1 /*
2  * Cantata
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Craig Drummond <craig.p.drummond@gmail.com>
5  *
6  * ----
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
20  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22  */
24 #include "gui/covers.h"
25 #include "groupedview.h"
26 #include "mpd-interface/mpdstatus.h"
27 #include "mpd-interface/song.h"
28 #include "basicitemdelegate.h"
29 #include "itemview.h"
30 #include "config.h"
31 #include "widgets/icons.h"
32 #include "widgets/ratingwidget.h"
33 #include "support/gtkstyle.h"
34 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
35 #include "support/osxstyle.h"
36 #endif
37 #include "support/utils.h"
38 #include "models/roles.h"
39 #include <QStyledItemDelegate>
40 #include <QApplication>
41 #include <QFontMetrics>
42 #include <QPainter>
43 #include <QLinearGradient>
44 #include <QAction>
45 #include <QDropEvent>
46 #include <QPixmap>
48 static int constCoverSize=32;
49 static int constIconSize=16;
50 static int constBorder=1;
51 static double sizeAdjust=1.25;
setup()53 void GroupedView::setup()
54 {
55     int height=QApplication::fontMetrics().height();
56     sizeAdjust=1.25;
58     if (height>17) {
59         constCoverSize=(((int)((height*2)/4))*4);
60         constIconSize=Icon::stdSize(((int)(height/4))*4);
61         constBorder=constCoverSize>48 ? 2 : 1;
62     } else {
63         constCoverSize=32;
64         constIconSize=16;
65         constBorder=1;
66     }
67     constCoverSize*=sizeAdjust;
68 }
coverSize()70 int GroupedView::coverSize()
71 {
72     return constCoverSize;
73 }
borderSize()75 int GroupedView::borderSize()
76 {
77     return constBorder;
78 }
iconSize()80 int GroupedView::iconSize()
81 {
82     return constIconSize;
83 }
drawPlayState(QPainter * painter,const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,const QRect & r,int state)85 void GroupedView::drawPlayState(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QRect &r, int state)
86 {
87     if (state) {
88         int size=constIconSize-7;
89         int hSize=size/2;
90         QRect ir(r.x()-(size+6), r.y()+(((r.height()-size)/2.0)+0.5), size, size);
91         QColor inside(option.palette.color(QPalette::Text));
92         QColor border=inside.red()>100 && inside.blue()>100 && inside.green()>100 ? Qt::black : Qt::white;
93         if (QApplication::isRightToLeft()) {
94             ir.adjust(r.width()-size, 0, r.width()-size, 0);
95         }
96         switch (state) {
97         case GroupedView::State_Stopped:
98             painter->fillRect(ir, border);
99             painter->fillRect(ir.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1), inside);
100             break;
101         case GroupedView::State_StopAfter: {
102             ir.adjust(2, 0, -2, 0);
103             QPoint p1[5]={ QPoint(ir.x()-2, ir.y()-1), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()-1), QPoint(ir.x()+(size-hSize), ir.y()+hSize), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()+(ir.height())), QPoint(ir.x()-2, ir.y()+(ir.height())) };
104             QPoint p2[5]={ QPoint(ir.x()-1, ir.y()), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()), QPoint(ir.x()+(size-hSize)-1, ir.y()+hSize), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()+ir.height()-1), QPoint(ir.x()-1, ir.y()+ir.height()-1) };
105             QPoint p3[3]={ QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()+1), QPoint(ir.x()+(size-hSize)-2, ir.y()+hSize), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()+ir.height()-2) };
106             painter->save();
107             painter->setPen(border);
108             painter->drawPolygon(p1, 5);
109             painter->drawPolygon(p3, 3);
110             painter->setPen(inside);
111             painter->drawPolygon(p2, 5);
112             painter->restore();
113             break;
114         }
115         case GroupedView::State_StopAfterTrack:
116             painter->setPen(border);
117             painter->drawRect(ir.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1));
118             painter->drawRect(ir.adjusted(2, 2, -3, -3));
119             painter->setPen(inside);
120             painter->drawRect(ir.adjusted(1, 1, -2, -2));
121             break;
122         case GroupedView::State_Paused: {
123             int blockSize=hSize-1;
124             painter->fillRect(ir, border);
125             painter->fillRect(ir.x()+1, ir.y()+1, blockSize, size-2, inside);
126             painter->fillRect(ir.x()+size-blockSize-1, ir.y()+1, blockSize, size-2, inside);
127             break;
128         }
129         case GroupedView::State_Playing: {
130             ir.adjust(2, 0, -2, 0);
131             QPoint p1[5]={ QPoint(ir.x()-2, ir.y()-1), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()-1), QPoint(ir.x()+(size-hSize), ir.y()+hSize), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()+(ir.height()-1)), QPoint(ir.x()-2, ir.y()+(ir.height()-1)) };
132             QPoint p2[5]={ QPoint(ir.x()-2, ir.y()-1), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()-1), QPoint(ir.x()+(size-hSize), ir.y()+hSize), QPoint(ir.x(), ir.y()+ir.height()), QPoint(ir.x()-2, ir.y()+ir.height()) };
133             painter->save();
134             painter->setBrush(border);
135             painter->setPen(border);
136             painter->drawPolygon(p1, 5);
137             painter->setBrush(inside);
138             painter->drawPolygon(p2, 5);
139             painter->restore();
140             break;
141         }
142         }
143     }
144 }
146 enum Type {
147     AlbumHeader,
148     AlbumTrack
149 };
getType(const QModelIndex & index)151 static Type getType(const QModelIndex &index)
152 {
153     QModelIndex prev=index.row()>0 ? index.sibling(index.row()-1, 0) : QModelIndex();
154     quint16 thisKey=index.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
155     quint16 prevKey=prev.isValid() ? prev.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt() : (quint16)Song::Null_Key;
157     return thisKey==prevKey ? AlbumTrack : AlbumHeader;
158 }
isAlbumHeader(const QModelIndex & index)160 static bool isAlbumHeader(const QModelIndex &index)
161 {
162     return !index.data(Cantata::Role_IsCollection).toBool() && AlbumHeader==getType(index);
163 }
streamText(const Song & song,const QString & trackTitle,bool useName=true)165 static QString streamText(const Song &song, const QString &trackTitle, bool useName=true)
166 {
167     if (song.album.isEmpty() && song.albumArtist().isEmpty()) {
168         QString songName=song.name();
169         return song.title.isEmpty() && songName.isEmpty()
170                 ? song.file
171                 : !useName || songName.isEmpty()
172                   ? song.title
173                   : song.title.isEmpty()
174                     ? songName
175                     : (song.title + Song::constSep + songName);
176     } else if (!song.title.isEmpty() && !song.artist.isEmpty()) {
177         QString name=song.name();
178         return song.artist + Song::constSep + (!useName || name.isEmpty()
179                                         ? song.title
180                                         : song.title.isEmpty()
181                                             ? name
182                                             : (song.title + Song::constSep + name));
183     } else {
184         return trackTitle;
185     }
186 }
GroupedViewDelegate(GroupedView * p)188 GroupedViewDelegate::GroupedViewDelegate(GroupedView *p)
189     : ActionItemDelegate(p)
190     , view(p)
191     , ratingPainter(nullptr)
192 {
193 }
~GroupedViewDelegate()195 GroupedViewDelegate::~GroupedViewDelegate()
196 {
197     delete ratingPainter;
198 }
sizeHint(int type,bool isCollection) const200 QSize GroupedViewDelegate::sizeHint(int type, bool isCollection) const
201 {
202     int textHeight = QApplication::fontMetrics().height()*sizeAdjust;
204     if (isCollection || AlbumHeader==type) {
205         return QSize(64, qMax(constCoverSize, (qMax(constIconSize, textHeight)*2)+constBorder)+(2*constBorder));
206     }
207     return QSize(64, qMax(constIconSize, textHeight)+(2*constBorder));
208 }
sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,const QModelIndex & index) const210 QSize GroupedViewDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
211 {
212     if (0==index.column()) {
213         return sizeHint(getType(index), index.data(Cantata::Role_IsCollection).toBool());
214     }
215     return QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
216 }
paint(QPainter * painter,const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,const QModelIndex & index) const218 void GroupedViewDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
219 {
220     if (!index.isValid()) {
221         return;
222     }
224     Type type=getType(index);
225     bool isCollection=index.data(Cantata::Role_IsCollection).toBool();
226     Song song=index.data(Cantata::Role_SongWithRating).value<Song>();
227     int state=index.data(Cantata::Role_Status).toInt();
228     quint32 collection=index.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
229     bool selected=option.state&QStyle::State_Selected;
230     bool mouseOver=underMouse && option.state&QStyle::State_MouseOver;
231     bool gtk=mouseOver && GtkStyle::isActive();
232     bool rtl=QApplication::isRightToLeft();
234     if (!isCollection && AlbumHeader==type) {
235         if (mouseOver && gtk) {
236             GtkStyle::drawSelection(option, painter, (selected ? 0.75 : 0.25)*0.75);
237         } else {
238             painter->save();
239             painter->setOpacity(0.75);
240             QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, view);
241             painter->restore();
242         }
243         painter->save();
244         painter->setClipRect(option.rect.adjusted(0, option.rect.height()/2, 0, 0), Qt::IntersectClip);
245         if (mouseOver && gtk) {
246             GtkStyle::drawSelection(option, painter, selected ? 0.75 : 0.25);
247         } else {
248             QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, view);
249         }
250         painter->restore();
251         if (!state && !view->isExpanded(song.key, collection) && view->isCurrentAlbum(song.key)) {
252             QVariant cs=index.data(Cantata::Role_CurrentStatus);
253             if (cs.isValid()) {
254                 state=cs.toInt();
255             }
256         }
257     } else {
258         if (mouseOver && gtk) {
259             GtkStyle::drawSelection(option, painter, selected ? 0.75 : 0.25);
260         } else {
261             QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, view);
262         }
263     }
264     QString title;
265     QString track;
266     QString duration=song.time>0 ? Utils::formatTime(song.time) : QString();
267     bool stream=!isCollection && song.isStandardStream();
268     bool isEmpty=song.title.isEmpty() && song.artist.isEmpty() && !song.file.isEmpty();
269     QString trackTitle=isEmpty
270             ? song.file
271             : song.diffArtist()
272               ? song.artistSong()
273               : song.title;
274     QFont f(QApplication::font());
275     if (stream) {
276         f.setItalic(true);
277     }
278     QFontMetrics fm(f);
279     int textHeight=fm.height()*sizeAdjust;
282     if (isCollection) {
283         title=index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
284     } else if (AlbumHeader==type) {
285         if (stream) {
286             QModelIndex next=index.sibling(index.row()+1, 0);
287             quint16 nextKey=next.isValid() ? next.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt() : (quint16)Song::Null_Key;
288             if (nextKey!=song.key && !song.name().isEmpty()) {
289                 title=song.name();
290                 track=streamText(song, trackTitle, false);
291             } else {
292                 title=song.isCdda() ? tr("Audio CD") : tr("Streams");
293                 track=streamText(song, trackTitle);
294             }
295         } else if (isEmpty) {
296             title=Song::unknown();
297             track=trackTitle;
298         } else if (song.album.isEmpty()) {
299             title=song.albumArtistOrComposer();
300             track=song.trackAndTitleStr();
301         } else {
302             if (song.isFromOnlineService()) {
303                 title=Song::displayAlbum(song.albumName(), Song::albumYear(song));
304             } else {
305                 title=song.albumArtistOrComposer()+Song::constSep+Song::displayAlbum(song.albumName(), Song::albumYear(song));
306             }
307             track=song.trackAndTitleStr();
308         }
309     } else {
310         if (stream) {
311             track=streamText(song, trackTitle);
312         } else {
313             track=song.trackAndTitleStr();
314         }
315     }
317     if (song.priority>0) {
318         track=track+QLatin1String(" [")+QString::number(song.priority)+QChar(']');
319     }
321     painter->save();
322     painter->setFont(f);
323     #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
324     QColor textColor(option.palette.color(QPalette::Text));
325     #else
326     QColor textColor(option.palette.color(option.state&QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text));
327     #endif
328     QTextOption textOpt(Qt::AlignVCenter);
329     QRect r(option.rect.adjusted(constBorder+4, constBorder, -(constBorder+4), -constBorder));
331     if (state && GroupedView::State_StopAfterTrack!=state) {
332         QRectF border(option.rect.x()+1, option.rect.y()+1, option.rect.width()-3, option.rect.height()-3);
333         if (!title.isEmpty()) {
334             border.adjust(0, (border.height()/2)+1, 0, 0);
335         }
336         #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
337         QColor gradCol(OSXStyle::self()->viewPalette().color(QPalette::Highlight));
338         QColor borderCol(OSXStyle::self()->viewPalette().color(selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Highlight));
339         #else
340         QColor gradCol(QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Highlight));
341         QColor borderCol(QApplication::palette().color(selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Highlight));
342         #endif
343         if (!selected) {
344             borderCol.setAlphaF(0.5);
345         }
346         gradCol.setAlphaF(selected ? 0.4 : 0.25);
347         painter->fillRect(border, gradCol);
348         painter->setPen(QPen(borderCol, 1));
349         painter->drawRect(border);
350     }
352     painter->setPen(textColor);
353     bool showTrackDuration=!duration.isEmpty();
355     if (isCollection || AlbumHeader==type) {
356         QPixmap pix;
357         // Draw cover...
358         if (isCollection) {
359             pix=index.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>().pixmap(constCoverSize, constCoverSize,
360                                                                      selected && textColor==qApp->palette().color(QPalette::HighlightedText)
361                                                                      ? QIcon::Selected : QIcon::Normal);
362         } else {
363             QPixmap *cover=/*stream ? 0 : */Covers::self()->get(song, constCoverSize);
364             pix=cover ? *cover : (stream && !song.isCdda() ? Icons::self()->streamIcon : Icons::self()->albumIcon(constCoverSize)).pixmap(constCoverSize, constCoverSize);
365         }
367         int maxSize=constCoverSize*pix.DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO();
369         if (pix.width()>maxSize) {
370             pix=pix.scaled(maxSize, maxSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
371         }
373         QSize pixSize = pix.isNull() ? QSize(0, 0) : (pix.size() / pix.DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO());
375         if (rtl) {
376             painter->drawPixmap(r.x()+r.width()-(pixSize.width()-constBorder), r.y()+((r.height()-pixSize.height())/2), pixSize.width(), pixSize.height(), pix);
377             r.adjust(0, 0, -(constCoverSize+constBorder), 0);
378         } else {
379             painter->drawPixmap(r.x()-2, r.y()+((r.height()-pixSize.height())/2), pixSize.width(), pixSize.height(), pix);
380             r.adjust(constCoverSize+constBorder, 0, 0, 0);
381         }
383         int td=index.data(Cantata::Role_AlbumDuration).toUInt();
384         QString totalDuration=td>0 && td!=song.time ? Utils::formatTime(td) : QString();
385         QRect duratioRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), textHeight);
386         int totalDurationWidth=fm.horizontalAdvance(totalDuration)+8;
387         QRect textRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width()-(rtl ? (4*constBorder) : totalDurationWidth), textHeight);
388         QFont tf(f);
389         tf.setBold(true);
390         title = QFontMetrics(tf).elidedText(title, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width(), QPalette::WindowText);
391         painter->setFont(tf);
392         painter->drawText(textRect, title, textOpt);
393         if (!totalDuration.isEmpty()) {
394             painter->drawText(duratioRect, totalDuration, QTextOption(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight));
395         }
396         BasicItemDelegate::drawLine(painter, r.adjusted(0, 0, 0, -r.height()/2), textColor, rtl, !rtl, 0.45);
397         r.adjust(0, textHeight+constBorder, 0, 0);
398         r=QRect(r.x(), r.y()+r.height()-(textHeight+1), r.width(), textHeight);
399         painter->setFont(f);
400         if (rtl) {
401             r.adjust(0, 0, (constCoverSize-(constBorder*3)), 0);
402         }
404         if (isCollection || !view->isExpanded(song.key, collection)) {
405             showTrackDuration=false;
406             track=tr("%n Track(s)", "", index.data(Cantata::Role_SongCount).toUInt());
407         }
408     } else if (rtl) {
409         r.adjust(0, 0, -(constBorder*4), 0);
410     } else {
411         r.adjust(constCoverSize+constBorder, 0, 0, 0);
412     }
414     GroupedView::drawPlayState(painter, option, r, state);
415     QVariant col = index.data(Cantata::Role_TextColor);
416     if (col.isValid()) {
417         textColor = col.value<QColor>();
418     }
419     painter->setPen(textColor);
421     int ratingsStart=rtl ? 0 : drawRatings(painter, song, r, fm, option.palette.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); // TODO!!!
423     int durationWidth=showTrackDuration ? fm.horizontalAdvance(duration)+8 : 0;
424     QRect duratioRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), textHeight);
425     QRect textRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width()-durationWidth, textHeight);
426     if (ratingsStart>0) {
427         textRect.setWidth(ratingsStart-r.x());
428     }
429     track = fm.elidedText(track, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width(), QPalette::WindowText);
430     painter->drawText(textRect, track, textOpt);
431     if (showTrackDuration) {
432         painter->drawText(duratioRect, duration, QTextOption(Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight));
433     }
435     if (mouseOver) {
436         drawIcons(painter, option.rect, mouseOver, rtl, AlbumHeader==type || isCollection ? AP_HBottom : AP_HMiddle, index);
437     }
438     BasicItemDelegate::drawLine(painter, option.rect, textColor);
439     painter->restore();
440 }
drawRatings(QPainter * painter,const Song & song,const QRect & r,const QFontMetrics & fm,const QColor & col) const442 int GroupedViewDelegate::drawRatings(QPainter *painter, const Song &song, const QRect &r, const QFontMetrics &fm, const QColor &col) const
443 {
444     if (song.rating>0 && song.rating<=Song::Rating_Max) {
445         if (!ratingPainter) {
446             ratingPainter=new RatingPainter(r.height()-(constBorder*8));
447             ratingPainter->setColor(col);
448         }
450         painter->save();
451         painter->setOpacity(painter->opacity()*0.75);
452         const QSize &ratingSize=ratingPainter->size();
453         int spacing=constBorder*2;
454         int durationWidth=fm.horizontalAdvance("0:00:00")+spacing;
455         QRect ratingRect(r.x()+r.width()-(durationWidth+ratingSize.width()+spacing),
456                          r.y()+(r.height()-ratingSize.height())/2,
457                          ratingSize.width(), ratingSize.height());
458         ratingPainter->paint(painter, ratingRect, song.rating);
459         painter->restore();
460         return ratingRect.x()-spacing;
461     }
462     return 0;
463 }
GroupedView(QWidget * parent,bool isPlayQueue)465 GroupedView::GroupedView(QWidget *parent, bool isPlayQueue)
466     : TreeView(parent, isPlayQueue)
467     , allowClose(true)
468     , startClosed(allowClose)
469     , autoExpand(true)
470     , filterActive(false)
471     , isMultiLevel(false)
472     , currentAlbum(Song::Null_Key)
473 {
474     setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
475     setAcceptDrops(true);
476     setDragDropOverwriteMode(false);
477     setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDrop);
478     setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
479     setDropIndicatorShown(true);
480     setHeaderHidden(true);
481     setRootIsDecorated(false);
482     setSelectionBehavior(SelectRows);
483     setForceSingleColumn(true);
484     connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(itemClicked(const QModelIndex &)));
485     GroupedViewDelegate *delegate=new GroupedViewDelegate(this);
486     setItemDelegate(delegate);
487     if (isPlayQueue) {
488         // 'underMouse' is used to work-around mouse over issues with some styles.
489         // PlayQueue does not have mouse over - so we never need to check this.
490         delegate->setUnderMouse(true);
491     }
492 }
~GroupedView()494 GroupedView::~GroupedView()
495 {
496 }
setModel(QAbstractItemModel * model)498 void GroupedView::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)
499 {
500     TreeView::setModel(model);
501     if (model) {
502         if (startClosed) {
503             updateCollectionRows();
504         }
505         connect(Covers::self(), SIGNAL(loaded(Song,int)), this, SLOT(coverLoaded(Song,int)));
506     } else {
507         controlledAlbums.clear();
508         disconnect(Covers::self(), SIGNAL(loaded(Song,int)), this, SLOT(coverLoaded(Song,int)));
509     }
510 }
setFilterActive(bool f)512 void GroupedView::setFilterActive(bool f)
513 {
514     if (f==filterActive) {
515         return;
516     }
517     filterActive=f;
518     if (filterActive && model()) {
519         quint32 count=model()->rowCount();
520         for (quint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {
521             setRowHidden(i, QModelIndex(), false);
522             if (isMultiLevel) {
523                 QModelIndex idx=model()->index(i, 0);
524                 if (model()->hasChildren(idx)) {
525                     quint32 childCount=model()->rowCount(idx);
526                     for (quint32 c=0; c<childCount; ++c) {
527                         setRowHidden(c, idx, false);
528                     }
529                 }
530             }
531         }
532     }
533 }
setStartClosed(bool sc)535 void GroupedView::setStartClosed(bool sc)
536 {
537     if (!allowClose || sc==startClosed) {
538         return;
539     }
540     controlledAlbums.clear();
541     startClosed=sc;
542     if (startClosed) {
543         updateCollectionRows();
544     }
545 }
updateRows(qint32 row,quint16 curAlbum,bool scroll,const QModelIndex & parent,bool forceScroll)547 void GroupedView::updateRows(qint32 row, quint16 curAlbum, bool scroll, const QModelIndex &parent, bool forceScroll)
548 {
549     currentAlbum=curAlbum;
551     if (row<0) {
552         row=0;
553     }
555     if (!model() || row>model()->rowCount(parent)) {
556         return;
557     }
559     if (filterActive && MPDState_Playing==MPDStatus::self()->state()) {
560         if (scroll) {
561             scrollTo(model()->index(row, 0, parent), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter);
562         }
563         return;
564     }
566     updateRows(parent);
567     if (scroll && (MPDState_Playing==MPDStatus::self()->state() || forceScroll)) {
568         scrollTo(model()->index(row, 0, parent), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter);
569     }
570 }
updateRows(const QModelIndex & parent)572 void GroupedView::updateRows(const QModelIndex &parent)
573 {
574     if (!model()) {
575         return;
576     }
578     qint32 count=model()->rowCount(parent);
579     quint16 lastKey=Song::Null_Key;
580     quint32 collection=parent.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
581     QSet<quint16> keys;
583     for (qint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {
584         quint16 key=model()->index(i, 0, parent).data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
585         keys.insert(key);
586         bool hide=key==lastKey &&
587                         !(key==currentAlbum && autoExpand) &&
588                         ( ( startClosed && !controlledAlbums[collection].contains(key)) ||
589                           ( !startClosed && controlledAlbums[collection].contains(key)));
590         setRowHidden(i, parent, hide);
591         lastKey=key;
592     }
594     // Check that 'controlledAlbums' only contains valid keys...
595     controlledAlbums[collection].intersect(keys);
596 }
updateCollectionRows()598 void GroupedView::updateCollectionRows()
599 {
600     if (!model()) {
601         return;
602     }
604     currentAlbum=Song::Null_Key;
605     qint32 count=model()->rowCount();
606     for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
607         updateRows(model()->index(i, 0));
608     }
609 }
toggle(const QModelIndex & idx)611 void GroupedView::toggle(const QModelIndex &idx)
612 {
613     if (!allowClose) {
614         return;
615     }
617     quint16 indexKey=idx.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
619     if (indexKey==currentAlbum && autoExpand) {
620         return;
621     }
623     quint32 collection=idx.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
624     bool toBeHidden=false;
625     if (controlledAlbums[collection].contains(indexKey)) {
626         controlledAlbums[collection].remove(indexKey);
627         toBeHidden=startClosed;
628     } else {
629         controlledAlbums[collection].insert(indexKey);
630         toBeHidden=!startClosed;
631     }
633     if (model()) {
634         QModelIndex parent=idx.parent();
635         quint32 count=model()->rowCount(idx.parent());
636         for (quint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {
637             QModelIndex index=model()->index(i, 0, parent);
638             quint16 key=index.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
639             if (indexKey==key) {
640                 if (isAlbumHeader(index)) {
641                     dataChanged(index, index);
642                 } else {
643                     setRowHidden(i, parent, toBeHidden);
644                 }
645             }
646         }
647     }
648 }
650 // Calculate list of selected indexes. If a collapsed album is selected, we also pretend all of its tracks
651 // are selected.
selectedIndexes(bool sorted) const652 QModelIndexList GroupedView::selectedIndexes(bool sorted) const
653 {
654     QModelIndexList indexes = TreeView::selectedIndexes(sorted);
655     QSet<QModelIndex> indexSet;
656     QModelIndexList sel;
658     for (const QModelIndex &idx: indexes) {
659         if (!indexSet.contains(idx)) {
660             indexSet.insert(idx);
661             sel.append(idx);
662         }
663         if (!idx.data(Cantata::Role_IsCollection).toBool()) {
664             quint16 key=idx.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
665             quint32 collection=idx.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
666             if (!isExpanded(key, collection)) {
667                 quint32 rowCount=model()->rowCount(idx.parent());
668                 for (quint32 i=idx.row()+1; i<rowCount; ++i) {
669                     QModelIndex next=idx.sibling(i, 0);
670                     if (next.isValid()) {
671                         quint16 nextKey=next.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
672                         quint32 nextCollection=idx.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
674                         if (nextCollection==collection && nextKey==key) {
675                             if (!indexSet.contains(next)) {
676                                 indexSet.insert(next);
677                                 sel.append(next);
678                             }
679                         } else {
680                             break;
681                         }
682                     } else {
683                         break;
684                     }
685                 }
686             }
687         }
688     }
689     return sel;
690 }
692 // If we are dropping onto a collapsed album, and we are in the bottom 1/2 of the row - then
693 // we need to drop the item at the end of the album's tracks. So, we adjust the 'drop row'
694 // by the amount of tracks.
dropEvent(QDropEvent * event)695 void GroupedView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
696 {
697     QModelIndex parent;
698     quint32 dropRowAdjust=0;
699     if (model() && viewport()->rect().contains(event->pos())) {
700         // Dont allow to drop on an already selected row - as this seems to cuase a crash!!!
701         QModelIndex idx=TreeView::indexAt(event->pos());
702         if (idx.isValid() && selectionModel() && selectionModel()->isSelected(idx)) {
703             return;
704         }
705         if (idx.isValid() && isAlbumHeader(idx)) {
706             QRect rect(visualRect(idx));
707             if (event->pos().y()>(rect.y()+(rect.height()/2))) {
708                 quint16 key=idx.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
709                 quint32 collection=idx.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
710                 if (!isExpanded(key, collection)) {
711                     parent=idx.parent();
712                     quint32 rowCount=model()->rowCount(parent);
713                     for (quint32 i=idx.row()+1; i<rowCount; ++i) {
714                         QModelIndex next=idx.sibling(i, 0);
715                         if (next.isValid()) {
716                             quint16 nextKey=next.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
717                             if (nextKey==key) {
718                                 dropRowAdjust++;
719                             } else {
720                                 break;
721                             }
722                         } else {
723                             break;
724                         }
725                     }
726                     model()->setData(parent, dropRowAdjust, Cantata::Role_DropAdjust);
727                 }
728             }
729         }
730     }
732     TreeView::dropEvent(event);
733     model()->setData(parent, 0, Cantata::Role_DropAdjust);
734 }
coverLoaded(const Song & song,int size)736 void GroupedView::coverLoaded(const Song &song, int size)
737 {
738     if (filterActive || !isVisible() || size!=constCoverSize || song.isArtistImageRequest() || song.isComposerImageRequest()) {
739         return;
740     }
741     quint32 count=model()->rowCount();
742     quint16 lastKey=Song::Null_Key;
743     QString albumArtist=song.albumArtist();
744     QString album=song.album;
746     for (quint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {
747         QModelIndex index=model()->index(i, 0);
748         if (!index.isValid()) {
749             continue;
750         }
751         if (isMultiLevel && model()->hasChildren(index)) {
752             lastKey=Song::Null_Key;
753             quint32 childCount=model()->rowCount(index);
754             for (quint32 c=0; c<childCount; ++c) {
755                 QModelIndex child=model()->index(c, 0, index);
756                 if (!child.isValid()) {
757                     continue;
758                 }
759                 quint16 key=child.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
761                 if (key!=lastKey && !isRowHidden(c, index)) {
762                     Song song=child.data(Cantata::Role_Song).value<Song>();
763                     if (song.albumArtist()==albumArtist && song.album==album) {
764                         dataChanged(child, child);
765                     }
766                 }
767                 lastKey=key;
768             }
769         } else {
770             quint16 key=index.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
772             if (key!=lastKey && !isRowHidden(i, QModelIndex())) {
773                 Song song=index.data(Cantata::Role_Song).value<Song>();
774                 if (song.albumArtist()==albumArtist && song.album==album) {
775                     dataChanged(index, index);
776                 }
777             }
778             lastKey=key;
779         }
780     }
781 }
collectionRemoved(quint32 key)783 void GroupedView::collectionRemoved(quint32 key)
784 {
785     controlledAlbums.remove(key);
786 }
itemClicked(const QModelIndex & idx)788 void GroupedView::itemClicked(const QModelIndex &idx)
789 {
790     if (isAlbumHeader(idx)) {
791         QRect indexRect(visualRect(idx));
792         QRect icon(indexRect.x()+constBorder+4, indexRect.y()+constBorder+((indexRect.height()-constCoverSize)/2),
793                    constCoverSize, constCoverSize);
794         QRect header(indexRect);
795         header.setHeight(header.height()/2);
796         header.moveTo(viewport()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(header.x(), header.y())));
797         icon.moveTo(viewport()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(icon.x(), icon.y())));
798         if (allowClose && icon.contains(QCursor::pos())) {
799             toggle(idx);
800         } else if (header.contains(QCursor::pos())) {
801             QModelIndexList list;
802             unsigned int key=idx.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
803             QModelIndex i=idx.sibling(idx.row()+1, 0);
804 //            QModelIndexList sel=selectedIndexes();
805             QItemSelectionModel *selModel=selectionModel();
806             QModelIndexList unsel;
808             while (i.isValid() && i.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt()==key) {
809                 #if 0 // The following does not seem to work from the grouped playlist view - the 2nd row never get selected!
810                 if (!sel.contains(i)) {
811                     unsel.append(i);
812                 }
813                 #else
814                 unsel.append(i);
815                 #endif
816                 list.append(i);
817                 i=i.sibling(i.row()+1, 0);
818             }
819             if (list.count()) {
820                 #if 0 // Commendted out as (as noted below) unselection is not working, and we always add to 'unsel' above (because of playlists)
821                 if (unsel.isEmpty()) { // TODO: This is not working!!!   CHECK selModel if re-add!!!
822                     for (const QModelIndex &i: list) {
823                         selModel->select(i, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect|QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
824                     }
825                 } else {
826                     for (const QModelIndex &i: unsel) {
827                         selModel->select(i, QItemSelectionModel::Select|QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
828                     }
829                 }
830                 #else
831                 if (!unsel.isEmpty() && selModel) {
832                     for (const QModelIndex &i: unsel) {
833                         selModel->select(i, QItemSelectionModel::Select|QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
834                     }
835                 }
836                 #endif
837             }
838         }
839     }
840 }
expand(const QModelIndex & idx,bool singleOnly)842 void GroupedView::expand(const QModelIndex &idx, bool singleOnly)
843 {
844     if (allowClose && idx.isValid()) {
845         if (idx.data(Cantata::Role_IsCollection).toBool()) {
846             setExpanded(idx, true);
847             if (!singleOnly) {
848                 quint32 count=model()->rowCount(idx);
849                 for (quint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {
850                     expand(model()->index(i, 0, idx));
851                 }
852             }
853         } else if (AlbumHeader==getType(idx)) {
854             quint16 indexKey=idx.data(Cantata::Role_Key).toUInt();
855             quint32 collection=idx.data(Cantata::Role_CollectionId).toUInt();
856             if (!isExpanded(indexKey, collection)) {
857                 toggle(idx);
858             }
859         }
860     }
861 }
collapse(const QModelIndex & idx,bool singleOnly)863 void GroupedView::collapse(const QModelIndex &idx, bool singleOnly)
864 {
865     if (allowClose && idx.isValid()) {
866         if (idx.data(Cantata::Role_IsCollection).toBool()) {
867             setExpanded(idx, false);
868             if (!singleOnly) {
869                 quint32 count=model()->rowCount(idx);
870                 for (quint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {
871                     collapse(model()->index(i, 0, idx));
872                 }
873             }
874         }
875     }
876 }
drawBranches(QPainter *,const QRect &,const QModelIndex &) const878 void GroupedView::drawBranches(QPainter *, const QRect &, const QModelIndex &) const
879 {
880     // Don't want any branch lines drawn!
881 }
883 #include "moc_groupedview.cpp"