1 /**
2  * \file
3  * TwmWindow struct definition.
4  *
5  * This previously lived in ctwm.h, but was moved out here to make it a
6  * bit easier to scan either this struct or all the other stuff in
7  * ctwm.h, without so much rooting around.  It's \#include'd in ctwm.h,
8  * and shouldn't be included elsewhere; it's split out purely for
9  * dev ease.
10  */
14 /* Needed for doxygen to get at the #define's for config (like EMWH) */
15 #ifdef DOXYGEN
16 # include "ctwm_config.h"
17 #endif
20 /**
21  * Info and control for every X Window we take over.
22  *
23  * As a window manager, our job is to...  y'know.  Manage windows.  Every
24  * other window on the screen we wrap and control (as well as a few of
25  * our internal windows) gets one of these structs put around it to hold
26  * the various config and state info we track about it.  They get put
27  * into various linked lists for each screen and workspace, and
28  * references get stashed in X Contexts so we can find the window that
29  * events happen on.
30  *
31  * Much of this is initially setup in AddWindow() when we find out about
32  * and take over a window.
33  */
34 struct TwmWindow {
35 	struct TwmWindow *next;  ///< Next TwmWindow on the Screen
36 	struct TwmWindow *prev;  ///< Previous TwmWindow on the Screen
38 	/// OTP control info for stacking.  Created in OtpAdd().
39 	OtpWinList *otp;
41 	/// The actual X Window handle
42 	Window w;
44 	/// Original window border width before we took it over and made our
45 	/// own bordering.  This comes from the XWindowAttributes we get from
46 	/// XGetWindowAttributes().
47 	int old_bw;
49 	/**
50 	 * \defgroup win_frame Window frame bits
51 	 * These fields are related to the "frame" window; the decoration we
52 	 * put around the application's own window (the thing in TwmWindow.w
53 	 * above) to display borders, titlebars, etc.
54 	 * @{
55 	 */
56 	Window frame;      ///< The X window for the overall frame
57 	Window title_w;    ///< The title bar Window
58 	Window hilite_wl;  ///< Left hilite window in titlebar
59 	Window hilite_wr;  ///< Right hilite window in titlebar
60 	Window lolite_wl;  ///< Left lolite window in titlebar
61 	Window lolite_wr;  ///< Right lolite window in titlebar
63 	/// Current resize cursor.  This changes depending on where on the
64 	/// frame you are, if we're making them.  \sa
65 	/// ScreenInfo.BorderCursors
66 	Cursor curcurs;
68 	/// Pixmap to which the border is set to when window isn't focused.
69 	/// \sa TwmWindow.borderC  \sa SetFocusVisualAttributes()
70 	/// \todo See the XXX in SetFocusVisualAttributes()
71 	Pixmap gray;
73 	/// @}
75 	struct Icon *icon;     ///< The current icon.  \sa CreateIconWindow()
76 	name_list *iconslist;  ///< The current list of potential icons
78 	/// \addtogroup win_frame Window frame bits
79 	/// @{
80 	int frame_x;                ///< X position on screen of frame
81 	int frame_y;                ///< Y position on screen of frame
82 	unsigned int frame_width;   ///< Width of frame
83 	unsigned int frame_height;  ///< Height of frame
85 	/// 2d border width.  \sa ScreenInfo.BorderWidth
86 	int frame_bw;
87 	/// 3d border width.  \sa ScreenInfo.ThreeDBorderWidth
88 	int frame_bw3D;
90 	int actual_frame_x;         ///< Saved frame_x when squeezed
91 	int actual_frame_y;         ///< Saved frame_y when squeezed
92 	unsigned int actual_frame_width;  ///< Saved frame_width when squeezed
93 	unsigned int actual_frame_height; ///< Saved frame_height when squeezed
95 	/// X coord of window title relative to title_w.
96 	/// \sa ComputeTitleLocation()
97 	int title_x;
98 	/// Y coord of window title relative to title_w.
99 	/// \sa ComputeTitleLocation()
100 	int title_y;
102 	unsigned int title_height;  ///< Height of the full title bar
103 	unsigned int title_width;   ///< Width of the full title bar
105 	/// @}
107 	char *name;       ///< Current window name.  Points into TwmWindow::names.
108 	char *icon_name;  ///< Current icon name. Points into TwmWindow::names.
110 	/// Various sources of window/icon names.  These are the values from
111 	/// the various window properties we look at to get the results.  The
112 	/// TwmWindow::name and TwmWindow::icon_name point to the currently
113 	/// active element in here.
114 	struct _names {
115 		char *ctwm_wm_name; ///< Name from override CTWM_WM_NAME property
116 #ifdef EWMH
117 		char *net_wm_name;  ///< Name from EWMH _NET_WM_NAME property
118 #endif
119 		char *wm_name;      ///< Name from ICCCM WM_NAME property
121 		/// Icon name from override CTWM_WM_ICON_NAME property
122 		char *ctwm_wm_icon_name;
123 #ifdef EWMH
124 		/// Icon name from EWMH _NET_WM_ICON_NAME property
125 		char *net_wm_icon_name;
126 #endif
127 		char *wm_icon_name; ///< Icon name from WM_ICON_NAME property
129 		/// Whether an icon name property has been set.  Since we default
130 		/// the icon name to the window name when nothing is given, this
131 		/// flag allows the window-name-setting code to know when it
132 		/// needs to re-kick the icon-name-setting.
133 		bool icon_set;
134 	} names; ///< \copydoc TwmWindow::_names
136 	/// \addtogroup win_frame Window frame bits
137 	/// @{
139 	/// Position of window title text, relative to title_w.  Starts from
140 	/// \ref title_x, but may be pushed over due to TitleJustification
141 	/// config.
142 	int name_x;
143 	unsigned int name_width; ///< width of name text
144 	int highlightxl;         ///< Position of \ref hilite_wl and \ref lolite_wl
145 	int highlightxr;         ///< Position of \ref hilite_wr and \ref lolite_wr
146 	int rightx;              ///< Position of of right titlebar buttons
147 	/// @}
149 	/// Window attributes from XGetWindowAttributes()
150 	XWindowAttributes attr;
151 	/// Window size hints.  From WM_NORMAL_HINTS property.
152 	/// \sa GetWindowSizeHints()
153 	XSizeHints hints;
154 	/// Window manager hints.  From WM_HINTS property, filled in via
155 	/// XGetWMHints().
156 	XWMHints *wmhints;
157 	Window group;      ///< Window group, from WM hints.
158 	XClassHint class;  ///< Window class info.  From XGetClassHint().
160 	/// List of the icon managers the window is in.  \sa AddIconManager()
161 	struct WList *iconmanagerlist;
163 	ColorPair borderC;     ///< ColorPair for focused window borders
164 	ColorPair border_tile; ///< ColorPair for non-focused window borders
165 	ColorPair title;       ///< ColorPair for various other titlebar bits
167 	/// Has the window ever been iconified?
168 	/// \todo This is almost write-only, and the one reader seems bogus
169 	/// in light of what it does.  Investigate further and possibly
170 	/// remove.
171 	bool iconified;
173 	bool isicon;     ///< Is the window an icon now ?
174 	bool icon_on;    ///< Is the icon visible
175 	bool mapped;     ///< Is the window mapped ?
176 	bool squeezed;   ///< Is the window squeezed ?
177 	bool auto_raise; ///< Should we auto-raise this window ?
178 	bool auto_lower; ///< Should we auto-lower this window ?
179 	bool forced;     ///< Has had an icon forced upon it
180 	bool icon_moved; ///< User explicitly moved the icon
181 	bool highlight;  ///< Should highlight this window
182 	bool stackmode;  ///< Honor stackmode requests.  \sa ScreenInfo.StackMode
183 	bool iconify_by_unmapping;  ///< Unmap window to iconify it
184 	bool isiconmgr;  ///< This is an icon manager window
185 	bool iswspmgr;   ///< This is a workspace manager window
186 	bool isoccupy;   ///< This is an Occupy window
188 	bool istransient;    ///< This is a transient window
189 	/// What window it's transient for.  From XGetTransientForHint() and
190 	/// XM_TRANSIENT_FOR property.
191 	Window transientfor;
193 	bool titlehighlight;      ///< Should I highlight the title bar?
195 	/// Pointer to the icon manager structure, for windows that are icon
196 	/// managers.  Currently also set for some other window types to
197 	/// various things, but is only ever used for icon manager windows
198 	/// (\ref isiconmgr = true).
199 	struct IconMgr *iconmgrp;
201 	int save_frame_x;        ///< x position of frame  (saved from zoom)
202 	int save_frame_y;        ///< y position of frame  (saved from zoom)
203 	unsigned int save_frame_width;  ///< width of frame   (saved from zoom)
204 	unsigned int save_frame_height; ///< height of frame  (saved from zoom)
205 	int zoomed;                ///< ZOOM_NONE || function causing zoom
206 	bool wShaped;              ///< This window is Shape'd
207 	/// Which protocols this window handles.  From WM_PROTOCOLS property
208 	/// via XGetWMProtocols()
209 	unsigned long protocols;
210 	Colormaps cmaps;           ///< colormaps for this application
211 	/// Button windows in the titlebar.  \ingroup win_frame
212 	TBWindow *titlebuttons;
213 	SqueezeInfo *squeeze_info;  ///< Control info for title squeezing
214 	bool squeeze_info_copied;   ///< Should ->squeeze_info be free()'d?
216 	/// Window ring connectivity
217 	struct _ring {
218 		struct TwmWindow *next; ///< Next window in the ring
219 		struct TwmWindow *prev; ///< Previous window in the ring
220 		bool cursor_valid;  ///< Whether curs_x and curs_y are usable
221 		int curs_x;         ///< Stored cursor position in the window
222 		int curs_y;         ///< Stored cursor position in the window
223 	} ring; ///< \copydoc TwmWindow::_ring
224 	// x-ref ScreenInfo.InfoWindow about doxygen hackery
226 	// Many of these are just the window's particular casing of various
227 	// config params, inherited from the screen's info.  In most cases,
228 	// they're essentially a read-only cache.
229 	bool OpaqueMove;      ///< Move opaquely.  \sa ScreenInfo.DoOpaqueMove
230 	bool OpaqueResize;    ///< Resize opaquely.  \sa ScreenInfo.DoOpaqueResize
231 	bool UnmapByMovingFarAway;  ///< \sa ScreenInfo.UnmapByMovingFarAway
232 	bool AutoSqueeze;     ///< \sa ScreenInfo.AutoSqueeze
233 	bool StartSqueezed;   ///< \sa ScreenInfo.StartSqueezed
234 	bool AlwaysSqueezeToGravity; ///< \sa ScreenInfo.AlwaysSqueezeToGravity
235 	bool DontSetInactive; ///< \sa ScreenInfo.DontSetInactive
237 	bool hasfocusvisible; ///< The window visibly has focus
239 	int occupation;  ///< Workspaces the window is in (bitmap)
241 	Image *HiliteImage; ///< Titlebar hilite backround.  \ingroup win_frame
242 	Image *LoliteImage; ///< Titlebar lolite backround.  \ingroup win_frame
244 	/// WindowRegion containing this window.  \todo Write-only?  Reap?
245 	WindowRegion *wr;
246 	WindowBox *winbox; ///< WindowBox containing this window.
247 	bool iswinbox;     ///< This is a WindowBox window.
249 	/// Saved window geometry.  Used in f.savegeometry and
250 	/// f.restoregeometry.
251 	struct _savegeometry {
252 		int x;  ///< Saved x coord
253 		int y;  ///< Saved y coord
254 		unsigned int width;  ///< Saved width
255 		unsigned int height; ///< Saved height
256 	} savegeometry; ///< \copydoc TwmWindow::_savegeometry
258 	/// Where the window is currently mapped (may be NULL)
259 	struct VirtualScreen *vs;
260 	/// Where the window is parented.  Always set.
261 	struct VirtualScreen *parent_vs;
263 	/// Where the window would be.  Used only by f.showbackground.
264 	/// \sa ShowBackground()
265 	struct VirtualScreen *savevs;
267 	/// Has \ref TwmWindow::name ever changed?  Used only in session saving.
268 	bool nameChanged;
269 	/// Has \ref TwmWindow::attr width ever changed?  Used only in sessions.
270 	bool widthEverChangedByUser;
271 	/// Has \ref TwmWindow::attr height ever changed?  Used only in sessions.
272 	bool heightEverChangedByUser;
274 #ifdef EWMH
275 	EwmhWindowType ewmhWindowType; ///< EWMH-defined window type
276 	int ewmhFlags; ///< EWMH-defined window stats. Mostly from _NET_WM_STATE.
277 #endif /* EWMH */
278 };
280 #endif /* _CTWM_TWM_WINDOW_STRUCT_H */