1{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4-- | The LLVM Type System.
7module Llvm.Types where
9#include "HsVersions.h"
11import GhcPrelude
13import Data.Char
14import Data.Int
15import Numeric
17import DynFlags
18import FastString
19import Outputable
20import Unique
22-- from NCG
23import PprBase
25import GHC.Float
27-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28-- * LLVM Basic Types and Variables
31-- | A global mutable variable. Maybe defined or external
32data LMGlobal = LMGlobal {
33  getGlobalVar :: LlvmVar,          -- ^ Returns the variable of the 'LMGlobal'
34  getGlobalValue :: Maybe LlvmStatic -- ^ Return the value of the 'LMGlobal'
35  }
37-- | A String in LLVM
38type LMString = FastString
40-- | A type alias
41type LlvmAlias = (LMString, LlvmType)
43-- | Llvm Types
44data LlvmType
45  = LMInt Int             -- ^ An integer with a given width in bits.
46  | LMFloat               -- ^ 32 bit floating point
47  | LMDouble              -- ^ 64 bit floating point
48  | LMFloat80             -- ^ 80 bit (x86 only) floating point
49  | LMFloat128            -- ^ 128 bit floating point
50  | LMPointer LlvmType    -- ^ A pointer to a 'LlvmType'
51  | LMArray Int LlvmType  -- ^ An array of 'LlvmType'
52  | LMVector Int LlvmType -- ^ A vector of 'LlvmType'
53  | LMLabel               -- ^ A 'LlvmVar' can represent a label (address)
54  | LMVoid                -- ^ Void type
55  | LMStruct [LlvmType]   -- ^ Packed structure type
56  | LMStructU [LlvmType]  -- ^ Unpacked structure type
57  | LMAlias LlvmAlias     -- ^ A type alias
58  | LMMetadata            -- ^ LLVM Metadata
60  -- | Function type, used to create pointers to functions
61  | LMFunction LlvmFunctionDecl
62  deriving (Eq)
64instance Outputable LlvmType where
65  ppr (LMInt size     ) = char 'i' <> ppr size
66  ppr (LMFloat        ) = text "float"
67  ppr (LMDouble       ) = text "double"
68  ppr (LMFloat80      ) = text "x86_fp80"
69  ppr (LMFloat128     ) = text "fp128"
70  ppr (LMPointer x    ) = ppr x <> char '*'
71  ppr (LMArray nr tp  ) = char '[' <> ppr nr <> text " x " <> ppr tp <> char ']'
72  ppr (LMVector nr tp ) = char '<' <> ppr nr <> text " x " <> ppr tp <> char '>'
73  ppr (LMLabel        ) = text "label"
74  ppr (LMVoid         ) = text "void"
75  ppr (LMStruct tys   ) = text "<{" <> ppCommaJoin tys <> text "}>"
76  ppr (LMStructU tys  ) = text "{" <> ppCommaJoin tys <> text "}"
77  ppr (LMMetadata     ) = text "metadata"
79  ppr (LMFunction (LlvmFunctionDecl _ _ _ r varg p _))
80    = ppr r <+> lparen <> ppParams varg p <> rparen
82  ppr (LMAlias (s,_)) = char '%' <> ftext s
84ppParams :: LlvmParameterListType -> [LlvmParameter] -> SDoc
85ppParams varg p
86  = let varg' = case varg of
87          VarArgs | null args -> sLit "..."
88                  | otherwise -> sLit ", ..."
89          _otherwise          -> sLit ""
90        -- by default we don't print param attributes
91        args = map fst p
92    in ppCommaJoin args <> ptext varg'
94-- | An LLVM section definition. If Nothing then let LLVM decide the section
95type LMSection = Maybe LMString
96type LMAlign = Maybe Int
98data LMConst = Global      -- ^ Mutable global variable
99             | Constant    -- ^ Constant global variable
100             | Alias       -- ^ Alias of another variable
101             deriving (Eq)
103-- | LLVM Variables
104data LlvmVar
105  -- | Variables with a global scope.
106  = LMGlobalVar LMString LlvmType LlvmLinkageType LMSection LMAlign LMConst
107  -- | Variables local to a function or parameters.
108  | LMLocalVar Unique LlvmType
109  -- | Named local variables. Sometimes we need to be able to explicitly name
110  -- variables (e.g for function arguments).
111  | LMNLocalVar LMString LlvmType
112  -- | A constant variable
113  | LMLitVar LlvmLit
114  deriving (Eq)
116instance Outputable LlvmVar where
117  ppr = ppVar' []
119ppVar' :: [LlvmParamAttr] -> LlvmVar -> SDoc
120ppVar' attrs v = case v of
121  LMLitVar x -> ppTypeLit' attrs x
122  x          -> ppr (getVarType x) <+> ppSpaceJoin attrs <+> ppName x
125-- | Llvm Literal Data.
127-- These can be used inline in expressions.
128data LlvmLit
129  -- | Refers to an integer constant (i64 42).
130  = LMIntLit Integer LlvmType
131  -- | Floating point literal
132  | LMFloatLit Double LlvmType
133  -- | Literal NULL, only applicable to pointer types
134  | LMNullLit LlvmType
135  -- | Vector literal
136  | LMVectorLit [LlvmLit]
137  -- | Undefined value, random bit pattern. Useful for optimisations.
138  | LMUndefLit LlvmType
139  deriving (Eq)
141instance Outputable LlvmLit where
142  ppr = ppTypeLit' []
144ppTypeLit' :: [LlvmParamAttr] -> LlvmLit -> SDoc
145ppTypeLit' attrs l = case l of
146  l@(LMVectorLit {}) -> ppLit l
147  _                  -> ppr (getLitType l) <+> ppSpaceJoin attrs <+> ppLit l
150-- | Llvm Static Data.
152-- These represent the possible global level variables and constants.
153data LlvmStatic
154  = LMComment LMString                  -- ^ A comment in a static section
155  | LMStaticLit LlvmLit                 -- ^ A static variant of a literal value
156  | LMUninitType LlvmType               -- ^ For uninitialised data
157  | LMStaticStr LMString LlvmType       -- ^ Defines a static 'LMString'
158  | LMStaticArray [LlvmStatic] LlvmType -- ^ A static array
159  | LMStaticStruc [LlvmStatic] LlvmType -- ^ A static structure type
160  | LMStaticPointer LlvmVar             -- ^ A pointer to other data
162  -- static expressions, could split out but leave
163  -- for moment for ease of use. Not many of them.
165  | LMTrunc LlvmStatic LlvmType        -- ^ Truncate
166  | LMBitc LlvmStatic LlvmType         -- ^ Pointer to Pointer conversion
167  | LMPtoI LlvmStatic LlvmType         -- ^ Pointer to Integer conversion
168  | LMAdd LlvmStatic LlvmStatic        -- ^ Constant addition operation
169  | LMSub LlvmStatic LlvmStatic        -- ^ Constant subtraction operation
171instance Outputable LlvmStatic where
172  ppr (LMComment       s) = text "; " <> ftext s
173  ppr (LMStaticLit   l  ) = ppr l
174  ppr (LMUninitType    t) = ppr t <> text " undef"
175  ppr (LMStaticStr   s t) = ppr t <> text " c\"" <> ftext s <> text "\\00\""
176  ppr (LMStaticArray d t) = ppr t <> text " [" <> ppCommaJoin d <> char ']'
177  ppr (LMStaticStruc d t) = ppr t <> text "<{" <> ppCommaJoin d <> text "}>"
178  ppr (LMStaticPointer v) = ppr v
179  ppr (LMTrunc v t)
180      = ppr t <> text " trunc (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
181  ppr (LMBitc v t)
182      = ppr t <> text " bitcast (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
183  ppr (LMPtoI v t)
184      = ppr t <> text " ptrtoint (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t <> char ')'
186  ppr (LMAdd s1 s2)
187      = pprStaticArith s1 s2 (sLit "add") (sLit "fadd") "LMAdd"
188  ppr (LMSub s1 s2)
189      = pprStaticArith s1 s2 (sLit "sub") (sLit "fsub") "LMSub"
192pprSpecialStatic :: LlvmStatic -> SDoc
193pprSpecialStatic (LMBitc v t) =
194    ppr (pLower t) <> text ", bitcast (" <> ppr v <> text " to " <> ppr t
195        <> char ')'
196pprSpecialStatic v@(LMStaticPointer x) = ppr (pLower $ getVarType x) <> comma <+> ppr v
197pprSpecialStatic stat = ppr stat
200pprStaticArith :: LlvmStatic -> LlvmStatic -> PtrString -> PtrString
201                  -> String -> SDoc
202pprStaticArith s1 s2 int_op float_op op_name =
203  let ty1 = getStatType s1
204      op  = if isFloat ty1 then float_op else int_op
205  in if ty1 == getStatType s2
206     then ppr ty1 <+> ptext op <+> lparen <> ppr s1 <> comma <> ppr s2 <> rparen
207     else sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
208            error $ op_name ++ " with different types! s1: "
209                    ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr s1) ++ ", s2: " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr s2)
211-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212-- ** Operations on LLVM Basic Types and Variables
215-- | Return the variable name or value of the 'LlvmVar'
216-- in Llvm IR textual representation (e.g. @\@x@, @%y@ or @42@).
217ppName :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
218ppName v@(LMGlobalVar {}) = char '@' <> ppPlainName v
219ppName v@(LMLocalVar  {}) = char '%' <> ppPlainName v
220ppName v@(LMNLocalVar {}) = char '%' <> ppPlainName v
221ppName v@(LMLitVar    {}) =             ppPlainName v
223-- | Return the variable name or value of the 'LlvmVar'
224-- in a plain textual representation (e.g. @x@, @y@ or @42@).
225ppPlainName :: LlvmVar -> SDoc
226ppPlainName (LMGlobalVar x _ _ _ _ _) = ftext x
227ppPlainName (LMLocalVar  x LMLabel  ) = text (show x)
228ppPlainName (LMLocalVar  x _        ) = text ('l' : show x)
229ppPlainName (LMNLocalVar x _        ) = ftext x
230ppPlainName (LMLitVar    x          ) = ppLit x
232-- | Print a literal value. No type.
233ppLit :: LlvmLit -> SDoc
234ppLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt 32))  = ppr (fromInteger i :: Int32)
235ppLit (LMIntLit i (LMInt 64))  = ppr (fromInteger i :: Int64)
236ppLit (LMIntLit   i _       )  = ppr ((fromInteger i)::Int)
237ppLit (LMFloatLit r LMFloat )  = ppFloat $ narrowFp r
238ppLit (LMFloatLit r LMDouble)  = ppDouble r
239ppLit f@(LMFloatLit _ _)       = sdocWithDynFlags (\dflags ->
240                                   error $ "Can't print this float literal!" ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr f))
241ppLit (LMVectorLit ls  )       = char '<' <+> ppCommaJoin ls <+> char '>'
242ppLit (LMNullLit _     )       = text "null"
243-- #11487 was an issue where we passed undef for some arguments
244-- that were actually live. By chance the registers holding those
245-- arguments usually happened to have the right values anyways, but
246-- that was not guaranteed. To find such bugs reliably, we set the
247-- flag below when validating, which replaces undef literals (at
248-- common types) with values that are likely to cause a crash or test
249-- failure.
250ppLit (LMUndefLit t    )       = sdocWithDynFlags f
251  where f dflags
252          | gopt Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage dflags,
253            Just lit <- garbageLit t   = ppLit lit
254          | otherwise                  = text "undef"
256garbageLit :: LlvmType -> Maybe LlvmLit
257garbageLit t@(LMInt w)     = Just (LMIntLit (0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb0 `mod` (2^w)) t)
258  -- Use a value that looks like an untagged pointer, so we are more
259  -- likely to try to enter it
260garbageLit t
261  | isFloat t              = Just (LMFloatLit 12345678.9 t)
262garbageLit t@(LMPointer _) = Just (LMNullLit t)
263  -- Using null isn't totally ideal, since some functions may check for null.
264  -- But producing another value is inconvenient since it needs a cast,
265  -- and the knowledge for how to format casts is in PpLlvm.
266garbageLit _               = Nothing
267  -- More cases could be added, but this should do for now.
269-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of the 'LlvmVar'
270getVarType :: LlvmVar -> LlvmType
271getVarType (LMGlobalVar _ y _ _ _ _) = y
272getVarType (LMLocalVar  _ y        ) = y
273getVarType (LMNLocalVar _ y        ) = y
274getVarType (LMLitVar    l          ) = getLitType l
276-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of a 'LlvmLit'
277getLitType :: LlvmLit -> LlvmType
278getLitType (LMIntLit   _ t) = t
279getLitType (LMFloatLit _ t) = t
280getLitType (LMVectorLit [])  = panic "getLitType"
281getLitType (LMVectorLit ls)  = LMVector (length ls) (getLitType (head ls))
282getLitType (LMNullLit    t) = t
283getLitType (LMUndefLit   t) = t
285-- | Return the 'LlvmType' of the 'LlvmStatic'
286getStatType :: LlvmStatic -> LlvmType
287getStatType (LMStaticLit   l  ) = getLitType l
288getStatType (LMUninitType    t) = t
289getStatType (LMStaticStr   _ t) = t
290getStatType (LMStaticArray _ t) = t
291getStatType (LMStaticStruc _ t) = t
292getStatType (LMStaticPointer v) = getVarType v
293getStatType (LMTrunc       _ t) = t
294getStatType (LMBitc        _ t) = t
295getStatType (LMPtoI        _ t) = t
296getStatType (LMAdd         t _) = getStatType t
297getStatType (LMSub         t _) = getStatType t
298getStatType (LMComment       _) = error "Can't call getStatType on LMComment!"
300-- | Return the 'LlvmLinkageType' for a 'LlvmVar'
301getLink :: LlvmVar -> LlvmLinkageType
302getLink (LMGlobalVar _ _ l _ _ _) = l
303getLink _                         = Internal
305-- | Add a pointer indirection to the supplied type. 'LMLabel' and 'LMVoid'
306-- cannot be lifted.
307pLift :: LlvmType -> LlvmType
308pLift LMLabel    = error "Labels are unliftable"
309pLift LMVoid     = error "Voids are unliftable"
310pLift LMMetadata = error "Metadatas are unliftable"
311pLift x          = LMPointer x
313-- | Lift a variable to 'LMPointer' type.
314pVarLift :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
315pVarLift (LMGlobalVar s t l x a c) = LMGlobalVar s (pLift t) l x a c
316pVarLift (LMLocalVar  s t        ) = LMLocalVar  s (pLift t)
317pVarLift (LMNLocalVar s t        ) = LMNLocalVar s (pLift t)
318pVarLift (LMLitVar    _          ) = error $ "Can't lower a literal type!"
320-- | Remove the pointer indirection of the supplied type. Only 'LMPointer'
321-- constructors can be lowered.
322pLower :: LlvmType -> LlvmType
323pLower (LMPointer x) = x
324pLower x  = pprPanic "llvmGen(pLower)"
325            $ ppr x <+> text " is a unlowerable type, need a pointer"
327-- | Lower a variable of 'LMPointer' type.
328pVarLower :: LlvmVar -> LlvmVar
329pVarLower (LMGlobalVar s t l x a c) = LMGlobalVar s (pLower t) l x a c
330pVarLower (LMLocalVar  s t        ) = LMLocalVar  s (pLower t)
331pVarLower (LMNLocalVar s t        ) = LMNLocalVar s (pLower t)
332pVarLower (LMLitVar    _          ) = error $ "Can't lower a literal type!"
334-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an integer
335isInt :: LlvmType -> Bool
336isInt (LMInt _) = True
337isInt _         = False
339-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is a floating point type
340isFloat :: LlvmType -> Bool
341isFloat LMFloat    = True
342isFloat LMDouble   = True
343isFloat LMFloat80  = True
344isFloat LMFloat128 = True
345isFloat _          = False
347-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an 'LMPointer' construct
348isPointer :: LlvmType -> Bool
349isPointer (LMPointer _) = True
350isPointer _             = False
352-- | Test if the given 'LlvmType' is an 'LMVector' construct
353isVector :: LlvmType -> Bool
354isVector (LMVector {}) = True
355isVector _             = False
357-- | Test if a 'LlvmVar' is global.
358isGlobal :: LlvmVar -> Bool
359isGlobal (LMGlobalVar _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
360isGlobal _                         = False
362-- | Width in bits of an 'LlvmType', returns 0 if not applicable
363llvmWidthInBits :: DynFlags -> LlvmType -> Int
364llvmWidthInBits _      (LMInt n)       = n
365llvmWidthInBits _      (LMFloat)       = 32
366llvmWidthInBits _      (LMDouble)      = 64
367llvmWidthInBits _      (LMFloat80)     = 80
368llvmWidthInBits _      (LMFloat128)    = 128
369-- Could return either a pointer width here or the width of what
370-- it points to. We will go with the former for now.
371-- PMW: At least judging by the way LLVM outputs constants, pointers
372--      should use the former, but arrays the latter.
373llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMPointer _)   = llvmWidthInBits dflags (llvmWord dflags)
374llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMArray n t)   = n * llvmWidthInBits dflags t
375llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMVector n ty) = n * llvmWidthInBits dflags ty
376llvmWidthInBits _      LMLabel         = 0
377llvmWidthInBits _      LMVoid          = 0
378llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMStruct tys)  = sum $ map (llvmWidthInBits dflags) tys
379llvmWidthInBits _      (LMStructU _)   =
380    -- It's not trivial to calculate the bit width of the unpacked structs,
381    -- since they will be aligned depending on the specified datalayout (
382    -- http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#data-layout ). One way we could support
383    -- this could be to make the LlvmCodeGen.Ppr.moduleLayout be a data type
384    -- that exposes the alignment information. However, currently the only place
385    -- we use unpacked structs is LLVM intrinsics that return them (e.g.,
386    -- llvm.sadd.with.overflow.*), so we don't actually need to compute their
387    -- bit width.
388    panic "llvmWidthInBits: not implemented for LMStructU"
389llvmWidthInBits _      (LMFunction  _) = 0
390llvmWidthInBits dflags (LMAlias (_,t)) = llvmWidthInBits dflags t
391llvmWidthInBits _      LMMetadata      = panic "llvmWidthInBits: Meta-data has no runtime representation!"
394-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
395-- ** Shortcut for Common Types
398i128, i64, i32, i16, i8, i1, i8Ptr :: LlvmType
399i128  = LMInt 128
400i64   = LMInt  64
401i32   = LMInt  32
402i16   = LMInt  16
403i8    = LMInt   8
404i1    = LMInt   1
405i8Ptr = pLift i8
407-- | The target architectures word size
408llvmWord, llvmWordPtr :: DynFlags -> LlvmType
409llvmWord    dflags = LMInt (wORD_SIZE dflags * 8)
410llvmWordPtr dflags = pLift (llvmWord dflags)
412-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
413-- * LLVM Function Types
416-- | An LLVM Function
417data LlvmFunctionDecl = LlvmFunctionDecl {
418        -- | Unique identifier of the function
419        decName       :: LMString,
420        -- | LinkageType of the function
421        funcLinkage   :: LlvmLinkageType,
422        -- | The calling convention of the function
423        funcCc        :: LlvmCallConvention,
424        -- | Type of the returned value
425        decReturnType :: LlvmType,
426        -- | Indicates if this function uses varargs
427        decVarargs    :: LlvmParameterListType,
428        -- | Parameter types and attributes
429        decParams     :: [LlvmParameter],
430        -- | Function align value, must be power of 2
431        funcAlign     :: LMAlign
432  }
433  deriving (Eq)
435instance Outputable LlvmFunctionDecl where
436  ppr (LlvmFunctionDecl n l c r varg p a)
437    = let align = case a of
438                       Just a' -> text " align " <> ppr a'
439                       Nothing -> empty
440      in ppr l <+> ppr c <+> ppr r <+> char '@' <> ftext n <>
441             lparen <> ppParams varg p <> rparen <> align
443type LlvmFunctionDecls = [LlvmFunctionDecl]
445type LlvmParameter = (LlvmType, [LlvmParamAttr])
447-- | LLVM Parameter Attributes.
449-- Parameter attributes are used to communicate additional information about
450-- the result or parameters of a function
451data LlvmParamAttr
452  -- | This indicates to the code generator that the parameter or return value
453  -- should be zero-extended to a 32-bit value by the caller (for a parameter)
454  -- or the callee (for a return value).
455  = ZeroExt
456  -- | This indicates to the code generator that the parameter or return value
457  -- should be sign-extended to a 32-bit value by the caller (for a parameter)
458  -- or the callee (for a return value).
459  | SignExt
460  -- | This indicates that this parameter or return value should be treated in
461  -- a special target-dependent fashion during while emitting code for a
462  -- function call or return (usually, by putting it in a register as opposed
463  -- to memory).
464  | InReg
465  -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter should really be passed by
466  -- value to the function.
467  | ByVal
468  -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter specifies the address of a
469  -- structure that is the return value of the function in the source program.
470  | SRet
471  -- | This indicates that the pointer does not alias any global or any other
472  -- parameter.
473  | NoAlias
474  -- | This indicates that the callee does not make any copies of the pointer
475  -- that outlive the callee itself
476  | NoCapture
477  -- | This indicates that the pointer parameter can be excised using the
478  -- trampoline intrinsics.
479  | Nest
480  deriving (Eq)
482instance Outputable LlvmParamAttr where
483  ppr ZeroExt   = text "zeroext"
484  ppr SignExt   = text "signext"
485  ppr InReg     = text "inreg"
486  ppr ByVal     = text "byval"
487  ppr SRet      = text "sret"
488  ppr NoAlias   = text "noalias"
489  ppr NoCapture = text "nocapture"
490  ppr Nest      = text "nest"
492-- | Llvm Function Attributes.
494-- Function attributes are set to communicate additional information about a
495-- function. Function attributes are considered to be part of the function,
496-- not of the function type, so functions with different parameter attributes
497-- can have the same function type. Functions can have multiple attributes.
499-- Descriptions taken from <http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#fnattrs>
500data LlvmFuncAttr
501  -- | This attribute indicates that the inliner should attempt to inline this
502  -- function into callers whenever possible, ignoring any active inlining
503  -- size threshold for this caller.
504  = AlwaysInline
505  -- | This attribute indicates that the source code contained a hint that
506  -- inlining this function is desirable (such as the \"inline\" keyword in
507  -- C/C++). It is just a hint; it imposes no requirements on the inliner.
508  | InlineHint
509  -- | This attribute indicates that the inliner should never inline this
510  -- function in any situation. This attribute may not be used together
511  -- with the alwaysinline attribute.
512  | NoInline
513  -- | This attribute suggests that optimization passes and code generator
514  -- passes make choices that keep the code size of this function low, and
515  -- otherwise do optimizations specifically to reduce code size.
516  | OptSize
517  -- | This function attribute indicates that the function never returns
518  -- normally. This produces undefined behavior at runtime if the function
519  -- ever does dynamically return.
520  | NoReturn
521  -- | This function attribute indicates that the function never returns with
522  -- an unwind or exceptional control flow. If the function does unwind, its
523  -- runtime behavior is undefined.
524  | NoUnwind
525  -- | This attribute indicates that the function computes its result (or
526  -- decides to unwind an exception) based strictly on its arguments, without
527  -- dereferencing any pointer arguments or otherwise accessing any mutable
528  -- state (e.g. memory, control registers, etc) visible to caller functions.
529  -- It does not write through any pointer arguments (including byval
530  -- arguments) and never changes any state visible to callers. This means
531  -- that it cannot unwind exceptions by calling the C++ exception throwing
532  -- methods, but could use the unwind instruction.
533  | ReadNone
534  -- | This attribute indicates that the function does not write through any
535  -- pointer arguments (including byval arguments) or otherwise modify any
536  -- state (e.g. memory, control registers, etc) visible to caller functions.
537  -- It may dereference pointer arguments and read state that may be set in
538  -- the caller. A readonly function always returns the same value (or unwinds
539  -- an exception identically) when called with the same set of arguments and
540  -- global state. It cannot unwind an exception by calling the C++ exception
541  -- throwing methods, but may use the unwind instruction.
542  | ReadOnly
543  -- | This attribute indicates that the function should emit a stack smashing
544  -- protector. It is in the form of a \"canary\"—a random value placed on the
545  -- stack before the local variables that's checked upon return from the
546  -- function to see if it has been overwritten. A heuristic is used to
547  -- determine if a function needs stack protectors or not.
548  --
549  -- If a function that has an ssp attribute is inlined into a function that
550  -- doesn't have an ssp attribute, then the resulting function will have an
551  -- ssp attribute.
552  | Ssp
553  -- | This attribute indicates that the function should always emit a stack
554  -- smashing protector. This overrides the ssp function attribute.
555  --
556  -- If a function that has an sspreq attribute is inlined into a function
557  -- that doesn't have an sspreq attribute or which has an ssp attribute,
558  -- then the resulting function will have an sspreq attribute.
559  | SspReq
560  -- | This attribute indicates that the code generator should not use a red
561  -- zone, even if the target-specific ABI normally permits it.
562  | NoRedZone
563  -- | This attributes disables implicit floating point instructions.
564  | NoImplicitFloat
565  -- | This attribute disables prologue / epilogue emission for the function.
566  -- This can have very system-specific consequences.
567  | Naked
568  deriving (Eq)
570instance Outputable LlvmFuncAttr where
571  ppr AlwaysInline       = text "alwaysinline"
572  ppr InlineHint         = text "inlinehint"
573  ppr NoInline           = text "noinline"
574  ppr OptSize            = text "optsize"
575  ppr NoReturn           = text "noreturn"
576  ppr NoUnwind           = text "nounwind"
577  ppr ReadNone           = text "readnon"
578  ppr ReadOnly           = text "readonly"
579  ppr Ssp                = text "ssp"
580  ppr SspReq             = text "ssqreq"
581  ppr NoRedZone          = text "noredzone"
582  ppr NoImplicitFloat    = text "noimplicitfloat"
583  ppr Naked              = text "naked"
586-- | Different types to call a function.
587data LlvmCallType
588  -- | Normal call, allocate a new stack frame.
589  = StdCall
590  -- | Tail call, perform the call in the current stack frame.
591  | TailCall
592  deriving (Eq,Show)
594-- | Different calling conventions a function can use.
595data LlvmCallConvention
596  -- | The C calling convention.
597  -- This calling convention (the default if no other calling convention is
598  -- specified) matches the target C calling conventions. This calling
599  -- convention supports varargs function calls and tolerates some mismatch in
600  -- the declared prototype and implemented declaration of the function (as
601  -- does normal C).
602  = CC_Ccc
603  -- | This calling convention attempts to make calls as fast as possible
604  -- (e.g. by passing things in registers). This calling convention allows
605  -- the target to use whatever tricks it wants to produce fast code for the
606  -- target, without having to conform to an externally specified ABI
607  -- (Application Binary Interface). Implementations of this convention should
608  -- allow arbitrary tail call optimization to be supported. This calling
609  -- convention does not support varargs and requires the prototype of al
610  -- callees to exactly match the prototype of the function definition.
611  | CC_Fastcc
612  -- | This calling convention attempts to make code in the caller as efficient
613  -- as possible under the assumption that the call is not commonly executed.
614  -- As such, these calls often preserve all registers so that the call does
615  -- not break any live ranges in the caller side. This calling convention
616  -- does not support varargs and requires the prototype of all callees to
617  -- exactly match the prototype of the function definition.
618  | CC_Coldcc
619  -- | The GHC-specific 'registerised' calling convention.
620  | CC_Ghc
621  -- | Any calling convention may be specified by number, allowing
622  -- target-specific calling conventions to be used. Target specific calling
623  -- conventions start at 64.
624  | CC_Ncc Int
625  -- | X86 Specific 'StdCall' convention. LLVM includes a specific alias for it
626  -- rather than just using CC_Ncc.
627  | CC_X86_Stdcc
628  deriving (Eq)
630instance Outputable LlvmCallConvention where
631  ppr CC_Ccc       = text "ccc"
632  ppr CC_Fastcc    = text "fastcc"
633  ppr CC_Coldcc    = text "coldcc"
634  ppr CC_Ghc       = text "ghccc"
635  ppr (CC_Ncc i)   = text "cc " <> ppr i
636  ppr CC_X86_Stdcc = text "x86_stdcallcc"
639-- | Functions can have a fixed amount of parameters, or a variable amount.
640data LlvmParameterListType
641  -- Fixed amount of arguments.
642  = FixedArgs
643  -- Variable amount of arguments.
644  | VarArgs
645  deriving (Eq,Show)
648-- | Linkage type of a symbol.
650-- The description of the constructors is copied from the Llvm Assembly Language
651-- Reference Manual <http://www.llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#linkage>, because
652-- they correspond to the Llvm linkage types.
653data LlvmLinkageType
654  -- | Global values with internal linkage are only directly accessible by
655  -- objects in the current module. In particular, linking code into a module
656  -- with an internal global value may cause the internal to be renamed as
657  -- necessary to avoid collisions. Because the symbol is internal to the
658  -- module, all references can be updated. This corresponds to the notion
659  -- of the @static@ keyword in C.
660  = Internal
661  -- | Globals with @linkonce@ linkage are merged with other globals of the
662  -- same name when linkage occurs. This is typically used to implement
663  -- inline functions, templates, or other code which must be generated
664  -- in each translation unit that uses it. Unreferenced linkonce globals are
665  -- allowed to be discarded.
666  | LinkOnce
667  -- | @weak@ linkage is exactly the same as linkonce linkage, except that
668  -- unreferenced weak globals may not be discarded. This is used for globals
669  -- that may be emitted in multiple translation units, but that are not
670  -- guaranteed to be emitted into every translation unit that uses them. One
671  -- example of this are common globals in C, such as @int X;@ at global
672  -- scope.
673  | Weak
674  -- | @appending@ linkage may only be applied to global variables of pointer
675  -- to array type. When two global variables with appending linkage are
676  -- linked together, the two global arrays are appended together. This is
677  -- the Llvm, typesafe, equivalent of having the system linker append
678  -- together @sections@ with identical names when .o files are linked.
679  | Appending
680  -- | The semantics of this linkage follow the ELF model: the symbol is weak
681  -- until linked, if not linked, the symbol becomes null instead of being an
682  -- undefined reference.
683  | ExternWeak
684  -- | The symbol participates in linkage and can be used to resolve external
685  --  symbol references.
686  | ExternallyVisible
687  -- | Alias for 'ExternallyVisible' but with explicit textual form in LLVM
688  --  assembly.
689  | External
690  -- | Symbol is private to the module and should not appear in the symbol table
691  | Private
692  deriving (Eq)
694instance Outputable LlvmLinkageType where
695  ppr Internal          = text "internal"
696  ppr LinkOnce          = text "linkonce"
697  ppr Weak              = text "weak"
698  ppr Appending         = text "appending"
699  ppr ExternWeak        = text "extern_weak"
700  -- ExternallyVisible does not have a textual representation, it is
701  -- the linkage type a function resolves to if no other is specified
702  -- in Llvm.
703  ppr ExternallyVisible = empty
704  ppr External          = text "external"
705  ppr Private           = text "private"
707-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
708-- * LLVM Operations
711-- | Llvm binary operators machine operations.
712data LlvmMachOp
713  = LM_MO_Add  -- ^ add two integer, floating point or vector values.
714  | LM_MO_Sub  -- ^ subtract two ...
715  | LM_MO_Mul  -- ^ multiply ..
716  | LM_MO_UDiv -- ^ unsigned integer or vector division.
717  | LM_MO_SDiv -- ^ signed integer ..
718  | LM_MO_URem -- ^ unsigned integer or vector remainder (mod)
719  | LM_MO_SRem -- ^ signed ...
721  | LM_MO_FAdd -- ^ add two floating point or vector values.
722  | LM_MO_FSub -- ^ subtract two ...
723  | LM_MO_FMul -- ^ multiply ...
724  | LM_MO_FDiv -- ^ divide ...
725  | LM_MO_FRem -- ^ remainder ...
727  -- | Left shift
728  | LM_MO_Shl
729  -- | Logical shift right
730  -- Shift right, filling with zero
731  | LM_MO_LShr
732  -- | Arithmetic shift right
733  -- The most significant bits of the result will be equal to the sign bit of
734  -- the left operand.
735  | LM_MO_AShr
737  | LM_MO_And -- ^ AND bitwise logical operation.
738  | LM_MO_Or  -- ^ OR bitwise logical operation.
739  | LM_MO_Xor -- ^ XOR bitwise logical operation.
740  deriving (Eq)
742instance Outputable LlvmMachOp where
743  ppr LM_MO_Add  = text "add"
744  ppr LM_MO_Sub  = text "sub"
745  ppr LM_MO_Mul  = text "mul"
746  ppr LM_MO_UDiv = text "udiv"
747  ppr LM_MO_SDiv = text "sdiv"
748  ppr LM_MO_URem = text "urem"
749  ppr LM_MO_SRem = text "srem"
750  ppr LM_MO_FAdd = text "fadd"
751  ppr LM_MO_FSub = text "fsub"
752  ppr LM_MO_FMul = text "fmul"
753  ppr LM_MO_FDiv = text "fdiv"
754  ppr LM_MO_FRem = text "frem"
755  ppr LM_MO_Shl  = text "shl"
756  ppr LM_MO_LShr = text "lshr"
757  ppr LM_MO_AShr = text "ashr"
758  ppr LM_MO_And  = text "and"
759  ppr LM_MO_Or   = text "or"
760  ppr LM_MO_Xor  = text "xor"
763-- | Llvm compare operations.
764data LlvmCmpOp
765  = LM_CMP_Eq  -- ^ Equal (Signed and Unsigned)
766  | LM_CMP_Ne  -- ^ Not equal (Signed and Unsigned)
767  | LM_CMP_Ugt -- ^ Unsigned greater than
768  | LM_CMP_Uge -- ^ Unsigned greater than or equal
769  | LM_CMP_Ult -- ^ Unsigned less than
770  | LM_CMP_Ule -- ^ Unsigned less than or equal
771  | LM_CMP_Sgt -- ^ Signed greater than
772  | LM_CMP_Sge -- ^ Signed greater than or equal
773  | LM_CMP_Slt -- ^ Signed less than
774  | LM_CMP_Sle -- ^ Signed less than or equal
776  -- Float comparisons. GHC uses a mix of ordered and unordered float
777  -- comparisons.
778  | LM_CMP_Feq -- ^ Float equal
779  | LM_CMP_Fne -- ^ Float not equal
780  | LM_CMP_Fgt -- ^ Float greater than
781  | LM_CMP_Fge -- ^ Float greater than or equal
782  | LM_CMP_Flt -- ^ Float less than
783  | LM_CMP_Fle -- ^ Float less than or equal
784  deriving (Eq)
786instance Outputable LlvmCmpOp where
787  ppr LM_CMP_Eq  = text "eq"
788  ppr LM_CMP_Ne  = text "ne"
789  ppr LM_CMP_Ugt = text "ugt"
790  ppr LM_CMP_Uge = text "uge"
791  ppr LM_CMP_Ult = text "ult"
792  ppr LM_CMP_Ule = text "ule"
793  ppr LM_CMP_Sgt = text "sgt"
794  ppr LM_CMP_Sge = text "sge"
795  ppr LM_CMP_Slt = text "slt"
796  ppr LM_CMP_Sle = text "sle"
797  ppr LM_CMP_Feq = text "oeq"
798  ppr LM_CMP_Fne = text "une"
799  ppr LM_CMP_Fgt = text "ogt"
800  ppr LM_CMP_Fge = text "oge"
801  ppr LM_CMP_Flt = text "olt"
802  ppr LM_CMP_Fle = text "ole"
805-- | Llvm cast operations.
806data LlvmCastOp
807  = LM_Trunc    -- ^ Integer truncate
808  | LM_Zext     -- ^ Integer extend (zero fill)
809  | LM_Sext     -- ^ Integer extend (sign fill)
810  | LM_Fptrunc  -- ^ Float truncate
811  | LM_Fpext    -- ^ Float extend
812  | LM_Fptoui   -- ^ Float to unsigned Integer
813  | LM_Fptosi   -- ^ Float to signed Integer
814  | LM_Uitofp   -- ^ Unsigned Integer to Float
815  | LM_Sitofp   -- ^ Signed Int to Float
816  | LM_Ptrtoint -- ^ Pointer to Integer
817  | LM_Inttoptr -- ^ Integer to Pointer
818  | LM_Bitcast  -- ^ Cast between types where no bit manipulation is needed
819  deriving (Eq)
821instance Outputable LlvmCastOp where
822  ppr LM_Trunc    = text "trunc"
823  ppr LM_Zext     = text "zext"
824  ppr LM_Sext     = text "sext"
825  ppr LM_Fptrunc  = text "fptrunc"
826  ppr LM_Fpext    = text "fpext"
827  ppr LM_Fptoui   = text "fptoui"
828  ppr LM_Fptosi   = text "fptosi"
829  ppr LM_Uitofp   = text "uitofp"
830  ppr LM_Sitofp   = text "sitofp"
831  ppr LM_Ptrtoint = text "ptrtoint"
832  ppr LM_Inttoptr = text "inttoptr"
833  ppr LM_Bitcast  = text "bitcast"
836-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
837-- * Floating point conversion
840-- | Convert a Haskell Double to an LLVM hex encoded floating point form. In
841-- Llvm float literals can be printed in a big-endian hexadecimal format,
842-- regardless of underlying architecture.
844-- See Note [LLVM Float Types].
845ppDouble :: Double -> SDoc
846ppDouble d
847  = let bs     = doubleToBytes d
848        hex d' = case showHex d' "" of
849                     []    -> error "dToStr: too few hex digits for float"
850                     [x]   -> ['0',x]
851                     [x,y] -> [x,y]
852                     _     -> error "dToStr: too many hex digits for float"
854    in sdocWithDynFlags (\dflags ->
855         let fixEndian = if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags then id else reverse
856             str       = map toUpper $ concat $ fixEndian $ map hex bs
857         in text "0x" <> text str)
859-- Note [LLVM Float Types]
860-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
861-- We use 'ppDouble' for both printing Float and Double floating point types. This is
862-- as LLVM expects all floating point constants (single & double) to be in IEEE
863-- 754 Double precision format. However, for single precision numbers (Float)
864-- they should be *representable* in IEEE 754 Single precision format. So the
865-- easiest way to do this is to narrow and widen again.
866-- (i.e., Double -> Float -> Double). We must be careful doing this that GHC
867-- doesn't optimize that away.
869-- Note [narrowFp & widenFp]
870-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
871-- NOTE: we use float2Double & co directly as GHC likes to optimize away
872-- successive calls of 'realToFrac', defeating the narrowing. (Bug #7600).
873-- 'realToFrac' has inconsistent behaviour with optimisation as well that can
874-- also cause issues, these methods don't.
876narrowFp :: Double -> Float
877{-# NOINLINE narrowFp #-}
878narrowFp = double2Float
880widenFp :: Float -> Double
881{-# NOINLINE widenFp #-}
882widenFp = float2Double
884ppFloat :: Float -> SDoc
885ppFloat = ppDouble . widenFp
889-- * Misc functions
892ppCommaJoin :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> SDoc
893ppCommaJoin strs = hsep $ punctuate comma (map ppr strs)
895ppSpaceJoin :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> SDoc
896ppSpaceJoin strs = hsep (map ppr strs)