1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 //    names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 //    and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 //    the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
24 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
25 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/path.h"
26 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/pathNode.h"
27 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/pathParser.h"
29 #include "pxr/base/vt/value.h"
31 #include "pxr/base/arch/hints.h"
32 #include "pxr/base/tf/iterator.h"
33 #include "pxr/base/tf/staticData.h"
34 #include "pxr/base/tf/stringUtils.h"
35 #include "pxr/base/tf/mallocTag.h"
36 #include "pxr/base/tf/stl.h"
37 #include "pxr/base/tf/type.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/trace/trace.h"
41 #include <algorithm>
42 #include <ostream>
44 using std::pair;
45 using std::string;
46 using std::vector;
50 static inline bool _IsValidIdentifier(TfToken const &name);
52 // XXX: Enable this define to make bad path strings
53 // cause runtime errors.  This can be useful when trying to track down cases
54 // of bad path strings originating from python code.
58 {
59     TfType::Define<SdfPath>();
60     TfType::Define< vector<SdfPath> >()
61         .Alias(TfType::GetRoot(), "vector<SdfPath>");
62 }
SdfPath(const std::string & path)64 SdfPath::SdfPath(const std::string &path) {
65     TfAutoMallocTag2 tag("Sdf", "SdfPath::SdfPath(string)");
68     Sdf_PathParserContext context;
70     // Initialize the scanner, allowing it to be reentrant.
71     pathYylex_init(&context.scanner);
73     yy_buffer_state *b = pathYy_scan_bytes(path.c_str(), path.size(),
74                                            context.scanner);
75     if( pathYyparse(&context) != 0 ) {
77         TF_RUNTIME_ERROR("Ill-formed SdfPath <%s>: %s",
78                          path.c_str(), context.errStr.c_str());
79 #else
80         TF_WARN("Ill-formed SdfPath <%s>: %s",
81                 path.c_str(), context.errStr.c_str());
82 #endif
83     } else {
84         *this = std::move(context.path);
85     }
87     // Clean up.
88     pathYy_delete_buffer(b, context.scanner);
89     pathYylex_destroy(context.scanner);
90 }
92 const SdfPath &
EmptyPath()93 SdfPath::EmptyPath()
94 {
95     static SdfPath theEmptyPath;
96     return theEmptyPath;
97 }
99 const SdfPath &
AbsoluteRootPath()100 SdfPath::AbsoluteRootPath()
101 {
102     static SdfPath *theAbsoluteRootPath =
103         new SdfPath(Sdf_PathNode::GetAbsoluteRootNode(), nullptr);
104     return *theAbsoluteRootPath;
105 }
107 const SdfPath &
ReflexiveRelativePath()108 SdfPath::ReflexiveRelativePath()
109 {
110     static SdfPath *theReflexiveRelativePath =
111         new SdfPath(Sdf_PathNode::GetRelativeRootNode(), nullptr);
112     return *theReflexiveRelativePath;
113 }
115 size_t
GetPathElementCount() const116 SdfPath::GetPathElementCount() const
117 {
118     size_t primElems = _primPart ? _primPart->GetElementCount() : 0;
119     size_t propElems = _propPart ? _propPart->GetElementCount() : 0;
120     return primElems + propElems;
121 }
123 bool
IsAbsolutePath() const124 SdfPath::IsAbsolutePath() const
125 {
126     return _primPart && _primPart->IsAbsolutePath();
127 }
129 bool
IsAbsoluteRootPath() const130 SdfPath::IsAbsoluteRootPath() const
131 {
132     return !_propPart && _primPart && _primPart->IsAbsoluteRoot();
133 }
135 bool
IsPrimPath() const136 SdfPath::IsPrimPath() const
137 {
138     return !_propPart && _primPart &&
139         (_primPart->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode ||
140          *this == ReflexiveRelativePath());
141 }
143 bool
IsAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath() const144 SdfPath::IsAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath() const
145 {
146     return !_propPart && _primPart &&
147         (_primPart->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode ||
148          *this == AbsoluteRootPath() ||
149          *this == ReflexiveRelativePath());
150 }
152 bool
IsRootPrimPath() const153 SdfPath::IsRootPrimPath() const {
154     if (_propPart)
155         return false;
156     Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get();
157     return primNode && primNode->IsAbsolutePath() &&
158         primNode->GetElementCount() == 1;
159 }
161 bool
IsPropertyPath() const162 SdfPath::IsPropertyPath() const
163 {
164     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
165         auto nodeType = propNode->GetNodeType();
166         return nodeType == Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode ||
167             nodeType == Sdf_PathNode::RelationalAttributeNode;
168     }
169     return false;
170 }
172 bool
IsPrimPropertyPath() const173 SdfPath::IsPrimPropertyPath() const
174 {
175     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
176         return propNode->GetNodeType() ==  Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode;
177     }
178     return false;
179 }
181 bool
IsNamespacedPropertyPath() const182 SdfPath::IsNamespacedPropertyPath() const
183 {
184     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
185         return propNode->IsNamespaced() &&
186             // Currently this subexpression is always true if IsNamespaced() is.
187             ((propNode->GetNodeType() ==
188               Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode) ||
189              (propNode->GetNodeType() ==
190               Sdf_PathNode::RelationalAttributeNode));
191     }
192     return false;
193 }
195 bool
IsPrimVariantSelectionPath() const196 SdfPath::IsPrimVariantSelectionPath() const
197 {
198     if (_propPart)
199         return false;
200     if (Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get()) {
201         return primNode->GetNodeType() ==
202             Sdf_PathNode::PrimVariantSelectionNode;
203     }
204     return false;
205 }
207 bool
IsPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath() const208 SdfPath::IsPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath() const
209 {
210     if (_propPart)
211         return false;
212     if (Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get()) {
213         auto nodeType = primNode->GetNodeType();
214         return
215             nodeType == Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode ||
216             nodeType == Sdf_PathNode::PrimVariantSelectionNode ||
217             *this == ReflexiveRelativePath();
218     }
219     return false;
220 }
222 bool
ContainsPrimVariantSelection() const223 SdfPath::ContainsPrimVariantSelection() const
224 {
225     if (Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get()) {
226         return primNode->ContainsPrimVariantSelection();
227     }
228     return false;
229 }
231 bool
ContainsTargetPath() const232 SdfPath::ContainsTargetPath() const
233 {
234     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
235         return propNode->ContainsTargetPath();
236     }
237     return false;
238 }
240 bool
IsRelationalAttributePath() const241 SdfPath::IsRelationalAttributePath() const {
242     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
243         return propNode->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::RelationalAttributeNode;
244     }
245     return false;
246 }
248 bool
IsTargetPath() const249 SdfPath::IsTargetPath() const {
250     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
251         return propNode->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::TargetNode;
252     }
253     return false;
254 }
256 bool
IsMapperPath() const257 SdfPath::IsMapperPath() const {
258     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
259         return propNode->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::MapperNode;
260     }
261     return false;
262 }
264 bool
IsMapperArgPath() const265 SdfPath::IsMapperArgPath() const {
266     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
267         return propNode->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::MapperArgNode;
268     }
269     return false;
270 }
272 bool
IsExpressionPath() const273 SdfPath::IsExpressionPath() const {
274     if (Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()) {
275         return propNode->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::ExpressionNode;
276     }
277     return false;
278 }
280 TfToken
GetAsToken() const281 SdfPath::GetAsToken() const
282 {
283     if (_primPart) {
284         return Sdf_PathNode::GetPathAsToken(_primPart.get(), _propPart.get());
285     }
286     return TfToken();
287 }
289 std::string
GetAsString() const290 SdfPath::GetAsString() const
291 {
292     return GetAsToken().GetString();
293 }
295 TfToken const &
GetToken() const296 SdfPath::GetToken() const
297 {
298     if (_primPart) {
299         return Sdf_PathNode::GetPathToken(_primPart.get(), _propPart.get());
300     }
301     return SdfPathTokens->empty;
302 }
304 const std::string &
GetString() const305 SdfPath::GetString() const
306 {
307     return GetToken().GetString();
308 }
310 const char *
GetText() const311 SdfPath::GetText() const
312 {
313     return GetToken().GetText();
314 }
316 SdfPathVector
GetPrefixes() const317 SdfPath::GetPrefixes() const {
318     SdfPathVector result;
319     GetPrefixes(&result);
320     return result;
321 }
323 void
GetPrefixes(SdfPathVector * prefixes) const324 SdfPath::GetPrefixes(SdfPathVector *prefixes) const
325 {
326     Sdf_PathNode const *prop = _propPart.get();
327     Sdf_PathNode const *prim = _primPart.get();
329     size_t elemCount = GetPathElementCount();
330     prefixes->resize(elemCount);
332     SdfPathVector::reverse_iterator iter = prefixes->rbegin();
333     while (prop && elemCount--) {
334         *iter++ = SdfPath(prim, prop);
335         prop = prop->GetParentNode();
336     }
337     while (prim && elemCount--) {
338         *iter++ = SdfPath(prim, prop);
339         prim = prim->GetParentNode();
340     }
341 }
343 SdfPathAncestorsRange
GetAncestorsRange() const344 SdfPath::GetAncestorsRange() const
345 {
346     return SdfPathAncestorsRange(*this);
347 }
349 const std::string &
GetName() const350 SdfPath::GetName() const
351 {
352     return GetNameToken().GetString();
353 }
355 const TfToken &
GetNameToken() const356 SdfPath::GetNameToken() const
357 {
358     if (_propPart) {
359         return _propPart.get()->GetName();
360     }
361     return _primPart ? _primPart.get()->GetName() : SdfPathTokens->empty;
362 }
364 string
GetElementString() const365 SdfPath::GetElementString() const
366 {
367     return GetElementToken().GetString();
368 }
370 TfToken
GetElementToken() const371 SdfPath::GetElementToken() const
372 {
373     if (_propPart)
374         return _propPart.get()->GetElement();
375     return _primPart ? _primPart.get()->GetElement() : TfToken();
376 }
378 SdfPath
ReplaceName(TfToken const & newName) const379 SdfPath::ReplaceName(TfToken const &newName) const
380 {
381     if (IsPrimPath())
382         return GetParentPath().AppendChild(newName);
383     else if (IsPrimPropertyPath())
384         return GetParentPath().AppendProperty(newName);
385     else if (IsRelationalAttributePath())
386         return GetParentPath().AppendRelationalAttribute(newName);
388     TF_CODING_ERROR("%s is not a prim, property, "
389                     "or relational attribute path", GetText());
390     return SdfPath();
391 }
393 static Sdf_PathNode const *
_GetNextTargetNode(Sdf_PathNode const * curNode)394 _GetNextTargetNode(Sdf_PathNode const *curNode)
395 {
396     if (!curNode || !curNode->ContainsTargetPath())
397         return nullptr;
399     // Find nearest target or mapper node.
400     while (curNode
401            && curNode->GetNodeType() != Sdf_PathNode::TargetNode
402            && curNode->GetNodeType() != Sdf_PathNode::MapperNode) {
403         curNode = curNode->GetParentNode();
404     }
405     return curNode;
406 }
408 const SdfPath &
GetTargetPath() const409 SdfPath::GetTargetPath() const
410 {
411     if (!_propPart)
412         return EmptyPath();
413     Sdf_PathNode const *targetNode = _GetNextTargetNode(_propPart.get());
414     return targetNode ? targetNode->GetTargetPath() : EmptyPath();
415 }
417 void
GetAllTargetPathsRecursively(SdfPathVector * result) const418 SdfPath::GetAllTargetPathsRecursively(SdfPathVector *result) const
419 {
420     if (!_propPart)
421         return;
422     for (Sdf_PathNode const *targetNode = _GetNextTargetNode(_propPart.get());
423          targetNode;
424          targetNode = _GetNextTargetNode(targetNode->GetParentNode())) {
425         SdfPath const &targetPath = targetNode->GetTargetPath();
426         result->push_back(targetPath);
427         targetPath.GetAllTargetPathsRecursively(result);
428     }
429 }
431 pair<string, string>
GetVariantSelection() const432 SdfPath::GetVariantSelection() const
433 {
434     pair<string, string> result;
435     if (IsPrimVariantSelectionPath()) {
436         const Sdf_PathNode::VariantSelectionType& sel =
437             _primPart.get()->GetVariantSelection();
438         result.first = sel.first.GetString();
439         result.second = sel.second.GetString();
440     }
441     return result;
442 }
444 bool
HasPrefix(const SdfPath & prefix) const445 SdfPath::HasPrefix(const SdfPath &prefix) const
446 {
447     if (prefix.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty())
448         return false;
450     if (prefix._propPart) {
451         // The prefix is a property-like path, in order for it to be a prefix of
452         // this path, we must also have a property part, and our prim part must
453         // be the same as the prefix's prim part.
454         if (_primPart != prefix._primPart || !_propPart) {
455             return false;
456         }
458         // Now walk up property parts until we hit prefix._propPart or we
459         // recurse above its depth.
460         Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get();
461         Sdf_PathNode const *prefixPropNode = prefix._propPart.get();
462         while (propNode && propNode != prefixPropNode) {
463             propNode = propNode->GetParentNode();
464         }
465         return propNode == prefixPropNode;
466     }
467     else {
468         // The prefix is a prim-like path.  Walk up nodes until we achieve the
469         // same depth as the prefix, then just check for equality.
470         Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get();
472         if (primNode->IsAbsolutePath() &&
473             prefix == SdfPath::AbsoluteRootPath()) {
474             return true;
475         }
477         Sdf_PathNode const *prefixPrimNode = prefix._primPart.get();
479         int prefixDepth = prefixPrimNode->GetElementCount();
480         int curDepth = primNode->GetElementCount();
482         if (curDepth < prefixDepth) {
483             return false;
484         }
485         while (curDepth > prefixDepth) {
486             primNode = primNode->GetParentNode();
487             --curDepth;
488         }
489         return primNode == prefixPrimNode;
490     }
491 }
493 SdfPath
GetParentPath() const494 SdfPath::GetParentPath() const {
495     if (IsEmpty()) {
496         return *this;
497     }
499     // If this is a property-like path, trim that first.
500     if (_propPart) {
501         Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get()->GetParentNode();
502         return SdfPath(_primPart, Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle(propNode));
503     }
505     // This is a prim-like path.  If this is an absolute path (most common case)
506     // then it's just the parent path node.  On the other hand if this path is a
507     // relative path, and is '.' or ends with '..', the logical parent path is
508     // made by appending a '..' component.
509     //
510     // XXX: NOTE that this is NOT the way that that Sdf_PathNode::GetParentNode
511     // works, and note that most of the code in SdfPath uses GetParentNode
512     // intentionally.
513     Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get();
514     if (ARCH_LIKELY(
515             primNode->IsAbsolutePath() ||
516             (primNode != Sdf_PathNode::GetRelativeRootNode() &&
517              primNode->GetName() != SdfPathTokens->parentPathElement))) {
518         return SdfPath(primNode->GetParentNode(), nullptr);
519     }
520     // Is relative root, or ends with '..'.
521     return SdfPath(Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreatePrim(
522                        primNode, SdfPathTokens->parentPathElement),
523                    Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle());
524 }
526 SdfPath
GetPrimPath() const527 SdfPath::GetPrimPath() const {
529     Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get();
530     // Walk up looking for a prim node.
531     while (primNode && primNode->GetNodeType() != Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode) {
532         primNode = primNode->GetParentNode();
533     }
534     return SdfPath(primNode, nullptr);
535 }
537 SdfPath
GetPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath() const538 SdfPath::GetPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath() const
539 {
540     Sdf_PathNode const *primNode = _primPart.get();
541     // Walk up looking for a prim or prim variant selection node.
542     while (primNode &&
543            (primNode->GetNodeType() != Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode &&
544             primNode->GetNodeType() != Sdf_PathNode::PrimVariantSelectionNode)){
545         primNode = primNode->GetParentNode();
546     }
547     return SdfPath(primNode, nullptr);
548 }
550 SdfPath
GetAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath() const551 SdfPath::GetAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath() const {
552     return (*this == AbsoluteRootPath()) ? *this : GetPrimPath();
553 }
555 static inline SdfPath
_AppendNode(const SdfPath & path,Sdf_PathNode const * node)556 _AppendNode(const SdfPath &path, Sdf_PathNode const *node) {
558     switch (node->GetNodeType()) {
559         case Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode:
560             return path.AppendChild(node->GetName());
561         case Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode:
562             return path.AppendProperty(node->GetName());
563         case Sdf_PathNode::PrimVariantSelectionNode:
564         {
565             const Sdf_PathNode::VariantSelectionType& selection =
566                 node->GetVariantSelection();
567             return path.AppendVariantSelection(selection.first.GetString(),
568                                                selection.second.GetString());
569         }
570         case Sdf_PathNode::TargetNode:
571             return path.AppendTarget( node->GetTargetPath());
572         case Sdf_PathNode::RelationalAttributeNode:
573             return path.AppendRelationalAttribute(node->GetName());
574         case Sdf_PathNode::MapperNode:
575             return path.AppendMapper(node->GetTargetPath());
576         case Sdf_PathNode::MapperArgNode:
577             return path.AppendMapperArg(node->GetName());
578         case Sdf_PathNode::ExpressionNode:
579             return path.AppendExpression();
580         default:
581             // CODE_COVERAGE_OFF
582             // Should never get here.  All reasonable cases are
583             // handled above.
584             TF_CODING_ERROR("Unexpected node type %i", node->GetNodeType());
585             return SdfPath::EmptyPath();
586             // CODE_COVERAGE_ON
587     }
588 }
590 SdfPath
StripAllVariantSelections() const591 SdfPath::StripAllVariantSelections() const {
592     if (!ContainsPrimVariantSelection())
593         return *this;
595     std::vector<Sdf_PathNode const *> primNodes;
596     Sdf_PathNode const *curNode = _primPart.get();
597     while (curNode) {
598         if (curNode->GetNodeType() != Sdf_PathNode::PrimVariantSelectionNode)
599             primNodes.push_back(curNode);
600         curNode = curNode->GetParentNode();
601     }
603     SdfPath stripPath(*(primNodes.rbegin()), nullptr);
604     // Step through all primNodes except the last (which is the root node):
605     for (auto it = ++(primNodes.rbegin()); it != primNodes.rend(); ++it) {
606         stripPath = _AppendNode(stripPath, *it);
607     }
608     // Tack on any property portion.
609     stripPath._propPart = _propPart;
610     return stripPath;
611 }
614 SdfPath
AppendPath(const SdfPath & newSuffix) const615 SdfPath::AppendPath(const SdfPath &newSuffix) const {
616     if (*this == EmptyPath()) {
617         TF_CODING_ERROR("Cannot append to invalid path");
618         return EmptyPath();
619     }
620     if (newSuffix == EmptyPath()) {
621         TF_CODING_ERROR("Cannot append invalid path to <%s>",
622                         GetAsString().c_str());
623         return EmptyPath();
624     }
625     if (newSuffix.IsAbsolutePath()) {
626         TF_WARN("Cannot append absolute path <%s> to another path <%s>.",
627                 newSuffix.GetAsString().c_str(), GetAsString().c_str());
628         return EmptyPath();
629     }
630     if (newSuffix == ReflexiveRelativePath()) {
631         return *this;
632     }
634     Sdf_PathNode::NodeType primNodeType = _primPart->GetNodeType();
635     if (_propPart || (primNodeType != Sdf_PathNode::RootNode &&
636                       primNodeType != Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode &&
637                       primNodeType != Sdf_PathNode::PrimVariantSelectionNode)) {
638         TF_WARN("Cannot append a path to another path that is not "
639                     "a root or a prim path.");
640         return EmptyPath();
641     }
643     // This list winds up in reverse order to what one might at first expect.
644     vector<Sdf_PathNode const *> tailNodes;
646     // Walk up to top of newSuffix.
647     Sdf_PathNode const *curNode = newSuffix._propPart.get();
648     while (curNode) {
649         tailNodes.push_back(curNode);
650         curNode = curNode->GetParentNode();
651     }
652     curNode = newSuffix._primPart.get();
653     while (curNode != Sdf_PathNode::GetRelativeRootNode()) {
654         tailNodes.push_back(curNode);
655         curNode = curNode->GetParentNode();
656     }
658     if ((tailNodes.back()->GetNodeType() == Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode) &&
659         *this == AbsoluteRootPath()) {
660         TF_WARN("Cannot append a property path to the absolute root path.");
661         return EmptyPath();
662     }
664     SdfPath result = *this;
666     // We have a list of new nodes (in reverse order) to append to our node.
667     for (auto it = tailNodes.rbegin();
668          (it != tailNodes.rend()) && (result != EmptyPath()); ++it) {
669         result = _AppendNode(result, *it);
670     }
671     return result;
672 }
674 // Use a simple per-thread cache for appending children to prim paths.  This
675 // lets us avoid hitting the global table, reducing thread contention, for
676 // appending children repeatedly to a node.
677 namespace {
678 struct _PerThreadPrimPathCache
679 {
680     static constexpr unsigned Shift = 14;
681     static constexpr unsigned Size = 1 << Shift;
682     static constexpr unsigned ProbeShift = 1;
683     static constexpr unsigned Probes = 1 << ProbeShift;
685     struct _Entry {
686         Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle parent;
687         Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle primPart;
688         TfToken childName;
689     };
691     inline Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle
Find__anon2d62f9890111::_PerThreadPrimPathCache692     Find(Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle const &parent, TfToken const &childName,
693          int *outIndex) const {
694         // Hash and shift to find table index.
695         size_t h = childName.Hash();
696         uint32_t parentAsInt;
697         memcpy(&parentAsInt, &parent, sizeof(uint32_t));
698         boost::hash_combine(h, parentAsInt >> 8);
699         unsigned index = (h & (Size-1));
701         for (unsigned probe = 0; probe != Probes; ++probe) {
702             _Entry const &e = cache[(index + probe) & (Size - 1)];
703             if (e.parent == parent && e.childName == childName) {
704                 // Cache hit.
705                 return e.primPart;
706             }
707             if (!e.parent)
708                 break;
709         }
711         // Not found -- arrange to replace original hash index.
712         *outIndex = index;
713         return Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle();
714     }
716     inline void
Store__anon2d62f9890111::_PerThreadPrimPathCache717     Store(Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle const &parent, TfToken const &childName,
718           Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle primPart, int index) {
719         cache[index] = { parent, primPart, childName };
720     }
722     _Entry cache[Size];
723 };
724 }
726 namespace {
727 // XXX: Workaround for Windows issue USD-5306 -- this avoids destroying the
728 // per-thread caches to deal with static destruction order problems.
729 template <class T>
730 struct _FastThreadLocalBase
731 {
Get__anon2d62f9890211::_FastThreadLocalBase732     static T &Get() {
733         static thread_local T *theTPtr = nullptr;
734         if (ARCH_LIKELY(theTPtr)) {
735             return *theTPtr;
736         }
737         static thread_local
738             typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T)>::type storage;
739         void *addr = &storage;
740         T *p = new (addr) T;
741         theTPtr = p;
742         return *p;
743     }
744 };
745 }
746 using _PrimPathCache = _FastThreadLocalBase<_PerThreadPrimPathCache>;
747 static _PrimPathCache _primPathCache;
749 SdfPath
AppendChild(TfToken const & childName) const750 SdfPath::AppendChild(TfToken const &childName) const {
751     if (ARCH_UNLIKELY(_propPart)) {
752         TF_WARN("Cannot append child '%s' to path '%s'.",
753                 childName.GetText(), GetText());
754         return EmptyPath();
755     }
756     auto &cache = _primPathCache.Get();
757     int storeIndex = 0;
758     Sdf_PathPrimNodeHandle primPart =
759         cache.Find(_primPart, childName, &storeIndex);
760     SdfPath ret { primPart, {} };
761     if (primPart) {
762         return ret;
763     }
764     if (!IsAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath()
765         && !IsPrimVariantSelectionPath()
766         && (*this != ReflexiveRelativePath())) {
767         TF_WARN("Cannot append child '%s' to path '%s'.",
768                 childName.GetText(), GetText());
769         return EmptyPath();
770     }
771     if (ARCH_UNLIKELY(childName == SdfPathTokens->parentPathElement)) {
772         return GetParentPath();
773     } else {
774         if (ARCH_UNLIKELY(!_IsValidIdentifier(childName))) {
775             TF_WARN("Invalid prim name '%s'", childName.GetText());
776             return EmptyPath();
777         }
778         ret._primPart =
779             Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreatePrim(_primPart.get(), childName);
780         cache.Store(_primPart, childName, ret._primPart, storeIndex);
781         return ret;
782     }
783 }
786 // Use a simple per-thread cache for appending prim properties.  This lets us
787 // avoid hitting the global table, reducing thread contention and increasing
788 // speed.  We don't do this for the other property-type paths, like target paths
789 // or relational attribute paths because those operations are done much less
790 // frequently than appending properties to prim paths.
791 namespace {
792 struct _PerThreadPropertyPathCache
793 {
794     static constexpr unsigned Shift = 10;
795     static constexpr unsigned Size = 1 << Shift;
796     static constexpr unsigned ProbeShift = 1;
797     static constexpr unsigned Probes = 1 << ProbeShift;
799     struct _Entry {
800         TfToken propName;
801         Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle propPart;
802     };
804     inline Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle
Find__anon2d62f9890311::_PerThreadPropertyPathCache805     Find(TfToken const &propName, int *outIndex) const {
806         // Hash and shift to find table index.
807         size_t h = propName.Hash();
808         unsigned index = (h >> (8*sizeof(h) - Shift));
810         for (unsigned probe = 0; probe != Probes; ++probe) {
811             _Entry const &e = cache[(index + probe) & (Size - 1)];
812             if (e.propName == propName) {
813                 // Cache hit.
814                 return e.propPart;
815             }
816             if (e.propName.IsEmpty())
817                 break;
818         }
820         // Not found -- arrange to replace original hash index.
821         *outIndex = index;
822         return Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle();
823     }
825     inline void
Store__anon2d62f9890311::_PerThreadPropertyPathCache826     Store(TfToken const &propName, Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle propPart, int index) {
827         cache[index] = { propName, propPart };
828     }
830     _Entry cache[Size];
831 };
832 }
834 using _PropPathCache = Sdf_FastThreadLocalBase<_PerThreadPropertyPathCache>;
835 static _PropPathCache _propPathCache;
837 SdfPath
AppendProperty(TfToken const & propName) const838 SdfPath::AppendProperty(TfToken const &propName) const {
839     if (ARCH_UNLIKELY(_propPart)) {
840         TF_WARN("Can only append a property '%s' to a prim path (%s)",
841                 propName.GetText(), GetText());
842         return EmptyPath();
843     }
844     auto &cache = _propPathCache.Get();
845     int storeIndex = 0;
846     Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle propPart = cache.Find(propName, &storeIndex);
847     SdfPath ret { _primPart, propPart };
848     if (propPart) {
849         return ret;
850     }
851     if (!IsValidNamespacedIdentifier(propName.GetString())) {
852         //TF_WARN("Invalid property name.");
853         return EmptyPath();
854     }
855     if (!IsPrimVariantSelectionPath() &&
856         !IsPrimPath() && (*this != ReflexiveRelativePath())) {
857         TF_WARN("Can only append a property '%s' to a prim path (%s)",
858                 propName.GetText(), GetText());
859         return EmptyPath();
860     }
861     ret._propPart =
862         Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreatePrimProperty(_primPart.get(), propName);
863     cache.Store(propName, ret._propPart, storeIndex);
864     return ret;
865 }
867 SdfPath
AppendVariantSelection(const string & variantSet,const string & variant) const868 SdfPath::AppendVariantSelection(const string &variantSet,
869                                 const string &variant) const
870 {
871     if (!IsPrimOrPrimVariantSelectionPath()) {
872         TF_CODING_ERROR("Cannot append variant selection %s = %s to <%s>; "
873                         "can only append a variant selection to a prim or "
874                         "prim variant selection path.",
875                         variantSet.c_str(), variant.c_str(),
876                         GetText());
877         return EmptyPath();
878     }
879     return SdfPath(Sdf_PathNode::
880                    FindOrCreatePrimVariantSelection(_primPart.get(),
881                                                     TfToken(variantSet),
882                                                     TfToken(variant)));
883 }
885 SdfPath
AppendTarget(const SdfPath & targetPath) const886 SdfPath::AppendTarget(const SdfPath &targetPath) const {
887     if (!IsPropertyPath()) {
888         TF_WARN("Can only append a target to a property path.");
889         return EmptyPath();
890     }
891     if (targetPath == EmptyPath()) {
892         TF_WARN("Target path cannot be invalid.");
893         return EmptyPath();
894     }
895     return SdfPath(_primPart, Sdf_PathNode::
896                    FindOrCreateTarget(_propPart.get(), targetPath));
897 }
899 SdfPath
AppendRelationalAttribute(TfToken const & attrName) const900 SdfPath::AppendRelationalAttribute(TfToken const &attrName) const {
901     if (!IsValidNamespacedIdentifier(attrName)) {
902         TF_WARN("Invalid property name.");
903         return EmptyPath();
904     }
905     if (!IsTargetPath()) {
906         TF_WARN("Can only append a relational attribute to a target path.");
907         return EmptyPath();
908     }
909     return SdfPath(_primPart,
910                    Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreateRelationalAttribute(
911                        _propPart.get(), attrName));
912 }
914 SdfPath
AppendMapper(const SdfPath & targetPath) const915 SdfPath::AppendMapper(const SdfPath &targetPath) const {
916     if (!IsPropertyPath()) {
917         TF_WARN("Cannnot append mapper '%s' to non-property path <%s>.",
918                 targetPath.GetAsString().c_str(), GetAsString().c_str());
919         return EmptyPath();
920     }
921     if (targetPath == EmptyPath()) {
922         TF_WARN("Cannot append an empty mapper target path to <%s>",
923                 GetAsString().c_str());
924         return EmptyPath();
925     }
926     return SdfPath { _primPart,
927             Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreateMapper(_propPart.get(), targetPath) };
928 }
930 SdfPath
AppendMapperArg(TfToken const & argName) const931 SdfPath::AppendMapperArg(TfToken const &argName) const {
932     if (!_IsValidIdentifier(argName)) {
933         TF_WARN("Invalid arg name.");
934         return EmptyPath();
935     }
936     if (!IsMapperPath()) {
937         TF_WARN("Can only append a mapper arg to a mapper path.");
938         return EmptyPath();
939     }
940     return SdfPath { _primPart,
941             Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreateMapperArg(_propPart.get(), argName) };
942 }
944 SdfPath
AppendExpression() const945 SdfPath::AppendExpression() const {
946     if (!IsPropertyPath()) {
947         TF_WARN("Can only append an expression to a property path.");
948         return EmptyPath();
949     }
950     return SdfPath { _primPart,
951             Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreateExpression(_propPart.get()) };
952 }
954 SdfPath
AppendElementString(const std::string & element) const955 SdfPath::AppendElementString(const std::string &element) const
956 {
957     return AppendElementToken(TfToken(element));
958 }
960 SdfPath
AppendElementToken(const TfToken & elementTok) const961 SdfPath::AppendElementToken(const TfToken &elementTok) const
962 {
963     std::string const &element = elementTok.GetString();
965     if (ARCH_UNLIKELY(IsEmpty() || element.empty())) {
966         if (IsEmpty()) {
967             TF_CODING_ERROR("Cannot append element \'%s\' to the EmptyPath.",
968                             element.c_str());
969         }
970         else {
971             TF_CODING_ERROR("Cannot append EmptyPath as a path element.");
972         }
973         return EmptyPath();
974     }
975     /* This is a somewhat unfortunate replication of a subset of the
976      * logic contained in the full-path-parser.  We can't invoke the
977      * parser on just a single element out of context (and probably
978      * wouldn't want to for cost reasons if we could).  Can't think of
979      * a more elegant way to do this.  1/13 */
980     char const *txt = element.c_str();
981     // No static tokens for variant chars...
982     if (txt[0] == '{') {
984         vector<string> tokens = TfStringTokenize(element, "{=}");
985         TfToken variantSel;
986         if (tokens.size() == 2){
987             variantSel = TfToken(tokens[1]);
988         }
989         else if (tokens.size() != 1){
990             return EmptyPath();
991         }
992         return AppendVariantSelection(TfToken(tokens[0]),
993                                       variantSel);
995     }
996     else if (txt[0] == SdfPathTokens->relationshipTargetStart.GetString()[0]) {
997         SdfPath  target(element.substr(1, element.length()-2));
998         return AppendTarget(target);
999     }
1000     else if (txt[0] == SdfPathTokens->propertyDelimiter.GetString()[0]) {
1001         // This is the ambiguous one.  First check for the special symbols,
1002         // and if it looks like a "plain old property", consult parent type
1003         // to determine what the property sub-type should be.
1004         static string mapperStr = SdfPathTokens->propertyDelimiter.GetString() +
1005             SdfPathTokens->mapperIndicator.GetString() +
1006             SdfPathTokens->relationshipTargetStart.GetString();
1007         static string expressionStr =
1008             SdfPathTokens->propertyDelimiter.GetString()
1009             + SdfPathTokens->expressionIndicator.GetString();
1011         if ( element == expressionStr ){
1012             return IsPropertyPath() ? AppendExpression() :
1013                 AppendProperty(SdfPathTokens->expressionIndicator);
1014         }
1015         else if (TfStringStartsWith(element, mapperStr)){
1016             const size_t prefixSz(mapperStr.length());
1017             SdfPath  target(element.substr(prefixSz,
1018                                           element.length()-(prefixSz+1)));
1019             return AppendMapper(target);
1020         }
1021         else {
1022             TfToken  property(element.substr(1));
1024             if (IsMapperPath()){
1025                 return AppendMapperArg(property);
1026             }
1027             else if (IsTargetPath()){
1028                 return AppendRelationalAttribute(property);
1029             }
1030             else {
1031                 return AppendProperty(property);
1032             }
1033         }
1034     }
1035     else {
1036         return AppendChild(elementTok);
1037     }
1039 }
1041 SdfPath
_ReplacePrimPrefix(SdfPath const & oldPrefix,SdfPath const & newPrefix) const1042 SdfPath::_ReplacePrimPrefix(SdfPath const &oldPrefix,
1043                             SdfPath const &newPrefix) const
1044 {
1045     using Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr = Sdf_PathNode const *;
1047     // Walk up the prim part of this path until we have the same depth as
1048     // oldPrefix, recording tail elements along the way.  If we find oldPrefix
1049     // is in fact a prefix, then tack the tail elements onto newPrefix and
1050     // return the resulting path with our property element (if any).  Otherwise
1051     // return this path unchanged.
1053     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr primNode = _primPart.get();
1054     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr prefixPrimNode = oldPrefix._primPart.get();
1056     int prefixDepth = prefixPrimNode->GetElementCount();
1057     int curDepth = primNode->GetElementCount();
1059     if (curDepth < prefixDepth) {
1060         return *this;
1061     }
1063     // Make space for temporary tail nodes.  Use stack if small enough.
1064     constexpr size_t MaxLocalNodes = 16;
1065     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr localNodes[MaxLocalNodes];
1066     std::unique_ptr<Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr []> remoteNodes;
1067     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr *tmpNodes = localNodes;
1068     size_t requiredTmpNodes = curDepth - prefixDepth;
1069     if (requiredTmpNodes > MaxLocalNodes) {
1070         remoteNodes.reset(new Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr[requiredTmpNodes]);
1071         tmpNodes = remoteNodes.get();
1072     }
1074     size_t i = 0;
1075     while (curDepth > prefixDepth) {
1076         tmpNodes[i++] = primNode;
1077         primNode = primNode->GetParentNode();
1078         --curDepth;
1079     }
1081     if (primNode != prefixPrimNode) {
1082         return *this;
1083     }
1085     // Tack the prim elements onto newPrefix.
1086     SdfPath newPath = newPrefix;
1087     while (i--) {
1088         switch (tmpNodes[i]->GetNodeType()) {
1089         case Sdf_PathNode::PrimNode:
1090             newPath._primPart = Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreatePrim(
1091                 newPath._primPart.get(), tmpNodes[i]->GetName());
1092             break;
1093         default:
1094             newPath = _AppendNode(newPath, tmpNodes[i]);
1095         }
1096     }
1098     // Add our property element.
1099     newPath._propPart = _propPart;
1101     return newPath;
1102 }
1104 SdfPath
_ReplaceTargetPathPrefixes(SdfPath const & oldPrefix,SdfPath const & newPrefix) const1105 SdfPath::_ReplaceTargetPathPrefixes(SdfPath const &oldPrefix,
1106                                     SdfPath const &newPrefix) const
1107 {
1108     using Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr = Sdf_PathNode const *;
1110     // Go through all the target paths in this path, and replace their prefixes.
1111     Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get();
1112     if (!propNode->ContainsTargetPath()) {
1113         return *this;
1114     }
1116     // Make space for temporary tail nodes.  Use stack if small enough.
1117     constexpr size_t MaxLocalNodes = 16;
1118     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr localNodes[MaxLocalNodes];
1119     std::unique_ptr<Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr []> remoteNodes;
1120     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr *tmpNodes = localNodes;
1121     size_t requiredTmpNodes = propNode->GetElementCount();
1122     if (requiredTmpNodes > MaxLocalNodes) {
1123         remoteNodes.reset(new Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr[requiredTmpNodes]);
1124         tmpNodes = remoteNodes.get();
1125     }
1127     size_t i = 0;
1128     while (propNode && propNode->ContainsTargetPath()) {
1129         tmpNodes[i++] = propNode;
1130         propNode = propNode->GetParentNode();
1131     }
1133     // Tack the prop elements onto newPrefix's prop part.
1134     SdfPath newPath(_primPart.get(), propNode);
1135     while (i--) {
1136         switch (tmpNodes[i]->GetNodeType()) {
1137         case Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode:
1138             newPath._propPart = Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreatePrimProperty(
1139                 nullptr, tmpNodes[i]->GetName());
1140             break;
1141         case Sdf_PathNode::TargetNode:
1142             newPath = newPath.AppendTarget(
1143                 tmpNodes[i]->GetTargetPath().ReplacePrefix(
1144                     oldPrefix, newPrefix, /*fixTargetPaths=*/true));
1145             break;
1146         case Sdf_PathNode::MapperNode:
1147             newPath = newPath.AppendMapper(
1148                 tmpNodes[i]->GetTargetPath().ReplacePrefix(
1149                     oldPrefix, newPrefix, /*fixTargetPaths=*/true));
1150             break;
1151         default:
1152             newPath = _AppendNode(newPath, tmpNodes[i]);
1153         }
1154     }
1156     return newPath;
1157 }
1159 SdfPath
_ReplacePropPrefix(SdfPath const & oldPrefix,SdfPath const & newPrefix,bool fixTargetPaths) const1160 SdfPath::_ReplacePropPrefix(SdfPath const &oldPrefix,
1161                             SdfPath const &newPrefix,
1162                             bool fixTargetPaths) const
1163 {
1164     using Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr = Sdf_PathNode const *;
1166     // Walk up the prop part of this path until we have the same depth as
1167     // oldPrefix's prop part, recording tail elements along the way.  If we find
1168     // oldPrefix is in fact a prefix, then tack the tail elements onto newPrefix
1169     // (replacing prefixes in target paths if \p fixTargetPaths is true).  If
1170     // oldPrefix is not found, then just replace target paths in all the
1171     // elements.
1173     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr propNode = _propPart.get();
1174     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr prefixPropNode = oldPrefix._propPart.get();
1176     int prefixDepth = prefixPropNode->GetElementCount();
1177     int curDepth = propNode->GetElementCount();
1179     if (curDepth < prefixDepth) {
1180         return (fixTargetPaths && propNode->ContainsTargetPath()) ?
1181             _ReplaceTargetPathPrefixes(oldPrefix, newPrefix) : *this;
1182     }
1184     // Make space for temporary tail nodes.  Use stack if small enough.
1185     constexpr size_t MaxLocalNodes = 16;
1186     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr localNodes[MaxLocalNodes];
1187     std::unique_ptr<Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr []> remoteNodes;
1188     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr *tmpNodes = localNodes;
1189     size_t requiredTmpNodes = curDepth - prefixDepth;
1190     if (requiredTmpNodes > MaxLocalNodes) {
1191         remoteNodes.reset(new Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr[requiredTmpNodes]);
1192         tmpNodes = remoteNodes.get();
1193     }
1195     size_t i = 0;
1196     while (curDepth > prefixDepth) {
1197         tmpNodes[i++] = propNode;
1198         propNode = propNode->GetParentNode();
1199         --curDepth;
1200     }
1202     if (propNode != prefixPropNode) {
1203         return (fixTargetPaths && ContainsTargetPath()) ?
1204             _ReplaceTargetPathPrefixes(oldPrefix, newPrefix) : *this;
1205     }
1207     // Tack the prop elements onto newPrefix's prop part.
1208     SdfPath newPath = newPrefix;
1209     while (i--) {
1210         switch (tmpNodes[i]->GetNodeType()) {
1211         case Sdf_PathNode::PrimPropertyNode:
1212             newPath._propPart = Sdf_PathNode::FindOrCreatePrimProperty(
1213                 nullptr, tmpNodes[i]->GetName());
1214             break;
1215         case Sdf_PathNode::TargetNode:
1216             if (fixTargetPaths) {
1217                 newPath = newPath.AppendTarget(
1218                     tmpNodes[i]->GetTargetPath().ReplacePrefix(
1219                         oldPrefix, newPrefix, fixTargetPaths));
1220             } else {
1221                 newPath = _AppendNode(newPath, tmpNodes[i]);
1222             }
1223             break;
1224         case Sdf_PathNode::MapperNode:
1225             if (fixTargetPaths) {
1226                 newPath = newPath.AppendMapper(
1227                     tmpNodes[i]->GetTargetPath().ReplacePrefix(
1228                         oldPrefix, newPrefix, fixTargetPaths));
1229             } else {
1230                 newPath = _AppendNode(newPath, tmpNodes[i]);
1231             }
1232             break;
1233         default:
1234             newPath = _AppendNode(newPath, tmpNodes[i]);
1235         }
1236     }
1238     return newPath;
1239 }
1242 SdfPath
ReplacePrefix(const SdfPath & oldPrefix,const SdfPath & newPrefix,bool fixTargetPaths) const1243 SdfPath::ReplacePrefix(const SdfPath &oldPrefix, const SdfPath &newPrefix,
1244                        bool fixTargetPaths) const
1245 {
1246     // Perhaps surprisingly, this path need not have oldPrefix as a prefix.  For
1247     // example, '/a.rel[/target]'.ReplacePrefix('/target', '/other/target') ->
1248     // '/a.rel[/other/target]' when fixTargetPaths == true.
1250     TRACE_FUNCTION();
1252     if (IsEmpty() || oldPrefix == newPrefix) {
1253         return *this;
1254     }
1255     if (oldPrefix.IsEmpty() || newPrefix.IsEmpty()) {
1256         return EmptyPath();
1257     }
1258     if (*this == oldPrefix) {
1259         return newPrefix;
1260     }
1262     using Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr = Sdf_PathNode const *;
1264     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr primNode = _primPart.get();
1265     Sdf_PathNodeConstPtr propNode = _propPart.get();
1267     SdfPath newPath;
1269     if (!oldPrefix._propPart) {
1270         // oldPrefix is a prim-like path.  Replace the prefix in the prim part,
1271         // if it has oldPrefix as a prefix.
1272         newPath = _ReplacePrimPrefix(oldPrefix, newPrefix);
1274         if (fixTargetPaths && propNode && propNode->ContainsTargetPath()) {
1275             // This path is property-like and contains targets that we need to
1276             // fix, so fix them up.
1277             newPath = newPath._ReplaceTargetPathPrefixes(oldPrefix, newPrefix);
1278         }
1279     }
1280     else {
1281         // oldPrefix is a property-like path.  If this path is a prim-like path
1282         // then oldPrefix cannot be a prefix of this path and we do not have
1283         // targets to fix.
1284         if (!propNode) {
1285             return *this;
1286         }
1288         // Both oldPrefix and this are property-like paths.  If the prim parts
1289         // do not match, then we just replace targets (or do nothing).  If they
1290         // do match, then we walk up prop nodes to same depth (or as long as we
1291         // need to fix targets) and replace.  But crucially, we have to search
1292         // for the property part of oldPrefix as a prefix of this path's
1293         // property part.  If we find it then the resulting path has newPrefix's
1294         // prim part, otherwise it has this path's prim part.
1296         if (primNode != oldPrefix._primPart.get()) {
1297             if (fixTargetPaths && propNode->ContainsTargetPath()) {
1298                 newPath = _ReplaceTargetPathPrefixes(oldPrefix, newPrefix);
1299             }
1300             else {
1301                 return *this;
1302             }
1303         }
1304         else {
1305             newPath = _ReplacePropPrefix(oldPrefix, newPrefix, fixTargetPaths);
1306         }
1307     }
1309     return newPath;
1310 }
1312 SdfPath
GetCommonPrefix(const SdfPath & path2) const1313 SdfPath::GetCommonPrefix(const SdfPath &path2) const {
1315     if (path2.IsEmpty()) {
1316         TF_WARN("GetCommonPrefix(): invalid path.");
1317         return SdfPath();
1318     }
1320     SdfPath const &path1 = *this;
1322     // Skip as much as we can based on whether or not the paths have property
1323     // elements, etc.  We either start in the prim area (if one or both paths
1324     // have no property elements, or if they both do but the leafmost prim
1325     // elements differ) or we stay fully in the property area (up to the
1326     // leafmost prim element).
1327     Sdf_PathNode const *path1Node;
1328     Sdf_PathNode const *path2Node;
1330     bool isPrimLike = true;
1331     if (ARCH_LIKELY(!path1._propPart || !path2._propPart ||
1332                     (path1._primPart != path2._primPart))) {
1333         path1Node = path1._primPart.get();
1334         path2Node = path2._primPart.get();
1335     }
1336     else {
1337         isPrimLike = false;
1338         path1Node = path1._propPart.get();
1339         path2Node = path2._propPart.get();
1340     }
1342     size_t count1 = path1Node->GetElementCount();
1343     size_t count2 = path2Node->GetElementCount();
1345     while (count1 > count2) {
1346         path1Node = path1Node->GetParentNode();
1347         --count1;
1348     }
1349     while (count2 > count1) {
1350         path2Node = path2Node->GetParentNode();
1351         --count2;
1352     }
1354     while (path1Node != path2Node) {
1355         path1Node = path1Node->GetParentNode();
1356         path2Node = path2Node->GetParentNode();
1357     }
1359     SdfPath ret;
1360     if (ARCH_LIKELY(isPrimLike)) {
1361         ret._primPart = path1Node;
1362     }
1363     else {
1364         ret._primPart = path1._primPart;
1365         ret._propPart = path1Node;
1366     }
1367     return ret;
1368 }
1370 namespace {
1371 struct _NodeEqual
1372 {
1373     template <class T>
operator ()__anon2d62f9890411::_NodeEqual1374     inline bool operator()(T const &a, T const &b) const {
1375         return a == b;
1376     }
1377 };
1378 }
1380 std::pair<SdfPath, SdfPath>
RemoveCommonSuffix(const SdfPath & otherPath,bool stopAtRootPrim) const1381 SdfPath::RemoveCommonSuffix(const SdfPath& otherPath,
1382                             bool stopAtRootPrim) const {
1384     if (IsEmpty() || otherPath.IsEmpty() ||
1385         (static_cast<bool>(_propPart) ^
1386          static_cast<bool>(otherPath._propPart))) {
1387         return std::make_pair(*this, otherPath);
1388     }
1390     // Scan upwards until we find a difference or a root node or child of
1391     // a root node.  Root nodes have element counts of 0 and their children
1392     // elements counts of 1.
1394     if (_propPart) {
1395         Sdf_PathNode const *thisProp = _propPart.get();
1396         Sdf_PathNode const *otherProp = otherPath._propPart.get();
1397         while (thisProp && otherProp) {
1398             if (!thisProp->Compare<_NodeEqual>(*otherProp)) {
1399                 return std::make_pair(
1400                     SdfPath(_primPart,
1401                             Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle(thisProp)),
1402                     SdfPath(otherPath._primPart,
1403                             Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle(otherProp)));
1404             }
1405             thisProp = thisProp->GetParentNode();
1406             otherProp = otherProp->GetParentNode();
1407         }
1408         if (thisProp || otherProp) {
1409             return std::make_pair(
1410                 SdfPath(_primPart, Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle(thisProp)),
1411                 SdfPath(otherPath._primPart,
1412                         Sdf_PathPropNodeHandle(otherProp)));
1413         }
1414     }
1416     Sdf_PathNode const *thisPrim = _primPart.get();
1417     Sdf_PathNode const *otherPrim = otherPath._primPart.get();
1419     while (thisPrim->GetElementCount() > 1 &&
1420            otherPrim->GetElementCount() > 1) {
1421         if (!thisPrim->Compare<_NodeEqual>(*otherPrim)) {
1422             return std::make_pair(SdfPath(thisPrim, nullptr),
1423                                   SdfPath(otherPrim, nullptr));
1424         }
1425         thisPrim = thisPrim->GetParentNode();
1426         otherPrim = otherPrim->GetParentNode();
1427     }
1429     // If stopAtRootPrim is not true and neither path is a root then we
1430     // can scan upwards one more level.
1431     if (!stopAtRootPrim &&
1432         thisPrim->GetElementCount() >= 1 &&
1433         otherPrim->GetElementCount() >= 1 &&
1434         thisPrim->Compare<_NodeEqual>(*otherPrim)) {
1435         thisPrim = thisPrim->GetParentNode();
1436         otherPrim = otherPrim->GetParentNode();
1437     }
1438     return std::make_pair(SdfPath(thisPrim, nullptr),
1439                           SdfPath(otherPrim, nullptr));
1440 }
1442 SdfPath
ReplaceTargetPath(const SdfPath & newTargetPath) const1443 SdfPath::ReplaceTargetPath(const SdfPath &newTargetPath) const {
1445     if (IsEmpty()) {
1446         return SdfPath();
1447     }
1449     if (newTargetPath == SdfPath()) {
1450         TF_WARN("ReplaceTargetPath(): invalid new target path.");
1451         return SdfPath();
1452     }
1454     if (_propPart) {
1455         Sdf_PathNode const *propNode = _propPart.get();
1456         Sdf_PathNode::NodeType type = _propPart->GetNodeType();
1457         if (type == Sdf_PathNode::TargetNode) {
1458             return GetParentPath().AppendTarget(newTargetPath);
1459         } else if (type == Sdf_PathNode::RelationalAttributeNode) {
1460             return GetParentPath().ReplaceTargetPath(newTargetPath).
1461                 AppendRelationalAttribute(propNode->GetName());
1462         } else if (type == Sdf_PathNode::MapperNode) {
1463             return GetParentPath().AppendMapper(newTargetPath);
1464         } else if (type == Sdf_PathNode::MapperArgNode) {
1465             return GetParentPath().ReplaceTargetPath(newTargetPath).
1466                 AppendMapperArg(propNode->GetName());
1467         } else if (type == Sdf_PathNode::ExpressionNode) {
1468             return GetParentPath().ReplaceTargetPath(newTargetPath).
1469                 AppendExpression();
1470         }
1471     }
1473     // no target to replace
1474     // return path unchanged
1475     return *this;
1476 }
1478 SdfPath
MakeAbsolutePath(const SdfPath & anchor) const1479 SdfPath::MakeAbsolutePath(const SdfPath & anchor) const {
1481     SdfPath result;
1483     if (anchor == SdfPath()) {
1484         TF_WARN("MakeAbsolutePath(): anchor is the empty path.");
1485         return result;
1486     }
1488     // Check that anchor is an absolute path
1489     if (!anchor.IsAbsolutePath()) {
1490         TF_WARN("MakeAbsolutePath() requires an absolute path as an argument.");
1491         return result;
1492     }
1494     // Check that anchor is a prim-like path
1495     if (!anchor.IsAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath() &&
1496         !anchor.IsPrimVariantSelectionPath()) {
1497         TF_WARN("MakeAbsolutePath() requires a prim path as an argument.");
1498         return result;
1499     }
1501     // If we're empty, just return empty.
1502     if (IsEmpty()) {
1503         return result;
1504     }
1506     // If we're not already absolute, do our own path using anchor as the
1507     // relative base.
1508     if (ARCH_LIKELY(!IsAbsolutePath())) {
1510         // Collect all the ancestral path nodes.
1511         Sdf_PathNode const *curNode = _primPart.get();
1512         size_t numNodes = curNode->GetElementCount();
1513         vector<Sdf_PathNode const *> relNodes(numNodes);
1514         while (numNodes--) {
1515             relNodes[numNodes] = curNode;
1516             curNode = curNode->GetParentNode();
1517         }
1519         // Now append all the nodes to the anchor to produce the absolute path.
1520         result = anchor;
1521         for (Sdf_PathNode const *node: relNodes) {
1522             result = _AppendNode(result, node);
1523             if (result.IsEmpty()) {
1524                 break;
1525             }
1526         }
1527     }
1528     else {
1529         result = *this;
1530     }
1532     // If we failed to produce a path, return empty.  This happens in cases
1533     // where we try to make paths like '../../..' absolute with anchors that are
1534     // shorter, causing us to try to go "outside the root".
1535     if (result.IsEmpty()) {
1536         return result;
1537     }
1539     // Tack on any property path.
1540     result._propPart = _propPart;
1542     // Now make target paths absolute (recursively) if we need to.
1543     // We need to use result's prim path as the anchor for the target path.
1544     SdfPath const &targetPath = result.GetTargetPath();
1545     if (!targetPath.IsEmpty()) {
1546         SdfPath primPath = result.GetPrimPath();
1547         SdfPath newTargetPath = targetPath.MakeAbsolutePath(primPath);
1548         result = result.ReplaceTargetPath(newTargetPath);
1549     }
1551     return result;
1552 }
1554 SdfPath
MakeRelativePath(const SdfPath & anchor) const1555 SdfPath::MakeRelativePath(const SdfPath & anchor) const
1556 {
1557     TRACE_FUNCTION();
1559     // Check that anchor is a valid path
1560     if ( anchor == SdfPath() ) {
1561         TF_WARN("MakeRelativePath(): anchor is the invalid path.");
1562         return SdfPath();
1563     }
1565     // Check that anchor is an absolute path
1566     if (!anchor.IsAbsolutePath()) {
1567         TF_WARN("MakeRelativePath() requires an absolute path as an argument.");
1568         return SdfPath();
1569     }
1571     // Check that anchor is a prim-like path
1572     if (!anchor.IsAbsoluteRootOrPrimPath() &&
1573         !anchor.IsPrimVariantSelectionPath()) {
1574         TF_WARN("MakeRelativePath() requires a prim, prim variant selection, "
1575                 "or absolute root path as an anchor (got '%s').",
1576                  anchor.GetAsString().c_str());
1577         return SdfPath();
1578     }
1580     // If we're invalid, just return a copy of ourselves.
1581     if (IsEmpty()) {
1582         return SdfPath();
1583     }
1585     if (!IsAbsolutePath()) {
1586         // Canonicalize... make sure the relative path has the
1587         // fewest possible dot-dots.
1588         SdfPath absPath = MakeAbsolutePath(anchor);
1589         return absPath.MakeRelativePath(anchor);
1590     }
1592     // We are absolute, we want to be relative
1594     // This list winds up in reverse order to what one might at first expect.
1595     vector<Sdf_PathNode const *> relNodes;
1597     // We need to crawl up the this path until we are the same length as
1598     // the anchor.
1599     // Then we crawl up both till we find the matching nodes.
1600     // As we crawl, we build the relNodes vector.
1601     size_t thisCount = _primPart->GetElementCount();
1602     size_t anchorCount = anchor._primPart->GetElementCount();
1604     Sdf_PathNode const *curThisNode = _primPart.get();
1605     Sdf_PathNode const *curAnchorNode = anchor._primPart.get();
1607     // walk to the same depth
1608     size_t dotdotCount = 0;
1610     while (thisCount > anchorCount) {
1611         relNodes.push_back(curThisNode);
1612         curThisNode = curThisNode->GetParentNode();
1613         --thisCount;
1614     }
1616     while (thisCount < anchorCount) {
1617         ++dotdotCount;
1618         curAnchorNode = curAnchorNode->GetParentNode();
1619         --anchorCount;
1620     }
1622     // now we're at the same depth
1623     TF_AXIOM(thisCount == anchorCount);
1625     // walk to a common prefix
1626     while (curThisNode != curAnchorNode) {
1627         ++dotdotCount;
1628         relNodes.push_back(curThisNode);
1629         curThisNode   = curThisNode->GetParentNode();
1630         curAnchorNode = curAnchorNode->GetParentNode();
1631     }
1633     // Now relNodes the nodes of this path after the prefix
1634     // common to anchor and this path.
1635     SdfPath result = ReflexiveRelativePath();
1637     // Start by adding dotdots
1638     while (dotdotCount--) {
1639         result = result.GetParentPath();
1640     }
1642     // Now add nodes similar to relNodes to the ReflexiveRelativePath()
1643     // relNodes needs to be iterated in reverse since the closest ancestor
1644     // node was pushed on last.
1645     for (auto it = relNodes.rbegin(); it != relNodes.rend(); ++it) {
1646         result = _AppendNode(result, *it);
1647     }
1649     // Tack on any property part.
1650     result._propPart = _propPart;
1652     return result;
1653 }
_IsValidIdentifier(TfToken const & name)1655 static inline bool _IsValidIdentifier(TfToken const &name)
1656 {
1657     return TfIsValidIdentifier(name.GetString());
1658 }
1660 bool
IsValidIdentifier(const std::string & name)1661 SdfPath::IsValidIdentifier(const std::string &name)
1662 {
1663     return TfIsValidIdentifier(name);
1664 }
1666 // We use our own _IsAlpha and _IsAlnum here for two reasons.  One, we want to
1667 // ensure that they follow C/Python identifier rules and are not subject to
1668 // various locale differences.  And two, since we are not consulting a locale,
1669 // it is faster.
_IsAlpha(int x)1670 static constexpr bool _IsAlpha(int x) {
1671     return ('a' <= (x|32)) && ((x|32) <= 'z');
1672 }
_IsAlnum(int x)1673 static constexpr bool _IsAlnum(int x) {
1674     return _IsAlpha(x) || (('0' <= x) && (x <= '9'));
1675 }
1677 bool
IsValidNamespacedIdentifier(const std::string & name)1678 SdfPath::IsValidNamespacedIdentifier(const std::string &name)
1679 {
1680     // A valid C/Python identifier except we also allow the namespace delimiter
1681     // and if we tokenize on that delimiter then all tokens are valid C/Python
1682     // identifiers.  That means following a delimiter there must be an '_' or
1683     // alphabetic character.
1684     constexpr char delim = SDF_PATH_NS_DELIMITER_CHAR;
1685     for (char const *p = name.c_str(); *p; ++p) {
1686         if (!_IsAlpha(*p) && *p != '_') {
1687             return false;
1688         }
1689         for (++p; _IsAlnum(*p) ||*p == '_'; ++p) {
1690             /* consume identifier */
1691         }
1692         if (*p != delim) {
1693             return !*p;
1694         }
1695     }
1696     return false;
1697 }
1699 std::vector<std::string>
TokenizeIdentifier(const std::string & name)1700 SdfPath::TokenizeIdentifier(const std::string &name)
1701 {
1702     std::vector<std::string> result;
1704     // This code currently assumes the namespace delimiter is one character.
1705     const char namespaceDelimiter =
1706         SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText()[0];
1708     std::string::const_iterator first = name.begin();
1709     std::string::const_iterator last = name.end();
1711     // Not empty and first character is alpha or '_'.
1712     if (first == last || !(isalpha(*first) || (*first == '_')))
1713         return result;
1714     // Last character is not the namespace delimiter.
1715     if (*(last - 1) == namespaceDelimiter)
1716         return result;
1718     // Count delimiters and reserve space in result.
1719     result.reserve(1 + std::count(first, last, namespaceDelimiter));
1721     std::string::const_iterator anchor = first;
1722     for (++first; first != last; ++first) {
1723         // Allow a namespace delimiter.
1724         if (*first == namespaceDelimiter) {
1725             // Record token.
1726             result.push_back(std::string(anchor, first));
1728             // Skip delimiter.  We know we will not go beyond the end of
1729             // the string because we checked before the loop that the
1730             // last character was not the delimiter.
1731             anchor = ++first;
1733             // First character.
1734             if (!(isalpha(*first) || (*first == '_'))) {
1735                 TfReset(result);
1736                 return result;
1737             }
1738         }
1739         else {
1740             // Next character
1741             if (!(isalnum(*first) || (*first == '_'))) {
1742                 TfReset(result);
1743                 return result;
1744             }
1745         }
1746     }
1748     // Record the last token.
1749     result.push_back(std::string(anchor, first));
1751     return result;
1752 }
1754 TfTokenVector
TokenizeIdentifierAsTokens(const std::string & name)1755 SdfPath::TokenizeIdentifierAsTokens(const std::string &name)
1756 {
1757     std::vector<std::string> tmp = TokenizeIdentifier(name);
1758     TfTokenVector result(tmp.size());
1759     for (size_t i = 0, n = tmp.size(); i != n; ++i) {
1760         TfToken(tmp[i]).Swap(result[i]);
1761     }
1762     return result;
1763 }
1765 std::string
JoinIdentifier(const std::vector<std::string> & names)1766 SdfPath::JoinIdentifier(const std::vector<std::string> &names)
1767 {
1768     if (std::any_of(names.begin(), names.end(),
1769                     [](const std::string &s){return s.empty();}))
1770     {
1771         // Create a new vector with just the non-empty names.
1772         std::vector<std::string> nonEmptyNames;
1773         nonEmptyNames.reserve(names.size());
1774         std::copy_if(names.begin(), names.end(),
1775                      std::back_inserter(nonEmptyNames),
1776                      [](const std::string &s){return !s.empty();});
1777         return TfStringJoin(nonEmptyNames,
1778                             SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText());
1779     }
1780     return TfStringJoin(names, SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText());
1781 }
1783 std::string
JoinIdentifier(const TfTokenVector & names)1784 SdfPath::JoinIdentifier(const TfTokenVector& names)
1785 {
1786     std::vector<std::string> tmp;
1787     tmp.reserve(names.size());
1788     for (size_t i = 0, n = names.size(); i != n; ++i) {
1789         if (!names[i].IsEmpty()) {
1790             tmp.push_back(names[i].GetString());
1791         }
1792     }
1793     return TfStringJoin(tmp, SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText());
1794 }
1796 std::string
JoinIdentifier(const std::string & lhs,const std::string & rhs)1797 SdfPath::JoinIdentifier(const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs)
1798 {
1799     if (lhs.empty()) {
1800         return rhs;
1801     }
1802     else if (rhs.empty()) {
1803         return lhs;
1804     }
1805     else {
1806         return lhs + SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText() + rhs;
1807     }
1808 }
1810 std::string
JoinIdentifier(const TfToken & lhs,const TfToken & rhs)1811 SdfPath::JoinIdentifier(const TfToken &lhs, const TfToken &rhs)
1812 {
1813     return JoinIdentifier(lhs.GetString(), rhs.GetString());
1814 }
1816 std::string
StripNamespace(const std::string & name)1817 SdfPath::StripNamespace(const std::string &name)
1818 {
1819     // This code currently assumes the namespace delimiter is one character.
1820     const char namespaceDelimiter =
1821         SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText()[0];
1822     const std::string::size_type n = name.rfind(namespaceDelimiter);
1823     return n == std::string::npos ? name : name.substr(n + 1);
1824 }
1826 TfToken
StripNamespace(const TfToken & name)1827 SdfPath::StripNamespace(const TfToken &name)
1828 {
1829     return TfToken(StripNamespace(name.GetString()));
1830 }
1832 std::pair<std::string, bool>
StripPrefixNamespace(const std::string & name,const std::string & matchNamespace)1833 SdfPath::StripPrefixNamespace(const std::string &name,
1834                               const std::string &matchNamespace)
1835 {
1836     static const char namespaceDelimiter =
1837         SdfPathTokens->namespaceDelimiter.GetText()[0];
1839     if (matchNamespace.empty()) {
1840         return std::make_pair(name, false);
1841     }
1843     if (TfStringStartsWith(name, matchNamespace)) {
1845         size_t matchNamespaceLen = matchNamespace.size();
1847         // Now check to make sure the next character is the namespace delimiter
1848         if (matchNamespace[matchNamespaceLen - 1] == namespaceDelimiter) {
1850             // The matched namespace already contained the end delimiter,
1851             // nothing more to do.
1852             return std::make_pair(name.substr(matchNamespaceLen), true);
1854         } else {
1856             // The matched namespace needs an extra delimiter ':' so check for
1857             // it now.
1858             if (name[matchNamespaceLen] == namespaceDelimiter) {
1859                 return std::make_pair(name.substr(matchNamespaceLen + 1), true);
1860             }
1862         }
1863     }
1865     return std::make_pair(name, false);
1866 }
1868 bool
IsValidPathString(const std::string & pathString,std::string * errMsg)1869 SdfPath::IsValidPathString(const std::string &pathString,
1870                           std::string *errMsg)
1871 {
1872     Sdf_PathParserContext context;
1874     // Initialize the scanner, allowing it to be reentrant.
1875     pathYylex_init(&context.scanner);
1877     yy_buffer_state *b =
1878         pathYy_scan_bytes(pathString.c_str(), pathString.size(),
1879                           context.scanner);
1881     bool valid = (pathYyparse(&context) == 0);
1883     if (!valid && errMsg)
1884         *errMsg = context.errStr;
1886     // Clean up.
1887     pathYy_delete_buffer(b, context.scanner);
1888     pathYylex_destroy(context.scanner);
1890     return valid;
1891 }
1893 // Caller ensures both absolute or both relative.  We need to crawl up the
1894 // longer path until both are the same length.  Then we crawl up both until we
1895 // find the nodes whose parents match.  Then we can compare those nodes.
1896 static inline bool
_LessThanCompareNodes(Sdf_PathNode const * l,Sdf_PathNode const * r)1897 _LessThanCompareNodes(Sdf_PathNode const *l, Sdf_PathNode const *r)
1898 {
1899     // Internally element counts are 'short', so this cast is safe.
1900     int lCount = static_cast<int>(l->GetElementCount());
1901     int rCount = static_cast<int>(r->GetElementCount());
1903     // Since caller ensures both absolute or both relative, then if either has
1904     // no elements, it's the root node.  l is less than r if l is the root and r
1905     // is not.
1906     if (!lCount || !rCount) {
1907         return !lCount && rCount;
1908     }
1910     int diff = rCount - lCount;
1912     // walk up to the same depth
1913     while (diff < 0) {
1914         l = l->GetParentNode();
1915         ++diff;
1916     }
1917     while (diff > 0) {
1918         r = r->GetParentNode();
1919         --diff;
1920     }
1922     // Now the cur nodes are at the same depth in the node tree
1923     if (l == r) {
1924         // They differ only in the tail.  If r has the tail, then this is
1925         // less, otherwise r is less.
1926         return lCount < rCount;
1927     }
1929     Sdf_PathNode const *lp = l->GetParentNode();
1930     Sdf_PathNode const *rp = r->GetParentNode();
1931     while (lp != rp) {
1932         l = lp, r = rp;
1933         lp = l->GetParentNode(), rp = r->GetParentNode();
1934     }
1936     // Now parents are equal, compare the current child nodes.
1937     return l->Compare<Sdf_PathNode::LessThan>(*r);
1938 }
1940 bool
_LessThanInternal(SdfPath const & lhs,SdfPath const & rhs)1941 SdfPath::_LessThanInternal(SdfPath const &lhs, SdfPath const &rhs)
1942 {
1943     Sdf_PathNode const *lNode = lhs._primPart.get();
1944     Sdf_PathNode const *rNode = rhs._primPart.get();
1946     bool lIsAbs = lNode->IsAbsolutePath();
1947     bool rIsAbs = rNode->IsAbsolutePath();
1949     // Absolute paths are less than all relative paths.
1950     if (lIsAbs != rIsAbs) {
1951         return lIsAbs;
1952     }
1954     // If there is a difference in prim part, it's more significant than the
1955     // property part.
1956     if (ARCH_LIKELY(lNode != rNode)) {
1957         return _LessThanCompareNodes(lNode, rNode);
1958     }
1960     lNode = lhs._propPart.get(), rNode = rhs._propPart.get();
1961     if (!lNode || !rNode) {
1962         return !lNode;
1963     }
1964     return _LessThanCompareNodes(lNode, rNode);
1965 }
operator <<(std::ostream & out,const SdfPath & path)1967 std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream &out, const SdfPath &path ) {
1968     return out << path.GetString();
1969 }
1971 SdfPathVector
GetConciseRelativePaths(const SdfPathVector & paths)1972 SdfPath::GetConciseRelativePaths(const SdfPathVector& paths) {
1974     SdfPathVector primPaths;
1975     SdfPathVector anchors;
1976     SdfPathVector labels;
1978     // initialize the vectors
1979     TF_FOR_ALL(iter, paths) {
1981         if(!iter->IsAbsolutePath()) {
1982             TF_WARN("argument to GetConciseRelativePaths contains a relative path.");
1983             return paths;
1984         }
1986         // first, get the prim paths
1987         SdfPath primPath = iter->GetPrimPath();
1988         SdfPath anchor = primPath.GetParentPath();
1990         primPaths.push_back(primPath);
1991         anchors.push_back(anchor);
1993         // we have to special case root anchors, since MakeRelativePath can't handle them
1994         if(anchor == SdfPath::AbsoluteRootPath())
1995           labels.push_back(primPath);
1996         else
1997           labels.push_back(primPath.MakeRelativePath(anchor));
1999     }
2001     // each ambiguous path must be raised to its parent
2002     bool ambiguous;
2003     do {
2005         ambiguous = false;
2007         // the next iteration of labels
2008         SdfPathVector newAnchors;
2009         SdfPathVector newLabels;
2011         // find ambiguous labels
2012         for(size_t i=0;i<labels.size();++i) {
2014            int ok = true;
2016            // search for some other path that makes this one ambiguous
2017            for(size_t j=0;j<labels.size();++j) {
2018               if(i != j && labels[i] == labels[j] && primPaths[i] != primPaths[j]) {
2019                   ok = false;
2020                   break;
2021               }
2022            }
2024            if(!ok) {
2026                // walk the anchor up one node
2027                SdfPath newAnchor = anchors[i].GetParentPath();
2029                newAnchors.push_back(newAnchor);
2030                newLabels.push_back( newAnchor == SdfPath::AbsoluteRootPath() ? primPaths[i]
2031                                        : primPaths[i].MakeRelativePath( newAnchor ) );
2032                ambiguous = true;
2034            } else {
2035                newAnchors.push_back(anchors[i]);
2036                newLabels.push_back(labels[i]);
2037            }
2039         }
2041         anchors = newAnchors;
2042         labels = newLabels;
2044     } while(ambiguous);
2046     // generate the final set from the anchors
2047     SdfPathVector result;
2049     for(size_t i=0; i<anchors.size();++i) {
2051        if(anchors[i] == SdfPath::AbsoluteRootPath()) {
2052           result.push_back( paths[i] );
2053        } else {
2054           result.push_back( paths[i].MakeRelativePath( anchors[i] ));
2055        }
2057     }
2059     return result;
2061 }
2063 void
RemoveDescendentPaths(SdfPathVector * paths)2064 SdfPath::RemoveDescendentPaths(SdfPathVector *paths)
2065 {
2066     // To remove descendents, first partition paths into prefix-related groups
2067     // via sort.
2068     std::sort(paths->begin(), paths->end());
2070     // Now unique and erase all descendents.  The equivalence predicate returns
2071     // true if rhs has lhs as a prefix.
2072     paths->erase(std::unique(paths->begin(), paths->end(),
2073                              [](SdfPath const &l, SdfPath const &r) {
2074                                  return r.HasPrefix(l);
2075                              }),
2076                  paths->end());
2077 }
2079 void
RemoveAncestorPaths(SdfPathVector * paths)2080 SdfPath::RemoveAncestorPaths(SdfPathVector *paths)
2081 {
2082     // To remove ancestors, first parition paths into prefix-related groups
2083     // via sort.
2084     std::sort(paths->begin(), paths->end());
2086     // Now unique and erase ancestors.  The equivalence predicate returns true
2087     // if lhs has rhs as a prefix.
2088     paths->erase(paths->begin(),
2089                  std::unique(paths->rbegin(), paths->rend(),
2090                              [](SdfPath const &l, SdfPath const &r) {
2091                                  return l.HasPrefix(r);
2092                              }).base());
2093 }
2095 typename std::set<SdfPath>::const_iterator
SdfPathFindLongestPrefix(std::set<SdfPath> const & set,SdfPath const & path)2096 SdfPathFindLongestPrefix(std::set<SdfPath> const &set, SdfPath const &path)
2097 {
2098     return Sdf_PathFindLongestPrefixImpl<
2099         typename std::set<SdfPath>::const_iterator,
2100         std::set<SdfPath> const &>(set, path, /*strictPrefix=*/false);
2101 }
2103 typename std::set<SdfPath>::const_iterator
SdfPathFindLongestStrictPrefix(std::set<SdfPath> const & set,SdfPath const & path)2104 SdfPathFindLongestStrictPrefix(std::set<SdfPath> const &set,
2105                                SdfPath const &path)
2106 {
2107     return Sdf_PathFindLongestPrefixImpl<
2108         typename std::set<SdfPath>::const_iterator,
2109         std::set<SdfPath> const &>(set, path, /*strictPrefix=*/true);
2110 }
2112 SdfPathAncestorsRange::iterator&
operator ++()2113 SdfPathAncestorsRange::iterator::operator++()
2114 {
2115     if (!_path.IsEmpty()) {
2116         const Sdf_PathNode* propPart = nullptr;
2117         const Sdf_PathNode* primPart = nullptr;
2118         if (ARCH_UNLIKELY(_path._propPart)) {
2119             propPart = _path._propPart->GetParentNode();
2120             primPart = _path._primPart.get();
2121         } else if (_path._primPart && _path._primPart->GetElementCount() > 1) {
2122             primPart = _path._primPart->GetParentNode();
2123         }
2124         _path = SdfPath(primPart, propPart);
2125     }
2126     return *this;
2127 }
2129 SDF_API std::ptrdiff_t
distance(const SdfPathAncestorsRange::iterator & first,const SdfPathAncestorsRange::iterator & last)2130 distance(const SdfPathAncestorsRange::iterator& first,
2131          const SdfPathAncestorsRange::iterator& last)
2132 {
2133     return (static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(first->GetPathElementCount()) -
2134             static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(last->GetPathElementCount()));
2135 }