1 /*
2  * Motif
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
7  * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
8  * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
9  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
10  * any later version.
11  *
12  * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
13  * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
15  * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
16  * details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
20  * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
21  * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
22 */
24 #ifndef idb_h
25 #define	idb_h	1
27 /*
28  * This file defines the constants and structs required by the URM
29  * Indexed Data Base facility (IDB). The order of definition is:
30  *	o literals
31  *	o primitive typedefs
32  *	o typedefs for file records
33  *	o typedefs for in-memory structures
34  */
37 /*
38  * IDB literals
39  */
42 /*
43  * Primitive typedefs
44  */
47 /*
48  * A data pointer. Consists of a record number (of a data record) and an
49  * offset in the record to the data entry.
50  */
51 typedef union {
52 	unsigned		pointer ;	/* the pointer as a value */
53 	struct {
54 	  IDBRecordNumber	rec_no B32 ;	/* record number */
55 	  MrmOffset		item_offs B32 ;	/* offset of data entry in
56 						   record. Must be a
57 						   IDB*DataEntry struct */
58 	}			internal_id ;	/* 2 fields internally */
59 } IDBDataPointer ;
61 /*
62  * A data pointer as a passed-by-value reference
63  */
64 #if 0
65 typedef unsigned		IDBDataHandle ;
66 #endif
68 typedef struct {
69   IDBRecordNumber	rec_no ;		  /* record number */
70   MrmOffset		item_offs ;		  /* offset of data entry in
71 						     record. Must be a
72 						     IDB*DataEntry struct */
73 } IDBDataHandle ;
75 /*
76  * A data item in a data record.
77  */
79 /*
80  * entry types distinguish simple and overflow records
81  */
82 #define IDBdrSimple	1
83 #define	IDBdrOverflow	2
86 /*
87  * Common header for both simple and overflow data entries
88  */
89 #define	IDBDataEntryValid	222857390
90 typedef struct {
91 	unsigned	validation;		/* validation code =
92 						   IDBDataEntryValid */
93 	MrmCode		entry_type;		/* IDBdrSimple, IDBdrOverflow */
94 	MrmCode		resource_group;		/* resource group */
95 	MrmCode		resource_type;		/* resource type */
96 	MrmCode		access;			/* URMaPrivate or URMaPublic */
97 	MrmCode		lock;			/* locking code */
98 	MrmSize		entry_size;		/* number of data bytes */
99 	MrmOffset	prev_entry;		/* Offset of previous entry in
100 						   this data record.  */
101 } IDBDataEntryHdr, *IDBDataEntryHdrPtr ;
103 #define SwapIDBDataEntryHdr(deh) { \
104         swap4bytes(deh->validation); \
105         swap2bytes(deh->entry_type) ; \
106         swap2bytes(deh->resource_group) ; \
107         swap2bytes(deh->resource_type) ; \
108         swap2bytes(deh->access) ; \
109         swap2bytes(deh->lock) ; \
110         swap2bytes(deh->entry_size) ; \
111         swap2bytes(deh->prev_entry) ; \
112 }
114 /*
115  * A simple data entry
116  */
117 typedef struct {
118 	IDBDataEntryHdr	header ;		/* common header, entry_type =
119 						   IDBdrSimple */
120 	char		data[1] ;		/* First byte in data */
121 } IDBSimpleData, *IDBSimpleDataPtr ;
124 /*
125  * An overflow data entry. These are used for all data entries which are
126  * too big to fit in a single record. These are broken up into 2 or more
127  * overflow entries, whose contents are concatenated to produce the
128  * actual data entry.
129  */
130 typedef struct {
131 	IDBDataEntryHdr	header ;		/* common header, entry_type =
132 						   IDBdrOverflow */
133 	MrmSize		segment_size;		/* number of data bytes in
134 						   this segment */
135 	MrmCount	segment_count;		/* number of records needed
136 						   to store entry */
137 	MrmCount	segment_num;		/* this segment's number */
138 	IDBDataPointer	next_segment ;		/* next segment */
139 	char		data[1] ;		/* first data byte */
140 } IDBOverflowData, *IDBOverflowDataPtr ;
142 #define SwapIDBOverflowData(doh) { \
143         swap2bytes(doh->segment_size) ; \
144         swap2bytes(doh->segment_count) ; \
145         swap2bytes(doh->segment_num) ; \
146         swap2bytes(doh->next_segment.internal_id.rec_no) ; \
147         swap2bytes(doh->next_segment.internal_id.item_offs) ; \
148 }
150 /*
151  * Header sizes for data entries
152  */
153 #define	IDBSimpleDataHdrSize	(sizeof(IDBSimpleData) - sizeof(char))
154 #define	IDBOverflowDataHdrSize	(sizeof(IDBOverflowData) - sizeof(char))
158 /*
159  * File record definitions
160  *
161  * IDB uses one size of fixed-length record for all its file records.
162  * The size of this record is determined as a reasonable common size
163  * which gives efficient disk access on all the file systems on which
164  * IDB runs.
165  *
166  * All records are accessed by record number. These increase monotonically
167  * from the lowest valid record number, which is maintained in the file
168  * header.
169  *
170  * IDB defines the following types of records:
171  *	Header		- one per file
172  *	Index leaf	- contains leaf nodes of the B-tree index
173  *	Index node	- contains non-leaf nodes of the B-tree index
174  *	RID map		- contains pointers which map IDB resourc IDs to
175  *			  data block pointers
176  *	Data		- Contains data blocks
177  *
178  * All records have a common record header which gives the record number
179  * and record type. This header and the information for each record type
180  * are defined below.
181  */
183 /*
184  * Number of bytes in a low-level file block = # bytes in an IDB file record
185  */
186 #define	IDBRecordSize	4096
188 /*
189  * IDB record header
190  */
191 #define	IDBRecordHeaderValid	310144882
192 typedef struct {
193 	unsigned	validation;	/* validation code =
194 					   IDBRecordHeaderValid */
195 	MrmType		record_type;  	/* record type */
196 	IDBRecordNumber	record_num;	/* IDB record number */
197 } IDBRecordHeader, *IDBRecordHeaderPtr ;
200 /*
201  * Dummy IDB record.
202  */
203 typedef struct {
204 	IDBRecordHeader	header ;
205 	char		dummy[IDBRecordSize-sizeof(IDBRecordHeader)] ;
206 } IDBDummyRecord, *IDBDummyRecordPtr ;
210 /*
211  * IDB header record definition
212  *
213  * There is one header record per IDB file. It is the only record in the
214  * which must be at a fixed location; its record number is
215  * IDBHeaderRecordNumber.
216  *
217  * The header contains the following:
218  *	o Information about how the file was created
219  *	o A pointer to the root node record for the B-tree index
220  *	o The next available resourc id (RID)
221  *	o An end-of-file pointer (record number of last record in file)
222  *	o Counters of the number of index and RID entries in the file
223  *	o Counter of the different types of records in the file
224  *	o The remainder of the record is used as the initial space in
225  *	  which to allocate a small RID map and data entries. This
226  *	  enables relatively small files to be created when a small
227  *	  amount of information will be stored, as the minimal file
228  *	  need contain only a header and (probably) and index leaf record
229  *	  rather than also requiring an RID map record and a data record.
230  */
232 /*
233  * IDB file header record header
234  */
235 typedef struct {
236 	IDBRecordHeader	header ;		/* record_type =
237 						   IDBrtHeader,
238 						   record_num =
239 						   IDBrtHeader, */
240 	char		db_version[IDBhsVersion1] ;
241 						/* database version */
242 	char		creator[IDBhsCreator1] ; /* creator id */
243 	char		creator_version[IDBhsVersion1] ;
244 						/* creator version */
245 	char		creation_date[IDBhsDate1] ;
246 						/* creation date */
247 	char		module[IDBhsModule1] ;	/* module id */
248 	char		module_version[IDBhsVersion1] ;
249 						/* module version */
250 	IDBRecordNumber	index_root ;		/* index root pointer */
251 	MrmCount	num_indexed ;		/* # entries in index */
252 	MrmCount	num_RID ;		/* # RID entries in file */
253 	IDBridDesc	next_RID ;		/* next available RID. */
254 	IDBRecordNumber	last_record ;		/* last record used in file */
255 	IDBRecordNumber	last_data_record ;	/* last data record in file */
256 	MrmCount	group_counts[URMgVecSize] ;
257 						/* vector of record counts
258 						   by resource group */
259 	MrmCount	rt_counts[IDBrtVecSize] ;
260 						/* vector of record counts by
261 						   record type (statistics) */
262 } IDBHeaderHdr, *IDBHeaderHdrPtr ;
265 /*
266  * IDB file header record
267  *
268  * Max number of entries in RID pointer vector
269  */
270 #define	IDBHeaderRIDMax		20
271 typedef struct {
272 	IDBHeaderHdr	header_hdr ;	/* header part */
273 	IDBDataPointer	RID_pointers[IDBHeaderRIDMax];
274 					/* RID pointer vector */
275 	MrmCount	num_entry;	/* number of entries in record */
276 	MrmOffset	last_entry;	/* last entry in page */
277 	MrmOffset	free_ptr;	/* offset of first free byte.
278 					   initial value = 0 */
279 	MrmCount	free_count;	/* number of free bytes. Initial
280 					   value = IDBHeaderFreeMax */
281 	char		data[1];	/* First available byte for data */
282 } IDBHeaderRecord, *IDBHeaderRecordPtr ;
285 /*
286  * Free space in header record, max number of bytes available for data.
287  */
288 #define	IDBHeaderFreeMax (IDBRecordSize-sizeof(IDBHeaderRecord)+sizeof(char))
291 /*
292  * Record number of the header record
293  */
294 #define	IDBHeaderRecordNumber	1
298 /*
299  * Index leaf record definition
300  *
301  * IDB provides two mutually exclusive mechanisms for accessing data.
302  * The first is an index system based on ASCII keys (indexes). This
303  * uses a B-tree index as its lookup mechanism. The second mechanism
304  * is a resource id mechanism offering potentially faster access, as
305  * described below.
306  *
307  * As usual in B-tree systems, the B-tree index has two kinds of nodes:
308  * leaf nodes, which contain only data pointers, and B-tree nodes,
309  * which contain pointers to other B-tree records. The following describes
310  * leaf records in the B-tree index.
311  *
312  * The root node of the index is a leaf record if there is exactly 1
313  * record in the index, and is a tree node otherwise.
314  *
315  * A leaf record consists of a sorted vector of index entries, ordered
316  * in increasing alphabetical order by the index value. The vector
317  * contains fixed-length entries, with the key strings being allocated
318  * at the bottom of the record. The vector grows down from the top and
319  * the string heap up from the bottom as entries are added, until the
320  * record fills.
321  */
323 /*
324  * An entry in the index vector
325  */
326 typedef struct {
327 	MrmOffset	index_stg;	/* offset of the index string in
328 					   the record. Nul-terminated. */
329 	IDBDataPointer	data ;		/* pointer to the data entry */
330 } IDBIndexLeafEntry, *IDBIndexLeafEntryPtr ;
332 /*
333  * Size of an index vector entry
334  */
335 #define	IDBIndexLeafEntrySize	sizeof(IDBIndexLeafEntry)
337 /*
338  * Max length of an index string (terminating nul not included)
339  */
340 #define	IDBMaxIndexLength	URMMaxIndexLen
341 #define	IDBMaxIndexLength1	(IDBMaxIndexLength + 1)
344 /*
345  * Leaf record header
346  */
347 typedef struct {
348 	IDBRecordHeader	header ;	/* record_type = IDBrtIndexLeaf */
349 	IDBRecordNumber	parent;		/* B-tree parent record */
350 	MrmCount	index_count;	/* Number of index entries in record */
351 	MrmOffset	heap_start;	/* Offset of first byte in use for
352 					   index string heap storage. Offset
353 					   is from .index[0] */
354 	MrmCount	free_bytes;	/* Number of free bytes in record */
355 } IDBIndexLeafHdr, *IDBIndexLeafHdrPtr ;
358 /*
359  * The leaf record
360  */
361 typedef struct {
362 	IDBIndexLeafHdr	leaf_header ;	/* header part of record. Initial
363 					   values: heap_start =
364 					   free_bytes = IDBIndexLeafFreeMax */
365 	IDBIndexLeafEntry index[1] ;	/* First entry in index vector. There
366 					   are index_count entries. */
367 } IDBIndexLeafRecord, *IDBIndexLeafRecordPtr ;
370 /*
371  * Max number of free bytes in leaf index record (0 entries)
372  */
373 #define	IDBIndexLeafFreeMax	(IDBRecordSize - sizeof(IDBIndexLeafHdr))
377 /*
378  * Index B-tree node record definition
379  *
380  * A B-tree node record is similar to a leaf entry, except that each node
381  * contains a pair of pointers to other nodes in the tree; one to a LT
382  * node, all of whose entries order < the entry's index; one to a GT node,
383  * all of whose entries order > the entry's index. The GT pointer of node
384  * m = the LT pointer of node m+1. Thus any node record containing n nodes
385  * points to n+1 tree nodes. Allocation of heap for index strings is as in
386  * a leaf record. All entries also locate a data entry.
387  */
389 /*
390  * An entry in the index vector
391  */
392 typedef struct {
393 	MrmOffset	index_stg;	/* offset of the index string in
394 					   the record. Nul-terminated. */
395 	IDBDataPointer	data ;		/* pointer to the data entry */
396 	IDBRecordNumber	LT_record;	/* pointer to LT record */
397 	IDBRecordNumber	GT_record;	/* pointer to GT record */
398 } IDBIndexNodeEntry, *IDBIndexNodeEntryPtr ;
400 /*
401  * Size of an index vector entry
402  */
403 #define	IDBIndexNodeEntrySize	sizeof(IDBIndexNodeEntry)
405 /*
406  * Node record header
407  */
408 typedef struct {
409 	IDBRecordHeader	header ;	/* record_type = IDBrtIndexNode */
410 	IDBRecordNumber	parent;		/* B-tree parent record */
411 	MrmCount	index_count;	/* Number of index entries in record */
412 	MrmOffset	heap_start;	/* Offset of first byte in use for
413 					   index string heap storage. Offset
414 					   is from .index[0] */
415 	MrmCount	free_bytes;	/* Number of free bytes in record */
416 } IDBIndexNodeHdr, *IDBIndexNodeHdrPtr ;
419 /*
420  * The B-tree node entry
421  */
422 typedef struct {
423 	IDBIndexNodeHdr	node_header ;	/* header part of record. Initial
424 					   values: heap_start =
425 					   free_bytes = IDBIndexNodeFreeMax */
426 	IDBIndexNodeEntry index[1] ;	/* First entry in index vector. There
427 					   are index_count entries. */
428 } IDBIndexNodeRecord, *IDBIndexNodeRecordPtr ;
431 /*
432  * Max number of free bytes in node index record (0 entries)
433  */
434 #define	IDBIndexNodeFreeMax	(IDBRecordSize - sizeof(IDBIndexNodeHdr))
436 /*
437  * Max number of bytes consumed by a new entry
438  */
439 #define	IDBIndexNodeEntryMax	(IDBMaxIndexLength1 + IDBIndexNodeEntrySize \
440 				+ sizeof(IDBRecordNumber))
444 /*
445  * Resource ID record
446  *
447  * RID records locate the data block associated with a given resource ID.
448  * Looking up a data block accessed by RID is a two-step process:
449  *	1. The index map in the file header (maintained in-memory for open
450  *	   files) is used to locate the correct resource ID record. The
451  *	   map_index field in a RID descriptor accesses this record via
452  *	   the RID_maps vector in the header.
453  *	2. The Resource ID record supplies the data block pointer. The
454  *	   data block pointer is found in the resource_ptr vector using the
455  *	   res_index field of the RID descriptor.
456  *
457  * Aside from the standard record header, an RID record contains only
458  * a vector of data block pointer.
459  */
461 /*
462  * The RID map record header
463  */
464 typedef struct {
465 	IDBRecordHeader	header ;	/* record type = IDBrdRIDMap */
466 } IDBridMapHdr, *IDBridMapHdrPtr ;
468 /*
469  * The RID map record is a vector of data pointers
470  */
471 typedef struct {
472 	IDBridMapHdr	map_header ;	/* Header part of record */
473 	IDBDataPointer	pointers[1] ;	/* First pointer in vector. */
474 } IDBridMapRecord, *IDBridMapRecordPtr ;
476 /*
477  * Max number of free bytes, number of vector entries in RID record
478  */
479 #define	IDBridFreeMax		(IDBRecordSize - sizeof(IDBridMapHdr))
480 #define	IDBridPtrVecMax		(IDBridFreeMax / sizeof(IDBDataPointer))
484 /*
485  * Data record
486  *
487  * Data records hold data entries. The record maintains a free space
488  * pointer, but otherwise contains little information. IDB attempts
489  * to avoid splitting data entries into segments, and is thus willing
490  * to waste some space in a data record if a data item will fit in
491  * a new record.
492  *
493  * All the data entries in a record are chained via the prev_entry offset
494  * field. This is for the convenience of the dump routines. The first
495  * entry is always at offset 0 (= initial value of free ptr).
496  */
498 /*
499  * The data record header
500  */
501 typedef struct {
502 	IDBRecordHeader	header ;	/* record = IDBrtData */
503 	MrmCount	num_entry;	/* number of entries in record */
504 	MrmOffset	last_entry;	/* last entry in page */
505 	MrmOffset	free_ptr;	/* offset of first free byte.
506 					   initial value = 0 */
507 	MrmCount	free_count;	/* number of free bytes. Initial
508 					   value = IDBDataFreeMax */
509 } IDBDataHdr, *IDBDataHdrPtr ;
512 /*
513  * The data record
514  */
515 typedef struct {
516 	IDBDataHdr	data_header ;	/* Header part of record. Initial
517 					   values: free_ptr = &.data[0],
518 					   free_count = IDBDataFreeMax */
519 	char		data[1] ;	/* First available byte for data */
520 } IDBDataRecord, *IDBDataRecordPtr ;
523 /*
524  * Max number of free bytes in data record
525  */
526 #define	IDBDataFreeMax		(IDBRecordSize - sizeof(IDBDataHdr))
529 /*
530  * Max number of bytes of data which can be stored as simple or overflow
531  * entries in a data record.
532  */
533 #define	IDBDataSimpleMax	(IDBDataFreeMax - IDBSimpleDataHdrSize)
534 #define	IDBDataOverflowMax	(IDBDataFreeMax - IDBOverflowDataHdrSize)
538 /*
539  * In-memory definitions
540  *
541  * The following structs are used to save runtime informtion used
542  * by IDB. These definitions cover file management and buffer management.
543  */
545 /*
546  * The IDBOpenFile/IDBFile struct is defined in Mrm.h
547  */
549 /*
550  * Buffer management
551  *
552  * IDB manages a pool of record buffers which is shared among all open
553  * IDB files. All access to these buffers is via the IDB buffer manager,
554  * which must be used in all requests to access these buffers for
555  * either reading or writing.
556  */
558 /*
559  * IDB buffer header
560  */
561 #define	IDBRecordBufferValid	327711354
562 typedef struct {
563 	unsigned	validation ;	/* validation code =
564 					   IDBRecordBufferValid */
565 	long int	activity ;	/* activity count to determine
566 					   moldiest buffer */
567 	IDBFile		cur_file ;	/* file which currently owns buffer */
568 	MrmCode		access ;	/* URMReadAccess or URMWriteAccess */
569 	MrmCode		modified ;	/* t if buffer has been modified */
570 	IDBDummyRecord	*IDB_record ;	/* record in buffer */
571 } IDBRecordBuffer, *IDBRecordBufferPtr ;
574 /*
575  * Macro which validates a buffer
576  */
577 #define	Idb__BM_Valid(bufptr) ((bufptr)->validation==IDBRecordBufferValid)
579 /*
580  * Macros which return the record type, number of the record in a buffer
581  */
582 #define _IdbBufferRecordType(bufptr) ((bufptr)->IDB_record->header.record_type)
583 #define _IdbBufferRecordNumber(bufptr) ((bufptr)->IDB_record->header.record_num)
585 #endif /* idb_h */
586 /* DON'T ADD STUFF AFTER THIS #endif */