1# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Canonical Ltd
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17"""A collection of function for handling URL operations."""
19import os
20import re
21import sys
23from urllib import parse as urlparse
25from . import (
26    errors,
27    osutils,
28    )
30from .lazy_import import lazy_import
31lazy_import(globals(), """
32from posixpath import split as _posix_split
37class InvalidURL(errors.PathError):
39    _fmt = 'Invalid url supplied to transport: "%(path)s"%(extra)s'
42class InvalidURLJoin(errors.PathError):
44    _fmt = "Invalid URL join request: %(reason)s: %(base)r + %(join_args)r"
46    def __init__(self, reason, base, join_args):
47        self.reason = reason
48        self.base = base
49        self.join_args = join_args
50        errors.PathError.__init__(self, base, reason)
53class InvalidRebaseURLs(errors.PathError):
55    _fmt = "URLs differ by more than path: %(from_)r and %(to)r"
57    def __init__(self, from_, to):
58        self.from_ = from_
59        self.to = to
60        errors.PathError.__init__(
61            self, from_, 'URLs differ by more than path.')
64def basename(url, exclude_trailing_slash=True):
65    """Return the last component of a URL.
67    :param url: The URL in question
68    :param exclude_trailing_slash: If the url looks like "path/to/foo/"
69        ignore the final slash and return 'foo' rather than ''
70    :return: Just the final component of the URL. This can return ''
71        if you don't exclude_trailing_slash, or if you are at the
72        root of the URL.
73    """
74    return split(url, exclude_trailing_slash=exclude_trailing_slash)[1]
77def dirname(url, exclude_trailing_slash=True):
78    """Return the parent directory of the given path.
80    :param url: Relative or absolute URL
81    :param exclude_trailing_slash: Remove a final slash
82        (treat http://host/foo/ as http://host/foo, but
83        http://host/ stays http://host/)
84    :return: Everything in the URL except the last path chunk
85    """
86    # TODO: jam 20060502 This was named dirname to be consistent
87    #       with the os functions, but maybe "parent" would be better
88    return split(url, exclude_trailing_slash=exclude_trailing_slash)[0]
91quote_from_bytes = urlparse.quote_from_bytes
92quote = urlparse.quote
93unquote_to_bytes = urlparse.unquote_to_bytes
94unquote = urlparse.unquote
97def escape(relpath, safe='/~'):
98    """Escape relpath to be a valid url."""
99    return quote(relpath, safe=safe)
102def file_relpath(base, path):
103    """Compute just the relative sub-portion of a url
105    This assumes that both paths are already fully specified file:// URLs.
106    """
107    if len(base) < MIN_ABS_FILEURL_LENGTH:
108        raise ValueError('Length of base (%r) must equal or'
109                         ' exceed the platform minimum url length (which is %d)' %
110                         (base, MIN_ABS_FILEURL_LENGTH))
111    base = osutils.normpath(local_path_from_url(base))
112    path = osutils.normpath(local_path_from_url(path))
113    return escape(osutils.relpath(base, path))
116def _find_scheme_and_separator(url):
117    """Find the scheme separator (://) and the first path separator
119    This is just a helper functions for other path utilities.
120    It could probably be replaced by urlparse
121    """
122    m = _url_scheme_re.match(url)
123    if not m:
124        return None, None
126    scheme = m.group('scheme')
127    path = m.group('path')
129    # Find the path separating slash
130    # (first slash after the ://)
131    first_path_slash = path.find('/')
132    if first_path_slash == -1:
133        return len(scheme), None
134    return len(scheme), first_path_slash + m.start('path')
137def is_url(url):
138    """Tests whether a URL is in actual fact a URL."""
139    return _url_scheme_re.match(url) is not None
142def join(base, *args):
143    """Create a URL by joining sections.
145    This will normalize '..', assuming that paths are absolute
146    (it assumes no symlinks in either path)
148    If any of *args is an absolute URL, it will be treated correctly.
149    Example:
150        join('http://foo', 'http://bar') => 'http://bar'
151        join('http://foo', 'bar') => 'http://foo/bar'
152        join('http://foo', 'bar', '../baz') => 'http://foo/baz'
153    """
154    if not args:
155        return base
156    scheme_end, path_start = _find_scheme_and_separator(base)
157    if scheme_end is None and path_start is None:
158        path_start = 0
159    elif path_start is None:
160        path_start = len(base)
161    path = base[path_start:]
162    for arg in args:
163        arg_scheme_end, arg_path_start = _find_scheme_and_separator(arg)
164        if arg_scheme_end is None and arg_path_start is None:
165            arg_path_start = 0
166        elif arg_path_start is None:
167            arg_path_start = len(arg)
168        if arg_scheme_end is not None:
169            base = arg
170            path = arg[arg_path_start:]
171            scheme_end = arg_scheme_end
172            path_start = arg_path_start
173        else:
174            path = joinpath(path, arg)
175    return base[:path_start] + path
178def joinpath(base, *args):
179    """Join URL path segments to a URL path segment.
181    This is somewhat like osutils.joinpath, but intended for URLs.
183    XXX: this duplicates some normalisation logic, and also duplicates a lot of
184    path handling logic that already exists in some Transport implementations.
185    We really should try to have exactly one place in the code base responsible
186    for combining paths of URLs.
187    """
188    path = base.split('/')
189    if len(path) > 1 and path[-1] == '':
190        # If the path ends in a trailing /, remove it.
191        path.pop()
192    for arg in args:
193        if arg.startswith('/'):
194            path = []
195        for chunk in arg.split('/'):
196            if chunk == '.':
197                continue
198            elif chunk == '..':
199                if path == ['']:
200                    raise InvalidURLJoin('Cannot go above root',
201                                         base, args)
202                path.pop()
203            else:
204                path.append(chunk)
205    if path == ['']:
206        return '/'
207    else:
208        return '/'.join(path)
211# jam 20060502 Sorted to 'l' because the final target is 'local_path_from_url'
212def _posix_local_path_from_url(url):
213    """Convert a url like file:///path/to/foo into /path/to/foo"""
214    url = strip_segment_parameters(url)
215    file_localhost_prefix = 'file://localhost/'
216    if url.startswith(file_localhost_prefix):
217        path = url[len(file_localhost_prefix) - 1:]
218    elif not url.startswith('file:///'):
219        raise InvalidURL(
220            url, 'local urls must start with file:/// or file://localhost/')
221    else:
222        path = url[len('file://'):]
223    # We only strip off 2 slashes
224    return unescape(path)
227def _posix_local_path_to_url(path):
228    """Convert a local path like ./foo into a URL like file:///path/to/foo
230    This also handles transforming escaping unicode characters, etc.
231    """
232    # importing directly from posixpath allows us to test this
233    # on non-posix platforms
234    return 'file://' + escape(osutils._posix_abspath(path))
237def _win32_local_path_from_url(url):
238    """Convert a url like file:///C:/path/to/foo into C:/path/to/foo"""
239    if not url.startswith('file://'):
240        raise InvalidURL(url, 'local urls must start with file:///, '
241                         'UNC path urls must start with file://')
242    url = strip_segment_parameters(url)
243    # We strip off all 3 slashes
244    win32_url = url[len('file:'):]
245    # check for UNC path: //HOST/path
246    if not win32_url.startswith('///'):
247        if (win32_url[2] == '/'
248                or win32_url[3] in '|:'):
249            raise InvalidURL(url, 'Win32 UNC path urls'
250                             ' have form file://HOST/path')
251        return unescape(win32_url)
253    # allow empty paths so we can serve all roots
254    if win32_url == '///':
255        return '/'
257    # usual local path with drive letter
258    if (len(win32_url) < 6
259        or win32_url[3] not in ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
260                                'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') or
261        win32_url[4] not in '|:'
262            or win32_url[5] != '/'):
263        raise InvalidURL(url, 'Win32 file urls start with'
264                         ' file:///x:/, where x is a valid drive letter')
265    return win32_url[3].upper() + u':' + unescape(win32_url[5:])
268def _win32_local_path_to_url(path):
269    """Convert a local path like ./foo into a URL like file:///C:/path/to/foo
271    This also handles transforming escaping unicode characters, etc.
272    """
273    # importing directly from ntpath allows us to test this
274    # on non-win32 platform
275    # FIXME: It turns out that on nt, ntpath.abspath uses nt._getfullpathname
276    #       which actually strips trailing space characters.
277    #       The worst part is that on linux ntpath.abspath has different
278    #       semantics, since 'nt' is not an available module.
279    if path == '/':
280        return 'file:///'
282    win32_path = osutils._win32_abspath(path)
283    # check for UNC path \\HOST\path
284    if win32_path.startswith('//'):
285        return 'file:' + escape(win32_path)
286    return ('file:///' + str(win32_path[0].upper()) + ':' +
287            escape(win32_path[2:]))
290local_path_to_url = _posix_local_path_to_url
291local_path_from_url = _posix_local_path_from_url
292MIN_ABS_FILEURL_LENGTH = len('file:///')
293WIN32_MIN_ABS_FILEURL_LENGTH = len('file:///C:/')
295if sys.platform == 'win32':
296    local_path_to_url = _win32_local_path_to_url
297    local_path_from_url = _win32_local_path_from_url
302_url_scheme_re = re.compile('^(?P<scheme>[^:/]{2,}):(//)?(?P<path>.*)$')
303_url_hex_escapes_re = re.compile('(%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})')
306def _unescape_safe_chars(matchobj):
307    """re.sub callback to convert hex-escapes to plain characters (if safe).
309    e.g. '%7E' will be converted to '~'.
310    """
311    hex_digits = matchobj.group(0)[1:]
312    char = chr(int(hex_digits, 16))
313    if char in _url_dont_escape_characters:
314        return char
315    else:
316        return matchobj.group(0).upper()
319def normalize_url(url):
320    """Make sure that a path string is in fully normalized URL form.
322    This handles URLs which have unicode characters, spaces,
323    special characters, etc.
325    It has two basic modes of operation, depending on whether the
326    supplied string starts with a url specifier (scheme://) or not.
327    If it does not have a specifier it is considered a local path,
328    and will be converted into a file:/// url. Non-ascii characters
329    will be encoded using utf-8.
330    If it does have a url specifier, it will be treated as a "hybrid"
331    URL. Basically, a URL that should have URL special characters already
332    escaped (like +?&# etc), but may have unicode characters, etc
333    which would not be valid in a real URL.
335    :param url: Either a hybrid URL or a local path
336    :return: A normalized URL which only includes 7-bit ASCII characters.
337    """
338    scheme_end, path_start = _find_scheme_and_separator(url)
339    if scheme_end is None:
340        return local_path_to_url(url)
341    prefix = url[:path_start]
342    path = url[path_start:]
343    if not isinstance(url, str):
344        for c in url:
345            if c not in _url_safe_characters:
346                raise InvalidURL(url, 'URLs can only contain specific'
347                                 ' safe characters (not %r)' % c)
348        path = _url_hex_escapes_re.sub(_unescape_safe_chars, path)
349        return str(prefix + ''.join(path))
351    # We have a unicode (hybrid) url
352    path_chars = list(path)
354    for i in range(len(path_chars)):
355        if path_chars[i] not in _url_safe_characters:
356            path_chars[i] = ''.join(
357                ['%%%02X' % c for c in bytearray(path_chars[i].encode('utf-8'))])
358    path = ''.join(path_chars)
359    path = _url_hex_escapes_re.sub(_unescape_safe_chars, path)
360    return str(prefix + path)
363def relative_url(base, other):
364    """Return a path to other from base.
366    If other is unrelated to base, return other. Else return a relative path.
367    This assumes no symlinks as part of the url.
368    """
369    dummy, base_first_slash = _find_scheme_and_separator(base)
370    if base_first_slash is None:
371        return other
373    dummy, other_first_slash = _find_scheme_and_separator(other)
374    if other_first_slash is None:
375        return other
377    # this takes care of differing schemes or hosts
378    base_scheme = base[:base_first_slash]
379    other_scheme = other[:other_first_slash]
380    if base_scheme != other_scheme:
381        return other
382    elif sys.platform == 'win32' and base_scheme == 'file://':
383        base_drive = base[base_first_slash + 1:base_first_slash + 3]
384        other_drive = other[other_first_slash + 1:other_first_slash + 3]
385        if base_drive != other_drive:
386            return other
388    base_path = base[base_first_slash + 1:]
389    other_path = other[other_first_slash + 1:]
391    if base_path.endswith('/'):
392        base_path = base_path[:-1]
394    base_sections = base_path.split('/')
395    other_sections = other_path.split('/')
397    if base_sections == ['']:
398        base_sections = []
399    if other_sections == ['']:
400        other_sections = []
402    output_sections = []
403    for b, o in zip(base_sections, other_sections):
404        if b != o:
405            break
406        output_sections.append(b)
408    match_len = len(output_sections)
409    output_sections = ['..' for x in base_sections[match_len:]]
410    output_sections.extend(other_sections[match_len:])
412    return "/".join(output_sections) or "."
415def _win32_extract_drive_letter(url_base, path):
416    """On win32 the drive letter needs to be added to the url base."""
417    # Strip off the drive letter
418    # path is currently /C:/foo
419    if len(path) < 4 or path[2] not in ':|' or path[3] != '/':
420        raise InvalidURL(url_base + path,
421                         'win32 file:/// paths need a drive letter')
422    url_base += path[0:3]  # file:// + /C:
423    path = path[3:]  # /foo
424    return url_base, path
427def split(url, exclude_trailing_slash=True):
428    """Split a URL into its parent directory and a child directory.
430    :param url: A relative or absolute URL
431    :param exclude_trailing_slash: Strip off a final '/' if it is part
432        of the path (but not if it is part of the protocol specification)
434    :return: (parent_url, child_dir).  child_dir may be the empty string if
435        we're at the root.
436    """
437    scheme_loc, first_path_slash = _find_scheme_and_separator(url)
439    if first_path_slash is None:
440        # We have either a relative path, or no separating slash
441        if scheme_loc is None:
442            # Relative path
443            if exclude_trailing_slash and url.endswith('/'):
444                url = url[:-1]
445            return _posix_split(url)
446        else:
447            # Scheme with no path
448            return url, ''
450    # We have a fully defined path
451    url_base = url[:first_path_slash]  # http://host, file://
452    path = url[first_path_slash:]  # /file/foo
454    if sys.platform == 'win32' and url.startswith('file:///'):
455        # Strip off the drive letter
456        # url_base is currently file://
457        # path is currently /C:/foo
458        url_base, path = _win32_extract_drive_letter(url_base, path)
459        # now it should be file:///C: and /foo
461    if exclude_trailing_slash and len(path) > 1 and path.endswith('/'):
462        path = path[:-1]
463    head, tail = _posix_split(path)
464    return url_base + head, tail
467def split_segment_parameters_raw(url):
468    """Split the subsegment of the last segment of a URL.
470    :param url: A relative or absolute URL
471    :return: (url, subsegments)
472    """
473    # GZ 2011-11-18: Dodgy removing the terminal slash like this, function
474    #                operates on urls not url+segments, and Transport classes
475    #                should not be blindly adding slashes in the first place.
476    lurl = strip_trailing_slash(url)
477    # Segments begin at first comma after last forward slash, if one exists
478    segment_start = lurl.find(",", lurl.rfind("/") + 1)
479    if segment_start == -1:
480        return (url, [])
481    return (lurl[:segment_start],
482            [str(s) for s in lurl[segment_start + 1:].split(",")])
485def split_segment_parameters(url):
486    """Split the segment parameters of the last segment of a URL.
488    :param url: A relative or absolute URL
489    :return: (url, segment_parameters)
490    """
491    (base_url, subsegments) = split_segment_parameters_raw(url)
492    parameters = {}
493    for subsegment in subsegments:
494        try:
495            (key, value) = subsegment.split("=", 1)
496        except ValueError:
497            raise InvalidURL(url, "missing = in subsegment")
498        if not isinstance(key, str):
499            raise TypeError(key)
500        if not isinstance(value, str):
501            raise TypeError(value)
502        parameters[key] = value
503    return (base_url, parameters)
506def strip_segment_parameters(url):
507    """Strip the segment parameters from a URL.
509    :param url: A relative or absolute URL
510    :return: url
511    """
512    base_url, subsegments = split_segment_parameters_raw(url)
513    return base_url
516def join_segment_parameters_raw(base, *subsegments):
517    """Create a new URL by adding subsegments to an existing one.
519    This adds the specified subsegments to the last path in the specified
520    base URL. The subsegments should be bytestrings.
522    :note: You probably want to use join_segment_parameters instead.
523    """
524    if not subsegments:
525        return base
526    for subsegment in subsegments:
527        if not isinstance(subsegment, str):
528            raise TypeError("Subsegment %r is not a bytestring" % subsegment)
529        if "," in subsegment:
530            raise InvalidURLJoin(", exists in subsegments",
531                                 base, subsegments)
532    return ",".join((base,) + subsegments)
535def join_segment_parameters(url, parameters):
536    """Create a new URL by adding segment parameters to an existing one.
538    The parameters of the last segment in the URL will be updated; if a
539    parameter with the same key already exists it will be overwritten.
541    :param url: A URL, as string
542    :param parameters: Dictionary of parameters, keys and values as bytestrings
543    """
544    (base, existing_parameters) = split_segment_parameters(url)
545    new_parameters = {}
546    new_parameters.update(existing_parameters)
547    for key, value in parameters.items():
548        if not isinstance(key, str):
549            raise TypeError("parameter key %r is not a str" % key)
550        if not isinstance(value, str):
551            raise TypeError("parameter value %r for %r is not a str" %
552                            (value, key))
553        if "=" in key:
554            raise InvalidURLJoin("= exists in parameter key", url,
555                                 parameters)
556        new_parameters[key] = value
557    return join_segment_parameters_raw(
558        base, *["%s=%s" % item for item in sorted(new_parameters.items())])
561def _win32_strip_local_trailing_slash(url):
562    """Strip slashes after the drive letter"""
563    if len(url) > WIN32_MIN_ABS_FILEURL_LENGTH:
564        return url[:-1]
565    else:
566        return url
569def strip_trailing_slash(url):
570    """Strip trailing slash, except for root paths.
572    The definition of 'root path' is platform-dependent.
573    This assumes that all URLs are valid netloc urls, such that they
574    form:
575    scheme://host/path
576    It searches for ://, and then refuses to remove the next '/'.
577    It can also handle relative paths
578    Examples:
579        path/to/foo       => path/to/foo
580        path/to/foo/      => path/to/foo
581        http://host/path/ => http://host/path
582        http://host/path  => http://host/path
583        http://host/      => http://host/
584        file:///          => file:///
585        file:///foo/      => file:///foo
586        # This is unique on win32 platforms, and is the only URL
587        # format which does it differently.
588        file:///c|/       => file:///c:/
589    """
590    if not url.endswith('/'):
591        # Nothing to do
592        return url
593    if sys.platform == 'win32' and url.startswith('file://'):
594        return _win32_strip_local_trailing_slash(url)
596    scheme_loc, first_path_slash = _find_scheme_and_separator(url)
597    if scheme_loc is None:
598        # This is a relative path, as it has no scheme
599        # so just chop off the last character
600        return url[:-1]
602    if first_path_slash is None or first_path_slash == len(url) - 1:
603        # Don't chop off anything if the only slash is the path
604        # separating slash
605        return url
607    return url[:-1]
610def unescape(url):
611    """Unescape relpath from url format.
613    This returns a Unicode path from a URL
614    """
615    # jam 20060427 URLs are supposed to be ASCII only strings
616    #       If they are passed in as unicode, unquote
617    #       will return a UNICODE string, which actually contains
618    #       utf-8 bytes. So we have to ensure that they are
619    #       plain ASCII strings, or the final .decode will
620    #       try to encode the UNICODE => ASCII, and then decode
621    #       it into utf-8.
623    if isinstance(url, str):
624        try:
625            url.encode("ascii")
626        except UnicodeError as e:
627            raise InvalidURL(
628                url, 'URL was not a plain ASCII url: %s' % (e,))
629    return urlparse.unquote(url)
632# These are characters that if escaped, should stay that way
633_no_decode_chars = ';/?:@&=+$,#'
634_no_decode_ords = [ord(c) for c in _no_decode_chars]
635_no_decode_hex = (['%02x' % o for o in _no_decode_ords]
636                  + ['%02X' % o for o in _no_decode_ords])
637_hex_display_map = dict(([('%02x' % o, bytes([o])) for o in range(256)]
638                         + [('%02X' % o, bytes([o])) for o in range(256)]))
639# These entries get mapped to themselves
640_hex_display_map.update((hex, b'%' + hex.encode('ascii'))
641                        for hex in _no_decode_hex)
643# These characters shouldn't be percent-encoded, and it's always safe to
644# unencode them if they are.
645_url_dont_escape_characters = set(
646    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"  # Lowercase alpha
647    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"  # Uppercase alpha
648    "0123456789"  # Numbers
649    "-._~"  # Unreserved characters
652# These characters should not be escaped
653_url_safe_characters = set(
654    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"  # Lowercase alpha
655    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"  # Uppercase alpha
656    "0123456789"  # Numbers
657    "_.-!~*'()"  # Unreserved characters
658    "/;?:@&=+$,"  # Reserved characters
659    "%#"         # Extra reserved characters
663def _unescape_segment_for_display(segment, encoding):
664    """Unescape a segment for display.
666    Helper for unescape_for_display
668    :param url: A 7-bit ASCII URL
669    :param encoding: The final output encoding
671    :return: A unicode string which can be safely encoded into the
672         specified encoding.
673    """
674    escaped_chunks = segment.split('%')
675    escaped_chunks[0] = escaped_chunks[0].encode('utf-8')
676    for j in range(1, len(escaped_chunks)):
677        item = escaped_chunks[j]
678        try:
679            escaped_chunks[j] = _hex_display_map[item[:2]]
680        except KeyError:
681            # Put back the percent symbol
682            escaped_chunks[j] = b'%' + (item[:2].encode('utf-8'))
683        except UnicodeDecodeError:
684            escaped_chunks[j] = chr(int(item[:2], 16)).encode('utf-8')
685        escaped_chunks[j] += (item[2:].encode('utf-8'))
686    unescaped = b''.join(escaped_chunks)
687    try:
688        decoded = unescaped.decode('utf-8')
689    except UnicodeDecodeError:
690        # If this path segment cannot be properly utf-8 decoded
691        # after doing unescaping we will just leave it alone
692        return segment
693    else:
694        try:
695            decoded.encode(encoding)
696        except UnicodeEncodeError:
697            # If this chunk cannot be encoded in the local
698            # encoding, then we should leave it alone
699            return segment
700        else:
701            # Otherwise take the url decoded one
702            return decoded
705def unescape_for_display(url, encoding):
706    """Decode what you can for a URL, so that we get a nice looking path.
708    This will turn file:// urls into local paths, and try to decode
709    any portions of a http:// style url that it can.
711    Any sections of the URL which can't be represented in the encoding or
712    need to stay as escapes are left alone.
714    :param url: A 7-bit ASCII URL
715    :param encoding: The final output encoding
717    :return: A unicode string which can be safely encoded into the
718         specified encoding.
719    """
720    if encoding is None:
721        raise ValueError('you cannot specify None for the display encoding')
722    if url.startswith('file://'):
723        try:
724            path = local_path_from_url(url)
725            path.encode(encoding)
726            return path
727        except UnicodeError:
728            return url
730    # Split into sections to try to decode utf-8
731    res = url.split('/')
732    for i in range(1, len(res)):
733        res[i] = _unescape_segment_for_display(res[i], encoding)
734    return u'/'.join(res)
737def derive_to_location(from_location):
738    """Derive a TO_LOCATION given a FROM_LOCATION.
740    The normal case is a FROM_LOCATION of http://foo/bar => bar.
741    The Right Thing for some logical destinations may differ though
742    because no / may be present at all. In that case, the result is
743    the full name without the scheme indicator, e.g. lp:foo-bar => foo-bar.
744    This latter case also applies when a Windows drive
745    is used without a path, e.g. c:foo-bar => foo-bar.
746    If no /, path separator or : is found, the from_location is returned.
747    """
748    from_location = strip_segment_parameters(from_location)
749    if from_location.find("/") >= 0 or from_location.find(os.sep) >= 0:
750        return os.path.basename(from_location.rstrip("/\\"))
751    else:
752        sep = from_location.find(":")
753        if sep > 0:
754            return from_location[sep + 1:]
755        else:
756            return from_location
759def _is_absolute(url):
760    return (osutils.pathjoin('/foo', url) == url)
763def rebase_url(url, old_base, new_base):
764    """Convert a relative path from an old base URL to a new base URL.
766    The result will be a relative path.
767    Absolute paths and full URLs are returned unaltered.
768    """
769    scheme, separator = _find_scheme_and_separator(url)
770    if scheme is not None:
771        return url
772    if _is_absolute(url):
773        return url
774    old_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(old_base)
775    new_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(new_base)
776    if (old_parsed[:2]) != (new_parsed[:2]):
777        raise InvalidRebaseURLs(old_base, new_base)
778    return determine_relative_path(new_parsed[2],
779                                   join(old_parsed[2], url))
782def determine_relative_path(from_path, to_path):
783    """Determine a relative path from from_path to to_path."""
784    from_segments = osutils.splitpath(from_path)
785    to_segments = osutils.splitpath(to_path)
786    count = -1
787    for count, (from_element, to_element) in enumerate(zip(from_segments,
788                                                           to_segments)):
789        if from_element != to_element:
790            break
791    else:
792        count += 1
793    unique_from = from_segments[count:]
794    unique_to = to_segments[count:]
795    segments = (['..'] * len(unique_from) + unique_to)
796    if len(segments) == 0:
797        return '.'
798    return osutils.pathjoin(*segments)
801class URL(object):
802    """Parsed URL."""
804    def __init__(self, scheme, quoted_user, quoted_password, quoted_host,
805                 port, quoted_path):
806        self.scheme = scheme
807        self.quoted_host = quoted_host
808        self.host = unquote(self.quoted_host)
809        self.quoted_user = quoted_user
810        if self.quoted_user is not None:
811            self.user = unquote(self.quoted_user)
812        else:
813            self.user = None
814        self.quoted_password = quoted_password
815        if self.quoted_password is not None:
816            self.password = unquote(self.quoted_password)
817        else:
818            self.password = None
819        self.port = port
820        self.quoted_path = _url_hex_escapes_re.sub(
821            _unescape_safe_chars, quoted_path)
822        self.path = unquote(self.quoted_path)
824    def __eq__(self, other):
825        return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
826                self.scheme == other.scheme and
827                self.host == other.host and
828                self.user == other.user and
829                self.password == other.password and
830                self.path == other.path)
832    def __repr__(self):
833        return "<%s(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r)>" % (
834            self.__class__.__name__,
835            self.scheme, self.quoted_user, self.quoted_password,
836            self.quoted_host, self.port, self.quoted_path)
838    @classmethod
839    def from_string(cls, url):
840        """Create a URL object from a string.
842        :param url: URL as bytestring
843        """
844        # GZ 2017-06-09: Actually validate ascii-ness
845        # pad.lv/1696545: For the moment, accept both native strings and
846        # unicode.
847        if isinstance(url, str):
848            pass
849        elif isinstance(url, str):
850            try:
851                url = url.encode()
852            except UnicodeEncodeError:
853                raise InvalidURL(url)
854        else:
855            raise InvalidURL(url)
856        (scheme, netloc, path, params,
857         query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(url, allow_fragments=False)
858        user = password = host = port = None
859        if '@' in netloc:
860            user, host = netloc.rsplit('@', 1)
861            if ':' in user:
862                user, password = user.split(':', 1)
863        else:
864            host = netloc
866        if ':' in host and not (host[0] == '[' and host[-1] == ']'):
867            # there *is* port
868            host, port = host.rsplit(':', 1)
869            if port:
870                try:
871                    port = int(port)
872                except ValueError:
873                    raise InvalidURL('invalid port number %s in url:\n%s' %
874                                     (port, url))
875            else:
876                port = None
877        if host != "" and host[0] == '[' and host[-1] == ']':  # IPv6
878            host = host[1:-1]
880        return cls(scheme, user, password, host, port, path)
882    def __str__(self):
883        netloc = self.quoted_host
884        if ":" in netloc:
885            netloc = "[%s]" % netloc
886        if self.quoted_user is not None:
887            # Note that we don't put the password back even if we
888            # have one so that it doesn't get accidentally
889            # exposed.
890            netloc = '%s@%s' % (self.quoted_user, netloc)
891        if self.port is not None:
892            netloc = '%s:%d' % (netloc, self.port)
893        return urlparse.urlunparse(
894            (self.scheme, netloc, self.quoted_path, None, None, None))
896    @staticmethod
897    def _combine_paths(base_path, relpath):
898        """Transform a Transport-relative path to a remote absolute path.
900        This does not handle substitution of ~ but does handle '..' and '.'
901        components.
903        Examples::
905            t._combine_paths('/home/sarah', 'project/foo')
906                => '/home/sarah/project/foo'
907            t._combine_paths('/home/sarah', '../../etc')
908                => '/etc'
909            t._combine_paths('/home/sarah', '/etc')
910                => '/etc'
912        :param base_path: base path
913        :param relpath: relative url string for relative part of remote path.
914        :return: urlencoded string for final path.
915        """
916        # pad.lv/1696545: For the moment, accept both native strings and
917        # unicode.
918        if isinstance(relpath, str):
919            pass
920        elif isinstance(relpath, str):
921            try:
922                relpath = relpath.encode()
923            except UnicodeEncodeError:
924                raise InvalidURL(relpath)
925        else:
926            raise InvalidURL(relpath)
927        relpath = _url_hex_escapes_re.sub(_unescape_safe_chars, relpath)
928        if relpath.startswith('/'):
929            base_parts = []
930        else:
931            base_parts = base_path.split('/')
932        if len(base_parts) > 0 and base_parts[-1] == '':
933            base_parts = base_parts[:-1]
934        for p in relpath.split('/'):
935            if p == '..':
936                if len(base_parts) == 0:
937                    # In most filesystems, a request for the parent
938                    # of root, just returns root.
939                    continue
940                base_parts.pop()
941            elif p == '.':
942                continue  # No-op
943            elif p != '':
944                base_parts.append(p)
945        path = '/'.join(base_parts)
946        if not path.startswith('/'):
947            path = '/' + path
948        return path
950    def clone(self, offset=None):
951        """Return a new URL for a path relative to this URL.
953        :param offset: A relative path, already urlencoded
954        :return: `URL` instance
955        """
956        if offset is not None:
957            relative = unescape(offset)
958            path = self._combine_paths(self.path, relative)
959            path = quote(path, safe="/~")
960        else:
961            path = self.quoted_path
962        return self.__class__(self.scheme, self.quoted_user,
963                              self.quoted_password, self.quoted_host, self.port,
964                              path)
967def parse_url(url):
968    """Extract the server address, the credentials and the path from the url.
970    user, password, host and path should be quoted if they contain reserved
971    chars.
973    :param url: an quoted url
974    :return: (scheme, user, password, host, port, path) tuple, all fields
975        are unquoted.
976    """
977    parsed_url = URL.from_string(url)
978    return (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.user, parsed_url.password,
979            parsed_url.host, parsed_url.port, parsed_url.path)