1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
5 #include "fixer.h"
7 #include "huffman.hpp"
9 /* KJL 17:12:25 17/09/98 - Huffman compression/decompression routines */
11 typedef struct
12 {
13     int          Symbol;
14     unsigned int Count;
15 } HuffItem;
17 typedef struct HuffNode // 16-byte node structure
18 {
19     union
20     { 		                        // the FIRST four bytes
21         struct HuffNode *zero;   // points to the "zero" branch or...
22         unsigned int       value;	// holds the value of an end node
23     };
25     union
26     {								// the SECOND four bytes
27         struct HuffNode *one;    // points to the "one" branch or...
28         struct HuffNode *link;   // points to next end node in list
29     };
31     struct HuffNode     *parent; // the THIRD four bytes, parent node
33 //    union
34 //   {   	                        // the FOURTH four bytes
35         unsigned int       bits;    // the bit pattern of this end node
36 //        struct
37 //       {
38 //            unsigned char  flag;
39 //            unsigned char  curdepth;
40 //            unsigned char  maxdepth;
41 //            unsigned char  unused;
42 //        };
43 //    };
45 } HuffNode;
47 typedef struct
48 {
49     long wid;
50     long bits;
52 } HuffEncode;
54 static HuffItem SymbolCensus[257];
55 static HuffNode TreeNodes[2*257];
56 static int Depths[MAX_DEPTH+1];
57 static HuffEncode EncodingTable[257];
59 #define AllocateMemory malloc
62 /* KJL 17:16:03 17/09/98 - Compression */
63 static void PerformSymbolCensus(unsigned char *sourcePtr, int length);
64 static int __cdecl HuffItemsSortSub(const void *cmp1, const void *cmp2);
65 static void SortCensusData(void);
66 static void BuildHuffmanTree(void);
67 static void MakeHuffTreeFromHuffItems(HuffNode *base, HuffItem *source, int count);
68 static void MakeCodeLengthsFromHuffTree(int *dest, HuffNode *source, int maxdepth);
69 static int HuffDepthsAdjust(int *depth, int maxdepth);
70 static void MakeHuffmanEncodeTable(HuffEncode *encodetable, HuffItem *item, int *depths);
71 static int HuffEncodeBytes(int *dest, unsigned char *source, int count, HuffEncode *table);
HuffmanCompression(unsigned char * sourcePtr,int length)74 extern HuffmanPackage *HuffmanCompression(unsigned char *sourcePtr, int length)
75 {
76 	HuffmanPackage *outpackage;
79 	// Step 1: Perform the symbol census
80 	PerformSymbolCensus(sourcePtr,length);
81 	// Step 2: Sorting the census data
82 	SortCensusData();
83 	// Step 3: Building the Huffman tree
84 	BuildHuffmanTree();
85 	// Step 4: Making the code lengths table
86 	MakeCodeLengthsFromHuffTree(Depths, TreeNodes, MAX_DEPTH);
87 	// Step 5: Limiting code lengths
88 	HuffDepthsAdjust(Depths, MAX_DEPTH);
89 	// Step 6: Making the encoding table
90 	MakeHuffmanEncodeTable(EncodingTable,&SymbolCensus[256],Depths);
91 	// Step 7: Encoding data
92 	outpackage = (HuffmanPackage*)AllocateMemory(sizeof(HuffmanPackage)+length);
93 	strncpy(outpackage->Identifier,COMPRESSED_RIF_IDENTIFIER,8);
94 	outpackage->CompressedDataSize = HuffEncodeBytes((int*)(outpackage+1), sourcePtr, length, EncodingTable);
95     outpackage->UncompressedDataSize = length;
96     for (int n = 0; n < MAX_DEPTH; n++)
97 	{
98     	outpackage->CodelengthCount[n] = Depths[n + 1];
99 	}
100     for (int n = 0; n < 256; n++)
101 	{
102 	   	outpackage->ByteAssignment[n]  = SymbolCensus[n + 1].Symbol;
103 	}
104 	return outpackage;
105 }
PerformSymbolCensus(unsigned char * sourcePtr,int length)107 static void PerformSymbolCensus(unsigned char *sourcePtr, int length)
108 {
109 	// init array
110 	for (int i=0; i<257; i++)
111 	{
112 		SymbolCensus[i].Symbol = i;
113 		SymbolCensus[i].Count = 0;
114 	}
116 	// count 'em
117 	do
118 	{
119 		SymbolCensus[*sourcePtr++].Count++;
120 	}
121 	while (--length);
122 }
HuffItemsSortSub(const void * cmp1,const void * cmp2)124 static int __cdecl HuffItemsSortSub(const void *cmp1, const void *cmp2)
125 {
126     if (((HuffItem *)cmp1)->Count > ((HuffItem *)cmp2)->Count)
127         return  1;
128     if (((HuffItem *)cmp1)->Count < ((HuffItem *)cmp2)->Count)
129         return -1;
130     return 0;
131 }
SortCensusData(void)132 static void SortCensusData(void)
133 {
134 	qsort(SymbolCensus, 257, sizeof(HuffItem), HuffItemsSortSub);
135 }
BuildHuffmanTree(void)137 static void BuildHuffmanTree(void)
138 {
139 	MakeHuffTreeFromHuffItems(TreeNodes,SymbolCensus,257);
140 }
MakeHuffTreeFromHuffItems(HuffNode * base,HuffItem * source,int count)142 static void MakeHuffTreeFromHuffItems(HuffNode *base, HuffItem *source, int count)
143 {
144     HuffNode *movdest, *temp;
145     int n, upperlim, lowerlim, index;
146     unsigned int sum;
148     if (!count) return;
150     movdest = base + 1;
151     temp    = base + count;
152     memset(temp, 0, count * sizeof(HuffNode));
153     for (n = 0; n < count; n++)
154     {
155     	temp[n].bits = source[n].Count;
156 	}
157     while ((upperlim = --count))
158     {
159         if (temp[0].zero)
160             temp[0].zero->parent = temp[0].one->parent = movdest;
161         if (temp[1].zero)
162             temp[1].zero->parent = temp[1].one->parent = movdest + 1;
163         movdest[0]   = *temp++;
164         movdest[1]   = *temp;
165         sum = movdest[0].bits + movdest[1].bits;
166         lowerlim = 1;
168         while (lowerlim != upperlim)
169         {
170             index = (lowerlim + upperlim) >> 1;
171             if (sum >= temp[index].bits)
172             {
173             	lowerlim = index + 1;
174             }
175             else
176             {
177                 upperlim = index;
178             }
179         }
180         index            = lowerlim - 1;
181         memmove(temp, temp + 1, index * sizeof(HuffNode));
182         temp[index].bits = sum;
183         temp[index].zero = movdest;
184         temp[index].one  = movdest + 1;
185         movdest         += 2;
186     }
187     base[0] = temp[0];
188     if (base[0].zero)
189         base[0].zero->parent = base[0].one->parent = base;
190 }
MakeCodeLengthsFromHuffTree(int * dest,HuffNode * source,int maxdepth)192 static void MakeCodeLengthsFromHuffTree(int *dest, HuffNode *source, int maxdepth)
193 {
194     int n, depth;
195     HuffNode *back;
197     for (n = 0; n < maxdepth + 1; n++)
198         dest[n] = 0;
199     depth = 0;
200     while (1)
201     {
202         while (source->one)
203         {
204             source = source->one;
205             depth++;
206         }
208         if (depth > maxdepth) dest[maxdepth]++;
209         else dest[depth]++;
211         do
212         {
213             back   = source;
214             source = source->parent;
215             if (!depth--)
216                 return;
217         }
218         while (back == source->zero);
220         source = source->zero;
221 	    depth++;
222     }
223 }
HuffDepthsAdjust(int * depth,int maxdepth)225 static int HuffDepthsAdjust(int *depth, int maxdepth)
226 {
227     unsigned int n, m, items, sum, goal, gain, busts;
228     unsigned int promotions, excess, hi;
230     goal = 1 << maxdepth;
231     for (n = 0, sum = 0, items = 0; n <= (unsigned int)maxdepth; n++)
232     {
233         items += depth[n];
234         sum   += (goal >> n) * depth[n];
235     }
236     if (items > goal)
237         return -1;                              // failure
238     for (n = maxdepth - 1; sum > goal; n--)
239     {
240         if (depth[n])
241         {
242             gain             = (1 << (maxdepth - n)) - 1;
243             busts            = (sum - goal + gain - 1) / gain;
244             busts            = (unsigned int)depth[n] < busts ? depth[n] : busts;
245             depth[n]        -= busts;
246             depth[maxdepth] += busts;
247             sum             -= busts * gain;
248         }
249     }
250     excess = goal - sum;
251     for (n = 0; excess; n++)
252     {
253         hi = 1 << (maxdepth - n);
254         for (m = n + 1; m <= (unsigned int)maxdepth; m++)
255         {
256             gain = hi - (1 << (maxdepth - m));
257             if (excess < gain)
258                 break;
259             if (depth[m])
260             {
261                 promotions  = excess / gain;
262                 promotions  = (unsigned int)depth[m] > promotions ? promotions : depth[m];
263                 depth[n]   += promotions;
264                 depth[m]   -= promotions;
265                 excess     -= promotions * gain;
266             }
267         }
268     }
269     return 0;                           // success
270 }
MakeHuffmanEncodeTable(HuffEncode * encodetable,HuffItem * item,int * depths)272 static void MakeHuffmanEncodeTable(HuffEncode *encodetable, HuffItem *item, int *depths)
273 {
274     unsigned int d, bitwidth, depthbit, bt, cur;
275     int *dep;
277     dep      = depths + 1;              // skip depth zero
278     bitwidth = 0;                       // start from small bitwidths
279     cur      = 0;                       // current bit pattern
280     do
281     {
282         do
283         {
284             bitwidth++;                         // go deeper
285             depthbit = 1 << (bitwidth - 1);     // keep depth marker
286             d = *dep++;                         // get count here
287         }
288         while (!d);                           // until count non-zero
289         while (d--)
290         {                           // for all on this level
291             encodetable[item->Symbol].wid  = bitwidth; // record width
292             encodetable[item->Symbol].bits = cur;      // record bits
293             item--;                             // count backwards an item
294             bt = depthbit;                      // bt is a temp value
295             while (1)
296             {
297                 cur  ^= bt;                     // do an add modulo 1
298                 if ((cur & bt) || !bt)          // break if now a 1
299                     break;                      // or out of bits
300                 bt  >>=  1;                     // do next bit position
301             }
302         }
303     }
304     while (cur);                              // until cur exhausted
305 }
HuffEncodeBytes(int * dest,unsigned char * source,int count,HuffEncode * table)307 static int HuffEncodeBytes(int *dest, unsigned char *source, int count, HuffEncode *table)
308 {
309     int          *start;
310     int wid, val, available;
311     unsigned int  accum, bits;
312     unsigned char *sourcelim, *sourceend;
314     if (!count) return 0;
316 	accum = 0;
317     start = dest;
318     sourcelim = sourceend = source + count;
319     available = 32;
320     if (sourcelim - 32 < sourcelim)
321 	{
322         sourcelim -= 32;
323 	}
324     else
325 	{
326         sourcelim = source;
327 	}
328     if (source < sourcelim)
329     {
330         do
331         {
332             goto lpstart;
333             do
334             {
335                 accum = (accum >> wid) | (bits << (32 - wid));
336 lpstart:        val  = *source++;
337                 wid  = table[val].wid;
338                 bits = table[val].bits;
339             }
340             while ((available -= wid) >= 0);
342             wid       += available;
343             if (wid) accum = (accum >> wid) | (bits << (32 - wid));
344             *dest++    = accum;
345             wid       -= available;
346             accum      = bits << (32 - wid);
347             available += 32;
348         }
349         while (source < sourcelim);
350     }
351     while (1)
352     {
353         if (source < sourceend)
354 		{
355             val = *source++;
356         }
357         else if (source == sourceend)
358         {
359             val = 0x100;                        // terminator
360             source++;
361         }
362         else break;                             // done
364         wid  = table[val].wid;
365         bits = table[val].bits;
367         if ((available -= wid) < 0)
368         {
369             wid       += available;
370             if (wid)
371                 accum  = (accum >> wid) | (bits << (32 - wid));
372             *dest++    = accum;
373             wid       -= available;
374             accum      = bits << (32 - wid);
375             available += 32;
376         }
377         else
378 		{
379             accum = (accum >> wid) | (bits << (32 - wid));
380 		}
381     }
382     *dest++ = accum >> available;
383     return (int)((dest - start) * 4);
384 }
391 /* KJL 17:16:24 17/09/98 - Decompression */
392 static int DecodeTable[1<<MAX_DEPTH];
394 static void MakeHuffmanDecodeTable(const int *depth, int depthmax, const unsigned char *list);
395 static int HuffmanDecode(unsigned char *dest, const int *source, const int *table, int length);
HuffmanDecompress(const HuffmanPackage * inpackage)398 extern char *HuffmanDecompress(const HuffmanPackage *inpackage)
399 {
400 	unsigned char *uncompressedData = NULL;
401 	// Step 1: Make the decoding table
402 	MakeHuffmanDecodeTable(inpackage->CodelengthCount, MAX_DEPTH, inpackage->ByteAssignment);
404 	// Step 2: Decode data
405 	uncompressedData = (unsigned char*)AllocateMemory(inpackage->UncompressedDataSize+16);
406 	if (uncompressedData)
407 	{
408 		HuffmanDecode(uncompressedData,(int*)(inpackage+1),DecodeTable,inpackage->UncompressedDataSize);
409 	}
411 	return (char*)uncompressedData;
412 }
MakeHuffmanDecodeTable(const int * depth,int depthmax,const unsigned char * list)414 static void MakeHuffmanDecodeTable(const int *depth, int depthmax, const unsigned char *list)
415 {
416     int thisdepth, depthbit, repcount, repspace, lenbits, temp, count;
417 	int *outp;
418     int o = 0;
419     const unsigned char *p;
420 	int *outtbl = DecodeTable;
422     lenbits   = 0;
423     repcount  = 1 << depthmax;
424     repspace  = 1;
425     thisdepth = 0;
426     depthbit  = 4;
427     p         = list + 255;
428     while (1)
429     {
430         do
431         {
432             lenbits++;
433             depthbit <<= 1;
434             repspace <<= 1;
435             repcount >>= 1;
436         }
437         while (!(thisdepth = *depth++));
438         do
439         {
440             if (p < list)
441 			{
442                 temp = 0xff;
443             }
444             else
445             {
446                 temp = lenbits | (*p-- << 8);
447             }
448             outp  = outtbl + (o >> 2);
449             count = repcount;
450             do
451             {
452                 *outp  = temp;
453                 outp  += repspace;
454             }
455             while (--count);
456             temp = depthbit;
457             do
458             {
459                 temp >>= 1;
460                 if (temp & 3) return;
461                 o ^= temp;
462             }
463             while (!(o & temp));
464         }
465         while (--thisdepth);
466     }
467 }
470 #define EDXMASK ((((1 << (MAX_DEPTH + 1)) - 1) ^ 1) ^ -1)
HuffmanDecode(unsigned char * dest,const int * source,const int * table,int length)472 static int HuffmanDecode(unsigned char *dest, const int *source, const int *table, int length)
473 {
474     unsigned char          *start;
475     int                    available, reserve, fill, wid;
476     unsigned int           bits=0, resbits;
477     const unsigned char    *p;
479     start     = dest;
480     available = 0;
481     reserve   = 0;
482     wid       = 0;
483 	resbits   = 0;
484     do
485     {
486         available     += wid;
487 		fill = 31 - available;
488         bits         <<= fill;
489         if (fill > reserve)
490         {
491             fill      -= reserve;
492             available += reserve;
493             if (reserve)
494             {
495             	bits   = (bits >> reserve) | (resbits << (32 - reserve));
496 			}
497             resbits    = *source++;
498             reserve    = 32;
499         }
500         bits           = (bits >> fill) | (resbits << (32 - fill));
501         resbits      >>= fill;
502         reserve       -= fill;
503         available      = 31;
504         goto lpent;
505         do
506         {
507             bits      >>= wid;
508             *dest++   = p[1];
509 lpent:      p         = (const unsigned char *)(((const short *)table)+(bits & ~EDXMASK));
510         }
511         while ((available  -= (wid = *p)) >= 0 && (dest-start)!=length);
513     }
514     while (available > -32 && (dest-start)!=length);
515     return (int)(dest - start);
516 }