1 // Copyright (c) 2001, 2004, 2005, 2012  Per M.A. Bothner
2 // This is free software;  for terms and warranty disclaimer see ./COPYING.
4 package gnu.kawa.lispexpr;
5 import gnu.expr.*;
6 import gnu.mapping.*;
7 import gnu.lists.*;
8 import gnu.bytecode.*;
9 import gnu.mapping.EnvironmentKey;
10 import gnu.kawa.io.InPort;
11 import gnu.kawa.io.TtyInPort;
12 import gnu.kawa.reflect.StaticFieldLocation;
13 import gnu.text.Lexer;
14 import gnu.text.SourceMessages;
15 import java.util.HashMap;
16 import kawa.lang.Translator; // FIXME
17 import kawa.lang.Syntax; // FIXME
19 /** Language sub-class for Lisp-like languages (including Scheme). */
21 public abstract class LispLanguage extends Language
22 {
23   static public final String quote_str = "quote";
24   static public final String unquote_str = "unquote";
25   static public final String unquotesplicing_str = "unquote-splicing";
26   static public final String quasiquote_str = "quasiquote";
27     public static final Symbol quasiquote_sym =
28         Namespace.EmptyNamespace.getSymbol(quasiquote_str);
29     public static final SimpleSymbol dots3_sym = Symbol.valueOf("...");
30   static public final String splice_str = "$splice$";
31   static public final Symbol splice_sym = Namespace.EmptyNamespace.getSymbol(splice_str);
32   static public final String splice_colon_str = "$splice-colon$";
33   static public final Symbol splice_colon_sym = Namespace.EmptyNamespace.getSymbol(splice_colon_str);
34   /** Used for Kawa infix ':' operator. */
35   static public final Symbol lookup_sym = Namespace.EmptyNamespace.getSymbol("$lookup$");
36   // FUTURE: Used for: [ e1 e2 ... ]
37   // for future sequence/list constructors.
38   static public final Symbol bracket_list_sym = Namespace.EmptyNamespace.getSymbol("$bracket-list$");
39   // FUTURE: Used for: name[ e1 e2 ... ]
40   // Needed for array types - e.g. Object[]
41   // and (possible future) parameterized types - e.g. java.util.List[integer]
42   static public final Symbol bracket_apply_sym = Namespace.EmptyNamespace.getSymbol("$bracket-apply$");
44   public static StaticFieldLocation getNamedPartLocation =
45     new StaticFieldLocation("gnu.kawa.functions.GetNamedPart", "getNamedPart");
getNamedPartLocation.setProcedure()46   static { getNamedPartLocation.setProcedure(); }
48   /**
49    * The unit namespace contains the bindings for symbols such as `cm',
50    * `s', etc.
51    */
52   public static final Namespace unitNamespace =
53       Namespace.valueOf("http://kawa.gnu.org/unit", "unit");
55   public static final Namespace constructNamespace =
56       Namespace.valueOf("http://kawa.gnu.org/construct", "$construct$");
58   public static final Namespace entityNamespace =
59       Namespace.valueOf("http://kawa.gnu.org/entity", "$entity$");
61   /** The default <code>ReadTable</code> for this language. */
62   protected ReadTable defaultReadTable;
64   /** Create a fresh <code>ReadTable</code> appropriate for this language. */
createReadTable()65   public abstract ReadTable createReadTable ();
getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)67   public LispReader getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)
68   {
69     return new LispReader(inp, messages);
70   }
getCompilationClass()72   public String getCompilationClass () { return "kawa.lang.Translator"; }
parse(Compilation comp, int options)74   public boolean parse (Compilation comp, int options)
75     throws java.io.IOException, gnu.text.SyntaxException
76   {
77     kawa.lang.Translator tr = (kawa.lang.Translator) comp;
78     Lexer lexer = tr.lexer;
79     ModuleExp mexp = tr.getModule();
80     LispReader reader = (LispReader) lexer;
81     Compilation saveComp = Compilation.setSaveCurrent(tr);
82     InPort in = reader == null ? null : reader.getPort();
83     if (in instanceof TtyInPort)
84         ((TtyInPort) in).resetAndKeep();
85     try
86       {
87         if (tr.pendingForm != null)
88           {
89             tr.scanForm(tr.pendingForm, mexp);
90             tr.pendingForm = null;
91           }
92         for (;;)
93           {
94             if (reader == null)
95               break;
96             Object sexp = reader.readCommand();
97             // A literal unquoted #!eof
98             if (Translator.listLength(sexp) == 2
99                 && Translator.safeCar(sexp) == kawa.standard.begin.begin
100                 && Translator.safeCar(Translator.safeCdr(sexp)) == Sequence.eofValue
101                 && (options & (PARSE_ONE_LINE|PARSE_INTERACTIVE_MODULE)) != 0) {
102                 return false;
103             }
104             if (sexp == Sequence.eofValue)
105               {
106                 if ((options & PARSE_ONE_LINE) != 0)
107                   return false;  // FIXME
108                 break;
109               }
110             int ch;
111             do { ch = lexer.read(); }
112             while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'|| ch == '\r');
113             if (ch == ')')
114               lexer.fatal("An unexpected close paren was read.");
115             if (ch != '\n')
116                 lexer.unread(ch);
117             tr.scanForm(sexp, mexp);
118             if ((options & PARSE_ONE_LINE) != 0)
119               {
120                 // In a REPL we want to read all the forms until EOL.
121                 // One reason is in case an expression reads from stdin,
122                 // in which case we want to separate that.
123                 // Another reason to be consistent when a UI gives
124                 // a multi-line block.
125                 if (ch < 0 || ch == '\n' || ! lexer.isInteractive())
126                   break;
127               }
128             else if ((options & PARSE_PROLOG) != 0
129                 && tr.getState() >= Compilation.PROLOG_PARSED)
130               {
131                 return true;
132               }
133           }
135         // Must be done before any other module imports this module.
136         tr.finishModule(mexp);
138         tr.setState(Compilation.BODY_PARSED);
139       }
140     finally
141       {
142         if (in instanceof TtyInPort)
143           ((TtyInPort) in).setKeepAll(false);
144         Compilation.restoreCurrent(saveComp);
145       }
146     return true;
147   }
149   /** Resolve names and other post-parsing processing. */
resolve(Compilation comp)150   public void resolve (Compilation comp)
151   {
152     Translator tr = (Translator) comp;
153     ModuleExp mexp = tr.getModule();
154     tr.resolveModule(mexp);
155     if (tr.subModuleMap != null && tr.mainClass != null) {
156         String mainName = tr.mainClass.getName();
157         ModuleInfo subinfo = tr.subModuleMap.get(mainName);
158         if (subinfo != null
159             && ! (mexp.body == QuoteExp.voidExp && mexp.firstDecl() == null)) {
160             ModuleExp submodule = subinfo.getModuleExpRaw();
161             tr.error('e', "module has both statements and a submodule with the same name: "+tr.mainClass.getName(),
162                      submodule != null ? submodule : mexp);
163         }
164     }
165   }
declFromField(ModuleExp mod, Object fvalue, Field fld)167   public Declaration declFromField (ModuleExp mod, Object fvalue, Field fld)
168   {
169     Declaration fdecl = super.declFromField(mod, fvalue, fld);
170     boolean isFinal = (fld.getModifiers() & Access.FINAL) != 0;
171     if (isFinal && fvalue instanceof Syntax) // FIXME - should check type? not value?
172       fdecl.setSyntax();
173     return fdecl;
174   }
176   /** Declare in the current Environment a Syntax bound to a static field.
177    * @param name the procedure's source-level name.
178    * @param cname the name of the class containing the field.
179    * @param fname the name of the field, which should be a static
180    *   final field whose type extends kawa.lang.Syntax.
181    */
defSntxStFld(String name, String cname, String fname)182   protected void defSntxStFld(String name, String cname, String fname)
183   {
184     Object property
185       = hasSeparateFunctionNamespace() ? EnvironmentKey.FUNCTION : null;
186     StaticFieldLocation loc =
187       StaticFieldLocation.define(environ, environ.getSymbol(name), property,
188 				 cname, fname);
189     loc.setSyntax();
190   }
defSntxStFld(String name, String cname)192   protected void defSntxStFld(String name, String cname)
193   {
194     defSntxStFld(name, cname, Mangling.mangleField(name));
195   }
197     /**
198      * Are keywords self-evaluating?
199      * True in CommonLisp.  Used to be true for Scheme also, but now
200      * in Scheme literal keywords should only be used for keyword arguments;
201      * if you want a Keyword value if should be quoted.
202      * @return true if we should treat keywords as self-evaluating.
203      */
keywordsAreSelfEvaluating()204     public boolean keywordsAreSelfEvaluating() { return true; }
selfEvaluatingSymbol(Object obj)206   public boolean selfEvaluatingSymbol (Object obj)
207   {
208     // FUTURE: return keywordsAreSelfEvaluating() && obj instanceof Keyword;
209     return obj instanceof Keyword;
210   }
212   /** Convert the Language's idea of a symbol to a gnu.mapping.Symbol. */
langSymbolToSymbol(Object sym)213   public static Symbol langSymbolToSymbol (Object sym)
214   {
215     return ((LispLanguage) Language.getDefaultLanguage()).fromLangSymbol(sym);
216   }
fromLangSymbol(Object sym)218   protected Symbol fromLangSymbol (Object sym)
219   {
220     if (sym instanceof String)
221       return getSymbol((String) sym);
222     return (Symbol) sym;
223   }
225   /** The types common to Lisp-like languages. */
226   private HashMap<String,Type> types;
227   /** The string representations of Lisp-like types. */
228   private HashMap<Type,String> typeToStringMap;
getTypeMap()230     protected synchronized HashMap<String, Type> getTypeMap () {
231         if (types == null) {
232             types = new HashMap<String, Type>(64); // Plently of space.
233             types.put("void", LangPrimType.voidType);
234             types.put("int", LangPrimType.intType);
235             types.put("char", LangPrimType.charType);
236             types.put("character", LangPrimType.characterType);
237             types.put("character-or-eof", LangPrimType.characterOrEofType);
239             types.put("byte", LangPrimType.byteType);
240             types.put("short", LangPrimType.shortType);
241             types.put("long", LangPrimType.longType);
242             types.put("float", LangPrimType.floatType);
243             types.put("double", LangPrimType.doubleType);
244             types.put("ubyte", LangPrimType.unsignedByteType);
245             types.put("ushort", LangPrimType.unsignedShortType);
246             types.put("uint", LangPrimType.unsignedIntType);
247             types.put("ulong", LangPrimType.unsignedLongType);
248             types.put("never-returns", Type.neverReturnsType);
250             types.put("dynamic", LangObjType.dynamicType);
251             types.put("Object", Type.objectType);
252             types.put("String", Type.toStringType);
253             types.put("arglist", LangObjType.argListType);
254             types.put("argvector", LangObjType.argVectorType);
255             types.put("object", Type.objectType);
256             types.put("number", LangObjType.numericType);
257             types.put("quantity", ClassType.make("gnu.math.Quantity"));
258             types.put("complex", ClassType.make("gnu.math.Complex"));
259             types.put("real", LangObjType.realType);
260             types.put("rational", LangObjType.rationalType);
261             types.put("integer", LangObjType.integerType);
262             types.put("symbol", ClassType.make("gnu.mapping.Symbol"));
263             types.put("simple-symbol", ClassType.make("gnu.mapping.SimpleSymbol"));
264             types.put("namespace", ClassType.make("gnu.mapping.Namespace"));
265             types.put("keyword", ClassType.make("gnu.expr.Keyword"));
266             types.put("pair", ClassType.make("gnu.lists.Pair"));
267             types.put("pair-with-position",
268                       ClassType.make("gnu.lists.PairWithPosition"));
269             // FIXME should be UNION(java.lang.String, gnu.lists.IString)
270             types.put("constant-string", ClassType.make("java.lang.CharSequence"));
271             types.put("abstract-string", ClassType.make("gnu.lists.CharSeq"));
272             types.put("vector", LangObjType.vectorType);
273             types.put("gvector", LangObjType.gvectorType);
274             types.put("string", LangObjType.stringType);
275             types.put("empty-list", ClassType.make("gnu.lists.EmptyList"));
276             types.put("sequence", LangObjType.sequenceType);
277             types.put("list", LangObjType.listType);
278             types.put("function", ClassType.make("gnu.mapping.Procedure"));
279             types.put("procedure", LangObjType.procedureType);
280             types.put("input-port", ClassType.make("gnu.kawa.io.InPort"));
281             types.put("output-port", ClassType.make("gnu.kawa.io.OutPort"));
282             types.put("string-output-port",
283                       ClassType.make("gnu.kawa.io.CharArrayOutPort"));
284             types.put("string-input-port",
285                       ClassType.make("gnu.kawa.io.CharArrayInPort"));
286             types.put("record", ClassType.make("kawa.lang.Record"));
287             types.put("type", LangObjType.typeType);
288             types.put("class-type", LangObjType.typeClassType);
289             types.put("class", LangObjType.typeClass);
290             types.put("promise", LangObjType.promiseType);
291             types.put("document", ClassType.make("gnu.kawa.xml.KDocument"));
292             types.put("readtable",
293                       ClassType.make("gnu.kawa.lispexpr.ReadTable"));
294             types.put("string-cursor", LangPrimType.stringCursorType);
295         }
296         return types;
297     }
299     /**
300      * Try to get a type of the form lang:type.
301      *
302      * E.g. elisp:buffer.
303      *
304      * @param name The package-style type name as a string.
305      * @return null if no such type could be found, or the corresponding
306      * {@code Type}.
307      */
getPackageStyleType(String name)308     public Type getPackageStyleType(String name) {
309         int colon = name.indexOf(':');
311         if (colon > 0) {
312             String lang = name.substring(0, colon);
313             Language interp = Language.getInstance(lang);
314             if (interp == null)
315                 throw new RuntimeException("unknown type '" + name
316                     + "' - unknown language '" + lang + '\'');
318             Type type = interp.getNamedType(name.substring(colon + 1));
320             if (type != null)
321                 types.put(name, type);
322             return type;
323         }
324         return null;
325     }
decodeArrayType(String name)327     public static Type decodeArrayType(String name) {
328         int nlen = name.length();
329         if (nlen == 5)
330             return GenArrayType.generalInstance;
331         try {
332             int rank = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(5));
333             if (rank >= 0)
334                     return new GenArrayType(rank, Type.objectType);
335         } catch (Throwable ex) {
336         }
337         return null;
338     }
340     @Override
341     // FIXME: getNamedType is over-specialised....
getNamedType(String name)342     public Type getNamedType (String name) {
343         // Initialise the type map if necessary.
344         Type type = getTypeMap().get(name);
345         if (type == null && name.startsWith("array"))
346             return decodeArrayType(name);
347         return (type != null) ? type : getPackageStyleType(name);
348     }
getTypeFor(Object spec, boolean lenient)350     public Type getTypeFor (Object spec, boolean lenient) {
351         if (spec == String.class)
352             return LangObjType.jstringType;
353         else
354             return super.getTypeFor(spec, lenient);
355     }
getTypeFor(Class clas)357     public Type getTypeFor(Class clas) {
358         String name = clas.getName();
359         if (clas.isPrimitive())
360             return getNamedType(name);
361         if (clas.isArray())
362             return ArrayType.make(getTypeFor(clas.getComponentType()));
363         /* #ifdef JAVA7 */
364         ; // FIXME - FUTURE: Use a switch with string keys.
365         /* #endif */
366         if ("java.lang.String".equals(name)) // ???
367             return LangObjType.jstringType;
368         Type t = LangObjType.getInstanceFromClass(name);
369         if (t != null)
370             return t;
371         return super.getTypeFor(clas);
372     }
374     @Override
getPrimaryPrompt()375     public String getPrimaryPrompt() { return "#|kawa:%N|# "; }
377     @Override
getSecondaryPrompt()378     public String getSecondaryPrompt() { return "#|%P.%N|# "; }
379 }