1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkMoleculeMapper.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /**
16  * @class   vtkMoleculeMapper
17  * @brief   Mapper that draws vtkMolecule objects
18  *
19  *
20  * vtkMoleculeMapper uses glyphs (display lists) to quickly render a
21  * molecule.
22  */
24 #ifndef vtkMoleculeMapper_h
25 #define vtkMoleculeMapper_h
27 #include "vtkDomainsChemistryModule.h" // For export macro
28 #include "vtkMapper.h"
29 #include "vtkNew.h" // For vtkNew
31 class vtkActor;
32 class vtkGlyph3DMapper;
33 class vtkIdTypeArray;
34 class vtkMolecule;
35 class vtkPeriodicTable;
36 class vtkPolyData;
37 class vtkPolyDataMapper;
38 class vtkRenderer;
39 class vtkSelection;
40 class vtkSphereSource;
41 class vtkTrivialProducer;
43 class VTKDOMAINSCHEMISTRY_EXPORT vtkMoleculeMapper : public vtkMapper
44 {
45 public:
46   static vtkMoleculeMapper* New();
47   vtkTypeMacro(vtkMoleculeMapper, vtkMapper);
48   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
50   ///@{
51   /**
52    * Get/Set the input vtkMolecule.
53    */
54   void SetInputData(vtkMolecule* in);
55   vtkMolecule* GetInput();
56   ///@}
58   /**
59    * Set ivars to default ball-and-stick settings. This is equivalent
60    * to the following:
61    * - SetRenderAtoms( true )
62    * - SetRenderBonds( true )
63    * - SetAtomicRadiusType( VDWRadius )
64    * - SetAtomicRadiusScaleFactor( 0.3 )
65    * - SetBondColorMode( DiscreteByAtom )
66    * - SetUseMultiCylindersForBonds( true )
67    * - SetBondRadius( 0.075 )
68    */
69   void UseBallAndStickSettings();
71   /**
72    * Set ivars to default van der Waals spheres settings. This is
73    * equivalent to the following:
74    * - SetRenderAtoms( true )
75    * - SetRenderBonds( true )
76    * - SetAtomicRadiusType( VDWRadius )
77    * - SetAtomicRadiusScaleFactor( 1.0 )
78    * - SetBondColorMode( DiscreteByAtom )
79    * - SetUseMultiCylindersForBonds( true )
80    * - SetBondRadius( 0.075 )
81    */
82   void UseVDWSpheresSettings();
84   /**
85    * Set ivars to default liquorice stick settings. This is
86    * equivalent to the following:
87    * - SetRenderAtoms( true )
88    * - SetRenderBonds( true )
89    * - SetAtomicRadiusType( UnitRadius )
90    * - SetAtomicRadiusScaleFactor( 0.1 )
91    * - SetBondColorMode( DiscreteByAtom )
92    * - SetUseMultiCylindersForBonds( false )
93    * - SetBondRadius( 0.1 )
94    */
95   void UseLiquoriceStickSettings();
97   /**
98    * Set ivars to use fast settings that may be useful for rendering
99    * extremely large molecules where the overall shape is more
100    * important than the details of the atoms/bond. This is equivalent
101    * to the following:
102    * - SetRenderAtoms( true )
103    * - SetRenderBonds( true )
104    * - SetAtomicRadiusType( UnitRadius )
105    * - SetAtomicRadiusScaleFactor( 0.60 )
106    * - SetBondColorMode( SingleColor )
107    * - SetBondColor( 50, 50, 50 )
108    * - SetUseMultiCylindersForBonds( false )
109    * - SetBondRadius( 0.075 )
110    */
111   void UseFastSettings();
113   ///@{
114   /**
115    * Get/Set whether or not to render atoms. Default: On.
116    */
117   vtkGetMacro(RenderAtoms, bool);
118   vtkSetMacro(RenderAtoms, bool);
119   vtkBooleanMacro(RenderAtoms, bool);
120   ///@}
122   ///@{
123   /**
124    * Get/Set whether or not to render bonds. Default: On.
125    */
126   vtkGetMacro(RenderBonds, bool);
127   vtkSetMacro(RenderBonds, bool);
128   vtkBooleanMacro(RenderBonds, bool);
129   ///@}
131   ///@{
132   /**
133    * Get/Set whether or not to render the unit cell lattice, if present.
134    * Default: On.
135    */
136   vtkGetMacro(RenderLattice, bool);
137   vtkSetMacro(RenderLattice, bool);
138   vtkBooleanMacro(RenderLattice, bool);
139   ///@}
141   enum
142   {
143     CovalentRadius = 0,
144     VDWRadius,
145     UnitRadius,
146     CustomArrayRadius
147   };
149   ///@{
150   /**
151    * Get/Set the type of radius used to generate the atoms. Default:
152    * VDWRadius. If CustomArrayRadius is used, the VertexData array named
153    * 'radii' is used for per-atom radii.
154    */
155   vtkGetMacro(AtomicRadiusType, int);
156   vtkSetMacro(AtomicRadiusType, int);
157   const char* GetAtomicRadiusTypeAsString();
SetAtomicRadiusTypeToCovalentRadius()158   void SetAtomicRadiusTypeToCovalentRadius() { this->SetAtomicRadiusType(CovalentRadius); }
SetAtomicRadiusTypeToVDWRadius()159   void SetAtomicRadiusTypeToVDWRadius() { this->SetAtomicRadiusType(VDWRadius); }
SetAtomicRadiusTypeToUnitRadius()160   void SetAtomicRadiusTypeToUnitRadius() { this->SetAtomicRadiusType(UnitRadius); }
SetAtomicRadiusTypeToCustomArrayRadius()161   void SetAtomicRadiusTypeToCustomArrayRadius() { this->SetAtomicRadiusType(CustomArrayRadius); }
162   ///@}
164   ///@{
165   /**
166    * Get/Set the uniform scaling factor applied to the atoms.
167    * This is ignored when AtomicRadiusType == CustomArrayRadius.
168    * Default: 0.3.
169    */
170   vtkGetMacro(AtomicRadiusScaleFactor, float);
171   vtkSetMacro(AtomicRadiusScaleFactor, float);
172   ///@}
174   ///@{
175   /**
176    * Get/Set whether multicylinders will be used to represent multiple
177    * bonds. Default: On.
178    */
179   vtkGetMacro(UseMultiCylindersForBonds, bool);
180   vtkSetMacro(UseMultiCylindersForBonds, bool);
181   vtkBooleanMacro(UseMultiCylindersForBonds, bool);
182   ///@}
184   enum
185   {
186     SingleColor = 0,
187     DiscreteByAtom
188   };
190   ///@{
191   /**
192    * Get/Set the method by which bonds are colored.
194    * If 'SingleColor' is used, all bonds will be the same color. Use
195    * SetBondColor to set the rgb values used.
197    * If 'DiscreteByAtom' is selected, each bond is colored using the
198    * same lookup table as the atoms at each end, with a sharp color
199    * boundary at the bond center.
200    */
201   vtkGetMacro(BondColorMode, int);
202   vtkSetClampMacro(BondColorMode, int, SingleColor, DiscreteByAtom);
SetBondColorModeToSingleColor()203   void SetBondColorModeToSingleColor() { this->SetBondColorMode(SingleColor); }
SetBondColorModeToDiscreteByAtom()204   void SetBondColorModeToDiscreteByAtom() { this->SetBondColorMode(DiscreteByAtom); }
205   const char* GetBondColorModeAsString();
206   ///@}
208   ///@{
209   /**
210    * Get/Set the method by which atoms are colored.
211    *
212    * If 'SingleColor' is used, all atoms will have the same color. Use
213    * SetAtomColor to set the rgb values to be used.
214    *
215    * If 'DiscreteByAtom' is selected, each atom is colored using the
216    * internal lookup table.
217    */
218   vtkGetMacro(AtomColorMode, int);
219   vtkSetClampMacro(AtomColorMode, int, SingleColor, DiscreteByAtom);
220   ///@}
222   ///@{
223   /**
224    * Get/Set the color of the atoms as an rgb tuple.
225    * Default: {150, 150, 150} (grey)
226    */
227   vtkGetVector3Macro(AtomColor, unsigned char);
228   vtkSetVector3Macro(AtomColor, unsigned char);
229   ///@}
231   ///@{
232   /**
233    * Get/Set the color of the bonds as an rgb tuple.
234    * Default: {50, 50, 50} (dark grey)
235    */
236   vtkGetVector3Macro(BondColor, unsigned char);
237   vtkSetVector3Macro(BondColor, unsigned char);
238   ///@}
240   ///@{
241   /**
242    * Get/Set the radius of the bond cylinders. Default: 0.075
243    */
244   vtkGetMacro(BondRadius, float);
245   vtkSetMacro(BondRadius, float);
246   ///@}
248   ///@{
249   /**
250    * Get/Set the color of the bonds as an rgb tuple.
251    * Default: {255, 255, 255} (white)
252    */
253   vtkGetVector3Macro(LatticeColor, unsigned char);
254   vtkSetVector3Macro(LatticeColor, unsigned char);
255   ///@}
257   ///@{
258   /**
259    * Extract the ids atoms and/or bonds rendered by this molecule from a
260    * vtkSelection object. The vtkIdTypeArray
261    */
262   virtual void GetSelectedAtomsAndBonds(
263     vtkSelection* selection, vtkIdTypeArray* atomIds, vtkIdTypeArray* bondIds);
GetSelectedAtoms(vtkSelection * selection,vtkIdTypeArray * atomIds)264   virtual void GetSelectedAtoms(vtkSelection* selection, vtkIdTypeArray* atomIds)
265   {
266     this->GetSelectedAtomsAndBonds(selection, atomIds, nullptr);
267   }
GetSelectedBonds(vtkSelection * selection,vtkIdTypeArray * bondIds)268   virtual void GetSelectedBonds(vtkSelection* selection, vtkIdTypeArray* bondIds)
269   {
270     this->GetSelectedAtomsAndBonds(selection, nullptr, bondIds);
271   }
272   ///@}
274   ///@{
275   /**
276    * Reimplemented from base class
277    */
278   void Render(vtkRenderer*, vtkActor*) override;
279   void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow*) override;
280   double* GetBounds() override;
GetBounds(double bounds[6])281   void GetBounds(double bounds[6]) override { vtkAbstractMapper3D::GetBounds(bounds); }
282   int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info) override;
GetSupportsSelection()283   bool GetSupportsSelection() override { return true; }
284   ///@}
286   ///@{
287   /**
288    * Get/Set the atomic radius array name. Default: "radii"
289    * It is only used when AtomicRadiusType is set to CustomArrayRadius.
290    */
291   vtkGetStringMacro(AtomicRadiusArrayName);
292   vtkSetStringMacro(AtomicRadiusArrayName);
293   ///@}
295   /**
296    * Helper method to set ScalarMode on both AtomGlyphMapper and BondGlyphMapper.
298    */
299   virtual void SetMapScalars(bool map);
301   /**
302    * Accessor to internal structure. This is exposed to make it available for ray tracers.
303    */
GetPeriodicTable()304   vtkPeriodicTable* GetPeriodicTable() { return this->PeriodicTable; }
306 protected:
307   vtkMoleculeMapper();
308   ~vtkMoleculeMapper() override;
310   ///@{
311   /**
312    * Customize atom rendering
313    */
314   bool RenderAtoms;
315   int AtomicRadiusType;
316   float AtomicRadiusScaleFactor;
317   char* AtomicRadiusArrayName;
318   int AtomColorMode;
319   unsigned char AtomColor[3];
320   ///@}
322   ///@{
323   /**
324    * Customize bond rendering
325    */
326   bool RenderBonds;
327   int BondColorMode;
328   bool UseMultiCylindersForBonds;
329   float BondRadius;
330   unsigned char BondColor[3];
331   ///@}
333   bool RenderLattice;
335   /**
336    * Internal render methods
337    */
338   void GlyphRender(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkActor* act);
340   ///@{
341   /**
342    * Cached variables and update methods
343    */
344   vtkNew<vtkPolyData> AtomGlyphPolyData;
345   vtkNew<vtkTrivialProducer> AtomGlyphPointOutput;
346   vtkNew<vtkPolyData> BondGlyphPolyData;
347   vtkNew<vtkTrivialProducer> BondGlyphPointOutput;
348   bool GlyphDataInitialized;
349   virtual void UpdateGlyphPolyData();
350   virtual void UpdateAtomGlyphPolyData();
351   virtual void UpdateBondGlyphPolyData();
352   ///@}
354   ///@{
355   /**
356    * Internal mappers
357    */
358   vtkNew<vtkGlyph3DMapper> AtomGlyphMapper;
359   vtkNew<vtkGlyph3DMapper> BondGlyphMapper;
360   ///@}
362   unsigned char LatticeColor[3];
363   vtkNew<vtkPolyData> LatticePolyData;
364   vtkNew<vtkPolyDataMapper> LatticeMapper;
365   virtual void UpdateLatticePolyData();
367   /**
368    * Periodic table for lookups
369    */
370   vtkNew<vtkPeriodicTable> PeriodicTable;
372 private:
373   vtkMoleculeMapper(const vtkMoleculeMapper&) = delete;
374   void operator=(const vtkMoleculeMapper&) = delete;
375 };
377 #endif