1 /*
2  * EFint.h --
3  *
4  * Internal definitions for the procedures to flatten hierarchical
5  * (.ext) circuit extraction files.
6  *
7  *     *********************************************************************
8  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
9  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
10  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
11  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
12  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
13  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
14  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
15  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
16  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
17  *     *********************************************************************
18  *
19  * rcsid $Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/extflat/EFint.h,v 1.6 2010/12/16 18:59:03 tim Exp $
20  */
22 #ifndef _EFINT_H
23 #define _EFINT_H
25 #include "utils/magic.h"
27 /*
28  * Add in the next character value to a hash sum.
29  * This function uses a 4-bit rotate to ensure that "ab" and "ba"
30  * hash to different values; the 4 bits of rotation are provided
31  * to allow even short strings to produce large hash values.
32  * (Small hash values don't get randomized very well).
33  *
34  ***************************************************************
37  ***************************************************************
38  */
39 #define	HASHADDVAL(sum, val) \
40 	(((((unsigned) (sum)) >> 28) | (((unsigned) (sum)) << 4)) + (val))
42 /* ------------------------ Distance information ---------------------- */
44 /*
45  * The .ext file also allows explicit distance information to be
46  * represented.  This information is stored in a hash table in each
47  * Def, keyed by this same structure.  Distances are between named
48  * signals, rather than nodes, so we use HierNames instead of EFNodes
49  * for the two points between which distance is measured.
50  */
51 typedef struct dist
52 {
53     int		 dist_min, dist_max;	/* Min and max distance (lambda) */
54     HierName	*dist_1, *dist_2;	/* Two points */
55 } Distance;
57 /* ------------------------- Kill information ------------------------- */
59 /*
60  * In order for resistance and distance extraction to work correctly,
61  * it's sometimes necessary to override the structure of the graph
62  * extracted at a lower level of the hierarchy.  The "killnode" line
63  * in a .ext file specifies that a given node, and everything that
64  * connects to it, have been re-extracted and are represented in
65  * flat format later in the .ext file.
66  *
67  * The kill list bisects the .ext file.  Fets, resistors, distance
68  * info, etc that appear before the first killnode in a .ext file
69  * are processed by the flattener before processing the kill list
70  * for a given cell, followed by processing those fets, resistors,
71  * etc that appear after the first killnode line.
72  *
73  * To allow the distinction to be made between before-kill and after-kill
74  * processing, node structures have a flag field that can have the
75  * EF_AFTERKILL bit set, indicating that the node appeared after
76  * the killnode lines.  This information isn't necessary for capacitors,
77  * resistors, or fets, since they are implicitly killed whenever any
78  * of their terminals is connected to a killed node.
79  */
80 typedef struct kill
81 {
82     struct kill	*kill_next;	/* Next kill in def */
83     HierName	*kill_name;	/* Node to kill */
84 } Kill;
86 /* --------------------------- Connections ---------------------------- */
88 /*
89  * Connections are used for a multitude of purposes.  They all
90  * boil down to a need to represent hierarchical names with some
91  * array range information present.
92  *
93  * Connections are used to represent that two nodes must be merged,
94  * and the resultant node's resistance and capacitance adjusted
95  * (conn_name2 non-NULL), or that the resistance and capacitance
96  * of a single node be adjusted (conn_name2 NULL).
97  *
98  * They are also used to represent internodal capacitors when
99  * they appear on the def_caps list of a Def, or explicit resistors
100  * when appearing on the def_resistors list.  In these latter cases,
101  * both conn_name1 and conn_name2 are non-NULL.
102  */
104     /* Max number of dimensions in an array */
105 #define	MAXSUBS	2
107     /* Subscripts range from r_lo to r_hi inclusive; r_lo <= r_hi */
108 typedef struct
109 {
110     int		 r_lo, r_hi;
111 } Range;
113     /*
114      * Each node in the connection may be accompanied by subscripts.
115      * The range of values of the subscripts are stored here.
116      * When cn_nsubs is 2, cn_subs[0] is x, cn_subs[1] is y.
117      */
118 typedef struct
119 {
120     char	*cn_name;
121     int		 cn_nsubs;
122     Range	 cn_subs[MAXSUBS];
123 } ConnName;
125     /* Connection itself */
126 typedef struct conn
127 {
128     ConnName	 conn_1;	/* First node in connection */
129     ConnName	 conn_2;	/* Second (optional) node in connection */
130     union {
131 	float	 conn_val_res;	/* Value of capacitance (attofarads) or */
132 	EFCapValue conn_val_cap;	/* resistance (milliohms). */
133     } conn_value;
135     struct conn	*conn_next;	/* Next connection in list */
136     EFPerimArea	 conn_pa[1];	/* Dummy; each connection actually has
137 				 * efNumResistClasses array elements
138 				 * allocated to it.
139 				 */
140 } Connection;
142     /* Abbreviations */
143 #define	conn_name1	conn_1.cn_name
144 #define	conn_name2	conn_2.cn_name
145 #define conn_res	conn_value.conn_val_res
146 #define conn_cap	conn_value.conn_val_cap
148 /* -------------------------- Defs and uses --------------------------- */
150 /* A Def exists for each .ext file */
151 typedef struct def
152 {
153     char	*def_name;	/* Name of this def */
154     float	 def_scale;	/* Multiply all dimensions by this */
155     int		 def_flags;	/* Flags -- see below */
156     HashTable	 def_nodes;	/* Map names into EFNodeNames */
157     HashTable	 def_dists;	/* Map pairs of names into Distances */
158     HashTable	 def_uses;	/* Hash children of this def by name */
159     HashTable	 def_devs;	/* Devices (hash by position) */
160     EFNode	 def_firstn;	/* Head of circular list of nodes */
162 	/* The following are all NULL-terminated lists */
164     Connection	*def_conns;	/* Hierarchical connections/adjustments */
165     Connection	*def_caps;	/* Two-terminal capacitors */
166     Connection	*def_resistors;	/* Two-terminal resistors */
167     Kill	*def_kills;	/* Used to modify hierarchical structure
168 				 * using information present only in the
169 				 * parent, e.g, to kill an old node and
170 				 * all its attached fets prior to replacing
171 				 * the node with several smaller ones,
172 				 * connected by explicit resistors.
173 				 */
174 } Def;
176 #define	DEF_AVAILABLE	0x01	/* This def has been read in */
177 #define	DEF_SUBCIRCUIT	0x02	/* This def defines subcircuit ports */
178 #define DEF_PROCESSED	0x04	/* This def processed in hierarchical output */
179 #define DEF_NODEVICES	0x08	/* This def contains no devices */
180 #define DEF_SUBSNODES	0x10	/* This def contains implicit substrate nodes */
181 #define DEF_ABSTRACT	0x20	/* This def is an abstract view (e.g., LEF) */
183 /*
184  * Every Def has a NULL-terminated list of uses that correspond
185  * to the subcells of that Def.  If the use is an array, the ArrayInfo
186  * structure describes the indices and the separation between elements
187  * (for computing transforms).
188  */
189 #ifndef _DATABASE_H
190 typedef struct
191 {
192     int		 ar_xlo, ar_xhi;
193     int		 ar_ylo, ar_yhi;
194     int		 ar_xsep, ar_ysep;
195 } ArrayInfo;
196 #endif /* _DATABASE_H */
198 typedef struct use
199 {
200     char	*use_id;	/* Use identifier (appears in hier paths) */
201     Def		*use_def;	/* Sub def being used */
202     Transform	 use_trans;	/* Transform up to parent coords (for fets) */
203     ArrayInfo	 use_array;	/* Arraying information */
204 } Use;
206 #define	use_xlo	 use_array.ar_xlo
207 #define	use_xhi	 use_array.ar_xhi
208 #define	use_ylo	 use_array.ar_ylo
209 #define	use_yhi	 use_array.ar_yhi
210 #define	use_xsep use_array.ar_xsep
211 #define	use_ysep use_array.ar_ysep
213 #define	IsArray(u)  ((u)->use_xlo!=(u)->use_xhi || (u)->use_ylo!=(u)->use_yhi)
215 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
217 /* Structure passed down during hierarchical searching */
218 typedef struct
219 {
220     Use		*hc_use;	/* Use being visited */
221     int		 hc_x, hc_y;	/* X and Y indices if array */
222     Transform	 hc_trans;	/* Transform to flat coordinates (for fets) */
223     HierName	*hc_hierName;	/* Ptr to trailing component of HierName list */
224 } HierContext;
226 /* ------------------------------ Debugging --------------------------- */
228 extern bool efHNStats;	/* TRUE if we keep statistics on HierNames */
230 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
232 /* Structure for passing procedures and cdata to client functions */
233 typedef struct
234 {
235     int	       (*ca_proc)();
236     ClientData	 ca_cdata;
237 } CallArg;
239 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
241 /*
242  * Structure used as key in hash table of internodal capacitors.
243  * Keys are EFNodes, since capacitors exist between a pair of electrical
244  * nodes.  The keys are ordered so that the lowest-address EFNode is
245  * first.
246  */
247 typedef struct
248 {
249     EFNode	*ck_1, *ck_2;
250 } EFCoupleKey;
252 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
254 /* Max filename length */
255 #define	FNSIZE		1024
257     /* Resistance is in milliohms, capacitance in attofarads */
258 extern bool efWarn;		/* If TRUE, warn about unusual occurrences */
259 extern bool efScaleChanged;	/* If TRUE, multiply all dimensions by scale
260 				 * factor on output; otherwise, leave them
261 				 * alone and output a global scale factor
262 				 * of efScale in the .sim file.
263 				 */
265 extern int efResists[];		/* Resistance per square for each class */
266 extern bool efResistChanged;	/* TRUE if some cells' resistclasses unequal */
268 extern HashTable efFreeHashTable;
269 extern HashTable efNodeHashTable;
270 extern HashTable efDevParamTable;
271 extern HashTable efHNUseHashTable;
272 extern HashTable efCapHashTable;
273 extern HashTable efDistHashTable;
274 extern HashTable efWatchTable;
275 extern bool efWatchNodes;
276 extern EFNode efNodeList;
277 extern Def *efFlatRootDef;
279 /* --------------------- Internally used procedures ------------------- */
281     /* Def table management */
282 extern Def *efDefLook();
283 extern Def *efDefNew();
284 extern Def *EFRootDef();
286     /* HierName manipulation */
287 extern HierName *efHNFromUse();
288 extern char *efHNToStrFunc();
289 extern bool EFHNBest();
291     /* Functions for hashing of HierNames */
292 extern int efHNCompare();
293 extern int efHNHash(HierName *);
295     /* Functions for hashing of Distances */
296 extern bool efHNDistCompare();
297 extern char *efHNDistCopy();
298 extern int efHNDistHash();
299 extern void efHNDistKill();
301     /* Functions for hashing of use id HierNames */
302 extern bool efHNUseCompare();
303 extern int efHNUseHash();
305 extern EFCapValue CapHashGetValue();
306 extern void CapHashSetValue();
308    /* efBuild procedures */
309 /* Warning: The capacitance argument to these should be always double
310 	    regardless of whether you set EFCapValue to float or double
311 	    This should be done to avoid trouble with argument promotion
312 	    that some ANSI C compilers introduce */
314 extern DevParam *efGetDeviceParams();
315 extern void efBuildNode();
316 extern void efBuildConnect();
317 extern void efBuildResistor();
318 extern void efBuildCap();
319 extern HierContext *EFFlatBuildOneLevel();
321 #endif /* _EFINT_H */