1 /**
2  * @namespace   biew
3  * @file        tstrings.c
4  * @brief       This file contains start of work for NLS support by BIEW.
5  * @version     -
6  * @remark      this source file is part of Binary vIEW project (BIEW).
7  *              The Binary vIEW (BIEW) is copyright (C) 1995 Nickols_K.
8  *              All rights reserved. This software is redistributable under the
9  *              licence given in the file "Licence.en" ("Licence.ru" in russian
10  *              translation) distributed in the BIEW archive.
11  * @note        Requires POSIX compatible development system
12  *
13  * @author      Nickols_K
14  * @since       1995
15  * @note        Development, fixes and improvements
16 **/
17 #include "tstrings.h"
18 #include "biewlib/biewlib.h" /* for INT64_C */
19 /**   English release for all messages */
21 const char msgAboutText[] =
22 "  Multiplatform portable Binary file vIEWer\n"
23 "with built-in x86/i386/Amd64/AVX/FMA/XOP, Java\n"
24 "AVR,ARM/XScale,PPC-64 disassemblers and editor\n"
25 "for bin-hex-disas modes. Highlights opcodes\n"
26 "and supports multiple executable structures.\n";
27 const char * BiewPicture[] = {
28  "����  ��� ���� ���   ���",
29  " �  �  �  �  �  �     �",
30  " ���   �  ��    �  �  �",
31  " �  �  �  �  �   � � �",
32  "����  ��� ����    � �"
33 };
35 const char * CompPicture[] = {
36 " ���������������",
37 " �             �",
38 " �             �",
39 " �             �",
40 " �             �",
41 " ���������������",
42 "�����������������"
43 };
45 const char *MBoardPicture[] =
46 {
47 "��Ŀ������������",
48 "�             ��",
49 "��           ���",
50 "��           ���",
51 "��           ���",
52 "�             ��",
53 "���ٳ���������Ŀ"
54 };
56 const char *ConnectorPicture[] =
57 {
58 "���Ŀ",
59 "�   �",
60 "�   �",
61 "�   �",
62 "�   �",
63 "�   �",
64 "�����"
65 };
67 const char *BitStreamPicture[] =
68 {
69 "01010101",
70 "10011100",
71 "00001110",
72 "01010000",
73 "11001111",
74 "11001100",
75 "10010000"
76 };
78 const char *BiewerPicture[] =
79 {
80 "���������������",
81 "�             �",
82 "�             �",
83 "�             �",
84 "�             �",
85 "�             �",
86 "���������������"
87 };
89 const char *BiewerScreenPicture[] =
90 {
91 "pushf        ",
92 "push    cs   ",
93 "push    ax   ",
94 "iret         ",
95 "int3         ",
96 };
98 const char * CompScreenPicture[] = {
99 "0001001001100",
100 "1001000101011",
101 "0110001110000",
102 "1010010011111",
103 };
105 const char * msgTypeComments[] =
106 {
107  " Mode :",
108  " [ ] - Put structures    ",
109  "  Type of comments:      ",
110  " ( ) - None              ",
111  " ( ) - NASM (*.asm)      "
112 };
114 const char *msgTypeBitness[] =
115 {
116  " Select bitness:         ",
117  " ( )  8-bit (nothing)    ",
118  " ( ) 16-bit (word swap)  ",
119  " ( ) 32-bit (dword swap) ",
120  " ( ) 64-bit (qword swap) "
121 };
123 const char * msgFindOpt[] =
124 {
125  " [ ] - Match Case                 ",
126  " [ ] - Match Whole Word Only      ",
127  " [ ] - Reverse search             "
128 };
130 const char * msgFindOpt2[] =
131 {
132  " [ ] - Search for hex             ",
133  " [ ] - Use wildcards ( *? )       ",
134  " [ ] - Use plugin's output        "
135 };
137 const char UNDEFINE[]=         "Undefined";
138 const char FATAL_ERROR[]=      " *** FATAL ERROR *** : ";
140 const char ISR_JUMP[]=         " Jump to ISR ";
141 const char INT_NUMBER[]=       " Interrupt number : ";
142 const char GO_ABS_SHIFT[]=     " Go to absolute offset ";
143 const char GO_REL_SHIFT[]=     " Go to relative offset ";
144 const char TYPE_SHIFT[]=       "Enter new offsets : ";
145 const char DIG_EVALUTOR[]=     " Digital evaluator (hexadecimal) ";
146 const char DIG_OPERATORS[]=    " Known Operators - ()+-*/% ~|&^ ";
147 const char EXPRESSION[]=       "Expression:";
148 const char RESULT[]=           "Result:";
149 const char TYPE_HEX_FORM[]=    "Enter parameters in hexadecimal form:";
150 const char FILE_PRMT[]=        "File :";
151 const char XLAT_PRMT[]=        "Xlat (eXtend Looking At Table) file:";
152 const char START_PRMT[]=       "Start:";
153 const char LENGTH_PRMT[]=      "Length:";
154 const char INIT_MASK[]=        " Initialize mask ";
155 const char INPUT_MASK[]=       "Enter new value of XX:";
156 const char ERROR_MSG[]=        " Error ";
157 const char WARN_MSG[]=         " Warning ";
158 const char NOTE_MSG[]=         " Note ";
160 const char HOW_SEE[]=          " How to look ";
162 const char NOT_ENTRY[]=        "Entry not found";
163 const char BAD_ENTRY[]=        " Bad entry ";
164 const char NO_ENTRY[]=         "Entry does not refer to physical page of this file";
165 const char UNK_SIGNATURE[]=    "Unknown type of signature : ";
166 const char UNK_HEADER[]=       " Unknown header ";
167 const char MOD_REFER[]=        " Detected Module References : ";
168 const char EXT_REFER[]=        " External References : ";
169 const char EXP_TABLE[]=        " Export Table : ";
170 const char RES_NAMES[]=        " Resident Names : ";
171 const char NORES_NAMES[]=      " Non-Resident Names : ";
172 const char IMPPROC_TABLE[]=    " Import Procedures Table : ";
173 const char CORRUPT_BIN_MSG[]=  "??? *** Binary format is corrupt or internal error *** ???";
174 const char BUILD_REFS[]=       "Building reference chains";
175 const char SYSTEM_BUSY[]=      " System is busy ";
177 const char BACKWARD[]=         "Backward";
178 const char FORWARD[]=          "Forward ";
179 const char FIND_STR[]=         " Find string ";
180 const char TYPE_STR[]=         "Enter string to search (for control letters hold ALT down + NumPads):";
181 const char PLEASE_WAIT[]=      "Please wait ... ";
182 const char SEARCHING[]=        " Searching ";
183 const char STR_NOT_FOUND[]=    "String not found";
184 const char SEARCH_MSG[]=       " Search ";
185 const char SYS_INFO[]=         " System information";
186 const char CPU_INFO[]=         " CPU information ";
188 const char PAGEBOX_SUB[]=      " [PgUp]/[PgDn] - Move  [ENTER] - Go Entry ";
189 const char SPAGEBOX_SUB[]=     " [PgUp]/[PgDn] - Move ";
191 const char NAME_OF_EXP_FILE[]= " Name of export file ";
192 const char NAME_MSG[]=         " Name : ";
193 const char ACCESS_DENIED[]=    " Access denied ";
195 const char READ_FAIL[]=        " Can't read from file ";
196 const char WRITE_FAIL[]=       " Can't write into file ";
197 const char OPEN_FAIL[]=        " Can't open file ";
198 const char DUP_FAIL[]=         " Can't dup file ";
199 const char RESIZE_FAIL[]=      " Can't change size of file ";
200 const char EXPAND_FAIL[]=      " Can't expand file ";
201 const char TRUNC_FAIL[]=       " Can't truncate file ";
202 const char NOTHING_EDIT[]=     " Can't edit zero file ";