1 /* $Id: ncbisam.h,v 6.5 2006/05/10 20:47:14 camacho Exp $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  $RCSfile: ncbisam.h,v $
27 *
28 * Author:  Sergei Shavirin
29 *
30 * Initial Version Creation Date: 02/24/1997
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.5 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *         External include file for ISAM library
36 *
37 * $Log: ncbisam.h,v $
38 * Revision 6.5  2006/05/10 20:47:14  camacho
39 * From Ilya Dondoshansky: Added ISAMSetDataSorted function to set flag that data is already sorted.
40 *
41 * Revision 6.4  2003/04/14 19:52:31  camacho
42 * Added ISAMUninitSearch
43 *
44 * Revision 6.3  2000/07/18 19:29:27  shavirin
45 * Added new parameter test_non_unique to suppress check for non-unique
46 * strings ids in the database - default - TRUE.
47 *
48 * Revision 6.2  1999/08/25 20:18:50  shavirin
49 * Added possibility to store user-specified Int4 options in the index
50 * header.
51 *
52 * Revision 6.1  1997/11/07 16:18:06  shavirin
53 * Added definition for the function SISAMFindAllData()
54 *
55 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:53:30  madden
56 * Revision changed to 6.0
57 *
58 * Revision 1.8  1997/05/12 19:55:20  shavirin
59 * Some fixes type-changes to support ISAMCreateDatabase() API
60 *
61 * Revision 1.6  1997/05/08 21:18:40  shavirin
62 * Added definition for function ISAMSearchTerm()
63 *
64  * Revision 1.3  1997/05/01  17:25:05  shavirin
65  * Added String ISAM functionality
66  *
67  * Revision 1.2  1997/02/25  22:17:17  shavirin
68  * Changed general API of ISAM library .
69  *
70  * Revision 1.1  1997/02/24  21:07:07  shavirin
71  * Initial revision
72  *
73 *
74 * ==========================================================================
75 */
77 #ifndef _NCBISAM_H_
78 #define _NCBISAM_H_ ncbisam
80 /****************************************************************************/
81 /* INCLUDES */
82 /****************************************************************************/
84 #include <ncbi.h>
86 /****************************************************************************/
87 /* DEFINES */
88 /****************************************************************************/
90 #define DEFAULT_NISAM_SIZE 256
91 #define DEFAULT_SISAM_SIZE 64
92 #define ISAM_FOLLOW_KEY 1
93 #define ISAM_SHORT_KEY  2
94 #define ISAM_DATA_CHAR '\2'
96 /****************************************************************************/
97 /* TYPEDEFS */
98 /****************************************************************************/
100 typedef enum {
101   ISAMNumeric         = 0,
102   ISAMNumericNoData   = 1,
103   ISAMString          = 2,
104   ISAMStringDatabase  = 3,
105   ISAMStringBin       = 4
106 } ISAMType;
108 typedef enum {
109   ISAMNotFound        =  1,
110   ISAMNoError         =  0,
111   ISAMNoSpace         =  -2,
112   ISAMBadFileName     =  -3,
113   ISAMNotImplemented  =  -4,
114   ISAMMemMap          =  -5,
115   ISAMNoOrder         =  -6,
116   ISAMNoCorrelation   =  -7,
117   ISAMBadParameter    =  -8,
118   ISAMNoMemory        =  -9,
119   ISAMBadVersion      =  -10,
120   ISAMBadType         =  -11,
121   ISAMWrongFile       =  -12,
122   ISAMFseekFailed     =  -13,
123   ISAMInvalidFormat   =  -14,
124   ISAMMiscError       =  -99
125 } ISAMErrorCode;
127 typedef VoidPtr ISAMObjectPtr;
129 /****************************************************************************/
131 /****************************************************************************/
133 #ifdef __cplusplus
134 extern "C" {
135 #endif
136 /* ----------------------  ISAMObjectNew --------------------------
137    Purpose:     Creates ISAM object structure with default parameters
139    Parameters:  type - Type of ISAM (Numeric, String etc. )
140    Returns:     Poiner to created object structure
141    NOTE:        None
143   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
144 ISAMObjectPtr ISAMObjectNew(ISAMType type,       /* Type of ISAM */
145                             CharPtr DBFile,      /* ISAM Database file */
146                             CharPtr IndexFile    /* ISAM Index file */
147                             );
149 /* ---------------------- ISAMObjectFree --------------------------
150    Purpose:     To terminate all allocated and used buffers
151                 unmap and close all mapped/opened files
152    Parameters:  ISAM object
153    Returns:     None
154    NOTE:        None
155   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
156 void ISAMObjectFree(ISAMObjectPtr object);
158 /* ---------------------- ISAMUninitSearch --------------------------
159    Purpose:     Uninitialize an ISAM search (free all allocated and used
160                 buffers and unmap and close all mapped/opened files).
161                 Undoes what the ISAMInitSearch function does.
162    Parameters:  ISAM object
163    Returns:     ISAM Error Code
164    NOTE:        None
165   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
166 ISAMErrorCode ISAMUninitSearch(ISAMObjectPtr object);
168 /* ------------------------ ISAMSearchTerm -------------------------
169    Purpose:     Main search function of complete String ISAM
171    Parameters:  object - ISAM Object
172                 term_in - input string
173                 field_mask - fields to search in 0 and -1 mean search
174                 all fields
175                 uid - array of returned uids
176                 count number of returned uids
177    Returns:     ISAM Error Code
178    NOTE:        Initialization done with first call to this function
179   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
180 ISAMErrorCode ISAMSearchTerm(ISAMObjectPtr object, CharPtr term_in,
181                              Uint4 field_mask, Uint4Ptr PNTR uid,
182                              Int4Ptr count);
184 /* ---------------------- ISAMCreateDatabase ------------------------
185    Purpose:     To create coded array/offsets and ISAM database files
186                 from input files in special form:
187                 All files are in sorted order and sorted through
188                 format: <term><\2><uid><field-bit mask><CR>
190    Parameters:  ISAM Object
191                 files - list of sorted files to process
192    Returns:     ISAM itemized error code
193   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
194 ISAMErrorCode ISAMCreateDatabase(CharPtr PNTR files,
195                                  Int4 num_files,
196                                  Int4 MaxOffset,
197                                  CharPtr BaseName,
198                                  CharPtr DBExt,
199                                  CharPtr IndexExt,
200                                  CharPtr OffExt,
201                                  CharPtr CodeExt);
203 /* ---------------------- ISAMUpdateDatabase ------------------------
205    Purpose:
207    Parameters:          NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!!
209    Returns:
210   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
211 ISAMErrorCode ISAMUpdateDatabase(CharPtr InFile,
212                                  CharPtr NewDBDir,
213                                  Int4 MaxOffset,
214                                  CharPtr BaseName,
215                                  CharPtr DBExt,
216                                  CharPtr IndexExt,
217                                  CharPtr OffExt,
218                                  CharPtr CodeExt);
220 /* ----------------------  ISAMSetUpCAInfo --------------------------
221    Purpose:     Added toISAM object Coded Array filenames information
223    Parameters:  CAName - Common name for all CA/FA DB and offset files
224                 CADBExt - exetntio for CA/FA DB files
225                 CAOffExt - extention for CA/FA offset files
226                 MaxOffset - threshhold offset for starting write new
227                             file
229    Returns:     ISAM Error Code
230    NOTE:        MaxOffset is set to default value if 10.000.000
231   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
232 ISAMErrorCode ISAMSetUpCAInfo(ISAMObjectPtr object, Int4 MaxOffset,
233                               CharPtr CAName, CharPtr CADBExt,
234                               CharPtr CAOffExt);
236 /* ----------------------  ISAMMakeIndex --------------------------
237    Purpose:     To create ISAM Intex file for Database file
239    Parameters:  ISAM Object
240    Returns:     ISAM itemized error code
241    NOTE:        Special default rules for UNIX platform
242                 Page size is set to default value if 0
243   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
244 ISAMErrorCode ISAMMakeIndex(ISAMObjectPtr object,
245                             Int4 page_size,       /* ISAM page size */
246                             Int4 idx_option       /* Option for upper layer */
247                             );
249 /* ------------------------ NISAMSearch ----------------------------
250    Purpose:     Main search function of Numeric ISAM
252    Parameters:  Key - interer to search
253                 Data - returned value (for NIASM with data)
254                 Index - internal index in database
255    Returns:     ISAM Error Code
256    NOTE:        Initialization done with first call to this function
257   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
258 ISAMErrorCode NISAMSearch(ISAMObjectPtr object,
259                           Uint4 Key,
260                           Uint4Ptr Data,
261                           Uint4Ptr Index
262                           );
264 /* ----------------------  NISAMSearchList --------------------------
265    Purpose:       Perform search of multiple Keys
267    Parameters:    NumKeys - number of input keys
268                   Keys - array of keys
269    Returns:       Data - array of returned values
270                   Index - array of internal indexes
271    NOTE:          None
272   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
273 ISAMErrorCode NISAMSearchList(ISAMObjectPtr object,
274                               Int4     NumKeys,
275                               Uint4Ptr Keys,
276                               Uint4Ptr Data,
277                               Uint4Ptr index
278                               );
281 ISAMErrorCode SISAMSearch(ISAMObjectPtr object,
282                           CharPtr key_in,
283                           Int4 type,
284                           CharPtr PNTR key_out,
285                           CharPtr PNTR data,
286                           Uint4Ptr index);
288 ISAMErrorCode SISAMFindAllData(ISAMObjectPtr object,
289                                CharPtr term_in,
290                                Int4Ptr PNTR ids_out,
291                                Int4Ptr count_out);
293 /* ------------------------  NISAMFindKey ---------------------------
294    Purpose:     Return Key value by absolute internal index
296    Parameters:  Index - absolute internal index
297    Returns:     Key   - corresponding key value
298                 Data  - corresponding data value
299    NOTE:
300   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
301 ISAMErrorCode NISAMFindKey(ISAMObjectPtr object,
302                            Int4 Index,
303                            Uint4Ptr Key,
304                            Uint4Ptr Data
305                            );
307 /* ----------------------  NISANFindKeys -------------------------
308    Purpose:     Retuns set of Key/Data pairs from
309                 First to Last internal index
311    Parameters:  First - beginning of interval
312                 Last  - the end of interval
313    Returns:     Keys - array of Keys
314                 Data - array of Data
315    NOTE:        None
316   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
317 ISAMErrorCode NISAMFindKeys(ISAMObjectPtr object,
318                             Int4     First,
319                             Int4     Last,
320                             Uint4Ptr Keys,
321                             Uint4Ptr Data
322                             );
324 /* ------------------------  ISAMNumTerms ---------------------------
325    Purpose:     Returns total number of terms in ISAM database
327    Parameters:  ISAM object
328    Returns:     Number of terms
329    NOTE:        None
330   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
331 ISAMErrorCode ISAMNumTerms(ISAMObjectPtr object, Int4Ptr terms);
333 /* ------------------------ ISAMGetIdxOption ------------------------
334    Purpose:     Returns user specified option from ISAM database
336    Parameters:  ISAM object
337    Returns:     User specified option (set while formating)
338    NOTE:        None
339   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
340 ISAMErrorCode ISAMGetIdxOption(ISAMObjectPtr object, Int4Ptr idx_option);
342 /* ------------------------ ISAMGetIdxOption ------------------------
343    Purpose:     To set option to check or not check for non-unique
344                 elements
345    Parameters:  ISAM object
346    Returns:     None
347    NOTE:        None
348   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
349 void ISAMSetCheckForNonUnique(ISAMObjectPtr object, Boolean test_non_unique);
351 /** Sets the sorting_done boolean, avoiding an expensive check in the
352  * ISAMCheckIfSorted function.
353  * @param object ISAM object to modify. [in] [out]
354  * @param num_terms Number of terms in the data, which otherwise would have to
355  *                  be calculated in ISAMCheckIfSorted. [in]
356  */
357 void ISAMSetDataSorted(ISAMObjectPtr object, Int4 num_terms);
359 #ifdef __cplusplus
360 }
361 #endif
363 #endif