1# Copyright 2013 by Rackspace Hosting, Inc.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15"""HTTP error classes and other Falcon-specific errors.
17This module implements a collection of `falcon.HTTPError`
18specializations that can be raised to generate a 4xx or 5xx HTTP
19response. All classes are available directly from the `falcon`
20package namespace::
22    import falcon
24    class MessageResource(object):
25        def on_get(self, req, resp):
27            # ...
29            raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(
30                'TTL Out of Range',
31                'The message's TTL must be between 60 and 300 seconds, inclusive.'
32            )
34            # ...
38from datetime import datetime
40from falcon import util
41from falcon.http_error import HTTPError, NoRepresentation, \
42    OptionalRepresentation
43import falcon.status_codes as status
46class HeaderNotSupported(ValueError):
47    """The specified header is not supported by this method."""
50class HTTPBadRequest(HTTPError):
51    """400 Bad Request.
53    The server cannot or will not process the request due to something
54    that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request
55    syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request
56    routing).
58    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.1)
60    Keyword Args:
61        title (str): Error title (default '400 Bad Request').
62        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
63            a helpful suggestion or two.
64        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
65            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
66            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
67            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
68            use wide characters.
70            Note:
71                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
72                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
73                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
74                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
75                client
77            Note:
78                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
79                than a ``dict``.
80        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
81            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
82        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
83            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
84            for this error').
85        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
86            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
87            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
88    """
90    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
91        super(HTTPBadRequest, self).__init__(status.HTTP_400, title,
92                                             description, headers, **kwargs)
95class HTTPUnauthorized(HTTPError):
96    """401 Unauthorized.
98    The request has not been applied because it lacks valid
99    authentication credentials for the target resource.
101    The server generating a 401 response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate
102    header field containing at least one challenge applicable to the
103    target resource.
105    If the request included authentication credentials, then the 401
106    response indicates that authorization has been refused for those
107    credentials. The user agent MAY repeat the request with a new or
108    replaced Authorization header field. If the 401 response contains
109    the same challenge as the prior response, and the user agent has
110    already attempted authentication at least once, then the user agent
111    SHOULD present the enclosed representation to the user, since it
112    usually contains relevant diagnostic information.
114    (See also: RFC 7235, Section 3.1)
116    Keyword Args:
117        title (str): Error title (default '401 Unauthorized').
118        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
119            a helpful suggestion or two.
120        challenges (iterable of str): One or more authentication
121            challenges to use as the value of the WWW-Authenticate header in
122            the response.
124            (See also: RFC 7235, Section 2.1)
126        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
127            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
128            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
129            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
130            use wide characters.
132            Note:
133                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
134                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
135                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
136                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
137                client
139            Note:
140                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
141                than a ``dict``.
142        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
143            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
144        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
145            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
146            for this error').
147        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
148            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
149            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
151    """
153    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, challenges=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
154        if headers is None:
155            headers = {}
157        if challenges:
158            headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = ', '.join(challenges)
160        super(HTTPUnauthorized, self).__init__(status.HTTP_401, title,
161                                               description, headers, **kwargs)
164class HTTPForbidden(HTTPError):
165    """403 Forbidden.
167    The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
169    A server that wishes to make public why the request has been
170    forbidden can describe that reason in the response payload (if any).
172    If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the
173    server considers them insufficient to grant access. The client
174    SHOULD NOT automatically repeat the request with the same
175    credentials. The client MAY repeat the request with new or different
176    credentials. However, a request might be forbidden for reasons
177    unrelated to the credentials.
179    An origin server that wishes to "hide" the current existence of a
180    forbidden target resource MAY instead respond with a status code of
181    404 Not Found.
183    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.4)
185    Keyword Args:
186        title (str): Error title (default '403 Forbidden').
187        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
188            a helpful suggestion or two.
189        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
190            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
191            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
192            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
193            use wide characters.
195            Note:
196                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
197                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
198                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
199                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
200                client
202            Note:
203                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
204                than a ``dict``.
205        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
206            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
207        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
208            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
209            for this error').
210        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
211            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
212            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
213    """
215    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
216        super(HTTPForbidden, self).__init__(status.HTTP_403, title,
217                                            description, headers, **kwargs)
220class HTTPNotFound(OptionalRepresentation, HTTPError):
221    """404 Not Found.
223    The origin server did not find a current representation for the
224    target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
226    A 404 status code does not indicate whether this lack of
227    representation is temporary or permanent; the 410 Gone status code
228    is preferred over 404 if the origin server knows, presumably through
229    some configurable means, that the condition is likely to be
230    permanent.
232    A 404 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise
233    indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls.
235    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.3)
237    Keyword Args:
238        title (str): Human-friendly error title. If not provided, and
239            `description` is also not provided, no body will be included
240            in the response.
241        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
242            a helpful suggestion or two (default ``None``).
243        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
244            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
245            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
246            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
247            use wide characters.
249            Note:
250                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
251                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
252                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
253                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
254                client
256            Note:
257                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
258                than a ``dict``.
259        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
260            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
261        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
262            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
263            for this error').
264        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
265            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
266            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
267    """
269    def __init__(self, headers=None, **kwargs):
270        super(HTTPNotFound, self).__init__(status.HTTP_404, headers=headers, **kwargs)
273class HTTPMethodNotAllowed(OptionalRepresentation, HTTPError):
274    """405 Method Not Allowed.
276    The method received in the request-line is known by the origin
277    server but not supported by the target resource.
279    The origin server MUST generate an Allow header field in a 405
280    response containing a list of the target resource's currently
281    supported methods.
283    A 405 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise
284    indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls.
286    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.5)
288    Args:
289        allowed_methods (list of str): Allowed HTTP methods for this
290            resource (e.g., ``['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD']``).
292    Keyword Args:
293        title (str): Human-friendly error title. If not provided, and
294            `description` is also not provided, no body will be included
295            in the response.
296        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
297            a helpful suggestion or two (default ``None``).
298        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
299            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
300            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
301            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
302            use wide characters.
304            Note:
305                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
306                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
307                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
308                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
309                client
311            Note:
312                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
313                than a ``dict``.
314        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
315            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
316        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
317            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
318            for this error').
319        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
320            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
321            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
322    """
324    def __init__(self, allowed_methods, headers=None, **kwargs):
325        new_headers = {'Allow': ', '.join(allowed_methods)}
326        super(HTTPMethodNotAllowed, self).__init__(status.HTTP_405,
327                                                   headers=headers,
328                                                   **kwargs)
329        if not self.headers:
330            self.headers = {}
332        self.headers.update(new_headers)
335class HTTPNotAcceptable(HTTPError):
336    """406 Not Acceptable.
338    The target resource does not have a current representation that
339    would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive
340    negotiation header fields received in the request, and the server
341    is unwilling to supply a default representation.
343    The server SHOULD generate a payload containing a list of available
344    representation characteristics and corresponding resource
345    identifiers from which the user or user agent can choose the one
346    most appropriate. A user agent MAY automatically select the most
347    appropriate choice from that list. However, this specification does
348    not define any standard for such automatic selection, as described
349    in RFC 7231, Section 6.4.1
351    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.6)
353    Keyword Args:
354        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
355            a helpful suggestion or two.
356        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
357            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
358            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
359            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
360            use wide characters.
362            Note:
363                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
364                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
365                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
366                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
367                client
369            Note:
370                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
371                than a ``dict``.
372        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
373            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
374        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
375            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
376            for this error').
377        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
378            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
379            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
380    """
382    def __init__(self, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
383        super(HTTPNotAcceptable, self).__init__(status.HTTP_406,
384                                                'Media type not acceptable',
385                                                description, headers,
386                                                **kwargs)
389class HTTPConflict(HTTPError):
390    """409 Conflict.
392    The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the
393    current state of the target resource. This code is used in
394    situations where the user might be able to resolve the conflict and
395    resubmit the request.
397    The server SHOULD generate a payload that includes enough
398    information for a user to recognize the source of the conflict.
400    Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For
401    example, if versioning were being used and the representation being
402    PUT included changes to a resource that conflict with those made by
403    an earlier (third-party) request, the origin server might use a 409
404    response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this
405    case, the response representation would likely contain information
406    useful for merging the differences based on the revision history.
408    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.8)
410    Keyword Args:
411        title (str): Error title (default '409 Conflict').
412        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
413            a helpful suggestion or two.
414        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
415            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
416            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
417            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
418            use wide characters.
420            Note:
421                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
422                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
423                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
424                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
425                client
427            Note:
428                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
429                than a ``dict``.
430        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
431            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
432        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
433            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
434            for this error').
435        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
436            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
437            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
438    """
440    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
441        super(HTTPConflict, self).__init__(status.HTTP_409, title,
442                                           description, headers,
443                                           **kwargs)
446class HTTPGone(OptionalRepresentation, HTTPError):
447    """410 Gone.
449    The target resource is no longer available at the origin server and
450    this condition is likely to be permanent.
452    If the origin server does not know, or has no facility to determine,
453    whether or not the condition is permanent, the status code 404 Not
454    Found ought to be used instead.
456    The 410 response is primarily intended to assist the task of web
457    maintenance by notifying the recipient that the resource is
458    intentionally unavailable and that the server owners desire that
459    remote links to that resource be removed. Such an event is common
460    for limited-time, promotional services and for resources belonging
461    to individuals no longer associated with the origin server's site.
462    It is not necessary to mark all permanently unavailable resources as
463    "gone" or to keep the mark for any length of time -- that is left to
464    the discretion of the server owner.
466    A 410 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise
467    indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls.
469    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.9)
471    Keyword Args:
472        title (str): Human-friendly error title. If not provided, and
473            `description` is also not provided, no body will be included
474            in the response.
475        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
476            a helpful suggestion or two (default ``None``).
477        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
478            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
479            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
480            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
481            use wide characters.
483            Note:
484                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
485                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
486                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
487                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
488                client
490            Note:
491                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
492                than a ``dict``.
493        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
494            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
495        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
496            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
497            for this error').
498        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
499            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
500            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
501    """
503    def __init__(self, headers=None, **kwargs):
504        super(HTTPGone, self).__init__(status.HTTP_410, headers=headers, **kwargs)
507class HTTPLengthRequired(HTTPError):
508    """411 Length Required.
510    The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-
511    Length.
513    The client MAY repeat the request if it adds a valid Content-Length
514    header field containing the length of the message body in the
515    request message.
517    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.10)
519    Keyword Args:
520        title (str): Error title (default '411 Length Required').
521        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
522            a helpful suggestion or two.
523        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
524            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
525            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
526            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
527            use wide characters.
529            Note:
530                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
531                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
532                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
533                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
534                client
536            Note:
537                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
538                than a ``dict``.
539        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
540            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
541        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
542            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
543            for this error').
544        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
545            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
546            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
547    """
548    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
549        super(HTTPLengthRequired, self).__init__(status.HTTP_411,
550                                                 title, description,
551                                                 headers, **kwargs)
554class HTTPPreconditionFailed(HTTPError):
555    """412 Precondition Failed.
557    One or more conditions given in the request header fields evaluated
558    to false when tested on the server.
560    This response code allows the client to place preconditions on the
561    current resource state (its current representations and metadata)
562    and, thus, prevent the request method from being applied if the
563    target resource is in an unexpected state.
565    (See also: RFC 7232, Section 4.2)
567    Keyword Args:
568        title (str): Error title (default '412 Precondition Failed').
569        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
570            a helpful suggestion or two.
571        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
572            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
573            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
574            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
575            use wide characters.
577            Note:
578                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
579                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
580                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
581                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
582                client
584            Note:
585                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
586                than a ``dict``.
587        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
588            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
589        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
590            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
591            for this error').
592        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
593            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
594            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
595    """
597    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
598        super(HTTPPreconditionFailed, self).__init__(status.HTTP_412, title,
599                                                     description, headers,
600                                                     **kwargs)
603class HTTPPayloadTooLarge(HTTPError):
604    """413 Payload Too Large.
606    The server is refusing to process a request because the request
607    payload is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
609    The server MAY close the connection to prevent the client from
610    continuing the request.
612    If the condition is temporary, the server SHOULD generate a Retry-
613    After header field to indicate that it is temporary and after what
614    time the client MAY try again.
616    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.11)
618    Keyword Args:
619        title (str): Error title (default '413 Payload Too Large').
621        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
622            a helpful suggestion or two.
624        retry_after (datetime or int): Value for the Retry-After
625            header. If a ``datetime`` object, will serialize as an HTTP date.
626            Otherwise, a non-negative ``int`` is expected, representing the
627            number of seconds to wait.
628        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
629            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
630            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
631            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
632            use wide characters.
634            Note:
635                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
636                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
637                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
638                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
639                client
641            Note:
642                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
643                than a ``dict``.
644        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
645            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
646        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
647            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
648            for this error').
649        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
650            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
651            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
652    """
654    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, retry_after=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
655        if headers is None:
656            headers = {}
658        if isinstance(retry_after, datetime):
659            headers['Retry-After'] = util.dt_to_http(retry_after)
660        elif retry_after is not None:
661            headers['Retry-After'] = str(retry_after)
663        super(HTTPPayloadTooLarge, self).__init__(status.HTTP_413,
664                                                  title,
665                                                  description,
666                                                  headers,
667                                                  **kwargs)
670class HTTPUriTooLong(HTTPError):
671    """414 URI Too Long.
673    The server is refusing to service the request because the request-
674    target is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
676    This rare condition is only likely to occur when a client has
677    improperly converted a POST request to a GET request with long query
678    information, when the client has descended into a "black hole" of
679    redirection (e.g., a redirected URI prefix that points to a suffix
680    of itself) or when the server is under attack by a client attempting
681    to exploit potential security holes.
683    A 414 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise
684    indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls.
686    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.12)
688    Keyword Args:
689        title (str): Error title (default '414 URI Too Long').
690        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
691            a helpful suggestion or two (default ``None``).
692        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
693            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
694            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
695            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
696            use wide characters.
698            Note:
699                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
700                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
701                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
702                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
703                client
705            Note:
706                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
707                than a ``dict``.
708        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
709            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
710        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
711            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
712            for this error').
713        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
714            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
715            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
716    """
718    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
719        super(HTTPUriTooLong, self).__init__(status.HTTP_414, title,
720                                             description, headers,
721                                             **kwargs)
724class HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(HTTPError):
725    """415 Unsupported Media Type.
727    The origin server is refusing to service the request because the
728    payload is in a format not supported by this method on the target
729    resource.
731    The format problem might be due to the request's indicated Content-
732    Type or Content-Encoding, or as a result of inspecting the data
733    directly.
735    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.5.13)
737    Keyword Args:
738        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
739            a helpful suggestion or two.
740        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
741            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
742            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
743            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
744            use wide characters.
746            Note:
747                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
748                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
749                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
750                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
751                client
753            Note:
754                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
755                than a ``dict``.
756        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
757            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
758        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
759            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
760            for this error').
761        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
762            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
763            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
764    """
766    def __init__(self, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
767        super(HTTPUnsupportedMediaType, self).__init__(
768            status.HTTP_415, 'Unsupported media type',
769            description, headers, **kwargs)
772class HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable(NoRepresentation, HTTPError):
773    """416 Range Not Satisfiable.
775    None of the ranges in the request's Range header field overlap the
776    current extent of the selected resource or that the set of ranges
777    requested has been rejected due to invalid ranges or an excessive
778    request of small or overlapping ranges.
780    For byte ranges, failing to overlap the current extent means that
781    the first-byte-pos of all of the byte-range-spec values were greater
782    than the current length of the selected representation. When this
783    status code is generated in response to a byte-range request, the
784    sender SHOULD generate a Content-Range header field specifying the
785    current length of the selected representation.
787    (See also: RFC 7233, Section 4.4)
789    Args:
790        resource_length: The maximum value for the last-byte-pos of a range
791            request. Used to set the Content-Range header.
792    """
794    def __init__(self, resource_length, headers=None):
795        if headers is None:
796            headers = {}
797        headers.setdefault('Content-Range', 'bytes */' + str(resource_length))
799        super(HTTPRangeNotSatisfiable, self).__init__(status.HTTP_416,
800                                                      headers=headers)
803class HTTPUnprocessableEntity(HTTPError):
804    """422 Unprocessable Entity.
806    The server understands the content type of the request entity (hence
807    a 415 Unsupported Media Type status code is inappropriate), and the
808    syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 Bad Request
809    status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the
810    contained instructions.
812    For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body
813    contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically
814    erroneous, XML instructions.
816    (See also: RFC 4918, Section 11.2)
818    Keyword Args:
819        title (str): Error title (default '422 Unprocessable Entity').
820        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
821            a helpful suggestion or two.
822        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
823            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
824            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
825            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
826            use wide characters.
828            Note:
829                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
830                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
831                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
832                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
833                client
835            Note:
836                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
837                than a ``dict``.
838        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
839            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
840        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
841            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
842            for this error').
843        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
844            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
845            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
846    """
848    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
849        super(HTTPUnprocessableEntity, self).__init__(status.HTTP_422, title,
850                                                      description, headers, **kwargs)
853class HTTPLocked(OptionalRepresentation, HTTPError):
854    """423 Locked.
856    The 423 (Locked) status code means the source or destination resource
857    of a method is locked. This response SHOULD contain an appropriate
858    precondition or postcondition code, such as 'lock-token-submitted' or
859    'no-conflicting-lock'.
861    (See also: RFC 4918, Section 11.3)
863    Keyword Args:
864        title (str): Error title (default '423 Locked').
865        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
866            a helpful suggestion or two.
867        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
868            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
869            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
870            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
871            use wide characters.
873            Note:
874                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
875                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
876                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
877                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
878                client
880            Note:
881                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
882                than a ``dict``.
883        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
884            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
885        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
886            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
887            for this error').
888        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
889            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
890            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
891    """
893    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
894        super(HTTPLocked, self).__init__(status.HTTP_423, title,
895                                         description, headers,
896                                         **kwargs)
899class HTTPFailedDependency(OptionalRepresentation, HTTPError):
900    """424 Failed Dependency.
902    The 424 (Failed Dependency) status code means that the method could
903    not be performed on the resource because the requested action
904    depended on another action and that action failed.
906    (See also: RFC 4918, Section 11.4)
908    Keyword Args:
909        title (str): Error title (default '424 Failed Dependency').
910        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
911            a helpful suggestion or two.
912        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
913            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
914            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
915            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
916            use wide characters.
918            Note:
919                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
920                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
921                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
922                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
923                client
925            Note:
926                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
927                than a ``dict``.
928        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
929            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
930        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
931            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
932            for this error').
933        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
934            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
935            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
936    """
938    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
939        super(HTTPFailedDependency, self).__init__(status.HTTP_424, title,
940                                                   description, headers,
941                                                   **kwargs)
944class HTTPPreconditionRequired(HTTPError):
945    """428 Precondition Required.
947    The 428 status code indicates that the origin server requires the
948    request to be conditional.
950    Its typical use is to avoid the "lost update" problem, where a client
951    GETs a resource's state, modifies it, and PUTs it back to the server,
952    when meanwhile a third party has modified the state on the server,
953    leading to a conflict.  By requiring requests to be conditional, the
954    server can assure that clients are working with the correct copies.
956    Responses using this status code SHOULD explain how to resubmit the
957    request successfully.
959    (See also: RFC 6585, Section 3)
961    Keyword Args:
962        title (str): Error title (default '428 Precondition Required').
963        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
964            a helpful suggestion or two.
965        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
966            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
967            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
968            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
969            use wide characters.
971            Note:
972                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
973                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
974                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
975                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
976                client
978            Note:
979                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
980                than a ``dict``.
981        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
982            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
983        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
984            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
985            for this error').
986        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
987            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
988            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
989    """
990    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
991        super(HTTPPreconditionRequired, self).__init__(status.HTTP_428, title,
992                                                       description, headers,
993                                                       **kwargs)
996class HTTPTooManyRequests(HTTPError):
997    """429 Too Many Requests.
999    The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate
1000    limiting").
1002    The response representations SHOULD include details explaining the
1003    condition, and MAY include a Retry-After header indicating how long
1004    to wait before making a new request.
1006    Responses with the 429 status code MUST NOT be stored by a cache.
1008    (See also: RFC 6585, Section 4)
1010    Keyword Args:
1011        title (str): Error title (default '429 Too Many Requests').
1012        description (str): Human-friendly description of the rate limit that
1013            was exceeded.
1014        retry_after (datetime or int): Value for the Retry-After
1015            header. If a ``datetime`` object, will serialize as an HTTP date.
1016            Otherwise, a non-negative ``int`` is expected, representing the
1017            number of seconds to wait.
1018        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1019            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1020            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1021            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1022            use wide characters.
1024            Note:
1025                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1026                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1027                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1028                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1029                client
1031            Note:
1032                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1033                than a ``dict``.
1034        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1035            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1036        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1037            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1038            for this error').
1039        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1040            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1041            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1042    """
1044    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, retry_after=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1045        if headers is None:
1046            headers = {}
1048        if isinstance(retry_after, datetime):
1049            headers['Retry-After'] = util.dt_to_http(retry_after)
1050        elif retry_after is not None:
1051            headers['Retry-After'] = str(retry_after)
1053        super(HTTPTooManyRequests, self).__init__(status.HTTP_429,
1054                                                  title,
1055                                                  description,
1056                                                  headers,
1057                                                  **kwargs)
1060class HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(HTTPError):
1061    """431 Request Header Fields Too Large.
1063    The 431 status code indicates that the server is unwilling to process
1064    the request because its header fields are too large.  The request MAY
1065    be resubmitted after reducing the size of the request header fields.
1067    It can be used both when the set of request header fields in total is
1068    too large, and when a single header field is at fault.  In the latter
1069    case, the response representation SHOULD specify which header field
1070    was too large.
1072    Responses with the 431 status code MUST NOT be stored by a cache.
1074    (See also: RFC 6585, Section 5)
1076    Keyword Args:
1077        title (str): Error title (default '431 Request Header Fields Too Large').
1078        description (str): Human-friendly description of the rate limit that
1079            was exceeded.
1080        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1081            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1082            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1083            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1084            use wide characters.
1086            Note:
1087                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1088                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1089                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1090                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1091                client
1093            Note:
1094                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1095                than a ``dict``.
1096        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1097            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1098        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1099            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1100            for this error').
1101        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1102            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1103            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1104    """
1106    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1107        super(HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, self).__init__(status.HTTP_431,
1108                                                              title,
1109                                                              description,
1110                                                              headers,
1111                                                              **kwargs)
1114class HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons(OptionalRepresentation, HTTPError):
1115    """451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
1117    The server is denying access to the resource as a consequence of a
1118    legal demand.
1120    The server in question might not be an origin server. This type of
1121    legal demand typically most directly affects the operations of ISPs
1122    and search engines.
1124    Responses using this status code SHOULD include an explanation, in
1125    the response body, of the details of the legal demand: the party
1126    making it, the applicable legislation or regulation, and what
1127    classes of person and resource it applies to.
1129    Note that in many cases clients can still access the denied resource
1130    by using technical countermeasures such as a VPN or the Tor network.
1132    A 451 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise
1133    indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls.
1135    (See also: RFC 7725, Section 3)
1137    Keyword Args:
1138        title (str): Error title (default '451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons').
1139        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1140            a helpful suggestion or two (default ``None``).
1141        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1142            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1143            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1144            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1145            use wide characters.
1147            Note:
1148                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1149                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1150                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1151                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1152                client
1154            Note:
1155                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1156                than a ``dict``.
1157        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1158            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1159        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1160            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1161            for this error').
1162        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1163            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1164            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1165    """
1167    def __init__(self, title=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1168        super(HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons, self).__init__(status.HTTP_451,
1169                                                             title,
1170                                                             headers=headers,
1171                                                             **kwargs)
1174class HTTPInternalServerError(HTTPError):
1175    """500 Internal Server Error.
1177    The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it
1178    from fulfilling the request.
1180    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.6.1)
1182    Keyword Args:
1183        title (str): Error title (default '500 Internal Server Error').
1184        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1185            a helpful suggestion or two.
1186        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1187            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1188            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1189            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1190            use wide characters.
1192            Note:
1193                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1194                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1195                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1196                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1197                client
1199            Note:
1200                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1201                than a ``dict``.
1202        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1203            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1204        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1205            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1206            for this error').
1207        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1208            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1209            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1211    """
1213    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1214        super(HTTPInternalServerError, self).__init__(status.HTTP_500, title,
1215                                                      description, headers,
1216                                                      **kwargs)
1219class HTTPNotImplemented(HTTPError):
1220    """501 Not Implemented.
1222    The 501 (Not Implemented) status code indicates that the server does
1223    not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.  This
1224    is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the
1225    request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.
1227    A 501 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise
1228    indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls
1229    as described in RFC 7234, Section 4.2.2.
1231    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.6.2)
1233    Keyword Args:
1234        title (str): Error title (default '500 Internal Server Error').
1235        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1236            a helpful suggestion or two.
1237        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1238            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1239            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1240            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1241            use wide characters.
1243            Note:
1244                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1245                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1246                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1247                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1248                client
1250            Note:
1251                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1252                than a ``dict``.
1254        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1255            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1256        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1257            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1258            for this error').
1259        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1260            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1261            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1263    """
1265    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1266        super(HTTPNotImplemented, self).__init__(status.HTTP_501, title,
1267                                                 description, headers,
1268                                                 **kwargs)
1271class HTTPBadGateway(HTTPError):
1272    """502 Bad Gateway.
1274    The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid
1275    response from an inbound server it accessed while attempting to
1276    fulfill the request.
1278    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.6.3)
1280    Keyword Args:
1281        title (str): Error title (default '502 Bad Gateway').
1282        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1283            a helpful suggestion or two.
1284        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1285            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1286            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1287            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1288            use wide characters.
1290            Note:
1291                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1292                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1293                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1294                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1295                client
1297            Note:
1298                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1299                than a ``dict``.
1300        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1301            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1302        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1303            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1304            for this error').
1305        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1306            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1307            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1308    """
1310    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1311        super(HTTPBadGateway, self).__init__(status.HTTP_502, title,
1312                                             description, headers,
1313                                             **kwargs)
1316class HTTPServiceUnavailable(HTTPError):
1317    """503 Service Unavailable.
1319    The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a
1320    temporary overload or scheduled maintenance, which will likely be
1321    alleviated after some delay.
1323    The server MAY send a Retry-After header field to suggest an
1324    appropriate amount of time for the client to wait before retrying
1325    the request.
1327    Note: The existence of the 503 status code does not imply that a
1328    server has to use it when becoming overloaded. Some servers might
1329    simply refuse the connection.
1331    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.6.4)
1333    Keyword Args:
1334        title (str): Error title (default '503 Service Unavailable').
1335        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1336            a helpful suggestion or two.
1337        retry_after (datetime or int): Value for the Retry-After header. If a
1338            ``datetime`` object, will serialize as an HTTP date. Otherwise,
1339            a non-negative ``int`` is expected, representing the number of
1340            seconds to wait.
1341        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1342            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1343            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1344            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1345            use wide characters.
1347            Note:
1348                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1349                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1350                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1351                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1352                client
1354            Note:
1355                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1356                than a ``dict``.
1357        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1358            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1359        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1360            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1361            for this error').
1362        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1363            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1364            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1365    """
1367    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, retry_after=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1368        if headers is None:
1369            headers = {}
1371        if isinstance(retry_after, datetime):
1372            headers['Retry-After'] = util.dt_to_http(retry_after)
1373        elif retry_after is not None:
1374            headers['Retry-After'] = str(retry_after)
1376        super(HTTPServiceUnavailable, self).__init__(status.HTTP_503,
1377                                                     title,
1378                                                     description,
1379                                                     headers,
1380                                                     **kwargs)
1383class HTTPGatewayTimeout(HTTPError):
1384    """504 Gateway Timeout.
1386    The 504 (Gateway Timeout) status code indicates that the server,
1387    while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response
1388    from an upstream server it needed to access in order to complete the
1389    request.
1391    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.6.5)
1393    Keyword Args:
1394        title (str): Error title (default '503 Service Unavailable').
1395        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1396            a helpful suggestion or two.
1397        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1398            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1399            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1400            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1401            use wide characters.
1403            Note:
1404                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1405                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1406                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1407                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1408                client
1410            Note:
1411                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1412                than a ``dict``.
1414        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1415            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1416        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1417            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1418            for this error').
1419        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1420            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1421            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1422    """
1424    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1425        super(HTTPGatewayTimeout, self).__init__(status.HTTP_504, title,
1426                                                 description, headers,
1427                                                 **kwargs)
1430class HTTPVersionNotSupported(HTTPError):
1431    """505 HTTP Version Not Supported
1433    The 505 (HTTP Version Not Supported) status code indicates that the
1434    server does not support, or refuses to support, the major version of
1435    HTTP that was used in the request message.  The server is indicating
1436    that it is unable or unwilling to complete the request using the same
1437    major version as the client (as described in RFC 7230, Section 2.6),
1438    other than with this error message.  The server SHOULD
1439    generate a representation for the 505 response that describes why
1440    that version is not supported and what other protocols are supported
1441    by that server.
1443    (See also: RFC 7231, Section 6.6.6)
1445    Keyword Args:
1446        title (str): Error title (default '503 Service Unavailable').
1447        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1448            a helpful suggestion or two.
1449        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1450            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1451            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1452            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1453            use wide characters.
1455            Note:
1456                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1457                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1458                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1459                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1460                client
1462            Note:
1463                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1464                than a ``dict``.
1466        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1467            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1468        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1469            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1470            for this error').
1471        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1472            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1473            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1474    """
1476    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1477        super(HTTPVersionNotSupported, self).__init__(status.HTTP_505, title,
1478                                                      description, headers,
1479                                                      **kwargs)
1482class HTTPInsufficientStorage(HTTPError):
1483    """507 Insufficient Storage.
1485    The 507 (Insufficient Storage) status code means the method could not
1486    be performed on the resource because the server is unable to store
1487    the representation needed to successfully complete the request. This
1488    condition is considered to be temporary. If the request that
1489    received this status code was the result of a user action, the
1490    request MUST NOT be repeated until it is requested by a separate user
1491    action.
1493    (See also: RFC 4918, Section 11.5)
1495    Keyword Args:
1496        title (str): Error title (default '507 Insufficient Storage').
1497        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1498            a helpful suggestion or two.
1499        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1500            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1501            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1502            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1503            use wide characters.
1505            Note:
1506                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1507                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1508                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1509                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1510                client
1512            Note:
1513                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1514                than a ``dict``.
1515        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1516            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1517        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1518            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1519            for this error').
1520        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1521            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1522            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1523    """
1525    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1526        super(HTTPInsufficientStorage, self).__init__(status.HTTP_507, title,
1527                                                      description, headers,
1528                                                      **kwargs)
1531class HTTPLoopDetected(HTTPError):
1532    """508 Loop Detected.
1534    The 508 (Loop Detected) status code indicates that the server
1535    terminated an operation because it encountered an infinite loop while
1536    processing a request with "Depth: infinity". This status indicates
1537    that the entire operation failed.
1539    (See also: RFC 5842, Section 7.2)
1541    Keyword Args:
1542        title (str): Error title (default '508 Loop Detected').
1543        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1544            a helpful suggestion or two.
1545        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1546            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1547            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1548            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1549            use wide characters.
1551            Note:
1552                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1553                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1554                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1555                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1556                client
1558            Note:
1559                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1560                than a ``dict``.
1561        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1562            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1563        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1564            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1565            for this error').
1566        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1567            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1568            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1569    """
1571    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1572        super(HTTPLoopDetected, self).__init__(status.HTTP_508, title,
1573                                               description, headers,
1574                                               **kwargs)
1577class HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired(HTTPError):
1578    """511 Network Authentication Required.
1580    The 511 status code indicates that the client needs to authenticate
1581    to gain network access.
1583    The response representation SHOULD contain a link to a resource that
1584    allows the user to submit credentials.
1586    Note that the 511 response SHOULD NOT contain a challenge or the
1587    authentication interface itself, because clients would show the
1588    interface as being associated with the originally requested URL,
1589    which may cause confusion.
1591    The 511 status SHOULD NOT be generated by origin servers; it is
1592    intended for use by intercepting proxies that are interposed as a
1593    means of controlling access to the network.
1595    Responses with the 511 status code MUST NOT be stored by a cache.
1597    (See also: RFC 6585, Section 6)
1599    Keyword Args:
1600        title (str): Error title (default '511 Network Authentication Required').
1601        description (str): Human-friendly description of the error, along with
1602            a helpful suggestion or two.
1603        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1604            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1605            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1606            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1607            use wide characters.
1609            Note:
1610                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1611                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1612                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1613                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1614                client
1616            Note:
1617                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1618                than a ``dict``.
1619        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1620            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1621        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1622            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1623            for this error').
1624        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1625            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1626            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1627    """
1629    def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
1630        super(HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired, self).__init__(status.HTTP_511,
1631                                                                title,
1632                                                                description,
1633                                                                headers,
1634                                                                **kwargs)
1637class HTTPInvalidHeader(HTTPBadRequest):
1638    """400 Bad Request.
1640    One of the headers in the request is invalid.
1642    Args:
1643        msg (str): A description of why the value is invalid.
1644        header_name (str): The name of the invalid header.
1646    Keyword Args:
1647        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1648            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1649            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1650            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1651            use wide characters.
1653            Note:
1654                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1655                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1656                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1657                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1658                client
1660            Note:
1661                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1662                than a ``dict``.
1663        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1664            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1665        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1666            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1667            for this error').
1668        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1669            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1670            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1671    """
1673    def __init__(self, msg, header_name, headers=None, **kwargs):
1674        description = ('The value provided for the {0} header is '
1675                       'invalid. {1}')
1676        description = description.format(header_name, msg)
1678        super(HTTPInvalidHeader, self).__init__('Invalid header value',
1679                                                description, headers,
1680                                                **kwargs)
1683class HTTPMissingHeader(HTTPBadRequest):
1684    """400 Bad Request
1686    A header is missing from the request.
1688    Args:
1689        header_name (str): The name of the missing header.
1691    Keyword Args:
1692        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1693            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1694            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1695            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1696            use wide characters.
1698            Note:
1699                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1700                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1701                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1702                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1703                client
1705            Note:
1706                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1707                than a ``dict``.
1708        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1709            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1710        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1711            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1712            for this error').
1713        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1714            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1715            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1716    """
1718    def __init__(self, header_name, headers=None, **kwargs):
1719        description = 'The {0} header is required.'
1720        description = description.format(header_name)
1722        super(HTTPMissingHeader, self).__init__('Missing header value',
1723                                                description, headers,
1724                                                **kwargs)
1727class HTTPInvalidParam(HTTPBadRequest):
1728    """400 Bad Request
1730    A parameter in the request is invalid. This error may refer to a
1731    parameter in a query string, form, or document that was submitted
1732    with the request.
1734    Args:
1735        msg (str): A description of the invalid parameter.
1736        param_name (str): The name of the parameter.
1738    Keyword Args:
1739        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1740            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1741            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1742            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1743            use wide characters.
1745            Note:
1746                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1747                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1748                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1749                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1750                client
1752            Note:
1753                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1754                than a ``dict``.
1755        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1756            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1757        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1758            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1759            for this error').
1760        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1761            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1762            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1763    """
1765    def __init__(self, msg, param_name, headers=None, **kwargs):
1766        description = 'The "{0}" parameter is invalid. {1}'
1767        description = description.format(param_name, msg)
1769        super(HTTPInvalidParam, self).__init__('Invalid parameter',
1770                                               description, headers,
1771                                               **kwargs)
1774class HTTPMissingParam(HTTPBadRequest):
1775    """400 Bad Request
1777    A parameter is missing from the request. This error may refer to a
1778    parameter in a query string, form, or document that was submitted
1779    with the request.
1781    Args:
1782        param_name (str): The name of the missing parameter.
1784    Keyword Args:
1785        headers (dict or list): A ``dict`` of header names and values
1786            to set, or a ``list`` of (*name*, *value*) tuples. Both *name* and
1787            *value* must be of type ``str`` or ``StringType``, and only
1788            character values 0x00 through 0xFF may be used on platforms that
1789            use wide characters.
1791            Note:
1792                The Content-Type header, if present, will be overridden. If
1793                you wish to return custom error messages, you can create
1794                your own HTTP error class, and install an error handler
1795                to convert it into an appropriate HTTP response for the
1796                client
1798            Note:
1799                Falcon can process a list of ``tuple`` slightly faster
1800                than a ``dict``.
1801        href (str): A URL someone can visit to find out more information
1802            (default ``None``). Unicode characters are percent-encoded.
1803        href_text (str): If href is given, use this as the friendly
1804            title/description for the link (default 'API documentation
1805            for this error').
1806        code (int): An internal code that customers can reference in their
1807            support request or to help them when searching for knowledge
1808            base articles related to this error (default ``None``).
1809    """
1811    def __init__(self, param_name, headers=None, **kwargs):
1812        description = 'The "{0}" parameter is required.'
1813        description = description.format(param_name)
1815        super(HTTPMissingParam, self).__init__('Missing parameter',
1816                                               description, headers,
1817                                               **kwargs)