1 /***********************************************************************
2  @C-file{
3     author              = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
4     version             = "2.17",
5     date                = "06 March 2021",
6     time                = "18:31:33 MST",
7     filename            = "isbn.c",
8     address             = "University of Utah
9 			   Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
10 			   155 S 1400 E RM 233
11 			   Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
12 			   USA",
13     telephone           = "+1 801 581 5254",
14     FAX                 = "+1 801 581 4148",
15     URL                 = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe",
16     checksum            = "22111 1383 4584 35929",
17     email               = "beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org,
18 			   beebe@computer.org (Internet)",
19     codetable           = "ISO/ASCII",
20     keywords            = "bibliography, ISBN, hyphenation",
21     license             = "GNU General Public License, version 2 or
22 			   later",
23     supported           = "yes",
24     docstring           = "This file contains code for hyphenating
25 			   International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs),
26 			   using the function ISBN_hyphenate(s,t,maxs).
27 			   No other public objects are defined by this
28 			   file.
30 			   If this file is compiled with the
31 			   preprocessor symbol TEST defined, then a
32 			   standalone program, normally named bibisbn,
33 			   is produced that can be used to filter test
34 			   data containing ISBN key/value pairs
35 			   extracted from BibTeX files.  For example,
36 			   the UNIX commands
38 			       bibclean -no-warn -max-width 0 *.bib | \
39 				    grep '^ *ISBN *=' >tmpfile
40 			       sed -e 's/-//g' tmpfile | bibisbn | diff tmpfile -
42 			   should display no differences in ISBN
43 			   numbers, except where their hyphenation was
44 			   originally incorrect, or missing.
46 			   The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
47 			   checksum as the first value, followed by the
48 			   equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
49 			   count) utility output of lines, words, and
50 			   characters.  This is produced by Robert
51 			   Solovay's checksum utility.",
52  }
53 ***********************************************************************/
55 #include <config.h>
56 #include <assert.h>
57 #include "xstdbool.h"
58 #include "xstdlib.h"
59 #include "xstring.h"
60 #include "xctype.h"
62 RCSID("$Id: isbn.c,v 1.12 2014/04/03 18:05:23 beebe Exp beebe $")
64 #include "ch.h"
65 #include "isbn.h"
66 #include "yesorno.h"
68 #if !defined(MAX_ISBN_RANGE)
69 #define MAX_ISBN_RANGE	2560		/* about 8 times the default size */
70 #endif
72 static const char *ISBN_file = (const char*)NULL;
74 typedef struct
75 {
76     const char *begin;
77     const char *end;
78     const char *countries;
79 }
80 ISBN_range_t;
82 #include "isbn.tbl"	/* generated from awk -f isbn-el-to-bibclean-isbn.awk isbn.el */
84 #define isISBNdigit(c)	(Isdigit((int)(c)) || ((int)(c) == (int)'X') || ((int)(c) == (int)'x'))
86 #define isISBN_13digit(c) isISBNdigit(c)
88 #define MAX_ISBN	14 /* array size for complete ISBN and terminal NUL */
89 #define MAX_ISBN_13	18 /* array size for complete ISBN-13 and terminal NUL */
91 extern FILE		*stdlog;
93 /*@null@*/ extern char	*findfile ARGS((/*@null@*/ const char *pathlist_, /*@null@*/ const char *name_));
94 extern char		*get_line ARGS((FILE *fp_));
95 extern char		*Strdup ARGS((const char *s_));
96 extern FILE		*tfopen ARGS((const char *filename_, const char *mode_));
98 void			ISBN_hyphenate ARGS((/*@out@*/ char *s_,/*@out@*/ char *t_,size_t maxs_));
99 void			ISBN_initialize ARGS((void));
101 static void		add_ISBN_range ARGS((const char *the_begin,
102 					     const char *the_end,
103 					     const char *the_countries));
104 static void		add_one_ISBN_range ARGS((const char *the_begin,
105 						 const char *the_end,
106 						 const char *the_countries,
107 						 size_t where));
109 static YESorNO		is_valid_ISBN_prefix ARGS((const char *prefix));
110 static const char	*fix_ISBN ARGS((const char *ISBN_));
111 static const char	*hyphenate_one_ISBN ARGS((const char *prefix_,
112 						  const char *ISBN_));
113 static const char	*hyphenate_one_ISBN_13 ARGS((const char *prefix_,
114 						  const char *ISBN_13_));
115 static int		in_ISBN_range ARGS((const char *begin_,
116 					    const char *ISBN_,
117 					    const char *end_));
118 static YESorNO		ISBN_match_country_language ARGS((const char *p1, const char *p2));
119 static const char 	*next_ISBN ARGS((const char *s_, const char **end_));
120 static const char 	*next_ISBN_13 ARGS((const char *s_, const char **end_));
121 static void		squeeze_ISBN ARGS((char * out_ISBN_,
122 					   const char *in_ISBN_));
123 extern void		warning ARGS((const char *msg_));
125 #if defined(TEST)
127 #define ISBN_DIGIT_VALUE(c)	((((int)(c) == (int)'X') || ((int)(c) == (int)'x')) ? 10 : \
128 					((int)(c) - (int)'0'))
129 				/* correct only if digits are valid; */
130 				/* the code below ensures that */
132 #define MAX_BUF		4096
134 #define stdlog		stderr
136 int			main ARGS((int argc_, char* argv_[]));
138 void			ISBN_13_hyphenate ARGS((char *s_, char *t_, size_t maxs_));
139 static void		ISBN_filter ARGS((const char *s_));
140 static void		ISBN_strip_hyphens ARGS((char *s_));
141 static YESorNO		ISBN_10_valid ARGS((const char *ISBN_));
142 static YESorNO		ISBN_13_valid ARGS((const char *ISBN_));
144 long int		line_number;
146 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
147 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])148 main(int argc, char* argv[])
149 #else
150 int
151 main(argc,argv)
152 int argc;
153 char* argv[];
154 #endif
155 {
156     char buf[MAX_BUF];
157     const char * help_lines[] =
158     {
159 	"bibisbn [ --help ] [ --version ] [ arguments ]",
160 	"",
161 	"Hyphenate apparent ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 data on the command line, or stdin.",
162 	"Arguments or lines that resemble Web URLs are copied verbatim.",
163 	"",
164 	"With one or more arguments, filter them to stdout, and do not read stdin.",
165 	"",
166 	"Without arguments, filter lines from stdin to stdout.",
167 	"",
168 	"After careful comparison of input and output streams, it may be safe to",
169 	"apply this program to most BibTeX files.",
170 	(const char *)NULL
171     };
173     line_number = 0L;
175     if (argc > 1)			/* hyphenate command-line arguments */
176     {
177 	int k, n;
179 	n = 0;
181 	for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k)
182 	{
183 	    if (k > 1)			/* separate arguments by single space */
184 		(void)fputc(' ', stdout);
186 	    if (strcmp(argv[k], "--help") == 0)
187 	    {
188 		int m;
190 		for (m = 0; help_lines[m] != (const char *)NULL; ++m)
191 		    (void)printf("%s\n", help_lines[m]);
193 		return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
195 	    }
196 	    else if (strcmp(argv[k], "--version") == 0)
197 	    {
198 		(void)printf("bibisbn %s [%s]\n", PACKAGE_VERSION, PACKAGE_DATE);
200 		return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
201 	    }
202 	    else
203 	    {
204 		ISBN_filter(argv[k]);
205 		++n;
206 	    }
207 	}
209 	if (n > 0)
210 	    (void)fputs("\n", stdout);
211     }
212     else				/* filter lines from stdin to stdout */
213     {
214 	while (fgets(buf,MAX_BUF,stdin) != (char*)NULL)
215 	{
216 	    ++line_number;
217 	    ISBN_filter(buf);
218 	}
219     }
221     return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
222 }
224 /*@noreturn@*/
225 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
226 void				/* issue an error message and die */
fatal(const char * msg)227 fatal(const char *msg)
228 #else /* K&R style */
229 void
230 fatal(msg)			/* issue an error message and die */
231 const char *msg;
232 #endif
233 {
234     (void)fprintf(stdlog,"%s %s\n", ERROR_PREFIX, msg);
235     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
236 }
238 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
239 static YESorNO
ISBN_10_valid(const char * ISBN_10)240 ISBN_10_valid(const char *ISBN_10)
241 #else /* K&R style */
242 static YESorNO
243 ISBN_10_valid(s)
244 const char *ISBN_10;
245 #endif
246 {
247     /* checksum algorithm adapted from validate_ISBN() in chek.c */
249     int checksum, k;
250     YESorNO result;
251     static const int max_isbn_10 = 10;
253     for (checksum = 0, k = 1, result = NO; ISBN_10[k - 1] != '\0'; ++k)
254     {
255 	if (k < max_isbn_10)
256 	    checksum += ISBN_DIGIT_VALUE(ISBN_10[k - 1]) * k;
257 	else if (k == max_isbn_10)
258 	{
259 	    if ((checksum % 11) == ISBN_DIGIT_VALUE(ISBN_10[k - 1]))
260 		result = YES;
261 	}
262     } 					/* end for (loop over ISBN_10[]) */
264     return (result);
265 }
267 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
268 static YESorNO
ISBN_13_valid(const char * ISBN_13)269 ISBN_13_valid(const char *ISBN_13)
270 #else /* K&R style */
271 static YESorNO
272 ISBN_13_valid(ISBN_13)
273 const char *ISBN_13;
274 #endif
275 {
276     int checksum, k;
277     YESorNO result;
278     static const int max_isbn_13 = 13;
280     for (checksum = 0, k = 1, result = NO; ISBN_13[k - 1] != '\0'; ++k)
281     {
282 	size_t weight;
284 	weight = (k & 1) ? 1 : 3;
286 	if (k < max_isbn_13)
287 	    checksum += ISBN_DIGIT_VALUE(ISBN_13[k - 1]) * weight ;
288 	else if (k == max_isbn_13)
289 	{
290 	    size_t digit_13, rem;
292 	    rem = checksum % 10;
293 	    digit_13 = (rem == 0) ? 0 : (10 - rem);
295 	    if (digit_13 == ISBN_DIGIT_VALUE(ISBN_13[k - 1]))
296 		result = YES;
297 	}
298     } 					/* end for (loop over ISBN_13[]) */
300     return (result);
301 }
303 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
304 static void
ISBN_filter(const char * s)305 ISBN_filter(const char *s)
306 #else /* K&R style */
307 static void
308 ISBN_filter(s)
309 const char *s;
310 #endif
311 {
312     /*
313     ** Tokenize s, writing non-ISBN data verbatim to stdout, and
314     ** hyphenating (if possible) ISBN data.  However, make an
315     ** exception for URL-like data in s[], and just write that
316     ** verbatim.  That way, for many BibTeX files, this program can be
317     ** safely applied to the entire file.  However, caution is
318     ** advised: carefully compare input and output before replacing
319     ** the input with the output!
320     */
322     if (strstr(s, "://") != (const char *)NULL)
323 	(void)fputs(s, stdout);	/* preserve URLs */
324     else
325     {
326 	while (*s)
327 	{
328 	    if (isdigit(*s))
329 	    {
330 		char buf3[MAX_BUF];
331 		char buf2[MAX_BUF];
332 		char buf[MAX_BUF];
333 		char msg[100];
334 		size_t m, n;
336 		for (m = 0; (m < (sizeof(buf) - 1)) && (isdigit(*s) || (*s == '-') || (*s == 'X') || (*s == 'x')); ++s)
337 		{
338 		    buf[m++] = *s;
339 		}
341 		buf[m] = '\0';
343 		(void)strcpy(buf3, buf);
344 		ISBN_strip_hyphens(buf3);
345 		n = strlen(buf3);
347 		if (n == 10)
348 		{
349 		    if (ISBN_10_valid(buf3) == YES)
350 		    {
351 			(void)strcpy(buf, buf3);
352 			ISBN_hyphenate(buf, buf2, MAX_BUF);
353 		    }
354 		    else
355 		    {
356 			(void)snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "invalid ISBN-10 value [%.10s]", buf3);
357 			warning(msg);
358 		    }
359 		}
360 		else if (n == 13)
361 		{
362 		    if (ISBN_13_valid(buf3) == YES)
363 		    {
364 			(void)strcpy(buf, buf3);
365 			ISBN_13_hyphenate(buf, buf2, MAX_BUF);
366 		    }
367 		    else
368 		    {
369 			(void)snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "invalid ISBN-13 value [%.13s]", buf3);
370 			warning(msg);
371 		    }
372 		}
374 		n = strlen(buf);
376 		if ((strncmp(buf, "978", 3) == 0) && (n == 16))
377 		{
378 		    (void)fputs("978-", stdout);
379 		    (void)fputs(&buf[3], stdout);
380 		}
381 		else if ((strncmp(buf, "979", 3) == 0) && (n == 16))
382 		{
383 		    (void)fputs("979-", stdout);
384 		    (void)fputs(&buf[3], stdout);
385 		}
386 		else
387 		    (void)fputs(buf,stdout);
388 	    }
389 	    else
390 	    {
391 		(void)fputc(*s, stdout);
392 		++s;
393 	    }
394 	}
395     }
396 }
398 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
399 static void
ISBN_strip_hyphens(char * s)400 ISBN_strip_hyphens(char *s)
401 #else /* K&R style */
402 static void
403 ISBN_strip_hyphens(s)
404 char *s;
405 #endif
406 {
407     char *t;
409     for (t = s; *s; ++s)
410     {
411 	if (*s != '-')
412 	    *t++ = *s;
413     }
415     *t = *s;				/* copy NUL terminator */
416 }
419 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
420 char*
Strdup(const char * s)421 Strdup(const char *s)
422 #else /* K&R style */
423 char*
424 Strdup(s)
425 const char *s;
426 #endif
427 {
428     char *p;
429     p = (char*)malloc(strlen(s)+1);
430     if (p == (char*)NULL)
431 	fatal("Out of string memory");
432     return (strcpy(p,s));
433 }
436 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
437 void
warning(const char * msg)438 warning(const char *msg)	/* issue a warning message to stdlog */
439 #else /* K&R style */
440 void
441 warning(msg)			/* issue a warning message to stdlog */
442 const char *msg;
443 #endif
444 {
445     (void)fprintf(stdlog,"%s:%ld:%s.\n", "-", line_number, msg);
446     (void)fflush(stdlog);
447 }
449 #endif /* defined(TEST) */
452 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
453 static void
add_ISBN_range(const char * the_begin,const char * the_end,const char * the_countries)454 add_ISBN_range(const char *the_begin, const char *the_end,
455 	       const char *the_countries)
456 #else /* K&R style */
457 static void
458 add_ISBN_range(the_begin, the_end, the_countries)
459 const char *the_begin;
460 const char *the_end;
461 const char *the_countries;
462 #endif
463 {
464     /* Search the ISBN_range[] table circularly from the last search
465        position for the next non-empty slot matching the_begin, and
466        install the new triple (the_begin,the_end,the_countries) there.
467        Otherwise, add the triple at the end, if enough space remains. */
469     static int error_count = 0;
470     size_t k;
471     static size_t start = (size_t) 0;
473     /* Silently ignore invalid begin/end pairs */
475     if (the_begin == (const char *)NULL)
476 	return;
477     else if (the_end == (const char *)NULL)
478 	return;
480     if (the_begin[0] == '-')
481 	start = 0;	/* because deletions must always find the first match */
483     for (k = start;
484 	 (k < MAX_ISBN_RANGE) && (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL);
485 	 ++k)
486     {
487 	if (ISBN_range[k].begin[0] == '-')
488 	{
489 	    if (STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k].begin,the_begin))
490 	    {				/* then already deleted this one */
491 		start = k;
492 		return;
493 	    }
494 	    else
495 		continue;		/* ignore `deleted' entries */
496 	}
497 	else if ((the_begin[0] == '-') && STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k].begin, the_begin + 1))
498 	{	/* then `delete' this entry by changing its begin prefix to start with a hyphen */
499 	    ISBN_range[k].begin = Strdup(the_begin);
500 	    start = k;
501 	    return;
502 	}
503 	else if (STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k].begin, the_begin))
504 	{
505 	    add_one_ISBN_range(the_begin, the_end, the_countries, k);
506 	    start = k;
507 	    return;
508 	}
509     }
511     /* If we fell through, then restart the search in the beginning of the table */
513     for (k = 0;
514 	 (k < start) && (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL); ++k)
515     {
516 	if (ISBN_range[k].begin[0] == '-')
517 	{
518 	    if (STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k].begin,the_begin))
519 	    {				/* then already deleted this one */
520 		start = k;
521 		return;
522 	    }
523 	    else
524 		continue;		/* ignore `deleted' entries */
525 	}
526 	else if ((the_begin[0] == '-') && STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k].begin, the_begin + 1))
527 	{	/* then `delete' this entry by changing its begin prefix to start with a hyphen */
528 	    ISBN_range[k].begin = Strdup(the_begin);
529 	    start = k;
530 	    return;
531 	}
532 	else if (STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k].begin, the_begin))
533 	{
534 	    add_one_ISBN_range(the_begin, the_end, the_countries, k);
535 	    start = k;
536 	    return;
537 	}
538     }
540     /* If we fell through, then add the new entry at the first deleted
541        entry, or after the last used entry */
542     for (k = 0;
543 	 ((k < MAX_ISBN_RANGE) &&
544 	  (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL) &&
545 	  (ISBN_range[k].begin[0] != '\0'));
546 	 ++k)
547 	continue;
549     if (k < (MAX_ISBN_RANGE - 1))	/* then have space to store this new entry */
550     {
551 	start = k;
552 	add_one_ISBN_range(the_begin, the_end, the_countries, k);
553     }
554     else if (++error_count == 1)	/* no more than one error message */
555 	(void)fprintf(stdlog,
556 		      "More than %lu ISBN ranges fills internal table\n",
557 		      (unsigned long)MAX_ISBN_RANGE);
558 }
561 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
562 static void
add_one_ISBN_range(const char * the_begin,const char * the_end,const char * the_countries,size_t where)563 add_one_ISBN_range(const char *the_begin, const char *the_end,
564 		   const char *the_countries, size_t where)
565 #else /* K&R style */
566 static void
567 add_one_ISBN_range(the_begin, the_end, the_countries, where)
568 const char *the_begin;
569 const char *the_end;
570 const char *the_countries;
571 size_t where;
572 #endif
573 {	/* add an entry at slot where, without bounds checking, but with
574 	   valid-value checking */
575 #define FMT_INVALID	"Invalid country/language-publisher ISBN prefix [%s] in ISBN file [%s]\n"
577     if ((the_begin != (const char*)NULL) && (is_valid_ISBN_prefix(the_begin) == NO))
578     {
579 	(void)fprintf(stdlog, FMT_INVALID, the_begin, ISBN_file);
580 	return;
581     }
582     else if ((the_end != (const char*)NULL) && (is_valid_ISBN_prefix(the_end) == NO))
583     {
584 	(void)fprintf(stdlog, FMT_INVALID, the_end, ISBN_file);
585 	return;
586     }
587     else if ((the_begin != (const char*)NULL) && (the_end != (const char*)NULL) &&
588 	     STRGREATER(the_begin,the_end))
589     {
590 	(void)fprintf(stdlog,
591 		      "Non-increasing country/language-publisher ISBN range [%s .. %s] in ISBN file [%s]\n",
592 		      the_begin, the_end, ISBN_file);
593 	return;
594     }
596     FREE(ISBN_range[where].begin);
597     FREE(ISBN_range[where].end);
598     FREE(ISBN_range[where].countries);
600     if (the_begin == (const char *)NULL) /* sanity check for assumptions elsewhere in bibclean */
601     {
602 	assert(the_end == (const char *)NULL);
603 	assert(the_countries == (const char *)NULL);
604     }
605     else
606     {
607 	if (the_countries == (const char *)NULL)
608 	    the_countries = "";
610 	assert(the_end != (const char *)NULL);
611 	assert(the_countries != (const char *)NULL);
612     }
614     ISBN_range[where].begin = (the_begin == (const char *)NULL) ? the_begin :
615 	Strdup(the_begin);
616     ISBN_range[where].end = (the_end == (const char *)NULL) ? the_end :
617 	Strdup(the_end);
618     ISBN_range[where].countries = (the_countries == (const char *)NULL) ? the_countries :
619 	Strdup(the_countries);
621 #undef FMT_INVALID
622 }
625 #if !defined(TEST)
626 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
627 void
do_ISBN_file(const char * pathlist,const char * name)628 do_ISBN_file(/*@null@*/ const char *pathlist, /*@null@*/ const char *name)
629 #else /* K&R style */
630 void
631 do_ISBN_file(pathlist,name)
632 /*@null@*/ const char *pathlist;
633 /*@null@*/ const char *name;
634 #endif
635 {
636     FILE *fp;
637     char *p;
639     if (name == (const char*)NULL)
640 	return;
642     if ((ISBN_file = findfile(pathlist,name)) == (char*)NULL)
643 	return;				/* silently ignore missing files */
645     if ((fp = tfopen(ISBN_file,"r")) == (FILE*)NULL)
646 	return;				/* silently ignore missing files */
648     /* The ISBN file is expected to look like the output of
649        -print-ISBN-table: lines are (1) blank or empty, (2) comments
650        from percent to end-of-line, (3) pairs of whitespace-separated
651        (begin-prefix, end-prefix) values, or (4) triples of
652        whitespace-separated (begin-prefix, end-prefix values, countries).
653        In the latter case, the countries continue to end-of-line or a
654        comment character, whichever comes first, and may include
655        blanks. */
656     while ((p = get_line(fp)) != (char*)NULL)
657     {
658 #define TOKEN_SEPARATORS	" \t"
659 	const char *the_begin;
660 	const char *the_end;
661 	const char *the_countries;
662 	char *comment;
664 	comment = strchr(p, BIBTEX_COMMENT_PREFIX);
665 	if (comment != (const char*)NULL)
666 	    *comment = '\0';		/* then discard comment text */
668 	the_begin = strtok(p, TOKEN_SEPARATORS);
669 	if (the_begin == (const char*)NULL)
670 	    continue;			/* ignore blank or empty lines */
671 	if (*the_begin == (char)BIBTEX_COMMENT_PREFIX)
672 	    continue;			/* ignore comment lines */
673 	the_end = strtok((char*)NULL, TOKEN_SEPARATORS);
674 	if (the_end == (const char*)NULL)
675 	{
676 	    (void)fprintf(stdlog,"Expected end-prefix after begin-prefix [%s] in ISBN file [%s]\n",
677 			  the_begin, ISBN_file);
678 	    continue;
679 	}
680 	the_countries = strtok((char*)NULL, "");
681 	if (the_countries != (const char*)NULL)
682 	{				/* skip over leading space */
683 	    while (Isspace((int)*the_countries))
684 		++the_countries;
685 	}
686 	if ((the_countries != (const char*)NULL) && (*the_countries == '\0'))
687 	    the_countries = (const char*)NULL;
688 #if defined(DEBUG)
689 	(void)fprintf(stdlog,
690 		      "DEBUG:\t[%s]\t[%s]\t[%s]\t[%s]\n",
691 		      ISBN_file,
692 		      the_begin,
693 		      the_end,
694 		      ((the_countries == (const char*)NULL) ? "" : the_countries));
695 #endif
696 	add_ISBN_range(the_begin, the_end, the_countries);
697     }
698     (void)fclose(fp);
700 }
702 #endif /* !defined(TEST) */
705 void
do_print_ISBN_table(VOID)706 do_print_ISBN_table(VOID)
707 {
708     size_t k;
710     /* For brevity and readability, we output the country/language
711        group prefix only when it changes, preceded by pair of newlines. */
713     (void)fprintf(stdlog, "%%%%%% ISBN ranges and country/language groups\n");
714     for (k = 0; (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL); ++k)
715     {
716 	const char *country_names;
718 	assert(ISBN_range[k].end != (const char *)NULL); /* sanity check on ISBN_range[] table logic */
719 	assert(ISBN_range[k].countries != (const char *)NULL);
721 	if (k == 0)
722 	{
723 	    if (ISBN_range[k].countries[0] == '\0')
724 		country_names = (const char *)NULL;
725 	    else
726 		country_names = ISBN_range[k].countries;
727 	}
728 	else if (STREQUAL(ISBN_range[k-1].countries,ISBN_range[k].countries) &&
729 		 (ISBN_match_country_language(ISBN_range[k-1].begin,ISBN_range[k].begin) == YES))
730 	    country_names = (const char *)NULL;
731 	else if (ISBN_range[k].countries[0] == '\0')
732 	    country_names = (const char *)NULL;
733 	else
734 	    country_names = ISBN_range[k].countries;
736 	/* We intentionally include `deleted' entries (beginning with a hyphen), so
737 	   as not to conceal information from the user. */
738 	(void)fprintf(stdlog, "%s%-11s\t%-11s%s%s\n",
739 		      ((country_names == (const char *)NULL) ? "" : "\n\n"),
740 		      ISBN_range[k].begin,
741 		      ISBN_range[k].end,
742 		      ((country_names == (const char *)NULL) ? "" : "\t"),
743 		      ((country_names == (const char *)NULL) ? "" : country_names));
744     }
745 }
748 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
749 static const char *
fix_ISBN(const char * ISBN)750 fix_ISBN(const char *ISBN)
751 #else /* K&R style */
752 static const char *
753 fix_ISBN(ISBN)
754 const char *ISBN;
755 #endif
756 {
757     size_t k;
759     for (k = 0; (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char*)NULL); ++k)
760     {
761 	if (ISBN_range[k].begin[0] == '-')
762 	    continue;			/* ignored `deleted' entries */
763 	if (in_ISBN_range(ISBN_range[k].begin, ISBN, ISBN_range[k].end)
764 	    == 0)
765 	    return (hyphenate_one_ISBN(ISBN_range[k].begin, ISBN));
766     }
767     return ((const char*)NULL);
768 }
771 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
772 static const char *
fix_ISBN_13(const char * ISBN_13)773 fix_ISBN_13(const char *ISBN_13)
774 #else /* K&R style */
775 static const char *
776 fix_ISBN_13(ISBN_13)
777 const char *ISBN_13;
778 #endif
779 {
780     size_t k;
782     for (k = 0; (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char*)NULL); ++k)
783     {
784 	if (ISBN_range[k].begin[0] == '-')
785 	    continue;			/* ignored `deleted' entries */
786 	if (in_ISBN_range(ISBN_range[k].begin, &ISBN_13[3], ISBN_range[k].end)
787 	    == 0)
788 	    return (hyphenate_one_ISBN_13(ISBN_range[k].begin, ISBN_13));
789     }
790     return ((const char*)NULL);
791 }
794 #define skip_non_ISBN_digit(p)    while ((*p != '\0') && !isISBNdigit((int)*p)) p++
796 #define skip_non_ISBN_13_digit(p) skip_non_ISBN_digit(p)
798 void
free_ISBN_table(VOID)799 free_ISBN_table(VOID)
800 {
801     int k;				/* index into ISBN_range[] */
803     for (k = 0; k < MAX_ISBN_RANGE; ++k)
804     {
805 	if (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL)
806 	{
807 	    FREE(ISBN_range[k].begin);
808 	    ISBN_range[k].begin = (const char *)NULL;
809 	}
811 	if (ISBN_range[k].end != (const char *)NULL)
812 	{
813 	    FREE(ISBN_range[k].end);
814 	    ISBN_range[k].end = (const char *)NULL;
815 	}
817 	if (ISBN_range[k].countries != (const char *)NULL)
818 	{
819 	    FREE(ISBN_range[k].countries);
820 	    ISBN_range[k].countries = (const char *)NULL;
821 	}
822     }
823 }
826 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
827 static const char *
hyphenate_one_ISBN(const char * prefix,const char * ISBN)828 hyphenate_one_ISBN(const char *prefix, const char *ISBN)
829 #else /* K&R style */
830 static const char *
831 hyphenate_one_ISBN(prefix,ISBN)
832 const char *prefix;
833 const char *ISBN;
834 #endif
835 {
836     /*******************************************************************
837       Given a countrygroupnumber-publishernumber prefix, and an ISBN
838       optionally containing spaces and hyphens, return a pointer to an
839       unmodifiable properly-hyphenated ISBN stored in an internal buffer
840       that is overwritten on subsequent calls, or NULL if the correct
841       number of ISBN digits is not found.
843       The input ISBN can contain optional leading and trailing text,
844       such as a line from a BibTeX .bib file, like this:
846 	 ISBN =         "0-387-09823-2 (paperback)",
848      ******************************************************************/
850     static char new_ISBN[MAX_ISBN];
851     int k;
853     skip_non_ISBN_digit(ISBN);
855     for (k = 0; (*ISBN != '\0') && (k < (MAX_ISBN - 2)); )
856     {
857 	if (*prefix == '-')
858 	{
859 	    new_ISBN[k++] = '-';
860 	    prefix++;
861 	}
862 	else if (*prefix != '\0')
863 	{
864 	    skip_non_ISBN_digit(ISBN);
865 	    if (*ISBN == '\0')
866 		break;
867 	    new_ISBN[k++] = *ISBN++;
868 	    prefix++;
869 	    if ((*prefix == '\0') && (k < MAX_ISBN))
870 		new_ISBN[k++] = '-';
871 	}
872 	else			/* past prefix */
873 	{
874 	    skip_non_ISBN_digit(ISBN);
875 	    if (*ISBN == '\0')
876 		break;
877 	    new_ISBN[k++] = *ISBN++;
878 	}
879     }
880     if ((k == (MAX_ISBN - 2)) && !isISBNdigit(*ISBN))
881     {
882 	new_ISBN[(MAX_ISBN - 2)] = new_ISBN[(MAX_ISBN - 3)];
883 				/* move checksum digit to end */
884 	new_ISBN[(MAX_ISBN - 3)] = '-';	/* prefix it with a hyphen */
885 	new_ISBN[(MAX_ISBN - 1)] = '\0'; /* terminate the string */
886 	return ((const char*)&new_ISBN[0]);
887     }
888     else
889 	return ((const char*)NULL);
890 }
893 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
894 static const char *
hyphenate_one_ISBN_13(const char * prefix,const char * ISBN_13)895 hyphenate_one_ISBN_13(const char *prefix, const char *ISBN_13)
896 #else /* K&R style */
897 static const char *
898 hyphenate_one_ISBN_13(prefix,ISBN_13)
899 const char *prefix;
900 const char *ISBN_13;
901 #endif
902 {
904     /*******************************************************************
905       Given an ISBN-10 countrygroupnumber-publishernumber prefix, and
906       an ISBN-13 optionally containing spaces and hyphens, return a
907       pointer to an unmodifiable properly-hyphenated ISBN-13 stored in
908       an internal buffer that is overwritten on subsequent calls, or
909       NULL if the correct number of ISBN-13 digits is not found.
911       The input ISBN-13 can contain optional leading and trailing text,
912       such as a line from a BibTeX .bib file, like this:
914 	 ISBN-13 =      "978-0-387-09823-4 (paperback)",
916      ******************************************************************/
918     static char new_ISBN_13[MAX_ISBN_13];
919     int k;
921     skip_non_ISBN_13_digit(ISBN_13);
923     for (k = 0; (*ISBN_13 != '\0') && (k < (MAX_ISBN_13 - 2)); )
924     {
925 	if (k == 0)
926 	{
927 	    if ( (strncmp("978", ISBN_13, 3) == 0) ||
928 		 (strncmp("979", ISBN_13, 3) == 0) )
929 	    {
930 		new_ISBN_13[k++] = *ISBN_13++;
931 		new_ISBN_13[k++] = *ISBN_13++;
932 		new_ISBN_13[k++] = *ISBN_13++;
933 		new_ISBN_13[k++] = '-';
934 	    }
935 	    else
936 		warning("ISBN-13 must begin with either 978 or 979: ``%v''");
937 	}
939 	if (*prefix == '-')
940 	{
941 	    new_ISBN_13[k++] = '-';
942 	    prefix++;
943 	}
944 	else if (*prefix != '\0')
945 	{
946 	    skip_non_ISBN_13_digit(ISBN_13);
947 	    if (*ISBN_13 == '\0')
948 		break;
949 	    new_ISBN_13[k++] = *ISBN_13++;
950 	    prefix++;
951 	    if ((*prefix == '\0') && (k < MAX_ISBN_13))
952 		new_ISBN_13[k++] = '-';
953 	}
954 	else			/* past prefix */
955 	{
956 	    skip_non_ISBN_13_digit(ISBN_13);
957 	    if (*ISBN_13 == '\0')
958 		break;
959 	    new_ISBN_13[k++] = *ISBN_13++;
960 	}
961     }
962     if ((k == (MAX_ISBN_13 - 2)) && !isISBN_13digit(*ISBN_13))
963     {
964 	new_ISBN_13[(MAX_ISBN_13 - 2)] = new_ISBN_13[(MAX_ISBN_13 - 3)];
965 				/* move checksum digit to end */
966 	new_ISBN_13[(MAX_ISBN_13 - 3)] = '-';	/* prefix it with a hyphen */
967 	new_ISBN_13[(MAX_ISBN_13 - 1)] = '\0'; /* terminate the string */
968 	return ((const char*)&new_ISBN_13[0]);
969     }
970     else
971 	return ((const char*)NULL);
972 }
975 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
976 static int
in_ISBN_range(const char * begin,const char * ISBN,const char * end)977 in_ISBN_range(const char *begin, const char *ISBN, const char *end)
978 #else /* K&R style */
979 static int
980 in_ISBN_range(begin,ISBN,end)
981 const char *begin;
982 const char *ISBN;
983 const char *end;
984 #endif
985 {
986     /* Compare the countrygroupnumber-publishernumber part of ISBN
987        against the range (begin, end), and return -1 (less than),
988        0 (in range), or +1 (greater than). */
990     char begin_prefix[MAX_ISBN];
991     char end_prefix[MAX_ISBN];
992     char ISBN_prefix[MAX_ISBN];
994     squeeze_ISBN(begin_prefix, begin);
995     squeeze_ISBN(ISBN_prefix,ISBN);
997     if (strncmp(ISBN_prefix,begin_prefix,strlen(begin_prefix)) < 0)
998 	return (-1);
1000     squeeze_ISBN(end_prefix,end);
1001     if (strncmp(end_prefix,ISBN_prefix,strlen(end_prefix)) < 0)
1002 	return (1);
1004     return (0);
1005 }
1008 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1009 static YESorNO
is_valid_ISBN_prefix(const char * prefix)1010 is_valid_ISBN_prefix(const char *prefix)
1011 #else /* K&R style */
1012 static YESorNO
1013 is_valid_ISBN_prefix(prefix)
1014 const char *prefix;
1015 #endif
1016 {
1017     /* Return YES if prefix matches "^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$" and has a length
1018        < 10, and else, NO */
1019     int n;
1020     int len;
1022     for (len = 0, n = 0; Isdigit((int)*prefix); ++prefix)
1023 	(len++, n++);
1024     if (n == 0)
1025 	return (NO);
1027     if (*prefix != '-')
1028 	return (NO);
1029     prefix++;
1030     len++;
1032     for (n = 0; Isdigit((int)*prefix); ++prefix)
1033 	(len++, n++);
1034     if (n == 0)
1035 	return (NO);
1037     if (*prefix != '\0')
1038 	return (NO);
1039     if (len >= 10)			/* longest possible is 9999999-9[-9-9] */
1040 	return (NO);
1042     return (YES);
1043 }
1046 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1047 void
ISBN_hyphenate(char * s,char * t,size_t maxs)1048 ISBN_hyphenate(/*@out@*/ char *s, /*@out@*/ char *t, size_t maxs)
1049 #else /* K&R style */
1050 void
1051 ISBN_hyphenate(s,t,maxs)
1052 /*@out@*/ char *s;
1053 /*@out@*/ char *t;
1054 size_t maxs;
1055 #endif
1056 {
1057     const char *p;
1058     const char *r;
1059     const char *next;
1060     const char *start;
1062     /* Given a string s[] containing one or more ISBNs, rewrite the */
1063     /* string in-place with correct ISBN hyphenation.  Up to maxs-1 */
1064     /* non-NUL characters of s[] may be used. t[] is workspace, at */
1065     /* least as large as s[].   If insufficient workspace is */
1066     /* available, s[] is returned unchanged. */
1068     t[0] = '\0';
1070 #if defined(__WATCOMC__)
1071     /* Watcom 10.0 C++ compilers on IBM PC cannot handle the original
1072        version, which was written that way to avoid compiler warnings,
1073        sigh... */
1074     for (p = start = s; (p = next_ISBN(p,&next)) != (const char*)NULL;
1075 	 start = p)
1076 #else
1077     for (p = start = s; (p = next_ISBN(p,&next), p) != (const char*)NULL;
1078 	 start = p)
1079 #endif
1080     {
1081 	if ((strlen(t) + (size_t)(p-start)) >= maxs)
1082 	    return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1083 	(void)strncat(t,start,(size_t)(p-start));
1084 	r = fix_ISBN(p);
1085 	if (r != (char*)NULL)
1086 	{
1087 	    if ((strlen(t) + strlen(r)) >= maxs)
1088 		return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1089 	    (void)strcat(t,r);
1090 	    p = next;
1091 	}
1092 	else
1093 	{
1094 	    if ((strlen(t) + 1) >= maxs)
1095 		return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1096 	    (void)strncat(t,p,1);
1097 	    ++p;
1098 	}
1099     }
1100     if ((strlen(t) + strlen(start)) >= maxs)
1101 	return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1102     (void)strcat(t,start);
1103     (void)strcpy(s,t);
1104 }
1107 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1108 void
ISBN_13_hyphenate(char * s,char * t,size_t maxs)1109 ISBN_13_hyphenate(/*@out@*/ char *s, /*@out@*/ char *t, size_t maxs)
1110 #else /* K&R style */
1111 void
1112 ISBN_13_hyphenate(s,t,maxs)
1113 /*@out@*/ char *s;
1114 /*@out@*/ char *t;
1115 size_t maxs;
1116 #endif
1117 {
1118     const char *p;
1119     const char *r;
1120     const char *next;
1121     const char *start;
1123     /* Given a string s[] containing one or more ISBN_13s, rewrite the */
1124     /* string in-place with correct ISBN_13 hyphenation.  Up to maxs-1 */
1125     /* non-NUL characters of s[] may be used. t[] is workspace, at */
1126     /* least as large as s[].   If insufficient workspace is */
1127     /* available, s[] is returned unchanged. */
1129     t[0] = '\0';
1131 #if defined(__WATCOMC__)
1132     /* Watcom 10.0 C++ compilers on IBM PC cannot handle the original
1133        version, which was written that way to avoid compiler warnings,
1134        sigh... */
1135     for (p = start = s; (p = next_ISBN_13(p,&next)) != (const char*)NULL;
1136 	 start = p)
1137 #else
1138     for (p = start = s; (p = next_ISBN_13(p,&next), p) != (const char*)NULL;
1139 	 start = p)
1140 #endif
1141     {
1142 	if ((strlen(t) + (size_t)(p-start)) >= maxs)
1143 	    return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1144 	(void)strncat(t,start,(size_t)(p-start));
1145 	r = fix_ISBN_13(p);
1146 	if (r != (char*)NULL)
1147 	{
1148 	    if ((strlen(t) + strlen(r)) >= maxs)
1149 		return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1150 	    (void)strcat(t,r);
1151 	    p = next;
1152 	}
1153 	else
1154 	{
1155 	    if ((strlen(t) + 1) >= maxs)
1156 		return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1157 	    (void)strncat(t,p,1);
1158 	    ++p;
1159 	}
1160     }
1161     if ((strlen(t) + strlen(start)) >= maxs)
1162 	return;		/* insufficient space: premature return */
1163     (void)strcat(t,start);
1164     (void)strcpy(s,t);
1165 }
1168 void
ISBN_initialize(VOID)1169 ISBN_initialize(VOID)
1170 {
1171     size_t k;
1173     /* Reallocate static-string entries in the ISBN_range[] table,
1174        so that we can later free them on exit, and avoid complaints
1175        about memory leaks. Logic elsewhere in bibclean requires
1176        that if the begin pointer is non--NULL, then the end and
1177        countries pointers are as well. */
1179     for (k = 0; (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL); ++k)
1180     {
1181 	assert(ISBN_range[k].end != (const char *)NULL);
1182 	assert(ISBN_range[k].countries != (const char *)NULL);
1184 	ISBN_range[k].begin     = Strdup(ISBN_range[k].begin);
1185 	ISBN_range[k].end       = Strdup(ISBN_range[k].end);
1186 	ISBN_range[k].countries = Strdup(ISBN_range[k].countries);
1187     }
1189     for (; k < MAX_ISBN_RANGE; ++k)	/* fill rest of table with NULL pointers */
1190     {
1191 	ISBN_range[k].begin     = (const char *)NULL;
1192 	ISBN_range[k].end       = (const char *)NULL;
1193 	ISBN_range[k].countries = (const char *)NULL;
1194     }
1196     /* Check the consistency of the ISBN_range[] table, and then
1197        modify its compile-time setting so that all entries are
1198        guaranteed to have non-NULL countries.  We need to ensure this,
1199        because an "-ISBN-file filename" option can `delete' table
1200        entries (by resetting the begin string to start with a hyphen). */
1202     for (k = 0; (ISBN_range[k].begin != (const char *)NULL); ++k)
1203     {
1204 	if (ISBN_range[k].end == (const char*)NULL)
1205 	{
1206 	    (void)fprintf(stdlog,
1207 			  "Illegal ISBN range end [%s .. NULL]\n",
1208 			  ISBN_range[k].begin);
1209 	    ISBN_range[k].end = "";
1210 	}
1212 #define FMT_INVALID	"Invalid country/language-publisher ISBN prefix [%s]\n"
1214 	if (is_valid_ISBN_prefix(ISBN_range[k].begin) == NO)
1215 	{
1216 	      (void)fprintf(stdlog, FMT_INVALID, ISBN_range[k].begin);
1217 	      ISBN_range[k].begin = "";
1218 	}
1220 	if (is_valid_ISBN_prefix(ISBN_range[k].end) == NO)
1221 	{
1222 	      (void)fprintf(stdlog, FMT_INVALID, ISBN_range[k].end);
1223 	      ISBN_range[k].end = "";
1224 	}
1226 #undef FMT_INVALID
1228 	if (STRGREATER(ISBN_range[k].begin, ISBN_range[k].end))
1229 	{
1230 	    (void)fprintf(stdlog,
1231 			  "Non-increasing country/language-publisher ISBN range [%s .. %s] deleted\n",
1232 			  ISBN_range[k].begin, ISBN_range[k].end);
1233 	    ISBN_range[k].begin = ISBN_range[k].end = "";
1234 	}
1236 	if (ISBN_range[k].countries == (const char *)NULL)
1237 	{
1238 	    if ((k == 0) ||
1239 		(ISBN_match_country_language(ISBN_range[k-1].begin,ISBN_range[k].begin) == NO))
1240 	    {
1241 		(void)fprintf(stdlog,
1242 			      "Missing country names for ISBN range [%s .. %s]\n",
1243 			      ISBN_range[k].begin, ISBN_range[k].end);
1244 		ISBN_range[k].countries = Strdup("");
1245 	    }
1246 	    else if (ISBN_match_country_language(ISBN_range[k-1].begin,ISBN_range[k].begin) == YES)
1247 		ISBN_range[k].countries = Strdup(ISBN_range[k - 1].countries);
1248 	    else
1249 		ISBN_range[k].countries = Strdup("");
1250 	}
1251     }
1252 }
1255 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1256 static YESorNO
ISBN_match_country_language(const char * p1,const char * p2)1257 ISBN_match_country_language(const char *p1, const char *p2)
1258 #else /* K&R style */
1259 static YESorNO
1260 ISBN_match_country_language(p1, p2)
1261 const char *p1;
1262 const char *p2;
1263 #endif
1264 {
1265     /* Return YES if the country/language prefixes of p1 and p2 match, else NO */
1267     size_t k;
1269     if ((p1 == (const char *)NULL) || (p2 == (const char *)NULL))
1270 	return (NO);
1272     for (k = 0; (p1[k] != '\0') && (p2[k] != '\0'); ++k)
1273     {
1274 	if (p1[k] != p2[k])
1275 	    return (NO);
1276 	else if (p1[k] == '-')
1277 	    return (YES);
1278     }
1280     return (NO);
1281 }
1284 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1285 static const char *
next_ISBN(const char * s,const char ** next)1286 next_ISBN(const char *s,const char **next)
1287 #else /* K&R style */
1288 static const char *
1289 next_ISBN(s,next)
1290 const char *s;
1291 const char **next;
1292 #endif
1293 {
1294     size_t n;
1295     const char *start;
1297     while (*s != '\0')			/* scan over s[] */
1298     {
1299 	for ( ; (*s != '\0') && !isISBNdigit(*s); ++s) /* ignore non-ISBN digits */
1300 	    continue;
1302 	for (n = 0, start = s; (*s != '\0'); ++s)	/* scan over ISBN */
1303 	{
1304 	    if (isISBNdigit(*s))
1305 	    {
1306 		n++;
1307 		if (n == 10)		/* then we found an ISBN */
1308 		{
1309 		    *next = s + 1;
1310 		    return (start);
1311 		}
1312 	    }
1313 	    else if ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '-'))
1314 		/* NO-OP */;
1315 	    else
1316 		break;
1317 	}
1318     }
1319     *next = (const char*)NULL;
1320     return ((const char*)NULL);		/* no ISBN recognized */
1321 }
1323 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1324 static const char *
next_ISBN_13(const char * s,const char ** next)1325 next_ISBN_13(const char *s,const char **next)
1326 #else /* K&R style */
1327 static const char *
1328 next_ISBN_13(s,next)
1329 const char *s;
1330 const char **next;
1331 #endif
1332 {
1333     size_t n;
1334     const char *start;
1336     while (*s != '\0')			/* scan over s[] */
1337     {
1338 	for ( ; (*s != '\0') && !isISBN_13digit(*s); ++s) /* ignore non-ISBN_13 digits */
1339 	    continue;
1341 	for (n = 0, start = s; (*s != '\0'); ++s)	/* scan over ISBN_13 */
1342 	{
1343 	    if (isISBN_13digit(*s))
1344 	    {
1345 		n++;
1346 		if (n == 13)		/* then we found an ISBN_13 */
1347 		{
1348 		    *next = s + 1;
1349 		    return (start);
1350 		}
1351 	    }
1352 	    else if ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '-'))
1353 		/* NO-OP */;
1354 	    else
1355 		break;
1356 	}
1357     }
1358     *next = (const char*)NULL;
1359     return ((const char*)NULL);		/* no ISBN_13 recognized */
1360 }
1362 #if defined(HAVE_STDC)
1363 static void
squeeze_ISBN(char * out_ISBN,const char * in_ISBN)1364 squeeze_ISBN(char * out_ISBN, const char *in_ISBN)
1365 #else /* K&R style */
1366 static void
1367 squeeze_ISBN(out_ISBN,in_ISBN)
1368 char * out_ISBN;
1369 const char *in_ISBN;
1370 #endif
1371 {		/* Copy in_ISBN to out_ISBN, eliminating non-ISBN characters */
1372     char *limit = out_ISBN + MAX_ISBN;
1374     for ( ; out_ISBN < limit ; )
1375     {
1376 	skip_non_ISBN_digit(in_ISBN);
1377 	*out_ISBN = *in_ISBN;
1378 	if (*in_ISBN == '\0')
1379 	    break;
1380 	in_ISBN++;
1381 	out_ISBN++;
1382     }
1383 }