1 /* Copyright (C) 2012-2020 IBM Corp.
2  * This program is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
3  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
4  * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
5  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10  * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
11  */
12 /**
13  * @file keySwitching.cpp
14  * @brief A few strategies for generating key-switching matrices
15  *
16  * Copyright IBM Corporation 2012 All rights reserved.
17  */
18 #include <unordered_set>
19 #include <NTL/ZZ.h>
20 #include <helib/permutations.h>
22 #include <helib/binio.h>
23 #include <helib/keySwitching.h>
24 #include <helib/keys.h>
25 #include <helib/apiAttributes.h>
26 #include <helib/log.h>
28 namespace helib {
30 /******************** KeySwitch implementation **********************/
31 /********************************************************************/
KeySwitch(long sPow,long xPow,long fromID,long toID,long p)33 KeySwitch::KeySwitch(long sPow, long xPow, long fromID, long toID, long p) :
34     fromKey(sPow, xPow, fromID), toKeyID(toID), ptxtSpace(p)
35 {}
KeySwitch(const SKHandle & _fromKey,UNUSED long fromID,long toID,long p)37 KeySwitch::KeySwitch(const SKHandle& _fromKey,
38                      UNUSED long fromID,
39                      long toID,
40                      long p) :
41     fromKey(_fromKey), toKeyID(toID), ptxtSpace(p)
42 {}
operator ==(const KeySwitch & other) const44 bool KeySwitch::operator==(const KeySwitch& other) const
45 {
46   if (this == &other)
47     return true;
49   if (fromKey != other.fromKey)
50     return false;
51   if (toKeyID != other.toKeyID)
52     return false;
53   if (ptxtSpace != other.ptxtSpace)
54     return false;
56   if (prgSeed != other.prgSeed)
57     return false;
59   if (b.size() != other.b.size())
60     return false;
61   for (size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
62     if (b[i] != other.b[i])
63       return false;
65   return true;
66 }
operator !=(const KeySwitch & other) const67 bool KeySwitch::operator!=(const KeySwitch& other) const
68 {
69   return !(*this == other);
70 }
NumCols() const72 unsigned long KeySwitch::NumCols() const { return b.size(); }
isDummy() const74 bool KeySwitch::isDummy() const { return (toKeyID == -1); }
verify(SecKey & sk)76 void KeySwitch::verify(SecKey& sk)
77 {
78   long fromSPower = fromKey.getPowerOfS();
79   long fromXPower = fromKey.getPowerOfX();
80   long fromIdx = fromKey.getSecretKeyID();
81   long toIdx = toKeyID;
82   long p = ptxtSpace;
83   long n = b.size();
85   std::cout << "KeySwitch::verify\n";
86   std::cout << "fromS = " << fromSPower << " fromX = " << fromXPower
87             << " fromIdx = " << fromIdx << " toIdx = " << toIdx << " p = " << p
88             << " n = " << n << "\n";
90   if (fromSPower != 1 || fromXPower != 1 || (fromIdx == toIdx) || n == 0) {
91     std::cout << "KeySwitch::verify: these parameters not checkable\n";
92     return;
93   }
95   const Context& context = b[0].getContext();
97   // we don't store the context in the ks matrix, so let's
98   // check that they are consistent
100   for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
101     if (&context != &(b[i].getContext()))
102       std::cout << "KeySwitch::verify: bad context " << i << "\n";
103   }
105   std::cout << "context.ctxtPrimes = " << context.ctxtPrimes << "\n";
106   std::cout << "context.specialPrimes = " << context.specialPrimes << "\n";
107   IndexSet fullPrimes = context.fullPrimes(); // ctxtPrimes | specialPrimes;
109   std::cout << "digits: ";
110   for (long i = 0; i < n; i++)
111     std::cout << context.digits[i] << " ";
112   std::cout << "\n";
114   std::cout << "IndexSets of b: ";
115   for (long i = 0; i < n; i++)
116     std::cout << b[i].getMap().getIndexSet() << " ";
117   std::cout << "\n";
119   // VJS: suspicious shadowing of fromKey, toKey
120   const DoubleCRT& _fromKey = sk.sKeys.at(fromIdx);
121   const DoubleCRT& _toKey = sk.sKeys.at(toIdx);
123   std::cout << "IndexSet of fromKey: " << _fromKey.getMap().getIndexSet()
124             << "\n";
125   std::cout << "IndexSet of toKey: " << _toKey.getMap().getIndexSet() << "\n";
127   std::vector<DoubleCRT> a;
128   a.resize(n, DoubleCRT(context, fullPrimes)); // defined modulo all primes
130   {
131     RandomState state;
133     SetSeed(prgSeed);
134     for (long i = 0; i < n; i++)
135       a[i].randomize();
137   } // the RandomState destructor "restores the state" (see NumbTh.h)
139   std::vector<NTL::ZZX> A, B;
141   A.resize(n);
142   B.resize(n);
144   for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
145     a[i].toPoly(A[i]);
146     b[i].toPoly(B[i]);
147   }
149   NTL::ZZX FromKey, ToKey;
150   _fromKey.toPoly(FromKey, fullPrimes);
151   _toKey.toPoly(ToKey, fullPrimes);
153   NTL::ZZ Q = context.productOfPrimes(fullPrimes);
154   NTL::ZZ prod = context.productOfPrimes(context.specialPrimes);
155   NTL::ZZX C, D;
156   NTL::ZZX PhimX = context.zMStar.getPhimX();
158   long nb = 0;
159   for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
160     C = (B[i] - FromKey * prod + ToKey * A[i]) % PhimX;
161     PolyRed(C, Q);
162     if (!divide(D, C, p)) {
163       std::cout << "*** not divisible by p at " << i << "\n";
164     } else {
165       for (long j = 0; j <= deg(D); j++)
166         if (NumBits(coeff(D, j)) > nb)
167           nb = NumBits(coeff(D, j));
168     }
169     prod *= context.productOfPrimes(context.digits[i]);
170   }
172   std::cout << "error ratio: " << ((double)nb) / ((double)NumBits(Q)) << "\n";
173 }
dummy()175 const KeySwitch& KeySwitch::dummy()
176 {
177   static const KeySwitch dummy(-1, -1, -1, -1);
178   return dummy;
179 }
operator <<(std::ostream & str,const KeySwitch & matrix)181 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const KeySwitch& matrix)
182 {
183   str << "[" << matrix.fromKey << " " << matrix.toKeyID << " "
184       << matrix.ptxtSpace << " " << matrix.b.size() << std::endl;
185   for (long i = 0; i < (long)matrix.b.size(); i++)
186     str << matrix.b[i] << std::endl;
187   str << matrix.prgSeed << " " << matrix.noiseBound << "]";
188   return str;
189 }
191 // Used in lieu of std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& str, KeySwitch&
192 // matrix)
readMatrix(std::istream & str,const Context & context)193 void KeySwitch::readMatrix(std::istream& str, const Context& context)
194 {
195   seekPastChar(str, '['); // defined in NumbTh.cpp
196   str >> fromKey;
197   str >> toKeyID;
198   str >> ptxtSpace;
200   long nDigits;
201   str >> nDigits;
202   b.resize(nDigits, DoubleCRT(context, IndexSet::emptySet()));
203   for (long i = 0; i < nDigits; i++)
204     str >> b[i];
205   str >> prgSeed;
206   str >> noiseBound;
207   seekPastChar(str, ']');
208 }
write(std::ostream & str) const210 void KeySwitch::write(std::ostream& str) const
211 {
212   writeEyeCatcher(str, BINIO_EYE_SKM_BEGIN);
213   /*
214       Write out raw
215       1. SKHandle fromKey;
216       2. long     toKeyID;
217       3. long     ptxtSpace;
218       4. vector<DoubleCRT> b;
219       5. ZZ prgSeed;
220       6. xdouble noiseBound;
221   */
223   fromKey.write(str);
224   write_raw_int(str, toKeyID);
225   write_raw_int(str, ptxtSpace);
227   write_raw_vector(str, b);
229   write_raw_ZZ(str, prgSeed);
230   write_raw_xdouble(str, noiseBound);
232   writeEyeCatcher(str, BINIO_EYE_SKM_END);
233 }
read(std::istream & str,const Context & context)235 void KeySwitch::read(std::istream& str, const Context& context)
236 {
237   int eyeCatcherFound = readEyeCatcher(str, BINIO_EYE_SKM_BEGIN);
238   assertEq(eyeCatcherFound, 0, "Could not find pre-secret key eyecatcher");
240   fromKey.read(str);
241   toKeyID = read_raw_int(str);
242   ptxtSpace = read_raw_int(str);
243   DoubleCRT blankDCRT(context, IndexSet::emptySet());
244   read_raw_vector(str, b, blankDCRT);
245   read_raw_ZZ(str, prgSeed);
246   noiseBound = read_raw_xdouble(str);
248   eyeCatcherFound = readEyeCatcher(str, BINIO_EYE_SKM_END);
249   assertEq(eyeCatcherFound, 0, "Could not find post-secret key eyecatcher");
250 }
KSGiantStepSize(long D)252 long KSGiantStepSize(long D)
253 {
254   assertTrue<InvalidArgument>(D > 0l, "Step size must be positive");
255   long g = NTL::SqrRoot(D);
256   if (g * g < D)
257     g++; // g = ceiling(sqrt(D))
258   return g;
259 }
261 // A maximalistic approach: generate matrices s(X^e)->s(X) for all e \in Zm*
addAllMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)262 void addAllMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
263 {
264   const Context& context = sKey.getContext();
265   long m = context.zMStar.getM();
267   // key-switching matrices for the automorphisms
268   for (long i = 0; i < m; i++) {
269     if (!context.zMStar.inZmStar(i))
270       continue;
271     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, i, keyID, keyID);
272   }
273   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
274 }
276 // TODO: generate matrices s.t. you can reLinearize each s(X^e) in at most two
277 // steps void addFewMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
278 // {
279 //   throw LogicError("addFewMatrices not implemented yet");
280 // }
282 // This code block appears at least twice below
283 #define computeParams(context, m, i)                                           \
284   bool native;                                                                 \
285   long ord, gi, g2md;                                                          \
286   NTL::mulmod_precon_t g2mdminv;                                               \
287   if (i == context.zMStar.numOfGens()) { /* Frobenius matrices */              \
288     ord = context.zMStar.getOrdP();                                            \
289     gi = context.zMStar.getP();                                                \
290     native = true;                                                             \
291   } else { /* one of the "regular" dimensions */                               \
292     ord = context.zMStar.OrderOf(i);                                           \
293     gi = context.zMStar.ZmStarGen(i);                                          \
294     native = context.zMStar.SameOrd(i);                                        \
295     if (!native) {                                                             \
296       g2md = PowerMod(gi, -ord, m); /* g^{-ord} mod m */                       \
297       g2mdminv = PrepMulModPrecon(g2md, m);                                    \
298     }                                                                          \
299   }                                                                            \
300   NTL::mulmod_precon_t giminv = PrepMulModPrecon(gi, m);
302 #if 0
303 static void add1Dmats4dim(SecKey& sKey, long i, long keyID)
304 {
305   const Context &context = sKey.getContext();
306   long m = context.zMStar.getM();
307   computeParams(context,m,i); // defines vars: native, ord, gi, g2md, giminv, g2mdminv
309   /* MAUTO std::vector<long> vals; */
310   for (long j=1,val=gi; j < ord; j++) {
311     // From s(X^val) to s(X)
312     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val, keyID, keyID);
313     if (!native) { // also from s(X^{g^{i-ord}}) to s(X)
314       long val2 = MulModPrecon(val,g2md,m,g2mdminv);
315       sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val2, keyID, keyID);
316       /* MAUTO vals.push_back(val2); */
317     }
318     /* MAUTO vals.push_back(val); */
319     val = MulModPrecon(val, gi, m, giminv); // val *= g mod m (= g^{j+1})
320   }
322   if (!native) {
323     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, context.zMStar.genToPow(i, -ord), keyID, keyID);
324   }
327 /* MAUTO
328   sKey.resetTree(i,keyID); // remove existing tree, if any
329   sKey.add2tree(i, 1, vals, keyID);
330 */
331 }
332 #else
333 // adds all matrices for dim i.
334 // i == -1 => Frobenius (NOTE: in matmul1D, i ==#gens means something else,
335 //   so it is best to avoid that).
add1Dmats4dim(SecKey & sKey,long i,long keyID)336 static void add1Dmats4dim(SecKey& sKey, long i, long keyID)
337 {
338   const PAlgebra& zMStar = sKey.getContext().zMStar;
339   long ord;
340   bool native;
342   if (i != -1) {
343     ord = zMStar.OrderOf(i);
344     native = zMStar.SameOrd(i);
345   } else {
346     // Frobenius
347     ord = zMStar.getOrdP();
348     native = true;
349   }
351   for (long j = 1; j < ord; j++)
352     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, j), keyID, keyID);
354   if (!native)
355     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, -ord), keyID, keyID);
357   sKey.setKSStrategy(i, HELIB_KSS_FULL);
358 }
360 #endif
362 #if 0
363 static std::pair<long,long> computeSteps(long ord, long bound, bool native)
364 {
365   long baby,giant;
366   if (native) { // using giant+baby matrices
367     if (bound*bound >= 4*ord)
368       giant = ceil((bound - sqrt((double)bound*bound -4*ord))/2.0);
369     else
370       giant = sqrt((double)ord);
371   }
372   else { // using giant+2*baby matrices
373     if (bound*bound >= 8*ord)
374       giant = ceil((bound - sqrt((double)bound*bound -8*ord))/2.0);
375     else
376       giant = sqrt((double)ord);
377   }
378   baby = ord/giant;
379   if (baby*giant<ord) baby++;
381   //std::cerr << "*** giant steps = " << giant << "\n";
382   return std::pair<long,long>(baby,giant);
383 }
385 static void addSome1Dmats4dim(SecKey& sKey, long i, long bound, long keyID)
386 {
387   const Context &context = sKey.getContext();
388   long m = context.zMStar.getM();
389   computeParams(context,m,i); // defines vars: native, ord, gi, g2md, giminv, g2mdminv
391   long baby, giant;
392   std::tie(baby,giant) = computeSteps(ord, bound, native);
394   for (long j=1,val=gi; j<=baby; j++) { // Add matrices for baby steps
395     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val, keyID, keyID);
396     if (!native) {
397       long val2 = MulModPrecon(val,g2md,m,g2mdminv);
398       sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val2, keyID, keyID);
399     }
400     val = MulModPrecon(val, gi, m, giminv); // val *= g mod m (= g^{j+1})
401    }
403   long gb = PowerMod(gi,baby,m); // g^baby
404   NTL::mulmod_precon_t gbminv = PrepMulModPrecon(gb, m);
405   for (long j=2,val=gb; j < giant; j++) { // Add matrices for giant steps
406     val = MulModPrecon(val, gb, m, gbminv); // val = g^{(j+1)*baby}
407     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val, keyID, keyID);
408   }
410   if (!native) {
411     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, context.zMStar.genToPow(i, -ord), keyID, keyID);
412   }
414   // VJS: experimantal feature...because the replication code
415   // uses rotations by -1, -2, -4, -8, we add a few
416   // of these as well...only the small ones are important,
417   // and we only need them if SameOrd(i)...
418   // Note: we do indeed get a nontrivial speed-up
420   if (native && i<context.zMStar.numOfGens()) {
421     for (long k = 1; k < giant; k = 2*k) {
422       long j = ord - k;
423       long val = PowerMod(gi, j, m); // val = g^j
424       sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val, keyID, keyID);
425     }
426   }
428 #if 0
431   // build the tree for this dimension, the internal nodes are 1 and
432   // (subset of) gi^{giant}, gi^{2*giant}, ..., gi^{baby*giant}. We
434   MAUTO sKey.resetTree(i,keyID); // remove existing tree, if any
436   // keep a list of all the elements that are covered by the tree so far,
437   // initialized to only the root (=1).
438   std::unordered_set<long> covered({1});
440   // Make a list of the automorphisms for this dimension
441   std::vector<long> autos;
442   for (long j=1,val=gi; j<ord; j++) {
443     // Do we have matrices for val and/or val/gi^{di}?
444     if (!native) {
445       long val2 = MulModPrecon(val, g2md, m, g2mdminv);
446       if (sKey.haveKeySWmatrix(1,val2,keyID,keyID)) {
447         autos.push_back(val2);
448       }
449     }
450     if (sKey.haveKeySWmatrix(1,val,keyID,keyID)) {
451       autos.push_back(val);
452     }
453     val = MulModPrecon(val, gi, m, giminv); // g^{j+1}
454   }
456   // Insert internal nodes and their children to tree
457   for (long j=0,fromVal=1; j<giant; j++) {
458     NTL::mulmod_precon_t fromminv = PrepMulModPrecon(fromVal, m);
459     std::vector<long> children;
460     for (long k: autos) {
461       long toVal = MulModPrecon(k, fromVal, m, fromminv);
462       if (covered.count(toVal)==0) { // toVal not covered yet
463         covered.insert(toVal);
464         children.push_back(toVal);
465       }
466     }
467     if (!children.empty()) { // insert fromVal with its children
468       sKey.add2tree(i, fromVal, children, keyID);
469     }
470     fromVal = MulModPrecon(fromVal, gb, m, gbminv); // g^{(j+1)*baby}
471   }
473   // Sanity-check, did we cover everything?
474   long toCover = native? ord: (2*ord-1);
475   if (covered.size()<toCover)
476     std::cerr << "**Warning: order-"<<ord<<" dimension, covered "<<covered.size()
477          << " of "<<toCover<<std::endl;
478 #endif
479 }
481 #else
482 // same as above, but uses BS/GS strategy
addSome1Dmats4dim(SecKey & sKey,long i,UNUSED long bound,long keyID)483 static void addSome1Dmats4dim(SecKey& sKey,
484                               long i,
485                               UNUSED long bound,
486                               long keyID)
487 {
488   const PAlgebra& zMStar = sKey.getContext().zMStar;
489   long ord;
490   bool native;
492   if (i != -1) {
493     ord = zMStar.OrderOf(i);
494     native = zMStar.SameOrd(i);
495   } else {
496     // Frobenius
497     ord = zMStar.getOrdP();
498     native = true;
499   }
501   long g = KSGiantStepSize(ord);
503   // baby steps
504   for (long j = 1; j < g; j++)
505     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, j), keyID, keyID);
507   // giant steps
508   for (long j = g; j < ord; j += g)
509     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, j), keyID, keyID);
511   if (!native)
512     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, -ord), keyID, keyID);
514   sKey.setKSStrategy(i, HELIB_KSS_BSGS);
516   // NOTE: the old code also added matrices for ord-2^k for small k,
517   // in the case of (native && i<context.zMStar.numOfGens()).
518   // This supposedly speeds up the replication code, but for now
519   // we are leaving this out, for simplicity.   Also, it is a waste
520   // of space for applications that don't use replication.
521 }
523 #endif
525 // generate only matrices of the form s(X^{g^i})->s(X), but not all of them.
526 // For a generator g whose order is larger than bound, generate only enough
527 // matrices for the giant-step/baby-step procedures (2*sqrt(ord(g))of them).
addSome1DMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long bound,long keyID)528 void addSome1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long bound, long keyID)
529 {
530   const Context& context = sKey.getContext();
532   // key-switching matrices for the automorphisms
533   for (long i : range(context.zMStar.numOfGens())) {
534     // For generators of small order, add all the powers
535     if (bound >= context.zMStar.OrderOf(i))
536       add1Dmats4dim(sKey, i, keyID);
537     else // For generators of large order, add only some of the powers
538       addSome1Dmats4dim(sKey, i, bound, keyID);
539   }
540   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
541 }
add1DMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)543 void add1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
544 {
545   addSome1DMatrices(sKey, LONG_MAX, keyID);
546 }
addBSGS1DMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)548 void addBSGS1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
549 {
550   addSome1DMatrices(sKey, 0, keyID);
551 }
553 // Generate all Frobenius matrices of the form s(X^{p^i})->s(X)
addSomeFrbMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long bound,long keyID)554 void addSomeFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long bound, long keyID)
555 {
556   const Context& context = sKey.getContext();
557   if (bound >= LONG(context.zMStar.getOrdP()))
558     add1Dmats4dim(sKey, -1, keyID);
559   else // For generators of large order, add only some of the powers
560     addSome1Dmats4dim(sKey, -1, bound, keyID);
562   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
563 }
addFrbMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)565 void addFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
566 {
567   addSomeFrbMatrices(sKey, LONG_MAX, keyID);
568 }
addBSGSFrbMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)570 void addBSGSFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
571 {
572   addSomeFrbMatrices(sKey, 0, keyID);
573 }
addMinimal1Dmats4dim(SecKey & sKey,long i,long keyID)575 static void addMinimal1Dmats4dim(SecKey& sKey, long i, long keyID)
576 {
577   const PAlgebra& zMStar = sKey.getContext().zMStar;
578   long ord;
579   bool native;
581   if (i != -1) {
582     ord = zMStar.OrderOf(i);
583     native = zMStar.SameOrd(i);
584   } else {
585     // Frobenius
586     ord = zMStar.getOrdP();
587     native = true;
588   }
590   sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, 1), keyID, keyID);
592   if (!native)
593     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, -ord), keyID, keyID);
596     long g = KSGiantStepSize(ord);
597     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, zMStar.genToPow(i, g), keyID, keyID);
598   }
600   sKey.setKSStrategy(i, HELIB_KSS_MIN);
601 }
addMinimal1DMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)603 void addMinimal1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
604 {
605   const Context& context = sKey.getContext();
607   // key-switching matrices for the automorphisms
608   for (long i : range(context.zMStar.numOfGens())) {
609     addMinimal1Dmats4dim(sKey, i, keyID);
610   }
611   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
612 }
614 // Generate all Frobenius matrices of the form s(X^{p^i})->s(X)
addMinimalFrbMatrices(SecKey & sKey,long keyID)615 void addMinimalFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID)
616 {
617   addMinimal1Dmats4dim(sKey, -1, keyID);
618   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
619 }
621 // Generate all key-switching matrices for a given permutation network
addMatrices4Network(SecKey & sKey,const PermNetwork & net,long keyID)622 void addMatrices4Network(SecKey& sKey, const PermNetwork& net, long keyID)
623 {
624   const Context& context = sKey.getContext();
625   long m = context.zMStar.getM();
627   for (long i = 0; i < net.depth(); i++) {
628     long e = net.getLayer(i).getE();
629     long gIdx = net.getLayer(i).getGenIdx();
630     long g = context.zMStar.ZmStarGen(gIdx);
631     long g2e = NTL::PowerMod(g, e, m); // g^e mod m
632     const NTL::Vec<long>& shamts = net.getLayer(i).getShifts();
633     for (long j = 0; j < shamts.length(); j++) {
634       if (shamts[j] == 0)
635         continue;
636       long val = NTL::PowerMod(g2e, shamts[j], m);
637       sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, val, keyID, keyID);
638     }
639   }
640   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
641 }
addTheseMatrices(SecKey & sKey,const std::set<long> & automVals,long keyID)643 void addTheseMatrices(SecKey& sKey, const std::set<long>& automVals, long keyID)
644 {
645   std::set<long>::iterator it;
646   for (it = automVals.begin(); it != automVals.end(); ++it) {
647     long k = *it;
648     sKey.GenKeySWmatrix(1, k, keyID, keyID);
649   }
650   sKey.setKeySwitchMap(); // re-compute the key-switching map
651 }
653 } // namespace helib