1 /**************************************************************************************\
2 *                                                                                      *
3 *              The Lisa Emulator Project  V1.2.6      DEV 2007.12.04                   *
4 *                             http://lisaem.sunder.net                                 *
5 *                                                                                      *
6 *                  Copyright (C) 1998, 2007 Ray A. Arachelian                          *
7 *                                All Rights Reserved                                   *
8 *                                                                                      *
9 *           This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or              *
10 *           modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                *
11 *           as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2             *
12 *           of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                     *
13 *                                                                                      *
14 *           This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            *
15 *           but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             *
16 *           MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the              *
17 *           GNU General Public License for more details.                               *
18 *                                                                                      *
19 *           You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          *
20 *           along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software               *
21 *           Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.        *
22 *                                                                                      *
23 *                   or visit: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html                     *
24 *                                                                                      *
25 *                            Keyboard Scan Codes                                       *
26 *                                                                                      *
27 \**************************************************************************************/
29 //-----------------------------------
30 #define KEY_DOWN             0x80
31 #define KEY_UP               0x00
32 //-----------------------------------
33 #define KEYCODE_TILDE        0x68
34 #define KEYCODE_1            0x74
35 #define KEYCODE_2            0x71
36 #define KEYCODE_3            0x72
37 #define KEYCODE_4            0x73
38 #define KEYCODE_5            0x64
39 #define KEYCODE_6            0x61
40 #define KEYCODE_7            0x62
41 #define KEYCODE_8            0x63
42 #define KEYCODE_9            0x50
43 #define KEYCODE_0            0x51
44 #define KEYCODE_MINUS        0x40
45 #define KEYCODE_PLUS         0x41
46 #define KEYCODE_BACKSPACE    0x45
47 //-----------------------------------
48 #define KEYCODE_TAB          0x78
49 #define KEYCODE_Q            0x75
50 #define KEYCODE_W            0x77
51 #define KEYCODE_E            0x60
52 #define KEYCODE_R            0x65
53 #define KEYCODE_T            0x66
54 #define KEYCODE_Y            0x67
55 #define KEYCODE_U            0x52
56 #define KEYCODE_I            0x53
57 #define KEYCODE_O            0x5f
58 #define KEYCODE_P            0x44
59 #define KEYCODE_OBRAK        0x56
60 #define KEYCODE_CBRAK        0x57
61 #define KEYCODE_BSLASH       0x42
62 //-----------------------------------
63 #define KEYCODE_CAPSLOCK     0x7d
64 #define KEYCODE_A            0x70
65 #define KEYCODE_S            0x76
66 #define KEYCODE_D            0x7b
67 #define KEYCODE_F            0x69
68 #define KEYCODE_G            0x6a
69 #define KEYCODE_H            0x6b
70 #define KEYCODE_J            0x54
71 #define KEYCODE_K            0x55
72 #define KEYCODE_L            0x59
73 #define KEYCODE_COLON        0x5a
74 #define KEYCODE_QUOTE        0x5b
75 #define KEYCODE_UNUSED1      0x42
76 #define KEYCODE_RETURN       0x48
77 //-----------------------------------
78 #define KEYCODE_SHIFT        0x7e
79 #define KEYCODE_UNUSED2      0x43
80 #define KEYCODE_Z            0x79
81 #define KEYCODE_X            0x7a
82 #define KEYCODE_C            0x6d
83 #define KEYCODE_V            0x6c
84 #define KEYCODE_B            0x6e
85 #define KEYCODE_N            0x6f
86 #define KEYCODE_M            0x58
87 #define KEYCODE_COMMA        0x5d
88 #define KEYCODE_DOT          0x5e
89 #define KEYCODE_FSLASHQ      0x4c
90 #define KEYCODE_SHIFT        0x7e
91 //-----------------------------------
92 #define KEYCODE_LOPTION      0x7c
93 #define KEYCODE_OPTION       0x7c
94 #define KEYCODE_COMMAND      0x7f
95 #define KEYCODE_LEFTCMD      0x7f
96 #define KEYCODE_SPACE        0x5c
97 #define KEYCODE_LENTER       0x46
98 #define KEYCODE_ROPTION      0x4e
99 //-----------------------------------
100 #define KEYCODE_CLEAR        0x20
101 #define KEYCODE_MINUS_NUM    0x21
102 #define KEYCODE_PLUS_NUM     0x22
103 #define KEYCODE_STAR_NUM     0x23
104 #define KEYCODE_7NUM         0x24
105 #define KEYCODE_8NUM         0x25
106 #define KEYCODE_9NUM         0x26
107 #define KEYCODE_FSLASH       0x27
108 #define KEYCODE_4NUM         0x28
109 #define KEYCODE_5NUM         0x29
110 #define KEYCODE_6NUM         0x2a
111 #define KEYCODE_COMMA_NUM    0x2b
112 #define KEYCODE_1NUM         0x4d
113 #define KEYCODE_2NUM         0x2d
114 #define KEYCODE_3NUM         0x2e
115 #define KEYCODE_ENTERNUM     0x2f
116 #define KEYCODE_0NUM         0x49
117 #define KEYCODE_DOTNUM       0x2c
118 //-----------------------------------
119 #define KEYCODE_CURSORL      0x22
120 #define KEYCODE_CURSORR      0x23
121 #define KEYCODE_CURSORU      0x27
122 #define KEYCODE_CURSORD      0x2B
123 //-----------------------------------