1 /* -*-Mode: C;-*-
2  * Module:      LATS include file
3  *
4  * Copyright:	1996, Regents of the University of California
5  *		This software may not be distributed to others without
6  *		permission of the author.
7  *
8  * Author:      Bob Drach, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9  *              drach@llnl.gov
10  *
11  * Version:     $Id: lats.h,v 2002/06/27 19:44:13 cvsadmin Exp $
12  *
13  * Revision History:
14  *
15  * $Log: lats.h,v $
16  * Revision  2002/06/27 19:44:13  cvsadmin
17  * initial GrADS CVS import - release 1.8sl10
18  *
19  * Revision  2001/10/18 02:00:57  Administrator
20  * Initial repository: v1.8SL8 plus slight MSDOS mods
21  *
22  * Revision 1.12  1997/10/15 17:53:14  drach
23  * - remove name collisions with cdunif
24  * - only one vertical dimension with GrADS/GRIB
25  * - in sync with Mike's GrADS src170
26  * - parameter table in sync with standard model output listing
27  *
28  * Revision 1.11  1996/11/11 22:39:19  drach
29  * - Added function to set the basetime (lats_basetime)
30  *
31  * Revision 1.10  1996/10/22 19:05:03  fiorino
32  * latsgrib bug in .ctl creator
33  *
34  * Revision 1.9  1996/10/10 23:15:43  drach
35  * - lats_create filetype changed to convention, with options LATS_PCMDI,
37  * - monthly data defaults to 16-bit compression
38  * - LATS_MONTHLY_TABLE_COMP option added to override 16-bit compression
39  * - AMIP II standard parameter file
40  * - parameter file incorporates GRIB center and subcenter
41  * - if time delta is positive, check that (new_time - old_time)=integer*delta
42  *
43  * Revision 1.8  1996/08/20 18:34:07  drach
44  * - lats_create has a new argument: calendar
45  * - lats_grid: longitude, latitude dimension vectors are now double
46  *   precision (double, C).
47  * - lats_vert_dim: vector of levels is now double precision (double,
48  *   C). lats_vert_dim need not be called for single-value/surface
49  *   dimensions, if defined in the parameter table. Multi-valued vertical
50  *   dimensions, such as pressure levels, must be defined with
51  *   lats_vert_dim.
52  * - lats_var: set level ID to 0 for implicitly defined surface
53  *   dimension.
54  * - lats_write: level value is double precision (double, C).
55  * - lats_parmtab: replaces routine lats_vartab.
56  * - FORTRAN latserropt added: allows program to set error handling
57  *   options.
58  * - The parameter file format changed.
59  *
60  * Revision 1.7  1996/06/27 01:11:36  drach
61  * - Remove timestats table
62  *
63  * Revision 1.6  1996/05/25 00:27:48  drach
64  * - Added tables for vertical dimension types, time statistics, originating
65  *   centers, and quality control marks
66  * - Modified signatures of lats_create and lats_vert_dim
67  *
68  * Revision 1.5  1996/05/10 22:44:38  drach
69  * - Initial version before GRIB driver added:
70  * - Made grids, vertical dimensions file-independent
71  *
72  * Revision 1.4  1996/05/04 01:11:10  drach
73  * - Added name, units to lats_vert_dim
74  * - Added missing data attribute (latsnc.c)
75  *
76  * Revision 1.3  1996/05/03 18:59:23  drach
77  * - Moved vertical dimension definition from lats_var to lats_vert_dim
78  * - Changed lats_miss_double to lats_miss_float
79  * - Made time dimension file-dependent, revised lats_write accordingly
80  * - Added lats_var_nc, lats_vert_dim_nc
81  * - Allow GRIB-only compilation
82  * - Added FORTRAN interface
83  *
84  * Revision 1.2  1996/04/25  23:32:04  drach
85  * - Added checks for correct number of times, levels written
86  * - Stubbed in statistics routines
87  *
88  * Revision 1.1  1996/04/25 00:53:00  drach
89  * Initial repository version
90  *
91  *
92  */
94 #ifndef _LATS_H
95 #define _LATS_H
97 /*
98  * =================================================================
99  *			Macros and Enums
100  *
101  *   Note: modifications should be mirrored in lats.inc
102  * =================================================================
103  */
105 #define LATS_MAX_CENTERS 256		     /* Max number of originating centers */
106 #define LATS_MAX_COMMENTS 256		     /* Max length of comment arguments */
107 #define LATS_MAX_GRIDS 32		     /* Max number of grids */
108 #define LATS_MAX_NAME 128		     /* Max name/units length */
109 #define LATS_MAX_PARMS 512		     /* Max number of parameters */
110 #define LATS_MAX_PARM_LINE 512		     /* Max characters in parameter file entry (one line) */
111 #define LATS_MAX_PATH 256		     /* Max file pathname length  */
112 #define LATS_MAX_RELUNITS 64		     /* Max relative time units length */
113 #define LATS_MAX_VAR_DIMS 4		     /* Max number of dimensions in a variable */
114 #define LATS_MAX_VERT_DIMS 32		     /* Max number of level dimensions */
115 #define LATS_MAX_VERT_TYPES 64		     /* Max number of vertical dimension types */
117 #define LATS_EXIT_ON_ERROR 0x1		     /* Error flag: exit on error (lats.inc: LATS_FATAL) */
118 #define LATS_REPORT_ERRORS 0x2		     /* Error flag: report errors (verbose) (lats.inc: LATS_VERBOSE) */
119 #define LATS_QC_ON 0x1			     /* Quality control flag */
120 #define LATS_FIXED_COMPRESSION_NBITS 16	     /* Default bit length for compression of monthly mean data */
122 typedef enum latsCloudLevels {LATS_LOW_LEVEL = 1, LATS_MEDIUM_LEVEL, LATS_HIGH_LEVEL} latsCloudLevels;
123 typedef enum latsConvention {LATS_PCMDI = 1, LATS_GRIB_ONLY, LATS_GRADS_GRIB, LATS_COARDS} latsConvention;
124 typedef enum latsFileType {LATS_NETCDF = 1, LATS_GRIB} latsFileType;
125 typedef enum latsGridType {LATS_GAUSSIAN = 1, LATS_LINEAR, LATS_GENERIC} latsGridType;
126 typedef enum latsMonotonicity {LATS_SINGLE = 1, LATS_INCREASING, LATS_DECREASING} latsMonotonicity;
127 typedef enum latsPositive {LATS_UP = 1, LATS_DOWN} latsPositive;
129 typedef enum latsTimeStat {LATS_AVERAGE = 1, LATS_INSTANT, LATS_ACCUM, LATS_OTHER_TIME_STAT} latsTimeStat;
130 typedef enum latsType {LATS_FLOAT = 1, LATS_INT} latsType;
131 typedef enum latsVerticality {LATS_SINGLE_LEVEL = 1, LATS_MULTI_LEVEL} latsVerticality;
133 #define cdStandardCal   0x11
134 #define cdClimCal        0x0
135 #define cdHasLeap      0x100
136 #define cdHasNoLeap    0x000
137 #define cd365Days     0x1000
138 #define cd360Days     0x0000
139 #define cdJulianCal  0x10000
141 typedef enum latsCalenType {
142 	LATS_STANDARD    = ( cdStandardCal | cdHasLeap   | cd365Days),
143 	LATS_JULIAN      = ( cdStandardCal | cdHasLeap   | cd365Days | cdJulianCal),
144 	LATS_NOLEAP      = ( cdStandardCal | cdHasNoLeap | cd365Days),
145 	LATS_360         = ( cdStandardCal | cdHasNoLeap | cd360Days),
146 	LATS_CLIM        = ( cdClimCal     | cdHasNoLeap | cd365Days),
147 	LATS_CLIMLEAP    = ( cdClimCal     | cdHasLeap   | cd365Days),
148 	LATS_CLIM360     = ( cdClimCal     | cdHasNoLeap | cd360Days)
149 }  latsCalenType;
151 /*
152  * =================================================================
153  *			Function Prototypes
154  * =================================================================
155  */
157 extern int lats_basetime(int fileid, int year, int month, int day, int hour);
158 extern int lats_close(int fileid);
159 extern int lats_create(char* path, int filetype, int calendar, int frequency, int delta, char* center, char* model, char* comment);
160 extern int lats_grid(char *name, int gridtype, int nlon, double lons[], int nlat, double lats[]);
161 extern int lats_miss_float(int fileid, int varid, float missing, float delta);
162 extern int lats_miss_int(int fileid, int varid, int missing);
163 extern int lats_var(int fileid, char* varname, int datatype, int timestat, int gridid, int levid, char* comments);
164 extern int lats_parmtab(char* table_path);
165 extern int lats_vert_dim(char* name, char* type, int nlev, double levs[]);
166 extern int lats_write(int fileid, int varid, double lev, int year, int month, int day, int hour, void* data);
168 /*
169  * =================================================================
170  *			Globals
171  * =================================================================
172  */
174 extern int lats_fatal;			     /* If set to 1, exit on error (default 0) */
175 extern int lats_verbose;		     /* If set to 1, errors are reported (default 1) */
176 extern int lats_qc;			     /* If set to 1, execute quality control (default 1) */
178 #endif