1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
15module Pantry.Types
16  ( PantryConfig (..)
17  , HackageSecurityConfig (..)
18  , Storage (..)
19  , HasPantryConfig (..)
20  , BlobKey (..)
21  , PackageName
22  , Version
23  , PackageIdentifier (..)
24  , Revision (..)
25  , ModuleName
26  , CabalFileInfo (..)
27  , PrintWarnings (..)
28  , PackageNameP (..)
29  , VersionP (..)
30  , ModuleNameP (..)
31  , PackageIdentifierRevision (..)
32  , pirForHash
33  , FileType (..)
34  , BuildFile (..)
35  , FileSize (..)
36  , TreeEntry (..)
37  , SafeFilePath
38  , unSafeFilePath
39  , mkSafeFilePath
40  , safeFilePathtoPath
41  , hpackSafeFilePath
42  , TreeKey (..)
43  , Tree (..)
44  , renderTree
45  , parseTree
46  , parseTreeM
47  , SHA256
48  , Unresolved
49  , resolvePaths
50  , Package (..)
51  , PackageCabal (..)
52  , PHpack (..)
53  -- , PackageTarball (..)
54  , RawPackageLocation (..)
55  , PackageLocation (..)
56  , toRawPL
57  , RawPackageLocationImmutable (..)
58  , PackageLocationImmutable (..)
59  , toRawPLI
60  , RawArchive (..)
61  , Archive (..)
62  , toRawArchive
63  , Repo (..)
64  , RepoType (..)
65  , parsePackageIdentifier
66  , parsePackageName
67  , parsePackageNameThrowing
68  , parseFlagName
69  , parseVersion
70  , parseVersionThrowing
71  , packageIdentifierString
72  , packageNameString
73  , flagNameString
74  , versionString
75  , moduleNameString
76  , OptionalSubdirs (..)
77  , ArchiveLocation (..)
78  , RelFilePath (..)
79  , CabalString (..)
80  , toCabalStringMap
81  , unCabalStringMap
82  , parsePackageIdentifierRevision
83  , Mismatch (..)
84  , PantryException (..)
85  , FuzzyResults (..)
86  , ResolvedPath (..)
87  , HpackExecutable (..)
88  , WantedCompiler (..)
89  --, resolveSnapshotLocation
90  , snapshotLocation
91  , defaultSnapshotLocation
92  , SnapName (..)
93  , parseSnapName
94  , RawSnapshotLocation (..)
95  , SnapshotLocation (..)
96  , toRawSL
97  , parseHackageText
98  , parseRawSnapshotLocation
99  , RawSnapshotLayer (..)
100  , SnapshotLayer (..)
101  , toRawSnapshotLayer
102  , RawSnapshot (..)
103  , Snapshot (..)
104  , RawSnapshotPackage (..)
105  , SnapshotPackage (..)
106  , parseWantedCompiler
107  , RawPackageMetadata (..)
108  , PackageMetadata (..)
109  , toRawPM
110  , cabalFileName
111  , SnapshotCacheHash (..)
112  , getGlobalHintsFile
113  , bsToBlobKey
114  , warnMissingCabalFile
115  , connRDBMS
116  ) where
118import RIO
119import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar as Tar
120import qualified RIO.Text as T
121import qualified RIO.ByteString as B
122import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
123import RIO.List (intersperse)
124import RIO.Time (toGregorian, Day, UTCTime)
125import qualified RIO.Map as Map
126import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM
127import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map (mapKeysMonotonic)
128import qualified RIO.Set as Set
129import Data.Aeson.Types (toJSONKeyText, Parser)
130import Pantry.Internal.AesonExtended
131import Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal (unsafeToEncoding)
132import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString, byteString, wordDec)
133import Database.Persist
134import Database.Persist.Sql
135import Pantry.SHA256 (SHA256)
136import qualified Pantry.SHA256 as SHA256
137import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as Parse
138import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (CabalSpecVersion (..), cabalSpecLatest)
139import Distribution.Parsec (PError (..), PWarning (..), showPos, parsec, explicitEitherParsec, ParsecParser)
140import Distribution.Types.PackageName (PackageName, unPackageName, mkPackageName)
141import Distribution.Types.VersionRange (VersionRange)
142import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagName, unFlagName, GenericPackageDescription)
143import Distribution.Types.PackageId (PackageIdentifier (..))
144import qualified Distribution.Pretty
145import qualified Distribution.Text
146import qualified Hpack.Config as Hpack
147import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
148import Distribution.Types.Version (Version, mkVersion, nullVersion)
149import Network.HTTP.Client (parseRequest)
150import Network.HTTP.Types (Status, statusCode)
151import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
152import Path (Path, Abs, Dir, File, toFilePath, filename, (</>), parseRelFile)
153import Path.IO (resolveFile, resolveDir)
154import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
155import Casa.Client (CasaRepoPrefix)
157#if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2, 13, 0)
158import Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal (connRDBMS)
161-- | Parsed tree with more information on the Haskell package it contains.
163-- @since
164data Package = Package
165  { packageTreeKey :: !TreeKey
166  -- ^ The 'TreeKey' containing this package.
167  --
168  -- This is a hash of the binary representation of 'packageTree'.
169  --
170  -- @since
171  , packageTree :: !Tree
172  -- ^ The 'Tree' containing this package.
173  --
174  -- @since
175  , packageCabalEntry :: !PackageCabal
176  -- ^ Information on the cabal file inside this package.
177  --
178  -- @since
179  , packageIdent :: !PackageIdentifier
180  -- ^ The package name and version in this package.
181  --
182  -- @since
183  }
184  deriving (Show, Eq)
186data PHpack = PHpack
187    {
188      phOriginal :: !TreeEntry, -- ^ Original hpack file
189      phGenerated :: !TreeEntry, -- ^ Generated Cabal file
190      phVersion :: !Version -- ^ Version of Hpack used
191    } deriving (Show, Eq)
193data PackageCabal = PCCabalFile !TreeEntry -- ^ TreeEntry of Cabal file
194                  | PCHpack !PHpack
195                  deriving (Show, Eq)
197cabalFileName :: PackageName -> SafeFilePath
198cabalFileName name =
199  case mkSafeFilePath $ T.pack (packageNameString name) <> ".cabal" of
200    Nothing -> error $ "cabalFileName: failed for " ++ show name
201    Just sfp -> sfp
203-- | The revision number of a package from Hackage, counting upwards
204-- from 0 (the original cabal file).
206-- See caveats on 'CFIRevision'.
208-- @since
209newtype Revision = Revision Word
210    deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, NFData, Data, Typeable, Ord, Hashable, Display, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
212-- | Represents a SQL database connection. This used to be a newtype
213-- wrapper around a connection pool. However, when investigating
214-- <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4471>, it
215-- appeared that holding a pool resulted in overly long write locks
216-- being held on the database. As a result, we now abstract away
217-- whether a pool is used, and the default implementation in
218-- "Pantry.Storage" does not use a pool.
219data Storage = Storage
220  { withStorage_ :: forall env a. HasLogFunc env => ReaderT SqlBackend (RIO env) a -> RIO env a
221  , withWriteLock_ :: forall env a. HasLogFunc env => RIO env a -> RIO env a
222  }
224-- | Configuration value used by the entire pantry package. Create one
225-- using @withPantryConfig@. See also @PantryApp@ for a convenience
226-- approach to using pantry.
228-- @since
229data PantryConfig = PantryConfig
230  { pcHackageSecurity :: !HackageSecurityConfig
231  , pcHpackExecutable :: !HpackExecutable
232  , pcRootDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
233  , pcStorage :: !Storage
234  , pcUpdateRef :: !(MVar Bool)
235  -- ^ Want to try updating the index once during a single run for missing
236  -- package identifiers. We also want to ensure we only update once at a
237  -- time. Start at @True@.
238  , pcParsedCabalFilesRawImmutable :: !(IORef (Map RawPackageLocationImmutable GenericPackageDescription))
239  -- ^ Cache of previously parsed cabal files, to save on slow parsing time.
240  , pcParsedCabalFilesMutable ::
241      !(IORef
242        (Map
243         (Path Abs Dir)
244         (PrintWarnings -> IO GenericPackageDescription, PackageName, Path Abs File)
245        )
246       )
247  -- ^ Cache for mutable packages. We want to allow for an optimization:
248  -- deferring parsing of the 'GenericPackageDescription' until its actually
249  -- needed. Therefore, we keep the filepath and the 'PackageName' derived from
250  -- that filepath. When the @IO GenericPackageDescription@ is run, it will
251  -- ensure that the @PackageName@ matches the value inside the cabal file, and
252  -- print out any warnings that still need to be printed.
253  , pcConnectionCount :: !Int
254  -- ^ concurrently open downloads
255  , pcCasaRepoPrefix :: !CasaRepoPrefix
256  -- ^ The pull URL e.g. @https://casa.fpcomplete.com/v1/pull@
257  , pcCasaMaxPerRequest :: !Int
258  -- ^ Maximum blobs sent per pull request.
259  , pcSnapshotLocation :: SnapName -> RawSnapshotLocation
260  -- ^ The location of snapshot synonyms
261  }
263-- | Get the location of a snapshot synonym from the 'PantryConfig'.
265-- @since
266snapshotLocation :: HasPantryConfig env => SnapName -> RIO env RawSnapshotLocation
267snapshotLocation name = do
268  loc <- view $ pantryConfigL.to pcSnapshotLocation
269  pure $ loc name
271-- | Should we print warnings when loading a cabal file?
273-- @since
274data PrintWarnings = YesPrintWarnings | NoPrintWarnings
276-- | Wraps a value which potentially contains relative paths. Needs to
277-- be provided with a base directory to resolve these paths.
279-- Unwrap this using 'resolvePaths'.
281-- @since
282newtype Unresolved a = Unresolved (Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> IO a)
283  deriving Functor
284instance Applicative Unresolved where
285  pure = Unresolved . const . pure
286  Unresolved f <*> Unresolved x = Unresolved $ \mdir -> f mdir <*> x mdir
288-- | Resolve all of the file paths in an 'Unresolved' relative to the
289-- given directory.
291-- @since
293  :: MonadIO m
294  => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -- ^ directory to use for relative paths
295  -> Unresolved a
296  -> m a
297resolvePaths mdir (Unresolved f) = liftIO (f mdir)
299-- | A combination of the relative path provided in a config file,
300-- together with the resolved absolute path.
302-- @since
303data ResolvedPath t = ResolvedPath
304  { resolvedRelative :: !RelFilePath
305  -- ^ Original value parsed from a config file.
306  , resolvedAbsolute :: !(Path Abs t)
307  -- ^ Absolute path resolved against base directory loaded from.
308  }
309  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
310instance NFData (ResolvedPath t)
312-- | Location to load a package from. Can either be immutable (see
313-- 'PackageLocationImmutable') or a local directory which is expected
314-- to change over time. Raw version doesn't include exact package
315-- version (e.g. could refer to the latest revision on Hackage)
317-- @since
318data RawPackageLocation
319  = RPLImmutable !RawPackageLocationImmutable
320  | RPLMutable !(ResolvedPath Dir)
321  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
322instance NFData RawPackageLocation
324-- | Location to load a package from. Can either be immutable (see
325-- 'PackageLocationImmutable') or a local directory which is expected
326-- to change over time.
328-- @since
329data PackageLocation
330  = PLImmutable !PackageLocationImmutable
331  | PLMutable !(ResolvedPath Dir)
332  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
333instance NFData PackageLocation
335instance Display PackageLocation where
336  display (PLImmutable loc) = display loc
337  display (PLMutable fp) = fromString $ toFilePath $ resolvedAbsolute fp
339-- | Convert `PackageLocation` to its "raw" equivalent
341-- @since
342toRawPL :: PackageLocation -> RawPackageLocation
343toRawPL (PLImmutable im) = RPLImmutable (toRawPLI im)
344toRawPL (PLMutable m) = RPLMutable m
346-- | Location for remote packages or archives assumed to be immutable.
347-- as user specifies it i.e. not an exact location
349-- @since
350data RawPackageLocationImmutable
351  = RPLIHackage !PackageIdentifierRevision !(Maybe TreeKey)
352  | RPLIArchive !RawArchive !RawPackageMetadata
353  | RPLIRepo    !Repo !RawPackageMetadata
354  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
356instance NFData RawPackageLocationImmutable
358instance Display RawPackageLocationImmutable where
359  display (RPLIHackage pir _tree) = display pir <> " (from Hackage)"
360  display (RPLIArchive archive _pm) =
361    "Archive from " <> display (raLocation archive) <>
362    (if T.null $ raSubdir archive
363       then mempty
364       else " in subdir " <> display (raSubdir archive))
365  display (RPLIRepo repo _pm) =
366    "Repo from " <> display (repoUrl repo) <>
367    ", commit " <> display (repoCommit repo) <>
368    (if T.null $ repoSubdir repo
369       then mempty
370       else " in subdir " <> display (repoSubdir repo))
372-- | Location for remote packages or archives assumed to be immutable.
374-- @since
375data PackageLocationImmutable
376  = PLIHackage !PackageIdentifier !BlobKey !TreeKey
377  | PLIArchive !Archive !PackageMetadata
378  | PLIRepo    !Repo !PackageMetadata
379  deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
380instance NFData PackageLocationImmutable
382instance Display PackageLocationImmutable where
383  display (PLIHackage ident _cabalHash _tree) =
384    fromString (packageNameString $ pkgName ident) <> " (from Hackage)"
385  display (PLIArchive archive _pm) =
386    "Archive from " <> display (archiveLocation archive) <>
387    (if T.null $ archiveSubdir archive
388       then mempty
389       else " in subdir " <> display (archiveSubdir archive))
390  display (PLIRepo repo _pm) =
391    "Repo from " <> display (repoUrl repo) <>
392    ", commit " <> display (repoCommit repo) <>
393    (if T.null $ repoSubdir repo
394       then mempty
395       else " in subdir " <> display (repoSubdir repo))
397instance ToJSON PackageLocationImmutable where
398  toJSON = toJSON . toRawPLI
400-- | Package identifier and revision with a specified cabal file hash
402-- @since
403pirForHash :: PackageIdentifier -> BlobKey -> PackageIdentifierRevision
404pirForHash (PackageIdentifier name ver) (BlobKey sha size') =
405  let cfi = CFIHash sha (Just size')
406  in PackageIdentifierRevision name ver cfi
408-- | Convert `PackageLocationImmutable` to its "raw" equivalent
410-- @since
411toRawPLI :: PackageLocationImmutable -> RawPackageLocationImmutable
412toRawPLI (PLIHackage ident cfKey treeKey) = RPLIHackage (pirForHash ident cfKey) (Just treeKey)
413toRawPLI (PLIArchive archive pm) = RPLIArchive (toRawArchive archive) (toRawPM pm)
414toRawPLI (PLIRepo repo pm) = RPLIRepo repo (toRawPM pm)
416-- | A raw package archive, specified by a user, could have no
417-- hash and file size information.
419-- @since
420data RawArchive = RawArchive
421  { raLocation :: !ArchiveLocation
422  -- ^ Location of the archive
423  --
424  -- @since
425  , raHash :: !(Maybe SHA256)
426  -- ^ Cryptographic hash of the archive file
427  --
428  -- @since
429  , raSize :: !(Maybe FileSize)
430  -- ^ Size of the archive file
431  --
432  -- @since
433  , raSubdir :: !Text
434  -- ^ Subdirectory within the archive to get the package from.
435  --
436  -- @since
437  }
438    deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
440instance NFData RawArchive
442-- | A package archive, could be from a URL or a local file
443-- path. Local file path archives are assumed to be unchanging
444-- over time, and so are allowed in custom snapshots.
446-- @since
447data Archive = Archive
448  { archiveLocation :: !ArchiveLocation
449  -- ^ Location of the archive
450  --
451  -- @since
452  , archiveHash :: !SHA256
453  -- ^ Cryptographic hash of the archive file
454  --
455  -- @since
456  , archiveSize :: !FileSize
457  -- ^ Size of the archive file
458  --
459  -- @since
460  , archiveSubdir :: !Text
461  -- ^ Subdirectory within the archive to get the package from.
462  --
463  -- @since
464  }
465    deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
466instance NFData Archive
468-- | Convert archive to its "raw" equivalent.
470-- @since
471toRawArchive :: Archive -> RawArchive
472toRawArchive archive =
473  RawArchive (archiveLocation archive) (Just $ archiveHash archive)
474             (Just $ archiveSize archive) (archiveSubdir archive)
476-- | The type of a source control repository.
478-- @since
479data RepoType = RepoGit | RepoHg
480    deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
481instance NFData RepoType
482instance PersistField RepoType where
483  toPersistValue RepoGit = toPersistValue (1 :: Int32)
484  toPersistValue RepoHg = toPersistValue (2 :: Int32)
485  fromPersistValue v = do
486    i <- fromPersistValue v
487    case i :: Int32 of
488      1 -> pure RepoGit
489      2 -> pure RepoHg
490      _ -> Left $ fromString $ "Invalid RepoType: " ++ show i
491instance PersistFieldSql RepoType where
492  sqlType _ = SqlInt32
494-- | Information on packages stored in a source control repository.
496-- @since
497data Repo = Repo
498  { repoUrl :: !Text
499    -- ^ Location of the repo
500    --
501    -- @since
502  , repoCommit :: !Text
503    -- ^ Commit to use from the repo. It's strongly recommended to use
504    -- a hash instead of a tag or branch name.
505    --
506    -- @since
507  , repoType :: !RepoType
508    -- ^ The type of the repo
509    --
510    -- @since
511  , repoSubdir :: !Text
512    -- ^ Subdirectory within the archive to get the package from.
513    --
514    -- @since
515  }
516    deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
517instance NFData Repo
518instance Show Repo where
519  show = T.unpack . utf8BuilderToText . display
520instance Display Repo where
521  display (Repo url commit typ subdir) =
522    (case typ of
523       RepoGit -> "Git"
524       RepoHg -> "Mercurial") <>
525    " repo at " <>
526    display url <>
527    ", commit " <>
528    display commit <>
529    (if T.null subdir
530      then mempty
531      else " in subdirectory " <> display subdir)
534-- An unexported newtype wrapper to hang a 'FromJSON' instance off of. Contains
535-- a GitHub user and repo name separated by a forward slash, e.g. "foo/bar".
536newtype GitHubRepo = GitHubRepo Text
538instance FromJSON GitHubRepo where
539    parseJSON = withText "GitHubRepo" $ \s -> do
540        case T.split (== '/') s of
541            [x, y] | not (T.null x || T.null y) -> return (GitHubRepo s)
542            _ -> fail "expecting \"user/repo\""
544-- | Configuration for Hackage Security to securely download package
545-- metadata and contents from Hackage. For most purposes, you'll want
546-- to use the default Hackage settings via
547-- @defaultHackageSecurityConfig@.
549-- /NOTE/ It's highly recommended to only use the official Hackage
550-- server or a mirror. See
551-- <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4137>.
553-- @since
554data HackageSecurityConfig = HackageSecurityConfig
555  { hscKeyIds :: ![Text]
556  , hscKeyThreshold :: !Int
557  , hscDownloadPrefix :: !Text
558  , hscIgnoreExpiry :: !Bool
559  }
560  deriving Show
561instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings HackageSecurityConfig) where
562  parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "HackageSecurityConfig" $ \o' -> do
563    hscDownloadPrefix <- o' ..: "download-prefix"
564    Object o <- o' ..: "hackage-security"
565    hscKeyIds <- o ..: "keyids"
566    hscKeyThreshold <- o ..: "key-threshold"
567    hscIgnoreExpiry <- o ..:? "ignore-expiry" ..!= True
568    pure HackageSecurityConfig {..}
571-- | An environment which contains a 'PantryConfig'.
573-- @since
574class HasPantryConfig env where
575  -- | Lens to get or set the 'PantryConfig'
576  --
577  -- @since
578  pantryConfigL :: Lens' env PantryConfig
581-- | File size in bytes
583-- @since
584newtype FileSize = FileSize Word
585  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic, Display, Hashable, NFData, PersistField, PersistFieldSql, ToJSON, FromJSON)
587-- | A key for looking up a blob, which combines the SHA256 hash of
588-- the contents and the file size.
590-- The file size may seem redundant with the hash. However, it is
591-- necessary for safely downloading blobs from an untrusted
592-- source. See
593-- <https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2018/07/pantry-part-2-trees-keys>.
595-- @since
596data BlobKey = BlobKey !SHA256 !FileSize
597  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
598instance NFData BlobKey
600instance Show BlobKey where
601  show = T.unpack . utf8BuilderToText . display
602instance Display BlobKey where
603  display (BlobKey sha size') = display sha <> "," <> display size'
605blobKeyPairs :: BlobKey -> [(Text, Value)]
606blobKeyPairs (BlobKey sha size') =
607    [ "sha256" .= sha
608    , "size" .= size'
609    ]
611instance ToJSON BlobKey where
612  toJSON = object . blobKeyPairs
613instance FromJSON BlobKey where
614  parseJSON = withObject "BlobKey" $ \o -> BlobKey
615    <$> o .: "sha256"
616    <*> o .: "size"
618newtype PackageNameP = PackageNameP { unPackageNameP :: PackageName }
619  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, NFData)
620instance Display PackageNameP where
621  display = fromString . packageNameString . unPackageNameP
622instance PersistField PackageNameP where
623  toPersistValue (PackageNameP pn) = PersistText $ T.pack $ packageNameString pn
624  fromPersistValue v = do
625    str <- fromPersistValue v
626    case parsePackageName str of
627      Nothing -> Left $ "Invalid package name: " <> T.pack str
628      Just pn -> Right $ PackageNameP pn
629instance PersistFieldSql PackageNameP where
630  sqlType _ = SqlString
631instance ToJSON PackageNameP where
632  toJSON (PackageNameP pn) = String $ T.pack $ packageNameString pn
633instance FromJSON PackageNameP where
634  parseJSON = withText "PackageNameP" $ pure . PackageNameP . mkPackageName . T.unpack
635instance ToJSONKey PackageNameP where
636  toJSONKey =
637    ToJSONKeyText
638      (T.pack . packageNameString . unPackageNameP)
639      (unsafeToEncoding . getUtf8Builder . display)
640instance FromJSONKey PackageNameP where
641  fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyText $ PackageNameP . mkPackageName . T.unpack
643newtype VersionP = VersionP { unVersionP :: Version }
644  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, NFData)
645instance PersistField VersionP where
646  toPersistValue (VersionP v) = PersistText $ T.pack $ versionString v
647  fromPersistValue v = do
648    str <- fromPersistValue v
649    case parseVersion str of
650      Nothing -> Left $ "Invalid version number: " <> T.pack str
651      Just ver -> Right $ VersionP ver
652instance PersistFieldSql VersionP where
653  sqlType _ = SqlString
654instance Display VersionP where
655  display (VersionP v) = fromString $ versionString v
656instance ToJSON VersionP where
657  toJSON (VersionP v) = String $ T.pack $ versionString v
658instance FromJSON VersionP where
659  parseJSON =
660    withText "VersionP" $
661    either (fail . displayException) (pure . VersionP) . parseVersionThrowing . T.unpack
663newtype ModuleNameP = ModuleNameP
664  { unModuleNameP :: ModuleName
665  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData)
666instance Display ModuleNameP where
667  display = fromString . moduleNameString . unModuleNameP
668instance PersistField ModuleNameP where
669  toPersistValue (ModuleNameP mn) = PersistText $ T.pack $ moduleNameString mn
670  fromPersistValue v = do
671    str <- fromPersistValue v
672    case parseModuleName str of
673      Nothing -> Left $ "Invalid module name: " <> T.pack str
674      Just pn -> Right $ ModuleNameP pn
675instance PersistFieldSql ModuleNameP where
676  sqlType _ = SqlString
678-- | How to choose a cabal file for a package from Hackage. This is to
679-- work with Hackage cabal file revisions, which makes
680-- @PackageIdentifier@ insufficient for specifying a package from
681-- Hackage.
683-- @since
684data CabalFileInfo
685  = CFILatest
686  -- ^ Take the latest revision of the cabal file available. This
687  -- isn't reproducible at all, but the running assumption (not
688  -- necessarily true) is that cabal file revisions do not change
689  -- semantics of the build.
690  --
691  -- @since
692  | CFIHash !SHA256 !(Maybe FileSize)
693  -- ^ Identify by contents of the cabal file itself. Only reason for
694  -- @Maybe@ on @FileSize@ is for compatibility with input that
695  -- doesn't include the file size.
696  --
697  -- @since
698  | CFIRevision !Revision
699  -- ^ Identify by revision number, with 0 being the original and
700  -- counting upward. This relies on Hackage providing consistent
701  -- versioning. @CFIHash@ should be preferred wherever possible for
702  -- reproducibility.
703  --
704  -- @since
705    deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
706instance NFData CabalFileInfo
707instance Hashable CabalFileInfo
709instance Display CabalFileInfo where
710  display CFILatest = mempty
711  display (CFIHash hash' msize) =
712    "@sha256:" <> display hash' <> maybe mempty (\i -> "," <> display i) msize
713  display (CFIRevision rev) = "@rev:" <> display rev
715-- | A full specification for a package from Hackage, including the
716-- package name, version, and how to load up the correct cabal file
717-- revision.
719-- @since
720data PackageIdentifierRevision = PackageIdentifierRevision !PackageName !Version !CabalFileInfo
721  deriving (Generic, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
722instance NFData PackageIdentifierRevision
724instance Show PackageIdentifierRevision where
725  show = T.unpack . utf8BuilderToText . display
727instance Display PackageIdentifierRevision where
728  display (PackageIdentifierRevision name version cfi) =
729    fromString (packageNameString name) <> "-" <> fromString (versionString version) <> display cfi
731instance ToJSON PackageIdentifierRevision where
732  toJSON = toJSON . utf8BuilderToText . display
733instance FromJSON PackageIdentifierRevision where
734  parseJSON = withText "PackageIdentifierRevision" $ \t ->
735    case parsePackageIdentifierRevision t of
736      Left e -> fail $ show e
737      Right pir -> pure pir
739-- | Parse a hackage text.
741-- @since
742parseHackageText :: Text -> Either PantryException (PackageIdentifier, BlobKey)
743parseHackageText t =
744  either (\x -> error (show x) $ const $ Left $ PackageIdentifierRevisionParseFail t) Right $
745  explicitEitherParsec (hackageTextParsec <* Parse.eof) $
746  T.unpack t
748hackageTextParsec :: ParsecParser (PackageIdentifier, BlobKey)
749hackageTextParsec = do
750  ident <- packageIdentifierParsec
751  _ <- Parse.string "@sha256:"
753  shaT <- Parse.munch (/= ',')
754  sha <- either (const mzero) pure $ SHA256.fromHexText $ fromString shaT
756  _ <- Parse.char ','
757  size' <- Parse.integral -- FIXME probably need to handle overflow, since unfortunately Cabal doesn't
758  pure (ident, BlobKey sha (FileSize size'))
760splitColon :: Text -> Maybe (Text, Text)
761splitColon t' =
762    let (x, y) = T.break (== ':') t'
763     in (x, ) <$> T.stripPrefix ":" y
765-- | Parse a 'PackageIdentifierRevision'
767-- @since
768parsePackageIdentifierRevision :: Text -> Either PantryException PackageIdentifierRevision
769parsePackageIdentifierRevision t = maybe (Left $ PackageIdentifierRevisionParseFail t) Right $ do
770  let (identT, cfiT) = T.break (== '@') t
771  PackageIdentifier name version <- parsePackageIdentifier $ T.unpack identT
772  cfi <-
773    case splitColon cfiT of
774      Just ("@sha256", shaSizeT) -> do
775        let (shaT, sizeT) = T.break (== ',') shaSizeT
776        sha <- either (const Nothing) Just $ SHA256.fromHexText shaT
777        msize <-
778          case T.stripPrefix "," sizeT of
779            Nothing -> Just Nothing
780            Just sizeT' ->
781              case decimal sizeT' of
782                Right (size', "") -> Just $ Just $ FileSize size'
783                _ -> Nothing
784        pure $ CFIHash sha msize
785      Just ("@rev", revT) ->
786        case decimal revT of
787          Right (rev, "") -> pure $ CFIRevision $ Revision rev
788          _ -> Nothing
789      Nothing -> pure CFILatest
790      _ -> Nothing
791  pure $ PackageIdentifierRevision name version cfi
793data Mismatch a = Mismatch
794  { mismatchExpected :: !a
795  , mismatchActual :: !a
796  }
798-- | Things that can go wrong in pantry. Note two things:
800-- * Many other exception types may be thrown from underlying
801--   libraries. Pantry does not attempt to wrap these underlying
802--   exceptions.
804-- * We may add more constructors to this data type in minor version
805--   bumps of pantry. This technically breaks the PVP. You should not
806--   be writing pattern matches against this type that expect total
807--   matching.
809-- @since
810data PantryException
811  = PackageIdentifierRevisionParseFail !Text
812  | InvalidCabalFile
813      !(Either RawPackageLocationImmutable (Path Abs File))
814      !(Maybe Version)
815      ![PError]
816      ![PWarning]
817  | TreeWithoutCabalFile !RawPackageLocationImmutable
818  | TreeWithMultipleCabalFiles !RawPackageLocationImmutable ![SafeFilePath]
819  | MismatchedCabalName !(Path Abs File) !PackageName
820  | NoCabalFileFound !(Path Abs Dir)
821  | MultipleCabalFilesFound !(Path Abs Dir) ![Path Abs File]
822  | InvalidWantedCompiler !Text
823  | InvalidSnapshotLocation !(Path Abs Dir) !Text
824  | InvalidOverrideCompiler !WantedCompiler !WantedCompiler
825  | InvalidFilePathSnapshot !Text
826  | InvalidSnapshot !RawSnapshotLocation !SomeException
827  | MismatchedPackageMetadata
828      !RawPackageLocationImmutable
829      !RawPackageMetadata
830      !(Maybe TreeKey)
831      !PackageIdentifier
832  | Non200ResponseStatus !Status
833  | InvalidBlobKey !(Mismatch BlobKey)
834  | Couldn'tParseSnapshot !RawSnapshotLocation !String
835  | WrongCabalFileName !RawPackageLocationImmutable !SafeFilePath !PackageName
836  | DownloadInvalidSHA256 !Text !(Mismatch SHA256)
837  | DownloadInvalidSize !Text !(Mismatch FileSize)
838  | DownloadTooLarge !Text !(Mismatch FileSize)
839  -- ^ Different from 'DownloadInvalidSize' since 'mismatchActual' is
840  -- a lower bound on the size from the server.
841  | LocalInvalidSHA256 !(Path Abs File) !(Mismatch SHA256)
842  | LocalInvalidSize !(Path Abs File) !(Mismatch FileSize)
843  | UnknownArchiveType !ArchiveLocation
844  | InvalidTarFileType !ArchiveLocation !FilePath !Tar.FileType
845  | UnsupportedTarball !ArchiveLocation !Text
846  | NoHackageCryptographicHash !PackageIdentifier
847  | FailedToCloneRepo !Repo
848  | TreeReferencesMissingBlob !RawPackageLocationImmutable !SafeFilePath !BlobKey
849  | CompletePackageMetadataMismatch !RawPackageLocationImmutable !PackageMetadata
850  | CRC32Mismatch !ArchiveLocation !FilePath !(Mismatch Word32)
851  | UnknownHackagePackage !PackageIdentifierRevision !FuzzyResults
852  | CannotCompleteRepoNonSHA1 !Repo
853  | MutablePackageLocationFromUrl !Text
854  | MismatchedCabalFileForHackage !PackageIdentifierRevision !(Mismatch PackageIdentifier)
855  | PackageNameParseFail !Text
856  | PackageVersionParseFail !Text
857  | InvalidCabalFilePath !(Path Abs File)
858  | DuplicatePackageNames !Utf8Builder ![(PackageName, [RawPackageLocationImmutable])]
859  | MigrationFailure !Text !(Path Abs File) !SomeException
860  | InvalidTreeFromCasa !BlobKey !ByteString
861  | ParseSnapNameException !Text
863  deriving Typeable
864instance Exception PantryException where
865instance Show PantryException where
866  show = T.unpack . utf8BuilderToText . display
867instance Display PantryException where
868  display (InvalidTreeFromCasa blobKey _bs) = "Invalid tree from casa: " <> display blobKey
869  display (PackageIdentifierRevisionParseFail text) =
870    "Invalid package identifier (with optional revision): " <>
871    display text
872  display (InvalidCabalFile loc mversion errs warnings) =
873    "Unable to parse cabal file from package " <>
874    either display (fromString . toFilePath) loc <>
875    "\n\n" <>
876    foldMap
877      (\(PError pos msg) ->
878          "- " <>
879          fromString (showPos pos) <>
880          ": " <>
881          fromString msg <>
882          "\n")
883      errs <>
884    foldMap
885      (\(PWarning _ pos msg) ->
886          "- " <>
887          fromString (showPos pos) <>
888          ": " <>
889          fromString msg <>
890          "\n")
891      warnings <>
893    (case mversion of
894       Just version
895         | version > cabalSpecLatestVersion ->
896             "\n\nThe cabal file uses the cabal specification version " <>
897             fromString (versionString version) <>
898             ", but we only support up to version " <>
899             fromString (versionString cabalSpecLatestVersion) <>
900             ".\nRecommended action: upgrade your build tool (e.g., `stack upgrade`)."
901       _ -> mempty)
902  display (TreeWithoutCabalFile pl) = "No cabal file found for " <> display pl
903  display (TreeWithMultipleCabalFiles pl sfps) =
904    "Multiple cabal files found for " <> display pl <> ": " <>
905    fold (intersperse ", " (map display sfps))
906  display (MismatchedCabalName fp name) =
907    "cabal file path " <>
908    fromString (toFilePath fp) <>
909    " does not match the package name it defines.\n" <>
910    "Please rename the file to: " <>
911    fromString (packageNameString name) <>
912    ".cabal\n" <>
913    "For more information, see: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/317"
914  display (NoCabalFileFound dir) =
915    "Stack looks for packages in the directories configured in\n" <>
916    "the 'packages' and 'extra-deps' fields defined in your stack.yaml\n" <>
917    "The current entry points to " <>
918    fromString (toFilePath dir) <>
919    ",\nbut no .cabal or package.yaml file could be found there."
920  display (MultipleCabalFilesFound dir files) =
921    "Multiple .cabal files found in directory " <>
922    fromString (toFilePath dir) <>
923    ":\n" <>
924    fold (intersperse "\n" (map (\x -> "- " <> fromString (toFilePath (filename x))) files))
925  display (InvalidWantedCompiler t) = "Invalid wanted compiler: " <> display t
926  display (InvalidSnapshotLocation dir t) =
927    "Invalid snapshot location " <>
928    displayShow t <>
929    " relative to directory " <>
930    displayShow (toFilePath dir)
931  display (InvalidOverrideCompiler x y) =
932    "Specified compiler for a resolver (" <>
933    display x <>
934    "), but also specified an override compiler (" <>
935    display y <>
936    ")"
937  display (InvalidFilePathSnapshot t) =
938    "Specified snapshot as file path with " <>
939    displayShow t <>
940    ", but not reading from a local file"
941  display (InvalidSnapshot loc e) =
942    "Exception while reading snapshot from " <>
943    display loc <>
944    ":\n" <>
945    displayShow e
946  display (MismatchedPackageMetadata loc pm mtreeKey foundIdent) =
947    "Mismatched package metadata for " <> display loc <>
948    "\nFound: " <> fromString (packageIdentifierString foundIdent) <>
949    (case mtreeKey of
950       Nothing -> mempty
951       Just treeKey -> " with tree " <> display treeKey) <>
952    "\nExpected: " <> display pm
953  display (Non200ResponseStatus status) =
954    "Unexpected non-200 HTTP status code: " <>
955    displayShow (statusCode status)
956  display (InvalidBlobKey Mismatch{..}) =
957    "Invalid blob key found, expected: " <>
958    display mismatchExpected <>
959    ", actual: " <>
960    display mismatchActual
961  display (Couldn'tParseSnapshot sl e) =
962    "Couldn't parse snapshot from " <> display sl <> ": " <> fromString e
963  display (WrongCabalFileName pl sfp name) =
964    "Wrong cabal file name for package " <> display pl <>
965    "\nCabal file is named " <> display sfp <>
966    ", but package name is " <> fromString (packageNameString name) <>
967    "\nFor more information, see:\n  - https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/317\n  -https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/895"
968  display (DownloadInvalidSHA256 url Mismatch {..}) =
969    "Mismatched SHA256 hash from " <> display url <>
970    "\nExpected: " <> display mismatchExpected <>
971    "\nActual:   " <> display mismatchActual
972  display (DownloadInvalidSize url Mismatch {..}) =
973    "Mismatched download size from " <> display url <>
974    "\nExpected: " <> display mismatchExpected <>
975    "\nActual:   " <> display mismatchActual
976  display (DownloadTooLarge url Mismatch {..}) =
977    "Download from " <> display url <> " was too large.\n" <>
978    "Expected: " <> display mismatchExpected <> ", stopped after receiving: " <>
979    display mismatchActual
980  display (LocalInvalidSHA256 path Mismatch {..}) =
981    "Mismatched SHA256 hash from " <> fromString (toFilePath path) <>
982    "\nExpected: " <> display mismatchExpected <>
983    "\nActual:   " <> display mismatchActual
984  display (LocalInvalidSize path Mismatch {..}) =
985    "Mismatched file size from " <> fromString (toFilePath path) <>
986    "\nExpected: " <> display mismatchExpected <>
987    "\nActual:   " <> display mismatchActual
988  display (UnknownArchiveType loc) = "Unable to determine archive type of: " <> display loc
989  display (InvalidTarFileType loc fp x) =
990    "Unsupported tar filetype in archive " <> display loc <> " at file " <> fromString fp <> ": " <> displayShow x
991  display (UnsupportedTarball loc e) =
992    "Unsupported tarball from " <> display loc <> ": " <> display e
993  display (NoHackageCryptographicHash ident) =
994    "Not cryptographic hash found for Hackage package " <> fromString (packageIdentifierString ident)
995  display (FailedToCloneRepo repo) = "Failed to clone repo " <> display repo
996  display (TreeReferencesMissingBlob loc sfp key) =
997    "The package " <> display loc <>
998    " needs blob " <> display key <>
999    " for file path " <> display sfp <>
1000    ", but the blob is not available"
1001  display (CompletePackageMetadataMismatch loc pm) =
1002    "When completing package metadata for " <> display loc <>
1003    ", some values changed in the new package metadata: " <>
1004    display pm
1005  display (CRC32Mismatch loc fp Mismatch {..}) =
1006    "CRC32 mismatch in ZIP file from " <> display loc <>
1007    " on internal file " <> fromString fp <>
1008    "\n.Expected: " <> display mismatchExpected <>
1009    "\n.Actual:   " <> display mismatchActual
1010  display (UnknownHackagePackage pir fuzzy) =
1011    "Could not find " <> display pir <> " on Hackage" <>
1012    displayFuzzy fuzzy
1013  display (CannotCompleteRepoNonSHA1 repo) =
1014    "Cannot complete repo information for a non SHA1 commit due to non-reproducibility: " <>
1015    display repo
1016  display (MutablePackageLocationFromUrl t) =
1017    "Cannot refer to a mutable package location from a URL: " <> display t
1018  display (MismatchedCabalFileForHackage pir Mismatch{..}) =
1019    "When processing cabal file for Hackage package " <> display pir <>
1020    ":\nMismatched package identifier." <>
1021    "\nExpected: " <> fromString (packageIdentifierString mismatchExpected) <>
1022    "\nActual:   " <> fromString (packageIdentifierString mismatchActual)
1023  display (PackageNameParseFail t) =
1024    "Invalid package name: " <> display t
1025  display (PackageVersionParseFail t) =
1026    "Invalid version: " <> display t
1027  display (InvalidCabalFilePath fp) =
1028    "File path contains a name which is not a valid package name: " <>
1029    fromString (toFilePath fp)
1030  display (DuplicatePackageNames source pairs') =
1031    "Duplicate package names (" <> source <> "):\n" <>
1032    foldMap
1033      (\(name, locs) ->
1034        fromString (packageNameString name) <> ":\n" <>
1035        foldMap
1036          (\loc -> "- " <> display loc <> "\n")
1037          locs
1038      )
1039      pairs'
1040  display (MigrationFailure desc fp ex) =
1041    "Encountered error while migrating " <> display desc <> " database:" <>
1042    "\n    " <> displayShow ex <>
1043    "\nPlease report this on https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues" <>
1044    "\nAs a workaround you may delete " <> display desc <> " database in " <>
1045    fromString (toFilePath fp) <> " triggering its recreation."
1046  display (ParseSnapNameException t) = "Invalid snapshot name: " <> display t
1048data FuzzyResults
1049  = FRNameNotFound ![PackageName]
1050  | FRVersionNotFound !(NonEmpty PackageIdentifierRevision)
1051  | FRRevisionNotFound !(NonEmpty PackageIdentifierRevision)
1053displayFuzzy :: FuzzyResults -> Utf8Builder
1054displayFuzzy (FRNameNotFound names) =
1055  case NE.nonEmpty names of
1056    Nothing -> ""
1057    Just names' ->
1058      "\nPerhaps you meant " <>
1059      orSeparated (NE.map (fromString . packageNameString) names') <>
1060      "?"
1061displayFuzzy (FRVersionNotFound pirs) =
1062  "\nPossible candidates: " <>
1063  commaSeparated (NE.map display pirs) <>
1064  "."
1065displayFuzzy (FRRevisionNotFound pirs) =
1066  "\nThe specified revision was not found.\nPossible candidates: " <>
1067  commaSeparated (NE.map display pirs) <>
1068  "."
1070orSeparated :: NonEmpty Utf8Builder -> Utf8Builder
1071orSeparated xs
1072  | NE.length xs == 1 = NE.head xs
1073  | NE.length xs == 2 = NE.head xs <> " or " <> NE.last xs
1074  | otherwise = fold (intersperse ", " (NE.init xs)) <> ", or " <> NE.last xs
1076commaSeparated :: NonEmpty Utf8Builder -> Utf8Builder
1077commaSeparated = fold . NE.intersperse ", "
1079-- You'd really think there'd be a better way to do this in Cabal.
1080cabalSpecLatestVersion :: Version
1081cabalSpecLatestVersion =
1082  case cabalSpecLatest of
1083    CabalSpecV1_0 -> error "this cannot happen"
1084    CabalSpecV1_2 -> error "this cannot happen"
1085    CabalSpecV1_4 -> error "this cannot happen"
1086    CabalSpecV1_6 -> error "this cannot happen"
1087    CabalSpecV1_8 -> error "this cannot happen"
1088    CabalSpecV1_10 -> error "this cannot happen"
1089    CabalSpecV1_12 -> error "this cannot happen"
1090    CabalSpecV1_18 -> error "this cannot happen"
1091    CabalSpecV1_20 -> error "this cannot happen"
1092    CabalSpecV1_22 -> error "this cannot happen"
1093    CabalSpecV1_24 -> error "this cannot happen"
1094    CabalSpecV2_0 -> error "this cannot happen"
1095    CabalSpecV2_2 -> error "this cannot happen"
1096    CabalSpecV2_4 -> error "this cannot happen"
1097    CabalSpecV3_0 -> mkVersion [3, 0]
1099data BuildFile = BFCabal !SafeFilePath !TreeEntry
1100               | BFHpack !TreeEntry -- We don't need SafeFilePath for Hpack since it has to be package.yaml file
1101  deriving (Show, Eq)
1103data FileType = FTNormal | FTExecutable
1104  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
1105instance PersistField FileType where
1106  toPersistValue FTNormal = PersistInt64 1
1107  toPersistValue FTExecutable = PersistInt64 2
1109  fromPersistValue v = do
1110    i <- fromPersistValue v
1111    case i :: Int64 of
1112      1 -> Right FTNormal
1113      2 -> Right FTExecutable
1114      _ -> Left $ "Invalid FileType: " <> tshow i
1115instance PersistFieldSql FileType where
1116  sqlType _ = SqlInt32
1118data TreeEntry = TreeEntry
1119  { teBlob :: !BlobKey
1120  , teType :: !FileType
1121  }
1122  deriving (Show, Eq)
1124newtype SafeFilePath = SafeFilePath Text
1125  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Display)
1127instance PersistField SafeFilePath where
1128  toPersistValue = toPersistValue . unSafeFilePath
1129  fromPersistValue v = do
1130    t <- fromPersistValue v
1131    maybe (Left $ "Invalid SafeFilePath: " <> t) Right $ mkSafeFilePath t
1132instance PersistFieldSql SafeFilePath where
1133  sqlType _ = SqlString
1135unSafeFilePath :: SafeFilePath -> Text
1136unSafeFilePath (SafeFilePath t) = t
1138safeFilePathtoPath :: (MonadThrow m) => Path Abs Dir -> SafeFilePath -> m (Path Abs File)
1139safeFilePathtoPath dir (SafeFilePath path) = do
1140  fpath <- parseRelFile (T.unpack path)
1141  return $ dir </> fpath
1143mkSafeFilePath :: Text -> Maybe SafeFilePath
1144mkSafeFilePath t = do
1145  guard $ not $ "\\" `T.isInfixOf` t
1146  guard $ not $ "//" `T.isInfixOf` t
1147  guard $ not $ "\n" `T.isInfixOf` t
1148  guard $ not $ "\0" `T.isInfixOf` t
1150  (c, _) <- T.uncons t
1151  guard $ c /= '/'
1153  guard $ all (not . T.all (== '.')) $ T.split (== '/') t
1155  Just $ SafeFilePath t
1157-- | SafeFilePath for `package.yaml` file.
1158hpackSafeFilePath :: SafeFilePath
1159hpackSafeFilePath =
1160    let fpath = mkSafeFilePath (T.pack Hpack.packageConfig)
1161    in case fpath of
1162         Nothing -> error $ "hpackSafeFilePath: Not able to encode " <> (Hpack.packageConfig)
1163         Just sfp -> sfp
1165-- | The hash of the binary representation of a 'Tree'.
1167-- @since
1168newtype TreeKey = TreeKey BlobKey
1169  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON, NFData, Display)
1171-- | Represents the contents of a tree, which is a mapping from
1172-- relative file paths to 'TreeEntry's.
1174-- @since
1175newtype Tree
1176  = TreeMap (Map SafeFilePath TreeEntry)
1177  -- In the future, consider allowing more lax parsing
1178  -- See: https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2018/07/pantry-part-2-trees-keys
1179  -- TreeTarball !PackageTarball
1180  deriving (Show, Eq)
1182renderTree :: Tree -> ByteString
1183renderTree = BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString . go
1184  where
1185    go :: Tree -> Builder
1186    go (TreeMap m) = "map:" <> Map.foldMapWithKey goEntry m
1188    goEntry sfp (TreeEntry (BlobKey sha (FileSize size')) ft) =
1189      netstring (unSafeFilePath sfp) <>
1190      byteString (SHA256.toRaw sha) <>
1191      netword size' <>
1192      (case ft of
1193         FTNormal -> "N"
1194         FTExecutable -> "X")
1196netstring :: Text -> Builder
1197netstring t =
1198  let bs = encodeUtf8 t
1199   in netword (fromIntegral (B.length bs)) <> byteString bs
1201netword :: Word -> Builder
1202netword w = wordDec w <> ":"
1204parseTreeM :: MonadThrow m => (BlobKey, ByteString) -> m (TreeKey, Tree)
1205parseTreeM (blobKey, blob) =
1206  case parseTree blob of
1207    Nothing -> throwM (InvalidTreeFromCasa blobKey blob)
1208    Just tree -> pure (TreeKey blobKey, tree)
1210parseTree :: ByteString -> Maybe Tree
1211parseTree bs1 = do
1212  tree <- parseTree' bs1
1213  let bs2 = renderTree tree
1214  guard $ bs1 == bs2
1215  Just tree
1217parseTree' :: ByteString -> Maybe Tree
1218parseTree' bs0 = do
1219  entriesBS <- B.stripPrefix "map:" bs0
1220  TreeMap <$> loop Map.empty entriesBS
1221  where
1222    loop !m bs1
1223      | B.null bs1 = pure m
1224      | otherwise = do
1225          (sfpBS, bs2) <- takeNetstring bs1
1226          sfp <-
1227            case decodeUtf8' sfpBS of
1228              Left _ -> Nothing
1229              Right sfpT -> mkSafeFilePath sfpT
1230          (sha, bs3) <- takeSha bs2
1231          (size', bs4) <- takeNetword bs3
1232          (typeW, bs5) <- B.uncons bs4
1233          ft <-
1234            case typeW of
1235              78 -> Just FTNormal -- 'N'
1236              88 -> Just FTExecutable -- 'X'
1237              _ -> Nothing
1238          let entry = TreeEntry (BlobKey sha (FileSize (fromIntegral size'))) ft
1239          loop (Map.insert sfp entry m) bs5
1241    takeNetstring bs1 = do
1242      (size', bs2) <- takeNetword bs1
1243      guard $ B.length bs2 >= size'
1244      Just $ B.splitAt size' bs2
1246    takeSha bs = do
1247      let (x, y) = B.splitAt 32 bs
1248      x' <- either (const Nothing) Just (SHA256.fromRaw x)
1249      Just (x', y)
1251    takeNetword =
1252      go 0
1253      where
1254        go !accum bs = do
1255          (next, rest) <- B.uncons bs
1256          if
1257            | next == 58 -> pure (accum, rest) -- ':'
1258            | next >= 48 && next <= 57 ->
1259                go
1260                  (accum * 10 + fromIntegral (next - 48))
1261                  rest
1262            | otherwise -> Nothing
1264    {-
1265data PackageTarball = PackageTarball
1266  { ptBlob :: !BlobKey
1267  -- ^ Contains the tarball itself
1268  , ptCabal :: !BlobKey
1269  -- ^ Contains the cabal file contents
1270  , ptSubdir :: !FilePath
1271  -- ^ Subdir containing the files we want for this package.
1272  --
1273  -- There must be precisely one file with a @.cabal@ file extension
1274  -- located there. Thanks to Hackage revisions, its contents will be
1275  -- overwritten by the value of @ptCabal@.
1276  }
1277  deriving Show
1278    -}
1280-- | This is almost a copy of Cabal's parser for package identifiers,
1281-- the main difference is in the fact that Stack requires version to be
1282-- present while Cabal uses "null version" as a default value
1284-- @since
1285parsePackageIdentifier :: String -> Maybe PackageIdentifier
1286parsePackageIdentifier = either (const Nothing) Just . explicitEitherParsec (packageIdentifierParsec <* Parse.eof)
1288packageIdentifierParsec :: ParsecParser PackageIdentifier
1289packageIdentifierParsec = do
1290  ident@(PackageIdentifier _ v) <- parsec
1292  -- version is a required component of a package identifier for Stack
1293  guard (v /= nullVersion)
1295  pure ident
1297-- | Parse a package name from a 'String'.
1299-- @since
1300parsePackageName :: String -> Maybe PackageName
1301parsePackageName = Distribution.Text.simpleParse
1303-- | Parse a package name from a 'String' throwing on failure
1305-- @since
1306parsePackageNameThrowing :: MonadThrow m => String -> m PackageName
1307parsePackageNameThrowing str =
1308  case parsePackageName str of
1309    Nothing -> throwM $ PackageNameParseFail $ T.pack str
1310    Just pn -> pure pn
1312-- | Parse a version from a 'String'.
1314-- @since
1315parseVersion :: String -> Maybe Version
1316parseVersion = Distribution.Text.simpleParse
1318-- | Parse a package version from a 'String' throwing on failure
1320-- @since
1321parseVersionThrowing :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Version
1322parseVersionThrowing str =
1323  case parseVersion str of
1324    Nothing -> throwM $ PackageVersionParseFail $ T.pack str
1325    Just v -> pure v
1327-- | Parse a version range from a 'String'.
1329-- @since
1330parseVersionRange :: String -> Maybe VersionRange
1331parseVersionRange = Distribution.Text.simpleParse
1333-- | Parse a module name from a 'String'.
1335-- @since
1336parseModuleName :: String -> Maybe ModuleName
1337parseModuleName = Distribution.Text.simpleParse
1339-- | Parse a flag name from a 'String'.
1341-- @since
1342parseFlagName :: String -> Maybe FlagName
1343parseFlagName = Distribution.Text.simpleParse
1345-- | Render a package name as a 'String'.
1347-- @since
1348packageNameString :: PackageName -> String
1349packageNameString = unPackageName
1351-- | Render a package identifier as a 'String'.
1353-- @since
1354packageIdentifierString :: PackageIdentifier -> String
1355packageIdentifierString = Distribution.Text.display
1357-- | Render a version as a 'String'.
1359-- @since
1360versionString :: Version -> String
1361versionString = Distribution.Text.display
1363-- | Render a flag name as a 'String'.
1365-- @since
1366flagNameString :: FlagName -> String
1367flagNameString = unFlagName
1369-- | Render a module name as a 'String'.
1371-- @since
1372moduleNameString :: ModuleName -> String
1373moduleNameString = Distribution.Text.display
1375data OptionalSubdirs
1376  = OSSubdirs !(NonEmpty Text)
1377  | OSPackageMetadata !Text !RawPackageMetadata
1378  -- ^ subdirectory and package metadata
1379  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
1380instance NFData OptionalSubdirs
1382-- | Metadata provided by a config file for archives and repos. This
1383-- information can be used for optimized lookups of information like
1384-- package identifiers, or for validating that the user configuration
1385-- has the expected information.
1387-- @since
1388data RawPackageMetadata = RawPackageMetadata
1389  { rpmName :: !(Maybe PackageName)
1390    -- ^ Package name in the cabal file
1391    --
1392    -- @since
1393  , rpmVersion :: !(Maybe Version)
1394    -- ^ Package version in the cabal file
1395    --
1396    -- @since
1397  , rpmTreeKey :: !(Maybe TreeKey)
1398    -- ^ Tree key of the loaded up package
1399    --
1400    -- @since
1401  }
1402  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable)
1403instance NFData RawPackageMetadata
1405instance Display RawPackageMetadata where
1406  display rpm = fold $ intersperse ", " $ catMaybes
1407    [ (\name -> "name == " <> fromString (packageNameString name)) <$> rpmName rpm
1408    , (\version -> "version == " <> fromString (versionString version)) <$> rpmVersion rpm
1409    , (\tree -> "tree == " <> display tree) <$> rpmTreeKey rpm
1410    ]
1412-- | Exact metadata specifying concrete package
1414-- @since
1415data PackageMetadata = PackageMetadata
1416  { pmIdent :: !PackageIdentifier
1417    -- ^ Package identifier in the cabal file
1418    --
1419    -- @since
1420  , pmTreeKey :: !TreeKey
1421    -- ^ Tree key of the loaded up package
1422    --
1423    -- @since
1424  }
1425  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable)
1426-- i PackageMetadata
1427instance NFData PackageMetadata
1429instance Display PackageMetadata where
1430  display pm = fold $ intersperse ", " $
1431    [ "ident == " <> fromString (packageIdentifierString $ pmIdent pm)
1432    , "tree == " <> display (pmTreeKey pm)
1433    ]
1435parsePackageMetadata :: Object -> WarningParser PackageMetadata
1436parsePackageMetadata o = do
1437  _oldCabalFile :: Maybe BlobKey <- o ..:? "cabal-file"
1438  pantryTree :: BlobKey <- o ..: "pantry-tree"
1439  CabalString pkgName <- o ..: "name"
1440  CabalString pkgVersion <- o ..: "version"
1441  let pmTreeKey = TreeKey pantryTree
1442      pmIdent = PackageIdentifier {..}
1443  pure PackageMetadata {..}
1446-- | Conver package metadata to its "raw" equivalent.
1448-- @since
1449toRawPM :: PackageMetadata -> RawPackageMetadata
1450toRawPM pm = RawPackageMetadata (Just name) (Just version) (Just $ pmTreeKey pm)
1451  where
1452    PackageIdentifier name version = pmIdent pm
1454-- | File path relative to the configuration file it was parsed from
1456-- @since
1457newtype RelFilePath = RelFilePath Text
1458  deriving (Show, ToJSON, FromJSON, Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, NFData, Display)
1460-- | Location that an archive is stored at
1462-- @since
1463data ArchiveLocation
1464  = ALUrl !Text
1465    -- ^ Archive stored at an HTTP(S) URL
1466    --
1467    -- @since
1468  | ALFilePath !(ResolvedPath File)
1469    -- ^ Archive stored at a local file path
1470    --
1471    -- @since
1472  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable)
1473instance NFData ArchiveLocation
1475instance Display ArchiveLocation where
1476  display (ALUrl url) = display url
1477  display (ALFilePath resolved) = fromString $ toFilePath $ resolvedAbsolute resolved
1479parseArchiveLocationObject :: Object -> WarningParser (Unresolved ArchiveLocation)
1480parseArchiveLocationObject o =
1481    ((o ..: "url") >>= either (fail . T.unpack) pure . validateUrl) <|>
1482    ((o ..: "filepath") >>= either (fail . T.unpack) pure . validateFilePath) <|>
1483    ((o ..: "archive") >>= either (fail . T.unpack) pure . parseArchiveLocationText) <|>
1484    ((o ..: "location") >>= either (fail . T.unpack) pure . parseArchiveLocationText)
1486parseArchiveLocationText :: Text -> Either Text (Unresolved ArchiveLocation)
1487parseArchiveLocationText t =
1488  case validateUrl t of
1489    Left e1 ->
1490      case validateFilePath t of
1491        Left e2 -> Left $ T.unlines
1492          [ "Invalid archive location, neither a URL nor a file path"
1493          , "  URL error: " <> e1
1494          , "  File path error: " <> e2
1495          ]
1496        Right x -> Right x
1497    Right x -> Right x
1499validateUrl :: Text -> Either Text (Unresolved ArchiveLocation)
1500validateUrl t =
1501  case parseRequest $ T.unpack t of
1502    Left _ -> Left $ "Could not parse URL: " <> t
1503    Right _ -> pure $ pure $ ALUrl t
1505validateFilePath :: Text -> Either Text (Unresolved ArchiveLocation)
1506validateFilePath t =
1507  if any (\ext -> ext `T.isSuffixOf` t) (T.words ".zip .tar .tar.gz")
1508    then pure $ Unresolved $ \mdir ->
1509           case mdir of
1510             Nothing -> throwIO $ InvalidFilePathSnapshot t
1511             Just dir -> do
1512               abs' <- resolveFile dir $ T.unpack t
1513               pure $ ALFilePath $ ResolvedPath (RelFilePath t) abs'
1514    else Left $ "Does not have an archive file extension: " <> t
1516instance ToJSON RawPackageLocation where
1517  toJSON (RPLImmutable rpli) = toJSON rpli
1518  toJSON (RPLMutable resolved) = toJSON (resolvedRelative resolved)
1519instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved (NonEmpty RawPackageLocation))) where
1520  parseJSON v =
1521    ((fmap.fmap.fmap.fmap) RPLImmutable (parseJSON v)) <|>
1522    ((noJSONWarnings . mkMutable) <$> parseJSON v)
1523    where
1524      mkMutable :: Text -> Unresolved (NonEmpty RawPackageLocation)
1525      mkMutable t = Unresolved $ \mdir -> do
1526        case mdir of
1527          Nothing -> throwIO $ MutablePackageLocationFromUrl t
1528          Just dir -> do
1529            abs' <- resolveDir dir $ T.unpack t
1530            pure $ pure $ RPLMutable $ ResolvedPath (RelFilePath t) abs'
1532instance ToJSON RawPackageLocationImmutable where
1533  toJSON (RPLIHackage pir mtree) = object $ concat
1534    [ ["hackage" .= pir]
1535    , maybe [] (\tree -> ["pantry-tree" .= tree]) mtree
1536    ]
1537  toJSON (RPLIArchive (RawArchive loc msha msize subdir) rpm) = object $ concat
1538    [ case loc of
1539        ALUrl url -> ["url" .= url]
1540        ALFilePath resolved -> ["filepath" .= resolvedRelative resolved]
1541    , maybe [] (\sha -> ["sha256" .= sha]) msha
1542    , maybe [] (\size' -> ["size" .= size']) msize
1543    , if T.null subdir then [] else ["subdir" .= subdir]
1544    , rpmToPairs rpm
1545    ]
1546  toJSON (RPLIRepo (Repo url commit typ subdir) rpm) = object $ concat
1547    [ [ urlKey .= url
1548      , "commit" .= commit
1549      ]
1550    , if T.null subdir then [] else ["subdir" .= subdir]
1551    , rpmToPairs rpm
1552    ]
1553    where
1554      urlKey =
1555        case typ of
1556          RepoGit -> "git"
1557          RepoHg  -> "hg"
1559rpmToPairs :: RawPackageMetadata -> [(Text, Value)]
1560rpmToPairs (RawPackageMetadata mname mversion mtree) = concat
1561  [ maybe [] (\name -> ["name" .= CabalString name]) mname
1562  , maybe [] (\version -> ["version" .= CabalString version]) mversion
1563  , maybe [] (\tree -> ["pantry-tree" .= tree]) mtree
1564  ]
1566instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved PackageLocationImmutable)) where
1567    parseJSON v = repoObject v <|> archiveObject v <|> hackageObject v <|> github v
1568                  <|> fail ("Could not parse a UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable from: " ++ show v)
1569        where
1570          repoObject :: Value -> Parser (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved PackageLocationImmutable))
1571          repoObject = withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.PLIRepo" $ \o -> do
1572            pm <- parsePackageMetadata o
1573            repoSubdir <- o ..:? "subdir" ..!= ""
1574            repoCommit <- o ..: "commit"
1575            (repoType, repoUrl) <-
1576                (o ..: "git" >>= \url -> pure (RepoGit, url)) <|>
1577                (o ..: "hg" >>= \url -> pure (RepoHg, url))
1578            pure $ pure $ PLIRepo Repo {..} pm
1580          archiveObject =
1581            withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.PLIArchive" $ \o -> do
1582              pm <- parsePackageMetadata o
1583              Unresolved mkArchiveLocation <- parseArchiveLocationObject o
1584              archiveHash <- o ..: "sha256"
1585              archiveSize <- o ..: "size"
1586              archiveSubdir <- o ..:? "subdir" ..!= ""
1587              pure $ Unresolved $ \mdir -> do
1588                archiveLocation <- mkArchiveLocation mdir
1589                pure $ PLIArchive Archive {..} pm
1591          hackageObject =
1592             withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackagelocationimmutable.PLIHackage (Object)" $ \o -> do
1593                      treeKey <- o ..: "pantry-tree"
1594                      htxt <- o ..: "hackage"
1595                      case parseHackageText htxt of
1596                        Left e -> fail $ show e
1597                        Right (pkgIdentifier, blobKey) ->
1598                          pure $ pure $ PLIHackage pkgIdentifier blobKey (TreeKey treeKey)
1600          github value =
1601            withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackagelocationimmutable.PLIArchive:github" (\o -> do
1602              pm <- parsePackageMetadata o
1603              GitHubRepo ghRepo <- o ..: "github"
1604              commit <- o ..: "commit"
1605              let archiveLocation = ALUrl $ T.concat
1606                    [ "https://github.com/"
1607                    , ghRepo
1608                    , "/archive/"
1609                    , commit
1610                    , ".tar.gz"
1611                    ]
1612              archiveHash <- o ..: "sha256"
1613              archiveSize <- o ..: "size"
1614              archiveSubdir <- o ..:? "subdir" ..!= ""
1615              pure $ pure $ PLIArchive Archive {..} pm) value
1617instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved (NonEmpty RawPackageLocationImmutable))) where
1618  parseJSON v
1619      = http v
1620    <|> hackageText v
1621    <|> hackageObject v
1622    <|> repo v
1623    <|> archiveObject v
1624    <|> github v
1625    <|> fail ("Could not parse a UnresolvedRawPackageLocationImmutable from: " ++ show v)
1626    where
1627      http :: Value -> Parser (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved (NonEmpty RawPackageLocationImmutable)))
1628      http = withText "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.RPLIArchive (Text)" $ \t ->
1629        case parseArchiveLocationText t of
1630          Left _ -> fail $ "Invalid archive location: " ++ T.unpack t
1631          Right (Unresolved mkArchiveLocation) ->
1632            pure $ noJSONWarnings $ Unresolved $ \mdir -> do
1633              raLocation <- mkArchiveLocation mdir
1634              let raHash = Nothing
1635                  raSize = Nothing
1636                  raSubdir = T.empty
1637              pure $ pure $ RPLIArchive RawArchive {..} rpmEmpty
1639      hackageText = withText "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.UPLIHackage (Text)" $ \t ->
1640        case parsePackageIdentifierRevision t of
1641          Left e -> fail $ show e
1642          Right pir -> pure $ noJSONWarnings $ pure $ pure $ RPLIHackage pir Nothing
1644      hackageObject = withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.UPLIHackage" $ \o -> (pure.pure) <$> (RPLIHackage
1645        <$> o ..: "hackage"
1646        <*> o ..:? "pantry-tree")
1648      optionalSubdirs :: Object -> WarningParser OptionalSubdirs
1649      optionalSubdirs o =
1650        -- if subdirs exists, it needs to be valid
1651        case HM.lookup "subdirs" o of
1652          Just v' -> do
1653            tellJSONField "subdirs"
1654            subdirs <- lift $ parseJSON v'
1655            case NE.nonEmpty subdirs of
1656              Nothing -> fail "Invalid empty subdirs"
1657              Just x -> pure $ OSSubdirs x
1658          Nothing -> OSPackageMetadata
1659            <$> o ..:? "subdir" ..!= T.empty
1660            <*> (rawPackageMetadataHelper
1661                  <$> (fmap unCabalString <$> (o ..:? "name"))
1662                  <*> (fmap unCabalString <$> (o ..:? "version"))
1663                  <*> o ..:? "pantry-tree"
1664                  <*> o ..:? "cabal-file")
1666      rawPackageMetadataHelper
1667        :: Maybe PackageName
1668        -> Maybe Version
1669        -> Maybe TreeKey
1670        -> Maybe BlobKey
1671        -> RawPackageMetadata
1672      rawPackageMetadataHelper name version pantryTree _ignoredCabalFile =
1673        RawPackageMetadata name version pantryTree
1675      repo = withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.UPLIRepo" $ \o -> do
1676        (repoType, repoUrl) <-
1677          ((RepoGit, ) <$> o ..: "git") <|>
1678          ((RepoHg, ) <$> o ..: "hg")
1679        repoCommit <- o ..: "commit"
1680        os <- optionalSubdirs o
1681        pure $ pure $ NE.map (\(repoSubdir, pm) -> RPLIRepo Repo {..} pm) (osToRpms os)
1683      archiveObject = withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedPackageLocationImmutable.RPLIArchive" $ \o -> do
1684        Unresolved mkArchiveLocation <- parseArchiveLocationObject o
1685        raHash <- o ..:? "sha256"
1686        raSize <- o ..:? "size"
1687        os <- optionalSubdirs o
1688        pure $ Unresolved $ \mdir -> do
1689          raLocation <- mkArchiveLocation mdir
1690          pure $ NE.map (\(raSubdir, pm) -> RPLIArchive RawArchive {..} pm) (osToRpms os)
1692      github = withObjectWarnings "PLArchive:github" $ \o -> do
1693        GitHubRepo ghRepo <- o ..: "github"
1694        commit <- o ..: "commit"
1695        let raLocation = ALUrl $ T.concat
1696              [ "https://github.com/"
1697              , ghRepo
1698              , "/archive/"
1699              , commit
1700              , ".tar.gz"
1701              ]
1702        raHash <- o ..:? "sha256"
1703        raSize <- o ..:? "size"
1704        os <- optionalSubdirs o
1705        pure $ pure $ NE.map (\(raSubdir, pm) -> RPLIArchive RawArchive {..} pm) (osToRpms os)
1707-- | Returns pairs of subdirectory and 'PackageMetadata'.
1708osToRpms :: OptionalSubdirs -> NonEmpty (Text, RawPackageMetadata)
1709osToRpms (OSSubdirs subdirs) = NE.map (, rpmEmpty) subdirs
1710osToRpms (OSPackageMetadata subdir rpm) = pure (subdir, rpm)
1712rpmEmpty :: RawPackageMetadata
1713rpmEmpty = RawPackageMetadata Nothing Nothing Nothing
1715-- | Newtype wrapper for easier JSON integration with Cabal types.
1717-- @since
1718newtype CabalString a = CabalString { unCabalString :: a }
1719  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
1721-- I'd like to use coerce here, but can't due to roles. unsafeCoerce
1722-- could work, but let's avoid unsafe code.
1724-- | Wrap the keys in a 'Map' with a 'CabalString' to get a 'ToJSON'
1725-- instance.
1727-- @since
1728toCabalStringMap :: Map a v -> Map (CabalString a) v
1729toCabalStringMap = Map.mapKeysMonotonic CabalString
1731-- | Unwrap the 'CabalString' from the keys in a 'Map' to use a
1732-- 'FromJSON' instance.
1734-- @since
1735unCabalStringMap :: Map (CabalString a) v -> Map a v
1736unCabalStringMap = Map.mapKeysMonotonic unCabalString
1738instance Distribution.Pretty.Pretty a => ToJSON (CabalString a) where
1739  toJSON = toJSON . Distribution.Text.display . unCabalString
1740instance Distribution.Pretty.Pretty a => ToJSONKey (CabalString a) where
1741  toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText $ T.pack . Distribution.Text.display . unCabalString
1743instance forall a. IsCabalString a => FromJSON (CabalString a) where
1744  parseJSON = withText name $ \t ->
1745    case cabalStringParser $ T.unpack t of
1746      Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid " ++ name ++ ": " ++ T.unpack t
1747      Just x -> pure $ CabalString x
1748    where
1749      name = cabalStringName (Nothing :: Maybe a)
1750instance forall a. IsCabalString a => FromJSONKey (CabalString a) where
1751  fromJSONKey =
1752    FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t ->
1753    case cabalStringParser $ T.unpack t of
1754      Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid " ++ name ++ ": " ++ T.unpack t
1755      Just x -> pure $ CabalString x
1756    where
1757      name = cabalStringName (Nothing :: Maybe a)
1759class IsCabalString a where
1760  cabalStringName :: proxy a -> String
1761  cabalStringParser :: String -> Maybe a
1762instance IsCabalString PackageName where
1763  cabalStringName _ = "package name"
1764  cabalStringParser = parsePackageName
1765instance IsCabalString Version where
1766  cabalStringName _ = "version"
1767  cabalStringParser = parseVersion
1768instance IsCabalString VersionRange where
1769  cabalStringName _ = "version range"
1770  cabalStringParser = parseVersionRange
1771instance IsCabalString PackageIdentifier where
1772  cabalStringName _ = "package identifier"
1773  cabalStringParser = parsePackageIdentifier
1774instance IsCabalString FlagName where
1775  cabalStringName _ = "flag name"
1776  cabalStringParser = parseFlagName
1778-- | What to use for running hpack
1780-- @since
1781data HpackExecutable
1782    = HpackBundled
1783    -- ^ Compiled in library
1784    | HpackCommand !FilePath
1785    -- ^ Executable at the provided path
1786    deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
1789-- | Which compiler a snapshot wants to use. The build tool may elect
1790-- to do some fuzzy matching of versions (e.g., allowing different
1791-- patch versions).
1793-- @since
1794data WantedCompiler
1795  = WCGhc !Version
1796  | WCGhcGit !Text !Text
1797  | WCGhcjs
1798      !Version
1799      !Version
1800    -- ^ GHCJS version followed by GHC version
1801 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
1803instance NFData WantedCompiler
1804instance Display WantedCompiler where
1805  display (WCGhc vghc) = "ghc-" <> fromString (versionString vghc)
1806  display (WCGhcjs vghcjs vghc) =
1807    "ghcjs-" <> fromString (versionString vghcjs) <> "_ghc-" <> fromString (versionString vghc)
1808  display (WCGhcGit commit flavour) =
1809    "ghc-git-" <> display commit <> "-" <> display flavour
1810instance ToJSON WantedCompiler where
1811  toJSON = toJSON . utf8BuilderToText . display
1812instance FromJSON WantedCompiler where
1813  parseJSON = withText "WantedCompiler" $ either (fail . show) pure . parseWantedCompiler
1814instance FromJSONKey WantedCompiler where
1815  fromJSONKey =
1816    FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t ->
1817    case parseWantedCompiler t of
1818      Left e -> fail $ "Invalid WantedComiler " ++ show t ++ ": " ++ show e
1819      Right x -> pure x
1821-- | Parse a 'Text' into a 'WantedCompiler' value.
1823-- @since
1824parseWantedCompiler :: Text -> Either PantryException WantedCompiler
1825parseWantedCompiler t0 = maybe (Left $ InvalidWantedCompiler t0) Right $
1826  case T.stripPrefix "ghcjs-" t0 of
1827    Just t1 -> parseGhcjs t1
1828    Nothing -> case T.stripPrefix "ghc-git-" t0 of
1829       Just t1 -> parseGhcGit t1
1830       Nothing -> T.stripPrefix "ghc-" t0 >>= parseGhc
1831  where
1832    parseGhcjs t1 = do
1833      let (ghcjsVT, t2) = T.break (== '_') t1
1834      ghcjsV <- parseVersion $ T.unpack ghcjsVT
1835      ghcVT <- T.stripPrefix "_ghc-" t2
1836      ghcV <- parseVersion $ T.unpack ghcVT
1837      pure $ WCGhcjs ghcjsV ghcV
1838    parseGhcGit t1 = do
1839      let (commit, flavour) = T.break (== '-') t1
1840      pure $ WCGhcGit commit (T.drop 1 flavour)
1841    parseGhc = fmap WCGhc . parseVersion . T.unpack
1843instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved RawSnapshotLocation)) where
1844  parseJSON v = text v <|> obj v
1845    where
1846      text :: Value -> Parser (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved RawSnapshotLocation))
1847      text = withText "UnresolvedSnapshotLocation (Text)" $ pure . noJSONWarnings . parseRawSnapshotLocation
1849      obj :: Value -> Parser (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved RawSnapshotLocation))
1850      obj = withObjectWarnings "UnresolvedSnapshotLocation (Object)" $ \o ->
1851        ((pure . RSLCompiler) <$> o ..: "compiler") <|>
1852        ((\x y -> pure $ RSLUrl x y) <$> o ..: "url" <*> blobKey o) <|>
1853        (parseRawSnapshotLocationPath <$> o ..: "filepath")
1855      blobKey o = do
1856        msha <- o ..:? "sha256"
1857        msize <- o ..:? "size"
1858        case (msha, msize) of
1859          (Nothing, Nothing) -> pure Nothing
1860          (Just sha, Just size') -> pure $ Just $ BlobKey sha size'
1861          (Just _sha, Nothing) -> fail "You must also specify the file size"
1862          (Nothing, Just _) -> fail "You must also specify the file's SHA256"
1864instance Display SnapshotLocation where
1865  display (SLCompiler compiler) = display compiler
1866  display (SLUrl url blob) = display url <> " (" <> display blob <> ")"
1867  display (SLFilePath resolved) = display (resolvedRelative resolved)
1869-- | Parse a 'Text' into an 'Unresolved' 'RawSnapshotLocation'.
1871-- @since
1872parseRawSnapshotLocation :: Text -> Unresolved RawSnapshotLocation
1873parseRawSnapshotLocation t0 = fromMaybe (parseRawSnapshotLocationPath t0) $
1874  (either (const Nothing) (Just . pure . RSLCompiler) (parseWantedCompiler t0)) <|>
1875  (pure <$> RSLSynonym <$> parseSnapName t0) <|>
1876  parseGithub <|>
1877  parseUrl
1878  where
1879    parseGithub = do
1880      t1 <- T.stripPrefix "github:" t0
1881      let (user, t2) = T.break (== '/') t1
1882      t3 <- T.stripPrefix "/" t2
1883      let (repo, t4) = T.break (== ':') t3
1884      path <- T.stripPrefix ":" t4
1885      Just $ pure $ githubSnapshotLocation user repo path
1887    parseUrl = parseRequest (T.unpack t0) $> pure (RSLUrl t0 Nothing)
1889parseRawSnapshotLocationPath :: Text -> Unresolved RawSnapshotLocation
1890parseRawSnapshotLocationPath t =
1891  Unresolved $ \mdir ->
1892  case mdir of
1893    Nothing -> throwIO $ InvalidFilePathSnapshot t
1894    Just dir -> do
1895      abs' <- resolveFile dir (T.unpack t) `catchAny` \_ -> throwIO (InvalidSnapshotLocation dir t)
1896      pure $ RSLFilePath $ ResolvedPath (RelFilePath t) abs'
1898githubSnapshotLocation :: Text -> Text -> Text -> RawSnapshotLocation
1899githubSnapshotLocation user repo path =
1900  let url = T.concat
1901        [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"
1902        , user
1903        , "/"
1904        , repo
1905        , "/master/"
1906        , path
1907        ]
1908   in RSLUrl url Nothing
1910defUser :: Text
1911defUser = "commercialhaskell"
1913defRepo :: Text
1914defRepo = "stackage-snapshots"
1916-- | Default location of snapshot synonyms
1917-- , i.e. commercialhaskell's GitHub repository.
1919-- @since
1921  :: SnapName
1922  -> RawSnapshotLocation
1923defaultSnapshotLocation (LTS x y) =
1924  githubSnapshotLocation defUser defRepo $
1925  utf8BuilderToText $
1926  "lts/" <> display x <> "/" <> display y <> ".yaml"
1927defaultSnapshotLocation (Nightly date) =
1928  githubSnapshotLocation defUser defRepo $
1929  utf8BuilderToText $
1930  "nightly/" <> display year <> "/" <> display month <> "/" <> display day <> ".yaml"
1931  where
1932    (year, month, day) = toGregorian date
1934-- | A snapshot synonym.
1935-- It is expanded according to the field 'snapshotLocation'
1936-- of a 'PantryConfig'.
1938-- @ since
1939data SnapName
1940    -- | LTS Haskell snapshot,
1941    -- displayed as @"lts-maj.min"@.
1942    --
1943    -- @since
1944    = LTS
1945        !Int -- ^ Major version
1946        !Int -- ^ Minor version
1947    -- | Stackage Nightly snapshot,
1948    -- displayed as @"nighly-YYYY-MM-DD"@.
1949    --
1950    -- @since
1951    | Nightly !Day
1952    deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
1954instance NFData SnapName
1956instance Display SnapName where
1957  display (LTS x y) = "lts-" <> display x <> "." <> display y
1958  display (Nightly date) = "nightly-" <> displayShow date
1960instance Show SnapName where
1961  show = T.unpack . utf8BuilderToText . display
1963instance ToJSON SnapName where
1964  toJSON syn = String $ utf8BuilderToText $ display syn
1966-- | Parse the short representation of a 'SnapName'.
1968-- @since
1969parseSnapName :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m SnapName
1970parseSnapName t0 =
1971    case lts <|> nightly of
1972        Nothing -> throwM $ ParseSnapNameException t0
1973        Just sn -> return sn
1974  where
1975    lts = do
1976        t1 <- T.stripPrefix "lts-" t0
1977        Right (x, t2) <- Just $ decimal t1
1978        t3 <- T.stripPrefix "." t2
1979        Right (y, "") <- Just $ decimal t3
1980        return $ LTS x y
1981    nightly = do
1982        t1 <- T.stripPrefix "nightly-" t0
1983        Nightly <$> readMaybe (T.unpack t1)
1985-- | Where to load a snapshot from in raw form
1986-- (RSUrl could have a missing BlobKey)
1988-- @since
1989data RawSnapshotLocation
1990  = RSLCompiler !WantedCompiler
1991    -- ^ Don't use an actual snapshot, just a version of the compiler
1992    -- with its shipped packages.
1993    --
1994    -- @since
1995  | RSLUrl !Text !(Maybe BlobKey)
1996    -- ^ Download the snapshot from the given URL. The optional
1997    -- 'BlobKey' is used for reproducibility.
1998    --
1999    -- @since
2000  | RSLFilePath !(ResolvedPath File)
2001    -- ^ Snapshot at a local file path.
2002    --
2003    -- @since
2004  | RSLSynonym !SnapName
2005    -- ^ Snapshot synonym (LTS/Nightly).
2006    --
2007    -- @since
2008  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
2010instance NFData RawSnapshotLocation
2012instance Display RawSnapshotLocation where
2013  display (RSLCompiler compiler) = display compiler
2014  display (RSLUrl url Nothing) = display url
2015  display (RSLUrl url (Just blob)) = display url <> " (" <> display blob <> ")"
2016  display (RSLFilePath resolved) = display (resolvedRelative resolved)
2017  display (RSLSynonym syn) = display syn
2020instance ToJSON RawSnapshotLocation where
2021  toJSON (RSLCompiler compiler) = object ["compiler" .= compiler]
2022  toJSON (RSLUrl url mblob) = object
2023    $ "url" .= url
2024    : maybe [] blobKeyPairs mblob
2025  toJSON (RSLFilePath resolved) = object ["filepath" .= resolvedRelative resolved]
2026  toJSON (RSLSynonym syn) = toJSON syn
2028-- | Where to load a snapshot from.
2030-- @since
2031data SnapshotLocation
2032  = SLCompiler !WantedCompiler
2033    -- ^ Don't use an actual snapshot, just a version of the compiler
2034    -- with its shipped packages.
2035    --
2036    -- @since
2037  | SLUrl !Text !BlobKey
2038    -- ^ Download the snapshot from the given URL. The optional
2039    -- 'BlobKey' is used for reproducibility.
2040    --
2041    -- @since
2042  | SLFilePath !(ResolvedPath File)
2043    -- ^ Snapshot at a local file path.
2044    --
2045    -- @since
2046  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
2047instance NFData SnapshotLocation
2049instance ToJSON SnapshotLocation where
2050  toJSON sl = toJSON (toRawSL sl)
2052instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved SnapshotLocation)) where
2053    parseJSON v = file v <|> url v <|> compiler v
2054      where
2055        file = withObjectWarnings "SLFilepath" $ \o -> do
2056           ufp <- o ..: "filepath"
2057           pure $ Unresolved $ \mdir ->
2058             case mdir of
2059               Nothing -> throwIO $ InvalidFilePathSnapshot ufp
2060               Just dir -> do
2061                 absolute <- resolveFile dir (T.unpack ufp)
2062                 let fp = ResolvedPath (RelFilePath ufp) absolute
2063                 pure $ SLFilePath fp
2064        url = withObjectWarnings "SLUrl" $ \o -> do
2065          url' <- o ..: "url"
2066          sha <- o ..: "sha256"
2067          size <- o ..: "size"
2068          pure $ Unresolved $ \_ -> pure $ SLUrl url' (BlobKey sha size)
2069        compiler = withObjectWarnings "SLCompiler" $ \o -> do
2070          c <- o ..: "compiler"
2071          pure $ Unresolved $ \_ -> pure $ SLCompiler c
2073-- | Convert snapshot location to its "raw" equivalent.
2075-- @since
2076toRawSL :: SnapshotLocation -> RawSnapshotLocation
2077toRawSL (SLCompiler c) = RSLCompiler c
2078toRawSL (SLUrl url blob) = RSLUrl url (Just blob)
2079toRawSL (SLFilePath fp) = RSLFilePath fp
2081-- | A flattened representation of all the layers in a snapshot.
2083-- @since
2084data RawSnapshot = RawSnapshot
2085  { rsCompiler :: !WantedCompiler
2086  -- ^ The compiler wanted for this snapshot.
2087  , rsPackages :: !(Map PackageName RawSnapshotPackage)
2088  -- ^ Packages available in this snapshot for installation. This will be
2089  -- applied on top of any globally available packages.
2090  , rsDrop :: !(Set PackageName)
2091  -- ^ Global packages that should be dropped/ignored.
2092  }
2094-- | A flattened representation of all the layers in a snapshot.
2096-- @since
2097data Snapshot = Snapshot
2098  { snapshotCompiler :: !WantedCompiler
2099  -- ^ The compiler wanted for this snapshot.
2100  , snapshotPackages :: !(Map PackageName SnapshotPackage)
2101  -- ^ Packages available in this snapshot for installation. This will be
2102  -- applied on top of any globally available packages.
2103  , snapshotDrop :: !(Set PackageName)
2104  -- ^ Global packages that should be dropped/ignored.
2105  }
2107-- | Settings for a package found in a snapshot.
2109-- @since
2110data RawSnapshotPackage = RawSnapshotPackage
2111  { rspLocation :: !RawPackageLocationImmutable
2112  -- ^ Where to get the package from
2113  , rspFlags :: !(Map FlagName Bool)
2114  -- ^ Same as 'slFlags'
2115  , rspHidden :: !Bool
2116  -- ^ Same as 'slHidden'
2117  , rspGhcOptions :: ![Text]
2118  -- ^ Same as 'slGhcOptions'
2119  }
2121-- | Settings for a package found in a snapshot.
2123-- @since
2124data SnapshotPackage = SnapshotPackage
2125  { spLocation :: !PackageLocationImmutable
2126  -- ^ Where to get the package from
2127  , spFlags :: !(Map FlagName Bool)
2128  -- ^ Same as 'slFlags'
2129  , spHidden :: !Bool
2130  -- ^ Same as 'slHidden'
2131  , spGhcOptions :: ![Text]
2132  -- ^ Same as 'slGhcOptions'
2133  }
2134  deriving Show
2136-- | A single layer of a snapshot, i.e. a specific YAML configuration file.
2138-- @since
2139data RawSnapshotLayer = RawSnapshotLayer
2140  { rslParent :: !RawSnapshotLocation
2141  -- ^ The sl to extend from. This is either a specific
2142  -- compiler, or a @SnapshotLocation@ which gives us more information
2143  -- (like packages). Ultimately, we'll end up with a
2144  -- @CompilerVersion@.
2145  --
2146  -- @since
2147  , rslCompiler :: !(Maybe WantedCompiler)
2148  -- ^ Override the compiler specified in 'slParent'. Must be
2149  -- 'Nothing' if using 'SLCompiler'.
2150  --
2151  -- @since
2152  , rslLocations :: ![RawPackageLocationImmutable]
2153  -- ^ Where to grab all of the packages from.
2154  --
2155  -- @since
2156  , rslDropPackages :: !(Set PackageName)
2157  -- ^ Packages present in the parent which should not be included
2158  -- here.
2159  --
2160  -- @since
2161  , rslFlags :: !(Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool))
2162  -- ^ Flag values to override from the defaults
2163  --
2164  -- @since
2165  , rslHidden :: !(Map PackageName Bool)
2166  -- ^ Packages which should be hidden when registering. This will
2167  -- affect, for example, the import parser in the script
2168  -- command. We use a 'Map' instead of just a 'Set' to allow
2169  -- overriding the hidden settings in a parent sl.
2170  --
2171  -- @since
2172  , rslGhcOptions :: !(Map PackageName [Text])
2173  -- ^ GHC options per package
2174  --
2175  -- @since
2176  , rslPublishTime :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
2177  -- ^ See 'slPublishTime'
2178  --
2179  -- @since
2180  }
2181  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
2183instance NFData RawSnapshotLayer
2185instance ToJSON RawSnapshotLayer where
2186  toJSON rsnap = object $ concat
2187    [ ["resolver" .= rslParent rsnap]
2188    , maybe [] (\compiler -> ["compiler" .= compiler]) (rslCompiler rsnap)
2189    , ["packages" .= rslLocations rsnap]
2190    , if Set.null (rslDropPackages rsnap)
2191        then []
2192        else ["drop-packages" .= Set.map CabalString (rslDropPackages rsnap)]
2193    , if Map.null (rslFlags rsnap)
2194        then []
2195        else ["flags" .= fmap toCabalStringMap (toCabalStringMap (rslFlags rsnap))]
2196    , if Map.null (rslHidden rsnap)
2197        then []
2198        else ["hidden" .= toCabalStringMap (rslHidden rsnap)]
2199    , if Map.null (rslGhcOptions rsnap)
2200        then []
2201        else ["ghc-options" .= toCabalStringMap (rslGhcOptions rsnap)]
2202    , maybe [] (\time -> ["publish-time" .= time]) (rslPublishTime rsnap)
2203    ]
2205instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings (Unresolved RawSnapshotLayer)) where
2206  parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "Snapshot" $ \o -> do
2207    _ :: Maybe Text <- o ..:? "name" -- avoid warnings for old snapshot format
2208    mcompiler <- o ..:? "compiler"
2209    mresolver <- jsonSubWarningsT $ o ...:? ["snapshot", "resolver"]
2210    unresolvedSnapshotParent <-
2211      case (mcompiler, mresolver) of
2212        (Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "Snapshot must have either resolver or compiler"
2213        (Just compiler, Nothing) -> pure $ pure (RSLCompiler compiler, Nothing)
2214        (_, Just (Unresolved usl)) -> pure $ Unresolved $ \mdir -> do
2215          sl <- usl mdir
2216          case (sl, mcompiler) of
2217            (RSLCompiler c1, Just c2) -> throwIO $ InvalidOverrideCompiler c1 c2
2218            _ -> pure (sl, mcompiler)
2220    unresolvedLocs <- jsonSubWarningsT (o ..:? "packages" ..!= [])
2221    rslDropPackages <- Set.map unCabalString <$> (o ..:? "drop-packages" ..!= Set.empty)
2222    rslFlags <- (unCabalStringMap . fmap unCabalStringMap) <$> (o ..:? "flags" ..!= Map.empty)
2223    rslHidden <- unCabalStringMap <$> (o ..:? "hidden" ..!= Map.empty)
2224    rslGhcOptions <- unCabalStringMap <$> (o ..:? "ghc-options" ..!= Map.empty)
2225    rslPublishTime <- o ..:? "publish-time"
2226    pure $ (\rslLocations (rslParent, rslCompiler) -> RawSnapshotLayer {..})
2227      <$> ((concat . map NE.toList) <$> sequenceA unresolvedLocs)
2228      <*> unresolvedSnapshotParent
2230-- | A single layer of a snapshot, i.e. a specific YAML configuration file.
2232-- @since
2233data SnapshotLayer = SnapshotLayer
2234  { slParent :: !SnapshotLocation
2235  -- ^ The sl to extend from. This is either a specific
2236  -- compiler, or a @SnapshotLocation@ which gives us more information
2237  -- (like packages). Ultimately, we'll end up with a
2238  -- @CompilerVersion@.
2239  --
2240  -- @since
2241  , slCompiler :: !(Maybe WantedCompiler)
2242  -- ^ Override the compiler specified in 'slParent'. Must be
2243  -- 'Nothing' if using 'SLCompiler'.
2244  --
2245  -- @since
2246  , slLocations :: ![PackageLocationImmutable]
2247  -- ^ Where to grab all of the packages from.
2248  --
2249  -- @since
2250  , slDropPackages :: !(Set PackageName)
2251  -- ^ Packages present in the parent which should not be included
2252  -- here.
2253  --
2254  -- @since
2255  , slFlags :: !(Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool))
2256  -- ^ Flag values to override from the defaults
2257  --
2258  -- @since
2259  , slHidden :: !(Map PackageName Bool)
2260  -- ^ Packages which should be hidden when registering. This will
2261  -- affect, for example, the import parser in the script
2262  -- command. We use a 'Map' instead of just a 'Set' to allow
2263  -- overriding the hidden settings in a parent sl.
2264  --
2265  -- @since
2266  , slGhcOptions :: !(Map PackageName [Text])
2267  -- ^ GHC options per package
2268  --
2269  -- @since
2270  , slPublishTime :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
2271  -- ^ Publication timestamp for this snapshot. This field is optional, and
2272  -- is for informational purposes only.
2273  --
2274  -- @since
2275  }
2276  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
2278instance ToJSON SnapshotLayer where
2279  toJSON snap = object $ concat
2280    [ ["resolver" .= slParent snap]
2281    , maybe [] (\compiler -> ["compiler" .= compiler]) (slCompiler snap)
2282    , ["packages" .= slLocations snap]
2283    , if Set.null (slDropPackages snap) then [] else ["drop-packages" .= Set.map CabalString (slDropPackages snap)]
2284    , if Map.null (slFlags snap) then [] else ["flags" .= fmap toCabalStringMap (toCabalStringMap (slFlags snap))]
2285    , if Map.null (slHidden snap) then [] else ["hidden" .= toCabalStringMap (slHidden snap)]
2286    , if Map.null (slGhcOptions snap) then [] else ["ghc-options" .= toCabalStringMap (slGhcOptions snap)]
2287    , maybe [] (\time -> ["publish-time" .= time]) (slPublishTime snap)
2288    ]
2290-- | Convert snapshot layer into its "raw" equivalent.
2292-- @since
2293toRawSnapshotLayer :: SnapshotLayer -> RawSnapshotLayer
2294toRawSnapshotLayer sl = RawSnapshotLayer
2295  { rslParent = toRawSL (slParent sl)
2296  , rslCompiler = slCompiler sl
2297  , rslLocations = map toRawPLI (slLocations sl)
2298  , rslDropPackages = slDropPackages sl
2299  , rslFlags = slFlags sl
2300  , rslHidden = slHidden sl
2301  , rslGhcOptions = slGhcOptions sl
2302  , rslPublishTime = slPublishTime sl
2303  }
2305-- | An arbitrary hash for a snapshot, used for finding module names
2306-- in a snapshot. Mostly intended for Stack's usage.
2308-- @since
2309newtype SnapshotCacheHash = SnapshotCacheHash { unSnapshotCacheHash :: SHA256}
2310  deriving (Show)
2312-- | Get the path to the global hints cache file
2313getGlobalHintsFile :: HasPantryConfig env => RIO env (Path Abs File)
2314getGlobalHintsFile = do
2315  root <- view $ pantryConfigL.to pcRootDir
2316  globalHintsRelFile <- parseRelFile "global-hints-cache.yaml"
2317  pure $ root </> globalHintsRelFile
2319-- | Creates BlobKey for an input ByteString
2321-- @since
2322bsToBlobKey :: ByteString -> BlobKey
2323bsToBlobKey bs =
2324    BlobKey (SHA256.hashBytes bs) (FileSize (fromIntegral (B.length bs)))
2326-- | Warn if the package uses 'PCHpack'.
2328-- @since
2329warnMissingCabalFile :: HasLogFunc env => RawPackageLocationImmutable -> RIO env ()
2330warnMissingCabalFile loc =
2331  logWarn $
2332  "DEPRECATED: The package at " <> display loc <>
2333  " does not include a cabal file.\n" <>
2334  "Instead, it includes an hpack package.yaml file for generating a cabal file.\n" <>
2335  "This usage is deprecated; please see https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5210.\n" <>
2336  "Support for this workflow will be removed in the future.\n"