1 /* ResidualVM - A 3D game interpreter
2  *
3  * ResidualVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
4  * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the AUTHORS
5  * file distributed with this source distribution.
6  *
7  * Additional copyright for this file:
8  * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Revolution Software Ltd.
9  * This code is based on source code created by Revolution Software,
10  * used with permission.
11  *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
15  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
25  *
26  */
28 #ifndef ICB_RAP_API_HH
29 #define ICB_RAP_API_HH
31 #include "engines/icb/gfx/psx_pcdefines.h"
33 namespace ICB {
35 #define RAP_API_SCHEMA 10
37 #define RAP_API_ID "RAP"
39 // A bone-bone link
40 // tx, ty, tz : is translation
41 // parent : is the the parent bone ID
42 // = nBones means no linkage
43 typedef struct BoneLink {
44 	int16 tx, ty, tz;
45 	uint16 parent;
46 } BoneLink;
48 // A simple vertex description
49 typedef struct Vertex {
50 	int16 vx, vy, vz;
51 	uint16 vertId;
52 } Vertex;
54 // A vertex-bone link
55 typedef struct VertexLink {
56 	int16 vx, vy, vz; // the position in bone co-ordinate frame
57 	int16 primId;     // bone id - -ve number means no bone just "local" frame
58 	uint32 vertId;    // vertex id
59 } VertexLink;
61 // A weighted vertex-bone link
62 typedef struct WeightedVertexLink {
63 	VertexLink link;
64 	uint32 weight; // % weight (fixed-point int scaled to weightScale)
65 } WeightedVertexLink;
67 // Each polygon is 6 32-bit WORDS
68 // Bit 31 ----> Bit 0
69 //
70 // 8-bits | 8-bits | 16-bits
71 // --------------------------
72 // u0     | v0     | cba
73 // u1     | v1     | tsb
74 // u2     | v2     | pad
75 // --------------------------
76 // n0              | v0
77 // n1              | v1
78 // n2              | v2
79 //
80 // u0, v0 = u,v of vertex 0 : 0-255
81 // u1, v1 = u,v of vertex 1 : 0-255
82 // u2, v2 = u,v of vertex 2 : 0-255
83 // cba = weird PSX flag, giving the VRAM x,y of the CLUT to use
84 // tsb = weird PSX flag, giving the VRAM texture page to use
85 // pad = padding !
86 //
87 // n0, v0 = index into the the normal and vertex pool for normal/vertex 0
88 // n1, v1 = index into the the normal and vertex pool for normal/vertex 1
89 // n2, v2 = index into the the normal and vertex pool for normal/vertex 2
90 //
91 // The .rap file format
92 //
93 // Notice, how poor ANSI C/C++ is at its representation
94 //
96 typedef struct rap_API {
97 	char id[4];
98 	uint32 schema;
99 	uint32 platform;
100 	uint32 worldScaleShift;
101 	uint32 weightScaleShift;
102 	uint32 bothScaleShift;
103 	uint32 nNone;
104 	uint32 nSingle;
105 	uint32 nMultiple;
106 	uint32 nFUS3;
107 	uint32 nGUS3;
108 	uint32 nFTS3;
109 	uint32 nGTS3;
110 	uint32 nFUL3;
111 	uint32 nGUL3;
112 	uint32 nFTL3;
113 	uint32 nGTL3;
114 	uint16 nTRI3;
115 	uint16 nFrames;
116 	uint32 nAnimTypes;
117 	uint32 animPolySize; // in bytes
118 	uint16 nBones;
119 	int8 jawBone;            // -1 - means not there
120 	int8 neckBone;           // - 1 - means not there
121 	uint32 singleLinkOffset; // in bytes
122 	uint32 multiLinkOffset;  // in bytes
123 	uint32 FUS3offset;       // in bytes
124 	uint32 GUS3offset;       // in bytes
125 	uint32 FTS3offset;       // in bytes
126 	uint32 GTS3offset;       // in bytes
127 	uint32 FUL3offset;       // in bytes
128 	uint32 GUL3offset;       // in bytes
129 	uint32 FTL3offset;       // in bytes
130 	uint32 GTL3offset;       // in bytes
131 	uint16 TRI3offset;       // in bytes
132 	uint16 animPolyOffset;   // in bytes
133 	uint32 normalOffset;     // in bytes
134 	uint32 boneOffset;       // in bytes
135 	Vertex noneLinkData[1];  // Vertex noLinkData[nNone];
GetNoneLinkPtrrap_API137 	Vertex *GetNoneLinkPtr() { return noneLinkData; }
GetSingleLinkPtrrap_API139 	VertexLink *GetSingleLinkPtr() { return (VertexLink *)(id + singleLinkOffset); }
GetMultiLinkPtrrap_API141 	WeightedVertexLink *GetMultiLinkPtr() { return (WeightedVertexLink *)(id + multiLinkOffset); }
GetFUS3Ptrrap_API143 	uint32 *GetFUS3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + FUS3offset); }
GetGUS3Ptrrap_API144 	uint32 *GetGUS3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + GUS3offset); }
GetFTS3Ptrrap_API145 	uint32 *GetFTS3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + FTS3offset); }
GetGTS3Ptrrap_API146 	uint32 *GetGTS3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + GTS3offset); }
GetFUL3Ptrrap_API147 	uint32 *GetFUL3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + FUL3offset); }
GetGUL3Ptrrap_API148 	uint32 *GetGUL3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + GUL3offset); }
GetFTL3Ptrrap_API149 	uint32 *GetFTL3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + FTL3offset); }
GetGTL3Ptrrap_API150 	uint32 *GetGTL3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + GTL3offset); }
GetTRI3Ptrrap_API151 	uint32 *GetTRI3Ptr() { return (uint32 *)(id + TRI3offset); }
GetNormalPtrrap_API152 	uint32 *GetNormalPtr() { return (uint32 *)(id + normalOffset); }
GetBonePtrrap_API153 	BoneLink *GetBonePtr() { return (BoneLink *)(id + boneOffset); }
GetBoneHashPtrrap_API154 	uint32 *GetBoneHashPtr() {
155 		BoneLink *bPtr = GetBonePtr();
156 		return (uint32 *)(bPtr + nBones);
157 	}
GetAnimPolyPtrrap_API159 	uint32 *GetAnimPolyPtr() { return (uint32 *)(id + animPolyOffset); }
GetAnimPolyFramerap_API160 	uint32 *GetAnimPolyFrame(int32 frame) { return (uint32 *)(id + animPolyOffset + nAnimTypes * 2 * sizeof(uint32) + frame * animPolySize); }
162 } rap_API;
ConvertRAP(rap_API * rap)164 inline void ConvertRAP(rap_API *rap) {
165 	// Do we need to do any conversion ?
166 	if (rap->schema == RAP_API_SCHEMA)
167 		return;
169 	// You can't so a schema check will fail !
170 	return;
171 }
173 } // End of namespace ICB
175 #endif // #ifndef RAP_API_HH