1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1995-2008 University of Karlsruhe.  All right reserved.
3  *
4  * This file is part of libFirm.
5  *
6  * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
7  * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
8  * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
9  * packaging of this file.
10  *
11  * Licensees holding valid libFirm Professional Edition licenses may use
12  * this file in accordance with the libFirm Commercial License.
13  * Agreement provided with the Software.
14  *
15  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
17  * PURPOSE.
18  */
20 /**
21  * @file
22  * @brief    Entry point to the representation of procedure code.
23  * @author   Martin Trapp, Christian Schaefer, Goetz Lindenmaier
24  */
25 #ifndef FIRM_IR_IRGRAPH_H
26 #define FIRM_IR_IRGRAPH_H
28 #include <stddef.h>
30 #include "firm_types.h"
31 #include "begin.h"
33 /**
34  * @defgroup ir_graph  Procedure Graph
35  *
36  * This struct contains all information about a procedure.
37  * It's allocated directly to memory.
38  *
39  * The fields of ir_graph:
40  *
41  * - ent             The entity describing this procedure.
42  *
43  * The beginning and end of a graph:
44  *
45  * - start_block     This ir_node is the block that contains the unique
46  *                   start node of the procedure.  With it it contains
47  *                   the Proj's on starts results.
48  *                   Further all Const nodes are placed in the start block.
49  * - start           This ir_node is the unique start node of the procedure.
50  *
51  * - end_block       This ir_node is the block that contains the unique
52  *                   end node of the procedure.  This block contains no
53  *                   further nodes.
54  * - end             This ir_node is the unique end node of the procedure.
55  *
56  * The following nodes are Projs from the Start node, held in ir_graph for
57  * simple access:
58  *
59  * - frame           The ir_node producing the pointer to the stack frame of
60  *                   the procedure as output.  This is the Proj node on the
61  *                   third output of the start node.  This output of the start
62  *                   node is tagged as pns_frame_base.  In FIRM most local
63  *                   variables are modeled as data flow edges.  Static
64  *                   allocated arrays can not be represented as data flow
65  *                   edges. Therefore FIRM has to represent them in the stack
66  *                   frame.
67  *
68  * - globals         This models a pointer to a space in the memory where
69  *                   _all_ global things are held.  Select from this pointer
70  *                   with a Sel node the pointer to a global variable /
71  *                   procedure / compiler known function... .
72  *
73  * - tls             This models a pointer to a space in the memory where
74  *                   thread local things are held.  Select from this pointer
75  *                   with a Sel node the pointer to a thread local variable.
76  *
77  * - args            The ir_node that produces the arguments of the method as
78  *                   its result.  This is a Proj node on the fourth output of
79  *                   the start node.  This output is tagged as pn_Start_T_args.
80  *
81  * - proj_args       The proj nodes of the args node.
82  *
83  * - no_mem          The NoMem node is an auxiliary node. It is needed only once,
84  *                   so there is this globally reachable node.
85  *
86  * Data structures that are private to a graph:
87  *
88  * - obst            An obstack that contains all nodes.
89  *
90  * - current_block   A pointer to the current block.  Any node created with
91  *                   one of the node constructors (new_<opcode>) are assigned
92  *                   to this block.  It can be set with set_cur_block(block).
93  *                   Only needed for ir construction.
94  *
95  * - params/n_loc    An int giving the number of local variables in this
96  *                  procedure.  This is needed for ir construction. Name will
97  *                   be changed.
98  *
99  * - value_table     This hash table (pset) is used for global value numbering
100  *                   for optimizing use in iropt.c.
101  *
102  * - Phi_in_stack;   a stack needed for automatic Phi construction, needed only
103  *                   during ir construction.
104  *
105  * - visited         A int used as flag to traverse the ir_graph.
106  *
107  * - block_visited    A int used as a flag to traverse block nodes in the graph.
108  *
109  * @{
110  */
112 /**
113  * Create a new ir graph to build ir for a procedure.
114  *
115  * @param ent    A pointer to an entity representing the procedure,
116  *               i.e., the type of the entity must be of a method type.
117  *
118  * @param n_loc  The number of local variables in this procedure including
119  *               the procedure parameters.
120  *
121  * This constructor generates the basic infrastructure needed to
122  * represent a procedure in FIRM.
123  *
124  * It allocates an ir_graph and sets the field irg of the entity ent
125  * to point to this graph. Further it allocates the following nodes needed
126  * for every procedure:
127  *
128  * - The start block containing a start node and Proj nodes for its
129  *   seven results (X, M, P, P, P, T, P).
130  * - The end block containing an end node. This block is not matured
131  *   after executing new_ir_graph() as predecessors need to be added to it.
132  *   (Maturing a block means fixing its number of predecessors.)
133  * - The current block, which is empty and matured.
134  *
135  * Further it enters the global store into the data structure of the start
136  * block that contains all valid values in this block (set_store()).  This
137  * data structure is used to build the Phi nodes and removed after
138  * completion of the graph.  There is no path from end to start in the
139  * graph after calling ir_graph.
140  *
141  * The op_pin_state of the graph is set to "op_pin_state_pinned"
142  * if no global cse was performed on the graph.
143  * It is set to "op_pin_state_floats" if global cse was performed
144  * (and during construction: did actually change something).
145  * Code placement is necessary.
146  *
147  * @see new_pseudo_ir_graph()
148  */
149 FIRM_API ir_graph *new_ir_graph(ir_entity *ent, int n_loc);
151 /** Frees the passed irgraph.
152  * Deallocates all nodes in this graph and the ir_graph structure.
153  * Sets the field irgraph in the corresponding entity to NULL.
154  * Does not remove the irgraph from the list in irprog (requires
155  * inefficient search, call remove_irp_irg by hand).
156  * Does not free types, entities or modes that are used only by this
157  * graph, nor the entity standing for this graph.
158  */
159 FIRM_API void free_ir_graph(ir_graph *irg);
161 /**
162  *   Checks whether a pointer points to a ir graph.
163  *
164  *   @param thing     an arbitrary pointer
165  *
166  *   @return
167  *       true if the thing is a IR graph, else false
168  */
169 FIRM_API int is_ir_graph(const void *thing);
171 /** Returns the entity of an IR graph. */
172 FIRM_API ir_entity *get_irg_entity(const ir_graph *irg);
173 /** Sets the entity of an IR graph. */
174 FIRM_API void set_irg_entity(ir_graph *irg, ir_entity *ent);
176 /** Returns the frame type of an IR graph. */
177 FIRM_API ir_type *get_irg_frame_type(ir_graph *irg);
178 /** Sets the frame type of an IR graph. */
179 FIRM_API void set_irg_frame_type(ir_graph *irg, ir_type *ftp);
181 /** Returns the start block of an IR graph. */
182 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_start_block(const ir_graph *irg);
183 /** Sets the start block of an IR graph. */
184 FIRM_API void set_irg_start_block(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
186 /** Returns the Start node of an IR graph. */
187 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_start(const ir_graph *irg);
188 /** Sets the Start node of an IR graph. */
189 FIRM_API void set_irg_start(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
191 /** Returns the end block of an IR graph. */
192 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_end_block(const ir_graph *irg);
193 /** Sets the end block of an IR graph. */
194 FIRM_API void set_irg_end_block(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
196 /** Returns the End node of an IR graph. */
197 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_end(const ir_graph *irg);
198 /** Sets the End node of an IR graph. */
199 FIRM_API void set_irg_end(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
201 /** Returns the node that represents the initial control flow of the given
202  * IR graph. */
203 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_initial_exec(const ir_graph *irg);
204 /** Sets the node that represents the initial control of the given IR graph. */
205 FIRM_API void set_irg_initial_exec(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
207 /** Returns the node that represents the frame pointer of the given IR graph. */
208 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_frame(const ir_graph *irg);
209 /** Sets the node that represents the frame pointer of the given IR graph. */
210 FIRM_API void set_irg_frame(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
212 /** Returns the node that represents the initial memory of the given IR graph. */
213 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_initial_mem(const ir_graph *irg);
214 /** Sets the node that represents the initial memory of the given IR graph. */
215 FIRM_API void set_irg_initial_mem(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
217 /** Returns the node that represents the argument pointer of the given IR graph. */
218 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_args(const ir_graph *irg);
219 /** Sets the node that represents the argument pointer of the given IR graph. */
220 FIRM_API void set_irg_args(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
222 /** Returns the NoMem node of the given IR graph. */
223 FIRM_API ir_node *get_irg_no_mem(const ir_graph *irg);
224 /** Sets the NoMem node of graph @p irg. */
225 FIRM_API void set_irg_no_mem(ir_graph *irg, ir_node *node);
227 /** Returns the number of value numbers of an IR graph. */
228 FIRM_API int get_irg_n_locs(ir_graph *irg);
230 /** Returns the graph number. */
231 FIRM_API long get_irg_graph_nr(const ir_graph *irg);
233 /**
234  * Returns the graph number. This is a unique number for the graph and is
235  * smaller than get_irp_last_idx()
236  * Note: you cannot use this number for get_irp_irg()
237  */
238 FIRM_API size_t get_irg_idx(const ir_graph *irg);
240 /**
241  * Returns the node for an index.
242  * @param irg The graph.
243  * @param idx The index you want the node for.
244  * @return    The node with that index or NULL, if there is no node with that
245  *            index.
246  * @note      The node you got might be dead.
247  * @see get_irn_idx()
248  */
249 FIRM_API ir_node *get_idx_irn(const ir_graph *irg, unsigned idx);
251 /** state: op_pin_state_pinned
252    The graph is "op_pin_state_pinned" if all nodes are associated with a basic block.
253    It is in state "op_pin_state_floats" if nodes are in arbitrary blocks.  In state
254    "op_pin_state_floats" the block predecessor is set in all nodes, but this can be an
255    invalid block, i.e., the block is not a dominator of all the uses of
256    the node.
257    The enum op_pin_state is defined in irop.h. */
258 FIRM_API op_pin_state get_irg_pinned(const ir_graph *irg);
260 /** state: callee_information_state
261  *  Call nodes contain a list of possible callees.  This list must be
262  *  computed by an analysis.
263  *
264  *  It's strange that this state is administered on irg basis, as the
265  *  information must be computed for the whole program, or not?
266  */
267 typedef enum {
268 	irg_callee_info_none,
269 	irg_callee_info_consistent,
270 	irg_callee_info_inconsistent
271 } irg_callee_info_state;
273 /** Returns the callee_info_state of an IR graph. */
274 FIRM_API irg_callee_info_state get_irg_callee_info_state(const ir_graph *irg);
276 /** Sets the callee_info_state of an IR graph. */
277 FIRM_API void set_irg_callee_info_state(ir_graph *irg, irg_callee_info_state s);
279 /** A void * field to link arbitrary information to the node. */
280 FIRM_API void set_irg_link(ir_graph *irg, void *thing);
281 /** Return void* field previously set by set_irg_link() */
282 FIRM_API void *get_irg_link(const ir_graph *irg);
284 /** Increments node visited counter by one.
285  *  @see @ref visited_counters, irn_visited(), mark_irn_visited() */
286 FIRM_API void inc_irg_visited(ir_graph *irg);
287 /** Returns node visited counter.
288  * @see @ref visited_counters */
289 FIRM_API ir_visited_t get_irg_visited(const ir_graph *irg);
290 /** Sets node visited counter.
291  * @see @ref visited_counters */
292 FIRM_API void set_irg_visited(ir_graph *irg, ir_visited_t i);
293 /** Returns interprocedural node visited counter.
294  * @see @ref visited_counters */
295 FIRM_API ir_visited_t get_max_irg_visited(void);
296 /** Sets interprocedural node visited counter.
297  * @see @ref visited_counters */
298 FIRM_API void set_max_irg_visited(int val);
299 /** Increment interprocedural node visited counter by one.
300  * @see @ref visited_counters */
301 FIRM_API ir_visited_t inc_max_irg_visited(void);
303 /** Increments block visited counter by one.
304  *  @see @ref visited_counters, Block_block_visited(), mark_Block_block_visited() */
305 FIRM_API void inc_irg_block_visited(ir_graph *irg);
306 /** Returns block visited counter.
307  * @see @ref visited_counters */
308 FIRM_API ir_visited_t get_irg_block_visited(const ir_graph *irg);
309 /** Sets block visited counter.
310  * @see @ref visited_counters */
311 FIRM_API void set_irg_block_visited(ir_graph *irg, ir_visited_t i);
313 /**
314  * Debug helpers: You can indicate whether you are currently using visited or
315  * block_visited flags. If NDEBUG is not defined, then the compiler will abort
316  * if 2 parties try to use the flags.
317  */
318 typedef enum ir_resources_t {
319 	IR_RESOURCE_NONE          = 0,       /**< no resource */
320 	IR_RESOURCE_BLOCK_VISITED = 1 << 0,  /**< Block visited flags are used. */
321 	IR_RESOURCE_BLOCK_MARK    = 1 << 1,  /**< Block mark bits are used. */
322 	IR_RESOURCE_IRN_VISITED   = 1 << 2,  /**< IR-node visited flags are used. */
323 	IR_RESOURCE_IRN_LINK      = 1 << 3,  /**< IR-node link fields are used. */
324 	IR_RESOURCE_LOOP_LINK     = 1 << 4,  /**< IR-loop link fields are used. */
325 	IR_RESOURCE_PHI_LIST      = 1 << 5   /**< Block Phi lists are used. */
326 } ir_resources_t;
327 ENUM_BITSET(ir_resources_t)
329 #ifndef NDEBUG
330 /**
331  * Reserves resources of a graph.
332  *
333  * This is a debug tool: All code should properly allocate the resources it uses
334  * so if two interlocked algorithms use the same resources that bug will get
335  * detected.
336  */
337 FIRM_API void ir_reserve_resources(ir_graph *irg, ir_resources_t resources);
338 /** Frees previously reserved resources. */
339 FIRM_API void ir_free_resources(ir_graph *irg, ir_resources_t resources);
340 /** Returns currently reserved resources. */
341 FIRM_API ir_resources_t ir_resources_reserved(const ir_graph *irg);
342 #else
343 #define ir_reserve_resources(irg,resources)  (void)0
344 #define ir_free_resources(irg,resources)     (void)0
345 #define ir_resources_reserved(irg)           0
346 #endif
348 /**
349  * graph constraints:
350  * These are typically used when lowering a graph for a target machine,
351  * typically you get stricter constraints the closer you get to a real
352  * machine.
353  */
354 typedef enum ir_graph_constraints_t {
355 	/**
356 	 * Should not construct more nodes which irarch potentially breaks down
357 	 */
358 	IR_GRAPH_CONSTRAINT_ARCH_DEP                  = 1U << 0,
359 	/**
360 	 * mode_b nodes have been lowered so you should not create any new nodes
361 	 * with mode_b (except for Cmp)
362 	 */
363 	IR_GRAPH_CONSTRAINT_MODEB_LOWERED             = 1U << 1,
364 	/**
365 	 * There are normalisations where there is no "best" representative.
366 	 * In this case we first normalise into 1 direction (!NORMALISATION2) and
367 	 * later in the other (NORMALISATION2).
368 	 */
370 	/**
371 	 * Allows localopts to remove edges to unreachable code.
372 	 * Warning: It is only safe to enable this when you are sure that you
373 	 * apply all localopts to the fixpunkt. (=in optimize_graph_df)
374 	 */
376 	/**
377 	 * The graph is being constructed: We have a current_block set,
378 	 * and blocks contain mapping of variable numbers to current
379 	 * values.
380 	 */
381 	IR_GRAPH_CONSTRAINT_CONSTRUCTION              = 1U << 4,
382 	/**
383 	 * Intermediate language constructs not supported by the backend have
384 	 * been lowered.
385 	 */
387 	/**
388 	 * We have a backend graph: all data values have register constraints
389 	 * annotated.
390 	 */
391 	IR_GRAPH_CONSTRAINT_BACKEND                   = 1U << 6,
392 } ir_graph_constraints_t;
393 ENUM_BITSET(ir_graph_constraints_t)
395 /** sets @p constraints on the graph @p irg */
396 FIRM_API void add_irg_constraints(ir_graph *irg,
397                                   ir_graph_constraints_t constraints);
398 /** clears some graph constraints */
399 FIRM_API void clear_irg_constraints(ir_graph *irg,
400                                     ir_graph_constraints_t constraints);
401 /** queries whether @p irg is at least as constrained as @p constraints. */
402 FIRM_API int irg_is_constrained(const ir_graph *irg,
403                                 ir_graph_constraints_t constraints);
405 /**
406  * graph state. They properties about a graph.
407  * Graph transformations may destroy these properties and have to explicitely
408  * state when they did not affect some properties and want to keep them.
409  */
410 typedef enum ir_graph_properties_t {
411 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTIES_NONE                         = 0,
412 	/** graph contains no critical edges */
413 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTY_NO_CRITICAL_EDGES              = 1U << 0,
414 	/** graph contains no Bad nodes */
415 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTY_NO_BADS                        = 1U << 1,
416 	/** No tuple nodes exist in the graph */
417 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTY_NO_TUPLES                      = 1U << 2,
418 	/**
419 	 * there exists no (obviously) unreachable code in the graph.
420 	 * Unreachable in this context is code that you can't reach by following
421 	 * execution flow from the start block.
422 	 */
424 	/** graph contains at most one return */
425 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTY_ONE_RETURN                     = 1U << 4,
426 	/** dominance information about the graph is valid */
428 	/** postdominance information about the graph is valid */
430 	/** dominance frontiers information is calculated */
432 	/**
433 	 * out edges (=iredges) are enable and there is no dead code that can be
434 	 * reached by following them
435 	 */
437 	/** outs (irouts) are computed and up to date */
438 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTY_CONSISTENT_OUTS                = 1U << 9,
439 	/** loopinfo is computed and up to date */
441 	/** entity usage information is computed and up to date */
443 	/** graph contains as many returns as possible */
444 	IR_GRAPH_PROPERTY_MANY_RETURNS                   = 1U << 12,
446 	/**
447 	 * List of all graph properties that are only affected by control flow
448 	 * changes.
449 	 */
459 	/**
460 	 * List of all graph properties.
461 	 */
471 } ir_graph_properties_t;
472 ENUM_BITSET(ir_graph_properties_t)
474 /** sets some state properties on the graph */
475 FIRM_API void add_irg_properties(ir_graph *irg, ir_graph_properties_t props);
476 /** clears some graph properties */
477 FIRM_API void clear_irg_properties(ir_graph *irg, ir_graph_properties_t props);
478 /** queries whether @p irg has the @p props properties set */
479 FIRM_API int irg_has_properties(const ir_graph *irg,
480                                 ir_graph_properties_t props);
482 /** Sets a description for local value n. */
483 FIRM_API void set_irg_loc_description(ir_graph *irg, int n, void *description);
485 /** Returns the description for local value n. */
486 FIRM_API void *get_irg_loc_description(ir_graph *irg, int n);
488 /** Returns a estimated node count of the irg. This count is updated
489  * after every irg_walk_graph().
490  */
491 FIRM_API unsigned get_irg_estimated_node_cnt(const ir_graph *irg);
493 /** Returns the last irn index for this graph. */
494 FIRM_API unsigned get_irg_last_idx(const ir_graph *irg);
496 /** Returns the floating point model of this graph. */
497 FIRM_API unsigned get_irg_fp_model(const ir_graph *irg);
499 /** Sets a floating point model for this graph. */
500 FIRM_API void set_irg_fp_model(ir_graph *irg, unsigned model);
502 /**
503  * Ensures that a graph fulfills all properties stated in @p state.
504  * Performs graph transformations if necessary.
505  */
506 FIRM_API void assure_irg_properties(ir_graph *irg, ir_graph_properties_t props);
508 /**
509  * Invalidates all graph properties/analysis data except the ones specified
510  * in @p props.
511  * This should be called after a transformation phase.
512  */
513 FIRM_API void confirm_irg_properties(ir_graph *irg, ir_graph_properties_t props);
515 /**
516  * Accesses custom graph data.
517  * The data must have been registered with
518  * register_additional_graph_data() before.
519  * @param graph The graph to get the data from.
520  * @param type The type of the data you registered.
521  * @param off The value returned by register_additional_graph_data().
522  * @return A pointer of type @p type.
523  */
524 #define get_irg_data(graph,type,off) \
525 	(assert(off > 0 && "Invalid graph data offset"), (type *) ((char *) (graph) - (off)))
527 /**
528  * Returns the pointer to the node some custom data belongs to.
529  * @param data The pointer to the custom data.
530  * @param off The number as returned by register_additional_graph_data().
531  * @return A pointer to the ir node the custom data belongs to.
532  */
533 #define get_irg_data_base(data,off) \
534 	(assert(off > 0 && "Invalid graph data offset"), (ir_graph *) ((char *) (data) + (off)))
536 /**
537  * Requests additional data to be allocated with an ir graph.
538  * @param size The size of the additional data required.
539  * @return A positive number, if the operation was successful, which
540  * must be passed to the access macro get_irg_data(), 0 if the
541  * registration failed.
542  */
543 FIRM_API size_t register_additional_graph_data(size_t size);
545 /** @} */
547 #include "end.h"
549 #endif