1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
14 //
15 // Base class for a track assembly which consists of one sprocket, one idler,
16 // a collection of road wheel assemblies (suspensions), a collection of rollers,
17 // and a collection of track shoes.
18 //
19 // The reference frame for a vehicle follows the ISO standard: Z-axis up, X-axis
20 // pointing forward, and Y-axis towards the left of the vehicle.
21 //
22 // =============================================================================
27 #include <vector>
29 #include "chrono/physics/ChSystem.h"
30 #include "chrono/physics/ChBodyAuxRef.h"
32 #include "chrono_vehicle/ChApiVehicle.h"
33 #include "chrono_vehicle/ChPart.h"
35 #include "chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/ChSprocket.h"
36 #include "chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/ChIdler.h"
37 #include "chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/ChTrackBrake.h"
38 #include "chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/ChRoadWheelAssembly.h"
39 #include "chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/ChRoller.h"
40 #include "chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/ChTrackShoe.h"
42 namespace chrono {
43 namespace vehicle {
45 /// @addtogroup vehicle_tracked
46 /// @{
48 /// Definition of a track assembly.
49 /// A track assembly consists of a sprocket, an idler (with tensioner mechanism), a set of
50 /// rollers, a set of suspensions (road-wheel assemblies), and a collection of track shoes.
51 class CH_VEHICLE_API ChTrackAssembly : public ChPart {
52   public:
~ChTrackAssembly()53     virtual ~ChTrackAssembly() {}
55     /// Return the vehicle side for this track assembly.
GetVehicleSide()56     VehicleSide GetVehicleSide() const { return m_side; }
58     /// Get the number of suspensions.
GetNumRoadWheelAssemblies()59     size_t GetNumRoadWheelAssemblies() const { return m_suspensions.size(); }
61     /// Get the number of rollers.
GetNumRollers()62     size_t GetNumRollers() const { return m_rollers.size(); }
64     /// Get the number of track shoes.
65     virtual size_t GetNumTrackShoes() const = 0;
67     /// Get a handle to the sprocket.
68     virtual std::shared_ptr<ChSprocket> GetSprocket() const = 0;
70     /// Get a handle to the idler subsystem.
GetIdler()71     std::shared_ptr<ChIdler> GetIdler() const { return m_idler; }
73     /// Get a handle to the brake subsystem.
GetBrake()74     std::shared_ptr<ChTrackBrake> GetBrake() const { return m_brake; }
76     /// Get the list of suspension subsystems.
GetRoadWheelAssemblies()77     const ChRoadWheelAssemblyList& GetRoadWheelAssemblies() const { return m_suspensions; }
79     /// Get a handle to the specified suspension subsystem.
GetRoadWheelAssembly(size_t id)80     std::shared_ptr<ChRoadWheelAssembly> GetRoadWheelAssembly(size_t id) const { return m_suspensions[id]; }
82     /// Get a handle to the specified roller subsystem.
GetRoller(size_t id)83     std::shared_ptr<ChRoller> GetRoller(size_t id) const { return m_rollers[id]; }
85     /// Get a handle to the specified road wheel subsystem.
GetRoadWheel(size_t id)86     std::shared_ptr<ChRoadWheel> GetRoadWheel(size_t id) const { return m_suspensions[id]->GetRoadWheel(); }
88     /// Get a handle to the specified track shoe subsystem.
89     virtual std::shared_ptr<ChTrackShoe> GetTrackShoe(size_t id) const = 0;
91     /// Get the global location of the specified track shoe.
92     /// The returned location is that of the shoe body in the track shoe subsystem.
GetTrackShoePos(size_t id)93     const ChVector<>& GetTrackShoePos(size_t id) const { return GetTrackShoe(id)->m_shoe->GetPos(); }
95     /// Get the orientation of the specified track shoe.
96     /// The track shoe body orientation is returned as a quaternion representing a
97     /// rotation with respect to the global reference frame. This is the orientation of
98     /// the shoe body in the track shoe subsystem.
GetTrackShoeRot(size_t id)99     const ChQuaternion<>& GetTrackShoeRot(size_t id) const { return GetTrackShoe(id)->m_shoe->GetRot(); }
101     /// Get the linear velocity of the specified track shoe.
102     /// Return the linear velocity of the shoe body center, expressed in the global
103     /// reference frame.
GetTrackShoeLinVel(size_t id)104     const ChVector<>& GetTrackShoeLinVel(size_t id) const { return GetTrackShoe(id)->m_shoe->GetPos_dt(); }
106     /// Get the angular velocity of the specified track shoe.
107     /// Return the angular velocity of the shoe body frame, expressed in the global
108     /// reference frame.
GetTrackShoeAngVel(size_t id)109     ChVector<> GetTrackShoeAngVel(size_t id) const { return GetTrackShoe(id)->m_shoe->GetWvel_par(); }
111     /// Get the complete state for the specified track shoe.
112     /// This includes the location, orientation, linear and angular velocities,
113     /// all expressed in the global reference frame.
114     BodyState GetTrackShoeState(size_t id) const;
116     /// Get the complete states for all track shoes.
117     /// These include the locations, orientations, linear and angular velocities for
118     /// all track shoes in this track assembly, all expressed in the global reference frame.
119     /// It is assumed that the vector of body states was properly sized.
120     void GetTrackShoeStates(BodyStates& states) const;
122     /// Get the total mass of the track assembly.
123     /// This includes the masses of the sprocket, idler, suspensions, and track shoes.
124     double GetMass() const;
126     /// Get the relative location of the sprocket subsystem.
127     /// The track assembly reference frame is ISO, with origin at the sprocket center.
128     virtual const ChVector<> GetSprocketLocation() const = 0;
130     /// Get the relative location of the idler subsystem.
131     /// The track assembly reference frame is ISO, with origin at the sprocket center.
132     virtual const ChVector<> GetIdlerLocation() const = 0;
134     /// Get the relative location of the specified suspension subsystem.
135     /// The track assembly reference frame is ISO, with origin at the sprocket center.
136     virtual const ChVector<> GetRoadWhelAssemblyLocation(int which) const = 0;
138     /// Get the relative location of the specified roller subsystem.
139     /// The track assembly reference frame is ISO, with origin at the sprocket center.
GetRollerLocation(int which)140     virtual const ChVector<> GetRollerLocation(int which) const { return ChVector<>(0, 0, 0); }
142     /// Initialize this track assembly subsystem.
143     /// The subsystem is initialized by attaching it to the specified chassis
144     /// at the specified location (with respect to and expressed in the reference
145     /// frame of the chassis). It is assumed that the track assembly reference frame
146     /// is always aligned with the chassis reference frame.
147     void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChChassis> chassis,  ///< [in] chassis subsystem
148                     const ChVector<>& location,          ///< [in] location relative to the chassis frame
149                     bool create_shoes = true             ///< [in] control creation of the actual track
150     );
152     /// Set visualization type for the sprocket subsystem.
153     void SetSprocketVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
155     // Set visualization type for the idler subsystem.
156     void SetIdlerVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
158     /// Set visualization type for the suspension subsystems.
159     void SetRoadWheelAssemblyVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
161     /// Set visualization type for the road-wheel subsystems.
162     void SetRoadWheelVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
164     /// Set visualization type for the roller subsystems.
165     void SetRollerVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
167     /// Set visualization type for the track shoe subsystems.
168     void SetTrackShoeVisualizationType(VisualizationType vis);
170     /// Set collision shape type for wheels.
171     void SetWheelCollisionType(bool roadwheel_as_cylinder, bool idler_as_cylinder, bool roller_as_cylinder);
173     /// Update the state of this track assembly at the current time.
174     void Synchronize(double time,                      ///< [in] current time
175                      double braking,                   ///< [in] braking driver input
176                      const TerrainForces& shoe_forces  ///< [in] vector of tire force structures
177     );
179     /// Enable/disable output for this subsystem.
180     /// This function overrides the output setting for all components of this track assembly.
181     virtual void SetOutput(bool state) override;
183     /// Log current constraint violations.
184     void LogConstraintViolations();
IsRoadwheelCylinder()186     bool IsRoadwheelCylinder() const { return m_roadwheel_as_cylinder; }
IsIdlerCylinder()187     bool IsIdlerCylinder() const { return m_idler_as_cylinder; }
IsRolerCylinder()188     bool IsRolerCylinder() const { return m_roller_as_cylinder; }
190   protected:
191     ChTrackAssembly(const std::string& name,  ///< [in] name of the subsystem
192                     VehicleSide side          ///< [in] assembly on left/right vehicle side
193     );
195     /// Assemble track shoes over wheels.
196     /// Return true if the track shoes were initialized in a counter clockwise
197     /// direction and false otherwise.
198     virtual bool Assemble(std::shared_ptr<ChBodyAuxRef> chassis) = 0;
200     /// Remove all track shoes from assembly.
201     virtual void RemoveTrackShoes() = 0;
203     virtual void ExportComponentList(rapidjson::Document& jsonDocument) const override;
205     virtual void Output(ChVehicleOutput& database) const override;
207     VehicleSide m_side;                     ///< assembly on left/right vehicle side
208     std::shared_ptr<ChIdler> m_idler;       ///< idler (and tensioner) subsystem
209     std::shared_ptr<ChTrackBrake> m_brake;  ///< sprocket brake
210     ChRoadWheelAssemblyList m_suspensions;  ///< road-wheel assemblies
211     ChRollerList m_rollers;                 ///< roller subsystems
213     bool m_roadwheel_as_cylinder;
214     bool m_idler_as_cylinder;
215     bool m_roller_as_cylinder;
217     friend class ChTrackedVehicle;
218     friend class ChTrackTestRig;
219 };
221 /// @} vehicle_tracked
223 }  // end namespace vehicle
224 }  // end namespace chrono
226 #endif