1 #ifndef __LDINPUTHANDLER_H__
2 #define __LDINPUTHANDLER_H__
3 #include <TCFoundation/TCAlertSender.h>
5 class LDrawModelViewer;
6 class TCAlert;
7 class TCVector;
9 class LDInputHandler : public TCAlertSender
10 {
11 public:
12 	enum ModifierKey
13 	{
14 		MKShift = 0x0001,
15 		MKControl = 0x0002,
16 		MKAppleControl = 0x0004,
17 	};
18 	enum MouseButton
19 	{
20 		MBUnknown,
21 		MBLeft,
22 		MBFirst = MBLeft,	// This intentionally skips MBUnknown
23 		MBRight,
24 		MBMiddle,
25 		MBLast = MBMiddle
26 	};
27 	enum ViewMode
28 	{
29 		VMExamine,
30 		VMFlyThrough,
31 		VMWalk,
32 	};
33 	// Note: the special key values happen to match Windows, but that's only
34 	// because it made it easy to be sure there were no repeats.  Even the
35 	// Windows code that relies on these should not assume that they will
36 	// match.
37 	enum KeyCode
38 	{
39 		KCUnknown,
40 		KCReturn = 13,
41 		KCShift = 16,
42 		KCControl,
43 		KCAlt,
44 		KCSpace = ' ',
45 		KCPageUp,
46 		KCPageDown,
47 		KCEnd,
48 		KCHome,
49 		KCEscape = 27,
50 		KCLeft = 38,
51 		KCUp,
52 		KCRight,
53 		KCDown,
54 		KCInsert = 45,
55 		KCDelete,
56 		KCA = 'A',
57 		KCB,
58 		KCC,
59 		KCD,
60 		KCE,
61 		KCF,
62 		KCG,
63 		KCH,
64 		KCI,
65 		KCJ,
66 		KCK,
67 		KCL,
68 		KCM,
69 		KCN,
70 		KCO,
71 		KCP,
72 		KCQ,
73 		KCR,
74 		KCS,
75 		KCT,
76 		KCU,
77 		KCV,
78 		KCW,
79 		KCX,
80 		KCY,
81 		KCZ,
82 	};
84 	LDInputHandler(LDrawModelViewer *modelViewer);
86 	void setViewMode(ViewMode value);
getViewMode(void)87 	ViewMode getViewMode(void) const { return m_viewMode; }
88 	bool mouseDown(TCULong modifierKeys, MouseButton button, int x, int y);
89 	bool mouseUp(TCULong modifierKeys, MouseButton button, int x, int y);
90 	bool mouseMove(TCULong modifierKeys, int x, int y);
91 	bool mouseWheel(TCULong modifierKeys, TCFloat amount);
92 	bool mouseCaptureChanged(void);
93 	bool keyDown(TCULong modifierKeys, KeyCode keyCode);
94 	bool keyUp(TCULong modifierKeys, KeyCode keyCode);
95 	void setMouseUpPending(bool value);
96 	void cancelMouseDrag(void);
97 	virtual TCObject *getAlertSender(void);
98 	void stopRotation(void);
captureAlertClass(void)100 	static const char *captureAlertClass(void) { return "LDCaptureMouse"; }
releaseAlertClass(void)101 	static const char *releaseAlertClass(void) { return "LDReleaseMouse"; }
peekMouseUpAlertClass(void)102 	static const char *peekMouseUpAlertClass(void) { return "LDPeekMouseUp"; }
103 protected:
104 	typedef enum
105 	{
106 		MMNone,
107 		MMNormal,
108 		MMZoom,
109 		MMPan,
110 		MMLight,
111 	} MouseMode;
113 	~LDInputHandler(void);
114 	void dealloc(void);
115 	bool leftDown(TCULong modifierKeys, int xPos, int yPos);
116 	void updateSpinRateXY(int xPos, int yPos);
117 	void updateXY(TCULong modifierKeys, int xPos, int yPos);
118 	void updateHeadXY(TCULong modifierKeys, int xPos, int yPos);
119 	void updatePanXY(int xPos, int yPos);
120 	void updateLightXY(int xPos, int yPos);
121 	void updateZoomY(int yPos);
122 	void frameDone(TCAlert *alert);
123 	void updateCameraMotion(TCVector &cameraMotion, TCFloat motionAmount,
124 		TCFloat strafeAmount);
125 	void updateCameraRotation(TCFloat rotationAmount, TCFloat rollAmount);
126 	void updateRotation(TCFloat rotationSpeed);
127 	void recordRotationStop(void);
128 	void clearRotationStop(void);
129 	bool checkSpin(void);
130 	//double getTimeRef(void);
132 	LDrawModelViewer *m_modelViewer;
133 	ViewMode m_viewMode;
134 	MouseMode m_mouseMode;
135 	bool m_buttonsDown[3];
136 	bool m_appleRightClick;
137 	int m_numButtons;
138 	int m_clickX;
139 	int m_clickY;
140 	int m_lastX;
141 	int m_lastY;
142 	int m_lastFrameX;
143 	int m_lastFrameY;
144 	TCFloat m_rotationSpeed;
145 	bool m_mouseUpPending;
146 	bool m_mouseUpHandled;
147 	//double m_lastMoveTime;
149 	float m_lastXRotate;
150 	float m_lastYRotate;
151 #ifdef WIN32
152 	DWORD m_stopTicks;
153 	bool m_haveStopTicks;
154 #endif // WIN32
155 #ifdef COCOA
156 	void *m_stopTime;
157 #endif // COCOA
158 	static TCFloat sm_keyRotationSpeed;
159 };
161 #endif // __LDINPUTHANDLER_H__