1 //       _________ __                 __
2 //      /   _____//  |_____________ _/  |______     ____  __ __  ______
3 //      \_____  \\   __\_  __ \__  \\   __\__  \   / ___\|  |  \/  ___/
4 //      /        \|  |  |  | \// __ \|  |  / __ \_/ /_/  >  |  /\___ |
5 //     /_______  /|__|  |__|  (____  /__| (____  /\___  /|____//____  >
6 //             \/                  \/          \//_____/            \/
7 //  ______________________                           ______________________
8 //                        T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
9 //         Stratagus - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
10 //
11 /**@name net_message.h - The network message header file. */
12 //
13 //      (c) Copyright 2013 by Joris Dauphin
14 //
15 //      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 //      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 //      the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.
18 //
19 //      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 //      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 //      GNU General Public License for more details.
23 //
24 //      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 //      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
26 //      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
27 //      02111-1307, USA.
29 #ifndef NET_MESSAGE_H
30 #define NET_MESSAGE_H
32 //@{
34 #include <stdint.h>
35 #include <vector>
37 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 --  Declarations
39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 /**
42  * Number of bytes in the name of a network player,
43  * including the terminating null character.
44  */
45 #define NetPlayerNameSize 16
47 #define MaxNetworkCommands 9  /// Max Commands In A Packet
49 /**
50 **  Network systems active in current game.
51 */
52 class CNetworkHost
53 {
54 public:
CNetworkHost()55 	CNetworkHost() { Clear(); }
56 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
57 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
58 	void Clear();
Size()59 	static size_t Size() { return 4 + 2 + 2 + NetPlayerNameSize; }
61 	void SetName(const char *name);
63 	uint32_t Host;         /// Host address
64 	uint16_t Port;         /// Port on host
65 	uint16_t PlyNr;        /// Player number
66 	char PlyName[NetPlayerNameSize];  /// Name of player
67 };
69 /**
70 **  Multiplayer game setup menu state
71 */
72 class CServerSetup
73 {
74 public:
CServerSetup()75 	CServerSetup() { Clear(); }
76 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *p) const;
77 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()78 	static size_t Size() { return 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 * PlayerMax + 1 * PlayerMax + 1 * PlayerMax; }
79 	void Clear();
81 	bool operator == (const CServerSetup &rhs) const;
82 	bool operator != (const CServerSetup &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
83 public:
84 	uint8_t ResourcesOption;       /// Resources option
85 	uint8_t UnitsOption;           /// Unit # option
86 	uint8_t FogOfWar;              /// Fog of war option
87 	//Wyrmgus start
88 //	uint8_t Inside;                /// Inside option
89 	uint8_t NoRandomness;          /// No randomness option
90 	//Wyrmgus end
91 	uint8_t RevealMap;             /// Reveal all the map
92 	uint8_t TilesetSelection;      /// Tileset select option
93 	uint8_t GameTypeOption;        /// Game type option
94 	uint8_t Difficulty;            /// Difficulty option
95 	uint8_t MapRichness;           /// Map richness option
96 	uint8_t Opponents;             /// Number of AI opponents
97 	uint8_t CompOpt[PlayerMax];    /// Free slot option selection  {"Available", "Computer", "Closed" }
98 	uint8_t Ready[PlayerMax];      /// Client ready state
99 	uint8_t Race[PlayerMax];       /// Client race selection
100 	// Fill in here...
101 };
103 /**
104 **  Network init config message subtypes (menu state machine).
105 */
106 enum _ic_message_subtype_ {
107 	ICMHello,               /// Client Request
108 	ICMConfig,              /// Setup message configure clients
110 	ICMEngineMismatch,      /// Stratagus engine version doesn't match
111 	ICMProtocolMismatch,    /// Network protocol version doesn't match
112 	ICMEngineConfMismatch,  /// UNUSED:Engine configuration isn't identical
113 	ICMMapUidMismatch,      /// MAP UID doesn't match
115 	ICMGameFull,            /// No player slots available
116 	ICMWelcome,             /// Acknowledge for new client connections
118 	ICMWaiting,             /// Client has received Welcome and is waiting for Map/State
119 	ICMMap,                 /// MapInfo (and Mapinfo Ack)
120 	ICMState,               /// StateInfo
121 	ICMResync,              /// Ack StateInfo change
123 	ICMServerQuit,          /// Server has quit game
124 	ICMGoodBye,             /// Client wants to leave game
125 	ICMSeeYou,              /// Client has left game
127 	ICMGo,                  /// Client is ready to run
129 	ICMAYT,                 /// Server asks are you there
130 	ICMIAH                  /// Client answers I am here
131 };
133 class CInitMessage_Header
134 {
135 public:
CInitMessage_Header()136 	CInitMessage_Header() {}
CInitMessage_Header(unsigned char type,unsigned char subtype)137 	CInitMessage_Header(unsigned char type, unsigned char subtype) :
138 		type(type),
139 		subtype(subtype)
140 	{}
GetType()142 	unsigned char GetType() const { return type; }
GetSubType()143 	unsigned char GetSubType() const { return subtype; }
145 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *p) const;
146 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()147 	static size_t Size() { return 2; }
148 private:
149 	unsigned char type;
150 	unsigned char subtype;
151 };
153 class CInitMessage_Hello
154 {
155 public:
CInitMessage_Hello()156 	CInitMessage_Hello() {}
157 	explicit CInitMessage_Hello(const char *name);
GetHeader()158 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
159 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
160 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()161 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + NetPlayerNameSize + 2 * 4; }
162 private:
163 	CInitMessage_Header header;
164 public:
165 	char PlyName[NetPlayerNameSize];  /// Name of player
166 	int32_t Stratagus;  /// Stratagus engine version
167 	int32_t Version;    /// Network protocol version
168 };
170 class CInitMessage_Config
171 {
172 public:
173 	CInitMessage_Config();
GetHeader()174 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
175 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
176 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()177 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + 4 + PlayerMax * CNetworkHost::Size(); }
178 private:
179 	CInitMessage_Header header;
180 public:
181 	uint8_t clientIndex; /// index of receiver in hosts[]
182 	uint8_t hostsCount;  /// Number of hosts
183 	CNetworkHost hosts[PlayerMax]; /// Participant information
184 };
186 class CInitMessage_EngineMismatch
187 {
188 public:
189 	CInitMessage_EngineMismatch();
GetHeader()190 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
191 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
192 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()193 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + 4; }
194 private:
195 	CInitMessage_Header header;
196 public:
197 	int32_t Stratagus;  /// Stratagus engine version
198 };
200 class CInitMessage_ProtocolMismatch
201 {
202 public:
203 	CInitMessage_ProtocolMismatch();
GetHeader()204 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
205 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
206 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()207 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + 4; }
208 private:
209 	CInitMessage_Header header;
210 public:
211 	int32_t Version;  /// Network protocol version
212 };
214 class CInitMessage_Welcome
215 {
216 public:
217 	CInitMessage_Welcome();
GetHeader()218 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
219 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
220 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()221 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + PlayerMax * CNetworkHost::Size() + 2 * 4; }
222 private:
223 	CInitMessage_Header header;
224 public:
225 	CNetworkHost hosts[PlayerMax]; /// Participants information
226 	int32_t Lag;                   /// Lag time
227 	int32_t gameCyclesPerUpdate;   /// Update frequency
228 };
230 class CInitMessage_Map
231 {
232 public:
CInitMessage_Map()233 	CInitMessage_Map() {}
234 	CInitMessage_Map(const char *path, uint32_t mapUID);
GetHeader()235 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
236 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
237 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()238 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + 256 + 4; }
239 private:
240 	CInitMessage_Header header;
241 public:
242 	char MapPath[256];
243 	uint32_t MapUID;  /// UID of map to play.
244 };
246 class CInitMessage_State
247 {
248 public:
CInitMessage_State()249 	CInitMessage_State() {}
250 	CInitMessage_State(int type, const CServerSetup &data);
GetHeader()251 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
252 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
253 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()254 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + CServerSetup::Size(); }
255 private:
256 	CInitMessage_Header header;
257 public:
258 	CServerSetup State;  /// Server Setup State information
259 };
261 class CInitMessage_Resync
262 {
263 public:
264 	CInitMessage_Resync();
GetHeader()265 	const CInitMessage_Header &GetHeader() const { return header; }
266 	const unsigned char *Serialize() const;
267 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *p);
Size()268 	static size_t Size() { return CInitMessage_Header::Size() + CNetworkHost::Size() * PlayerMax; }
269 private:
270 	CInitMessage_Header header;
271 public:
272 	CNetworkHost hosts[PlayerMax]; /// Participant information
273 };
275 /**
276 **  Network message types.
277 **
278 **  @todo cleanup the message types.
279 */
280 enum _message_type_ {
281 	MessageNone,                   /// When Nothing Is Happening
282 	MessageInit_FromClient,        /// Start connection
283 	MessageInit_FromServer,        /// Connection reply
285 	MessageSync,                   /// Heart beat
286 	MessageSelection,              /// Update a Selection from Team Player
287 	MessageQuit,                   /// Quit game
288 	MessageResend,                 /// Resend message
290 	MessageChat,                   /// Chat message
292 	MessageCommandStop,            /// Unit command stop
293 	MessageCommandStand,           /// Unit command stand ground
294 	MessageCommandDefend,          /// Unit command defend
295 	MessageCommandFollow,          /// Unit command follow
296 	MessageCommandMove,            /// Unit command move
297 	//Wyrmgus start
298 	MessageCommandPickUp,		   /// Unit command pick up
299 	//Wyrmgus end
300 	MessageCommandRepair,          /// Unit command repair
301 	MessageCommandAutoRepair,      /// Unit command autorepair
302 	MessageCommandAttack,          /// Unit command attack
303 	MessageCommandGround,          /// Unit command attack ground
304 	//Wyrmgus start
305 	MessageCommandUse,			   /// Unit command use
306 	MessageCommandTrade,		   /// Unit command trade
307 	//Wyrmgus end
308 	MessageCommandPatrol,          /// Unit command patrol
309 	MessageCommandBoard,           /// Unit command board
310 	MessageCommandUnload,          /// Unit command unload
311 	MessageCommandBuild,           /// Unit command build building
312 	MessageCommandDismiss,         /// Unit command dismiss unit
313 	MessageCommandResourceLoc,     /// Unit command resource location
314 	MessageCommandResource,        /// Unit command resource
315 	MessageCommandReturn,          /// Unit command return goods
316 	MessageCommandTrain,           /// Unit command train
317 	MessageCommandCancelTrain,     /// Unit command cancel training
318 	MessageCommandUpgrade,         /// Unit command upgrade
319 	MessageCommandCancelUpgrade,   /// Unit command cancel upgrade
320 	MessageCommandResearch,        /// Unit command research
321 	MessageCommandCancelResearch,  /// Unit command cancel research
322 	//Wyrmgus start
323 	MessageCommandLearnAbility,    /// Unit command learn ability
324 	MessageCommandQuest,           /// Unit command quest
325 	MessageCommandBuy,			   /// Unit command buy
326 	MessageCommandProduceResource, /// Unit command produce resource
327 	MessageCommandSellResource,	   /// Unit command sell resource
328 	MessageCommandBuyResource,	   /// Unit command buy resource
329 	//Wyrmgus end
331 	MessageExtendedCommand,        /// Command is the next byte
333 	// ATTN: __MUST__ be last due to spellid encoding!!!
334 	MessageCommandSpellCast        /// Unit command spell cast
335 };
337 /**
338 **  Network extended message types.
339 */
340 enum _extended_message_type_ {
341 	ExtendedMessageDiplomacy,     /// Change diplomacy
342 	//Wyrmgus start
343 //	ExtendedMessageSharedVision   /// Change shared vision
344 	ExtendedMessageSharedVision,  /// Change shared vision
345 	ExtendedMessageSetFaction,	  /// Change faction
346 	ExtendedMessageAutosellResource	  /// Autosell resource
347 	//Wyrmgus end
348 };
350 /**
351 **  Network command message.
352 */
353 class CNetworkCommand
354 {
355 public:
CNetworkCommand()356 	CNetworkCommand() : Unit(0), X(0), Y(0), Dest(0) {}
Clear()357 	void Clear() { this->Unit = this->X = this->Y = this->Dest = 0; }
359 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
360 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
Size()361 	static size_t Size() { return 2 + 2 + 2 + 2; }
363 public:
364 	uint16_t Unit;         /// Command for unit
365 	uint16_t X;            /// Map position X
366 	uint16_t Y;            /// Map position Y
367 	uint16_t Dest;         /// Destination unit
368 };
370 /**
371 **  Extended network command message.
372 */
373 class CNetworkExtendedCommand
374 {
375 public:
CNetworkExtendedCommand()376 	CNetworkExtendedCommand() : ExtendedType(0), Arg1(0), Arg2(0), Arg3(0), Arg4(0) {}
378 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
379 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
Size()380 	static size_t Size() { return 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2; }
382 	uint8_t  ExtendedType;  /// Extended network command type
383 	uint8_t  Arg1;          /// Argument 1
384 	uint16_t Arg2;          /// Argument 2
385 	uint16_t Arg3;          /// Argument 3
386 	uint16_t Arg4;          /// Argument 4
387 };
389 /**
390 **  Network chat message.
391 */
392 class CNetworkChat
393 {
394 public:
395 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
396 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
397 	size_t Size() const;
399 public:
400 	std::string Text;  /// Message bytes
401 };
403 /**
404 **  Network sync message.
405 */
406 class CNetworkCommandSync
407 {
408 public:
CNetworkCommandSync()409 	CNetworkCommandSync() : syncSeed(0), syncHash(0) {}
410 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
411 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
Size()412 	static size_t Size() { return 4 + 4; };
414 public:
415 	uint32_t syncSeed;
416 	uint32_t syncHash;
417 };
419 /**
420 **  Network quit message.
421 */
422 class CNetworkCommandQuit
423 {
424 public:
CNetworkCommandQuit()425 	CNetworkCommandQuit() : player(0) {}
426 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
427 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
Size()428 	static size_t Size() { return 2; };
430 public:
431 	uint16_t player;
432 };
434 /**
435 **  Network Selection Update
436 */
437 class CNetworkSelection
438 {
439 public:
CNetworkSelection()440 	CNetworkSelection() : player(0) {}
442 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
443 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
444 	size_t Size() const;
446 public:
447 	uint16_t player;
448 	std::vector<uint16_t> Units;  /// Selection Units
449 };
451 /**
452 **  Network packet header.
453 **
454 **  Header for the packet.
455 */
456 class CNetworkPacketHeader
457 {
458 public:
CNetworkPacketHeader()459 	CNetworkPacketHeader()
460 	{
461 		Cycle = 0;
462 		memset(Type, 0, sizeof(Type));
463 		OrigPlayer = 255;
464 	}
466 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf) const;
467 	size_t Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf);
Size()468 	static size_t Size() { return 1 + 1 + 1 * MaxNetworkCommands; }
470 	uint8_t Type[MaxNetworkCommands];  /// Commands in packet
471 	uint8_t Cycle;                     /// Destination game cycle
472 	uint8_t OrigPlayer;                /// Host address
473 };
475 /**
476 **  Network packet.
477 **
478 **  This is sent over the network.
479 */
480 class CNetworkPacket
481 {
482 public:
483 	size_t Serialize(unsigned char *buf, int numcommands) const;
484 	void Deserialize(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len, int *numcommands);
485 	size_t Size(int numcommands) const;
487 	CNetworkPacketHeader Header;  /// Packet Header Info
488 	std::vector<unsigned char> Command[MaxNetworkCommands];
489 };
491 //@}
493 #endif // !NET_MESSAGE_H