1 /******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright 1998-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
3  * HYPRE Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
6  ******************************************************************************/
8 /******************************************************************************
9  *
10  * HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLU interface
11  *
12  *****************************************************************************/
14 #include <stdlib.h>
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <math.h>
18 #include "utilities/_hypre_utilities.h"
19 #include "HYPRE.h"
20 #include "parcsr_mv/_hypre_parcsr_mv.h"
21 #include "parcsr_ls/HYPRE_parcsr_ls.h"
23 #include "HYPRE_FEI.h"
25 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
26  * SUPERLU include files
27  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU_20
30 #include "dsp_defs.h"
31 #include "superlu_util.h"
33 typedef struct HYPRE_SuperLU_Struct
34 {
35    int          factorized_;
36    int          *permR_;
37    int          *permC_;
38    SuperMatrix  SLU_Lmat;
39    SuperMatrix  SLU_Umat;
40    int          outputLevel_;
41 }
42 HYPRE_SuperLU;
43 #endif
45 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
46 #include "slu_ddefs.h"
47 #include "slu_util.h"
49 typedef struct HYPRE_SuperLU_Struct
50 {
51    int          factorized_;
52    int          *permR_;
53    int          *permC_;
54    SuperMatrix  SLU_Lmat;
55    SuperMatrix  SLU_Umat;
56    int          outputLevel_;
57 }
58 HYPRE_SuperLU;
59 #endif
61 /***************************************************************************
62  * HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUCreate - Return a SuperLU object "solver".
63  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUCreate(MPI_Comm comm,HYPRE_Solver * solver)65 int HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUCreate( MPI_Comm comm, HYPRE_Solver *solver )
66 {
67 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
68    int           nprocs;
69    HYPRE_SuperLU *sluPtr;
71    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nprocs);
72    if ( nprocs > 1 )
73    {
74       printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUCreate ERROR - too many processors.\n");
75       return -1;
76    }
77    sluPtr = hypre_TAlloc(HYPRE_SuperLU, 1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
78    hypre_assert ( sluPtr != NULL );
79    sluPtr->factorized_  = 0;
80    sluPtr->permR_       = NULL;
81    sluPtr->permC_       = NULL;
82    sluPtr->outputLevel_ = 0;
83    *solver = (HYPRE_Solver) sluPtr;
84    return 0;
85 #else
86    printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUCreate ERROR - SuperLU not enabled.\n");
87    *solver = (HYPRE_Solver) NULL;
88    return -1;
89 #endif
90 }
92 /***************************************************************************
93  * HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUDestroy - Destroy a SuperLU object.
94  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUDestroy(HYPRE_Solver solver)96 int HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUDestroy( HYPRE_Solver solver )
97 {
98 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
99    HYPRE_SuperLU *sluPtr = (HYPRE_SuperLU *) solver;
100    hypre_assert ( sluPtr != NULL );
101    hypre_TFree(sluPtr->permR_, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
102    hypre_TFree(sluPtr->permC_, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
103    hypre_TFree(sluPtr, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
104    return 0;
105 #else
106    printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUDestroy ERROR - SuperLU not enabled.\n");
107    *solver = (HYPRE_Solver) NULL;
108    return -1;
109 #endif
110 }
112 /***************************************************************************
113  * HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetOutputLevel - Set debug level
114  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver,int level)116 int HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPRE_Solver solver, int level)
117 {
118 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
119    HYPRE_SuperLU *sluPtr = (HYPRE_SuperLU *) solver;
120    hypre_assert ( sluPtr != NULL );
121    sluPtr->outputLevel_ = level;
122    return 0;
123 #else
124    printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetOutputLevel ERROR - SuperLU not enabled.\n");
125    *solver = (HYPRE_Solver) NULL;
126    return -1;
127 #endif
128 }
130 /***************************************************************************
131  * HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetup - Set up function for SuperLU.
132  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver,HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr,HYPRE_ParVector b,HYPRE_ParVector x)134 int HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetup(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr,
135                               HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x )
136 {
137 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
138    int    startRow, endRow, nrows, *partition, *AdiagI, *AdiagJ, nnz;
139    int    irow, colNum, index, *cscI, *cscJ, jcol, *colLengs;
140    int    *etree, permcSpec, lwork, panelSize, relax, info;
141    double *AdiagA, *cscA, diagPivotThresh, dropTol;
142    char              refact[1];
143    hypre_CSRMatrix   *Adiag;
144    HYPRE_SuperLU     *sluPtr;
145    SuperMatrix       sluAmat, auxAmat;
146    superlu_options_t slu_options;
147    SuperLUStat_t     slu_stat;
149    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
150    /* get matrix information                                           */
151    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
153    sluPtr = (HYPRE_SuperLU *) solver;
154    hypre_assert ( sluPtr != NULL );
155    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRowPartitioning( A_csr, &partition );
156    startRow = partition[0];
157    endRow   = partition[1] - 1;
158    nrows    = endRow - startRow + 1;
159    hypre_TFree(partition, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
160    if ( startRow != 0 )
161    {
162       printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetup ERROR - start row != 0.\n");
163       return -1;
164    }
166    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
167    /* get hypre matrix                                                 */
168    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
170    Adiag  = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag((hypre_ParCSRMatrix *) A_csr);
171    AdiagI = hypre_CSRMatrixI(Adiag);
172    AdiagJ = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(Adiag);
173    AdiagA = hypre_CSRMatrixData(Adiag);
174    nnz    = AdiagI[nrows];
176    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
177    /* convert the csr matrix into csc matrix                           */
178    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
180    colLengs = hypre_TAlloc(int, nrows , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
181    for ( irow = 0; irow < nrows; irow++ ) colLengs[irow] = 0;
182    for ( irow = 0; irow < nrows; irow++ )
183       for ( jcol = AdiagI[irow]; jcol < AdiagI[irow+1]; jcol++ )
184          colLengs[AdiagJ[jcol]]++;
185    cscJ = hypre_TAlloc(int,  (nrows+1) , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
186    cscI = hypre_TAlloc(int,  nnz , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
187    cscA = hypre_TAlloc(double,  nnz , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
188    cscJ[0] = 0;
189    nnz = 0;
190    for ( jcol = 1; jcol <= nrows; jcol++ )
191    {
192       nnz += colLengs[jcol-1];
193       cscJ[jcol] = nnz;
194    }
195    for ( irow = 0; irow < nrows; irow++ )
196    {
197       for ( jcol = AdiagI[irow]; jcol < AdiagI[irow+1]; jcol++ )
198       {
199          colNum = AdiagJ[jcol];
200          index  = cscJ[colNum]++;
201          cscI[index] = irow;
202          cscA[index] = AdiagA[jcol];
203       }
204    }
205    cscJ[0] = 0;
206    nnz = 0;
207    for ( jcol = 1; jcol <= nrows; jcol++ )
208    {
209       nnz += colLengs[jcol-1];
210       cscJ[jcol] = nnz;
211    }
212    hypre_TFree(colLengs, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
214    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
215    /* create SuperMatrix                                                */
216    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
218    dCreate_CompCol_Matrix(&sluAmat,nrows,nrows,cscJ[nrows],cscA,cscI,
219                           cscJ, SLU_NC, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
220    etree   = hypre_TAlloc(int, nrows , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
221    sluPtr->permC_  = hypre_TAlloc(int, nrows , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
222    sluPtr->permR_  = hypre_TAlloc(int, nrows , HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
223    permcSpec = 0;
224    get_perm_c(permcSpec, &sluAmat, sluPtr->permC_);
225    slu_options.Fact = DOFACT;
226    slu_options.SymmetricMode = NO;
227    sp_preorder(&slu_options, &sluAmat, sluPtr->permC_, etree, &auxAmat);
228    diagPivotThresh = 1.0;
229    dropTol = 0.0;
230    panelSize = sp_ienv(1);
231    relax = sp_ienv(2);
232    StatInit(&slu_stat);
233    lwork = 0;
234    slu_options.ColPerm = MY_PERMC;
235    slu_options.DiagPivotThresh = diagPivotThresh;
237    dgstrf(&slu_options, &auxAmat, dropTol, relax, panelSize,
238           etree, NULL, lwork, sluPtr->permC_, sluPtr->permR_,
239           &(sluPtr->SLU_Lmat), &(sluPtr->SLU_Umat), &slu_stat, &info);
240    Destroy_CompCol_Permuted(&auxAmat);
241    Destroy_CompCol_Matrix(&sluAmat);
242    hypre_TFree(etree, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
243    sluPtr->factorized_ = 1;
244    StatFree(&slu_stat);
245    return 0;
246 #else
247    printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSetup ERROR - SuperLU not enabled.\n");
248    *solver = (HYPRE_Solver) NULL;
249    return -1;
250 #endif
251 }
253 /***************************************************************************
254  * HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSolve - Solve function for SuperLU.
255  *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver,HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A,HYPRE_ParVector b,HYPRE_ParVector x)257 int HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSolve(HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A,
258                               HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x )
259 {
260 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
261    int    nrows, i, info;
262    double *bData, *xData;
263    SuperMatrix B;
264    SuperLUStat_t slu_stat;
265    trans_t       trans;
266    HYPRE_SuperLU *sluPtr = (HYPRE_SuperLU *) solver;
268    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
269    /* make sure setup has been called                                  */
270    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
272    hypre_assert ( sluPtr != NULL );
273    if ( ! (sluPtr->factorized_) )
274    {
275       printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSolve ERROR - not factorized yet.\n");
276       return -1;
277    }
279    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
280    /* fetch right hand side and solution vector                        */
281    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
283    xData = hypre_VectorData(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector((hypre_ParVector *)x));
284    bData = hypre_VectorData(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector((hypre_ParVector *)b));
285    nrows = hypre_ParVectorGlobalSize((hypre_ParVector *)x);
286    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) xData[i] = bData[i];
288    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
289    /* solve                                                            */
290    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
292    dCreate_Dense_Matrix(&B, nrows, 1, bData, nrows, SLU_DN, SLU_D,SLU_GE);
294    /* -------------------------------------------------------------
295     * solve the problem
296     * -----------------------------------------------------------*/
298    trans = NOTRANS;
299    StatInit(&slu_stat);
300    dgstrs (trans, &(sluPtr->SLU_Lmat), &(sluPtr->SLU_Umat),
301            sluPtr->permC_, sluPtr->permR_, &B, &slu_stat, &info);
302    Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&B);
303    StatFree(&slu_stat);
304    return 0;
305 #else
306    printf("HYPRE_ParCSR_SuperLUSolve ERROR - SuperLU not enabled.\n");
307    *solver = (HYPRE_Solver) NULL;
308    return -1;
309 #endif
310 }