1 #ifndef _Graphics_h_
2 #define _Graphics_h_
3 /* Graphics.h
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 1992-2005,2007-2020 Paul Boersma
6  *
7  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
10  * your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this work. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
21 #include "Thing.h"
22 #include "../kar/longchar.h"
24 #include "Graphics_enums.h"
26 typedef struct { double x1NDC, x2NDC, y1NDC, y2NDC; } Graphics_Viewport;
28 Thing_declare (GuiDrawingArea);
30 typedef struct {
31 	unsigned char link, rightToLeft;
32 	short style, size, baseline;
33 	double size_real;
34 	uint32 code;
35 	char32 kar;
36 	Longchar_Info karInfo;
37 	double width;
38 	union { integer integer_; const char *string; void *pointer; } font;
39 	int cell, line, run;
40 } _Graphics_widechar;
Thing_define(Graphics,Thing)42 Thing_define (Graphics, Thing) {
43 	/* Device constants. */
44 	bool screen;
45 		/* A boolean for whether we are a graphic screen (which may include a non-PostScript printer. */
46 	bool postScript;
47 		/* A boolean for whether we are a PostScript device. */
48 	bool printer;
49 		/* A boolean for whether we are a printer. */
50 	bool metafile;
51 		/* A boolean for whether we are a high-resolution metafile or clipboard. */
52 	bool yIsZeroAtTheTop;
53 		/* A boolean for whether vertical cooordinates increase from top to bottom (as on most screens, but not PostScript). */
54 	GuiDrawingArea d_drawingArea;
55 		/* Also used as a boolean. */
56 	int resolution;
57 		/* Dots per inch. */
58 	enum kGraphics_resolution resolutionNumber;
59 	integer d_x1DCmin, d_x2DCmax, d_y1DCmin, d_y2DCmax;
60 		/* Maximum dimensions of the output device. */
61 		/* x1DCmin < x2DCmax; y1DCmin < y2DCmax; */
62 		/* The point (x1DCmin, y1DCmin) can be either in the top left */
63 		/* or in the bottom left, depending on the yIsZeroAtTheTop flag. */
64 		/* Device variables. */
65 	integer d_x1DC, d_x2DC, d_y1DC, d_y2DC;
66 		/* Current dimensions of the output device, or: */
67 		/* device coordinates of the viewport rectangle. */
68 		/* x1DCmin <= x1DC < x2DC <= x2DCmax; */
69 		/* y1DCmin <= y1DC < y2DC <= y2DCmax; */
70 		/* Graphics_create_xxxxxx sets these coordinates to */
71 		/* x1DCmin, x2DCmax, y1DCmin, and y2DCmax. */
72 		/* They can be changed by Graphics_setWsViewport. */
73 	double d_x1wNDC, d_x2wNDC, d_y1wNDC, d_y2wNDC;
74 		/* Normalized device coordinates of */
75 		/* the device viewport rectangle. */
76 		/* The point (x1wNDC, y1wNDC) is always in the bottom left.	*/
77 		/* Graphics_create_xxxxxx sets these coordinates to */
78 		/* 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, and 1.0. */
79 		/* They can be changed by Graphics_setWsWindow. */
80 	double d_x1NDC, d_x2NDC, d_y1NDC, d_y2NDC;
81 		/* Normalized device coordinates of the user output viewport, */
82 		/* which is a part of the device viewport rectangle. */
83 		/* x1wNDC <= x1NDC < x2NDC <= x2wNDC; */
84 		/* y1wNDC <= y1NDC < y2NDC <= y2wNDC; */
85 		/* Graphics_create_xxxxxx sets these coordinates to */
86 		/* 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, and 1.0. */
87 		/* They can be changed by Graphics_setViewport. */
88 	double d_x1WC, d_x2WC, d_y1WC, d_y2WC;
89 		/* World coordinates of the user output viewport rectangle.	*/
90 		/* They bear a relation to the "real" world, */
91 		/* and are used in the drawing routines. */
92 		/* Graphics_create_xxxxxx sets these coordinates to */
93 		/* 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, and 1.0. */
94 		/* They can be changed by Graphics_setWindow. */
95 	double deltaX, deltaY, scaleX, scaleY;
96 		/* Current coordinate transformation. */
97 	/* Graphics state. */
98 	int lineType;
99 	MelderColour colour;
100 	double lineWidth, arrowSize, speckleSize;
101 	kGraphics_colourScale colourScale;
102 	int horizontalTextAlignment, verticalTextAlignment;
103 	double textRotation, wrapWidth, secondIndent, textX, textY;
104 	kGraphics_font font;
105 	double fontSize;
106 	int fontStyle;
107 	bool percentSignIsItalic, numberSignIsBold, circumflexIsSuperscript, underscoreIsSubscript;
108 	bool dollarSignIsCode, atSignIsLink;
109 	bool recording, duringXor;
110 	integer irecord, nrecord;
111 	double *record;
112 	Graphics_Viewport outerViewport;   // for Graphics_(un)setInner ()
113 	double horTick, vertTick;   // for Graphics_mark(s)XXX ()
114 	double paperWidth, paperHeight;
116 	void v_destroy () noexcept
117 		override;
119 	virtual void v_polyline (integer /* numberOfPoints */, double * /* xyDC */, bool /* close */) { }
120 	virtual void v_fillArea (integer /* numberOfPoints */, double * /* xyDC */) { }
121 	virtual void v_rectangle (double /* x1DC */, double /* x2DC */, double /* y1DC */, double /* y2DC */) { }
122 	virtual void v_fillRectangle (double /* x1DC */, double /* x2DC */, double /* y1DC */, double /* y2DC */) { }
123 	virtual void v_circle (double /* xDC */, double /* yDC */, double /* rDC */) { }
124 	virtual void v_ellipse (double /* x1DC */, double /* x2DC */, double /* y1DC */, double /* y2DC */) { }
125 	virtual void v_arc (double /* xDC */, double /* yDC */, double /* rDC */, double /* fromAngle */, double /* toAngle */) { }
126 	virtual void v_fillCircle (double /* xDC */, double /* yDC */, double /* rDC */) { }
127 	virtual void v_fillEllipse (double /* x1DC */, double /* x2DC */, double /* y1DC */, double /* y2DC */) { }
128 	virtual void v_button (double a_x1DC, double a_x2DC, double a_y1DC, double a_y2DC)
129 		{
130 			v_rectangle (a_x1DC, a_x2DC, a_y1DC, a_y2DC);   // the simplest implementation
131 		}
132 	virtual void v_roundedRectangle (double x1DC, double x2DC, double y1DC, double y2DC, double r);
133 	virtual void v_fillRoundedRectangle (double x1DC, double x2DC, double y1DC, double y2DC, double r);
134 	virtual void v_arrowHead (double xDC, double yDC, double angle);
135 	virtual void v_clearWs () { }
136 	virtual void v_updateWs () { }
137 };
139 autoGraphics Graphics_create (int resolution);
140 autoGraphics Graphics_create_postscriptjob (MelderFile file, int resolution, kGraphicsPostscript_spots spots,
141 	kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize paperSize, kGraphicsPostscript_orientation rotation, double magnification);
142 autoGraphics Graphics_create_epsfile (MelderFile file, int resolution, enum kGraphicsPostscript_spots spots,
143 	double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, bool includeFonts, bool useSilipaPS);
144 autoGraphics Graphics_create_pdffile (MelderFile file, int resolution,
145 	double x1inches, double x2inches, double y1inches, double y2inches);
146 autoGraphics Graphics_create_pdf (void *context, int resolution,
147 	double x1inches, double x2inches, double y1inches, double y2inches);
148 autoGraphics Graphics_create_pngfile (MelderFile file, int resolution,
149 	double x1inches, double x2inches, double y1inches, double y2inches);
150 autoGraphics Graphics_create_postscriptprinter (void);
151 autoGraphics Graphics_create_screenPrinter (void *display, void *window);
152 autoGraphics Graphics_create_screen (void *display, void *window, int resolution);
153 autoGraphics Graphics_create_xmdrawingarea (GuiDrawingArea drawingArea);
155 int Graphics_getResolution (Graphics me);
157 void Graphics_setWsViewport (Graphics me, integer x1DC, integer x2DC, integer y1DC, integer y2DC);
158 void Graphics_resetWsViewport (Graphics me, integer x1DC, integer x2DC, integer y1DC, integer y2DC);
159 void Graphics_setWsWindow (Graphics me, double x1NDC, double x2NDC, double y1NDC, double y2NDC);
160 void Graphics_inqWsViewport (Graphics me, integer *x1DC, integer *x2DC, integer *y1DC, integer *y2DC);
161 void Graphics_inqWsWindow (Graphics me, double *x1NDC, double *x2NDC, double *y1NDC, double *y2NDC);
162 void Graphics_clearWs (Graphics me);
163 void Graphics_updateWs (Graphics me);
164 void Graphics_beginMovieFrame (Graphics me, MelderColour *colour);
165 void Graphics_endMovieFrame (Graphics me, double frameDuration);
166 void Graphics_DCtoWC (Graphics me, integer xDC, integer yDC, double *xWC, double *yWC);
167 void Graphics_WCtoDC (Graphics me, double xWC, double yWC, integer *xDC, integer *yDC);
169 void Graphics_setViewport (Graphics me, double x1NDC, double x2NDC, double y1NDC, double y2NDC);
170 Graphics_Viewport Graphics_insetViewport (Graphics me, double x1rel, double x2rel, double y1rel, double y2rel);
171 void Graphics_resetViewport (Graphics me, Graphics_Viewport viewport);
172 void Graphics_setWindow (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
174 void Graphics_polyline (Graphics me, integer numberOfPoints, const double *x, const double *y);
175 void Graphics_polyline_closed (Graphics me, integer numberOfPoints, const double *x, const double *y);
177 void Graphics_text (Graphics me, double xWC, double yWC, conststring32 txt);
178 template <typename... Args>
Graphics_text(Graphics me,double xWC,double yWC,const MelderArg & first,Args...rest)179 void Graphics_text (Graphics me, double xWC, double yWC, const MelderArg& first, Args... rest) {
180 	Graphics_text (me, xWC, yWC, Melder_cat (first, rest...));
181 }
183 void Graphics_textRect (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
184 double Graphics_textWidth       (Graphics me, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
185 double Graphics_textWidth_ps    (Graphics me, conststring32 text /* cattable */, bool useSilipaPS);
186 double Graphics_textWidth_ps_mm (Graphics me, conststring32 text /* cattable */, bool useSilipaPS);
187 void Graphics_fillArea (Graphics me, integer numberOfPoints, double const *x, double const *y);
188 void Graphics_cellArray (Graphics me, constMATVU const& z,
189 	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double minimum, double maximum);
190 void Graphics_cellArray_colour (Graphics me, constmatrixview <MelderColour> const& z,
191 	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double minimum, double maximum);
192 void Graphics_cellArray8 (Graphics me, constmatrixview <unsigned char> const& z,
193 	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, unsigned char minimum, unsigned char maximum);
194 void Graphics_image (Graphics me, constMATVU const& z,
195 	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double minimum, double maximum);
196 void Graphics_image_colour (Graphics me, constmatrixview <MelderColour> const& z,
197 	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double minimum, double maximum);
198 void Graphics_image8 (Graphics me, constmatrixview <unsigned char> const& z,
199 	double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, uint8 minimum, uint8 maximum);
200 void Graphics_imageFromFile (Graphics me, conststring32 relativeFileName, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
201 void Graphics_line (Graphics me, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
202 void Graphics_rectangle (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
203 void Graphics_fillRectangle (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
204 void Graphics_roundedRectangle (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double r_mm);
205 void Graphics_fillRoundedRectangle (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double r_mm);
206 void Graphics_function (Graphics me, const double y [], integer ix1, integer ix2, double x1, double x2);   // y [ix1..ix2]
207 void Graphics_function16 (Graphics me, const int16 y [], integer stride, integer ix1, integer ix2, double x1, double x2);   // y [ix1..ix2] or y [ix1*2..ix2*2]
208 void Graphics_circle (Graphics me, double x, double y, double r);
209 void Graphics_fillCircle (Graphics me, double x, double y, double r);
210 void Graphics_circle_mm (Graphics me, double x, double y, double d);
211 void Graphics_fillCircle_mm (Graphics me, double x, double y, double d);
212 void Graphics_speckle (Graphics me, double x, double y);
213 void Graphics_rectangle_mm (Graphics me, double x, double y, double horizontalSide_mm, double verticalSide_mm);
214 void Graphics_fillRectangle_mm (Graphics me, double x, double y, double horizontalSide_mm, double verticalSide_mm);
215 void Graphics_arc (Graphics me, double x, double y, double r, double fromAngle, double toAngle);
216 void Graphics_fillArc (Graphics me, double x, double y, double r, double fromAngle, double toAngle);
217 void Graphics_ellipse (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
218 void Graphics_fillEllipse (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
219 void Graphics_arrow (Graphics me, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
220 void Graphics_doubleArrow (Graphics me, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
221 void Graphics_arcArrow (Graphics me, double x, double y, double r, double fromAngle, double toAngle, int arrowAtStart, int arrowAtEnd);
222 void Graphics_mark (Graphics me, double x, double y, double size_mm, conststring32 markString /* cattable */);
223 void Graphics_button (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
224 void Graphics_innerRectangle (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
226 void Graphics_setColour (Graphics me, MelderColour colour);
227 void Graphics_setGrey (Graphics me, double grey);
229 void Graphics_xorOn (Graphics me, MelderColour colour);
230 void Graphics_xorOff (Graphics me);
231 void Graphics_highlight (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2);
232 void Graphics_highlight2 (Graphics me, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2,
233 	double innerX1, double innerX2, double innerY1, double innerY2);
235 #define Graphics_NOCHANGE  -1
236 #define Graphics_LEFT  kGraphics_horizontalAlignment::LEFT
237 #define Graphics_CENTRE  kGraphics_horizontalAlignment::CENTRE
238 #define Graphics_RIGHT  kGraphics_horizontalAlignment::RIGHT
239 #define Graphics_BOTTOM  0
240 #define Graphics_HALF  1
241 #define Graphics_TOP  2
242 #define Graphics_BASELINE  3
243 void Graphics_setTextAlignment (Graphics me, enum kGraphics_horizontalAlignment horizontal, int vertical);
245 void Graphics_setFont (Graphics me, enum kGraphics_font font);
246 void Graphics_setFontSize (Graphics me, double height);
248 #define Graphics_NORMAL  0
249 #define Graphics_BOLD  1
250 #define Graphics_ITALIC  2
251 #define Graphics_BOLD_ITALIC  3
252 #define Graphics_CODE  4
253 void Graphics_setFontStyle (Graphics me, int style);
255 void Graphics_setItalic (Graphics me, bool onoff);
256 void Graphics_setBold (Graphics me, bool onoff);
257 void Graphics_setCode (Graphics me, bool onoff);
258 void Graphics_setTextRotation (Graphics me, double angle);
259 void Graphics_setTextRotation_vector (Graphics me, double dx, double dy);
260 void Graphics_setWrapWidth (Graphics me, double wrapWidth);
261 void Graphics_setSecondIndent (Graphics me, double indent);
262 double Graphics_inqTextX (Graphics me);
263 double Graphics_inqTextY (Graphics me);
264 typedef struct { double x1, x2, y1, y2; char32 *name; } Graphics_Link;
265 int Graphics_getLinks (Graphics_Link **plinks);
266 void Graphics_setNumberSignIsBold (Graphics me, bool isBold);
267 void Graphics_setPercentSignIsItalic (Graphics me, bool isItalic);
268 void Graphics_setCircumflexIsSuperscript (Graphics me, bool isSuperscript);
269 void Graphics_setUnderscoreIsSubscript (Graphics me, bool isSubscript);
270 void Graphics_setDollarSignIsCode (Graphics me, bool isCode);
271 void Graphics_setAtSignIsLink (Graphics me, bool isLink);
273 #define Graphics_DRAWN  0
274 #define Graphics_DOTTED  1
275 #define Graphics_DASHED  2
276 #define Graphics_DASHED_DOTTED  3
277 void Graphics_setLineType (Graphics me, int lineType);
279 void Graphics_setLineWidth (Graphics me, double lineWidth);
280 void Graphics_setArrowSize (Graphics me, double arrowSize);
281 void Graphics_setSpeckleSize (Graphics me, double speckleSize);
283 void Graphics_setColourScale (Graphics me, enum kGraphics_colourScale colourScale);
285 void Graphics_inqViewport (Graphics me, double *x1NDC, double *x2NDC, double *y1NDC, double *y2NDC);
286 void Graphics_inqWindow (Graphics me, double *x1WC, double *x2WC, double *y1WC, double *y2WC);
287 enum kGraphics_font Graphics_inqFont (Graphics me);
288 double Graphics_inqFontSize (Graphics me);
289 int Graphics_inqFontStyle (Graphics me);
290 int Graphics_inqLineType (Graphics me);
291 double Graphics_inqLineWidth (Graphics me);
292 double Graphics_inqArrowSize (Graphics me);
293 double Graphics_inqSpeckleSize (Graphics me);
294 MelderColour Graphics_inqColour (Graphics me);
295 enum kGraphics_colourScale Graphics_inqColourScale (Graphics me);
297 void Graphics_contour (Graphics me, constMATVU const& z,
298 	double x1WC, double x2WC, double y1WC, double y2WC, double height);
299 void Graphics_altitude (Graphics me, constMATVU const& z,
300 	double x1WC, double x2WC, double y1WC, double y2WC, int numberOfBorders, double borders []);
301 void Graphics_grey (Graphics me, constMATVU const& z,
302 	double x1WC, double x2WC, double y1WC, double y2WC, int numberOfBorders, double borders []);
303 #define Graphics_gray Graphics_grey
304 void Graphics_surface (Graphics me, constMATVU const& z,
305 	double x1WC, double x2WC, double y1WC, double y2WC,
306 	double minimum, double maximum, double elevation, double azimuth
307 );
309 void Graphics_setInner (Graphics me);
310 void Graphics_unsetInner (Graphics me);
311 void Graphics_drawInnerBox (Graphics me);
312 void Graphics_textLeft   (Graphics me, bool farr, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
313 void Graphics_textRight  (Graphics me, bool farr, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
314 void Graphics_textBottom (Graphics me, bool farr, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
315 void Graphics_textTop    (Graphics me, bool farr, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
316 void Graphics_marksLeft   (Graphics me, int numberOfMarks, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
317 void Graphics_marksRight  (Graphics me, int numberOfMarks, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
318 void Graphics_marksBottom (Graphics me, int numberOfMarks, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
319 void Graphics_marksTop    (Graphics me, int numberOfMarks, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
320 void Graphics_marksLeftLogarithmic   (Graphics me, int numberOfMarksPerDecade, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
321 void Graphics_marksRightLogarithmic  (Graphics me, int numberOfMarksPerDecade, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
322 void Graphics_marksBottomLogarithmic (Graphics me, int numberOfMarksPerDecade, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
323 void Graphics_marksTopLogarithmic    (Graphics me, int numberOfMarksPerDecade, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
324 void Graphics_markLeft   (Graphics me, double yWC, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
325 void Graphics_markRight  (Graphics me, double yWC, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
326 void Graphics_markBottom (Graphics me, double xWC, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
327 void Graphics_markTop    (Graphics me, double xWC, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
328 void Graphics_markLeftLogarithmic   (Graphics me, double y, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);   // y > 0
329 void Graphics_markRightLogarithmic  (Graphics me, double y, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
330 void Graphics_markBottomLogarithmic (Graphics me, double x, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
331 void Graphics_markTopLogarithmic    (Graphics me, double x, bool hasNumber, bool hasTick, bool hasDottedLine, conststring32 text /* cattable */);
332 void Graphics_marksLeftEvery   (Graphics me, double units, double distance, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
333 void Graphics_marksRightEvery  (Graphics me, double units, double distance, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
334 void Graphics_marksBottomEvery (Graphics me, double units, double distance, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
335 void Graphics_marksTopEvery    (Graphics me, double units, double distance, bool haveNumbers, bool haveTicks, bool haveDottedLines);
337 bool Graphics_startRecording (Graphics me);
338 bool Graphics_stopRecording (Graphics me);
339 void Graphics_clearRecording (Graphics me);
340 void Graphics_play (Graphics from, Graphics to);
341 void Graphics_writeRecordings (Graphics me, FILE *f);
342 void Graphics_readRecordings (Graphics me, FILE *f);
343 void Graphics_markGroup (Graphics me);
344 void Graphics_undoGroup (Graphics me);
346 double Graphics_dxMMtoWC (Graphics me, double dx_mm);
347 double Graphics_dyMMtoWC (Graphics me, double dy_mm);
348 double Graphics_distanceWCtoMM (Graphics me, double x1WC, double y1WC, double x2WC, double y2WC);
349 double Graphics_dxWCtoMM (Graphics me, double dxWC);
350 double Graphics_dyWCtoMM (Graphics me, double dyWC);
352 void Graphics_nextSheetOfPaper (Graphics me);
354 void Graphics_prefs ();
356 /* End of file Graphics.h */
357 #endif