1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2   SDCCast.h - header file for parser support & all ast related routines
4              Written By -  Sandeep Dutta . sandeep.dutta@usa.net (1998)
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8    Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
9    later version.
11    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    GNU General Public License for more details.
16    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18    Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20    In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program.
21    You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve
22    what you give them.   Help stamp out software-hoarding!
23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
25 #ifndef SDCCAST_H
26 #define SDCCAST_H
28 #include "SDCCglobl.h"
29 #include "SDCCsymt.h"
30 #include "SDCCval.h"
31 #include "SDCCset.h"
32 #include "SDCCmem.h"
34 typedef enum
35 {
36   EX_OP = 0,
37   EX_VALUE,
38   EX_LINK,
42 /* expression tree   */
43 typedef struct ast
44 {
45   ASTTYPE type;
46   unsigned decorated:1;
47   unsigned isError:1;
48   unsigned funcName:1;
49   unsigned rvalue:1;
50   unsigned lvalue:1;
51   unsigned initMode:1;
52   unsigned reversed:1;
53   long level;                   /* level for expr */
54   int block;                    /* block number   */
55   int seqPoint;                 /* sequence point */
56   /* union of values expression can have */
57   union
58   {
59     value *val;                 /* value if type = EX_VALUE */
60     sym_link *lnk;              /* sym_link * if type= EX_LINK  */
61     struct operand *oprnd;      /* used only for side effecting function calls */
62     unsigned op;                /* operator if type= EX_OP  */
63   }
64   opval;
66   /* union for special processing */
67   union
68   {
69     char *inlineasm;            /* pointer to inline assembler code */
70     literalList *constlist;     /* init list for array initializer. */
71     symbol *sym;                /* if block then -> symbols */
72     value *args;                /* if function then args    */
73     /* if switch then switch values */
74     struct
75     {
76       value *swVals;            /* switch comparison values */
77       int swDefault;            /* default if present       */
78       int swNum;                /* switch number            */
79       char *swSuffix;
80     }
81     switchVals;
82     /* if for then for values */
83     struct
84     {
85       struct ast *initExpr;     /* init portion          */
86       struct ast *condExpr;     /* conditional portion   */
87       struct ast *loopExpr;     /* iteration portion     */
88       symbol *trueLabel;        /* entry point into body */
89       symbol *falseLabel;       /* exit point            */
90       symbol *continueLabel;    /* conditional check     */
91       symbol *condLabel;        /* conditional label     */
92     }
93     forVals;
94     struct
95     {
96       unsigned literalFromCast:1;       /* true if this is an EX_VALUE of LITERAL
97                                          * type resulting from a typecast.
98                                          */
99       unsigned removedCast:1;   /* true if the explicit cast has been removed */
100       unsigned implicitCast:1;  /* true if compiler added this cast */
101     } cast;
102     int argreg;                 /* argreg number when operand type == EX_OPERAND */
103   }
104   values;
106   int lineno;                   /* source file line number     */
107   char *filename;               /* filename of the source file */
109   sym_link *ftype;              /* start of type chain for this subtree */
110   sym_link *etype;              /* end of type chain for this subtree   */
112   struct ast *left;             /* pointer to left tree    */
113   struct ast *right;            /* pointer to right tree   */
114   symbol *trueLabel;            /* if statement trueLabel  */
115   symbol *falseLabel;           /* if statement falseLabel */
116 }
117 ast;
120 /* easy access macros   */
121 #define IS_AST_OP(x)            ((x) && (x)->type == EX_OP)
122 #define IS_CALLOP(x)            (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == CALL)
123 #define IS_BITOR(x)             (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == '|')
124 #define IS_BITAND(x)            (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == '&' && \
125                                  (x)->left && (x)->right )
126 #define IS_FOR_STMT(x)          (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == FOR)
127 #define IS_LEFT_OP(x)           (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == LEFT_OP)
128 #define IS_RIGHT_OP(x)          (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == RIGHT_OP)
129 #define IS_AST_VALUE(x)         ((x) && (x)->type == EX_VALUE && (x)->opval.val)
130 #define IS_AST_LINK(x)          ((x)->type == EX_LINK)
131 #define IS_AST_NOT_OPER(x)      (x && IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == '!')
132 #define IS_ARRAY_OP(x)          (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == '[')
133 #define IS_COMPARE_OP(x)        (IS_AST_OP(x)           &&              \
134                                   ((x)->opval.op == '>'   ||            \
135                                    (x)->opval.op == '<'   ||            \
136                                    (x)->opval.op == LE_OP ||            \
137                                    (x)->opval.op == GE_OP ||            \
138                                    (x)->opval.op == EQ_OP ||            \
139                                    (x)->opval.op == NE_OP ))
140 #define IS_CAST_OP(x)           (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == CAST)
141 #define IS_TERNARY_OP(x)        (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == '?')
142 #define IS_COLON_OP(x)          (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == ':')
143 #define IS_ADDRESS_OF_OP(x)     (IS_AST_OP(x)            &&             \
144                                  (x)->opval.op == '&'      &&           \
145                                  (x)->right == NULL )
146 #define IS_AST_LIT_VALUE(x)     (IS_AST_VALUE(x) && \
147                                  IS_LITERAL((x)->opval.val->etype))
148 #define IS_AST_SYM_VALUE(x)     (IS_AST_VALUE(x) && (x)->opval.val->sym)
149 #define AST_FLOAT_VALUE(x)      (floatFromVal((x)->opval.val))
150 #define AST_ULONG_VALUE(x)      (ulFromVal((x)->opval.val))
151 #define AST_SYMBOL(x)           ((x)->opval.val->sym)
152 #define AST_VALUE(x)            ((x)->opval.val)
153 #define AST_VALUES(x,y)         ((x)->values.y)
154 #define AST_FOR(x,y)            ((x)->values.forVals.y)
155 #define AST_ARGREG(x)           ((x)->values.argreg)
157 #define IS_AST_PARAM(x)         (IS_AST_OP(x) && (x)->opval.op == PARAM)
159 #define CAN_EVAL(x)     (      (x) == '['     || (x) == '.'      || (x) == PTR_OP || \
160               (x) ==  '&'   || (x) == '|'     || (x) == '^'      || (x) == '*'    || \
161               (x) ==  '-'   || (x) == '+'     || (x) == '~'      ||                  \
162               (x) ==  '!'   || (x) == LEFT_OP || (x) == RIGHT_OP ||                  \
163               (x) ==  '/'   || (x) == '%'     || (x) == '>'      || (x) == '<'    || \
164               (x) == LE_OP  || (x) == GE_OP   || (x) == EQ_OP    || (x) == NE_OP  || \
165               (x) == AND_OP || (x) == OR_OP   || (x) == '='  )
167 #define LEFT_FIRST(x) ( x == AND_OP || x == OR_OP )
169 #define SIDE_EFFECTS_CHECK(op,rVal)  if (!sideEffects)  {               \
170                                          werror(W_NO_SIDE_EFFECTS,op);  \
171                                          return rVal    ;               \
172                                      }
173 #define IS_MODIFYING_OP(x) ( (x) == INC_OP     || (x) == DEC_OP    || (x) == '='        || \
174                              (x) == AND_ASSIGN || (x) == OR_ASSIGN || (x) == XOR_ASSIGN )
176 #define IS_ASSIGN_OP(x) ( (x) == '='        || (x) == ADD_ASSIGN || (x) == SUB_ASSIGN || \
177                           (x) == MUL_ASSIGN || (x) == DIV_ASSIGN || (x) == XOR_ASSIGN || \
178                           (x) == AND_ASSIGN || (x) == OR_ASSIGN  || (x) == INC_OP     || (x) == DEC_OP)
179 #define IS_DEREF_OP(x) ( ( (x)->opval.op == '*' && (x)->right == NULL) || \
180                          (x)->opval.op == '.' || \
181                          (x)->opval.op == PTR_OP )
183 /* forward declarations for global variables */
184 extern ast *staticAutos;
185 extern struct dbuf_s *codeOutBuf;
186 extern struct memmap *GcurMemmap;
188 /* forward definitions for functions   */
189 ast *newAst_VALUE (value * val);
190 ast *newAst_OP (unsigned op);
191 ast *newAst_LINK (sym_link * val);
193 void initAst ();
194 ast *newNode (long, ast *, ast *);
195 ast *copyAst (ast *);
196 ast *removeIncDecOps (ast *);
197 ast *removePreIncDecOps (ast *);
198 ast *removePostIncDecOps (ast *);
199 value *sizeofOp (sym_link *);
200 value *alignofOp (sym_link *);
201 ast *offsetofOp (sym_link * type, ast * snd);
202 value *evalStmnt (ast *);
203 ast *createRMW (ast *, unsigned, ast *);
204 symbol * createFunctionDecl (symbol *);
205 ast *createFunction (symbol *, ast *);
206 ast *createBlock (symbol *, ast *);
207 ast *createLabel (symbol *, ast *);
208 ast *createCase (ast *, ast *, ast *);
209 ast *createDefault (ast *, ast *, ast *);
210 ast *forLoopOptForm (ast *);
211 ast *argAst (ast *);
212 ast *resolveSymbols (ast *);
213 void CodePtrPointsToConst (sym_link * t);
214 void checkPtrCast (sym_link * newType, sym_link * orgType, bool implicit, bool orgIsNullPtrConstant);
215 ast *decorateType (ast *, RESULT_TYPE);
216 ast *createWhile (symbol *, symbol *, symbol *, ast *, ast *);
217 ast *createIf (ast *, ast *, ast *);
218 ast *createDo (symbol *, symbol *, symbol *, ast *, ast *);
219 ast *createFor (symbol *, symbol *, symbol *, symbol *, ast *, ast *, ast *, ast *, ast *);
220 void eval2icode (ast *);
221 value *constExprValue (ast *, int);
222 bool constExprTree (ast *);
223 int setAstFileLine (ast *, char *, int);
224 symbol *funcOfType (const char *, sym_link *, sym_link *, int, int);
225 symbol *funcOfTypeVarg (const char *, const char *, int, const char **);
226 ast *initAggregates (symbol *, initList *, ast *);
227 bool astHasVolatile (ast *tree);
228 bool hasSEFcalls (ast *);
229 void addSymToBlock (symbol *, ast *);
230 void freeStringSymbol (symbol *);
231 value *stringToSymbol (value *val);
232 DEFSETFUNC (resetParmKey);
233 int astErrors (ast *);
234 RESULT_TYPE getResultTypeFromType (sym_link *);
236 // exported variables
237 extern set *operKeyReset;
238 extern int noAlloc;
239 extern int inInitMode;
241 #endif