1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Operations on polygons (planar, of line segment edges).
3 //
4 // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
5 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 #include "solvespace.h"
Normal(void)8 Vector STriangle::Normal(void) {
9     Vector ab = b.Minus(a), bc = c.Minus(b);
10     return ab.Cross(bc);
11 }
MinAltitude(void)13 double STriangle::MinAltitude(void) {
14     double altA = a.DistanceToLine(b, c.Minus(b)),
15            altB = b.DistanceToLine(c, a.Minus(c)),
16            altC = c.DistanceToLine(a, b.Minus(a));
18     return min(altA, min(altB, altC));
19 }
ContainsPoint(Vector p)21 bool STriangle::ContainsPoint(Vector p) {
22     Vector n = Normal();
23     if(MinAltitude() < LENGTH_EPS) {
24         // shouldn't happen; zero-area triangle
25         return false;
26     }
27     return ContainsPointProjd(n.WithMagnitude(1), p);
28 }
ContainsPointProjd(Vector n,Vector p)30 bool STriangle::ContainsPointProjd(Vector n, Vector p) {
31     Vector ab = b.Minus(a), bc = c.Minus(b), ca = a.Minus(c);
33     Vector no_ab = n.Cross(ab);
34     if(no_ab.Dot(p) < no_ab.Dot(a) - LENGTH_EPS) return false;
36     Vector no_bc = n.Cross(bc);
37     if(no_bc.Dot(p) < no_bc.Dot(b) - LENGTH_EPS) return false;
39     Vector no_ca = n.Cross(ca);
40     if(no_ca.Dot(p) < no_ca.Dot(c) - LENGTH_EPS) return false;
42     return true;
43 }
FlipNormal(void)45 void STriangle::FlipNormal(void) {
46     swap(a, b);
47     swap(an, bn);
48 }
From(STriMeta meta,Vector a,Vector b,Vector c)50 STriangle STriangle::From(STriMeta meta, Vector a, Vector b, Vector c) {
51     STriangle tr = {};
52     tr.meta = meta;
53     tr.a = a;
54     tr.b = b;
55     tr.c = c;
56     return tr;
57 }
From(Vector a,Vector b)59 SEdge SEdge::From(Vector a, Vector b) {
60     SEdge se = {};
61     se.a = a;
62     se.b = b;
63     return se;
64 }
EdgeCrosses(Vector ea,Vector eb,Vector * ppi,SPointList * spl)66 bool SEdge::EdgeCrosses(Vector ea, Vector eb, Vector *ppi, SPointList *spl) {
67     Vector d = eb.Minus(ea);
68     double t_eps = LENGTH_EPS/d.Magnitude();
70     double t, tthis;
71     bool skew;
72     Vector pi;
73     bool inOrEdge0, inOrEdge1;
75     Vector dthis = b.Minus(a);
76     double tthis_eps = LENGTH_EPS/dthis.Magnitude();
78     if((ea.Equals(a) && eb.Equals(b)) ||
79        (eb.Equals(a) && ea.Equals(b)))
80     {
81         if(ppi) *ppi = a;
82         if(spl) spl->Add(a);
83         return true;
84     }
86     // Can't just test if distance between d and a equals distance between d and b;
87     // they could be on opposite sides, since we don't have the sign.
88     double m = sqrt(d.Magnitude()*dthis.Magnitude());
89     if(sqrt(fabs(d.Dot(dthis))) > (m - LENGTH_EPS)) {
90         // The edges are parallel.
91         if(fabs(a.DistanceToLine(ea, d)) > LENGTH_EPS) {
92             // and not coincident, so can't be interesecting
93             return false;
94         }
95         // The edges are coincident. Make sure that neither endpoint lies
96         // on the other
97         bool inters = false;
98         double t;
99         t = a.Minus(ea).DivPivoting(d);
100         if(t > t_eps && t < (1 - t_eps)) inters = true;
101         t = b.Minus(ea).DivPivoting(d);
102         if(t > t_eps && t < (1 - t_eps)) inters = true;
103         t = ea.Minus(a).DivPivoting(dthis);
104         if(t > tthis_eps && t < (1 - tthis_eps)) inters = true;
105         t = eb.Minus(a).DivPivoting(dthis);
106         if(t > tthis_eps && t < (1 - tthis_eps)) inters = true;
108         if(inters) {
109             if(ppi) *ppi = a;
110             if(spl) spl->Add(a);
111             return true;
112         } else {
113             // So coincident but disjoint, okay.
114             return false;
115         }
116     }
118     // Lines are not parallel, so look for an intersection.
119     pi = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(ea, eb, a, b,
120                                        &skew,
121                                        &t, &tthis);
122     if(skew) return false;
124     inOrEdge0 = (t     > -t_eps)     && (t     < (1 + t_eps));
125     inOrEdge1 = (tthis > -tthis_eps) && (tthis < (1 + tthis_eps));
127     if(inOrEdge0 && inOrEdge1) {
128         if(a.Equals(ea) || b.Equals(ea) ||
129            a.Equals(eb) || b.Equals(eb))
130         {
131             // Not an intersection if we share an endpoint with an edge
132             return false;
133         }
134         // But it's an intersection if a vertex of one edge lies on the
135         // inside of the other (or if they cross away from either's
136         // vertex).
137         if(ppi) *ppi = pi;
138         if(spl) spl->Add(pi);
139         return true;
140     }
141     return false;
142 }
Clear(void)144 void SEdgeList::Clear(void) {
145     l.Clear();
146 }
AddEdge(Vector a,Vector b,int auxA,int auxB)148 void SEdgeList::AddEdge(Vector a, Vector b, int auxA, int auxB) {
149     SEdge e = {};
150     e.a = a;
151     e.b = b;
152     e.auxA = auxA;
153     e.auxB = auxB;
154     l.Add(&e);
155 }
AssembleContour(Vector first,Vector last,SContour * dest,SEdge * errorAt,bool keepDir)157 bool SEdgeList::AssembleContour(Vector first, Vector last, SContour *dest,
158                                 SEdge *errorAt, bool keepDir)
159 {
160     int i;
162     dest->AddPoint(first);
163     dest->AddPoint(last);
165     do {
166         for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
167             SEdge *se = &(l.elem[i]);
168             if(se->tag) continue;
170             if(se->a.Equals(last)) {
171                 dest->AddPoint(se->b);
172                 last = se->b;
173                 se->tag = 1;
174                 break;
175             }
176             // Don't allow backwards edges if keepDir is true.
177             if(!keepDir && se->b.Equals(last)) {
178                 dest->AddPoint(se->a);
179                 last = se->a;
180                 se->tag = 1;
181                 break;
182             }
183         }
184         if(i >= l.n) {
185             // Couldn't assemble a closed contour; mark where.
186             if(errorAt) {
187                 errorAt->a = first;
188                 errorAt->b = last;
189             }
190             return false;
191         }
193     } while(!last.Equals(first));
195     return true;
196 }
AssemblePolygon(SPolygon * dest,SEdge * errorAt,bool keepDir)198 bool SEdgeList::AssemblePolygon(SPolygon *dest, SEdge *errorAt, bool keepDir) {
199     dest->Clear();
201     bool allClosed = true;
202     for(;;) {
203         Vector first = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
204         Vector last  = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
205         int i;
206         for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
207             if(!l.elem[i].tag) {
208                 first = l.elem[i].a;
209                 last = l.elem[i].b;
210                 l.elem[i].tag = 1;
211                 break;
212             }
213         }
214         if(i >= l.n) {
215             return allClosed;
216         }
218         // Create a new empty contour in our polygon, and finish assembling
219         // into that contour.
220         dest->AddEmptyContour();
221         if(!AssembleContour(first, last, &(dest->l.elem[dest->l.n-1]),
222                 errorAt, keepDir))
223         {
224             allClosed = false;
225         }
226         // But continue assembling, even if some of the contours are open
227     }
228 }
230 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 // Test if the specified edge crosses any of the edges in our list. Two edges
232 // are not considered to cross if they share an endpoint (within LENGTH_EPS),
233 // but they are considered to cross if they are coincident and overlapping.
234 // If pi is not NULL, then a crossing is returned in that.
235 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a,Vector b,Vector * ppi,SPointList * spl)236 int SEdgeList::AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a, Vector b,
237                                 Vector *ppi, SPointList *spl)
238 {
239     int cnt = 0;
240     SEdge *se;
241     for(se = l.First(); se; se = l.NextAfter(se)) {
242         if(se->EdgeCrosses(a, b, ppi, spl)) {
243             cnt++;
244         }
245     }
246     return cnt;
247 }
249 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 // Returns true if the intersecting edge list contains an edge that shares
251 // an endpoint with one of our edges.
252 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ContainsEdgeFrom(SEdgeList * sel)253 bool SEdgeList::ContainsEdgeFrom(SEdgeList *sel) {
254     SEdge *se;
255     for(se = l.First(); se; se = l.NextAfter(se)) {
256         if(sel->ContainsEdge(se)) return true;
257     }
258     return false;
259 }
ContainsEdge(SEdge * set)260 bool SEdgeList::ContainsEdge(SEdge *set) {
261     SEdge *se;
262     for(se = l.First(); se; se = l.NextAfter(se)) {
263         if((se->a).Equals(set->a) && (se->b).Equals(set->b)) return true;
264         if((se->b).Equals(set->a) && (se->a).Equals(set->b)) return true;
265     }
266     return false;
267 }
269 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 // Remove unnecessary edges: if two are anti-parallel then remove both, and if
271 // two are parallel then remove one.
272 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CullExtraneousEdges(void)273 void SEdgeList::CullExtraneousEdges(void) {
274     l.ClearTags();
275     int i, j;
276     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
277         SEdge *se = &(l.elem[i]);
278         for(j = i+1; j < l.n; j++) {
279             SEdge *set = &(l.elem[j]);
280             if((set->a).Equals(se->a) && (set->b).Equals(se->b)) {
281                 // Two parallel edges exist; so keep only the first one.
282                 set->tag = 1;
283             }
284             if((set->a).Equals(se->b) && (set->b).Equals(se->a)) {
285                 // Two anti-parallel edges exist; so keep neither.
286                 se->tag = 1;
287                 set->tag = 1;
288             }
289         }
290     }
291     l.RemoveTagged();
292 }
294 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 // Make a kd-tree of edges. This is used for O(log(n)) implementations of stuff
296 // that would naively be O(n).
297 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alloc(void)298 SKdNodeEdges *SKdNodeEdges::Alloc(void) {
299     SKdNodeEdges *ne = (SKdNodeEdges *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SKdNodeEdges));
300     *ne = {};
301     return ne;
302 }
Alloc(void)303 SEdgeLl *SEdgeLl::Alloc(void) {
304     SEdgeLl *sell = (SEdgeLl *)AllocTemporary(sizeof(SEdgeLl));
305     *sell = {};
306     return sell;
307 }
From(SEdgeList * sel)308 SKdNodeEdges *SKdNodeEdges::From(SEdgeList *sel) {
309     SEdgeLl *sell = NULL;
310     SEdge *se;
311     for(se = sel->l.First(); se; se = sel->l.NextAfter(se)) {
312         SEdgeLl *n = SEdgeLl::Alloc();
313         n->se = se;
314         n->next = sell;
315         sell = n;
316     }
317     return SKdNodeEdges::From(sell);
318 }
From(SEdgeLl * sell)319 SKdNodeEdges *SKdNodeEdges::From(SEdgeLl *sell) {
320     SKdNodeEdges *n = SKdNodeEdges::Alloc();
322     // Compute the midpoints (just mean, though median would be better) of
323     // each component.
324     Vector ptAve = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
325     SEdgeLl *flip;
326     int totaln = 0;
327     for(flip = sell; flip; flip = flip->next) {
328         ptAve = ptAve.Plus(flip->se->a);
329         ptAve = ptAve.Plus(flip->se->b);
330         totaln++;
331     }
332     ptAve = ptAve.ScaledBy(1.0 / (2*totaln));
334     // For each component, see how it splits.
335     int ltln[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }, gtln[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
336     double badness[3];
337     for(flip = sell; flip; flip = flip->next) {
338         for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
339             if(flip->se->a.Element(i) < ptAve.Element(i) + KDTREE_EPS ||
340                flip->se->b.Element(i) < ptAve.Element(i) + KDTREE_EPS)
341             {
342                 ltln[i]++;
343             }
344             if(flip->se->a.Element(i) > ptAve.Element(i) - KDTREE_EPS ||
345                flip->se->b.Element(i) > ptAve.Element(i) - KDTREE_EPS)
346             {
347                 gtln[i]++;
348             }
349         }
350     }
351     for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
352         badness[i] = pow((double)ltln[i], 4) + pow((double)gtln[i], 4);
353     }
355     // Choose the least bad coordinate to split along.
356     if(badness[0] < badness[1] && badness[0] < badness[2]) {
357         n->which = 0;
358     } else if(badness[1] < badness[2]) {
359         n->which = 1;
360     } else {
361         n->which = 2;
362     }
363     n->c = ptAve.Element(n->which);
365     if(totaln < 3 || totaln == gtln[n->which] || totaln == ltln[n->which]) {
366         n->edges = sell;
367         // and we're a leaf node
368         return n;
369     }
371     // Sort the edges according to which side(s) of the split plane they're on.
372     SEdgeLl *gtl = NULL, *ltl = NULL;
373     for(flip = sell; flip; flip = flip->next) {
374         if(flip->se->a.Element(n->which) < n->c + KDTREE_EPS ||
375            flip->se->b.Element(n->which) < n->c + KDTREE_EPS)
376         {
377             SEdgeLl *selln = SEdgeLl::Alloc();
378             selln->se = flip->se;
379             selln->next = ltl;
380             ltl = selln;
381         }
382         if(flip->se->a.Element(n->which) > n->c - KDTREE_EPS ||
383            flip->se->b.Element(n->which) > n->c - KDTREE_EPS)
384         {
385             SEdgeLl *selln = SEdgeLl::Alloc();
386             selln->se = flip->se;
387             selln->next = gtl;
388             gtl = selln;
389         }
390     }
392     n->lt = SKdNodeEdges::From(ltl);
393     n->gt = SKdNodeEdges::From(gtl);
394     return n;
395 }
AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a,Vector b,int cnt,Vector * pi,SPointList * spl)397 int SKdNodeEdges::AnyEdgeCrossings(Vector a, Vector b, int cnt,
398         Vector *pi, SPointList *spl)
399 {
400     int inters = 0;
401     if(gt && lt) {
402         if(a.Element(which) < c + KDTREE_EPS ||
403            b.Element(which) < c + KDTREE_EPS)
404         {
405             inters += lt->AnyEdgeCrossings(a, b, cnt, pi, spl);
406         }
407         if(a.Element(which) > c - KDTREE_EPS ||
408            b.Element(which) > c - KDTREE_EPS)
409         {
410             inters += gt->AnyEdgeCrossings(a, b, cnt, pi, spl);
411         }
412     } else {
413         SEdgeLl *sell;
414         for(sell = edges; sell; sell = sell->next) {
415             SEdge *se = sell->se;
416             if(se->tag == cnt) continue;
417             if(se->EdgeCrosses(a, b, pi, spl)) {
418                 inters++;
419             }
420             se->tag = cnt;
421         }
422     }
423     return inters;
424 }
426 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 // We have an edge list that contains only collinear edges, maybe with more
428 // splits than necessary. Merge any collinear segments that join.
429 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 static Vector LineStart, LineDirection;
ByTAlongLine(const void * av,const void * bv)431 static int ByTAlongLine(const void *av, const void *bv)
432 {
433     SEdge *a = (SEdge *)av,
434           *b = (SEdge *)bv;
436     double ta = (a->a.Minus(LineStart)).DivPivoting(LineDirection),
437            tb = (b->a.Minus(LineStart)).DivPivoting(LineDirection);
439     return (ta > tb) ? 1 : -1;
440 }
MergeCollinearSegments(Vector a,Vector b)441 void SEdgeList::MergeCollinearSegments(Vector a, Vector b) {
442     LineStart = a;
443     LineDirection = b.Minus(a);
444     qsort(l.elem, l.n, sizeof(l.elem[0]), ByTAlongLine);
446     l.ClearTags();
447     int i;
448     for(i = 1; i < l.n; i++) {
449         SEdge *prev = &(l.elem[i-1]),
450               *now  = &(l.elem[i]);
452         if((prev->b).Equals(now->a) && prev->auxA == now->auxA) {
453             // The previous segment joins up to us; so merge it into us.
454             prev->tag = 1;
455             now->a = prev->a;
456         }
457     }
458     l.RemoveTagged();
459 }
Clear(void)461 void SPointList::Clear(void) {
462     l.Clear();
463 }
ContainsPoint(Vector pt)465 bool SPointList::ContainsPoint(Vector pt) {
466     return (IndexForPoint(pt) >= 0);
467 }
IndexForPoint(Vector pt)469 int SPointList::IndexForPoint(Vector pt) {
470     int i;
471     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
472         SPoint *p = &(l.elem[i]);
473         if(pt.Equals(p->p)) {
474             return i;
475         }
476     }
477     // Not found, so return negative to indicate that.
478     return -1;
479 }
IncrementTagFor(Vector pt)481 void SPointList::IncrementTagFor(Vector pt) {
482     SPoint *p;
483     for(p = l.First(); p; p = l.NextAfter(p)) {
484         if(pt.Equals(p->p)) {
485             (p->tag)++;
486             return;
487         }
488     }
489     SPoint pa;
490     pa.p = pt;
491     pa.tag = 1;
492     l.Add(&pa);
493 }
Add(Vector pt)495 void SPointList::Add(Vector pt) {
496     SPoint p = {};
497     p.p = pt;
498     l.Add(&p);
499 }
AddPoint(Vector p)501 void SContour::AddPoint(Vector p) {
502     SPoint sp;
503     sp.tag = 0;
504     sp.p = p;
506     l.Add(&sp);
507 }
MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList * el)509 void SContour::MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el) {
510     int i;
511     for(i = 0; i < (l.n - 1); i++) {
512         el->AddEdge(l.elem[i].p, l.elem[i+1].p);
513     }
514 }
CopyInto(SContour * dest)516 void SContour::CopyInto(SContour *dest) {
517     SPoint *sp;
518     for(sp = l.First(); sp; sp = l.NextAfter(sp)) {
519         dest->AddPoint(sp->p);
520     }
521 }
FindPointWithMinX(void)523 void SContour::FindPointWithMinX(void) {
524     SPoint *sp;
525     xminPt = Vector::From(1e10, 1e10, 1e10);
526     for(sp = l.First(); sp; sp = l.NextAfter(sp)) {
527         if(sp->p.x < xminPt.x) {
528             xminPt = sp->p;
529         }
530     }
531 }
ComputeNormal(void)533 Vector SContour::ComputeNormal(void) {
534     Vector n = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
536     for(int i = 0; i < l.n - 2; i++) {
537         Vector u = (l.elem[i+1].p).Minus(l.elem[i+0].p).WithMagnitude(1);
538         Vector v = (l.elem[i+2].p).Minus(l.elem[i+1].p).WithMagnitude(1);
539         Vector nt = u.Cross(v);
540         if(nt.Magnitude() > n.Magnitude()) {
541             n = nt;
542         }
543     }
544     return n.WithMagnitude(1);
545 }
AnyEdgeMidpoint(void)547 Vector SContour::AnyEdgeMidpoint(void) {
548     if(l.n < 2) oops();
549     return ((l.elem[0].p).Plus(l.elem[1].p)).ScaledBy(0.5);
550 }
IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(Vector n)552 bool SContour::IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(Vector n) {
553     // Degenerate things might happen as we draw; doesn't really matter
554     // what we do then.
555     if(n.Magnitude() < 0.01) return true;
557     return (SignedAreaProjdToNormal(n) < 0);
558 }
SignedAreaProjdToNormal(Vector n)560 double SContour::SignedAreaProjdToNormal(Vector n) {
561     // An arbitrary 2d coordinate system that has n as its normal
562     Vector u = n.Normal(0);
563     Vector v = n.Normal(1);
565     double area = 0;
566     for(int i = 0; i < (l.n - 1); i++) {
567         double u0 = (l.elem[i  ].p).Dot(u);
568         double v0 = (l.elem[i  ].p).Dot(v);
569         double u1 = (l.elem[i+1].p).Dot(u);
570         double v1 = (l.elem[i+1].p).Dot(v);
572         area += ((v0 + v1)/2)*(u1 - u0);
573     }
574     return area;
575 }
ContainsPointProjdToNormal(Vector n,Vector p)577 bool SContour::ContainsPointProjdToNormal(Vector n, Vector p) {
578     Vector u = n.Normal(0);
579     Vector v = n.Normal(1);
581     double up = p.Dot(u);
582     double vp = p.Dot(v);
584     bool inside = false;
585     for(int i = 0; i < (l.n - 1); i++) {
586         double ua = (l.elem[i  ].p).Dot(u);
587         double va = (l.elem[i  ].p).Dot(v);
588         // The curve needs to be exactly closed; approximation is death.
589         double ub = (l.elem[(i+1)%(l.n-1)].p).Dot(u);
590         double vb = (l.elem[(i+1)%(l.n-1)].p).Dot(v);
592         if ((((va <= vp) && (vp < vb)) ||
593              ((vb <= vp) && (vp < va))) &&
594             (up < (ub - ua) * (vp - va) / (vb - va) + ua))
595         {
596           inside = !inside;
597         }
598     }
600     return inside;
601 }
Reverse(void)603 void SContour::Reverse(void) {
604     l.Reverse();
605 }
Clear(void)608 void SPolygon::Clear(void) {
609     int i;
610     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
611         (l.elem[i]).l.Clear();
612     }
613     l.Clear();
614 }
AddEmptyContour(void)616 void SPolygon::AddEmptyContour(void) {
617     SContour c = {};
618     l.Add(&c);
619 }
MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList * el)621 void SPolygon::MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *el) {
622     int i;
623     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
624         (l.elem[i]).MakeEdgesInto(el);
625     }
626 }
ComputeNormal(void)628 Vector SPolygon::ComputeNormal(void) {
629     if(l.n < 1) return Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
630     return (l.elem[0]).ComputeNormal();
631 }
SignedArea(void)633 double SPolygon::SignedArea(void) {
634     SContour *sc;
635     double area = 0;
636     // This returns the true area only if the contours are all oriented
637     // correctly, with the holes backwards from the outer contours.
638     for(sc = l.First(); sc; sc = l.NextAfter(sc)) {
639         area += sc->SignedAreaProjdToNormal(normal);
640     }
641     return area;
642 }
ContainsPoint(Vector p)644 bool SPolygon::ContainsPoint(Vector p) {
645     return (WindingNumberForPoint(p) % 2) == 1;
646 }
WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p)648 int SPolygon::WindingNumberForPoint(Vector p) {
649     int winding = 0;
650     int i;
651     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
652         SContour *sc = &(l.elem[i]);
653         if(sc->ContainsPointProjdToNormal(normal, p)) {
654             winding++;
655         }
656     }
657     return winding;
658 }
FixContourDirections(void)660 void SPolygon::FixContourDirections(void) {
661     // At output, the contour's tag will be 1 if we reversed it, else 0.
662     l.ClearTags();
664     // Outside curve looks counterclockwise, projected against our normal.
665     int i, j;
666     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
667         SContour *sc = &(l.elem[i]);
668         if(sc->l.n < 2) continue;
669         // The contours may not intersect, but they may share vertices; so
670         // testing a vertex for point-in-polygon may fail, but the midpoint
671         // of an edge is okay.
672         Vector pt = (((sc->l.elem[0]).p).Plus(sc->l.elem[1].p)).ScaledBy(0.5);
674         sc->timesEnclosed = 0;
675         bool outer = true;
676         for(j = 0; j < l.n; j++) {
677             if(i == j) continue;
678             SContour *sct = &(l.elem[j]);
679             if(sct->ContainsPointProjdToNormal(normal, pt)) {
680                 outer = !outer;
681                 (sc->timesEnclosed)++;
682             }
683         }
685         bool clockwise = sc->IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(normal);
686         if((clockwise && outer) || (!clockwise && !outer)) {
687             sc->Reverse();
688             sc->tag = 1;
689         }
690     }
691 }
IsEmpty(void)693 bool SPolygon::IsEmpty(void) {
694     if(l.n == 0 || l.elem[0].l.n == 0) return true;
695     return false;
696 }
AnyPoint(void)698 Vector SPolygon::AnyPoint(void) {
699     if(IsEmpty()) oops();
700     return l.elem[0].l.elem[0].p;
701 }
SelfIntersecting(Vector * intersectsAt)703 bool SPolygon::SelfIntersecting(Vector *intersectsAt) {
704     SEdgeList el = {};
705     MakeEdgesInto(&el);
706     SKdNodeEdges *kdtree = SKdNodeEdges::From(&el);
708     int cnt = 1;
709     el.l.ClearTags();
711     bool ret = false;
712     SEdge *se;
713     for(se = el.l.First(); se; se = el.l.NextAfter(se)) {
714         int inters = kdtree->AnyEdgeCrossings(se->a, se->b, cnt, intersectsAt);
715         if(inters != 1) {
716             ret = true;
717             break;
718         }
719         cnt++;
720     }
722     el.Clear();
723     return ret;
724 }
726 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
727 // Low-quality routines to cutter radius compensate a polygon. Assumes the
728 // polygon is in the xy plane, and the contours all go in the right direction
729 // with respect to normal (0, 0, -1).
730 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OffsetInto(SPolygon * dest,double r)731 void SPolygon::OffsetInto(SPolygon *dest, double r) {
732     int i;
733     dest->Clear();
734     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
735         SContour *sc = &(l.elem[i]);
736         dest->AddEmptyContour();
737         sc->OffsetInto(&(dest->l.elem[dest->l.n-1]), r);
738     }
739 }
740 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
741 // Calculate the intersection point of two lines. Returns true for success,
742 // false if they're parallel.
743 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IntersectionOfLines(double x0A,double y0A,double dxA,double dyA,double x0B,double y0B,double dxB,double dyB,double * xi,double * yi)744 static bool IntersectionOfLines(double x0A, double y0A, double dxA, double dyA,
745                                 double x0B, double y0B, double dxB, double dyB,
746                                 double *xi, double *yi)
747 {
748     double A[2][2];
749     double b[2];
751     // The line is given to us in the form:
752     //    (x(t), y(t)) = (x0, y0) + t*(dx, dy)
753     // so first rewrite it as
754     //    (x - x0, y - y0) dot (dy, -dx) = 0
755     //    x*dy - x0*dy - y*dx + y0*dx = 0
756     //    x*dy - y*dx = (x0*dy - y0*dx)
758     // So write the matrix, pre-pivoted.
759     if(fabs(dyA) > fabs(dyB)) {
760         A[0][0] = dyA;  A[0][1] = -dxA;  b[0] = x0A*dyA - y0A*dxA;
761         A[1][0] = dyB;  A[1][1] = -dxB;  b[1] = x0B*dyB - y0B*dxB;
762     } else {
763         A[1][0] = dyA;  A[1][1] = -dxA;  b[1] = x0A*dyA - y0A*dxA;
764         A[0][0] = dyB;  A[0][1] = -dxB;  b[0] = x0B*dyB - y0B*dxB;
765     }
767     // Check the determinant; if it's zero then no solution.
768     if(fabs(A[0][0]*A[1][1] - A[0][1]*A[1][0]) < LENGTH_EPS) {
769         return false;
770     }
772     // Solve
773     double v = A[1][0] / A[0][0];
774     A[1][0] -= A[0][0]*v;
775     A[1][1] -= A[0][1]*v;
776     b[1] -= b[0]*v;
778     // Back-substitute.
779     *yi = b[1] / A[1][1];
780     *xi = (b[0] - A[0][1]*(*yi)) / A[0][0];
782     return true;
783 }
OffsetInto(SContour * dest,double r)784 void SContour::OffsetInto(SContour *dest, double r) {
785     int i;
787     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
788         Vector a, b, c;
789         Vector dp, dn;
790         double thetan, thetap;
792         a = l.elem[WRAP(i-1, (l.n-1))].p;
793         b = l.elem[WRAP(i,   (l.n-1))].p;
794         c = l.elem[WRAP(i+1, (l.n-1))].p;
796         dp = a.Minus(b);
797         thetap = atan2(dp.y, dp.x);
799         dn = b.Minus(c);
800         thetan = atan2(dn.y, dn.x);
802         // A short line segment in a badly-generated polygon might look
803         // okay but screw up our sense of direction.
804         if(dp.Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS || dn.Magnitude() < LENGTH_EPS) {
805             continue;
806         }
808         if(thetan > thetap && (thetan - thetap) > PI) {
809             thetap += 2*PI;
810         }
811         if(thetan < thetap && (thetap - thetan) > PI) {
812             thetan += 2*PI;
813         }
815         if(fabs(thetan - thetap) < (1*PI)/180) {
816             Vector p = { b.x - r*sin(thetap), b.y + r*cos(thetap), 0 };
817             dest->AddPoint(p);
818         } else if(thetan < thetap) {
819             // This is an inside corner. We have two edges, Ep and En. Move
820             // out from their intersection by radius, normal to En, and
821             // then draw a line parallel to En. Move out from their
822             // intersection by radius, normal to Ep, and then draw a second
823             // line parallel to Ep. The point that we want to generate is
824             // the intersection of these two lines--it removes as much
825             // material as we can without removing any that we shouldn't.
826             double px0, py0, pdx, pdy;
827             double nx0, ny0, ndx, ndy;
828             double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
830             px0 = b.x - r*sin(thetap);
831             py0 = b.y + r*cos(thetap);
832             pdx = cos(thetap);
833             pdy = sin(thetap);
835             nx0 = b.x - r*sin(thetan);
836             ny0 = b.y + r*cos(thetan);
837             ndx = cos(thetan);
838             ndy = sin(thetan);
840             IntersectionOfLines(px0, py0, pdx, pdy,
841                                 nx0, ny0, ndx, ndy,
842                                 &x, &y);
844             dest->AddPoint(Vector::From(x, y, 0));
845         } else {
846             if(fabs(thetap - thetan) < (6*PI)/180) {
847                 Vector pp = { b.x - r*sin(thetap),
848                               b.y + r*cos(thetap), 0 };
849                 dest->AddPoint(pp);
851                 Vector pn = { b.x - r*sin(thetan),
852                               b.y + r*cos(thetan), 0 };
853                 dest->AddPoint(pn);
854             } else {
855                 double theta;
856                 for(theta = thetap; theta <= thetan; theta += (6*PI)/180) {
857                     Vector p = { b.x - r*sin(theta),
858                                  b.y + r*cos(theta), 0 };
859                     dest->AddPoint(p);
860                 }
861             }
862         }
863     }
864 }