12044        !ELSE
12045        !  ! For the 2nd split of the rectangle the local coordinates switched
12046        !  v = 2*(C(2)+C(3))-1
12047        !  u = 2*C(3)-1
12048        !END IF
12050        Intersect = .TRUE.
12051        Lambda = C(1)
12052        EXIT
12054      END DO
12055    ELSE
12056      ! In 2D the intersection is between two lines
12058      A(1:2,1) = Rfin(1:2) - Rinit(1:2)
12059      A(1,2) = FaceNodes % x(1) - FaceNodes % x(2)
12060      A(2,2) = FaceNodes % y(1) - FaceNodes % y(2)
12062      detA = A(1,1)*A(2,2)-A(1,2)*A(2,1)
12063      absA = SUM(ABS(A(1,1:2))) * SUM(ABS(A(2,1:2)))
12065      ! Lines are almost parallel => no intersection possible
12066      IF(ABS(detA) <= eps * absA + Eps2) RETURN
12068      B(1) = FaceNodes % x(1) - Rinit(1)
12069      B(2) = FaceNodes % y(1) - Rinit(2)
12071      CALL InvertMatrix( A,2 )
12072      C(1:2) = MATMUL(A(1:2,1:2),B(1:2))
12074      IF(C(2) < -Eps3 .OR. C(2) > 1.0_dp + Eps3 ) RETURN
12076      Intersect = .TRUE.
12077      Lambda = C(1)
12079!      u = -1.0d0 + 2.0d0 * C(2)
12081    END IF
12083!    IF(.NOT. Inside) RETURN
12085!    stat = ElementInfo( Element, FaceNodes, U, V, W, SqrtElementMetric, &
12086!        Basis, dBasisdx )
12088!    Weights(1:n) = Basis(1:n)
12089!    MaxInd = 1
12090!    DO i=2,n
12091!      IF(Weights(MaxInd) < Weights(i)) MaxInd = i
12092!    END DO
12094  END FUNCTION LineFaceIntersection2
12099!> This subroutine computes the signed distance of a point from a surface.
12101  FUNCTION PointFaceDistance(BoundaryElement,BoundaryNodes,&
12102      Coord,Normal,u0,v0) RESULT ( Dist )
12104    TYPE(Nodes_t) :: BoundaryNodes
12105    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER   :: BoundaryElement
12106    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Coord(3),Normal(3)
12107    REAL(KIND=dp),OPTIONAL :: u0,v0
12108    REAL(KIND=dp) :: Dist
12110    REAL (KIND=dp) :: Surface(3),t1(3),t2(3),u,v
12112    ! For higher order elements this may be a necessity
12113    IF( PRESENT( u0 ) .AND. PRESENT(v0) ) THEN
12114      u = u0
12115      v = v0
12116      Surface = SurfaceVector( BoundaryElement, BoundaryNodes, u, v )
12117    ELSE
12118      u = 0.0_dp
12119      v = 0.0_dp
12121      ! Any point known to be at the surface, even corner node
12122      Surface(1) = BoundaryNodes % x(1)
12123      Surface(2) = BoundaryNodes % y(1)
12124      Surface(3) = BoundaryNodes % z(1)
12125    END IF
12127    Normal = NormalVector( BoundaryElement, BoundaryNodes, u, v, .TRUE. )
12129    ! Project of the line to the face normal
12130    Dist = SUM( (Surface - Coord ) * Normal )
12131END FUNCTION PointFaceDistance
12136!> Convert global coordinates x,y,z inside element to local coordinates
12137!> u,v,w of the element.
12138!> @todo Change to support p elements
12140  SUBROUTINE GlobalToLocal( u,v,w,x,y,z,Element,ElementNodes )
12142    TYPE(Nodes_t) :: ElementNodes
12143    REAL(KIND=dp) :: x,y,z,u,v,w
12144    TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Element
12146    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MaxIter = 50
12147    INTEGER :: i,n
12148    REAL(KIND=dp) :: r,s,t,delta(3),prevdelta(3),J(3,3),J1(3,2),det,swap,acc,err
12149    LOGICAL :: Converged
12152    u = 0._dp
12153    v = 0._dp
12154    w = 0._dp
12155    IF (Element % TYPE % DIMENSION==0) RETURN
12157    n = Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
12159    ! @todo Not supported yet
12160!   IF (ASSOCIATED(Element % PDefs)) THEN
12161!      CALL Fatal('GlobalToLocal','P elements not supported yet!')
12162!   END IF
12163    acc = EPSILON(1.0_dp)
12164    Converged = .FALSE.
12166     delta = 0._dp
12169    DO i=1,Maxiter
12171      r = InterpolateInElement(Element,ElementNodes % x(1:n),u,v,w) - x
12172      s = InterpolateInElement(Element,ElementNodes % y(1:n),u,v,w) - y
12173      t = InterpolateInElement(Element,ElementNodes % z(1:n),u,v,w) - z
12175      err = r**2 + s**2 + t**2
12177      IF ( err < acc ) THEN
12178        Converged = .TRUE.
12179        EXIT
12180      END IF
12182      prevdelta = delta
12183      delta = 0.d0
12185      SELECT CASE( Element % TYPE % DIMENSION )
12186      CASE(1)
12188        J(1,1) = FirstDerivative1D( Element, ElementNodes % x, u )
12189        J(2,1) = FirstDerivative1D( Element, ElementNodes % y, u )
12190        J(3,1) = FirstDerivative1D( Element, ElementNodes % z, u )
12192        det = SUM( J(1:3,1)**2 )
12193        delta(1) = (r*J(1,1)+s*J(2,1)+t*J(3,1))/det
12195      CASE(2)
12197         J(1,1) = FirstDerivativeInU2D( Element, ElementNodes % x,u,v )
12198         J(1,2) = FirstDerivativeInV2D( Element, ElementNodes % x,u,v )
12199         J(2,1) = FirstDerivativeInU2D( Element, ElementNodes % y,u,v )
12200         J(2,2) = FirstDerivativeInV2D( Element, ElementNodes % y,u,v )
12202        SELECT CASE( CoordinateSystemDimension() )
12203           CASE(3)
12204              J(3,1) = FirstDerivativeInU2D( Element, ElementNodes % z, u, v )
12205              J(3,2) = FirstDerivativeInV2D( Element, ElementNodes % z, u, v )
12207              delta(1) = r
12208              delta(2) = s
12209              delta(3) = t
12210              delta(1:2) = MATMUL( TRANSPOSE(J(1:3,1:2)), delta )
12211              r = delta(1)
12212              s = delta(2)
12214              J(1:2,1:2) = MATMUL( TRANSPOSE(J(1:3,1:2)), J(1:3,1:2) )
12215              delta(3)   = 0.0d0
12216         END SELECT
12218         CALL SolveLinSys2x2( J(1:2,1:2), delta(1:2), [ r, s] )
12220      CASE(3)
12221        J(1,1) = FirstDerivativeInU3D( Element, ElementNodes % x, u, v, w )
12222        J(1,2) = FirstDerivativeInV3D( Element, ElementNodes % x, u, v, w )
12223        J(1,3) = FirstDerivativeInW3D( Element, ElementNodes % x, u, v, w )
12225        J(2,1) = FirstDerivativeInU3D( Element, ElementNodes % y, u, v, w )
12226        J(2,2) = FirstDerivativeInV3D( Element, ElementNodes % y, u, v, w )
12227        J(2,3) = FirstDerivativeInW3D( Element, ElementNodes % y, u, v, w )
12229        J(3,1) = FirstDerivativeInU3D( Element, ElementNodes % z, u, v, w )
12230        J(3,2) = FirstDerivativeInV3D( Element, ElementNodes % z, u, v, w )
12231        J(3,3) = FirstDerivativeInW3D( Element, ElementNodes % z, u, v, w )
12233        CALL SolveLinSys3x3( J, delta, [ r, s, t ] )
12235      END SELECT
12237      IF( i > 10 ) THEN
12238        ! If the same values is suggested over and over again, then exit
12239        ! This may be a sign that the node is off-plane and cannot be
12240        ! described within the element.
12241        IF( SUM( ABS( delta - prevdelta ) ) < acc ) EXIT
12243        ! Use sloppier criteria when iteration still unsuccessful
12244        IF( i > 20 ) THEN
12245          IF( SUM( ABS( delta - prevdelta ) ) < SQRT( acc ) ) EXIT
12246        END IF
12248        ! If the iteration does not proceed try with some relaxation
12249        delta = 0.5_dp * delta
12250      END IF
12252      u = u - delta(1)
12253      v = v - delta(2)
12254      w = w - delta(3)
12258    END DO
12261    IF ( .NOT. Converged ) THEN
12262      IF( err > SQRT( acc ) ) THEN
12263        IF( i > MaxIter ) THEN
12264          CALL Warn( 'GlobalToLocal', 'did not converge.')
12265          PRINT *,'rst',i,r,s,t
12266          PRINT *,'err',err,acc,SQRT(acc)
12267          PRINT *,'delta',delta,prevdelta
12268          PRINT *,'uvw',u,v,w
12269          PRINT *,'code',Element % TYPE % ElementCode
12270          PRINT *,'x:',x,ElementNodes % x(1:n)
12271          PRINT *,'y:',y,ElementNodes % y(1:n)
12272          PRINT *,'z:',z,ElementNodes % z(1:n)
12273        ELSE
12274!          CALL Warn( 'GlobalToLocal', 'Node may be out of element')
12275!          PRINT *,'rst',i,r,s,t,acc
12276        END IF
12277      END IF
12278    END IF
12280  END SUBROUTINE GlobalToLocal
12285  SUBROUTINE InvertMatrix3x3( G,GI,detG )
12287    REAL(KIND=dp) :: G(3,3),GI(3,3)
12288    REAL(KIND=dp) :: detG, s
12290    s = 1.0 / DetG
12292    GI(1,1) =  s * (G(2,2)*G(3,3) - G(3,2)*G(2,3));
12293    GI(2,1) = -s * (G(2,1)*G(3,3) - G(3,1)*G(2,3));
12294    GI(3,1) =  s * (G(2,1)*G(3,2) - G(3,1)*G(2,2));
12296    GI(1,2) = -s * (G(1,2)*G(3,3) - G(3,2)*G(1,3));
12297    GI(2,2) =  s * (G(1,1)*G(3,3) - G(3,1)*G(1,3));
12298    GI(3,2) = -s * (G(1,1)*G(3,2) - G(3,1)*G(1,2));
12300    GI(1,3) =  s * (G(1,2)*G(2,3) - G(2,2)*G(1,3));
12301    GI(2,3) = -s * (G(1,1)*G(2,3) - G(2,1)*G(1,3));
12302    GI(3,3) =  s * (G(1,1)*G(2,2) - G(2,1)*G(1,2));
12304  END SUBROUTINE InvertMatrix3x3
12309!>     Given element and its face map (for some triangular face of element ),
12310!>     this routine returns global direction of triangle face so that
12311!>     functions are continuous over element boundaries
12313  FUNCTION getTriangleFaceDirection( Element, FaceMap ) RESULT(globalDir)
12317    TYPE(Element_t) :: Element   !< Element to get direction to
12318    INTEGER :: FaceMap(3)        !< Element triangular face map
12319    INTEGER :: globalDir(3)      !< Global direction of triangular face as local node numbers.
12321    INTEGER :: i, nodes(3)
12322    nodes = 0
12324    ! Put global nodes of face into sorted order
12325    nodes(1:3) = Element % NodeIndexes( FaceMap )
12326    CALL sort(3, nodes)
12328    globalDir = 0
12329    ! Find local numbers of sorted nodes. These local nodes
12330    ! span continuous functions over element boundaries
12331    DO i=1,Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
12332       IF (nodes(1) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12333          globalDir(1) = i
12334       ELSE IF (nodes(2) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12335          globalDir(2) = i
12336       ELSE IF (nodes(3) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12337          globalDir(3) = i
12338       END IF
12339    END DO
12340  END FUNCTION getTriangleFaceDirection
12344!>     Given element and its face map (for some square face of element ),
12345!>     this routine returns global direction of square face so that
12346!>     functions are continuous over element boundaries
12348  FUNCTION getSquareFaceDirection( Element, FaceMap ) RESULT(globalDir)
12351    TYPE(Element_t) :: Element   !< Element to get direction to
12352    INTEGER :: FaceMap(4)        !< Element square face map
12353    INTEGER :: globalDir(4)      !< Global direction of square face as local node numbers.
12355    INTEGER :: i, A,B,C,D, nodes(4), minGlobal
12357    ! Get global nodes
12358    nodes(1:4) = Element % NodeIndexes( FaceMap )
12359    ! Find min global node
12360    minGlobal = nodes(1)
12361    A = 1
12362    DO i=2,4
12363       IF (nodes(i) < minGlobal) THEN
12364          A = i
12365          minGlobal = nodes(i)
12366       END IF
12367    END DO
12369    ! Now choose node B as the smallest node NEXT to min node
12370    B = MOD(A,4)+1
12371    C = MOD(A+3,4)
12372    IF (C == 0) C = 4
12373    D = MOD(A+2,4)
12374    IF (D == 0) D = 4
12375    IF (nodes(B) > nodes(C)) THEN
12376       i = B
12377       B = C
12378       C = i
12379    END IF
12381    ! Finally find local numbers of nodes A,B and C. They uniquely
12382    ! define a global face so that basis functions are continuous
12383    ! over element boundaries
12384    globalDir = 0
12385    DO i=1,Element % TYPE % NumberOfNodes
12386       IF (nodes(A) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12387          globalDir(1) = i
12388       ELSE IF (nodes(B) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12389          globalDir(2) = i
12390       ELSE IF (nodes(C) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12391          globalDir(4) = i
12392       ELSE IF (nodes(D) == Element % NodeIndexes(i)) THEN
12393          globalDir(3) = i
12394       END IF
12395    END DO
12396  END FUNCTION getSquareFaceDirection
12400!>     Function checks if given local numbering of a square face
12401!>     is legal for wedge element
12403  FUNCTION wedgeOrdering( ordering ) RESULT(retVal)
12407    INTEGER, DIMENSION(4), INTENT(IN) :: ordering  !< Local ordering of a wedge square face
12408    LOGICAL :: retVal                              !< .TRUE. iff given ordering is legal for wedge square face.
12410    retVal = .FALSE.
12411    IF ((ordering(1) >= 1 .AND. ordering(1) <= 3 .AND.&
12412         ordering(2) >= 1 .AND. ordering(2) <= 3) .OR. &
12413       (ordering(1) >= 4 .AND. ordering(1) <= 6 .AND.&
12414       ordering(2) >= 4 .AND. ordering(2) <= 6)) THEN
12415       retVal = .TRUE.
12416    END IF
12417  END FUNCTION wedgeOrdering
12419  !---------------------------------------------------------
12420  !> Computes the 3D rotation matrix for a given
12421  !> surface normal vector
12422  !---------------------------------------------------------
12423  FUNCTION ComputeRotationMatrix(PlaneVector) RESULT ( RotMat )
12425    REAL(KIND=dp) :: PlaneVector(3), RotMat(3,3), ex(3), ey(3), ez(3)
12426    INTEGER :: i, MinIndex, MidIndex, MaxIndex
12428    !Ensure PlaneVector is the unit normal
12429    PlaneVector = PlaneVector / SQRT( SUM(PlaneVector ** 2) )
12431    !The new z-axis is normal to the defined surface
12432    ez = PlaneVector
12434    MaxIndex = MAXLOC(ABS(ez),1)
12435    MinIndex = MINLOC(ABS(ez),1)
12437    !Special case when calving front perfectly aligned to either
12438    ! x or y axis. In this case, make minindex = 3 (ex points upwards)
12439    IF(ABS(ez(3)) == ABS(ez(2)) .OR. ABS(ez(3)) == ABS(ez(1))) &
12440         MinIndex = 3
12442    DO i=1,3
12443       IF(i == MaxIndex .OR. i == MinIndex) CYCLE
12444       MidIndex = i
12445    END DO
12447    ex(MinIndex) = 1.0
12448    ex(MidIndex) = 0.0
12450    ex(MaxIndex) = -ez(MinIndex)/ez(MaxIndex)
12451    ex = ex / SQRT( SUM(ex ** 2) )
12453    !The new y-axis is orthogonal to new x and z axes
12454    ey = CrossProduct(ez, ex)
12455    ey = ey / SQRT( SUM(ey ** 2) ) !just in case...
12457    RotMat(1,:) = ex
12458    RotMat(2,:) = ey
12459    RotMat(3,:) = ez
12461  END FUNCTION ComputeRotationMatrix
12463END MODULE ElementDescription
12466!> \}